K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual: Supports: MK20DX128VLL7, MK20DX256VLL7, MK20DX64VMC7, MK20DX128VMC7, MK20DX256VMC7

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K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual

Supports: MK20DX128VLL7, MK20DX256VLL7, MK20DX64VMC7,

MK20DX128VMC7, MK20DX256VMC7

Document Number: K20P100M72SF1RM

Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012
K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012
2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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Chapter 1
About This Document
1.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................51

1.1.1 Purpose.........................................................................................................................................................51

1.1.2 Audience......................................................................................................................................................51

1.2 Conventions..................................................................................................................................................................51

1.2.1 Numbering systems......................................................................................................................................51

1.2.2 Typographic notation...................................................................................................................................52

1.2.3 Special terms................................................................................................................................................52

Chapter 2
2.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................53

2.2 Module Functional Categories......................................................................................................................................53

2.2.1 ARM Cortex-M4 Core Modules..................................................................................................................54

2.2.2 System Modules...........................................................................................................................................55

2.2.3 Memories and Memory Interfaces...............................................................................................................56

2.2.4 Clocks...........................................................................................................................................................56

2.2.5 Security and Integrity modules....................................................................................................................57

2.2.6 Analog modules...........................................................................................................................................57

2.2.7 Timer modules.............................................................................................................................................58

2.2.8 Communication interfaces...........................................................................................................................59

2.2.9 Human-machine interfaces..........................................................................................................................60

2.3 Orderable part numbers.................................................................................................................................................60

Chapter 3
Chip Configuration
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................61

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3.2 Core modules................................................................................................................................................................61

3.2.1 ARM Cortex-M4 Core Configuration..........................................................................................................61

3.2.2 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) Configuration......................................................................63

3.2.3 Asynchronous Wake-up Interrupt Controller (AWIC) Configuration.........................................................69

3.2.4 JTAG Controller Configuration...................................................................................................................71

3.3 System modules............................................................................................................................................................71

3.3.1 SIM Configuration.......................................................................................................................................71

3.3.2 System Mode Controller (SMC) Configuration...........................................................................................72

3.3.3 PMC Configuration......................................................................................................................................73

3.3.4 Low-Leakage Wake-up Unit (LLWU) Configuration.................................................................................73

3.3.5 MCM Configuration....................................................................................................................................75

3.3.6 Crossbar Switch Configuration....................................................................................................................76

3.3.7 Peripheral Bridge Configuration..................................................................................................................77

3.3.8 DMA request multiplexer configuration......................................................................................................78

3.3.9 DMA Controller Configuration...................................................................................................................81

3.3.10 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) Configuration....................................................................................82

3.3.11 Watchdog Configuration..............................................................................................................................84

3.4 Clock modules..............................................................................................................................................................85

3.4.1 MCG Configuration.....................................................................................................................................85

3.4.2 OSC Configuration......................................................................................................................................86

3.4.3 RTC OSC configuration...............................................................................................................................87

3.5 Memories and memory interfaces.................................................................................................................................87

3.5.1 Flash Memory Configuration.......................................................................................................................87

3.5.2 Flash Memory Controller Configuration.....................................................................................................90

3.5.3 SRAM Configuration...................................................................................................................................91

3.5.4 SRAM Controller Configuration.................................................................................................................94

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3.5.5 System Register File Configuration.............................................................................................................95

3.5.6 VBAT Register File Configuration..............................................................................................................96

3.5.7 EzPort Configuration...................................................................................................................................96

3.5.8 FlexBus Configuration.................................................................................................................................98

3.6 Security.........................................................................................................................................................................100

3.6.1 CRC Configuration......................................................................................................................................100

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3.7 Analog...........................................................................................................................................................................101

3.7.1 16-bit SAR ADC with PGA Configuration.................................................................................................101

3.7.2 CMP Configuration......................................................................................................................................111

3.7.3 12-bit DAC Configuration...........................................................................................................................113

3.7.4 VREF Configuration....................................................................................................................................114

3.8 Timers...........................................................................................................................................................................115

3.8.1 PDB Configuration......................................................................................................................................115

3.8.2 FlexTimer Configuration.............................................................................................................................118

3.8.3 PIT Configuration........................................................................................................................................122

3.8.4 Low-power timer configuration...................................................................................................................123

3.8.5 CMT Configuration......................................................................................................................................125

3.8.6 RTC configuration.......................................................................................................................................126

3.9 Communication interfaces............................................................................................................................................127

3.9.1 Universal Serial Bus (USB) FS Subsystem.................................................................................................127

3.9.2 CAN Configuration......................................................................................................................................132

3.9.3 SPI configuration.........................................................................................................................................134

3.9.4 I2C Configuration........................................................................................................................................138

3.9.5 UART Configuration...................................................................................................................................138

3.9.6 I2S configuration..........................................................................................................................................141

3.10 Human-machine interfaces...........................................................................................................................................144

3.10.1 GPIO configuration......................................................................................................................................144

3.10.2 TSI Configuration........................................................................................................................................145

Chapter 4
Memory Map
4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................149

4.2 System memory map.....................................................................................................................................................149

4.2.1 Aliased bit-band regions..............................................................................................................................150

4.3 Flash Memory Map.......................................................................................................................................................151

4.3.1 Alternate Non-Volatile IRC User Trim Description....................................................................................152

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4.4 SRAM memory map.....................................................................................................................................................152

4.5 Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite0 and AIPS-Lite1) memory maps...................................................................................153

4.5.1 Peripheral Bridge 0 (AIPS-Lite 0) Memory Map........................................................................................153

4.5.2 Peripheral Bridge 1 (AIPS-Lite 1) Memory Map........................................................................................157

4.6 Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) memory map..................................................................................................................160

Chapter 5
Clock Distribution
5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................163

5.2 Programming model......................................................................................................................................................163

5.3 High-Level device clocking diagram............................................................................................................................163

5.4 Clock definitions...........................................................................................................................................................164

5.4.1 Device clock summary.................................................................................................................................165

5.5 Internal clocking requirements.....................................................................................................................................167

5.5.1 Clock divider values after reset....................................................................................................................167

5.5.2 VLPR mode clocking...................................................................................................................................168

5.6 Clock Gating.................................................................................................................................................................168

5.7 Module clocks...............................................................................................................................................................168

5.7.1 PMC 1-kHz LPO clock................................................................................................................................170

5.7.2 WDOG clocking..........................................................................................................................................170

5.7.3 Debug trace clock.........................................................................................................................................171

5.7.4 PORT digital filter clocking.........................................................................................................................171

5.7.5 LPTMR clocking..........................................................................................................................................171

5.7.6 USB FS OTG Controller clocking...............................................................................................................172

5.7.7 FlexCAN clocking.......................................................................................................................................173

5.7.8 UART clocking............................................................................................................................................173

5.7.9 I2S/SAI clocking..........................................................................................................................................173

5.7.10 TSI clocking.................................................................................................................................................174

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Chapter 6
Reset and Boot
6.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................177

6.2 Reset..............................................................................................................................................................................178

6.2.1 Power-on reset (POR)..................................................................................................................................178

6.2.2 System reset sources....................................................................................................................................178

6.2.3 MCU Resets.................................................................................................................................................182

6.2.4 Reset Pin .....................................................................................................................................................184

6.2.5 Debug resets.................................................................................................................................................184

6.3 Boot...............................................................................................................................................................................185

6.3.1 Boot sources.................................................................................................................................................185

6.3.2 Boot options.................................................................................................................................................185

6.3.3 FOPT boot options.......................................................................................................................................186

6.3.4 Boot sequence..............................................................................................................................................187

Chapter 7
Power Management
7.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................189

7.2 Power modes.................................................................................................................................................................189

7.3 Entering and exiting power modes...............................................................................................................................191

7.4 Power mode transitions.................................................................................................................................................192

7.5 Power modes shutdown sequencing.............................................................................................................................193

7.6 Module Operation in Low Power Modes......................................................................................................................193

7.7 Clock Gating.................................................................................................................................................................196

Chapter 8
8.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................197

8.2 Flash Security...............................................................................................................................................................197

8.3 Security Interactions with other Modules.....................................................................................................................198

8.3.1 Security interactions with FlexBus..............................................................................................................198

8.3.2 Security Interactions with EzPort................................................................................................................198

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8.3.3 Security Interactions with Debug.................................................................................................................198

Chapter 9
9.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................201

9.1.1 References....................................................................................................................................................203

9.2 The Debug Port.............................................................................................................................................................203

9.2.1 JTAG-to-SWD change sequence.................................................................................................................204

9.2.2 JTAG-to-cJTAG change sequence...............................................................................................................204

9.3 Debug Port Pin Descriptions.........................................................................................................................................205

9.4 System TAP connection................................................................................................................................................205

9.4.1 IR Codes.......................................................................................................................................................205

9.5 JTAG status and control registers.................................................................................................................................206

9.5.1 MDM-AP Control Register..........................................................................................................................207

9.5.2 MDM-AP Status Register............................................................................................................................209

9.6 Debug Resets................................................................................................................................................................210

9.7 AHB-AP........................................................................................................................................................................211

9.8 ITM...............................................................................................................................................................................212

9.9 Core Trace Connectivity...............................................................................................................................................212

9.10 TPIU..............................................................................................................................................................................212

9.11 DWT.............................................................................................................................................................................212

9.12 Debug in Low Power Modes........................................................................................................................................213

9.12.1 Debug Module State in Low Power Modes.................................................................................................214

9.13 Debug & Security.........................................................................................................................................................214

Chapter 10
Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions
10.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................215

10.2 Signal Multiplexing Integration....................................................................................................................................215

10.2.1 Port control and interrupt module features..................................................................................................216

10.2.2 PCRn reset values for port A.......................................................................................................................216

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10.2.3 Clock gating.................................................................................................................................................216

10.2.4 Signal multiplexing constraints....................................................................................................................216

10.3 Pinout............................................................................................................................................................................217

10.3.1 K20 Signal Multiplexing and Pin Assignments...........................................................................................217

10.3.2 K20 Pinouts..................................................................................................................................................222

10.4 Module Signal Description Tables................................................................................................................................224

10.4.1 Core Modules...............................................................................................................................................224

10.4.2 System Modules...........................................................................................................................................225

10.4.3 Clock Modules.............................................................................................................................................226

10.4.4 Memories and Memory Interfaces...............................................................................................................226

10.4.5 Analog..........................................................................................................................................................229

10.4.6 Timer Modules.............................................................................................................................................231

10.4.7 Communication Interfaces...........................................................................................................................232

10.4.8 Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI)..............................................................................................................235

Chapter 11
Port control and interrupts (PORT)
11.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................237

11.1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................................237

11.1.2 External signal description...........................................................................................................................238

11.1.3 Detailed signal description...........................................................................................................................239

11.1.4 Memory map and register definition............................................................................................................239

11.1.5 Functional description..................................................................................................................................249

Chapter 12
System Integration Module (SIM)
12.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................253

12.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................253

12.2 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................254

12.2.1 System Options Register 1 (SIM_SOPT1)..................................................................................................255

12.2.2 SOPT1 Configuration Register (SIM_SOPT1CFG)....................................................................................257

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12.2.3 System Options Register 2 (SIM_SOPT2)..................................................................................................258

12.2.4 System Options Register 4 (SIM_SOPT4)..................................................................................................260

12.2.5 System Options Register 5 (SIM_SOPT5)..................................................................................................263

12.2.6 System Options Register 7 (SIM_SOPT7)..................................................................................................264

12.2.7 System Device Identification Register (SIM_SDID)...................................................................................266

12.2.8 System Clock Gating Control Register 1 (SIM_SCGC1)............................................................................267

12.2.9 System Clock Gating Control Register 2 (SIM_SCGC2)............................................................................268

12.2.10 System Clock Gating Control Register 3 (SIM_SCGC3)............................................................................269

12.2.11 System Clock Gating Control Register 4 (SIM_SCGC4)............................................................................270

12.2.12 System Clock Gating Control Register 5 (SIM_SCGC5)............................................................................272

12.2.13 System Clock Gating Control Register 6 (SIM_SCGC6)............................................................................274

12.2.14 System Clock Gating Control Register 7 (SIM_SCGC7)............................................................................277

12.2.15 System Clock Divider Register 1 (SIM_CLKDIV1)...................................................................................278

12.2.16 System Clock Divider Register 2 (SIM_CLKDIV2)...................................................................................280

12.2.17 Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG1)...........................................................................................281

12.2.18 Flash Configuration Register 2 (SIM_FCFG2)...........................................................................................283

12.2.19 Unique Identification Register High (SIM_UIDH).....................................................................................284

12.2.20 Unique Identification Register Mid-High (SIM_UIDMH)..........................................................................284

12.2.21 Unique Identification Register Mid Low (SIM_UIDML)...........................................................................285

12.2.22 Unique Identification Register Low (SIM_UIDL)......................................................................................285

12.3 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................285

Chapter 13
Reset Control Module (RCM)
13.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................287

13.2 Reset memory map and register descriptions...............................................................................................................287

13.2.1 System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SRS0)............................................................................................287

13.2.2 System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SRS1)............................................................................................289

13.2.3 Reset Pin Filter Control register (RCM_RPFC)..........................................................................................290

13.2.4 Reset Pin Filter Width register (RCM_RPFW)...........................................................................................291

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13.2.5 Mode Register (RCM_MR).........................................................................................................................293

Chapter 14
System Mode Controller
14.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................295

14.2 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................295

14.3 Memory map and register descriptions.........................................................................................................................297

14.3.1 Power Mode Protection register (SMC_PMPROT).....................................................................................297

14.3.2 Power Mode Control register (SMC_PMCTRL).........................................................................................299

14.3.3 VLLS Control register (SMC_VLLSCTRL)...............................................................................................300

14.3.4 Power Mode Status register (SMC_PMSTAT)...........................................................................................301

14.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................302

14.4.1 Power mode transitions................................................................................................................................302

14.4.2 Power mode entry/exit sequencing..............................................................................................................305

14.4.3 Run modes....................................................................................................................................................307

14.4.4 Wait modes..................................................................................................................................................309

14.4.5 Stop modes...................................................................................................................................................310

14.4.6 Debug in low power modes.........................................................................................................................313

Chapter 15
Power Management Controller
15.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................315

15.2 Features.........................................................................................................................................................................315

15.3 Low-voltage detect (LVD) system................................................................................................................................315

15.3.1 LVD reset operation.....................................................................................................................................316

15.3.2 LVD interrupt operation...............................................................................................................................316

15.3.3 Low-voltage warning (LVW) interrupt operation.......................................................................................316

15.4 I/O retention..................................................................................................................................................................317

15.5 Memory map and register descriptions.........................................................................................................................317

15.5.1 Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register (PMC_LVDSC1)........................................................317

15.5.2 Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register (PMC_LVDSC2)........................................................319

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15.5.3 Regulator Status And Control register (PMC_REGSC)..............................................................................320

Chapter 16
Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)
16.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................323

16.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................323

16.1.2 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................324

16.1.3 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................325

16.2 LLWU signal descriptions............................................................................................................................................326

16.3 Memory map/register definition...................................................................................................................................327

16.3.1 LLWU Pin Enable 1 register (LLWU_PE1)................................................................................................328

16.3.2 LLWU Pin Enable 2 register (LLWU_PE2)................................................................................................329

16.3.3 LLWU Pin Enable 3 register (LLWU_PE3)................................................................................................330

16.3.4 LLWU Pin Enable 4 register (LLWU_PE4)................................................................................................331

16.3.5 LLWU Module Enable register (LLWU_ME)............................................................................................332

16.3.6 LLWU Flag 1 register (LLWU_F1).............................................................................................................334

16.3.7 LLWU Flag 2 register (LLWU_F2).............................................................................................................335

16.3.8 LLWU Flag 3 register (LLWU_F3).............................................................................................................337

16.3.9 LLWU Pin Filter 1 register (LLWU_FILT1)..............................................................................................339

16.3.10 LLWU Pin Filter 2 register (LLWU_FILT2)..............................................................................................340

16.3.11 LLWU Reset Enable register (LLWU_RST)...............................................................................................341

16.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................342

16.4.1 LLS mode.....................................................................................................................................................342

16.4.2 VLLS modes................................................................................................................................................342

16.4.3 Initialization.................................................................................................................................................343

Chapter 17
Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM)
17.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................345

17.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................345

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17.2 Memory map/register descriptions...............................................................................................................................345

17.2.1 Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration (MCM_PLASC)................................................................346

17.2.2 Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration (MCM_PLAMC)............................................................346

17.2.3 Control Register (MCM_CR)......................................................................................................................347

Chapter 18
Crossbar Switch (AXBS)
18.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................349

18.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................349

18.2 Memory Map / Register Definition...............................................................................................................................350

18.2.1 Priority Registers Slave (AXBS_PRSn)......................................................................................................351

18.2.2 Control Register (AXBS_CRSn).................................................................................................................354

18.2.3 Master General Purpose Control Register (AXBS_MGPCRn)...................................................................356

18.3 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................356

18.3.1 General operation.........................................................................................................................................356

18.3.2 Register coherency.......................................................................................................................................357

18.3.3 Arbitration....................................................................................................................................................358

18.4 Initialization/application information...........................................................................................................................361

Chapter 19
Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)
19.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................363

19.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................363

19.1.2 General operation.........................................................................................................................................363

19.2 Memory map/register definition...................................................................................................................................364

19.2.1 Master Privilege Register A (AIPSx_MPRA).............................................................................................366

19.2.2 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPSx_PACRn).................................................................................368

19.2.3 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPSx_PACRn).................................................................................373

19.3 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................378

19.3.1 Access support.............................................................................................................................................378

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Chapter 20
Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX)
20.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................381

20.1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................................381

20.1.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................382

20.1.3 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................382

20.2 External signal description............................................................................................................................................383

20.3 Memory map/register definition...................................................................................................................................383

20.3.1 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFGn)............................................................................384

20.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................385

20.4.1 DMA channels with periodic triggering capability......................................................................................385

20.4.2 DMA channels with no triggering capability...............................................................................................387

20.4.3 "Always enabled" DMA sources.................................................................................................................387

20.5 Initialization/application information...........................................................................................................................388

20.5.1 Reset.............................................................................................................................................................389

20.5.2 Enabling and configuring sources................................................................................................................389

Chapter 21
Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)
21.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................393

21.1.1 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................393

21.1.2 Block parts...................................................................................................................................................394

21.1.3 Features........................................................................................................................................................396

21.2 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................397

21.3 Memory map/register definition...................................................................................................................................397

21.3.1 Control Register (DMA_CR).......................................................................................................................409

21.3.2 Error Status Register (DMA_ES)................................................................................................................410

21.3.3 Enable Request Register (DMA_ERQ).......................................................................................................412

21.3.4 Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_EEI)...............................................................................................415

21.3.5 Clear Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_CEEI)..................................................................................417

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21.3.6 Set Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_SEEI)......................................................................................418

21.3.7 Clear Enable Request Register (DMA_CERQ)...........................................................................................419

21.3.8 Set Enable Request Register (DMA_SERQ)...............................................................................................420

21.3.9 Clear DONE Status Bit Register (DMA_CDNE)........................................................................................421

21.3.10 Set START Bit Register (DMA_SSRT)......................................................................................................422

21.3.11 Clear Error Register (DMA_CERR)............................................................................................................423

21.3.12 Clear Interrupt Request Register (DMA_CINT).........................................................................................424

21.3.13 Interrupt Request Register (DMA_INT)......................................................................................................424

21.3.14 Error Register (DMA_ERR)........................................................................................................................427

21.3.15 Hardware Request Status Register (DMA_HRS)........................................................................................429

21.3.16 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRIn)..........................................................................................432

21.3.17 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCDn_SADDR)...........................................................................................433

21.3.18 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCDn_SOFF)........................................................................433

21.3.19 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCDn_ATTR).........................................................................................434

21.3.20 TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLNO).................................435

21.3.21 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and Offset Disabled)

21.3.22 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset Enabled)

21.3.23 TCD Last Source Address Adjustment (DMA_TCDn_SLAST).................................................................438

21.3.24 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCDn_DADDR)...................................................................................438

21.3.25 TCD Signed Destination Address Offset (DMA_TCDn_DOFF)................................................................439

21.3.26 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled)

21.3.27 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled)

21.3.28 TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address (DMA_TCDn_DLASTSGA)..........441

21.3.29 TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCDn_CSR)............................................................................................442

21.3.30 TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Enabled)

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21.3.31 TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel Linking Disabled)

21.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................446

21.4.1 eDMA basic data flow.................................................................................................................................446

21.4.2 Error reporting and handling........................................................................................................................449

21.4.3 Channel preemption.....................................................................................................................................451

21.4.4 Performance.................................................................................................................................................451

21.5 Initialization/application information...........................................................................................................................456

21.5.1 eDMA initialization.....................................................................................................................................456

21.5.2 Programming errors.....................................................................................................................................458

21.5.3 Arbitration mode considerations..................................................................................................................458

21.5.4 Performing DMA transfers (examples)........................................................................................................459

21.5.5 Monitoring transfer descriptor status...........................................................................................................463

21.5.6 Channel Linking...........................................................................................................................................464

21.5.7 Dynamic programming................................................................................................................................466

Chapter 22
External Watchdog Monitor (EWM)
22.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................471

22.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................471

22.1.2 Modes of Operation.....................................................................................................................................472

22.1.3 Block Diagram.............................................................................................................................................473

22.2 EWM Signal Descriptions............................................................................................................................................474

22.3 Memory Map/Register Definition.................................................................................................................................474

22.3.1 Control Register (EWM_CTRL).................................................................................................................474

22.3.2 Service Register (EWM_SERV)..................................................................................................................475

22.3.3 Compare Low Register (EWM_CMPL)......................................................................................................475

22.3.4 Compare High Register (EWM_CMPH).....................................................................................................476

22.4 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................477

22.4.1 The EWM_out Signal..................................................................................................................................477

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22.4.2 The EWM_in Signal....................................................................................................................................477

22.4.3 EWM Counter..............................................................................................................................................478

22.4.4 EWM Compare Registers............................................................................................................................478

22.4.5 EWM Refresh Mechanism...........................................................................................................................479

22.4.6 EWM Interrupt.............................................................................................................................................479

Chapter 23
Watchdog Timer (WDOG)
23.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................481

23.2 Features.........................................................................................................................................................................481

23.3 Functional overview......................................................................................................................................................483

23.3.1 Unlocking and updating the watchdog.........................................................................................................484

23.3.2 Watchdog configuration time (WCT)..........................................................................................................485

23.3.3 Refreshing the watchdog..............................................................................................................................486

23.3.4 Windowed mode of operation......................................................................................................................486

23.3.5 Watchdog disabled mode of operation.........................................................................................................486

23.3.6 Low-power modes of operation...................................................................................................................487

23.3.7 Debug modes of operation...........................................................................................................................487

23.4 Testing the watchdog....................................................................................................................................................488

23.4.1 Quick test.....................................................................................................................................................488

23.4.2 Byte test........................................................................................................................................................489

23.5 Backup reset generator..................................................................................................................................................490

23.6 Generated resets and interrupts.....................................................................................................................................490

23.7 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................491

23.7.1 Watchdog Status and Control Register High (WDOG_STCTRLH)...........................................................492

23.7.2 Watchdog Status and Control Register Low (WDOG_STCTRLL)............................................................493

23.7.3 Watchdog Time-out Value Register High (WDOG_TOVALH).................................................................494

23.7.4 Watchdog Time-out Value Register Low (WDOG_TOVALL)..................................................................494

23.7.5 Watchdog Window Register High (WDOG_WINH)..................................................................................495

23.7.6 Watchdog Window Register Low (WDOG_WINL)...................................................................................495

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23.7.7 Watchdog Refresh register (WDOG_REFRESH).......................................................................................496

23.7.8 Watchdog Unlock register (WDOG_UNLOCK).........................................................................................496

23.7.9 Watchdog Timer Output Register High (WDOG_TMROUTH).................................................................496

23.7.10 Watchdog Timer Output Register Low (WDOG_TMROUTL)..................................................................497

23.7.11 Watchdog Reset Count register (WDOG_RSTCNT)..................................................................................497

23.7.12 Watchdog Prescaler register (WDOG_PRESC)..........................................................................................498

23.8 Watchdog operation with 8-bit access..........................................................................................................................498

23.8.1 General guideline.........................................................................................................................................498

23.8.2 Refresh and unlock operations with 8-bit access.........................................................................................498

23.9 Restrictions on watchdog operation..............................................................................................................................499

Chapter 24
Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)
24.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................503

24.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................503

24.1.2 Modes of Operation.....................................................................................................................................507

24.2 External Signal Description..........................................................................................................................................507

24.3 Memory Map/Register Definition.................................................................................................................................507

24.3.1 MCG Control 1 Register (MCG_C1)...........................................................................................................508

24.3.2 MCG Control 2 Register (MCG_C2)...........................................................................................................509

24.3.3 MCG Control 3 Register (MCG_C3)...........................................................................................................510

24.3.4 MCG Control 4 Register (MCG_C4)...........................................................................................................511

24.3.5 MCG Control 5 Register (MCG_C5)...........................................................................................................512

24.3.6 MCG Control 6 Register (MCG_C6)...........................................................................................................513

24.3.7 MCG Status Register (MCG_S)..................................................................................................................515

24.3.8 MCG Status and Control Register (MCG_SC)............................................................................................516

24.3.9 MCG Auto Trim Compare Value High Register (MCG_ATCVH)............................................................518

24.3.10 MCG Auto Trim Compare Value Low Register (MCG_ATCVL)..............................................................518

24.3.11 MCG Control 7 Register (MCG_C7)...........................................................................................................518

24.3.12 MCG Control 8 Register (MCG_C8)...........................................................................................................519

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24.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................520

24.4.1 MCG mode state diagram............................................................................................................................520

24.4.2 Low Power Bit Usage..................................................................................................................................525

24.4.3 MCG Internal Reference Clocks..................................................................................................................525

24.4.4 External Reference Clock............................................................................................................................525

24.4.5 MCG Fixed frequency clock .......................................................................................................................526

24.4.6 MCG PLL clock ..........................................................................................................................................526

24.4.7 MCG Auto TRIM (ATM)............................................................................................................................527

24.5 Initialization / Application information........................................................................................................................528

24.5.1 MCG module initialization sequence...........................................................................................................528

24.5.2 Using a 32.768 kHz reference......................................................................................................................530

24.5.3 MCG mode switching..................................................................................................................................531

Chapter 25
Oscillator (OSC)
25.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................541

25.2 Features and Modes......................................................................................................................................................541

25.3 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................................................................542

25.4 OSC Signal Descriptions..............................................................................................................................................542

25.5 External Crystal / Resonator Connections....................................................................................................................543

25.6 External Clock Connections.........................................................................................................................................544

25.7 Memory Map/Register Definitions...............................................................................................................................545

25.7.1 OSC Memory Map/Register Definition.......................................................................................................545

25.8 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................546

25.8.1 OSC Module States......................................................................................................................................546

25.8.2 OSC Module Modes.....................................................................................................................................548

25.8.3 Counter.........................................................................................................................................................550

25.8.4 Reference Clock Pin Requirements.............................................................................................................550

25.9 Reset..............................................................................................................................................................................550

25.10 Low Power Modes Operation.......................................................................................................................................551

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25.11 Interrupts.......................................................................................................................................................................551

Chapter 26
RTC Oscillator
26.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................553

26.1.1 Features and Modes.....................................................................................................................................553

26.1.2 Block Diagram.............................................................................................................................................553

26.2 RTC Signal Descriptions..............................................................................................................................................554

26.2.1 EXTAL32 — Oscillator Input.....................................................................................................................554

26.2.2 XTAL32 — Oscillator Output.....................................................................................................................554

26.3 External Crystal Connections.......................................................................................................................................555

26.4 Memory Map/Register Descriptions.............................................................................................................................555

26.5 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................555

26.6 Reset Overview.............................................................................................................................................................556

26.7 Interrupts.......................................................................................................................................................................556

Chapter 27
Flash Memory Controller (FMC)
27.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................557

27.1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................................557

27.1.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................558

27.2 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................558

27.3 External signal description............................................................................................................................................558

27.4 Memory map and register descriptions.........................................................................................................................559

27.4.1 Flash Access Protection Register (FMC_PFAPR).......................................................................................564

27.4.2 Flash Bank 0 Control Register (FMC_PFB0CR)........................................................................................567

27.4.3 Flash Bank 1 Control Register (FMC_PFB1CR)........................................................................................569

27.4.4 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0Sn).................................................................................................570

27.4.5 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1Sn).................................................................................................571

27.4.6 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2Sn).................................................................................................572

27.4.7 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3Sn).................................................................................................573

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27.4.8 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0SnU)..........................................................................573

27.4.9 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0SnL)..........................................................................574

27.4.10 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1SnU)..........................................................................574

27.4.11 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1SnL)..........................................................................575

27.4.12 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2SnU)..........................................................................575

27.4.13 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2SnL)..........................................................................576

27.4.14 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3SnU)..........................................................................576

27.4.15 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3SnL)..........................................................................577

27.5 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................577

27.5.1 Default configuration...................................................................................................................................577

27.5.2 Configuration options..................................................................................................................................578

27.5.3 Wait states....................................................................................................................................................578

27.5.4 Speculative reads..........................................................................................................................................579

27.6 Initialization and application information.....................................................................................................................580

Chapter 28
Flash Memory Module (FTFL)
28.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................581

28.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................582

28.1.2 Block Diagram.............................................................................................................................................583

28.1.3 Glossary.......................................................................................................................................................584

28.2 External Signal Description..........................................................................................................................................586

28.3 Memory Map and Registers..........................................................................................................................................586

28.3.1 Flash Configuration Field Description.........................................................................................................587

28.3.2 Program Flash IFR Map...............................................................................................................................587

28.3.3 Data Flash IFR Map.....................................................................................................................................588

28.3.4 Register Descriptions...................................................................................................................................590

28.4 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................602

28.4.1 Flash Protection............................................................................................................................................602

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28.4.2 FlexNVM Description..................................................................................................................................604

28.4.3 Interrupts......................................................................................................................................................607

28.4.4 Flash Operation in Low-Power Modes........................................................................................................608

28.4.5 Functional Modes of Operation...................................................................................................................608

28.4.6 Flash Reads and Ignored Writes..................................................................................................................608

28.4.7 Read While Write (RWW)...........................................................................................................................609

28.4.8 Flash Program and Erase..............................................................................................................................609

28.4.9 Flash Command Operations.........................................................................................................................609

28.4.10 Margin Read Commands.............................................................................................................................616

28.4.11 Flash Command Description........................................................................................................................617

28.4.12 Security........................................................................................................................................................638

28.4.13 Reset Sequence............................................................................................................................................640

Chapter 29
External Bus Interface (FlexBus)
29.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................643

29.1.1 Definition.....................................................................................................................................................643

29.1.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................643

29.2 Signal descriptions........................................................................................................................................................644

29.3 Memory Map/Register Definition.................................................................................................................................647

29.3.1 Chip Select Address Register (FB_CSARn)................................................................................................648

29.3.2 Chip Select Mask Register (FB_CSMRn)...................................................................................................649

29.3.3 Chip Select Control Register (FB_CSCRn).................................................................................................650

29.3.4 Chip Select port Multiplexing Control Register (FB_CSPMCR)................................................................653

29.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................654

29.4.1 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................654

29.4.2 Address comparison.....................................................................................................................................655

29.4.3 Address driven on address bus.....................................................................................................................655

29.4.4 Connecting address/data lines......................................................................................................................655

29.4.5 Bit ordering..................................................................................................................................................655

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29.4.6 Data transfer signals.....................................................................................................................................656

29.4.7 Signal transitions..........................................................................................................................................656

29.4.8 Data-byte alignment and physical connections............................................................................................656

29.4.9 Address/data bus multiplexing.....................................................................................................................657

29.4.10 Data transfer states.......................................................................................................................................658

29.4.11 FlexBus Timing Examples...........................................................................................................................659

29.4.12 Burst cycles..................................................................................................................................................678

29.4.13 Extended Transfer Start/Address Latch Enable...........................................................................................686

29.4.14 Bus errors.....................................................................................................................................................687

29.5 Initialization/Application Information..........................................................................................................................688

29.5.1 Initializing a chip-select...............................................................................................................................688

29.5.2 Reconfiguring a chip-select.........................................................................................................................688

Chapter 30
30.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................689

30.1.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................689

30.1.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................690

30.1.3 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................690

30.2 External signal description............................................................................................................................................691

30.2.1 EzPort Clock (EZP_CK)..............................................................................................................................691

30.2.2 EzPort Chip Select (EZP_CS)......................................................................................................................691

30.2.3 EzPort Serial Data In (EZP_D)....................................................................................................................692

30.2.4 EzPort Serial Data Out (EZP_Q).................................................................................................................692

30.3 Command definition.....................................................................................................................................................692

30.3.1 Command descriptions.................................................................................................................................693

30.4 Flash memory map for EzPort access...........................................................................................................................699

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Chapter 31
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
31.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................701

31.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................701

31.1.2 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................701

31.1.3 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................702

31.2 Memory map and register descriptions.........................................................................................................................702

31.2.1 CRC Data register (CRC_CRC)..................................................................................................................703

31.2.2 CRC Polynomial register (CRC_GPOLY)..................................................................................................704

31.2.3 CRC Control register (CRC_CTRL)............................................................................................................704

31.3 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................705

31.3.1 CRC initialization/reinitialization................................................................................................................705

31.3.2 CRC calculations..........................................................................................................................................706

31.3.3 Transpose feature.........................................................................................................................................707

31.3.4 CRC result complement...............................................................................................................................709

Chapter 32
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
32.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................711

32.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................711

32.1.2 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................712

32.2 ADC Signal Descriptions..............................................................................................................................................713

32.2.1 Analog Power (VDDA)...............................................................................................................................714

32.2.2 Analog Ground (VSSA)...............................................................................................................................714

32.2.3 Voltage Reference Select.............................................................................................................................714

32.2.4 Analog Channel Inputs (ADx).....................................................................................................................715

32.2.5 Differential Analog Channel Inputs (DADx)...............................................................................................715

32.3 Register definition.........................................................................................................................................................715

32.3.1 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADCx_SC1n)...................................................................................717

32.3.2 ADC Configuration Register 1 (ADCx_CFG1)...........................................................................................720

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32.3.3 ADC Configuration Register 2 (ADCx_CFG2)...........................................................................................722

32.3.4 ADC Data Result Register (ADCx_Rn).......................................................................................................723

32.3.5 Compare Value Registers (ADCx_CVn).....................................................................................................724

32.3.6 Status and Control Register 2 (ADCx_SC2)................................................................................................725

32.3.7 Status and Control Register 3 (ADCx_SC3)................................................................................................727

32.3.8 ADC Offset Correction Register (ADCx_OFS)...........................................................................................729

32.3.9 ADC Plus-Side Gain Register (ADCx_PG).................................................................................................729

32.3.10 ADC Minus-Side Gain Register (ADCx_MG)............................................................................................730

32.3.11 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLPD).........................................................730

32.3.12 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLPS)..........................................................731

32.3.13 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP4)..........................................................731

32.3.14 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP3)..........................................................732

32.3.15 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP2)..........................................................732

32.3.16 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP1)..........................................................733

32.3.17 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLP0)..........................................................733

32.3.18 ADC PGA Register (ADCx_PGA)..............................................................................................................734

32.3.19 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLMD).....................................................735

32.3.20 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLMS).....................................................736

32.3.21 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM4).....................................................736

32.3.22 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM3).....................................................737

32.3.23 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM2).....................................................737

32.3.24 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM1).....................................................738

32.3.25 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADCx_CLM0).....................................................738

32.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................738

32.4.1 PGA functional description..........................................................................................................................739

32.4.2 Clock select and divide control....................................................................................................................740

32.4.3 Voltage reference selection..........................................................................................................................740

32.4.4 Hardware trigger and channel selects..........................................................................................................741

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32.4.5 Conversion control.......................................................................................................................................742

32.4.6 Automatic compare function........................................................................................................................749

32.4.7 Calibration function.....................................................................................................................................750

32.4.8 User-defined offset function........................................................................................................................752

32.4.9 Temperature sensor......................................................................................................................................753

32.4.10 MCU wait mode operation...........................................................................................................................754

32.4.11 MCU Normal Stop mode operation.............................................................................................................754

32.4.12 MCU Low-Power Stop mode operation......................................................................................................755

32.5 Initialization information..............................................................................................................................................756

32.5.1 ADC module initialization example............................................................................................................756

32.6 Application information................................................................................................................................................758

32.6.1 External pins and routing.............................................................................................................................758

32.6.2 Sources of error............................................................................................................................................760

Chapter 33
Comparator (CMP)
33.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................765

33.2 CMP features................................................................................................................................................................765

33.3 6-bit DAC key features.................................................................................................................................................766

33.4 ANMUX key features...................................................................................................................................................767

33.5 CMP, DAC and ANMUX diagram...............................................................................................................................767

33.6 CMP block diagram......................................................................................................................................................768

33.7 Memory map/register definitions..................................................................................................................................770

33.7.1 CMP Control Register 0 (CMPx_CR0).......................................................................................................770

33.7.2 CMP Control Register 1 (CMPx_CR1).......................................................................................................771

33.7.3 CMP Filter Period Register (CMPx_FPR)...................................................................................................773

33.7.4 CMP Status and Control Register (CMPx_SCR).........................................................................................773

33.7.5 DAC Control Register (CMPx_DACCR)....................................................................................................774

33.7.6 MUX Control Register (CMPx_MUXCR)..................................................................................................775

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33.8 CMP functional description..........................................................................................................................................776

33.8.1 CMP functional modes.................................................................................................................................776

33.8.2 Power modes................................................................................................................................................785

33.8.3 Startup and operation...................................................................................................................................786

33.8.4 Low-pass filter.............................................................................................................................................787

33.9 CMP interrupts..............................................................................................................................................................789

33.10 CMP DMA support.......................................................................................................................................................789

33.11 Digital-to-analog converter block diagram...................................................................................................................790

33.12 DAC functional description..........................................................................................................................................790

33.12.1 Voltage reference source select....................................................................................................................790

33.13 DAC resets....................................................................................................................................................................791

33.14 DAC clocks...................................................................................................................................................................791

33.15 DAC interrupts..............................................................................................................................................................791

Chapter 34
12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
34.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................793

34.2 Features.........................................................................................................................................................................793

34.3 Block diagram...............................................................................................................................................................793

34.4 Memory map/register definition...................................................................................................................................794

34.4.1 DAC Data Low Register (DACx_DATnL).................................................................................................795

34.4.2 DAC Data High Register (DACx_DATnH)................................................................................................796

34.4.3 DAC Status Register (DACx_SR)...............................................................................................................796

34.4.4 DAC Control Register (DACx_C0).............................................................................................................797

34.4.5 DAC Control Register 1 (DACx_C1)..........................................................................................................798

34.4.6 DAC Control Register 2 (DACx_C2)..........................................................................................................799

34.5 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................799

34.5.1 DAC data buffer operation...........................................................................................................................799

34.5.2 DMA operation............................................................................................................................................801

34.5.3 Resets...........................................................................................................................................................801

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34.5.4 Low-Power mode operation.........................................................................................................................801

Chapter 35
Voltage Reference (VREFV1)
35.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................803

35.1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................................804

35.1.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................804

35.1.3 Modes of Operation.....................................................................................................................................805

35.1.4 VREF Signal Descriptions...........................................................................................................................805

35.2 Memory Map and Register Definition..........................................................................................................................806

35.2.1 VREF Trim Register (VREF_TRM)............................................................................................................806

35.2.2 VREF Status and Control Register (VREF_SC)..........................................................................................807

35.3 Functional Description..................................................................................................................................................808

35.3.1 Voltage Reference Disabled, SC[VREFEN] = 0.........................................................................................808

35.3.2 Voltage Reference Enabled, SC[VREFEN] = 1..........................................................................................809

35.4 Initialization/Application Information..........................................................................................................................810

Chapter 36
Programmable Delay Block (PDB)
36.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................811

36.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................811

36.1.2 Implementation............................................................................................................................................812

36.1.3 Back-to-back acknowledgment connections................................................................................................813

36.1.4 DAC External Trigger Input Connections...................................................................................................813

36.1.5 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................813

36.1.6 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................815

36.2 PDB signal descriptions................................................................................................................................................815

36.3 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................815

36.3.1 Status and Control Register (PDBx_SC).....................................................................................................817

36.3.2 Modulus Register (PDBx_MOD).................................................................................................................819

36.3.3 Counter Register (PDBx_CNT)...................................................................................................................820

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36.3.4 Interrupt Delay Register (PDBx_IDLY)......................................................................................................820

36.3.5 Channel n Control Register 1 (PDBx_CHnC1)...........................................................................................821

36.3.6 Channel n Status Register (PDBx_CHnS)...................................................................................................822

36.3.7 Channel n Delay 0 Register (PDBx_CHnDLY0)........................................................................................822

36.3.8 Channel n Delay 1 Register (PDBx_CHnDLY1)........................................................................................823

36.3.9 DAC Interval Trigger n Control Register (PDBx_DACINTCn).................................................................823

36.3.10 DAC Interval n Register (PDBx_DACINTn)..............................................................................................824

36.3.11 Pulse-Out n Enable Register (PDBx_POEN)...............................................................................................824

36.3.12 Pulse-Out n Delay Register (PDBx_POnDLY)...........................................................................................825

36.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................825

36.4.1 PDB pre-trigger and trigger outputs.............................................................................................................825

36.4.2 PDB trigger input source selection..............................................................................................................827

36.4.3 DAC interval trigger outputs........................................................................................................................827

36.4.4 Pulse-Out's...................................................................................................................................................828

36.4.5 Updating the delay registers.........................................................................................................................829

36.4.6 Interrupts......................................................................................................................................................830

36.4.7 DMA............................................................................................................................................................830

36.5 Application information................................................................................................................................................831

36.5.1 Impact of using the prescaler and multiplication factor on timing resolution.............................................831

Chapter 37
FlexTimer Module (FTM)
37.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................833

37.1.1 FlexTimer philosophy..................................................................................................................................833

37.1.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................834

37.1.3 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................835

37.1.4 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................836

37.2 FTM signal descriptions...............................................................................................................................................838

37.3 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................838

37.3.1 Memory map................................................................................................................................................838

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37.3.2 Register descriptions....................................................................................................................................839

37.3.3 Status And Control (FTMx_SC)..................................................................................................................844

37.3.4 Counter (FTMx_CNT).................................................................................................................................845

37.3.5 Modulo (FTMx_MOD)................................................................................................................................846

37.3.6 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTMx_CnSC)..........................................................................................847

37.3.7 Channel (n) Value (FTMx_CnV).................................................................................................................849

37.3.8 Counter Initial Value (FTMx_CNTIN)........................................................................................................850

37.3.9 Capture And Compare Status (FTMx_STATUS)........................................................................................850

37.3.10 Features Mode Selection (FTMx_MODE)..................................................................................................852

37.3.11 Synchronization (FTMx_SYNC).................................................................................................................854

37.3.12 Initial State For Channels Output (FTMx_OUTINIT).................................................................................857

37.3.13 Output Mask (FTMx_OUTMASK).............................................................................................................858

37.3.14 Function For Linked Channels (FTMx_COMBINE)...................................................................................860

37.3.15 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTMx_DEADTIME).....................................................................................865

37.3.16 FTM External Trigger (FTMx_EXTTRIG).................................................................................................866

37.3.17 Channels Polarity (FTMx_POL)..................................................................................................................867

37.3.18 Fault Mode Status (FTMx_FMS).................................................................................................................870

37.3.19 Input Capture Filter Control (FTMx_FILTER)...........................................................................................872

37.3.20 Fault Control (FTMx_FLTCTRL)...............................................................................................................873

37.3.21 Quadrature Decoder Control And Status (FTMx_QDCTRL)......................................................................875

37.3.22 Configuration (FTMx_CONF).....................................................................................................................877

37.3.23 FTM Fault Input Polarity (FTMx_FLTPOL)...............................................................................................878

37.3.24 Synchronization Configuration (FTMx_SYNCONF)..................................................................................880

37.3.25 FTM Inverting Control (FTMx_INVCTRL)................................................................................................882

37.3.26 FTM Software Output Control (FTMx_SWOCTRL)..................................................................................883

37.3.27 FTM PWM Load (FTMx_PWMLOAD).....................................................................................................885

37.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................886

37.4.1 Clock source.................................................................................................................................................887

37.4.2 Prescaler.......................................................................................................................................................888

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37.4.3 Counter.........................................................................................................................................................888

37.4.4 Input Capture mode......................................................................................................................................893

37.4.5 Output Compare mode.................................................................................................................................896

37.4.6 Edge-Aligned PWM (EPWM) mode...........................................................................................................897

37.4.7 Center-Aligned PWM (CPWM) mode........................................................................................................899

37.4.8 Combine mode.............................................................................................................................................901

37.4.9 Complementary mode..................................................................................................................................909

37.4.10 Registers updated from write buffers...........................................................................................................910

37.4.11 PWM synchronization..................................................................................................................................912

37.4.12 Inverting.......................................................................................................................................................928

37.4.13 Software output control................................................................................................................................929

37.4.14 Deadtime insertion.......................................................................................................................................931

37.4.15 Output mask.................................................................................................................................................934

37.4.16 Fault control.................................................................................................................................................935

37.4.17 Polarity control.............................................................................................................................................938

37.4.18 Initialization.................................................................................................................................................939

37.4.19 Features priority...........................................................................................................................................939

37.4.20 Channel trigger output.................................................................................................................................940

37.4.21 Initialization trigger......................................................................................................................................941

37.4.22 Capture Test mode.......................................................................................................................................943

37.4.23 DMA............................................................................................................................................................944

37.4.24 Dual Edge Capture mode.............................................................................................................................945

37.4.25 Quadrature Decoder mode...........................................................................................................................952

37.4.26 BDM mode...................................................................................................................................................957

37.4.27 Intermediate load..........................................................................................................................................958

37.4.28 Global time base (GTB)...............................................................................................................................960

37.5 Reset overview..............................................................................................................................................................961

37.6 FTM Interrupts..............................................................................................................................................................963

37.6.1 Timer Overflow Interrupt.............................................................................................................................963

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37.6.2 Channel (n) Interrupt....................................................................................................................................963

37.6.3 Fault Interrupt..............................................................................................................................................963

Chapter 38
Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT)
38.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................965

38.1.1 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................965

38.1.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................966

38.2 Signal description..........................................................................................................................................................966

38.3 Memory map/register description.................................................................................................................................967

38.3.1 PIT Module Control Register (PIT_MCR)..................................................................................................967

38.3.2 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVALn)...............................................................................................968

38.3.3 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVALn).............................................................................................969

38.3.4 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRLn)......................................................................................................969

38.3.5 Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLGn)..............................................................................................................970

38.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................971

38.4.1 General operation.........................................................................................................................................971

38.4.2 Interrupts......................................................................................................................................................972

38.4.3 Chained timers.............................................................................................................................................972

38.5 Initialization and application information.....................................................................................................................973

38.6 Example configuration for chained timers....................................................................................................................974

Chapter 39
Low-Power Timer (LPTMR)
39.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................975

39.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................975

39.1.2 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................975

39.2 LPTMR signal descriptions..........................................................................................................................................976

39.2.1 Detailed signal descriptions.........................................................................................................................976

39.3 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................977

39.3.1 Low Power Timer Control Status Register (LPTMRx_CSR)......................................................................977

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39.3.2 Low Power Timer Prescale Register (LPTMRx_PSR)................................................................................979

39.3.3 Low Power Timer Compare Register (LPTMRx_CMR).............................................................................980

39.3.4 Low Power Timer Counter Register (LPTMRx_CNR)...............................................................................981

39.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................981

39.4.1 LPTMR power and reset..............................................................................................................................981

39.4.2 LPTMR clocking..........................................................................................................................................981

39.4.3 LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter......................................................................................................................982

39.4.4 LPTMR compare..........................................................................................................................................983

39.4.5 LPTMR counter...........................................................................................................................................983

39.4.6 LPTMR hardware trigger.............................................................................................................................984

39.4.7 LPTMR interrupt..........................................................................................................................................984

Chapter 40
Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)
40.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................985

40.2 Features.........................................................................................................................................................................985

40.3 Block diagram...............................................................................................................................................................986

40.4 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................987

40.4.1 Wait mode operation....................................................................................................................................988

40.4.2 Stop mode operation....................................................................................................................................989

40.5 CMT external signal descriptions.................................................................................................................................989

40.5.1 CMT_IRO — Infrared Output.....................................................................................................................989

40.6 Memory map/register definition...................................................................................................................................990

40.6.1 CMT Carrier Generator High Data Register 1 (CMT_CGH1)....................................................................991

40.6.2 CMT Carrier Generator Low Data Register 1 (CMT_CGL1).....................................................................992

40.6.3 CMT Carrier Generator High Data Register 2 (CMT_CGH2)....................................................................992

40.6.4 CMT Carrier Generator Low Data Register 2 (CMT_CGL2).....................................................................993

40.6.5 CMT Output Control Register (CMT_OC).................................................................................................993

40.6.6 CMT Modulator Status and Control Register (CMT_MSC).......................................................................994

40.6.7 CMT Modulator Data Register Mark High (CMT_CMD1)........................................................................996

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40.6.8 CMT Modulator Data Register Mark Low (CMT_CMD2).........................................................................997

40.6.9 CMT Modulator Data Register Space High (CMT_CMD3).......................................................................997

40.6.10 CMT Modulator Data Register Space Low (CMT_CMD4)........................................................................998

40.6.11 CMT Primary Prescaler Register (CMT_PPS)............................................................................................998

40.6.12 CMT Direct Memory Access Register (CMT_DMA).................................................................................999

40.7 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1000

40.7.1 Clock divider................................................................................................................................................1000

40.7.2 Carrier generator..........................................................................................................................................1000

40.7.3 Modulator.....................................................................................................................................................1003

40.7.4 Extended space operation.............................................................................................................................1007

40.8 CMT interrupts and DMA............................................................................................................................................1009

Chapter 41
Real Time Clock (RTC)
41.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1011

41.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................1011

41.1.2 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................1011

41.1.3 RTC Signal Descriptions.............................................................................................................................1012

41.2 Register definition.........................................................................................................................................................1012

41.2.1 RTC Time Seconds Register (RTC_TSR)...................................................................................................1013

41.2.2 RTC Time Prescaler Register (RTC_TPR)..................................................................................................1014

41.2.3 RTC Time Alarm Register (RTC_TAR).....................................................................................................1014

41.2.4 RTC Time Compensation Register (RTC_TCR).........................................................................................1014

41.2.5 RTC Control Register (RTC_CR)................................................................................................................1016

41.2.6 RTC Status Register (RTC_SR)..................................................................................................................1018

41.2.7 RTC Lock Register (RTC_LR)....................................................................................................................1019

41.2.8 RTC Interrupt Enable Register (RTC_IER).................................................................................................1020

41.2.9 RTC Write Access Register (RTC_WAR)..................................................................................................1021

41.2.10 RTC Read Access Register (RTC_RAR)....................................................................................................1022

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41.3 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1023

41.3.1 Power, clocking, and reset...........................................................................................................................1023

41.3.2 Time counter................................................................................................................................................1025

41.3.3 Compensation...............................................................................................................................................1025

41.3.4 Time alarm...................................................................................................................................................1026

41.3.5 Update mode................................................................................................................................................1026

41.3.6 Register lock................................................................................................................................................1027

41.3.7 Access control..............................................................................................................................................1027

41.3.8 Interrupt........................................................................................................................................................1027

Chapter 42
Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)
42.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1029

42.1.1 USB..............................................................................................................................................................1029

42.1.2 USB On-The-Go..........................................................................................................................................1030

42.1.3 USB-FS Features..........................................................................................................................................1031

42.2 External Signal Description..........................................................................................................................................1031

42.3 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1032

42.3.1 Data Structures.............................................................................................................................................1032

42.4 Programmers interface..................................................................................................................................................1032

42.4.1 Buffer Descriptor Table...............................................................................................................................1032

42.4.2 RX vs. TX as a USB target device or USB host..........................................................................................1033

42.4.3 Addressing BDT entries...............................................................................................................................1034

42.4.4 Buffer Descriptors (BDs).............................................................................................................................1034

42.4.5 USB transaction...........................................................................................................................................1037

42.5 Memory map/Register definitions................................................................................................................................1039

42.5.1 Peripheral ID register (USBx_PERID)........................................................................................................1041

42.5.2 Peripheral ID Complement register (USBx_IDCOMP)...............................................................................1042

42.5.3 Peripheral Revision register (USBx_REV)..................................................................................................1042

42.5.4 Peripheral Additional Info register (USBx_ADDINFO).............................................................................1043

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42.5.5 OTG Interrupt Status register (USBx_OTGISTAT)....................................................................................1043

42.5.6 OTG Interrupt Control Register (USBx_OTGICR).....................................................................................1044

42.5.7 OTG Status register (USBx_OTGSTAT)....................................................................................................1045

42.5.8 OTG Control register (USBx_OTGCTL)....................................................................................................1046

42.5.9 Interrupt Status register (USBx_ISTAT).....................................................................................................1047

42.5.10 Interrupt Enable register (USBx_INTEN)...................................................................................................1048

42.5.11 Error Interrupt Status register (USBx_ERRSTAT).....................................................................................1049

42.5.12 Error Interrupt Enable register (USBx_ERREN).........................................................................................1050

42.5.13 Status register (USBx_STAT)......................................................................................................................1051

42.5.14 Control register (USBx_CTL)......................................................................................................................1052

42.5.15 Address register (USBx_ADDR).................................................................................................................1053

42.5.16 BDT Page Register 1 (USBx_BDTPAGE1)................................................................................................1054

42.5.17 Frame Number Register Low (USBx_FRMNUML)...................................................................................1054

42.5.18 Frame Number Register High (USBx_FRMNUMH)..................................................................................1055

42.5.19 Token register (USBx_TOKEN)..................................................................................................................1055

42.5.20 SOF Threshold Register (USBx_SOFTHLD)..............................................................................................1056

42.5.21 BDT Page Register 2 (USBx_BDTPAGE2)................................................................................................1057

42.5.22 BDT Page Register 3 (USBx_BDTPAGE3)................................................................................................1057

42.5.23 Endpoint Control register (USBx_ENDPTn)...............................................................................................1057

42.5.24 USB Control register (USBx_USBCTRL)..................................................................................................1058

42.5.25 USB OTG Observe register (USBx_OBSERVE)........................................................................................1059

42.5.26 USB OTG Control register (USBx_CONTROL)........................................................................................1060

42.5.27 USB Transceiver Control Register 0 (USBx_USBTRC0)...........................................................................1060

42.5.28 Frame Adjust Register (USBx_USBFRMADJUST)...................................................................................1061

42.6 OTG and Host mode operation.....................................................................................................................................1062

42.7 Host Mode Operation Examples...................................................................................................................................1062

42.8 On-The-Go operation....................................................................................................................................................1065

42.8.1 OTG dual role A device operation...............................................................................................................1066

42.8.2 OTG dual role B device operation...............................................................................................................1067

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42.9 Hardware Interface........................................................................................................................................................1069

42.9.1 ......................................................................................................................................................................1069

42.10 System Level Issues and Configuration........................................................................................................................1069

42.10.1 ......................................................................................................................................................................1069

42.10.2 Power...........................................................................................................................................................1069

42.10.3 USB Suspend State......................................................................................................................................1069

Chapter 43
USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)
43.1 Preface...........................................................................................................................................................................1071

43.1.1 References....................................................................................................................................................1071

43.1.2 Acronyms and abbreviations........................................................................................................................1071

43.1.3 Glossary.......................................................................................................................................................1072

43.2 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1072

43.2.1 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................1072

43.2.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................1073

43.2.3 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................1073

43.3 Module signal descriptions...........................................................................................................................................1074

43.4 Memory map/Register definition..................................................................................................................................1075

43.4.1 Control register (USBDCD_CONTROL)....................................................................................................1076

43.4.2 Clock register (USBDCD_CLOCK)............................................................................................................1077

43.4.3 Status register (USBDCD_STATUS)..........................................................................................................1079

43.4.4 TIMER0 register (USBDCD_TIMER0)......................................................................................................1080

43.4.5 TIMER1 register (USBDCD_TIMER1)......................................................................................................1081

43.4.6 TIMER2 register (USBDCD_TIMER2)......................................................................................................1082

43.5 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1083

43.5.1 The charger detection sequence...................................................................................................................1084

43.5.2 Interrupts and events....................................................................................................................................1093

43.5.3 Resets...........................................................................................................................................................1095

43.6 Initialization information..............................................................................................................................................1096

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43.7 Application information................................................................................................................................................1096

43.7.1 External pullups...........................................................................................................................................1096

43.7.2 Dead or weak battery...................................................................................................................................1096

43.7.3 Handling unplug events...............................................................................................................................1097

Chapter 44
USB Voltage Regulator
44.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1099

44.1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................................1099

44.1.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................1100

44.1.3 Modes of Operation.....................................................................................................................................1101

44.2 USB Voltage Regulator Module Signal Descriptions..................................................................................................1101

Chapter 45
45.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1103

45.1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................................1104

45.1.2 FlexCAN module features...........................................................................................................................1105

45.1.3 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................1106

45.2 FlexCAN signal descriptions........................................................................................................................................1108

45.2.1 CAN Rx .......................................................................................................................................................1108

45.2.2 CAN Tx .......................................................................................................................................................1108

45.3 Memory map/register definition...................................................................................................................................1108

45.3.1 FlexCAN memory mapping.........................................................................................................................1108

45.3.2 Module Configuration Register (CANx_MCR)...........................................................................................1112

45.3.3 Control 1 register (CANx_CTRL1).............................................................................................................1117

45.3.4 Free Running Timer (CANx_TIMER).........................................................................................................1120

45.3.5 Rx Mailboxes Global Mask Register (CANx_RXMGMASK)....................................................................1121

45.3.6 Rx 14 Mask register (CANx_RX14MASK)................................................................................................1122

45.3.7 Rx 15 Mask register (CANx_RX15MASK)................................................................................................1123

45.3.8 Error Counter (CANx_ECR)........................................................................................................................1123

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45.3.9 Error and Status 1 register (CANx_ESR1)..................................................................................................1125

45.3.10 Interrupt Masks 1 register (CANx_IMASK1).............................................................................................1129

45.3.11 Interrupt Flags 1 register (CANx_IFLAG1)................................................................................................1130

45.3.12 Control 2 register (CANx_CTRL2).............................................................................................................1132

45.3.13 Error and Status 2 register (CANx_ESR2)..................................................................................................1135

45.3.14 CRC Register (CANx_CRCR).....................................................................................................................1136

45.3.15 Rx FIFO Global Mask register (CANx_RXFGMASK)..............................................................................1137

45.3.16 Rx FIFO Information Register (CANx_RXFIR).........................................................................................1138

45.3.17 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CANx_RXIMRn).......................................................................................1139

45.3.34 Message buffer structure..............................................................................................................................1140

45.3.35 Rx FIFO structure........................................................................................................................................1146

45.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1148

45.4.1 Transmit process..........................................................................................................................................1149

45.4.2 Arbitration process.......................................................................................................................................1149

45.4.3 Receive process............................................................................................................................................1153

45.4.4 Matching process.........................................................................................................................................1155

45.4.5 Move process...............................................................................................................................................1160

45.4.6 Data coherence.............................................................................................................................................1161

45.4.7 Rx FIFO.......................................................................................................................................................1165

45.4.8 CAN protocol related features.....................................................................................................................1166

45.4.9 Clock domains and restrictions....................................................................................................................1173

45.4.10 Modes of operation details...........................................................................................................................1173

45.4.11 Interrupts......................................................................................................................................................1177

45.4.12 Bus interface................................................................................................................................................1177

45.5 Initialization/application information...........................................................................................................................1178

45.5.1 FlexCAN initialization sequence.................................................................................................................1178

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Chapter 46
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
46.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1181

46.1.1 Block Diagram.............................................................................................................................................1181

46.1.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................1182

46.1.3 Module Configurations................................................................................................................................1183

46.1.4 Modes of Operation.....................................................................................................................................1184

46.2 Module signal descriptions...........................................................................................................................................1186

46.2.1 PCS0/SS — Peripheral Chip Select/Slave Select........................................................................................1186

46.2.2 PCS1 – PCS3 — Peripheral Chip Selects 1 – 3...........................................................................................1186

46.2.3 PCS4 — Peripheral Chip Select 4................................................................................................................1187

46.2.4 SIN — Serial Input......................................................................................................................................1187

46.2.5 SOUT — Serial Output................................................................................................................................1187

46.2.6 SCK — Serial Clock....................................................................................................................................1187

46.3 Memory Map/Register Definition.................................................................................................................................1187

46.3.1 Module Configuration Register (SPIx_MCR).............................................................................................1190

46.3.2 DSPI Transfer Count Register (SPIx_TCR)................................................................................................1193

46.3.3 DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode) (SPIx_CTARn)......................................1193

46.3.4 DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Slave Mode) (SPIx_CTARn_SLAVE)..........................1198

46.3.5 DSPI Status Register (SPIx_SR)..................................................................................................................1200

46.3.6 DSPI DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register (SPIx_RSER)..................................................1203

46.3.7 DSPI PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode (SPIx_PUSHR)...............................................................1205

46.3.8 DSPI PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode (SPIx_PUSHR_SLAVE)..................................................1207

46.3.9 DSPI POP RX FIFO Register (SPIx_POPR)...............................................................................................1207

46.3.10 DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers (SPIx_TXFRn)...........................................................................................1208

46.3.11 DSPI Receive FIFO Registers (SPIx_RXFRn)............................................................................................1208

46.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1209

46.4.1 Start and Stop of module transfers...............................................................................................................1210

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46.4.2 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) configuration............................................................................................1210

46.4.3 Module baud rate and clock delay generation.............................................................................................1214

46.4.4 Transfer formats...........................................................................................................................................1216

46.4.5 Continuous Serial Communications Clock..................................................................................................1221

46.4.6 Slave Mode Operation Constraints..............................................................................................................1223

46.4.7 Interrupts/DMA requests..............................................................................................................................1223

46.4.8 Power saving features..................................................................................................................................1226

46.5 Initialization/application information...........................................................................................................................1227

46.5.1 How to manage queues................................................................................................................................1227

46.5.2 Switching Master and Slave mode...............................................................................................................1228

46.5.3 Initializing Module in Master/Slave Modes.................................................................................................1228

46.5.4 Baud rate settings.........................................................................................................................................1228

46.5.5 Delay settings...............................................................................................................................................1229

46.5.6 Calculation of FIFO pointer addresses.........................................................................................................1230

Chapter 47
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)
47.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1233

47.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................1233

47.1.2 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................1234

47.1.3 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................1234

47.2 I2C signal descriptions..................................................................................................................................................1235

47.3 Memory map and register descriptions.........................................................................................................................1235

47.3.1 I2C Address Register 1 (I2Cx_A1)..............................................................................................................1236

47.3.2 I2C Frequency Divider register (I2Cx_F)....................................................................................................1237

47.3.3 I2C Control Register 1 (I2Cx_C1)...............................................................................................................1238

47.3.4 I2C Status register (I2Cx_S)........................................................................................................................1240

47.3.5 I2C Data I/O register (I2Cx_D)...................................................................................................................1241

47.3.6 I2C Control Register 2 (I2Cx_C2)...............................................................................................................1242

47.3.7 I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter register (I2Cx_FLT).......................................................................1243

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47.3.8 I2C Range Address register (I2Cx_RA)......................................................................................................1244

47.3.9 I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2Cx_SMB).................................................................................1244

47.3.10 I2C Address Register 2 (I2Cx_A2)..............................................................................................................1246

47.3.11 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2Cx_SLTH)..................................................................................1246

47.3.12 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2Cx_SLTL)...................................................................................1247

47.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1247

47.4.1 I2C protocol.................................................................................................................................................1247

47.4.2 10-bit address...............................................................................................................................................1252

47.4.3 Address matching.........................................................................................................................................1254

47.4.4 System management bus specification........................................................................................................1254

47.4.5 Resets...........................................................................................................................................................1257

47.4.6 Interrupts......................................................................................................................................................1257

47.4.7 Programmable input glitch filter..................................................................................................................1259

47.4.8 Address matching wakeup...........................................................................................................................1260

47.4.9 DMA support...............................................................................................................................................1260

47.5 Initialization/application information...........................................................................................................................1261

Chapter 48
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
48.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1265

48.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................1265

48.1.2 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................1267

48.2 UART signal descriptions.............................................................................................................................................1268

48.2.1 Detailed signal descriptions.........................................................................................................................1269

48.3 Memory map and registers............................................................................................................................................1270

48.3.1 UART Baud Rate Registers: High (UARTx_BDH)....................................................................................1280

48.3.2 UART Baud Rate Registers: Low (UARTx_BDL).....................................................................................1281

48.3.3 UART Control Register 1 (UARTx_C1).....................................................................................................1282

48.3.4 UART Control Register 2 (UARTx_C2).....................................................................................................1283

48.3.5 UART Status Register 1 (UARTx_S1)........................................................................................................1285

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48.3.6 UART Status Register 2 (UARTx_S2)........................................................................................................1288

48.3.7 UART Control Register 3 (UARTx_C3).....................................................................................................1290

48.3.8 UART Data Register (UARTx_D)...............................................................................................................1291

48.3.9 UART Match Address Registers 1 (UARTx_MA1)....................................................................................1292

48.3.10 UART Match Address Registers 2 (UARTx_MA2)....................................................................................1293

48.3.11 UART Control Register 4 (UARTx_C4).....................................................................................................1293

48.3.12 UART Control Register 5 (UARTx_C5).....................................................................................................1294

48.3.13 UART Extended Data Register (UARTx_ED)............................................................................................1295

48.3.14 UART Modem Register (UARTx_MODEM).............................................................................................1296

48.3.15 UART Infrared Register (UARTx_IR)........................................................................................................1297

48.3.16 UART FIFO Parameters (UARTx_PFIFO).................................................................................................1298

48.3.17 UART FIFO Control Register (UARTx_CFIFO)........................................................................................1299

48.3.18 UART FIFO Status Register (UARTx_SFIFO)...........................................................................................1300

48.3.19 UART FIFO Transmit Watermark (UARTx_TWFIFO).............................................................................1301

48.3.20 UART FIFO Transmit Count (UARTx_TCFIFO).......................................................................................1302

48.3.21 UART FIFO Receive Watermark (UARTx_RWFIFO)...............................................................................1302

48.3.22 UART FIFO Receive Count (UARTx_RCFIFO)........................................................................................1303

48.3.23 UART 7816 Control Register (UARTx_C7816).........................................................................................1303

48.3.24 UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register (UARTx_IE7816)..........................................................................1305

48.3.25 UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register (UARTx_IS7816)............................................................................1306

48.3.26 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UARTx_WP7816T0).....................................................................1307

48.3.27 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UARTx_WP7816T1).....................................................................1308

48.3.28 UART 7816 Wait N Register (UARTx_WN7816)......................................................................................1308

48.3.29 UART 7816 Wait FD Register (UARTx_WF7816)....................................................................................1309

48.3.30 UART 7816 Error Threshold Register (UARTx_ET7816)..........................................................................1309

48.3.31 UART 7816 Transmit Length Register (UARTx_TL7816)........................................................................1310

48.3.32 UART CEA709.1-B Control Register 6 (UARTx_C6)...............................................................................1311

48.3.33 UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter High (UARTx_PCTH)..................................................1311

48.3.34 UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter Low (UARTx_PCTL)...................................................1312

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48.3.35 UART CEA709.1-B Beta1 Timer (UARTx_B1T)......................................................................................1312

48.3.36 UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer High (UARTx_SDTH)........................................................1313

48.3.37 UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer Low (UARTx_SDTL).........................................................1313

48.3.38 UART CEA709.1-B Preamble (UARTx_PRE)...........................................................................................1313

48.3.39 UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Packet Length (UARTx_TPL)....................................................................1314

48.3.40 UART CEA709.1-B Interrupt Enable Register (UARTx_IE).....................................................................1314

48.3.41 UART CEA709.1-B WBASE (UARTx_WB).............................................................................................1315

48.3.42 UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UARTx_S3).....................................................................................1316

48.3.43 UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UARTx_S4).....................................................................................1317

48.3.44 UART CEA709.1-B Received Packet Length (UARTx_RPL)...................................................................1318

48.3.45 UART CEA709.1-B Received Preamble Length (UARTx_RPREL)..........................................................1319

48.3.46 UART CEA709.1-B Collision Pulse Width (UARTx_CPW).....................................................................1319

48.3.47 UART CEA709.1-B Receive Indeterminate Time (UARTx_RIDT)...........................................................1319

48.3.48 UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Indeterminate Time (UARTx_TIDT).........................................................1320

48.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1320

48.4.1 CEA709.1-B.................................................................................................................................................1320

48.4.2 Transmitter...................................................................................................................................................1330

48.4.3 Receiver.......................................................................................................................................................1336

48.4.4 Baud rate generation....................................................................................................................................1345

48.4.5 Data format (non ISO-7816)........................................................................................................................1347

48.4.6 Single-wire operation...................................................................................................................................1350

48.4.7 Loop operation.............................................................................................................................................1351

48.4.8 ISO-7816/smartcard support........................................................................................................................1351

48.4.9 Infrared interface..........................................................................................................................................1356

48.5 Reset..............................................................................................................................................................................1357

48.6 System level interrupt sources......................................................................................................................................1357

48.6.1 RXEDGIF description..................................................................................................................................1358

48.7 DMA operation.............................................................................................................................................................1359

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48.8 Application information................................................................................................................................................1359

48.8.1 Transmit/receive data buffer operation........................................................................................................1359

48.8.2 ISO-7816 initialization sequence.................................................................................................................1360

48.8.3 Initialization sequence (non ISO-7816).......................................................................................................1362

48.8.4 Overrun (OR) flag implications...................................................................................................................1363

48.8.5 Overrun NACK considerations....................................................................................................................1364

48.8.6 Match address registers................................................................................................................................1365

48.8.7 Modem feature.............................................................................................................................................1365

48.8.8 IrDA minimum pulse width.........................................................................................................................1366

48.8.9 Clearing 7816 wait timer (WT, BWT, CWT) interrupts..............................................................................1366

48.8.10 Legacy and reverse compatibility considerations........................................................................................1367

Chapter 49
Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)
49.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1369

49.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................1369

49.1.2 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................1369

49.1.3 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................1370

49.2 External signals.............................................................................................................................................................1371

49.3 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................1371

49.3.1 SAI Transmit Control Register (I2Sx_TCSR).............................................................................................1373

49.3.2 SAI Transmit Configuration 1 Register (I2Sx_TCR1)................................................................................1376

49.3.3 SAI Transmit Configuration 2 Register (I2Sx_TCR2)................................................................................1376

49.3.4 SAI Transmit Configuration 3 Register (I2Sx_TCR3)................................................................................1378

49.3.5 SAI Transmit Configuration 4 Register (I2Sx_TCR4)................................................................................1379

49.3.6 SAI Transmit Configuration 5 Register (I2Sx_TCR5)................................................................................1380

49.3.7 SAI Transmit Data Register (I2Sx_TDRn)..................................................................................................1381

49.3.8 SAI Transmit FIFO Register (I2Sx_TFRn).................................................................................................1381

49.3.9 SAI Transmit Mask Register (I2Sx_TMR)..................................................................................................1382

49.3.10 SAI Receive Control Register (I2Sx_RCSR)...............................................................................................1383

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49.3.11 SAI Receive Configuration 1 Register (I2Sx_RCR1)..................................................................................1386

49.3.12 SAI Receive Configuration 2 Register (I2Sx_RCR2)..................................................................................1386

49.3.13 SAI Receive Configuration 3 Register (I2Sx_RCR3)..................................................................................1388

49.3.14 SAI Receive Configuration 4 Register (I2Sx_RCR4)..................................................................................1389

49.3.15 SAI Receive Configuration 5 Register (I2Sx_RCR5)..................................................................................1390

49.3.16 SAI Receive Data Register (I2Sx_RDRn)...................................................................................................1391

49.3.17 SAI Receive FIFO Register (I2Sx_RFRn)...................................................................................................1391

49.3.18 SAI Receive Mask Register (I2Sx_RMR)...................................................................................................1392

49.3.19 SAI MCLK Control Register (I2Sx_MCR).................................................................................................1392

49.3.20 SAI MCLK Divide Register (I2Sx_MDR)..................................................................................................1393

49.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1394

49.4.1 SAI clocking................................................................................................................................................1394

49.4.2 SAI resets.....................................................................................................................................................1395

49.4.3 Synchronous modes.....................................................................................................................................1396

49.4.4 Frame sync configuration.............................................................................................................................1397

49.4.5 Data FIFO....................................................................................................................................................1398

49.4.6 Word mask register......................................................................................................................................1399

49.4.7 Interrupts and DMA requests.......................................................................................................................1399

Chapter 50
General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
50.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1403

50.1.1 Features........................................................................................................................................................1403

50.1.2 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................1403

50.1.3 GPIO signal descriptions.............................................................................................................................1404

50.2 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................1405

50.2.1 Port Data Output Register (GPIOx_PDOR).................................................................................................1407

50.2.2 Port Set Output Register (GPIOx_PSOR)....................................................................................................1407

50.2.3 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOx_PCOR)................................................................................................1408

50.2.4 Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOx_PTOR).............................................................................................1408

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50.2.5 Port Data Input Register (GPIOx_PDIR).....................................................................................................1409

50.2.6 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOx_PDDR).............................................................................................1409

50.3 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1409

50.3.1 General-purpose input..................................................................................................................................1409

50.3.2 General-purpose output................................................................................................................................1410

Chapter 51
Touch sense input (TSI)
51.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1411

51.2 Features.........................................................................................................................................................................1411

51.3 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................................1412

51.3.1 Electrode capacitance measurement unit.....................................................................................................1412

51.3.2 Electrode scan unit.......................................................................................................................................1413

51.3.3 Touch detection unit.....................................................................................................................................1414

51.4 Modes of operation.......................................................................................................................................................1414

51.4.1 TSI disabled mode.......................................................................................................................................1415

51.4.2 TSI active mode...........................................................................................................................................1415

51.4.3 TSI low-power mode...................................................................................................................................1415

51.4.4 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................1416

51.5 TSI signal descriptions..................................................................................................................................................1417

51.5.1 TSI_IN[15:0]................................................................................................................................................1417

51.6 Memory map and register definition.............................................................................................................................1417

51.6.1 General Control and Status register (TSIx_GENCS)...................................................................................1418

51.6.2 SCAN Control register (TSIx_SCANC)......................................................................................................1422

51.6.3 Pin Enable register (TSIx_PEN)..................................................................................................................1424

51.6.4 Wake-Up Channel Counter Register (TSIx_WUCNTR).............................................................................1426

51.6.5 Counter Register (TSIx_CNTRn)................................................................................................................1426

51.6.6 Low-Power Channel Threshold register (TSIx_THRESHOLD).................................................................1427

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51.7 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1427

51.7.1 Capacitance measurement............................................................................................................................1427

51.7.2 TSI measurement result...............................................................................................................................1431

51.7.3 Electrode scan unit.......................................................................................................................................1432

51.7.4 Touch detection unit.....................................................................................................................................1435

51.8 Application information................................................................................................................................................1436

51.8.1 TSI module sensitivity.................................................................................................................................1436

51.9 TSI module initialization..............................................................................................................................................1436

51.9.1 Initialization sequence..................................................................................................................................1436

Chapter 52
JTAG Controller (JTAGC)
52.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................1437

52.1.1 Block diagram..............................................................................................................................................1437

52.1.2 Features........................................................................................................................................................1438

52.1.3 Modes of operation......................................................................................................................................1438

52.2 External signal description............................................................................................................................................1440

52.2.1 TCK—Test clock input................................................................................................................................1440

52.2.2 TDI—Test data input...................................................................................................................................1440

52.2.3 TDO—Test data output................................................................................................................................1440

52.2.4 TMS—Test mode select...............................................................................................................................1440

52.3 Register description......................................................................................................................................................1441

52.3.1 Instruction register.......................................................................................................................................1441

52.3.2 Bypass register.............................................................................................................................................1441

52.3.3 Device identification register.......................................................................................................................1441

52.3.4 Boundary scan register.................................................................................................................................1442

52.4 Functional description...................................................................................................................................................1443

52.4.1 JTAGC reset configuration..........................................................................................................................1443

52.4.2 IEEE 1149.1-2001 (JTAG) Test Access Port..............................................................................................1443

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52.4.3 TAP controller state machine.......................................................................................................................1443

52.4.4 JTAGC block instructions............................................................................................................................1445

52.4.5 Boundary scan..............................................................................................................................................1448

52.5 Initialization/Application information..........................................................................................................................1448

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Chapter 1
About This Document

1.1 Overview

1.1.1 Purpose
This document describes the features, architecture, and programming model of the
Freescale K20 microcontroller.

1.1.2 Audience
This document is primarily for system architects and software application developers
who are using or considering using the K20 microcontroller in a system.

1.2 Conventions

1.2.1 Numbering systems

The following suffixes identify different numbering systems:
This suffix Identifies a
b Binary number. For example, the binary equivalent of the
number 5 is written 101b. In some cases, binary numbers are
shown with the prefix 0b.
d Decimal number. Decimal numbers are followed by this suffix
only when the possibility of confusion exists. In general,
decimal numbers are shown without a suffix.
h Hexadecimal number. For example, the hexadecimal
equivalent of the number 60 is written 3Ch. In some cases,
hexadecimal numbers are shown with the prefix 0x.

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1.2.2 Typographic notation

The following typographic notation is used throughout this document:
Example Description
placeholder, x Items in italics are placeholders for information that you provide. Italicized text is also used for
the titles of publications and for emphasis. Plain lowercase letters are also used as
placeholders for single letters and numbers.
code Fixed-width type indicates text that must be typed exactly as shown. It is used for instruction
mnemonics, directives, symbols, subcommands, parameters, and operators. Fixed-width type
is also used for example code. Instruction mnemonics and directives in text and tables are
shown in all caps; for example, BSR.
SR[SCM] A mnemonic in brackets represents a named field in a register. This example refers to the
Scaling Mode (SCM) field in the Status Register (SR).
REVNO[6:4], XAD[7:0] Numbers in brackets and separated by a colon represent either:
• A subset of a register's named field
For example, REVNO[6:4] refers to bits 6–4 that are part of the COREREV field that
occupies bits 6–0 of the REVNO register.
• A continuous range of individual signals of a bus
For example, XAD[7:0] refers to signals 7–0 of the XAD bus.

1.2.3 Special terms

The following terms have special meanings:
Term Meaning
asserted Refers to the state of a signal as follows:
• An active-high signal is asserted when high (1).
• An active-low signal is asserted when low (0).
deasserted Refers to the state of a signal as follows:
• An active-high signal is deasserted when low (0).
• An active-low signal is deasserted when high (1).

In some cases, deasserted signals are described as negated.

reserved Refers to a memory space, register, or field that is either
reserved for future use or for which, when written to, the
module or chip behavior is unpredictable.

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Chapter 2

2.1 Overview
This chapter provides high-level descriptions of the modules available on the devices
covered by this document.

2.2 Module Functional Categories

The modules on this device are grouped into functional categories. The following
sections describe the modules assigned to each category in more detail.
Table 2-1. Module functional categories
Module category Description
ARM Cortex-M4 core • 32-bit MCU core from ARM’s Cortex-M class adding DSP instructions, 1.25
DMIPS/MHz, based on ARMv7 architecture
System • System integration module
• Power management and mode controllers
• Multiple power modes available based on run, wait, stop, and power-
down modes
• Low-leakage wakeup unit
• Miscellaneous control module
• Crossbar switch
• Peripheral bridge
• Direct memory access (DMA) controller with multiplexer to increase available
DMA requests
• External watchdog monitor
• Watchdog
Memories • Internal memories include:
• Program flash memory
• FlexMemory
• FlexNVM
• FlexRAM
• External memory or peripheral bus interface: FlexBus
• Serial programming interface: EzPort

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Module Functional Categories

Table 2-1. Module functional categories (continued)

Module category Description
Clocks • Multiple clock generation options available from internally- and externally-
generated clocks
• System oscillator to provide clock source for the MCU
• RTC oscillator to provide clock source for the RTC
Security • Cyclic Redundancy Check module for error detection
Analog • High speed analog-to-digital converter with integrated programmable gain
• Comparator
• Digital-to-analog converter
• Internal voltage reference
Timers • Programmable delay block
• FlexTimers
• Periodic interrupt timer
• Low power timer
• Carrier modulator transmitter
• Independent real time clock
Communications • USB OTG controller with built-in FS/LS transceiver
• USB device charger detect
• USB voltage regulator
• Serial peripheral interface
• Inter-integrated circuit (I2C)
• Integrated interchip sound (I2S)
Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) • General purpose input/output controller
• Capacitive touch sense input interface enabled in hardware

2.2.1 ARM Cortex-M4 Core Modules

The following core modules are available on this device.
Table 2-2. Core modules
Module Description
ARM Cortex-M4 The ARM Cortex-M4 is the newest member of the Cortex M Series of processors
targeting microcontroller cores focused on very cost sensitive, deterministic,
interrupt driven environments. The Cortex M4 processor is based on the ARMv7
Architecture and Thumb®-2 ISA and is upward compatible with the Cortex M3,
Cortex M1, and Cortex M0 architectures. Cortex M4 improvements include an
ARMv7 Thumb-2 DSP (ported from the ARMv7-A/R profile architectures) providing
32-bit instructions with SIMD (single instruction multiple data) DSP style multiply-
accumulates and saturating arithmetic.

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Chapter 2 Introduction

Table 2-2. Core modules (continued)

Module Description
NVIC The ARMv7-M exception model and nested-vectored interrupt controller (NVIC)
implement a relocatable vector table supporting many external interrupts, a single
non-maskable interrupt (NMI), and priority levels.
The NVIC replaces shadow registers with equivalent system and simplified
programmability. The NVIC contains the address of the function to execute for a
particular handler. The address is fetched via the instruction port allowing parallel
register stacking and look-up. The first sixteen entries are allocated to ARM
internal sources with the others mapping to MCU-defined interrupts.
AWIC The primary function of the Asynchronous Wake-up Interrupt Controller (AWIC) is
to detect asynchronous wake-up events in stop modes and signal to clock control
logic to resume system clocking. After clock restart, the NVIC observes the
pending interrupt and performs the normal interrupt or event processing.
Debug interfaces Most of this device's debug is based on the ARM CoreSight™ architecture. Four
debug interfaces are supported:
• IEEE 1149.1 JTAG
• IEEE 1149.7 JTAG (cJTAG)
• Serial Wire Debug (SWD)
• ARM Real-Time Trace Interface

2.2.2 System Modules

The following system modules are available on this device.
Table 2-3. System modules
Module Description
System integration module (SIM) The SIM includes integration logic and several module configuration settings.
System mode controller The SMC provides control and protection on entry and exit to each power mode,
control for the Power management controller (PMC), and reset entry and exit for
the complete MCU.
Power management controller (PMC) The PMC provides the user with multiple power options. Ten different modes are
supported that allow the user to optimize power consumption for the level of
functionality needed. Includes power-on-reset (POR) and integrated low voltage
detect (LVD) with reset (brownout) capability and selectable LVD trip points.
Low-leakage wakeup unit (LLWU) The LLWU module allows the device to wake from low leakage power modes (LLS
and VLLS) through various internal peripheral and external pin sources.
Miscellaneous control module (MCM) The MCM includes integration logic and embedded trace buffer details.
Crossbar switch (XBS) The XBS connects bus masters and bus slaves, allowing all bus masters to access
different bus slaves simultaneously and providing arbitration among the bus
masters when they access the same slave.
Peripheral bridges The peripheral bridge converts the crossbar switch interface to an interface to
access a majority of peripherals on the device.
DMA multiplexer (DMAMUX) The DMA multiplexer selects from many DMA requests down to a smaller number
for the DMA controller.

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Module Functional Categories

Table 2-3. System modules (continued)

Module Description
Direct memory access (DMA) controller The DMA controller provides programmable channels with transfer control
descriptors for data movement via dual-address transfers for 8-, 16-, 32- and 128-
bit data values.
External watchdog monitor (EWM) The EWM is a redundant mechanism to the software watchdog module that
monitors both internal and external system operation for fail conditions.
Software watchdog (WDOG) The WDOG monitors internal system operation and forces a reset in case of
failure. It can run from an independent 1 KHz low power oscillator with a
programmable refresh window to detect deviations in program flow or system

2.2.3 Memories and Memory Interfaces

The following memories and memory interfaces are available on this device.
Table 2-4. Memories and memory interfaces
Module Description
Flash memory • Program flash memory — non-volatile flash memory that can execute
program code
• FlexMemory — encompasses the following memory types:
• FlexNVM — Non-volatile flash memory that can execute program
code, store data, or backup EEPROM data
• FlexRAM — RAM memory that can be used as traditional RAM or as
high-endurance EEPROM storage, and also accelerates flash
Flash memory controller Manages the interface between the device and the on-chip flash memory.
SRAM Internal system RAM. Partial SRAM kept powered in VLLS2 low leakage mode.
SRAM controller Manages simultaneous accesses to system RAM by multiple master peripherals
and core.
System register file 32-byte register file that is accessible during all power modes and is powered by
VBAT register file 32-byte register file that is accessible during all power modes and is powered by
Serial programming interface (EzPort) Same serial interface as, and subset of, the command set used by industry-
standard SPI flash memories. Provides the ability to read, erase, and program
flash memory and reset command to boot the system after flash programming.
FlexBus External bus interface with multiple independent, user-programmable chip-select
signals that can interface with external SRAM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, flash,
and other peripherals via 8-, 16- and 32-bit port sizes. Configurations include
multiplexed or non-multiplexed address and data buses using 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit,
and 16-byte line-sized transfers.

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Chapter 2 Introduction

2.2.4 Clocks
The following clock modules are available on this device.
Table 2-5. Clock modules
Module Description
Multi-clock generator (MCG) The MCG provides several clock sources for the MCU that include:
• Phase-locked loop (PLL) — Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)
• Frequency-locked loop (FLL) — Digitally-controlled oscillator (DCO)
• Internal reference clocks — Can be used as a clock source for other on-chip
System oscillator The system oscillator, in conjunction with an external crystal or resonator,
generates a reference clock for the MCU.
Real-time clock oscillator The RTC oscillator has an independent power supply and supports a 32 kHz
crystal oscillator to feed the RTC clock. Optionally, the RTC oscillator can replace
the system oscillator as the main oscillator source.

2.2.5 Security and Integrity modules

The following security and integrity modules are available on this device:
Table 2-6. Security and integrity modules
Module Description
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Hardware CRC generator circuit using 16/32-bit shift register. Error detection for all
single, double, odd, and most multi-bit errors, programmable initial seed value, and
optional feature to transpose input data and CRC result via transpose register.

2.2.6 Analog modules

The following analog modules are available on this device:
Table 2-7. Analog modules
Module Description
16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADC) 16-bit successive-approximation ADC designed with integrated programmable gain
and programmable-gain amplifiers amplifiers (PGA)
Analog comparators Compares two analog input voltages across the full range of the supply voltage.
6-bit digital-to-analog converters (DAC) 64-tap resistor ladder network which provides a selectable voltage reference for
applications where voltage reference is needed.
12-bit digital-to-analog converters (DAC) Low-power general-purpose DAC, whose output can be placed on an external pin
or set as one of the inputs to the analog comparator or ADC.

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Module Functional Categories

Table 2-7. Analog modules (continued)

Module Description
Voltage reference (VREF) Supplies an accurate voltage output that is trimmable in 0.5 mV steps. The VREF
can be used in medical applications, such as glucose meters, to provide a
reference voltage to biosensors or as a reference to analog peripherals, such as
the ADC, DAC, or CMP.

2.2.7 Timer modules

The following timer modules are available on this device:
Table 2-8. Timer modules
Module Description
Programmable delay block (PDB) • 16-bit resolution
• 3-bit prescaler
• Positive transition of trigger event signal initiates the counter
• Supports two triggered delay output signals, each with an independently-
controlled delay from the trigger event
• Outputs can be OR'd together to schedule two conversions from one input
trigger event and can schedule precise edge placement for a pulsed output.
This feature is used to generate the control signal for the CMP windowing
feature and output to a package pin if needed for applications, such as
critical conductive mode power factor correction.
• Continuous-pulse output or single-shot mode supported, each output is
independently enabled, with possible trigger events
• Supports bypass mode
• Supports DMA
Flexible timer modules (FTM) • Selectable FTM source clock, programmable prescaler
• 16-bit counter supporting free-running or initial/final value, and counting is up
or up-down
• Input capture, output compare, and edge-aligned and center-aligned PWM
• Operation of FTM channels as pairs with equal outputs, pairs with
complimentary outputs, or independent channels with independent outputs
• Deadtime insertion is available for each complementary pair
• Generation of hardware triggers
• Software control of PWM outputs
• Up to 4 fault inputs for global fault control
• Configurable channel polarity
• Programmable interrupt on input capture, reference compare, overflowed
counter, or detected fault condition
• Quadrature decoder with input filters, relative position counting, and interrupt
on position count or capture of position count on external event
• DMA support for FTM events
Periodic interrupt timers (PIT) • Four general purpose interrupt timers
• Interrupt timers for triggering ADC conversions
• 32-bit counter resolution
• Clocked by system clock frequency
• DMA support

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Chapter 2 Introduction

Table 2-8. Timer modules (continued)

Module Description
Low-power timer (LPTimer) • Selectable clock for prescaler/glitch filter of 1 kHz (internal LPO), 32.768 kHz
(external crystal), or internal reference clock
• Configurable Glitch Filter or Prescaler with 16-bit counter
• 16-bit time or pulse counter with compare
• Interrupt generated on Timer Compare
• Hardware trigger generated on Timer Compare
Carrier modulator timer (CMT) • Four CMT modes of operation:
• Time with independent control of high and low times
• Baseband
• Frequency shift key (FSK)
• Direct software control of CMT_IRO pin
• Extended space operation in time, baseband, and FSK modes
• Selectable input clock divider
• Interrupt on end of cycle with the ability to disable CMT_IRO pin and use as
timer interrupt
• DMA support
Real-time clock (RTC) • Independent power supply, POR, and 32 kHz Crystal Oscillator
• 32-bit seconds counter with 32-bit Alarm
• 16-bit Prescaler with compensation that can correct errors between 0.12 ppm
and 3906 ppm

2.2.8 Communication interfaces

The following communication interfaces are available on this device:
Table 2-9. Communication modules
Module Description
USB OTG (low-/full-speed) USB 2.0 compliant module with support for host, device, and On-The-Go modes.
Includes an on-chip transceiver for full and low speeds.
USB Device Charger Detect (USBDCD) The USBDCD monitors the USB data lines to detect a smart charger meeting the
USB Battery Charging Specification Rev1.1. This information allows the MCU to
better manage the battery charging IC in a portable device.
USB voltage regulator Up to 5 V regulator input typically provided by USB VBUS power with 3.3 V
regulated output that powers on-chip USB subsystem, capable of sourcing 120 mA
to external board components.
Controller Area Network (CAN) Supports the full implementation of the CAN Specification Version 2.0, Part B
Serial peripheral interface (SPI) Synchronous serial bus for communication to an external device
Inter-integrated circuit (I2C) Allows communication between a number of devices. Also supports the System
Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, version 2.
Universal asynchronous receiver/ Asynchronous serial bus communication interface with programmable 8- or 9-bit
transmitters (UART) data format and support of CEA709.1-B (LON), ISO 7816 smart card interface
I2S The I2S is a full-duplex, serial port that allows the chip to communicate with a
variety of serial devices, such as standard codecs, digital signal processors
(DSPs), microprocessors, peripherals, and audio codecs that implement the inter-
IC sound bus (I2S) and the Intel® AC97 standards

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Orderable part numbers

2.2.9 Human-machine interfaces

The following human-machine interfaces (HMI) are available on this device:
Table 2-10. HMI modules
Module Description
General purpose input/output (GPIO) All general purpose input or output (GPIO) pins are capable of interrupt and DMA
request generation. All GPIO pins have 5 V tolerance.
Capacitive touch sense input (TSI) Contains up to 16 channel inputs for capacitive touch sensing applications.
Operation is available in low-power modes via interrupts.

2.3 Orderable part numbers

The following table summarizes the part numbers of the devices covered by this
Table 2-11. Orderable part numbers summary
Freescale part number CPU Pin Package Total Program EEPROM SRAM GPIO
count flash flash
MK20DX128VLL7 72 MHz 100 LQFP 160 KB 128 KB 2 KB 32 KB 66
MK20DX256VLL7 72 MHz 100 LQFP 288 KB 256 KB 2 KB 64 KB 66
MK20DX64VMC7 72 MHz 121 MAPBGA 96 KB 64 KB 2 KB 16 KB 70
MK20DX128VMC7 72 MHz 121 MAPBGA 160 KB 128 KB 2 KB 32 KB 70
MK20DX256VMC7 72 MHz 121 MAPBGA 288 KB 256 KB 2 KB 64 KB 70

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Chapter 3
Chip Configuration

3.1 Introduction
This chapter provides details on the individual modules of the microcontroller. It
• module block diagrams showing immediate connections within the device,
• specific module-to-module interactions not necessarily discussed in the individual
module chapters, and
• links for more information.

3.2 Core modules

3.2.1 ARM Cortex-M4 Core Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. Full
documentation for this module is provided by ARM and can be found at www.arm.com.

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Core modules

Debug Interrupts


PPB Modules
Crossbar ARM Cortex-M4
switch Core

Figure 3-1. Core configuration

Table 3-1. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description ARM Cortex-M4 core, ARM Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
System/instruction/data Crossbar switch Crossbar switch
bus module
System/instruction/data SRAM SRAM
bus module
Debug IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Debug
IEEE 1149.7 JTAG
Serial Wire Debug
ARM Real-Time Trace
Interrupts Nested Vectored NVIC
Interrupt Controller
Private Peripheral Bus Miscellaneous Control MCM
(PPB) module Module (MCM) Buses, interconnects, and interfaces

The ARM Cortex-M4 core has four buses as described in the following table.
Bus name Description
Instruction code (ICODE) bus The ICODE and DCODE buses are muxed. This muxed bus is called the CODE bus and is
connected to the crossbar switch via a single master port. In addition, the CODE bus is also
Data code (DCODE) bus
tightly coupled to the lower half of the system RAM (SRAM_L).

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

Bus name Description

System bus The system bus is connected to a separate master port on the crossbar. In addition, the
system bus is tightly coupled to the upper half system RAM (SRAM_U).
Private peripheral (PPB) bus The PPB provides access to these modules:
• ARM modules such as the NVIC, ITM, DWT, FBP, and ROM table
• Freescale Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) System Tick Timer

The System Tick Timer's clock source is always the core clock, FCLK. This results in the
• The CLKSOURCE bit in SysTick Control and Status register is always set to select
the core clock.
• Because the timing reference (FCLK) is a variable frequency, the TENMS bit in the
SysTick Calibration Value Register is always zero.
• The NOREF bit in SysTick Calibration Value Register is always set, implying that
FCLK is the only available source of reference timing. Debug facilities

This device has extensive debug capabilities including run control and tracing
capabilities. The standard ARM debug port that supports JTAG and SWD interfaces.
Also the cJTAG interface is supported on this device. Core privilege levels

The ARM documentation uses different terms than this document to distinguish between
privilege levels.
If you see this term... it also means this term...
Privileged Supervisor
Unprivileged or user User

3.2.2 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. Full
documentation for this module is provided by ARM and can be found at www.arm.com.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 63
Core modules


ARM Cortex-M4
PPB Nested Vectored

Interrupt Controller

Figure 3-2. NVIC configuration

Table 3-2. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Nested Vectored ARM Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual
Interrupt Controller
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Private Peripheral Bus ARM Cortex-M4 core ARM Cortex-M4 core
(PPB) Interrupt priority levels

This device supports 16 priority levels for interrupts. Therefore, in the NVIC each source
in the IPR registers contains 4 bits. For example, IPR0 is shown below:

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
W Non-maskable interrupt

The non-maskable interrupt request to the NVIC is controlled by the external NMI signal.
The pin the NMI signal is multiplexed on, must be configured for the NMI function to
generate the non-maskable interrupt request. Interrupt channel assignments

The interrupt source assignments are defined in the following table.

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

• Vector number — the value stored on the stack when an interrupt is serviced.
• IRQ number — non-core interrupt source count, which is the vector number minus
The IRQ number is used within ARM's NVIC documentation.
Table 3-4. Interrupt vector assignments
Address Vector IRQ1 NVIC NVIC Source module Source description
register register
number number
2 3

ARM Core System Handler Vectors

0x0000_0000 0 – – – ARM core Initial Stack Pointer
0x0000_0004 1 – – – ARM core Initial Program Counter
0x0000_0008 2 – – – ARM core Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI)
0x0000_000C 3 – – – ARM core Hard Fault
0x0000_0010 4 – – – ARM core MemManage Fault
0x0000_0014 5 – – – ARM core Bus Fault
0x0000_0018 6 – – – ARM core Usage Fault
0x0000_001C 7 – – – — —
0x0000_0020 8 – – – — —
0x0000_0024 9 – – – — —
0x0000_0028 10 – – – — —
0x0000_002C 11 – – – ARM core Supervisor call (SVCall)
0x0000_0030 12 – – – ARM core Debug Monitor
0x0000_0034 13 – – – — —
0x0000_0038 14 – – – ARM core Pendable request for system service
0x0000_003C 15 – – – ARM core System tick timer (SysTick)
Non-Core Vectors
0x0000_0040 16 0 0 0 DMA DMA channel 0 transfer complete
0x0000_0044 17 1 0 0 DMA DMA channel 1 transfer complete
0x0000_0048 18 2 0 0 DMA DMA channel 2 transfer complete
0x0000_004C 19 3 0 0 DMA DMA channel 3 transfer complete
0x0000_0050 20 4 0 1 DMA DMA channel 4 transfer complete
0x0000_0054 21 5 0 1 DMA DMA channel 5 transfer complete
0x0000_0058 22 6 0 1 DMA DMA channel 6 transfer complete
0x0000_005C 23 7 0 1 DMA DMA channel 7 transfer complete
0x0000_0060 24 8 0 2 DMA DMA channel 8 transfer complete
0x0000_0064 25 9 0 2 DMA DMA channel 9 transfer complete
0x0000_0068 26 10 0 2 DMA DMA channel 10 transfer complete

Table continues on the next page...

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Core modules

Table 3-4. Interrupt vector assignments (continued)

Address Vector IRQ1 NVIC NVIC Source module Source description
register register
number number
2 3

0x0000_006C 27 11 0 2 DMA DMA channel 11 transfer complete

0x0000_0070 28 12 0 3 DMA DMA channel 12 transfer complete
0x0000_0074 29 13 0 3 DMA DMA channel 13 transfer complete
0x0000_0078 30 14 0 3 DMA DMA channel 14 transfer complete
0x0000_007C 31 15 0 3 DMA DMA channel 15 transfer complete
0x0000_0080 32 16 0 4 DMA DMA error interrupt channels 0-15
0x0000_0084 33 17 0 4 – –
0x0000_0088 34 18 0 4 Flash memory Command complete
0x0000_008C 35 19 0 4 Flash memory Read collision
0x0000_0090 36 20 0 5 Mode Controller Low-voltage detect, low-voltage warning
0x0000_0094 37 21 0 5 LLWU Low Leakage Wakeup
NOTE: The LLWU interrupt must not be
masked by the interrupt
controller to avoid a scenario
where the system does not fully
exit stop mode on an LLS
0x0000_0098 38 22 0 5 WDOG or EWM Both watchdog modules share this
0x0000_009C 39 23 0 5 — —
0x0000_00A0 40 24 0 6 I2C0 —
0x0000_00A4 41 25 0 6 I2C1 —
0x0000_00A8 42 26 0 6 SPI0 Single interrupt vector for all sources
0x0000_00AC 43 27 0 6 SPI1 Single interrupt vector for all sources
0x0000_00B0 44 28 0 7 — —
0x0000_00B4 45 29 0 7 CAN0 OR'ed Message buffer (0-15)
0x0000_00B8 46 30 0 7 CAN0 Bus Off
0x0000_00BC 47 31 0 7 CAN0 Error
0x0000_00C0 48 32 1 8 CAN0 Transmit Warning
0x0000_00C4 49 33 1 8 CAN0 Receive Warning
0x0000_00C8 50 34 1 8 CAN0 Wake Up
0x0000_00CC 51 35 1 8 I2S0 Transmit
0x0000_00D0 52 36 1 9 I2S0 Receive
0x0000_00D4 53 37 1 9 — —
0x0000_00D8 54 38 1 9 — —
0x0000_00DC 55 39 1 9 — —
0x0000_00E0 56 40 1 10 — —
0x0000_00E4 57 41 1 10 — —
0x0000_00E8 58 42 1 10 — —

Table continues on the next page...

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Table 3-4. Interrupt vector assignments (continued)

Address Vector IRQ1 NVIC NVIC Source module Source description
register register
number number
2 3

0x0000_00EC 59 43 1 10 — —
0x0000_00F0 60 44 1 11 UART0 Single interrupt vector for UART LON
0x0000_00F4 61 45 1 11 UART0 Single interrupt vector for UART status
0x0000_00F8 62 46 1 11 UART0 Single interrupt vector for UART error
0x0000_00FC 63 47 1 11 UART1 Single interrupt vector for UART status
0x0000_0100 64 48 1 12 UART1 Single interrupt vector for UART error
0x0000_0104 65 49 1 12 UART2 Single interrupt vector for UART status
0x0000_0108 66 50 1 12 UART2 Single interrupt vector for UART error
0x0000_010C 67 51 1 12 UART3 Single interrupt vector for UART status
0x0000_0110 68 52 1 13 UART3 Single interrupt vector for UART error
0x0000_0114 69 53 1 13 UART4 Single interrupt vector for UART status
0x0000_0118 70 54 1 13 UART4 Single interrupt vector for UART error
0x0000_011C 71 55 1 13 — —
0x0000_0120 72 56 1 14 — —
0x0000_0124 73 57 1 14 ADC0 —
0x0000_0128 74 58 1 14 ADC1 —
0x0000_012C 75 59 1 14 CMP0 —
0x0000_0130 76 60 1 15 CMP1 —
0x0000_0134 77 61 1 15 CMP2 —
0x0000_0138 78 62 1 15 FTM0 Single interrupt vector for all sources
0x0000_013C 79 63 1 15 FTM1 Single interrupt vector for all sources
0x0000_0140 80 64 2 16 FTM2 Single interrupt vector for all sources
0x0000_0144 81 65 2 16 CMT —
0x0000_0148 82 66 2 16 RTC Alarm interrupt
0x0000_014C 83 67 2 16 RTC Seconds interrupt
0x0000_0150 84 68 2 17 PIT Channel 0
0x0000_0154 85 69 2 17 PIT Channel 1
0x0000_0158 86 70 2 17 PIT Channel 2
0x0000_015C 87 71 2 17 PIT Channel 3

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Core modules

Table 3-4. Interrupt vector assignments (continued)

Address Vector IRQ1 NVIC NVIC Source module Source description
register register
number number
2 3

0x0000_0160 88 72 2 18 PDB —
0x0000_0164 89 73 2 18 USB OTG —
0x0000_0168 90 74 2 18 USB Charger —
0x0000_016C 91 75 2 18 — —
0x0000_0170 92 76 2 19 — —
0x0000_0174 93 77 2 19 — —
0x0000_0178 94 78 2 19 — —
0x0000_017C 95 79 2 19 — —
0x0000_0180 96 80 2 20 — —
0x0000_0184 97 81 2 20 DAC0 —
0x0000_0188 98 82 2 20 — —
0x0000_018C 99 83 2 20 TSI Single interrupt vector for all sources
0x0000_0190 100 84 2 21 MCG —
0x0000_0194 101 85 2 21 Low Power Timer —
0x0000_0198 102 86 2 21 — —
0x0000_019C 103 87 2 21 Port control module Pin detect (Port A)
0x0000_01A0 104 88 2 22 Port control module Pin detect (Port B)
0x0000_01A4 105 89 2 22 Port control module Pin detect (Port C)
0x0000_01A8 106 90 2 22 Port control module Pin detect (Port D)
0x0000_01AC 107 91 2 22 Port control module Pin detect (Port E)
0x0000_01B0 108 92 2 23 — —
0x0000_01B4 109 93 2 23 — —
0x0000_01B8 110 94 2 23 Software Software interrupt4

1. Indicates the NVIC's interrupt source number.

2. Indicates the NVIC's ISER, ICER, ISPR, ICPR, and IABR register number used for this IRQ. The equation to calculate this
value is: IRQ div 32
3. Indicates the NVIC's IPR register number used for this IRQ. The equation to calculate this value is: IRQ div 4
4. This interrupt can only be pended or cleared via the NVIC registers. Determining the bitfield and register location for configuring a

particular interrupt
Suppose you need to configure the low-power timer (LPTMR) interrupt. The following
table is an excerpt of the LPTMR row from Interrupt channel assignments.

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

Table 3-5. LPTMR interrupt vector assignment

Address Vector IRQ1 NVIC NVIC Source module Source description
register register
number number
2 3

0x0000_0194 101 85 2 21 Low Power Timer —

1. Indicates the NVIC's interrupt source number.

2. Indicates the NVIC's ISER, ICER, ISPR, ICPR, and IABR register number used for this IRQ. The equation to calculate this
value is: IRQ div 32
3. Indicates the NVIC's IPR register number used for this IRQ. The equation to calculate this value is: IRQ div 4

• The NVIC registers you would use to configure the interrupts are:
• To determine the particular IRQ's bitfield location within these particular registers:
location = IRQ mod 32 = 21
• NVICIPR21 bitfield starting location = 8 * (IRQ mod 4) + 4 = 12
Since the NVICIPR bitfields are 4-bit wide (16 priority levels), the NVICIPR21
bitfield range is 12-15

Therefore, the following bitfield locations are used to configure the LPTMR interrupts:
• NVICIPR21[15:12]

3.2.3 Asynchronous Wake-up Interrupt Controller (AWIC)

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. Full
documentation for this module is provided by ARM and can be found at www.arm.com.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 69
Core modules

Clock logic


interrupt controller
Nested vectored

Wake-up Interrupt
Controller (AWIC)

Figure 3-3. Asynchronous Wake-up Interrupt Controller configuration

Table 3-6. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Nested Vectored NVIC
Interrupt Controller
Wake-up requests AWIC wake-up sources Wake-up sources

The device uses the following internal and external inputs to the AWIC module.
Table 3-7. AWIC Stop and VLPS Wake-up Sources
Wake-up source Description
Available system resets RESET pin and WDOG when LPO is its clock source, and JTAG
Low-voltage detect Mode Controller
Low-voltage warning Mode Controller
Pin interrupts Port Control Module - Any enabled pin interrupt is capable of waking the system
ADCx The ADC is functional when using internal clock source
CMPx Since no system clocks are available, functionality is limited
I2C Address match wakeup
UART Active edge on RXD
USB Wakeup
LPTMR Functional in Stop/VLPS modes
RTC Functional in Stop/VLPS modes
I2S Functional when using an external bit clock or external master clock

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

3.2.4 JTAG Controller Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

Signal multiplexing
JTAG controller

Figure 3-4. JTAGC Controller configuration

Table 3-8. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description JTAGC JTAGC
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing

3.3 System modules

3.3.1 SIM Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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System modules



System integration
module (SIM)

Figure 3-5. SIM configuration

Table 3-9. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description SIM SIM
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management

3.3.2 System Mode Controller (SMC) Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

Power Management
Controller (PMC)

System Mode
Controller (SMC)

Figure 3-6. System Mode Controller configuration

Table 3-10. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description System Mode SMC
Controller (SMC)
System memory map System memory map
Power management Power management

Table continues on the next page...

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Table 3-10. Reference links to related information (continued)

Topic Related module Reference
Power management PMC
controller (PMC)
Low-Leakage Wakeup LLWU
Unit (LLWU)
Reset Control Module Reset

3.3.3 PMC Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

Register access

Controller (SMC)
System Mode

Module Module
Wakeup Unit

signals Power Management signals

Controller (PMC)

Figure 3-7. PMC configuration

Table 3-11. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description PMC PMC
System memory map System memory map
Power management Power management
Full description System Mode System Mode Controller
Controller (SMC)
Low-Leakage Wakeup LLWU
Unit (LLWU)
Reset Control Module Reset

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System modules

3.3.4 Low-Leakage Wake-up Unit (LLWU) Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
bridge 0

Power Management
Controller (PMC)

Low-Leakage Wake-up Module

Unit (LLWU)

Figure 3-8. Low-Leakage Wake-up Unit configuration

Table 3-12. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description LLWU LLWU
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management chapter
Power Management Power Management Controller (PMC)
Controller (PMC)
Mode Controller Mode Controller
Wake-up requests LLWU wake-up sources Wake-up Sources

This chip uses the following internal peripheral and external pin inputs as wakeup
sources to the LLWU module:
• LLWU_P0-15 are external pin inputs. Any digital function multiplexed on the pin
can be selected as the wakeup source. See the chip's signal multiplexing table for the
digital signal options.
• LLWU_M0IF-M7IF are connections to the internal peripheral interrupt flags.
RESET is also a wakeup source, depending on the bit setting in
the LLWU_RST register. On devices where RESET is not a
dedicated pin, it must also be enabled in the explicit port mux

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

Table 3-13. Wakeup sources for LLWU inputs

Input Wakeup source Input Wakeup source
LLWU_P3 PTA4/LLWU_P3 pin1 LLWU_P15 PTD6/LLWU_P15 pin
LLWU_P10 PTC6/LLWU_P10 pin LLWU_M6IF Reserved
LLWU_P11 PTC11/LLWU_P11 pin LLWU_M7IF RTC Seconds2

1. The EZP_CS signal is checked only on Chip Reset not VLLS, so a VLLS wakeup via a non-reset source does not cause
EzPort mode entry. If NMI was enabled on entry to LLS/VLLS, asserting the NMI pin generates an NMI interrupt on exit
from the low power mode. NMI can also be disabled via the FOPT[NMI_DIS] bit.
2. Requires the peripheral and the peripheral interrupt to be enabled. The LLWU's WUME bit enables the internal module flag
as a wakeup input. After wakeup, the flags are cleared based on the peripheral clearing mechanism.

3.3.5 MCM Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
ARM Cortex-M4

PPB Miscellaneous

Control Module

Figure 3-9. MCM configuration

Table 3-14. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Miscellaneous control MCM
module (MCM)
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clocking
Power management Power mangement
Transfers ARM Cortex-M0 core ARM Cortex-M0 core
Private Peripheral Bus

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System modules

3.3.6 Crossbar Switch Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

Table 3-15. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Crossbar switch Crossbar Switch
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Crossbar switch master ARM Cortex-M4 core ARM Cortex-M4 core
Crossbar switch master DMA controller DMA controller
Crossbar switch master EzPort EzPort
Crossbar switch master USB FS/LS USB FS/LS
Crossbar switch slave Flash Flash
Crossbar switch slave SRAM backdoor SRAM backdoor
Crossbar switch slave Peripheral bridges Peripheral bridge
Crossbar switch slave GPIO controller GPIO controller
Crossbar switch slave FlexBus FlexBus Crossbar Switch Master Assignments

The masters connected to the crossbar switch are assigned as follows:
Master module Master port number
ARM core code bus 0
ARM core system bus 1
DMA/EzPort 2

The DMA and EzPort share a master port. Since these modules
never operate at the same time, no configuration or arbitration
explanations are necessary.

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Crossbar Switch Slave Assignments

The slaves connected to the crossbar switch are assigned as follows:
Slave module Slave port number
Flash memory controller 0
SRAM backdoor 1
Peripheral bridge 01 2
Peripheral bridge 1/GPIO1 3
FlexBus 4

1. See System memory map for access restrictions. PRS register reset values

The AXBS_PRSn registers reset to 0000_3210h.

3.3.7 Peripheral Bridge Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
Crossbar switch

Transfers Transfers
peripheral bridge

Figure 3-10. Peripheral bridge configuration

Table 3-16. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Peripheral bridge Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite)
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Crossbar switch Crossbar switch Crossbar switch Number of peripheral bridges

This device contains two identical peripheral bridges.

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System modules Memory maps

The peripheral bridges are used to access the registers of most of the modules on this
device. See AIPS0 Memory Map and AIPS1 Memory Map for the memory slot
assignment for each module. MPRA register

Each of the two peripheral bridges supports up to 8 crossbar switch masters, each
assigned to a MPROTx field in the MPRA register. However, fewer are supported on this
device. See Crossbar switch for details of the master port assignments for this device. AIPS_Lite MPRA register reset value

• AIPSx_MPRA reset value is 0x7770_0000
Therefore, masters 0, 1, and 2 are trusted bus masters after reset. PACR registers

Each of the two peripheral bridges support up to 128 peripherals each assigned to an
PACRx field within the PACRA-PACRP registers. However, fewer peripherals are
supported on this device. See AIPS0 Memory MapandAIPS1 Memory Map for details of
the peripheral slot assignments for this device. Unused PACRx fields are reserved. AIPS_Lite PACRE-P register reset values

The AIPSx_PACRE-P reset values depend on if the module is available on your
particular device. For each populated slot in slots 32-127 in Peripheral Bridge 0 (AIPS-
Lite 0) Memory Map and Peripheral Bridge 1 (AIPS-Lite 1) Memory Map, the
corresponding module's PACR[32:127] field resets to 0x4.

3.3.8 DMA request multiplexer configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

bridge 0



DMA controller
request DMA Request Module

Figure 3-11. DMA request multiplexer configuration

Table 3-17. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description DMA request DMA Mux
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Channel request DMA controller DMA Controller
Requests DMA request sources DMA MUX request sources

This device includes a DMA request mux that allows up to 63 DMA request signals to be
mapped to any of the 16 DMA channels.
Because of the mux there is not a hard correlation between any of the DMA request
sources and a specific DMA channel.
Table 3-18. DMA request sources - MUX 0
Source Source module Source description
0 — Channel disabled1
1 Reserved Not used
2 UART0 Receive
3 UART0 Transmit
4 UART1 Receive
5 UART1 Transmit
6 UART2 Receive
7 UART2 Transmit
8 UART3 Receive

Table continues on the next page...

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System modules

Table 3-18. DMA request sources - MUX 0 (continued)

Source Source module Source description
9 UART3 Transmit
10 UART4 Receive
11 UART4 Transmit
12 Reserved —
13 Reserved —
14 I2S0 Receive
15 I2S0 Transmit
16 SPI0 Receive
17 SPI0 Transmit
18 SPI1 Receive
19 SPI1 Transmit
20 Reserved —
21 Reserved —
22 I2C0 —
23 I2C1 —
24 FTM0 Channel 0
25 FTM0 Channel 1
26 FTM0 Channel 2
27 FTM0 Channel 3
28 FTM0 Channel 4
29 FTM0 Channel 5
30 FTM0 Channel 6
31 FTM0 Channel 7
32 FTM1 Channel 0
33 FTM1 Channel 1
34 FTM2 Channel 0
35 FTM2 Channel 1
36 Reserved —
37 Reserved —
38 Reserved —
39 Reserved —
40 ADC0 —
41 ADC1 —
42 CMP0 —
43 CMP1 —
44 CMP2 —
45 DAC0 —
46 Reserved —
47 CMT —

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

Table 3-18. DMA request sources - MUX 0 (continued)

Source Source module Source description
48 PDB —
49 Port control module Port A
50 Port control module Port B
51 Port control module Port C
52 Port control module Port D
53 Port control module Port E
54 DMA MUX Always enabled
55 DMA MUX Always enabled
56 DMA MUX Always enabled
57 DMA MUX Always enabled
58 DMA MUX Always enabled
59 DMA MUX Always enabled
60 DMA MUX Always enabled
61 DMA MUX Always enabled
62 DMA MUX Always enabled
63 DMA MUX Always enabled

1. Configuring a DMA channel to select source 0 or any of the reserved sources disables that DMA channel. DMA transfers via PIT trigger

The PIT module can trigger a DMA transfer on the first four DMA channels. The
assignments are detailed at PIT/DMA Periodic Trigger Assignments .

3.3.9 DMA Controller Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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System modules

bridge 0


DMA Multiplexer
Crossbar switch
Transfers Requests
DMA Controller

Figure 3-12. DMA Controller configuration

Table 3-19. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description DMA Controller DMA Controller
System memory map System memory map
Register access Peripheral bridge AIPS-Lite 0
(AIPS-Lite 0)
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Transfers Crossbar switch Crossbar switch

3.3.10 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

bridge 0


Signal multiplexing
External Watchdog Module signals

Monitor (EWM)

Figure 3-13. External Watchdog Monitor configuration

Table 3-20. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description External Watchdog EWM
Monitor (EWM)
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port Control Module Signal multiplexing EWM clocks

This table shows the EWM clocks and the corresponding chip clocks.
Table 3-21. EWM clock connections
Module clock Chip clock
Low Power Clock 1 kHz LPO Clock EWM low-power modes

This table shows the EWM low-power modes and the corresponding chip low-power
Table 3-22. EWM low-power modes
Module mode Chip mode
Wait Wait, VLPW
Stop Stop, VLPS, LLS
Power Down VLLS3, VLLS2, VLLS1

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System modules EWM_OUT pin state in low power modes

During Wait, Stop and Power Down modes the EWM_OUT pin enters a high-impedance
state. A user has the option to control the logic state of the pin using an external pull
device or by configuring the internal pull device. When the CPU enters a Run mode from
Wait or Stop recovery, the pin resumes its previous state before entering Wait or Stop
mode. When the CPU enters Run mode from Power Down, the pin returns to its reset

3.3.11 Watchdog Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
bridge 0

Mode Controller


Figure 3-14. Watchdog configuration

Table 3-23. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Watchdog Watchdog
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Mode Controller (MC) System Mode Controller WDOG clocks

This table shows the WDOG module clocks and the corresponding chip clocks.

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

Table 3-24. WDOG clock connections

Module clock Chip clock
LPO Oscillator 1 kHz LPO Clock
Alt Clock Bus Clock
Fast Test Clock Bus Clock
System Bus Clock Bus Clock WDOG low-power modes

This table shows the WDOG low-power modes and the corresponding chip low-power
Table 3-25. WDOG low-power modes
Module mode Chip mode
Wait Wait, VLPW
Stop Stop, VLPS
Power Down LLS, VLLSx

3.4 Clock modules

3.4.1 MCG Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Clock modules



oscillator oscillator

System integration

module (SIM)
Multipurpose Clock
Generator (MCG)

Figure 3-15. MCG configuration

Table 3-26. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description MCG MCG
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing

3.4.2 OSC Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

Signal multiplexing

Module signals

System oscillator

Figure 3-16. OSC configuration

Table 3-27. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description OSC OSC
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution

Table continues on the next page...

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Table 3-27. Reference links to related information (continued)

Topic Related module Reference
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing
Full description MCG MCG OSC modes of operation with MCG

The MCG's C2 register bits configure the oscillator frequency range. See the OSC and
MCG chapters for more details.

3.4.3 RTC OSC configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

Signal multiplexing
Module signals

32-kHz RTC oscillator

Figure 3-17. RTC OSC configuration

Table 3-28. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description RTC OSC RTC OSC
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing
Full description MCG MCG

3.5 Memories and memory interfaces

3.5.1 Flash Memory Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Memories and memory interfaces

Peripheral bus
controller 0


Flash memory
Flash memory

Figure 3-18. Flash memory configuration

Table 3-29. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Flash memory Flash memory
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Transfers Flash memory Flash memory controller
Register access Peripheral bridge Peripheral bridge Flash memory types

This device contains the following types of flash memory:
• Program flash memory — non-volatile flash memory that can execute program code
• FlexMemory — encompasses the following memory types:
• FlexNVM — Non-volatile flash memory that can execute program code, store
data, or backup EEPROM data
• FlexRAM — RAM memory that can be used as traditional RAM or as high-
endurance EEPROM storage, and also accelerates flash programming Flash Memory Sizes

The devices covered in this document contain:
• 1 block of program flash consisting of 2 KB sectors
• 1 block of FlexNVM consisting of 1 KB sectors
• 1 block of FlexRAM
The amounts of flash memory for the devices covered in this document are:

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

Device Program Block 0 (P- FlexNVM Block 1 FlexRAM FlexRAM

flash (KB) Flash) (KB) (FlexNVM) (KB) address
address address range
range range
MK20DX128VL 128 0x0000_0000 – 32 0x1000_0000 – 2 0x1400_0000 –
L7 0x0003_FFFF 0x1000_7FFF 0x1400_07FF
MK20DX256VL 256 0x0000_0000 – 32 0x1000_0000 – 2 0x1400_0000 –
L7 0x0003_FFFF 0x1000_7FFF 0x1400_07FF
MK20DX64VM 64 0x0000_0000 – 32 0x1000_0000 – 2 0x1400_0000 –
C7 0x0003_FFFF 0x1000_7FFF 0x1400_07FF
MK20DX128VM 128 0x0000_0000 – 32 0x1000_0000 – 2 0x1400_0000 –
C7 0x0003_FFFF 0x1000_7FFF 0x1400_07FF
MK20DX256VM 256 0x0000_0000 – 32 0x1000_0000 – 2 0x1400_0000 –
C7 0x0003_FFFF 0x1000_7FFF 0x1400_07FF Flash Memory Map

The various flash memories and the flash registers are located at different base addresses
as shown in the following figure. The base address for each is specified in System
memory map.
Flash memory base address

Program flash base address

Flash configuration field
Program flash

FlexNVM base address


FlexRAM base address


Figure 3-19. Flash memory map Flash Security

How flash security is implemented on this device is described in Chip Security.

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Memories and memory interfaces Flash Modes

The flash memory operates in NVM normal and NVM special modes. The flash memory
enters NVM special mode when the EzPort is enabled (EZP_CS asserted during reset).
Otherwise, flash memory operates in NVM normal mode. Erase All Flash Contents

In addition to software, the entire flash memory may be erased external to the flash
memory in two ways:
1. Via the EzPort by issuing a bulk erase (BE) command. See the EzPort chapter for
more details.
2. Via the SWJ-DP debug port by setting DAP_CONTROL[0]. DAP_STATUS[0] is set
to indicate the mass erase command has been accepted. DAP_STATUS[0] is cleared
when the mass erase completes. FTFL_FOPT Register

The flash memory's FTFL_FOPT register allows the user to customize the operation of
the MCU at boot time. See FOPT boot options for details of its definition.

3.5.2 Flash Memory Controller Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Peripheral bus
controller 0


Crossbar switch

Flash memory
Transfers Transfers
Flash memory

Figure 3-20. Flash memory controller configuration

Table 3-30. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Flash memory Flash memory controller
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Transfers Flash memory Flash memory
Transfers Crossbar switch Crossbar Switch
Register access Peripheral bridge Peripheral bridge

3.5.3 SRAM Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip.

SRAM controller

core SRAM upper

Crossbar SRAM lower

Figure 3-21. SRAM configuration

Table 3-31. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description SRAM SRAM
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Transfers SRAM controller SRAM controller
ARM Cortex-M4 core ARM Cortex-M4 core

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Memories and memory interfaces SRAM sizes

This device contains SRAM tightly coupled to the ARM Cortex-M4 core. The amount of
SRAM for the devices covered in this document is shown in the following table.
Device SRAM (KB)
MK20DX128VLL7 32
MK20DX256VLL7 64
MK20DX64VMC7 16
MK20DX128VMC7 32
MK20DX256VMC7 64 SRAM Arrays

The on-chip SRAM is split into two equally-sized logical arrays, SRAM_L and
The on-chip RAM is implemented such that the SRAM_L and SRAM_U ranges form a
contiguous block in the memory map. As such:
• SRAM_L is anchored to 0x1FFF_FFFF and occupies the space before this ending
• SRAM_U is anchored to 0x2000_0000 and occupies the space after this beginning
Valid address ranges for SRAM_L and SRAM_U are then defined as:
• SRAM_L = [0x2000_0000–(SRAM_size/2)] to 0x1FFF_FFFF
• SRAM_U = 0x2000_0000 to [0x2000_0000+(SRAM_size/2)-1]
This is illustrated in the following figure.

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0x2000_0000 – SRAM_size/2

SRAM size / 2

SRAM size / 2


0x2000_0000 + SRAM_size/2 - 1
Figure 3-22. SRAM blocks memory map

For example, for a device containing 64 KB of SRAM the ranges are:

• SRAM_L: 0x1FFF_8000 – 0x1FFF_FFFF
• SRAM_U: 0x2000_0000 – 0x2000_7FFF SRAM retention in low power modes

The SRAM is retained down to VLLS3 mode.
In VLLS2 the 16 KB region of SRAM_U from 0x2000_0000 is powered.
In VLLS1 no SRAM is retained; however, the 32-byte register file is available. SRAM accesses

The SRAM is split into two logical arrays that are 32-bits wide.
• SRAM_L — Accessible by the code bus of the Cortex-M4 core and by the backdoor
• SRAM_U — Accessible by the system bus of the Cortex-M4 core and by the
backdoor port.
The backdoor port makes the SRAM accessible to the non-core bus masters (such as
The following figure illustrates the SRAM accesses within the device.

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Memories and memory interfaces


Cortex-M4 core Crossbar switch

non-core master
Frontdoor Backdoor

Code bus non-core master

SRAM controller
System bus

non-core master


Figure 3-23. SRAM access diagram

The following simultaneous accesses can be made to different logical halves of the
• Core code and core system
• Core code and non-core master
• Core system and non-core master
Two non-core masters cannot access SRAM simultaneously.
The required arbitration and serialization is provided by the
crossbar switch. The SRAM_{L,U} arbitration is controlled by
the SRAM controller based on the configuration bits in the
MCM module.
Burst-access cannot occur across the 0x2000_0000 boundary
that separates the two SRAM arrays. The two arrays should be
treated as separate memory ranges for burst accesses. SRAM arbitration and priority control

The MCM's SRAMAP register controls the arbitration and priority schemes for the two
SRAM arrays.

3.5.4 SRAM Controller Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip.

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SRAM controller Transfers


Figure 3-24. SRAM controller configuration

Table 3-32. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
System memory map System memory map
Power management Power management
Power management PMC
controller (PMC)
Transfers SRAM SRAM
ARM Cortex-M4 core ARM Cortex-M4 core
Configuration MCM MCM

3.5.5 System Register File Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip.
bridge 0


Register file

Figure 3-25. System Register file configuration

Table 3-33. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Register file Register file
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management

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Memories and memory interfaces System Register file

This device includes a 32-byte register file that is powered in all power modes.
Also, it retains contents during low-voltage detect (LVD) events and is only reset during
a power-on reset.

3.5.6 VBAT Register File Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip.


VBAT register file

Figure 3-26. VBAT Register file configuration

Table 3-34. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description VBAT register file VBAT register file
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management VBAT register file

This device includes a 32-byte register file that is powered in all power modes and is
powered by VBAT.
It is only reset during VBAT power-on reset.

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3.5.7 EzPort Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

Signal multiplexing
Crossbar switch
Transfers Module signals

Figure 3-27. EzPort configuration

Table 3-35. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description EzPort EzPort
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Transfers Crossbar switch Crossbar switch
Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing JTAG instruction

The system JTAG controller implements an EZPORT instruction. When executing this
instruction, the JTAG controller resets the core logic and asserts the EzPort chip select
signal to force the processor into EzPort mode. Flash Option Register (FOPT)

The FOPT[EZPORT_DIS] bit can be used to prevent entry into EzPort mode during
reset. If the FOPT[EZPORT_DIS] bit is cleared, then the state of the chip select signal
(EZP_CS) is ignored and the MCU always boots in normal mode.
This option is useful for systems that use the EZP_CS/NMI signal configured for its NMI
function. Disabling EzPort mode prevents possible unwanted entry into EzPort mode if
the external circuit that drives the NMI signal asserts it during reset.
The FOPT register is loaded from the flash option byte. If the flash option byte is
modified the new value takes effect for any subsequent resets, until the value is changed

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Memories and memory interfaces

3.5.8 FlexBus Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
bridge 0


Signal multiplexing
Crossbar switch

Transfers Module signals


Figure 3-28. FlexBus configuration

Table 3-36. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description FlexBus FlexBus
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing FlexBus clocking

The system provides a dedicated clock source to the FlexBus module's external
CLKOUT. Its clock frequency is derived from a divider of the MCGOUTCLK. See
Clock Distribution for more details. FlexBus signal multiplexing

The multiplexing of the FlexBus address and data signals is controlled by the port control
module. However, the multiplexing of some of the FlexBus control signals are controlled
by the port control and FlexBus modules. The port control module registers control
whether the FlexBus or another module signals are available on the external pin, while
the FlexBus's CSPMCR register configures which FlexBus signals are available from the
module. The control signals are grouped as illustrated:

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FlexBus Port Control Module

To other modules




To other modules


FB_BE_31_24 Group2

To other modules

External Pins



To other modules




To other modules





Figure 3-29. FlexBus control signal multiplexing

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Therefore, use the CSPMCR and port control registers to configure which control signal
is available on the external pin. All control signals, except for FB_TA, are assigned to the
ALT5 function in the port control module. Since, unlike the other control signals, FB_TA
is an input signal, it is assigned to the ALT6 function. FlexBus CSCR0 reset value

On this device the CSCR0 resets to 0x003F_FC00. Configure this register as needed
before performing any FlexBus access. FlexBus Security

When security is enabled on the device, FlexBus accesses may be restricted by
configuring the FBSL field in the SIM's SOPT2 register. See System Integration Module
(SIM) for details. FlexBus line transfers

Line transfers are not possible from the ARM Cortex-M4 core. Ignore any references to
line transfers in the FlexBus chapter.

3.6 Security

3.6.1 CRC Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Figure 3-30. CRC configuration

Table 3-37. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description CRC CRC
System memory map System memory map
Power management Power management

3.7 Analog

3.7.1 16-bit SAR ADC with PGA Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Peripheral bus
controller 0


Signal multiplexing
Transfers Module signals
Other peripherals 16-bit SAR ADC

Figure 3-31. 16-bit SAR ADC with PGA configuration

Table 3-38. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description 16-bit SAR ADC with 16-bit SAR ADC with PGA
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing ADC instantiation information

This device contains two ADCs. Each ADC contains a PGA channel for a total of two
separate PGAs. Number of ADC channels

The number of ADC channels present on the device is determined by the pinout of the
specific device package. For details regarding the number of ADC channel available on a
particular package, refer to the signal multiplexing chapter of this MCU. DMA Support on ADC

Applications may require continuous sampling of the ADC (4K samples/sec) that may
have considerable load on the CPU. Though using PDB to trigger ADC may reduce some
CPU load, The ADC supports DMA request functionality for higher performance when
the ADC is sampled at a very high rate or cases were PDB is bypassed. The ADC can
trigger the DMA (via DMA req) on conversion completion.

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Connections/Channel Assignment ADC0 Connections/Channel Assignment

As indicated by the following sections, each ADCx_DPx input
and certain ADCx_DMx inputs may operate as single-ended
ADC channels in single-ended mode. ADC0 Channel Assignment for 121-Pin Package

ADC Channel Channel Input signal Input signal
(SC1n[ADCH]) (SC1n[DIFF]= 1) (SC1n[DIFF]= 0)
00000 DAD0 ADC0_DP0 and ADC0_DM01 ADC0_DP02
00001 DAD1 ADC0_DP1 and ADC0_DM1 ADC0_DP1
00010 DAD2 PGA0_DP and PGA0_DM PGA0_DP
00011 DAD3 ADC0_DP3 and ADC0_DM33 ADC0_DP34
001005 AD4a Reserved Reserved
001015 AD5a Reserved Reserved
001105 AD6a Reserved Reserved
001115 AD7a Reserved Reserved
001005 AD4b Reserved ADC0_SE4b
001015 AD5b Reserved ADC0_SE5b
001105 AD6b Reserved ADC0_SE6b
001115 AD7b Reserved ADC0_SE7b
01000 AD8 Reserved ADC0_SE86
01001 AD9 Reserved ADC0_SE97
01010 AD10 Reserved Reserved
01011 AD11 Reserved Reserved
01100 AD12 Reserved ADC0_SE12
01101 AD13 Reserved ADC0_SE13
01110 AD14 Reserved ADC0_SE14
01111 AD15 Reserved ADC0_SE15
10000 AD16 Reserved Reserved
10001 AD17 Reserved ADC0_SE17
10010 AD18 Reserved ADC0_SE18
10011 AD19 Reserved ADC0_DM08
10100 AD20 Reserved ADC0_DM1
10101 AD21 Reserved ADC0_SE21
10110 AD22 Reserved ADC0_SE22

Table continues on the next page...

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Connections/Channel Assignment

ADC Channel Channel Input signal Input signal

(SC1n[ADCH]) (SC1n[DIFF]= 1) (SC1n[DIFF]= 0)
10111 AD23 Reserved 12-bit DAC0 Output/
11000 AD24 Reserved Reserved
11001 AD25 Reserved Reserved
11010 AD26 Temperature Sensor (Diff) Temperature Sensor (S.E)
11011 AD27 Bandgap (Diff)9 Bandgap (S.E)9
11100 AD28 Reserved Reserved
11101 AD29 -VREFH (Diff) VREFH (S.E)
11110 AD30 Reserved VREFL
11111 AD31 Module Disabled Module Disabled

1. Interleaved with ADC1_DP3 and ADC1_DM3

2. Interleaved with ADC1_DP3
3. Interleaved with ADC1_DP0 and ADC1_DM0
4. Interleaved with ADC1_DP0
5. ADCx_CFG2[MUXSEL] bit selects between ADCx_SEn channels a and b. Refer to MUXSEL description in ADC chapter
for details.
6. Interleaved with ADC1_SE8
7. Interleaved with ADC1_SE9
8. Interleaved with ADC1_DM3
9. This is the PMC bandgap 1V reference voltage not the VREF module 1.2 V reference voltage. Prior to reading from this
ADC channel, ensure that you enable the bandgap buffer by setting the PMC_REGSC[BGBE] bit. Refer to the device data
sheet for the bandgap voltage (VBG) specification. ADC0 Channel Assignment for 100-Pin Package

ADC Channel Channel Input signal Input signal
(SC1n[ADCH]) (SC1n[DIFF]= 1) (SC1n[DIFF]= 0)
00000 DAD0 ADC0_DP0 and ADC0_DM01 ADC0_DP02
00001 DAD1 ADC0_DP1 and ADC0_DM1 ADC0_DP1
00010 DAD2 PGA0_DP and PGA0_DM PGA0_DP
00011 DAD3 ADC0_DP3 and ADC0_DM33 ADC0_DP34
001005 AD4a Reserved Reserved
001015 AD5a Reserved Reserved
001105 AD6a Reserved Reserved
001115 AD7a Reserved Reserved
001005 AD4b Reserved ADC0_SE4b
001015 AD5b Reserved ADC0_SE5b
001105 AD6b Reserved ADC0_SE6b
001115 AD7b Reserved ADC0_SE7b
01000 AD8 Reserved ADC0_SE86
01001 AD9 Reserved ADC0_SE97
01010 AD10 Reserved Reserved
01011 AD11 Reserved Reserved

Table continues on the next page...

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ADC Channel Channel Input signal Input signal

(SC1n[ADCH]) (SC1n[DIFF]= 1) (SC1n[DIFF]= 0)
01100 AD12 Reserved ADC0_SE12
01101 AD13 Reserved ADC0_SE13
01110 AD14 Reserved ADC0_SE14
01111 AD15 Reserved ADC0_SE15
10000 AD16 Reserved Reserved
10001 AD17 Reserved ADC0_SE17
10010 AD18 Reserved ADC0_SE18
10011 AD19 Reserved ADC0_DM08
10100 AD20 Reserved ADC0_DM1
10101 AD21 Reserved
10110 AD22 Reserved
10111 AD23 Reserved 12-bit DAC0 Output/
11000 AD24 Reserved Reserved
11001 AD25 Reserved Reserved
11010 AD26 Temperature Sensor (Diff) Temperature Sensor (S.E)
11011 AD27 Bandgap (Diff)9 Bandgap (S.E)9
11100 AD28 Reserved Reserved
11101 AD29 -VREFH (Diff) VREFH (S.E)
11110 AD30 Reserved VREFL
11111 AD31 Module Disabled Module Disabled

1. Interleaved with ADC1_DP3 and ADC1_DM3

2. Interleaved with ADC1_DP3
3. Interleaved with ADC1_DP0 and ADC1_DM0
4. Interleaved with ADC1_DP0
5. ADCx_CFG2[MUXSEL] bit selects between ADCx_SEn channels a and b. Refer to MUXSEL description in ADC chapter
for details.
6. Interleaved with ADC1_SE8
7. Interleaved with ADC1_SE9
8. Interleaved with ADC1_DM3
9. This is the PMC bandgap 1V reference voltage not the VREF module 1.2 V reference voltage. Prior to reading from this
ADC channel, ensure that you enable the bandgap buffer by setting the PMC_REGSC[BGBE] bit. Refer to the device data
sheet for the bandgap voltage (VBG) specification. ADC1 Connections/Channel Assignment

As indicated in the following tables, each ADCx_DPx input
and certain ADCx_DMx inputs may operate as single-ended
ADC channels in single-ended mode.

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Connections/Channel Assignment ADC1 Channel Assignment for 121-Pin Package

ADC Channel Channel Input signal Input signal
(SC1n[ADCH]) (SC1n[DIFF]= 1) (SC1n[DIFF]= 0)
00000 DAD0 ADC1_DP0 and ADC1_DM01 ADC1_DP02
00001 DAD1 ADC1_DP1 and ADC1_DM1 ADC1_DP1
00010 DAD2 PGA1_DP and PGA1_DM PGA1_DP
00011 DAD3 ADC1_DP3 and ADC1_DM33 ADC1_DP34
001005 AD4a Reserved ADC1_SE4a
001015 AD5a Reserved ADC1_SE5a
001105 AD6a Reserved ADC1_SE6a
001115 AD7a Reserved ADC1_SE7a
001005 AD4b Reserved ADC1_SE4b
001015 AD5b Reserved ADC1_SE5b
001105 AD6b Reserved ADC1_SE6b
001115 AD7b Reserved ADC1_SE7b
01000 AD8 Reserved ADC1_SE86
01001 AD9 Reserved ADC1_SE97
01010 AD10 Reserved Reserved
01011 AD11 Reserved Reserved
01100 AD12 Reserved ADC1_SE12
01101 AD13 Reserved ADC1_SE13
01110 AD14 Reserved ADC1_SE14
01111 AD15 Reserved ADC1_SE15
10000 AD16 Reserved Reserved
10001 AD17 Reserved Reserved
10010 AD18 Reserved VREF Output
10011 AD19 Reserved ADC1_DM08
10100 AD20 Reserved ADC1_DM1
10101 AD21 Reserved Reserved
10110 AD22 Reserved Reserved
10111 AD23 Reserved ADC1_SE23
11000 AD24 Reserved Reserved
11001 AD25 Reserved Reserved
11010 AD26 Temperature Sensor (Diff) Temperature Sensor (S.E)
11011 AD27 Bandgap (Diff)9 Bandgap (S.E)9
11100 AD28 Reserved Reserved
11101 AD29 -VREFH (Diff) VREFH (S.E)
11110 AD30 Reserved VREFL
11111 AD31 Module Disabled Module Disabled

1. Interleaved with ADC0_DP3 and ADC0_DM3

2. Interleaved with ADC0_DP3
3. Interleaved with ADC0_DP0 and ADC0_DM0

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4. Interleaved with ADC0_DP0
5. ADCx_CFG2[MUXSEL] bit selects between ADCx_SEn channels a and b. Refer to MUXSEL description in ADC chapter
for details.
6. Interleaved with ADC0_SE8
7. Interleaved with ADC0_SE9
8. Interleaved with ADC0_DM3
9. This is the PMC bandgap 1V reference voltage not the VREF module 1.2 V reference voltage. Prior to reading from this
ADC channel, ensure that you enable the bandgap buffer by setting the PMC_REGSC[BGBE] bit. Refer to the device data
sheet for the bandgap voltage (VBG) specification. ADC1 Channel Assignment for 100-Pin Package

ADC Channel Channel Input signal Input signal
(SC1n[ADCH]) (SC1n[DIFF]= 1) (SC1n[DIFF]= 0)
00000 DAD0 ADC1_DP0 and ADC1_DM01 ADC1_DP02
00001 DAD1 ADC1_DP1 and ADC1_DM1 ADC1_DP1
00010 DAD2 PGA1_DP and PGA1_DM PGA1_DP
00011 DAD3 ADC1_DP3 and ADC1_DM33 ADC1_DP34
001005 AD4a Reserved ADC1_SE4a
001015 AD5a Reserved ADC1_SE5a
001105 AD6a Reserved ADC1_SE6a
001115 AD7a Reserved ADC1_SE7a
001005 AD4b Reserved ADC1_SE4b
001015 AD5b Reserved ADC1_SE5b
001105 AD6b Reserved ADC1_SE6b
001115 AD7b Reserved ADC1_SE7b
01000 AD8 Reserved ADC1_SE86
01001 AD9 Reserved ADC1_SE97
01010 AD10 Reserved Reserved
01011 AD11 Reserved Reserved
01100 AD12 Reserved Reserved
01101 AD13 Reserved ADC1_SE13
01110 AD14 Reserved ADC1_SE14
01111 AD15 Reserved ADC1_SE15
10000 AD16 Reserved Reserved
10001 AD17 Reserved ADC1_SE17
10010 AD18 Reserved VREF Output
10011 AD19 Reserved ADC1_DM08
10100 AD20 Reserved ADC1_DM1
10101 AD21 Reserved Reserved
10110 AD22 Reserved
10111 AD23 Reserved
11000 AD24 Reserved Reserved
11001 AD25 Reserved Reserved

Table continues on the next page...

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Connections/Channel Assignment

ADC Channel Channel Input signal Input signal

(SC1n[ADCH]) (SC1n[DIFF]= 1) (SC1n[DIFF]= 0)
11010 AD26 Temperature Sensor (Diff) Temperature Sensor (S.E)
11011 AD27 Bandgap (Diff)9 Bandgap (S.E)9
11100 AD28 Reserved Reserved
11101 AD29 -VREFH (Diff) VREFH (S.E)
11110 AD30 Reserved VREFL
11111 AD31 Module Disabled Module Disabled

1. Interleaved with ADC0_DP3 and ADC0_DM3

2. Interleaved with ADC0_DP3
3. Interleaved with ADC0_DP0 and ADC0_DM0
4. Interleaved with ADC0_DP0
5. ADCx_CFG2[MUXSEL] bit selects between ADCx_SEn channels a and b. Refer to MUXSEL description in ADC chapter
for details.
6. Interleaved with ADC0_SE8
7. Interleaved with ADC0_SE9
8. Interleaved with ADC0_DM3
9. This is the PMC bandgap 1V reference voltage not the VREF module 1.2 V reference voltage. Prior to reading from this
ADC channel, ensure that you enable the bandgap buffer by setting the PMC_REGSC[BGBE] bit. Refer to the device data
sheet for the bandgap voltage (VBG) specification. ADC Channels MUX Selection

The following figure shows the assignment of ADCx_SEn channels a and b through a
MUX selection to ADC. To select between alternate set of channels, refer to
ADCx_CFG2[MUXSEL] bit settings for more details.

ADCx_SE4a AD4 [00100]

AD5 [00101]
AD6 [00110]
ADCx_SE5b AD7 [00111]

Figure 3-32. ADCx_SEn channels a and b selection ADC Hardware Interleaved Channels

The AD8 and AD9 channels on ADCx are interleaved in hardware using the following

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108 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration





Figure 3-33. ADC hardware interleaved channels integration ADC and PGA Reference Options

The ADC supports the following references:
• VREFH/VREFL - connected as the primary reference option
• 1.2 V VREF_OUT - connected as the VALT reference option
ADCx_SC2[REFSEL] bit selects the voltage reference sources for ADC. Refer to
REFSEL description in ADC chapter for more details.
The only reference option for the PGA is the 1.2 V VREF_OUT source. The VREF_OUT
signal can either be driven by an external voltage source via the VREF_OUT pin or from
the output of the VREF module. Ensure that the VREF module is disabled when an
external voltage source is used instead. For PGA maximum differential input signal
swing range, refer to the device data sheet for 16-bit ADC with PGA characteristics.

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Connections/Channel Assignment ADC triggers

The ADC supports both software and hardware triggers. The primary hardware
mechanism for triggering the ADC is the PDB. The PDB itself can be triggered by other
peripherals. For example: RTC (Alarm, Seconds) signal is connected to the PDB. The
PDB trigger can receive the RTC (alarm/seconds) trigger input forcing ADC conversions
in run mode (where PDB is enabled). On the other hand, the ADC can conduct
conversions in low power modes, not triggered by PDB. This allows the ADC to do
conversions in low power mode and store the output in the result register. The ADC
generates interrupt when the data is ready in the result register that wakes the system
from low power mode. The PDB can also be bypassed by using the ADCxTRGSEL bits
in the SOPT7 register.
For operation of triggers in different modes, refer to Power Management chapter. Alternate clock

For this device, the alternate clock is connected to OSCERCLK.
This clock option is only usable when OSCERCLK is in the
MHz range. A system with OSCERCLK in the kHz range has
the optional clock source below minimum ADC clock operating
frequency. ADC low-power modes

This table shows the ADC low-power modes and the corresponding chip low-power
Table 3-39. ADC low-power modes
Module mode Chip mode
Wait Wait, VLPW
Normal Stop Stop, VLPS
Low Power Stop LLS, VLLS3, VLLS2, VLLS1 PGA Integration

• No additional external pins are required for the PGA as it is part of the ADC and is
selected as a separate channel

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110 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

• Each PGA connects to the differential ADC channels

• The PGA outputs differential pairs that are connected to ADC differential input
• When the PGA is used, differential input from the pins is connected to differential
input channel 2 on ADCx









Figure 3-34. PGA Integration

3.7.2 CMP Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 111
Connections/Channel Assignment

bridge 0


Signal multiplexing
Module signals
Other peripherals CMP

Figure 3-35. CMP configuration

Table 3-40. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Comparator (CMP) Comparator
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing CMP input connections

The following table shows the fixed internal connections to the CMP.
Table 3-41. CMP input connections
IN2 CMP0_IN2 — —
IN3 CMP0_IN3 12-bit DAC0_OUT/CMP1_IN3 CMP2_IN3
IN4 CMP0_IN4 — —
IN5 VREF Output/CMP0_IN5 VREF Output/CMP1_IN5 —
IN6 Bandgap Bandgap Bandgap
IN7 6b DAC0 Reference 6b DAC1 Reference 6b DAC2 Reference CMP external references

The 6-bit DAC sub-block supports selection of two references. For this device, the
references are connected as follows:

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112 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

• VREF_OUT - Vin1 input

• VDD - Vin2 input External window/sample input

Individual PDB pulse-out signals control each CMP Sample/Window timing.

3.7.3 12-bit DAC Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
Peripheral bus
controller 0


Signal multiplexing
Transfers Module signals
Other peripherals 12-bit DAC

Figure 3-36. 12-bit DAC configuration

Table 3-42. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description 12-bit DAC 12-bit DAC
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing 12-bit DAC Overview

This device contains one 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with programmable
reference generator output. The DAC includes a FIFO for DMA support.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 113
Connections/Channel Assignment 12-bit DAC Output

The output of the DAC can be placed on an external pin or set as one of the inputs to the
analog comparator or ADC. 12-bit DAC Reference

For this device VREF_OUT and VDDA are selectable as the DAC reference.
VREF_OUT is connected to the DACREF_1 input and VDDA is connected to the
DACREF_2 input. Use DACx_C0[DACRFS] control bit to select between these two
Be aware that if the DAC and ADC use the VREF_OUT reference simultaneously, some
degradation of ADC accuracy is to be expected due to DAC switching.

3.7.4 VREF Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
Peripheral bus
controller 0

Signal multiplexing

Transfers Module signals

Other peripherals VREF

Figure 3-37. VREF configuration

Table 3-43. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description VREF VREF
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing

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114 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration VREF Overview

This device includes a voltage reference (VREF) to supply an accurate 1.2 V voltage
The voltage reference can provide a reference voltage to external peripherals or a
reference to analog peripherals, such as the ADC, DAC, or CMP.

PMC_REGSC[BGEN] bit must be set if the VREF regulator is
required to remain operating in VLPx modes.
For either an internal or external reference if the VREF_OUT
functionality is being used, VREF_OUT signal must be
connected to an output load capacitor. Refer the device data
sheet for more details.

3.8 Timers

3.8.1 PDB Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
Peripheral bus
controller 0

Signal multiplexing

Transfers Module signals

Other peripherals PDB

Figure 3-38. PDB configuration

Table 3-44. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description PDB PDB
System memory map System memory map

Table continues on the next page...

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Table 3-44. Reference links to related information (continued)

Topic Related module Reference
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing PDB Instantiation PDB Output Triggers

Table 3-45. PDB output triggers
Number of PDB channels for ADC trigger 2
Number of pre-triggers per PDB channel 2
Number of DAC triggers 1
Number of PulseOut 3 PDB Input Trigger Connections

Table 3-46. PDB Input Trigger Options
PDB Trigger PDB Input
0000 External Trigger
0001 CMP 0
0010 CMP 1
0011 CMP 2
0100 PIT Ch 0 Output
0101 PIT Ch 1 Output
0110 PIT Ch 2 Output
0111 PIT Ch 3 Output
1000 FTM0 Init and Ext Trigger Outputs
1001 FTM1 Init and Ext Trigger Outputs
1010 FTM2 Init and Ext Trigger Outputs
1011 Reserved
1100 RTC Alarm
1101 RTC Seconds
1110 LPTMR Output
1111 Software Trigger

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116 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration PDB Module Interconnections

PDB trigger outputs Connection
Channel 0 triggers ADC0 trigger
Channel 1 triggers ADC1 trigger and synchronous input 1 of FTM0
DAC triggers DAC0 trigger
Pulse-out Pulse-out connected to each CMP module's sample/window
input to control sample operation Back-to-back acknowledgement connections

In this MCU, PDB back-to-back operation acknowledgment connections are
implemented as follows:
• PDB channel 0 pre-trigger 0 acknowledgement input: ADC1SC1B_COCO
• PDB channel 0 pre-trigger 1 acknowledgement input: ADC0SC1A_COCO
• PDB channel 1 pre-trigger 0 acknowledgement input: ADC0SC1B_COCO
• PDB channel 1 pre-trigger 1 acknowledgement input: ADC1SC1A_COCO
So, the back-to-back chain is connected as a ring:

Channel 0
pre-trigger 0

Channel 1 Channel 0
pre-trigger 1 pre-trigger 1

Channel 1
pre-trigger 0

Figure 3-39. PDB back-to-back chain

The application code can set the PDBx_CHnC1[BB] bits to configure the PDB pre-
triggers as a single chain or several chains. PDB Interval Trigger Connections to DAC

In this MCU, PDB interval trigger connections to DAC are implemented as follows.
• PDB interval trigger 0 connects to DAC0 hardware trigger input.

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Timers DAC External Trigger Input Connections

In this MCU, the following DAC external trigger inputs are implemented.
• DAC external trigger input 0: ADC0SC1A_COCO
• DAC external trigger input 1: ADC1SC1A_COCO

Application code can set the PDBx_DACINTCn[EXT] bit to
allow DAC external trigger input when the corresponding ADC
Conversion complete flag, ADCx_SC1n[COCO], is set. Pulse-Out Connection

Individual PDB Pulse-Out signals are connected to each CMP block and used for sample
window. Pulse-Out Enable Register Implementation

The following table shows the comparison of pulse-out enable register at the module and
chip level.
Table 3-47. PDB pulse-out enable register
Register Module implementation Chip implementation
POnEN 7:0 - POEN 0 - POEN[0] for CMP0
31:8 - Reserved 1 - POEN[1] for CMP1
2 - POEN[2] for CMP2
31:3 - Reserved

3.8.2 FlexTimer Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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118 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

Peripheral bus
controller 0


Signal multiplexing
Transfers Module signals
Other peripherals FlexTimer

Figure 3-40. FlexTimer configuration

Table 3-48. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description FlexTimer FlexTimer
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing Instantiation Information

This device contains three FlexTimer modules.
The following table shows how these modules are configured.
Table 3-49. FTM Instantiations
FTM instance Number of channels Features/usage
FTM0 8 3-phase motor + 2 general purpose or
stepper motor
FTM1 21 Quadrature decoder or general purpose
FTM2 21 Quadrature decoder or general purpose

1. Only channels 0 and 1 are available.

Compared with the FTM0 configuration, the FTM1 and FTM2 configuration adds the
Quadrature decoder feature and reduces the number of channels.

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Timers External Clock Options

By default each FTM is clocked by the internal bus clock (the FTM refers to it as system
clock). Each module contains a register setting that allows the module to be clocked from
an external clock instead. There are two external FTM_CLKINx pins that can be selected
by any FTM module via the SOPT4 register in the SIM module. Fixed frequency clock

The fixed frequency clock for each FTM is MCGFFCLK. FTM Interrupts

The FlexTimer has multiple sources of interrupt. However, these sources are OR'd
together to generate a single interrupt request to the interrupt controller. When an FTM
interrupt occurs, read the FTM status registers (FMS, SC, and STATUS) to determine the
exact interrupt source. FTM Fault Detection Inputs

The following fault detection input options for the FTM modules are selected via the
SOPT4 register in the SIM module. The external pin option is selected by default.
• FTM0 FAULT0 = FTM0_FLT0 pin or CMP0 output
• FTM0 FAULT1 = FTM0_FLT1 pin or CMP1 output
• FTM0 FAULT2 = FTM0_FLT2 pin or CMP2 output
• FTM0 FAULT3 = FTM0_FLT3 pin
• FTM1 FAULT0 = FTM1_FLT0 pin or CMP0 output
• FTM1 FAULT1 = CMP1 output
• FTM1 FAULT2 = CMP2 output
• FTM2 FAULT0 = FTM2_FLT0 pin or CMP0 output
• FTM2 FAULT1 = CMP1 output
• FTM2 FAULT2 = CMP2 output FTM Hardware Triggers

The FTM synchronization hardware triggers are connected in the chip as follows:

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120 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

• FTM0 hardware trigger 0 = CMP0 Output or FTM1 Match (when enabled in the
FTM1 External Trigger (EXTTRIG) register)
• FTM0 hardware trigger 1 = PDB channel 1 Trigger Output or FTM2 Match (when
enabled in the FTM2 External Trigger (EXTTRIG) register)
• FTM0 hardware trigger 2 = FTM0_FLT0 pin
• FTM1 hardware trigger 0 = CMP0 Output
• FTM1 hardware trigger 1 = CMP1 Output
• FTM1 hardware trigger 2 = FTM1_FLT0 pin
• FTM2 hardware trigger 0 = CMP0 Output
• FTM2 hardware trigger 1 = CMP2 Output
• FTM2 hardware trigger 2 = FTM2_FLT0 pin
For the triggers with more than one option, the SOPT4 register in the SIM module
controls the selection. Input capture options for FTM module instances

The following channel 0 input capture source options are selected via the SOPT4 register
in the SIM module. The external pin option is selected by default.
• FTM1 channel 0 input capture = FTM1_CH0 pin or CMP0 output or CMP1 output
or USB start of frame pulse
• FTM2 channel 0 input capture = FTM2_CH0 pin or CMP0 output or CMP1 output
When the USB start of frame pulse option is selected as an
FTM channel input capture, disable the USB SOF token
interrupt in the USB Interrupt Enable register
(INTEN[SOFTOKEN]) to avoid USB enumeration conflicts. FTM output triggers for other modules

FTM output triggers can be selected as input triggers for the PDB and ADC modules. See
PDB Instantiation and ADC triggers. FTM Global Time Base

This chip provides the optional FTM global time base feature (see Global time base

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 121

FTM0 provides the only source for the FTM global time base. The other FTM modules
can share the time base as shown in the following figure:

CONF Register
FTM0 FTM Counter

CONF Register
gtb_in gtb_in
FTM Counter

CONF Register
GTBEEN = 1 FTM Counter


Figure 3-41. FTM Global Time Base Configuration FTM BDM and debug halt mode

In the FTM chapter, references to the chip being in "BDM" are the same as the chip being
in “debug halt mode".

3.8.3 PIT Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.


Periodic interrupt

Figure 3-42. PIT configuration

Table 3-50. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description PIT PIT

Table continues on the next page...

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122 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

Table 3-50. Reference links to related information (continued)

Topic Related module Reference
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Power management Power management PIT/DMA Periodic Trigger Assignments

The PIT generates periodic trigger events to the DMA Mux as shown in the table below.
Table 3-51. PIT channel assignments for periodic DMA triggering
DMA Channel Number PIT Channel
DMA Channel 0 PIT Channel 0
DMA Channel 1 PIT Channel 1
DMA Channel 2 PIT Channel 2
DMA Channel 3 PIT Channel 3 PIT/ADC Triggers

PIT triggers are selected as ADCx trigger sources using the SOPT7[ADCxTRGSEL] bits
in the SIM module. For more details, refer to SIM chapter.

3.8.4 Low-power timer configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 123



Signal multiplexing
Module signals
Low-power timer

Figure 3-43. LPT configuration

Table 3-52. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Low-power timer Low-power timer
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Power management Power management
Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter clocking options

The prescaler and glitch filter of the LPTMR module can be clocked from one of four
sources determined by the LPTMR0_PSR[PCS] bitfield. The following table shows the
chip-specific clock assignments for this bitfield.
The chosen clock must remain enabled if the LPTMR is to
continue operating in all required low-power modes.
LPTMR0_PSR[PCS] Prescaler/glitch filter clock Chip clock
00 0 MCGIRCLK — internal reference clock
(not available in VLPS/LLS/VLLS
01 1 LPO — 1 kHz clock
10 2 ERCLK32K — secondary external
reference clock
11 3 OSCERCLK — external reference clock

See Clock Distribution for more details on these clocks.

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124 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration LPTMR pulse counter input options

The LPTMR_CSR[TPS] bitfield configures the input source used in pulse counter mode.
The following table shows the chip-specific input assignments for this bitfield.
LPTMR_CSR[TPS] Pulse counter input number Chip input
00 0 CMP0 output
01 1 LPTMR_ALT1 pin
10 2 LPTMR_ALT2 pin
11 3 Reserved

3.8.5 CMT Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
Peripheral bus
controller 0

access Signal multiplexing

Module signals

Figure 3-44. CMT configuration

Table 3-53. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Carrier modulator CMT
transmitter (CMT)
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock distribution
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal multiplexing Instantiation Information

This device contains one CMT module.
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 125
Timers IRO Drive Strength

The IRO pad requires higher current drive than can be obtained from a single pad. For
this device, the pin associated with the CMT_IRO signal is doubled bonded to two pads.
The SOPT2[PTD7PAD] field in SIM module can be used to configure the pin associated
with the CMT_IRO signal as a higher current output port pin.

3.8.6 RTC configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.


Signal multiplexing
Module signals
Real-time clock

Figure 3-45. RTC configuration

Table 3-54. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description RTC RTC
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Power management Power management RTC_CLKOUT signal

When the RTC is enabled and the port control module selects the RTC_CLKOUT
function, the RTC_CLKOUT signal outputs a 1 Hz or 32 kHz output derived from RTC
oscillator as shown below.

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration


RTC 32kHz clock


RTC 1Hz clock


Figure 3-46. RTC_CLKOUT generation

3.9 Communication interfaces

3.9.1 Universal Serial Bus (USB) FS Subsystem

The USB FS subsystem includes these components:
• Dual-role USB OTG-capable (On-The-Go) controller that supports a full-speed (FS)
device or FS/LS host. The module complies with the USB 2.0 specification.
• USB transceiver that includes internal 15 kΩ pulldowns on the D+ and D- lines for
host mode functionality.
• A 3.3 V regulator.
• USB device charger detection module.
• VBUS detect signal: To detect a valid VBUS in device mode, use a GPIO signal that
can wake the chip in all power modes.

USB controller

USB voltage FS/LS Device charger

regulator transceiver detect


Figure 3-47. USB Subsystem Overview

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Communication interfaces USB Wakeup

When the USB detects that there is no activity on the USB bus for more than 3 ms, the
INT_STAT[SLEEP] bit is set. This bit can cause an interrupt and software decides the
appropriate action.
Waking from a low power mode (except in LLS/VLLS mode where USB is not powered)
occurs through an asynchronous interrupt triggered by activity on the USB bus. Setting
the USBTRC0[USBRESMEN] bit enables this function. USB Power Distribution

This chip includes an internal 5 V to 3.3 V USB regulator that powers the USB
transceiver or the MCU (depending on the application). AA/AAA cells power supply

The chip can be powered by two AA/AAA cells. In this case, the MCU is powered
through VDD which is within the 1.8 to 3.0 V range. After USB cable insertion is
detected, the USB regulator is enabled to power the USB transceiver.

2 AA Cells
To PMC and Pads


D- USB0_DM XCVR Controller

Figure 3-48. USB regulator AA cell usecase

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128 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Li-Ion battery power supply

The chip can also be powered by a single Li-ion battery. In this case, VOUT33 is
connected to VDD. The USB regulator must be enabled by default to power the MCU.
When connected to a USB host, the input source of this regulator is switched to the USB
bus supply from the Li-ion battery. To charge the battery, the MCU can configure the
battery charger according to the charger detection information.

To PMC and Pads

VBUS Charger Si2301 USB
D- USB0_DP Controller
Charger VBUS Sense

Figure 3-49. USB regulator Li-ion usecase USB bus power supply

The chip can also be powered by the USB bus directly. In this case, VOUT33 is
connected to VDD. The USB regulator must be enabled by default to power the MCU,
then to power USB transceiver or external sensor.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 129
Communication interfaces

To PMC and Pads

D- USB0_DM USB Controller

Figure 3-50. USB regulator bus supply USB power management

The regulator should be put into STANDBY mode whenever the chip is in Stop mode. USB controller configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
bridge 0

Signal multiplexing
Crossbar switch

Transfers Module signals

USB controller

Figure 3-51. USB controller configuration

Table 3-55. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description USB controller USB controller
System memory map System memory map

Table continues on the next page...

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130 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

Table 3-55. Reference links to related information (continued)

Topic Related module Reference
Clocking Clock Distribution
Transfers Crossbar switch Crossbar switch
Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing

When USB is not used in the application, it is recommended
that the USB regulator VREGIN and VOUT33 pins remain
floating. USB DCD Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
bridge 0


USB Device Charger


Figure 3-52. USB DCD configuration

Table 3-56. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description USB DCD USB DCD
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
USB controller USB controller USB Voltage Regulator Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 131
Communication interfaces

Signal multiplexing
Module signals
USB Voltage

Figure 3-53. USB Voltage Regulator configuration

Table 3-57. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description USB Voltage Regulator USB Voltage Regulator
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
USB controller USB controller
Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing

When USB is not used in the application, it is recommended
that the USB regulator VREGIN and VOUT33 pins remain

3.9.2 CAN Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

Signal multiplexing

Module signals

Figure 3-54. CAN configuration

Table 3-58. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description CAN CAN
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution

Table continues on the next page...

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132 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

Table 3-58. Reference links to related information (continued)

Topic Related module Reference
Power management Power management
Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing Reset value of MDIS bit

The CAN_MCR[MDIS] bit is set after reset. Therefore, FlexCAN module is disabled
following a reset. Number of message buffers

Each FlexCAN module contains 16 message buffers. Each message buffer is 16 bytes. FlexCAN Clocking Clocking Options

The FlexCAN module has a register bit CANCTRL[CLK_SRC] that selects between
clocking the FlexCAN from the internal bus clock or the input clock (EXTAL). Clock Gating

The clock to each CAN module can be gated on and off using the SCGCn[CANx] bits.
These bits are cleared after any reset, which disables the clock to the corresponding
module. The appropriate clock enable bit should be set by software at the beginning of
the FlexCAN initialization routine to enable the module clock before attempting to
initialize any of the FlexCAN registers. FlexCAN Interrupts

The FlexCAN has multiple sources of interrupt requests. However, some of these sources
are OR'd together to generate a single interrupt request. See below for the mapping of the
individual interrupt sources to the interrupt request:

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Communication interfaces

Request Sources
Message buffer Message buffers 0-15
Bus off Bus off
Error • Bit1 error
• Bit0 error
• Acknowledge error
• Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error
• Form error
• Stuffing error
• Transmit error warning
• Receive error warning
Transmit Warning Transmit Warning
Receive Warning Receive Warning
Wake-up Wake-up FlexCAN Operation in Low Power Modes

The FlexCAN module is operational in VLPR and VLPW modes. With the 2 MHz bus
clock, the fastest supported FlexCAN transfer rate is 256 kbps. The bit timing parameters
in the module must be adjusted for the new frequency, but full functionality is possible.
The FlexCAN module can be configured to generate a wakeup interrupt in STOP and
VLPS modes. When the FlexCAN is configured to generate a wakeup, a recessive to
dominant transition on the CAN bus generates an interrupt. FlexCAN Doze Mode

The Doze mode for the FlexCAN module is the same as the Wait and VLPW modes for
the chip.

3.9.3 SPI configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Signal multiplexing
Module signals

Figure 3-55. SPI configuration

Table 3-59. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description SPI SPI
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing SPI Modules Configuration

This device contains two SPI modules. SPI clocking

The SPI module is clocked by the internal bus clock (the DSPI refers to it as system
clock). The module has an internal divider, with a minimum divide is two. So, the SPI
can run at a maximum frequency of bus clock/2. Number of CTARs

SPI CTAR registers define different transfer attribute configurations. The SPI module
supports up to eight CTAR registers. This device supports two CTARs on all instances of
the SPI.
In master mode, the CTAR registers define combinations of transfer attributes, such as
frame size, clock phase, clock polarity, data bit ordering, baud rate, and various delays. In
slave mode only CTAR0 is used, and a subset of its bitfields sets the slave transfer

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Communication interfaces TX FIFO size

Table 3-60. SPI transmit FIFO size
SPI Module Transmit FIFO size
SPI0 4

SPI supports up to 16-bit frame size during reception.
Table 3-61. SPI receive FIFO size
SPI Module Receive FIFO size
SPI0 4
SPI1 4 Number of PCS signals

The following table shows the number of peripheral chip select signals available per SPI
Table 3-62. SPI PCS signals
SPI Module PCS Signals
SPI1 SPI_PCS[3:0] SPI Operation in Low Power Modes

In VLPR and VLPW modes the SPI is functional; however, the reduced system
frequency also reduces the max frequency of operation for the SPI. In VLPR and VLPW
modes the max SPI_CLK frequency is 2MHz.
In stop and VLPS modes, the clocks to the SPI module are disabled. The module is not
functional, but it is powered so that it retains state.

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration

There is one way to wake from stop mode via the SPI, which is explained in the
following section. Using GPIO Interrupt to Wake from stop mode

Here are the steps to use a GPIO to create a wakeup upon reception of SPI data in slave
1. Point the GPIO interrupt vector to the desired interrupt handler.
2. Enable the GPIO input to generate an interrupt on either the rising or falling edge
(depending on the polarity of the chip select signal).
3. Enter Stop or VLPS mode and Wait for the GPIO interrupt.
It is likely that in using this approach the first word of data from
the SPI host might not be received correctly. This is dependent
on the transfer rate used for the SPI, the delay between chip
select assertion and presentation of data, and the system
interrupt latency. SPI Doze Mode

The Doze mode for the SPI module is the same as the Wait and VLPW modes for the
chip. SPI Interrupts

The SPI has multiple sources of interrupt requests. However, these sources are OR'd
together to generate a single interrupt request per SPI module to the interrupt controller.
When an SPI interrupt occurs, read the SPI_SR to determine the exact interrupt source. SPI clocks

This table shows the SPI module clocks and the corresponding chip clocks.
Table 3-63. SPI clock connections
Module clock Chip clock
System Clock Bus Clock

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Communication interfaces

3.9.4 I2C Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.


Signal multiplexing
Module signals
I2 C

Figure 3-56. I2C configuration

Table 3-64. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description I2C I2C
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clocking
Power management Power mangement
Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing Number of I2C modules

This device has two I2C modules.

3.9.5 UART Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Signal multiplexing
Module signals

Figure 3-57. UART configuration

Table 3-65. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description UART UART
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Power management Power management
Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing UART configuration information

This device contains five UART modules. This section describes how each module is
configured on this device.

1. Standard features of all UARTs:

• RS-485 support
• Hardware flow control (RTS/CTS)
• 9-bit UART to support address mark with parity
• MSB/LSB configuration on data
2. UART0 and UART1 are clocked from the core clock, the remaining UARTs are
clocked on the bus clock. The maximum baud rate is 1/16 of related source clock
3. IrDA is available on all UARTs
4. UART0 contains the standard features plus ISO7816
5. AMR support on all UARTs. The pin control and interrupts (PORT) module supports
open-drain for all I/O.
6. UART0 and UART1 contains 8-entry transmit and 8-entry receive FIFOs
7. All other UARTs contain a 1-entry transmit and receive FIFOs
8. CEA709.1-B (LON) is available in UART0

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Communication interfaces UART wakeup

The UART can be configured to generate an interrupt/wakeup on the first active edge that
it receives. UART interrupts

The UART has multiple sources of interrupt requests. However, some of these sources
are OR'd together to generate a single interrupt request. See below for the mapping of the
individual interrupt sources to the interrupt request:
The status interrupt combines the following interrupt sources:
Transmit data x x x x x
Transmit complete x x x x x
Idle line x x x x x
Receive data full x x x x x
LIN break detect x x x x x
RxD pin active x x x x x
Initial character x — — — —

The error interrupt combines the following interrupt sources:

Receiver overrun x x x x x
Noise flag x x x x x
Framing error x x x x x
Parity error x x x x x
Transmitter buffer x x x x x
Receiver buffer x x x x x
Transmit threshold x — — — —
Receiver threshold x — — — —
Wait timer x — — — —

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Character wait x — — — —
timer (ISO7816)
Block wait timer x — — — —
Guard time x — — — —
violation (ISO7816)

The LON status interrupt combines the following interrupt sources:

Wbase expire after x — — — —
beta1 time slots
Package received x — — — —
Package x — — — —
transmitted (LON)
Package cycle x — — — —
time expired (LON)
Preamble start x — — — —
Transmission fail x — — — —

3.9.6 I2S configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Communication interfaces



Signal multiplexing
Module signals
I2 S

Figure 3-58. I2S configuration

Table 3-66. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description I2S I2S
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Power management Power management
Signal multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing Instantiation information

This device contains one I2S module.
As configured on the device, module features include:
• TX data lines: 2
• RX data lines: 2
• FIFO size (words): 8
• Maximum words per frame: 32
• Maximum bit clock divider: 512 I2S/SAI clocking Audio Master Clock

The audio master clock (MCLK) is used to generate the bit clock when the receiver or
transmitter is configured for an internally generated bit clock. The audio master clock can
also be output to or input from a pin. The transmitter and receiver have the same audio
master clock inputs.

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Chapter 3 Chip Configuration Bit Clock

The I2S/SAI transmitter and receiver support asynchronous bit clocks (BCLKs) that can
be generated internally from the audio master clock or supplied externally. The module
also supports the option for synchronous operation between the receiver and
transmitterproduct. Bus Clock

The bus clock is used by the control registers and to generate synchronous interrupts and
DMA requests. I2S/SAI clock generation

Each SAI peripheral can control the input clock selection, pin direction and divide ratio
of one audio master clock.
The MCLK Input Clock Select bit of the MCLK Control Register (MCR[MICS]) selects
the clock input to the I2S/SAI module’s MCLK divider.
The following table shows the input clock selection options on this device.
Table 3-67. I2S0 MCLK input clock selection
MCR[MICS] Clock Selection
00 System clock
10 Not supported

The module's MCLK Divide Register (MDR) configures the MCLK divide ratio.
The module's MCLK Output Enable bit of the MCLK Control Register (MCR[MOE])
controls the direction of the MCLK pin. The pin is the input from the pin when MOE is 0,
and the pin is the output from the clock divider when MOE is 1.
The transmitter and receiver can independently select between the bus clock and the
audio master clock to generate the bit clock. Each module's Clocking Mode field of the
Transmit Configuration 2 Register and Receive Configuration 2 Register (TCR2[MSEL]
and RCR2[MSEL]) selects the master clock.

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Human-machine interfaces Clock gating and I2S/SAI initialization

The clock to the I2S/SAI module can be gated using a bit in the SIM. To minimize power
consumption, these bits are cleared after any reset, which disables the clock to the
corresponding module. The clock enable bit should be set by software at the beginning of
the module initialization routine to enable the module clock before initialization of any of
the I2S/SAI registers. I2S/SAI operation in low power modes Stop and very low power modes

In VLPS mode, the module behaves as it does in stop mode if VLPS mode is entered
from run mode. However, if VLPS mode is entered from VLPR mode, the FIFO might
underflow or overflow before wakeup from stop mode due to the limits in bus bandwidth.
In VLPW and VLPR modes, the module is limited by the maximum bus clock
When operating from an internally generated bit clock or Audio Master Clock that is
disabled in stop modes:
In Stop mode, the transmitter is disabled after completing the current transmit frame, and,
the receiver is disabled after completing the current receive frame. Entry into Stop mode
is prevented–not acknowledged–while waiting for the transmitter and receiver to be
disabled at the end of the current frame.

3.10 Human-machine interfaces

3.10.1 GPIO configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Signal multiplexing
Crossbar switch
Transfers Module signals
GPIO controller

Figure 3-59. GPIO configuration

Table 3-68. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description GPIO GPIO
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Power management Power management
Transfers Crossbar switch Clock Distribution
Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing GPIO access protection

The GPIO module does not have access protection because it is not connected to a
peripheral bridge slot. Number of GPIO signals

The number of GPIO signals available on the devices covered by this document are
detailed in Orderable part numbers.

3.10.2 TSI Configuration

This section summarizes how the module has been configured in the chip. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.

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Human-machine interfaces



Signal multiplexing
Module signals
Touch sense input

Figure 3-60. TSI configuration

Table 3-69. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description TSI TSI
System memory map System memory map
Clocking Clock Distribution
Power management Power management
Signal Multiplexing Port control Signal Multiplexing Number of inputs

This device includes one TSI module containing 16 inputs. In low-power modes, one
selectable pin is active. TSI module functionality in MCU operation modes

Table 3-70. TSI module functionality in MCU operation modes
MCU operation mode TSI clock sources TSI operation mode Functional electrode Required
when GENCS[TSIEN] pins GENCS[STPE] state
is 1
Run Flash clock, Active mode All Don’t care
Wait Flash clock, Active mode All Don’t care
Stop MCGIRCLK, Active mode All 1
VLPR Flash clock, Active mode All Don’t care

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Table 3-70. TSI module functionality in MCU operation modes (continued)

MCU operation mode TSI clock sources TSI operation mode Functional electrode Required
when GENCS[TSIEN] pins GENCS[STPE] state
is 1
VLPW Flash clock, Active mode All Don’t care
VLPS OSCERCLK Active mode All 1
LLS LPOCLK, VLPOSCCLK Low power mode Determined by 1
VLLS3 LPOCLK, VLPOSCCLK Low power mode Determined by 1
VLLS2 LPOCLK, VLPOSCCLK Low power mode Determined by 1
VLLS1 LPOCLK, VLPOSCCLK Low power mode Determined by 1
PEN[LPSP] TSI clocks

This table shows the TSI clocks and the corresponding chip clocks.
Table 3-71. TSI clock connections
Module clock Chip clock
BUSCLK Bus clock
LPOCLK 1 kHz LPO clock

The TSI has multiple sources of interrupt requests. However, these sources are OR'd
together to generate a single interrupt request. When a TSI interrupt occurs, read the TSI
status register to determine the exact interrupt source. Shield drive signal

The shield drive signal is not supported on this device. Ignore this feature in the TSI

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Human-machine interfaces

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Chapter 4
Memory Map

4.1 Introduction
This device contains various memories and memory-mapped peripherals which are
located in one 32-bit contiguous memory space. This chapter describes the memory and
peripheral locations within that memory space.

4.2 System memory map

The following table shows the high-level device memory map.
Table 4-1. System memory map
System 32-bit Address Range Destination Slave Access
0x0000_0000–0x07FF_FFFF Program flash and read-only data All masters
(Includes exception vectors in first 1024 bytes)
0x0800_0000–0x0FFF_FFFF FlexBus (Aliased area) Cortex-M4 core
(M0) only
0x1000_0000–0x13FF_FFFF FlexNVM All masters
0x1400_0000–0x17FF_FFFF FlexRAM All masters
0x1800_0000–0x1BFF_FFFF FlexBus (Aliased area) Cortex-M4 core
(M0) only
0x1C00_0000–0x1FFF_FFFF SRAM_L: Lower SRAM (ICODE/DCODE) All masters
0x2000_0000–0x200F_FFFF SRAM_U: Upper SRAM bitband region All masters
0x2010_0000–0x21FF_FFFF Reserved –
0x2200_0000–0x23FF_FFFF Aliased to SRAM_U bitband Cortex-M4 core
0x2400_0000–0x3FFF_FFFF Reserved –
0x4000_0000–0x4007_FFFF Bitband region for peripheral bridge 0 (AIPS-Lite0) Cortex-M4 core &
0x4008_0000–0x400F_EFFF Bitband region for peripheral bridge 1 (AIPS-Lite1) Cortex-M4 core &

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System memory map

Table 4-1. System memory map (continued)

System 32-bit Address Range Destination Slave Access
0x400F_F000–0x400F_FFFF Bitband region for general purpose input/output (GPIO) Cortex-M4 core &
0x4010_0000–0x41FF_FFFF Reserved –
0x4200_0000–0x43FF_FFFF Aliased to peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite) and general purpose Cortex-M4 core
input/output (GPIO) bitband only
0x4400_0000–0x5FFF_FFFF Reserved –
0x6000_0000–0x7FFF_FFFF FlexBus (External Memory - Write-back) All masters
0x8000_0000–0x9FFF_FFFF FlexBus (External Memory - Write-through) All masters
0xA000_0000–0xDFFF_FFFF FlexBus (External Peripheral - Not executable) All masters
0xE000_0000–0xE00F_FFFF Private peripherals Cortex-M4 core
0xE010_0000–0xFFFF_FFFF Reserved –

1. EzPort master port is statically muxed with DMA master
port. Access rights to AIPS-Lite peripheral bridges and
general purpose input/output (GPIO) module address space
is limited to the core, DMA, and EzPort.
2. ARM Cortex-M4 core access privileges also includes
accesses via the debug interface.

4.2.1 Aliased bit-band regions

The SRAM_U, AIPS-Lite, and general purpose input/output (GPIO) module resources
reside in the Cortex-M4 processor bit-band regions.
The processor also includes two 32 MB aliased bit-band regions associated with the two
1 MB bit-band spaces. Each 32-bit location in the 32 MB space maps to an individual bit
in the bit-band region. A 32-bit write in the alias region has the same effect as a read-
modify-write operation on the targeted bit in the bit-band region.
Bit 0 of the value written to the alias region determines what value is written to the target
• Writing a value with bit 0 set writes a 1 to the target bit.
• Writing a value with bit 0 clear writes a 0 to the target bit.
A 32-bit read in the alias region returns either:
• a value of 0x0000_0000 to indicate the target bit is clear
• a value of 0x0000_0001 to indicate the target bit is set

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Chapter 4 Memory Map
Bit-band region Alias bit-band region

31 0 31 0

1 MByte

32 MByte
Figure 4-1. Alias bit-band mapping

Each bit in bit-band region has an equivalent bit that can be
manipulated through bit 0 in a corresponding long word in the
alias bit-band region.

4.3 Flash Memory Map

The various flash memories and the flash registers are located at different base addresses
as shown in the following figure. The base address for each is specified in System
memory map.

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SRAM memory map
Flash memory base address

Program flash base address

Flash configuration field
Program flash

FlexNVM base address


FlexRAM base address


Figure 4-2. Flash memory map

4.3.1 Alternate Non-Volatile IRC User Trim Description

The following non-volatile locations (4 bytes) are reserved for custom IRC user trim
supported by some development tools. An alternate IRC trim to the factory loaded trim
can be stored at this location. To override the factory trim, user software must load new
values into the MCG trim registers.
Non-Volatile Byte Address Alternate IRC Trim Value
0x0000_03FC Reserved
0x0000_03FD Reserved
0x0000_03FE (bit 0) SCFTRIM
0x0000_03FE (bit 4:1) FCTRIM
0x0000_03FF SCTRIM

4.4 SRAM memory map

The on-chip RAM is split evenly among SRAM_L and SRAM_U. The RAM is also
implemented such that the SRAM_L and SRAM_U ranges form a contiguous block in
the memory map. See SRAM Arrays for details.
Accesses to the SRAM_L and SRAM_U memory ranges outside the amount of RAM on
the device causes the bus cycle to be terminated with an error followed by the appropriate
response in the requesting bus master.

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Chapter 4 Memory Map

4.5 Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite0 and AIPS-Lite1) memory

The peripheral memory map is accessible via two slave ports on the crossbar switch in
the 0x4000_0000–0x400F_FFFF region. The device implements two peripheral bridges
(AIPS-Lite 0 and 1):
• AIPS-Lite0 covers 512 KB
• AIPS-Lite1 covers 508 KB with 4 KB assigned to the general purpose input/output
module (GPIO)
AIPS-Lite0 is connected to crossbar switch slave port 2, and is accessible at locations
AIPS-Lite1 and the general purpose input/output module share the connection to crossbar
switch slave port 3. The AIPS-Lite1 is accessible at locations 0x4008_0000–
0x400F_EFFF. The general purpose input/output module is accessible in a 4-kbyte region
at 0x400F_F000–0x400F_FFFF. Its direct connection to the crossbar switch provides
master access without incurring wait states associated with accesses via the AIPS-Lite
Modules that are disabled via their clock gate control bits in the SIM registers disable the
associated AIPS slots. Access to any address within an unimplemented or disabled
peripheral bridge slot results in a transfer error termination.
For programming model accesses via the peripheral bridges, there is generally only a
small range within the 4 KB slots that is implemented. Accessing an address that is not
implemented in the peripheral results in a transfer error termination.

4.5.1 Peripheral Bridge 0 (AIPS-Lite 0) Memory Map

Table 4-2. Peripheral bridge 0 slot assignments
System 32-bit base address Slot Module
0x4000_0000 0 Peripheral bridge 0 (AIPS-Lite 0)
0x4000_1000 1 —
0x4000_2000 2 —
0x4000_3000 3 —
0x4000_4000 4 Crossbar switch
0x4000_5000 5 —

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Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite0 and AIPS-Lite1) memory maps

Table 4-2. Peripheral bridge 0 slot assignments (continued)

System 32-bit base address Slot Module
0x4000_6000 6 —
0x4000_7000 7 —
0x4000_8000 8 DMA controller
0x4000_9000 9 DMA controller transfer control descriptors
0x4000_A000 10 —
0x4000_B000 11 —
0x4000_C000 12 FlexBus
0x4000_D000 13 —
0x4000_E000 14 —
0x4000_F000 15 —
0x4001_0000 16 —
0x4001_1000 17 —
0x4001_2000 18 —
0x4001_3000 19 —
0x4001_4000 20 —
0x4001_5000 21 —
0x4001_6000 22 —
0x4001_7000 23 —
0x4001_8000 24 —
0x4001_9000 25 —
0x4001_A000 26 —
0x4001_B000 27 —
0x4001_C000 28 —
0x4001_D000 29 —
0x4001_E000 30 —
0x4001_F000 31 Flash memory controller
0x4002_0000 32 Flash memory
0x4002_1000 33 DMA channel mutiplexer 0
0x4002_2000 34 —
0x4002_3000 35 —
0x4002_4000 36 FlexCAN 0
0x4002_5000 37 —
0x4002_6000 38 —
0x4002_7000 39 —
0x4002_8000 40 —
0x4002_9000 41 —
0x4002_A000 42 —
0x4002_B000 43 —
0x4002_C000 44 SPI 0

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Chapter 4 Memory Map

Table 4-2. Peripheral bridge 0 slot assignments (continued)

System 32-bit base address Slot Module
0x4002_D000 45 SPI 1
0x4002_E000 46 —
0x4002_F000 47 I2S 0
0x4003_0000 48 —
0x4003_1000 49 —
0x4003_2000 50 CRC
0x4003_3000 51 —
0x4003_4000 52 —
0x4003_5000 53 USB DCD
0x4003_6000 54 Programmable delay block (PDB)
0x4003_7000 55 Periodic interrupt timers (PIT)
0x4003_8000 56 FlexTimer (FTM) 0
0x4003_9000 57 FlexTimer (FTM) 1
0x4003_A000 58 —
0x4003_B000 59 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 0
0x4003_C000 60 —
0x4003_D000 61 Real-time clock (RTC)
0x4003_E000 62 VBAT register file
0x4003_F000 63 —
0x4004_0000 64 Low-power timer (LPTMR)
0x4004_1000 65 System register file
0x4004_2000 66 —
0x4004_3000 67 —
0x4004_4000 68 —
0x4004_5000 69 Touch sense interface (TSI)
0x4004_6000 70 —
0x4004_7000 71 SIM low-power logic
0x4004_8000 72 System integration module (SIM)
0x4004_9000 73 Port A multiplexing control
0x4004_A000 74 Port B multiplexing control
0x4004_B000 75 Port C multiplexing control
0x4004_C000 76 Port D multiplexing control
0x4004_D000 77 Port E multiplexing control
0x4004_E000 78 —
0x4004_F000 79 —
0x4005_0000 80 —
0x4005_1000 81 —
0x4005_2000 82 Software watchdog
0x4005_3000 83 —

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Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite0 and AIPS-Lite1) memory maps

Table 4-2. Peripheral bridge 0 slot assignments (continued)

System 32-bit base address Slot Module
0x4005_4000 84 —
0x4005_5000 85 —
0x4005_6000 86 —
0x4005_7000 87 —
0x4005_8000 88 —
0x4005_9000 89 —
0x4005_A000 90 —
0x4005_B000 91 —
0x4005_C000 92 —
0x4005_D000 93 —
0x4005_E000 94 —
0x4005_F000 95 —
0x4006_0000 96 —
0x4006_1000 97 External watchdog
0x4006_2000 98 Carrier modulator timer (CMT)
0x4006_3000 99 —
0x4006_4000 100 Multi-purpose Clock Generator (MCG)
0x4006_5000 101 System oscillator (OSC)
0x4006_6000 102 I2C 0
0x4006_7000 103 I2C 1
0x4006_8000 104 —
0x4006_9000 105 —
0x4006_A000 106 UART 0
0x4006_B000 107 UART 1
0x4006_C000 108 UART 2
0x4006_D000 109 UART 3
0x4006_E000 110 —
0x4006_F000 111 —
0x4007_0000 112 —
0x4007_1000 113 —
0x4007_2000 114 USB OTG FS/LS
0x4007_3000 115 Analog comparator (CMP) / 6-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC)
0x4007_4000 116 Voltage reference (VREF)
0x4007_5000 117 —
0x4007_6000 118 —
0x4007_7000 119 —
0x4007_8000 120 —
0x4007_9000 121 —
0x4007_A000 122 —

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 4 Memory Map

Table 4-2. Peripheral bridge 0 slot assignments (continued)

System 32-bit base address Slot Module
0x4007_B000 123 —
0x4007_C000 124 Low-leakage wakeup unit (LLWU)
0x4007_D000 125 Power management controller (PMC)
0x4007_E000 126 System Mode controller (SMC)
0x4007_F000 127 Reset Control Module (RCM)

4.5.2 Peripheral Bridge 1 (AIPS-Lite 1) Memory Map

Table 4-3. Peripheral bridge 1 slot assignments
System 32-bit base address Slot Module
0x4008_0000 0 Peripheral bridge 1 (AIPS-Lite 1)
0x4008_1000 1 —
0x4008_2000 2 —
0x4008_3000 3 —
0x4008_4000 4 —
0x4008_5000 5 —
0x4008_6000 6 —
0x4008_7000 7 —
0x4008_8000 8 —
0x4008_9000 9 —
0x4008_A000 10 —
0x4008_B000 11 —
0x4008_C000 12 —
0x4008_D000 13 —
0x4008_E000 14 —
0x4008_F000 15 —
0x4009_0000 16 —
0x4009_1000 17 —
0x4009_2000 18 —
0x4009_3000 19 —
0x4009_4000 20 —
0x4009_5000 21 —
0x4009_6000 22 —
0x4009_7000 23 —
0x4009_8000 24 —
0x4009_9000 25 —

Table continues on the next page...

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Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite0 and AIPS-Lite1) memory maps

Table 4-3. Peripheral bridge 1 slot assignments (continued)

System 32-bit base address Slot Module
0x4009_A000 26 —
0x4009_B000 27 —
0x4009_C000 28 —
0x4009_D000 29 —
0x4009_E000 30 —
0x4009_F000 31 —
0x400A_0000 32 —
0x400A_1000 33 —
0x400A_2000 34 —
0x400A_3000 35 —
0x400A_4000 36 —
0x400A_5000 37 —
0x400A_6000 38 —
0x400A_7000 39 —
0x400A_8000 40 —
0x400A_9000 41 —
0x400A_A000 42 —
0x400A_B000 43 —
0x400A_C000 44 —
0x400A_D000 45 —
0x400A_E000 46 —
0x400A_F000 47 —
0x400B_0000 48 —
0x400B_1000 49 —
0x400B_2000 50 —
0x400B_3000 51 —
0x400B_4000 52 —
0x400B_5000 53 —
0x400B_6000 54 —
0x400B_7000 55 —
0x400B_8000 56 FlexTimer (FTM) 2
0x400B_9000 57 —
0x400B_A000 58 —
0x400B_B000 59 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 1
0x400B_C000 60 —
0x400B_D000 61 —
0x400B_E000 62 —
0x400B_F000 63 —
0x400C_0000 64 —

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 4 Memory Map

Table 4-3. Peripheral bridge 1 slot assignments (continued)

System 32-bit base address Slot Module
0x400C_1000 65 —
0x400C_2000 66 —
0x400C_3000 67 —
0x400C_4000 68 —
0x400C_5000 69 —
0x400C_6000 70 —
0x400C_7000 71 —
0x400C_8000 72 —
0x400C_9000 73 —
0x400C_A000 74 —
0x400C_B000 75 —
0x400C_C000 76 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) 0
0x400C_D000 77 —
0x400C_E000 78 —
0x400C_F000 79 —
0x400D_0000 80 —
0x400D_1000 81 —
0x400D_2000 82 —
0x400D_3000 83 —
0x400D_4000 84 —
0x400D_5000 85 —
0x400D_6000 86 —
0x400D_7000 87 —
0x400D_8000 88 —
0x400D_9000 89 —
0x400D_A000 90 —
0x400D_B000 91 —
0x400D_C000 92 —
0x400D_D000 93 —
0x400D_E000 94 —
0x400D_F000 95 —
0x400E_0000 96 —
0x400E_1000 97 —
0x400E_2000 98 —
0x400E_3000 99 —
0x400E_4000 100 —
0x400E_5000 101 —
0x400E_6000 102 —
0x400E_7000 103 —

Table continues on the next page...

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Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) memory map

Table 4-3. Peripheral bridge 1 slot assignments (continued)

System 32-bit base address Slot Module
0x400E_8000 104 —
0x400E_9000 105 —
0x400E_A000 106 UART 4
0x400E_B000 107 —
0x400E_C000 108 —
0x400E_D000 109 —
0x400E_E000 110 —
0x400E_F000 111 —
0x400F_0000 112 —
0x400F_1000 113 —
0x400F_2000 114 —
0x400F_3000 115 —
0x400F_4000 116 —
0x400F_5000 117 —
0x400F_6000 118 —
0x400F_7000 119 —
0x400F_8000 120 —
0x400F_9000 121 —
0x400F_A000 122 —
0x400F_B000 123 —
0x400F_C000 124 —
0x400F_D000 125 —
0x400F_E000 126 —
0x400F_F000 Not an AIPS-Lite slot. The 32-bit general purpose input/output module that shares the
crossbar switch slave port with the AIPS-Lite is accessed at this address.

4.6 Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) memory map

The PPB is part of the defined ARM bus architecture and provides access to select
processor-local modules. These resources are only accessible from the core; other system
masters do not have access to them.
Table 4-4. PPB memory map
System 32-bit Address Range Resource
0xE000_0000–0xE000_0FFF Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM)
0xE000_1000–0xE000_1FFF Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT)

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 4 Memory Map

Table 4-4. PPB memory map (continued)

System 32-bit Address Range Resource
0xE000_2000–0xE000_2FFF Flash Patch and Breakpoint (FPB)
0xE000_3000–0xE000_DFFF Reserved
0xE000_E000–0xE000_EFFF System Control Space (SCS) (for NVIC)
0xE000_F000–0xE003_FFFF Reserved
0xE004_0000–0xE004_0FFF Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU)
0xE004_1000–0xE004_1FFF Reserved
0xE004_2000–0xE004_2FFF Reserved
0xE004_3000–0xE004_3FFF Reserved
0xE004_4000–0xE007_FFFF Reserved
0xE008_0000–0xE008_0FFF Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM)
0xE008_1000–0xE008_1FFF Reserved
0xE008_2000–0xE00F_EFFF Reserved
0xE00F_F000–0xE00F_FFFF ROM Table - allows auto-detection of debug components

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Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) memory map

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162 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 5
Clock Distribution

5.1 Introduction
The MCG module controls which clock source is used to derive the system clocks. The
clock generation logic divides the selected clock source into a variety of clock domains,
including the clocks for the system bus masters, system bus slaves, and flash memory.
The clock generation logic also implements module-specific clock gating to allow
granular shutoff of modules.
The primary clocks for the system are generated from the MCGOUTCLK clock. The
clock generation circuitry provides several clock dividers that allow different portions of
the device to be clocked at different frequencies. This allows for trade-offs between
performance and power dissipation.
Various modules, such as the USB OTG Controller, have module-specific clocks that can
be generated from the MCGPLLCLK or MCGFLLCLK clock. In addition, there are
various other module-specific clocks that have other alternate sources. Clock selection for
most modules is controlled by the SOPT registers in the SIM module.

5.2 Programming model

The selection and multiplexing of system clock sources is controlled and programmed via
the MCG module. The setting of clock dividers and module clock gating for the system
are programmed via the SIM module. Reference those sections for detailed register and
bit descriptions.

5.3 High-Level device clocking diagram

The following system oscillator, MCG, and SIM module registers control the
multiplexers, dividers, and clock gates shown in the below figure:

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Clock definitions


Multiplexers MCG_Cx MCG_Cx SIM_SOPT1, SIM_SOPT2
Dividers — MCG_Cx SIM_CLKDIVx
Clock gates OSC_CR MCG_C1 SIM_SCGCx


4 MHz IRC MCGIRCLK Clock options for

32 kHz IRC MCGFFCLK some peripherals
(see note)

FLL OUTDIV1 CG Core / system clocks

OUTDIV2 CG Bus clock

OUTDIV3 CG FlexBus clock
OUTDIV4 CG Flash clock


Clock options for some

peripherals (see note)
System oscillator

RTC oscillator PMC

OSC logic PMC logic
RTC clock
CG — Clock gate
Note: See subsequent sections for details on where these clocks are used.

Figure 5-1. Clocking diagram

5.4 Clock definitions

The following table describes the clocks in the previous block diagram.
Clock name Description
Core clock MCGOUTCLK divided by OUTDIV1 clocks the ARM Cortex-
M4 core

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 5 Clock Distribution

Clock name Description

System clock MCGOUTCLK divided by OUTDIV1 clocks the crossbar
switch and bus masters directly connected to the crossbar. In
addition, this clock is used for UART0 and UART1.
Bus clock MCGOUTCLK divided by OUTDIV2 clocks the bus slaves
and peripheral (excluding memories)
FlexBus clock MCGOUTCLK divided by OUTDIV3 clocks the external
FlexBus interface
Flash clock MCGOUTCLK divided by OUTDIV4 clocks the flash memory
MCGIRCLK MCG output of the slow or fast internal reference clock
MCGFFCLK MCG output of the slow internal reference clock or a divided
MCG external reference clock.
MCG's external reference clock that sources the core,
system, bus, FlexBus, and flash clock. It is also an option for
the debug trace clock.
clock some modules.
clock some modules.
MCG external reference clock Input clock to the MCG sourced by the system oscillator
(OSCCLK) or RTC oscillator
OSCCLK System oscillator output of the internal oscillator or sourced
directly from EXTAL
OSCERCLK System oscillator output sourced from OSCCLKthat may
clock some on-chip modules
OSC32KCLK System oscillator 32kHz output
ERCLK32K Clock source for some modules that is chosen as
OSC32KCLK or the RTC clock It is VLPOSCCLK for TSI.
RTC clock RTC oscillator output for the RTC module
LPO PMC 1kHz output

5.4.1 Device clock summary

The following table provides more information regarding the on-chip clocks.
Table 5-1. Clock Summary
Clock name Run mode VLPR mode Clock source Clock is disabled
clock frequency clock frequency
MCGOUTCLK Up to 72 MHz Up to 4 MHz MCG In all stop modes
Core clock Up to 72 MHz Up to 4 MHz MCGOUTCLK clock In all wait and stop
divider modes
System clock Up to 72 MHz Up to 4 MHz MCGOUTCLK clock In all stop modes

Table continues on the next page...

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Clock definitions

Table 5-1. Clock Summary (continued)

Clock name Run mode VLPR mode Clock source Clock is disabled
clock frequency clock frequency
Bus clock Up to 50 MHz Up to 4 MHz MCGOUTCLK clock In all stop modes
FlexBus clock Up to 50 MHz Up to 4 MHz MCGOUTCLK clock In all stop modes or
(FB_CLK) FlexBus disabled
Flash clock Up to 25 MHz Up to 1 MHz MCGOUTCLK clock In all stop modes
Internal reference 30-40 kHz or 2 MHz 4 MHz only MCG MCG_C1[IRCLKEN]
Stop mode and
cleared, or
External reference Up to 50 MHz (bypass), Up to 4 MHz (bypass), System OSC System OSC's
(OSCERCLK) 30-40 kHz, or 30-40 kHz (low-range
cleared, or
crystal) or
3-32 MHz (crystal)
Stop mode and
Up to 4 MHz (high-
range crystal)
External reference 30-40 kHz 30-40 kHz System OSC or RTC System OSC's
32kHz OSC depending on OSC_CR[ERCLKEN]
SIM_SOPT1[OSC32KS cleared or
RTC_CLKOUT 1 Hz or 32 kHz 1 Hz or 32 kHz RTC clock Clock is disabled in LLS
and VLLSx modes
LPO 1 kHz 1 kHz PMC Available in all power
MCGFLLCLK with disabled
fractional clock divider,
I2S master clock Up to 25 MHz Up to 12.5 MHz System clock, I2S is disabled
fractional clock divider,

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Chapter 5 Clock Distribution

5.5 Internal clocking requirements

The clock dividers are programmed via the SIM module’s CLKDIV registers. Each
divider is programmable from a divide-by-1 through divide-by-16 setting. The following
requirements must be met when configuring the clocks for this device:
1. The core and system clock frequencies must be 72 MHz or slower.
2. The bus clock frequency must be programmed to 50 MHz or less and an integer
divide of the core clock.
3. The flash clock frequency must be programmed to 25 MHz or less, less than or equal
to the bus clock, and an integer divide of the core clock.
4. The FlexBus clock frequency must be programmed to be less than or equal to the bus
clock frequency.
The following are a few of the more common clock configurations for this device:
Option 1:
Clock Frequency
Core clock 50 MHz
System clock 50 MHz
Bus clock 50 MHz
FlexBus clock 50 MHz
Flash clock 25 MHz

Option 2:
Clock Frequency
Core clock 72 MHz
System clock 72 MHz
Bus clock 36 MHz
FlexBus clock 36 MHz
Flash clock 24 MHz

5.5.1 Clock divider values after reset

Each clock divider is programmed via the SIM module’s CLKDIVn registers. The flash
memory's FTFL_FOPT[LPBOOT] bit controls the reset value of the core clock, system
clock, bus clock, and flash clock dividers as shown below:

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Clock Gating

FTFL_FOPT Core/system Bus clock FlexBus clock Flash clock Description

[LPBOOT] clock
0 0x7 (divide by 8) 0x7 (divide by 8) 0xF (divide by 16) 0xF (divide by 16) Low power boot
1 0x0 (divide by 1) 0x0 (divide by 1) 0x1 (divide by 2) 0x1 (divide by 2) Fast clock boot

This gives the user flexibility for a lower frequency, low-power boot option. The flash
erased state defaults to fast clocking mode, since where the low power boot
(FTFL_FOPT[LPBOOT]) bit resides in flash is logic 1 in the flash erased state.
To enable the low power boot option program FTFL_FOPT[LPBOOT] to zero. During
the reset sequence, if LPBOOT is cleared, the system is in a slow clock configuration.
Upon any system reset, the clock dividers return to this configurable reset state.

5.5.2 VLPR mode clocking

The clock dividers cannot be changed while in VLPR mode. They must be programmed
prior to entering VLPR mode to guarantee:
• the core/system, FlexBus, and bus clocks are less than or equal to 4 MHz, and
• the flash memory clock is less than or equal to 1 MHz

5.6 Clock Gating

The clock to each module can be individually gated on and off using the SIM module's
SCGCx registers. These bits are cleared after any reset, which disables the clock to the
corresponding module to conserve power. Prior to initializing a module, set the
corresponding bit in SCGCx register to enable the clock. Before turning off the clock,
make sure to disable the module.
Any bus access to a peripheral that has its clock disabled generates an error termination.

5.7 Module clocks

The following table summarizes the clocks associated with each module.
Table 5-2. Module clocks
Module Bus interface clock Internal clocks I/O interface clocks
Core modules

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 5 Clock Distribution

Table 5-2. Module clocks (continued)

Module Bus interface clock Internal clocks I/O interface clocks
ARM Cortex-M4 core System clock Core clock —
NVIC System clock — —
DAP System clock — —
ITM System clock — —
System modules
DMA System clock — —
DMA Mux Bus clock — —
Port control Bus clock LPO —
Crossbar Switch System clock — —
Peripheral bridges System clock Bus clock, Flash clock —
LLWU, PMC, SIM, RCM Flash clock LPO —
Mode controller Flash clock — —
MCM System clock — —
EWM Bus clock LPO —
Watchdog timer Bus clock LPO —
OSC Bus clock OSCERCLK —
Memory and memory interfaces
Flash Controller System clock Flash clock —
Flash memory Flash clock — —
FlexBus System clock — CLKOUT
EzPort System clock — EZP_CLK
CRC Bus clock — —
ADC Bus clock OSCERCLK —
CMP Bus clock — —
DAC Bus clock — —
VREF Bus clock — —
PDB Bus clock — —
FlexTimers Bus clock MCGFFCLK FTM_CLKINx
PIT Bus clock — —
LPTMR Flash clock LPO, OSCERCLK, —
CMT Bus clock — —

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Module clocks

Table 5-2. Module clocks (continued)

Module Bus interface clock Internal clocks I/O interface clocks
RTC Flash clock EXTAL32 —
Communication interfaces
USB FS OTG System clock USB FS clock —
USB DCD Bus clock — —
FlexCAN Bus clock OSCERCLK —
DSPI Bus clock — DSPI_SCK
I2C Bus clock — I2C_SCL
UART0, UART1 System clock — —
UART2-4 Bus clock — —
I2S Bus clock I2S master clock I2S_TX_BCLK,
Human-machine interfaces
GPIO System clock — —
TSI Flash clock LPO, ERCLK32K, —

5.7.1 PMC 1-kHz LPO clock

The Power Management Controller (PMC) generates a 1-kHz clock that is enabled in all
modes of operation, including all low power modes. This 1-kHz source is commonly
referred to as LPO clock or 1-kHz LPO clock.

5.7.2 WDOG clocking

The WDOG may be clocked from two clock sources as shown in the following figure.


WDOG clock

Bus clock

Figure 5-2. WDOG clock generation

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Chapter 5 Clock Distribution

5.7.3 Debug trace clock

The debug trace clock source can be clocked as shown in the following figure.



Core / system clock


Figure 5-3. Trace clock generation

5.7.4 PORT digital filter clocking

The digital filters in each of the PORTx modules can be clocked as shown in the
following figure.
In stop mode, the digital input filters are bypassed unless they
are configured to run from the 1 kHz LPO clock source.

Bus clock
PORTx digital input
filter clock

Figure 5-4. PORTx digital input filter clock generation

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Module clocks

5.7.5 LPTMR clocking

The prescaler and glitch filters in each of the LPTMRx modules can be clocked as shown
in the following figure.
The chosen clock must remain enabled if the LPTMRx is to
continue operating in all required low-power modes.


LPO LPTMRx prescaler/glitch

ERCLK32K filter clock


Figure 5-5. LPTMRx prescaler/glitch filter clock generation

5.7.6 USB FS OTG Controller clocking

The USB FS OTG controller is a bus master attached to the crossbar switch. As such, its
clock is connected to the system clock.
For the USB FS OTG controller to operate, the minimum
system clock frequency is 20 MHz.
The USB OTG controller also requires a 48 MHz clock. The clock source options are
shown below.





Figure 5-6. USB 48 MHz clock source

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Chapter 5 Clock Distribution

The MCGFLLCLK does not meet the USB jitter specifications
for certification.

5.7.7 FlexCAN clocking

The clock for the FlexCAN's protocol engine can be selected as shown in the following


FlexCAN clock

Bus clock


Figure 5-7. FlexCAN clock generation

5.7.8 UART clocking

UART0 and UART1 modules operate from the core/system clock, which provides higher
performance level for these modules. All other UART modules operate from the bus

5.7.9 I2S/SAI clocking

The audio master clock (MCLK) is used to generate the bit clock when the receiver or
transmitter is configured for an internally generated bit clock. The audio master clock can
also be output to or input from a pin. The transmitter and receiver have the same audio
master clock inputs.
Each SAI peripheral can control the input clock selection, pin direction and divide ratio
of one audio master clock.

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Module clocks

The I2S/SAI transmitter and receiver support asynchronous bit clocks (BCLKs) that can
be generated internally from the audio master clock or supplied externally. The module
also supports the option for synchronous operation between the receiver and
The transmitter and receiver can independently select between the bus clock and the
audio master clock to generate the bit clock.
The MCLK and BCLK source options appear in the following figure.

Clock Generation MCLK_OUT I2S/SAI

Fractional 11 Bit
OSC0ERCLK 01 Clock 1 MCLK 10
Clock 1
Divider 01



Figure 5-8. I2S/SAI clock generation

5.7.10 TSI clocking

In active mode, the TSI can be clocked as shown in the following figure.

Bus clock
TSI clock
in active mode

Figure 5-9. TSI clock generation

In low-power mode, the TSI can be clocked as shown in the following figure.
In the TSI chapter, these two clocks are referred to as LPOCLK

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Chapter 5 Clock Distribution

TSI clock
in low-power mode

Figure 5-10. TSI low-power clock generation

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Module clocks

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176 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 6
Reset and Boot

6.1 Introduction
The following reset sources are supported in this MCU:
Table 6-1. Reset sources
Reset sources Description
POR reset • Power-on reset (POR)
System resets • External pin reset (PIN)
• Low-voltage detect (LVD)
• Computer operating properly (COP) watchdog reset
• Low leakage wakeup (LLWU) reset
• Multipurpose clock generator loss of clock (LOC) reset
• Multipurpose clock generator loss of lock (LOL) reset
• Stop mode acknowledge error (SACKERR)
• Software reset (SW)
• Lockup reset (LOCKUP)
• EzPort reset
• MDM DAP system reset
Debug reset • JTAG reset
• nTRST reset

Each of the system reset sources, with the exception of the EzPort and MDM-AP reset,
has an associated bit in the system reset status (SRS) registers. See the Reset Control
Module for register details.
The MCU exits reset in functional mode that is controlled by EZP_CS pin to select
between the single chip (default) or serial flash programming (EzPort) modes. See Boot
options for more details.

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6.2 Reset
This section discusses basic reset mechanisms and sources. Some modules that cause
resets can be configured to cause interrupts instead. Consult the individual peripheral
chapters for more information.

6.2.1 Power-on reset (POR)

When power is initially applied to the MCU or when the supply voltage drops below the
power-on reset re-arm voltage level (VPOR), the POR circuit causes a POR reset
As the supply voltage rises, the LVD circuit holds the MCU in reset until the supply has
risen above the LVD low threshold (VLVDL). The POR and LVD bits in SRS0 register are
set following a POR.

6.2.2 System reset sources

Resetting the MCU provides a way to start processing from a known set of initial
conditions. System reset begins with the on-chip regulator in full regulation and system
clocking generation from an internal reference. When the processor exits reset, it
performs the following:
• Reads the start SP (SP_main) from vector-table offset 0
• Reads the start PC from vector-table offset 4
• LR is set to 0xFFFF_FFFF
The on-chip peripheral modules are disabled and the non-analog I/O pins are initially
configured as disabled. The pins with analog functions assigned to them default to their
analog function after reset.
During and following a reset, the JTAG pins have their associated input pins configured
• TDI in pull-up (PU)
• TCK in pull-down (PD)
• TMS in PU
and associated output pin configured as:
• TDO with no pull-down or pull-up

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Chapter 6 Reset and Boot

Note that the nTRST signal is initially configured as disabled, however once configured
to its JTAG functionality its associated input pin is configured as:
• nTRST in PU External pin reset (PIN)

On this device, RESET is a dedicated pin. This pin is open drain and has an internal
pullup device. Asserting RESET wakes the device from any mode. During a pin reset, the
RCM's SRS0[PIN] bit is set. Reset pin filter

The RESET pin filter supports filtering from both the 1 kHz LPO clock and the bus
clock. A separate filter is implemented for each clock source. In stop and VLPS mode
operation, this logic either switches to bypass operation or has continued filtering
operation depending on the filtering mode selected. In low leakage stop modes, a separate
LPO filter in the LLWU can continue filtering the RESET pin.
reset control (RCM) register set control this functionality; see the RCM chapter. The
filters are asynchronously reset by Chip POR. The reset value for each filter assumes the
RESET pin is negated.
The two clock options for the RESET pin filter when the chip is not in low leakage
modes are the LPO (1 kHz) and bus clock. For low leakage modes VLLS3, VLLS2,
VLLS1, the LLWU provides control (in the LLWU_RST register) of an optional fixed
digital filter running the LPO.
The LPO filter has a fixed filter value of 3. Due to a synchronizer on the input data, there
is also some associated latency (2 cycles). As a result, 5 cycles are required to complete a
transition from low to high or high to low.
The bus filter initializes to off (logic 1) when the bus filter is not enabled. The bus clock
is used when the filter selects bus clock, and the number of counts is controlled by the

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Reset Low-voltage detect (LVD)

The chip includes a system for managing low voltage conditions to protect memory
contents and control MCU system states during supply voltage variations. The system
consists of a power-on reset (POR) circuit and an LVD circuit with a user-selectable trip
voltage. The LVD system is always enabled in normal run, wait, or stop mode. The LVD
system is disabled when entering VLPx, LLS, or VLLSx modes.
The LVD can be configured to generate a reset upon detection of a low voltage condition
by setting the PMC's LVDSC1[LVDRE] bit to 1. The low voltage detection threshold is
determined by the PMC's LVDSC1[LVDV] field. After an LVD reset has occurred, the
LVD system holds the MCU in reset until the supply voltage has risen above the low
voltage detection threshold. The RCM's SRS0[LVD] bit is set following either an LVD
reset or POR. Computer operating properly (COP) watchdog timer

The computer operating properly (COP) watchdog timer (WDOG) monitors the operation
of the system by expecting periodic communication from the software. This
communication is generally known as servicing (or refreshing) the COP watchdog. If this
periodic refreshing does not occur, the watchdog issues a system reset. The COP reset
causes the RCM's SRS0[WDOG] bit to set. Low leakage wakeup (LLWU)

The LLWU module provides the means for a number of external pins, the RESET pin,
and a number of internal peripherals to wake the MCU from low leakage power modes.
The LLWU module is functional only in low leakage power modes.
• In LLS mode, only the RESET pin via the LLWU can generate a system reset.
• In VLLSx modes, all enabled inputs to the LLWU can generate a system reset.
After a system reset, the LLWU retains the flags indicating the input source of the last
wakeup until the user clears them.
Some flags are cleared in the LLWU and some flags are
required to be cleared in the peripheral module. Refer to the
individual peripheral chapters for more information.

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Chapter 6 Reset and Boot Multipurpose clock generator loss-of-clock (LOC)

The MCG module supports an external reference clock.
If the C6[CME] bit in the MCG module is set, the clock monitor is enabled. If the
external reference falls below floc_low or floc_high, as controlled by the C2[RANGE] field
in the MCG module, the MCU resets. The RCM's SRS0[LOC] bit is set to indicate this
reset source.
To prevent unexpected loss of clock reset events, all clock
monitors should be disabled before entering any low power
modes, including VLPR and VLPW. MCG loss-of-lock (LOL) reset

The MCG includes a PLL loss-of-lock detector. The detector is enabled when configured
for PEE and lock has been achieved. If the MCG_C8[LOLRE] bit in the MCG module is
set and the PLL lock status bit (MCG_S[LOLS0]) becomes set, the MCU resets. The
RCM_SRS0[LOL] bit is set to indicate this reset source.
This reset source does not cause a reset if the chip is in any stop
mode. Stop mode acknowledge error (SACKERR)

This reset is generated if the core attempts to enter stop mode, but not all modules
acknowledge stop mode within 1025 cycles of the 1 kHz LPO clock.
A module might not acknowledge the entry to stop mode if an error condition occurs. The
error can be caused by a failure of an external clock input to a module. Software reset (SW)

The SYSRESETREQ bit in the NVIC application interrupt and reset control register can
be set to force a software reset on the device. (See ARM's NVIC documentation for the
full description of the register fields, especially the VECTKEY field requirements.)
Setting SYSRESETREQ generates a software reset request. This reset forces a system
reset of all major components except for the debug module. A software reset causes the
RCM's SRS1[SW] bit to set.

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Reset Lockup reset (LOCKUP)

The LOCKUP gives immediate indication of seriously errant kernel software. This is the
result of the core being locked because of an unrecoverable exception following the
activation of the processor’s built in system state protection hardware.
The LOCKUP condition causes a system reset and also causes the RCM's
SRS1[LOCKUP] bit to set. EzPort reset

The EzPort supports a system reset request via EzPort signaling. The EzPort generates a
system reset request following execution of a Reset Chip (RESET) command via the
EzPort interface. This method of reset allows the chip to boot from flash memory after it
has been programmed by an external source. The EzPort is enabled or disabled by the
EZP_CS pin.
An EzPort reset causes the RCM's SRS1[EZPT] bit to set. MDM-AP system reset request

Set the system reset request bit in the MDM-AP control register to initiate a system reset.
This is the primary method for resets via the JTAG/SWD interface. The system reset is
held until this bit is cleared.
Set the core hold reset bit in the MDM-AP control register to hold the core in reset as the
rest of the chip comes out of system reset.

6.2.3 MCU Resets

A variety of resets are generated by the MCU to reset different modules. VBAT POR

The VBAT POR asserts on a VBAT POR reset source. It affects only the modules within
the VBAT power domain: RTC and VBAT Register File. These modules are not affected
by the other reset types.

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Chapter 6 Reset and Boot POR Only

The POR Only reset asserts on the POR reset source only. It resets the PMC and System
Register File.
The POR Only reset also causes all other reset types (except VBAT POR) to occur. Chip POR not VLLS

The Chip POR not VLLS reset asserts on POR and LVD reset sources. It resets parts of
the SMC and SIM. It also resets the LPTMR.
The Chip POR not VLLS reset also causes these resets to occur: Chip POR, Chip Reset
not VLLS, and Chip Reset (including Early Chip Reset). Chip POR

The Chip POR asserts on POR, LVD, and VLLS Wakeup reset sources. It resets the
Reset Pin Filter registers and parts of the SIM and MCG.
The Chip POR also causes the Chip Reset (including Early Chip Reset) to occur. Chip Reset not VLLS

The Chip Reset not VLLS reset asserts on all reset sources except a VLLS Wakeup that
does not occur via the RESET pin. It resets parts of the SMC, LLWU, and other modules
that remain powered during VLLS mode.
The Chip Reset not VLLS reset also causes the Chip Reset (including Early Chip Reset)
to occur. Early Chip Reset

The Early Chip Reset asserts on all reset sources. It resets only the flash memory module.
It negates before flash memory initialization begins ("earlier" than when the Chip Reset

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Reset Chip Reset

Chip Reset asserts on all reset sources and only negates after flash initialization has
completed and the RESET pin has also negated. It resets the remaining modules (the
modules not reset by other reset types).

6.2.4 Reset Pin

For all reset sources except a VLLS Wakeup that does not occur via the RESET pin, the
RESET pin is driven low by the MCU for at least 128 bus clock cycles and until flash
initialization has completed.
After flash initialization has completed, the RESET pin is released, and the internal Chip
Reset negates after the RESET pin is pulled high. Keeping the RESET pin asserted
externally delays the negation of the internal Chip Reset.

6.2.5 Debug resets

The following sections detail the debug resets available on the device. JTAG reset

The JTAG module generate a system reset when certain IR codes are selected. This
functional reset is asserted when EzPort, EXTEST, HIGHZ and CLAMP instructions are
active. The reset source from the JTAG module is released when any other IR code is
selected. A JTAG reset causes the RCM's SRS1[JTAG] bit to set. nTRST reset

The nTRST pin causes a reset of the JTAG logic when asserted. Asserting the nTRST pin
allows the debugger to gain control of the TAP controller state machine (after exiting
LLS or VLLSx) without resetting the state of the debug modules.
The nTRST pin does not cause a system reset.

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Chapter 6 Reset and Boot Resetting the Debug subsystem

Use the CDBGRSTREQ bit within the SWJ-DP CTRL/STAT register to reset the debug
modules. However, as explained below, using the CDBGRSTREQ bit does not reset all
debug-related registers.
CDBGRSTREQ resets the debug-related registers within the following modules:
• MDM-AP (MDM control and status registers)
CDBGRSTREQ does not reset the debug-related registers within the following modules:
• CM4 core (core debug registers: DHCSR, DCRSR, DCRDR, DEMCR)
• Crossbar bus switch1
• Private peripheral bus1

6.3 Boot
This section describes the boot sequence, including sources and options.

6.3.1 Boot sources

This device only supports booting from internal flash. Any secondary boot must go
through an initialization sequence in flash.

6.3.2 Boot options

The device's functional mode is controlled by the state of the EzPort chip select
(EZP_CS) pin during reset.

1. CDBGRSTREQ does not affect AHB resources so that debug resources on the private peripheral bus are available
during System Reset.

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The device can be in single chip (default) or serial flash programming mode (EzPort).
While in single chip mode the device can be in run or various low power modes
mentioned in Power mode transitions.
Table 6-2. Mode select decoding
EzPort chip select (EZP_CS) Description
0 Serial flash programming mode (EzPort)
1 Single chip (default)

6.3.3 FOPT boot options

The flash option register (FOPT) in flash memory module (FTFL) allows the user to
customize the operation of the MCU at boot time. The register contains read-only bits
that are loaded from the NVM's option byte in the flash configuration field. The user can
reprogram the option byte in flash to change the FOPT values that are used for
subsequent resets. For more details on programming the option byte, refer to the flash
memory chapter.
The MCU uses the FTFL_FOPT register bits to configure the device at reset as shown in
the following table.
Table 6-3. Flash Option Register (FTFL_FOPT) Bit Definitions
Bit Field Value Definition
7-3 Reserved Reserved for future expansion.
2 NMI_DIS 0 NMI interrupts are always blocked. The associated pin continues to default to NMI
pin controls with internal pullup enabled.
1 NMI pin/interrupts reset default to enabled.
1 EZPORT_DIS 0 EzPort operation is disabled. The device always boots to normal CPU execution
and the state of EZP_CS signal during reset is ignored. This option avoids
inadvertent resets into EzPort mode if the EZP_CS/NMI pin is used for its NMI
1 EzPort operation is enabled. The state of EZP_CS pin during reset determines if
device enters EzPort mode.

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 6 Reset and Boot

Table 6-3. Flash Option Register (FTFL_FOPT) Bit Definitions

Bit Field Value Definition
0 LPBOOT 0 Low-power boot: OUTDIVx values in SIM_CLKDIV1 register are auto-configured at
reset exit for higher divide values that produce lower power consumption at reset
• Core and system clock divider (OUTDIV1) and bus clock divider (OUTDIV2)
are 0x7 (divide by 8)
• Flash clock divider (OUTDIV4) and FlexBus clock divider (OUTDIV3) are 0xF
(divide by 16)
1 Normal boot: OUTDIVx values in SIM_CLKDIV1 register are auto-configured at
reset exit for higher frequency values that produce faster operating frequencies at
reset exit.
• Core and system clock divider (OUTDIV1) and bus clock divider (OUTDIV2)
are 0x0 (divide by 1)
• Flash clock divider (OUTDIV4) and FlexBus clock divider (OUTDIV3) are 0x1
(divide by 2)

6.3.4 Boot sequence

At power up, the on-chip regulator holds the system in a POR state until the input supply
is above the POR threshold. The system continues to be held in this static state until the
internally regulated supplies have reached a safe operating voltage as determined by the
LVD. The Mode Controller reset logic then controls a sequence to exit reset.
1. A system reset is held on internal logic, the RESET pin is driven out low, and the
MCG is enabled in its default clocking mode.
2. Required clocks are enabled (Core Clock, System Clock, Flash Clock, and any Bus
Clocks that do not have clock gate control).
3. The system reset on internal logic continues to be held, but the Flash Controller is
released from reset and begins initialization operation while the Mode Control logic
continues to drive the RESET pin out low for a count of ~128 Bus Clock cycles.
4. The RESET pin is released, but the system reset of internal logic continues to be held
until the Flash Controller finishes initialization. EzPort mode is selected instead of
the normal CPU execution if EZP_CS is low when the internal reset is deasserted.
EzPort mode can be disabled by programming the FOPT[EZPORT_DIS] field in the
Flash Memory module.
5. When Flash Initialization completes, the RESET pin is observed. If RESET
continues to be asserted (an indication of a slow rise time on the RESET pin or
external drive in low), the system continues to be held in reset. Once the RESET pin
is detected high, the system is released from reset.

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6. At release of system reset, clocking is switched to a slow clock if the

FOPT[LPBOOT] field in the Flash Memory module is configured for Low Power
7. When the system exits reset, the processor sets up the stack, program counter (PC),
and link register (LR). The processor reads the start SP (SP_main) from vector-table
offset 0. The core reads the start PC from vector-table offset 4. LR is set to
0xFFFF_FFFF. The CPU begins execution at the PC location. EzPort mode is
entered instead of the normal CPU execution if Ezport mode was latched during the
8. If FlexNVM is enabled, the flash controller continues to restore the FlexNVM data.
This data is not available immediately out of reset and the system should not access
this data until the flash controller completes this initialization step as indicated by the
EEERDY flag.
Subsequent system resets follow this reset flow beginning with the step where system
clocks are enabled.

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188 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 7
Power Management

7.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the various chip power modes and functionality of the individual
modules in these modes.

7.2 Power modes

The power management controller (PMC) provides multiple power options to allow the
user to optimize power consumption for the level of functionality needed.
Depending on the stop requirements of the user application, a variety of stop modes are
available that provide state retention, partial power down or full power down of certain
logic and/or memory. I/O states are held in all modes of operation. The following table
compares the various power modes available.
For each run mode there is a corresponding wait and stop mode. Wait modes are similar
to ARM sleep modes. Stop modes (VLPS, STOP) are similar to ARM sleep deep mode.
The very low power run (VLPR) operating mode can drastically reduce runtime power
when the maximum bus frequency is not required to handle the application needs.
The three primary modes of operation are run, wait and stop. The WFI instruction
invokes both wait and stop modes for the chip. The primary modes are augmented in a
number of ways to provide lower power based on application needs.
Table 7-1. Chip power modes
Chip mode Description Core mode Normal
Normal run Allows maximum performance of chip. Default mode out of reset; on- Run -
chip voltage regulator is on.

Table continues on the next page...

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Power modes

Table 7-1. Chip power modes (continued)

Chip mode Description Core mode Normal
Normal Wait - Allows peripherals to function while the core is in sleep mode, reducing Sleep Interrupt
via WFI power. NVIC remains sensitive to interrupts; peripherals continue to be
Normal Stop - Places chip in static state. Lowest power mode that retains all registers Sleep Deep Interrupt
via WFI while maintaining LVD protection. NVIC is disabled; AWIC is used to
wake up from interrupt; peripheral clocks are stopped.
VLPR (Very Low On-chip voltage regulator is in a low power mode that supplies only Run Interrupt
Power Run) enough power to run the chip at a reduced frequency. Reduced
frequency Flash access mode (1 MHz); LVD off; internal oscillator
provides a low power 4 MHz source for the core, the bus and the
peripheral clocks.
VLPW (Very Same as VLPR but with the core in sleep mode to further reduce Sleep Interrupt
Low Power power; NVIC remains sensitive to interrupts (FCLK = ON). On-chip
Wait) -via WFI voltage regulator is in a low power mode that supplies only enough
power to run the chip at a reduced frequency.
VLPS (Very Low Places chip in static state with LVD operation off. Lowest power mode Sleep Deep Interrupt
Power Stop)-via with ADC and pin interrupts functional. Peripheral clocks are stopped,
WFI but LPTimer, RTC, CMP, TSI, DAC can be used. NVIC is disabled
(FCLK = OFF); AWIC is used to wake up from interrupt. On-chip
voltage regulator is in a low power mode that supplies only enough
power to run the chip at a reduced frequency. All SRAM is operating
(content retained and I/O states held).
LLS (Low State retention power mode. Most peripherals are in state retention Sleep Deep Wakeup
Leakage Stop) mode (with clocks stopped), but LLWU, LPTimer, RTC, CMP, TSI, Interrupt1
DAC can be used. NVIC is disabled; LLWU is used to wake up.

NOTE: The LLWU interrupt must not be masked by the interrupt

controller to avoid a scenario where the system does not fully
exit stop mode on an LLS recovery.
All SRAM is operating (content retained and I/O states held).
VLLS3 (Very Most peripherals are disabled (with clocks stopped), but LLWU, Sleep Deep Wakeup Reset2
Low Leakage LPTimer, RTC, CMP, TSI, DAC can be used. NVIC is disabled; LLWU
Stop3) is used to wake up.
SRAM_U and SRAM_L remain powered on (content retained and I/O
states held).
VLLS2 (Very Most peripherals are disabled (with clocks stopped), but LLWU, Sleep Deep Wakeup Reset2
Low Leakage LPTimer, RTC, CMP, TSI, DAC can be used. NVIC is disabled; LLWU
Stop2) is used to wake up.
SRAM_L is powered off. A portion of SRAM_U remains powered on
(content retained and I/O states held).
VLLS1 (Very Most peripherals are disabled (with clocks stopped), but LLWU, Sleep Deep Wakeup Reset2
Low Leakage LPTimer, RTC, CMP, TSI, DAC can be used. NVIC is disabled; LLWU
Stop1) is used to wake up.
All of SRAM_U and SRAM_L are powered off. The 32-byte system
register file and the 32-byte VBAT register file remain powered for
customer-critical data.

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 7 Power Management

Table 7-1. Chip power modes (continued)

Chip mode Description Core mode Normal
BAT (backup The chip is powered down except for the VBAT supply. The RTC and Off Power-up
battery only) the 32-byte VBAT register file for customer-critical data remain Sequence

1. Resumes normal run mode operation by executing the LLWU interrupt service routine.
2. Follows the reset flow with the LLWU interrupt flag set for the NVIC.

7.3 Entering and exiting power modes

The WFI instruction invokes wait and stop modes for the chip. The processor exits the
low-power mode via an interrupt. The Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
describes interrupt operation and what peripherals can cause interrupts.
The WFE instruction can have the side effect of entering a low-
power mode, but that is not its intended usage. See ARM
documentation for more on the WFE instruction.
Recovery from VLLSx is through the wake-up Reset event. The chip wake-ups from
VLLSx by means of reset, an enabled pin or enabled module. See the table "LLWU
inputs" in the LLWU configuration section for a list of the sources.
The wake-up flow from VLLSx is through reset. The wakeup bit in the SRS registers in
the RCM is set indicating that the chip is recovering from a low power mode. Code
execution begins; however, the I/O pins are held in their pre low power mode entry
states, and the system oscillator and MCG registers are reset (even if EREFSTEN had
been set before entering VLLSx). Software must clear this hold by writing a 1 to the
ACKISO bit in the Regulator Status and Control Register in the PMC module.
To avoid unwanted transitions on the pins, software must re-
initialize the I/O pins to their pre-low-power mode entry states
before releasing the hold.
If the oscillator was configured to continue running during VLLSx modes, it must be re-
configured before the ACKISO bit is cleared. The oscillator configuration within the
MCG is cleared after VLLSx recovery and the oscillator will stop when ACKISO is
cleared unless the register is re-configured.

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Power mode transitions

7.4 Power mode transitions

The following figure shows the power mode transitions. Any reset always brings the chip
back to the normal run state. In run, wait, and stop modes active power regulation is
enabled. The VLPx modes are limited in frequency, but offer a lower power operating
mode than normal modes. The LLS and VLLSx modes are the lowest power stop modes
based on amount of logic or memory that is required to be retained by the application.

Any reset



Run 6



3, 2, 1

Figure 7-1. Power mode state transition diagram

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Chapter 7 Power Management

7.5 Power modes shutdown sequencing

When entering stop or other low-power modes, the clocks are shut off in an orderly
sequence to safely place the chip in the targeted low-power state. All low-power entry
sequences are initiated by the core executing an WFI instruction. The ARM core's
outputs, SLEEPDEEP and SLEEPING, trigger entry to the various low-power modes:
• System level wait and VLPW modes equate to: SLEEPING & SLEEPDEEP
• All other low power modes equate to: SLEEPING & SLEEPDEEP
When entering the non-wait modes, the chip performs the following sequence:
• Shuts off Core Clock and System Clock to the ARM Cortex-M4 core immediately.
• Polls stop acknowledge indications from the non-core crossbar masters (DMA),
supporting peripherals (SPI, PIT) and the Flash Controller for indications that System
Clocks, Bus Clock and/or Flash Clock need to be left enabled to complete a
previously initiated operation, effectively stalling entry to the targeted low power
mode. When all acknowledges are detected, System Clock, Bus Clock and Flash
Clock are turned off at the same time.
• MCG and Mode Controller shut off clock sources and/or the internal supplies driven
from the on-chip regulator as defined for the targeted low power mode.
In wait modes, most of the system clocks are not affected by the low power mode entry.
The Core Clock to the ARM Cortex-M4 core is shut off. Some modules support stop-in-
wait functionality and have their clocks disabled under these configurations.
The debugger modules support a transition from stop, wait, VLPS, and VLPW back to a
halted state when the debugger is enabled. This transition is initiated by setting the Debug
Request bit in MDM-AP control register. As part of this transition, system clocking is re-
established and is equivalent to normal run/VLPR mode clocking configuration.

7.6 Module Operation in Low Power Modes

The following table illustrates the functionality of each module while the chip is in each
of the low power modes. (Debug modules are discussed separately; see Debug in Low
Power Modes.) Number ratings (such as 2 MHz and 1 Mbps) represent the maximum
frequencies or maximum data rates per mode. Also, these terms are used:
• FF = Full functionality. In VLPR and VLPW the system frequency is limited, but if a
module does not have a limitation in its functionality, it is still listed as FF.
• static = Module register states and associated memories are retained.

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Module Operation in Low Power Modes

• powered = Memory is powered to retain contents.

• low power = Flash has a low power state that retains configuration registers to
support faster wakeup.
• OFF = Modules are powered off; module is in reset state upon wakeup.
• wakeup = Modules can serve as a wakeup source for the chip.
Table 7-2. Module operation in low power modes
Core modules
NVIC static FF FF static static OFF
System modules
Mode Controller FF FF FF FF FF FF
LLWU1 static static static static FF FF
Regulator ON low power low power low power low power low power
LVD ON disabled disabled disabled disabled disabled
Brown-out ON ON ON ON ON ON
DMA static FF FF static static OFF
Watchdog FF FF FF FF static OFF
EWM static FF static static static OFF
System OSCERCLK OSCERCLK OSCERCLK OSCERCLK limited to low limited to low
oscillator (OSC) optional max of 4MHz max of 4MHz max of 4MHz range/low power range/low power
crystal crystal crystal
MCG static - 4 MHz IRC 4 MHz IRC static - no clock static - no clock OFF
MCGIRCLK output output
optional; PLL
optionally on but
Core clock OFF 4 MHz max OFF OFF OFF OFF
System clock OFF 4 MHz max 4 MHz max OFF OFF OFF
Bus clock OFF 4 MHz max 4 MHz max OFF OFF OFF
Memory and memory interfaces
Flash powered 1 MHz max low power low power OFF OFF
access - no pgm
Portion of low power low power low power low power low power low power in
otherwise OFF
Remaining low power low power low power low power low power low power in
SRAM_U and all VLLS3;
of SRAM_L otherwise OFF
FlexMemory low power low power3 low power low power low power OFF
Register files4 powered powered powered powered powered powered
FlexBus static FF FF static static OFF

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 7 Power Management

Table 7-2. Module operation in low power modes (continued)

EzPort disabled disabled disabled disabled disabled disabled
Communication interfaces
USB FS/LS static static static static static OFF
USB DCD static FF FF static static OFF
USB Voltage optional optional optional optional optional optional
UART static, wakeup 125 kbps 125 kbps static, wakeup static OFF
on edge on edge
SPI static 1 Mbps 1 Mbps static static OFF
I2C static, address 100 kbps 100 kbps static, address static OFF
match wakeup match wakeup
CAN wakeup 256 kbps 256 kbps wakeup static OFF
I2S FF with external FF FF FF with external static OFF
clock5 clock5
CRC static FF FF static static OFF
FTM static FF FF static static OFF
PIT static FF FF static static OFF
PDB static FF FF static static OFF
CMT static FF FF static static OFF
16-bit ADC ADC internal FF FF ADC internal static OFF
clock only clock only
CMP7 HS or LS level FF FF HS or LS level LS level LS level
compare compare compare compare
6-bit DAC static FF FF static static static
12-bit DAC static FF FF static static static
Human-machine interfaces
GPIO wakeup FF FF wakeup static, pins OFF, pins
latched latched
TSI wakeup FF FF wakeup wakeup8 wakeup8

1. Using the LLWU module, the external pins available for this chip do not require the associated peripheral function to be
enabled. It only requires the function controlling the pin (GPIO or peripheral) to be configured as an input to allow a
transition to occur to the LLWU.
2. A 16KB portion of SRAM_U block is left powered on in low power mode VLLS2.
3. FlexRAM enabled as EEPROM is not writable in VLPR and writes are ignored. Read accesses to FlexRAM as EEPROM
while in VLPR are allowed. There are no access restrictions for FlexRAM configured as traditional RAM.
4. These components remain powered in BAT power mode.
5. Use an externally generated bit clock or an externally generated audio master clock (including EXTAL).

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Clock Gating
6. RTC_CLKOUT is not available.
7. CMP in stop or VLPS supports high speed or low speed external pin to pin or external pin to DAC compares. CMP in LLS
or VLLSx only supports low speed external pin to pin or external pin to DAC compares. Windowed, sampled & filtered
modes of operation are not available while in stop, VLPS, LLS, or VLLSx modes.
8. TSI wakeup from LLS and VLLSx modes is limited to a single selectable pin.

7.7 Clock Gating

To conserve power, the clocks to most modules can be turned off using the SCGCx
registers in the SIM module. These bits are cleared after any reset, which disables the
clock to the corresponding module. Prior to initializing a module, set the corresponding
bit in the SCGCx register to enable the clock. Before turning off the clock, make sure to
disable the module. For more details, refer to the clock distribution and SIM chapters.

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196 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 8

8.1 Introduction
This device implements security based on the mode selected from the flash module. The
following sections provide an overview of flash security and details the effects of security
on non-flash modules.

8.2 Flash Security

The flash module provides security information to the MCU based on the state held by
the FSEC[SEC] bits. The MCU, in turn, confirms the security request and limits access to
flash resources. During reset, the flash module initializes the FSEC register using data
read from the security byte of the flash configuration field.
The security features apply only to external accesses: debug and
EzPort. CPU accesses to the flash are not affected by the status
of FSEC.
In the unsecured state all flash commands are available to the programming interfaces
(JTAG and EzPort), as well as user code execution of Flash Controller commands. When
the flash is secured (FSEC[SEC] = 00, 01, or 11), programmer interfaces are only
allowed to launch mass erase operations and have no access to memory locations.
Further information regarding the flash security options and enabling/disabling flash
security is available in the Flash Memory Module.

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Security Interactions with other Modules

8.3 Security Interactions with other Modules

The flash security settings are used by the SoC to determine what resources are available.
The following sections describe the interactions between modules and the flash security
settings or the impact that the flash security has on non-flash modules.

8.3.1 Security interactions with FlexBus

When flash security is enabled, SIM_SOPT2[FBSL] enables/disables off-chip accesses
through the FlexBus interface. The FBSL bitfield also has an option to allow opcode and
operand accesses or only operand accesses.

8.3.2 Security Interactions with EzPort

When flash security is active the MCU can still boot in EzPort mode. The EzPort holds
the flash logic in NVM special mode and thus limits flash operation when flash security
is active. While in EzPort mode and security is active, flash bulk erase (BE) can still be
executed. The write FCCOB registers (WRFCCOB) command is limited to the mass
erase (Erase All Blocks) and verify all 1s (Read 1s All Blocks) commands. Read accesses
to internal memories via the EzPort are blocked when security is enabled.
The mass erase can be used to disable flash security, but all of the flash contents are lost
in the process. A mass erase via the EzPort is allowed even when some memory locations
are protected.
When mass erase has been disabled, mass erase via the EzPort is blocked and cannot be

8.3.3 Security Interactions with Debug

When flash security is active the JTAG port cannot access the memory resources of the
MCU. Boundary scan chain operations work, but debugging capabilities are disabled so
that the debug port cannot read flash contents.
Although most debug functions are disabled, the debugger can write to the Flash Mass
Erase in Progress bit in the MDM-AP Control register to trigger a mass erase (Erase All
Blocks) command. A mass erase via the debugger is allowed even when some memory
locations are protected.

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Chapter 8 Security

When mass erase is disabled, mass erase via the debugger is blocked.

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Security Interactions with other Modules

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Chapter 9

9.1 Introduction
This device's debug is based on the ARM coresight architecture and is configured in each
device to provide the maximum flexibility as allowed by the restrictions of the pinout and
other available resources.
Four debug interfaces are supported:
• IEEE 1149.1 JTAG
• IEEE 1149.7 JTAG (cJTAG)
• Serial Wire Debug (SWD)
• ARM Real-Time Trace Interface(1-pin asynchronous mode only)
The basic Cortex-M4 debug architecture is very flexible. The following diagram shows
the topology of the core debug architecture and its components.

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INTNMI Interrupts

INTISR[239:0] Sleep

Trace port
(serial wire
or multi-pin)


Private Peripheral Bus

i/f Table

I-code bus
Bus Code bus
D-code bus
SW/ System bus


Figure 9-1. Cortex-M4 Debug Topology

The following table presents a brief description of each one of the debug components.
Table 9-1. Debug Components Description
Module Description
SWJ-DP+ cJTAG Modified Debug Port with support for SWD, JTAG, cJTAG
AHB-AP AHB Master Interface from JTAG to debug module and SOC
system memory maps
JTAG-AP Bridge to DFT/BIST resources.
ROM Table Identifies which debug IP is available.
Core Debug Singlestep, Register Access, Run, Core Status
ITM S/W Instrumentation Messaging + Simple Data Trace
Messaging + Watchpoint Messaging
DWT (Data and Address Watchpoints) 4 data and address watchpoints (configurable for less, but 4
seems to be accepted)

Table continues on the next page...

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Table 9-1. Debug Components Description (continued)

Module Description
FPB (Flash Patch and Breakpoints) The FPB implements hardware breakpoints and patches code
and data from code space to system space.
The FPB unit contains two literal comparators for matching
against literal loads from Code space, and remapping to a
corresponding area in System space.
The FBP also contains six instruction comparators for
matching against instruction fetches from Code space, and
remapping to a corresponding area in System space.
Alternatively, the six instruction comparators can individually
configure the comparators to return a Breakpoint Instruction
(BKPT) to the processor core on a match, so providing
hardware breakpoint capability.
TPIU (Trace Port Inteface Unit) Synchronous Mode (5-pin) = TRACE_D[3:0] +
Synchronous Mode (3-pin) = TRACE_D[1:0] +
Asynchronous Mode (1-pin) = TRACE_SWO (available on

9.1.1 References
For more information on ARM debug components, see these documents:
• ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual
• ARM Debug Interface v5.1
• ARM CoreSight Architecture Specification

9.2 The Debug Port

The configuration of the cJTAG module, JTAG controller, and debug port is illustrated in
the following figure:

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The Debug Port

4’b1111 or 4’b0000

TDI To Test
JTAGC Resources

(1’b1 = 4-pin JTAG)

(1’b0 = 2-pin cJTAG)

4’b1111 or 4’b1110





Figure 9-2. Modified Debug Port

The debug port comes out of reset in standard JTAG mode and is switched into either
cJTAG or SWD mode by the following sequences. Once the mode has been changed,
unused debug pins can be reassigned to any of their alternative muxed functions.

9.2.1 JTAG-to-SWD change sequence

1. Send more than 50 TCK cycles with TMS (SWDIO) =1
2. Send the 16-bit sequence on TMS (SWDIO) = 0111_1001_1110_0111 (MSB
transmitted first)
3. Send more than 50 TCK cycles with TMS (SWDIO) =1
See the ARM documentation for the CoreSight DAP Lite for

9.2.2 JTAG-to-cJTAG change sequence

1. Reset the debug port

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Chapter 9 Debug

2. Set the control level to 2 via zero-bit scans

3. Execute the Store Format (STFMT) command (00011) to set the scan format register
to 1149.7 scan format

9.3 Debug Port Pin Descriptions

The debug port pins default after POR to their JTAG functionality with the exception of
JTAG_TRST_b and can be later reassigned to their alternate functionalities. In cJTAG
and SWD modes JTAG_TDI and JTAG_TRST_b can be configured to alternate GPIO
Table 9-2. Debug port pins
Pin Name JTAG Debug Port cJTAG Debug Port SWD Debug Port Internal Pull-
Type Description Type Description Type Description
JTAG_TMS/ I/O JTAG Test I/O cJTAG Data I/O Serial Wire Pull-up
SWD_DIO Mode Data
JTAG_TCLK/ I JTAG Test I cJTAG Clock I Serial Wire Pull-down
SWD_CLK Clock Clock
JTAG_TDI I JTAG Test - - - - Pull-up
Data Input
JTAG_TDO/ O JTAG Test O Trace output O Trace output N/C
TRACE_SWO Data Output over a single over a single
pin pin
JTAG_TRST_ I JTAG Reset I cJTAG Reset - - Pull-up

9.4 System TAP connection

The system JTAG controller is connected in parallel to the ARM TAP controller. The
system JTAG controller IR codes overlay the ARM JTAG controller IR codes without
conflict. Refer to the IR codes table for a list of the available IR codes. The output of the
TAPs (TDO) are muxed based on the IR code which is selected. This design is fully
JTAG compliant and appears to the JTAG chain as a single TAP. At power on reset,
ARM's IDCODE (IR=4'b1110) is selected.

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JTAG status and control registers

9.4.1 IR Codes
Table 9-3. JTAG Instructions
Instruction Code[3:0] Instruction Summary
IDCODE 0000 Selects device identification register for shift
SAMPLE/PRELOAD 0010 Selects boundary scan register for shifting, sampling, and
preloading without disturbing functional operation
SAMPLE 0011 Selects boundary scan register for shifting and sampling
without disturbing functional operation
EXTEST 0100 Selects boundary scan register while applying preloaded
values to output pins and asserting functional reset
HIGHZ 1001 Selects bypass register while three-stating all output pins and
asserting functional reset
CLAMP 1100 Selects bypass register while applying preloaded values to
output pins and asserting functional reset
EZPORT 1101 Enables the EZPORT function for the SoC and asserts
functional reset.
ARM_IDCODE 1110 ARM JTAG-DP Instruction
BYPASS 1111 Selects bypass register for data operations
Factory debug reserved 0101, 0110, 0111 Intended for factory debug only
ARM JTAG-DP Reserved 1000, 1010, 1011, 1110 These instructions will go the ARM JTAG-DP controller.
Please look at ARM JTAG-DP documentation for more
information on these instructions.
Reserved 1 All other opcodes Decoded to select bypass register

1. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the decoding of reserved instruction codes in the future

9.5 JTAG status and control registers

Through the ARM Debug Access Port (DAP), the debugger has access to the status and
control elements, implemented as registers on the DAP bus as shown in the following
figure. These registers provide additional control and status for low power mode recovery
and typical run-control scenarios. The status register bits also provide a means for the
debugger to get updated status of the core without having to initiate a bus transaction
across the crossbar switch, thus remaining less intrusive during a debug session.
It is important to note that these DAP control and status registers are not memory mapped
within the system memory map and are only accessible via the Debug Access Port (DAP)
using JTAG, cJTAG, or SWD. The MDM-AP is accessible as Debug Access Port 1 with
the available registers shown in the table below.
Table 9-4. MDM-AP Register Summary
Address Register Description

Table continues on the next page...

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Table 9-4. MDM-AP Register Summary (continued)

0x0100_0000 Status See MDM-AP Status Register
0x0100_0004 Control See MDM-AP Control Register
0x0100_00FC ID Read-only identification register that
always reads as 0x001C_0000

Data[31:0] A[3:2] RnW Data[31:0] A[3:2] RnW
Debug Port ID Register (DPIDR)

Debug Port
Control/Status (CTRL/STAT)
DP Registers

Read Buffer (REBUFF)

See the ARM Debug Interface v5p1 Supplement.

AP Select (SELECT)

Debug Port

APSEL Data[31:0] A[7:4] A[3:2] RnW

Decode Internal Bus SELECT[31:24] (APSEL) selects the AP
SELECT[7:4] (APBANKSEL) selects the bank
A[3:2] from the APACC selects the register
within the bank



SELECT[31:24] = 0x00 selects the AHB-AP

AHB Access Port See ARM documentation for further details

Access Port


SELECT[31:24] = 0x01 selects the MDM-AP


SELECT[7:4] = 0x0 selects the bank with Status and Ctrl

A[3:2] = 2’b00 selects the Status Register
A[3:2] = 2’b01 selects the Control Register

Bus Matrix SELECT[7:4] = 0xF selects the bank with IDR

See Control and Status Register A[3:2] = 2’b11 selects the IDR Register
(IDR register reads 0x001C_0000)

Figure 9-3. MDM AP Addressing

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JTAG status and control registers

9.5.1 MDM-AP Control Register

Table 9-5. MDM-AP Control register assignments
Bit Name Secure1 Description
0 Flash Mass Erase in Progress Y Set to cause mass erase. Cleared by hardware after mass erase
operation completes.
When mass erase is disabled (via MEEN and SEC settings), the erase
request does not occur and the Flash Mass Erase in Progress bit
continues to assert until the next system reset.
1 Debug Disable N Set to disable debug. Clear to allow debug operation. When set it
overrides the C_DEBUGEN bit within the DHCSR and force disables
Debug logic.
2 Debug Request N Set to force the Core to halt.
If the Core is in a stop or wait mode, this bit can be used to wakeup the
core and transition to a halted state.
3 System Reset Request N Set to force a system reset. The system remains held in reset until this
bit is cleared.
4 Core Hold Reset N Configuration bit to control Core operation at the end of system reset
0 Normal operation - release the Core from reset along with the rest of
the system at the end of system reset sequencing.
1 Suspend operation - hold the Core in reset at the end of reset
sequencing. Once the system enters this suspended state, clearing
this control bit immediately releases the Core from reset and CPU
operation begins.
5 VLLSx Debug Request N Set to configure the system to be held in reset after the next recovery
(VLLDBGREQ) from a VLLSx mode. This bit is ignored on a VLLS wakeup via the
Reset pin. During a VLLS wakeup via the Reset pin, the system can be
held in reset by holding the reset pin asserted allowing the debugger to
re-initialize the debug modules.
This bit holds the system in reset when VLLSx modes are exited to
allow the debugger time to re-initialize debug IP before the debug
session continues.
The Mode Controller captures this bit logic on entry to VLLSx modes.
Upon exit from VLLSx modes, the Mode Controller will hold the system
in reset until VLLDBGACK is asserted.
The VLLDBGREQ bit clears automatically due to the POR reset
generated as part of the VLLSx recovery.
6 VLLSx Debug Acknowledge N Set to release a system being held in reset following a VLLSx recovery
This bit is used by the debugger to release the system reset when it is
being held on VLLSx mode exit. The debugger re-initializes all debug
IP and then assert this control bit to allow the Mode Controller to
release the system from reset and allow CPU operation to begin.
The VLLDBGACK bit is cleared by the debugger or can be left set
because it clears automatically due to the POR reset generated as part
of the next VLLSx recovery.

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Table 9-5. MDM-AP Control register assignments (continued)

Bit Name Secure1 Description
7 LLS, VLLSx Status Acknowledge N Set this bit to acknowledge the DAP LLS and VLLS Status bits have
been read. This acknowledge automatically clears the status bits.
This bit is used by the debugger to clear the sticky LLS and VLLSx
mode entry status bits. This bit is asserted and cleared by the
8 Timestamp Disable N Set this bit to disable the 48-bit global trace timestamp counter during
debug halt mode when the core is halted.
0 The timestamp counter continues to count assuming trace is enabled
and the ETM is enabled. (default)
1 The timestamp counter freezes when the core has halted (debug halt
9– Reserved for future use N

1. Command available in secure mode

9.5.2 MDM-AP Status Register

Table 9-6. MDM-AP Status register assignments
Bit Name Description
0 Flash Mass Erase Acknowledge The Flash Mass Erase Acknowledge bit is cleared after any system reset.
The bit is also cleared at launch of a mass erase command due to write of
Flash Mass Erase in Progress bit in MDM AP Control Register. The Flash
Mass Erase Acknowledge is set after Flash control logic has started the
mass erase operation.
When mass erase is disabled (via MEEN and SEC settings), an erase
request due to seting of Flash Mass Erase in Progress bit is not
1 Flash Ready Indicate Flash has been initialized and debugger can be configured even if
system is continuing to be held in reset via the debugger.
2 System Security Indicates the security state. When secure, the debugger does not have
access to the system bus or any memory mapped peripherals. This bit
indicates when the part is locked and no system bus access is possible.
3 System Reset Indicates the system reset state.
0 System is in reset
1 System is not in reset
4 Reserved
5 Mass Erase Enable Indicates if the MCU can be mass erased or not
0 Mass erase is disabled
1 Mass erase is enabled

Table continues on the next page...

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Debug Resets

Table 9-6. MDM-AP Status register assignments (continued)

Bit Name Description
6 Backdoor Access Key Enable Indicates if the MCU has the backdoor access key enabled.
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
7 LP Enabled Decode of LPLLSM control bits to indicate that VLPS, LLS, or VLLSx are
the selected power mode the next time the ARM Core enters Deep Sleep.
0 Low Power Stop Mode is not enabled
1 Low Power Stop Mode is enabled
Usage intended for debug operation in which Run to VLPS is attempted.
Per debug definition, the system actually enters the Stop state. A
debugger should interpret deep sleep indication (with SLEEPDEEP and
SLEEPING asserted), in conjuntion with this bit asserted as the debugger-
VLPS status indication.
8 Very Low Power Mode Indicates current power mode is VLPx. This bit is not ‘sticky’ and should
always represent whether VLPx is enabled or not.
This bit is used to throttle JTAG TCK frequency up/down.
9 LLS Mode Exit This bit indicates an exit from LLS mode has occurred. The debugger will
lose communication while the system is in LLS (including access to this
register). Once communication is reestablished, this bit indicates that the
system had been in LLS. Since the debug modules held their state during
LLS, they do not need to be reconfigured.
This bit is set during the LLS recovery sequence. The LLS Mode Exit bit is
held until the debugger has had a chance to recognize that LLS was exited
and is cleared by a write of 1 to the LLS, VLLSx Status Acknowledge bit in
MDM AP Control register.
10 VLLSx Modes Exit This bit indicates an exit from VLLSx mode has occurred. The debugger
will lose communication while the system is in VLLSx (including access to
this register). Once communication is reestablished, this bit indicates that
the system had been in VLLSx. Since the debug modules lose their state
during VLLSx modes, they need to be reconfigured.
This bit is set during the VLLSx recovery sequence. The VLLSx Mode Exit
bit is held until the debugger has had a chance to recognize that a VLLS
mode was exited and is cleared by a write of 1 to the LLS, VLLSx Status
Acknowledge bit in MDM AP Control register.
11 – 15 Reserved for future use Always read 0.
16 Core Halted Indicates the Core has entered debug halt mode
17 Core SLEEPDEEP Indicates the Core has entered a low power mode
18 Core SLEEPING SLEEPING==1 and SLEEPDEEP==0 indicates wait or VLPW mode.
SLEEPING==1 and SLEEPDEEP==1 indicates stop or VLPS mode.
19 – 31 Reserved for future use Always read 0.

9.6 Debug Resets

The debug system receives the following sources of reset:

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Chapter 9 Debug

• JTAG_TRST_b from an external signal. This signal is optional and may not be
available in all packages.
• Debug reset (CDBGRSTREQ bit within the SWJ-DP CTRL/STAT register) in the
TCLK domain that allows the debugger to reset the debug logic.
• TRST asserted via the cJTAG escape command.
• System POR reset
Conversely the debug system is capable of generating system reset using the following
• A system reset in the DAP control register which allows the debugger to hold the
system in reset.
• SYSRESETREQ bit in the NVIC application interrupt and reset control register
• A system reset in the DAP control register which allows the debugger to hold the
Core in reset.

9.7 AHB-AP
AHB-AP provides the debugger access to all memory and registers in the system,
including processor registers through the NVIC. System access is independent of the
processor status. AHB-AP does not do back-to-back transactions on the bus, so all
transactions are non-sequential. AHB-AP can perform unaligned and bit-band
transactions. AHB-AP transactions bypass the FPB, so the FPB cannot remap AHB-AP
transactions. SWJ/SW-DP-initiated transaction aborts drive an AHB-AP-supported
sideband signal called HABORT. This signal is driven into the Bus Matrix, which resets
the Bus Matrix state, so that AHB-AP can access the Private Peripheral Bus for last ditch
debugging such as read/stop/reset the core. AHB-AP transactions are little endian.
For a short period at the start of a system reset event the system security status is being
determined and debugger access to all AHB-AP transactions is blocked. The MDM-AP
Status register is accessible and can be monitored to determine when this initial period is
completed. After this initial period, if system reset is held via assertion of the RESET pin,
the debugger has access via the bus matrix to the private peripheral bus to configure the
debug IP even while system reset is asserted. While in system reset, access to other
memory and register resources, accessed over the Crossbar Switch, is blocked.

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9.8 ITM
The ITM is an application-driven trace source that supports printf style debugging to
trace Operating System (OS) and application events, and emits diagnostic system
information. The ITM emits trace information as packets. There are four sources that can
generate packets. If multiple sources generate packets at the same time, the ITM
arbitrates the order in which packets are output. The four sources in decreasing order of
priority are:
1. Software trace -- Software can write directly to ITM stimulus registers. This emits
2. Hardware trace -- The DWT generates these packets, and the ITM emits them.
3. Time stamping -- Timestamps are emitted relative to packets. The ITM contains a
21-bit counter to generate the timestamp. The Cortex-M4 clock or the bitclock rate of
the Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) output clocks the counter.
4. Global system timestamping. Timestamps can optionally be generated using a
system-wide 48-bit count value. The same count value can be used to insert
timestamps in the ETM trace stream, allowing coarse-grain correlation.

9.9 Core Trace Connectivity

The ITM can route its data to the TPIU. (See the MCM (Miscellaneous Control Module)
for controlling the routing to the TPIU.) This configuration enables the use of trace with
low cost tools while maintaining the compatibility with trace probes.

9.10 TPIU
The TPIU acts as a bridge between the on-chip trace data from the Embedded Trace
Macrocell (ETM) and the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM), with separate IDs, to a
data stream, encapsulating IDs where required, that is then captured by a Trace Port
Analyzer (TPA). The TPIU is specially designed for low-cost debug.

9.11 DWT
The DWT is a unit that performs the following debug functionality:

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Chapter 9 Debug

• It contains four comparators that you can configure as a hardware watchpoint, a PC

sampler event trigger, or a data address sampler event trigger. The first comparator,
DWT_COMP0, can also compare against the clock cycle counter, CYCCNT. The
second comparator, DWT_COMP1, can also be used as a data comparator.
• The DWT contains counters for:
• Clock cycles (CYCCNT)
• Folded instructions
• Load store unit (LSU) operations
• Sleep cycles
• CPI (all instruction cycles except for the first cycle)
• Interrupt overhead
An event is emitted each time a counter overflows.
• The DWT can be configured to emit PC samples at defined intervals, and to emit
interrupt event information.

9.12 Debug in Low Power Modes

In low power modes in which the debug modules are kept static or powered off, the
debugger cannot gather any debug data for the duration of the low power mode. In the
case that the debugger is held static, the debug port returns to full functionality as soon as
the low power mode exits and the system returns to a state with active debug. In the case
that the debugger logic is powered off, the debugger is reset on recovery and must be
reconfigured once the low power mode is exited.
Power mode entry logic monitors Debug Power Up and System Power Up signals from
the debug port as indications that a debugger is active. These signals can be changed in
RUN, VLPR, WAIT and VLPW. If the debug signal is active and the system attempts to
enter stop or VLPS, FCLK continues to run to support core register access. In these
modes in which FCLK is left active the debug modules have access to core registers but
not to system memory resources accessed via the crossbar.
With debug enabled, transitions from Run directly to VLPS are not allowed and result in
the system entering Stop mode instead. Status bits within the MDM-AP Status register
can be evaluated to determine this pseudo-VLPS state. Note with the debug enabled,
transitions from Run--> VLPR --> VLPS are still possible but also result in the system
entering Stop mode instead.
In VLLS mode all debug modules are powered off and reset at wakeup. In LLS mode, the
debug modules retain their state but no debug activity is possible.

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Debug & Security

When using cJTAG and entering LLS mode, the cJTAG
controller must be reset on exit from LLS mode.
Going into a VLLSx mode causes all the debug controls and settings to be reset. To give
time to the debugger to sync up with the HW, the MDM-AP Control register can be
configured hold the system in reset on recovery so that the debugger can regain control
and reconfigure debug logic prior to the system exiting reset and resuming operation.

9.12.1 Debug Module State in Low Power Modes

The following table shows the state of the debug modules in low power modes. These
terms are used:
• FF = Full functionality. In VLPR and VLPW the system frequency is limited, but if a
module does not have a limitation in its functionality, it is still listed as FF.
• static = Module register states and associated memories are retained.
• OFF = Modules are powered off; module is in reset state upon wakeup.
Table 9-7. Debug Module State in Low Power Modes
Debug Port FF FF FF OFF static OFF

9.13 Debug & Security

When security is enabled (FSEC[SEC] != 10), the debug port capabilities are limited in
order to prevent exploitation of secure data. In the secure state the debugger still has
access to the MDM-AP Status Register and can determine the current security state of the
device. In the case of a secure device, the debugger also has the capability of performing
a mass erase operation via writes to the MDM-AP Control Register. In the case of a
secure device that has mass erase disabled (FSEC[MEEN] = 10), attempts to mass erase
via the debug interface are blocked.

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214 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 10
Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions

10.1 Introduction
To optimize functionality in small packages, pins have several functions available via
signal multiplexing. This chapter illustrates which of this device's signals are multiplexed
on which external pin.
The Port Control block controls which signal is present on the external pin. Reference
that chapter to find which register controls the operation of a specific pin.

10.2 Signal Multiplexing Integration

This section summarizes how the module is integrated into the device. For a
comprehensive description of the module itself, see the module’s dedicated chapter.
Peripheral bus
controller 1


Transfers Transfers
External Pins

Module Signal Multiplexing/

Port Control

Figure 10-1. Signal multiplexing integration

Table 10-1. Reference links to related information

Topic Related module Reference
Full description Port control Port control
System memory map System memory map

Table continues on the next page...

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Signal Multiplexing Integration

Table 10-1. Reference links to related information (continued)

Topic Related module Reference
Clocking Clock Distribution
Register access Peripheral bus Peripheral bridge

10.2.1 Port control and interrupt module features

• Five 32-pin ports
Not all pins are available on the device. See the following
section for details.
• Each 32-pin port is assigned one interrupt.
• The digital filter option has two clock source options: bus clock and 1-kHz LPO. The
1-kHz LPO option gives users this feature in low power modes.
• The digital filter is configurable from 1 to 32 clock cycles when enabled.

10.2.2 PCRn reset values for port A

PCRn bit reset values for port A are 1 for the following bits:
• For PCR0: bits 1, 6, 8, 9, and 10.
• For PCR1 to PCR4: bits 0, 1, 6, 8, 9, and 10.
• For PCR5 : bits 0, 1, and 6.
All other PCRn bit reset values for port A are 0.

10.2.3 Clock gating

The clock to the port control module can be gated on and off using the SCGC5[PORTx]
bits in the SIM module. These bits are cleared after any reset, which disables the clock to
the corresponding module to conserve power. Prior to initializing the corresponding
module, set SCGC5[PORTx] in the SIM module to enable the clock. Before turning off
the clock, make sure to disable the module. For more details, refer to the clock
distribution chapter.

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Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions

10.2.4 Signal multiplexing constraints

1. A given peripheral function must be assigned to a maximum of one package pin. Do
not program the same function to more than one pin.
2. To ensure the best signal timing for a given peripheral's interface, choose the pins in
closest proximity to each other.

10.3 Pinout

10.3.1 K20 Signal Multiplexing and Pin Assignments

The following table shows the signals available on each pin and the locations of these
pins on the devices supported by this document. The Port Control Module is responsible
for selecting which ALT functionality is available on each pin.
121 100 Pin Name Default ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT4 ALT5 ALT6 ALT7 EzPort
G1 12 VOUT33 VOUT33 VOUT33
H1 14 ADC0_DP1 ADC0_DP1 ADC0_DP1
H2 15 ADC0_DM1 ADC0_DM1 ADC0_DM1
J1 16 ADC1_DP1 ADC1_DP1 ADC1_DP1
J2 17 ADC1_DM1 ADC1_DM1 ADC1_DM1

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121 100 Pin Name Default ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT4 ALT5 ALT6 ALT7 EzPort
K1 18 PGA0_DP/ PGA0_DP/ PGA0_DP/
K2 19 PGA0_DM/ PGA0_DM/ PGA0_DM/
L1 20 PGA1_DP/ PGA1_DP/ PGA1_DP/
L2 21 PGA1_DM/ PGA1_DM/ PGA1_DM/
L4 28 XTAL32 XTAL32 XTAL32
J8 38 PTA4/ NMI_b/ TSI0_CH5 PTA4/ FTM0_CH1 NMI_b EZP_CS_b

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218 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions

121 100 Pin Name Default ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT4 ALT5 ALT6 ALT7 EzPort
G11 53 PTB0/ ADC0_SE8/ ADC0_SE8/ PTB0/ I2C0_SCL FTM1_CH0 FTM1_QD_
TSI0_CH8 TSI0_CH8 b/
F11 — PTB6 ADC1_SE12 ADC1_SE12 PTB6 FB_AD23
E11 — PTB7 ADC1_SE13 ADC1_SE13 PTB7 FB_AD22

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121 100 Pin Name Default ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT4 ALT5 ALT6 ALT7 EzPort
D9 64 PTB18 TSI0_CH11 TSI0_CH11 PTB18 CAN0_TX FTM2_CH0 I2S0_TX_ FB_AD15 FTM2_QD_
CMP1_IN0/ CMP1_IN0/ b
A7 80 PTC8 ADC1_SE4b/ ADC1_SE4b/ PTC8 I2S0_MCLK FB_AD7
D6 81 PTC9 ADC1_SE5b/ ADC1_SE5b/ PTC9 I2S0_RX_ FB_AD6 FTM2_FLT0
C6 82 PTC10 ADC1_SE6b ADC1_SE6b PTC10 I2C1_SCL I2S0_RX_FS FB_AD5
C5 83 PTC11/ ADC1_SE7b ADC1_SE7b PTC11/ I2C1_SDA I2S0_RXD1 FB_RW_b

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220 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions

121 100 Pin Name Default ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT4 ALT5 ALT6 ALT7 EzPort
b FB_CS2_b/
b FB_BE7_0_b
LLWU_P12 LLWU_P12 b FB_CS1_b/
A11 — NC NC NC
B11 — NC NC NC
C11 — NC NC NC
H11 — NC NC NC
A10 — NC NC NC

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 221

10.3.2 K20 Pinouts

The below figure shows the pinout diagram for the devices supported by this document.
Many signals may be multiplexed onto a single pin. To determine what signals can be
used on which pin, see the previous section.

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222 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions










































PTE0 1 75 VDD



PTE3 4 72 PTC2


PTE5 6 70 PTC0

PTE6 7 69 PTB23

VDD 8 68 PTB22

VSS 9 67 PTB21

USB0_DP 10 66 PTB20

USB0_DM 11 65 PTB19

VOUT33 12 64 PTB18

VREGIN 13 63 PTB17

ADC0_DP1 14 62 PTB16

ADC0_DM1 15 61 VDD

ADC1_DP1 16 60 VSS

ADC1_DM1 17 59 PTB11

PGA0_DP/ADC0_DP0/ADC1_DP3 18 58 PTB10

PGA0_DM/ADC0_DM0/ADC1_DM3 19 57 PTB9

PGA1_DP/ADC1_DP0/ADC0_DP3 20 56 PTB3

PGA1_DM/ADC1_DM0/ADC0_DM3 21 55 PTB2

VDDA 22 54 PTB1



VSSA 25 51 PTA19
















































Figure 10-2. K20 100 LQFP Pinout Diagram

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 223
Module Signal Description Tables

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



PTD2/ PTC11/ PTC6/













1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure 10-3. K20 121 MAPBGA Pinout Diagram

10.4 Module Signal Description Tables

The following sections correlate the chip-level signal name with the signal name used in
the module's chapter. They also briefly describe the signal function and direction.

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224 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions

10.4.1 Core Modules

Table 10-2. JTAG Signal Descriptions
Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
JTAG_TMS JTAG_TMS/ JTAG Test Mode Selection I/O

Table 10-3. SWD Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
SWD_DIO JTAG_TMS/ Serial Wire Data I/O
SWD_CLK JTAG_TCLK/ Serial Wire Clock I

Table 10-4. TPIU Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
TRACE_CLKOUT TRACECLK Trace clock output from the ARM CoreSight debug block O
TRACE_D[3:2] TRACEDATA Trace output data from the ARM CoreSight debug block used for 5- O
pin interface
TRACE_D[1:0] TRACEDATA Trace output data from the ARM CoreSight debug block used for O
both 5-pin and 3-pin interfaces
TRACE_SWO JTAG_TDO/ Trace output data from the ARM CoreSight debug block over a O
TRACE_SWO single pin

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 225
Module Signal Description Tables

10.4.2 System Modules

Table 10-5. System Signal Descriptions
Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
NMI — Non-maskable interrupt I

NOTE: Driving the NMI signal low forces a non-maskable

interrupt, if the NMI function is selected on the
corresponding pin.
RESET — Reset bi-directional signal I/O
VDD — MCU power I
VSS — MCU ground I

Table 10-6. EWM Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
EWM_IN EWM_in EWM input for safety status of external safety circuits. The polarity I
of EWM_in is programmable using the EWM_CTRL[ASSIN] bit. The
default polarity is active-low.
EWM_OUT EWM_out EWM reset out signal O

10.4.3 Clock Modules

Table 10-7. OSC Signal Descriptions
Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
EXTAL0 EXTAL External clock/Oscillator input I
XTAL0 XTAL Oscillator output O

Table 10-8. RTC OSC Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O

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226 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions

10.4.4 Memories and Memory Interfaces

Table 10-9. EzPort Signal Descriptions
Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
EZP_CLK EZP_CK EzPort Clock Input
EZP_CS EZP_CS EzPort Chip Select Input
EZP_DI EZP_D EzPort Serial Data In Input
EZP_DO EZP_Q EzPort Serial Data Out Output

Table 10-10. FlexBus Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
FB_AD[31:0] 1 FB_D31–FB_D0 Data Bus—During the first cycle, this bus drives the upper address I/O
byte, addr[31:24].
When FlexBus is used in a nonmultiplexed configuration, this is the
data bus, FB_D. When FlexBus is used in a multiplexed
configuration, this is the address and data bus, FB_AD.
The number of byte lanes carrying the data is determined by the
port size associated with the matching chip-select.
When FlexBus is used in a multiplexed configuration, the full 32-bit
address is driven on the first clock of a bus cycle (address phase).
After the first clock, the data is driven on the bus (data phase).
During the data phase, the address is driven on the pins not used
for data. For example, in 16-bit mode, the lower address is driven
on FB_AD15–FB_AD0, and in 8-bit mode, the lower address is
driven on FB_AD23–FB_AD0.
FB_CS[5:0] 2 FB_CS5–FB_CS0 General Purpose Chip-Selects—Indicate which external memory or O
peripheral is selected. A particular chip-select is asserted when the
transfer address is within the external memory's or peripheral's
address space, as defined in CSAR[BA] and CSMR[BAM].
FB_BE31_24_BLS7_ FB_BE_31_24 Byte Enables—Indicate that data is to be latched or driven onto a O
0, specific byte lane of the data bus. CSCR[BEM] determines if these
FB_BE23_16_BLS15 signals are asserted on reads and writes or on writes only.
_8, FB_BE_15_8
For external SRAM or flash devices, the FB_BE outputs should be
FB_BE_7_0 connected to individual byte strobe signals.
FB_OE FB_OE Output Enable—Sent to the external memory or peripheral to O
enable a read transfer. This signal is asserted during read accesses
only when a chip-select matches the current address decode.
FB_R W FB_R/W Read/Write—Indicates whether the current bus operation is a read O
operation (FB_R/W high) or a write operation (FB_R/W low).

Table continues on the next page...

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Module Signal Description Tables

Table 10-10. FlexBus Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
FB_TS/ FB_ALE FB_TS Transfer Start—Indicates that the chip has begun a bus transaction O
and that the address and attributes are valid.
An inverted FB_TS is available as an address latch enable
(FB_ALE), which indicates when the address is being driven on the
FB_AD bus.
FB_TS/FB_ALE is asserted for one bus clock cycle.
The chip can extend this signal until the first positive clock edge
after FB_CS asserts. See CSCR[EXTS] and Extended Transfer
Start/Address Latch Enable.
FB_TSIZ[1:0] FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 Transfer Size—Indicates (along with FB_TBST) the data transfer O
size of the current bus operation. The interface supports 8-, 16-,
and 32-bit operand transfers and allows accesses to 8-, 16-, and
32-bit data ports.
• 00b = 4 bytes
• 01b = 1 byte
• 10b = 2 bytes
• 11b = 16 bytes (line)

For misaligned transfers, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 indicate the size of

each transfer. For example, if a 32-bit access through a 32-bit port
device occurs at a misaligned offset of 1h, 8 bits are transferred first
(FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 = 01b), 16 bits are transferred next at offset
2h (FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 = 10b), and the final 8 bits are transferred
at offset 4h (FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 = 01b).
For aligned transfers larger than the port size, FB_TSIZ1–
FB_TSIZ0 behave as follows:
• If bursting is used, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 are driven to the
transfer size.
• If bursting is inhibited, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 first show the
entire transfer size and then show the port size.

For burst-inhibited transfers, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 change with

each FB_TS assertion to reflect the next transfer size.
For transfers to port sizes smaller than the transfer size,
FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 indicate the size of the entire transfer on the
first access and the size of the current port transfer on subsequent
transfers. For example, for a 32-bit write to an 8-bit port,
FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 are 00b for the first transaction and 01b for
the next three transactions. If bursting is used for a 32-bit write to
an 8-bit port, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 are driven to 00b for the entire

Table continues on the next page...

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228 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions

Table 10-10. FlexBus Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
FB_TA4 FB_TA Transfer Acknowledge—Indicates that the external data transfer is I
complete. When FB_TA is asserted during a read transfer, FlexBus
latches the data and then terminates the transfer. When FB_TA is
asserted during a write transfer, the transfer is terminated.
If auto-acknowledge is disabled (CSCR[AA] = 0), the external
memory or peripheral drives FB_TA to terminate the transfer. If
auto-acknowledge is enabled (CSCR[AA] = 1), FB_TA is generated
internally after a specified number of wait states, or the external
memory or peripheral may assert external FB_TA before the wait-
state countdown to terminate the transfer early. The chip deasserts
FB_CS one cycle after the last FB_TA is asserted. During read
transfers, the external memory or peripheral must continue to drive
data until FB_TA is recognized. For write transfers, the chip
continues driving data one clock cycle after FB_CS is deasserted.
The number of wait states is determined by CSCR or the external
FB_TA input. If the external FB_TA is used, the external memory or
peripheral has complete control of the number of wait states.
Note: External memory or peripherals should assert FB_TA only
while the FB_CS signal to the external memory or
peripheral is asserted.
The CSPMCR register controls muxing of FB_TA with other
signals. If auto-acknowledge is not used and CSPMCR
does not allow FB_TA control, FlexBus may hang.
FB_TBST FB_TBST Transfer Burst—Indicates that a burst transfer is in progress as O
driven by the chip. A burst transfer can be 2 to 16 beats depending
on FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 and the port size.
Note: When a burst transfer is in progress (FB_TBST = 0b), the
transfer size is 16 bytes (FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 = 11b), and
the address is misaligned within the 16-byte boundary, the
external memory or peripheral must be able to wrap around
the address.

1. FB_AD[23:21] not available on 100-LQFP devices.

2. FB_CS3not available on 100-LQFP devices.
3. FB_BE7_0_BLS31_24not available on 100-LQFP devices.
4. FB_TAnotavailable on 100-LQFP devices.

10.4.5 Analog
Table 10-11. ADC 0 Signal Descriptions
Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
ADC0_DP3, DADP3–DADP0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I

Table continues on the next page...

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Module Signal Description Tables

Table 10-11. ADC 0 Signal Descriptions (continued)

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
ADC0_DM3, DADM3–DADM0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I
ADC0_SE[18,17,15:1 AD23–AD4 Single-Ended Analog Channel Inputs I
VREFH VREFSH Voltage Reference Select High I
VREFL VREFSL Voltage Reference Select Low I
VDDA VDDA Analog Power Supply I
VSSA VSSA Analog Ground I

Table 10-12. ADC 1 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
ADC1_DP3, DADP3–DADP0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I
ADC1_DM3, DADM3–DADM0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I
ADC1_SE[18:17,15:1 AD23–AD4 Single-Ended Analog Channel Inputs I
VREFH VREFSH Voltage Reference Select High I
VREFL VREFSL Voltage Reference Select Low I
VDDA VDDA Analog Power Supply I
VSSA VSSA Analog Ground I

Table 10-13. CMP 0 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
CMP0_IN[5:0] IN[5:0] Analog voltage inputs I
CMP0_OUT CMPO Comparator output O

Table 10-14. CMP 1 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
CMP1_IN[5:0] IN[5:0] Analog voltage inputs I
CMP1_OUT CMPO Comparator output O

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Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions

Table 10-15. CMP 2 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
CMP2_IN[5:0] IN[5:0] Analog voltage inputs I
CMP2_OUT CMPO Comparator output O

Table 10-16. DAC 0 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
DAC0_OUT — DAC output O

Table 10-17. VREF Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
VREF_OUT VREF_OUT Internally-generated Voltage Reference output O

10.4.6 Timer Modules

Table 10-18. FTM 0 Signal Descriptions
Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
FTM_CLKIN[1:0] EXTCLK External clock. FTM external clock can be selected to drive the I
FTM counter.
FTM0_CH[7:0] CHn FTM channel (n), where n can be 7-0 I/O
FTM0_FLT[3:0] FAULTj Fault input (j), where j can be 3-0 I

Table 10-19. FTM 1 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
FTM_CLKIN[1:0] EXTCLK External clock. FTM external clock can be selected to drive the I
FTM counter.
FTM1_CH[1:0] CHn FTM channel (n), where n can be 7-0 I/O
FTM1_FLT0 FAULTj Fault input (j), where j can be 3-0 I
FTM1_QD_PHA PHA Quadrature decoder phase A input. Input pin associated with I
quadrature decoder phase A.
FTM1_QD_PHB PHB Quadrature decoder phase B input. Input pin associated with I
quadrature decoder phase B.

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Module Signal Description Tables

Table 10-20. FTM 2 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
FTM_CLKIN[1:0] EXTCLK External clock. FTM external clock can be selected to drive the I
FTM counter.
FTM2_CH[1:0] CHn FTM channel (n), where n can be 7-0 I/O
FTM2_FLT0 FAULTj Fault input (j), where j can be 3-0 I
FTM2_QD_PHA PHA Quadrature decoder phase A input. Input pin associated with I
quadrature decoder phase A.
FTM2_QD_PHB PHB Quadrature decoder phase B input. Input pin associated with I
quadrature decoder phase B.

Table 10-21. CMT Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
CMT_IRO CMT_IRO Infrared Output O

Table 10-22. PDB 0 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
PDB0_EXTRG EXTRG External Trigger Input Source I
If the PDB is enabled and external trigger input source is selected,
a positive edge on the EXTRG signal resets and starts the counter.

Table 10-23. LPT 0 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
LPT0_ALT[2:1] LPTMR_ALTn I Pulse
Input pin

Table 10-24. RTC Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
VBAT — Backup battery supply for RTC and VBAT register file I

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232 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions

10.4.7 Communication Interfaces

Table 10-25. USB FS OTG Signal Descriptions
Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
USB0_DM usb_dm USB D- analog data signal on the USB bus. I/O
USB0_DP usb_dp USB D+ analog data signal on the USB bus. I/O
USB_CLKIN — Alternate USB clock input I

Table 10-26. USB VREG Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
VOUT33 reg33_out Regulator output voltage O
VREGIN reg33_in Unregulated power supply I

Table 10-27. CAN 0 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
CAN0_RX CAN Rx CAN Receive Pin Input
CAN0_TX CAN Tx CAN Transmit Pin Output

Table 10-28. SPI 0 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
SPI0_PCS0 PCS0/SS Peripheral Chip Select 0 output I/O
SPI0_PCS[3:1] PCS[3:1] Peripheral Chip Select 1 – 3 O
SPI0_PCS4 PCS4 Peripheral Chip Select 4 O
SPI0_SIN SIN Serial Data In I
SPI0_SOUT SOUT Serial Data Out O
SPI0_SCK SCK Master mode: Serial Clock (output) I/O

Table 10-29. SPI 1 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
SPI1_PCS0 PCS0/SS Peripheral Chip Select 0 output I/O
SPI1_PCS[3:1] PCS[3:1] Peripheral Chip Select 1 – 3 O
SPI1_SIN SIN Serial Data In I
SPI1_SOUT SOUT Serial Data Out O
SPI1_SCK SCK Master mode: Serial Clock (output) I/O

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 233
Module Signal Description Tables

Table 10-30. I2C 0 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
I2C0_SCL SCL Bidirectional serial clock line of the I2C system. I/O
I2C0_SDA SDA Bidirectional serial data line of the I2C system. I/O

Table 10-31. I2C 1 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
I2C1_SCL SCL Bidirectional serial clock line of the I2C system. I/O
I2C1_SDA SDA Bidirectional serial data line of the I2C system. I/O

Table 10-32. UART 0 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
UART0_CTS CTS Clear to send I
UART0_RTS RTS Request to send O
UART0_TX TXD Transmit data O
UART0_RX RXD Receive data I
UART0_COL Collision Collision detect I

Table 10-33. UART 1 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
UART1_CTS CTS Clear to send I
UART1_RTS RTS Request to send O
UART1_TX TXD Transmit data O
UART1_RX RXD Receive data I

Table 10-34. UART 2 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
UART2_CTS CTS Clear to send I
UART2_RTS RTS Request to send O
UART2_TX TXD Transmit data O
UART2_RX RXD Receive data I

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234 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 10 Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions

Table 10-35. UART 3 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
UART3_CTS CTS Clear to send I
UART3_RTS RTS Request to send O
UART3_TX TXD Transmit data O
UART3_RX RXD Receive data I

Table 10-36. UART 4 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
UART4_CTS CTS Clear to send I
UART4_RTS RTS Request to send O
UART4_TX TXD Transmit data O
UART4_RX RXD Receive data I

Table 10-37. I2S0 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
I2S0_MCLK SAI_MCLK Audio Master Clock I/O
I2S0_RX_BCLK SAI_RX_BCLK Receive Bit Clock I/O
I2S0_RX_FS SAI_RX_SYNC Receive Frame Sync I/O
I2S0_RXD SAI_RX_DATA[1:0] Receive Data I
I2S0_TX_BCLK SAI_TX_BCLK Transmit Bit Clock I/O
I2S0_TX_FS SAI_TX_SYNC Transmit Frame Sync I/O
I2S0_TXD SAI_TX_DATA[1:0] Transmit Data O

10.4.8 Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI)

Table 10-38. GPIO Signal Descriptions
Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
PTA[31:0]1 PORTA31–PORTA0 General-purpose input/output I/O
PTB[31:0]1 PORTB31–PORTB0 General-purpose input/output I/O
PTC[31:0]1 PORTC31–PORTC0 General-purpose input/output I/O
PTD[31:0]1 PORTD31–PORTD0 General-purpose input/output I/O
PTE[31:0]1 PORTE31–PORTE0 General-purpose input/output I/O

1. The available GPIO pins depends on the specific package. See the signal multiplexing section for which exact GPIO
signals are available.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 235
Module Signal Description Tables

Table 10-39. TSI 0 Signal Descriptions

Chip signal name Module signal Description I/O
TSI0_CH[15:0] TSI_IN[15:0] TSI pins. Switchable driver that connects directly to the electrode I/O
pins TSI[15:0] can operate as GPIO pins

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236 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 11
Port control and interrupts (PORT)

11.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.

11.1.1 Overview
The port control and interrupt (PORT) module provides support for port control, and
external interrupt functions. Most functions can be configured independently for each pin
in the 32-bit port and affect the pin regardless of its pin muxing state.
There is one instance of the PORT module for each port. Not all pins within each port are
implemented on a specific device. Features
The PORT module has the following features:
• Pin interrupt
• Interrupt flag and enable registers for each pin
• Support for edge sensitive (rising, falling, both) or level sensitive (low, high)
configured per pin
• Support for interrupt or DMA request configured per pin
• Asynchronous wakeup in Low-Power modes
• Pin interrupt is functional in all digital Pin Muxing modes
• Port control
• Individual pull control fields with pullup, pulldown, and pull-disable support on
selected pins

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 237

• Individual drive strength field supporting high and low drive strength on selected
• Individual slew rate field supporting fast and slow slew rates on selected pins
• Individual input passive filter field supporting enable and disable of the
individual input passive filter on selected pins
• Individual open drain field supporting enable and disable of the individual open
drain output on selected pins
• Individual mux control field supporting analog or pin disabled, GPIO, and up to
six chip-specific digital functions
• Pad configuration fields are functional in all digital Pin Muxing modes Modes of operation Run mode

In Run mode, the PORT operates normally. Wait mode

In Wait mode, PORT continues to operate normally and may be configured to exit the
Low-Power mode if an enabled interrupt is detected. DMA requests are still generated
during the Wait mode, but do not cause an exit from the Low-Power mode. Stop mode

In Stop mode, the PORT can be configured to exit the Low-Power mode via an
asynchronous wakeup signal if an enabled interrupt is detected. Debug mode

In Debug mode, PORT operates normally.

11.1.2 External signal description

The following table describes the PORT external signal.
Table 11-1. Signal properties
Name Function I/O Reset Pull
PORTx[31:0] External interrupt I/O 0 -

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238 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 11 Port control and interrupts (PORT)

Not all pins within each port are implemented on each device.

11.1.3 Detailed signal description

The following table contains the detailed signal description for the PORT interface.
Table 11-2. PORT interface—detailed signal description
Signal I/O Description
PORTx[31:0] I/O External interrupt.
State meaning Asserted—pin is logic one.
Negated—pin is logic zero.
Timing Assertion—may occur at any time and can assert
asynchronously to the system clock.
Negation—may occur at any time and can assert
asynchronously to the system clock.

11.1.4 Memory map and register definition

Any read or write access to the PORT memory space that is outside the valid memory
map results in a bus error. All register accesses complete with zero wait states.
PORT memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4004_9000 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR0) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9004 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR1) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9008 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR2) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_900C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR3) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9010 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR4) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9014 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR5) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9018 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR6) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_901C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR7) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9020 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR8) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9024 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR9) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9028 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR10) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_902C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR11) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9030 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR12) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245

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PORT memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4004_9034 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR13) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9038 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR14) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_903C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR15) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9040 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR16) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9044 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR17) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9048 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR18) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_904C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR19) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9050 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR20) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9054 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR21) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9058 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR22) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_905C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR23) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9060 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR24) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9064 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR25) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9068 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR26) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_906C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR27) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9070 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR28) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9074 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR29) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9078 Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR30) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_907C Pin Control Register n (PORTA_PCR31) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_9080 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTA_GPCLR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 11.14.2/247
reads 0)
4004_9084 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTA_GPCHR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 11.14.3/248
reads 0)
4004_90A0 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTA_ISFR) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 11.14.4/248
4004_A000 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR0) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A004 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR1) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A008 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR2) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A00C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR3) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A010 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR4) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A014 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR5) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A018 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR6) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A01C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR7) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A020 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR8) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A024 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR9) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A028 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR10) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A02C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR11) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A030 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR12) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245

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240 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 11 Port control and interrupts (PORT)

PORT memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4004_A034 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR13) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A038 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR14) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A03C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR15) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A040 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR16) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A044 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR17) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A048 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR18) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A04C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR19) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A050 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR20) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A054 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR21) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A058 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR22) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A05C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR23) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A060 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR24) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A064 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR25) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A068 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR26) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A06C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR27) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A070 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR28) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A074 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR29) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A078 Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR30) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A07C Pin Control Register n (PORTB_PCR31) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_A080 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTB_GPCLR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 11.14.2/247
reads 0)
4004_A084 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTB_GPCHR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 11.14.3/248
reads 0)
4004_A0A0 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTB_ISFR) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 11.14.4/248
4004_B000 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR0) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B004 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR1) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B008 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR2) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B00C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR3) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B010 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR4) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B014 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR5) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B018 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR6) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B01C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR7) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B020 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR8) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B024 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR9) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B028 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR10) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B02C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR11) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B030 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR12) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245

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PORT memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4004_B034 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR13) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B038 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR14) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B03C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR15) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B040 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR16) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B044 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR17) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B048 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR18) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B04C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR19) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B050 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR20) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B054 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR21) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B058 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR22) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B05C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR23) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B060 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR24) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B064 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR25) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B068 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR26) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B06C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR27) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B070 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR28) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B074 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR29) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B078 Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR30) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B07C Pin Control Register n (PORTC_PCR31) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_B080 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTC_GPCLR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 11.14.2/247
reads 0)
4004_B084 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTC_GPCHR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 11.14.3/248
reads 0)
4004_B0A0 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTC_ISFR) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 11.14.4/248
4004_C000 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR0) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C004 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR1) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C008 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR2) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C00C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR3) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C010 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR4) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C014 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR5) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C018 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR6) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C01C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR7) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C020 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR8) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C024 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR9) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C028 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR10) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C02C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR11) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C030 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR12) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245

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242 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 11 Port control and interrupts (PORT)

PORT memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4004_C034 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR13) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C038 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR14) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C03C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR15) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C040 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR16) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C044 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR17) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C048 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR18) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C04C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR19) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C050 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR20) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C054 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR21) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C058 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR22) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C05C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR23) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C060 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR24) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C064 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR25) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C068 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR26) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C06C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR27) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C070 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR28) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C074 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR29) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C078 Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR30) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C07C Pin Control Register n (PORTD_PCR31) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_C080 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTD_GPCLR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 11.14.2/247
reads 0)
4004_C084 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTD_GPCHR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 11.14.3/248
reads 0)
4004_C0A0 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTD_ISFR) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 11.14.4/248
4004_D000 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR0) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D004 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR1) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D008 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR2) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D00C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR3) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D010 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR4) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D014 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR5) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D018 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR6) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D01C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR7) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D020 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR8) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D024 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR9) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D028 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR10) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D02C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR11) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D030 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR12) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245

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PORT memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4004_D034 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR13) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D038 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR14) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D03C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR15) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D040 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR16) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D044 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR17) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D048 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR18) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D04C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR19) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D050 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR20) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D054 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR21) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D058 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR22) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D05C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR23) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D060 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR24) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D064 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR25) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D068 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR26) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D06C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR27) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D070 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR28) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D074 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR29) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D078 Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR30) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D07C Pin Control Register n (PORTE_PCR31) 32 R/W See section 11.14.1/245
4004_D080 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTE_GPCLR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 11.14.2/247
reads 0)
4004_D084 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTE_GPCHR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 11.14.3/248
reads 0)
4004_D0A0 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTE_ISFR) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 11.14.4/248

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244 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 11 Port control and interrupts (PORT)

11.14.1 Pin Control Register n (PORTx_PCRn)

Address: Base address + 0h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 31d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 ISF 0
W w1c
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0

Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• Refer to the Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions chapter for the reset value of this device.x = Undefined at reset.

PORTx_PCRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–25 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
24 Interrupt Status Flag
The pin interrupt configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes.

0 Configured interrupt is not detected.

1 Configured interrupt is detected. If the pin is configured to generate a DMA request, then the
corresponding flag will be cleared automatically at the completion of the requested DMA transfer.
Otherwise, the flag remains set until a logic one is written to the flag. If the pin is configured for a level
sensitive interrupt and the pin remains asserted, then the flag is set again immediately after it is
23–20 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
19–16 Interrupt Configuration
The pin interrupt configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. The corresponding pin is configured
to generate interrupt/DMA request as follows:

0000 Interrupt/DMA request disabled.

0001 DMA request on rising edge.
0010 DMA request on falling edge.
0011 DMA request on either edge.
0100 Reserved.
1000 Interrupt when logic zero.
1001 Interrupt on rising edge.
1010 Interrupt on falling edge.
1011 Interrupt on either edge.
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PORTx_PCRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
1100 Interrupt when logic one.
Others Reserved.
15 Lock Register
0 Pin Control Register fields [15:0] are not locked.
1 Pin Control Register fields [15:0] are locked and cannot be updated until the next system reset.
14–11 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
10–8 Pin Mux Control
Not all pins support all pin muxing slots. Unimplemented pin muxing slots are reserved and may result in
configuring the pin for a different pin muxing slot.
The corresponding pin is configured in the following pin muxing slot as follows:

000 Pin disabled (analog).

001 Alternative 1 (GPIO).
010 Alternative 2 (chip-specific).
011 Alternative 3 (chip-specific).
100 Alternative 4 (chip-specific).
101 Alternative 5 (chip-specific).
110 Alternative 6 (chip-specific).
111 Alternative 7 (chip-specific).
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6 Drive Strength Enable
This bit is read only for pins that do not support a configurable drive strength.
Drive strength configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes.

0 Low drive strength is configured on the corresponding pin, if pin is configured as a digital output.
1 High drive strength is configured on the corresponding pin, if pin is configured as a digital output.
5 Open Drain Enable
This bit is read only for pins that do not support a configurable open drain output.
Open drain configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes.

0 Open drain output is disabled on the corresponding pin.

1 Open drain output is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital output.
4 Passive Filter Enable
This bit is read only for pins that do not support a configurable passive input filter.
Passive filter configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes.

0 Passive input filter is disabled on the corresponding pin.

1 Passive input filter is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital input. A low
pass filter of 10 MHz to 30 MHz bandwidth is enabled on the digital input path. Disable the passive
input filter when high speed interfaces of more than 2 MHz are supported on the pin.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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Chapter 11 Port control and interrupts (PORT)

PORTx_PCRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
2 Slew Rate Enable
This bit is read only for pins that do not support a configurable slew rate.
Slew rate configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes.

0 Fast slew rate is configured on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital output.
1 Slow slew rate is configured on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital output.
1 Pull Enable
This bit is read only for pins that do not support a configurable pull resistor.
Pull configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes.

0 Internal pullup or pulldown resistor is not enabled on the corresponding pin.

1 Internal pullup or pulldown resistor is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a
digital input.
0 Pull Select
This bit is read only for pins that do not support a configurable pull resistor direction.
Pull configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes.

0 Internal pulldown resistor is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the corresponding Port Pull Enable
field is set.
1 Internal pullup resistor is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the corresponding Port Pull Enable field
is set.

11.14.2 Global Pin Control Low Register (PORTx_GPCLR)

Only 32-bit writes are supported to this register.
Address: Base address + 80h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PORTx_GPCLR field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 Global Pin Write Enable
Selects which Pin Control Registers (15 through 0) bits [15:0] update with the value in GPWD. If a
selected Pin Control Register is locked then the write to that register is ignored.

0 Corresponding Pin Control Register is not updated with the value in GPWD.
1 Corresponding Pin Control Register is updated with the value in GPWD.
15–0 Global Pin Write Data
Write value that is written to all Pin Control Registers bits [15:0] that are selected by GPWE.

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11.14.3 Global Pin Control High Register (PORTx_GPCHR)

Only 32-bit writes are supported to this register.
Address: Base address + 84h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PORTx_GPCHR field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 Global Pin Write Enable
Selects which Pin Control Registers (31 through 16) bits [15:0] update with the value in GPWD. If a
selected Pin Control Register is locked then the write to that register is ignored.

0 Corresponding Pin Control Register is not updated with the value in GPWD.
1 Corresponding Pin Control Register is updated with the value in GPWD.
15–0 Global Pin Write Data
Write value that is written to all Pin Control Registers bits [15:0] that are selected by GPWE.

11.14.4 Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORTx_ISFR)

The pin interrupt configuration is valid in all digital pin muxing modes. The Interrupt
Status Flag for each pin is also visible in the corresponding Pin Control Register, and
each flag can be cleared in either location.
Address: Base address + A0h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

W w1c
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PORTx_ISFR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Interrupt Status Flag
Each bit in the field indicates the detection of the configured interrupt of the same number as the field.

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248 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 11 Port control and interrupts (PORT)

PORTx_ISFR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Configured interrupt is not detected.
1 Configured interrupt is detected. If the pin is configured to generate a DMA request, then the
corresponding flag will be cleared automatically at the completion of the requested DMA transfer.
Otherwise, the flag remains set until a logic one is written to the flag. If the pin is configured for a level
sensitive interrupt and the pin remains asserted, then the flag is set again immediately after it is

11.1.5 Functional description Pin control

Each port pin has a corresponding pin control register, PORT_PCRn, associated with it.
The upper half of the pin control register configures the pin's capability to either interrupt
the CPU or request a DMA transfer, on a rising/falling edge or both edges as well as a
logic level occurring on the port pin. It also includes a flag to indicate that an interrupt
has occurred.
The lower half of the pin control register configures the following functions for each pin
within the 32-bit port.
• Pullup or pulldown enable on selected pins
• Drive strength and slew rate configuration on selected pins
• Open drain enable on selected pins
• Passive input filter enable on selected pins
• Pin Muxing mode
The functions apply across all digital Pin Muxing modes and individual peripherals do
not override the configuration in the pin control register. For example, if an I2C function
is enabled on a pin, that does not override the pullup or open drain configuration for that
When the Pin Muxing mode is configured for analog or is disabled, all the digital
functions on that pin are disabled. This includes the pullup and pulldown enables, digital
output buffer enable, digital input buffer enable, and passive filter enable.
A lock field also exists that allows the configuration for each pin to be locked until the
next system reset. When locked, writes to the lower half of that pin control register are
ignored, although a bus error is not generated on an attempted write to a locked register.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 249

The configuration of each pin control register is retained when the PORT module is
disabled. Global pin control

The two global pin control registers allow a single register write to update the lower half
of the pin control register on up to sixteen pins, all with the same value. Registers that are
locked cannot be written using the global pin control registers.
The global pin control registers are designed to enable software to quickly configure
multiple pins within the one port for the same peripheral function. However, the interrupt
functions cannot be configured using the global pin control registers.
The global pin control registers are write-only registers, that always read as zero. External interrupts

The external interrupt capability of the PORT module is available in all digital pin
muxing modes provided the PORT module is enabled.
Each pin can be individually configured for any of the following external interrupt
• Interrupt disabled, default out of reset
• Active high level sensitive interrupt
• Active low level sensitive interrupt
• Rising edge sensitive interrupt
• Falling edge sensitive interrupt
• Rising and falling edge sensitive interrupt
• Rising edge sensitive DMA request
• Falling edge sensitive DMA request
• Rising and falling edge sensitive DMA request
The interrupt status flag is set when the configured edge or level is detected on the output
of the pin. When not in Stop mode, the input is first synchronized to the bus clock to
detect the configured level or edge transition.
The PORT module generates a single interrupt that asserts when the interrupt status flag
is set for any enabled interrupt for that port. The interrupt negates after the interrupt status
flags for all enabled interrupts have been cleared by writing a logic 0 to the ISF flag in
the PORT_PCRn register.

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Chapter 11 Port control and interrupts (PORT)

The PORT module generates a single DMA request that asserts when the interrupt status
flag is set for any enabled DMA request in that port. The DMA request negates after the
DMA transfer is completed, because that clears the interrupt status flags for all enabled
DMA requests.
During Stop mode, the interrupt status flag for any enabled interrupt is asynchronously
set if the required level or edge is detected. This also generates an asynchronous wakeup
signal to exit the Low-Power mode.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 251

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252 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12
System Integration Module (SIM)

12.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The System Integration Module (SIM) provides system control and chip configuration

12.1.1 Features
Features of the SIM include:
• System clocking configuration
• System clock divide values
• Architectural clock gating control
• USB clock selection and divide values
• Flash and system RAM size configuration
• USB regulator configuration
• FlexTimer external clock, hardware trigger, and fault source selection
• UART0 and UART1 receive/transmit source selection/configuration

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Memory map and register definition

12.2 Memory map and register definition

The SIM module contains many fields for selecting the clock source and dividers for
various module clocks. See the Clock Distribution chapter for more information,
including block diagrams and clock definitions.

The SIM_SOPT1 and SIM_SOPT1CFG registers are located at
a different base address than the other SIM registers.
SIM memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4004_7000 System Options Register 1 (SIM_SOPT1) 32 R/W See section 12.2.1/255
4004_7004 SOPT1 Configuration Register (SIM_SOPT1CFG) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.2/257
4004_8004 System Options Register 2 (SIM_SOPT2) 32 R/W 0000_1000h 12.2.3/258
4004_800C System Options Register 4 (SIM_SOPT4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.4/260
4004_8010 System Options Register 5 (SIM_SOPT5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.5/263
4004_8018 System Options Register 7 (SIM_SOPT7) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.6/264
4004_8024 System Device Identification Register (SIM_SDID) 32 R Undefined 12.2.7/266
4004_8028 System Clock Gating Control Register 1 (SIM_SCGC1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.8/267
4004_802C System Clock Gating Control Register 2 (SIM_SCGC2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.9/268
4004_8030 System Clock Gating Control Register 3 (SIM_SCGC3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.10/269
4004_8034 System Clock Gating Control Register 4 (SIM_SCGC4) 32 R/W F010_0030h 12.2.11/270
4004_8038 System Clock Gating Control Register 5 (SIM_SCGC5) 32 R/W 0004_0182h 12.2.12/272
4004_803C System Clock Gating Control Register 6 (SIM_SCGC6) 32 R/W 4000_0001h 12.2.13/274
4004_8040 System Clock Gating Control Register 7 (SIM_SCGC7) 32 R/W 0000_0007h 12.2.14/277
4004_8044 System Clock Divider Register 1 (SIM_CLKDIV1) 32 R/W See section 12.2.15/278
4004_8048 System Clock Divider Register 2 (SIM_CLKDIV2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 12.2.16/280
4004_804C Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG1) 32 R See section 12.2.17/281
4004_8050 Flash Configuration Register 2 (SIM_FCFG2) 32 R See section 12.2.18/283
4004_8054 Unique Identification Register High (SIM_UIDH) 32 R See section 12.2.19/284
4004_8058 Unique Identification Register Mid-High (SIM_UIDMH) 32 R See section 12.2.20/284
4004_805C Unique Identification Register Mid Low (SIM_UIDML) 32 R See section 12.2.21/285
4004_8060 Unique Identification Register Low (SIM_UIDL) 32 R See section 12.2.22/285

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254 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

12.2.1 System Options Register 1 (SIM_SOPT1)

The SOPT1 register is only reset on POR or LVD.
Address: 4004_7000h base + 0h offset = 4004_7000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0




Reset 1* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Reset 1* 1* 1* 1* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

* Notes:
• Reset value loaded during System Reset from Flash IFR.

SIM_SOPT1 field descriptions

Field Description
31 USB voltage regulator enable
Controls whether the USB voltage regulator is enabled.

0 USB voltage regulator is disabled.

1 USB voltage regulator is enabled.
30 USB voltage regulator in standby mode during Stop, VLPS, LLS and VLLS modes.
Controls whether the USB voltage regulator is placed in standby mode during Stop, VLPS, LLS and VLLS
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Memory map and register definition

SIM_SOPT1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 USB voltage regulator not in standby during Stop, VLPS, LLS and VLLS modes.
1 USB voltage regulator in standby during Stop, VLPS, LLS and VLLS modes.
29 USB voltage regulator in standby mode during VLPR and VLPW modes
Controls whether the USB voltage regulator is placed in standby mode during VLPR and VLPW modes.

0 USB voltage regulator not in standby during VLPR and VLPW modes.
1 USB voltage regulator in standby during VLPR and VLPW modes.
28–20 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
19–18 32K oscillator clock select
Selects the 32 kHz clock source (ERCLK32K) for TSI,and LPTMR. This bit is reset only for POR/LVD.

00 System oscillator (OSC32KCLK)

01 Reserved
10 RTC 32.768kHz oscillator
11 LPO 1 kHz
17–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–12 RAM size
This field specifies the amount of system RAM available on the device.

0000 Undefined
0001 8 KBytes
0010 Undefined
0011 16 KBytes
0100 Undefined
0101 32 KBytes
0110 Undefined
0111 64 KBytes
1000 Undefined
1001 Undefined
1010 Undefined
1011 Undefined
1100 Undefined
1101 Undefined
1110 Undefined
1111 Undefined
11–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5–0 This field is reserved.

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256 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

12.2.2 SOPT1 Configuration Register (SIM_SOPT1CFG)

The SOPT1CFG register is reset on System Reset not VLLS.
Address: 4004_7000h base + 4h offset = 4004_7004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0




Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SIM_SOPT1CFG field descriptions

Field Description
31–27 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
26 USB voltage regulator stop standby write enable
Writing one to the USSWE bit allows the SOPT1 USBSSTBY bit to be written. This register bit clears after
a write to USBSSTBY.

0 SOPT1 USBSSTBY cannot be written.

1 SOPT1 USBSSTBY can be written.
25 USB voltage regulator VLP standby write enable
Writing one to the UVSWE bit allows the SOPT1 USBVSTBY bit to be written. This register bit clears after
a write to USBVSTBY.

0 SOPT1 USBVSTBY cannot be written.

1 SOPT1 USBVSTBY can be written.
24 USB voltage regulator enable write enable
Writing one to the URWE bit allows the SOPT1 USBREGEN bit to be written. This register bit clears after
a write to USBREGEN.

0 SOPT1 USBREGEN cannot be written.

1 SOPT1 USBREGEN can be written.

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Memory map and register definition

SIM_SOPT1CFG field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
23–10 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
9–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

12.2.3 System Options Register 2 (SIM_SOPT2)

SOPT2 contains the controls for selecting many of the module clock source options on
this device. See the Clock Distribution chapter for more information including clocking
diagrams and definitions of device clocks.
Address: 4004_7000h base + 1004h offset = 4004_8004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SIM_SOPT2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–30 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
29–28 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
27–22 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
21–19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

SIM_SOPT2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
18 USB clock source select
Selects the clock source for the USB 48 MHz clock.

0 External bypass clock (USB_CLKIN).

1 MCGPLLCLK/MCGFLLCLK clock divided by the USB fractional divider. See the
17 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
16 PLL/FLL clock select
Selects the MCGPLLCLK or MCGFLLCLK clock for various peripheral clocking options.

15–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12 Debug trace clock select
Selects the core/system clock or MCG output clock (MCGOUTCLK) as the trace clock source.

1 Core/system clock
11 PTD7 pad drive strength
Controls the output drive strength of the PTD7 pin by selecting either one or two pads to drive it.

0 Single-pad drive strength for PTD7.

1 Double pad drive strength for PTD7.
10 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
9–8 FlexBus security level
If flash security is enabled, then this field affects what CPU operations can access off-chip via the
FlexBus interface. This field has no effect if flash security is not enabled.

00 All off-chip accesses (instruction and data) via the FlexBus are disallowed.
01 All off-chip accesses (instruction and data) via the FlexBus are disallowed.
10 Off-chip instruction accesses are disallowed. Data accesses are allowed.
11 Off-chip instruction accesses and data accesses are allowed.
7–5 CLKOUT select
Selects the clock to output on the CLKOUT pin.

000 FlexBus CLKOUT

001 Reserved
010 Flash clock
011 LPO clock (1 kHz)
101 RTC 32.768kHz clock
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Memory map and register definition

SIM_SOPT2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
111 Reserved
4 RTC clock out select
Selects either the RTC 1 Hz clock or the 32.768kHz clock to be output on the RTC_CLKOUT pin.

0 RTC 1 Hz clock is output on the RTC_CLKOUT pin.

1 RTC 32.768kHz clock is output on the RTC_CLKOUT pin.
3–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

12.2.4 System Options Register 4 (SIM_SOPT4)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 100Ch offset = 4004_800Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16







R 0 0 0 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0





Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SIM_SOPT4 field descriptions

Field Description
31–30 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
29 FlexTimer 0 Hardware Trigger 1 Source Select
Selects the source of FTM0 hardware trigger 1.

0 PDB output trigger 1 drives FTM0 hardware trigger 1

1 FTM2 channel match drives FTM0 hardware trigger 1
28 FlexTimer 0 Hardware Trigger 0 Source Select
Selects the source of FTM0 hardware trigger 0.
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Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

SIM_SOPT4 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 HSCMP0 output drives FTM0 hardware trigger 0
1 FTM1 channel match drives FTM0 hardware trigger 0
27 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
26 FlexTimer 2 External Clock Pin Select
Selects the external pin used to drive the clock to the FTM2 module.

NOTE: The selected pin must also be configured for the FTM2 module external clock function through
the appropriate pin control register in the port control module.

0 FTM2 external clock driven by FTM_CLK0 pin.

1 FTM2 external clock driven by FTM_CLK1 pin.
25 FTM1 External Clock Pin Select
Selects the external pin used to drive the clock to the FTM1 module.

NOTE: The selected pin must also be configured for the FTM external clock function through the
appropriate pin control register in the port control module.

0 FTM_CLK0 pin
1 FTM_CLK1 pin
24 FlexTimer 0 External Clock Pin Select
Selects the external pin used to drive the clock to the FTM0 module.

NOTE: The selected pin must also be configured for the FTM external clock function through the
appropriate pin control register in the port control module.

0 FTM_CLK0 pin
1 FTM_CLK1 pin
23–22 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
21–20 FTM2 channel 0 input capture source select
Selects the source for FTM2 channel 0 input capture.

NOTE: When the FTM is not in input capture mode, clear this field.

00 FTM2_CH0 signal
01 CMP0 output
10 CMP1 output
11 Reserved
19–18 FTM1 channel 0 input capture source select
Selects the source for FTM1 channel 0 input capture.

NOTE: When the FTM is not in input capture mode, clear this field.

00 FTM1_CH0 signal
01 CMP0 output
10 CMP1 output
11 USB start of frame pulse

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 261
Memory map and register definition

SIM_SOPT4 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
17–9 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
8 FTM2 Fault 0 Select
Selects the source of FTM2 fault 0.

NOTE: The pin source for fault 0 must be configured for the FTM module fault function through the
appropriate PORTx pin control register.

0 FTM2_FLT0 pin
1 CMP0 out
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 FTM1 Fault 0 Select
Selects the source of FTM1 fault 0.

NOTE: The pin source for fault 0 must be configured for the FTM module fault function through the
appropriate pin control register in the port control module.

0 FTM1_FLT0 pin
1 CMP0 out
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 FTM0 Fault 2 Select
Selects the source of FTM0 fault 2.

NOTE: The pin source for fault 2 must be configured for the FTM module fault function through the
appropriate pin control register in the port control module.

0 FTM0_FLT2 pin
1 CMP2 out
1 FTM0 Fault 1 Select
Selects the source of FTM0 fault 1.

NOTE: The pin source for fault 1 must be configured for the FTM module fault function through the
appropriate pin control register in the port control module.

0 FTM0_FLT1 pin
1 CMP1 out
0 FTM0 Fault 0 Select
Selects the source of FTM0 fault 0.

NOTE: The pin source for fault 0 must be configured for the FTM module fault function through the
appropriate pin control register in the port control module.

0 FTM0_FLT0 pin
1 CMP0 out

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262 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

12.2.5 System Options Register 5 (SIM_SOPT5)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1010h offset = 4004_8010h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SIM_SOPT5 field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–6 UART 1 receive data source select
Selects the source for the UART 1 receive data.

00 UART1_RX pin
01 CMP0
10 CMP1
11 Reserved
5–4 UART 1 transmit data source select
Selects the source for the UART 1 transmit data.

00 UART1_TX pin
01 UART1_TX pin modulated with FTM1 channel 0 output
10 UART1_TX pin modulated with FTM2 channel 0 output
11 Reserved
3–2 UART 0 receive data source select
Selects the source for the UART 0 receive data.

00 UART0_RX pin
01 CMP0
10 CMP1
11 Reserved
1–0 UART 0 transmit data source select
Selects the source for the UART 0 transmit data.

00 UART0_TX pin
01 UART0_TX pin modulated with FTM1 channel 0 output
10 UART0_TX pin modulated with FTM2 channel 0 output
11 Reserved

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 263
Memory map and register definition

12.2.6 System Options Register 7 (SIM_SOPT7)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1018h offset = 4004_8018h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


R 0 0




Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SIM_SOPT7 field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15 ADC1 alternate trigger enable
Enable alternative conversion triggers for ADC1.

0 PDB trigger selected for ADC1

1 Alternate trigger selected for ADC1 as defined by ADC1TRGSEL.
14–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12 ADC1 pre-trigger select
Selects the ADC1 pre-trigger source when alternative triggers are enabled through ADC1ALTTRGEN.

0 Pre-trigger A selected for ADC1.

1 Pre-trigger B selected for ADC1.
11–8 ADC1 trigger select
Selects the ADC1 trigger source when alternative triggers are functional in stop and VLPS modes.

0000 PDB external trigger pin input (PDB0_EXTRG)

0001 High speed comparator 0 output
0010 High speed comparator 1 output
0011 High speed comparator 2 output
0100 PIT trigger 0
0101 PIT trigger 1
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Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

SIM_SOPT7 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0110 PIT trigger 2
0111 PIT trigger 3
1000 FTM0 trigger
1001 FTM1 trigger
1010 FTM2 trigger
1011 Unused
1100 RTC alarm
1101 RTC seconds
1110 Low-power timer trigger
1111 Unused
7 ADC0 alternate trigger enable
Enable alternative conversion triggers for ADC0.

0 PDB trigger selected for ADC0.

1 Alternate trigger selected for ADC0.
6–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 ADC0 pretrigger select
Selects the ADC0 pre-trigger source when alternative triggers are enabled through ADC0ALTTRGEN.

0 Pre-trigger A
1 Pre-trigger B
3–0 ADC0 trigger select
Selects the ADC0 trigger source when alternative triggers are functional in stop and VLPS modes. .

0000 PDB external trigger pin input (PDB0_EXTRG)

0001 High speed comparator 0 output
0010 High speed comparator 1 output
0011 High speed comparator 2 output
0100 PIT trigger 0
0101 PIT trigger 1
0110 PIT trigger 2
0111 PIT trigger 3
1000 FTM0 trigger
1001 FTM1 trigger
1010 FTM2 trigger
1011 Unused
1100 RTC alarm
1101 RTC seconds
1110 Low-power timer trigger
1111 Unused

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Memory map and register definition

12.2.7 System Device Identification Register (SIM_SDID)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1024h offset = 4004_8024h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

SIM_SDID field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–12 Device revision number
Specifies the silicon implementation number for the device.
11 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
10 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
9 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1.
6–4 Kinetis family identification
Specifies the Kinetis family of the device.

000 K10
001 K20
010 K30
011 K40
100 Reserved
101 Reserved
110 K50
111 K51

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Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

SIM_SDID field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
3–0 Pincount identification
Specifies the pincount of the device.

0000 Reserved
0001 Reserved
0010 Reserved
0011 Reserved
0100 Reserved
0101 64-pin
0110 80-pin
0111 81-pin
1000 100-pin
1001 Reserved
1010 Reserved
1011 Reserved
1100 Reserved
1101 Reserved
1110 Reserved
1111 Reserved

12.2.8 System Clock Gating Control Register 1 (SIM_SCGC1)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1028h offset = 4004_8028h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0 0 0 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0 0 0 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SIM_SCGC1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–25 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
24 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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Memory map and register definition

SIM_SCGC1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
23–22 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
21 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
20–12 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
11 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
10 UART4 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the UART4 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
9–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

12.2.9 System Clock Gating Control Register 2 (SIM_SCGC2)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 102Ch offset = 4004_802Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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268 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

SIM_SCGC2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–14 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12 DAC0 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the DAC0 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
11–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

12.2.10 System Clock Gating Control Register 3 (SIM_SCGC3)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1030h offset = 4004_8030h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0 0 0 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SIM_SCGC3 field descriptions

Field Description
31 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
30 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
29–28 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
27 ADC1 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the ADC1 module.
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 269
Memory map and register definition

SIM_SCGC3 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
26 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
25 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
24 FTM2 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the FTM2 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
23–18 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
17 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
16–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
11–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

12.2.11 System Clock Gating Control Register 4 (SIM_SCGC4)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1034h offset = 4004_8034h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 1 0 0


Reset 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 1 0 0






Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

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270 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

SIM_SCGC4 field descriptions

Field Description
31–28 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1.
27–21 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
20 VREF Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the VREF module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
19 Comparator Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the comparator module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
18 USB Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the USB module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
17–14 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
13 UART3 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the UART3 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
12 UART2 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the UART2 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
11 UART1 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the UART1 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
10 UART0 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the UART0 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
9–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 271
Memory map and register definition

SIM_SCGC4 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
7 I2C1 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the I 2 C1 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
6 I2C0 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the I 2 C0 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
5–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 CMT Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the CMT module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
1 EWM Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the EWM module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

12.2.12 System Clock Gating Control Register 5 (SIM_SCGC5)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1038h offset = 4004_8038h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 1 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 1 0 0 0 1





Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

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272 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

SIM_SCGC5 field descriptions

Field Description
31–19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1.
17–14 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
13 Port E Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the Port E module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
12 Port D Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the Port D module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
11 Port C Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the Port C module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
10 Port B Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the Port B module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
9 Port A Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the Port A module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
8–7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1.
6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 TSI Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the TSI module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register definition

SIM_SCGC5 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1.
0 Low Power Timer Access Control
This bit controls software access to the Low Power Timer module.

0 Access disabled
1 Access enabled

12.2.13 System Clock Gating Control Register 6 (SIM_SCGC6)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 103Ch offset = 4004_803Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 1 0 0 0 0




Reset 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

SIM_SCGC6 field descriptions

Field Description
31 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
30 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1.
29 RTC Access Control
This bit controls software access and interrupts to the RTC module.

0 Access and interrupts disabled

1 Access and interrupts enabled
28 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
27 ADC0 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the ADC0 module.
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274 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

SIM_SCGC6 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
26 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
25 FTM1 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the FTM1 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
24 FTM0 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the FTM0 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
23 PIT Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the PIT module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
22 PDB Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the PDB module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
21 USB DCD Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the USB DCD module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
20–19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18 CRC Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the CRC module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
17–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15 I2S Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the I 2 S module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 275
Memory map and register definition

SIM_SCGC6 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
14 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
13 SPI1 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the SPI1 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
12 SPI0 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the SPI0 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
11–10 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
9 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
8–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 FlexCAN0 Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the FlexCAN0 module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
3–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 DMA Mux Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the DMA Mux module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
0 Flash Memory Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the flash memory. Flash reads are still supported while the flash memory
is clock gated, but entry into low power modes is blocked.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled

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276 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

12.2.14 System Clock Gating Control Register 7 (SIM_SCGC7)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1040h offset = 4004_8040h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

SIM_SCGC7 field descriptions

Field Description
31–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 DMA Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the DMA module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled
0 FlexBus Clock Gate Control
This bit controls the clock gate to the FlexBus module.

0 Clock disabled
1 Clock enabled

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 277
Memory map and register definition

12.2.15 System Clock Divider Register 1 (SIM_CLKDIV1)

The CLKDIV1 register cannot be written to when the device is
in VLPR mode.
Address: 4004_7000h base + 1044h offset = 4004_8044h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0
Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 1* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*

* Notes:
• Reset value loaded during Syetem Reset from FTFL_FOPT[LPBOOT].

SIM_CLKDIV1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–28 Clock 1 output divider value
This field sets the divide value for the core/system clock. At the end of reset, it is loaded with either 0000
or 0111 depending on FTFL_FOPT[LPBOOT].

0000 Divide-by-1.
0001 Divide-by-2.
0010 Divide-by-3.
0011 Divide-by-4.
0100 Divide-by-5.
0101 Divide-by-6.
0110 Divide-by-7.
0111 Divide-by-8.
1000 Divide-by-9.
1001 Divide-by-10.
1010 Divide-by-11.
1011 Divide-by-12.
1100 Divide-by-13.
1101 Divide-by-14.
1110 Divide-by-15.
1111 Divide-by-16.
27–24 Clock 2 output divider value
This field sets the divide value for the peripheral clock. At the end of reset, it is loaded with either 0000 or
0111 depending on FTFL_FOPT[LPBOOT].

0000 Divide-by-1.
0001 Divide-by-2.
0010 Divide-by-3.
Table continues on the next page...

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278 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

SIM_CLKDIV1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0011 Divide-by-4.
0100 Divide-by-5.
0101 Divide-by-6.
0110 Divide-by-7.
0111 Divide-by-8.
1000 Divide-by-9.
1001 Divide-by-10.
1010 Divide-by-11.
1011 Divide-by-12.
1100 Divide-by-13.
1101 Divide-by-14.
1110 Divide-by-15.
1111 Divide-by-16.
23–20 Clock 3 output divider value
This field sets the divide value for the FlexBus clock driven to the external pin (FB_CLK). At the end of
reset, it is loaded with either 0001 or 1111 depending on FTFL_FOPT[LPBOOT].

0000 Divide-by-1.
0001 Divide-by-2.
0010 Divide-by-3.
0011 Divide-by-4.
0100 Divide-by-5.
0101 Divide-by-6.
0110 Divide-by-7.
0111 Divide-by-8.
1000 Divide-by-9.
1001 Divide-by-10.
1010 Divide-by-11.
1011 Divide-by-12.
1100 Divide-by-13.
1101 Divide-by-14.
1110 Divide-by-15.
1111 Divide-by-16.
19–16 Clock 4 output divider value
This field sets the divide value for the flash clock. At the end of reset, it is loaded with either 0001 or 1111
depending on FTFL_FOPT[LPBOOT].

0000 Divide-by-1.
0001 Divide-by-2.
0010 Divide-by-3.
0011 Divide-by-4.
0100 Divide-by-5.
0101 Divide-by-6.
0110 Divide-by-7.
0111 Divide-by-8.
1000 Divide-by-9.
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Memory map and register definition

SIM_CLKDIV1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
1001 Divide-by-10.
1010 Divide-by-11.
1011 Divide-by-12.
1100 Divide-by-13.
1101 Divide-by-14.
1110 Divide-by-15.
1111 Divide-by-16.
15–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

12.2.16 System Clock Divider Register 2 (SIM_CLKDIV2)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1048h offset = 4004_8048h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SIM_CLKDIV2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3–1 USB clock divider divisor
This field sets the divide value for the fractional clock divider when the MCGFLLCLK/MCGPLLCLK clock is
the USB clock source (SOPT2[USBSRC] = 1).
Divider output clock = Divider input clock × [ (USBFRAC+1) / (USBDIV+1) ]
0 USB clock divider fraction
This field sets the fraction multiply value for the fractional clock divider when the MCGFLLCLK/
MCGPLLCLK clock is the USB clock source (SOPT2[USBSRC] = 1).
Divider output clock = Divider input clock × [ (USBFRAC+1) / (USBDIV+1) ]

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280 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

12.2.17 Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG1)

The reset value of EESIZE and DEPART are based on user programming in user IFR via
the PGMPART flash command.
Address: 4004_7000h base + 104Ch offset = 4004_804Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reset 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 0* 0* 0* 0* 1* 1* 1* 1*

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0




Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 1* 1* 1* 1* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*

* Notes:
• Reset value loaded during System Reset from Flash IFR.

SIM_FCFG1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–28 FlexNVM size
This field specifies the amount of FlexNVM memory available on the device . Undefined values are

0000 0 KB of FlexNVM
0011 32 KB of FlexNVM, 4 KB protection region
27–24 Program flash size
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Memory map and register definition

SIM_FCFG1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
This field specifies the amount of program flash memory available on the device . Undefined values are

0101 64 KB of program flash memory, 2 KB protection region

0111 128 KB of program flash, 4 KB protection region
1001 256 KB of program flash, 8 KB protection region
23–20 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
19–16 EEPROM size
EEPROM data size .

0000 Reserved
0001 Reserved
0010 Reserved
0011 2 KB
0100 1 KB
0101 512 Bytes
0110 256 Bytes
0111 128 Bytes
1000 64 Bytes
1001 32 Bytes
1010-1110 Reserved
1111 0 Bytes
15–12 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
11–8 FlexNVM partition
Data flash / EEPROM backup split . See DEPART bit description in FTFL chapter.
7–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 Flash Doze
When set, Flash memory is disabled for the duration of Wait mode. An attempt by the DMA or other bus
master to access the Flash when the Flash is disabled will result in a bus error. This bit should be clear
during VLP modes. The Flash will be automatically enabled again at the end of Wait mode so interrupt
vectors do not need to be relocated out of Flash memory. The wakeup time from Wait mode is extended
when this bit is set.

0 Flash remains enabled during Wait mode

1 Flash is disabled for the duration of Wait mode
0 Flash Disable
Flash accesses are disabled (and generate a bus error) and the Flash memory is placed in a low power
state. This bit should not be changed during VLP modes. Relocate the interrupt vectors out of Flash
memory before disabling the Flash.

0 Flash is enabled
1 Flash is disabled

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282 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

12.2.18 Flash Configuration Register 2 (SIM_FCFG2)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1050h offset = 4004_8050h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reset 0* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 0* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1*

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0

Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*

* Notes:
• Reset value loaded during System Reset from Flash IFR.

SIM_FCFG2 field descriptions

Field Description
31 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
30–24 Max address block 0
This field concatenated with leading zeros indicates the first invalid address of flash block 0 (program flash
For example, if MAXADDR0 = 0x20 the first invalid address of flash block 0 is 0x0004_0000. This would
be the MAXADDR0 value for a device with 256 KB program flash in flash block 0.
23 Program flash
For devices with FlexNVM, this bit is always clear.

0 Physical flash block 1 is used as FlexNVM

1 Physical flash block 1 is used as program flash
22–16 Max address block 1
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Memory map and register definition

SIM_FCFG2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
This field concatenated with leading zeros plus the FlexNVM base address indicates the first invalid
address of the FlexNVM (flash block 1).
For example, if MAXADDR1 = 0x20 the first invalid address of flash block 1 is 0x4_0000 + 0x1000_0000 .
This would be the MAXADDR1 value for a device with 256 KB FlexNVM.
15–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

12.2.19 Unique Identification Register High (SIM_UIDH)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1054h offset = 4004_8054h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*

* Notes:
• Reset value loaded during System Reset from Flash IFR.

SIM_UIDH field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Unique Identification
Unique identification for the device.

12.2.20 Unique Identification Register Mid-High (SIM_UIDMH)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1058h offset = 4004_8058h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*

* Notes:
• Reset value loaded during System Reset from Flash IFR.

SIM_UIDMH field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Unique Identification
Unique identification for the device.

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284 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 12 System Integration Module (SIM)

12.2.21 Unique Identification Register Mid Low (SIM_UIDML)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 105Ch offset = 4004_805Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*

* Notes:
• Reset value loaded during System Reset from Flash IFR.

SIM_UIDML field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Unique Identification
Unique identification for the device.

12.2.22 Unique Identification Register Low (SIM_UIDL)

Address: 4004_7000h base + 1060h offset = 4004_8060h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0*

* Notes:
• Reset value loaded during System Reset from Flash IFR.

SIM_UIDL field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Unique Identification
Unique identification for the device.

12.3 Functional description

For more information about the functions of SIM, see the Introduction section.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 285
Functional description

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286 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 13
Reset Control Module (RCM)

13.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the registers of the Reset Control Module (RCM). The RCM
implements many of the reset functions for the chip. See the chip's reset chapter for more

13.2 Reset memory map and register descriptions

The Reset Control Module (RCM) registers provide reset status information and reset
filter control.
RCM memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4007_F000 System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SRS0) 8 R 82h 13.2.1/287
4007_F001 System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SRS1) 8 R 00h 13.2.2/289
4007_F004 Reset Pin Filter Control register (RCM_RPFC) 8 R/W 00h 13.2.3/290
4007_F005 Reset Pin Filter Width register (RCM_RPFW) 8 R/W 00h 13.2.4/291
4007_F007 Mode Register (RCM_MR) 8 R 00h 13.2.5/293

13.2.1 System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SRS0)

This register includes read-only status flags to indicate the source of the most recent
reset. The reset state of these bits depends on what caused the MCU to reset.
The reset value of this register depends on the reset source:
• POR (including LVD) — 0x82

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Reset memory map and register descriptions

• LVD (without POR) — 0x02

• VLLS mode wakeup due to RESET pin assertion — 0x41
• VLLS mode wakeup due to other wakeup sources — 0x01
• Other reset — a bit is set if its corresponding reset source
caused the reset
Address: 4007_F000h base + 0h offset = 4007_F000h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

RCM_SRS0 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Power-On Reset
Indicates a reset has been caused by the power-on detection logic. Because the internal supply voltage
was ramping up at the time, the low-voltage reset (LVD) status bit is also set to indicate that the reset
occurred while the internal supply was below the LVD threshold.

0 Reset not caused by POR

1 Reset caused by POR
6 External Reset Pin
Indicates a reset has been caused by an active-low level on the external RESET pin.

0 Reset not caused by external reset pin

1 Reset caused by external reset pin
5 Watchdog
Indicates a reset has been caused by the watchdog timer timing out. This reset source can be blocked by
disabling the watchdog.

0 Reset not caused by watchdog timeout

1 Reset caused by watchdog timeout
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Loss-of-Lock Reset
Indicates a reset has been caused by a loss of lock in the MCG PLL. See the MCG description for
information on the loss-of-clock event.

0 Reset not caused by a loss of lock in the PLL

1 Reset caused by a loss of lock in the PLL
2 Loss-of-Clock Reset
Indicates a reset has been caused by a loss of external clock. The MCG clock monitor must be enabled
for a loss of clock to be detected. Refer to the detailed MCG description for information on enabling the
clock monitor.
Table continues on the next page...

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288 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 13 Reset Control Module (RCM)

RCM_SRS0 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Reset not caused by a loss of external clock.
1 Reset caused by a loss of external clock.
1 Low-Voltage Detect Reset
If the LVDRE bit is set and the supply drops below the LVD trip voltage, an LVD reset occurs. This bit is
also set by POR.

0 Reset not caused by LVD trip or POR

1 Reset caused by LVD trip or POR
0 Low Leakage Wakeup Reset
Indicates a reset has been caused by an enabled LLWU module wakeup source while the chip was in a
low leakage mode. In LLS mode, the RESET pin is the only wakeup source that can cause this reset. Any
enabled wakeup source in a VLLSx mode causes a reset. This bit is cleared by any reset except

0 Reset not caused by LLWU module wakeup source

1 Reset caused by LLWU module wakeup source

13.2.2 System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SRS1)

This register includes read-only status flags to indicate the source of the most recent
reset. The reset state of these bits depends on what caused the MCU to reset.
The reset value of this register depends on the reset source:
• POR (including LVD) — 0x00
• LVD (without POR) — 0x00
• VLLS mode wakeup — 0x00
• Other reset — a bit is set if its corresponding reset source
caused the reset
Address: 4007_F000h base + 1h offset = 4007_F001h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

RCM_SRS1 field descriptions

Field Description
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

Table continues on the next page...

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Reset memory map and register descriptions

RCM_SRS1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 Stop Mode Acknowledge Error Reset
Indicates that after an attempt to enter Stop mode, a reset has been caused by a failure of one or more
peripherals to acknowledge within approximately one second to enter stop mode.

0 Reset not caused by peripheral failure to acknowledge attempt to enter stop mode
1 Reset caused by peripheral failure to acknowledge attempt to enter stop mode
4 EzPort Reset
Indicates a reset has been caused by EzPort receiving the RESET command while the device is in EzPort

0 Reset not caused by EzPort receiving the RESET command while the device is in EzPort mode
1 Reset caused by EzPort receiving the RESET command while the device is in EzPort mode
3 MDM-AP System Reset Request
Indicates a reset has been caused by the host debugger system setting of the System Reset Request bit
in the MDM-AP Control Register.

0 Reset not caused by host debugger system setting of the System Reset Request bit
1 Reset caused by host debugger system setting of the System Reset Request bit
2 Software
Indicates a reset has been caused by software setting of SYSRESETREQ bit in Application Interrupt and
Reset Control Register in the ARM core.

0 Reset not caused by software setting of SYSRESETREQ bit

1 Reset caused by software setting of SYSRESETREQ bit
1 Core Lockup
Indicates a reset has been caused by the ARM core indication of a LOCKUP event.

0 Reset not caused by core LOCKUP event

1 Reset caused by core LOCKUP event
0 JTAG Generated Reset
Indicates a reset has been caused by JTAG selection of certain IR codes: EZPORT, EXTEST, HIGHZ,
and CLAMP.

0 Reset not caused by JTAG

1 Reset caused by JTAG

13.2.3 Reset Pin Filter Control register (RCM_RPFC)

The reset values of bits 2-0 are for Chip POR only. They are
unaffected by other reset types.

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290 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 13 Reset Control Module (RCM)

The bus clock filter is reset when disabled or when entering
stop mode. The LPO filter is reset when disabled or when
entering any low leakage stop mode .
Address: 4007_F000h base + 4h offset = 4007_F004h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

RCM_RPFC field descriptions

Field Description
7–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Reset Pin Filter Select in Stop Mode
Selects how the reset pin filter is enabled in Stop and VLPS modes .

0 All filtering disabled

1 LPO clock filter enabled
1–0 Reset Pin Filter Select in Run and Wait Modes
Selects how the reset pin filter is enabled in run and wait modes.

00 All filtering disabled

01 Bus clock filter enabled for normal operation
10 LPO clock filter enabled for normal operation
11 Reserved

13.2.4 Reset Pin Filter Width register (RCM_RPFW)

The reset values of the bits in the RSTFLTSEL field are for
Chip POR only. They are unaffected by other reset types.
Address: 4007_F000h base + 5h offset = 4007_F005h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 291
Reset memory map and register descriptions

RCM_RPFW field descriptions

Field Description
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4–0 Reset Pin Filter Bus Clock Select
Selects the reset pin bus clock filter width.

00000 Bus clock filter count is 1

00001 Bus clock filter count is 2
00010 Bus clock filter count is 3
00011 Bus clock filter count is 4
00100 Bus clock filter count is 5
00101 Bus clock filter count is 6
00110 Bus clock filter count is 7
00111 Bus clock filter count is 8
01000 Bus clock filter count is 9
01001 Bus clock filter count is 10
01010 Bus clock filter count is 11
01011 Bus clock filter count is 12
01100 Bus clock filter count is 13
01101 Bus clock filter count is 14
01110 Bus clock filter count is 15
01111 Bus clock filter count is 16
10000 Bus clock filter count is 17
10001 Bus clock filter count is 18
10010 Bus clock filter count is 19
10011 Bus clock filter count is 20
10100 Bus clock filter count is 21
10101 Bus clock filter count is 22
10110 Bus clock filter count is 23
10111 Bus clock filter count is 24
11000 Bus clock filter count is 25
11001 Bus clock filter count is 26
11010 Bus clock filter count is 27
11011 Bus clock filter count is 28
11100 Bus clock filter count is 29
11101 Bus clock filter count is 30
11110 Bus clock filter count is 31
11111 Bus clock filter count is 32

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Chapter 13 Reset Control Module (RCM)

13.2.5 Mode Register (RCM_MR)

This register includes read-only status flags to indicate the state of the mode pins during
the last Chip Reset.
Address: 4007_F000h base + 7h offset = 4007_F007h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 EZP_MS 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

RCM_MR field descriptions

Field Description
7–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 EZP_MS_B pin state
Reflects the state of the EZP_MS pin during the last Chip Reset

0 Pin deasserted (logic 1)

1 Pin asserted (logic 0)
0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 293
Reset memory map and register descriptions

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294 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 14
System Mode Controller

14.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The system mode controller (SMC) is responsible for sequencing the system into and out
of all low power stop and run modes. Specifically, it monitors events to trigger transitions
between power modes while controlling the power, clocks, and memories of the system
to achieve the power consumption and functionality of that mode.
This chapter describes all the available low power modes, the sequence followed to enter/
exit each mode, and the functionality available while in each of the modes.
The SMC is able to function during even the deepest low power modes.

14.2 Modes of operation

The ARM CPU has three primary modes of operation:
• Run
• Sleep
• Deep Sleep
The WFI or WFE instruction is used to invoke Sleep and Deep Sleep modes. Run, wait
and stop are the common terms used for the primary operating modes of Freescale
microcontrollers. The following table shows the translation between the ARM CPU
modes and the Freescale MCU power modes.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 295
Modes of operation

ARM CPU mode MCU mode

Sleep Wait
Deep Sleep Stop

Accordingly, the ARM CPU documentation refers to sleep and deep sleep, while the
Freescale MCU documentation normally uses wait and stop.
In addition, Freescale MCUs also augment stop, wait, and run modes in a number of
ways. The power management controller (PMC) contains a run and a stop mode
regulator. Run regulation is used in normal run, wait and stop modes. Stop mode
regulation is used during all very low power and low leakage modes. During stop mode
regulation, the bus frequencies are limited in the very low power modes.
The SMC provides the user with multiple power options. The Very Low Power Run
(VLPR) mode can drastically reduce run time power when maximum bus frequency is
not required to handle the application needs. From Normal Run mode, the Run Mode
(RUNM) field can be modified to change the MCU into VLPR mode when limited
frequency is sufficient for the application. From VLPR mode, a corresponding wait
(VLPW) and stop (VLPS) mode can be entered.
Depending on the needs of the user application, a variety of stop modes are available that
allow the state retention, partial power down or full power down of certain logic and/or
memory. I/O states are held in all modes of operation. Several registers are used to
configure the various modes of operation for the device.
The following table describes the power modes available for the device.
Table 14-1. Power modes
Mode Description
RUN The MCU can be run at full speed and the internal supply is fully regulated, that is, in run regulation.
This mode is also referred to as Normal Run mode.
WAIT The core clock is gated off. The system clock continues to operate. Bus clocks, if enabled, continue
to operate. Run regulation is maintained.
STOP The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all
stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid.
VLPR The core, system, bus, and flash clock maximum frequencies are restricted in this mode. See the
Power Management chapter for details about the maximum allowable frequencies.
VLPW The core clock is gated off. The system, bus, and flash clocks continue to operate, although their
maximum frequency is restricted. See the Power Management chapter for details on the maximum
allowable frequencies.
VLPS The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all
stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid.
LLS The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all
stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. The MCU is placed in a low
leakage mode by reducing the voltage to internal logic. Internal logic states are retained.

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 14 System Mode Controller

Table 14-1. Power modes (continued)

Mode Description
VLLS3 The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all
stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. The MCU is placed in a low
leakage mode by powering down the internal logic. All system RAM contents are retained and I/O
states are held. FlexRAM contents are not retained. Internal logic states are not retained.
VLLS2 The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all
stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. The MCU is placed in a low
leakage mode by powering down the internal logic and the system RAM2 partition. The system
RAM1 partition contents are retained in this mode. FlexRAM contents are not retained. Internal logic
states are not retained. 1
VLLS1 The core clock is gated off. System clocks to other masters and bus clocks are gated off after all
stop acknowledge signals from supporting peripherals are valid. The MCU is placed in a low
leakage mode by powering down the internal logic and all system RAM. A 32-byte register file
(available in all modes) contents are retained and I/O states held. FlexRAM contents are not
retained. Internal logic states are not retained.

1. See the devices' chip configuration details for the size and location of the system RAM partitions.

14.3 Memory map and register descriptions

Details follow about the registers related to the system mode controller.
Different SMC registers reset on different reset types. Each register's description provides
details. For more information about the types of reset on this chip, refer to the Reset
section details.
SMC memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4007_E000 Power Mode Protection register (SMC_PMPROT) 8 R/W 00h 14.3.1/297
4007_E001 Power Mode Control register (SMC_PMCTRL) 8 R/W 00h 14.3.2/299
4007_E002 VLLS Control register (SMC_VLLSCTRL) 8 R/W 03h 14.3.3/300
4007_E003 Power Mode Status register (SMC_PMSTAT) 8 R 01h 14.3.4/301

14.3.1 Power Mode Protection register (SMC_PMPROT)

This register provides protection for entry into any low-power run or stop mode. The
enabling of the low-power run or stop mode occurs by configuring the Power Mode
Control register (PMCTRL).
The PMPROT register can be written only once after any system reset.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 297
Memory map and register descriptions

If the MCU is configured for a disallowed or reserved power mode, the MCU remains in
its current power mode. For example, if the MCU is in normal RUN mode and AVLP is
0, an attempt to enter VLPR mode using PMCTRL[RUNM] is blocked and the RUNM
bits remain 00b, indicating the MCU is still in Normal Run mode.
This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Reset
section details for more information.
Address: 4007_E000h base + 0h offset = 4007_E000h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SMC_PMPROT field descriptions

Field Description
7–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 Allow Very-Low-Power Modes
Provided the appropriate control bits are set up in PMCTRL, this write-once bit allows the MCU to enter
any very-low-power modes: VLPR, VLPW, and VLPS.

0 VLPR, VLPW and VLPS are not allowed

1 VLPR, VLPW and VLPS are allowed
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Allow Low-Leakage Stop Mode
This write once bit allows the MCU to enter any low-leakage stop mode (LLS), provided the appropriate
control bits are set up in PMCTRL.

0 LLS is not allowed

1 LLS is allowed
2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 Allow Very-Low-Leakage Stop Mode
Provided the appropriate control bits are set up in PMCTRL, this write once bit allows the MCU to enter
any very-low-leakage stop mode (VLLSx).

0 Any VLLSx mode is not allowed

1 Any VLLSx mode is allowed
0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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298 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 14 System Mode Controller

14.3.2 Power Mode Control register (SMC_PMCTRL)

The PMCTRL register controls entry into low-power run and stop modes, provided that
the selected power mode is allowed via an appropriate setting of the protection
(PMPROT) register.
This register is reset on Chip POR not VLLS and by reset types
that trigger Chip POR not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types
that do not trigger Chip POR not VLLS. See the Reset section
details for more information.
Address: 4007_E000h base + 1h offset = 4007_E001h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 STOPA
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SMC_PMCTRL field descriptions

Field Description
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6–5 Run Mode Control
When written, causes entry into the selected run mode. Writes to this field are blocked if the protection
level has not been enabled using the PMPROT register. This field is cleared by hardware on any exit to
normal RUN mode.

NOTE: RUNM must be set to VLPR only when PMSTAT=RUN. After being written to VLPR, RUNM
should not be written back to RUN until PMSTAT=VLPR.

NOTE: RUNM must be set to RUN only when PMSTAT=VLPR. After being written to RUN, RUNM
should not be written back to VLPR until PMSTAT=RUN.

00 Normal Run mode (RUN)

01 Reserved
10 Very-Low-Power Run mode (VLPR)
11 Reserved
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Stop Aborted
When set, this read-only status bit indicates an interrupt or reset occured during the previous stop mode
entry sequence, preventing the system from entering that mode. This bit is cleared by hardware at the
beginning of any stop mode entry sequence and is set if the sequence was aborted.

0 The previous stop mode entry was successsful.

1 The previous stop mode entry was aborted.

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register descriptions

SMC_PMCTRL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
2–0 Stop Mode Control
When written, controls entry into the selected stop mode when Sleep-Now or Sleep-On-Exit mode is
entered with SLEEPDEEP=1 . Writes to this field are blocked if the protection level has not been enabled
using the PMPROT register. After any system reset, this field is cleared by hardware on any successful
write to the PMPROT register.

NOTE: When set to VLLSx, the VLLSM bits in the VLLSCTRL register is used to further select the
particular VLLS submode which will be entered.


000 Normal Stop (STOP)

001 Reserved
010 Very-Low-Power Stop (VLPS)
011 Low-Leakage Stop (LLS)
100 Very-Low-Leakage Stop (VLLSx)
101 Reserved
110 Reseved
111 Reserved

14.3.3 VLLS Control register (SMC_VLLSCTRL)

The VLLSCTRL register controls features related to VLLS modes.
This register is reset on Chip POR not VLLS and by reset types
that trigger Chip POR not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types
that do not trigger Chip POR not VLLS. See the Reset section
details for more information.
Address: 4007_E000h base + 2h offset = 4007_E002h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0 0 VLLSM
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

SMC_VLLSCTRL field descriptions

Field Description
7–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

Table continues on the next page...

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300 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 14 System Mode Controller

SMC_VLLSCTRL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2–0 VLLS Mode Control
Controls which VLLS sub-mode to enter if STOPM=VLLS.

000 Reserved
001 VLLS1
010 VLLS2
011 VLLS3
100 Reserved
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
111 Reserved

14.3.4 Power Mode Status register (SMC_PMSTAT)

PMSTAT is a read-only, one-hot register which indicates the current power mode of the
This register is reset on Chip POR not VLLS and by reset types
that trigger Chip POR not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset types
that do not trigger Chip POR not VLLS. See the Reset section
details for more information.
Address: 4007_E000h base + 3h offset = 4007_E003h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

SMC_PMSTAT field descriptions

Field Description
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
PMSTAT NOTE: When debug is enabled, the PMSTAT will not update to STOP or VLPS

000_0001 Current power mode is RUN

000_0010 Current power mode is STOP
000_0100 Current power mode is VLPR
000_1000 Current power mode is VLPW
Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

SMC_PMSTAT field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
001_0000 Current power mode is VLPS
010_0000 Current power mode is LLS
100_0000 Current power mode is VLLS

14.4 Functional description

14.4.1 Power mode transitions

The following figure shows the power mode state transitions available on the chip. Any
reset always brings the MCU back to the normal run state.

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302 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 14 System Mode Controller

Any reset







Figure 14-5. Power mode state diagram

The following table defines triggers for the various state transitions shown in the previous
Table 14-7. Power mode transition triggers
Transition # From To Trigger conditions
1 RUN WAIT Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP
clear, controlled in System Control Register in ARM core.
See note.1
WAIT RUN Interrupt or Reset

Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

Table 14-7. Power mode transition triggers (continued)

Transition # From To Trigger conditions
Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP
set, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM
See note.1
STOP RUN Interrupt or Reset
3 RUN VLPR Reduce system, bus and core frequency to 2 MHz or less,
Flash access limited to 1 MHz.
4 VLPR VLPW Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP
clear, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM
See note.1
VLPW VLPR Interrupt
5 VLPW RUN Reset
Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP
set, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM
See note.1
VLPS VLPR Interrupt
NOTE: If VLPS was entered directly from RUN, hardware
will not allow this transition and will force exit back to
Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP
set, which is controlled in System Control Register in ARM
See note.1
VLPS RUN Interrupt and VLPS mode was entered directly from RUN or
VLLSCTRL[VLLSM]=x (VLLSx), Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit
modes entered with SLEEPDEEP set, which is controlled in
System Control Register in ARM core.
VLLSx RUN Wakeup from enabled LLWU input source or RESET pin
VLLSCTRL[VLLSM]=x (VLLSx), Sleep-now or sleep-on-exit
modes entered with SLEEPDEEP set, which is controlled in
System Control Register in ARM core.

Table continues on the next page...

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304 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 14 System Mode Controller

Table 14-7. Power mode transition triggers (continued)

Transition # From To Trigger conditions
10 RUN LLS PMPROT[ALLS]=1, PMCTRL[STOPM]=011, Sleep-now or
sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP set, which is
controlled in System Control Register in ARM core.
LLS RUN Wakeup from enabled LLWU input source or RESET pin.
11 VLPR LLS PMPROT[ALLS]=1, PMCTRL[STOPM]=011, Sleep-now or
sleep-on-exit modes entered with SLEEPDEEP set, which is
controlled in System Control Register in ARM core.

1. If debug is enabled, the core clock remains to support debug.

14.4.2 Power mode entry/exit sequencing

When entering or exiting low-power modes, the system must conform to an orderly
sequence to manage transitions safely. The SMC manages the system's entry into and exit
from all power modes. The following diagram illustrates the connections of the SMC
with other system components in the chip that are necessary to sequence the system
through all power modes.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 305
Functional description

Low- CPU
Leakage (RCM)
(LLWU) LP exit Stop/Wait

LP exit

Bus masters low power bus (non-CPU)

System Clock
Mode CCM low power bus
Control Bus slaves low power bus

Controller Module

PMC low power bus

MCG enable Flash low power bus

Power System Flash
(PMC) Clocks Memory
(MCG) Module

Figure 14-6. Low-power system components and connections Stop mode entry sequence

Entry into a low-power stop mode (Stop, VLPS, LLS, VLLSx) is initiated by CPU
execution of the WFI instruction. After the instruction is executed, the following
sequence occurs:
1. The CPU clock is gated off immediately.
2. Requests are made to all non-CPU bus masters to enter Stop mode.
3. After all masters have acknowledged they are ready to enter Stop mode, requests are
made to all bus slaves to enter Stop mode.
4. After all slaves have acknowledged they are ready to enter Stop mode, all system and
bus clocks are gated off.
5. Clock generators are disabled in the MCG.
6. The on-chip regulator in the PMC and internal power switches are configured to
meet the power consumption goals for the targeted low-power mode.
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306 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 14 System Mode Controller Stop mode exit sequence

Exit from a low-power stop mode is initiated either by a reset or an interrupt event. The
following sequence then executes to restore the system to a run mode (RUN or VLPR):
1. The on-chip regulator in the PMC and internal power switches are restored.
2. Clock generators are enabled in the MCG.
3. System and bus clocks are enabled to all masters and slaves.
4. The CPU clock is enabled and the CPU begins servicing the reset or interrupt that
initiated the exit from the low-power stop mode. Aborted stop mode entry

If an interrupt or a reset occurs during a stop entry sequence, the SMC can abort the
transition early and return to RUN mode without completely entering the stop mode. An
aborted entry is possible only if the reset or interrupt occurs before the PMC begins the
transition to stop mode regulation. After this point, the interrupt or reset is ignored until
the PMC has completed its transition to stop mode regulation. When an aborted stop
mode entry sequence occurs, the SMC's PMCTRL[STOPA] is set to 1.
Aborted entry to a stop mode is not supported when an interrupt
occurs during a transition from VLPR mode to any stop mode. Transition to wait modes

For wait modes (WAIT and VLPW), the CPU clock is gated off while all other clocking
continues, as in RUN and VLPR mode operation. Some modules that support stop-in-
wait functionality have their clocks disabled in these configurations. Transition from stop modes to Debug mode

The debugger module supports a transition from STOP, WAIT, VLPS, and VLPW back
to a Halted state when the debugger has been enabled, that is, ENBDM is 1. As part of
this transition, system clocking is re-established and is equivalent to the normal RUN and
VLPR mode clocking configuration.

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Functional description

14.4.3 Run modes

The device contains two different run modes:
• Run
• Very Low-Power Run (VLPR) RUN mode

This is the normal operating mode for the device.
This mode is selected after any reset. When the ARM processor exits reset, it sets up the
stack, program counter (PC), and link register (LR):
• The processor reads the start SP (SP_main) from vector-table offset 0x000
• The processor reads the start PC from vector-table offset 0x004
• LR is set to 0xFFFF_FFFF.
To reduce power in this mode, disable the clocks to unused modules using their
corresponding clock gating control bits in the SIM's registers. Very-Low Power Run (VLPR) mode

In VLPR mode, the on-chip voltage regulator is put into a stop mode regulation state. In
this state, the regulator is designed to supply enough current to the MCU over a reduced
frequency. To further reduce power in this mode, disable the clocks to unused modules
using their corresponding clock gating control bits in the SIM's registers.
Before entering this mode, the following conditions must be met:
• The MCG must be configured in a mode which is supported during VLPR. See the
Power Management details for information about these MCG modes.
• All clock monitors in the MCG must be disabled.
• The maximum frequencies of the system, bus, flash, and core are restricted. See the
Power Management details about which frequencies are supported.
• Mode protection must be set to allow VLP modes, that is, PMPROT[AVLP] is 1.
• PMCTRL[RUNM] is set to 10b to enter VLPR.
• Flash programming/erasing is not allowed.
Do not change the clock frequency while in VLPR mode,
because the regulator is slow responding and cannot manage
fast load transitions. In addition, do not modify the clock source

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308 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 14 System Mode Controller

in the MCG module, the module clock enables in the SIM, or

any clock divider registers.
To reenter Normal Run mode, clear RUNM. The PMSTAT register is a read-only status
register that can be used to determine when the system has completed an exit to RUN
mode. When PMSTAT=RUN, the system is in run regulation and the MCU can run at
full speed in any clock mode. If a higher execution frequency is desired, poll the
PMSTAT register until it is set to RUN when returning from VLPR mode.
Any reset always causes an exit from VLPR and returns the device to RUN mode after
the MCU exits its reset flow.

14.4.4 Wait modes

This device contains two different wait modes:
• Wait
• Very-Low Power Wait (VLPW) WAIT mode

WAIT mode is entered when the ARM core enters the Sleep-Now or Sleep-On-Exit
modes while SLEEDEEP is cleared. The ARM CPU enters a low-power state in which it
is not clocked, but peripherals continue to be clocked provided they are enabled. Clock
gating to the peripheral is enabled via the SIM..
When an interrupt request occurs, the CPU exits WAIT mode and resumes processing in
RUN mode, beginning with the stacking operations leading to the interrupt service
A system reset will cause an exit from WAIT mode, returning the device to normal RUN
mode. Very-Low-Power Wait (VLPW) mode

VLPW is entered by the entering the Sleep-Now or Sleep-On-Exit mode while
SLEEPDEEP is cleared and the MCU is in VLPR mode.
In VLPW, the on-chip voltage regulator remains in its stop regulation state. In this state,
the regulator is designed to supply enough current to the MCU over a reduced frequency.
To further reduce power in this mode, disable the clocks to unused modules by clearing
the peripherals' corresponding clock gating control bits in the SIM.
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 309
Functional description

VLPR mode restrictions also apply to VLPW.

When an interrupt from VLPW occurs, the device returns to VLPR mode to execute the
interrupt service routine.
A system reset will cause an exit from VLPW mode, returning the device to normal RUN

14.4.5 Stop modes

This device contains a variety of stop modes to meet your application needs. The stop
modes range from:
• a stopped CPU, with all I/O, logic, and memory states retained, and certain
asynchronous mode peripherals operating
• a powered down CPU, with only I/O and a small register file retained, very few
asynchronous mode peripherals operating, while the remainder of the MCU is
powered down.
The choice of stop mode depends upon the user's application, and how power usage and
state retention versus functional needs may be traded off.
The various stop modes are selected by setting the appropriate fields in PMPROT and
PMCTRL. The selected stop mode mode is entered during the sleep-now or sleep-on-exit
entry with the SLEEPDEEP bit set in the System Control Register in the ARM core.
The available stop modes are:
• Normal Stop (STOP)
• Very-Low Power Stop (VLPS)
• Low-Leakage Stop (LLS)
• Very-Low-Leakage Stop (VLLSx) STOP mode

STOP mode is entered via the sleep-now or sleep-on-exit with the SLEEPDEEP bit set in
the System Control Register in the ARM core.
The MCG module can be configured to leave the reference clocks running.

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Chapter 14 System Mode Controller

A module capable of providing an asynchronous interrupt to the device takes the device
out of STOP mode and returns the device to normal RUN mode. Refer to the device's
Power Management chapter for peripheral, I/O, and memory operation in STOP mode.
When an interrupt request occurs, the CPU exits STOP mode and resumes processing,
beginning with the stacking operations leading to the interrupt service routine.
A system reset will cause an exit from STOP mode, returning the device to normal RUN
mode via an MCU reset. Very-Low-Power Stop (VLPS) mode

VLPS mode can be entered in one of two ways:
• Entry into stop via the sleep-now or sleep-on-exit with the SLEEPDEEP bit set in the
System Control Register in the ARM core while the MCU is in VLPR mode and
STOPM=010 or 000 in the PMCTRL register.
• Entry into stop via the sleep-now or sleep-on-exit with the SLEEPDEEP bit set in the
System Control Register in the ARM core while the MCU is in normal RUN mode
and STOPM=010 in the PMCTRL register. When VLPS is entered directly from
RUN mode, exit to VLPR is disabled by hardware and the system will always exit
back to RUN.
In VLPS, the on-chip voltage regulator remains in its stop regulation state as in VLPR.
A module capable of providing an asynchronous interrupt to the device takes the device
out of VLPS and returns the device to VLPR mode.
A system reset will also cause a VLPS exit, returning the device to normal RUN mode. Low-Leakage Stop (LLS) mode

Low-Leakage Stop (LLS) mode can be entered from normal RUN or VLPR modes.
The MCU enters LLS mode if:
• In Sleep-Now or Sleep-On-Exit mode, SLEEPDEEP is set in the System Control
Register in the ARM core, and
• The device is configured as shown in Table 14-7.
In LLS, the on-chip voltage regulator is in stop regulation. Most of the peripherals are put
in a state-retention mode that does not allow them to operate while in LLS.

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Functional description

Before entering LLS mode, the user should configure the low-leakage wakeup (LLWU)
module to enable the desired wakeup sources. The available wakeup sources in LLS are
detailed in the chip configuration details for this device.
After wakeup from LLS, the device returns to normal RUN mode with a pending LLWU
module interrupt. In the LLWU interrupt service routine (ISR), the user can poll the
LLWU module wakeup flags to determine the source of the wakeup.
The LLWU interrupt must not be masked by the interrupt
controller to avoid a scenario where the system does not fully
exit stop mode on an LLS recovery.
An asserted RESET pin will cause an exit from LLS mode, returning the device to
normal RUN mode. When LLS is exiting via the RESET pin, the PIN and WAKEUP bits
are set in the SRS0 register of the reset control module (RCM). Very-Low-Leakage Stop (VLLSx) modes

This device contains these very low leakage modes:
VLLSx is often used in this document to refer to all of these modes.
All VLLSx modes can be entered from normal RUN or VLPR modes.
The MCU enters the configured VLLS mode if:
• In Sleep-Now or Sleep-On-Exit mode, the SLEEPDEEP bit is set in the System
Control Register in the ARM core, and
• The device is configured as shown in Table 14-7.
In VLLS, the on-chip voltage regulator is in its stop-regulation state while most digital
logic is powered off.
Before entering VLLS mode, the user should configure the low-leakage wakeup (LLWU)
module to enable the desired wakeup sources. The available wakeup sources in VLLS are
detailed in the chip configuration details for this device.
After wakeup from VLLS, the device returns to normal RUN mode with a pending
LLWU interrupt. In the LLWU interrupt service routine (ISR), the user can poll the
LLWU module wakeup flags to determine the source of the wakeup.

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Chapter 14 System Mode Controller

When entering VLLS, each I/O pin is latched as configured before executing VLLS.
Because all digital logic in the MCU is powered off, all port and peripheral data is lost
during VLLS. This information must be restored before the ACKISO bit in the PMC is
An asserted RESET pin will cause an exit from any VLLS mode, returning the device to
normal RUN mode. When exiting VLLS via the RESET pin, the PIN and WAKEUP bits
are set in the SRS0 register of the reset control module (RCM).

14.4.6 Debug in low power modes

When the MCU is secure, the device disables/limits debugger operation. When the MCU
is unsecure, the ARM debugger can assert two power-up request signals:
• System power up, via SYSPWR in the Debug Port Control/Stat register
• Debug power up, via CDBGPWRUPREQ in the Debug Port Control/Stat register
When asserted while in RUN, WAIT, VLPR, or VLPW, the mode controller drives a
corresponding acknowledge for each signal, that is, both CDBGPWRUPACK and
CSYSPWRUPACK. When both requests are asserted, the mode controller handles
attempts to enter STOP and VLPS by entering an emulated stop state. In this emulated
stop state:
• the regulator is in run regulation,
• the MCG-generated clock source is enabled,
• all system clocks, except the core clock, are disabled,
• the debug module has access to core registers, and
• access to the on-chip peripherals is blocked.
No debug is available while the MCU is in LLS or VLLS modes. LLS is a state-retention
mode and all debug operation can continue after waking from LLS, even in cases where
system wakeup is due to a system reset event.
Entering into a VLLS mode causes all of the debug controls and settings to be powered
off. To give time to the debugger to sync with the MCU, the MDM AP Control Register
includes a Very-Low-Leakage Debug Request (VLLDBGREQ) bit that is set to configure
the Reset Controller logic to hold the system in reset after the next recovery from a VLLS
mode. This bit allows the debugger time to reinitialize the debug module before the
debug session continues.

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Functional description

The MDM AP Control Register also includes a Very Low Leakage Debug Acknowledge
(VLLDBGACK) bit that is set to release the ARM core being held in reset following a
VLLS recovery. The debugger reinitializes all debug IP, and then asserts the
VLLDBGACK control bit to allow the RCM to release the ARM core from reset and
allow CPU operation to begin.
The VLLDBGACK bit is cleared by the debugger (or can be left set as is) or clears
automatically due to the reset generated as part of the next VLLS recovery.

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314 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 15
Power Management Controller

15.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The power management controller (PMC) contains the internal voltage regulator, power
on reset (POR), and low voltage detect system.

15.2 Features
The PMC features include:
• Internal voltage regulator
• Active POR providing brown-out detect
• Low-voltage detect supporting two low-voltage trip points with four warning levels
per trip point

15.3 Low-voltage detect (LVD) system

This device includes a system to guard against low-voltage conditions. This protects
memory contents and controls MCU system states during supply voltage variations. The
system is comprised of a power-on reset (POR) circuit and a LVD circuit with a user-
selectable trip voltage: high (VLVDH) or low (VLVDL). The trip voltage is selected by the
LVDSC1[LVDV] bits. The LVD is disabled upon entering VLPx, LLS, and VLLSx
Two flags are available to indicate the status of the low-voltage detect system:

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Low-voltage detect (LVD) system

• The low voltage detect flag (LVDF) operates in a level sensitive manner. The LVDF
bit is set when the supply voltage falls below the selected trip point (VLVD). The
LVDF bit is cleared by writing one to the LVDACK bit, but only if the internal
supply has returned above the trip point; otherwise, the LVDF bit remains set.
• The low voltage warning flag (LVWF) operates in a level sensitive manner. The
LVWF bit is set when the supply voltage falls below the selected monitor trip point
(VLVW). The LVWF bit is cleared by writing one to the LVWACK bit, but only if
the internal supply has returned above the trip point; otherwise, the LVWF bit
remains set.

15.3.1 LVD reset operation

By setting the LVDRE bit, the LVD generates a reset upon detection of a low voltage
condition. The low voltage detection threshold is determined by the LVDV bits. After an
LVD reset occurs, the LVD system holds the MCU in reset until the supply voltage rises
above this threshold. The LVD bit in the SRS register is set following an LVD or power-
on reset.

15.3.2 LVD interrupt operation

By configuring the LVD circuit for interrupt operation (LVDIE set and LVDRE clear),
LVDSC1[LVDF] is set and an LVD interrupt request occurs upon detection of a low
voltage condition. The LVDF bit is cleared by writing one to the LVDSC1[LVDACK]

15.3.3 Low-voltage warning (LVW) interrupt operation

The LVD system contains a low-voltage warning flag (LVWF) to indicate that the supply
voltage is approaching, but is above, the LVD voltage. The LVW also has an interrupt,
which is enabled by setting the LVDSC2[LVWIE] bit. If enabled, an LVW interrupt
request occurs when the LVWF is set. LVWF is cleared by writing one to the
The LVDSC2[LVWV] bits select one of four trip voltages:
• Highest: VLVW4
• Two mid-levels: VLVW3 and VLVW2
• Lowest: VLVW1

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Chapter 15 Power Management Controller

15.4 I/O retention

When in LLS mode, the I/O pins are held in their input or output state. Upon wakeup, the
PMC is re-enabled, goes through a power up sequence to full regulation, and releases the
logic from state retention mode. The I/O are released immediately after a wakeup or reset
event. In the case of LLS exit via a RESET pin, the I/O default to their reset state.

When in VLLS modes, the I/O states are held on a wakeup event (with the exception of
wakeup by reset event) until the wakeup has been acknowledged via a write to the
ACKISO bit. In the case of VLLS exit via a RESET pin, the I/O are released and default
to their reset state. In this case, no write to the ACKISO is needed.

15.5 Memory map and register descriptions

PMC register details follow.

Different portions of PMC registers are reset only by particular
reset types. Each register's description provides details. For
more information about the types of reset on this chip, refer to
the Reset section details.
PMC memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register
4007_D000 8 R/W 10h 15.5.1/317
Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register
4007_D001 8 R/W 00h 15.5.2/319
4007_D002 Regulator Status And Control register (PMC_REGSC) 8 R/W 04h 15.5.3/320

15.5.1 Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register

This register contains status and control bits to support the low voltage detect function.
This register should be written during the reset initialization program to set the desired
controls even if the desired settings are the same as the reset settings.

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Memory map and register descriptions

While the device is in the very low power or low leakage modes, the LVD system is
disabled regardless of LVDSC1 settings. To protect systems that must have LVD always
on, configure the SMC's power mode protection register (PMPROT) to disallow any very
low power or low leakage modes from being enabled.
See the device's data sheet for the exact LVD trip voltages.
The LVDV bits are reset solely on a POR Only event. The
register's other bits are reset on Chip Reset Not VLLS. For
more information about these reset types, refer to the Reset
section details.
Address: 4007_D000h base + 0h offset = 4007_D000h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read LVDF 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

PMC_LVDSC1 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Low-Voltage Detect Flag
This read-only status bit indicates a low-voltage detect event.

0 Low-voltage event not detected

1 Low-voltage event detected
6 Low-Voltage Detect Acknowledge
This write-only bit is used to acknowledge low voltage detection errors. Write 1 to clear LVDF. Reads
always return 0.
5 Low-Voltage Detect Interrupt Enable
Enables hardware interrupt requests for LVDF.

0 Hardware interrupt disabled (use polling)

1 Request a hardware interrupt when LVDF = 1
4 Low-Voltage Detect Reset Enable
This write-once bit enables LVDF events to generate a hardware reset. Additional writes are ignored.

0 LVDF does not generate hardware resets

1 Force an MCU reset when LVDF = 1
3–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1–0 Low-Voltage Detect Voltage Select
Selects the LVD trip point voltage (V LVD ).
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 15 Power Management Controller

PMC_LVDSC1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
00 Low trip point selected (V LVD = V LVDL )
01 High trip point selected (V LVD = V LVDH )
10 Reserved
11 Reserved

15.5.2 Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register

This register contains status and control bits to support the low voltage warning function.
While the device is in the very low power or low leakage modes, the LVD system is
disabled regardless of LVDSC2 settings.
See the device's data sheet for the exact LVD trip voltages.
The LVW trip voltages depend on LVWV and LVDV bits.
The LVWV bits are reset solely on a POR Only event. The
register's other bits are reset on Chip Reset Not VLLS. For
more information about these reset types, refer to the Reset
section details.
Address: 4007_D000h base + 1h offset = 4007_D001h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read LVWF 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PMC_LVDSC2 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Low-Voltage Warning Flag
This read-only status bit indicates a low-voltage warning event. LVWF is set when VSupply transitions below
the trip point, or after reset and VSupply is already below VLVW .

0 Low-voltage warning event not detected

1 Low-voltage warning event detected
6 Low-Voltage Warning Acknowledge
This write-only bit is used to acknowledge low voltage warning errors. Write 1 to clear LVWF. Reads
always return 0.

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register descriptions

PMC_LVDSC2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
5 Low-Voltage Warning Interrupt Enable
Enables hardware interrupt requests for LVWF.

0 Hardware interrupt disabled (use polling)

1 Request a hardware interrupt when LVWF = 1
4–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1–0 Low-Voltage Warning Voltage Select
Selects the LVW trip point voltage (VLVW). The actual voltage for the warning depends on LVDSC1[LVDV].

00 Low trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW1)

01 Mid 1 trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW2)
10 Mid 2 trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW3)
11 High trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW4)

15.5.3 Regulator Status And Control register (PMC_REGSC)

The PMC contains an internal voltage regulator. The voltage regulator design uses a
bandgap reference that is also available through a buffer as input to certain internal
peripherals, such as the CMP and ADC. The internal regulator provides a status bit
(REGONS) indicating the regulator is in run regulation.
This register is reset on Chip Reset Not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the Reset section
for more information.
Address: 4007_D000h base + 2h offset = 4007_D002h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Write w1c
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

PMC_REGSC field descriptions

Field Description
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 Bandgap Enable In VLPx Operation
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 15 Power Management Controller

PMC_REGSC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
BGEN controls whether the bandgap is enabled in lower power modes of operation (VLPx, LLS, and
VLLSx). When on-chip peripherals require the bandgap voltage reference in low power modes of
operation, set BGEN to continue to enable the bandgap operation.

NOTE: When the bandgap voltage reference is not needed in low power modes, clear BGEN to avoid
excess power consumption.

0 Bandgap voltage reference is disabled in VLPx , LLS , and VLLSx modes

1 Bandgap voltage reference is enabled in VLPx , LLS , and VLLSx modes
3 Acknowledge Isolation
Reading this bit indicates whether certain peripherals and the I/O pads are in a latched state as a result of
having been in a VLLS mode. Writing one to this bit when it is set releases the I/O pads and certain
peripherals to their normal run mode state.

NOTE: After recovering from a VLLS mode, user should restore chip configuration before clearing
ACKISO. In particular, pin configuration for enabled LLWU wakeup pins should be restored to
avoid any LLWU flag from being falsely set when ACKISO is cleared.

0 Peripherals and I/O pads are in normal run state

1 Certain peripherals and I/O pads are in an isolated and latched state
2 Regulator In Run Regulation Status
This read-only bit provides the current status of the internal voltage regulator.

0 Regulator is in stop regulation or in transition to/from it

1 Regulator is in run regulation
0 Bandgap Buffer Enable
Enables the bandgap buffer.

0 Bandgap buffer not enabled

1 Bandgap buffer enabled

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 321
Memory map and register descriptions

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322 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 16
Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)

16.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The LLWU module allows the user to select up to 16 external pin sources and up to 8
internal modules as a wakeup source from low-leakage power modes. The input sources
are described in the device's chip configuration details. Each of the available wakeup
sources can be individually enabled.
The RESET pin is an additional source for triggering an exit from low-leakage power
modes, and causes the MCU to exit both LLS and VLLS through a reset flow. The
LLWU_RST[LLRSTE] bit must be set to allow an exit from low-leakage modes via the
RESET pin. On a device where the RESET pin is shared with other functions, the explicit
port mux control register must be set for the RESET pin before the RESET pin can be
used as a low-leakage reset source.
The LLWU module also includes three optional digital pin filters: two for the external
wakeup pins and one for the RESET pin.

16.1.1 Features
The LLWU module features include:
• Support for up to 16 external input pins and up to 8 internal modules with individual
enable bits
• Input sources may be external pins or from internal peripherals capable of running in
LLS or VLLS. See the chip configuration information for wakeup input sources for
this device.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 323

• External pin wakeup inputs, each of which is programmable as falling-edge, rising-

edge, or any change
• Wakeup inputs that are activated if enabled after MCU enters a low-leakage power
• Optional digital filters provided to qualify an external pin detect and RESET pin

16.1.2 Modes of operation

The LLWU module becomes functional on entry into a low-leakage power mode. After
recovery from LLS, the LLWU is immediately disabled. After recovery from VLLS, the
LLWU continues to detect wakeup events until the user has acknowledged the wakeup
via a write to the PMC_REGSC[ACKISO] bit. LLS mode

The LLWU module provides up to 16 external wakeup inputs and up to 8 internal module
wakeup inputs. An LLS reset event can be initiated via assertion of the RESET pin.
Wakeup events due to external wakeup inputs and internal module wakeup inputs result
in an interrupt flow when exiting LLS. A reset event due to RESET pin assertion results
in a reset flow when exiting LLS.
The LLWU interrupt must not be masked by the interrupt
controller to avoid a scenario where the system does not fully
exit Stop mode on an LLS recovery. VLLS modes

The LLWU module provides up to 16 external wakeup inputs and up to 8 internal module
wakeup inputs. A VLLS reset event can be initiated via assertion of the RESET pin. All
wakeup and reset events result in VLLS exit via a reset flow. Non-low leakage modes

The LLWU is not active in all non-low leakage modes where detection and control logic
are in a static state. The LLWU registers are accessible in non-low leakage modes and are
available for configuring and reading status when bus transactions are possible.

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Chapter 16 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)

When theRESET pin filter or wakeup pin filters are enabled, filter operation begins
immediately. If a low leakage mode is entered within 5 LPO clock cycles of an active
edge, the edge event will be detected by the LLWU. For RESET pin filtering, this means
that there is no restart to the minimum LPO cycle duration as the filtering transitions
from a non-low leakage filter, which is implemented in the RCM, to the LLWU filter. Debug mode

When the chip is in Debug mode and then enters LLS or a VLLSx mode, no debug logic
works in the fully-functional low-leakage mode. Upon an exit from the LLS or VLLSx
mode, the LLWU becomes inactive.

16.1.3 Block diagram

The following figure is the block diagram for the LLWU module.

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LLWU signal descriptions
enter low leakge mode

Interrupt module LLWU_MWUF7 occurred

Module7 interrupt flag
(LLWU_M7IF) flag detect

Interrupt module LLWU_MWUF0 occurred

Module0 interrupt flag flag detect

Pin filter 1
Synchronizer Edge occurred
Pin filter 1 LLWU
exit low leakge mode
Pin filter 2
Edge occurred interrupt flow
Synchronizer Pin filter 2

reset flow
Edge wakeup occurred

LLWU_P0 pin sources
Edge wakeup occurred
RESET Pin filter reset occurred

Figure 16-1. LLWU block diagram

16.2 LLWU signal descriptions

The signal properties of LLWU are shown in the following table. The external wakeup
input pins can be enabled to detect either rising-edge, falling-edge, or on any change.
Table 16-1. LLWU signal descriptions
Signal Description I/O
LLWU_Pn Wakeup inputs (n = 0-15) I

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326 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 16 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)

16.3 Memory map/register definition

The LLWU includes the following registers:
• Five 8-bit wakeup source enable registers
• Enable external pin input sources
• Enable internal peripheral sources
• Three 8-bit wakeup flag registers
• Indication of wakeup source that caused exit from a low-leakage power mode
includes external pin or internal module interrupt
• Two 8-bit wakeup pin filter enable registers
• One 8-bit RESET pin filter enable register

All LLWU registers are reset by Chip Reset not VLLS and by
reset types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. Each register's
displayed reset value represents this subset of reset types.
LLWU registers are unaffected by reset types that do not trigger
Chip Reset not VLLS. For more information about the types of
reset on this chip, refer to the Introduction details.
LLWU memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4007_C000 LLWU Pin Enable 1 register (LLWU_PE1) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.1/328
4007_C001 LLWU Pin Enable 2 register (LLWU_PE2) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.2/329
4007_C002 LLWU Pin Enable 3 register (LLWU_PE3) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.3/330
4007_C003 LLWU Pin Enable 4 register (LLWU_PE4) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.4/331
4007_C004 LLWU Module Enable register (LLWU_ME) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.5/332
4007_C005 LLWU Flag 1 register (LLWU_F1) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.6/334
4007_C006 LLWU Flag 2 register (LLWU_F2) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.7/335
4007_C007 LLWU Flag 3 register (LLWU_F3) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.8/337
4007_C008 LLWU Pin Filter 1 register (LLWU_FILT1) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.9/339
4007_C009 LLWU Pin Filter 2 register (LLWU_FILT2) 8 R/W 00h 16.3.10/340
4007_C00A LLWU Reset Enable register (LLWU_RST) 8 R/W 02h 16.3.11/341

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Memory map/register definition

16.3.1 LLWU Pin Enable 1 register (LLWU_PE1)

LLWU_PE1 contains the field to enable and select the edge detect type for the external
wakeup input pins LLWU_P3-LLWU_P0.
This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the
Introduction details for more information.
Address: 4007_C000h base + 0h offset = 4007_C000h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LLWU_PE1 field descriptions

Field Description
7–6 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P3
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
5–4 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P2
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
3–2 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P1
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
1–0 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P0
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
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328 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 16 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)

LLWU_PE1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection

16.3.2 LLWU Pin Enable 2 register (LLWU_PE2)

LLWU_PE2 contains the field to enable and select the edge detect type for the external
wakeup input pins LLWU_P7-LLWU_P4.
This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the
Introduction details for more information.
Address: 4007_C000h base + 1h offset = 4007_C001h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LLWU_PE2 field descriptions

Field Description
7–6 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P7
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
5–4 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P6
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
3–2 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P5
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
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Memory map/register definition

LLWU_PE2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
1–0 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P4
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection

16.3.3 LLWU Pin Enable 3 register (LLWU_PE3)

LLWU_PE3 contains the field to enable and select the edge detect type for the external
wakeup input pins LLWU_P11-LLWU_P8.
This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the
Introduction details for more information.
Address: 4007_C000h base + 2h offset = 4007_C002h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LLWU_PE3 field descriptions

Field Description
7–6 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P11
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
5–4 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P10
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
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330 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 16 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)

LLWU_PE3 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
3–2 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P9
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
1–0 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P8
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection

16.3.4 LLWU Pin Enable 4 register (LLWU_PE4)

LLWU_PE4 contains the field to enable and select the edge detect type for the external
wakeup input pins LLWU_P15-LLWU_P12.
This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the
Introduction details for more information.
Address: 4007_C000h base + 3h offset = 4007_C003h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LLWU_PE4 field descriptions

Field Description
7–6 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P15
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
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Memory map/register definition

LLWU_PE4 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
5–4 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P14
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
3–2 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P13
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection
1–0 Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P12
Enables and configures the edge detection for the wakeup pin.

00 External input pin disabled as wakeup input

01 External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10 External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
11 External input pin enabled with any change detection

16.3.5 LLWU Module Enable register (LLWU_ME)

LLWU_ME contains the bits to enable the internal module flag as a wakeup input source
for inputs MWUF7-MWUF0.
This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the
Introduction details for more information.
Address: 4007_C000h base + 4h offset = 4007_C004h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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332 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 16 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)

LLWU_ME field descriptions

Field Description
7 Wakeup Module Enable For Module 7
Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input.

0 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source

1 Internal module flag used as wakeup source
6 Wakeup Module Enable For Module 6
Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input.

0 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source

1 Internal module flag used as wakeup source
5 Wakeup Module Enable For Module 5
Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input.

0 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source

1 Internal module flag used as wakeup source
4 Wakeup Module Enable For Module 4
Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input.

0 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source

1 Internal module flag used as wakeup source
3 Wakeup Module Enable For Module 3
Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input.

0 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source

1 Internal module flag used as wakeup source
2 Wakeup Module Enable For Module 2
Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input.

0 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source

1 Internal module flag used as wakeup source
1 Wakeup Module Enable for Module 1
Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input.

0 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source

1 Internal module flag used as wakeup source
0 Wakeup Module Enable For Module 0
Enables an internal module as a wakeup source input.

0 Internal module flag not used as wakeup source

1 Internal module flag used as wakeup source

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Memory map/register definition

16.3.6 LLWU Flag 1 register (LLWU_F1)

LLWU_F1 contains the wakeup flags indicating which wakeup source caused the MCU
to exit LLS or VLLS mode. For LLS, this is the source causing the CPU interrupt flow.
For VLLS, this is the source causing the MCU reset flow.
The external wakeup flags are read-only and clearing a flag is accomplished by a write of
a 1 to the corresponding WUFx bit. The wakeup flag (WUFx), if set, will remain set if
the associated WUPEx bit is cleared.
This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the
Introduction details for more information.
Address: 4007_C000h base + 5h offset = 4007_C005h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Write w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LLWU_F1 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P7
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF7.

0 LLWU_P7 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P7 input was a wakeup source
6 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P6
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF6.

0 LLWU_P6 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P6 input was a wakeup source
5 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P5
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF5.

0 LLWU_P5 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P5 input was a wakeup source

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334 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 16 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)

LLWU_F1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
4 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P4
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF4.

0 LLWU_P4 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P4 input was a wakeup source
3 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P3
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF3.

0 LLWU_P3 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P3 input was a wakeup source
2 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P2
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF2.

0 LLWU_P2 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P2 input was a wakeup source
1 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P1
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF1.

0 LLWU_P1 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P1 input was a wakeup source
0 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P0
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF0.

0 LLWU_P0 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P0 input was a wakeup source

16.3.7 LLWU Flag 2 register (LLWU_F2)

LLWU_F2 contains the wakeup flags indicating which wakeup source caused the MCU
to exit LLS or VLLS mode. For LLS, this is the source causing the CPU interrupt flow.
For VLLS, this is the source causing the MCU reset flow.
The external wakeup flags are read-only and clearing a flag is accomplished by a write of
a 1 to the corresponding WUFx bit. The wakeup flag (WUFx), if set, will remain set if
the associated WUPEx bit is cleared.

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Memory map/register definition

This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the
Introduction details for more information.
Address: 4007_C000h base + 6h offset = 4007_C006h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read WUF15 WUF14 WUF13 WUF12 WUF11 WUF10 WUF9 WUF8

Write w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LLWU_F2 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P15
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF15.

0 LLWU_P15 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P15 input was a wakeup source
6 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P14
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF14.

0 LLWU_P14 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P14 input was a wakeup source
5 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P13
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF13.

0 LLWU_P13 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P13 input was a wakeup source
4 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P12
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF12.

0 LLWU_P12 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P12 input was a wakeup source
3 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P11
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF11.

0 LLWU_P11 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P11 input was a wakeup source
2 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P10
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336 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 16 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)

LLWU_F2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF10.

0 LLWU_P10 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P10 input was a wakeup source
1 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P9
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF9.

0 LLWU_P9 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P9 input was a wakeup source
0 Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P8
Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To
clear the flag write a one to WUF8.

0 LLWU_P8 input was not a wakeup source

1 LLWU_P8 input was a wakeup source

16.3.8 LLWU Flag 3 register (LLWU_F3)

LLWU_F3 contains the wakeup flags indicating which internal wakeup source caused the
MCU to exit LLS or VLLS mode. For LLS, this is the source causing the CPU interrupt
flow. For VLLS, this is the source causing the MCU reset flow.
For internal peripherals that are capable of running in a low-leakage power mode, such as
RTC or CMP modules, the flag from the associated peripheral is accessible as the
MWUFx bit. The flag will need to be cleared in the peripheral instead of writing a 1 to
the MWUFx bit.
This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the
Introduction details for more information.
Address: 4007_C000h base + 7h offset = 4007_C007h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Memory map/register definition

LLWU_F3 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Wakeup flag For module 7
Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear
the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism.

0 Module 7 input was not a wakeup source

1 Module 7 input was a wakeup source
6 Wakeup flag For module 6
Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear
the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism.

0 Module 6 input was not a wakeup source

1 Module 6 input was a wakeup source
5 Wakeup flag For module 5
Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear
the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism.

0 Module 5 input was not a wakeup source

1 Module 5 input was a wakeup source
4 Wakeup flag For module 4
Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear
the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism.

0 Module 4 input was not a wakeup source

1 Module 4 input was a wakeup source
3 Wakeup flag For module 3
Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear
the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism.

0 Module 3 input was not a wakeup source

1 Module 3 input was a wakeup source
2 Wakeup flag For module 2
Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear
the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism.

0 Module 2 input was not a wakeup source

1 Module 2 input was a wakeup source
1 Wakeup flag For module 1
Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear
the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism.

0 Module 1 input was not a wakeup source

1 Module 1 input was a wakeup source
0 Wakeup flag For module 0
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Chapter 16 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)

LLWU_F3 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Indicates that an enabled internal peripheral was a source of exiting a low-leakage power mode. To clear
the flag, follow the internal peripheral flag clearing mechanism.

0 Module 0 input was not a wakeup source

1 Module 0 input was a wakeup source

16.3.9 LLWU Pin Filter 1 register (LLWU_FILT1)

LLWU_FILT1 is a control and status register that is used to enable/disable the digital
filter 1 features for an external pin.
This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the
Introduction details for more information.
Address: 4007_C000h base + 8h offset = 4007_C008h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read FILTF 0
Write w1c
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LLWU_FILT1 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Filter Detect Flag
Indicates that the filtered external wakeup pin, selected by FILTSEL, was a source of exiting a low-leakage
power mode. To clear the flag write a one to FILTF.

0 Pin Filter 1 was not a wakeup source

1 Pin Filter 1 was a wakeup source
6–5 Digital Filter On External Pin
Controls the digital filter options for the external pin detect.

00 Filter disabled
01 Filter posedge detect enabled
10 Filter negedge detect enabled
11 Filter any edge detect enabled
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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Memory map/register definition

LLWU_FILT1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
3–0 Filter Pin Select
Selects 1 out of the 16 wakeup pins to be muxed into the filter.

0000 Select LLWU_P0 for filter

... ...
1111 Select LLWU_P15 for filter

16.3.10 LLWU Pin Filter 2 register (LLWU_FILT2)

LLWU_FILT2 is a control and status register that is used to enable/disable the digital
filter 2 features for an external pin.
This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the
Introduction details for more information.
Address: 4007_C000h base + 9h offset = 4007_C009h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read FILTF 0
Write w1c
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LLWU_FILT2 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Filter Detect Flag
Indicates that the filtered external wakeup pin, selected by FILTSEL, was a source of exiting a low-leakage
power mode. To clear the flag write a one to FILTF.

0 Pin Filter 2 was not a wakeup source

1 Pin Filter 2 was a wakeup source
6–5 Digital Filter On External Pin
Controls the digital filter options for the external pin detect.

00 Filter disabled
01 Filter posedge detect enabled
10 Filter negedge detect enabled
11 Filter any edge detect enabled
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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340 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 16 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)

LLWU_FILT2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
3–0 Filter Pin Select
Selects 1 out of the 16 wakeup pins to be muxed into the filter.

0000 Select LLWU_P0 for filter

... ...
1111 Select LLWU_P15 for filter

16.3.11 LLWU Reset Enable register (LLWU_RST)

LLWU_RST is a control register that is used to enable/disable the digital filter for the
external pin detect and RESET pin.
This register is reset on Chip Reset not VLLS and by reset
types that trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. It is unaffected by reset
types that do not trigger Chip Reset not VLLS. See the
Introduction details for more information.
Address: 4007_C000h base + Ah offset = 4007_C00Ah

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

LLWU_RST field descriptions

Field Description
7–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 Low-Leakage Mode RESET Enable
This bit must be set to allow the device to be reset while in a low-leakage power mode. On devices where
Reset is not a dedicated pin, the RESET pin must also be enabled in the explicit port mux control.

0 RESET pin not enabled as a leakage mode exit source

1 RESET pin enabled as a low leakage mode exit source
0 Digital Filter On RESET Pin
Enables the digital filter for the RESET pin during LLS, VLLS3, VLLS2, or VLLS1 modes.

0 Filter not enabled

1 Filter enabled

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Functional description

16.4 Functional description

This on-chip peripheral module is called a low-leakage wakeup unit (LLWU) module
because it allows internal peripherals and external input pins as a source of wakeup from
low-leakage modes. It is operational only in LLS and VLLSx modes.
The LLWU module contains pin enables for each external pin and internal module. For
each external pin, the user can disable or select the edge type for the wakeup. Type
options are:
• Falling-edge
• Rising-edge
• Either-edge
When an external pin is enabled as a wakeup source, the pin must be configured as an
input pin.
The LLWU implements optional 3-cycle glitch filters, based on the LPO clock. A
detected external pin, either wakeup or RESET, is required to remain asserted until the
enabled glitch filter times out. Additional latency of up to 2 cycles is due to
synchronization, which results in a total of up to 5 cycles of delay before the detect
circuit alerts the system to the wakeup or reset event when the filter function is enabled.
Two wakeup detect filters are available to detect up to two external pins. A separate reset
filter is on the RESET pin. Glitch filtering is not provided on the internal modules.
For internal module wakeup operation, the WUMEx bit enables the associated module as
a wakeup source.

16.4.1 LLS mode

Wakeup events triggered from either an external pin input or an internal module input
result in a CPU interrupt flow to begin user code execution.
An LLS reset event due to RESET pin assertion causes an exit via a system reset. State
retention data is lost, and the I/O states return to their reset state. The
RCM_SRS[WAKEUP] and RCM_SRS[PIN] bits are set and the system executes a reset
flow before CPU operation begins with a reset vector fetch.

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342 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 16 Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)

16.4.2 VLLS modes

In the case of a wakeup due to external pin or internal module wakeup, recovery is
always via a reset flow and the RCM_SRS[WAKEUP] is set indicating the low-leakage
mode was active. State retention data is lost and I/O will be restored after
PMC_REGSC[ACKISO] has been written.
A VLLS exit event due to RESET pin assertion causes an exit via a system reset. State
retention data is lost and the I/O states immediately return to their reset state. The
RCM_SRS[WAKEUP] and RCM_SRS[PIN] bits are set and the system executes a reset
flow before CPU operation begins with a reset vector fetch.

16.4.3 Initialization
For an enabled peripheral wakeup input, the peripheral flag must be cleared by software
before entering LLS or VLLSx mode to avoid an immediate exit from the mode.
Flags associated with external input pins, filtered and unfiltered, must also be cleared by
software prior to entry to LLS or VLLSx mode.
After enabling an external pin filter or changing the source pin, wait at least 5 LPO clock
cycles before entering LLS or VLLSx mode to allow the filter to initialize.
The signal selected as a wakeup source pin must be a digital
pin, as selected in the pin mux control.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 343
Functional description

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344 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 17
Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM)

17.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) provides a myriad of miscellaneous control

17.1.1 Features
The MCM includes the following features:
• Program-visible information on the platform configuration and revision

17.2 Memory map/register descriptions

The memory map and register descriptions below describe the registers using byte
MCM memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration
E008_0008 16 R 001Fh 17.2.1/346
Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration
E008_000A 16 R 000Fh 17.2.2/346
E008_000C Control Register (MCM_CR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 17.2.3/347

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 345
Memory map/register descriptions

17.2.1 Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration (MCM_PLASC)

PLASC is a 16-bit read-only register identifying the presence/absence of bus slave

connections to the device’s crossbar switch.
Address: E008_0000h base + 8h offset = E008_0008h

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 ASC

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

MCM_PLASC field descriptions

Field Description
15–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–0 Each bit in the ASC field indicates whether there is a corresponding connection to the crossbar switch's
ASC slave input port.

0 A bus slave connection to AXBS input port n is absent

1 A bus slave connection to AXBS input port n is present

17.2.2 Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration (MCM_PLAMC)

PLAMC is a 16-bit read-only register identifying the presence/absence of bus master

connections to the device's crossbar switch.
Address: E008_0000h base + Ah offset = E008_000Ah

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 AMC

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

MCM_PLAMC field descriptions

Field Description
15–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–0 Each bit in the AMC field indicates whether there is a corresponding connection to the AXBS master input
AMC port.
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 17 Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM)

MCM_PLAMC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 A bus master connection to AXBS input port n is absent
1 A bus master connection to AXBS input port n is present

17.2.3 Control Register (MCM_CR)

CR defines the arbitration and protection schemes for the two system RAM arrays.
Bits 23-0 are undefined after reset.
Address: E008_0000h base + Ch offset = E008_000Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reserved Reserved

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MCM_CR field descriptions

Field Description
31 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
30 SRAM_L Write Protect
When this bit is set, writes to SRAM_L array generates a bus error.
29–28 SRAM_L arbitration priority
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Memory map/register descriptions

MCM_CR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Defines the arbitration scheme and priority for the processor and SRAM backdoor accesses to the
SRAM_L array.

00 Round robin
01 Special round robin (favors SRAM backoor accesses over the processor)
10 Fixed priority. Processor has highest, backdoor has lowest
11 Fixed priority. Backdoor has highest, processor has lowest
27 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
26 SRAM_U write protect
When this bit is set, writes to SRAM_U array generates a bus error.
25–24 SRAM_U arbitration priority
Defines the arbitration scheme and priority for the processor and SRAM backdoor accesses to the
SRAM_U array.

00 Round robin
01 Special round robin (favors SRAM backoor accesses over the processor)
10 Fixed priority. Processor has highest, backdoor has lowest
11 Fixed priority. Backdoor has highest, processor has lowest
23–10 This field is reserved.
9 This field is reserved.
8–0 This field is reserved.

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348 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 18
Crossbar Switch (AXBS)

18.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
This chapter provides information on the layout, configuration, and programming of the
crossbar switch. The crossbar switch connects bus masters and bus slaves using a
crossbar switch structure. This structure allows all bus masters to access different bus
slaves simultaneously, while providing arbitration among the bus masters when they
access the same slave. A variety of bus arbitration methods and attributes may be
programmed on a slave-by-slave basis.

18.1.1 Features
The crossbar switch includes these distinctive features:
• Symmetric crossbar bus switch implementation
• Allows concurrent accesses from different masters to different slaves
• Slave arbitration attributes configured on a slave-by-slave basis
• 32-bit width and support for byte, 2-byte, 4-byte, and 16-byte burst transfers
• Operation at a 1-to-1 clock frequency with the bus masters
• Low-Power Park mode support

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Memory Map / Register Definition

18.2 Memory Map / Register Definition

Each slave port of the crossbar switch contains configuration registers. Read- and write-
transfers require two bus clock cycles. The registers can be read from and written to only
in supervisor mode. Additionally, these registers can be read from or written to only by
32-bit accesses.
A bus error response is returned if an unimplemented location is accessed within the
crossbar switch.
The slave registers also feature a bit that, when set, prevents the registers from being
written. The registers remain readable, but future write attempts have no effect on the
registers and are terminated with a bus error response to the master initiating the write.
The core, for example, takes a bus error interrupt.
This section shows the registers for all eight master and slave
ports. If a master or slave is not used on this particular device,
then unexpected results occur when writing to its registers. See
the chip configuration details for the exact master/slave
assignments for your device.
AXBS memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4000_4000 Priority Registers Slave (AXBS_PRS0) 32 R/W See section 18.2.1/351
4000_4010 Control Register (AXBS_CRS0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.2/354
4000_4100 Priority Registers Slave (AXBS_PRS1) 32 R/W See section 18.2.1/351
4000_4110 Control Register (AXBS_CRS1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.2/354
4000_4200 Priority Registers Slave (AXBS_PRS2) 32 R/W See section 18.2.1/351
4000_4210 Control Register (AXBS_CRS2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.2/354
4000_4300 Priority Registers Slave (AXBS_PRS3) 32 R/W See section 18.2.1/351
4000_4310 Control Register (AXBS_CRS3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.2/354
4000_4400 Priority Registers Slave (AXBS_PRS4) 32 R/W See section 18.2.1/351
4000_4410 Control Register (AXBS_CRS4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.2/354
4000_4500 Priority Registers Slave (AXBS_PRS5) 32 R/W See section 18.2.1/351
4000_4510 Control Register (AXBS_CRS5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.2/354
4000_4600 Priority Registers Slave (AXBS_PRS6) 32 R/W See section 18.2.1/351
4000_4610 Control Register (AXBS_CRS6) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.2/354
4000_4700 Priority Registers Slave (AXBS_PRS7) 32 R/W See section 18.2.1/351

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 18 Crossbar Switch (AXBS)

AXBS memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4000_4710 Control Register (AXBS_CRS7) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.2/354
4000_4800 Master General Purpose Control Register (AXBS_MGPCR0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.3/356
4000_4900 Master General Purpose Control Register (AXBS_MGPCR1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.3/356
4000_4A00 Master General Purpose Control Register (AXBS_MGPCR2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.3/356
4000_4B00 Master General Purpose Control Register (AXBS_MGPCR3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.3/356
4000_4C00 Master General Purpose Control Register (AXBS_MGPCR4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.3/356
4000_4D00 Master General Purpose Control Register (AXBS_MGPCR5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.3/356
4000_4E00 Master General Purpose Control Register (AXBS_MGPCR6) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.3/356
4000_4F00 Master General Purpose Control Register (AXBS_MGPCR7) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 18.2.3/356

18.2.1 Priority Registers Slave (AXBS_PRSn)

The priority registers (PRSn) set the priority of each master port on a per slave port basis
and reside in each slave port. The priority register can be accessed only with 32-bit
accesses. After the CRSn[RO] bit is set, the PRSn register can only be read; attempts to
write to it have no effect on PRSn and result in a bus-error response to the master
initiating the write.
No two available master ports may be programmed with the same priority level. Attempts
to program two or more masters with the same priority level result in a bus-error response
and the PRSn is not updated.
The possible values for the PRSn fields depend on the number
of masters available on the device. See the device's chip
configuration details for the number of masters supported.
• If the device contains less than five masters, values 000–
011 are valid and writing other values results in an error.
• If the device contains n masters where n ≥ 5, values 0 to n-1
are valid and writing other values results in an error.
Address: 4000_4000h base + 0h offset + (256d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0 0 0 0
M7 M6 M5 M4
Reset * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0 0 0
M3 M2 M1 M0
Reset * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 351
Memory Map / Register Definition

* Notes:
• See the device configuration details for the reset value of this register.

AXBS_PRSn field descriptions

Field Description
31 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
30–28 Master 7 Priority. Sets the arbitration priority for this port on the associated slave port.
000 This master has level 1, or highest, priority when accessing the slave port.
001 This master has level 2 priority when accessing the slave port.
010 This master has level 3 priority when accessing the slave port.
011 This master has level 4 priority when accessing the slave port.
100 This master has level 5 priority when accessing the slave port.
101 This master has level 6 priority when accessing the slave port.
110 This master has level 7 priority when accessing the slave port.
111 This master has level 8, or lowest, priority when accessing the slave port.
27 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
26–24 Master 6 Priority. Sets the arbitration priority for this port on the associated slave port.
000 This master has level 1, or highest, priority when accessing the slave port.
001 This master has level 2 priority when accessing the slave port.
010 This master has level 3 priority when accessing the slave port.
011 This master has level 4 priority when accessing the slave port.
100 This master has level 5 priority when accessing the slave port.
101 This master has level 6 priority when accessing the slave port.
110 This master has level 7 priority when accessing the slave port.
111 This master has level 8, or lowest, priority when accessing the slave port.
23 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
22–20 Master 5 Priority. Sets the arbitration priority for this port on the associated slave port.
000 This master has level 1, or highest, priority when accessing the slave port.
001 This master has level 2 priority when accessing the slave port.
010 This master has level 3 priority when accessing the slave port.
011 This master has level 4 priority when accessing the slave port.
100 This master has level 5 priority when accessing the slave port.
101 This master has level 6 priority when accessing the slave port.
110 This master has level 7 priority when accessing the slave port.
111 This master has level 8, or lowest, priority when accessing the slave port.
19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18–16 Master 4 Priority. Sets the arbitration priority for this port on the associated slave port.
000 This master has level 1, or highest, priority when accessing the slave port.
001 This master has level 2 priority when accessing the slave port.
010 This master has level 3 priority when accessing the slave port.
011 This master has level 4 priority when accessing the slave port.
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 18 Crossbar Switch (AXBS)

AXBS_PRSn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
100 This master has level 5 priority when accessing the slave port.
101 This master has level 6 priority when accessing the slave port.
110 This master has level 7 priority when accessing the slave port.
111 This master has level 8, or lowest, priority when accessing the slave port.
15 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
14–12 Master 3 Priority. Sets the arbitration priority for this port on the associated slave port.
000 This master has level 1, or highest, priority when accessing the slave port.
001 This master has level 2 priority when accessing the slave port.
010 This master has level 3 priority when accessing the slave port.
011 This master has level 4 priority when accessing the slave port.
100 This master has level 5 priority when accessing the slave port.
101 This master has level 6 priority when accessing the slave port.
110 This master has level 7 priority when accessing the slave port.
111 This master has level 8, or lowest, priority when accessing the slave port.
11 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
10–8 Master 2 Priority. Sets the arbitration priority for this port on the associated slave port.
000 This master has level 1, or highest, priority when accessing the slave port.
001 This master has level 2 priority when accessing the slave port.
010 This master has level 3 priority when accessing the slave port.
011 This master has level 4 priority when accessing the slave port.
100 This master has level 5 priority when accessing the slave port.
101 This master has level 6 priority when accessing the slave port.
110 This master has level 7 priority when accessing the slave port.
111 This master has level 8, or lowest, priority when accessing the slave port.
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6–4 Master 1 Priority. Sets the arbitration priority for this port on the associated slave port.
000 This master has level 1, or highest, priority when accessing the slave port.
001 This master has level 2 priority when accessing the slave port.
010 This master has level 3 priority when accessing the slave port.
011 This master has level 4 priority when accessing the slave port.
100 This master has level 5 priority when accessing the slave port.
101 This master has level 6 priority when accessing the slave port.
110 This master has level 7 priority when accessing the slave port.
111 This master has level 8, or lowest, priority when accessing the slave port.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2–0 Master 0 Priority. Sets the arbitration priority for this port on the associated slave port.
000 This master has level 1, or highest, priority when accessing the slave port.
001 This master has level 2 priority when accessing the slave port.
010 This master has level 3 priority when accessing the slave port.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory Map / Register Definition

AXBS_PRSn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
011 This master has level 4 priority when accessing the slave port.
100 This master has level 5 priority when accessing the slave port.
101 This master has level 6 priority when accessing the slave port.
110 This master has level 7 priority when accessing the slave port.
111 This master has level 8, or lowest, priority when accessing the slave port.

18.2.2 Control Register (AXBS_CRSn)

These registers control several features of each slave port and must be accessed using 32-
bit accesses. After CRSn[RO] is set, the CRSn can only be read; attempts to write to it
have no effect and result in an error response.
Address: 4000_4000h base + 10h offset + (256d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

AXBS_CRSn field descriptions

Field Description
31 Read Only
Forces the slave port’s CSRn and PRSn registers to be read-only. After set, only a hardware reset clears

0 The slave port’s registers are writeable

1 The slave port’s registers are read-only and cannot be written. Attempted writes have no effect on the
registers and result in a bus error response.
30 Halt Low Priority
Sets the initial arbitration priority for low power mode requests. Setting this bit will not affect the request for
low power mode from attaining highest priority once it has control of the slave ports.

0 The low power mode request has the highest priority for arbitration on this slave port
1 The low power mode request has the lowest initial priority for arbitration on this slave port
29–10 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
9–8 Arbitration Mode
Selects the arbitration policy for the slave port.
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Chapter 18 Crossbar Switch (AXBS)

AXBS_CRSn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
00 Fixed priority
01 Round-robin, or rotating, priority
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
7–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5–4 Parking Control
Determines the slave port’s parking control. The low-power park feature results in an overall power
savings if the slave port is not saturated. However, this forces an extra latency clock when any master
tries to access the slave port while not in use because it is not parked on any master.

00 When no master makes a request, the arbiter parks the slave port on the master port defined by the
PARK field
01 When no master makes a request, the arbiter parks the slave port on the last master to be in control
of the slave port
10 When no master makes a request, the slave port is not parked on a master and the arbiter drives all
outputs to a constant safe state
11 Reserved
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2–0 Park
Determines which master port the current slave port parks on when no masters are actively making
requests and the PCTL bits are cleared.

NOTE: Only select master ports that are actually present on the device. If not, undefined behavior may

000 Park on master port M0

001 Park on master port M1
010 Park on master port M2
011 Park on master port M3
100 Park on master port M4
101 Park on master port M5
110 Park on master port M6
111 Park on master port M7

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 355
Functional Description

18.2.3 Master General Purpose Control Register (AXBS_MGPCRn)

The MGPCR controls only whether the master’s undefined length burst accesses are
allowed to complete uninterrupted or whether they can be broken by requests from higher
priority masters. The MGPCR can be accessed only in Supervisor mode with 32-bit
Address: 4000_4000h base + 800h offset + (256d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

AXBS_MGPCRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2–0 Arbitrates On Undefined Length Bursts
Determines whether, and when, the crossbar switch arbitrates away the slave port the master owns when
the master is performing undefined length burst accesses.

000 No arbitration is allowed during an undefined length burst

001 Arbitration is allowed at any time during an undefined length burst
010 Arbitration is allowed after four beats of an undefined length burst
011 Arbitration is allowed after eight beats of an undefined length burst
100 Arbitration is allowed after 16 beats of an undefined length burst
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
111 Reserved

18.3 Functional Description

18.3.1 General operation

When a master accesses the crossbar switch the access is immediately taken. If the
targeted slave port of the access is available, then the access is immediately presented on
the slave port. Single-clock, or -zero-wait state, accesses are possible through the
crossbar. If the targeted slave port of the access is busy or parked on a different master

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356 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 18 Crossbar Switch (AXBS)

port, the requesting master simply sees wait states inserted until the targeted slave port
can service the master's request. The latency in servicing the request depends on each
master's priority level and the responding peripheral's access time.
Because the crossbar switch appears to be just another slave to the master device, the
master device has no knowledge of whether it actually owns the slave port it is targeting.
While the master does not have control of the slave port it is targeting, it simply waits.
A master is given control of the targeted slave port only after a previous access to a
different slave port completes, regardless of its priority on the newly targeted slave port.
This prevents deadlock from occurring when:
• A higher priority master has:
• An outstanding request to one slave port that has a long response time and
• A pending access to a different slave port, and
• A lower priority master is also making a request to the same slave port as the pending
access of the higher priority master.
After the master has control of the slave port it is targeting, the master remains in control
of that slave port until it gives up the slave port by running an IDLE cycle or by leaving
that slave port for its next access.
The master could also lose control of the slave port if another higher priority master
makes a request to the slave port; however, if the master is running a fixed-length burst
transfer it retains control of the slave port until that transfer completes. Based on
MGPCR[AULB], the master either retains control of the slave port when doing undefined
length incrementing burst transfers or loses the bus to a higher priority master.
The crossbar terminates all master IDLE transfers, as opposed to allowing the termination
to come from one of the slave buses. Additionally, when no master is requesting access to
a slave port, the crossbar drives IDLE transfers onto the slave bus, even though a default
master may be granted access to the slave port.
When a slave bus is being idled by the crossbar, it can park the slave port on the master
port indicated by CRSn[PARK]. This is done to save the initial clock of arbitration delay
that otherwise would be seen if the master had to arbitrate to gain control of the slave
port. The slave port can also be put into Low Power Park mode to save power, by using

18.3.2 Register coherency

The operation of the crossbar is affected as soon as a register is written. The values of the
registers do not track with slave-port-related master accesses, but instead track only with
slave accesses.
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 357
Functional Description

The MGPCRx[AULB] bits are the exception to this rule. The update of these bits is only
recognized when the master on that master port runs an IDLE cycle, even though the
slave bus cycle to write them will have already terminated successfully. If the
MGPCRx[AULB] bits are written between two burst accesses, the new AULB encodings
do not take effect until an IDLE cycle is initiated by the master on that master port.

18.3.3 Arbitration
The crossbar switch supports two arbitration schemes:
• A fixed-priority comparison algorithm
• A round-robin fairness algorithm
The arbitration scheme is independently programmable for each slave port. Arbitration during undefined length bursts

Arbitration points during an undefined length burst are defined by the current master's
MGPCR[AULB] field setting. When a defined length is imposed on the burst via the
AULB bits, the undefined length burst is treated as a single or series of single back-to-
back fixed-length burst accesses.
The following figure illustrates an example:

Lost control Lost control

No arbitration Arbitration allowed No arbitration No arbitration

Master-to-slave 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 beat 1 beat 12 beat burst

Figure 18-28. Undefined length burst example

In this example, a master runs an undefined length burst and the MGPCR[AULB] bits
indicate arbitration occurs after the fourth beat of the burst. The master runs two
sequential beats and then starts what will be a 12-beat undefined length burst access to a
new address within the same slave port region as the previous access. The crossbar does
not allow an arbitration point until the fourth overall access, or the second beat of the
second burst. At that point, all remaining accesses are open for arbitration until the master
loses control of the slave port.
Assume the master loses control of the slave port after the fifth beat of the second burst.
After the master regains control of the slave port no arbitration point is available until
after the master has run four more beats of its burst. After the fourth beat of the now

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Chapter 18 Crossbar Switch (AXBS)

continued burst, or the ninth beat of the second burst from the master's perspective, is
taken, all beats of the burst are once again open for arbitration until the master loses
control of the slave port.
Assume the master again loses control of the slave port on the fifth beat of the third now
continued burst, or the 10th beat of the second burst from the master's perspective. After
the master regains control of the slave port, it is allowed to complete its final two beats of
its burst without facing arbitration.
Fixed-length burst accesses are not affected by the AULB bits.
All fixed-length burst accesses lock out arbitration until the last
beat of the fixed-length burst. Fixed-priority operation

When operating in Fixed-Priority mode, each master is assigned a unique priority level in
the priority registers (PRSn) . If two masters request access to a slave port, the master
with the highest priority in the selected priority register gains control over the slave port.
When a master makes a request to a slave port, the slave port checks whether the new
requesting master's priority level is higher than that of the master that currently has
control over the slave port, unless the slave port is in a parked state. The slave port
performs an arbitration check at every clock edge to ensure that the proper master, if any,
has control of the slave port.
The following table describes possible scenarios based on the requesting master port:
Table 18-29. How AXBS grants control of a slave port to a master
When Then AXBS grants control to the requesting master
Both of the following are true: At the next clock edge
• The current master is not running a transfer.
• The new requesting master's priority level is higher than
that of the current master.
Both of the following are true: At the end of the burst transfer or locked transfer
• The current master is running a fixed length burst
transfer or a locked transfer.
• The requesting master's priority level is higher than that
of the current master.
Both of the following are true: At the next arbitration point for the undefined length burst
• The current master is running an undefined length burst transfer
• The requesting master's priority level is higher than that NOTE: Arbitration points for an undefined length burst are
of the current master. defined in the MGPCR for each master.

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 359
Functional Description

Table 18-29. How AXBS grants control of a slave port to a master (continued)
When Then AXBS grants control to the requesting master
The requesting master's priority level is lower than the current At the conclusion of one of the following cycles:
master. • An IDLE cycle
• A non-IDLE cycle to a location other than the current
slave port Round-robin priority operation

When operating in Round-Robin mode, each master is assigned a relative priority based
on the master port number. This relative priority is compared to the master port number
(ID) of the last master to perform a transfer on the slave bus. The highest priority
requesting master becomes owner of the slave bus at the next transfer boundary,
accounting for locked and fixed-length burst transfers. Priority is based on how far ahead
the ID of the requesting master is to the ID of the last master.
After granted access to a slave port, a master may perform as many transfers as desired to
that port until another master makes a request to the same slave port. The next master in
line is granted access to the slave port at the next transfer boundary, or possibly on the
next clock cycle if the current master has no pending access request.
As an example of arbitration in Round-Robin mode, assume the crossbar is implemented
with master ports 0, 1, 4, and 5. If the last master of the slave port was master 1, and
master 0, 4 and 5 make simultaneous requests, they are serviced in the order 4, 5, and
then 0.
Parking may continue to be used in a round-robin mode, but does not affect the round-
robin pointer unless the parked master actually performs a transfer. Handoff occurs to the
next master in line after one cycle of arbitration. If the slave port is put into low-power
park mode, the round-robin pointer is reset to point at master port 0, giving it the highest
priority. Priority assignment

Each master port must be assigned a unique 3-bit priority level. If an attempt is made to
program multiple master ports with the same priority level within the priority registers
(PRSn), the crossbar switch responds with a bus error and the registers are not updated.

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360 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 18 Crossbar Switch (AXBS)

18.4 Initialization/application information

No initialization is required by or for the crossbar switch. Hardware reset ensures all the
register bits used by the crossbar switch are properly initialized to a valid state. However,
settings and priorities may be programmed to achieve maximum system performance.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 361
Initialization/application information

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362 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 19
Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)

19.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The peripheral bridge converts the crossbar switch interface to an interface that can
access a majority of peripherals on the device.
The peripheral bridge supports up to 128 peripherals . (Not all peripheral slots might be
used. See the Chip or Device Configuration chapter and Memory Map chapter for details
on slot assignment.) The bridge includes separate clock enable inputs for each of the slots
to accommodate slower peripherals.

19.1.1 Features
Key features of the peripheral bridge are:
• Supports up to 128 peripherals
• Supports peripheral slots with 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit width
• Each independently configurable peripheral includes a clock enable, which allows
peripherals to operate at any speed less than the system clock rate.
• Programming model provides memory protection functionality

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Memory map/register definition

19.1.2 General operation

The peripherals connected to the peripheral bridge are modules that contain readable/
writable control and status registers. The system masters read and write these registers
through the peripheral bridge. The peripheral bridge generates the following as inputs to
the peripherals:
• Module enables
• The module address
• Transfer attributes
• Byte enables
• Write data
The peripheral bridge captures read data from the peripheral interface and drives it to the
crossbar switch.
The register maps of the peripherals are located on 4 KB boundaries. Each peripheral is
allocated one 4 KB block of the memory map.
The peripheral bridge memory map is illustrated as follows.
Addresses Description
Base + 0x000_0000 - 0x000_0FFF Module #0
Base + 0x000_1000 - 0x000_1FFF Module #1
... ...
Base + 0x007_F000 - 0x007_FFFF Module #127

19.2 Memory map/register definition

The peripheral bridge registers are 32-bit registers and can be accessed only in Supervisor
mode by trusted bus masters. Additionally, these registers must be read only from or
written to by a 32-bit aligned access. The peripheral bridge registers are mapped into the
PACR0 address space.
Two system clocks are required for read accesses, and three system clocks are required
for write accesses to the peripheral bridge registers.
The number of fields and registers available depends on the
device-specific implementation of the peripheral bridge
module. See the chip configuration chapter for more

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364 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 19 Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)

AIPS memory map

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4000_0000 Master Privilege Register A (AIPS0_MPRA) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.1/366
4000_0020 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRA) 32 R/W 4444_4444h 19.2.2/368
4000_0024 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRB) 32 R/W 4444_4444h 19.2.2/368
4000_0028 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRC) 32 R/W 4444_4444h 19.2.2/368
4000_002C Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRD) 32 R/W 4444_4444h 19.2.2/368
4000_0040 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRE) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4000_0044 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRF) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4000_0048 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRG) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4000_004C Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRH) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4000_0050 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRI) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4000_0054 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRJ) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4000_0058 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRK) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4000_005C Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRL) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4000_0060 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRM) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4000_0064 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRN) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4000_0068 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRO) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4000_006C Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS0_PACRP) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_0000 Master Privilege Register A (AIPS1_MPRA) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.1/366
4008_0020 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRA) 32 R/W 4444_4444h 19.2.2/368
4008_0024 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRB) 32 R/W 4444_4444h 19.2.2/368
4008_0028 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRC) 32 R/W 4444_4444h 19.2.2/368
4008_002C Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRD) 32 R/W 4444_4444h 19.2.2/368
4008_0040 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRE) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_0044 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRF) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_0048 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRG) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_004C Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRH) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_0050 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRI) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_0054 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRJ) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_0058 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRK) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_005C Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRL) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_0060 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRM) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_0064 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRN) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_0068 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRO) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373
4008_006C Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPS1_PACRP) 32 R/W Undefined 19.2.3/373

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 365
Memory map/register definition

19.2.1 Master Privilege Register A (AIPSx_MPRA)

The MPRA specifies identical 4-bit fields defining the access-privilege level associated
with a bus master in the device to various peripherals. The register provides one field per
bus master.
At reset, the default value loaded into the MPRA fields is
device-specific. See the chip configuration details for the value
of a particular device.
A register field that maps to an unimplemented master or peripheral behaves as read-
Each master is assigned depending on its connection to the crossbar switch master ports.
See device-specific chip configuration details for information about the master
assignments to these registers.
Address: Base address + 0h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0 0 0










Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0 0

Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

AIPSx_MPRA field descriptions

Field Description
31 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
30 Master Trusted For Read
Determines whether the master is trusted for read accesses.
Table continues on the next page...

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366 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 19 Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)

AIPSx_MPRA field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 This master is not trusted for read accesses.
1 This master is trusted for read accesses.
29 Master Trusted For Writes
Determines whether the master is trusted for write accesses.

0 This master is not trusted for write accesses.

1 This master is trusted for write accesses.
28 Master Privilege Level
Specifies how the privilege level of the master is determined.

0 Accesses from this master are forced to user-mode.

1 Accesses from this master are not forced to user-mode.
27 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
26 Master trusted for read
Determines whether the master is trusted for read accesses.

0 This master is not trusted for read accesses.

1 This master is trusted for read accesses.
25 Master trusted for writes
Determines whether the master is trusted for write accesses.

0 This master is not trusted for write accesses.

1 This master is trusted for write accesses.
24 Master privilege level
Specifies how the privilege level of the master is determined.

0 Accesses from this master are forced to user-mode.

1 Accesses from this master are not forced to user-mode.
23 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
22 Master Trusted For Read
Determines whether the master is trusted for read accesses.

0 This master is not trusted for read accesses.

1 This master is trusted for read accesses.
21 Master Trusted For Writes
Determines whether the master is trusted for write accesses.

0 This master is not trusted for write accesses.

1 This master is trusted for write accesses.
20 Master Privilege Level
Specifies how the privilege level of the master is determined.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/register definition

AIPSx_MPRA field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Accesses from this master are forced to user-mode.
1 Accesses from this master are not forced to user-mode.
19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18 Master Trusted For Read
Determines whether the master is trusted for read accesses.

0 This master is not trusted for read accesses.

1 This master is trusted for read accesses.
17 Master Trusted For Writes
Determines whether the master is trusted for write accesses.

0 This master is not trusted for write accesses.

1 This master is trusted for write accesses.
16 Master Privilege Level
Specifies how the privilege level of the master is determined.

0 Accesses from this master are forced to user-mode.

1 Accesses from this master are not forced to user-mode.
15–12 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
11–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

19.2.2 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPSx_PACRn)

Each of the peripherals has a 4-bit PACR[0: 127 ] field which defines the access levels
supported by the given module. Eight PACR fields are grouped together to form a 32-bit
PACR[A: P ] register:
• PACRA- P define the access levels for the 128 peripherals
The peripheral assignments to each PACR are defined by the memory map slot that the
peripherals are assigned. See the device's memory map details for the assignments for a
particular device.
The reset value of PACR[A:D] is 0x4444_4444.

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368 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 19 Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)

The following table shows the top-level structure of PACRs.

Offset Register [31:28] [27:24] [23:20] [19:16] [15:12] [11:8] [7:4] [3:0]
0x30 Reserved
0x34 Reserved
0x38 Reserved
0x3C Reserved
0x64 PACRN PACR104 PACR105 PACR106 PACR107 PACR108 PACR109 PACR110 PACR111
0x68 PACRO PACR112 PACR113 PACR114 PACR115 PACR116 PACR117 PACR118 PACR119

Address: Base address + 20h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 3d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0 0 0 0
Reset 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0 0 0
Reset 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

AIPSx_PACRn field descriptions

Field Description
31 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
30 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 369
Memory map/register definition

AIPSx_PACRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
29 Write protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accesss. When this bit is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
28 Trusted Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this field is set and
an access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
27 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
26 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
25 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
24 Trusted protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this bit is set and an
access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
23 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
22 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .
Table continues on the next page...

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370 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 19 Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)

AIPSx_PACRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
21 Write protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accesss. When this bit is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
20 Trusted Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this field is set and
an access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18 Supervisor protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for access. When this bit is set, the
master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control bit for
the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
17 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
16 Trusted protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this bit is set and an
access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
15 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
14 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 371
Memory map/register definition

AIPSx_PACRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
13 Write protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accesss. When this bit is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
12 Trusted protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this field is set and
an access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
11 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
10 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
9 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
8 Trusted Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this field is set and
an access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .
Table continues on the next page...

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372 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 19 Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)

AIPSx_PACRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
5 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
4 Trusted Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this field is set and
an access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates.

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
0 Trusted Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this field is set and
an access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.

19.2.3 Peripheral Access Control Register (AIPSx_PACRn)

Each of the peripherals has a 4-bit PACR[0: 127 ] field which defines the access levels
supported by this module. Eight PACR fields are grouped together to form a 32-bit
PACR[A: P ]:

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 373
Memory map/register definition

• PACRA- P define the access levels for the 128 peripherals

The peripheral assignments to each PACR are defined by the memory map slot that the
peripherals are assigned. See the device's memory map details for the assignments for a
particular device.
The reset value of the PACRE- P depends on the device's
Address: Base address + 40h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 11d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0 0 0 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0 0 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

AIPSx_PACRn field descriptions

Field Description
31 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
30 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
29 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
28 Trusted protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this bit is set and an
access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 19 Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)

AIPSx_PACRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.
1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
27 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
26 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for access. When this field is set, the
master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control field
for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
25 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
24 Trusted Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this field is set and
an access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
23 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
22 Supervisor protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for access. When this bit is set, the
master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attributeMPR x [MPL n ], and the MPR x [MPL
n ] control bit for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
21 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
20 Trusted protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this bit is set and an
access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/register definition

AIPSx_PACRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.
1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
17 Write protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accesss. When this bit is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
16 Trusted Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this field is set and
an access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
15 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
14 Supervisor protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for access. When this bit is set, the
master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control bit for
the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
13 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
12 Trusted protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this bit is set and an
access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .
Table continues on the next page...

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376 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 19 Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)

AIPSx_PACRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.
1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
11 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
10 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
9 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
8 Trusted Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this field is set and
an access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
5 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
4 Trusted Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this field is set and
an access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .
Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

AIPSx_PACRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.
1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Supervisor Protect
Determines whether the peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses. When this field is set,
the master privilege level must indicate the supervisor access attribute, and the MPR x [MPL n ] control
field for the master must be set. If not, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access
initiates .

0 This peripheral does not require supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 This peripheral requires supervisor privilege level for accesses.
1 Write Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows write accessses. When this field is set and a write access is
attempted, access terminates with an error response and no peripheral access initiates .

0 This peripheral allows write accesses.

1 This peripheral is write protected.
0 Trusted Protect
Determines whether the peripheral allows accesses from an untrusted master. When this field is set and
an access is attempted by an untrusted master, the access terminates with an error response and no
peripheral access initiates .

0 Accesses from an untrusted master are allowed.

1 Accesses from an untrusted master are not allowed.

19.3 Functional description

The peripheral bridge serves as an interface between the crossbar switch and the slave
peripheral bus. It functions as a protocol translator.
The peripheral bridge generates select signals for modules on the peripheral bus by
decoding accesses within the peripheral bridge address space.

19.3.1 Access support

Aligned and misaligned 32-bit and 16-bit accesses, as well as byte accesses are supported
for 32-bit peripherals. Misaligned accesses are supported to allow memory to be placed
on the slave peripheral bus. Peripheral registers must not be misaligned, although no
explicit checking is performed by the peripheral bridge. All accesses are performed with
a single transfer.

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Chapter 19 Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)

All accesses to the peripheral slots must be sized less than or equal to the designated
peripheral slot size. If an access is attempted which is larger than the targeted port, an
error response is generated.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 379
Functional description

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380 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 20
Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX)

20.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.

20.1.1 Overview
The direct memory access multiplexer (DMAMUX) routes DMA sources, called slots, to
any of the 16 DMA channels. This process is illustrated in the following figure.

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DMA Channel #0
Source #1 DMAMUX
DMA Channel #1
Source #2

Source #3

Source #x

Always #1

Always #y

Trigger #1

DMA Channel #n

Trigger #z

Figure 20-1. DMAMUX block diagram

20.1.2 Features
The DMA channel MUX provides these features:
• 52 peripheral slots and 10 always-on slots can be routed to 16 channels.
• 16 independently selectable DMA channel routers.
• The first 4 channels additionally provide a trigger functionality.
• Each channel router can be assigned to one of the 52 possible peripheral DMA slots
or to one of the 10 always-on slots.

20.1.3 Modes of operation

The following operating modes are available:
• Disabled mode

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Chapter 20 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX)

In this mode, the DMA channel is disabled. Because disabling and enabling of DMA
channels is done primarily via the DMA configuration registers, this mode is used
mainly as the reset state for a DMA channel in the DMA channel MUX. It may also
be used to temporarily suspend a DMA channel while reconfiguration of the system
takes place, for example, changing the period of a DMA trigger.
• Normal mode
In this mode, a DMA source is routed directly to the specified DMA channel. The
operation of the DMA MUX in this mode is completely transparent to the system.
• Periodic Trigger mode
In this mode, a DMA source may only request a DMA transfer, such as when a
transmit buffer becomes empty or a receive buffer becomes full, periodically.
Configuration of the period is done in the registers of the periodic interrupt timer
(PIT). This mode is available only for channels 0-3.

20.2 External signal description

The DMA MUX has no external pins.

20.3 Memory map/register definition

This section provides a detailed description of all memory-mapped registers in the DMA
DMAMUX memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4002_1000 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG0) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_1001 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG1) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_1002 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG2) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_1003 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG3) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_1004 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG4) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_1005 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG5) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_1006 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG6) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_1007 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG7) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_1008 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG8) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/register definition

DMAMUX memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4002_1009 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG9) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_100A Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG10) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_100B Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG11) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_100C Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG12) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_100D Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG13) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_100E Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG14) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384
4002_100F Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFG15) 8 R/W 00h 20.3.1/384

20.3.1 Channel Configuration register (DMAMUX_CHCFGn)

Each of the DMA channels can be independently enabled/disabled and associated with
one of the DMA slots (peripheral slots or always-on slots) in the system.
Setting multiple CHCFG registers with the same Source value
will result in unpredictable behavior.
Before changing the trigger or source settings a DMA channel
must be disabled via the CHCFGn[ENBL] bit.
Address: 4002_1000h base + 0h offset + (1d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMAMUX_CHCFGn field descriptions

Field Description
7 DMA Channel Enable
Enables the DMA channel.

0 DMA channel is disabled. This mode is primarily used during configuration of the DMA Mux. The DMA
has separate channel enables/disables, which should be used to disable or re-configure a DMA
1 DMA channel is enabled
6 DMA Channel Trigger Enable
Enables the periodic trigger capability for the triggered DMA channel.
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 20 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX)

DMAMUX_CHCFGn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Triggering is disabled. If triggering is disabled, and the ENBL bit is set, the DMA Channel will simply
route the specified source to the DMA channel. (Normal mode)
1 Triggering is enabled. If triggering is enabled, and the ENBL bit is set, the DMAMUX is in Periodic
Trigger mode.
5–0 DMA Channel Source (Slot)
Specifies which DMA source, if any, is routed to a particular DMA channel. See your device's chip
configuration details for further details about the peripherals and their slot numbers.

20.4 Functional description

The primary purpose of the DMA MUX is to provide flexibility in the system's use of the
available DMA channels. As such, configuration of the DMA MUX is intended to be a
static procedure done during execution of the system boot code. However, if the
procedure outlined in Enabling and configuring sources is followed, the configuration of
the DMA MUX may be changed during the normal operation of the system.
Functionally, the DMA MUX channels may be divided into two classes:
• Channels which implement the normal routing functionality plus periodic triggering
• Channels which implement only the normal routing functionality

20.4.1 DMA channels with periodic triggering capability

Besides the normal routing functionality, the first four channels of the DMA MUX
provide a special periodic triggering capability that can be used to provide an automatic
mechanism to transmit bytes, frames, or packets at fixed intervals without the need for
processor intervention. The trigger is generated by the periodic interrupt timer (PIT); as
such, the configuration of the periodic triggering interval is done via configuration
registers in the PIT. See the section on periodic interrupt timer for more information on
this topic.
Because of the dynamic nature of the system (i.e. DMA channel
priorities, bus arbitration, interrupt service routine lengths, etc.),
the number of clock cycles between a trigger and the actual
DMA transfer cannot be guaranteed.

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Functional description

Source #1

Source #2

Source #3
DMA Channel #0
Trigger #1
DMA Channel #1
Trigger #2

Source #x
DMA Channel #3
Trigger #4
Always #1

Always #y

Figure 20-19. DMA MUX triggered channels

The DMA channel triggering capability allows the system to "schedule" regular DMA
transfers, usually on the transmit side of certain peripherals, without the intervention of
the processor. This trigger works by gating the request from the peripheral to the DMA
until a trigger event has been seen. This is illustrated in the following figure.
Peripheral Request


DMA Request

Figure 20-20. DMA MUX channel triggering: normal operation

After the DMA request has been serviced, the peripheral will negate its request,
effectively resetting the gating mechanism until the peripheral re-asserts its request AND
the next trigger event is seen. This means that if a trigger is seen, but the peripheral is not
requesting a transfer, then that trigger will be ignored. This situation is illustrated in the
following figure.

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Chapter 20 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX)

Peripheral Request


DMA Request

Figure 20-21. DMA MUX channel triggering: ignored trigger

This triggering capability may be used with any peripheral that supports DMA transfers,
and is most useful for two types of situations:
• Periodically polling external devices on a particular bus. As an example, the transmit
side of an SPI is assigned to a DMA channel with a trigger, as described above. After
it has been setup, the SPI will request DMA transfers, presumably from memory, as
long as its transmit buffer is empty. By using a trigger on this channel, the SPI
transfers can be automatically performed every 5μs (as an example). On the receive
side of the SPI, the SPI and DMA can be configured to transfer receive data into
memory, effectively implementing a method to periodically read data from external
devices and transfer the results into memory without processor intervention.
• Using the GPIO ports to drive or sample waveforms. By configuring the DMA to
transfer data to one or more GPIO ports, it is possible to create complex waveforms
using tabular data stored in on-chip memory. Conversely, using the DMA to
periodically transfer data from one or more GPIO ports, it is possible to sample
complex waveforms and store the results in tabular form in on-chip memory.

A more detailed description of the capability of each trigger, including resolution, range
of values, and so on, may be found in the periodic interrupt timer section.

20.4.2 DMA channels with no triggering capability

The other channels of the DMA MUX provide the normal routing functionality as
described in Modes of operation.

20.4.3 "Always enabled" DMA sources

In addition to the peripherals that can be used as DMA sources, there are 10 additional
DMA sources that are "always enabled". Unlike the peripheral DMA sources, where the
peripheral controls the flow of data during DMA transfers, the "always enabled" sources
provide no such "throttling" of the data transfers. These sources are most useful in the
following cases:

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 387
Initialization/application information

• Performing DMA transfers to/from GPIO—Moving data from/to one or more GPIO
pins, either unthrottled (that is as fast as possible), or periodically (using the DMA
triggering capability).
• Performing DMA transfers from memory to memory—Moving data from memory to
memory, typically as fast as possible, sometimes with software activation.
• Performing DMA transfers from memory to the external bus, or vice-versa—Similar
to memory to memory transfers, this is typically done as quickly as possible.
• Any DMA transfer that requires software activation—Any DMA transfer that should
be explicitly started by software.

In cases where software should initiate the start of a DMA transfer, an "always enabled"
DMA source can be used to provide maximum flexibility. When activating a DMA
channel via software, subsequent executions of the minor loop require a new "start" event
be sent. This can either be a new software activation, or a transfer request from the DMA
channel MUX. The options for doing this are:
• Transfer all data in a single minor loop. By configuring the DMA to transfer all of
the data in a single minor loop (that is major loop counter = 1), no reactivation of the
channel is necessary. The disadvantage to this option is the reduced granularity in
determining the load that the DMA transfer will incur on the system. For this option,
the DMA channel must be disabled in the DMA channel MUX.
• Use explicit software reactivation. In this option, the DMA is configured to transfer
the data using both minor and major loops, but the processor is required to reactivate
the channel by writing to the DMA registers after every minor loop. For this option,
the DMA channel must be disabled in the DMA channel MUX.
• Use an "always enabled" DMA source. In this option, the DMA is configured to
transfer the data using both minor and major loops, and the DMA channel MUX does
the channel re-activation. For this option, the DMA channel should be enabled and
pointing to an "always enabled" source. Note that the reactivation of the channel can
be continuous (DMA triggering is disabled) or can use the DMA triggering
capability. In this manner, it is possible to execute periodic transfers of packets of
data from one source to another, without processor intervention.

20.5 Initialization/application information

This section provides instructions for initializing the DMA channel MUX.

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388 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 20 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX)

20.5.1 Reset
The reset state of each individual bit is shown in Memory map/register definition. In
summary, after reset, all channels are disabled and must be explicitly enabled before use.

20.5.2 Enabling and configuring sources

To enable a source with periodic triggering:
1. Determine with which DMA channel the source will be associated. Note that only the
first 4 DMA channels have periodic triggering capability.
2. Clear the CHCFG[ENBL] and CHCFG[TRIG] bits of the DMA channel.
3. Ensure that the DMA channel is properly configured in the DMA. The DMA channel
may be enabled at this point.
4. Configure the corresponding timer.
5. Select the source to be routed to the DMA channel. Write to the corresponding
CHCFG register, ensuring that the CHCFG[ENBL] and CHCFG[TRIG] bits are set.
To configure source #5 transmit for use with DMA channel 2, with periodic triggering
1. Write 0x00 to CHCFG2 (base address + 0x02).
2. Configure channel 2 in the DMA, including enabling the channel.
3. Configure a timer for the desired trigger interval.
4. Write 0xC5 to CHCFG2 (base address + 0x02).
The following code example illustrates steps 1 and 4 above:
In File registers.h:
#define DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR 0xFC084000/* Example only ! */
/* Following example assumes char is 8-bits */
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG0 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0000);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG1 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0001);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG2 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0002);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG3 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0003);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG4 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0004);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG5 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0005);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG6 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0006);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG7 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0007);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG8 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0008);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG9 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0009);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG10= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000A);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG11= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000B);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG12= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000C);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG13= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000D);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG14= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000E);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG15= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000F);

In File main.c:
#include "registers.h"

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 389
Initialization/application information
*CHCONFIG2 = 0x00;
*CHCONFIG2 = 0xC5;

To enable a source without periodic triggering:

1. Determine with which DMA channel the source will be associated. Note that only the
first 4 DMA channels have periodic triggering capability.
2. Clear the CHCFG[ENBL] and CHCFG[TRIG] bits of the DMA channel.
3. Ensure that the DMA channel is properly configured in the DMA. The DMA channel
may be enabled at this point.
4. Select the source to be routed to the DMA channel. Write to the corresponding
CHCFG register, ensuring that the CHCFG[ENBL] is set while the CHCFG[TRIG]
bit is cleared.
To configure source #5 Transmit for use with DMA channel 2, with no periodic
triggering capability:
1. Write 0x00 to CHCFG2 (base address + 0x02).
2. Configure channel 2 in the DMA, including enabling the channel.
3. Write 0x85 to CHCFG2 (base address + 0x02).
The following code example illustrates steps 1 and 3 above:
In File registers.h:
#define DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR 0xFC084000/* Example only ! */
/* Following example assumes char is 8-bits */
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG0 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0000);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG1 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0001);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG2 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0002);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG3 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0003);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG4 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0004);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG5 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0005);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG6 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0006);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG7 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0007);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG8 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0008);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG9 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0009);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG10= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000A);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG11= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000B);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG12= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000C);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG13= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000D);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG14= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000E);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG15= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000F);

In File main.c:
#include "registers.h"
*CHCONFIG2 = 0x00;
*CHCONFIG2 = 0x85;

Disabling a source
A particular DMA source may be disabled by not writing the corresponding source value
into any of the CHCFG registers. Additionally, some module-specific configuration may
be necessary. See the appropriate section for more details.
To switch the source of a DMA channel:
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Chapter 20 Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX)

1. Disable the DMA channel in the DMA and re-configure the channel for the new
2. Clear the CHCFG[ENBL] and CHCFG[TRIG] bits of the DMA channel.
3. Select the source to be routed to the DMA channel. Write to the corresponding
CHCFG register, ensuring that the CHCFG[ENBL] and CHCFG[TRIG] bits are set.
To switch DMA channel 8 from source #5 transmit to source #7 transmit:
1. In the DMA configuration registers, disable DMA channel 8 and re-configure it to
handle the transfers to peripheral slot 7. This example assumes channel 8 doesn't
have triggering capability.
2. Write 0x00 to CHCFG8 (base address + 0x08).
3. Write 0x87 to CHCFG8 (base address + 0x08). (In this example, setting the
CHCFG[TRIG] bit would have no effect, due to the assumption that channels 8 does
not support the periodic triggering functionality).
The following code example illustrates steps 2 and 3 above:
In File registers.h:
#define DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR 0xFC084000/* Example only ! */
/* Following example assumes char is 8-bits */
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG0 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0000);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG1 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0001);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG2 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0002);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG3 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0003);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG4 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0004);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG5 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0005);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG6 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0006);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG7 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0007);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG8 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0008);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG9 = (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x0009);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG10= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000A);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG11= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000B);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG12= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000C);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG13= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000D);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG14= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000E);
volatile unsigned char *CHCONFIG15= (volatile unsigned char *) (DMAMUX_BASE_ADDR+0x000F);

In File main.c:
#include "registers.h"
*CHCONFIG8 = 0x00;
*CHCONFIG8 = 0x87;

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 391
Initialization/application information

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392 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21
Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The enhanced direct memory access (eDMA) controller is a second-generation module
capable of performing complex data transfers with minimal intervention from a host
processor. The hardware microarchitecture includes:
• A DMA engine that performs:
• Source- and destination-address calculations
• Data-movement operations
• Local memory containing transfer control descriptors for each of the 16 channels

21.1.1 Block diagram

This diagram illustrates the eDMA module.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 393

eDMA Write Address

Write Data


Internal Peripheral Bus

To/From Crossbar Switch

Transfer Control
Descriptor (TCD) n-1

eDMA Engine
Program Model/
Read Data
Channel Arbitration
Read Data

Address Path
Data Path

Write Data

eDMA Peripheral
eDMA Done

Figure 21-1. eDMA block diagram

21.1.2 Block parts

The eDMA module is partitioned into two major modules: the eDMA engine and the
transfer-control descriptor local memory.
The eDMA engine is further partitioned into four submodules:

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

Table 21-1. eDMA engine submodules

Submodule Function
Address path This block implements registered versions of two channel
transfer control descriptors, channel x and channel y, and
manages all master bus-address calculations. All the
channels provide the same functionality. This structure allows
data transfers associated with one channel to be preempted
after the completion of a read/write sequence if a higher
priority channel activation is asserted while the first channel is
active. After a channel is activated, it runs until the minor loop
is completed, unless preempted by a higher priority channel.
This provides a mechanism (enabled by DCHPRIn[ECP])
where a large data move operation can be preempted to
minimize the time another channel is blocked from execution.
When any channel is selected to execute, the contents of its
TCD are read from local memory and loaded into the address
path channel x registers for a normal start and into channel y
registers for a preemption start. After the minor loop
completes execution, the address path hardware writes the
new values for the TCDn_{SADDR, DADDR, CITER} back to
local memory. If the major iteration count is exhausted,
additional processing is performed, including the final address
pointer updates, reloading the TCDn_CITER field, and a
possible fetch of the next TCDn from memory as part of a
scatter/gather operation.
Data path This block implements the bus master read/write datapath. It
includes 16 bytes of register storage and the necessary
multiplex logic to support any required data alignment. The
internal read data bus is the primary input, and the internal
write data bus is the primary output.
The address and data path modules directly support the 2-
stage pipelined internal bus. The address path module
represents the 1st stage of the bus pipeline (address phase),
while the data path module implements the 2nd stage of the
pipeline (data phase).
Program model/channel arbitration This block implements the first section of the eDMA
programming model as well as the channel arbitration logic.
The programming model registers are connected to the
internal peripheral bus. The eDMA peripheral request inputs
and interrupt request outputs are also connected to this block
(via control logic).
Control This block provides all the control functions for the eDMA
engine. For data transfers where the source and destination
sizes are equal, the eDMA engine performs a series of source
read/destination write operations until the number of bytes
specified in the minor loop byte count has moved. For
descriptors where the sizes are not equal, multiple accesses
of the smaller size data are required for each reference of the
larger size. As an example, if the source size references 16-
bit data and the destination is 32-bit data, two reads are
performed, then one 32-bit write.

The transfer-control descriptor local memory is further partitioned into:

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 395

Table 21-2. Transfer control descriptor memory

Submodule Description
Memory controller This logic implements the required dual-ported controller,
managing accesses from the eDMA engine as well as
references from the internal peripheral bus. As noted earlier,
in the event of simultaneous accesses, the eDMA engine is
given priority and the peripheral transaction is stalled.
Memory array TCD storage is implemented using a single-port, synchronous
RAM array.

21.1.3 Features
The eDMA is a highly-programmable data-transfer engine optimized to minimize the
required intervention from the host processor. It is intended for use in applications where
the data size to be transferred is statically known and not defined within the data packet
itself. The eDMA module features:
• All data movement via dual-address transfers: read from source, write to destination
• Programmable source and destination addresses and transfer size
• Support for enhanced addressing modes
• 16-channel implementation that performs complex data transfers with minimal
intervention from a host processor
• Internal data buffer, used as temporary storage to support 16-byte burst transfers
• Connections to the crossbar switch for bus mastering the data movement
• Transfer control descriptor (TCD) organized to support two-deep, nested transfer
• 32-byte TCD stored in local memory for each channel
• An inner data transfer loop defined by a minor byte transfer count
• An outer data transfer loop defined by a major iteration count
• Channel activation via one of three methods:
• Explicit software initiation
• Initiation via a channel-to-channel linking mechanism for continuous transfers
• Peripheral-paced hardware requests, one per channel
• Fixed-priority and round-robin channel arbitration

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

• Channel completion reported via optional interrupt requests

• One interrupt per channel, optionally asserted at completion of major iteration
• Optional error terminations per channel and logically summed together to form
one error interrupt to the interrupt controller
• Optional support for scatter/gather DMA processing
• Support for complex data structures
• Support to cancel transfers via software

In the discussion of this module, n is used to reference the channel number.

21.2 Modes of operation

The eDMA operates in the following modes:
Table 21-3. Modes of operation
Mode Description
Normal In Normal mode, the eDMA transfers data between a source
and a destination. The source and destination can be a
memory block or an I/O block capable of operation with the
A service request initiates a transfer of a specific number of
bytes (NBYTES) as specified in the transfer control descriptor
(TCD). The minor loop is the sequence of read-write
operations that transfers these NBYTES per service request.
Each service request executes one iteration of the major loop,
which transfers NBYTES of data.
Debug DMA operation is configurable in Debug mode via the control
• If CR[EDBG] is cleared, the DMA continues to operate.
• If CR[EDBG] is set, the eDMA stops transferring data. If
Debug mode is entered while a channel is active, the
eDMA continues operation until the channel retires.
Wait Before entering Wait mode, the DMA attempts to complete its
current transfer. After the transfer completes, the device
enters Wait mode.

21.3 Memory map/register definition

The eDMA's programming model is partitioned into two regions:
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 397
Memory map/register definition

• The first region defines a number of registers providing control functions

• The second region corresponds to the local transfer control descriptor memory

Each channel requires a 32-byte transfer control descriptor for defining the desired data
movement operation. The channel descriptors are stored in the local memory in
sequential order: channel 0, channel 1,... channel 15 . Each TCDn definition is presented
as 11 registers of 16 or 32 bits.
Reading reserved bits in a register returns the value of zero. Writes to reserved bits in a
register are ignored. Reading or writing a reserved memory location generates a bus
DMA memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4000_8000 Control Register (DMA_CR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 21.3.1/409
4000_8004 Error Status Register (DMA_ES) 32 R 0000_0000h 21.3.2/410
4000_800C Enable Request Register (DMA_ERQ) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 21.3.3/412
4000_8014 Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_EEI) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 21.3.4/415
4000_8018 Clear Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_CEEI) 8 (always 00h 21.3.5/417
reads 0)
4000_8019 Set Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_SEEI) 8 (always 00h 21.3.6/418
reads 0)
4000_801A Clear Enable Request Register (DMA_CERQ) 8 (always 00h 21.3.7/419
reads 0)
4000_801B Set Enable Request Register (DMA_SERQ) 8 (always 00h 21.3.8/420
reads 0)
4000_801C Clear DONE Status Bit Register (DMA_CDNE) 8 (always 00h 21.3.9/421
reads 0)
4000_801D Set START Bit Register (DMA_SSRT) 8 (always 00h 21.3.10/422
reads 0)
4000_801E Clear Error Register (DMA_CERR) 8 (always 00h 21.3.11/423
reads 0)
4000_801F Clear Interrupt Request Register (DMA_CINT) 8 (always 00h 21.3.12/424
reads 0)
4000_8024 Interrupt Request Register (DMA_INT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 21.3.13/424
4000_802C Error Register (DMA_ERR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 21.3.14/427

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

DMA memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4000_8034 Hardware Request Status Register (DMA_HRS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 21.3.15/429
4000_8100 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI3) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_8101 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI2) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_8102 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI1) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_8103 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI0) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_8104 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI7) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_8105 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI6) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_8106 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI5) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_8107 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI4) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_8108 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI11) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_8109 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI10) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_810A Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI9) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_810B Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI8) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_810C Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI15) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_810D Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI14) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_810E Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI13) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_810F Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRI12) 8 R/W See section 21.3.16/432
4000_9000 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD0_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_9004 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD0_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_9006 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD0_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_9008 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_9008 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD0_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_9008 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_900C 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_9010 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD0_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_9014 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_9016 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD0_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_9016 DMA_TCD0_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_9018 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_901C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD0_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_901E (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444

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Memory map/register definition

DMA memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_901E 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
(Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD0_BITER_ELINKNO)
4000_9020 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD1_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_9024 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD1_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_9026 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD1_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_9028 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_9028 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD1_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_9028 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_902C 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_9030 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD1_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_9034 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_9036 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD1_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_9036 DMA_TCD1_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_9038 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_903C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD1_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_903E (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_903E 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
(Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD1_BITER_ELINKNO)
4000_9040 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD2_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_9044 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD2_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_9046 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD2_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_9048 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_9048 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD2_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_9048 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_904C 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_9050 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD2_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_9054 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_9056 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD2_CITER_ELINKYES)

Table continues on the next page...

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400 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

DMA memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4000_9056 DMA_TCD2_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_9058 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_905C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD2_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_905E (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_905E 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
(Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD2_BITER_ELINKNO)
4000_9060 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD3_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_9064 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD3_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_9066 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD3_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_9068 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_9068 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD3_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_9068 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_906C 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_9070 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD3_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_9074 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_9076 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD3_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_9076 DMA_TCD3_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_9078 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_907C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD3_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_907E (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_907E 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
(Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD3_BITER_ELINKNO)
4000_9080 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD4_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_9084 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD4_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_9086 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD4_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_9088 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_9088 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD4_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_9088 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 401
Memory map/register definition

DMA memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_908C 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_9090 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD4_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_9094 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_9096 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD4_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_9096 DMA_TCD4_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_9098 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_909C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD4_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_909E (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_909E 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
(Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD4_BITER_ELINKNO)
4000_90A0 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD5_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_90A4 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD5_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_90A6 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD5_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_90A8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_90A8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD5_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_90A8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_90AC 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_90B0 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD5_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_90B4 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_90B6 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD5_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_90B6 DMA_TCD5_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_90B8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_90BC TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD5_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_90BE (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_90BE 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
(Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD5_BITER_ELINKNO)
4000_90C0 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD6_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_90C4 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD6_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433

Table continues on the next page...

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402 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

DMA memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4000_90C6 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD6_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_90C8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_90C8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD6_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_90C8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_90CC 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_90D0 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD6_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_90D4 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_90D6 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD6_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_90D6 DMA_TCD6_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_90D8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_90DC TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD6_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_90DE (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_90DE 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
(Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD6_BITER_ELINKNO)
4000_90E0 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD7_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_90E4 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD7_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_90E6 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD7_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_90E8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_90E8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD7_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_90E8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_90EC 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_90F0 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD7_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_90F4 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_90F6 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD7_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_90F6 DMA_TCD7_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_90F8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_90FC TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD7_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 403
Memory map/register definition

DMA memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_90FE (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_90FE 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
(Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD7_BITER_ELINKNO)
4000_9100 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD8_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_9104 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD8_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_9106 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD8_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_9108 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_9108 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD8_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_9108 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_910C 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_9110 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD8_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_9114 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_9116 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD8_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_9116 DMA_TCD8_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_9118 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_911C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD8_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_911E (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_911E 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
(Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD8_BITER_ELINKNO)
4000_9120 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD9_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_9124 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD9_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_9126 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD9_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_9128 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_9128 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD9_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_9128 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_912C 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_9130 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD9_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438

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404 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

DMA memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_9134 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_9136 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD9_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_9136 DMA_TCD9_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_9138 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_913C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD9_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_913E (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_913E 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
(Channel Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCD9_BITER_ELINKNO)
4000_9140 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD10_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_9144 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD10_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_9146 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD10_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_9148 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_9148 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD10_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_9148 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_914C 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_9150 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD10_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_9154 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_9156 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD10_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_9156 DMA_TCD10_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_9158 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_915C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD10_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_915E (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_915E (Channel Linking Disabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
4000_9160 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD11_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_9164 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD11_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_9166 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD11_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 405
Memory map/register definition

DMA memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_9168 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_9168 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD11_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_9168 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_916C 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_9170 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD11_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_9174 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_9176 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD11_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_9176 DMA_TCD11_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_9178 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_917C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD11_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_917E (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_917E (Channel Linking Disabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
4000_9180 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD12_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_9184 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD12_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_9186 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD12_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_9188 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_9188 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD12_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_9188 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_918C 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_9190 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD12_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_9194 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_9196 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD12_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_9196 DMA_TCD12_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_9198 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_919C TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD12_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442

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406 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

DMA memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_919E (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_919E (Channel Linking Disabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
4000_91A0 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD13_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_91A4 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD13_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_91A6 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD13_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_91A8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_91A8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD13_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_91A8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_91AC 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_91B0 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD13_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_91B4 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_91B6 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD13_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_91B6 DMA_TCD13_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_91B8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_91BC TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD13_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_91BE (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_91BE (Channel Linking Disabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
4000_91C0 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD14_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_91C4 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD14_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_91C6 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD14_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_91C8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_91C8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD14_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_91C8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_91CC 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 407
Memory map/register definition

DMA memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4000_91D0 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD14_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_91D4 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_91D6 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD14_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_91D6 DMA_TCD14_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_91D8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_91DC TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD14_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_91DE (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_91DE (Channel Linking Disabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445
4000_91E0 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCD15_SADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.17/433
4000_91E4 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCD15_SOFF) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.18/433
4000_91E6 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCD15_ATTR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.19/434
TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)
4000_91E8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.20/435
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
4000_91E8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.21/435
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCD15_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
4000_91E8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.22/436
TCD Last Source Address Adjustment
4000_91EC 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.23/438
4000_91F0 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCD15_DADDR) 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.24/438
TCD Signed Destination Address Offset
4000_91F4 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.25/439
TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
4000_91F6 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.26/439
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCD15_CITER_ELINKYES)
4000_91F6 DMA_TCD15_CITER_ELINKNO 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.27/440
TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather
4000_91F8 32 R/W Undefined 21.3.28/441
4000_91FC TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCD15_CSR) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.29/442
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_91FE (Channel Linking Enabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.30/444
TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count
4000_91FE (Channel Linking Disabled) 16 R/W Undefined 21.3.31/445

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

408 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.3.1 Control Register (DMA_CR)

The CR defines the basic operating configuration of the DMA.
Arbitration can be configured to use either a fixed-priority or a round-robin scheme. For
fixed-priority arbitration, the highest priority channel requesting service is selected to
execute. The channel priority registers assign the priorities; see the DCHPRIn registers.
For round-robin arbitration, the channel priorities are ignored and channels are cycled
through (from high to low channel number) without regard to priority.
For proper operation, writes to the CR register must be
performed only when the DMA channels are inactive; that is,
when TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] bits are cleared.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 0h offset = 4000_8000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_CR field descriptions

Field Description
31–18 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
17 Cancel Transfer
0 Normal operation
1 Cancel the remaining data transfer. Stop the executing channel and force the minor loop to finish. The
cancel takes effect after the last write of the current read/write sequence. The CX bit clears itself after
the cancel has been honored. This cancel retires the channel normally as if the minor loop was
16 Error Cancel Transfer
0 Normal operation
1 Cancel the remaining data transfer in the same fashion as the CX bit. Stop the executing channel and
force the minor loop to finish. The cancel takes effect after the last write of the current read/write
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 409
Memory map/register definition

DMA_CR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
sequence. The ECX bit clears itself after the cancel is honored. In addition to cancelling the transfer,
ECX treats the cancel as an error condition, thus updating the ES register and generating an optional
error interrupt.
15–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Enable Minor Loop Mapping
0 Disabled. TCDn.word2 is defined as a 32-bit NBYTES field.
1 Enabled. TCDn.word2 is redefined to include individual enable fields, an offset field, and the NBYTES
field. The individual enable fields allow the minor loop offset to be applied to the source address, the
destination address, or both. The NBYTES field is reduced when either offset is enabled.
6 Continuous Link Mode
0 A minor loop channel link made to itself goes through channel arbitration before being activated again.
1 A minor loop channel link made to itself does not go through channel arbitration before being activated
again. Upon minor loop completion, the channel activates again if that channel has a minor loop
channel link enabled and the link channel is itself. This effectively applies the minor loop offsets and
restarts the next minor loop.
5 Halt DMA Operations
0 Normal operation
1 Stall the start of any new channels. Executing channels are allowed to complete. Channel execution
resumes when this bit is cleared.
4 Halt On Error
0 Normal operation
1 Any error causes the HALT bit to set. Subsequently, all service requests are ignored until the HALT bit
is cleared.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Enable Round Robin Channel Arbitration
0 Fixed priority arbitration is used for channel selection .
1 Round robin arbitration is used for channel selection .
1 Enable Debug
0 When in debug mode, the DMA continues to operate.
1 When in debug mode, the DMA stalls the start of a new channel. Executing channels are allowed to
complete. Channel execution resumes when the system exits debug mode or the EDBG bit is cleared.
0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

21.3.2 Error Status Register (DMA_ES)

The ES provides information concerning the last recorded channel error. Channel errors
can be caused by:
• A configuration error, that is:

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

410 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

• An illegal setting in the transfer-control descriptor, or

• An illegal priority register setting in fixed-arbitration
• An error termination to a bus master read or write cycle
See the Error Reporting and Handling section for more details.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 4h offset = 4000_8004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_ES field descriptions

Field Description
31 Logical OR of all ERR status bits
0 No ERR bits are set
1 At least one ERR bit is set indicating a valid error exists that has not been cleared
30–17 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
16 Transfer Cancelled
0 No cancelled transfers
1 The last recorded entry was a cancelled transfer by the error cancel transfer input
15 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
14 Channel Priority Error
0 No channel priority error
1 The last recorded error was a configuration error in the channel priorities . Channel priorities are not
13–12 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
11–8 Error Channel Number or Cancelled Channel Number
The channel number of the last recorded error (excluding CPE errors) or last recorded error cancelled
transfer .
7 Source Address Error
0 No source address configuration error.
1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_SADDR field. TCDn_SADDR
is inconsistent with TCDn_ATTR[SSIZE].

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 411
Memory map/register definition

DMA_ES field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
6 Source Offset Error
0 No source offset configuration error
1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_SOFF field. TCDn_SOFF is
inconsistent with TCDn_ATTR[SSIZE].
5 Destination Address Error
0 No destination address configuration error
1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_DADDR field. TCDn_DADDR
is inconsistent with TCDn_ATTR[DSIZE].
4 Destination Offset Error
0 No destination offset configuration error
1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_DOFF field. TCDn_DOFF is
inconsistent with TCDn_ATTR[DSIZE].
3 NBYTES/CITER Configuration Error
0 No NBYTES/CITER configuration error
1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_NBYTES or TCDn_CITER
• TCDn_NBYTES is not a multiple of TCDn_ATTR[SSIZE] and TCDn_ATTR[DSIZE], or
• TCDn_CITER[CITER] is equal to zero, or
• TCDn_CITER[ELINK] is not equal to TCDn_BITER[ELINK]
2 Scatter/Gather Configuration Error
0 No scatter/gather configuration error
1 The last recorded error was a configuration error detected in the TCDn_DLASTSGA field. This field is
checked at the beginning of a scatter/gather operation after major loop completion if TCDn_CSR[ESG]
is enabled. TCDn_DLASTSGA is not on a 32 byte boundary.
1 Source Bus Error
0 No source bus error
1 The last recorded error was a bus error on a source read
0 Destination Bus Error
0 No destination bus error
1 The last recorded error was a bus error on a destination write

21.3.3 Enable Request Register (DMA_ ERQ )

The ERQ register provide s a bit map for the 16 implemented channels to enable the
request signal for each channel. The state of any given channel enable is directly affected
by writes to this register; it is also affected by writes to the SERQ and CERQ. The
{S,C}ERQ registers are provided so the request enable for a single channel can easily be
modified without needing to perform a read-modify-write sequence to the ERQ .

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

412 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

DMA request input signals and this enable request flag must be asserted before a
channel’s hardware service request is accepted. The state of the DMA enable request flag
does not affect a channel service request made explicitly through software or a linked
channel request.
Address: 4000_8000h base + Ch offset = 4000_800Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0








Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_ERQ field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15 Enable DMA Request 15
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
14 Enable DMA Request 14
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
13 Enable DMA Request 13
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
12 Enable DMA Request 12
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
11 Enable DMA Request 11
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
10 Enable DMA Request 10
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 413
Memory map/register definition

DMA_ERQ field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
9 Enable DMA Request 9
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
8 Enable DMA Request 8
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
7 Enable DMA Request 7
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
6 Enable DMA Request 6
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
5 Enable DMA Request 5
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
4 Enable DMA Request 4
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
3 Enable DMA Request 3
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
2 Enable DMA Request 2
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
1 Enable DMA Request 1
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled
0 Enable DMA Request 0
0 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is disabled
1 The DMA request signal for the corresponding channel is enabled

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414 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.3.4 Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_ EEI )

The EEI register provides a bit map for the 16 channels to enable the error interrupt
signal for each channel. The state of any given channel’s error interrupt enable is directly
affected by writes to this register; it is also affected by writes to the SEEI and CEEI. The
{S,C}EEI are provided so the error interrupt enable for a single channel can easily be
modified without the need to perform a read-modify-write sequence to the EEI register .
The DMA error indicator and the error interrupt enable flag must be asserted before an
error interrupt request for a given channel is asserted to the interrupt controller.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 14h offset = 4000_8014h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0








Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_EEI field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15 Enable Error Interrupt 15
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
14 Enable Error Interrupt 14
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
13 Enable Error Interrupt 13
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
12 Enable Error Interrupt 12
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/register definition

DMA_EEI field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
11 Enable Error Interrupt 11
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
10 Enable Error Interrupt 10
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
9 Enable Error Interrupt 9
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
8 Enable Error Interrupt 8
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
7 Enable Error Interrupt 7
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
6 Enable Error Interrupt 6
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
5 Enable Error Interrupt 5
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
4 Enable Error Interrupt 4
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
3 Enable Error Interrupt 3
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
2 Enable Error Interrupt 2
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
1 Enable Error Interrupt 1
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request
0 Enable Error Interrupt 0
0 The error signal for corresponding channel does not generate an error interrupt
1 The assertion of the error signal for corresponding channel generates an error interrupt request

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416 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.3.5 Clear Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_CEEI)

The CEEI provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the EEI
to disable the error interrupt for a given channel. The data value on a register write causes
the corresponding bit in the EEI to be cleared. Setting the CAEE bit provides a global
clear function, forcing the EEI contents to be cleared, disabling all DMA request inputs.
If the NOP bit is set, the command is ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte
registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 18h offset = 4000_8018h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_CEEI field descriptions

Field Description
7 0 Normal operation
NOP 1 No operation, ignore the other bits in this register
6 Clear All Enable Error Interrupts
0 Clear only the EEI bit specified in the CEEI field
1 Clear all bits in EEI
5–4 This field is reserved.
3–0 Clear Enable Error Interrupt
Clears the corresponding bit in EEI

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Memory map/register definition

21.3.6 Set Enable Error Interrupt Register (DMA_SEEI)

The SEEI provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to set a given bit in the EEI to
enable the error interrupt for a given channel. The data value on a register write causes
the corresponding bit in the EEI to be set. Setting the SAEE bit provides a global set
function, forcing the entire EEI contents to be set. If the NOP bit is set, the command is
ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this
register return all zeroes.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 19h offset = 4000_8019h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_SEEI field descriptions

Field Description
7 0 Normal operation
NOP 1 No operation, ignore the other bits in this register
6 Sets All Enable Error Interrupts
0 Set only the EEI bit specified in the SEEI field.
1 Sets all bits in EEI
5–4 This field is reserved.
3–0 Set Enable Error Interrupt
Sets the corresponding bit in EEI

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418 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.3.7 Clear Enable Request Register (DMA_CERQ)

The CERQ provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the
ERQ to disable the DMA request for a given channel. The data value on a register write
causes the corresponding bit in the ERQ to be cleared. Setting the CAER bit provides a
global clear function, forcing the entire contents of the ERQ to be cleared, disabling all
DMA request inputs. If NOP is set, the command is ignored. This allows you to write
multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Ah offset = 4000_801Ah

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_CERQ field descriptions

Field Description
7 0 Normal operation
NOP 1 No operation, ignore the other bits in this register
6 Clear All Enable Requests
0 Clear only the ERQ bit specified in the CERQ field
1 Clear all bits in ERQ
5–4 This field is reserved.
3–0 Clear Enable Request
Clears the corresponding bit in ERQ

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 419
Memory map/register definition

21.3.8 Set Enable Request Register (DMA_SERQ)

The SERQ provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to set a given bit in the ERQ
to enable the DMA request for a given channel. The data value on a register write causes
the corresponding bit in the ERQ to be set. Setting the SAER bit provides a global set
function, forcing the entire contents of ERQ to be set. If the NOP bit is set, the command
is ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this
register return all zeroes.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Bh offset = 4000_801Bh

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_SERQ field descriptions

Field Description
7 0 Normal operation
NOP 1 No operation, ignore the other bits in this register
6 Set All Enable Requests
0 Set only the ERQ bit specified in the SERQ field
1 Set all bits in ERQ
5–4 This field is reserved.
3–0 Set enable request
Sets the corresponding bit in ERQ

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420 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.3.9 Clear DONE Status Bit Register (DMA_CDNE)

The CDNE provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear the DONE bit in the
TCD of the given channel. The data value on a register write causes the DONE bit in the
corresponding transfer control descriptor to be cleared. Setting the CADN bit provides a
global clear function, forcing all DONE bits to be cleared. If the NOP bit is set, the
command is ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word.
Reads of this register return all zeroes.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Ch offset = 4000_801Ch

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_CDNE field descriptions

Field Description
7 0 Normal operation
NOP 1 No operation, ignore the other bits in this register
6 Clears All DONE Bits
0 Clears only the TCDn_CSR[DONE] bit specified in the CDNE field
1 Clears all bits in TCDn_CSR[DONE]
5–4 This field is reserved.
3–0 Clear DONE Bit
Clears the corresponding bit in TCDn_CSR[DONE]

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 421
Memory map/register definition

21.3.10 Set START Bit Register (DMA_SSRT)

The SSRT provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to set the START bit in the
TCD of the given channel. The data value on a register write causes the START bit in the
corresponding transfer control descriptor to be set. Setting the SAST bit provides a global
set function, forcing all START bits to be set. If the NOP bit is set, the command is
ignored. This allows you to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this
register return all zeroes.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Dh offset = 4000_801Dh

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_SSRT field descriptions

Field Description
7 0 Normal operation
NOP 1 No operation, ignore the other bits in this register
6 Set All START Bits (activates all channels)
0 Set only the TCDn_CSR[START] bit specified in the SSRT field
1 Set all bits in TCDn_CSR[START]
5–4 This field is reserved.
3–0 Set START Bit
Sets the corresponding bit in TCDn_CSR[START]

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422 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.3.11 Clear Error Register (DMA_CERR)

The CERR provides a simple memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the ERR
to disable the error condition flag for a given channel. The given value on a register write
causes the corresponding bit in the ERR to be cleared. Setting the CAEI bit provides a
global clear function, forcing the ERR contents to be cleared, clearing all channel error
indicators. If the NOP bit is set, the command is ignored. This allows you to write
multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Eh offset = 4000_801Eh

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_CERR field descriptions

Field Description
7 0 Normal operation
NOP 1 No operation, ignore the other bits in this register
6 Clear All Error Indicators
0 Clear only the ERR bit specified in the CERR field
1 Clear all bits in ERR
5–4 This field is reserved.
3–0 Clear Error Indicator
Clears the corresponding bit in ERR

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 423
Memory map/register definition

21.3.12 Clear Interrupt Request Register (DMA_CINT)

The CINT provides a simple, memory-mapped mechanism to clear a given bit in the INT
to disable the interrupt request for a given channel. The given value on a register write
causes the corresponding bit in the INT to be cleared. Setting the CAIR bit provides a
global clear function, forcing the entire contents of the INT to be cleared, disabling all
DMA interrupt requests. If the NOP bit is set, the command is ignored. This allows you
to write multiple-byte registers as a 32-bit word. Reads of this register return all zeroes.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 1Fh offset = 4000_801Fh

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_CINT field descriptions

Field Description
7 0 Normal operation
NOP 1 No operation, ignore the other bits in this register
6 Clear All Interrupt Requests
0 Clear only the INT bit specified in the CINT field
1 Clear all bits in INT
5–4 This field is reserved.
3–0 Clear Interrupt Request
Clears the corresponding bit in INT

21.3.13 Interrupt Request Register (DMA_ INT )

The INT register provides a bit map for the 16 channels signaling the presence of an
interrupt request for each channel. Depending on the appropriate bit setting in the
transfer-control descriptors, the eDMA engine generates an interrupt on data transfer
completion. The outputs of this register are directly routed to the interrupt controller
(INTC). During the interrupt-service routine associated with any given channel, it is the
software’s responsibility to clear the appropriate bit, negating the interrupt request.
Typically, a write to the CINT register in the interrupt service routine is used for this

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424 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

The state of any given channel’s interrupt request is directly affected by writes to this
register; it is also affected by writes to the CINT register. On writes to INT, a 1 in any bit
position clears the corresponding channel’s interrupt request. A zero in any bit position
has no affect on the corresponding channel’s current interrupt status. The CINT register is
provided so the interrupt request for a single channel can easily be cleared without the
need to perform a read-modify-write sequence to the INT register.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 24h offset = 4000_8024h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
















W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_INT field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15 Interrupt Request 15
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
14 Interrupt Request 14
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
13 Interrupt Request 13
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
12 Interrupt Request 12
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 425
Memory map/register definition

DMA_INT field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
11 Interrupt Request 11
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
10 Interrupt Request 10
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
9 Interrupt Request 9
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
8 Interrupt Request 8
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
7 Interrupt Request 7
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
6 Interrupt Request 6
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
5 Interrupt Request 5
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
4 Interrupt Request 4
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
3 Interrupt Request 3
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
2 Interrupt Request 2
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
1 Interrupt Request 1
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active
0 Interrupt Request 0
0 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is cleared
1 The interrupt request for corresponding channel is active

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426 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.3.14 Error Register (DMA_ ERR )

The ERR provides a bit map for the 16 channels, signaling the presence of an error for
each channel. The eDMA engine signals the occurrence of an error condition by setting
the appropriate bit in this register. The outputs of this register are enabled by the contents
of the EEI, and then routed to the interrupt controller. During the execution of the
interrupt-service routine associated with any DMA errors, it is software’s responsibility
to clear the appropriate bit, negating the error-interrupt request. Typically, a write to the
CERR in the interrupt-service routine is used for this purpose. The normal DMA channel
completion indicators (setting the transfer control descriptor DONE flag and the possible
assertion of an interrupt request) are not affected when an error is detected.
The contents of this register can also be polled because a non-zero value indicates the
presence of a channel error regardless of the state of the EEI. The state of any given
channel’s error indicators is affected by writes to this register; it is also affected by writes
to the CERR. On writes to the ERR, a one in any bit position clears the corresponding
channel’s error status. A zero in any bit position has no affect on the corresponding
channel’s current error status. The CERR is provided so the error indicator for a single
channel can easily be cleared.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 2Ch offset = 4000_802Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
















W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Memory map/register definition

DMA_ERR field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15 Error In Channel 15
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
14 Error In Channel 14
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
13 Error In Channel 13
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
12 Error In Channel 12
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
11 Error In Channel 11
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
10 Error In Channel 10
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
9 Error In Channel 9
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
8 Error In Channel 8
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
7 Error In Channel 7
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
6 Error In Channel 6
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
5 Error In Channel 5
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
4 Error In Channel 4
Table continues on the next page...

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428 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

DMA_ERR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
3 Error In Channel 3
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
2 Error In Channel 2
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
1 Error In Channel 1
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred
0 Error In Channel 0
0 An error in the corresponding channel has not occurred
1 An error in the corresponding channel has occurred

21.3.15 Hardware Request Status Register (DMA_ HRS )

The HRS provide s a bit map for the DMA channels, signaling the presence of a
hardware request for each channel. The hardware request status bits reflect the current
state of the register and qualified (via the ERQ fields) DMA request signals as seen by
the DMA’s arbitration logic. This view into the hardware request signals may be used for
debug purposes.
These bits reflect the state of the request as seen by the
arbitration logic. Therefore, this status is affected by the ERQ
Address: 4000_8000h base + 34h offset = 4000_8034h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Memory map/register definition

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0







Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DMA_HRS field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15 Hardware Request Status Channel 15
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
14 Hardware Request Status Channel 14
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
13 Hardware Request Status Channel 13
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
12 Hardware Request Status Channel 12
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
11 Hardware Request Status Channel 11
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
10 Hardware Request Status Channel 10
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
9 Hardware Request Status Channel 9
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
8 Hardware Request Status Channel 8
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
7 Hardware Request Status Channel 7
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
6 Hardware Request Status Channel 6
Table continues on the next page...

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430 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

DMA_HRS field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
5 Hardware Request Status Channel 5
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
4 Hardware Request Status Channel 4
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
3 Hardware Request Status Channel 3
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
2 Hardware Request Status Channel 2
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
1 Hardware Request Status Channel 1
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present
0 Hardware Request Status Channel 0
0 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is not present
1 A hardware service request for the corresponding channel is present

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 431
Memory map/register definition

21.3.16 Channel n Priority Register (DMA_DCHPRIn)

When fixed-priority channel arbitration is enabled (CR[ERCA] = 0), the contents of these
registers define the unique priorities associated with each channel . The channel priorities
are evaluated by numeric value; for example, 0 is the lowest priority, 1 is the next
priority, then 2, 3, etc. Software must program the channel priorities with unique values.
Otherwise, a configuration error is reported. The range of the priority value is limited to
the values of 0 through 15 .
Address: 4000_8000h base + 100h offset + (1d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 * * * *

* Notes:
• CHPRI field: See bit field description

DMA_DCHPRIn field descriptions

Field Description
7 Enable Channel Preemption
0 Channel n cannot be suspended by a higher priority channel’s service request
1 Channel n can be temporarily suspended by the service request of a higher priority channel
6 Disable Preempt Ability
0 Channel n can suspend a lower priority channel
1 Channel n cannot suspend any channel, regardless of channel priority
5–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3–0 Channel n Arbitration Priority
Channel priority when fixed-priority arbitration is enabled

NOTE: Reset value for the channel priority fields, CHPRI, is equal to the corresponding channel number
for each priority register, i.e., DCHPRI15[CHPRI] equals 0b1111.

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432 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.3.17 TCD Source Address (DMA_TCDn_SADDR)

Address: 4000_8000h base + 1000h offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_SADDR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Source Address
Memory address pointing to the source data.

21.3.18 TCD Signed Source Address Offset (DMA_TCDn_SOFF)

Address: 4000_8000h base + 1004h offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_SOFF field descriptions

Field Description
15–0 Source address signed offset
Sign-extended offset applied to the current source address to form the next-state value as each source
read is completed.

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Memory map/register definition

21.3.19 TCD Transfer Attributes (DMA_TCDn_ATTR)

Address: 4000_8000h base + 1006h offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_ATTR field descriptions

Field Description
15–11 Source Address Modulo.
0 Source address modulo feature is disabled
≠0 This value defines a specific address range specified to be the value after SADDR + SOFF
calculation is performed or the original register value. The setting of this field provides the ability to
implement a circular data queue easily. For data queues requiring power-of-2 size bytes, the queue
should start at a 0-modulo-size address and the SMOD field should be set to the appropriate value
for the queue, freezing the desired number of upper address bits. The value programmed into this
field specifies the number of lower address bits allowed to change. For a circular queue application,
the SOFF is typically set to the transfer size to implement post-increment addressing with the SMOD
function constraining the addresses to a 0-modulo-size range.
10–8 Source data transfer size
The attempted use of a Reserved encoding causes a configuration error.

000 8-bit
001 16-bit
010 32-bit
011 Reserved
100 16-byte
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
111 Reserved
7–3 Destination Address Modulo
See the SMOD definition
2–0 Destination Data Transfer Size
See the SSIZE definition

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434 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.3.20 TCD Minor Byte Count (Minor Loop Disabled)


TCD word 2's register definition depends on the status of minor loop mapping. If minor
loop mapping is disabled (CR[EMLM] = 0), TCD word 2 is defined as follows. If minor
loop mapping is enabled, see the TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFNO and
TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFYES register descriptions for TCD word 2's register definition.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 1008h offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLNO field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Minor Byte Transfer Count
Number of bytes to be transferred in each service request of the channel. As a channel activates, the
appropriate TCD contents load into the eDMA engine, and the appropriate reads and writes perform until
the minor byte transfer count has transferred. This is an indivisible operation and cannot be halted.
(Although, it may be stalled by using the bandwidth control field, or via preemption.) After the minor count
is exhausted, the SADDR and DADDR values are written back into the TCD memory, the major iteration
count is decremented and restored to the TCD memory. If the major iteration count is completed,
additional processing is performed.

NOTE: An NBYTES value of 0x0000_0000 is interpreted as a 4 GB transfer.

21.3.21 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop Enabled and
Offset Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLOFFNO)
TCD word 2 is defined as follows if:
• Minor loop mapping is enabled (CR[EMLM] = 1) and
• SMLOE = 0 and DMLOE = 0
If minor loop mapping is enabled and SMLOE or DMLOE is set then refer to the
TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFYES register description.

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Memory map/register definition
Address: 4000_8000h base + 1008h offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLOFFNO field descriptions

Field Description
31 Source Minor Loop Offset Enable
Selects whether the minor loop offset is applied to the source address upon minor loop completion.

0 The minor loop offset is not applied to the SADDR

1 The minor loop offset is applied to the SADDR
30 Destination Minor Loop Offset enable
Selects whether the minor loop offset is applied to the destination address upon minor loop completion.

0 The minor loop offset is not applied to the DADDR

1 The minor loop offset is applied to the DADDR
29–0 Minor Byte Transfer Count
Number of bytes to be transferred in each service request of the channel.
As a channel activates, the appropriate TCD contents load into the eDMA engine, and the appropriate
reads and writes perform until the minor byte transfer count has transferred. This is an indivisible operation
and cannot be halted; although, it may be stalled by using the bandwidth control field, or via preemption.
After the minor count is exhausted, the SADDR and DADDR values are written back into the TCD
memory, the major iteration count is decremented and restored to the TCD memory. If the major iteration
count is completed, additional processing is performed.

21.3.22 TCD Signed Minor Loop Offset (Minor Loop and Offset
TCD word 2 is defined as follows if:
• Minor loop mapping is enabled (CR[EMLM] = 1) and
• Minor loop offset enabled (SMLOE or DMLOE = 1)
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436 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

If minor loop mapping is enabled and SMLOE and DMLOE are cleared then refer to the
TCD_NBYTES_MLOFFNO register description.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 1008h offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16



Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLOFFYES field descriptions

Field Description
31 Source Minor Loop Offset Enable
Selects whether the minor loop offset is applied to the source address upon minor loop completion.

0 The minor loop offset is not applied to the SADDR

1 The minor loop offset is applied to the SADDR
30 Destination Minor Loop Offset enable
Selects whether the minor loop offset is applied to the destination address upon minor loop completion.

0 The minor loop offset is not applied to the DADDR

1 The minor loop offset is applied to the DADDR
29–10 If SMLOE or DMLOE is set, this field represents a sign-extended offset applied to the source or
MLOFF destination address to form the next-state value after the minor loop completes.
9–0 Minor Byte Transfer Count
Number of bytes to be transferred in each service request of the channel.
As a channel activates, the appropriate TCD contents load into the eDMA engine, and the appropriate
reads and writes perform until the minor byte transfer count has transferred. This is an indivisible operation
and cannot be halted. (Although, it may be stalled by using the bandwidth control field, or via preemption.)
After the minor count is exhausted, the SADDR and DADDR values are written back into the TCD
memory, the major iteration count is decremented and restored to the TCD memory. If the major iteration
count is completed, additional processing is performed.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 437
Memory map/register definition

21.3.23 TCD Last Source Address Adjustment (DMA_TCDn_SLAST)

Address: 4000_8000h base + 100Ch offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_SLAST field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Last source Address Adjustment
Adjustment value added to the source address at the completion of the major iteration count. This value
can be applied to restore the source address to the initial value, or adjust the address to reference the
next data structure.

21.3.24 TCD Destination Address (DMA_TCDn_DADDR)

Address: 4000_8000h base + 1010h offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_DADDR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Destination Address
Memory address pointing to the destination data.

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.3.25 TCD Signed Destination Address Offset (DMA_TCDn_DOFF)

Address: 4000_8000h base + 1014h offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_DOFF field descriptions

Field Description
15–0 Destination Address Signed offset
Sign-extended offset applied to the current destination address to form the next-state value as each
destination write is completed.

21.3.26 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKYES)

If TCDn_CITER[ELINK] is set, the TCDn_CITER register is defined as follows.

Address: 4000_8000h base + 1016h offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

Read 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKYES field descriptions

Field Description
15 Enable channel-to-channel linking on minor-loop complete
As the channel completes the minor loop, this flag enables linking to another channel, defined by the
LINKCH field. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that
sets the TCDn_CSR[START] bit of the specified channel.
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Memory map/register definition

DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKYES field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
If channel linking is disabled, the CITER value is extended to 15 bits in place of a link channel number. If
the major loop is exhausted, this link mechanism is suppressed in favor of the MAJORELINK channel

NOTE: This bit must be equal to the BITER[ELINK] bit. Otherwise, a configuration error is reported.

0 The channel-to-channel linking is disabled

1 The channel-to-channel linking is enabled
14–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12–9 Link Channel Number
If channel-to-channel linking is enabled (ELINK = 1), then after the minor loop is exhausted, the eDMA
engine initiates a channel service request to the channel defined by these four bits by setting that
channel’s TCDn_CSR[START] bit.
8–0 Current Major Iteration Count
This 9-bit (ELINK = 1) or 15-bit (ELINK = 0) count represents the current major loop count for the channel.
It is decremented each time the minor loop is completed and updated in the transfer control descriptor
memory. After the major iteration count is exhausted, the channel performs a number of operations (e.g.,
final source and destination address calculations), optionally generating an interrupt to signal channel
completion before reloading the CITER field from the beginning iteration count (BITER) field.

NOTE: When the CITER field is initially loaded by software, it must be set to the same value as that
contained in the BITER field.

NOTE: If the channel is configured to execute a single service request, the initial values of BITER and
CITER should be 0x0001.

21.3.27 TCD Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKNO)

If TCDn_CITER[ELINK] is cleared, the TCDn_CITER register is defined as follows.

Address: 4000_8000h base + 1016h offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

DMA_TCDn_CITER_ELINKNO field descriptions

Field Description
15 Enable channel-to-channel linking on minor-loop complete
As the channel completes the minor loop, this flag enables linking to another channel, defined by the
LINKCH field. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that
sets the TCDn_CSR[START] bit of the specified channel.
If channel linking is disabled, the CITER value is extended to 15 bits in place of a link channel number. If
the major loop is exhausted, this link mechanism is suppressed in favor of the MAJORELINK channel

NOTE: This bit must be equal to the BITER[ELINK] bit. Otherwise, a configuration error is reported.

0 The channel-to-channel linking is disabled

1 The channel-to-channel linking is enabled
14–0 Current Major Iteration Count
This 9-bit (ELINK = 1) or 15-bit (ELINK = 0) count represents the current major loop count for the channel.
It is decremented each time the minor loop is completed and updated in the transfer control descriptor
memory. After the major iteration count is exhausted, the channel performs a number of operations (e.g.,
final source and destination address calculations), optionally generating an interrupt to signal channel
completion before reloading the CITER field from the beginning iteration count (BITER) field.

NOTE: When the CITER field is initially loaded by software, it must be set to the same value as that
contained in the BITER field.

NOTE: If the channel is configured to execute a single service request, the initial values of BITER and
CITER should be 0x0001.

21.3.28 TCD Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather

Address: 4000_8000h base + 1018h offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_DLASTSGA field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Destination last address adjustment or the memory address for the next transfer control descriptor to be
DLASTSGA loaded into this channel (scatter/gather).
If (TCDn_CSR[ESG] = 0) then
• Adjustment value added to the destination address at the completion of the major iteration count.
This value can apply to restore the destination address to the initial value or adjust the address to
reference the next data structure.

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Memory map/register definition

DMA_TCDn_DLASTSGA field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
• This address points to the beginning of a 0-modulo-32-byte region containing the next transfer
control descriptor to be loaded into this channel. This channel reload is performed as the major
iteration count completes. The scatter/gather address must be 0-modulo-32-byte, else a
configuration error is reported.

21.3.29 TCD Control and Status (DMA_TCDn_CSR)

Address: 4000_8000h base + 101Ch offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

Read 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Write NK
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_CSR field descriptions

Field Description
15–14 Bandwidth Control
Throttles the amount of bus bandwidth consumed by the eDMA. In general, as the eDMA processes the
minor loop, it continuously generates read/write sequences until the minor count is exhausted. This field
forces the eDMA to stall after the completion of each read/write access to control the bus request
bandwidth seen by the crossbar switch.

NOTE: If the source and destination sizes are equal, this field is ignored between the first and second
transfers and after the last write of each minor loop. This behavior is a side effect of reducing
start-up latency.

00 No eDMA engine stalls

01 Reserved
10 eDMA engine stalls for 4 cycles after each r/w
11 eDMA engine stalls for 8 cycles after each r/w
13–12 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
11–8 Link Channel Number
If (MAJORELINK = 0) then
• No channel-to-channel linking (or chaining) is performed after the major loop counter is exhausted.

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

DMA_TCDn_CSR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
• After the major loop counter is exhausted, the eDMA engine initiates a channel service request at
the channel defined by these six bits by setting that channel’s TCDn_CSR[START] bit.
7 Channel Done
This flag indicates the eDMA has completed the major loop. The eDMA engine sets it as the CITER count
reaches zero; The software clears it, or the hardware when the channel is activated.

NOTE: This bit must be cleared to write the MAJORELINK or ESG bits.
6 Channel Active
This flag signals the channel is currently in execution. It is set when channel service begins, and the
eDMA clears it as the minor loop completes or if any error condition is detected. This bit resets to zero.
5 Enable channel-to-channel linking on major loop complete
As the channel completes the major loop, this flag enables the linking to another channel, defined by
MAJORLINKCH. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that
sets the TCDn_CSR[START] bit of the specified channel.

NOTE: To support the dynamic linking coherency model, this field is forced to zero when written to while
the TCDn_CSR[DONE] bit is set.

0 The channel-to-channel linking is disabled

1 The channel-to-channel linking is enabled
4 Enable Scatter/Gather Processing
As the channel completes the major loop, this flag enables scatter/gather processing in the current
channel. If enabled, the eDMA engine uses DLASTSGA as a memory pointer to a 0-modulo-32 address
containing a 32-byte data structure loaded as the transfer control descriptor into the local memory.

NOTE: To support the dynamic scatter/gather coherency model, this field is forced to zero when written
to while the TCDn_CSR[DONE] bit is set.

0 The current channel’s TCD is normal format.

1 The current channel’s TCD specifies a scatter gather format. The DLASTSGA field provides a memory
pointer to the next TCD to be loaded into this channel after the major loop completes its execution.
3 Disable Request
If this flag is set, the eDMA hardware automatically clears the corresponding ERQ bit when the current
major iteration count reaches zero.

0 The channel’s ERQ bit is not affected

1 The channel’s ERQ bit is cleared when the major loop is complete
2 Enable an interrupt when major counter is half complete.
If this flag is set, the channel generates an interrupt request by setting the appropriate bit in the INT
register when the current major iteration count reaches the halfway point. Specifically, the comparison
performed by the eDMA engine is (CITER == (BITER >> 1)). This halfway point interrupt request is
provided to support double-buffered (aka ping-pong) schemes or other types of data movement where the
processor needs an early indication of the transfer’s progress. If BITER is set, do not use INTHALF. Use
INTMAJOR instead.

0 The half-point interrupt is disabled

1 The half-point interrupt is enabled

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Memory map/register definition

DMA_TCDn_CSR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
1 Enable an interrupt when major iteration count completes
If this flag is set, the channel generates an interrupt request by setting the appropriate bit in the INT when
the current major iteration count reaches zero.

0 The end-of-major loop interrupt is disabled

1 The end-of-major loop interrupt is enabled
0 Channel Start
If this flag is set, the channel is requesting service. The eDMA hardware automatically clears this flag after
the channel begins execution.

0 The channel is not explicitly started

1 The channel is explicitly started via a software initiated service request

21.3.30 TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
Linking Enabled) (DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKYES)
If the TCDn_BITER[ELINK] bit is set, the TCDn_BITER register is defined as follows.
Address: 4000_8000h base + 101Eh offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

Read 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKYES field descriptions

Field Description
15 Enables channel-to-channel linking on minor loop complete
As the channel completes the minor loop, this flag enables the linking to another channel, defined by
BITER[LINKCH]. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that
sets the TCDn_CSR[START] bit of the specified channel. If channel linking disables, the BITER value
extends to 15 bits in place of a link channel number. If the major loop is exhausted, this link mechanism is
suppressed in favor of the MAJORELINK channel linking.

NOTE: When the software loads the TCD, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field.
Otherwise, a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the
contents of this field is reloaded into the CITER field.
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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKYES field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The channel-to-channel linking is disabled
1 The channel-to-channel linking is enabled
14–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12–9 Link Channel Number
If channel-to-channel linking is enabled (ELINK = 1), then after the minor loop is exhausted, the eDMA
engine initiates a channel service request at the channel defined by these four bits by setting that
channel’s TCDn_CSR[START] bit.

NOTE: When the software loads the TCD, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field.
Otherwise, a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the
contents of this field is reloaded into the CITER field.
8–0 Starting Major Iteration Count
As the transfer control descriptor is first loaded by software, this 9-bit (ELINK = 1) or 15-bit (ELINK = 0)
field must be equal to the value in the CITER field. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the contents
of this field are reloaded into the CITER field.

NOTE: When the software loads the TCD, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field.
Otherwise, a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the
contents of this field is reloaded into the CITER field. If the channel is configured to execute a
single service request, the initial values of BITER and CITER should be 0x0001.

21.3.31 TCD Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (Channel
Linking Disabled) (DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKNO)
If the TCDn_BITER[ELINK] bit is cleared, the TCDn_BITER register is defined as
Address: 4000_8000h base + 101Eh offset + (32d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKNO field descriptions

Field Description
15 Enables channel-to-channel linking on minor loop complete
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Functional description

DMA_TCDn_BITER_ELINKNO field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
As the channel completes the minor loop, this flag enables the linking to another channel, defined by
BITER[LINKCH]. The link target channel initiates a channel service request via an internal mechanism that
sets the TCDn_CSR[START] bit of the specified channel. If channel linking is disabled, the BITER value
extends to 15 bits in place of a link channel number. If the major loop is exhausted, this link mechanism is
suppressed in favor of the MAJORELINK channel linking.

NOTE: When the software loads the TCD, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field.
Otherwise, a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the
contents of this field is reloaded into the CITER field.

0 The channel-to-channel linking is disabled

1 The channel-to-channel linking is enabled
14–0 Starting Major Iteration Count
As the transfer control descriptor is first loaded by software, this 9-bit (ELINK = 1) or 15-bit (ELINK = 0)
field must be equal to the value in the CITER field. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the contents
of this field are reloaded into the CITER field.

NOTE: When the software loads the TCD, this field must be set equal to the corresponding CITER field.
Otherwise, a configuration error is reported. As the major iteration count is exhausted, the
contents of this field is reloaded into the CITER field. If the channel is configured to execute a
single service request, the initial values of BITER and CITER should be 0x0001.

21.4 Functional description

21.4.1 eDMA basic data flow

The basic flow of a data transfer can be partitioned into three segments.
As shown in the following diagram, the first segment involves the channel activation:

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446 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

Write Address

Write Data


Internal Peripheral Bus

To/From Crossbar Switch

Descriptor (TCD) n-1

eDMA Engine
Program Model/
Read Data
Channel Arbitration
Read Data

Address Path
Data Path

Write Data


eDMA Peripheral
eDMA Done

Figure 21-289. eDMA operation, part 1

This example uses the assertion of the eDMA peripheral request signal to request service
for channel n. Channel activation via software and the TCDn_CSR[START] bit follows
the same basic flow as peripheral requests. The eDMA request input signal is registered
internally and then routed through the eDMA engine: first through the control module,
then into the program model and channel arbitration. In the next cycle, the channel
arbitration performs, using the fixed-priority or round-robin algorithm. After arbitration is
complete, the activated channel number is sent through the address path and converted
into the required address to access the local memory for TCDn. Next, the TCD memory
is accessed and the required descriptor read from the local memory and loaded into the
eDMA engine address path channel x or y registers. The TCD memory is 64 bits wide to
minimize the time needed to fetch the activated channel descriptor and load it into the
address path channel x or y registers.
The following diagram illustrates the second part of the basic data flow:

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 447
Functional description

Write Address

Write Data


Internal Peripheral Bus

To/From Crossbar Switch

Descriptor (TCD) n-1

eDMA Engine
Program Model/
Read Data
Channel Arbitration
Read Data

Address Path
Data Path

Write Data


eDMA Peripheral
eDMA Done

Figure 21-290. eDMA operation, part 2

The modules associated with the data transfer (address path, data path, and control)
sequence through the required source reads and destination writes to perform the actual
data movement. The source reads are initiated and the fetched data is temporarily stored
in the data path block until it is gated onto the internal bus during the destination write.
This source read/destination write processing continues until the minor byte count has
After the minor byte count has moved, the final phase of the basic data flow is performed.
In this segment, the address path logic performs the required updates to certain fields in
the appropriate TCD, e.g., SADDR, DADDR, CITER. If the major iteration count is
exhausted, additional operations are performed. These include the final address
adjustments and reloading of the BITER field into the CITER. Assertion of an optional
interrupt request also occurs at this time, as does a possible fetch of a new TCD from
memory using the scatter/gather address pointer included in the descriptor (if scatter/
gather is enabled). The updates to the TCD memory and the assertion of an interrupt
request are shown in the following diagram.

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448 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

Write Address

Write Data


Internal Peripheral Bus

To/From Crossbar Switch

Descriptor (TCD) n-1

eDMA En g in e
Program Model/
Read Data
Channel Arbitration
Read Data

Address Path
Data Path

Write Data


eDMA Peripheral
eDMA Done

Figure 21-291. eDMA operation, part 3

21.4.2 Error reporting and handling

Channel errors are reported in the ES register and can be caused by:
• A configuration error, which is an illegal setting in the transfer-control descriptor or
an illegal priority register setting in Fixed-Arbitration mode, or
• An error termination to a bus master read or write cycle
A configuration error is reported when the starting source or destination address, source
or destination offsets, minor loop byte count, or the transfer size represent an inconsistent
state. Each of these possible causes are detailed below:
• The addresses and offsets must be aligned on 0-modulo-transfer-size boundaries.
• The minor loop byte count must be a multiple of the source and destination transfer

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Functional description

• All source reads and destination writes must be configured to the natural boundary of
the programmed transfer size respectively.
• In fixed arbitration mode, a configuration error is caused by any two channel
priorities being equal. All channel priority levels must be unique when fixed
arbitration mode is enabled.
• If a scatter/gather operation is enabled upon channel completion, a configuration
error is reported if the scatter/gather address (DLAST_SGA) is not aligned on a 32-
byte boundary.
• If minor loop channel linking is enabled upon channel completion, a configuration
error is reported when the link is attempted if the TCDn_CITER[E_LINK] bit does
not equal the TCDn_BITER[E_LINK] bit.
If enabled, all configuration error conditions, except the scatter/gather and minor-loop
link errors, report as the channel activates and asserts an error interrupt request. A scatter/
gather configuration error is reported when the scatter/gather operation begins at major
loop completion when properly enabled. A minor loop channel link configuration error is
reported when the link operation is serviced at minor loop completion.
If a system bus read or write is terminated with an error, the data transfer is stopped and
the appropriate bus error flag set. In this case, the state of the channel's transfer control
descriptor is updated by the eDMA engine with the current source address, destination
address, and current iteration count at the point of the fault. When a system bus error
occurs, the channel terminates after the next transfer. Due to pipeline effect, the next
transfer is already in progress when the bus error is received by the eDMA. If a bus error
occurs on the last read prior to beginning the write sequence, the write executes using the
data captured during the bus error. If a bus error occurs on the last write prior to
switching to the next read sequence, the read sequence executes before the channel
terminates due to the destination bus error.
A transfer may be cancelled by software with the CR[CX] bit. When a cancel transfer
request is recognized, the DMA engine stops processing the channel. The current read-
write sequence is allowed to finish. If the cancel occurs on the last read-write sequence of
a major or minor loop, the cancel request is discarded and the channel retires normally.
The error cancel transfer is the same as a cancel transfer except the ES register is updated
with the cancelled channel number and ECX is set. The TCD of a cancelled channel
contains the source and destination addresses of the last transfer saved in the TCD. If the
channel needs to be restarted, you must re-initialize the TCD because the aforementioned
fields no longer represent the original parameters. When a transfer is cancelled by the
error cancel transfer mechanism, the channel number is loaded into DMA_ES[ERRCHN]
and ECX and VLD are set. In addition, an error interrupt may be generated if enabled.

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

The occurrence of any error causes the eDMA engine to stop normal processing of the
active channel immediately (it goes to its error processing states and the transaction to the
system bus still has peipeline effect), and the appropriate channel bit in the eDMA error
register is asserted. At the same time, the details of the error condition are loaded into the
ES register. The major loop complete indicators, setting the transfer control descriptor
DONE flag and the possible assertion of an interrupt request, are not affected when an
error is detected. After the error status has been updated, the eDMA engine continues
operating by servicing the next appropriate channel. A channel that experiences an error
condition is not automatically disabled. If a channel is terminated by an error and then
issues another service request before the error is fixed, that channel executes and
terminates with the same error condition.

21.4.3 Channel preemption

Channel preemption is enabled on a per-channel basis by setting the DCHPRIn[ECP] bit.
Channel preemption allows the executing channel’s data transfers to temporarily suspend
in favor of starting a higher priority channel. After the preempting channel has completed
all its minor loop data transfers, the preempted channel is restored and resumes
execution. After the restored channel completes one read/write sequence, it is again
eligible for preemption. If any higher priority channel is requesting service, the restored
channel is suspended and the higher priority channel is serviced. Nested preemption, that
is, attempting to preempt a preempting channel, is not supported. After a preempting
channel begins execution, it cannot be preempted. Preemption is available only when
fixed arbitration is selected.
A channel’s ability to preempt another channel can be disabled by setting
DCHPRIn[DPA]. When a channel’s preempt ability is disabled, that channel cannot
suspend a lower priority channel’s data transfer, regardless of the lower priority channel’s
ECP setting. This allows for a pool of low priority, large data-moving channels to be
defined. These low priority channels can be configured to not preempt each other, thus
preventing a low priority channel from consuming the preempt slot normally available to
a true, high priority channel.

21.4.4 Performance
This section addresses the performance of the eDMA module, focusing on two separate

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Functional description

• In the traditional data movement context, performance is best expressed as the peak
data transfer rates achieved using the eDMA. In most implementations, this transfer
rate is limited by the speed of the source and destination address spaces.
• In a second context where device-paced movement of single data values to/from
peripherals is dominant, a measure of the requests that can be serviced in a fixed time
is a more relevant metric. In this environment, the speed of the source and destination
address spaces remains important. However, the microarchitecture of the eDMA also
factors significantly into the resulting metric. Peak transfer rates

The peak transfer rates for several different source and destination transfers are shown in
the following tables. These tables assume:
• Internal SRAM can be accessed with zero wait-states when viewed from the system
bus data phase
• All internal peripheral bus reads require two wait-states, and internal peripheral bus
writes three wait-states, when viewed from the system bus data phase
• All internal peripheral bus accesses are 32-bits in size

This table presents a peak transfer rate comparison.

Table 21-292. eDMA peak transfer rates (Mbytes/sec)
32b internal peripheral bus-
System Speed, Internal SRAM-to- Internal SRAM-to-
Width Internal SRAM 32b internal peripheral bus
Internal SRAM
66.7 MHz, 32b 133.3 66.7 53.3
83.3 MHz, 32b 166.7 83.3 66.7
100.0 MHz, 32b 200.0 100.0 80.0
133.3 MHz, 32b 266.7 133.3 106.7
150.0 MHz, 32b 300.0 150.0 120.0

Internal-SRAM-to-internal-SRAM transfers occur at the core's datapath width. For all

transfers involving the internal peripheral bus, 32-bit transfer sizes are used. In all cases,
the transfer rate includes the time to read the source plus the time to write the destination.

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA) Peak request rates

The second performance metric is a measure of the number of DMA requests that can be
serviced in a given amount of time. For this metric, assume that the peripheral request
causes the channel to move a single internal peripheral bus-mapped operand to/from
internal SRAM. The same timing assumptions used in the previous example apply to this
calculation. In particular, this metric also reflects the time required to activate the
The eDMA design supports the following hardware service request sequence. Note that
the exact timing from Cycle 7 is a function of the response times for the channel's read
and write accesses. In the case of an internal peripheral bus read and internal SRAM
write, the combined data phase time is 4 cycles. For an SRAM read and internal
peripheral bus write, it is 5 cycles.
Table 21-293. Hardware service request process
Cycle Description
With internal peripheral With SRAM read and
bus read and internal internal peripheral bus
SRAM write write
1 eDMA peripheral request is asserted.
2 The eDMA peripheral request is registered locally in the
eDMA module and qualified. TCDn_CSR[START] bit initiated
requests start at this point with the registering of the user
write to TCDn word 7.
3 Channel arbitration begins.
4 Channel arbitration completes. The transfer control descriptor
local memory read is initiated.
5–6 The first two parts of the activated channel's TCD is read from
the local memory. The memory width to the eDMA engine is
64 bits, so the entire descriptor can be accessed in four
7 The first system bus read cycle is initiated, as the third part of
the channel's TCD is read from the local memory. Depending
on the state of the crossbar switch, arbitration at the system
bus may insert an additional cycle of delay here.
8–11 8–12 The last part of the TCD is read in. This cycle represents the
first data phase for the read, and the address phase for the
destination write.
12 13 This cycle represents the data phase of the last destination
13 14 The eDMA engine completes the execution of the inner minor
loop and prepares to write back the required TCDn fields into
the local memory. The TCDn word 7 is read and checked for
channel linking or scatter/gather requests.
14 15 The appropriate fields in the first part of the TCDn are written
back into the local memory.

Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

Table 21-293. Hardware service request process (continued)

Cycle Description
With internal peripheral With SRAM read and
bus read and internal internal peripheral bus
SRAM write write
15 16 The fields in the second part of the TCDn are written back into
the local memory. This cycle coincides with the next channel
arbitration cycle start.
16 17 The next channel to be activated performs the read of the first
part of its TCD from the local memory. This is equivalent to
Cycle 4 for the first channel's service request.

Assuming zero wait states on the system bus, DMA requests can be processed every 9
cycles. Assuming an average of the access times associated with internal peripheral bus-
to-SRAM (4 cycles) and SRAM-to-internal peripheral bus (5 cycles), DMA requests can
be processed every 11.5 cycles (4 + (4+5)/2 + 3). This is the time from Cycle 4 to Cycle x
+5. The resulting peak request rate, as a function of the system frequency, is shown in the
following table.
Table 21-294. eDMA peak request rate (MReq/sec)
Request rate Request rate
System frequency (MHz)
with zero wait states with wait states
66.6 7.4 5.8
83.3 9.2 7.2
100.0 11.1 8.7
133.3 14.8 11.6
150.0 16.6 13.0

A general formula to compute the peak request rate with overlapping requests is:
PEAKreq = freq / [ entry + (1 + read_ws) + (1 + write_ws) + exit ]
Table 21-295. Peak request formula operands
Operand Description
PEAKreq Peak request rate
freq System frequency
entry Channel startup (4 cycles)
read_ws Wait states seen during the system bus read data phase
write_ws Wait states seen during the system bus write data phase
exit Channel shutdown (3 cycles)

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA) eDMA performance example

Consider a system with the following characteristics:
• Internal SRAM can be accessed with one wait-state when viewed from the system
bus data phase
• All internal peripheral bus reads require two wait-states, and internal peripheral bus
writes three wait-states viewed from the system bus data phase
• System operates at 150 MHz

For an SRAM to internal peripheral bus transfer,

PEAKreq = 150 MHz / [ 4 + (1 + 1) + (1 + 3) + 3 ] cycles = 11.5 Mreq/sec
For an internal peripheral bus to SRAM transfer,
PEAKreq = 150 MHz / [ 4 + (1 + 2) + (1 + 1) + 3 ] cycles = 12.5 Mreq/sec
Assuming an even distribution of the two transfer types, the average peak request rate
would be:
PEAKreq = (11.5 Mreq/sec + 12.5 Mreq/sec) / 2 = 12.0 Mreq/sec
The minimum number of cycles to perform a single read/write, zero wait states on the
system bus, from a cold start where no channel is executing and eDMA is idle are:
• 11 cycles for a software, that is, a TCDn_CSR[START] bit, request
• 12 cycles for a hardware, that is, an eDMA peripheral request signal, request

Two cycles account for the arbitration pipeline and one extra cycle on the hardware
request resulting from the internal registering of the eDMA peripheral request signals.
For the peak request rate calculations above, the arbitration and request registering is
absorbed in or overlaps the previous executing channel.
When channel linking or scatter/gather is enabled, a two cycle
delay is imposed on the next channel selection and startup. This
allows the link channel or the scatter/gather channel to be
eligible and considered in the arbitration pool for next channel

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Initialization/application information

21.5 Initialization/application information

The following sections discuss initialization of the eDMA and programming

21.5.1 eDMA initialization

To initialize the eDMA:
1. Write to the CR if a configuration other than the default is desired.
2. Write the channel priority levels to the DCHPRIn registers if a configuration other
than the default is desired.
3. Enable error interrupts in the EEI register if so desired.
4. Write the 32-byte TCD for each channel that may request service.
5. Enable any hardware service requests via the ERQ register.
6. Request channel service via either:
• Software: setting the TCDn_CSR[START]
• Hardware: slave device asserting its eDMA peripheral request signal
After any channel requests service, a channel is selected for execution based on the
arbitration and priority levels written into the programmer's model. The eDMA engine
reads the entire TCD, including the TCD control and status fields, as shown in the
following table, for the selected channel into its internal address path module.
As the TCD is read, the first transfer is initiated on the internal bus, unless a
configuration error is detected. Transfers from the source, as defined by TCDn_SADDR,
to the destination, as defined by TCDn_DADDR, continue until the number of bytes
specified by TCDn_NBYTES are transferred.
When the transfer is complete, the eDMA engine's local TCDn_SADDR,
TCDn_DADDR, and TCDn_CITER are written back to the main TCD memory and any
minor loop channel linking is performed, if enabled. If the major loop is exhausted,
further post processing executes, such as interrupts, major loop channel linking, and
scatter/gather operations, if enabled.

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Table 21-296. TCD Control and Status fields

TCDn_CSR field
START Control bit to start channel explicitly when using a software initiated DMA service (Automatically
cleared by hardware)
ACTIVE Status bit indicating the channel is currently in execution
DONE Status bit indicating major loop completion (cleared by software when using a software initiated
DMA service)
D_REQ Control bit to disable DMA request at end of major loop completion when using a hardware initiated
DMA service
BWC Control bits for throttling bandwidth control of a channel
E_SG Control bit to enable scatter-gather feature
INT_HALF Control bit to enable interrupt when major loop is half complete
INT_MAJ Control bit to enable interrupt when major loop completes

The following figure shows how each DMA request initiates one minor-loop transfer, or
iteration, without CPU intervention. DMA arbitration can occur after each minor loop,
and one level of minor loop DMA preemption is allowed. The number of minor loops in
a major loop is specified by the beginning iteration count (BITER).
Current major
loop iteration
Source or destination memory count (CITER)
DMA request
Minor loop

DMA request
Minor loop

Major loop

DMA request
Minor loop

Figure 21-292. Example of multiple loop iterations

The following figure lists the memory array terms and how the TCD settings interrelate.

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Initialization/application information

xADDR: (Starting address) xSIZE: (size of one

data transfer) Minor loop
minor loop, Offset (xOFF): number of bytes added to
often the same current address after each transfer
value as xSIZE) (often the same value as xSIZE)

Each DMA source (S) and

destination (D) has its own:
Address (xADDR)
Size (xSIZE)
Minor loop Offset (xOFF)
Modulo (xMOD)
Last Address Adjustment (xLAST)
where x = S or D

Peripheral queues typically

have size and offset equal
Last minor loop
xLAST: Number of bytes added to
current address after major loop
(typically used to loop back)

Figure 21-293. Memory array terms

21.5.2 Programming errors

The eDMA performs various tests on the transfer control descriptor to verify consistency
in the descriptor data. Most programming errors are reported on a per channel basis with
the exception of channel priority error (ES[CPE]).
For all error types other than channel priority error, the channel number causing the error
is recorded in the ES register. If the error source is not removed before the next activation
of the problem channel, the error is detected and recorded again.
If priority levels are not unique, when any channel requests service, a channel priority
error is reported. The highest channel priority with an active request is selected, but the
lowest numbered channel with that priority is selected by arbitration and executed by the
eDMA engine. The hardware service request handshake signals, error interrupts, and
error reporting is associated with the selected channel.

21.5.3 Arbitration mode considerations Fixed channel arbitration

In this mode, the channel service request from the highest priority channel is selected to
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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA) Round-robin channel arbitration

Channels are serviced starting with the highest channel number and rotating through to
the lowest channel number without regard to the channel priority levels.

21.5.4 Performing DMA transfers (examples) Single request

To perform a simple transfer of n bytes of data with one activation, set the major loop to
one (TCDn_CITER = TCDn_BITER = 1). The data transfer begins after the channel
service request is acknowledged and the channel is selected to execute. After the transfer
is complete, the TCDn_CSR[DONE] bit is set and an interrupt generates if properly
For example, the following TCD entry is configured to transfer 16 bytes of data. The
eDMA is programmed for one iteration of the major loop transferring 16 bytes per
iteration. The source memory has a byte wide memory port located at 0x1000. The
destination memory has a 32-bit port located at 0x2000. The address offsets are
programmed in increments to match the transfer size: one byte for the source and four
bytes for the destination. The final source and destination addresses are adjusted to return
to their beginning values.

TCDn_SADDR = 0x1000
TCDn_SLAST = -16
TCDn_DADDR = 0x2000
TCDn_CSR[START] = 1 (Should be written last after all other fields have been initialized)
All other TCDn fields = 0

This generates the following event sequence:

1. User write to the TCDn_CSR[START] bit requests channel service.
2. The channel is selected by arbitration for servicing.
3. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[DONE] = 0, TCDn_CSR[START] = 0,

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Initialization/application information

4. eDMA engine reads: channel TCD data from local memory to internal register file.
5. The source-to-destination transfers are executed as follows:
a. Read byte from location 0x1000, read byte from location 0x1001, read byte from
0x1002, read byte from 0x1003.
b. Write 32-bits to location 0x2000 → first iteration of the minor loop.
c. Read byte from location 0x1004, read byte from location 0x1005, read byte from
0x1006, read byte from 0x1007.
d. Write 32-bits to location 0x2004 → second iteration of the minor loop.
e. Read byte from location 0x1008, read byte from location 0x1009, read byte from
0x100A, read byte from 0x100B.
f. Write 32-bits to location 0x2008 → third iteration of the minor loop.
g. Read byte from location 0x100C, read byte from location 0x100D, read byte
from 0x100E, read byte from 0x100F.
h. Write 32-bits to location 0x200C → last iteration of the minor loop → major loop
6. The eDMA engine writes: TCDn_SADDR = 0x1000, TCDn_DADDR = 0x2000,
7. The eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] = 0, TCDn_CSR[DONE] = 1,
INT[n] = 1.
8. The channel retires and the eDMA goes idle or services the next channel. Multiple requests

The following example transfers 32 bytes via two hardware requests, but is otherwise the
same as the previous example. The only fields that change are the major loop iteration
count and the final address offsets. The eDMA is programmed for two iterations of the
major loop transferring 16 bytes per iteration. After the channel's hardware requests are
enabled in the ERQ register, the slave device initiates channel service requests.
TCDn_SLAST = –32

This would generate the following sequence of events:

1. First hardware, that is, eDMA peripheral, request for channel service.

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

2. The channel is selected by arbitration for servicing.

3. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[DONE] = 0, TCDn_CSR[START] = 0,
4. eDMA engine reads: channel TCDn data from local memory to internal register file.
5. The source to destination transfers are executed as follows:
a. Read byte from location 0x1000, read byte from location 0x1001, read byte from
0x1002, read byte from 0x1003.
b. Write 32-bits to location 0x2000 → first iteration of the minor loop.
c. Read byte from location 0x1004, read byte from location 0x1005, read byte from
0x1006, read byte from 0x1007.
d. Write 32-bits to location 0x2004 → second iteration of the minor loop.
e. Read byte from location 0x1008, read byte from location 0x1009, read byte from
0x100A, read byte from 0x100B.
f. Write 32-bits to location 0x2008 → third iteration of the minor loop.
g. Read byte from location 0x100C, read byte from location 0x100D, read byte
from 0x100E, read byte from 0x100F.
h. Write 32-bits to location 0x200C → last iteration of the minor loop.
6. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_SADDR = 0x1010, TCDn_DADDR = 0x2010,
7. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] = 0.
8. The channel retires → one iteration of the major loop. The eDMA goes idle or
services the next channel.
9. Second hardware, that is, eDMA peripheral, requests channel service.
10. The channel is selected by arbitration for servicing.
11. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[DONE] = 0, TCDn_CSR[START] = 0,
12. eDMA engine reads: channel TCD data from local memory to internal register file.
13. The source to destination transfers are executed as follows:
a. Read byte from location 0x1010, read byte from location 0x1011, read byte from
0x1012, read byte from 0x1013.

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b. Write 32-bits to location 0x2010 → first iteration of the minor loop.

c. Read byte from location 0x1014, read byte from location 0x1015, read byte from
0x1016, read byte from 0x1017.
d. Write 32-bits to location 0x2014 → second iteration of the minor loop.
e. Read byte from location 0x1018, read byte from location 0x1019, read byte from
0x101A, read byte from 0x101B.
f. Write 32-bits to location 0x2018 → third iteration of the minor loop.
g. Read byte from location 0x101C, read byte from location 0x101D, read byte
from 0x101E, read byte from 0x101F.
h. Write 32-bits to location 0x201C → last iteration of the minor loop → major loop
14. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_SADDR = 0x1000, TCDn_DADDR = 0x2000,
15. eDMA engine writes: TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] = 0, TCDn_CSR[DONE] = 1, INT[n] =
16. The channel retires → major loop complete. The eDMA goes idle or services the next
channel. Using the modulo feature

The modulo feature of the eDMA provides the ability to implement a circular data queue
in which the size of the queue is a power of 2. MOD is a 5-bit field for the source and
destination in the TCD, and it specifies which lower address bits increment from their
original value after the address+offset calculation. All upper address bits remain the same
as in the original value. A setting of 0 for this field disables the modulo feature.
The following table shows how the transfer addresses are specified based on the setting
of the MOD field. Here a circular buffer is created where the address wraps to the
original value while the 28 upper address bits (0x1234567x) retain their original value. In
this example the source address is set to 0x12345670, the offset is set to 4 bytes and the
MOD field is set to 4, allowing for a 24 byte (16-byte) size queue.
Table 21-297. Modulo example
Transfer Number Address
1 0x12345670

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

Table 21-297. Modulo example (continued)

Transfer Number Address
2 0x12345674
3 0x12345678
4 0x1234567C
5 0x12345670
6 0x12345674

21.5.5 Monitoring transfer descriptor status Testing for minor loop completion

There are two methods to test for minor loop completion when using software initiated
service requests. The first is to read the TCDn_CITER field and test for a change.
Another method may be extracted from the sequence shown below. The second method is
to test the TCDn_CSR[START] bit and the TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] bit. The minor-loop-
complete condition is indicated by both bits reading zero after the TCDn_CSR[START]
was set. Polling the TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] bit may be inconclusive, because the active
status may be missed if the channel execution is short in duration.
The TCD status bits execute the following sequence for a software activated channel:
TCDn_CSR bits
Stage State
1 1 0 0 Channel service request via software
2 0 1 0 Channel is executing
3a 0 0 0 Channel has completed the minor loop and is idle
3b 0 0 1 Channel has completed the major loop and is idle

The best method to test for minor-loop completion when using hardware, that is,
peripheral, initiated service requests is to read the TCDn_CITER field and test for a
change. The hardware request and acknowledge handshake signals are not visible in the
programmer's model.
The TCD status bits execute the following sequence for a hardware-activated channel:

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Initialization/application information

TCDn_CSR bits
Stage State
Channel service request via hardware (peripheral
1 0 0 0
request asserted)
2 0 1 0 Channel is executing
3a 0 0 0 Channel has completed the minor loop and is idle
3b 0 0 1 Channel has completed the major loop and is idle

For both activation types, the major-loop-complete status is explicitly indicated via the
The TCDn_CSR[START] bit is cleared automatically when the channel begins execution
regardless of how the channel activates. Reading the transfer descriptors of active channels

The eDMA reads back the true TCDn_SADDR, TCDn_DADDR, and TCDn_NBYTES
values if read while a channel executes. The true values of the SADDR, DADDR, and
NBYTES are the values the eDMA engine currently uses in its internal register file and
not the values in the TCD local memory for that channel. The addresses, SADDR and
DADDR, and NBYTES, which decrement to zero as the transfer progresses, can give an
indication of the progress of the transfer. All other values are read back from the TCD
local memory. Checking channel preemption status

Preemption is available only when fixed arbitration is selected as the channel arbitration
mode. A preemptive situation is one in which a preempt-enabled channel runs and a
higher priority request becomes active. When the eDMA engine is not operating in fixed
channel arbitration mode, the determination of the actively running relative priority
outstanding requests become undefined. Channel priorities are treated as equal, that is,
constantly rotating, when Round-Robin Arbitration mode is selected.
The TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] bit for the preempted channel remains asserted throughout
the preemption. The preempted channel is temporarily suspended while the preempting
channel executes one major loop iteration. If two TCDn_CSR[ACTIVE] bits are set
simultaneously in the global TCD map, a higher priority channel is actively preempting a
lower priority channel.

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

21.5.6 Channel Linking

Channel linking (or chaining) is a mechanism where one channel sets the
TCDn_CSR[START] bit of another channel (or itself), therefore initiating a service
request for that channel. When properly enabled, the EDMA engine automatically
performs this operation at the major or minor loop completion.
The minor loop channel linking occurs at the completion of the minor loop (or one
iteration of the major loop). The TCDn_CITER[E_LINK] field determines whether a
minor loop link is requested. When enabled, the channel link is made after each iteration
of the major loop except for the last. When the major loop is exhausted, only the major
loop channel link fields are used to determine if a channel link should be made. For
example, the initial fields of:

TCDn_CITER[CITER] value = 0x4

executes as:
1. Minor loop done → set TCD12_CSR[START] bit
2. Minor loop done → set TCD12_CSR[START] bit
3. Minor loop done → set TCD12_CSR[START] bit
4. Minor loop done, major loop done→ set TCD7_CSR[START] bit

When minor loop linking is enabled (TCDn_CITER[E_LINK] = 1), the

TCDn_CITER[CITER] field uses a nine bit vector to form the current iteration count.
When minor loop linking is disabled (TCDn_CITER[E_LINK] = 0), the
TCDn_CITER[CITER] field uses a 15-bit vector to form the current iteration count. The
bits associated with the TCDn_CITER[LINKCH] field are concatenated onto the CITER
value to increase the range of the CITER.
The TCDn_CITER[E_LINK] bit and the
TCDn_BITER[E_LINK] bit must equal or a configuration error
is reported. The CITER and BITER vector widths must be
equal to calculate the major loop, half-way done interrupt point.
The following table summarizes how a DMA channel can link to another DMA channel,
i.e, use another channel's TCD, at the end of a loop.

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Initialization/application information

Table 21-298. Channel Linking Parameters

Desired Link
TCD Control Field Name Description
Enable channel-to-channel linking on minor loop completion (current
Link at end of CITER[E_LINK]
Minor Loop
CITER[LINKCH] Link channel number when linking at end of minor loop (current iteration)
Link at end of CSR[MAJOR_E_LINK] Enable channel-to-channel linking on major loop completion
Major Loop CSR[MAJOR_LINKCH] Link channel number when linking at end of major loop

21.5.7 Dynamic programming Dynamically changing the channel priority

The following two options are recommended for dynamically changing channel priority
1. Switch to Round-Robin Channel Arbitration mode, change the channel priorities,
then switch back to Fixed Arbitration mode,
2. Disable all the channels, change the channel priorities, then enable the appropriate
channels. Dynamic channel linking

Dynamic channel linking is the process of setting the TCD.major.e_link bit during
channel execution. This bit is read from the TCD local memory at the end of channel
execution, thus allowing the user to enable the feature during channel execution.
Because the user is allowed to change the configuration during execution, a coherency
model is needed. Consider the scenario where the user attempts to execute a dynamic
channel link by enabling the TCD.major.e_link bit at the same time the eDMA engine is
retiring the channel. The TCD.major.e_link would be set in the programmer’s model, but
it would be unclear whether the actual link was made before the channel retired.
The following coherency model is recommended when executing a dynamic channel link

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466 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

Step Action
1 Write 1b to the TCD.major.e_link bit.
2 Read back the TCD.major.e_link bit.
3 Test the TCD.major.e_link request status:
• If TCD.major.e_link = 1b, the dynamic link attempt was
• If TCD.major.e_link = 0b, the attempted dynamic link
did not succeed (the channel was already retiring).

For this request, the TCD local memory controller forces the TCD.major.e_link bit to
zero on any writes to a channel’s TCD.word7 after that channel’s TCD.done bit is set,
indicating the major loop is complete.
The user must clear the TCD.done bit before writing the
TCD.major.e_link bit. The TCD.done bit is cleared
automatically by the eDMA engine after a channel begins
execution. Dynamic scatter/gather

Scatter/gather is the process of automatically loading a new TCD into a channel. When
scatter/gather is enabled and the channel has finished its major loop, a new TCD is
fetched from system memory and loaded into that channel’s descriptor location in eDMA
programmer’s model, thus replacing the current descriptor.
Because the user is allowed to change the configuration during execution, a coherency
model is needed. Consider the scenario where the user attempts to execute a dynamic
scatter/gather operation by enabling the TCD.e_sg bit at the same time the eDMA engine
is retiring the channel. The TCD.e_sg would be set in the programmer’s model, but it
would be unclear whether the actual scatter/gather request was honored before the
channel retired.
Two methods for this coherency model are shown in the following subsections. Method 1
has the advantage of reading the major.linkch field and the e_sg bit with a single read.
For both dynamic channel linking and scatter/gather requests, the TCD local memory
controller forces the TCD.major.e_link and TCD.e_sg bits to zero on any writes to a
channel’s TCD.word7 if that channel’s TCD.done bit is set indicating the major loop is
The user must clear the TCD.done bit before writing the
TCD.major.e_link or TCD.e_sg bits. The TCD.done bit is

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Initialization/application information

cleared automatically by the eDMA engine after a channel

begins execution. Method 1 (channel not using major loop channel linking)

For a channel not using major loop channel linking, the coherency model described here
may be used for a dynamic scatter/gather request.
When the TCD.major.e_link bit is zero, the TCD.major.linkch field is not used by the
eDMA. In this case, the TCD.major.linkch bits may be used for other purposes. This
method uses the TCD.major.linkch field as a TCD indentification (ID).
1. When the descriptors are built, write a unique TCD ID in the TCD.major.linkch field
for each TCD associated with a channel using dynamic scatter/gather.
2. Write 1b to the TCD.d_req bit.
Should a dynamic scatter/gather attempt fail, setting the TCD.d_req bit will prevent a
future hardware activation of this channel. This stops the channel from executing
with a destination address (daddr) that was calculated using a scatter/gather address
(written in the next step) instead of a dlast final offest value.
3. Write the TCD.dlast_sga field with the scatter/gather address.
4. Write 1b to the TCD.e_sg bit.
5. Read back the 16 bit TCD control/status field.
6. Test the TCD.e_sg request status and TCD.major.linkch value:
If e_sg = 1b, the dynamic link attempt was successful.
If e_sg = 0b and the major.linkch (ID) did not change, the attempted dynamic link
did not succeed (the channel was already retiring).
If e_sg = 0b and the major.linkch (ID) changed, the dynamic link attempt was
successful (the new TCD’s e_sg value cleared the e_sg bit). Method 2 (channel using major loop channel linking)

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Chapter 21 Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)

For a channel using major loop channel linking, the coherency model described here may
be used for a dynamic scatter/gather request. This method uses the TCD.dlast_sga field as
a TCD indentification (ID).
1. Write 1b to the TCD.d_req bit.
Should a dynamic scatter/gather attempt fail, setting the d_req bit will prevent a
future hardware activation of this channel. This stops the channel from executing
with a destination address (daddr) that was calculated using a scatter/gather address
(written in the next step) instead of a dlast final offest value.
2. Write theTCD.dlast_sga field with the scatter/gather address.
3. Write 1b to the TCD.e_sg bit.
4. Read back the TCD.e_sg bit.
5. Test the TCD.e_sg request status:
If e_sg = 1b, the dynamic link attempt was successful.
If e_sg = 0b, read the 32 bit TCD dlast_sga field.
If e_sg = 0b and the dlast_sga did not change, the attempted dynamic link did not
succeed (the channel was already retiring).
If e_sg = 0b and the dlast_sga changed, the dynamic link attempt was successful (the
new TCD’s e_sg value cleared the e_sg bit).

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Initialization/application information

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470 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 22
External Watchdog Monitor (EWM)

22.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The watchdog is generally used to monitor the flow and execution of embedded software
within an MCU. The watchdog consists of a counter that if allowed to overflow, forces an
internal reset (asynchronous) to all on-chip peripherals and optionally assert the RESET
pin to reset external devices/circuits. The overflow of the watchdog counter must not
occur if the software code works well and services the watchdog to re-start the actual
For safety, a redundant watchdog system, External Watchdog Monitor (EWM), is
designed to monitor external circuits, as well as the MCU software flow. This provides a
back-up mechanism to the internal watchdog that resets the MCU's CPU and peripherals.
The EWM differs from the internal watchdog in that it does not reset the MCU's CPU
and peripherals. The EWM if allowed to time-out, provides an independent EWM_out
pin that when asserted resets or places an external circuit into a safe mode. The CPU
resets the EWM counter that is logically ANDed with an external digital input pin. This
pin allows an external circuit to influence the reset_out signal.

22.1.1 Features
Features of EWM module include:
• Independent LPO clock source
• Programmable time-out period specified in terms of number of EWM LPO clock

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• Windowed refresh option

• Provides robust check that program flow is faster than expected.
• Programmable window.
• Refresh outside window leads to assertion of EWM_out.
• Robust refresh mechanism
• Write values of 0xB4 and 0x2C to EWM Refresh Register within 15
(EWM_service_time) peripheral bus clock cycles.
• One output port, EWM_out, when asserted is used to reset or place the external
circuit into safe mode.
• One Input port, EWM_in, allows an external circuit to control the EWM_out signal.

22.1.2 Modes of Operation

This section describes the module's operating modes. Stop Mode

When the EWM is in stop mode, the CPU services to the EWM cannot occur. On entry to
stop mode, the EWM’s counter freezes.
There are two possible ways to exit from Stop mode:
• On exit from stop mode through a reset, the EWM remains disabled.
• On exit from stop mode by an interrupt, the EWM is re-enabled, and the counter
continues to be clocked from the same value prior to entry to stop mode.

Note the following if the EWM enters the stop mode during CPU service mechanism: At
the exit from stop mode by an interrupt, refresh mechanism state machine starts from the
previous state which means, if first service command is written correctly and EWM
enters the stop mode immediately, the next command has to be written within the next 15
(EWM_service_time) peripheral bus clocks after exiting from stop mode. User must mask
all interrupts prior to executing EWM service instructions.

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Chapter 22 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM) Wait Mode

The EWM module treats the stop and wait modes as the same. EWM functionality
remains the same in both of these modes. Debug Mode

Entry to debug mode has no effect on the EWM.
• If the EWM is enabled prior to entry of debug mode, it remains enabled.
• If the EWM is disabled prior to entry of debug mode, it remains disabled.

22.1.3 Block Diagram

This figure shows the EWM block diagram.

Clock Gating
Low Power Cell
Clock Reset to Counter Counter Overflow

EWM refresh CPU Reset

EWM_out EWM enable

Counter >Compare High

EWM Out AND Counter < Compare Low

EWM_out ((EWM_in ^ assert_in) ||
~EWM_in_enable) 1

Compare High > Counter > Compare Low

Figure 22-1. EWM Block Diagram

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EWM Signal Descriptions

22.2 EWM Signal Descriptions

The EWM has two external signals, as shown in the following table.
Table 22-1. EWM Signal Descriptions
Signal Description I/O
EWM_in EWM input for safety status of external safety circuits. The polarity of I
EWM_in is programmable using the EWM_CTRL[ASSIN] bit. The default
polarity is active-low.
EWM_out EWM reset out signal O

22.3 Memory Map/Register Definition

This section contains the module memory map and registers.
EWM memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_1000 Control Register (EWM_CTRL) 8 R/W 00h 22.3.1/474
4006_1001 Service Register (EWM_SERV) 8 (always 00h 22.3.2/475
reads 0)
4006_1002 Compare Low Register (EWM_CMPL) 8 R/W 00h 22.3.3/475
4006_1003 Compare High Register (EWM_CMPH) 8 R/W FFh 22.3.4/476

22.3.1 Control Register (EWM_CTRL)

The CTRL register is cleared by any reset.
INEN, ASSIN and EWMEN bits can be written once after a
CPU reset. Modifying these bits more than once, generates a
bus transfer error.
Address: 4006_1000h base + 0h offset = 4006_1000h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Chapter 22 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM)

EWM_CTRL field descriptions

Field Description
7–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Interrupt Enable.
This bit when set and EWM_out is asserted, an interrupt request is generated. To de-assert interrupt
request, user should clear this bit by writing 0.
2 Input Enable.
This bit when set, enables the EWM_in port.
1 EWM_in's Assertion State Select.
Default assert state of the EWM_in signal is logic zero. Setting ASSIN bit inverts the assert state to a logic
0 EWM enable.
This bit when set, enables the EWM module. This resets the EWM counter to zero and deasserts the
EWM_out signal. Clearing EWMEN bit disables the EWM, and therefore it cannot be enabled until a reset
occurs, due to the write-once nature of this bit.

22.3.2 Service Register (EWM_SERV)

The SERV register provides the interface from the CPU to the EWM module. It is write-
only and reads of this register return zero.
Address: 4006_1000h base + 1h offset = 4006_1001h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

EWM_SERV field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 The EWM service mechanism requires the CPU to write two values to the SERV register: a first data byte
SERVICE of 0xB4, followed by a second data byte of 0x2C. The EWM service is illegal if either of the following
conditions is true.
• The first or second data byte is not written correctly.
• The second data byte is not written within a fixed number of peripheral bus cycles of the first data
byte. This fixed number of cycles is called EWM_service_time.

22.3.3 Compare Low Register (EWM_CMPL)

The CMPL register is reset to zero after a CPU reset. This provides no minimum time for
the CPU to service the EWM counter.

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Memory Map/Register Definition

This register can be written only once after a CPU reset.
Writing this register more than once generates a bus transfer
Address: 4006_1000h base + 2h offset = 4006_1002h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

EWM_CMPL field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 To prevent runaway code from changing this field, software should write to this field after a CPU reset
COMPAREL even if the (default) minimum service time is required.

22.3.4 Compare High Register (EWM_CMPH)

The CMPH register is reset to 0xFF after a CPU reset. This provides a maximum of 256
clocks time, for the CPU to service the EWM counter.
This register can be written only once after a CPU reset.
Writing this register more than once generates a bus transfer
The valid values for CMPH are up to 0xFE because the EWM
counter never expires when CMPH = 0xFF. The expiration
happens only if EWM counter is greater than CMPH.
Address: 4006_1000h base + 3h offset = 4006_1003h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

EWM_CMPH field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 To prevent runaway code from changing this field, software should write to this field after a CPU reset
COMPAREH even if the (default) maximum service time is required.

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Chapter 22 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM)

22.4 Functional Description

The following sections describe functional details of the EWM module.

22.4.1 The EWM_out Signal

The EWM_out is a digital output signal used to gate an external circuit (application
specific) that controls critical safety functions. For example, the EWM_out could be
connected to the high voltage transistors circuits that control an AC motor in a large
The EWM_out signal remains deasserted when the EWM is being regularly serviced by
the CPU within the programmable service window, indicating that the application code is
executed as expected.
The EWM_out signal is asserted in any of the following conditions:
• Servicing the EWM when the counter value is less than CMPL value.
• If the EWM counter value reaches the CMPH value, and no EWM service has
• Servicing the EWM when the counter value is more than CMPL and less than CMPH
values and EWM_in signal is asserted.
• After any reset (by the virtue of the external pull-down mechanism on the EWM_out

On a normal reset, the EWM_out is asserted. To deassert the EWM_out, set EWMEN bit
in the CTRL register to enable the EWM.
If the EWM_out signal shares its pad with a digital I/O pin, on reset this actual pad defers
to being an input signal. It takes the EWM_out output condition only after you enable the
EWM by the EWMEN bit in the CTRL register.
When the EWM_out pin is asserted, it can only be deasserted by forcing a MCU reset.
EWM_out pad must be in pull down state when EWM
functionality is used and when EWM is under Reset.

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Functional Description

22.4.2 The EWM_in Signal

The EWM_in is a digital input signal that allows an external circuit to control the
EWM_out signal. For example, in the application, an external circuit monitors a critical
safety function, and if there is fault with this circuit's behavior, it can then actively initiate
the EWM_out signal that controls the gating circuit.
The EWM_in signal is ignored if the EWM is disabled, or if INEN bit of CTRL register
is cleared, as after any reset.
On enabling the EWM (setting the CTRL[EWMEN] bit) and enabling EWM_in
functionality (setting the CTRL[INEN] bit), the EWM_in signal must be in the deasserted
state prior to the CPU servicing the EWM. This ensures that the EWM_out stays in the
deasserted state; otherwise, the EWM_out pin is asserted.
You must update the CMPH and CMPL registers prior to
enabling the EWM. After enabling the EWM, the counter resets
to zero, therefore providing a reasonable time after a power-on
reset for the external monitoring circuit to stabilize and ensure
that the EWM_in pin is deasserted.

22.4.3 EWM Counter

It is an 8-bit ripple counter fed from a clock source that is independent of the peripheral
bus clock source. As the preferred time-out is between 1 ms and 100 ms the actual clock
source should be in the kHz range.
The counter is reset to zero, after a CPU reset, or a EWM refresh cycle. The counter
value is not accessible to the CPU.

22.4.4 EWM Compare Registers

The compare registers CMPL and CMPH are write-once after a CPU reset and cannot be
modified until another CPU reset occurs.
The EWM compare registers are used to create a service window, which is used by the
CPU to service/refresh the EWM module.

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Chapter 22 External Watchdog Monitor (EWM)

• If the CPU services the EWM when the counter value lies between CMPL value and
CMPH value, the counter is reset to zero. This is a legal service operation.
• If the CPU executes a EWM service/refresh action outside the legal service window,
EWM_out is asserted.

It is illegal to program CMPL and CMPH with same value. In this case, as soon as
counter reaches (CMPL + 1), EWM_out is asserted.

22.4.5 EWM Refresh Mechanism

Other than the initial configuration of the EWM, the CPU can only access the EWM by
the EWM Service Register. The CPU must access the EWM service register with correct
write of unique data within the windowed time frame as determined by the CMPL and
CMPH registers. Therefore, three possible conditions can occur:
Table 22-7. EWM Refresh Mechanisms
Condition Mechanism
A unique EWM service occurs when CMPL The software behaves as expected and the counter of the EWM is reset to zero,
< Counter < CMPH. and EWM_out pin remains in the deasserted state.
Note: EWM_in pin is also assumed to be in the deasserted state.
A unique EWM service occurs when The software services the EWM and therefore resets the counter to zero and
Counter < CMPL asserts the EWM_out pin (irrespective of the EWM_in pin). The EWM_out pin is
expected to gate critical safety circuits.
Counter value reaches CMPH prior to a The counter value reaches the CMPH value and no service of the EWM resets
unique EWM service the counter to zero and assert the EWM_out pin (irrespective of the EWM_in
pin). The EWM_out pin is expected to gate critical safety circuits.

Any illegal service on EWM has no effect on EWM_out.

22.4.6 EWM Interrupt

When EWM_out is asserted, an interrupt request is generated to indicate the assertion of
the EWM reset out signal. This interrupt is enabled when CTRL[INTEN] is set. Clearing
this bit clears the interrupt request but does not affect EWM_out. The EWM_out signal
can be deasserted only by forcing a system reset.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 479
Functional Description

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480 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 23
Watchdog Timer (WDOG)

23.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The Watchdog Timer (WDOG) keeps a watch on the system functioning and resets it in
case of its failure. Reasons for failure include run-away software code and the stoppage
of the system clock that in a safety critical system can lead to serious consequences. In
such cases, the watchdog brings the system into a safe state of operation. The watchdog
monitors the operation of the system by expecting periodic communication from the
software, generally known as servicing or refreshing the watchdog. If this periodic
refreshing does not occur, the watchdog resets the system.

23.2 Features
The features of the Watchdog Timer (WDOG) include:
• Clock source input independent from CPU/bus clock. Choice between two clock
• Low-power oscillator (LPO)
• External system clock
• Unlock sequence for allowing updates to write-once WDOG control/configuration
• All WDOG control/configuration bits are writable once only within 256 bus clock
cycles of being unlocked.

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• You need to always update these bits after unlocking within 256 bus clock
cycles. Failure to update these bits resets the system.
• Programmable time-out period specified in terms of number of WDOG clock cycles.
• Ability to test WDOG timer and reset with a flag indicating watchdog test.
• Quick test—Small time-out value programmed for quick test.
• Byte test—Individual bytes of timer tested one at a time.
• Read-only access to the WDOG timer—Allows dynamic check that WDOG
timer is operational.
Reading the watchdog timer counter while running the
watchdog on the bus clock might not give the accurate
counter value.
• Windowed refresh option
• Provides robust check that program flow is faster than expected.
• Programmable window.
• Refresh outside window leads to reset.
• Robust refresh mechanism
• Write values of 0xA602 and 0xB480 to WDOG Refresh Register within 20 bus
clock cycles.
• Count of WDOG resets as they occur.
• Configurable interrupt on time-out to provide debug breadcrumbs. This is followed
by a reset after 256 bus clock cycles.

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482 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 23 Watchdog Timer (WDOG)

23.3 Functional overview

Disable Control/Configuration Unlock Sequence
bit changes N bus clk cycles after 2 Writes of data within K bus clock
unlocking cycles of each other Refresh Sequence
2 writes of data within K
0xC520 bus clock cycles of each
N bus clk cycles
0xD928 other

Allow update for N bus 0xB480

clk cycles


WINEN No unlock
STOPEN after reset
No config
R after unlocking Y

N bus clk cycles

WDOGT 32-bit Modulus Reg
(Time-out Value) Invalid Refresh
DebugEN EN = = 1?
WDOG 32-bit Timer Refresh
CLKSRC Outside
Bus Clock
Window N

Timer Time-out System reset

WDOGTEST and SRS register
Unlock Seq

reset count
Alt Clock Clock WDOG CLK WDOGEN = WDOG Enable
Selection WINEN = Windowed Mode Enable
Fn Test WDOGT = WDOG Time-out Value
Clock WDOGCLKSRC = WDOG Clock Source
WDOG Test = WDOG Test Mode
WAIT EN = Enable in wait mode
STOP EN = Enable in stop mode

Debug EN = Enable in debug mode

SRS = System Reset Status Register
R = Timer Reload

Figure 23-1. WDOG operation

The preceding figure shows the operation of the watchdog. The values for N and K are:
• N = 256
• K = 20

The watchdog is a fail safe mechanism that brings the system into a known initial state in
case of its failure due to CPU clock stopping or a run-away condition in code execution.
In its simplest form, the watchdog timer runs continuously off a clock source and expects

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 483
Functional overview

to be serviced periodically, failing which it resets the system. This ensures that the
software is executing correctly and has not run away in an unintended direction. Software
can adjust the period of servicing or the time-out value for the watchdog timer to meet the
needs of the application.
You can select a windowed mode of operation that expects the servicing to be done only
in a particular window of the time-out period. An attempted servicing of the watchdog
outside this window results in a reset. By operating in this mode, you can get an
indication of whether the code is running faster than expected. The window length is also
user programmable.
If a system fails to update/refresh the watchdog due to an unknown and persistent cause,
it will be caught in an endless cycle of resets from the watchdog. To analyze the cause of
such conditions, you can program the watchdog to first issue an interrupt, followed by a
reset. In the interrupt service routine, the software can analyze the system stack to aid
To enhance the independence of watchdog from the system, it runs off an independent
LPO oscillator clock. You can also switch over to an alternate clock source if required,
through a control register bit.

23.3.1 Unlocking and updating the watchdog

As long as ALLOW_UPDATE in the watchdog control register is set, you can unlock
and modify the write-once-only control and configuration registers:
1. Write 0xC520 followed by 0xD928 within 20 bus clock cycles to a specific unlock
register (WDOG_UNLOCK).
2. Wait one bus clock cycle. You cannot update registers on the bus clock cycle
immediately following the write of the unlock sequence.
3. An update window equal in length to the watchdog configuration time (WCT) opens.
Within this window, you can update the configuration and control register bits.
These register bits can be modified only once after unlocking.
If none of the configuration and control registers is updated within the update window,
the watchdog issues a reset, that is, interrupt-then-reset, to the system. Trying to unlock
the watchdog within the WCT after an initial unlock has no effect. During the update
operation, the watchdog timer is not paused and continues running in the background.
After the update window closes, the watchdog timer restarts and the watchdog functions
according to the new configuration.

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Chapter 23 Watchdog Timer (WDOG)

The update feature is useful for applications that have an initial, non-safety critical part,
where the watchdog is kept disabled or with a conveniently long time-out period. This
means the application coder does not have to frequently service the watchdog. After the
critical part of the application begins, the watchdog can be reconfigured as needed.
The watchdog issues a reset, that is, interrupt-then-reset if enabled, to the system for any
of these invalid unlock sequences:
• You write any value other than 0xC520 or 0xD928 to the unlock register.
• ALLOW_UPDATE is set and you allow a gap of more than 20 bus clock cycles
between the writing of the unlock sequence values.
An attempted refresh operation between the two writes of the unlock sequence and in the
WCT time following a successful unlock, goes undetected. Also, see Watchdog
Operation with 8-bit access for guidelines related to 8-bit accesses to the unlock register.
A context switch during unlocking and refreshing may lead to a
watchdog reset.

23.3.2 Watchdog configuration time (WCT)

To prevent unintended modification of the watchdog's control and configuration register
bits, you are allowed to update them only within a period of 256 bus clock cycles after
unlocking. This period is known as the watchdog configuration time (WCT). In addition,
these register bits can be modified only once after unlocking them for editing, even after
You must unlock the registers within WCT after system reset, failing which the WDOG
issues a reset to the system. In other words, you must write at least the first word of the
unlocking sequence within the WCT after reset. After this is done, you have a further 20
bus clock cycles, the maximum allowed gap between the words of the unlock sequence,
to complete the unlocking operation. Thereafter, to make sure that you do not forget to
configure the watchdog, the watchdog issues a reset if none of the WDOG control and
configuration registers is updated in the WCT after unlock. After the close of this
window or after the first write, these register bits are locked out from any further
The watchdog timer keeps running according to its default configuration through
unlocking and update operations that can extend up to a maximum total of 2xWCT + 20
bus clock cycles. Therefore, it must be ensured that the time-out value for the watchdog
is always greater than 2xWCT time + 20 bus clock cycles.

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Functional overview

Updates in the write-once registers take effect only after the WCT window closes with
the following exceptions for which changes take effect immediately:
• Stop, Wait, and Debug mode enable

The operations of refreshing the watchdog goes undetected during the WCT.

23.3.3 Refreshing the watchdog

A robust refreshing mechanism has been chosen for the watchdog. A valid refresh is a
write of 0xA602 followed by 0xB480 within 20 bus clock cycles to watchdog refresh
register. If these two values are written more than 20 bus cycles apart or if something
other than these two values is written to the register, a watchdog reset, or interrupt-then-
reset if enabled, is issued to the system. A valid refresh makes the watchdog timer restart
on the next bus clock. Also, an attempted unlock operation in between the two writes of
the refresh sequence goes undetected. See Watchdog Operation with 8-bit access for
guidelines related to 8-bit accesses to the refresh register.

23.3.4 Windowed mode of operation

In this mode of operation, a restriction is placed on the point in time within the time-out
period at which the watchdog can be refreshed. The refresh is considered valid only when
the watchdog timer increments beyond a certain count as specified by the watchdog
window register. This is known as refreshing the watchdog within a window of the total
time-out period. If a refresh is attempted before the timer reaches the window value, the
watchdog generates a reset, or interrupt-then-reset if enabled. If there is no refresh at all,
the watchdog times out and generates a reset or interrupt-then-reset if enabled.

23.3.5 Watchdog disabled mode of operation

When the watchdog is disabled through the WDOG_EN bit in the watchdog status and
control register, the watchdog timer is reset to zero and is disabled from counting until
you enable it or it is enabled again by the system reset. In this mode, the watchdog timer
cannot be refreshed–there is no requirement to do so while the timer is disabled.
However, the watchdog still generates a reset, or interrupt-then-reset if enabled, on a non-

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Chapter 23 Watchdog Timer (WDOG)

time-out exception. See Generated Resets and Interrupts. You need to unlock the
watchdog before enabling it. A system reset brings the watchdog out of the disabled

23.3.6 Low-power modes of operation

The low-power modes of operation of the watchdog are described in the following table:
Table 23-1. Low-power modes of operation
Mode Behavior
Wait If the WDOG is enabled (WAIT_EN = 1), it can run on bus clock or low-power oscillator clock
(CLK_SRC = x) to generate interrupt (IRQ_RST_EN=1) followed by a reset on time-out. After
reset the WDOG reset counter increments by one.
Stop Where the bus clock is gated, the WDOG can run only on low-power oscillator clock
(CLK_SRC=0) if it is enabled in stop (STOP_EN=1). In this case, the WDOG runs to time-out
twice, and then generates a reset from its backup circuitry. Therefore, if you program the
watchdog to time-out after 100 ms and then enter such a stop mode, the reset will occur after
200 ms. Also, in this case, no interrupt will be generated irrespective of the value of
IRQ_RST_EN bit. After WDOG reset, the WDOG reset counter will also not increment.
Power-Down The watchdog is powered off.

23.3.7 Debug modes of operation

You can program the watchdog to disable in debug modes through DBG_EN in the
watchdog control register. This results in the watchdog timer pausing for the duration of
the mode. Register read/writes are still allowed, which means that operations like refresh,
unlock, and so on are allowed. Upon exit from the mode, the timer resumes its operation
from the point of pausing.
The entry of the system into the debug mode does not excuse it from compulsorily
configuring the watchdog in the WCT time after unlock, unless the system bus clock is
gated off, in which case the internal state machine pauses too. Failing to do so still results
in a reset, or interrupt-then-reset, if enabled, to the system. Also, all of the exception
conditions that result in a reset to the system, as described in Generated Resets and
Interrupts, are still valid in this mode. So, if an exception condition occurs and the system
bus clock is on, a reset occurs, or interrupt-then-reset, if enabled.
The entry into Debug mode within WCT after reset is treated differently. The WDOG
timer is kept reset to zero and there is no need to unlock and configure it within WCT.
You must not try to refresh or unlock the WDOG in this state or unknown behavior may
result. Upon exit from this mode, the WDOG timer restarts and the WDOG has to be
unlocked and configured within WCT.

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Testing the watchdog

23.4 Testing the watchdog

For IEC 60730 and other safety standards, the expectation is that anything that monitors a
safety function must be tested, and this test is required to be fault tolerant. To test the
watchdog, its main timer and its associated compare and reset logic must be tested. To
this end, two tests are implemented for the watchdog, as described in Quick Test and
Byte Test. A control bit is provided to put the watchdog into functional test mode. There
is also an overriding test-disable control bit which allows the functional test mode to be
disabled permanently. After it is set, this test-disable bit can only be cleared by a reset.
These two tests achieve the overall aim of testing the counter functioning and the
compare and reset logic.
Do not enable the watchdog interrupt during these tests. If
required, you must ensure that the effective time-out value is
greater than WCT time. See Generated Resets and Interrupts for
more details.
To run a particular test:
1. Select either quick test or byte test..
2. Set a certain test mode bit to put the watchdog in the functional test mode. Setting
this bit automatically switches the watchdog timer to a fast clock source. The
switching of the clock source is done to achieve a faster time-out and hence a faster
In a successful test, the timer times out after reaching the programmed time-out value and
generates a system reset.
After emerging from a reset due to a watchdog test, unlock and
configure the watchdog. The refresh and unlock operations and
interrupt are not automatically disabled in the test mode.

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Chapter 23 Watchdog Timer (WDOG)

23.4.1 Quick test

In this test, the time-out value of watchdog timer is programmed to a very low value to
achieve quick time-out. The only difference between the quick test and the normal mode
of the watchdog is that TESTWDOG is set for the quick test. This allows for a faster test
of the watchdog reset mechanism.

23.4.2 Byte test

The byte test is a more thorough a test of the watchdog timer. In this test, the timer is split
up into its constituent byte-wide stages that are run independently and tested for time-out
against the corresponding byte of the time-out value register. The following figure
explains the splitting concept:

Reset Value (Hardwired)

Modulus Register
(Time-out Value)
Byte 3 Byte 4
Byte 1 Byte 2

Test Equality Comparison Mod = = Timer?

32-bit Timer

Byte Byte Byte Byte

en en en
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4


Nth Stage Overflow Enables N + 1th Stage

Figure 23-2. Watchdog timer byte splitting

Each stage is an 8-bit synchronous counter followed by combinational logic that

generates an overflow signal. The overflow signal acts as an enable to the N + 1th stage.
In the test mode, when an individual byte, N, is tested, byte N – 1 is loaded forcefully
with 0xFF, and both these bytes are allowed to run off the clock source. By doing so, the
overflow signal from stage N – 1 is generated immediately, enabling counter stage N.
The Nth stage runs and compares with the Nth byte of the time-out value register. In this
way, the byte N is also tested along with the link between it and the preceding stage. No

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Backup reset generator

other stages, N – 2, N – 3... and N + 1, N + 2... are enabled for the test on byte N. These
disabled stages, except the most significant stage of the counter, are loaded with a value
of 0xFF.

23.5 Backup reset generator

The backup reset generator generates the final reset which goes out to the system. It has a
backup mechanism which ensures that in case the bus clock stops and prevents the main
state machine from generating a reset exception/interrupt, the watchdog timer's time-out
is separately routed out as a reset to the system. Two successive timer time-outs without
an intervening system reset result in the backup reset generator routing out the time-out
signal as a reset to the system.

23.6 Generated resets and interrupts

The watchdog generates a reset in the following events, also referred to as exceptions:
• A watchdog time-out
• Failure to unlock the watchdog within WCT time after system reset deassertion
• No update of the control and configuration registers within the WCT window after
unlocking. At least one of the following registers must be written to within the WCT
window to avoid reset:
• A value other than the unlock sequence or the refresh sequence is written to the
unlock and/or refresh registers, respectively.
• A gap of more than 20 bus cycles exists between the writes of two values of the
unlock sequence.
• A gap of more than 20 bus cycles exists between the writes of two values of the
refresh sequence.

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Chapter 23 Watchdog Timer (WDOG)

The watchdog can also generate an interrupt. If IRQ_RST_EN is set, then on the above
mentioned events WDOG_ST_CTRL_L[INT_FLG] is set, generating an interrupt. A
watchdog reset is also generated WCT time later to ensure the watchdog is fault tolerant.
The interrupt can be cleared by writing 1 to INT_FLG.
The gap of WCT between interrupt and reset means that the WDOG time-out value must
be greater than WCT. Otherwise, if the interrupt was generated due to a time-out, a
second consecutive time-out will occur in that WCT gap. This will trigger the backup
reset generator to generate a reset to the system, prematurely ending the interrupt service
routine execution. Also, jobs such as counting the number of watchdog resets would not
be done.

23.7 Memory map and register definition

This section consists of the memory map and register descriptions.
WDOG memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
Watchdog Status and Control Register High
4005_2000 16 R/W 01D3h 23.7.1/492
Watchdog Status and Control Register Low
4005_2002 16 R/W 0001h 23.7.2/493
4005_2004 Watchdog Time-out Value Register High (WDOG_TOVALH) 16 R/W 004Ch 23.7.3/494
4005_2006 Watchdog Time-out Value Register Low (WDOG_TOVALL) 16 R/W 4B4Ch 23.7.4/494
4005_2008 Watchdog Window Register High (WDOG_WINH) 16 R/W 0000h 23.7.5/495
4005_200A Watchdog Window Register Low (WDOG_WINL) 16 R/W 0010h 23.7.6/495
4005_200C Watchdog Refresh register (WDOG_REFRESH) 16 R/W B480h 23.7.7/496
4005_200E Watchdog Unlock register (WDOG_UNLOCK) 16 R/W D928h 23.7.8/496
4005_2010 Watchdog Timer Output Register High (WDOG_TMROUTH) 16 R/W 0000h 23.7.9/496
4005_2012 Watchdog Timer Output Register Low (WDOG_TMROUTL) 16 R/W 0000h 23.7.10/497
4005_2014 Watchdog Reset Count register (WDOG_RSTCNT) 16 R/W 0000h 23.7.11/497
4005_2016 Watchdog Prescaler register (WDOG_PRESC) 16 R/W 0400h 23.7.12/498

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Memory map and register definition

23.7.1 Watchdog Status and Control Register High

Address: 4005_2000h base + 0h offset = 4005_2000h

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Read 0 0









Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1

WDOG_STCTRLH field descriptions

Field Description
15 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
14 Allows the WDOG’s functional test mode to be disabled permanently. After it is set, it can only be cleared
DISTESTWDOG by a reset. It cannot be unlocked for editing after it is set.

0 WDOG functional test mode is not disabled.

1 WDOG functional test mode is disabled permanently until reset.
13–12 This 2-bit field selects the byte to be tested when the watchdog is in the byte test mode.
00 Byte 0 selected
01 Byte 1 selected
10 Byte 2 selected
11 Byte 3 selected
11 Effective only if TESTWDOG is set. Selects the test to be run on the watchdog timer.
0 Quick test. The timer runs in normal operation. You can load a small time-out value to do a quick test.
1 Byte test. Puts the timer in the byte test mode where individual bytes of the timer are enabled for
operation and are compared for time-out against the corresponding byte of the programmed time-out
value. Select the byte through BYTESEL[1:0] for testing.
10 Puts the watchdog in the functional test mode. In this mode, the watchdog timer and the associated
TESTWDOG compare and reset generation logic is tested for correct operation. The clock for the timer is switched from
the main watchdog clock to the fast clock input for watchdog functional test. The TESTSEL bit selects the
test to be run.
9 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
8 This field is reserved.
7 Enables or disables WDOG in Wait mode.
0 WDOG is disabled in CPU Wait mode.
1 WDOG is enabled in CPU Wait mode.
6 Enables or disables WDOG in Stop mode.
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 23 Watchdog Timer (WDOG)

WDOG_STCTRLH field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 WDOG is disabled in CPU Stop mode.
1 WDOG is enabled in CPU Stop mode.
5 Enables or disables WDOG in Debug mode.
0 WDOG is disabled in CPU Debug mode.
1 WDOG is enabled in CPU Debug mode.
4 Enables updates to watchdog write-once registers, after the reset-triggered initial configuration window
ALLOWUPDATE (WCT) closes, through unlock sequence.

0 No further updates allowed to WDOG write-once registers.

1 WDOG write-once registers can be unlocked for updating.
3 Enables Windowing mode.
0 Windowing mode is disabled.
1 Windowing mode is enabled.
2 Used to enable the debug breadcrumbs feature. A change in this bit is updated immediately, as opposed
IRQRSTEN to updating after WCT.

0 WDOG time-out generates reset only.

1 WDOG time-out initially generates an interrupt. After WCT, it generates a reset.
1 Selects clock source for the WDOG timer and other internal timing operations.
0 WDOG clock sourced from LPO .
1 WDOG clock sourced from alternate clock source.
0 Enables or disables the WDOG’s operation. In the disabled state, the watchdog timer is kept in the reset
WDOGEN state, but the other exception conditions can still trigger a reset/interrupt. A change in the value of this bit
must be held for more than one WDOG_CLK cycle for the WDOG to be enabled or disabled.

0 WDOG is disabled.
1 WDOG is enabled.

23.7.2 Watchdog Status and Control Register Low

Address: 4005_2000h base + 2h offset = 4005_2002h

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Read INTFLG Reserved
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read Reserved
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

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Memory map and register definition

WDOG_STCTRLL field descriptions

Field Description
15 Interrupt flag. It is set when an exception occurs. IRQRSTEN = 1 is a precondition to set this flag. INTFLG
INTFLG = 1 results in an interrupt being issued followed by a reset, WCT later. The interrupt can be cleared by
writing 1 to this bit. It also gets cleared on a system reset.
14–0 This field is reserved.
NOTE: Do not modify this field value.

23.7.3 Watchdog Time-out Value Register High (WDOG_TOVALH)

Address: 4005_2000h base + 4h offset = 4005_2004h

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

WDOG_TOVALH field descriptions

Field Description
15–0 Defines the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit time-out value for the watchdog timer. It is defined in terms of cycles
TOVALHIGH of the watchdog clock.

23.7.4 Watchdog Time-out Value Register Low (WDOG_TOVALL)

The time-out value of the watchdog must be set to a minimum of four watchdog clock
cycles. This is to take into account the delay in new settings taking effect in the watchdog
clock domain.
Address: 4005_2000h base + 6h offset = 4005_2006h

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

WDOG_TOVALL field descriptions

Field Description
15–0 Defines the lower 16 bits of the 32-bit time-out value for the watchdog timer. It is defined in terms of cycles
TOVALLOW of the watchdog clock.

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Chapter 23 Watchdog Timer (WDOG)

23.7.5 Watchdog Window Register High (WDOG_WINH)

You must set the Window Register value lower than the Time-
out Value Register.
Address: 4005_2000h base + 8h offset = 4005_2008h

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WDOG_WINH field descriptions

Field Description
15–0 Defines the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit window for the windowed mode of operation of the watchdog. It is
WINHIGH defined in terms of cycles of the watchdog clock. In this mode, the watchdog can be refreshed only when
the timer has reached a value greater than or equal to this window length. A refresh outside this window
resets the system or if IRQRSTEN is set, it interrupts and then resets the system.

23.7.6 Watchdog Window Register Low (WDOG_WINL)

You must set the Window Register value lower than the Time-
out Value Register.
Address: 4005_2000h base + Ah offset = 4005_200Ah

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

WDOG_WINL field descriptions

Field Description
15–0 Defines the lower 16 bits of the 32-bit window for the windowed mode of operation of the watchdog. It is
WINLOW defined in terms of cycles of the pre-scaled watchdog clock. In this mode, the watchdog can be refreshed
only when the timer reaches a value greater than or equal to this window length value. A refresh outside of
this window resets the system or if IRQRSTEN is set, it interrupts and then resets the system.

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Memory map and register definition

23.7.7 Watchdog Refresh register (WDOG_REFRESH)

Address: 4005_2000h base + Ch offset = 4005_200Ch

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WDOG_REFRESH field descriptions

Field Description
15–0 Watchdog refresh register. A sequence of 0xA602 followed by 0xB480 within 20 bus clock cycles written
WDOGREFRESH to this register refreshes the WDOG and prevents it from resetting the system. Writing a value other than
the above mentioned sequence or if the sequence is longer than 20 bus cycles, resets the system, or if
IRQRSTEN is set, it interrupts and then resets the system.

23.7.8 Watchdog Unlock register (WDOG_UNLOCK)

Address: 4005_2000h base + Eh offset = 4005_200Eh

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

WDOG_UNLOCK field descriptions

Field Description
15–0 Writing the unlock sequence values to this register to makes the watchdog write-once registers writable
WDOGUNLOCK again. The required unlock sequence is 0xC520 followed by 0xD928 within 20 bus clock cycles. A valid
unlock sequence opens a window equal in length to the WCT within which you can update the registers.
Writing a value other than the above mentioned sequence or if the sequence is longer than 20 bus cycles,
resets the system or if IRQRSTEN is set, it interrupts and then resets the system. The unlock sequence is
effective only if ALLOWUPDATE is set.

23.7.9 Watchdog Timer Output Register High (WDOG_TMROUTH)

Address: 4005_2000h base + 10h offset = 4005_2010h

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Chapter 23 Watchdog Timer (WDOG)

WDOG_TMROUTH field descriptions

Field Description
15–0 Shows the value of the upper 16 bits of the watchdog timer.

23.7.10 Watchdog Timer Output Register Low (WDOG_TMROUTL)

During Stop mode, the WDOG_TIMER_OUT will be caught at the pre-stop value of the
watchdog timer. After exiting Stop mode, a maximum delay of 1 WDOG_CLK cycle + 3
bus clock cycles will occur before the WDOG_TIMER_OUT starts following the
watchdog timer.
Address: 4005_2000h base + 12h offset = 4005_2012h

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WDOG_TMROUTL field descriptions

Field Description
15–0 Shows the value of the lower 16 bits of the watchdog timer.

23.7.11 Watchdog Reset Count register (WDOG_RSTCNT)

Address: 4005_2000h base + 14h offset = 4005_2014h

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WDOG_RSTCNT field descriptions

Field Description
15–0 Counts the number of times the watchdog resets the system. This register is reset only on a POR. Writing
RSTCNT 1 to the bit to be cleared enables you to clear the contents of this register.

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Watchdog operation with 8-bit access

23.7.12 Watchdog Prescaler register (WDOG_PRESC)

Address: 4005_2000h base + 16h offset = 4005_2016h

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WDOG_PRESC field descriptions

Field Description
15–11 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
10–8 3-bit prescaler for the watchdog clock source. A value of zero indicates no division of the input WDOG
PRESCVAL clock. The watchdog clock is divided by (PRESCVAL + 1) to provide the prescaled WDOG_CLK.
7–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

23.8 Watchdog operation with 8-bit access

23.8.1 General guideline

When performing 8-bit accesses to the watchdog's 16-bit registers where the intention is
to access both the bytes of a register, place the two 8-bit accesses one after the other in
your code.

23.8.2 Refresh and unlock operations with 8-bit access

One exception condition that generates a reset to the system is the write of any value
other than those required for a legal refresh/update sequence to the respective refresh and
unlock registers.
For an 8-bit access to these registers, writing a correct value requires at least two bus
clock cycles, resulting in an invalid value in the registers for one cycle. Therefore, the
system is reset even if the intention is to write a correct value to the refresh/unlock
register. Keeping this in mind, the exception condition for 8-bit accesses is slightly

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Chapter 23 Watchdog Timer (WDOG)

Whereas the match for a correct value for a refresh/unlock sequence is as according to the
original definition, the match for an incorrect value is done byte-wise on the refresh/
unlock rather than for the whole 16-bit value. This means that if the high byte of the
refresh/unlock register contains any value other than high bytes of the two values that
make up the sequence, it is treated as an exception condition, leading to a reset or
interrupt-then-reset. The same holds true for the lower byte of the refresh or unlock
register. Take the refresh operation that expects a write of 0xA602 followed by 0xB480
to the refresh register, as an example.
Table 23-15. Refresh for 8-bit access
Sequence value1 or Mismatch
value2 match exception
Current Value 0xB4 0x80 Value2 match No
Write 1 0xB4 0x02 No match No
Write 2 0xA6 0x02 Value1 match No
Write 3 0xB4 0x02 No match No
Write 4 0xB4 0x80 Value2 match. No
Sequence complete.
Write 5 0x02 0x80 No match Yes

As shown in the preceding table, the refresh register holds its reset value initially.
Thereafter, two 8-bit accesses are performed on the register to write the first value of the
refresh sequence. No mismatch exception is registered on the intermediate write, Write1.
The sequence is completed by performing two more 8-bit accesses, writing in the second
value of the sequence for a successful refresh. It must be noted that the match of value2
takes place only when the complete 16-bit value is correctly written, write4. Hence, the
requirement of writing value2 of the sequence within 20 bus clock cycles of value1 is
checked by measuring the gap between write2 and write4.
It is reiterated that the condition for matching values 1 and 2 of the refresh or unlock
sequence remains unchanged. It is only the criterion for detecting a wrong value in these
registers which has been relaxed, as explained, for 8-bit accesses. Any 16-bit access still
needs to adhere to the original guidelines, mentioned in the sections Refreshing the

23.9 Restrictions on watchdog operation

This section mentions some exceptions to the watchdog operation that may not be
apparent to you.

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Restrictions on watchdog operation

• Restriction on unlock/refresh operations—In the period between the closure of the

WCT window after unlock and the actual reload of the watchdog timer, unlock and
refresh operations need not be attempted.
• The update and reload of the watchdog timer happens two to three watchdog clocks
after WCT window closes, following a successful configuration on unlock.
• Clock Switching Delay—The watchdog uses glitch-free multiplexers at two places –
one to choose between the LPO oscillator input and alternate clock input, and the
other to choose between the watchdog functional clock and fast clock input for
watchdog functional test. A maximum time period of ~2 clock A cycles plus ~2
clock B cycles elapses from the time a switch is requested to the occurrence of the
actual clock switch, where clock A and B are the two input clocks to the clock mux.
• For the windowed mode, there is a two to three bus clock latency between the
watchdog counter going past the window value and the same registering in the bus
clock domain.
• For proper operation of the watchdog, the watchdog clock must be at least five times
slower than the system bus clock at all times. An exception is when the watchdog
clock is synchronous to the bus clock wherein the watchdog clock can be as fast as
the bus clock.
• WCT must be equivalent to at least three watchdog clock cycles. If not ensured, this
means that even after the close of the WCT window, you have to wait for the
synchronized system reset to deassert in the watchdog clock domain, before
expecting the configuration updates to take effect.
• The time-out value of the watchdog should be set to a minimum of four watchdog
clock cycles. This is to take into account the delay in new settings taking effect in the
watchdog clock domain.
• You must take care not only to refresh the watchdog within the watchdog timer's
actual time-out period, but also provide enough allowance for the time it takes for the
refresh sequence to be detected by the watchdog timer, on the watchdog clock.
• Updates cannot be made in the bus clock cycle immediately following the write of
the unlock sequence, but one bus clock cycle later.
• It should be ensured that the time-out value for the watchdog is always greater than
2xWCT time + 20 bus clock cycles.
• An attempted refresh operation, in between the two writes of the unlock sequence
and in the WCT time following a successful unlock, will go undetected.

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Chapter 23 Watchdog Timer (WDOG)

• Trying to unlock the watchdog within the WCT time after an initial unlock has no
• The refresh and unlock operations and interrupt are not automatically disabled in the
watchdog functional test mode.
• After emerging from a reset due to a watchdog functional test, you are still expected
to go through the mandatory steps of unlocking and configuring the watchdog. The
watchdog continues to be in its functional test mode and therefore you should pull
the watchdog out of the functional test mode within WCT time of reset.
• After emerging from a reset due to a watchdog functional test, you still need to go
through the mandatory steps of unlocking and configuring the watchdog.
• You must ensure that both the clock inputs to the glitchless clock multiplexers are
alive during the switching of clocks. Failure to do so results in a loss of clock at their
• There is a gap of two to three watchdog clock cycles from the point that stop mode is
entered to the watchdog timer actually pausing, due to synchronization. The same
holds true for an exit from the stop mode, this time resulting in a two to three
watchdog clock cycle delay in the timer restarting. In case the duration of the stop
mode is less than one watchdog clock cycle, the watchdog timer is not guaranteed to
• Consider the case when the first refresh value is written, following which the system
enters stop mode with system bus clk still on. If the second refresh value is not
written within 20 bus cycles of the first value, the system is reset, or interrupt-then-
reset if enabled.

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Restrictions on watchdog operation

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502 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 24
Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

24.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The multipurpose clock generator (MCG) module provides several clock source choices
for the MCU. The module contains a frequency-locked loop (FLL) and a phase-locked
loop (PLL). The FLL is controllable by either an internal or an external reference clock.
The PLL is controllable by the external reference clock. The module can select either of
the FLL or PLL output clocks, or either of the internal or external reference clocks as a
source for the MCU system clock. The MCG operates in conjuction with a crystal
oscillator, which allows an external crystal, ceramic resonator, or another external clock
source to produce the external reference clock.

24.1.1 Features
Key features of the MCG module are:
• Frequency-locked loop (FLL):
• Digitally-controlled oscillator (DCO)
• DCO frequency range is programmable for up to four different frequency ranges.
• Option to program and maximize DCO output frequency for a low frequency
external reference clock source.
• Option to prevent FLL from resetting its current locked frequency when
switching clock modes if FLL reference frequency is not changed.

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• Internal or external reference clock can be used as the FLL source.

• Can be used as a clock source for other on-chip peripherals.
• Phase-locked loop (PLL):
• Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)
• External reference clock is used as the PLL source.
• Modulo VCO frequency divider
• Phase/Frequency detector
• Integrated loop filter
• Can be used as a clock source for other on-chip peripherals.
• Internal reference clock generator:
• Slow clock with nine trim bits for accuracy
• Fast clock with four trim bits
• Can be used as source clock for the FLL. In FEI mode, only the slow Internal
Reference Clock (IRC) can be used as the FLL source.
• Either the slow or the fast clock can be selected as the clock source for the MCU.
• Can be used as a clock source for other on-chip peripherals.
• Control signals for the MCG external reference low power oscillator clock generators
are provided:
• External clock from the Crystal Oscillator :
• Can be used as a source for the FLL and/or the PLL.
• Can be selected as the clock source for the MCU.
• External clock from the Real Time Counter (RTC):
• Can only be used as a source for the FLL.
• Can be selected as the clock source for the MCU.
• External clock monitor with reset and interrupt request capability to check for
external clock failure when running in FBE, PEE, BLPE, or FEE modes
• Lock detector with interrupt request capability for use with the PLL

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Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

• Internal Reference Clocks Auto Trim Machine (ATM) capability using an external
clock as a reference
• Reference dividers for both the FLL and PLL are provided
• Reference dividers for the Fast Internal Reference Clock are provided
• MCG PLL Clock (MCGPLLCLK) is provided as a clock source for other on-chip
• MCG FLL Clock (MCGFLLCLK) is provided as a clock source for other on-chip
• MCG Fixed Frequency Clock (MCGFFCLK) is provided as a clock source for other
on-chip peripherals
• MCG Internal Reference Clock (MCGIRCLK) is provided as a clock source for other
on-chip peripherals

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Crystal Oscillator

External Reference Clock

OSCINIT0 PLLCLKEN0 MCG Crystal Oscillator
EREFS0 IREFS Enable Detect

Auto Trim Machine IREFSTEN



Clock Slow Clock
Generator Fast Clock / 2n IRCSCLK


Clock DMX32 Filter DCO


LP Valid
/ 2n
n=0-7 / 25 Sync

/(1,2,3,4,5....,25) Phase Charge
Detector Pump VCO Lock
PLLCLKEN0 Detector
IREFST Internal
Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

Crystal Oscillator

External Reference Clock

OSCINIT0 PLLCLKEN0 MCG Crystal Oscillator
K20 Sub-Family IREFS Rev. 1.1, DecEnable
Reference Manual,
EREFS0 2012Detect
506 ATMS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

24.1.2 Modes of Operation

There are nine modes of operation for the MCG: FEI, FEE, FBI, FBE, PBE, PEE, BLPI,
BLPE, and Stop. For details, see MCG modes of operation.

24.2 External Signal Description

There are no MCG signals that connect off chip.

24.3 Memory Map/Register Definition

This section includes the memory map and register definition.
The MCG registers can only be written to when in supervisor mode. Write accesses when
in user mode will result in a bus error. Read accesses may be performed in both
supervisor and user modes.
MCG memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_4000 MCG Control 1 Register (MCG_C1) 8 R/W 04h 24.3.1/508
4006_4001 MCG Control 2 Register (MCG_C2) 8 R/W 80h 24.3.2/509
4006_4002 MCG Control 3 Register (MCG_C3) 8 R/W Undefined 24.3.3/510
4006_4003 MCG Control 4 Register (MCG_C4) 8 R/W Undefined 24.3.4/511
4006_4004 MCG Control 5 Register (MCG_C5) 8 R/W 00h 24.3.5/512
4006_4005 MCG Control 6 Register (MCG_C6) 8 R/W 00h 24.3.6/513
4006_4006 MCG Status Register (MCG_S) 8 R 10h 24.3.7/515
4006_4008 MCG Status and Control Register (MCG_SC) 8 R/W 02h 24.3.8/516
MCG Auto Trim Compare Value High Register
4006_400A 8 R/W 00h 24.3.9/518
MCG Auto Trim Compare Value Low Register 24.3.10/
4006_400B 8 R/W 00h
4006_400C MCG Control 7 Register (MCG_C7) 8 R/W 00h
4006_400D MCG Control 8 Register (MCG_C8) 8 R/W 80h

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Memory Map/Register Definition

24.3.1 MCG Control 1 Register (MCG_C1)

Address: 4006_4000h base + 0h offset = 4006_4000h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

MCG_C1 field descriptions

Field Description
7–6 Clock Source Select
Selects the clock source for MCGOUTCLK .

00 Encoding 0 — Output of FLL or PLL is selected (depends on PLLS control bit).

01 Encoding 1 — Internal reference clock is selected.
10 Encoding 2 — External reference clock is selected.
11 Encoding 3 — Reserved.
5–3 FLL External Reference Divider
Selects the amount to divide down the external reference clock for the FLL. The resulting frequency must
be in the range 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz (This is required when FLL/DCO is the clock source for
MCGOUTCLK . In FBE mode, it is not required to meet this range, but it is recommended in the cases
when trying to enter a FLL mode from FBE).

000 If RANGE 0 = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 1; for all other RANGE 0 values, Divide Factor is
001 If RANGE 0 = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 2; for all other RANGE 0 values, Divide Factor is
010 If RANGE 0 = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 4; for all other RANGE 0 values, Divide Factor is
011 If RANGE 0 = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 8; for all other RANGE 0 values, Divide Factor is
100 If RANGE 0 = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 16; for all other RANGE 0 values, Divide Factor is
101 If RANGE 0 = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 32; for all other RANGE 0 values, Divide Factor is
110 If RANGE 0 = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 64; for all other RANGE 0 values, Divide Factor is
1280 .
111 If RANGE 0 = 0 or OSCSEL=1 , Divide Factor is 128; for all other RANGE 0 values, Divide Factor is
1536 .
2 Internal Reference Select
Selects the reference clock source for the FLL.

0 External reference clock is selected.

1 The slow internal reference clock is selected.
1 Internal Reference Clock Enable
Enables the internal reference clock for use as MCGIRCLK.
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Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

MCG_C1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 MCGIRCLK inactive.
1 MCGIRCLK active.
0 Internal Reference Stop Enable
Controls whether or not the internal reference clock remains enabled when the MCG enters Stop mode.

0 Internal reference clock is disabled in Stop mode.

1 Internal reference clock is enabled in Stop mode if IRCLKEN is set or if MCG is in FEI, FBI, or BLPI
modes before entering Stop mode.

24.3.2 MCG Control 2 Register (MCG_C2)

Address: 4006_4000h base + 1h offset = 4006_4001h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MCG_C2 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Loss of Clock Reset Enable
Determines whether an interrupt or a reset request is made following a loss of OSC0 external reference
clock. The LOCRE0 only has an affect when CME0 is set.

0 Interrupt request is generated on a loss of OSC0 external reference clock.

1 Generate a reset request on a loss of OSC0 external reference clock.
6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5–4 Frequency Range Select
Selects the frequency range for the crystal oscillator or external clock source. See the Oscillator (OSC)
chapter for more details and the device data sheet for the frequency ranges used.

00 Encoding 0 — Low frequency range selected for the crystal oscillator .

01 Encoding 1 — High frequency range selected for the crystal oscillator .
1X Encoding 2 — Very high frequency range selected for the crystal oscillator .
3 High Gain Oscillator Select
Controls the crystal oscillator mode of operation. See the Oscillator (OSC) chapter for more details.

0 Configure crystal oscillator for low-power operation.

1 Configure crystal oscillator for high-gain operation.
2 External Reference Select
Selects the source for the external reference clock. See the Oscillator (OSC) chapter for more details.
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Memory Map/Register Definition

MCG_C2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 External reference clock requested.
1 Oscillator requested.
1 Low Power Select
Controls whether the FLL or PLL is disabled in BLPI and BLPE modes. In FBE or PBE modes, setting this
bit to 1 will transition the MCG into BLPE mode; in FBI mode, setting this bit to 1 will transition the MCG
into BLPI mode. In any other MCG mode, LP bit has no affect.

0 FLL or PLL is not disabled in bypass modes.

1 FLL or PLL is disabled in bypass modes (lower power)
0 Internal Reference Clock Select
Selects between the fast or slow internal reference clock source.

0 Slow internal reference clock selected.

1 Fast internal reference clock selected.

24.3.3 MCG Control 3 Register (MCG_C3)

Address: 4006_4000h base + 2h offset = 4006_4002h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

MCG_C3 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Slow Internal Reference Clock Trim Setting
SCTRIM 1 controls the slow internal reference clock frequency by controlling the slow internal reference
clock period. The SCTRIM bits are binary weighted, that is, bit 1 adjusts twice as much as bit 0. Increasing
the binary value increases the period, and decreasing the value decreases the period.
An additional fine trim bit is available in C4 register as the SCFTRIM bit. Upon reset, this value is loaded
with a factory trim value.
If an SCTRIM value stored in nonvolatile memory is to be used, it is your responsibility to copy that value
from the nonvolatile memory location to this register.

1. A value for SCTRIM is loaded during reset from a factory programmed location .

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510 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

24.3.4 MCG Control 4 Register (MCG_C4)

Reset values for DRST and DMX32 bits are 0.
Address: 4006_4000h base + 3h offset = 4006_4003h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.
• A value for FCTRIM is loaded during reset from a factory programmed location . x = Undefined at reset.

MCG_C4 field descriptions

Field Description
7 DCO Maximum Frequency with 32.768 kHz Reference
The DMX32 bit controls whether the DCO frequency range is narrowed to its maximum frequency with a
32.768 kHz reference.
The following table identifies settings for the DCO frequency range.

NOTE: The system clocks derived from this source should not exceed their specified maximums.

DRST_DRS DMX32 Reference Range FLL Factor DCO Range

00 0 31.25–39.0625 kHz 640 20–25 MHz
1 32.768 kHz 732 24 MHz
01 0 31.25–39.0625 kHz 1280 40–50 MHz
1 32.768 kHz 1464 48 MHz
10 0 31.25–39.0625 kHz 1920 60–75 MHz
1 32.768 kHz 2197 72 MHz
11 0 31.25–39.0625 kHz 2560 80–100 MHz
1 32.768 kHz 2929 96 MHz

0 DCO has a default range of 25%.

1 DCO is fine-tuned for maximum frequency with 32.768 kHz reference.
6–5 DCO Range Select
The DRS bits select the frequency range for the FLL output, DCOOUT. When the LP bit is set, writes to
the DRS bits are ignored. The DRST read field indicates the current frequency range for DCOOUT. The
DRST field does not update immediately after a write to the DRS field due to internal synchronization
between clock domains. See the DCO Frequency Range table for more details.

00 Encoding 0 — Low range (reset default).

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Memory Map/Register Definition

MCG_C4 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
01 Encoding 1 — Mid range.
10 Encoding 2 — Mid-high range.
11 Encoding 3 — High range.
4–1 Fast Internal Reference Clock Trim Setting
FCTRIM 1 controls the fast internal reference clock frequency by controlling the fast internal reference
clock period. The FCTRIM bits are binary weighted, that is, bit 1 adjusts twice as much as bit 0. Increasing
the binary value increases the period, and decreasing the value decreases the period.
If an FCTRIM[3:0] value stored in nonvolatile memory is to be used, it is your responsibility to copy that
value from the nonvolatile memory location to this register.
0 Slow Internal Reference Clock Fine Trim
SCFTRIM 2 controls the smallest adjustment of the slow internal reference clock frequency. Setting
SCFTRIM increases the period and clearing SCFTRIM decreases the period by the smallest amount
If an SCFTRIM value stored in nonvolatile memory is to be used, it is your responsibility to copy that value
from the nonvolatile memory location to this bit.

1. A value for FCTRIM is loaded during reset from a factory programmed location .
2. A value for SCFTRIM is loaded during reset from a factory programmed location .

24.3.5 MCG Control 5 Register (MCG_C5)

Address: 4006_4000h base + 4h offset = 4006_4004h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MCG_C5 field descriptions

Field Description
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6 PLL Clock Enable
Enables the PLL independent of PLLS and enables the PLL clock for use as MCGPLLCLK. (PRDIV 0
needs to be programmed to the correct divider to generate a PLL reference clock in the range of 2 - 4 MHz
range prior to setting the PLLCLKEN 0 bit). Setting PLLCLKEN 0 will enable the external oscillator if not
already enabled. Whenever the PLL is being enabled by means of the PLLCLKEN 0 bit, and the external
oscillator is being used as the reference clock, the OSCINIT 0 bit should be checked to make sure it is set.

0 MCGPLLCLK is inactive.
MCGPLLCLK is active.
5 PLL Stop Enable
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Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

MCG_C5 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Enables the PLL Clock during Normal Stop. In Low Power Stop mode, the PLL clock gets disabled even if
PLLSTEN 0 =1. All other power modes, PLLSTEN 0 bit has no affect and does not enable the PLL Clock
to run if it is written to 1.

0 MCGPLLCLK is disabled in any of the Stop modes.

MCGPLLCLK is enabled if system is in Normal Stop mode.
4–0 PLL External Reference Divider

Selects the amount to divide down the external reference clock for the PLL. The resulting frequency must
be in the range of 2 MHz to 4 MHz. After the PLL is enabled (by setting either PLLCLKEN 0 or PLLS), the
PRDIV 0 value must not be changed when LOCK 0 is zero.

Table 24-7. PLL External Reference Divide Factor

PRDIV Divide PRDIV Divide PRDIV Divide PRDIV Divide
0 Factor 0 Factor 0 Factor 0 Factor
00000 1 01000 9 10000 17 11000 25
00001 2 01001 10 10001 18 11001 Reserve
00010 3 01010 11 10010 19 11010 Reserve
00011 4 01011 12 10011 20 11011 Reserve
00100 5 01100 13 10100 21 11100 Reserve
00101 6 01101 14 10101 22 11101 Reserve
00110 7 01110 15 10110 23 11110 Reserve
00111 8 01111 16 10111 24 11111 Reserve

24.3.6 MCG Control 6 Register (MCG_C6)

Address: 4006_4000h base + 5h offset = 4006_4005h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MCG_C6 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Loss of Lock Interrrupt Enable
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Memory Map/Register Definition

MCG_C6 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Determines if an interrupt request is made following a loss of lock indication. This bit only has an effect
when LOLS 0 is set.

0 No interrupt request is generated on loss of lock.

1 Generate an interrupt request on loss of lock.
6 PLL Select
Controls whether the PLL or FLL output is selected as the MCG source when CLKS[1:0]=00. If the PLLS
bit is cleared and PLLCLKEN 0 is not set, the PLL is disabled in all modes. If the PLLS is set, the FLL is
disabled in all modes.

0 FLL is selected.
PLL is selected (PRDIV 0 need to be programmed to the correct divider to generate a PLL reference
clock in the range of 2–4 MHz prior to setting the PLLS bit).
5 Clock Monitor Enable
Enables the loss of clock monitoring circuit for the OSC0 external reference mux select. The LOCRE0 bit
will determine if a interrupt or a reset request is generated following a loss of OSC0 indication. The CME0
bit should only be set to a logic 1 when the MCG is in an operational mode that uses the external clock
(FEE, FBE, PEE, PBE, or BLPE) . Whenever the CME0 bit is set to a logic 1, the value of the RANGE0
bits in the C2 register should not be changed. CME0 bit should be set to a logic 0 before the MCG enters
any Stop mode. Otherwise, a reset request may occur while in Stop mode. CME0 should also be set to a
logic 0 before entering VLPR or VLPW power modes if the MCG is in BLPE mode.

0 External clock monitor is disabled for OSC0.

1 External clock monitor is enabled for OSC0.
4–0 VCO 0 Divider

Selects the amount to divide the VCO output of the PLL. The VDIV 0 bits establish the multiplication factor
(M) applied to the reference clock frequency. After the PLL is enabled (by setting either PLLCLKEN 0 or
PLLS), the VDIV 0 value must not be changed when LOCK 0 is zero.

Table 24-9. PLL VCO Divide Factor

VDIV 0 Multiply VDIV 0 Multiply VDIV 0 Multiply VDIV 0 Multiply
Factor Factor Factor Factor
00000 24 01000 32 10000 40 11000 48
00001 25 01001 33 10001 41 11001 49
00010 26 01010 34 10010 42 11010 50
00011 27 01011 35 10011 43 11011 51
00100 28 01100 36 10100 44 11100 52
00101 29 01101 37 10101 45 11101 53
00110 30 01110 38 10110 46 11110 54
00111 31 01111 39 10111 47 11111 55

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Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

24.3.7 MCG Status Register (MCG_S)

Address: 4006_4000h base + 6h offset = 4006_4006h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

MCG_S field descriptions

Field Description
7 Loss of Lock Status
This bit is a sticky bit indicating the lock status for the PLL. LOLS 0 is set if after acquiring lock, the PLL
output frequency has fallen outside the lock exit frequency tolerance, D unl . LOLIE 0 determines whether
an interrupt request is made when LOLS 0 is set. LOLRE determines whether a reset request is made
when LOLS0 is set. This bit is cleared by reset or by writing a logic 1 to it when set. Writing a logic 0 to this
bit has no effect.

0 PLL has not lost lock since LOLS 0 was last cleared.
1 PLL has lost lock since LOLS 0 was last cleared.
6 Lock Status
This bit indicates whether the PLL has acquired lock. Lock detection is disabled when not operating in
either PBE or PEE mode unless PLLCLKEN 0 =1 and the MCG is not configured in BLPI or BLPE mode.
While the PLL clock is locking to the desired frequency, the MCG PLL clock (MCGPLLCLK) will be gated
off until the LOCK 0 bit gets asserted. If the lock status bit is set, changing the value of the PRDIV 0 [4:0]
bits in the C5 register or the VDIV0[4:0] bits in the C6 register causes the lock status bit to clear and stay
cleared until the PLL has reacquired lock. Loss of PLL reference clock will also cause the LOCK 0 bit to
clear until PLL has reacquired lock. Entry into LLS, VLPS, or regular Stop with PLLSTEN 0 =0 also causes
the lock status bit to clear and stay cleared until the Stop mode is exited and the PLL has reacquired lock.
Any time the PLL is enabled and the LOCK 0 bit is cleared, the MCGPLLCLK will be gated off until the
LOCK 0 bit is asserted again.

0 PLL is currently unlocked.

1 PLL is currently locked.
5 PLL Select Status
This bit indicates the clock source selected by PLLS . The PLLST bit does not update immediately after a
write to the PLLS bit due to internal synchronization between clock domains.

0 Source of PLLS clock is FLL clock.

Source of PLLS clock is PLL clock.
4 Internal Reference Status
This bit indicates the current source for the FLL reference clock. The IREFST bit does not update
immediately after a write to the IREFS bit due to internal synchronization between clock domains.

0 Source of FLL reference clock is the external reference clock.

1 Source of FLL reference clock is the internal reference clock.

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Memory Map/Register Definition

MCG_S field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
3–2 Clock Mode Status
These bits indicate the current clock mode. The CLKST bits do not update immediately after a write to the
CLKS bits due to internal synchronization between clock domains.

00 Encoding 0 — Output of the FLL is selected (reset default).

01 Encoding 1 — Internal reference clock is selected.
10 Encoding 2 — External reference clock is selected.
11 Encoding 3 — Output of the PLL is selected.
1 OSC Initialization
This bit, which resets to 0, is set to 1 after the initialization cycles of the crystal oscillator clock have
completed. After being set, the bit is cleared to 0 if the OSC is subsequently disabled. See the OSC
module's detailed description for more information.
0 Internal Reference Clock Status
The IRCST bit indicates the current source for the internal reference clock select clock (IRCSCLK). The
IRCST bit does not update immediately after a write to the IRCS bit due to internal synchronization
between clock domains. The IRCST bit will only be updated if the internal reference clock is enabled,
either by the MCG being in a mode that uses the IRC or by setting the C1[IRCLKEN] bit .

0 Source of internal reference clock is the slow clock (32 kHz IRC).
1 Source of internal reference clock is the fast clock (2 MHz IRC).

24.3.8 MCG Status and Control Register (MCG_SC)

Address: 4006_4000h base + 8h offset = 4006_4008h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

MCG_SC field descriptions

Field Description
7 Automatic Trim Machine Enable
Enables the Auto Trim Machine to start automatically trimming the selected Internal Reference Clock.

NOTE: ATME deasserts after the Auto Trim Machine has completed trimming all trim bits of the IRCS
clock selected by the ATMS bit.
Writing to C1, C3, C4, and SC registers or entering Stop mode aborts the auto trim operation and clears
this bit.

0 Auto Trim Machine disabled.

1 Auto Trim Machine enabled.

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Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

MCG_SC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
6 Automatic Trim Machine Select
Selects the IRCS clock for Auto Trim Test.

0 32 kHz Internal Reference Clock selected.

1 4 MHz Internal Reference Clock selected.
5 Automatic Trim Machine Fail Flag
Fail flag for the Automatic Trim Machine (ATM). This bit asserts when the Automatic Trim Machine is
enabled, ATME=1, and a write to the C1, C3, C4, and SC registers is detected or the MCG enters into any
Stop mode. A write to ATMF clears the flag.

0 Automatic Trim Machine completed normally.

1 Automatic Trim Machine failed.
4 FLL Filter Preserve Enable
This bit will prevent the FLL filter values from resetting allowing the FLL output frequency to remain the
same during clock mode changes where the FLL/DCO output is still valid. (Note: This requires that the
FLL reference frequency to remain the same as what it was prior to the new clock mode switch. Otherwise
FLL filter and frequency values will change.)

0 FLL filter and FLL frequency will reset on changes to currect clock mode.
1 Fll filter and FLL frequency retain their previous values during new clock mode change.
3–1 Fast Clock Internal Reference Divider
Selects the amount to divide down the fast internal reference clock. The resulting frequency will be in the
range 31.25 kHz to 4 MHz (Note: Changing the divider when the Fast IRC is enabled is not supported).

000 Divide Factor is 1

001 Divide Factor is 2.
010 Divide Factor is 4.
011 Divide Factor is 8.
100 Divide Factor is 16
101 Divide Factor is 32
110 Divide Factor is 64
111 Divide Factor is 128.
0 OSC0 Loss of Clock Status
The LOCS0 indicates when a loss of OSC0 reference clock has occurred. The LOCS0 bit only has an
effect when CME0 is set. This bit is cleared by writing a logic 1 to it when set.

0 Loss of OSC0 has not occurred.

1 Loss of OSC0 has occurred.

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Memory Map/Register Definition

24.3.9 MCG Auto Trim Compare Value High Register (MCG_ATCVH)

Address: 4006_4000h base + Ah offset = 4006_400Ah

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MCG_ATCVH field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 ATM Compare Value High
Values are used by Auto Trim Machine to compare and adjust Internal Reference trim values during ATM
SAR conversion.

24.3.10 MCG Auto Trim Compare Value Low Register (MCG_ATCVL)

Address: 4006_4000h base + Bh offset = 4006_400Bh

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MCG_ATCVL field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 ATM Compare Value Low
Values are used by Auto Trim Machine to compare and adjust Internal Reference trim values during ATM
SAR conversion.

24.3.11 MCG Control 7 Register (MCG_C7)

Address: 4006_4000h base + Ch offset = 4006_400Ch

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

MCG_C7 field descriptions

Field Description
7–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 MCG OSC Clock Select
Selects the MCG FLL external reference clock

0 Selects System Oscillator (OSCCLK).

1 Selects 32 kHz RTC Oscillator.

24.3.12 MCG Control 8 Register (MCG_C8)

Address: 4006_4000h base + Dh offset = 4006_400Dh

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 LOCS1
Reset 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MCG_C8 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Loss of Clock Reset Enable
Determines if a interrupt or a reset request is made following a loss of RTC external reference clock. The
LOCRE1 only has an affect when CME1 is set.

0 Interrupt request is generated on a loss of RTC external reference clock.

1 Generate a reset request on a loss of RTC external reference clock
6 0 Interrupt request is generated on a PLL loss of lock indication. The PLL loss of lock interrupt enable bit
LOLRE must also be set to generate the interrupt request.
1 Generate a reset request on a PLL loss of lock indication.
5 Clock Monitor Enable1
Enables the loss of clock monitoring circuit for the output of the RTC external reference clock. The
LOCRE1 bit will determine whether an interrupt or a reset request is generated following a loss of RTC
clock indication. The CME1 bit should be set to a logic 1 when the MCG is in an operational mode that
uses the RTC as its external reference clock or if the RTC is operational. CME1 bit must be set to a logic 0
before the MCG enters any Stop mode. Otherwise, a reset request may occur when in Stop mode. CME1
should also be set to a logic 0 before entering VLPR or VLPW power modes.

0 External clock monitor is disabled for RTC clock.

1 External clock monitor is enabled for RTC clock.
4–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 RTC Loss of Clock Status
This bit indicates when a loss of clock has occurred. This bit is cleared by writing a logic 1 to it when set.
Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

MCG_C8 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Loss of RTC has not occur.
1 Loss of RTC has occur

24.4 Functional description

24.4.1 MCG mode state diagram

The nine states of the MCG are shown in the following figure and are described in Table
24-16. The arrows indicate the permitted MCG mode transitions.






Returns to the state that was active before

Entered from any state when
the MCU enters Stop mode Stop the MCU entered Stop mode, unless a
reset occurs while in Stop mode.

Figure 24-14. MCG mode state diagram

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Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

• During exits from LLS or VLPS when the MCG is in PEE
mode, the MCG will reset to PBE clock mode and the
C1[CLKS] and S[CLKST] will automatically be set to
• If entering Normal Stop mode when the MCG is in PEE
mode with C5[PLLSTEN]=0, the MCG will reset to PBE
clock mode and C1[CLKS] and S[CLKST] will
automatically be set to 2’b10. MCG modes of operation

The MCG operates in one of the following modes.
The MCG restricts transitions between modes. For the
permitted transitions, see Figure 24-14.
Table 24-16. MCG modes of operation
Mode Description
FLL Engaged Internal FLL engaged internal (FEI) is the default mode of operation and is entered when all the following
(FEI) condtions occur:
• C1[CLKS] bits are written to 00
• C1[IREFS] bit is written to 1
• C6[PLLS] bit is written to 0

In FEI mode, MCGOUTCLK is derived from the FLL clock (DCOCLK) that is controlled by the 32
kHz Internal Reference Clock (IRC). The FLL loop will lock the DCO frequency to the FLL factor, as
selected by C4[DRST_DRS] and C4[DMX32] bits, times the internal reference frequency. See the
C4[DMX32] bit description for more details. In FEI mode, the PLL is disabled in a low-power state
unless C5[PLLCLKEN0] is set.

Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

Table 24-16. MCG modes of operation (continued)

Mode Description
FLL Engaged External FLL engaged external (FEE) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur:
• C1[CLKS] bits are written to 00
• C1[IREFS] bit is written to 0
• C1[FRDIV] must be written to divide external reference clock to be within the range of 31.25
kHz to 39.0625 kHz
• C6[PLLS] bit is written to 0

In FEE mode, MCGOUTCLK is derived from the FLL clock (DCOCLK) that is controlled by the
external reference clock. The FLL loop will lock the DCO frequency to the FLL factor, as selected by
C4[DRST_DRS] and C4[DMX32] bits, times the external reference frequency, as specified by
C1[FRDIV] and C2[RANGE0]. See the C4[DMX32] bit description for more details. In FEE mode,
the PLL is disabled in a low-power state unless C5[PLLCLKEN0] is set.
FLL Bypassed Internal FLL bypassed internal (FBI) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur:
• C1[CLKS] bits are written to 01
• C1[IREFS] bit is written to 1
• C6[PLLS] is written to 0
• C2[LP] is written to 0

In FBI mode, the MCGOUTCLK is derived either from the slow (32 kHz IRC) or fast (2 MHz IRC)
internal reference clock, as selected by the C2[IRCS] bit. The FLL is operational but its output is not
used. This mode is useful to allow the FLL to acquire its target frequency while the MCGOUTCLK is
driven from the C2[IRCS] selected internal reference clock. The FLL clock (DCOCLK) is controlled
by the slow internal reference clock, and the DCO clock frequency locks to a multiplication factor, as
selected by C4[DRST_DRS] and C4[DMX32] bits, times the internal reference frequency. See the
C4[DMX32] bit description for more details. In FBI mode, the PLL is disabled in a low-power state
unless C5[PLLCLKEN0] is set.
FLL Bypassed External FLL bypassed external (FBE) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur:
• C1[CLKS] bits are written to 10
• C1[IREFS] bit is written to 0
• C1[FRDIV] must be written to divide external reference clock to be within the range of 31.25
kHz to 39.0625 kHz.
• C6[PLLS] bit is written to 0
• C2[LP] is written to 0

In FBE mode, the MCGOUTCLK is derived from the OSCSEL external reference clock. The FLL is
operational but its output is not used. This mode is useful to allow the FLL to acquire its target
frequency while the MCGOUTCLK is driven from the external reference clock. The FLL clock
(DCOCLK) is controlled by the external reference clock, and the DCO clock frequency locks to a
multiplication factor, as selected by C4[DRST_DRS] and C4[DMX32] bits, times the divided external
reference frequency. See the C4[DMX32] bit description for more details. In FBI mode the PLL is
disabled in a low-power state unless C5[PLLCLKEN0] is set.

Table continues on the next page...

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Table 24-16. MCG modes of operation (continued)

Mode Description
PLL Engaged External PLL Engaged External (PEE) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur:
• C1[CLKS] bits are written to 00
• C1[IREFS] bit is written to 0
• C6[PLLS] bit is written to 1

In PEE mode, the MCGOUTCLK is derived from the PLL clock, which is controlled by the external
reference clock. The PLL clock frequency locks to a multiplication factor, as specified by C6[VDIV0],
times the external reference frequency, as specified by C5[PRDIV0]. The PLL's programmable
reference divider must be configured to produce a valid PLL reference clock. The FLL is disabled in
a low-power state.
PLL Bypassed External PLL Bypassed External (PBE) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur:
• C1[CLKS] bits are written to 10
• C1[IREFS] bit is written to 0
• C6[PLLS] bit is written to 1
• C2[LP] bit is written to 0

In PBE mode, MCGOUTCLK is derived from the OSCSEL external reference clock; the PLL is
operational, but its output clock is not used. This mode is useful to allow the PLL to acquire its target
frequency while MCGOUTCLK is driven from the external reference clock. The PLL clock frequency
locks to a multiplication factor, as specified by its [VDIV], times the PLL reference frequency, as
specified by its [PRDIV]. In preparation for transition to PEE, the PLL's programmable reference
divider must be configured to produce a valid PLL reference clock. The FLL is disabled in a low-
power state.
Bypassed Low Power Bypassed Low Power Internal (BLPI) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur:
Internal (BLPI)1
• C1[CLKS] bits are written to 01
• C1[IREFS] bit is written to 1
• C6[PLLS] bit is written to 0
• C2[LP] bit is written to 1

In BLPI mode, MCGOUTCLK is derived from the internal reference clock. The FLL is disabled and
PLL is disabled even if the C5[PLLCLKEN0] is set to 1.
Bypassed Low Power Bypassed Low Power External (BLPE) mode is entered when all the following conditions occur:
External (BLPE)
• C1[CLKS] bits are written to 10
• C1[IREFS] bit is written to 0
• C2[LP] bit is written to 1

In BLPE mode, MCGOUTCLK is derived from the OSCSEL external reference clock. The FLL is
disabled and PLL is disabled even if the C5[PLLCLKEN0] is set to 1.

Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

Table 24-16. MCG modes of operation (continued)

Mode Description
Stop Entered whenever the MCU enters a Stop state. The power modes are chip specific. For power
mode assignments, see the chapter that describes how modules are configured and MCG behavior
during Stop recovery. Entering Stop mode, the FLL is disabled, and all MCG clock signals are static
except in the following case:
MCGPLLCLK is active in Normal Stop mode when PLLSTEN=1
MCGIRCLK is active in Stop mode when all the following conditions become true:
• C1[IRCLKEN] = 1
• C1[IREFSTEN] = 1

NOTE: • When entering Low Power Stop modes (LLS or VLPS) from PEE mode, on exit the
MCG clock mode is forced to PBE clock mode . C1[CLKS] and S[CLKST] will be
configured to 2’b10 and S[LOCK0] bit will be cleared without setting S[LOLS0].
• When entering Normal Stop mode from PEE mode and if C5[PLLSTEN0]=0, on exit
the MCG clock mode is forced to PBE mode, the C1[CLKS] and S[CLKST] will be
configured to 2’b10 and S[LOCK0] bit will clear without setting S[LOLS0]. If
C5[PLLSTEN0]=1, the S[LOCK0] bit will not get cleared and on exit the MCG will
continue to run in PEE mode.

1. If entering VLPR mode, MCG has to be configured and enter BLPE mode or BLPI mode with the 4 MHz IRC clock selected
(C2[IRCS]=1). After it enters VLPR mode, writes to any of the MCG control registers that can cause an MCG clock mode
switch to a non low power clock mode must be avoided.

For the chip-specific modes of operation, see the power
management chapter of this MCU. MCG mode switching

The C1[IREFS] bit can be changed at any time, but the actual switch to the newly
selected reference clocks is shown by the S[IREFST] bit. When switching between
engaged internal and engaged external modes, the FLL will begin locking again after the
switch is completed.
The C1[CLKS] bits can also be changed at any time, but the actual switch to the newly
selected clock is shown by the S[CLKST] bits. If the newly selected clock is not
available, the previous clock will remain selected.
The C4[DRST_DRS] write bits can be changed at any time except when C2[LP] bit is 1.
If the C4[DRST_DRS] write bits are changed while in FLL engaged internal (FEI) or
FLL engaged external (FEE), the MCGOUTCLK will switch to the new selected DCO
range within three clocks of the selected DCO clock. After switching to the new DCO,

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the FLL remains unlocked for several reference cycles. DCO startup time is equal to the
FLL acquisition time. After the selected DCO startup time is over, the FLL is locked. The
completion of the switch is shown by the C4[DRST_DRS] read bits.

24.4.2 Low Power Bit Usage

The C2[LP] bit is provided to allow the FLL or PLL to be disabled and thus conserve
power when these systems are not being used. The C4[DRST_DRS] can not be written
while C2[LP] bit is 1. However, in some applications, it may be desirable to enable the
FLL or PLL and allow it to lock for maximum accuracy before switching to an engaged
mode. Do this by writing C2[LP] to 0.

24.4.3 MCG Internal Reference Clocks

This module supports two internal reference clocks with nominal frequencies of 32 kHz
(slow IRC) and 4 MHz (fast IRC). The fast IRC frequency can be divided down by
programming of the FCRDIV to produce a frequency range of 32 kHz to 4 MHz. MCG Internal Reference Clock

The MCG Internal Reference Clock (MCGIRCLK) provides a clock source for other on-
chip peripherals and is enabled when C1[IRCLKEN]=1. When enabled, MCGIRCLK is
driven by either the fast internal reference clock (4 MHz IRC which can be divided down
by the FRDIV factors) or the slow internal reference clock (32 kHz IRC). The IRCS
clock frequency can be re-targeted by trimming the period of its IRCS selected internal
reference clock. This can be done by writing a new trim value to the
C3[SCTRIM]:C4[SCFTRIM] bits when the slow IRC clock is selected or by writing a
new trim value to the C4[FCTRIM] bits when the fast IRC clock is selected. The internal
reference clock period is proportional to the trim value written.
C3[SCTRIM]:C4[SCFTRIM] (if C2[IRCS]=0) and C4[FCTRIM] (if C2[IRCS]=1) bits
affect the MCGOUTCLK frequency if the MCG is in FBI or BLPI modes.
C3[SCTRIM]:C4[SCFTRIM] (if C2[IRCS]=0) bits also affect the MCGOUTCLK
frequency if the MCG is in FEI mode.
Additionally, this clock can be enabled in Stop mode by setting C1[IRCLKEN] and
C1[IREFSTEN], otherwise this clock is disabled in Stop mode.

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Functional description

24.4.4 External Reference Clock

The MCG module can support an external reference clock in all modes. See the device
datasheet for external reference frequency range. When C1[IREFS] is set, the external
reference clock will not be used by the FLL or PLL. In these modes, the frequency can be
equal to the maximum frequency the chip-level timing specifications will support.
If any of the CME bits are asserted the slow internal reference clock is enabled along
with the enabled external clock monitor. For the case when C6[CME0]=1, a loss of clock
is detected if the OSC0 external reference falls below a minimum frequency (floc_high or
floc_low depending on C2[RANGE0]). For the case when C8[CME1]=1, a loss of clock is
detected if the RTC external reference falls below a minimum frequency (floc_low).
All clock monitors must be disabled before VLPR or VLPW power modes are entered.
Upon detect of a loss of clock event, the MCU generates a system reset if the respective
LOCRE bit is set. Otherwise the MCG sets the respective LOCS bit and the MCG
generates a LOCS interrupt request. In the case where a OSC0 loss of clock is detected,
the PLL LOCK status bit is cleared if the OSC clock that is lost was selected as the PLL
reference clock.

24.4.5 MCG Fixed frequency clock

The MCG Fixed Frequency Clock (MCGFFCLK) provides a fixed frequency clock
source for other on-chip peripherals; see the block diagram. This clock is driven by either
the slow clock from the internal reference clock generator or the external reference clock
from the Crystal Oscillator, divided by the FLL reference clock divider. The source of
MCGFFCLK is selected by C1[IREFS].
This clock is synchronized to the peripheral bus clock and is valid only when its
frequency is not more than 1/8 of the MCGOUTCLK frequency. When it is not valid, it is
disabled and held high. The MCGFFCLK is not available when the MCG is in BLPI
mode. This clock is also disabled in Stop mode. The FLL reference clock must be set
within the valid frequency range for the MCGFFCLK.

24.4.6 MCG PLL clock

The MCG PLL Clock (MCGPLLCLK) is available depending on the device's
configuration of the MCG module. For more details, see the clock distribution chapter of
this MCU. The MCGPLLCLK is prevented from coming out of the MCG until it is
enabled and S[LOCK0] is set.

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Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

24.4.7 MCG Auto TRIM (ATM)

The MCG Auto Trim (ATM) is a MCG feature that when enabled, it configures the MCG
hardware to automatically trim the MCG Internal Reference Clocks using an external
clock as a reference. The selection between which MCG IRC clock gets tested and
enabled is controlled by the ATC[ATMS] control bit (ATC[ATMS]=0 selects the 32 kHz
IRC and ATC[ATMS]=1 selects the 4 MHz IRC). If 4 MHz IRC is selected for the ATM,
a divide by 128 is enabled to divide down the 4 MHz IRC to a range of 31.250 kHz.
When MCG ATM is enabled by writing ATC[ATME] bit to 1, The ATM machine will
start auto trimming the selected IRC clock. During the autotrim process, ATC[ATME]
will remain asserted and will deassert after ATM is completed or an abort occurs. The
MCG ATM is aborted if a write to any of the following control registers is detected : C1,
C3, C4, or ATC or if Stop mode is entered. If an abort occurs, ATC[ATMF] fail flag is
The ATM machine uses the bus clock as the external reference clock to perform the IRC
auto-trim. Therefore, it is required that the MCG is configured in a clock mode where the
reference clock used to generate the system clock is the external reference clock such as
FBE clock mode. The MCG must not be configured in a clock mode where selected IRC
ATM clock is used to generate the system clock. The bus clock is also required to be
running with in the range of 8–16 MHz.
To perform the ATM on the selected IRC, the ATM machine uses the successive
approximation technique to adjust the IRC trim bits to generate the desired IRC trimmed
frequency. The ATM SARs each of the ATM IRC trim bits starting with the MSB. For
each trim bit test, the ATM uses a pulse that is generated by the ATM selected IRC clock
to enable a counter that counts number of ATM external clocks. At end of each trim bit,
the ATM external counter value is compared to the ATCV[15:0] register value. Based on
the comparison result, the ATM trim bit under test will get cleared or stay asserted. This
is done until all trim bits have been tested by ATM SAR machine.
Before the ATM can be enabled, the ATM expected count needs to be derived and stored
into the ATCV register. The ATCV expected count is derived based on the required
target Internal Reference Clock (IRC) frequency, and the frequency of the external
reference clock using the following formula:
• Fr = Target Internal Reference Clock (IRC) Trimmed Frequency
• Fe = External Clock Frequency

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Initialization / Application information

If the auto trim is being performed on the 4 MHz IRC, the calculated expected count
value must be multiplied by 128 before storing it in the ATCV register. Therefore, the
ATCV Expected Count Value for trimming the 4 MHz IRC is calculated using the
following formula.

24.5 Initialization / Application information

This section describes how to initialize and configure the MCG module in an application.
The following sections include examples on how to initialize the MCG and properly
switch between the various available modes.

24.5.1 MCG module initialization sequence

The MCG comes out of reset configured for FEI mode. The internal reference will
stabilize in tirefsts microseconds before the FLL can acquire lock. As soon as the internal
reference is stable, the FLL will acquire lock in tfll_acquire milliseconds. Initializing the MCG

Because the MCG comes out of reset in FEI mode, the only MCG modes that can be
directly switched to upon reset are FEE, FBE, and FBI modes (see Figure 24-14).
Reaching any of the other modes requires first configuring the MCG for one of these
three intermediate modes. Care must be taken to check relevant status bits in the MCG
status register reflecting all configuration changes within each mode.
To change from FEI mode to FEE or FBE modes, follow this procedure:
1. Enable the external clock source by setting the appropriate bits in C2 register.
2. Write to C1 register to select the clock mode.
• If entering FEE mode, set C1[FRDIV] appropriately, clear the C1[IREFS] bit to
switch to the external reference, and leave the C1[CLKS] bits at 2'b00 so that the
output of the FLL is selected as the system clock source.
• If entering FBE, clear the C1[IREFS] bit to switch to the external reference and
change the C1[CLKS] bits to 2'b10 so that the external reference clock is
selected as the system clock source. The C1[FRDIV] bits should also be set

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appropriately here according to the external reference frequency to keep the FLL
reference clock in the range of 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz. Although the FLL is
bypassed, it is still on in FBE mode.
• The internal reference can optionally be kept running by setting the
C1[IRCLKEN] bit. This is useful if the application will switch back and forth
between internal and external modes. For minimum power consumption, leave
the internal reference disabled while in an external clock mode.
3. Once the proper configuration bits have been set, wait for the affected bits in the
MCG status register to be changed appropriately, reflecting that the MCG has moved
into the proper mode.
• If the MCG is in FEE, FBE, PEE, PBE, or BLPE mode, and C2[EREFS0] was
also set in step 1, wait here for S[OSCINIT0] bit to become set indicating that
the external clock source has finished its initialization cycles and stabilized.
• If in FEE mode, check to make sure the S[IREFST] bit is cleared before moving
• If in FBE mode, check to make sure the S[IREFST] bit is cleared and S[CLKST]
bits have changed to 2'b10 indicating the external reference clock has been
appropriately selected. Although the FLL is bypassed, it is still on in FBE mode.
4. Write to the C4 register to determine the DCO output (MCGFLLCLK) frequency
• By default, with C4[DMX32] cleared to 0, the FLL multiplier for the DCO
output is 640. For greater flexibility, if a mid-low-range FLL multiplier of 1280
is desired instead, set C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b01 for a DCO output frequency
of 40 MHz. If a mid high-range FLL multiplier of 1920 is desired instead, set the
C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b10 for a DCO output frequency of 60 MHz. If a high-
range FLL multiplier of 2560 is desired instead, set the C4[DRST_DRS] bits to
2'b11 for a DCO output frequency of 80 MHz.
• When using a 32.768 kHz external reference, if the maximum low-range DCO
frequency that can be achieved with a 32.768 kHz reference is desired, set
C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b00 and set C4[DMX32] bit to 1. The resulting DCO
output (MCGOUTCLK) frequency with the new multiplier of 732 will be 24

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Initialization / Application information

• When using a 32.768 kHz external reference, if the maximum mid-range DCO
frequency that can be achieved with a 32.768 kHz reference is desired, set
C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b01 and set C4[DMX32] bit to 1. The resulting DCO
output (MCGOUTCLK) frequency with the new multiplier of 1464 will be 48
• When using a 32.768 kHz external reference, if the maximum mid high-range
DCO frequency that can be achieved with a 32.768 kHz reference is desired, set
C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b10 and set C4[DMX32] bit to 1. The resulting DCO
output (MCGOUTCLK) frequency with the new multiplier of 2197 will be 72
• When using a 32.768 kHz external reference, if the maximum high-range DCO
frequency that can be achieved with a 32.768 kHz reference is desired, set
C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b11 and set C4[DMX32] bit to 1. The resulting DCO
output (MCGOUTCLK) frequency with the new multiplier of 2929 will be 96
5. Wait for the FLL lock time to guarantee FLL is running at new C4[DRST_DRS] and
C4[DMX32] programmed frequency.

To change from FEI clock mode to FBI clock mode, follow this procedure:
1. Change C1[CLKS] bits in C1 register to 2'b01 so that the internal reference clock is
selected as the system clock source.
2. Wait for S[CLKST] bits in the MCG status register to change to 2'b01, indicating
that the internal reference clock has been appropriately selected.
3. Write to the C2 register to determine the IRCS output (IRCSCLK) frequency range.
• By default, with C2[IRCS] cleared to 0, the IRCS selected output clock is the
slow internal reference clock (32 kHz IRC). If the faster IRC is desired, set
C2[IRCS] bit to 1 for a IRCS clock derived from the 4 MHz IRC source.

24.5.2 Using a 32.768 kHz reference

In FEE and FBE modes, if using a 32.768 kHz external reference, at the default FLL
multiplication factor of 640, the DCO output (MCGFLLCLK) frequency is 20.97 MHz at
low-range. If C4[DRST_DRS] bits are set to 2'b01, the multiplication factor is doubled to
1280, and the resulting DCO output frequency is 41.94 MHz at mid-low-range. If
C4[DRST_DRS] bits are set to 2'b10, the multiplication factor is set to 1920, and the

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resulting DCO output frequency is 62.91 MHz at mid high-range. If C4[DRST_DRS] bits
are set to 2'b11, the multiplication factor is set to 2560, and the resulting DCO output
frequency is 83.89 MHz at high-range.
In FBI and FEI modes, setting C4[DMX32] bit is not recommended. If the internal
reference is trimmed to a frequency above 32.768 kHz, the greater FLL multiplication
factor could potentially push the microcontroller system clock out of specification and
damage the part.

24.5.3 MCG mode switching

When switching between operational modes of the MCG, certain configuration bits must
be changed in order to properly move from one mode to another. Each time any of these
bits are changed (C6[PLLS], C1[IREFS], C1[CLKS], C2[IRCS], or C2[EREFS0]), the
corresponding bits in the MCG status register (PLLST, IREFST, CLKST, IRCST, or
OSCINIT) must be checked before moving on in the application software.
Additionally, care must be taken to ensure that the reference clock divider (C1[FRDIV]
and C5[PRDIV0]) is set properly for the mode being switched to. For instance, in PEE
mode, if using a 4 MHz crystal, C5[PRDIV0] must be set to 5'b000 (divide-by-1) or
5'b001 (divide -by-2) to divide the external reference down to the required frequency
between 2 and 4 MHz.
In FBE, FEE, FBI, and FEI modes, at any time, the application can switch the FLL
multiplication factor between 640, 1280, 1920, and 2560 with C4[DRST_DRS] bits.
Writes to C4[DRST_DRS] bits will be ignored if C2[LP]=1.
The table below shows MCGOUTCLK frequency calculations using C1[FRDIV],
C5[PRDIV0], and C6[VDIV0] settings for each clock mode.
Table 24-17. MCGOUTCLK Frequency Calculation Options
Clock Mode fMCGOUTCLK1 Note
FEI (FLL engaged internal) (fint * F) Typical fMCGOUTCLK = 20.97 MHz
immediately after reset.
FEE (FLL engaged external) (fext / FLL_R) *F fext / FLL_R must be specified for
ffll_ref in the appropriate device Data
FBE (FLL bypassed external) fext fext / FLL_R must be specified for
ffll_ref in the appropriate device Data
FBI (FLL bypassed internal) fint Typical fint = 32 kHz
PEE (PLL engaged external) (fext / PLL_R) * M fext / PLL_R must be in the range
specified for fpll_ref in the appropriate
device Data Sheet

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 531
Initialization / Application information

Table 24-17. MCGOUTCLK Frequency Calculation Options

Clock Mode fMCGOUTCLK1 Note
PBE (PLL bypassed external) fext fext / PLL_R must be in the range
specified for fpll_ref in the appropriate
device Data Sheet
BLPI (Bypassed low power internal) fint
BLPE (Bypassed low power external) fext

1. FLL_R is the reference divider selected by the C1[FRDIV] bits, PLL_R is the reference divider selected by C5[PRDIV0]
bits, F is the FLL factor selected by C4[DRST_DRS] and C4[DMX32] bits, and M is the multiplier selected by C6[VDIV0]

This section will include three mode switching examples using an 4 MHz external
crystal. If using an external clock source less than 2 MHz, the MCG must not be
configured for any of the PLL modes (PEE and PBE). Example 1: Moving from FEI to PEE mode: External Crystal =

4 MHz, MCGOUTCLK frequency = 48 MHz
In this example, the MCG will move through the proper operational modes from FEI to
PEE to achieve 48 MHz MCGOUTCLK frequency from 4 MHz external crystal
reference. First, the code sequence will be described. Then there is a flowchart that
illustrates the sequence.
1. First, FEI must transition to FBE mode:
a. C2 = 0x1C
• C2[RANGE0] set to 2'b01 because the frequency of 4 MHz is within the
high frequency range.
• C2[HGO0] set to 1 to configure the crystal oscillator for high gain operation.
• C2[EREFS0] set to 1, because a crystal is being used.
b. C1 = 0x90
• C1[CLKS] set to 2'b10 to select external reference clock as system clock
• C1[FRDIV] set to 3'b010, or divide-by-128 because 4 MHz / 128 = 31.25
kHz which is in the 31.25 kHz to 39.0625 kHz range required by the FLL
• C1[IREFS] cleared to 0, selecting the external reference clock and enabling
the external oscillator.

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532 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

c. Loop until S[OSCINIT0] is 1, indicating the crystal selected by C2[EREFS0] has

been initialized.
d. Loop until S[IREFST] is 0, indicating the external reference is the current source
for the reference clock.
e. Loop until S[CLKST] is 2'b10, indicating that the external reference clock is
selected to feed MCGOUTCLK.
2. Then configure C5[PRDIV0] to generate correct PLL reference frequency.
a. C5 = 0x01
• C5[PRDIV0] set to 5'b001, or divide-by-2 resulting in a pll reference
frequency of 4 MHz/2 = 2 MHz.
3. Then, FBE must transition either directly to PBE mode or first through BLPE mode
and then to PBE mode:
a. BLPE: If a transition through BLPE mode is desired, first set C2[LP] to 1.
b. BLPE/PBE: C6 = 0x40
• C6[PLLS] set to 1, selects the PLL. At this time, with a C1[PRDIV] value of
2'b001, the PLL reference divider is 2 (see PLL External Reference Divide
Factor table), resulting in a reference frequency of 4 MHz/ 2 = 2 MHz. In
BLPE mode, changing the C6[PLLS] bit only prepares the MCG for PLL
usage in PBE mode.
• C6[VDIV0] set to 5'b0000, or multiply-by-24 because 2 MHz reference * 24
= 48 MHz. In BLPE mode, the configuration of the VDIV bits does not
matter because the PLL is disabled. Changing them only sets up the multiply
value for PLL usage in PBE mode.
c. BLPE: If transitioning through BLPE mode, clear C2[LP] to 0 here to switch to
PBE mode.
d. PBE: Loop until S[PLLST] is set, indicating that the current source for the PLLS
clock is the PLL.
e. PBE: Then loop until S[LOCK0] is set, indicating that the PLL has acquired
4. Lastly, PBE mode transitions into PEE mode:
a. C1 = 0x10

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 533
Initialization / Application information

• C1[CLKS] set to 2'b00 to select the output of the PLL as the system clock
b. Loop until S[CLKST] are 2'b11, indicating that the PLL output is selected to
feed MCGOUTCLK in the current clock mode.
• Now, with PRDIV0 of divide-by-2, and C6[VDIV0] of multiply-by-24,
MCGOUTCLK = [(4 MHz / 2) * 24] = 48 MHz.

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534 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

C6 = 0x40

C2 = 0x1C

C1 = 0x90

C2 = 0x1C



S[IREFST] = 0?

S[LOCK] = 1?

S[CLKST] = %10?
C1 = 0x10


C5 = 0x01
S[CLKST] = %11?




C2 = 0x1E
(C2[LP] = 1)

Figure 24-15. Flowchart of FEI to PEE mode transition using an 4 MHz crystal
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 535
Initialization / Application information Example 2: Moving from PEE to BLPI mode: MCGOUTCLK

frequency =32 kHz
In this example, the MCG will move through the proper operational modes from PEE
mode with a 4 MHz crystal configured for a 48 MHz MCGOUTCLK frequency (see
previous example) to BLPI mode with a 32 kHz MCGOUTCLK frequency. First, the
code sequence will be described. Then there is a flowchart that illustrates the sequence.
1. First, PEE must transition to PBE mode:
a. C1 = 0x90
• C1[CLKS] set to 2'b10 to switch the system clock source to the external
reference clock.
b. Loop until S[CLKST] are 2'b10, indicating that the external reference clock is
selected to feed MCGOUTCLK.
2. Then, PBE must transition either directly to FBE mode or first through BLPE mode
and then to FBE mode:
a. BLPE: If a transition through BLPE mode is desired, first set C2[LP] to 1.
b. BLPE/FBE: C6 = 0x00
• C6[PLLS] clear to 0 to select the FLL. At this time, with C1[FRDIV] value
of 3'b010, the FLL divider is set to 128, resulting in a reference frequency of
4 MHz / 128 = 31.25 kHz. If C1[FRDIV] was not previously set to 3'b010
(necessary to achieve required 31.25–39.06 kHz FLL reference frequency
with an 4 MHz external source frequency), it must be changed prior to
clearing C6[PLLS] bit. In BLPE mode,changing this bit only prepares the
MCG for FLL usage in FBE mode. With C6[PLLS] = 0, the C6[VDIV0]
value does not matter.
c. BLPE: If transitioning through BLPE mode, clear C2[LP] to 0 here to switch to
FBE mode.
d. FBE: Loop until S[PLLST] is cleared, indicating that the current source for the
PLLS clock is the FLL.
3. Next, FBE mode transitions into FBI mode:
a. C1 = 0x54
• C1[CLKS] set to 2'b01 to switch the system clock to the internal reference

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536 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG)

• C1[IREFS] set to 1 to select the internal reference clock as the reference

clock source.
• C1[FRDIV] remain unchanged because the reference divider does not affect
the internal reference.
b. Loop until S[IREFST] is 1, indicating the internal reference clock has been
selected as the reference clock source.
c. Loop until S[CLKST] are 2'b01, indicating that the internal reference clock is
selected to feed MCGOUTCLK.
4. Lastly, FBI transitions into BLPI mode.
a. C2 = 0x02
• C2[LP] is 1
• C2[RANGE0], C2[HGO0], C2[EREFS0], C1[IRCLKEN], and
C1[IREFSTEN] bits are ignored when the C1[IREFS] bit is set. They can
remain set, or be cleared at this point.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 537
Initialization / Application information


C1 = 0x90

S[PLLST] = 0?

S[CLKST] = %10 ? YES

C1 = 0x54

S[IREFST] = 0?


C2 = 0x1E
(C2[LP] = 1)
S[CLKST] = %01?

C6 = 0x00

C2 = 0x02


C2 = 0x1C
(C2[LP] = 0)

Figure 24-16. Flowchart of PEE to BLPI mode transition using an 4 MHz crystal

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538 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 24 Multipurpose Clock Generator (MCG) Example 3: Moving from BLPI to FEE mode

In this example, the MCG will move through the proper operational modes from BLPI
mode at a 32 kHz MCGOUTCLK frequency running off the internal reference clock (see
previous example) to FEE mode using a 4 MHz crystal configured for a 20 MHz
MCGOUTCLK frequency. First, the code sequence will be described. Then there is a
flowchart that illustrates the sequence.
1. First, BLPI must transition to FBI mode.
a. C2 = 0x00
• C2[LP] is 0
2. Next, FBI will transition to FEE mode.
a. C2 = 0x1C
• C2[RANGE0] set to 2'b01 because the frequency of 4 MHz is within the
high frequency range.
• C2[HGO0] set to 1 to configure the crystal oscillator for high gain operation.
• C2[EREFS0] set to 1, because a crystal is being used.
b. C1 = 0x10
• C1[CLKS] set to 2'b00 to select the output of the FLL as system clock
• C1[FRDIV] remain at 3'b010, or divide-by-128 for a reference of 4 MHz /
128 = 31.25 kHz.
• C1[IREFS] cleared to 0, selecting the external reference clock.
c. Loop until S[OSCINIT0] is 1, indicating the crystal selected by the C2[EREFS0]
bit has been initialized.
d. Loop until S[IREFST] is 0, indicating the external reference clock is the current
source for the reference clock.
e. Loop until S[CLKST] are 2'b00, indicating that the output of the FLL is selected
to feed MCGOUTCLK.
f. Now, with a 31.25 kHz reference frequency, a fixed DCO multiplier of 640,
MCGOUTCLK = 31.25 kHz * 640 / 1 = 20 MHz.
g. At this point, by default, the C4[DRST_DRS] bits are set to 2'b00 and
C4[DMX32] is cleared to 0. If the MCGOUTCLK frequency of 40 MHz is
desired instead, set the C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 0x01 to switch the FLL

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 539
Initialization / Application information

multiplication factor from 640 to 1280. To return the MCGOUTCLK frequency

to 20 MHz, set C4[DRST_DRS] bits to 2'b00 again, and the FLL multiplication
factor will switch back to 640.


S[IREFST] = 0?
C2 =0x00

C2 = 0x1C
S[CLKST] = %00?

C1 =0x10

S[OSCINIT] = 1 ?


Figure 24-17. Flowchart of BLPI to FEE mode transition using an 4 MHz crystal

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540 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 25
Oscillator (OSC)

25.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The OSC module is a crystal oscillator. The module, in conjunction with an external
crystal or resonator, generates a reference clock for the MCU.

25.2 Features and Modes

Key features of the module are:
• Supports 32 kHz crystals (Low Range mode)
• Supports 3–8 MHz, 8–32 MHz crystals and resonators (High Range mode)
• Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to optimize power consumption in high frequency
ranges 3–8 MHz, 8–32 MHz using low-power mode
• High gain option in frequency ranges: 32 kHz, 3–8 MHz, and 8–32 MHz
• Voltage and frequency filtering to guarantee clock frequency and stability
• Optionally external input bypass clock from EXTAL signal directly
• One clock for MCU clock system
• Two clocks for on-chip peripherals that can work in Stop modes

Functional Description describes the module's operation in more detail.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 541
Block Diagram

25.3 Block Diagram

The OSC module uses a crystal or resonator to generate three filtered oscillator clock
signals. Three clocks are output from OSC module: OSCCLK for MCU system,
OSCERCLK for on-chip peripherals, and OSC32KCLK. The OSCCLK can only work in
run mode. OSCERCLK and OSC32KCLK can work in low power modes. For the clock
source assignments, refer to the clock distribution information of this MCU.
Refer to the chip configuration chapter for the external reference clock source in this
The following figure shows the block diagram of the OSC module.


OSC Clock Enable
Range selections
Low Power config Oscillator Circuits EN



OSC clock selection Control and Decoding



Figure 25-1. OSC Module Block Diagram

25.4 OSC Signal Descriptions

The following table shows the user-accessible signals available for the OSC module.
Refer to signal multiplexing information for this MCU for more details.

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Chapter 25 Oscillator (OSC)

Table 25-1. OSC Signal Descriptions

Signal Description I/O
EXTAL External clock/Oscillator input I
XTAL Oscillator output O

25.5 External Crystal / Resonator Connections

The connections for a crystal/resonator frequency reference are shown in the following
figures. When using low-frequency, low-power mode, the only external component is the
crystal or ceramic resonator itself. In the other oscillator modes, load capacitors (Cx, Cy)
and feedback resistor (RF) are required. The following table shows all possible
Table 25-2. External Caystal/Resonator Connections
Oscillator Mode Connections
Low-frequency (32 kHz), low-power Connection 11
Low-frequency (32 kHz), high-gain Connection 2/Connection 32
High-frequency (~32 MHz), low-power Connection 31
High-frequency (~32 MHz), high-gain Connection 3/

1. With the low-power mode, the oscillator has the internal feedback resistor RF. Therefore, the feedback resistor must not be
externally with the Connection 3.
2. When the load capacitors (Cx, Cy) are greater than 30 pF, use Connection 3.


Crystal or Resonator

Figure 25-2. Crystal/Ceramic Resonator Connections - Connection 1

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 543
External Clock Connections




Crystal or Resonator

Figure 25-3. Crystal/Ceramic Resonator Connections - Connection 2

Connection 1 and Connection 2 should use internal capacitors
as the load of the oscillator by configuring the CR[SCxP] bits.



Cx Cy


Crystal or Resonator

Figure 25-4. Crystal/Ceramic Resonator Connections - Connection 3

25.6 External Clock Connections

In external clock mode, the pins can be connected as shown below.
XTAL can be used as a GPIO when the GPIO alternate function
is configured for it.

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544 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 25 Oscillator (OSC)


I/O Clock Input

Figure 25-5. External Clock Connections

25.7 Memory Map/Register Definitions

Some oscillator module register bits are typically incorporated into other peripherals such
as MCG or SIM.

25.7.1 OSC Memory Map/Register Definition

OSC memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_5000 OSC Control Register (OSC_CR) 8 R/W 00h

25.71.1 OSC Control Register (OSC_CR)

After OSC is enabled and starts generating the clocks, the
configurations such as low power and frequency range, must
not be changed.
Address: 4006_5000h base + 0h offset = 4006_5000h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 545
Functional Description

OSC_CR field descriptions

Field Description
7 External Reference Enable
Enables external reference clock (OSCERCLK).

0 External reference clock is inactive.

1 External reference clock is enabled.
6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 External Reference Stop Enable
Controls whether or not the external reference clock (OSCERCLK) remains enabled when MCU enters
Stop mode.

0 External reference clock is disabled in Stop mode.

1 External reference clock stays enabled in Stop mode if ERCLKEN is set before entering Stop mode.
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Oscillator 2 pF Capacitor Load Configure
Configures the oscillator load.

0 Disable the selection.

1 Add 2 pF capacitor to the oscillator load.
2 Oscillator 4 pF Capacitor Load Configure
Configures the oscillator load.

0 Disable the selection.

1 Add 4 pF capacitor to the oscillator load.
1 Oscillator 8 pF Capacitor Load Configure
Configures the oscillator load.

0 Disable the selection.

1 Add 8 pF capacitor to the oscillator load.
0 Oscillator 16 pF Capacitor Load Configure
Configures the oscillator load.

0 Disable the selection.

1 Add 16 pF capacitor to the oscillator load.

25.8 Functional Description

This following sections provide functional details of the module.

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546 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 25 Oscillator (OSC)

25.8.1 OSC Module States

The states of the OSC module are shown in the following figure. The states and their
transitions between each other are described in this section.

Oscillator OFF
not requested OSC_CLK_OUT = Static

OSCCLK requested OSCCLK requested

&& &&
Select OSC internal clock Select clock from EXTAL signal

Start-Up External Clock Mode

Oscillator ON, not yet stable Oscillator ON


Oscillator ON, Stable

Figure 25-7. OSC Module State Diagram

XTL_CLK is the clock generated internally from OSC circuits. Off
The OSC enters the Off state when the system does not require OSC clocks. Upon
entering this state, XTL_CLK is static unless OSC is configured to select the clock from
the EXTAL pad by clearing the external reference clock selection bit. For details
regarding the external reference clock source in this MCU, refer to the chip configuration
chapter. The EXTAL and XTAL pins are also decoupled from all other oscillator
circuitry in this state. The OSC module circuitry is configured to draw minimal current.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 547
Functional Description Oscillator Start-Up

The OSC enters start-up state when it is configured to generate clocks (internally the
OSC_EN transitions high) using the internal oscillator circuits by setting the external
reference clock selection bit. In this state, the OSC module is enabled and oscillations are
starting up, but have not yet stabilized. When the oscillation amplitude becomes large
enough to pass through the input buffer, XTL_CLK begins clocking the counter. When
the counter reaches 4096 cycles of XTL_CLK, the oscillator is considered stable and
XTL_CLK is passed to the output clock OSC_CLK_OUT. Oscillator Stable

The OSC enters stable state when it is configured to generate clocks (internally the
OSC_EN transitions high) using the internal oscillator circuits by setting the external
reference clock selection bit and the counter reaches 4096 cycles of XTL_CLK (when
CNT_DONE_4096 is high). In this state, the OSC module is producing a stable output
clock on OSC_CLK_OUT. Its frequency is determined by the external components being
used. External Clock Mode

The OSC enters external clock state when it is enabled and external reference clock
selection bit is cleared. For details regarding external reference clock source in this MCU,
refer to the chip configuration chapter. In this state, the OSC module is set to buffer (with
hysteresis) a clock from EXTAL onto the OSC_CLK_OUT. Its frequency is determined
by the external clock being supplied.

25.8.2 OSC Module Modes

The OSC is a Pierce-type oscillator that supports external crystals or resonators operating
over the frequency ranges shown in Table 25-5. These modes assume the following
conditions: OSC is enabled to generate clocks (OSC_EN=1), configured to generate
clocks internally (MCG_C2[EREFS] = 1), and some or one of the other peripherals
(MCG, Timer, and so on) is configured to use the oscillator output clock

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548 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 25 Oscillator (OSC)

Table 25-5. Oscillator Modes

Mode Frequency Range
Low-frequency, high-gain
fosc_lo (1 kHz) up to fosc_lo (32.768 kHz)
Low-frequency, low-power (VLP)
High-frequency mode1, high-gain
fosc_hi_1 (3 MHz) up to fosc_hi_1 (8 MHz)
High-frequency mode1, low-power
High-frequency mode2, high-gain
fosc_hi_2 (8 MHz) up to fosc_hi_2 (32 MHz)
High-frequency mode2, low-power

For information about low power modes of operation used in
this chip and their alignment with some OSC modes, refer to
the chip's Power Management details. Low-Frequency, High-Gain Mode

In Low-frequency, high-gain mode, the oscillator uses a simple inverter-style amplifier.
The gain is set to achieve rail-to-rail oscillation amplitudes.
The oscillator input buffer in this mode is single-ended. It provides low pass frequency
filtering as well as hysteresis for voltage filtering and converts the output to logic levels.
In this mode, the internal capacitors could be used. Low-Frequency, Low-Power Mode

In low-frequency, low-power mode, the oscillator uses a gain control loop to minimize
power consumption. As the oscillation amplitude increases, the amplifier current is
reduced. This continues until a desired amplitude is achieved at steady-state. This mode
provides low pass frequency filtering as well as hysteresis for voltage filtering and
converts the output to logic levels. In this mode, the internal capacitors could be used, the
internal feedback resistor is connected, and no external resistor should be used.
In this mode, the amplifier inputs, gain-control input, and input buffer input are all
capacitively coupled for leakage tolerance (not sensitive to the DC level of EXTAL).
Also in this mode, all external components except for the resonator itself are integrated,
which includes the load capacitors and feeback resistor that biases EXTAL.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 549
Reset High-Frequency, High-Gain Mode

In high-frequency, high-gain mode, the oscillator uses a simple inverter-style amplifier.
The gain is set to achieve rail-to-rail oscillation amplitudes. This mode provides low pass
frequency filtering as well as hysteresis for voltage filtering and converts the output to
logic levels. In this mode, the internal capacitors could be used. High-Frequency, Low-Power Mode

In high-frequency, low-power mode, the oscillator uses a gain control loop to minimize
power consumption. As the oscillation amplitude increases, the amplifier current is
reduced. This continues until a desired amplitude is achieved at steady-state. In this
mode, the internal capacitors could be used, the internal feedback resistor is connected,
and no external resistor should be used.
The oscillator input buffer in this mode is differential. It provides low pass frequency
filtering as well as hysteresis for voltage filtering and converts the output to logic levels.

25.8.3 Counter
The oscillator output clock (OSC_CLK_OUT) is gated off until the counter has detected
4096 cycles of its input clock (XTL_CLK). After 4096 cycles are completed, the counter
passes XTL_CLK onto OSC_CLK_OUT. This counting time-out is used to guarantee
output clock stability.

25.8.4 Reference Clock Pin Requirements

The OSC module requires use of both the EXTAL and XTAL pins to generate an output
clock in Oscillator mode, but requires only the EXTAL pin in External clock mode. The
EXTAL and XTAL pins are available for I/O. For the implementation of these pins on
this device, refer to the Signal Multiplexing chapter.

25.9 Reset
There is no reset state associated with the OSC module. The counter logic is reset when
the OSC is not configured to generate clocks.
There are no sources of reset requests for the OSC module.

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550 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 25 Oscillator (OSC)

25.10 Low Power Modes Operation

When the MCU enters Stop modes, the OSC is functional depending on ERCLKEN and
EREFSETN bit settings. If both these bits are set, the OSC is in operation. In Low
Leakage Stop (LLS) modes, the OSC holds all register settings. If ERCLKEN and
EREFSTEN bits are set before entry to Low Leakage Stop modes, the OSC is still
functional in these modes. After waking up from Very Low Leakage Stop (VLLSx)
modes, all OSC register bits are reset and initialization is required through software.

25.11 Interrupts
The OSC module does not generate any interrupts.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 551

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552 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 26
RTC Oscillator

26.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The RTC oscillator module provides the clock source for the RTC. The RTC oscillator
module, in conjunction with an external crystal, generates a reference clock for the RTC.

26.1.1 Features and Modes

The key features of the RTC oscillator are as follows:
• Supports 32 kHz crystals with very low power
• Consists of internal feed back resistor
• Consists of internal programmable capacitors as the Cload of the oscillator
• Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to optimize power consumption

The RTC oscillator operations are described in detail in Functional Description .

26.1.2 Block Diagram

The following is the block diagram of the RTC oscillator.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 553
RTC Signal Descriptions

Amplitude clk out for RTC
detector EXTAL32




C1 C2


Figure 26-1. RTC Oscillator Block Diagram

26.2 RTC Signal Descriptions

The following table shows the user-accessible signals available for the RTC oscillator.
See the chip-level specification to find out which signals are actually connected to the
external pins.
Table 26-1. RTC Signal Descriptions
Signal Description I/O
EXTAL32 Oscillator Input I
XTAL32 Oscillator Output O

26.2.1 EXTAL32 — Oscillator Input

This signal is the analog input of the RTC oscillator.

26.2.2 XTAL32 — Oscillator Output

This signal is the analog output of the RTC oscillator module.

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554 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 26 RTC Oscillator

26.3 External Crystal Connections

The connections with a crystal is shown in the following figure. External load capacitors
and feedback resistor are not required.

RTC Oscillator Module


Crystal or Resonator

Figure 26-2. Crystal Connections

26.4 Memory Map/Register Descriptions

RTC oscillator control bits are part of the RTC registers. Refer to RTC_CR for more

26.5 Functional Description

As shown in Figure 26-1, the module includes an amplifier which supplies the negative
resistor for the RTC oscillator. The gain of the amplifier is controlled by the amplitude
detector, which optimizes the power consumption. A schmitt trigger is used to translate
the sine-wave generated by this oscillator to a pulse clock out, which is a reference clock
for the RTC digital core.
The oscillator includes an internal feedback resistor of approximately 100 MΩ between
EXTAL32 and XTAL32.
In addition, there are two programmable capacitors with this oscillator, which can be
used as the Cload of the oscillator. The programmable range is from 0pF to 30pF.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 555
Reset Overview

26.6 Reset Overview

There is no reset state associated with the RTC oscillator.

26.7 Interrupts
The RTC oscillator does not generate any interrupts.

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556 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 27
Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

27.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The Flash Memory Controller (FMC) is a memory acceleration unit that provides:
• an interface between the device and the dual-bank nonvolatile memory. Bank 0
consists of program flash memory, and bank 1 consists of FlexNVM.
• buffers that can accelerate flash memory transfers.

27.1.1 Overview
The Flash Memory Controller manages the interface between the device and the dual-
bank flash memory. The FMC receives status information detailing the configuration of
the memory and uses this information to ensure a proper interface. The following table
shows the supported read/write operations.
Flash memory type Read Write
Program flash memory 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit reads —1
FlexNVM used as Data flash memory 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit reads —1
FlexNVM and FlexRAM used as 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit reads 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit writes

1. A write operation to program flash memory or to FlexNVM used as data flash memory results in a bus error.

In addition, for bank 0, the FMC provides three separate mechanisms for accelerating the
interface between the device and the flash memory. A 64-bit speculation buffer can
prefetch the next 64-bit flash memory location, and both a 4-way, 8-set cache and a
single-entry 64-bit buffer can store previously accessed flash memory data for quick
access times.

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Modes of operation

27.1.2 Features
The FMC's features include:
• Interface between the device and the dual-bank flash memory and FlexMemory:
• 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit read operations to program flash memory and FlexNVM
used as data flash memory.
• 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit read and write operations to FlexNVM and FlexRAM
used as EEPROM.
• For bank 0: Read accesses to consecutive 32-bit spaces in memory return the
second read data with no wait states. The memory returns 64 bits via the 32-bit
bus access.
• Crossbar master access protection for setting no access, read-only access, write-
only access, or read/write access for each crossbar master.
• For bank 0: Acceleration of data transfer from program flash memory and
FlexMemory to the device:
• 64-bit prefetch speculation buffer with controls for instruction/data access per
• 4-way, 8-set, 64-bit line size cache for a total of thirty-two 64-bit entries with
controls for replacement algorithm and lock per way
• Single-entry buffer with enable
• Invalidation control for the speculation buffer and the single-entry buffer

27.2 Modes of operation

The FMC only operates when the device accesses the flash memory or FlexMemory.
In terms of device power modes, the FMC only operates in run and wait modes, including
VLPR and VLPW modes.
For any device power mode where the flash memory or FlexMemory cannot be accessed,
the FMC is disabled.

27.3 External signal description

The FMC has no external signals.

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558 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

27.4 Memory map and register descriptions

The programming model consists of the FMC control registers and the program visible
cache (data and tag/valid entries).
Program the registers only while the flash controller is idle (for
example, execute from RAM). Changing configuration settings
while a flash access is in progress can lead to non-deterministic
Table 27-2. FMC register access
Registers Read access Write access
Mode Length Mode Length
Control registers: Supervisor (privileged) 32 bits Supervisor (privileged) 32 bits
PFAPR, PFB0CR, mode or user mode mode only
Cache registers Supervisor (privileged) 32 bits Supervisor (privileged) 32 bits
mode or user mode mode only

Accesses to unimplemented registers within the FMC's 4 KB
address space return a bus error.
The cache entries, both data and tag/valid, can be read at any time.
System software is required to maintain memory coherence
when any segment of the flash cache is programmed. For
example, all buffer data associated with the reprogrammed flash
should be invalidated. Accordingly, cache program visible
writes must occur after a programming or erase event is
completed and before the new memory image is accessed.
The cache is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and
the sets are numbered 0-7. The following table elaborates on the tag/valid and data

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Memory map and register descriptions

Table 27-3. Program visible cache registers

Cache Based at Contents of 32-bit read Nomenclature Nomenclature example
storage offset
Tag 100h 13'h0, tag[18:6], 5'h0, valid In TAGVDWxSy, x denotes the way TAGVDW2S0 is the 13-bit tag
and y denotes the set. and 1-bit valid for cache entry
way 2, set 0.
Data 200h Upper or lower longword of In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x DATAW1S0U represents bits
data denotes the way, y denotes the set, [63:32] of data entry way 1,
and U and L represent upper and set 0, and DATAW1S0L
lower word, respectively. represents bits [31:0] of data
entry way 1, set 0.

FMC memory map

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4001_F000 Flash Access Protection Register (FMC_PFAPR) 32 R/W 00F8_003Fh 27.4.1/564
4001_F004 Flash Bank 0 Control Register (FMC_PFB0CR) 32 R/W 3002_001Fh 27.4.2/567
4001_F008 Flash Bank 1 Control Register (FMC_PFB1CR) 32 R/W 3000_0000h 27.4.3/569
4001_F100 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/570
4001_F104 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/570
4001_F108 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/570
4001_F10C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/570
4001_F110 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/570
4001_F114 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/570
4001_F118 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S6) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/570
4001_F11C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0S7) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.4/570
4001_F120 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/571
4001_F124 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/571
4001_F128 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/571
4001_F12C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/571
4001_F130 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/571
4001_F134 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/571
4001_F138 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S6) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/571
4001_F13C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1S7) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.5/571
4001_F140 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/572
4001_F144 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/572
4001_F148 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/572
4001_F14C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/572
4001_F150 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/572
4001_F154 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/572
4001_F158 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S6) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/572
4001_F15C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2S7) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.6/572

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Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

FMC memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4001_F160 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/573
4001_F164 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/573
4001_F168 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/573
4001_F16C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/573
4001_F170 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/573
4001_F174 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/573
4001_F178 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S6) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/573
4001_F17C Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3S7) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.7/573
4001_F200 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S0U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/573
4001_F204 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S0L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/574
4001_F208 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S1U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/573
4001_F20C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S1L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/574
4001_F210 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S2U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/573
4001_F214 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S2L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/574
4001_F218 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S3U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/573
4001_F21C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S3L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/574
4001_F220 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S4U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/573
4001_F224 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S4L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/574
4001_F228 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S5U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/573
4001_F22C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S5L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/574
4001_F230 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S6U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/573
4001_F234 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S6L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/574
4001_F238 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0S7U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.8/573
4001_F23C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0S7L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 27.4.9/574
4001_F240 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S0U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F244 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S0L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F248 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S1U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F24C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S1L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F250 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S2U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F254 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S2L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F258 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S3U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F25C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S3L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h

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Memory map and register descriptions

FMC memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4001_F260 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S4U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F264 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S4L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F268 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S5U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F26C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S5L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F270 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S6U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F274 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S6L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F278 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1S7U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F27C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1S7L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F280 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S0U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F284 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S0L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F288 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S1U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F28C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S1L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F290 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S2U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F294 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S2L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F298 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S3U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F29C Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S3L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2A0 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S4U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2A4 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S4L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2A8 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S5U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2AC Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S5L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2B0 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S6U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2B4 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S6L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h

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Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

FMC memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4001_F2B8 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2S7U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2BC Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2S7L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2C0 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S0U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2C4 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S0L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2C8 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S1U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2CC Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S1L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2D0 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S2U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2D4 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S2L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2D8 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S3U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2DC Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S3L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2E0 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S4U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2E4 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S4L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2E8 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S5U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2EC Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S5L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2F0 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S6U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2F4 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S6L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2F8 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3S7U) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4001_F2FC Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3S7L) 32 R/W 0000_0000h

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 563
Memory map and register descriptions

27.4.1 Flash Access Protection Register (FMC_PFAPR)

Address: 4001_F000h base + 0h offset = 4001_F000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0









Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

M7AP[1:0] M6AP[1:0] M5AP[1:0] M4AP[1:0] M3AP[1:0] M2AP[1:0] M1AP[1:0] M0AP[1:0]


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

FMC_PFAPR field descriptions

Field Description
31–24 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
23 Master 7 Prefetch Disable
These bits control whether prefetching is enabled based on the logical number of the requesting crossbar
switch master. This field is further qualified by the PFBnCR[BxDPE,BxIPE] bits.

0 Prefetching for this master is enabled.

1 Prefetching for this master is disabled.
22 Master 6 Prefetch Disable
These bits control whether prefetching is enabled based on the logical number of the requesting crossbar
switch master. This field is further qualified by the PFBnCR[BxDPE,BxIPE] bits.

0 Prefetching for this master is enabled.

1 Prefetching for this master is disabled.
21 Master 5 Prefetch Disable
These bits control whether prefetching is enabled based on the logical number of the requesting crossbar
switch master. This field is further qualified by the PFBnCR[BxDPE,BxIPE] bits.

0 Prefetching for this master is enabled.

1 Prefetching for this master is disabled.
20 Master 4 Prefetch Disable
These bits control whether prefetching is enabled based on the logical number of the requesting crossbar
switch master. This field is further qualified by the PFBnCR[BxDPE,BxIPE] bits.

0 Prefetching for this master is enabled.

1 Prefetching for this master is disabled.

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Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

FMC_PFAPR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
19 Master 3 Prefetch Disable
These bits control whether prefetching is enabled based on the logical number of the requesting crossbar
switch master. This field is further qualified by the PFBnCR[BxDPE,BxIPE] bits.

0 Prefetching for this master is enabled.

1 Prefetching for this master is disabled.
18 Master 2 Prefetch Disable
These bits control whether prefetching is enabled based on the logical number of the requesting crossbar
switch master. This field is further qualified by the PFBnCR[BxDPE,BxIPE] bits.

0 Prefetching for this master is enabled.

1 Prefetching for this master is disabled.
17 Master 1 Prefetch Disable
These bits control whether prefetching is enabled based on the logical number of the requesting crossbar
switch master. This field is further qualified by the PFBnCR[BxDPE,BxIPE] bits.

0 Prefetching for this master is enabled.

1 Prefetching for this master is disabled.
16 Master 0 Prefetch Disable
These bits control whether prefetching is enabled based on the logical number of the requesting crossbar
switch master. This field is further qualified by the PFBnCR[BxDPE,BxIPE] bits.

0 Prefetching for this master is enabled.

1 Prefetching for this master is disabled.
15–14 Master 7 Access Protection
This field controls whether read and write access to the flash are allowed based on the logical master
number of the requesting crossbar switch master.

00 No access may be performed by this master.

01 Only read accesses may be performed by this master.
10 Only write accesses may be performed by this master.
11 Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master.
13–12 Master 6 Access Protection
This field controls whether read and write access to the flash are allowed based on the logical master
number of the requesting crossbar switch master.

00 No access may be performed by this master

01 Only read accesses may be performed by this master
10 Only write accesses may be performed by this master
11 Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master
11–10 Master 5 Access Protection
This field controls whether read and write access to the flash are allowed based on the logical master
number of the requesting crossbar switch master.

00 No access may be performed by this master

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Memory map and register descriptions

FMC_PFAPR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
01 Only read accesses may be performed by this master
10 Only write accesses may be performed by this master
11 Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master
9–8 Master 4 Access Protection
This field controls whether read and write access to the flash are allowed based on the logical master
number of the requesting crossbar switch master.

00 No access may be performed by this master

01 Only read accesses may be performed by this master
10 Only write accesses may be performed by this master
11 Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master
7–6 Master 3 Access Protection
This field controls whether read and write access to the flash are allowed based on the logical master
number of the requesting crossbar switch master.

00 No access may be performed by this master

01 Only read accesses may be performed by this master
10 Only write accesses may be performed by this master
11 Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master
5–4 Master 2 Access Protection
This field controls whether read and write access to the flash are allowed based on the logical master
number of the requesting crossbar switch master.

00 No access may be performed by this master

01 Only read accesses may be performed by this master
10 Only write accesses may be performed by this master
11 Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master
3–2 Master 1 Access Protection
This field controls whether read and write access to the flash are allowed based on the logical master
number of the requesting crossbar switch master.

00 No access may be performed by this master

01 Only read accesses may be performed by this master
10 Only write accesses may be performed by this master
11 Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master
1–0 Master 0 Access Protection
This field controls whether read and write access to the flash are allowed based on the logical master
number of the requesting crossbar switch master.

00 No access may be performed by this master

01 Only read accesses may be performed by this master
10 Only write accesses may be performed by this master
11 Both read and write accesses may be performed by this master

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566 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

27.4.2 Flash Bank 0 Control Register (FMC_PFB0CR)

Address: 4001_F000h base + 4h offset = 4001_F004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R B0RWSC[3:0] 0 0 B0MW[1:0] 0



Reset 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0




Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

FMC_PFB0CR field descriptions

Field Description
31–28 Bank 0 Read Wait State Control
This read-only field defines the number of wait states required to access the bank 0 flash memory.
The relationship between the read access time of the flash array (expressed in system clock cycles) and
RWSC is defined as:
Access time of flash array [system clocks] = RWSC + 1
The FMC automatically calculates this value based on the ratio of the system clock speed to the flash
clock speed. For example, when this ratio is 4:1, the field's value is 3h.
27–24 Cache Lock Way x
These bits determine if the given cache way is locked such that its contents will not be displaced by future
The bit setting definitions are for each bit in the field.

0 Cache way is unlocked and may be displaced

1 Cache way is locked and its contents are not displaced
23–20 Cache Invalidate Way x
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Memory map and register descriptions

FMC_PFB0CR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
These bits determine if the given cache way is to be invalidated (cleared). When a bit within this field is
written, the corresponding cache way is immediately invalidated: the way's tag, data, and valid contents
are cleared. This field always reads as zero.
Cache invalidation takes precedence over locking. The cache is invalidated by system reset. System
software is required to maintain memory coherency when any segment of the flash memory is
programmed or erased. Accordingly, cache invalidations must occur after a programming or erase event is
completed and before the new memory image is accessed.
The bit setting definitions are for each bit in the field.

0 No cache way invalidation for the corresponding cache

1 Invalidate cache way for the corresponding cache: clear the tag, data, and vld bits of ways selected
19 Invalidate Prefetch Speculation Buffer
This bit determines if the FMC's prefetch speculation buffer and the single entry page buffer are to be
invalidated (cleared). When this bit is written, the speculation buffer and single entry buffer are
immediately cleared. This bit always reads as zero.

0 Speculation buffer and single entry buffer are not affected.

1 Invalidate (clear) speculation buffer and single entry buffer.
18–17 Bank 0 Memory Width
This read-only field defines the width of the bank 0 memory.

00 32 bits
01 64 bits
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–5 Cache Replacement Control
This 3-bit field defines the replacement algorithm for accesses that are cached.

000 LRU replacement algorithm per set across all four ways
001 Reserved
010 Independent LRU with ways [0-1] for ifetches, [2-3] for data
011 Independent LRU with ways [0-2] for ifetches, [3] for data
1xx Reserved
4 Bank 0 Data Cache Enable
This bit controls whether data references are loaded into the cache.

0 Do not cache data references.

1 Cache data references.
3 Bank 0 Instruction Cache Enable
This bit controls whether instruction fetches are loaded into the cache.
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Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

FMC_PFB0CR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Do not cache instruction fetches.
1 Cache instruction fetches.
2 Bank 0 Data Prefetch Enable
This bit controls whether prefetches (or speculative accesses) are initiated in response to data references.

0 Do not prefetch in response to data references.

1 Enable prefetches in response to data references.
1 Bank 0 Instruction Prefetch Enable
This bit controls whether prefetches (or speculative accesses) are initiated in response to instruction

0 Do not prefetch in response to instruction fetches.

1 Enable prefetches in response to instruction fetches.
0 Bank 0 Single Entry Buffer Enable
This bit controls whether the single entry page buffer is enabled in response to flash read accesses. Its
operation is independent from bank 1's cache.
A high-to-low transition of this enable forces the page buffer to be invalidated.

0 Single entry buffer is disabled.

1 Single entry buffer is enabled.

27.4.3 Flash Bank 1 Control Register (FMC_PFB1CR)

This register has a format similar to that for PFB0CR, except it controls the operation of
flash bank 1, and the "global" cache control fields are empty.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 8h offset = 4001_F008h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R B1RWSC[3:0] 0 B1MW[1:0] 0

Reset 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Memory map and register descriptions

FMC_PFB1CR field descriptions

Field Description
31–28 Bank 1 Read Wait State Control
This read-only field defines the number of wait states required to access the bank 1 flash memory.
The relationship between the read access time of the flash array (expressed in system clock cycles) and
RWSC is defined as:
Access time of flash array [system clocks] = RWSC + 1
The FMC automatically calculates this value based on the ratio of the system clock speed to the flash
clock speed. For example, when this ratio is 4:1, the field's value is 3h.
27–19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18–17 Bank 1 Memory Width
This read-only field defines the width of the bank 1 memory.

00 32 bits
01 64 bits
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

27.4.4 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW0Sn)

The cache is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and
the sets are numbered 0-7. In TAGVDWxSy, x denotes the way, and y denotes the set.
This section represents tag/vld information for all sets in the indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 100h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0 tag[18:6]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0
tag[18:6] valid
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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570 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

FMC_TAGVDW0Sn field descriptions

Field Description
31–19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18–6 13-bit tag for cache entry
5–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 1-bit valid for cache entry

27.4.5 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW1Sn)

The cache is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and
the sets are numbered 0-7. In TAGVDWxSy, x denotes the way, and y denotes the set.
This section represents tag/vld information for all sets in the indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 120h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0 tag[18:6]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0
tag[18:6] valid
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FMC_TAGVDW1Sn field descriptions

Field Description
31–19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18–6 13-bit tag for cache entry
5–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 1-bit valid for cache entry

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Memory map and register descriptions

27.4.6 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW2Sn)

The cache is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and
the sets are numbered 0-7. In TAGVDWxSy, x denotes the way, and y denotes the set.
This section represents tag/vld information for all sets in the indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 140h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0 tag[18:6]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0
tag[18:6] valid
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FMC_TAGVDW2Sn field descriptions

Field Description
31–19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18–6 13-bit tag for cache entry
5–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 1-bit valid for cache entry

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Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

27.4.7 Cache Tag Storage (FMC_TAGVDW3Sn)

The cache is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are numbered 0-3 and
the sets are numbered 0-7. In TAGVDWxSy, x denotes the way, and y denotes the set.
This section represents tag/vld information for all sets in the indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 160h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0 tag[18:6]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0
tag[18:6] valid
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FMC_TAGVDW3Sn field descriptions

Field Description
31–19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18–6 13-bit tag for cache entry
5–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 1-bit valid for cache entry

27.4.8 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW0SnU)

The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are
numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-7. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x
denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word,
respectively. This section represents data for the upper word (bits [63:32]) of all sets in
the indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 200h offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Memory map and register descriptions

FMC_DATAW0SnU field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Bits [63:32] of data entry

27.4.9 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW0SnL)

The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are
numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-7. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x
denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word,
respectively. This section represents data for the lower word (bits [31:0]) of all sets in the
indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 204h offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FMC_DATAW0SnL field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Bits [31:0] of data entry

27.4.10 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW1SnU)

The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are
numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-7. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x
denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word,
respectively. This section represents data for the upper word (bits [63:32]) of all sets in
the indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 240h offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

FMC_DATAW1SnU field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Bits [63:32] of data entry

27.4.11 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW1SnL)

The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are
numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-7. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x
denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word,
respectively. This section represents data for the lower word (bits [31:0]) of all sets in the
indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 244h offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FMC_DATAW1SnL field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Bits [31:0] of data entry

27.4.12 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW2SnU)

The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are
numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-7. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x
denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word,
respectively. This section represents data for the upper word (bits [63:32]) of all sets in
the indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 280h offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 575
Memory map and register descriptions

FMC_DATAW2SnU field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Bits [63:32] of data entry

27.4.13 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW2SnL)

The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are
numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-7. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x
denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word,
respectively. This section represents data for the lower word (bits [31:0]) of all sets in the
indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 284h offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FMC_DATAW2SnL field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Bits [31:0] of data entry

27.4.14 Cache Data Storage (upper word) (FMC_DATAW3SnU)

The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are
numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-7. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x
denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word,
respectively. This section represents data for the upper word (bits [63:32]) of all sets in
the indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 2C0h offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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576 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

FMC_DATAW3SnU field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Bits [63:32] of data entry

27.4.15 Cache Data Storage (lower word) (FMC_DATAW3SnL)

The cache of 64-bit entries is a 4-way, set-associative cache with 8 sets. The ways are
numbered 0-3 and the sets are numbered 0-7. In DATAWxSyU and DATAWxSyL, x
denotes the way, y denotes the set, and U and L represent upper and lower word,
respectively. This section represents data for the lower word (bits [31:0]) of all sets in the
indicated way.
Address: 4001_F000h base + 2C4h offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FMC_DATAW3SnL field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Bits [31:0] of data entry

27.5 Functional description

The FMC is a flash acceleration unit with flexible buffers for user configuration. Besides
managing the interface between the device and the flash memory and FlexMemory, the
FMC can be used to restrict access from crossbar switch masters and—for program flash
only—to customize the cache and buffers to provide single-cycle system-clock data-
access times. Whenever a hit occurs for the prefetch speculation buffer, the cache, or the
single-entry buffer, the requested data is transferred within a single system clock.

27.5.1 Default configuration

Upon system reset, the FMC is configured to provide a significant level of buffering for
transfers from the flash memory:
• Crossbar masters 0, 1, 2 have read access to bank 0 and bank 1.

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Functional description

• These masters have write access to a portion of bank 1 when FlexNVM is used with
• For bank 0:
• Prefetch support for data and instructions is enabled for crossbar masters 0, 1, 2.
• The cache is configured for least recently used (LRU) replacement for all four
• The cache is configured for data or instruction replacement.
• The single-entry buffer is enabled.

27.5.2 Configuration options

Though the default configuration provides a high degree of flash acceleration, advanced
users may desire to customize the FMC buffer configurations to maximize throughput for
their use cases. When reconfiguring the FMC for custom use cases, do not program the
FMC's control registers while the flash memory or FlexMemory is being accessed.
Instead, change the control registers with a routine executing from RAM in supervisor
The FMC's cache and buffering controls within PFB0CR allow the tuning of resources to
suit particular applications' needs. The cache and two buffers are each controlled
individually. The register controls enable buffering and prefetching per access type
(instruction fetch or data reference). The cache also supports three types of LRU
replacement algorithms:
• LRU per set across all four ways,
• LRU with ways [0-1] for instruction fetches and ways [2-3] for data fetches, and
• LRU with ways [0-2] for instruction fetches and way [3] for data fetches.
As an application example: if both instruction fetches and data references are accessing
bank 0, control is available to send instruction fetches, data references, or both to the
cache or the single-entry buffer. Likewise, speculation can be enabled or disabled for
either type of access. If both instruction fetches and data references are cached, the
cache's way resources may be divided in several ways between the instruction fetches and
data references.

27.5.3 Wait states

Because the core, crossbar switch, and bus masters can be clocked at a higher frequency
than the flash clock, flash memory accesses that do not hit in the speculation buffer or
cache usually require wait states. The number of wait states depends on both of the
1. the ratio of the core clock to the flash clock, and
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578 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 27 Flash Memory Controller (FMC)

2. the phase relationship of the core clock and flash clock at the time the read is
The ratio of the core clock to the flash clock is equal to the value of PFB0CR[B0RWSC]
+ 1 for bank 0 and to the value of PFB1CR[B1RWSC] + 1 for bank 1.
For example, in a system with a 4:1 core-to-flash clock ratio, a read that does not hit in
the speculation buffer or the cache can take between 4 and 7 core clock cycles to
• The best-case scenario is a period of 4 core clock cycles because a read from the
flash memory takes 1 flash clock, which translates to 4 core clocks.
• The worst-case scenario is a period of 7 core clock cycles, consisting of 4 cycles for
the read operation and 3 cycles of delay to align the core and flash clocks.
• A delay to align the core and flash clocks might occur because you can request a
read cycle on any core clock edge, but that edge does not necessarily align with a
flash clock edge where the read can start.
• In this case, the read operation is delayed by a number of core clocks equal to the
core-to-flash clock ratio minus one: 4 - 1 = 3. That is, 3 additional core clock
cycles are required to synchronize the clocks before the read operation can start.
All wait states and synchronization delays are handled automatically by the Flash
Memory Controller. No direct user configuration is required or even allowed to set up the
flash wait states.

27.5.4 Speculative reads

The FMC has a single buffer that reads ahead to the next word in the flash memory if
there is an idle cycle. Speculative prefetching is programmable for each bank for
instruction and/or data accesses using the B0DPE and B0IPE fields of PFB0CR. Because
many code accesses are sequential, using the speculative prefetch buffer improves
performance in most cases.
When speculative reads are enabled, the FMC immediately requests the next sequential
address after a read completes. By requesting the next word immediately, speculative
reads can help to reduce or even eliminate wait states when accessing sequential code
and/or data.
For example, consider the following scenario:
• Assume a system with a 4:1 core-to-flash clock ratio and with speculative reads

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Initialization and application information

• The core requests four sequential longwords in back-to-back requests, meaning there
are no core cycle delays except for stalls waiting for flash memory data to be
• None of the data is already stored in the cache or speculation buffer.
In this scenario, the sequence of events for accessing the four longwords is as follows:
1. The first longword read requires 4 to 7 core clocks. See Wait states for more
2. Due to the 64-bit data bus of the flash memory, the second longword read takes only
1 core clock because the data is already available inside the FMC. While the data for
the second longword is being returned to the core, the FMC also starts reading the
third and fourth longwords from the flash memory.
3. Accessing the third longword requires 3 core clock cycles. The flash memory read
itself takes 4 clocks, but the first clock overlaps with the second longword read.
4. Reading the fourth longword, like the second longword, takes only 1 clock due to the
64-bit flash memory data bus.

27.6 Initialization and application information

The FMC does not require user initialization. Flash acceleration features are enabled by
The FMC has no visibility into flash memory erase and program cycles because the Flash
Memory module manages them directly. As a result, if an application is executing flash
memory commands, the FMC's cache might need to be disabled and/or flushed to prevent
the possibility of returning stale data. Use the PFB0CR[CINV_WAY] field to invalidate
the cache in this manner.

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580 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28
Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

28.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The flash memory module includes the following accessible memory regions:
• Program flash memory for vector space and code store
• FlexNVM for data store and additional code store
• FlexRAM for high-endurance data store or traditional RAM
Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications, permitting in-the-field erase and
reprogramming operations without the need for any external high voltage power sources.
The flash memory module includes a memory controller that executes commands to
modify flash memory contents. An erased bit reads '1' and a programmed bit reads '0'.
The programming operation is unidirectional; it can only move bits from the '1' state
(erased) to the '0' state (programmed). Only the erase operation restores bits from '0' to
'1'; bits cannot be programmed from a '0' to a '1'.
A flash memory location must be in the erased state before
being programmed. Cumulative programming of bits (back-to-
back program operations without an intervening erase) within a
flash memory location is not allowed. Re-programming of
existing 0s to 0 is not allowed as this overstresses the device.
The standard shipping condition for flash memory is erased
with security disabled. Data loss over time may occur due to
degradation of the erased ('1') states and/or programmed ('0')

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 581

states. Therefore, it is recommended that each flash block or

sector be re-erased immediately prior to factory programming
to ensure that the full data retention capability is achieved.

28.1.1 Features
The flash memory module includes the following features.
See the device's Chip Configuration details for the exact
amount of flash memory available on your device. Program Flash Memory Features

• Sector size of 2 Kbytes
• Program flash protection scheme prevents accidental program or erase of stored data
• Automated, built-in, program and erase algorithms with verify
• Section programming for faster bulk programming times
• Read access to program flash memory possible while programming or erasing data in
the data flash memory or FlexRAM FlexNVM Memory Features

When FlexNVM is partitioned for data flash memory:
• Sector size of 1 Kbyte
• Protection scheme prevents accidental program or erase of stored data
• Automated, built-in program and erase algorithms with verify
• Section programming for faster bulk programming times
• Read access to data flash memory possible while programming or erasing data in the
program flash memory

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Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL) FlexRAM Features

• Memory that can be used as traditional RAM or as high-endurance EEPROM storage
• Up to 2 Kbytes of FlexRAM configured for EEPROM or traditional RAM operations
• When configured for EEPROM:
• Protection scheme prevents accidental program or erase of data written for
• Built-in hardware emulation scheme to automate EEPROM record maintenance
• Programmable EEPROM data set size and FlexNVM partition code facilitating
EEPROM memory endurance trade-offs
• Supports FlexRAM aligned writes of 1, 2, or 4 bytes at a time
• Read access to FlexRAM possible while programming or erasing data in the
program or data flash memory
• When configured for traditional RAM:
• Read and write access possible to the FlexRAM while programming or erasing
data in the program or data flash memory Other Flash Memory Module Features

• Internal high-voltage supply generator for flash memory program and erase
• Optional interrupt generation upon flash command completion
• Supports MCU security mechanisms which prevent unauthorized access to the flash
memory contents

28.1.2 Block Diagram

The block diagram of the flash memory module is shown in the following figure.

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Status Program flash

Register access registers
Memory controller


To MCU's
flash controller


Data flash

EEPROM backup

Figure 28-1. Flash Block Diagram

28.1.3 Glossary
Command write sequence — A series of MCU writes to the flash FCCOB register
group that initiates and controls the execution of flash algorithms that are built into the
flash memory module.
Data flash memory — Partitioned from the FlexNVM block, the data flash memory
provides nonvolatile storage for user data, boot code, and additional code store.
Data flash sector — The data flash sector is the smallest portion of the data flash
memory that can be erased.
EEPROM — Using a built-in filing system, the flash memory module emulates the
characteristics of an EEPROM by effectively providing a high-endurance, byte-writeable
(program and erase) NVM.
EEPROM backup data header — The EEPROM backup data header is comprised of a
32-bit field found in EEPROM backup data memory which contains information used by
the EEPROM filing system to determine the status of a specific EEPROM backup flash

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Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

EEPROM backup data record — The EEPROM backup data record is comprised of a
2-bit status field, a 14-bit address field, and a 16-bit data field found in EEPROM backup
data memory which is used by the EEPROM filing system. If the status field indicates a
record is valid, the data field is mirrored in the FlexRAM at a location determined by the
address field.
EEPROM backup data memory — Partitioned from the FlexNVM block, EEPROM
backup data memory provides nonvolatile storage for the EEPROM filing system
representing data written to the FlexRAM requiring highest endurance.
EEPROM backup data sector — The EEPROM backup data sector contains one
EEPROM backup data header and up to 255 EEPROM backup data records, which are
used by the EEPROM filing system.
Endurance — The number of times that a flash memory location can be erased and
FCCOB (Flash Common Command Object) — A group of flash registers that are used
to pass command, address, data, and any associated parameters to the memory controller
in the flash memory module.
Flash block — A macro within the flash memory module which provides the nonvolatile
memory storage.
FlexMemory — Flash configuration that supports data flash, EEPROM, and FlexRAM.
FlexNVM Block — The FlexNVM block can be configured to be used as data flash
memory, EEPROM backup flash memory, or a combination of both.
FlexRAM — The FlexRAM refers to a RAM, dedicated to the flash memory module,
that can be configured to store EEPROM data or as traditional RAM. When configured
for EEPROM, valid writes to the FlexRAM generate new EEPROM backup data records
stored in the EEPROM backup flash memory.
Flash Memory Module — All flash blocks plus a flash management unit providing
high-level control and an interface to MCU buses.
IFR — Nonvolatile information register found in each flash block, separate from the
main memory array.
NVM — Nonvolatile memory. A memory technology that maintains stored data during
power-off. The flash array is an NVM using NOR-type flash memory technology.
NVM Normal Mode — An NVM mode that provides basic user access to flash memory
module resources. The CPU or other bus masters initiate flash program and erase
operations (or other flash commands) using writes to the FCCOB register group in the
flash memory module.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 585
External Signal Description

NVM Special Mode — An NVM mode enabling external, off-chip access to the memory
resources in the flash memory module. A reduced flash command set is available when
the MCU is secured. See the Chip Configuration details for information on when this
mode is used.
Phrase — 64 bits of data with an aligned phrase having byte-address[2:0] = 000.
Longword — 32 bits of data with an aligned longword having byte-address[1:0] = 00.
Word — 16 bits of data with an aligned word having byte-address[0] = 0.
Program flash — The program flash memory provides nonvolatile storage for vectors
and code store.
Program flash Sector — The smallest portion of the program flash memory
(consecutive addresses) that can be erased.
Retention — The length of time that data can be kept in the NVM without experiencing
errors upon readout. Since erased (1) states are subject to degradation just like
programmed (0) states, the data retention limit may be reached from the last erase
operation (not from the programming time).
RWW— Read-While-Write. The ability to simultaneously read from one memory
resource while commanded operations are active in another memory resource.
Section Program Buffer — Lower half of the FlexRAM allocated for storing large
amounts of data for programming via the Program Section command.
Secure — An MCU state conveyed to the flash memory module as described in the Chip
Configuration details for this device. In the secure state, reading and changing NVM
contents is restricted.

28.2 External Signal Description

The flash memory module contains no signals that connect off-chip.

28.3 Memory Map and Registers

This section describes the memory map and registers for the flash memory module. Data
read from unimplemented memory space in the flash memory module is undefined.
Writes to unimplemented or reserved memory space (registers) in the flash memory
module are ignored.

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28.3.1 Flash Configuration Field Description

The program flash memory contains a 16-byte flash configuration field that stores default
protection settings (loaded on reset) and security information that allows the MCU to
restrict access to the flash memory module.
Flash Configuration Field Byte Size (Bytes) Field Description
0x0_0400 - 0x0_0407 8 Backdoor Comparison Key. Refer to
Verify Backdoor Access Key Command
and Unsecuring the Chip Using
Backdoor Key Access.
0x0_0408 - 0x0_040B 4 Program flash protection bytes. Refer to
the description of the Program Flash
Protection Registers (FPROT0-3).
0x0_040F 1 Data flash protection byte. Refer to the
description of the Data Flash Protection
Register (FDPROT).
0x0_040E 1 EEPROM protection byte. Refer to the
description of the EEPROM Protection
Register (FEPROT).
0x0_040D 1 Flash nonvolatile option byte. Refer to
the description of the Flash Option
Register (FOPT).
0x0_040C 1 Flash security byte. Refer to the
description of the Flash Security
Register (FSEC).

28.3.2 Program Flash IFR Map

The program flash IFR is nonvolatile information memory that can be read freely, but the
user has no erase and limited program capabilities (see the Read Once, Program Once,
and Read Resource commands in Read Once Command, Program Once Command and
Read Resource Command). The contents of the program flash IFR are summarized in the
following table and further described in the subsequent paragraphs.
Address Range Size (Bytes) Field Description
0x00 – 0xBF 192 Reserved
0xC0 – 0xFF 64 Program Once Field

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Memory Map and Registers Program Once Field

The Program Once Field in the program flash IFR provides 64 bytes of user data storage
separate from the program flash main array. The user can program the Program Once
Field one time only as there is no program flash IFR erase mechanism available to the
user. The Program Once Field can be read any number of times. This section of the
program flash IFR is accessed in 4-Byte records using the Read Once and Program Once
commands (see Read Once Command and Program Once Command).

28.3.3 Data Flash IFR Map

The data flash IFR is a 256 byte nonvolatile information memory that can be read and
erased, but the user has limited program capabilities in the data flash IFR (see the
Program Partition command in Program Partition Command, the Erase All Blocks
command in Erase All Blocks Command, and the Read Resource command in Read
Resource Command). The contents of the data flash IFR are summarized in the following
table and further described in the subsequent paragraphs.
Address Range Size (Bytes) Field Description
0x00 – 0xFB, 0xFE – 0xFF 254 Reserved
0xFD 1 EEPROM data set size
0xFC 1 FlexNVM partition code EEPROM Data Set Size

The EEPROM data set size byte in the data flash IFR supplies information which
determines the amount of FlexRAM used in each of the available EEPROM subsystems.
To program the EEESIZE value, see the Program Partition command described in
Program Partition Command.
Table 28-1. EEPROM Data Set Size
Data flash IFR: 0x00FD
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 1 EEESIZE
= Unimplemented or Reserved

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Table 28-2. EEPROM Data Set Size Field Description

Field Description
7-4 This read-only bitfield is reserved and must always be written as one.
3-0 EEPROM Size — Encoding of the total available FlexRAM for EEPROM use.
EEESIZE NOTE: EEESIZE must be 0 bytes (1111b) when the FlexNVM partition code (FlexNVM Partition
Code) is set to 'No EEPROM'.
'0000' = Reserved
'0001' = Reserved
'0010' = Reserved
'0011' = 2,048 Bytes
'0100' = 1,024 Bytes
'0101' = 512 Bytes
'0110' = 256 Bytes
'0111' = 128 Bytes
'1000' = 64 Bytes
'1001' = 32 Bytes
'1010' = Reserved
'1011' = Reserved
'1100' = Reserved
'1101' = Reserved
'1110' = Reserved
'1111' = 0 Bytes FlexNVM Partition Code

The FlexNVM Partition Code byte in the data flash IFR supplies a code which specifies
how to split the FlexNVM block between data flash memory and EEPROM backup
memory supporting EEPROM functions. To program the DEPART value, see the
Program Partition command described in Program Partition Command.
Table 28-3. FlexNVM Partition Code
Data Flash IFR: 0x00FC
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 1 1 DEPART
= Unimplemented or Reserved

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Table 28-4. FlexNVM Partition Code Field Description

Field Description
7-4 This read-only bitfield is reserved and must always be written as one.
3-0 FlexNVM Partition Code — Encoding of the data flash / EEPROM backup split within the FlexNVM
memory block. FlexNVM memory not partitioned for data flash will be used to store EEPROM
0000 = 32 Kbytes of data flash, No EEPROM backup (No EEPROM)
0001 = 24 Kbytes of data flash, 8 Kbytes of EEPROM backup
0010 = 16 Kbytes of data flash, 16 Kbytes of EEPROM backup
0011 = No data flash, 32 Kbytes of EEPROM backup
0100 = Reserved
0101 = Reserved
0110 = Reserved
0111 = Reserved
1000 = No data flash, 32 Kbytes of EEPROM backup
1001 = 8 Kbytes of data flash, 24 Kbytes of EEPROM backup
1010 = 16 Kbytes of data flash, 16 Kbytes of EEPROM backup
1011 = 32 Kbytes of data flash, No EEPROM backup (No EEPROM)
1100 = Reserved
1101 = Reserved
1110 = Reserved
1111 = Reserved (defaults to 32 Kbytes of data flash, No EEPROM)

28.3.4 Register Descriptions

The flash memory module contains a set of memory-mapped control and status registers.
While a command is running (FSTAT[CCIF]=0), register
writes are not accepted to any register except FCNFG and
FSTAT. The no-write rule is relaxed during the start-up reset
sequence, prior to the initial rise of CCIF. During this
initialization period the user may write any register. All register
writes are also disabled (except for registers FCNFG and
FSTAT) whenever an erase suspend request is active

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FTFL memory map

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4002_0000 Flash Status Register (FTFL_FSTAT) 8 R/W 00h
4002_0001 Flash Configuration Register (FTFL_FCNFG) 8 R/W 00h
4002_0002 Flash Security Register (FTFL_FSEC) 8 R Undefined
4002_0003 Flash Option Register (FTFL_FOPT) 8 R Undefined
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_0004 8 R/W 00h
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_0005 8 R/W 00h
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_0006 8 R/W 00h
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_0007 8 R/W 00h
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_0008 8 R/W 00h
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_0009 8 R/W 00h
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_000A 8 R/W 00h
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_000B 8 R/W 00h
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_000C 8 R/W 00h
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_000D 8 R/W 00h
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_000E 8 R/W 00h
Flash Common Command Object Registers 28.34.5/
4002_000F 8 R/W 00h
4002_0010 Program Flash Protection Registers (FTFL_FPROT3) 8 R/W Undefined
4002_0011 Program Flash Protection Registers (FTFL_FPROT2) 8 R/W Undefined
4002_0012 Program Flash Protection Registers (FTFL_FPROT1) 8 R/W Undefined
4002_0013 Program Flash Protection Registers (FTFL_FPROT0) 8 R/W Undefined
4002_0016 EEPROM Protection Register (FTFL_FEPROT) 8 R/W Undefined
4002_0017 Data Flash Protection Register (FTFL_FDPROT) 8 R/W Undefined

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28.34.1 Flash Status Register (FTFL_FSTAT)

The FSTAT register reports the operational status of the flash memory module.
The CCIF, RDCOLERR, ACCERR, and FPVIOL bits are readable and writable. The
MGSTAT0 bit is read only. The unassigned bits read 0 and are not writable.
When set, the Access Error (ACCERR) and Flash Protection
Violation (FPVIOL) bits in this register prevent the launch of
any more commands or writes to the FlexRAM (when
EEERDY is set) until the flag is cleared (by writing a one to it).
Address: 4002_0000h base + 0h offset = 4002_0000h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Write w1c w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTFL_FSTAT field descriptions

Field Description
7 Command Complete Interrupt Flag
The CCIF flag indicates that a flash command or EEPROM file system operation has completed. The
CCIF flag is cleared by writing a 1 to CCIF to launch a command, and CCIF stays low until command
completion or command violation. The CCIF flag is also cleared by a successful write to FlexRAM while
enabled for EEE, and CCIF stays low until the EEPROM file system has created the associated EEPROM
data record.
The CCIF bit is reset to 0 but is set to 1 by the memory controller at the end of the reset initialization
sequence. Depending on how quickly the read occurs after reset release, the user may or may not see the
0 hardware reset value.

0 Flash command or EEPROM file system operation in progress

1 Flash command or EEPROM file system operation has completed
6 Flash Read Collision Error Flag
The RDCOLERR error bit indicates that the MCU attempted a read from a flash memory resource that
was being manipulated by a flash command (CCIF=0). Any simultaneous access is detected as a collision
error by the block arbitration logic. The read data in this case cannot be guaranteed. The RDCOLERR bit
is cleared by writing a 1 to it. Writing a 0 to RDCOLERR has no effect.

0 No collision error detected

1 Collision error detected
5 Flash Access Error Flag
The ACCERR error bit indicates an illegal access has occurred to a flash memory resource caused by a
violation of the command write sequence or issuing an illegal flash command. While ACCERR is set, the
Table continues on the next page...

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FTFL_FSTAT field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
CCIF flag cannot be cleared to launch a command. The ACCERR bit is cleared by writing a 1 to it. Writing
a 0 to the ACCERR bit has no effect.

0 No access error detected

1 Access error detected
4 Flash Protection Violation Flag
The FPVIOL error bit indicates an attempt was made to program or erase an address in a protected area
of program flash or data flash memory during a command write sequence or a write was attempted to a
protected area of the FlexRAM while enabled for EEPROM . While FPVIOL is set, the CCIF flag cannot be
cleared to launch a command. The FPVIOL bit is cleared by writing a 1 to it. Writing a 0 to the FPVIOL bit
has no effect.

0 No protection violation detected

1 Protection violation detected
3–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 Memory Controller Command Completion Status Flag
The MGSTAT0 status flag is set if an error is detected during execution of a flash command or during the
flash reset sequence. As a status flag, this bit cannot (and need not) be cleared by the user like the other
error flags in this register.
The value of the MGSTAT0 bit for "command-N" is valid only at the end of the "command-N" execution
when CCIF=1 and before the next command has been launched. At some point during the execution of
"command-N+1," the previous result is discarded and any previous error is cleared.

28.34.2 Flash Configuration Register (FTFL_FCNFG)

This register provides information on the current functional state of the flash memory
The erase control bits (ERSAREQ and ERSSUSP) have write restrictions. PFLSH,
RAMRDY, and EEERDYare read-only status bits . The unassigned bits read as noted and
are not writable. The reset values for the PFLASH, RAMRDY, and EEERDY bits are
determined during the reset sequence.
Address: 4002_0000h base + 1h offset = 4002_0001h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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FTFL_FCNFG field descriptions

Field Description
7 Command Complete Interrupt Enable
The CCIE bit controls interrupt generation when a flash command completes.

0 Command complete interrupt disabled

1 Command complete interrupt enabled. An interrupt request is generated whenever the FSTAT[CCIF]
flag is set.
6 Read Collision Error Interrupt Enable
The RDCOLLIE bit controls interrupt generation when a flash memory read collision error occurs.

0 Read collision error interrupt disabled

1 Read collision error interrupt enabled. An interrupt request is generated whenever a flash memory
read collision error is detected (see the description of FSTAT[RDCOLERR]).
5 Erase All Request
This bit issues a request to the memory controller to execute the Erase All Blocks command and release
security. ERSAREQ is not directly writable but is under indirect user control. Refer to the device's Chip
Configuration details on how to request this command.
The ERSAREQ bit sets when an erase all request is triggered external to the flash memory module and
CCIF is set (no command is currently being executed). ERSAREQ is cleared by the flash memory module
when the operation completes.

0 No request or request complete

1 Request to:
1. run the Erase All Blocks command,
2. verify the erased state,
3. program the security byte in the Flash Configuration Field to the unsecure state, and
4. release MCU security by setting the FSEC[SEC] field to the unsecure state.
4 Erase Suspend
The ERSSUSP bit allows the user to suspend (interrupt) the Erase Flash Sector command while it is

0 No suspend requested
1 Suspend the current Erase Flash Sector command execution.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Flash memory configuration
0 Flash memory module configured for FlexMemory that supports data flash and/or EEPROM
1 Reserved
1 RAM Ready
This flag indicates the current status of the FlexRAM .
The state of the RAMRDY flag is normally controlled by the Set FlexRAM Function command. During the
reset sequence, the RAMRDY flag is cleared if the FlexNVM block is partitioned for EEPROM and is set if
the FlexNVM block is not partitioned for EEPROM. The RAMRDY flag is cleared if the Program Partition
command is run to partition the FlexNVM block for EEPROM. The RAMRDY flag sets after completion of
the Erase All Blocks command or execution of the erase-all operation triggered external to the flash
memory module .
Table continues on the next page...

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FTFL_FCNFG field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 FlexRAM is not available for traditional RAM access.
1 FlexRAM is available as traditional RAM only; writes to the FlexRAM do not trigger EEPROM
0 This flag indicates if the EEPROM backup data has been copied to the FlexRAM and is therefore available
EEERDY for read access.
During the reset sequence, the EEERDY flag will remain cleared while CCIF is clear and will only set if the
FlexNVM block is partitioned for EEPROM.

0 FlexRAM is not available for EEPROM operation.

1 FlexRAM is available for EEPROM operations where:
• reads from the FlexRAM return data previously written to the FlexRAM in EEPROM mode and
• writes to the FlexRAM clear EEERDY and launch an EEPROM operation to store the written
data in the FlexRAM and EEPROM backup.

28.34.3 Flash Security Register (FTFL_FSEC)

This read-only register holds all bits associated with the security of the MCU and flash
memory module.
During the reset sequence, the register is loaded with the contents of the flash security
byte in the Flash Configuration Field located in program flash memory. The flash basis
for the values is signified by X in the reset value.
Address: 4002_0000h base + 2h offset = 4002_0002h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

FTFL_FSEC field descriptions

Field Description
7–6 Backdoor Key Security Enable
These bits enable and disable backdoor key access to the flash memory module.

00 Backdoor key access disabled

01 Backdoor key access disabled (preferred KEYEN state to disable backdoor key access)
10 Backdoor key access enabled
11 Backdoor key access disabled

Table continues on the next page...

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FTFL_FSEC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
5–4 Mass Erase Enable Bits
Enables and disables mass erase capability of the flash memory module. The state of the MEEN bits is
only relevant when the SEC bits are set to secure outside of NVM Normal Mode. When the SEC field is
set to unsecure, the MEEN setting does not matter.

00 Mass erase is enabled

01 Mass erase is enabled
10 Mass erase is disabled
11 Mass erase is enabled
3–2 Freescale Failure Analysis Access Code
These bits enable or disable access to the flash memory contents during returned part failure analysis at
Freescale. When SEC is secure and FSLACC is denied, access to the program flash contents is denied
and any failure analysis performed by Freescale factory test must begin with a full erase to unsecure the
When access is granted (SEC is unsecure, or SEC is secure and FSLACC is granted), Freescale factory
testing has visibility of the current flash contents. The state of the FSLACC bits is only relevant when the
SEC bits are set to secure. When the SEC field is set to unsecure, the FSLACC setting does not matter.

00 Freescale factory access granted

01 Freescale factory access denied
10 Freescale factory access denied
11 Freescale factory access granted
1–0 Flash Security
These bits define the security state of the MCU. In the secure state, the MCU limits access to flash
memory module resources. The limitations are defined per device and are detailed in the Chip
Configuration details. If the flash memory module is unsecured using backdoor key access, the SEC bits
are forced to 10b.

00 MCU security status is secure

01 MCU security status is secure
10 MCU security status is unsecure (The standard shipping condition of the flash memory module is
11 MCU security status is secure

28.34.4 Flash Option Register (FTFL_FOPT)

The flash option register allows the MCU to customize its operations by examining the
state of these read-only bits, which are loaded from NVM at reset. The function of the
bits is defined in the device's Chip Configuration details.
All bits in the register are read-only.
During the reset sequence, the register is loaded from the flash nonvolatile option byte in
the Flash Configuration Field located in program flash memory. The flash basis for the
values is signified by X in the reset value.

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Address: 4002_0000h base + 3h offset = 4002_0003h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read OPT

Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

FTFL_FOPT field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Nonvolatile Option
These bits are loaded from flash to this register at reset. Refer to the device's Chip Configuration details
for the definition and use of these bits.

28.34.5 Flash Common Command Object Registers


The FCCOB register group provides 12 bytes for command codes and parameters. The
individual bytes within the set append a 0-B hex identifier to the FCCOB register name:
Address: 4002_0000h base + 4h offset + (1d × i), where i=0d to 11d

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read CCOBn
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTFL_FCCOBn field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 The FCCOB register provides a command code and relevant parameters to the memory controller. The
CCOBn individual registers that compose the FCCOB data set can be written in any order, but you must provide all
needed values, which vary from command to command. First, set up all required FCCOB fields and then
initiate the command’s execution by writing a 1 to the FSTAT[CCIF] bit. This clears the CCIF bit, which
locks all FCCOB parameter fields and they cannot be changed by the user until the command completes
(CCIF returns to 1). No command buffering or queueing is provided; the next command can be loaded
only after the current command completes.
Some commands return information to the FCCOB registers. Any values returned to FCCOB are available
for reading after the FSTAT[CCIF] flag returns to 1 by the memory controller.
The following table shows a generic flash command format. The first FCCOB register, FCCOB0, always
contains the command code. This 8-bit value defines the command to be executed. The command code is
followed by the parameters required for this specific flash command, typically an address and/or data

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FTFL_FCCOBn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: The command parameter table is written in terms of FCCOB Number (which is equivalent to the
byte number). This number is a reference to the FCCOB register name and is not the register

FCCOB Number Typical Command Parameter Contents [7:0]

0 FCMD (a code that defines the flash command)
1 Flash address [23:16]
2 Flash address [15:8]
3 Flash address [7:0]
4 Data Byte 0
5 Data Byte 1
6 Data Byte 2
7 Data Byte 3
8 Data Byte 4
9 Data Byte 5
A Data Byte 6
B Data Byte 7

FCCOB Endianness and Multi-Byte Access :

The FCCOB register group uses a big endian addressing convention. For all command parameter fields
larger than 1 byte, the most significant data resides in the lowest FCCOB register number. The FCCOB
register group may be read and written as individual bytes, aligned words (2 bytes) or aligned longwords
(4 bytes).

28.34.6 Program Flash Protection Registers (FTFL_FPROTn)

The FPROT registers define which logical program flash regions are protected from
program and erase operations. Protected flash regions cannot have their content changed;
that is, these regions cannot be programmed and cannot be erased by any flash command.
Unprotected regions can be changed by program and erase operations.
The four FPROT registers allow 32 protectable regions. Each bit protects a 1/32 region of
the program flash memory. The bitfields are defined in each register as follows:
Program flash protection register Program flash protection bits
FPROT0 PROT[31:24]
FPROT1 PROT[23:16]

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Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

During the reset sequence, the FPROT registers are loaded with the contents of the
program flash protection bytes in the Flash Configuration Field as indicated in the
following table.
Program flash protection register Flash Configuration Field offset address
FPROT0 0x0008
FPROT1 0x0009
FPROT2 0x000A
FPROT3 0x000B

To change the program flash protection that is loaded during the reset sequence,
unprotect the sector of program flash memory that contains the Flash Configuration
Field. Then, reprogram the program flash protection byte.
Address: 4002_0000h base + 10h offset + (1d × i), where i=0d to 3d
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

FTFL_FPROTn field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Program Flash Region Protect
Each program flash region can be protected from program and erase operations by setting the associated
PROT bit.
In NVM Normal mode: The protection can only be increased, meaning that currently unprotected memory
can be protected, but currently protected memory cannot be unprotected. Since unprotected regions are
marked with a 1 and protected regions use a 0, only writes changing 1s to 0s are accepted. This 1-to-0
transition check is performed on a bit-by-bit basis. Those FPROT bits with 1-to-0 transitions are accepted
while all bits with 0-to-1 transitions are ignored .
In NVM Special mode: All bits of FPROT are writable without restriction. Unprotected areas can be
protected and protected areas can be unprotected.

Restriction: The user must never write to any FPROT register while a command is running (CCIF=0).
Trying to alter data in any protected area in the program flash memory results in a protection violation
error and sets the FSTAT[FPVIOL] bit. A full block erase of a program flash block is not possible if it
contains any protected region.
Each bit in the 32-bit protection register represents 1/32 of the total program flash .

0 Program flash region is protected.

1 Program flash region is not protected

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28.34.7 EEPROM Protection Register (FTFL_FEPROT)

The FEPROT register defines which EEPROM regions of the FlexRAM are protected
against program and erase operations. Protected EEPROM regions cannot have their
content changed by writing to it. Unprotected regions can be changed by writing to the
Address: 4002_0000h base + 16h offset = 4002_0016h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

FTFL_FEPROT field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 EEPROM Region Protect

Individual EEPROM regions can be protected from alteration by setting the associated EPROT bit. The
EPROT bits are not used when the FlexNVM Partition Code is set to data flash only. When the FlexNVM
Partition Code is set to data flash and EEPROM or EEPROM only, each EPROT bit covers one-eighth of
the configured EEPROM data (see the EEPROM Data Set Size parameter description).
In NVM Normal mode: The protection can only be increased. This means that currently-unprotected
memory can be protected, but currently-protected memory cannot be unprotected. Since unprotected
regions are marked with a 1 and protected regions use a 0, only writes changing 1s to 0s are accepted.
This 1-to-0 transition check is performed on a bit-by-bit basis. Those FEPROT bits with 1-to-0 transitions
are accepted while all bits with 0-to-1 transitions are ignored .
In NVM Special mode : All bits of the FEPROT register are writable without restriction. Unprotected areas
can be protected and protected areas can be unprotected.

Restriction: Never write to the FEPROT register while a command is running (CCIF=0).
Reset: During the reset sequence, the FEPROT register is loaded with the contents of the FlexRAM
protection byte in the Flash Configuration Field located in program flash. The flash basis for the reset
values is signified by X in the register diagram. To change the EEPROM protection that will be loaded
during the reset sequence, the sector of program flash that contains the Flash Configuration Field must be
unprotected; then the EEPROM protection byte must be erased and reprogrammed.
Trying to alter data by writing to any protected area in the EEPROM results in a protection violation error
and sets the FPVIOL bit in the FSTAT register.

0 EEPROM region is protected

1 EEPROM region is not protected

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28.34.8 Data Flash Protection Register (FTFL_FDPROT)

The FDPROT register defines which data flash regions are protected against program and
erase operations. Protected Flash regions cannot have their content changed; that is, these
regions cannot be programmed and cannot be erased by any flash command. Unprotected
regions can be changed by both program and erase operations.
Address: 4002_0000h base + 17h offset = 4002_0017h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

FTFL_FDPROT field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Data Flash Region Protect
Individual data flash regions can be protected from program and erase operations by setting the
associated DPROT bit. Each DPROT bit protects one-eighth of the partitioned data flash memory space.
The granularity of data flash protection cannot be less than the data flash sector size. If an unused
DPROT bit is set, the Erase all Blocks command does not execute and the FSTAT[FPVIOL] flag is set.
In NVM Normal mode: The protection can only be increased, meaning that currently unprotected memory
can be protected but currently protected memory cannot be unprotected. Since unprotected regions are
marked with a 1 and protected regions use a 0, only writes changing 1s to 0s are accepted. This 1-to-0
transition check is performed on a bit-by-bit basis. Those FDPROT bits with 1-to-0 transitions are
accepted while all bits with 0-to-1 transitions are ignored .
In NVM Special mode: All bits of the FDPROT register are writable without restriction. Unprotected areas
can be protected and protected areas can be unprotected.

Restriction: The user must never write to the FDPROT register while a command is running (CCIF=0).
Reset: During the reset sequence, the FDPROT register is loaded with the contents of the data flash
protection byte in the Flash Configuration Field located in program flash memory. The flash basis for the
reset values is signified by X in the register diagram. To change the data flash protection that will be
loaded during the reset sequence, unprotect the sector of program flash that contains the Flash
Configuration Field. Then, erase and reprogram the data flash protection byte.
Trying to alter data with the program and erase commands in any protected area in the data flash memory
results in a protection violation error and sets the FSTAT[FPVIOL] bit. A full block erase of the data flash
memory (see the Erase Flash Block command description) is not possible if the data flash memory
contains any protected region or if the FlexNVM block has been partitioned for EEPROM.

0 Data Flash region is protected

1 Data Flash region is not protected

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 601
Functional Description

28.4 Functional Description

The following sections describe functional details of the flash memory module.

28.4.1 Flash Protection

Individual regions within the flash memory can be protected from program and erase
operations. Protection is controlled by the following registers:
• FPROTn — Four registers that protect 32 regions of the program flash memory as
shown in the following figure
Program flash
Program flash size / 32 FPROT3[PROT0]

Program flash size / 32 FPROT3[PROT1]

Program flash size / 32 FPROT3[PROT2]

Program flash size / 32 FPROT3[PROT3]

Program flash size / 32 FPROT0[PROT29]

Program flash size / 32 FPROT0[PROT30]

Program flash size / 32 FPROT0[PROT31]

Last program flash address

Figure 28-26. Program flash protection

• protects eight regions of the data flash memory as shown in the following figure

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602 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)
Data flash size / 8 DPROT0

Data flash size / 8 DPROT1

Data flash size / 8 DPROT2

Data flash size / 8 DPROT3

Data flash size / 8 DPROT4

Data flash size / 8 DPROT5

Data flash size / 8 DPROT6

Data flash size / 8 DPROT7

Last data flash address
EEPROM backup
size (DEPART)

EEPROM backup

Last FlexNVM address

Figure 28-27. Data flash protection

• FEPROT — Protects eight regions of the EEPROM memory as shown in the
following figure
EEPROM size / 8 EPROT0

EEPROM size / 8 EPROT1

EEPROM size / 8 EPROT2


EEPROM size / 8 EPROT3

EEPROM size / 8 EPROT4

EEPROM size / 8 EPROT5

EEPROM size / 8 EPROT6

EEPROM size / 8 EPROT7

Last EEPROM address


Last FlexRAM address

Figure 28-28. EEPROM protection

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 603
Functional Description

28.4.2 FlexNVM Description

This section describes the FlexNVM memory. FlexNVM Block Partitioning for FlexRAM

The user can configure the FlexNVM block as either:
• Basic data flash,
• EEPROM flash records to support the built-in EEPROM feature, or
• A combination of both.
The user's FlexNVM configuration choice is specified using the Program Partition
command described in Program Partition Command.
While different partitions of the FlexNVM block are available,
the intention is that a single partition choice is used throughout
the entire lifetime of a given application. The FlexNVM
partition code choices affect the endurance and data retention
characteristics of the device. EEPROM User Perspective

The EEPROM system is shown in the following figure.

FlexRAM File EEPROM backup

User access (effective system with 1KByte
EEPROM) handler erase sectors

Figure 28-29. Top Level EEPROM Architecture

To handle varying customer requirements, the FlexRAM and FlexNVM blocks can be
split into partitions as shown in the figure below.
1. EEPROM partition (EEESIZE) — The amount of FlexRAM used for EEPROM
can be set from 0 Bytes (no EEPROM) to the maximum FlexRAM size (see Table
28-2). The remainder of the FlexRAM is not accessible while the FlexRAM is

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604 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

configured for EEPROM (see Set FlexRAM Function Command). The EEPROM
partition grows upward from the bottom of the FlexRAM address space.
2. Data flash partition (DEPART) — The amount of FlexNVM memory used for data
flash can be programmed from 0 bytes (all of the FlexNVM block is available for
EEPROM backup) to the maximum size of the FlexNVM block (see Table 28-4).
3. FlexNVM EEPROM partition — The amount of FlexNVM memory used for
EEPROM backup, which is equal to the FlexNVM block size minus the data flash
memory partition size. The EEPROM backup size must be at least 16 times the
EEPROM partition size in FlexRAM.
The partition information (EEESIZE, DEPART) is stored in the data flash IFR and is
programmed using the Program Partition command (see Program Partition Command).
Typically, the Program Partition command is executed only once in the lifetime of the
Data flash memory is useful for applications that need to quickly store large amounts of
data or store data that is static. The EEPROM partition in FlexRAM is useful for storing
smaller amounts of data that will be changed often.
FlexNVM base

Data flash
FlexRAM base


EEPROM partition

EEPROM backup

Figure 28-30. FlexRAM to FlexNVM Memory Mapping EEPROM Implementation Overview

Out of reset with the FSTAT[CCIF] bit clear, the partition settings (EEESIZE, DEPART)
are read from the data flash IFR and the EEPROM file system is initialized accordingly.
The EEPROM file system locates all valid EEPROM data records in EEPROM backup

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 605
Functional Description

and copies the newest data to FlexRAM. The FSTAT[CCIF] and FCNFG[EEERDY] bits
are set after data from all valid EEPROM data records is copied to the FlexRAM. After
the CCIF bit is set, the FlexRAM is available for read or write access.
When configured for EEPROM use, writes to an unprotected location in FlexRAM
invokes the EEPROM file system to program a new EEPROM data record in the
EEPROM backup memory in a round-robin fashion. As needed, the EEPROM file
system identifies the EEPROM backup sector that is being erased for future use and
partially erases that EEPROM backup sector. After a write to the FlexRAM, the
FlexRAM is not accessible until the FSTAT[CCIF] bit is set. The FCNFG[EEERDY] bit
will also be set. If enabled, the interrupt associated with the FSTAT[CCIF] bit can be
used to determine when the FlexRAM is available for read or write access.
After a sector in EEPROM backup is full of EEPROM data records, EEPROM data
records from the sector holding the oldest data are gradually copied over to a previously-
erased EEPROM backup sector. When the sector copy completes, the EEPROM backup
sector holding the oldest data is tagged for erase. Write endurance to FlexRAM for EEPROM

When the FlexNVM partition code is not set to full data flash, the EEPROM data set size
can be set to any of several non-zero values.
The bytes not assigned to data flash via the FlexNVM partition code are used by the
FTFL to obtain an effective endurance increase for the EEPROM data. The built-in
EEPROM record management system raises the number of program/erase cycles that can
be attained prior to device wear-out by cycling the EEPROM data through a larger
EEPROM NVM storage space.
While different partitions of the FlexNVM are available, the intention is that a single
choice for the FlexNVM partition code and EEPROM data set size is used throughout the
entire lifetime of a given application. The EEPROM endurance equation and graph
shown below assume that only one configuration is ever used.
Writes_FlexRAM = × Write_efficiency × nnvmcycd

• Writes_FlexRAM — minimum number of writes to each FlexRAM location
• EEPROM — allocated FlexNVM based on DEPART; entered with Program
Partition command
• EEESIZE — allocated FlexRAM based on DEPART; entered with Program Partition

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Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

• Write_efficiency —
• 0.25 for 8-bit writes to FlexRAM
• 0.50 for 16-bit or 32-bit writes to FlexRAM
• nnvmcycd — data flash cycling endurance

Figure 28-31. EEPROM backup writes to FlexRAM

28.4.3 Interrupts
The flash memory module can generate interrupt requests to the MCU upon the
occurrence of various flash events. These interrupt events and their associated status and
control bits are shown in the following table.
Table 28-30. Flash Interrupt Sources
Flash Event Readable Interrupt
Status Bit Enable Bit
Flash Command Complete FSTAT[CCIF] FCNFG[CCIE]


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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 607
Functional Description

Vector addresses and their relative interrupt priority are
determined at the MCU level.

28.4.4 Flash Operation in Low-Power Modes Wait Mode

When the MCU enters wait mode, the flash memory module is not affected. The flash
memory module can recover the MCU from wait via the command complete interrupt
(see Interrupts). Stop Mode

When the MCU requests stop mode, if a flash command is active (CCIF = 0) the
command execution completes before the MCU is allowed to enter stop mode.
The MCU should never enter stop mode while any flash
command is running (CCIF = 0).
While the MCU is in very-low-power modes (VLPR, VLPW,
VLPS), the flash memory module does not accept flash

28.4.5 Functional Modes of Operation

The flash memory module has two operating modes: NVM Normal and NVM Special.
The operating mode affects the command set availability (see Table 28-31). Refer to the
Chip Configuration details of this device for how to activate each mode.

28.4.6 Flash Reads and Ignored Writes

The flash memory module requires only the flash address to execute a flash memory
read. MCU read access is available to all flash blocks.
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608 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

The MCU must not read from the flash memory while commands are running (as
evidenced by CCIF=0) on that block. Read data cannot be guaranteed from a flash block
while any command is processing within that block. The block arbitration logic detects
any simultaneous access and reports this as a read collision error (see the

28.4.7 Read While Write (RWW)

The following simultaneous accesses are allowed:
• The user may read from the program flash memory while commands (typically
program and erase operations) are active in the data flash and FlexRAM memory
• The MCU can fetch instructions from program flash during both data flash program
and erase operations and while EEPROM backup data is maintained by the
EEPROM commands.
• Conversely, the user may read from data flash and FlexRAM while program and
erase commands are executing on the program flash.
• When configured as traditional RAM, writes to the FlexRAM are allowed during
program and data flash operations.
Simultaneous data flash operations and FlexRAM writes, when FlexRAM is used for
EEPROM, are not possible.
Simultaneous operations are further discussed in Allowed Simultaneous Flash

28.4.8 Flash Program and Erase

All flash functions except read require the user to setup and launch a flash command
through a series of peripheral bus writes. The user cannot initiate any further flash
commands until notified that the current command has completed. The flash command
structure and operation are detailed in Flash Command Operations.

28.4.9 Flash Command Operations

Flash command operations are typically used to modify flash memory contents. The next
sections describe:

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Functional Description

• The command write sequence used to set flash command parameters and launch
• A description of all flash commands available Command Write Sequence

Flash commands are specified using a command write sequence illustrated in Figure
28-32. The flash memory module performs various checks on the command (FCCOB)
content and continues with command execution if all requirements are fulfilled.
Before launching a command, the ACCERR and FPVIOL bits in the FSTAT register
must be zero and the CCIF flag must read 1 to verify that any previous command has
completed. If CCIF is zero, the previous command execution is still active, a new
command write sequence cannot be started, and all writes to the FCCOB registers are
ignored. Load the FCCOB Registers

The user must load the FCCOB registers with all parameters required by the desired flash
command. The individual registers that make up the FCCOB data set can be written in
any order. Launch the Command by Clearing CCIF

Once all relevant command parameters have been loaded, the user launches the command
by clearing the FSTAT[CCIF] bit by writing a '1' to it. The CCIF flag remains zero until
the flash command completes.
The FSTAT register contains a blocking mechanism, which prevents a new command
from launching (can't clear CCIF) if the previous command resulted in an access error
(FSTAT[ACCERR]=1) or a protection violation (FSTAT[FPVIOL]=1). In error
scenarios, two writes to FSTAT are required to initiate the next command: the first write
clears the error flags, the second write clears CCIF. Command Execution and Error Reporting

The command processing has several steps:
1. The flash memory module reads the command code and performs a series of
parameter checks and protection checks, if applicable, which are unique to each

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Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

If the parameter check fails, the FSTAT[ACCERR] (access error) flag is set.
ACCERR reports invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses. Usually,
access errors suggest that the command was not set-up with valid parameters in the
FCCOB register group.
Program and erase commands also check the address to determine if the operation is
requested to execute on protected areas. If the protection check fails, the
FSTAT[FPVIOL] (protection error) flag is set.
Command processing never proceeds to execution when the parameter or protection
step fails. Instead, command processing is terminated after setting the FSTAT[CCIF]
2. If the parameter and protection checks pass, the command proceeds to execution.
Run-time errors, such as failure to erase verify, may occur during the execution
phase. Run-time errors are reported in the FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit. A command may
have access errors, protection errors, and run-time errors, but the run-time errors are
not seen until all access and protection errors have been corrected.
3. Command execution results, if applicable, are reported back to the user via the
FCCOB and FSTAT registers.
4. The flash memory module sets the FSTAT[CCIF] bit signifying that the command
has completed.
The flow for a generic command write sequence is illustrated in the following figure.

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Functional Description


Read: FSTAT register

Availability Check

CCIF Previous command complete?
= ‘1’?

Results from previous command

Access Error and ACCERR/ yes

Protection Violation Clear the old errors
Check FPVIOL Write 0x30 to FSTAT register

Write to the FCCOB registers

to load the required command parameter.

More yes


Clear the CCIF to launch the command

Write 0x80 to FSTAT register


Figure 28-32. Generic Flash Command Write Sequence Flowchart Flash Commands

The following table summarizes the function of all flash commands. If the program flash,
data flash, or FlexRAM column is marked with an 'X', the flash command is relevant to
that particular memory resource.
FCMD Command Program flash Data flash FlexRAM Function
0x00 Read 1s Block × × Verify that a
program flash or
data flash block is
erased. FlexNVM
block must not be
partitioned for

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

FCMD Command Program flash Data flash FlexRAM Function

0x01 Read 1s Section × × Verify that a given
number of program
flash or data flash
locations from a
starting address
are erased.
0x02 Program Check × × Tests previously-
locations at margin
read levels.
0x03 Read Resource IFR, ID IFR Read 4 bytes from
program flash IFR,
data flash IFR, or
version ID.
0x06 Program Longword × × Program 4 bytes in
a program flash
block or a data
flash block.
0x08 Erase Flash Block × × Erase a program
flash block or data
flash block. An
erase of any flash
block is only
possible when
FlexNVM block
must not be
partitioned for
0x09 Erase Flash Sector × × Erase all bytes in a
program flash or
data flash sector.
0x0B Program Section × × × Program data from
the Section
Program Buffer to
a program flash or
data flash block.
0x40 Read 1s All Blocks × × Verify that all
program flash,
data flash blocks,
EEPROM backup
data records, and
data flash IFR are
erased then
release MCU
0x41 Read Once IFR Read 4 bytes of a
dedicated 64 byte
field in the program
flash IFR.

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 613
Functional Description

FCMD Command Program flash Data flash FlexRAM Function

0x43 Program Once IFR One-time program
of 4 bytes of a
dedicated 64-byte
field in the program
flash IFR.
0x44 Erase All Blocks × × × Erase all program
flash blocks, data
flash blocks,
EEPROM backup
data records, and
data flash IFR.
Then, verify-erase
and release MCU
NOTE: An erase is
when all
0x45 Verify Backdoor × Release MCU
Access Key security after
comparing a set of
security keys to
those stored in the
program flash.
0x80 Program Partition IFR × Program the
FlexNVM Partition
Code and
Size into the data
flash IFR. Format
backup data
sectors allocated
Initialize the
0x81 Set FlexRAM x × Switches FlexRAM
Function function between
RAM and
switching to
FlexNVM is not
available while
valid data records
are being copied
backup to

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614 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL) Flash Commands by Mode

The following table shows the flash commands that can be executed in each flash
operating mode.
Table 28-31. Flash Commands by Mode
NVM Normal NVM Special
FCMD Command
Unsecure Secure MEEN=10 Unsecure Secure MEEN=10
0x00 Read 1s Block × × × × — —
0x01 Read 1s Section × × × × — —
0x02 Program Check × × × × — —
0x03 Read Resource × × × × — —
0x06 Program Longword × × × × — —
0x08 Erase Flash Block × × × × — —
0x09 Erase Flash Sector × × × × — —
0x0B Program Section × × × × — —
0x40 Read 1s All Blocks × × × × × —
0x41 Read Once × × × × — —
0x43 Program Once × × × × — —
0x44 Erase All Blocks × × × × × —
Verify Backdoor Access
0x45 × × × × — —
0x80 Program Partition × × × × — —
0x81 Set FlexRAM Function × × × × — — Allowed Simultaneous Flash Operations

Only the operations marked 'OK' in the following table are permitted to run
simultaneously on the program flash, data flash, and FlexRAM memories. Some
operations cannot be executed simultaneously because certain hardware resources are
shared by the memories. The priority has been placed on permitting program flash reads
while program and erase operations execute on the FlexNVM and FlexRAM. This
provides read (program flash) while write (FlexNVM, FlexRAM) functionality.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 615
Functional Description

Table 28-32. Allowed Simultaneous Memory Operations

Program Flash Data Flash FlexRAM
Sector Sector
Read Program Read Program Read E-Write1 R-Write2
Erase Erase
Read — OK OK OK
Program Program — OK OK OK3
flash Sector
Read OK OK —
Data Program OK — OK OK
flash Sector
Read OK OK OK OK —
FlexRAM E-Write1 OK —
R-Write2 OK OK OK OK —

1. When FlexRAM configured for EEPROM (writes are effectively multi-cycle operations).
2. When FlexRAM configured as traditional RAM (writes are single-cycle operations).
3. When FlexRAM configured as traditional RAM, writes to the RAM are ignored while the Program Section command is
active (CCIF = 0).

28.4.10 Margin Read Commands

The Read-1s commands (Read 1s All Blocks, Read 1s Block, and Read 1s Section) and
the Program Check command have a margin choice parameter that allows the user to
apply non-standard read reference levels to the program flash and data flash array reads
performed by these commands. Using the preset 'user' and 'factory' margin levels, these
commands perform their associated read operations at tighter tolerances than a 'normal'
read. These non-standard read levels are applied only during the command execution. All
simple (uncommanded) flash array reads to the MCU always use the standard, un-
margined, read reference level.
Only the 'normal' read level should be employed during normal flash usage. The non-
standard, 'user' and 'factory' margin levels should be employed only in special cases.
They can be used during special diagnostic routines to gain confidence that the device is
not suffering from the end-of-life data loss customary of flash memory devices.
Erased ('1') and programmed ('0') bit states can degrade due to elapsed time and data
cycling (number of times a bit is erased and re-programmed). The lifetime of the erased
states is relative to the last erase operation. The lifetime of the programmed states is
measured from the last program time.

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Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

The 'user' and 'factory' levels become, in effect, a minimum safety margin; i.e. if the reads
pass at the tighter tolerances of the 'user' and 'factory' margins, then the 'normal' reads
have at least this much safety margin before they experience data loss.
The 'user' margin is a small delta to the normal read reference level. 'User' margin levels
can be employed to check that flash memory contents have adequate margin for normal
level read operations. If unexpected read results are encountered when checking flash
memory contents at the 'user' margin levels, loss of information might soon occur during
'normal' readout.
The 'factory' margin is a bigger deviation from the norm, a more stringent read criteria
that should only be attempted immediately (or very soon) after completion of an erase or
program command, early in the cycling life. 'Factory' margin levels can be used to check
that flash memory contents have adequate margin for long-term data retention at the
normal level setting. If unexpected results are encountered when checking flash memory
contents at 'factory' margin levels, the flash memory contents should be erased and
Factory margin levels must only be used during verify of the
initial factory programming.

28.4.11 Flash Command Description

This section describes all flash commands that can be launched by a command write
sequence. The flash memory module sets the FSTAT[ACCERR] bit and aborts the
command execution if any of the following illegal conditions occur:
• There is an unrecognized command code in the FCCOB FCMD field.
• There is an error in a FCCOB field for the specific commands. Refer to the error
handling table provided for each command.

Ensure that the ACCERR and FPVIOL bits in the FSTAT register are cleared prior to
starting the command write sequence. As described in Launch the Command by Clearing
CCIF, a new command cannot be launched while these error flags are set.
Do not attempt to read a flash block while the flash memory module is running a
command (CCIF = 0) on that same block. The flash memory module may return invalid
data to the MCU with the collision error flag (FSTAT[RDCOLERR]) set.
When required by the command, address bit 23 selects between:

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 617
Functional Description

• program flash (=0) block

• data flash (=1) block
Flash data must be in the erased state before being
programmed. Cumulative programming of bits (adding more
zeros) is not allowed. Read 1s Block Command

The Read 1s Block command checks to see if an entire program flash or data flash block
has been erased to the specified margin level. The FCCOB flash address bits determine
which logical block is erase-verified.
Table 28-33. Read 1s Block Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x00 (RD1BLK)
1 Flash address [23:16] in the flash block to be verified
2 Flash address [15:8] in the flash block to be verified
3 Flash address [7:0]1 in the flash block to be verified
4 Read-1 Margin Choice

1. Must be longword aligned (Flash address [1:0] = 00).

After clearing CCIF to launch the Read 1s Block command, the flash memory module
sets the read margin for 1s according to Table 28-34 and then reads all locations within
the selected program flash or data flash block.
When the data flash is targeted, DEPART must be set for no EEPROM, else the Read 1s
Block command aborts setting the FSTAT[ACCERR] bit. If the flash memory module
fails to read all 1s (i.e. the flash block is not fully erased), the FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit is
set. The CCIF flag sets after the Read 1s Block operation has completed.
Table 28-34. Margin Level Choices for Read 1s Block
Read Margin Choice Margin Level Description
0x00 Use the 'normal' read level for 1s
0x01 Apply the 'User' margin to the normal read-1 level
0x02 Apply the 'Factory' margin to the normal read-1 level

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618 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

Table 28-35. Read 1s Block Command Error Handling

Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
An invalid margin choice is specified FSTAT[ACCERR]
Program flash is selected and the address is out of program flash range FSTAT[ACCERR]
Data flash is selected and the address is out of data flash range FSTAT[ACCERR]
Data flash is selected with EEPROM enabled FSTAT[ACCERR]
Flash address is not longword aligned FSTAT[ACCERR]
Read-1s fails FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Read 1s Section Command

The Read 1s Section command checks if a section of program flash or data flash memory
is erased to the specified read margin level. The Read 1s Section command defines the
starting address and the number of phrases or longwords to be verified.
Table 28-36. Read 1s Section Command FCCOB Requirements (P-Flash )
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x01 (RD1SEC)
1 Flash address [23:16] of the first phrase to be verified
2 Flash address [15:8] of the first phrase to be verified
3 Flash address [7:0]1 of the first phrase to be verified
4 Number of phrases to be verified [15:8]
5 Number of phrases to be verified [7:0]
6 Read-1 Margin Choice

1. Must be phrase aligned (Flash address [2:0] = 000).

Table 28-37. Read 1s Section Command FCCOB Requirements (D-Flash)

FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x01 (RD1SEC)
1 Flash address [23:16] of the first longword to be verified
2 Flash address [15:8] of the first longword to be verified
3 Flash address [7:0]1 of the first longword to be verified
4 Number of longwords to be verified [15:8]
5 Number of longwords to be verified [7:0]
6 Read-1 Margin Choice

1. Must be longword aligned (Flash address [1:0] = 00).

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 619
Functional Description

Upon clearing CCIF to launch the Read 1s Section command, the flash memory module
sets the read margin for 1s according to Table 28-38 and then reads all locations within
the specified section of flash memory. If the flash memory module fails to read all 1s (i.e.
the flash section is not erased), the FSTAT(MGSTAT0) bit is set. The CCIF flag sets
after the Read 1s Section operation completes.
Table 28-38. Margin Level Choices for Read 1s Section
Read Margin Choice Margin Level Description
0x00 Use the 'normal' read level for 1s
0x01 Apply the 'User' margin to the normal read-1 level
0x02 Apply the 'Factory' margin to the normal read-1 level

Table 28-39. Read 1s Section Command Error Handling

Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
An invalid margin code is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR]
An invalid flash address is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR]
Flash address is not phrase/longword aligned FSTAT[ACCERR]
The requested section crosses a Flash block boundary FSTAT[ACCERR]
The requested number of phrases/longwords is zero FSTAT[ACCERR]
Read-1s fails FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Program Check Command

The Program Check command tests a previously programmed program flash or data flash
longword to see if it reads correctly at the specified margin level.
Table 28-40. Program Check Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x02 (PGMCHK)
1 Flash address [23:16]
2 Flash address [15:8]
3 Flash address [7:0]1
4 Margin Choice
8 Byte 0 expected data
9 Byte 1 expected data
A Byte 2 expected data
B Byte 3 expected data

1. Must be longword aligned (Flash address [1:0] = 00).

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Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

Upon clearing CCIF to launch the Program Check command, the flash memory module
sets the read margin for 1s according to Table 28-41, reads the specified longword, and
compares the actual read data to the expected data provided by the FCCOB. If the
comparison at margin-1 fails, the MGSTAT0 bit is set.
The flash memory module then sets the read margin for 0s, re-reads, and compares again.
If the comparison at margin-0 fails, the MGSTAT0 bit is set. The CCIF flag is set after
the Program Check operation completes.
The supplied address must be longword aligned (the lowest two bits of the byte address
must be 00):
• Byte 0 data is expected at the supplied address ('start'),
• Byte 1 data is expected at byte address start + 0b01,
• Byte 2 data is expected at byte address start + 0b10, and
• Byte 3 data is expected at byte address start + 0b11.
See the description of margin reads, Margin Read Commands
Table 28-41. Margin Level Choices for Program Check
Read Margin Choice Margin Level Description
0x01 Read at 'User' margin-1 and 'User' margin-0
0x02 Read at 'Factory' margin-1 and 'Factory' margin-0

Table 28-42. Program Check Command Error Handling

Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
An invalid flash address is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR]
Flash address is not longword aligned FSTAT[ACCERR]
An invalid margin choice is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR]
Either of the margin reads does not match the expected data FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Read Resource Command

The Read Resource command allows the user to read data from special-purpose memory
resources located within the flash memory module. The special-purpose memory
resources available include program flash IFR space, data flash IFR space, and the
Version ID field. Each resource is assigned a select code as shown in Table 28-44.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 621
Functional Description

Table 28-43. Read Resource Command FCCOB Requirements

FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x03 (RDRSRC)
1 Flash address [23:16]
2 Flash address [15:8]
3 Flash address [7:0]1
Returned Values
4 Read Data [31:24]
5 Read Data [23:16]
6 Read Data [15:8]
7 Read Data [7:0]
User-provided values
8 Resource Select Code (see Table 28-44)

1. Must be longword aligned (Flash address [1:0] = 00).

Table 28-44. Read Resource Select Codes

Description Resource Size Local Address Range
Select Code1
0x00 IFR 256 Bytes 0x0000 - 0x00FF
0x012 Version ID 8 Bytes 0x0000 - 0x0007

1. Flash address [23] selects between program flash (=0) and data flash (=1) resources.
2. Located in program flash 0 reserved space; Flash address [23] = 0

After clearing CCIF to launch the Read Resource command, four consecutive bytes are
read from the selected resource at the provided relative address and stored in the FCCOB
register. The CCIF flag sets after the Read Resource operation completes. The Read
Resource command exits with an access error if an invalid resource code is provided or if
the address for the applicable area is out-of-range.
Table 28-45. Read Resource Command Error Handling
Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
An invalid resource code is entered FSTAT[ACCERR]
Flash address is out-of-range for the targeted resource. FSTAT[ACCERR]
Flash address is not longword aligned FSTAT[ACCERR] Program Longword Command

The Program Longword command programs four previously-erased bytes in the program
flash memory or in the data flash memory using an embedded algorithm.
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622 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

A flash memory location must be in the erased state before
being programmed. Cumulative programming of bits (back-to-
back program operations without an intervening erase) within a
flash memory location is not allowed. Re-programming of
existing 0s to 0 is not allowed as this overstresses the device.
Table 28-46. Program Longword Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x06 (PGM4)
1 Flash address [23:16]
2 Flash address [15:8]
3 Flash address [7:0]1
4 Byte 0 program value
5 Byte 1 program value
6 Byte 2 program value
7 Byte 3 program value

1. Must be longword aligned (Flash address [1:0] = 00).

Upon clearing CCIF to launch the Program Longword command, the flash memory
module programs the data bytes into the flash using the supplied address. The targeted
flash locations must be currently unprotected (see the description of the FPROT and
FDPROT registers) to permit execution of the Program Longword operation.
The programming operation is unidirectional. It can only move NVM bits from the erased
state ('1') to the programmed state ('0'). Erased bits that fail to program to the '0' state are
flagged as errors in MGSTAT0. The CCIF flag is set after the Program Longword
operation completes.
The supplied address must be longword aligned (flash address [1:0] = 00):
• Byte 0 data is written to the supplied address ('start'),
• Byte 1 data is programmed to byte address start+0b01,
• Byte 2 data is programmed to byte address start+0b10, and
• Byte 3 data is programmed to byte address start+0b11.
Table 28-47. Program Longword Command Error Handling
Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
An invalid flash address is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR]
Flash address is not longword aligned FSTAT[ACCERR]
Flash address points to a protected area FSTAT[FPVIOL]

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 623
Functional Description

Table 28-47. Program Longword Command Error Handling (continued)

Error Condition Error Bit
Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Erase Flash Block Command

The Erase Flash Block operation erases all addresses in a single program flash or data
flash block.
Table 28-48. Erase Flash Block Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x08 (ERSBLK)
1 Flash address [23:16] in the flash block to be erased
2 Flash address [15:8] in the flash block to be erased
3 Flash address [7:0]1 in the flash block to be erased

1. Must be longword aligned (Flash address [1:0] = 00).

Upon clearing CCIF to launch the Erase Flash Block command, the flash memory
module erases the main array of the selected flash block and verifies that it is erased.
When the data flash is targeted, DEPART must be set for no EEPROM (see Table 28-4)
else the Erase Flash Block command aborts setting the FSTAT[ACCERR] bit. The Erase
Flash Block command aborts and sets the FSTAT[FPVIOL] bit if any region within the
block is protected (see the description of the FPROT and FDPROT registers). If the erase
verify fails, the MGSTAT0 bit in FSTAT is set. The CCIF flag will set after the Erase
Flash Block operation has completed.
Table 28-49. Erase Flash Block Command Error Handling
Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
Program flash is selected and the address is out of program flash range FSTAT[ACCERR]
Data flash is selected and the address is out of data flash range FSTAT[ACCERR]
Data flash is selected with EEPROM enabled FSTAT[ACCERR]
Flash address is not longword aligned FSTAT[ACCERR]
Any area of the selected flash block is protected FSTAT[FPVIOL]
Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation FSTAT[MGSTAT0]

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624 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL) Erase Flash Sector Command

The Erase Flash Sector operation erases all addresses in a flash sector.
Table 28-50. Erase Flash Sector Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x09 (ERSSCR)
1 Flash address [23:16] in the flash sector to be erased
2 Flash address [15:8] in the flash sector to be erased
3 Flash address [7:0]1, 2 in the flash sector to be erased

1. For program flash:Must be phrase aligned (flash address [2:0] = 000).

2. For data flash:Must be longword aligned (flash address [1:0] = 00).

After clearing CCIF to launch the Erase Flash Sector command, the flash memory
module erases the selected program flash or data flash sector and then verifies that it is
erased. The Erase Flash Sector command aborts if the selected sector is protected (see the
description of the FPROT and FDPROT registers). If the erase-verify fails the
FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit is set. The CCIF flag is set after the Erase Flash Sector operation
completes. The Erase Flash Sector command is suspendable (see the FCNFG[ERSSUSP]
bit and Figure 28-33).
Table 28-51. Erase Flash Sector Command Error Handling
Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
An invalid Flash address is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR]
Flash address is not phrase/longword aligned FSTAT[ACCERR]
The selected program flash or data flash sector is protected FSTAT[FPVIOL]
Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Suspending an Erase Flash Sector Operation

To suspend an Erase Flash Sector operation set the FCNFG[ERSSUSP] bit (see Flash
Configuration Field Description) when CCIF is clear and the CCOB command field holds
the code for the Erase Flash Sector command. During the Erase Flash Sector operation
(see Erase Flash Sector Command), the flash memory module samples the state of the
ERSSUSP bit at convenient points. If the flash memory module detects that the
ERSSUSP bit is set, the Erase Flash Sector operation is suspended and the flash memory
module sets CCIF. While ERSSUSP is set, all writes to flash registers are ignored except
for writes to the FSTAT and FCNFG registers.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 625
Functional Description

If an Erase Flash Sector operation effectively completes before the flash memory module
detects that a suspend request has been made, the flash memory module clears the
ERSSUSP bit prior to setting CCIF. When an Erase Flash Sector operation has been
successfully suspended, the flash memory module sets CCIF and leaves the ERSSUSP bit
set. While CCIF is set, the ERSSUSP bit can only be cleared to prevent the withdrawal of
a suspend request before the flash memory module has acknowledged it. Resuming a Suspended Erase Flash Sector Operation

If the ERSSUSP bit is still set when CCIF is cleared to launch the next command, the
previous Erase Flash Sector operation resumes. The flash memory module acknowledges
the request to resume a suspended operation by clearing the ERSSUSP bit. A new
suspend request can then be made by setting ERSSUSP. A single Erase Flash Sector
operation can be suspended and resumed multiple times.
There is a minimum elapsed time limit between the request to resume the Erase Flash
Sector operation (CCIF is cleared) and the request to suspend the operation again
(ERSSUSP is set). This minimum time period is required to ensure that the Erase Flash
Sector operation will eventually complete. If the minimum period is continually violated,
i.e. the suspend requests come repeatedly and too quickly, no forward progress is made
by the Erase Flash Sector algorithm. The resume/suspend sequence runs indefinitely
without completing the erase. Aborting a Suspended Erase Flash Sector Operation

The user may choose to abort a suspended Erase Flash Sector operation by clearing the
ERSSUSP bit prior to clearing CCIF for the next command launch. When a suspended
operation is aborted, the flash memory module starts the new command using the new
FCCOB contents.
While FCNFG[ERSSUSP] is set, a write to the FlexRAM while FCNFG[EEERDY] is set
clears ERSSUSP and aborts the suspended operation. The FlexRAM write operation is
executed by the flash memory module.
Aborting the erase leaves the bitcells in an indeterminate,
partially-erased state. Data in this sector is not reliable until a
new erase command fully completes.
The following figure shows how to suspend and resume the Erase Flash Sector operation.

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626 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

Enter with CCIF = 1

Command Initiation
ERSSCR Command
(Write FCCOB)
Memory Controller
Command Processing
Launch/Resume Command
(Clear CCIF)
Next Command Yes CCIF = 1?
(Write FCCOB) No Restore Erase Algo
Start Clear SUSPACK = 0
No New

No Interrupt?

Yes Yes
Request Suspend


No Yes
CCIF = 1?
Save Erase Algo Clear ERSSUSP


Service Interrupt Set SUSPACK = 1

(Read Flash)
ERSSCR Suspended ERSSCR Completed

ERSSCR Suspended No

Yes Resume Erase?

ERSSUSP: Bit in FCNFG register

No, Abort SUSPACK: Internal Suspend Acknowledge

User Cmd Interrupt/Suspend

Figure 28-33. Suspend and Resume of Erase Flash Sector Operation

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 627
Functional Description Program Section Command

The Program Section operation programs the data found in the section program buffer to
previously erased locations in the flash memory using an embedded algorithm. Data is
preloaded into the section program buffer by writing to the FlexRAM while it is set to
function as traditional RAM (see Flash Sector Programming).
The section program buffer is limited to the lower half of the RAM. Data written to the
upper half of the RAM is ignored and may be overwritten during Program Section
command execution.
A flash memory location must be in the erased state before
being programmed. Cumulative programming of bits (back-to-
back program operations without an intervening erase) within a
flash memory location is not allowed. Re-programming of
existing 0s to 0 is not allowed as this overstresses the device.
Table 28-52. Program Section Command FCCOB Requirements (P-Flash )
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x0B (PGMSEC)
1 Flash address [23:16]
2 Flash address [15:8]
3 Flash address [7:0]1
4 Number of phrases to program [15:8]
5 Number of phrases to program [7:0]

1. Must be phrase aligned (Flash address [2:0] = 000).

Table 28-53. Program Section Command FCCOB Requirements (D-Flash)

FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x0B (PGMSEC)
1 Flash address [23:16]
2 Flash address [15:8]
3 Flash address [7:0]1
4 Number of longwords to program [15:8]
5 Number of longwords to program [7:0]

1. Must be longword aligned (Flash address [1:0] = 00).

After clearing CCIF to launch the Program Section command, the flash memory module
blocks access to the FlexRAM and programs the data residing in the section program
buffer into the flash memory starting at the flash address provided.

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628 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

The starting address must be unprotected (see the description of the FPROT and
FDPROT registers) to permit execution of the Program Section operation. Programming,
which is not allowed to cross a flash sector boundary, continues until all requested
phrases or longwords have been programmed. The Program Section command also
verifies that after programming, all bits requested to be programmed are programmed.
After the Program Section operation completes, the CCIF flag is set and normal access to
the FlexRAM is restored. The contents of the section program buffer may be changed by
the Program Section operation.
Table 28-54. Program Section Command Error Handling
Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
An invalid flash address is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR]
Flash address is not phrase/longword aligned FSTAT[ACCERR]
The requested section crosses a program flash sector boundary FSTAT[ACCERR]
The requested number of phrases/longwords is zero FSTAT[ACCERR]
The space required to store data for the requested number of phrases/longwords is more
than half the size of the FlexRAM
The FlexRAM is not set to function as a traditional RAM, i.e. set if RAMRDY=0 FSTAT[ACCERR]
The flash address falls in a protected area FSTAT[FPVIOL]
Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Flash Sector Programming

The process of programming an entire flash sector using the Program Section command
is as follows:
1. If required, execute the Set FlexRAM Function command to make the FlexRAM
available as traditional RAM and initialize the FlexRAM to all ones.
2. Launch the Erase Flash Sector command to erase the flash sector to be programmed.
3. Beginning with the starting address of the FlexRAM, sequentially write enough data
to the RAM to fill an entire flash sector or half the FlexRAM, whichever is less. This
area of the RAM serves as the section program buffer.
In step 1, the section program buffer was initialized to all
ones, the erased state of the flash memory.
The section program buffer can be written to while the operation launched in step 2
is executing, i.e. while CCIF = 0.
4. Execute the Program Section command to program the contents of the section
program buffer into the selected flash sector.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 629
Functional Description

5. If a flash sector is larger than half the FlexRAM, repeat steps 3 and 4 until the sector
is completely programmed.
6. To program additional flash sectors, repeat steps 2 through 4.
7. To restore EEPROM functionality, execute the Set FlexRAM Function command to
make the FlexRAM available as EEPROM. Read 1s All Blocks Command

The Read 1s All Blocks command checks if the program flash blocks, data flash blocks,
EEPROM backup records, and data flash IFR have been erased to the specified read
margin level, if applicable, and releases security if the readout passes, i.e. all data reads as
Table 28-55. Read 1s All Blocks Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x40 (RD1ALL)
1 Read-1 Margin Choice

After clearing CCIF to launch the Read 1s All Blocks command, the flash memory
module :
• sets the read margin for 1s according to Table 28-56,
• checks the contents of the program flash, data flash, EEPROM backup records, and
data flash IFR are in the erased state.
If the flash memory module confirms that these memory resources are erased, security is
released by setting the FSEC[SEC] field to the unsecure state. The security byte in the
flash configuration field (see Flash Configuration Field Description) remains unaffected
by the Read 1s All Blocks command. If the read fails, i.e. all memory resources are not in
the fully erased state, the FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit is set.
The EEERDY and RAMRDY bits are clear during the Read 1s All Blocks operation and
are restored at the end of the Read 1s All Blocks operation.
The CCIF flag sets after the Read 1s All Blocks operation has completed.
Table 28-56. Margin Level Choices for Read 1s All Blocks
Read Margin Choice Margin Level Description
0x00 Use the 'normal' read level for 1s
0x01 Apply the 'User' margin to the normal read-1 level
0x02 Apply the 'Factory' margin to the normal read-1 level

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630 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

Table 28-57. Read 1s All Blocks Command Error Handling

Error Condition Error Bit
An invalid margin choice is specified FSTAT[ACCERR]
Read-1s fails FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Read Once Command

The Read Once command provides read access to a reserved 64-byte field located in the
program flash IFR (see Program Flash IFR Map and Program Once Field). Access to this
field is via 16 records, each 4 bytes long. The Read Once field is programmed using the
Program Once command described in Program Once Command.
Table 28-58. Read Once Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x41 (RDONCE)
1 Read Once record index (0x00 - 0x0F)
2 Not used
3 Not used
Returned Values
4 Read Once byte 0 value
5 Read Once byte 1 value
6 Read Once byte 2 value
7 Read Once byte 3 value

After clearing CCIF to launch the Read Once command, a 4-byte Read Once record is
read from the program flash IFR and stored in the FCCOB register. The CCIF flag is set
after the Read Once operation completes. Valid record index values for the Read Once
command range from 0x00 to 0x0F. During execution of the Read Once command, any
attempt to read addresses within the program flash block containing this 64-byte field
returns invalid data. The Read Once command can be executed any number of times.
Table 28-59. Read Once Command Error Handling
Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
An invalid record index is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR]

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 631
Functional Description Program Once Command

The Program Once command enables programming to a reserved 64-byte field in the
program flash IFR (see Program Flash IFR Map and Program Once Field). Access to the
Program Once field is via 16 records, each 4 bytes long. The Program Once field can be
read using the Read Once command (see Read Once Command) or using the Read
Resource command (see Read Resource Command). Each Program Once record can be
programmed only once since the program flash IFR cannot be erased.
Table 28-60. Program Once Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x43 (PGMONCE)
1 Program Once record index (0x00 - 0x0F)
2 Not Used
3 Not Used
4 Program Once Byte 0 value
5 Program Once Byte 1 value
6 Program Once Byte 2 value
7 Program Once Byte 3 value

After clearing CCIF to launch the Program Once command, the flash memory module
first verifies that the selected record is erased. If erased, then the selected record is
programmed using the values provided. The Program Once command also verifies that
the programmed values read back correctly. The CCIF flag is set after the Program Once
operation has completed.
The reserved program flash IFR location accessed by the Program Once command cannot
be erased and any attempt to program one of these records when the existing value is not
Fs (erased) is not allowed. Valid record index values for the Program Once command
range from 0x00 to 0x0F. During execution of the Program Once command, any attempt
to read addresses within program flash returns invalid data.
Table 28-61. Program Once Command Error Handling
Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
An invalid record index is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR]
The requested record has already been programmed to a non-FFFF value1 FSTAT[ACCERR]
Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation FSTAT[MGSTAT0]

1. If a Program Once record is initially programmed to 0xFFFF_FFFF, the Program Once command is allowed to execute
again on that same record.

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632 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL) Erase All Blocks Command

The Erase All Blocks operation erases all flash memory, initializes the FlexRAM, verifies
all memory contents, and releases MCU security.
Table 28-62. Erase All Blocks Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x44 (ERSALL)

After clearing CCIF to launch the Erase All Blocks command, the flash memory module
erases all program flash memory, data flash memory, data flash IFR space, EEPROM
backup memory, and FlexRAM, then verifies that all are erased.
If the flash memory module verifies that all flash memories and the FlexRAM were
properly erased, security is released by setting the FSEC[SEC] field to the unsecure state
and the FCNFG[RAMRDY] bit is set. The Erase All Blocks command aborts if any flash
or FlexRAM region is protected. The security byte and all other contents of the flash
configuration field (see Flash Configuration Field Description) are erased by the Erase
All Blocks command. If the erase-verify fails, the FSTAT[MGSTAT0] bit is set. The
CCIF flag is set after the Erase All Blocks operation completes.
Table 28-63. Erase All Blocks Command Error Handling
Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
Any region of the program flash memory, data flash memory, or FlexRAM is protected FSTAT[FPVIOL]
Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Triggering an Erase All External to the Flash Memory Module

The functionality of the Erase All Blocks command is also available in an uncommanded
fashion outside of the flash memory. Refer to the device's Chip Configuration details for
information on this functionality.
Before invoking the external erase all function, the FSTAT[ACCERR and PVIOL] flags
must be cleared and the FCCOB0 register must not contain 0x44. When invoked, the
erase-all function erases all program flash memory, data flash memory, data flash IFR
space, EEPROM backup, and FlexRAM regardless of the protection settings. If the post-
erase verify passes, the routine then releases security by setting the FSEC[SEC] field
register to the unsecure state and the FCNFG[RAMRDY] bit sets. The security byte in
the Flash Configuration Field is also programmed to the unsecure state. The status of the

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 633
Functional Description

erase-all request is reflected in the FCNFG[ERSAREQ] bit. The FCNFG[ERSAREQ] bit

is cleared once the operation completes and the normal FSTAT error reporting is
available as described in Erase All Blocks Command. Verify Backdoor Access Key Command

The Verify Backdoor Access Key command only executes if the mode and security
conditions are satisfied (see Flash Commands by Mode). Execution of the Verify
Backdoor Access Key command is further qualified by the FSEC[KEYEN] bits. The
Verify Backdoor Access Key command releases security if user-supplied keys in the
FCCOB match those stored in the Backdoor Comparison Key bytes of the Flash
Configuration Field (see Flash Configuration Field Description). The column labelled
Flash Configuration Field offset address shows the location of the matching byte in the
Flash Configuration Field.
Table 28-64. Verify Backdoor Access Key Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0] Flash Configuration Field Offset Address
0 0x45 (VFYKEY)
1-3 Not Used
4 Key Byte 0 0x0_0000
5 Key Byte 1 0x0_0001
6 Key Byte 2 0x0_0002
7 Key Byte 3 0x0_0003
8 Key Byte 4 0x0_0004
9 Key Byte 5 0x0_0005
A Key Byte 6 0x0_0006
B Key Byte 7 0x0_0007

After clearing CCIF to launch the Verify Backdoor Access Key command, the flash
memory module checks the FSEC[KEYEN] bits to verify that this command is enabled.
If not enabled, the flash memory module sets the FSTAT[ACCERR] bit and terminates.
If the command is enabled, the flash memory module compares the key provided in
FCCOB to the backdoor comparison key in the Flash Configuration Field. If the
backdoor keys match, the FSEC[SEC] field is changed to the unsecure state and security
is released. If the backdoor keys do not match, security is not released and all future
attempts to execute the Verify Backdoor Access Key command are immediately aborted
and the FSTAT[ACCERR] bit is (again) set to 1 until a reset of the flash memory module
module occurs. If the entire 8-byte key is all zeros or all ones, the Verify Backdoor
Access Key command fails with an access error. The CCIF flag is set after the Verify
Backdoor Access Key operation completes.

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634 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

Table 28-65. Verify Backdoor Access Key Command Error Handling

Error Condition Error Bit
The supplied key is all-0s or all-Fs FSTAT[ACCERR]
An incorrect backdoor key is supplied FSTAT[ACCERR]
Backdoor key access has not been enabled (see the description of the FSEC register) FSTAT[ACCERR]
This command is launched and the backdoor key has mismatched since the last power down
reset Program Partition Command

The Program Partition command prepares the FlexNVM block for use as data flash,
EEPROM backup, or a combination of both and initializes the FlexRAM. The Program
Partition command must not be launched from flash memory, since flash memory
resources are not accessible during Program Partition command execution.
While different partitions of the FlexNVM are available, the
intention is that a single partition choice is used throughout the
entire lifetime of a given application. The FlexNVM Partition
Code choices affect the endurance and data retention
characteristics of the device.
Table 28-66. Program Partition Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x80 (PGMPART)
1 Not Used
2 Not Used
3 Not Used
4 EEPROM Data Size Code1
5 FlexNVM Partition Code2

1. See Table 28-67 and EEPROM Data Set Size

2. See Table 28-68 and

Table 28-67. Valid EEPROM Data Set Size Codes

EEPROM Data Size Code (FCCOB4)1 EEPROM Data Set Size (Bytes)
11 0xF 02
11 0x9 32
11 0x8 64

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 635
Functional Description

Table 28-67. Valid EEPROM Data Set Size Codes (continued)

EEPROM Data Size Code (FCCOB4)1 EEPROM Data Set Size (Bytes)
11 0x7 128
11 0x6 256
11 0x5 512
11 0x4 1024
11 0x3 2048

1. FCCOB4[7:6] = 00
2. EEPROM Data Set Size must be set to 0 bytes when the FlexNVM Partition Code is set for no EEPROM.

Table 28-68. Valid FlexNVM Partition Codes

FlexNVM Partition Code Data flash Size (Kbytes) EEPROM backup Size (Kbytes)
0000 32 0
0001 24 8
0010 16 16
0011 0 32
1000 0 32
1001 8 24
1010 16 16
1011 32 0

1. FCCOB5[7:4] = 0000

After clearing CCIF to launch the Program Partition command, the flash memory module
first verifies that the EEPROM Data Size Code and FlexNVM Partition Code in the data
flash IFR are erased. If erased, the Program Partition command erases the contents of the
FlexNVM memory. If the FlexNVM is to be partitioned for EEPROM backup, the
allocated EEPROM backup sectors are formatted for EEPROM use. Finally, the partition
codes are programmed into the data flash IFR using the values provided. The Program
Partition command also verifies that the partition codes read back correctly after
programming. If the FlexNVM is partitioned for EEPROM, the allocated EEPROM
backup sectors are formatted for EEPROM use. The CCIF flag is set after the Program
Partition operation completes.
Prior to launching the Program Partition command, the data flash IFR must be in an
erased state, which can be accomplished by executing the Erase All Blocks command or
by an external request (see Erase All Blocks Command). The EEPROM Data Size Code
and FlexNVM Partition Code are read using the Read Resource command (see Read
Resource Command).

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636 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

Table 28-69. Program Partition Command Error Handling

Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
The EEPROM data size and FlexNVM partition code bytes are not initially 0xFFFF FSTAT[ACCERR]
Invalid EEPROM Data Size Code is entered (see Table 28-67 for valid codes) FSTAT[ACCERR]
Invalid FlexNVM Partition Code is entered (see Table 28-68 for valid codes) FSTAT[ACCERR]
FlexNVM Partition Code = full data flash (no EEPROM) and EEPROM Data Size Code
allocates FlexRAM for EEPROM
FlexNVM Partition Code allocates space for EEPROM backup, but EEPROM Data Size Code
allocates no FlexRAM for EEPROM
FCCOB5[7:4] != 0000 FSTAT[ACCERR]
Any errors have been encountered during the verify operation FSTAT[MGSTAT0] Set FlexRAM Function Command

The Set FlexRAM Function command changes the function of the FlexRAM:
• When not partitioned for EEPROM, the FlexRAM is typically used as traditional
• When partitioned for EEPROM, the FlexRAM is typically used to store EEPROM
Table 28-70. Set FlexRAM Function Command FCCOB Requirements
FCCOB Number FCCOB Contents [7:0]
0 0x81 (SETRAM)
FlexRAM Function Control Code
(see Table 28-71)

Table 28-71. FlexRAM Function Control

FlexRAM Function
Control Code
Make FlexRAM available as RAM:

0xFF • Clear the FCNFG[EEERDY] and FCNFG[RAMRDY] flags

• Write a background of ones to all FlexRAM locations
• Set the FCNFG[RAMRDY] flag
Make FlexRAM available for EEPROM:
• Clear the FCNFG[EEERDY] and FCNFG[RAMRDY] flags
0x00 • Write a background of ones to all FlexRAM locations
• Copy-down existing EEPROM data to FlexRAM
• Set the FCNFG[EEERDY] flag

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Functional Description

After clearing CCIF to launch the Set FlexRAM Function command, the flash memory
module sets the function of the FlexRAM based on the FlexRAM Function Control Code.
When making the FlexRAM available as traditional RAM, the flash memory module
clears the FCNFG[EEERDY] and FCNFG[RAMRDY] flags, overwrites the contents of
the entire FlexRAM with a background pattern of all ones, and sets the
FCNFG[RAMRDY] flag. The state of the FEPROT register does not prevent the
FlexRAM from being overwritten. When the FlexRAM is set to function as a RAM,
normal read and write accesses to the FlexRAM are available. When large sections of
flash memory need to be programmed, e.g. during factory programming, the FlexRAM
can be used as the Section Program Buffer for the Program Section command (see
Program Section Command).
When making the FlexRAM available for EEPROM, the flash memory module clears the
FCNFG[EEERDY] and FCNFG[RAMRDY] flags, overwrites the contents of the
FlexRAM allocated for EEPROM with a background pattern of all ones, and copies the
existing EEPROM data from the EEPROM backup record space to the FlexRAM. After
completion of the EEPROM copy-down, the FCNFG[EEERDY] flag is set. When the
FlexRAM is set to function as EEPROM, normal read and write access to the FlexRAM
is available, but writes to the FlexRAM also invoke EEPROM activity. The CCIF flag is
set after the Set FlexRAM Function operation completes.
Table 28-72. Set FlexRAM Function Command Error Handling
Error Condition Error Bit
Command not available in current mode/security FSTAT[ACCERR]
FlexRAM Function Control Code is not defined FSTAT[ACCERR]
FlexRAM Function Control Code is set to make the FlexRAM available for EEPROM, but
FlexNVM is not partitioned for EEPROM

28.4.12 Security
The flash memory module provides security information to the MCU based on contents
of the FSEC security register. The MCU then limits access to flash memory resources as
defined in the device's Chip Configuration details. During reset, the flash memory
module initializes the FSEC register using data read from the security byte of the Flash
Configuration Field (see Flash Configuration Field Description).
The following fields are available in the FSEC register. The settings are described in the
Flash Security Register (FTFL_FSEC) details.

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638 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

Table 28-73. FSEC register fields

FSEC field Description
KEYEN Backdoor Key Access
MEEN Mass Erase Capability
FSLACC Freescale Factory Access
SEC MCU security Flash Memory Access by Mode and Security

The following table summarizes how access to the flash memory module is affected by
security and operating mode.
Table 28-74. Flash Memory Access Summary
Chip Security State
Operating Mode
Unsecure Secure
NVM Normal Full command set
Only the Erase All Blocks and Read 1s All
NVM Special Full command set
Blocks commands. Changing the Security State

The security state out of reset can be permanently changed by programming the security
byte of the flash configuration field. This assumes that you are starting from a mode
where the necessary program flash erase and program commands are available and that
the region of the program flash containing the flash configuration field is unprotected. If
the flash security byte is successfully programmed, its new value takes affect after the
next chip reset. Unsecuring the Chip Using Backdoor Key Access

The chip can be unsecured by using the backdoor key access feature, which requires
knowledge of the contents of the 8-byte backdoor key value stored in the Flash
Configuration Field (see Flash Configuration Field Description). If the FSEC[KEYEN]
bits are in the enabled state, the Verify Backdoor Access Key command (see Verify
Backdoor Access Key Command) can be run; it allows the user to present prospective
keys for comparison to the stored keys. If the keys match, the FSEC[SEC] bits are
changed to unsecure the chip. The entire 8-byte key cannot be all 0s or all 1s; that is,
0000_0000_0000_0000h and FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFh are not accepted by the Verify

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 639
Functional Description

Backdoor Access Key command as valid comparison values. While the Verify Backdoor
Access Key command is active, program flash memory is not available for read access
and returns invalid data.
The user code stored in the program flash memory must have a method of receiving the
backdoor keys from an external stimulus. This external stimulus would typically be
through one of the on-chip serial ports.
If the KEYEN bits are in the enabled state, the chip can be unsecured by the following
backdoor key access sequence:
1. Follow the command sequence for the Verify Backdoor Access Key command as
explained in Verify Backdoor Access Key Command
2. If the Verify Backdoor Access Key command is successful, the chip is unsecured and
the FSEC[SEC] bits are forced to the unsecure state

An illegal key provided to the Verify Backdoor Access Key command prohibits further
use of the Verify Backdoor Access Key command. A reset of the chip is the only method
to re-enable the Verify Backdoor Access Key command when a comparison fails.
After the backdoor keys have been correctly matched, the chip is unsecured by changing
the FSEC[SEC] bits. A successful execution of the Verify Backdoor Access Key
command changes the security in the FSEC register only. It does not alter the security
byte or the keys stored in the Flash Configuration Field (Flash Configuration Field
Description). After the next reset of the chip, the security state of the flash memory
module reverts back to the flash security byte in the Flash Configuration Field. The
Verify Backdoor Access Key command sequence has no effect on the program and erase
protections defined in the program flash protection registers.
If the backdoor keys successfully match, the unsecured chip has full control of the
contents of the Flash Configuration Field. The chip may erase the sector containing the
Flash Configuration Field and reprogram the flash security byte to the unsecure state and
change the backdoor keys to any desired value.

28.4.13 Reset Sequence

On each system reset the flash memory module executes a sequence which establishes
initial values for the flash block configuration parameters, FPROT, FDPROT, FEPROT,
FOPT, and FSEC registers and the FCNFG[RAMRDY, EEERDY] bits.

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640 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)

CCIF is cleared throughout the reset sequence. The flash memory module holds off CPU
access during the reset sequence. Flash reads are possible when the hold is removed.
Completion of the reset sequence is marked by setting CCIF which enables flash user
If a reset occurs while any flash command is in progress, that command is immediately
aborted. The state of the word being programmed or the sector/block being erased is not
guaranteed. Commands and operations do not automatically resume after exiting reset.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 641
Functional Description

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642 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 29
External Bus Interface (FlexBus)

29.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
This chapter describes external bus data transfer operations and error conditions. It
describes transfers initiated by the core processor (or any other bus master) and includes
detailed timing diagrams showing the interaction of signals in supported bus operations.

29.1.1 Definition
The FlexBus multifunction external bus interface controller is a hardware module that:
• Provides memory expansion and provides connection to external peripherals with a
parallel bus
• Can be directly connected to the following asynchronous or synchronous slave-only
devices with little or no additional circuitry:
• External ROMs
• Flash memories
• Programmable logic devices
• Other simple target (slave) devices

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Signal descriptions

29.1.2 Features
FlexBus offers the following features:
• Six independent, user-programmable chip-select signals (FB_CS5 –FB_CS0)
• 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit port sizes with configuration for multiplexed or
nonmultiplexed address and data buses
• 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, and 16-byte transfers
• Programmable burst and burst-inhibited transfers selectable for each chip-select and
transfer direction
• Programmable address-setup time with respect to the assertion of a chip-select
• Programmable address-hold time with respect to the deassertion of a chip-select and
transfer direction
• Extended address latch enable option to assist with glueless connections to
synchronous and asynchronous memory devices

29.2 Signal descriptions

This table describes the external signals involved in data-transfer operations.
Not all of the following signals may be available on a particular
device. See the Chip Configuration details for information on
which signals are available.
Table 29-1. FlexBus signal descriptions
Signal I/O Function
FB_A31–FB_A0 O Address Bus
When FlexBus is used in a nonmultiplexed configuration, this is the address bus. When
FlexBus is used in a multiplexed configuration, this bus is not used.
FB_D31–FB_D0 I/O Data Bus—During the first cycle, this bus drives the upper address byte, addr[31:24].
When FlexBus is used in a nonmultiplexed configuration, this is the data bus, FB_D.
When FlexBus is used in a multiplexed configuration, this is the address and data bus,
The number of byte lanes carrying the data is determined by the port size associated
with the matching chip-select.
When FlexBus is used in a multiplexed configuration, the full 32-bit address is driven on
the first clock of a bus cycle (address phase). After the first clock, the data is driven on
the bus (data phase). During the data phase, the address is driven on the pins not used
for data. For example, in 16-bit mode, the lower address is driven on FB_AD15–
FB_AD0, and in 8-bit mode, the lower address is driven on FB_AD23–FB_AD0.

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)

Table 29-1. FlexBus signal descriptions (continued)

Signal I/O Function
FB_CS5–FB_CS0 O General Purpose Chip-Selects—Indicate which external memory or peripheral is
selected. A particular chip-select is asserted when the transfer address is within the
external memory's or peripheral's address space, as defined in CSAR[BA] and
FB_BE_31_24 O Byte Enables—Indicate that data is to be latched or driven onto a specific byte lane of
the data bus. CSCR[BEM] determines if these signals are asserted on reads and writes
or on writes only.
For external SRAM or flash devices, the FB_BE outputs should be connected to
FB_BE_7_0 individual byte strobe signals.
FB_OE O Output Enable—Sent to the external memory or peripheral to enable a read transfer.
This signal is asserted during read accesses only when a chip-select matches the
current address decode.
FB_R/W O Read/Write—Indicates whether the current bus operation is a read operation (FB_R/W
high) or a write operation (FB_R/W low).
FB_TS O Transfer Start—Indicates that the chip has begun a bus transaction and that the
address and attributes are valid.
An inverted FB_TS is available as an address latch enable (FB_ALE), which indicates
when the address is being driven on the FB_AD bus.
FB_TS/FB_ALE is asserted for one bus clock cycle.
The chip can extend this signal until the first positive clock edge after FB_CS asserts.
See CSCR[EXTS] and Extended Transfer Start/Address Latch Enable.
FB_ALE O Address Latch Enable—Indicates when the address is being driven on the FB_A bus
(inverse of FB_TS).

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Signal descriptions

Table 29-1. FlexBus signal descriptions (continued)

Signal I/O Function
FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 O Transfer Size—Indicates (along with FB_TBST) the data transfer size of the current
bus operation. The interface supports 8-, 16-, and 32-bit operand transfers and allows
accesses to 8-, 16-, and 32-bit data ports.
• 00b = 4 bytes
• 01b = 1 byte
• 10b = 2 bytes
• 11b = 16 bytes (line)

For misaligned transfers, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 indicate the size of each transfer. For
example, if a 32-bit access through a 32-bit port device occurs at a misaligned offset of
1h, 8 bits are transferred first (FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 = 01b), 16 bits are transferred
next at offset 2h (FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 = 10b), and the final 8 bits are transferred at
offset 4h (FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 = 01b).
For aligned transfers larger than the port size, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 behave as follows:
• If bursting is used, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 are driven to the transfer size.
• If bursting is inhibited, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 first show the entire transfer size
and then show the port size.

For burst-inhibited transfers, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 change with each FB_TS assertion

to reflect the next transfer size.
For transfers to port sizes smaller than the transfer size, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 indicate
the size of the entire transfer on the first access and the size of the current port transfer
on subsequent transfers. For example, for a 32-bit write to an 8-bit port, FB_TSIZ1–
FB_TSIZ0 are 00b for the first transaction and 01b for the next three transactions. If
bursting is used for a 32-bit write to an 8-bit port, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 are driven to
00b for the entire transfer.
FB_TBST O Transfer Burst—Indicates that a burst transfer is in progress as driven by the chip. A
burst transfer can be 2 to 16 beats depending on FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 and the port
Note: When a burst transfer is in progress (FB_TBST = 0b), the transfer size is 16
bytes (FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0 = 11b), and the address is misaligned within the
16-byte boundary, the external memory or peripheral must be able to wrap
around the address.

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646 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)

Table 29-1. FlexBus signal descriptions (continued)

Signal I/O Function
FB_TA I Transfer Acknowledge—Indicates that the external data transfer is complete. When
FB_TA is asserted during a read transfer, FlexBus latches the data and then terminates
the transfer. When FB_TA is asserted during a write transfer, the transfer is terminated.
If auto-acknowledge is disabled (CSCR[AA] = 0), the external memory or peripheral
drives FB_TA to terminate the transfer. If auto-acknowledge is enabled (CSCR[AA] =
1), FB_TA is generated internally after a specified number of wait states, or the external
memory or peripheral may assert external FB_TA before the wait-state countdown to
terminate the transfer early. The chip deasserts FB_CS one cycle after the last FB_TA
is asserted. During read transfers, the external memory or peripheral must continue to
drive data until FB_TA is recognized. For write transfers, the chip continues driving
data one clock cycle after FB_CS is deasserted.
The number of wait states is determined by CSCR or the external FB_TA input. If the
external FB_TA is used, the external memory or peripheral has complete control of the
number of wait states.
Note: External memory or peripherals should assert FB_TA only while the FB_CS
signal to the external memory or peripheral is asserted.
The CSPMCR register controls muxing of FB_TA with other signals. If auto-
acknowledge is not used and CSPMCR does not allow FB_TA control, FlexBus
may hang.
FB_CLK O FlexBus Clock Output

29.3 Memory Map/Register Definition

The following tables describe the registers and bit meanings for configuring chip-select
The actual number of chip selects available depends upon the device and its pin
configuration. If the device does not support certain chip select signals or the pin is not
configured for a chip-select function, then that corresponding set of chip-select registers
has no effect on an external pin.
You must set CSMR0[V] before the chip select registers take
A bus error occurs when writing to reserved register locations.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 647
Memory Map/Register Definition

FB memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4000_C000 Chip Select Address Register (FB_CSAR0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.1/648
4000_C004 Chip Select Mask Register (FB_CSMR0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.2/649
4000_C008 Chip Select Control Register (FB_CSCR0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.3/650
4000_C00C Chip Select Address Register (FB_CSAR1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.1/648
4000_C010 Chip Select Mask Register (FB_CSMR1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.2/649
4000_C014 Chip Select Control Register (FB_CSCR1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.3/650
4000_C018 Chip Select Address Register (FB_CSAR2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.1/648
4000_C01C Chip Select Mask Register (FB_CSMR2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.2/649
4000_C020 Chip Select Control Register (FB_CSCR2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.3/650
4000_C024 Chip Select Address Register (FB_CSAR3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.1/648
4000_C028 Chip Select Mask Register (FB_CSMR3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.2/649
4000_C02C Chip Select Control Register (FB_CSCR3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.3/650
4000_C030 Chip Select Address Register (FB_CSAR4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.1/648
4000_C034 Chip Select Mask Register (FB_CSMR4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.2/649
4000_C038 Chip Select Control Register (FB_CSCR4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.3/650
4000_C03C Chip Select Address Register (FB_CSAR5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.1/648
4000_C040 Chip Select Mask Register (FB_CSMR5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.2/649
4000_C044 Chip Select Control Register (FB_CSCR5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.3/650
Chip Select port Multiplexing Control Register
4000_C060 32 R/W 0000_0000h 29.3.4/653

29.3.1 Chip Select Address Register (FB_CSARn)

Specifies the associated chip-select's base address.

Address: 4000_C000h base + 0h offset + (12d × i), where i=0d to 5d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FB_CSARn field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 Base Address
Defines the base address for memory dedicated to the associated chip-select. BA is compared to bits 31–
16 on the internal address bus to determine if the associated chip-select's memory is being accessed.
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)

FB_CSARn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: Because the FlexBus module is one of the slaves connected to the crossbar switch, it is only
accessible within a certain memory range. See the chip memory map for the applicable FlexBus
"expansion" address range for which the chip-selects can be active. Set the CSARn and CSMRn
registers appropriately before accessing this region.
15–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

29.3.2 Chip Select Mask Register (FB_CSMRn)

Specifies the address mask and allowable access types for the associated chip-select.
Address: 4000_C000h base + 4h offset + (12d × i), where i=0d to 5d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FB_CSMRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 Base Address Mask
Defines the associated chip-select's block size by masking address bits.

0 The corresponding address bit in CSAR is used in the chip-select decode.

1 The corresponding address bit in CSAR is a don’t care in the chip-select decode.
15–9 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
8 Write Protect
Controls write accesses to the address range in the corresponding CSAR.

0 Write accesses are allowed.

1 Write accesses are not allowed. Attempting to write to the range of addresses for which the WP bit is
set results in a bus error termination of the internal cycle and no external cycle.
7–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 Valid
Specifies whether the corresponding CSAR, CSMR, and CSCR contents are valid. Programmed chip-
selects do not assert until the V bit is 1b (except for FB_CS0, which acts as the global chip-select).
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory Map/Register Definition

FB_CSMRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: At reset, no chip-select other than FB_CS0 can be used until CSMR0[V] is 1b. Afterward, the
FB_CS [5:0] signals function as programmed.

0 Chip-select is invalid.
1 Chip-select is valid.

29.3.3 Chip Select Control Register (FB_CSCRn)

Controls the auto-acknowledge, address setup and hold times, port size, burst capability,
and number of wait states for the associated chip select.
To support the global chip-select ( FB_CS0 ), the CSCR0 reset
values differ from the other CSCRs. The reset value of CSCR0
is as follows:
• Bits 31–24 are 0b
• Bit 23–3 are chip-dependent
• Bits 3–0 are 0b
See the chip configuration details for your particular chip for
information on the exact CSCR0 reset value.
Address: 4000_C000h base + 8h offset + (12d × i), where i=0d to 5d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FB_CSCRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–26 Secondary Wait States
Table continues on the next page...

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650 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)

FB_CSCRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Used only when the SWSEN bit is 1b. Specifies the number of wait states inserted before an internal
transfer acknowledge is generated for a burst transfer (except for the first termination, which is controlled
by WS).
25–24 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
23 Secondary Wait State Enable
0 Disabled. A number of wait states (specified by WS) are inserted before an internal transfer
acknowledge is generated for all transfers.
1 Enabled. A number of wait states (specified by SWS) are inserted before an internal transfer
acknowledge is generated for burst transfer secondary terminations.
22 Extended Transfer Start/Extended Address Latch Enable
Controls how long FB_TS /FB_ALE is asserted.

0 Disabled. FB_TS /FB_ALE asserts for one bus clock cycle.

Enabled. FB_TS /FB_ALE remains asserted until the first positive clock edge after FB_CSn asserts.
21–20 Address Setup
Controls when the chip-select is asserted with respect to assertion of a valid address and attributes.

00 Assert FB_CSn on the first rising clock edge after the address is asserted (default for all but
FB_CS0 ).
01 Assert FB_CSn on the second rising clock edge after the address is asserted.
10 Assert FB_CSn on the third rising clock edge after the address is asserted.
11 Assert FB_CSn on the fourth rising clock edge after the address is asserted (default for FB_CS0 ).
19–18 Read Address Hold or Deselect
Controls the address and attribute hold time after the termination during a read cycle that hits in the
associated chip-select's address space.

NOTE: • The hold time applies only at the end of a transfer. Therefore, during a burst transfer or a
transfer to a port size smaller than the transfer size, the hold time is only added after the
last bus cycle.
• The number of cycles the address and attributes are held after FB_CSn deassertion
depends on the value of the AA bit.

00 When AA is 0b, 1 cycle. When AA is 1b, 0 cycles.

01 When AA is 0b, 2 cycles. When AA is 1b, 1 cycle.
10 When AA is 0b, 3 cycles. When AA is 1b, 2 cycles.
11 When AA is 0b, 4 cycles. When AA is 1b, 3 cycles.
17–16 Write Address Hold or Deselect
Controls the address, data, and attribute hold time after the termination of a write cycle that hits in the
associated chip-select's address space.

NOTE: The hold time applies only at the end of a transfer. Therefore, during a burst transfer or a transfer
to a port size smaller than the transfer size, the hold time is only added after the last bus cycle.

00 1 cycle (default for all but FB_CS0 )

01 2 cycles
10 3 cycles
11 4 cycles (default for FB_CS0 )

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 651
Memory Map/Register Definition

FB_CSCRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
15–10 Wait States
Specifies the number of wait states inserted after FlexBus asserts the associated chip-select and before
an internal transfer acknowledge is generated (WS = 00h inserts 0 wait states, ..., WS = 3Fh inserts 63
wait states).
9 Byte-Lane Shift
Specifies if data on FB_AD appears left-aligned or right-aligned during the data phase of a FlexBus

0 Not shifted. Data is left-aligned on FB_AD.

1 Shifted. Data is right-aligned on FB_AD.
8 Auto-Acknowledge Enable
Asserts the internal transfer acknowledge for accesses specified by the chip-select address.

NOTE: If AA is 1b for a corresponding FB_CSn and the external system asserts an external FB_TA
before the wait-state countdown asserts the internal FB_TA, the cycle is terminated. Burst cycles
increment the address bus between each internal termination.

NOTE: This field must be 1b if CSPMCR disables FB_TA.

0 Disabled. No internal transfer acknowledge is asserted and the cycle is terminated externally.
1 Enabled. Internal transfer acknowledge is asserted as specified by WS.
7–6 Port Size
Specifies the data port width of the associated chip-select, and determines where data is driven during
write cycles and where data is sampled during read cycles.

00 32-bit port size. Valid data is sampled and driven on FB_D[31:0].

01 8-bit port size. Valid data is sampled and driven on FB_D[31:24] when BLS is 0b, or FB_D[7:0] when
BLS is 1b.
10 16-bit port size. Valid data is sampled and driven on FB_D[31:16] when BLS is 0b, or FB_D[15:0]
when BLS is 1b.
11 16-bit port size. Valid data sampled and driven on FB_D[31:16] when BLS is 0b, or FB_D[15:0] when
BLS is 1b.
5 Byte-Enable Mode
Specifies whether the corresponding FB_BE is asserted for read accesses. Certain memories have byte
enables that must be asserted during reads and writes. Write 1b to the BEM bit in the relevant CSCR to
provide the appropriate mode of byte enable support for these SRAMs.

0 FB_BE is asserted for data write only.

FB_BE is asserted for data read and write accesses.
4 Burst-Read Enable
Specifies whether burst reads are enabled for memory associated with each chip select.

0 Disabled. Data exceeding the specified port size is broken into individual, port-sized, non-burst reads.
For example, a 32-bit read from an 8-bit port is broken into four 8-bit reads.
1 Enabled. Enables data burst reads larger than the specified port size, including 32-bit reads from 8-
and 16-bit ports, 16-bit reads from 8-bit ports, and line reads from 8, 16-, and 32-bit ports.

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)

FB_CSCRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
3 Burst-Write Enable
Specifies whether burst writes are enabled for memory associated with each chip select.

0 Disabled. Data exceeding the specified port size is broken into individual, port-sized, non-burst writes.
For example, a 32-bit write to an 8-bit port takes four byte writes.
1 Enabled. Enables burst write of data larger than the specified port size, including 32-bit writes to 8 and
16-bit ports, 16-bit writes to 8-bit ports, and line writes to 8-, 16-, and 32-bit ports.
2–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

29.3.4 Chip Select port Multiplexing Control Register (FB_CSPMCR)

Controls the multiplexing of the FlexBus signals.
A bus error occurs when you do any of the following:
• Write to a reserved address
• Write to a reserved field in this register, or
• Access this register using a size other than 32 bits.
Address: 4000_C000h base + 60h offset = 4000_C060h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FB_CSPMCR field descriptions

Field Description
31–28 FlexBus Signal Group 1 Multiplex control
Controls the multiplexing of the FB_ALE, FB_CS1 , and FB_TS signals.

0000 FB_ALE
0001 FB_CS1
0010 FB_TS
Any other value Reserved
27–24 FlexBus Signal Group 2 Multiplex control
Controls the multiplexing of the FB_CS4 , FB_TSIZ0, and FB_BE_31_24 signals.

0000 FB_CS4
0001 FB_TSIZ0
0010 FB_BE_31_24
Any other value Reserved

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 653
Functional description

FB_CSPMCR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
23–20 FlexBus Signal Group 3 Multiplex control
Controls the multiplexing of the FB_CS5 , FB_TSIZ1, and FB_BE_23_16 signals.

0000 FB_CS5
0001 FB_TSIZ1
0010 FB_BE_23_16
Any other value Reserved
19–16 FlexBus Signal Group 4 Multiplex control
Controls the multiplexing of the FB_TBST , FB_CS2 , and FB_BE_15_8 signals.

0000 FB_TBST
0001 FB_CS2
0010 FB_BE_15_8
Any other value Reserved
15–12 FlexBus Signal Group 5 Multiplex control
Controls the multiplexing of the FB_TA , FB_CS3 , and FB_BE_7_0 signals.

NOTE: When GROUP5 is not 0000b, you must write 1b to the CSCR[AA] bit. Otherwise, the bus hangs
during a transfer.

0000 FB_TA
0001 FB_CS3 . You must also write 1b to CSCR[AA].
0010 FB_BE_7_0 . You must also write 1b to CSCR[AA].
Any other value Reserved
11–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

29.4 Functional description

29.4.1 Modes of operation

FlexBus supports the following modes of operation:

• Multiplexed 32-bit address and 32-bit data
• Multiplexed 32-bit address and 16-bit data (non-multiplexed 16-bit address and 16-
bit data)
• Multiplexed 32-bit address and 8-bit data (non-multiplexed 24-bit address and 8-bit
• Non-multiplexed 32-bit address and 32-bit data busses

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654 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)

29.4.2 Address comparison

When a bus cycle is routed to FlexBus, FlexBus compares the transfer address to the base
address and base address mask. This table describes how FlexBus decides to assert a
chip-select and complete the bus cycle based on the address comparison.

When the transfer address Then FlexBus

Asserts the appropriate chip-select, generating a FlexBus bus cycle as defined in the
appropriate CSCR.
Matches one address register
configuration If CSMR[WP] is set and a write access is performed, FlexBus terminates the internal
bus cycle with a bus error, does not assert a chip-select, and does not perform an
external bus cycle.
Does not match a address register Terminates the transfer with a bus error response, does not assert a chip-select, and
configuration does not perform a FlexBus cycle.
Matches more than one address Terminates the transfer with a bus error response, does not assert a chip-select, and
register configuration does not perform a FlexBus cycle.

29.4.3 Address driven on address bus

FlexBus always drives a 32-bit address on the FB_AD bus regardless of the external
memory's or peripheral's address size.

29.4.4 Connecting address/data lines

The external device must connect its address and data lines as follows:
• Address lines
• FB_AD from FB_AD0 upward
• Data lines
• If CSCR[BLS] = 0, FB_AD from FB_AD31 downward
• If CSCR[BLS] = 1, FB_AD from FB_AD0 upward

29.4.5 Bit ordering

No bit ordering is required when connecting address and data lines to the FB_AD bus.
For example, a full 16-bit address/16-bit data device connects its addr15–addr0 to
FB_AD16–FB_AD1 and data15–data0 to FB_AD31–FB_AD16. See Data-byte
alignment and physical connections for a graphical connection.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 655
Functional description

29.4.6 Data transfer signals

Data transfers between FlexBus and the external memory or peripheral involve these
• Address/data bus (FB_AD31–FB_AD0 )
• Control signals (FB_TS/FB_ALE, FB_TA, FB_CSn, FB_OE, FB_R/W, FB_BEn)
• Attribute signals (FB_TBST, FB_TSIZ1–FB_TSIZ0)

29.4.7 Signal transitions

These signals change on the rising edge of the FlexBus clock (FB_CLK):
• Address
• Write data
• FB_CSn
• All attribute signals
FlexBus latches the read data on the rising edge of the clock.

29.4.8 Data-byte alignment and physical connections

The device aligns data transfers in FlexBus byte lanes with the number of lanes
depending on the data port width.
The following figure shows the byte lanes that external memory or peripheral connects to
and the sequential transfers of a 32-bit transfer for the supported port sizes when byte
lane shift is disabled. For example, an 8-bit memory connects to the single lane
FB_AD31–FB_AD24 (FB_BE_31_24). A 32-bit transfer through this 8-bit port takes
four transfers, starting with the LSB to the MSB. A 32-bit transfer through a 32-bit port
requires one transfer on each four-byte lane.

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)

Byte Select FB_BE_31_24 FB_BE_23_16 FB_BE_15_8 FB_BE_7_0

FB_D31– FB_D23– FB_D15– FB_D7–

FB_D24 FB_D16 FB_D8 FB_D0
Data Bus

32-Bit Port Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0


16-Bit Port Byte 1 Byte 0 Driven with

Memory address values
Byte 3 Byte 2

8-Bit Port Byte 0

Byte 1 Driven with
Byte 2 address values

Byte 3

Figure 29-23. Connections for external memory port sizes (CSCRn[BLS] = 0)

The following figure shows the byte lanes that external memory or peripheral connects to
and the sequential transfers of a 32-bit transfer for the supported port sizes when byte
lane shift is enabled.
External Data Bus FB_AD[31:24] FB_AD[23:16] FB_AD15:8] FB_AD[7:0]
Byte Select FB_BE31_24 FB_BE23_16 FB_BE15_8 FB_BE7_0

32-Bit Port Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0

Memory FB_BE31_24 FB_BE23_16

16-Bit Port Byte 1 Byte 0

Driven with
Memory address values
Byte 3 Byte 2

8-Bit Port Byte 0

Driven with Byte 1
address values
Byte 2
Byte 3

Figure 29-24. Connections for external memory port sizes (CSCRn[BLS] = 1)

29.4.9 Address/data bus multiplexing

FlexBus supports a single 32-bit wide multiplexed address and data bus (FB_AD31–
FB_AD0). FlexBus always drives the full 32-bit address on the first clock of a bus cycle.
During the data phase, the FB_AD31– FB_AD0 lines used for data are determined by the
programmed port size and BLS setting for the corresponding chip-select. FlexBus
continues to drive the address on any FB_AD31– FB_AD0 lines not used for data.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 657
Functional description FlexBus multiplexed operating modes for CSCRn[BLS]=0

This table shows the supported combinations of address and data bus widths when
CSCRn[BLS] is 0b.
Port size and phase
31–24 23–16 15–8 7–0
Address phase Address

Data phase Data

Address phase Address

Data phase Data Address

Address phase Address

Data phase Data Address FlexBus multiplexed operating modes for CSCRn[BLS]=1

This table shows the supported combinations of address and data bus widths when
CSCRn[BLS] is 1b.
Port size and phase
31–24 23–16 15–8 7–0
Address phase Address

Data phase Data

Address phase Address

Data phase Address Data

Address phase Address

Data phase Address Data

29.4.10 Data transfer states

Basic data transfers occur in four clocks or states. (See Figure 29-26 and Figure 29-28 for
examples of basic data transfers.) The FlexBus state machine controls the data-transfer
operation. This figure shows the state-transition diagram for basic read and write cycles.

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658 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)

Next Cycle S0

Wait States
S3 S1


The states are described in this table.

State Cycle Description
S0 All The read or write cycle is initiated. On the rising clock edge, FlexBus:
• Places a valid address on FB_ADn
• Asserts FB_TS/FB_ALE
• Drives FB_R/W high for a read and low for a write
S1 All FlexBus:
• Negates FB_TS/FB_ALE on the rising edge of FB_CLK
• Asserts FB_CSn
• Drives the data on FB_AD31– FB_ADX for writes
• Tristates FB_AD31– FB_ADX for reads
• Continues to drive the address on FB_AD pins that are unused for data

If the external memory or perihperal asserts FB_TA, then the process moves to S2. If FB_TA is not
asserted internally or externally, then S1 repeats.
Read The external memory or peripheral drives the data before the next rising edge of FB_CLK (the rising
edge that begins S2) with FB_TA asserted.
S2 All For internal termination, FlexBus negates FB_CSn and the transfer is complete. For external
termination, the external memory or peripheral negates FB_TA, and FlexBus negates FB_CSn after
the rising edge of FB_CLK at the end of S2.
Read FlexBus latches the data on the rising clock edge entering S2. The external memory or peripheral
can stop driving the data after this edge or continue to drive the data until the end of S3 or through
any additional address hold cycles.
S3 All FlexBus invalidates the address, data, and FB_R/W on the rising edge of FB_CLK at the beginning
of S3, terminating the transfer.

29.4.11 FlexBus Timing Examples

The timing diagrams throughout this section use signal names
that may not be included on your particular device. Ignore these
extraneous signals.

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Functional description

Throughout this section:
• FB_D[X] indicates a 32-, 16-, or 8-bit wide data bus
• FB_A[Y] indicates an address bus that can be 32, 24, or 16
bits wide. Basic Read Bus Cycle

During a read cycle, the MCU receives data from memory or a peripheral device. The
following figure shows a read cycle flowchart.
Microcontroller System

1. Set FB_R/W to read.

2. Place address on the external address signals.
3. Assert transfer start.
1. Decode address.

1. Negate transfer start.

2. Assert FB_CSn.

1. FlexBus asserts internal FB_TA 1. Select the appropriate slave device.

(auto-acknowledge/internal termination). 2. Drive data on the external data signals.
2. Sample FB_TA low and latch data. 3. Assert FB_TA (external termination).

1. Start next cycle. 1. Negate FB_TA (external termination).

Figure 29-25. Read Cycle Flowchart

The read cycle timing diagram is shown in the following figure.

FB_TA does not have to be driven by the external device for
internally-terminated bus cycles.
The processor drives the data lines during the first clock cycle
of the transfer with the full 32-bit address. This may be ignored
by standard connected devices using non-multiplexed address
and data buses. However, some applications may find this
feature beneficial.

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)

The address and data busses are muxed between the FlexBus
and another module. At the end of the read bus cycles the
address signals are indeterminate.


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data








Figure 29-26. Basic Read-Bus Cycle Basic Write Bus Cycle

During a write cycle, the device sends data to memory or to a peripheral device. The
following figure shows the write cycle flowchart.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 661
Functional description
FlexBus External Memory/Peripheral

1. Set FB_R/W to write.

2. Place address on the external address signals.
3. Assert transfer start.
1. Decode address.
1. Negate transfer start.
2. Assert FB_CSn.
3. Drive data.

1. FlexBus asserts internal FB_TA 1. Select the appropriate slave device.

(auto acknowledge/internal termination). 2. Latch data on the external address signals.
2. Sample FB_TA low. 3. Assert FB_TA (external termination).

1. Start next cycle. 1. Negate FB_TA (external termination).

Figure 29-27. Write-Cycle Flowchart

The following figure shows the write cycle timing diagram.

The address and data busses are muxed between the FlexBus
and another module. At the end of the write bus cycles, the
address signals are indeterminate.

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662 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data









Figure 29-28. Basic Write-Bus Cycle Bus Cycle Sizing

This section shows timing diagrams for various port size scenarios. Bus Cycle Sizing—Byte Transfer, 8-bit Device, No Wait States

The following figure illustrates the basic byte read transfer to an 8-bit device with no wait

The address is driven on the full FB_AD[31:8] bus in the first clock.
• The device tristates FB_AD[31:24] on the second clock and continues to drive
address on FB_AD[23:0] throughout the bus cycle.
• The external device returns the read data on FB_AD[31:24] and may tristate the data
line or continue driving the data one clock after FB_TA is sampled asserted.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 663
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ = 01

Figure 29-29. Single Byte-Read Transfer

The following figure shows the similar configuration for a write transfer. The data is
driven from the second clock on FB_AD[31:24].

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ=01

Figure 29-30. Single Byte-Write Transfer Bus Cycle Sizing—Word Transfer, 16-bit Device, No Wait


The following figure illustrates the basic word read transfer to a 16-bit device with no
wait states.
• The address is driven on the full FB_AD[31:8] bus in the first clock.
• The device tristates FB_AD[31:16] on the second clock and continues to drive
address on FB_AD[15:0] throughout the bus cycle.
• The external device returns the read data on FB_AD[31:16] and may tristate the data
line or continue driving the data one clock after FB_TA is sampled asserted.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 665
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ = 10

Figure 29-31. Single Word-Read Transfer

The following figure shows the similar configuration for a write transfer. The data is
driven from the second clock on FB_AD[31:16].

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666 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ=10

Figure 29-32. Single Word-Write Transfer Bus Cycle Sizing—Longword Transfer, 32-bit Device, No Wait


The following figure depicts a longword read from a 32-bit device.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 667
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ = 00

Figure 29-33. Longword-Read Transfer

The following figure illustrates the longword write to a 32-bit device.

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ=00

Figure 29-34. Longword-Write Transfer Timing Variations

The FlexBus module has several features that can change the timing characteristics of a
basic read- or write-bus cycle to provide additional address setup, address hold, and time
for a device to provide or latch data. Wait States

Wait states can be inserted before each beat of a transfer by programming the CSCRn
registers. Wait states can give the peripheral or memory more time to return read data or
sample write data.
The following figures show the basic read and write bus cycles (also shown in Figure
29-26 and Figure 29-31) with the default of no wait states respectively.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 669
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data









Figure 29-35. Basic Read-Bus Cycle (No Wait States)

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670 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data









Figure 29-36. Basic Write-Bus Cycle (No Wait States)

If wait states are used, the S1 state repeats continuously until the chip-select auto-
acknowledge unit asserts internal transfer acknowledge or the external FB_TA is
recognized as asserted. The following figures show a read and write cycle with one wait
state respectively.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 671
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data









Figure 29-37. Read-Bus Cycle (One Wait State)

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data









Figure 29-38. Write-Bus Cycle (One Wait State) Address Setup and Hold

The timing of the assertion and negation of the chip selects, byte selects, and output
enable can be programmed on a chip-select basis. Each chip-select can be programmed to
assert one to four clocks after transfer start/address-latch enable (FB_TS/FB_ALE) is
asserted. The following figures show read- and write-bus cycles with two clocks of
address setup respectively.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 673
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data









Figure 29-39. Read-Bus Cycle with Two-Clock Address Setup (No Wait States)

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674 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data









Figure 29-40. Write-Bus Cycle with Two Clock Address Setup (No Wait States)

In addition to address setup, a programmable address hold option for each chip select
exists. Address and attributes can be held one to four clocks after chip-select, byte-
selects, and output-enable negate. The following figures show read and write bus cycles
with two clocks of address hold respectively.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 675
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data









Figure 29-41. Read Cycle with Two-Clock Address Hold (No Wait States)

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data









Figure 29-42. Write Cycle with Two-Clock Address Hold (No Wait States)

The following figure shows a bus cycle using address setup, wait states, and address hold.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 677
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data









Figure 29-43. Write Cycle with Two-Clock Address Setup and Two-Clock Hold (One Wait

29.4.12 Burst cycles

The chip can be programmed to initiate burst cycles if its transfer size exceeds the port
size of the selected destination. The initiation of a burst cycle is encoded on the transfer
size pins (FB_TSIZ[1:0]). For burst transfers to smaller port sizes, FB_TSIZ[1:0]
indicates the size of the entire transfer. For example, with bursting enabled, a 16-bit
transfer to an 8-bit port takes two beats (two byte-sized transfers), for which
FB_TSIZ[1:0] equals 10b throughout. A 32-bit transfer to an 8-bit port takes four beats
(four byte-sized transfers), for which FB_TSIZ[1:0] equals 00b throughout. Enabling and inhibiting burst

The CSCRn registers enable bursting for reads, writes, or both.
Memory spaces can be declared burst-inhibited for reads and writes by writing 0b to the
appropriate CSCRn[BSTR] and CSCRn[BSTW] fields.

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678 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus) Transfer size and port size translation

With bursting disabled, any transfer larger than the port size breaks into multiple
individual transfers (e.g. <Addr><Data><Addr+1><Data><Addr+2><Data>). With
bursting enabled, any transfer larger than the port size results in a burst cycle of multiple
beats (e.g. <Addr><Data><Data><Data>). The following table shows the result of such
transfer translations.
Burst-inhibited: Number of transfers
Port size PS[1:0] Transfer size FB_TSIZ[1:0]
Burst enabled: Number of beats
01b (8 bit) 10b (16 bits) 2
00b (32 bits) 4
11b (16 bytes) 16
1Xb (16 bit) 00b (32 bits) 2
11b (16 bytes) 8
00b (32 bit) 11b (line) 4

The FlexBus can support X-1-1-1 burst cycles to maximize system performance, where X
is the primary number of wait states (max 63). Delaying termination of the cycle can add
wait states. If internal termination is used, different wait state counters can be used for the
first access and the following beats. 32-bit-Read burst from 8-Bit port 2-1-1-1 (no wait states)
The following figure shows a 32-bit read to an 8-bit external chip programmed for burst
enable. The transfer results in a 4-beat burst and the data is driven on FB_AD[31:24].
The transfer size is driven at 32-bit (00b) throughout the bus cycle.
In non-multiplexed address/data mode, the address on FB_A
increments only during internally-terminated burst cycles. The
first address is driven throughout the entire burst for externally-
terminated cycles.
In multiplexed address/data mode, the address is driven on
FB_AD only during the first cycle for all terminated cycles.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 679
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address Add+1 Add+2 Add+3

FB_D[X] Address Data Data Data Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ = 11 32-bit-Write burst to 8-Bit port 3-1-1-1 (no wait states)

The following figure shows a 32-bit write to an 8-bit external chip with burst enabled.
The transfer results in a 4-beat burst and the data is driven on FB_AD[31:24]. The
transfer size is driven at 32-bit (00b) throughout the bus cycle.
The first beat of any write burst cycle has at least one wait state.
If the bus cycle is programmed for zero wait states
(CSCRn[WS] = 0b), one wait state is added. Otherwise, the
programmed number of wait states are used.

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address Add+1 Add+2 Add+3

FB_D[X] Address Data Data Data Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ 32-bit-write burst-inhibited to 8-bit port (no wait states)

The following figure shows a 32-bit write to an 8-bit device with burst inhibited. The
transfer results in four individual transfers. The transfer size is driven at 32-bit (00b)
during the first transfer and at byte (01b) during the next three transfers.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 681
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address Add+1 Add+2 Add+3

FB_D[X] Add Data Add+1 Data Add+2 Data Add+3 Data









FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ = 00 TSIZ = 01 32-bit-read burst from 8-bit port 3-2-2-2 (one wait state)
The following figure illustrates another read burst transfer, but in this case a wait state is
added between individual beats.
CSCRn[WS] determines the number of wait states in the first
beat. However, for subsequent beats, the CSCRn[WS] (or
CSCRn[SWS] if CSCRn[SWSEN] = 1b) determines the
number of wait states.

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address Add+1 Add+2 Add+3

FB_D[X] Address Data Data Data Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ = 00 32-bit-write burst to 8-bit port 3-2-2-2 (one wait state)

The following figure illustrates a write burst transfer with one wait state.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 683
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address Add+1 Add+2 Add+3

FB_D[X] Address Data Data Data Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ = 00 32-bit-read burst from 8-bit port 3-1-1-1 (address setup and
If address setup and hold are used, only the first and last beat of the burst cycle are
affected. The following figure shows a read cycle with one clock of address setup and
address hold.
In non-multiplexed address/data mode, the address on FB_A
increments only during internally-terminated burst cycles
(CSCRn[AA] = 1b). The attached device must be able to
account for this, or a wait state must be added. The first address
is driven throughout the entire burst for externally-terminated
In multiplexed address/data mode, the address is driven on
FB_AD only during the first cycle for internally- and
externally-terminated cycles.

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address Add+1 Add+2 Add+3

FB_D[X] Address Data Data Data Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ=11 32-bit-write burst to 8-bit port 3-1-1-1 (address setup and

The following figure shows a write cycle with one clock of address setup and address

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 685
Functional description


FB_A[Y] Address Add+1 Add+2 Add+3

FB_D[X] Address Data Data Data Data








FB_TSIZ[1:0] TSIZ=11

29.4.13 Extended Transfer Start/Address Latch Enable

The FB_TS/FB_ALE signal indicates that a bus transaction has begun and the address
and attributes are valid. By default, the FB_TS/FB_ALE signal asserts for a single bus
clock cycle. When CSCRn[EXTS] is set, the FB_TS/FB_ALE signal asserts and remain
asserted until the first positive clock edge after FB_CSn asserts. See the following figure.
When EXTS is set, CSCRn[WS] must be programmed to have
at least one primary wait state.

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Chapter 29 External Bus Interface (FlexBus)


FB_A[Y] Address

FB_D[X] Address Data









Figure 29-44. Read-Bus Cycle with CSCRn[EXTS] = 1 (One Wait State)

29.4.14 Bus errors

These types of accesses cause a transfer to terminate with a bus error:
• A write to a write-protected address range
• An access whose address is not in a range covered by a chip-select
• An access whose address is in a range covered by more than one chip-selects
• A write to a reserved address in the memory map
• A write to a reserved field in the CSPMCR
• Any FlexBus accesses when FlexBus is secure
If the auto-acknowledge feature is disabled (CSCR[AA] is 0) for an address that
generates an error, the transfer can be terminated by asserting FB_TA. If the processor
must manage a bus error differently, asserting an interrupt to the core along with FB_TA
when the bus error occurs can invoke an interrupt handler.
The device can hang if FlexBus is configured for external termination and the CSPMCR
is not configured for FB_TA.

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Initialization/Application Information

29.5 Initialization/Application Information

29.5.1 Initializing a chip-select

To initialize a chip-select:
1. Write to the associated CSAR.
2. Write to the associated CSCR.
3. Write to the associated CSMR, including writing 1b to the Valid field (CSMRn[V]).

29.5.2 Reconfiguring a chip-select

To reconfigure a previously-used chip-select:

1. Invalidate the chip-select by writing 0b to the associated CSMR's Valid field


2. Write to the associated CSAR.

3. Write to the associated CSCR.
4. Write to the associated CSMR, including writing 1b to the Valid field (CSMRn[V]).

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688 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 30

30.1 Overview
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The EzPort module is a serial flash programming interface that allows In-System
Programming (ISP) of flash memory contents on a 32 bit general-purpose
microcontroller. Memory contents can be read, erased, and programmed from an external
source in a format that is compatible with many stand-alone flash memory chips, without
necessitating the removal of the microcontroller from the system.

30.1.1 Introduction
The following figure is a high level block diagram of the EzPort.

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EzPort Enabled


Flash EzPort


Flash Memory Reset

Reset Out

Reset Controller

Figure 30-1. EzPort block diagram

30.1.2 Features
EzPort includes the following features:
• Serial interface that is compatible with a subset of the SPI format.
• Ability to read, erase, and program flash memory.
• Ability to reset the microcontroller, allowing it to boot from the flash memory after
the memory has been configured.

30.1.3 Modes of operation

The EzPort can operate in one of two modes, enabled or disabled.
• Enabled — When enabled, the EzPort steals access to the flash memory, preventing
access from other cores or peripherals. The rest of the microcontroller is disabled to
avoid conflicts. The flash is configured for NVM Special mode.
• Disabled — When the EzPort is disabled, the rest of the microcontroller can access
flash memory as normal.

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Chapter 30 EzPort

The EzPort provides a simple interface to connect an external device to the flash memory
on board a 32 bit microcontroller. The interface itself is compatible with the SPI
interface, with the EzPort operating as a slave, running in either of the two following
modes. The data is transmitted with the most significant bit first.
• CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0
• CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1

Commands are issued by the external device to erase, program, or read the contents of the
flash memory. The serial data out from the EzPort is tri-stated unless data is being driven.
This allows the signal to be shared among several different EzPort (or compatible)
devices in parallel, as long as they have different chip-selects.

30.2 External signal description

The following table contains a list of EzPort external signals, and the following sections
explain the signals in detail.
Table 30-1. EzPort external signal description
Name Description I/O
EZP_CK EzPort Clock Input
EZP_CS EzPort Chip Select Input
EZP_D EzPort Serial Data In Input
EZP_Q EzPort Serial Data Out Output

30.2.1 EzPort Clock (EZP_CK)

EZP_CK is the serial clock for data transfers. The serial data in (EZP_D) and chip select
(EZP_CS) are registered on the rising edge of EZP_CK, while serial data out (EZP_Q) is
driven on the falling edge of EZP_CK.
The maximum frequency of the EzPort clock is half the system clock frequency for all
commands except when executing the Read Data or Read FlexRAM commands. When
executing these commands, the EzPort clock has a maximum frequency of one-eighth the
system clock frequency.

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Command definition

30.2.2 EzPort Chip Select (EZP_CS)

EZP_CS is the chip select for signaling the start and end of serial transfers. If, while
EZP_CS is asserted, the microcontroller's reset out signal is negated, EzPort is enabled
out of reset; otherwise it is disabled. After EzPort is enabled, asserting EZP_CS
commences a serial data transfer, which continues until EZP_CS is negated again. The
negation of EZP_CS indicates the current command is finished and resets the EzPort state
machine so that it is ready to receive the next command.

30.2.3 EzPort Serial Data In (EZP_D)

EZP_D is the serial data in for data transfers. EZP_D is registered on the rising edge of
EZP_CK. All commands, addresses, and data are shifted in most significant bit first.
When the EzPort is driving output data on EZP_Q, the data shifted in EZP_D is ignored.

30.2.4 EzPort Serial Data Out (EZP_Q)

EZP_Q is the serial data out for data transfers. EZP_Q is driven on the falling edge of
EZP_CK. It is tri-stated unless EZP_CS is asserted and the EzPort is driving data out. All
data is shifted out most significant bit first.

30.3 Command definition

The EzPort receives commands from an external device and translates the commands into
flash memory accesses. The following table lists the supported commands.
Table 30-2. EzPort commands
Address Accepted when
Command Description Code Data Bytes
Bytes secure?
WREN Write Enable 0x06 0 0 Yes
WRDI Write Disable 0x04 0 0 Yes
RDSR Read Status Register 0x05 0 1 Yes
READ Flash Read Data 0x03 31 1+ No
FAST_READ Flash Read Data at High Speed 0x0B 31 1+2 No
SP Flash Section Program 0x02 33 8- SECTION4 No
SE Flash Sector Erase 0xD8 33 0 No
BE Flash Bulk Erase 0xC7 0 0 Yes5
RESET Reset Chip 0xB9 0 0 Yes
WRFCCOB Write FCCOB Registers 0xBA 0 12 Yes6

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 30 EzPort

Table 30-2. EzPort commands (continued)

Address Accepted when
Command Description Code Data Bytes
Bytes secure?
Read FCCOB registers at high
FAST_RDFCCOB 0xBB 0 1 - 122 No
WRFLEXRAM Write FlexRAM 0xBC 31 4 No
RDFLEXRAM Read FlexRAM 0xBD 31 1+ No
FAST_RDFLEXRAM Read FlexRAM at high speed 0xBE 31 1+2 No

1. Address must be 32-bit aligned (two LSBs must be zero).

2. One byte of dummy data must be shifted in before valid data is shifted out.
3. Address must be 64-bit aligned (three LSBs must be zero).
4. Please see the Flash Memory chapter for a definition of section size. Total number of data bytes programmed must be a
multiple of 8.
5. Bulk Erase is accepted when security is set and only when the BEDIS status field is not set.
6. The flash will be in NVM Special mode, restricting the type of commands that can be executed through WRITE_FCCOB
when security is enabled.

30.3.1 Command descriptions

This section describes the module commands. Write Enable

The Write Enable (WREN) command sets the write enable register field in the EzPort
status register. The write enable field must be set for a write command (SP, SE, BE,
WRFCCOB, or WRFLEXRAM) to be accepted. The write enable register field clears on
reset, on a Write Disable command, and at the completion of write command. This
command must not be used if a write is already in progress. Write Disable

The Write Disable (WRDI) command clears the write enable register field in the status
register. This command must not be used if a write is already in progress. Read Status Register

The Read Status Register (RDSR) command returns the contents of the EzPort status

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Command definition

Table 30-3. EzPort status register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset: 0/11 0 0 0 0/12 0/13 0 14

1. Reset value reflects the status of flash security out of reset.

2. Reset value reflects FlexNVM flash partitioning. If FlexNVM flash has been paritioned for EEPROM, this field is set
immediately after reset. Note that FLEXRAM is cleared after the EzPort initialization sequence completes, as indicated by
clearing of WIP.
3. Reset value reflects whether bulk erase is enabled or disabled out of reset.
4. Initial value of WIP is 1, but the value clears to 0 after EzPort initialization is complete.

Table 30-4. EzPort status register field description

Field Description
0 Write in progress.
WIP Sets after a write command (SP, SE, BE, WRFCCOB, or WRFLEXRAM) is accepted and clears after the
flash memory has completed all operations associated with the write command, as indicated by the
Command Complete Interrupt Flag (CCIF) inside the flash. This field is also asserted on reset and cleared
when EzPort initialization is complete. Only the Read Status Register (RDSR) command is accepted while
a write is in progress.
0 = Write is not in progress. Accept any command.
1 = Write is in progress. Only accept RDSR command.
1 Write enable
WEN Enables the write comman that follows. It is a control field that must be set before a write command (SP,
SE, BE, WRFCCOB, or WRFLEXRAM) is accepted. Is set by the Write Enable (WREN) command and
cleared by reset or a Write Disable (WRDI) command. This field also clears when the flash memory has
completed all operations associated with the command.
0 = Disables the following write command.
1 = Enables the following write command.
2 Bulk erase disable
BEDIS Indicates whether bulk erase (BE) is disabled when flash is secure.
0 = BE is enabled.
1 = BE is disabled if FS is also set. Attempts to issue a BE command will result in the WEF flag being set.
3 FlexRAM mode
FLEXRAM Indicates the current mode of the FlexRAM. Valid only when WIP is cleared.
0 = FlexRAM is in RAM mode. RD/WRFLEXRAM command can be used to read/write data in FlexRAM.
1 = FlexRAM is in EEPROM mode. SP command is not accepted. RD/WRFLEXRAM command can be
used to read/write data in the FlexRAM.

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 30 EzPort

Table 30-4. EzPort status register field description (continued)

Field Description
6 Write error flag
WEF Indicates whether there has been an error while executing a write command (SP, SE, BE, WRFCCOB, or
WRFLEXRAM). The WEF flag will set if Flash Access Error Flag (ACCERR), Flash Protection Violation
(FPVIOL), or Memory Controller Command Completion Status (MGSTAT0) inside the flash memory is set
at the completion of the write command. See the flash memory chapter for further description of these flags
and their sources. The WEF flag clears after a Read Status Register (RDSR) command.
0 = No error on previous write command.
1 = Error on previous write command.
7 Flash security
FS Indicates whether the flash is secure. See Table 30-2 for the list of commands that will be accepted when
flash is secure. Flash security can be disabled by performing a BE command.
0 = Flash is not secure.
1 = Flash is secure. Read Data

The Read Data (READ) command returns data from the flash memory or FlexNVM,
depending on the initial address specified in the command word. The initial address must
be 32-bit aligned with the two LSBs being zero.
Data continues being returned for as long as the EzPort chip select (EZP_CS) is asserted,
with the address automatically incrementing. In this way, the entire contents of flash can
be returned by one command. Attempts to read from an address which does not fall
within the valid address range for the flash memory regions returns unknown data. See
Flash memory map for EzPort access.
For this command to return the correct data, the EzPort clock (EZP_CK) must run at the
internal system clock divided by eight or slower. This command is not accepted if the
WEF, WIP, or FS field in the EzPort status register is set. Read Data at High Speed

The Read Data at High Speed (FAST_READ) command is identical to the READ
command, except for the inclusion of a dummy byte following the address bytes and
before the first data byte is returned.
This command can be run with an EzPort clock (EZP_CK) frequency of half the internal
system clock frequency of the microcontroller or slower. This command is not accepted if
the WEF, WIP, or FS field in the EzPort status register is set.

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Command definition Section Program

The Section Program (SP) command programs up to one section of flash memory that has
previously been erased. Please see the Flash Memory chapter for a definition of section
size. The starting address of the memory to program is sent after the command word and
must be a 64-bit aligned address with the three LSBs being zero).
As data is shifted in, the EzPort buffers the data in FlexRAM before executing an SP
command within the flash. For this reason, the number of bytes to be programmed must
be a multiple of 8 and up to one flash section can be programmed at a time. For more
details, see the Flash Block Guide.
Attempts to program more than one section, across a sector boundary or from an initial
address which does not fall within the valid address range for the flash causes the WEF
flag to set. See Flash memory map for EzPort access.
This command requires the FlexRAM to be configured for traditional RAM operation.
By default, after entering EzPort mode, the FlexRAM is configured for traditional RAM
operation. If the user reconfigures FlexRAM for EEPROM operation, then the user
should use the WRFCCOB command to configure FlexRAM back to traditional RAM
operation before issuing an SP command. See the Flash Memory chapter for details on
how the FlexRAM function is modified.
This command is not accepted if the WEF, WIP, FLEXRAM, or FS field is set or if the
WEN field is not set in the EzPort status register. Sector Erase

The Sector Erase (SE) command erases the contents of one sector of flash memory. The
three byte address sent after the command byte can be any address within the sector to
erase, but must be a 64-bit aligned address (the three LSBs must be zero). Attempts to
erase from an initial address which does not fall within the valid address range (see Flash
memory map for EzPort access) for the flash results in the WEF flag being set.
This command is not accepted if the WEF, WIP or FS field is set or if the WEN field is
not set in the EzPort status register.

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696 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 30 EzPort Bulk Erase

The Bulk Erase (BE) command erases the entire contents of flash memory, ignoring any
protected sectors or flash security. Flash security is disabled upon successful completion
of the BE command.
Attempts to issue a BE command while the BEDIS and FS fields are set results in the
WEF flag being set in the EzPort status register. Also, this command is not accepted if
the WEF or WIP field is set or if the WEN field is not set in the EzPort status register. EzPort Reset Chip

The Reset Chip (RESET) command forces the chip into the reset state. If the EzPort chip
select (EZP_CS) pin is asserted at the end of the reset period, EzPort is enabled;
otherwise, it is disabled. This command allows the chip to boot up from flash memory
after being programmed by an external source.
This command is not accepted if the WIP field is set in the EzPort status register. Write FCCOB Registers

The Write FCCOB Registers (WRFCCOB) command allows the user to write to the flash
common command object registers and execute any command allowed by the flash.
When security is enabled, the flash is configured in NVM
Special mode, restricting the commands that can be executed by
the flash.
After receiving 12 bytes of data, EzPort writes the data to the FCCOB 0-B registers in the
flash and then automatically launches the command within the flash. If greater or less
than 12 bytes of data is received, this command has unexpected results and may result in
the WEF flag being set.
This command is not accepted if the WEF or WIP field is set or if the WEN field is not
set in the EzPort status register.

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Command definition Read FCCOB Registers at High Speed

The Read FCCOB Registers at High Speed (FAST_RDFCCOB) command allows the
user to read the contents of the flash common command object registers. After receiving
the command, EzPort waits for one dummy byte of data before returning FCCOB register
data starting at FCCOB 0 and ending with FCCOB B.
This command can be run with an EzPort clock (EZP_CK) frequency half the internal
system clock frequency of the microcontroller or slower. Attempts to read greater than 12
bytes of data returns unknown data. This command is not accepted if the WEF, WIP, or
FS fields in the EzPort status register are 1. Write FlexRAM

The Write FlexRAM (WRFLEXRAM) command allows the user to write four bytes of
data to the FlexRAM. If the FlexRAM is configured for EEPROM operation, the
WRFLEXRAM command can effectively be used to create data records in the EEPROM
flash memory.
By default, after entering EzPort mode, the FlexRAM is configured for traditional RAM
operation and functions as direct RAM. The user can alter the FlexRAM configuration by
using WRFCCOB to execute a Set FlexRAM or Program Partition command within the
The address of the FlexRAM location to be written is sent after the command word and
must be a 32-bit aligned address (the two LSBs must be zero). Attempts to write an
address which does not fall within the valid address range for the FlexRAM results in the
value of the WEF flag being 1. See Flash memory map for EzPort access for more
After receiving four bytes of data, EzPort writes the data to the FlexRAM. If greater or
less than four bytes of data is received, this command has unexpected results and may
result in the value of the WEF flag being 1.
This command is not accepted if the WEF, WIP or FS fields are 1 or if the WEN field is
0 in the EzPort status register. Read FlexRAM

The Read FlexRAM (RDFLEXRAM) command returns data from the FlexRAM. If the
FlexRAM is configured for EEPROM operation, the RDFLEXRAM command can
effectively be used to read data from EEPROM flash memory.

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Chapter 30 EzPort

Data continues being returned for as long as the EzPort chip select (EZP_CS) is asserted,
with the address automatically incrementing. In this way, the entire contents of FlexRAM
can be returned by one command.
The initial address must be 32-bit aligned (the two LSBs must be zero). Attempts to read
from an address which does not fall within the valid address range for the FlexRAM
returns unknown data. See Flash memory map for EzPort access for more information.
For this command to return the correct data, the EzPort clock (EZP_CK) must run at the
internal system clock divided by eight or slower. This command is not accepted if the
WEF, WIP, or FS fields in the EzPort status register are set. Read FlexRAM at High Speed

The Read FlexRAM at High Speed (FAST_RDFLEXRAM) command is identical to the
RDFLEXRAM command, except for the inclusion of a dummy byte following the
address bytes and before the first data byte is returned.
This command can be run with an EzPort clock (EZP_CK) frequency up to and including
half the internal system clock frequency of the microcontroller. This command is not
accepted if the WEF, WIP, or FS fields in the EzPort status register are set.

30.4 Flash memory map for EzPort access

The following table shows the flash memory map for access through EzPort.
The flash block address map for access through EzPort may not
conform to the system memory map. Changes are made to
allow the EzPort address width to remain 24 bits.
Table 30-5. Flash Memory Map for EzPort Access
Valid start address Size Flash block Valid commands
See device's chip
0x0000_0000 Flash READ, FAST_READ, SP, SE, BE
configuration details
See device's chip
0x0080_0000 FlexNVM READ, FAST_READ, SP, SE, BE
configuration details
0x0000_0000 FlexRAM
configuration details WRFLEXRAM, BE

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Flash memory map for EzPort access

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700 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 31
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

31.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The cyclic redundancy check (CRC) module generates 16/32-bit CRC code for error
The CRC module provides a programmable polynomial, WAS, and other parameters
required to implement a 16-bit or 32-bit CRC standard.
The 16/32-bit code is calculated for 32 bits of data at a time.

31.1.1 Features
Features of the CRC module include:
• Hardware CRC generator circuit using a 16-bit or 32-bit programmable shift register
• Programmable initial seed value and polynomial
• Option to transpose input data or output data (the CRC result) bitwise or bytewise.
This option is required for certain CRC standards. A bytewise transpose operation is
not possible when accessing the CRC data register via 8-bit accesses. In this case, the
user's software must perform the bytewise transpose function.
• Option for inversion of final CRC result
• 32-bit CPU register programming interface

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Memory map and register descriptions

31.1.2 Block diagram

The following is a block diagram of the CRC.

CRC Data Register

[31:24] CRC Data Register
[23:16] Reverse Seed
[15:8] Logic NOT Reverse

CRC Data [23:16]
[7:0] Logic Logic [15:8]
CRC Polynomial CRC Engine
[23:16] Combine
[15:8] Logic
16-/32-bit Select

Figure 31-1. Programmable cyclic redundancy check (CRC) block diagram

31.1.3 Modes of operation

Various MCU modes affect the CRC module's functionality. Run mode

This is the basic mode of operation. Low-power modes (Wait or Stop)

Any CRC calculation in progress stops when the MCU enters a low-power mode that
disables the module clock. It resumes after the clock is enabled or via the system reset for
exiting the low-power mode. Clock gating for this module is MCU dependent.

31.2 Memory map and register descriptions

CRC memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4003_2000 CRC Data register (CRC_CRC) 32 R/W FFFF_FFFFh 31.2.1/703
4003_2004 CRC Polynomial register (CRC_GPOLY) 32 R/W 0000_1021h 31.2.2/704
4003_2008 CRC Control register (CRC_CTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 31.2.3/704

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Chapter 31 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

31.2.1 CRC Data register (CRC_CRC)

The CRC Data register contains the value of the seed, data, and checksum. When
CTRL[WAS] is set, any write to the data register is regarded as the seed value. When
CTRL[WAS] is cleared, any write to the data register is regarded as data for general CRC
In 16-bit CRC mode, the HU and HL fields are not used for programming the seed value,
and reads of these fields return an indeterminate value. In 32-bit CRC mode, all fields are
used for programming the seed value.
When programming data values, the values can be written 8 bits, 16 bits, or 32 bits at a
time, provided all bytes are contiguous; with MSB of data value written first.
After all data values are written, the CRC result can be read from this data register. In 16-
bit CRC mode, the CRC result is available in the LU and LL fields. In 32-bit CRC mode,
all fields contain the result. Reads of this register at any time return the intermediate CRC
value, provided the CRC module is configured.
Address: 4003_2000h base + 0h offset = 4003_2000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CRC_CRC field descriptions

Field Description
31–24 CRC High Upper Byte
In 16-bit CRC mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 0) this field is not used for programming a seed value. In 32-bit CRC
mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 1) values written to this field are part of the seed value when CTRL[WAS] is 1.
When CTRL[WAS] is 0, data written to this field is used for CRC checksum generation in both 16-bit and
32-bit CRC modes.
23–16 CRC High Lower Byte
In 16-bit CRC mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 0), this field is not used for programming a seed value. In 32-bit CRC
mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 1), values written to this field are part of the seed value when CTRL[WAS] is 1.
When CTRL[WAS] is 0, data written to this field is used for CRC checksum generation in both 16-bit and
32-bit CRC modes.
15–8 CRC Low Upper Byte
When CTRL[WAS] is 1, values written to this field are part of the seed value. When CTRL[WAS] is 0, data
written to this field is used for CRC checksum generation.
7–0 CRC Low Lower Byte
When CTRL[WAS] is 1, values written to this field are part of the seed value. When CTRL[WAS] is 0, data
written to this field is used for CRC checksum generation.

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Memory map and register descriptions

31.2.2 CRC Polynomial register (CRC_GPOLY)

This register contains the value of the polynomial for the CRC calculation. The HIGH
field contains the upper 16 bits of the CRC polynomial, which are used only in 32-bit
CRC mode. Writes to the HIGH field are ignored in 16-bit CRC mode. The LOW field
contains the lower 16 bits of the CRC polynomial, which are used in both 16- and 32-bit
CRC modes.
Address: 4003_2000h base + 4h offset = 4003_2004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

CRC_GPOLY field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 High Polynominal Half-word
Writable and readable in 32-bit CRC mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 1). This field is not writable in 16-bit CRC
mode (CTRL[TCRC] is 0).
15–0 Low Polynominal Half-word
Writable and readable in both 32-bit and 16-bit CRC modes.

31.2.3 CRC Control register (CRC_CTRL)

This register controls the configuration and working of the CRC module. Appropriate bits
must be set before starting a new CRC calculation. A new CRC calculation is initialized
by asserting CTRL[WAS] and then writing the seed into the CRC data register.
Address: 4003_2000h base + 8h offset = 4003_2008h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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704 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 31 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

CRC_CTRL field descriptions

Field Description
31–30 Type Of Transpose For Writes
Define the transpose configuration of the data written to the CRC data register. See the description of the
transpose feature for the available transpose options.

00 No transposition.
01 Bits in bytes are transposed; bytes are not transposed.
10 Both bits in bytes and bytes are transposed.
11 Only bytes are transposed; no bits in a byte are transposed.
29–28 Type Of Transpose For Read
Identify the transpose configuration of the value read from the CRC Data register. See the description of
the transpose feature for the available transpose options.

00 No transposition.
01 Bits in bytes are transposed; bytes are not transposed.
10 Both bits in bytes and bytes are transposed.
11 Only bytes are transposed; no bits in a byte are transposed.
27 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
26 Complement Read Of CRC Data Register
Some CRC protocols require the final checksum to be XORed with 0xFFFFFFFF or 0xFFFF. Asserting
this bit enables on the fly complementing of read data.

0 No XOR on reading.
1 Invert or complement the read value of the CRC Data register.
25 Write CRC Data Register As Seed
When asserted, a value written to the CRC data register is considered a seed value. When deasserted, a
value written to the CRC data register is taken as data for CRC computation.

0 Writes to the CRC data register are data values.

1 Writes to the CRC data register are seed values.
24 Width of CRC protocol.
0 16-bit CRC protocol.
1 32-bit CRC protocol.
23–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

31.3 Functional description

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Functional description

31.3.1 CRC initialization/reinitialization

To enable the CRC calculation, the user must program the WAS, POLYNOMIAL, and
necessary parameters for transpose and CRC result inversion in the applicable registers.
Asserting CTRL[WAS] enables the programming of the seed value into the CRC data
After a completed CRC calculation, reasserting CTRL[WAS] and programming a seed,
whether the value is new or a previously used seed value, reinitialize the CRC module for
a new CRC computation. All other parameters must be set before programming the seed
value and subsequent data values.

31.3.2 CRC calculations

In 16-bit and 32-bit CRC modes, data values can be programmed 8 bits, 16 bits, or 32 bits
at a time, provided all bytes are contiguous. Noncontiguous bytes can lead to an incorrect
CRC computation. 16-bit CRC

To compute a 16-bit CRC:
1. Clear CTRL[TCRC] to enable 16-bit CRC mode.
2. Program the transpose and complement options in the CTRL register as required for
the CRC calculation. See Transpose feature and CRC result complement for details.
3. Write a 16-bit polynomial to the GPOLY[LOW] field. The GPOLY[HIGH] field is
not usable in 16-bit CRC mode.
4. Set CTRL[WAS] to program the seed value.
5. Write a 16-bit seed to CRC[LU:LL]. CRC[HU:HL] are not used.
6. Clear CTRL[WAS] to start writing data values.
7. Write data values into CRC[HU:HL:LU:LL]. A CRC is computed on every data
value write, and the intermediate CRC result is stored back into CRC[LU:LL].
8. When all values have been written, read the final CRC result from CRC[LU:LL].
Transpose and complement operations are performed on the fly while reading or writing
values. See Transpose feature and CRC result complement for details. 32-bit CRC

To compute a 32-bit CRC:

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706 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 31 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

1. Set CTRL[TCRC] to enable 32-bit CRC mode.

2. Program the transpose and complement options in the CTRL register as required for
the CRC calculation. See Transpose feature and CRC result complement for details.
3. Write a 32-bit polynomial to GPOLY[HIGH:LOW].
4. Set CTRL[WAS] to program the seed value.
5. Write a 32-bit seed to CRC[HU:HL:LU:LL].
6. Clear CTRL[WAS] to start writing data values.
7. Write data values into CRC[HU:HL:LU:LL]. A CRC is computed on every data
value write, and the intermediate CRC result is stored back into
8. When all values have been written, read the final CRC result from
CRC[HU:HL:LU:LL]. The CRC is calculated bytewise, and two clocks are required
to complete one CRC calculation.
Transpose and complement operations are performed on the fly while reading or writing
values. See Transpose feature and CRC result complement for details.

31.3.3 Transpose feature

By default, the transpose feature is not enabled. However, some CRC standards require
the input data and/or the final checksum to be transposed. The user software has the
option to configure each transpose operation separately, as desired by the CRC standard.
The data is transposed on the fly while being read or written.
Some protocols use little endian format for the data stream to calculate a CRC. In this
case, the transpose feature usefully flips the bits. This transpose option is one of the types
supported by the CRC module. Types of transpose

The CRC module provides several types of transpose functions to flip the bits and/or
bytes, for both writing input data and reading the CRC result, separately using the
CTRL[TOT] or CTRL[TOTR] fields, according to the CRC calculation being used.
The following types of transpose functions are available for writing to and reading from
the CRC data register:
1. CTRL[TOT] or CTRL[TOTR] is 00
No transposition occurs.
2. CTRL[TOT] or CTRL[TOTR] is 01

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Functional description

Bits in a byte are transposed, while bytes are not transposed.

reg[31:0] becomes {reg[24:31], reg[16:23], reg[8:15], reg[0:7]}

31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0

24 31 16 23 8 15 0 7

Figure 31-5. Transpose type 01

3. CTRL[TOT] or CTRL[TOTR] is 10
Both bits in bytes and bytes are transposed.
reg[31:0] becomes = {reg[0:7], reg[8:15],reg[16:23], reg[24:31]}

31 0

0 31

Figure 31-6. Transpose type 10

4. CTRL[TOT] or CTRL[TOTR] is 11
Bytes are transposed, but bits are not transposed.
reg[31:0] becomes {reg[7:0], reg[15:8], reg[23:16], reg[31:24]}

31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0

7 0 15 8 23 16 31 24

Figure 31-7. Transpose type 11

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Chapter 31 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

For 8-bit and 16-bit write accesses to the CRC data register, the
data is transposed with zeros on the unused byte or bytes
(taking 32 bits as a whole), but the CRC is calculated on the
valid byte(s) only. When reading the CRC data register for a
16-bit CRC result and using transpose options 10 and 11, the
resulting value after transposition resides in the CRC[HU:HL]
fields. The user software must account for this situation when
reading the 16-bit CRC result, so reading 32 bits is preferred.

31.3.4 CRC result complement

When CTRL[FXOR] is set, the checksum is complemented. The CRC result complement
function outputs the complement of the checksum value stored in the CRC data register
every time the CRC data register is read. When CTRL[FXOR] is cleared, reading the
CRC data register accesses the raw checksum value.

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Functional description

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710 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 32
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

32.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The 16-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a successive approximation ADC
designed for operation within an integrated microcontroller system-on-chip.
For the chip specific modes of operation, see the power
management information of the device.

32.1.1 Features
Features of the ADC module include:
• Linear successive approximation algorithm with up to 16-bit resolution
• Up to four pairs of differential and 24 single-ended external analog inputs
• Output modes:
• differential 16-bit, 13-bit, 11-bit, and 9-bit modes
• single-ended 16-bit, 12-bit, 10-bit, and 8-bit modes
• Output format in 2's complement 16-bit sign extended for differential modes
• Output in right-justified unsigned format for single-ended
• Single or continuous conversion, that is, automatic return to idle after single

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• Configurable sample time and conversion speed/power

• Conversion complete/hardware average complete flag and interrupt
• Input clock selectable from up to four sources
• Operation in Low-Power modes for lower noise
• Asynchronous clock source for lower noise operation with option to output the clock
• Selectable hardware conversion trigger with hardware channel select
• Automatic compare with interrupt for less-than, greater-than or equal-to, within
range, or out-of-range, programmable value
• Temperature sensor
• Hardware average function
• Selectable voltage reference: external or alternate
• Self-Calibration mode
• Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) with up to x64 gain

32.1.2 Block diagram

The following figure is the ADC module block diagram.

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)


ADHWTSn trigger SC1n
control ADTRG
C o m p a re tru e 1 Control Registers (SC2, CFG1, CFG2)





c o m p le te

trig g e r



Clock Gen

Interrupt ADACK
ADCK Clock
Control sequencer Bus clock
VREF_OUT divide




AD23 SAR converter CLPx
TempP CLM x

Offset subtractor ADCOFS Calibration
Averager SC3

Formatting CFG1,2

tra n s fe r

logic Compare true 1
C V1 CV2


Figure 32-1. ADC block diagram

32.2 ADC Signal Descriptions

The ADC module supports up to 4 pairs of differential inputs and up to 24 single-ended
inputs. Each differential pair requires two inputs, DADPx and DADMx. The ADC also
requires four supply/reference/ground connections.
Table 32-1. ADC Signal Descriptions
Signal Description I/O
DADP3–DADP0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I

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ADC Signal Descriptions

Table 32-1. ADC Signal Descriptions (continued)

Signal Description I/O
DADM3–DADM0 Differential Analog Channel Inputs I
AD23–AD4 Single-Ended Analog Channel Inputs I
VREFSH Voltage Reference Select High I
VREFSL Voltage Reference Select Low I
VDDA Analog Power Supply I
VSSA Analog Ground I

32.2.1 Analog Power (VDDA)

The ADC analog portion uses VDDA as its power connection. In some packages, VDDA is
connected internally to VDD. If externally available, connect the VDDA pin to the same
voltage potential as VDD. External filtering may be necessary to ensure clean VDDA for
good results.

32.2.2 Analog Ground (VSSA)

The ADC analog portion uses VSSA as its ground connection. In some packages, VSSA is
connected internally to VSS. If externally available, connect the VSSA pin to the same
voltage potential as VSS.

32.2.3 Voltage Reference Select

VREFSH and VREFSL are the high and low reference voltages for the ADC module.
The ADC can be configured to accept one of two voltage reference pairs for VREFSH and
VREFSL. Each pair contains a positive reference that must be between the minimum Ref
Voltage High and VDDA, and a ground reference that must be at the same potential as
VSSA. The two pairs are external (VREFH and VREFL) and alternate (VALTH and VALTL).
These voltage references are selected using SC2[REFSEL]. The alternate VALTH and
VALTL voltage reference pair may select additional external pins or internal sources
depending on MCU configuration. See the chip configuration information on the Voltage
References specific to this MCU.

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

In some packages, VREFH is connected in the package to VDDA and VREFL to VSSA. If
externally available, the positive reference(s) may be connected to the same potential as
VDDA or may be driven by an external source to a level between the minimum Ref
Voltage High and the VDDA potential. VREFH must never exceed VDDA. Connect the
ground references to the same voltage potential as VSSA.

32.2.4 Analog Channel Inputs (ADx)

The ADC module supports up to 24 single-ended analog inputs. A single-ended input is
selected for conversion through the SC1[ADCH] channel select bits when SC1n[DIFF] is

32.2.5 Differential Analog Channel Inputs (DADx)

The ADC module supports up to four differential analog channel inputs. Each differential
analog input is a pair of external pins, DADPx and DADMx, referenced to each other to
provide the most accurate analog to digital readings. A differential input is selected for
conversion through SC1[ADCH] when SC1n[DIFF] is high. All DADPx inputs may be
used as single-ended inputs if SC1n[DIFF] is low. In certain MCU configurations, some
DADMx inputs may also be used as single-ended inputs if SC1n[DIFF] is low. See the
chip configuration chapter for ADC connections specific to this MCU.

32.3 Register definition

This section describes the ADC registers.
ADC memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4003_B000 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADC0_SC1A) 32 R/W 0000_001Fh 32.3.1/717
4003_B004 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADC0_SC1B) 32 R/W 0000_001Fh 32.3.1/717
4003_B008 ADC Configuration Register 1 (ADC0_CFG1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.2/720
4003_B00C ADC Configuration Register 2 (ADC0_CFG2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.3/722
4003_B010 ADC Data Result Register (ADC0_RA) 32 R 0000_0000h 32.3.4/723
4003_B014 ADC Data Result Register (ADC0_RB) 32 R 0000_0000h 32.3.4/723
4003_B018 Compare Value Registers (ADC0_CV1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.5/724
4003_B01C Compare Value Registers (ADC0_CV2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.5/724

Table continues on the next page...

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Register definition

ADC memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4003_B020 Status and Control Register 2 (ADC0_SC2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.6/725
4003_B024 Status and Control Register 3 (ADC0_SC3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.7/727
4003_B028 ADC Offset Correction Register (ADC0_OFS) 32 R/W 0000_0004h 32.3.8/729
4003_B02C ADC Plus-Side Gain Register (ADC0_PG) 32 R/W 0000_8200h 32.3.9/729
4003_B030 ADC Minus-Side Gain Register (ADC0_MG) 32 R/W 0000_8200h
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.11/
4003_B034 32 R/W 0000_000Ah
(ADC0_CLPD) 730
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.12/
4003_B038 32 R/W 0000_0020h
(ADC0_CLPS) 731
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.13/
4003_B03C 32 R/W 0000_0200h
(ADC0_CLP4) 731
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.14/
4003_B040 32 R/W 0000_0100h
(ADC0_CLP3) 732
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.15/
4003_B044 32 R/W 0000_0080h
(ADC0_CLP2) 732
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.16/
4003_B048 32 R/W 0000_0040h
(ADC0_CLP1) 733
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.17/
4003_B04C 32 R/W 0000_0020h
(ADC0_CLP0) 733
4003_B050 ADC PGA Register (ADC0_PGA) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.19/
4003_B054 32 R/W 0000_000Ah
(ADC0_CLMD) 735
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.20/
4003_B058 32 R/W 0000_0020h
(ADC0_CLMS) 736
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.21/
4003_B05C 32 R/W 0000_0200h
(ADC0_CLM4) 736
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.22/
4003_B060 32 R/W 0000_0100h
(ADC0_CLM3) 737
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.23/
4003_B064 32 R/W 0000_0080h
(ADC0_CLM2) 737
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.24/
4003_B068 32 R/W 0000_0040h
(ADC0_CLM1) 738
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.25/
4003_B06C 32 R/W 0000_0020h
(ADC0_CLM0) 738
400B_B000 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADC1_SC1A) 32 R/W 0000_001Fh 32.3.1/717
400B_B004 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADC1_SC1B) 32 R/W 0000_001Fh 32.3.1/717
400B_B008 ADC Configuration Register 1 (ADC1_CFG1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.2/720
400B_B00C ADC Configuration Register 2 (ADC1_CFG2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.3/722
400B_B010 ADC Data Result Register (ADC1_RA) 32 R 0000_0000h 32.3.4/723
400B_B014 ADC Data Result Register (ADC1_RB) 32 R 0000_0000h 32.3.4/723
400B_B018 Compare Value Registers (ADC1_CV1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.5/724

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

ADC memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
400B_B01C Compare Value Registers (ADC1_CV2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.5/724
400B_B020 Status and Control Register 2 (ADC1_SC2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.6/725
400B_B024 Status and Control Register 3 (ADC1_SC3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 32.3.7/727
400B_B028 ADC Offset Correction Register (ADC1_OFS) 32 R/W 0000_0004h 32.3.8/729
400B_B02C ADC Plus-Side Gain Register (ADC1_PG) 32 R/W 0000_8200h 32.3.9/729
400B_B030 ADC Minus-Side Gain Register (ADC1_MG) 32 R/W 0000_8200h
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.11/
400B_B034 32 R/W 0000_000Ah
(ADC1_CLPD) 730
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.12/
400B_B038 32 R/W 0000_0020h
(ADC1_CLPS) 731
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.13/
400B_B03C 32 R/W 0000_0200h
(ADC1_CLP4) 731
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.14/
400B_B040 32 R/W 0000_0100h
(ADC1_CLP3) 732
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.15/
400B_B044 32 R/W 0000_0080h
(ADC1_CLP2) 732
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.16/
400B_B048 32 R/W 0000_0040h
(ADC1_CLP1) 733
ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.17/
400B_B04C 32 R/W 0000_0020h
(ADC1_CLP0) 733
400B_B050 ADC PGA Register (ADC1_PGA) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.19/
400B_B054 32 R/W 0000_000Ah
(ADC1_CLMD) 735
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.20/
400B_B058 32 R/W 0000_0020h
(ADC1_CLMS) 736
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.21/
400B_B05C 32 R/W 0000_0200h
(ADC1_CLM4) 736
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.22/
400B_B060 32 R/W 0000_0100h
(ADC1_CLM3) 737
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.23/
400B_B064 32 R/W 0000_0080h
(ADC1_CLM2) 737
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.24/
400B_B068 32 R/W 0000_0040h
(ADC1_CLM1) 738
ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register 32.3.25/
400B_B06C 32 R/W 0000_0020h
(ADC1_CLM0) 738

32.3.1 ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADCx_SC1n)

SC1A is used for both software and hardware trigger modes of operation.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 717
Register definition

To allow sequential conversions of the ADC to be triggered by internal peripherals, the

ADC can have more then one status and control register: one for each conversion. The
SC1B–SC1n registers indicate potentially multiple SC1 registers for use only in hardware
trigger mode. See the chip configuration information about the number of SC1n registers
specific to this device. The SC1n registers have identical fields, and are used in a "ping-
pong" approach to control ADC operation.
At any one point in time, only one of the SC1n registers is actively controlling ADC
conversions. Updating SC1A while SC1n is actively controlling a conversion is allowed,
and vice-versa for any of the SC1n registers specific to this MCU.
Writing SC1A while SC1A is actively controlling a conversion aborts the current
conversion. In Software Trigger mode, when SC2[ADTRG]=0, writes to SC1A
subsequently initiate a new conversion, if SC1[ADCH] contains a value other than all 1s.
Writing any of the SC1n registers while that specific SC1n register is actively controlling
a conversion aborts the current conversion. None of the SC1B-SC1n registers are used for
software trigger operation and therefore writes to the SC1B–SC1n registers do not initiate
a new conversion.
Address: Base address + 0h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 1d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

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718 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

ADCx_SC1n field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Conversion Complete Flag
This is a read-only field that is set each time a conversion is completed when the compare function is
disabled, or SC2[ACFE]=0 and the hardware average function is disabled, or SC3[AVGE]=0. When the
compare function is enabled, or SC2[ACFE]=1, COCO is set upon completion of a conversion only if the
compare result is true. When the hardware average function is enabled, or SC3[AVGE]=1, COCO is set
upon completion of the selected number of conversions (determined by AVGS). COCO in SC1A is also set
at the completion of a calibration sequence. COCO is cleared when the respective SC1n register is written
or when the respective Rn register is read.

0 Conversion is not completed.

1 Conversion is completed.
6 Interrupt Enable
Enables conversion complete interrupts. When COCO becomes set while the respective AIEN is high, an
interrupt is asserted.

0 Conversion complete interrupt is disabled.

1 Conversion complete interrupt is enabled.
5 Differential Mode Enable
Configures the ADC to operate in differential mode. When enabled, this mode automatically selects from
the differential channels, and changes the conversion algorithm and the number of cycles to complete a

0 Single-ended conversions and input channels are selected.

1 Differential conversions and input channels are selected.
4–0 Input channel select
Selects one of the input channels. The input channel decode depends on the value of DIFF. DAD0-DAD3
are associated with the input pin pairs DADPx and DADMx.
The successive approximation converter subsystem is turned off when the channel select bits are all set,
that is, ADCH = 11111. This feature allows explicit disabling of the ADC and isolation of the input channel
from all sources. Terminating continuous conversions this way prevents an additional single conversion
from being performed. It is not necessary to set ADCH to all 1s to place the ADC in a low-power state
when continuous conversions are not enabled because the module automatically enters a low-power state
when a conversion completes.

00000 When DIFF=0, DADP0 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, DAD0 is selected as input.
00001 When DIFF=0, DADP1 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, DAD1 is selected as input.
00010 When DIFF=0, DADP2 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, DAD2 is selected as input.
00011 When DIFF=0, DADP3 is selected as input; when DIFF=1, DAD3 is selected as input.
00100 When DIFF=0, AD4 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
00101 When DIFF=0, AD5 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
00110 When DIFF=0, AD6 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
00111 When DIFF=0, AD7 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
01000 When DIFF=0, AD8 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
01001 When DIFF=0, AD9 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
01010 When DIFF=0, AD10 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
01011 When DIFF=0, AD11 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
Table continues on the next page...

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Register definition

ADCx_SC1n field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
01100 When DIFF=0, AD12 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
01101 When DIFF=0, AD13 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
01110 When DIFF=0, AD14 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
01111 When DIFF=0, AD15 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
10000 When DIFF=0, AD16 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
10001 When DIFF=0, AD17 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
10010 When DIFF=0, AD18 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
10011 When DIFF=0, AD19 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
10100 When DIFF=0, AD20 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
10101 When DIFF=0, AD21 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
10110 When DIFF=0, AD22 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
10111 When DIFF=0, AD23 is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, it is reserved .
11000 Reserved.
11001 Reserved.
11010 When DIFF=0, Temp sensor (single-ended) is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, Temp sensor
(differential) is selected as input .
11011 When DIFF=0,Bandgap (single-ended) is selected as input ; when DIFF=1, Bandgap (differential)
is selected as input .
11100 Reserved.
11101 V is selected as input . Voltage reference selected is determined by SC2[REFSEL]. When
DIFF=0,REFSH ; when DIFF=1, -V REFSH (differential) is selected as input
11110 V is selected as input . Voltage reference selected is determined by SC2[REFSEL]. When
DIFF=0,REFSL; when DIFF=1, it is reserved
11111 Module disabled.

32.3.2 ADC Configuration Register 1 (ADCx_CFG1)

The configuration Register 1 (CFG1) selects the mode of operation, clock source, clock
divide, and configuration for low power or long sample time.
Address: Base address + 8h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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720 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

ADCx_CFG1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Low-Power Configuration
Controls the power configuration of the successive approximation converter. This optimizes power
consumption when higher sample rates are not required.

0 Normal power configuration.

1 Low-power configuration. The power is reduced at the expense of maximum clock speed.
6–5 Clock Divide Select
ADIV selects the divide ratio used by the ADC to generate the internal clock ADCK.

00 The divide ratio is 1 and the clock rate is input clock.

01 The divide ratio is 2 and the clock rate is (input clock)/2.
10 The divide ratio is 4 and the clock rate is (input clock)/4.
11 The divide ratio is 8 and the clock rate is (input clock)/8.
4 Sample time configuration
ADLSMP selects between different sample times based on the conversion mode selected. This bit adjusts
the sample period to allow higher impedance inputs to be accurately sampled or to maximize conversion
speed for lower impedance inputs. Longer sample times can also be used to lower overall power
consumption if continuous conversions are enabled and high conversion rates are not required. When
ADLSMP=1, the long sample time select bits, (ADLSTS[1:0]), can select the extent of the long sample

0 Short sample time.

1 Long sample time.
3–2 Conversion mode selection
Selects the ADC resolution mode.

00 When DIFF=0: It is single-ended 8-bit conversion ; when DIFF=1, it is differential 9-bit conversion
with 2's complement output .
01 When DIFF=0: It is single-ended 12-bit conversion ; when DIFF=1, it is differential 13-bit conversion
with 2's complement output .
10 When DIFF=0: It is single-ended 10-bit conversion ; when DIFF=1, it is differential 11-bit conversion
with 2's complement output .
11 When DIFF=0: It is single-ended 16-bit conversion ; when DIFF=1, it is differential 16-bit conversion
with 2's complement output .
1–0 Input Clock Select
Selects the input clock source to generate the internal clock, ADCK. Note that when the ADACK clock
source is selected, it is not required to be active prior to conversion start. When it is selected and it is not
active prior to a conversion start, when CFG2[ADACKEN]=0, the asynchronous clock is activated at the
start of a conversion and deactivated when conversions are terminated. In this case, there is an
associated clock startup delay each time the clock source is re-activated.

00 Bus clock
01 (Bus clock)/2
10 Alternate clock (ALTCLK)
11 Asynchronous clock (ADACK)

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 721
Register definition

32.3.3 ADC Configuration Register 2 (ADCx_CFG2)

Configuration Register 2 (CFG2) selects the special high-speed configuration for very
high speed conversions and selects the long sample time duration during long sample
Address: Base address + Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0




Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CFG2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 ADC Mux Select
Changes the ADC mux setting to select between alternate sets of ADC channels.

0 ADxxa channels are selected.

1 ADxxb channels are selected.
3 Asynchronous Clock Output Enable
Enables the asynchronous clock source and the clock source output regardless of the conversion and
status of CFG1[ADICLK]. Based on MCU configuration, the asynchronous clock may be used by other
modules. See chip configuration information. Setting this field allows the clock to be used even while the
ADC is idle or operating from a different clock source. Also, latency of initiating a single or first-continuous
conversion with the asynchronous clock selected is reduced because the ADACK clock is already

0 Asynchronous clock output disabled; Asynchronous clock is enabled only if selected by ADICLK and a
conversion is active.
1 Asynchronous clock and clock output is enabled regardless of the state of the ADC.
2 High-Speed Configuration
Configures the ADC for very high-speed operation. The conversion sequence is altered with 2 ADCK
cycles added to the conversion time to allow higher speed conversion clocks.
Table continues on the next page...

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722 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

ADCx_CFG2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Normal conversion sequence selected.
1 High-speed conversion sequence selected with 2 additional ADCK cycles to total conversion time.
1–0 Long Sample Time Select
Selects between the extended sample times when long sample time is selected, that is, when
CFG1[ADLSMP]=1. This allows higher impedance inputs to be accurately sampled or to maximize
conversion speed for lower impedance inputs. Longer sample times can also be used to lower overall
power consumption when continuous conversions are enabled if high conversion rates are not required.

00 Default longest sample time; 20 extra ADCK cycles; 24 ADCK cycles total.
01 12 extra ADCK cycles; 16 ADCK cycles total sample time.
10 6 extra ADCK cycles; 10 ADCK cycles total sample time.
11 2 extra ADCK cycles; 6 ADCK cycles total sample time.

32.3.4 ADC Data Result Register (ADCx_Rn)

The data result registers (Rn) contain the result of an ADC conversion of the channel
selected by the corresponding status and channel control register (SC1A:SC1n). For
every status and channel control register, there is a corresponding data result register.
Unused bits in R n are cleared in unsigned right-justified modes and carry the sign bit
(MSB) in sign-extended 2's complement modes. For example, when configured for 10-bit
single-ended mode, D[15:10] are cleared. When configured for 11-bit differential mode,
D[15:10] carry the sign bit, that is, bit 10 extended through bit 15.
The following table describes the behavior of the data result registers in the different
modes of operation.
Table 32-44. Data result register description
Conversion D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Format
16-bit differential S D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Signed 2's
16-bit single- D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Unsigned right
ended justified
13-bit differential S S S S D D D D D D D D D D D D Sign-extended
2's complement
12-bit single- 0 0 0 0 D D D D D D D D D D D D Unsigned right-
ended justified
11-bit differential S S S S S S D D D D D D D D D D Sign-extended
2's complement
10-bit single- 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D D D D D D D D D Unsigned right-
ended justified

Table continues on the next page...

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Register definition

Table 32-44. Data result register description (continued)

Conversion D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Format
9-bit differential S S S S S S S S D D D D D D D D Sign-extended
2's complement
8-bit single- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D D D D D D D Unsigned right-
ended justified

S: Sign bit or sign bit extension;
D: Data, which is 2's complement data if indicated
Address: Base address + 10h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 1d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 D

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_Rn field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Data result.

32.3.5 Compare Value Registers (ADCx_CVn)

The compare value registers (CV1 and CV2) contain a compare value used to compare
the conversion result when the compare function is enabled, that is, SC2[ACFE]=1. This
register is formatted in the same way as the Rn registers in different modes of operation
for both bit position definition and value format using unsigned or sign-extended 2's
complement. Therefore, the compare function uses only the CVn fields that are related to
the ADC mode of operation.
The compare value 2 register (CV2) is used only when the compare range function is
enabled, that is, SC2[ACREN]=1.

Address: Base address + 18h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 1d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 CV
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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724 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

ADCx_CVn field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Compare Value.

32.3.6 Status and Control Register 2 (ADCx_SC2)

The status and control register 2 (SC2) contains the conversion active, hardware/software
trigger select, compare function, and voltage reference select of the ADC module.
Address: Base address + 20h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0




Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_SC2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Conversion Active
Table continues on the next page...

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Register definition

ADCx_SC2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Indicates that a conversion or hardware averaging is in progress. ADACT is set when a conversion is
initiated and cleared when a conversion is completed or aborted.

0 Conversion not in progress.

1 Conversion in progress.
6 Conversion Trigger Select
Selects the type of trigger used for initiating a conversion. Two types of trigger are selectable:
• Software trigger: When software trigger is selected, a conversion is initiated following a write to
• Hardware trigger: When hardware trigger is selected, a conversion is initiated following the assertion
of the ADHWT input after a pulse of the ADHWTSn input.

0 Software trigger selected.

1 Hardware trigger selected.
5 Compare Function Enable
Enables the compare function.

0 Compare function disabled.

1 Compare function enabled.
4 Compare Function Greater Than Enable
Configures the compare function to check the conversion result relative to the CV1 and CV2 based upon
the value of ACREN. ACFE must be set for ACFGT to have any effect.

0 Configures less than threshold, outside range not inclusive and inside range not inclusive; functionality
based on the values placed in CV1 and CV2.
1 Configures greater than or equal to threshold, outside and inside ranges inclusive; functionality based
on the values placed in CV1 and CV2.
3 Compare Function Range Enable
Configures the compare function to check if the conversion result of the input being monitored is either
between or outside the range formed by CV1 and CV2 determined by the value of ACFGT. ACFE must be
set for ACFGT to have any effect.

0 Range function disabled. Only CV1 is compared.

1 Range function enabled. Both CV1 and CV2 are compared.
2 DMA Enable
0 DMA is disabled.
1 DMA is enabled and will assert the ADC DMA request during an ADC conversion complete event
noted when any of the SC1n[COCO] flags is asserted.
1–0 Voltage Reference Selection
Selects the voltage reference source used for conversions.

00 Default voltage reference pin pair, that is, external pins V and V REFHREFL
01 Alternate reference pair, that is, V and V . This pair may be additional external pins or internal
sources depending on the MCU configuration. See the chip configuration information for details
specific to this MCU. ALTHALTL
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726 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

ADCx_SC2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
10 Reserved
11 Reserved

32.3.7 Status and Control Register 3 (ADCx_SC3)

The Status and Control Register 3 (SC3) controls the calibration, continuous convert, and
hardware averaging functions of the ADC module.
Address: Base address + 24h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 ADCO


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_SC3 field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Calibration
Begins the calibration sequence when set. This field stays set while the calibration is in progress and is
cleared when the calibration sequence is completed. CALF must be checked to determine the result of the
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 727
Register definition

ADCx_SC3 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
calibration sequence. Once started, the calibration routine cannot be interrupted by writes to the ADC
registers or the results will be invalid and CALF will set. Setting CAL will abort any current conversion.
6 Calibration Failed Flag
Displays the result of the calibration sequence. The calibration sequence will fail if SC2[ADTRG] = 1, any
ADC register is written, or any stop mode is entered before the calibration sequence completes. Writing 1
to CALF clears it.

0 Calibration completed normally.

1 Calibration failed. ADC accuracy specifications are not guaranteed.
5–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Continuous Conversion Enable
Enables continuous conversions.

0 One conversion or one set of conversions if the hardware average function is enabled, that is,
AVGE=1, after initiating a conversion.
1 Continuous conversions or sets of conversions if the hardware average function is enabled, that is,
AVGE=1, after initiating a conversion.
2 Hardware Average Enable
Enables the hardware average function of the ADC.

0 Hardware average function disabled.

1 Hardware average function enabled.
1–0 Hardware Average Select
Determines how many ADC conversions will be averaged to create the ADC average result.

00 4 samples averaged.
01 8 samples averaged.
10 16 samples averaged.
11 32 samples averaged.

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728 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

32.3.8 ADC Offset Correction Register (ADCx_OFS)

The ADC Offset Correction Register (OFS) contains the user-selected or calibration-
generated offset error correction value. This register is a 2’s complement, left-justified,
16-bit value . The value in OFS is subtracted from the conversion and the result is
transferred into the result registers, Rn. If the result is greater than the maximum or less
than the minimum result value, it is forced to the appropriate limit for the current mode of
Address: Base address + 28h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

ADCx_OFS field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Offset Error Correction Value

32.3.9 ADC Plus-Side Gain Register (ADCx_PG)

The Plus-Side Gain Register (PG) contains the gain error correction for the plus-side
input in differential mode or the overall conversion in single-ended mode. PG, a 16-bit
real number in binary format, is the gain adjustment factor, with the radix point fixed
between ADPG15 and ADPG14. This register must be written by the user with the value
described in the calibration procedure. Otherwise, the gain error specifications may not
be met.

Address: Base address + 2Ch offset

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 PG
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 729
Register definition

ADCx_PG field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Plus-Side Gain

32.3.10 ADC Minus-Side Gain Register (ADCx_MG)

The Minus-Side Gain Register (MG) contains the gain error correction for the minus-side
input in differential mode. This register is ignored in single-ended mode. MG, a 16-bit
real number in binary format, is the gain adjustment factor, with the radix point fixed
between ADMG15 and ADMG14. This register must be written by the user with the
value described in the calibration procedure. Otherwise, the gain error specifications may
not be met.

Address: Base address + 30h offset

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 MG
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_MG field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Minus-Side Gain

32.3.11 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register

The Plus-Side General Calibration Value Registers (CLPx) contain calibration
information that is generated by the calibration function. These registers contain seven
calibration values of varying widths: CLP0[5:0], CLP1[6:0], CLP2[7:0], CLP3[8:0],
CLP4[9:0], CLPS[5:0], and CLPD[5:0]. CLPx are automatically set when the self-
calibration sequence is done, that is, CAL is cleared. If these registers are written by the
user after calibration, the linearity error specifications may not be met.

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730 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
Address: Base address + 34h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

ADCx_CLPD field descriptions

Field Description
31–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5–0 Calibration Value

32.3.12 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLPD register description.
Address: Base address + 38h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CLPS field descriptions

Field Description
31–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5–0 Calibration Value

32.3.13 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLPD register description.
Address: Base address + 3Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 CLP4
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 731
Register definition

ADCx_CLP4 field descriptions

Field Description
31–10 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
9–0 Calibration Value

32.3.14 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLPD register description.
Address: Base address + 40h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 CLP3
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CLP3 field descriptions

Field Description
31–9 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
8–0 Calibration Value

32.3.15 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLPD register description.
Address: Base address + 44h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 CLP2
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CLP2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–0 Calibration Value

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732 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

32.3.16 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLPD register description.
Address: Base address + 48h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 CLP1
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CLP1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6–0 Calibration Value

32.3.17 ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLPD register description.
Address: Base address + 4Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 CLP0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CLP0 field descriptions

Field Description
31–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5–0 Calibration Value

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Register definition

32.3.18 ADC PGA Register (ADCx_PGA)

Address: Base address + 50h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0

W 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_PGA field descriptions

Field Description
31–24 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
23 PGA Enable
0 PGA disabled.
1 PGA enabled.
22 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
21 This field is reserved.
20 PGA Low-Power Mode Control
0 PGA runs in Low-Power mode.
1 PGA runs in Normal Power mode.
19–16 PGA Gain Setting
PGA gain = 2^(PGAG)

0000 1
0001 2
0010 4
0011 8
0100 16
0101 32
0110 64
0111 Reserved
1000 Reserved
1001 Reserved
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734 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

ADCx_PGA field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
1010 Reserved
1011 Reserved
1100 Reserved
1101 Reserved
1110 Reserved
1111 Reserved
15–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

32.3.19 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register

The Minus-Side General Calibration Value (CLMx) registers contain calibration
information that is generated by the calibration function. These registers contain seven
calibration values of varying widths: CLM0[5:0], CLM1[6:0], CLM2[7:0], CLM3[8:0],
CLM4[9:0], CLMS[5:0], and CLMD[5:0]. CLMx are automatically set when the self-
calibration sequence is done, that is, CAL is cleared. If these registers are written by the
user after calibration, the linearity error specifications may not be met.

Address: Base address + 54h offset

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

ADCx_CLMD field descriptions

Field Description
31–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5–0 Calibration Value

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 735
Register definition

32.3.20 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLMD register description.
Address: Base address + 58h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CLMS field descriptions

Field Description
31–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5–0 Calibration Value

32.3.21 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLMD register description.
Address: Base address + 5Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 CLM4
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CLM4 field descriptions

Field Description
31–10 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
9–0 Calibration Value

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736 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

32.3.22 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLMD register description.
Address: Base address + 60h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 CLM3
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CLM3 field descriptions

Field Description
31–9 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
8–0 Calibration Value

32.3.23 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLMD register description.
Address: Base address + 64h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 CLM2
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CLM2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–0 Calibration Value

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 737
Functional description

32.3.24 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLMD register description.
Address: Base address + 68h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 CLM1
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CLM1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6–0 Calibration Value

32.3.25 ADC Minus-Side General Calibration Value Register

For more information, see CLMD register description.
Address: Base address + 6Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 CLM0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

ADCx_CLM0 field descriptions

Field Description
31–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5–0 Calibration Value

32.4 Functional description

The ADC module is disabled during reset, in Low-Power Stop mode, or when
SC1n[ADCH] are all high; see the power management information for details. The
module is idle when a conversion has completed and another conversion has not been

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

initiated. When it is idle and the asynchronous clock output enable is disabled, or
CFG2[ADACKEN]= 0, the module is in its lowest power state. The ADC can perform an
analog-to-digital conversion on any of the software selectable channels. All modes
perform conversion by a successive approximation algorithm.
To meet accuracy specifications, the ADC module must be calibrated using the on-chip
calibration function. See Calibration function for details on how to perform calibration.
When the conversion is completed, the result is placed in the Rn data registers. The
respective SC1n[COCO] is then set and an interrupt is generated if the respective
conversion complete interrupt has been enabled, or, when SC1n[AIEN]=1.
The ADC module has the capability of automatically comparing the result of a
conversion with the contents of the CV1 and CV2 registers. The compare function is
enabled by setting SC2[ACFE] and operates in any of the conversion modes and
The ADC module has the capability of automatically averaging the result of multiple
conversions. The hardware average function is enabled by setting SC3[AVGE] and
operates in any of the conversion modes and configurations.
For the chip specific modes of operation, see the power
management information of this MCU.

32.4.1 PGA functional description

The Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) is designed to increase the dynamic range by
amplifying low-amplitude signals before they are fed to the 16-bit Successive
Approximation Register (SAR) ADC. The gain of this amplifier ranges between 1 to 64
in (2^N) steps, that is, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64.
This block is designed to work with differential input and output with input signals that
range from 0 to 1.2 V ± 10 mV. The output common mode of the PGA is determined
based on the SAR ADC requirement.
The PGA has only one voltage reference pair. The positive reference used is chip-specific
and depends on the MCU configuration. The ground reference is the analog ground for
the PGA. See the chip configuration chapter on the PGA voltage reference specific to this
The PGA register allows to control the PGA gain and modes of operation.

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Functional description

32.4.2 Clock select and divide control

One of four clock sources can be selected as the clock source for the ADC module. This
clock source is then divided by a configurable value to generate the input clock ADCK,
to the module. The clock is selected from one of the following sources by means of
• Bus clock. This is the default selection following reset.
• Bus clock divided by two. For higher bus clock rates, this allows a maximum divide-
by-16 of the bus clock using CFG1[ADIV].
• ALTCLK: As defined for this MCU. See the chip configuration information.
• Asynchronous clock (ADACK): This clock is generated from a clock source within
the ADC module. When the ADACK clock source is selected, it is not required to be
active prior to conversion start. When it is selected and it is not active prior to a
conversion start CFG2[ADACKEN]=0, ADACK is activated at the start of a
conversion and deactivated when conversions are terminated. In this case, there is an
associated clock startup delay each time the clock source is re-activated. To avoid the
conversion time variability and latency associated with the ADACK clock startup, set
CFG2[ADACKEN]=1 and wait the worst-case startup time of 5 µs prior to initiating
any conversions using the ADACK clock source. Conversions are possible using
ADACK as the input clock source while the MCU is in Normal Stop mode. See
Power Control for more information.

Whichever clock is selected, its frequency must fall within the specified frequency range
for ADCK. If the available clocks are too slow, the ADC may not perform according to
specifications. If the available clocks are too fast, the clock must be divided to the
appropriate frequency. This divider is specified by CFG1[ADIV] and can be divide-by 1,
2, 4, or 8.

32.4.3 Voltage reference selection

The ADC can be configured to accept one of the two voltage reference pairs as the
reference voltage (VREFSH and VREFSL) used for conversions. Each pair contains a
positive reference that must be between the minimum Ref Voltage High and VDDA, and a
ground reference that must be at the same potential as VSSA. The two pairs are external
(VREFH and VREFL) and alternate (VALTH and VALTL). These voltage references are

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

selected using SC2[REFSEL]. The alternate (VALTH and VALTL) voltage reference pair
may select additional external pins or internal sources depending on MCU configuration.
See the chip configuration information on the voltage references specific to this MCU.

32.4.4 Hardware trigger and channel selects

The ADC module has a selectable asynchronous hardware conversion trigger, ADHWT,
that is enabled when SC2[ADTRG] is set and a hardware trigger select event,
ADHWTSn, has occurred. This source is not available on all MCUs. See the Chip
Configuration chapter for information on the ADHWT source and the ADHWTSn
configurations specific to this MCU.
When an ADHWT source is available and hardware trigger is enabled, that is
SC2[ADTRG]=1, a conversion is initiated on the rising-edge of ADHWT after a
hardware trigger select event, that is, ADHWTSn, has occurred. If a conversion is in
progress when a rising-edge of a trigger occurs, the rising-edge is ignored. In continuous
convert configuration, only the initial rising-edge to launch continuous conversions is
observed, and until conversion is aborted, the ADC continues to do conversions on the
same SCn register that initiated the conversion. The hardware trigger function operates in
conjunction with any of the conversion modes and configurations.
The hardware trigger select event, that is, ADHWTSn, must be set prior to the receipt of
the ADHWT signal. If these conditions are not met, the converter may ignore the trigger
or use the incorrect configuration. If a hardware trigger select event is asserted during a
conversion, it must stay asserted until the end of current conversion and remain set until
the receipt of the ADHWT signal to trigger a new conversion. The channel and status
fields selected for the conversion depend on the active trigger select signal:
• ADHWTSA active selects SC1A
• ADHWTSn active selects SC1n
Asserting more than one hardware trigger select signal
(ADHWTSn) at the same time results in unknown results. To
avoid this, select only one hardware trigger select signal
(ADHWTSn) prior to the next intended conversion.
When the conversion is completed, the result is placed in the Rn registers associated with
the ADHWTSn received. For example:
• ADHWTSA active selects RA register
• ADHWTSn active selects Rn register

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Functional description

The conversion complete flag associated with the ADHWTSn received, that is,
SC1n[COCO], is then set and an interrupt is generated if the respective conversion
complete interrupt has been enabled, that is, SC1[AIEN]=1.

32.4.5 Conversion control

Conversions can be performed as determined by CFG1[MODE] and SC1n[DIFF] as
shown in the description of CFG1[MODE].
Conversions can be initiated by a software or hardware trigger. In addition, the ADC
module can be configured for:
• Low-power operation
• Long sample time
• Continuous conversion
• Hardware average
• Automatic compare of the conversion result to a software determined compare value Initiating conversions

A conversion is initiated:
• Following a write to SC1A, with SC1n[ADCH] not all 1's, if software triggered
operation is selected, that is, when SC2[ADTRG]=0.
• Following a hardware trigger, or ADHWT event, if hardware triggered operation is
selected, that is, SC2[ADTRG]=1, and a hardware trigger select event, ADHWTSn,
has occurred. The channel and status fields selected depend on the active trigger
select signal:
• ADHWTSA active selects SC1A
• ADHWTSn active selects SC1n
• if neither is active, the off condition is selected
Selecting more than one ADHWTSn prior to a conversion
completion will result in unknown results. To avoid this,
select only one ADHWTSn prior to a conversion

• Following the transfer of the result to the data registers when continuous conversion
is enabled, that is, when ADCO=1.

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

If continuous conversions are enabled, a new conversion is automatically initiated after

the completion of the current conversion, by:. In software triggered operation, that is,
when ADTRG=0, continuous conversions begin after SC1A is written and continue until
aborted. In hardware triggered operation, that is, when ADTRG=1 and one ADHWTSn
event has occurred, continuous conversions begin after a hardware trigger event and
continue until aborted.
If hardware averaging is enabled, a new conversion is automatically initiated after the
completion of the current conversion until the correct number of conversions are
completed. In software triggered operation, conversions begin after SC1A is written. In
hardware triggered operation, conversions begin after a hardware trigger. If continuous
conversions are also enabled, a new set of conversions to be averaged are initiated
following the last of the selected number of conversions. Completing conversions

A conversion is completed when the result of the conversion is transferred into the data
result registers, Rn. If the compare functions are disabled, this is indicated by setting of
SC1n[COCO]. If hardware averaging is enabled, the respective SC1n[COCO] sets only if
the last of the selected number of conversions is completed. If the compare function is
enabled, the respective SC1n[COCO] sets and conversion result data is transferred only if
the compare condition is true. If both hardware averaging and compare functions are
enabled, then the respective SC1n[COCO] sets only if the last of the selected number of
conversions is completed and the compare condition is true. An interrupt is generated if
the respective SC1n[AIEN] is high at the time that the respective SC1n[COCO] is set. Aborting conversions

Any conversion in progress is aborted when:
• Writing to SC1A while it is actively controlling a conversion, aborts the current
conversion. In Software Trigger mode, when SC2[ADTRG]=0, a write to SC1A
initiates a new conversion if SC1A[ADCH] is equal to a value other than all 1s.
Writing to any of the SC1B–SC1n registers while that specific SC1B–SC1n register
is actively controlling a conversion aborts the current conversion. The SC1(B-n)
registers are not used for software trigger operation and therefore writes to the
SC1(B-n) registers do not initiate a new conversion.
• A write to any ADC register besides the SC1A-SC1n registers occurs. This indicates
that a change in mode of operation has occurred and the current conversion is
therefore invalid.

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Functional description

• The MCU is reset or enters Low-Power Stop modes.

• The MCU enters Normal Stop mode with ADACK not enabled.

When a conversion is aborted, the contents of the data registers, Rn, are not altered. The
data registers continue to be the values transferred after the completion of the last
successful conversion. If the conversion was aborted by a reset or Low-Power Stop
modes, RA and Rn return to their reset states. Power control

The ADC module remains in its idle state until a conversion is initiated. If ADACK is
selected as the conversion clock source, but the asynchronous clock output is disabled,
that is CFG2[ADACKEN]=0, the ADACK clock generator also remains in its idle state
(disabled) until a conversion is initiated. If the asynchronous clock output is enabled, that
is, CFG2[ADACKEN]=1, it remains active regardless of the state of the ADC or the
MCU power mode.
Power consumption when the ADC is active can be reduced by setting CFG1[ADLPC].
This results in a lower maximum value for fADCK. Sample time and total conversion time

For short sample, that is, when CFG1[ADLSMP]=0, there is a 2-cycle adder for first
conversion over the base sample time of four ADCK cycles. For high speed conversions,
that is, when CFG2[ADHSC]=1, there is an additional 2-cycle adder on any conversion.
The table below summarizes sample times for the possible ADC configurations.
ADC configuration Sample time (ADCK cycles)
CFG1[ADLSMP] CFG2[ADLSTS] CFG2[ADHSC] First or Single Subsequent
0 X 0 6 4
1 00 0 24
1 01 0 16
1 10 0 10
1 11 0 6
0 X 1 8 6
1 00 1 26
1 01 1 18
1 10 1 12
1 11 1 8

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The total conversion time depends upon:

• The sample time as determined by CFG1[ADLSMP] and CFG2[ADLSTS]
• The MCU bus frequency
• The conversion mode, as determined by CFG1[MODE] and SC1n[DIFF]
• The high speed configuration, that is, CFG2[ADHSC]
• The frequency of the conversion clock, that is, fADCK.
CFG2[ADHSC] is used to configure a higher clock input frequency. This will allow
faster overall conversion times. To meet internal ADC timing requirements,
CFG2[ADHSC] adds additional ADCK cycles. Conversions with CFG2[ADHSC]=1 take
two more ADCK cycles. CFG2[ADHSC] must be used when the ADCLK exceeds the
limit for CFG2[ADHSC]=0.
After the module becomes active, sampling of the input begins.
1. CFG1[ADLSMP] and CFG2[ADLSTS] select between sample times based on the
conversion mode that is selected.
2. When sampling is completed, the converter is isolated from the input channel and a
successive approximation algorithm is applied to determine the digital value of the
analog signal.
3. The result of the conversion is transferred to Rn upon completion of the conversion
If the bus frequency is less than fADCK, precise sample time for continuous conversions
cannot be guaranteed when short sample is enabled, that is, when CFG1[ADLSMP]=0.
The maximum total conversion time is determined by the clock source chosen and the
divide ratio selected. The clock source is selectable by CFG1[ADICLK], and the divide
ratio is specified by CFG1[ADIV].
The maximum total conversion time for all configurations is summarized in the equation
below. See the following tables for the variables referenced in the equation.

Figure 32-95. Conversion time equation

Table 32-107. Single or first continuous time adder (SFCAdder)

CFG1[ADICLK] Single or first continuous time adder (SFCAdder)
1 x 0x, 10 3 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles
1 1 11 3 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles1
1 0 11 5 μs + 3 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles
0 x 0x, 10 5 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles
0 1 11 5 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles1

Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

Table 32-107. Single or first continuous time adder (SFCAdder) (continued)

CFG1[ADICLK] Single or first continuous time adder (SFCAdder)
0 0 11 5 μs + 5 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles

1. To achieve this time, CFG2[ADACKEN] must be 1 for at least 5 μs prior to the conversion is initiated.

Table 32-108. Average number factor (AverageNum)

SC3[AVGE] SC3[AVGS] Average number factor (AverageNum)
0 xx 1
1 00 4
1 01 8
1 10 16
1 11 32

Table 32-109. Base conversion time (BCT)

Mode Base conversion time (BCT)
8b single-ended 17 ADCK cycles
9b differential 27 ADCK cycles
10b single-ended 20 ADCK cycles
11b differential 30 ADCK cycles
12b single-ended 20 ADCK cycles
13b differential 30 ADCK cycles
16b single-ended 25 ADCK cycles
16b differential 34 ADCK cycles

Table 32-110. Long sample time adder (LSTAdder)

Long sample time adder
0 xx 0 ADCK cycles
1 00 20 ADCK cycles
1 01 12 ADCK cycles
1 10 6 ADCK cycles
1 11 2 ADCK cycles

Table 32-111. High-speed conversion time adder (HSCAdder)

CFG2[ADHSC] High-speed conversion time adder (HSCAdder)
0 0 ADCK cycles
1 2 ADCK cycles

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

The ADCK frequency must be between fADCK minimum and
fADCK maximum to meet ADC specifications. Conversion time examples

The following examples use Figure 32-95 and the information provided in Table 32-107
through Table 32-111. Typical conversion time configuration

A typical configuration for ADC conversion is:
• 10-bit mode, with the bus clock selected as the input clock source
• The input clock divide-by-1 ratio selected
• Bus frequency of 8 MHz
• Long sample time disabled
• High-speed conversion disabled
The conversion time for a single conversion is calculated by using Figure 32-95 and the
information provided in Table 32-107 through Table 32-111. The table below list the
variables of Figure 32-95.
Table 32-112. Typical conversion time
Variable Time
SFCAdder 5 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles
AverageNum 1
BCT 20 ADCK cycles
LSTAdder 0
HSCAdder 0

The resulting conversion time is generated using the parameters listed in the preceding
table. Therefore, for a bus clock and an ADCK frequency equal to 8 MHz, the resulting
conversion time is 3.75 µs. Long conversion time configuration

A configuration for long ADC conversion is:
• 16-bit Differential mode with the bus clock selected as the input clock source
• The input clock divide-by-8 ratio selected
• Bus frequency of 8 MHz
• Long sample time enabled

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Functional description

• Configured for longest adder

• High-speed conversion disabled
• Average enabled for 32 conversions
The conversion time for this conversion is calculated by using Figure 32-95 and the
information provided in Table 32-107 through Table 32-111. The following table lists the
variables of the Figure 32-95.
Table 32-113. Typical conversion time
Variable Time
SFCAdder 3 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles
AverageNum 32
BCT 34 ADCK cycles
LSTAdder 20 ADCK cycles
HSCAdder 0

The resulting conversion time is generated using the parameters listed in the preceding
table. Therefore, for bus clock equal to 8 MHz and ADCK equal to 1 MHz, the resulting
conversion time is 57.625 µs, that is, AverageNum. This results in a total conversion time
of 1.844 ms. Short conversion time configuration

A configuration for short ADC conversion is:
• 8-bit Single-Ended mode with the bus clock selected as the input clock source
• The input clock divide-by-1 ratio selected
• Bus frequency of 20 MHz
• Long sample time disabled
• High-speed conversion enabled
The conversion time for this conversion is calculated by using Figure 32-95 and the
information provided in Table 32-107 through Table 32-111. The table below list the
variables of Figure 32-95.
Table 32-114. Typical conversion time
Variable Time
SFCAdder 5 ADCK cycles + 5 bus clock cycles
AverageNum 1
BCT 17 ADCK cycles
LSTAdder 0 ADCK cycles
HSCAdder 2

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

The resulting conversion time is generated using the parameters listed in in the preceding
table. Therefore, for bus clock and ADCK frequency equal to 20 MHz, the resulting
conversion time is 1.45 µs. Hardware average function

The hardware average function can be enabled by setting SC3[AVGE]=1 to perform a
hardware average of multiple conversions. The number of conversions is determined by
the AVGS[1:0] bits, which can select 4, 8, 16, or 32 conversions to be averaged. While
the hardware average function is in progress, SC2[ADACT] will be set.
After the selected input is sampled and converted, the result is placed in an accumulator
from which an average is calculated once the selected number of conversions have been
completed. When hardware averaging is selected, the completion of a single conversion
will not set SC1n[COCO].
If the compare function is either disabled or evaluates true, after the selected number of
conversions are completed, the average conversion result is transferred into the data
result registers, Rn, and SC1n[COCO] is set. An ADC interrupt is generated upon the
setting of SC1n[COCO] if the respective ADC interrupt is enabled, that is,
The hardware average function can perform conversions on a
channel while the MCU is in Wait or Normal Stop modes. The
ADC interrupt wakes the MCU when the hardware average is
completed if SC1n[AIEN] was set.

32.4.6 Automatic compare function

The compare function can be configured to check whether the result is less than or
greater-than-or-equal-to a single compare value, or, if the result falls within or outside a
range determined by two compare values. The compare mode is determined by
SC2[ACFGT], SC2[ACREN], and the values in the compare value registers, CV1 and
CV2. After the input is sampled and converted, the compare values in CV1 and CV2 are
used as described in the following table. There are six Compare modes as shown in the
following table.

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Functional description

Table 32-115. Compare modes

relative to Function Compare mode description
0 0 — Less than threshold Compare true if the result is less than the
CV1 registers.
1 0 — Greater than or equal to threshold Compare true if the result is greater than or
equal to CV1 registers.
0 1 Less than or Outside range, not inclusive Compare true if the result is less than CV1
equal Or the result is greater than CV2.
0 1 Greater than Inside range, not inclusive Compare true if the result is less than CV1
And the result is greater than CV2.
1 1 Less than or Inside range, inclusive Compare true if the result is greater than or
equal equal to CV1 And the result is less than or
equal to CV2.
1 1 Greater than Outside range, inclusive Compare true if the result is greater than or
equal to CV1 Or the result is less than or
equal to CV2.

With SC2[ACREN] =1, and if the value of CV1 is less than or equal to the value of CV2,
then setting SC2[ACFGT] will select a trigger-if-inside-compare-range inclusive-of-
endpoints function. Clearing SC2[ACFGT] will select a trigger-if-outside-compare-
range, not-inclusive-of-endpoints function.
If CV1 is greater than CV2, setting SC2[ACFGT] will select a trigger-if-outside-
compare-range, inclusive-of-endpoints function. Clearing SC2[ACFGT] will select a
trigger-if-inside-compare-range, not-inclusive-of-endpoints function.
If the condition selected evaluates true, SC1n[COCO] is set.
Upon completion of a conversion while the compare function is enabled, if the compare
condition is not true, SC1n[COCO] is not set and the conversion result data will not be
transferred to the result register, Rn. If the hardware averaging function is enabled, the
compare function compares the averaged result to the compare values. The same compare
function definitions apply. An ADC interrupt is generated when SC1n[COCO] is set and
the respective ADC interrupt is enabled, that is, SC1n[AIEN]=1.
The compare function can monitor the voltage on a channel
while the MCU is in Wait or Normal Stop modes. The ADC
interrupt wakes the MCU when the compare condition is met.

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

32.4.7 Calibration function

The ADC contains a self-calibration function that is required to achieve the specified
accuracy. Calibration must be run, or valid calibration values written, after any reset and
before a conversion is initiated. The calibration function sets the offset calibration value,
the minus-side calibration values, and the plus-side calibration values. The offset
calibration value is automatically stored in the ADC offset correction register (OFS), and
the plus-side and minus-side calibration values are automatically stored in the ADC plus-
side and minus-side calibration registers, CLPx and CLMx. The user must configure the
ADC correctly prior to calibration, and must generate the plus-side and minus-side gain
calibration results and store them in the ADC plus-side gain register (PG) after the
calibration function completes.
Prior to calibration, the user must configure the ADC's clock source and frequency, low
power configuration, voltage reference selection, sample time, and high speed
configuration according to the application's clock source availability and needs. If the
application uses the ADC in a wide variety of configurations, the configuration for which
the highest accuracy is required should be selected, or multiple calibrations can be done
for the different configurations. For best calibration results:
• Set hardware averaging to maximum, that is, SC3[AVGE]=1 and SC3[AVGS]=11
for an average of 32
• Set ADC clock frequency fADCK less than or equal to 4 MHz
• Calibrate at nominal voltage and temperature
The input channel, conversion mode continuous function, compare function, resolution
mode, and differential/single-ended mode are all ignored during the calibration function.
To initiate calibration, the user sets SC3[CAL] and the calibration will automatically
begin if the SC2[ADTRG] is 0. If SC2[ADTRG] is 1, SC3[CAL] will not get set and
SC3[CALF] will be set. While calibration is active, no ADC register can be written and
no stop mode may be entered, or the calibration routine will be aborted causing
SC3[CAL] to clear and SC3[CALF] to set. At the end of a calibration sequence,
SC1n[COCO] will be set. SC1n[AIEN] can be used to allow an interrupt to occur at the
end of a calibration sequence. At the end of the calibration routine, if SC3[CALF] is not
set, the automatic calibration routine is completed successfully.
To complete calibration, the user must generate the gain calibration values using the
following procedure:
1. Initialize or clear a 16-bit variable in RAM.

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Functional description

2. Add the plus-side calibration results CLP0, CLP1, CLP2, CLP3, CLP4, and CLPS to
the variable.
3. Divide the variable by two.
4. Set the MSB of the variable.
5. The previous two steps can be achieved by setting the carry bit, rotating to the right
through the carry bit on the high byte and again on the low byte.
6. Store the value in the plus-side gain calibration register PG.
7. Repeat the procedure for the minus-side gain calibration value.

When calibration is complete, the user may reconfigure and use the ADC as desired. A
second calibration may also be performed, if desired, by clearing and again setting
Overall, the calibration routine may take as many as 14k ADCK cycles and 100 bus
cycles, depending on the results and the clock source chosen. For an 8 MHz clock source,
this length amounts to about 1.7 ms. To reduce this latency, the calibration values, which
are offset, plus-side and minus-side gain, and plus-side and minus-side calibration values,
may be stored in flash memory after an initial calibration and recovered prior to the first
ADC conversion. This method can reduce the calibration latency to 20 register store
operations on all subsequent power, reset, or Low-Power Stop mode recoveries.

32.4.8 User-defined offset function

OFS contains the user-selected or calibration-generated offset error correction value. This
register is a 2’s complement, left-justified. The value in OFS is subtracted from the
conversion and the result is transferred into the result registers, Rn. If the result is greater
than the maximum or less than the minimum result value, it is forced to the appropriate
limit for the current mode of operation.
The formatting of the OFS is different from the data result register, Rn, to preserve the
resolution of the calibration value regardless of the conversion mode selected. Lower
order bits are ignored in lower resolution modes. For example, in 8-bit single-ended
mode, the OFS[14:7] are subtracted from D[7:0]; OFS[15] indicates the sign (negative
numbers are effectively added to the result) and OFS[6:0] are ignored. The same bits are
used in 9-bit differential mode because OFS[15] indicates the sign bit, which maps to
D[8]. For 16-bit differential mode, OFS[15:0] are directly subtracted from the conversion
result data D[15:0]. In 16-bit single-ended mode, there is no field in the OFS
corresponding to the least significant result D[0], so odd values, such as -1 or +1, and so
on, cannot be subtracted from the result.
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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

OFS is automatically set according to calibration requirements once the self-calibration

sequence is done, that is, SC3[CAL] is cleared. The user may write to OFS to override
the calibration result if desired. If the OFS is written by the user to a value that is
different from the calibration value, the ADC error specifications may not be met. Storing
the value generated by the calibration function in memory before overwriting with a user-
specified value is recommended.
There is an effective limit to the values of offset that can be set
by the user. If the magnitude of the offset is too high, the results
of the conversions will cap off at the limits.
The offset calibration function may be employed by the user to remove application
offsets or DC bias values. OFS may be written with a number in 2's complement format
and this offset will be subtracted from the result, or hardware averaged value. To add an
offset, store the negative offset in 2's complement format and the effect will be an
addition. An offset correction that results in an out-of-range value will be forced to the
minimum or maximum value. The minimum value for single-ended conversions is
0x0000; for a differential conversion it is 0x8000.
To preserve accuracy, the calibrated offset value initially stored in OFS must be added to
the user-defined offset. For applications that may change the offset repeatedly during
operation, store the initial offset calibration value in flash so it can be recovered and
added to any user offset adjustment value and the sum stored in OFS.

32.4.9 Temperature sensor

The ADC module includes a temperature sensor whose output is connected to one of the
ADC analog channel inputs. The following equation provides an approximate transfer
function of the temperature sensor.

Figure 32-96. Approximate transfer function of the temperature sensor

• VTEMP is the voltage of the temperature sensor channel at the ambient temperature.
• VTEMP25 is the voltage of the temperature sensor channel at 25 °C.
• m is referred as temperature sensor slope in the device data sheet. It is the hot or cold
voltage versus temperature slope in V/°C.

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Functional description

For temperature calculations, use the VTEMP25 and temperature sensor slope values from
the ADC Electricals table.
In application code, the user reads the temperature sensor channel, calculates VTEMP, and
compares to VTEMP25. If VTEMP is greater than VTEMP25 the cold slope value is applied in
the preceding equation. If VTEMP is less than VTEMP25, the hot slope value is applied in
the preceding equation. ADC Electricals table may only specify one temperature sensor
slope value. In that case, the user could use the same slope for the calculation across the
operational temperature range.
For more information on using the temperature sensor, see the application note titled
Temperature Sensor for the HCS08 Microcontroller Family (document AN3031).

32.4.10 MCU wait mode operation

Wait mode is a lower-power consumption Standby mode from which recovery is fast
because the clock sources remain active. If a conversion is in progress when the MCU
enters Wait mode, it continues until completion. Conversions can be initiated while the
MCU is in Wait mode by means of the hardware trigger or if continuous conversions are
The bus clock, bus clock divided by two, and ADACK are available as conversion clock
sources while in Wait mode. The use of ALTCLK as the conversion clock source in Wait
is dependent on the definition of ALTCLK for this MCU. See the Chip Configuration
information on ALTCLK specific to this MCU.
If the compare and hardware averaging functions are disabled, a conversion complete
event sets SC1n[COCO] and generates an ADC interrupt to wake the MCU from Wait
mode if the respective ADC interrupt is enabled, that is, when SC1n[AIEN]=1. If the
hardware averaging function is enabled, SC1n[COCO] will set, and generate an interrupt
if enabled, when the selected number of conversions are completed. If the compare
function is enabled, SC1n[COCO] will set, and generate an interrupt if enabled, only if
the compare conditions are met. If a single conversion is selected and the compare trigger
is not met, the ADC will return to its idle state and cannot wake the MCU from Wait
mode unless a new conversion is initiated by the hardware trigger.

32.4.11 MCU Normal Stop mode operation

Stop mode is a low-power consumption Standby mode during which most or all clock
sources on the MCU are disabled.

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Normal Stop mode with ADACK disabled

If the asynchronous clock, ADACK, is not selected as the conversion clock, executing a
stop instruction aborts the current conversion and places the ADC in its Idle state. The
contents of the ADC registers, including Rn, are unaffected by Normal Stop mode. After
exiting from Normal Stop mode, a software or hardware trigger is required to resume
conversions. Normal Stop mode with ADACK enabled

If ADACK is selected as the conversion clock, the ADC continues operation during
Normal Stop mode. See the chip configuration chapter for configuration information for
this MCU.
If a conversion is in progress when the MCU enters Normal Stop mode, it continues until
completion. Conversions can be initiated while the MCU is in Normal Stop mode by
means of the hardware trigger or if continuous conversions are enabled.
If the compare and hardware averaging functions are disabled, a conversion complete
event sets SC1n[COCO] and generates an ADC interrupt to wake the MCU from Normal
Stop mode if the respective ADC interrupt is enabled, that is, when SC1n[AIEN]=1. The
result register, Rn, will contain the data from the first completed conversion that occurred
during Normal Stop mode. If the hardware averaging function is enabled, SC1n[COCO]
will set, and generate an interrupt if enabled, when the selected number of conversions
are completed. If the compare function is enabled, SC1n[COCO] will set, and generate an
interrupt if enabled, only if the compare conditions are met. If a single conversion is
selected and the compare is not true, the ADC will return to its Idle state and cannot wake
the MCU from Normal Stop mode unless a new conversion is initiated by another
hardware trigger.

32.4.12 MCU Low-Power Stop mode operation

The ADC module is automatically disabled when the MCU enters Low-Power Stop
mode. All module registers contain their reset values following exit from Low-Power
Stop mode. Therefore, the module must be re-enabled and re-configured following exit
from Low-Power Stop mode.
For the chip specific modes of operation, see the power
management information for the device.

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Initialization information

32.5 Initialization information

This section gives an example that provides some basic direction on how to initialize and
configure the ADC module. The user can configure the module for 16-bit, 12-bit, 10-bit,
or 8-bit single-ended resolution or 16-bit, 13-bit, 11-bit, or 9-bit differential resolution,
single or continuous conversion, and a polled or interrupt approach, among many other
options. Refer to Table 32-110, Table 32-111, and Table 32-112 for information used in
this example.
Hexadecimal values are designated by a preceding 0x, binary
values designated by a preceding %, and decimal values have
no preceding character.

32.5.1 ADC module initialization example Initialization sequence

Before the ADC module can be used to complete conversions, an initialization procedure
must be performed. A typical sequence is:
1. Calibrate the ADC by following the calibration instructions in Calibration function.
2. Update CFG to select the input clock source and the divide ratio used to generate
ADCK. This register is also used for selecting sample time and low-power
3. Update SC2 to select the conversion trigger, hardware or software, and compare
function options, if enabled.
4. Update SC3 to select whether conversions will be continuous or completed only once
(ADCO) and whether to perform hardware averaging.
5. Update SC1:SC1n registers to select whether conversions will be single-ended or
differential and to enable or disable conversion complete interrupts. Also, select the
input channel which can be used to perform conversions.

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

6. Update the PGA register to enable or disable PGA and configure appropriate gain.
This register is also used to select Power Mode and to check whether the module is
chopper-stabilized. Pseudo-code example

In this example, the ADC module is set up with interrupts enabled to perform a single 10-
bit conversion at low-power with a long sample time on input channel 1, where ADCK is
derived from the bus clock divided by 1.
CFG1 = 0x98 (%10011000)
Bit 7 ADLPC 1 Configures for low power, lowers maximum clock speed.
Bit 6:5 ADIV 00 Sets the ADCK to the input clock ÷ 1.
Bit 4 ADLSMP 1 Configures for long sample time.
Bit 3:2 MODE 10 Selects the single-ended 10-bit conversion, differential 11-
bit conversion.
Bit 1:0 ADICLK 00 Selects the bus clock.

SC2 = 0x00 (%00000000)

Bit 7 ADACT 0 Flag indicates if a conversion is in progress.
Bit 6 ADTRG 0 Software trigger selected.
Bit 5 ACFE 0 Compare function disabled.
Bit 4 ACFGT 0 Not used in this example.
Bit 3 ACREN 0 Compare range disabled.
Bit 2 DMAEN 0 DMA request disabled.
Bit 1:0 REFSEL 00 Selects default voltage reference pin pair (External pins VREFH
and VREFL).

SC1A = 0x41 (%01000001)

Bit 7 COCO 0 Read-only flag which is set when a conversion completes.
Bit 6 AIEN 1 Conversion complete interrupt enabled.
Bit 5 DIFF 0 Single-ended conversion selected.
Bit 4:0 ADCH 00001 Input channel 1 selected as ADC input channel.

RA = 0xxx
Holds results of conversion.

CV = 0xxx
Holds compare value when compare function enabled.

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Application information


Initialize ADC
CFG1 = 0x98
SC2 = 0x00
SC1n = 0x41

Check No


Read Rn
to clear


Figure 32-97. Initialization flowchart example

32.6 Application information

The ADC has been designed to be integrated into a microcontroller for use in embedded
control applications requiring an ADC.

32.6.1 External pins and routing Analog supply pins

Depending on the device, the analog power and ground supplies, VDDA and VSSA, of the
ADC module are available as:
• VDDA and VSSA available as separate pins—When available on a separate pin, both
VDDA and VSSA must be connected to the same voltage potential as their
corresponding MCU digital supply, VDD and VSS, and must be routed carefully for
maximum noise immunity and bypass capacitors placed as near as possible to the

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

• VSSA is shared on the same pin as the MCU digital VSS.

• VSSA and VDDA are shared with the MCU digital supply pins—In these cases, there
are separate pads for the analog supplies bonded to the same pin as the corresponding
digital supply so that some degree of isolation between the supplies is maintained.
If separate power supplies are used for analog and digital power, the ground connection
between these supplies must be at the VSSA pin. This must be the only ground connection
between these supplies, if possible. VSSA makes a good single point ground location. Analog voltage reference pins

In addition to the analog supplies, the ADC module has connections for two reference
voltage inputs used by the converter:
• VREFSH is the high reference voltage for the converter.
• VREFSL is the low reference voltage for the converter.
The ADC can be configured to accept one of two voltage reference pairs for VREFSH and
VREFSL. Each pair contains a positive reference and a ground reference. The two pairs are
external, VREFH and VREFL and alternate, VALTH and VALTL. These voltage references are
selected using SC2[REFSEL]. The alternate voltage reference pair, VALTH and VALTL,
may select additional external pins or internal sources based on MCU configuration. See
the chip configuration information on the voltage references specific to this MCU.
In some packages, the external or alternate pairs are connected in the package to VDDA
and VSSA, respectively. One of these positive references may be shared on the same pin
as VDDA on some devices. One of these ground references may be shared on the same pin
as VSSA on some devices.
If externally available, the positive reference may be connected to the same potential as
VDDA or may be driven by an external source to a level between the minimum Ref
Voltage High and the VDDA potential. The positive reference must never exceed VDDA. If
externally available, the ground reference must be connected to the same voltage
potential as VSSA. The voltage reference pairs must be routed carefully for maximum
noise immunity and bypass capacitors placed as near as possible to the package.
AC current in the form of current spikes required to supply charge to the capacitor array
at each successive approximation step is drawn through the VREFH and VREFL loop. The
best external component to meet this current demand is a 0.1 μF capacitor with good
high-frequency characteristics. This capacitor is connected between VREFH and VREFL
and must be placed as near as possible to the package pins. Resistance in the path is not
recommended because the current causes a voltage drop that could result in conversion
errors. Inductance in this path must be minimum, that is, parasitic only.

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Application information Analog input pins

The external analog inputs are typically shared with digital I/O pins on MCU devices.
Empirical data shows that capacitors on the analog inputs improve performance in the
presence of noise or when the source impedance is high. Use of 0.01 μF capacitors with
good high-frequency characteristics is sufficient. These capacitors are not necessary in all
cases, but when used, they must be placed as near as possible to the package pins and be
referenced to VSSA.
For proper conversion, the input voltage must fall between VREFH and VREFL. If the input
is equal to or exceeds VREFH, the converter circuit converts the signal to 0xFFF, which is
full scale 12-bit representation, 0x3FF, which is full scale 10-bit representation, or 0xFF,
which is full scale 8-bit representation. If the input is equal to or less than VREFL, the
converter circuit converts it to 0x000. Input voltages between VREFH and VREFL are
straight-line linear conversions. There is a brief current associated with VREFL when the
sampling capacitor is charging.
For minimal loss of accuracy due to current injection, pins adjacent to the analog input
pins must not be transitioning during conversions.

32.6.2 Sources of error Sampling error

For proper conversions, the input must be sampled long enough to achieve the proper
Figure 32-98. Sampling equation

RAS = External analog source resistance
SC = Number of ADCK cycles used during sample window
CADIN = Internal ADC input capacitance

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

LSBERR = value of acceptable sampling error in LSBs

N = 8 in 8-bit mode, 10 in 10-bit mode, 12 in 12-bit mode or 16 in 16-bit mode
Higher source resistances or higher-accuracy sampling is possible by setting
CFG1[ADLSMP] and changing CFG2[ADLSTS] to increase the sample window, or
decreasing ADCK frequency to increase sample time. Pin leakage error

Leakage on the I/O pins can cause conversion error if the external analog source
resistance, RAS, is high. If this error cannot be tolerated by the application, keep RAS
lower than VREFH / (4 × ILEAK × 2N) for less than 1/4 LSB leakage error, where N = 8 in
8-bit mode, 10 in 10-bit mode, 12 in 12-bit mode, or 16 in 16-bit mode. Noise-induced errors

System noise that occurs during the sample or conversion process can affect the accuracy
of the conversion. The ADC accuracy numbers are guaranteed as specified only if the
following conditions are met:
• There is a 0.1 μF low-ESR capacitor from VREFH to VREFL.
• There is a 0.1 μF low-ESR capacitor from VDDA to VSSA.
• If inductive isolation is used from the primary supply, an additional 1 μF capacitor is
placed from VDDA to VSSA.
• VSSA, and VREFL, if connected, is connected to VSS at a quiet point in the ground
• Operate the MCU in Wait or Normal Stop mode before initiating (hardware-triggered
conversions) or immediately after initiating (hardware- or software-triggered
conversions) the ADC conversion.
• For software triggered conversions, immediately follow the write to SC1 with a
Wait instruction or Stop instruction.
• For Normal Stop mode operation, select ADACK as the clock source. Operation
in Normal Stop reduces VDD noise but increases effective conversion time due to
stop recovery.
• There is no I/O switching, input or output, on the MCU during the conversion.

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Application information

There are some situations where external system activity causes radiated or conducted
noise emissions or excessive VDD noise is coupled into the ADC. In these situations, or
when the MCU cannot be placed in Wait or Normal Stop mode, or I/O activity cannot be
halted, the following actions may reduce the effect of noise on the accuracy:
• Place a 0.01 μF capacitor (CAS) on the selected input channel to VREFL or VSSA. This
improves noise issues, but affects the sample rate based on the external analog source
• Average the result by converting the analog input many times in succession and
dividing the sum of the results. Four samples are required to eliminate the effect of a
1 LSB, one-time error.
• Reduce the effect of synchronous noise by operating off the asynchronous clock, that
is, ADACK, and averaging. Noise that is synchronous to ADCK cannot be averaged
out. Code width and quantization error

The ADC quantizes the ideal straight-line transfer function into 65536 steps in the 16-bit
mode). Each step ideally has the same height, that is, 1 code, and width. The width is
defined as the delta between the transition points to one code and the next. The ideal code
width for an N-bit converter, where N can be 16, 12, 10, or 8, defined as 1 LSB, is:

Figure 32-99. Ideal code width for an N-bit converter

There is an inherent quantization error due to the digitization of the result. For 8-bit, 10-
bit, or 12-bit conversions, the code transitions when the voltage is at the midpoint
between the points where the straight line transfer function is exactly represented by the
actual transfer function. Therefore, the quantization error will be ± 1/2 LSB in 8-bit, 10-
bit, or 12-bit modes. As a consequence, however, the code width of the first (0x000)
conversion is only 1/2 LSB and the code width of the last (0xFF or 0x3FF) is 1.5 LSB.
For 16-bit conversions, the code transitions only after the full code width is present, so
the quantization error is -1 LSB to 0 LSB and the code width of each step is 1 LSB.

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Chapter 32 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Linearity errors

The ADC may also exhibit non-linearity of several forms. Every effort has been made to
reduce these errors, but the system designers must be aware of these errors because they
affect overall accuracy:
• Zero-scale error (EZS), sometimes called offset: This error is defined as the difference
between the actual code width of the first conversion and the ideal code width. This
is 1/2 LSB in 8-bit, 10-bit, or 12-bit modes and 1 LSB in 16-bit mode. If the first
conversion is 0x001, the difference between the actual 0x001 code width and its ideal
(1 LSB) is used.
• Full-scale error (EFS): This error is defined as the difference between the actual code
width of the last conversion and the ideal code width. This is 1.5 LSB in 8-bit, 10-bit,
or 12-bit modes and 1 LSB in 16-bit mode. If the last conversion is 0x3FE, the
difference between the actual 0x3FE code width and its ideal (1 LSB) is used.
• Differential non-linearity (DNL): This error is defined as the worst-case difference
between the actual code width and the ideal code width for all conversions.
• Integral non-linearity (INL): This error is defined as the highest-value or absolute
value that the running sum of DNL achieves. More simply, this is the worst-case
difference of the actual transition voltage to a given code and its corresponding ideal
transition voltage, for all codes.
• Total unadjusted error (TUE): This error is defined as the difference between the
actual transfer function and the ideal straight-line transfer function and includes all
forms of error. Code jitter, non-monotonicity, and missing codes

Analog-to-digital converters are susceptible to three special forms of error:
• Code jitter: Code jitter is when, at certain points, a given input voltage converts to
one of the two values when sampled repeatedly. Ideally, when the input voltage is
infinitesimally smaller than the transition voltage, the converter yields the lower
code, and vice-versa. However, even small amounts of system noise can cause the
converter to be indeterminate, between two codes, for a range of input voltages
around the transition voltage.
This error may be reduced by repeatedly sampling the input and averaging the result.
Additionally, the techniques discussed in Noise-induced errors reduces this error.

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Application information

• Non-monotonicity: Non-monotonicity is defined as when, except for code jitter, the

converter converts to a lower code for a higher input voltage.
• Missing codes: Missing codes are those values never converted for any input value.
In 8-bit or 10-bit mode, the ADC is guaranteed to be monotonic and have no missing

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764 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 33
Comparator (CMP)

33.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The comparator (CMP) module provides a circuit for comparing two analog input
voltages. The comparator circuit is designed to operate across the full range of the supply
voltage, known as rail-to-rail operation.
The Analog MUX (ANMUX) provides a circuit for selecting an analog input signal from
eight channels. One signal is provided by the 6-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC).
The mux circuit is designed to operate across the full range of the supply voltage.
The 6-bit DAC is 64-tap resistor ladder network which provides a selectable voltage
reference for applications where voltage reference is needed. The 64-tap resistor ladder
network divides the supply reference Vin into 64 voltage levels. A 6-bit digital signal
input selects the output voltage level, which varies from Vin to Vin/64. Vin can be selected
from two voltage sources, Vin1 and Vin2. The 6-bit DAC from a comparator is available
as an on-chip internal signal only and is not available externally to a pin.

33.2 CMP features

The CMP has the following features:
• Operational over the entire supply range
• Inputs may range from rail to rail
• Programmable hysteresis control

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6-bit DAC key features

• Selectable interrupt on rising-edge, falling-edge, or both rising or falling edges of the

comparator output
• Selectable inversion on comparator output
• Capability to produce a wide range of outputs such as:
• Sampled
• Windowed, which is ideal for certain PWM zero-crossing-detection applications
• Digitally filtered:
• Filter can be bypassed
• Can be clocked via external SAMPLE signal or scaled bus clock
• External hysteresis can be used at the same time that the output filter is used for
internal functions
• Two software selectable performance levels:
• Shorter propagation delay at the expense of higher power
• Low power, with longer propagation delay
• DMA transfer support
• A comparison event can be selected to trigger a DMA transfer
• Functional in all modes of operation
• The window and filter functions are not available in the following modes:
• Stop

33.3 6-bit DAC key features

• 6-bit resolution
• Selectable supply reference source
• Power Down mode to conserve power when not in use
• Option to route the output to internal comparator input

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Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)

33.4 ANMUX key features

• Two 8-to-1 channel mux
• Operational over the entire supply range

33.5 CMP, DAC and ANMUX diagram

The following figure shows the block diagram for the High-Speed Comparator, DAC,
and ANMUX modules.

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CMP block diagram

Vin1 Vin2



DAC output




Reference Input 0
Reference Input 1
Reference Input 2
Reference Input 3 INP

Reference Input 4 Sample input

Reference Input 5
Reference Input 6
CMP Window IRQ
ANMUX and filter




Figure 33-1. CMP, DAC and ANMUX block diagram

33.6 CMP block diagram

The following figure shows the block diagram for the CMP module.

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Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)

Internal bus



Polarity Window Filter Interrupt
select control block control

To other SOC functions
bus clock
Clock 0 COUTA CMPO to
prescaler divided 1

Figure 33-2. Comparator module block diagram

In the CMP block diagram:

• The Window Control block is bypassed when CR1[WE] = 0
• If CR1[WE] = 1, the comparator output will be sampled on every bus clock when
WINDOW=1 to generate COUTA. Sampling does NOT occur when WINDOW = 0.
• The Filter block is bypassed when not in use.
• The Filter block acts as a simple sampler if the filter is bypassed and
CR0[FILTER_CNT] is set to 0x01.
• The Filter block filters based on multiple samples when the filter is bypassed and
CR0[FILTER_CNT] is set greater than 0x01.
• If CR1[SE] = 1, the external SAMPLE input is used as sampling clock
• IF CR1[SE] = 0, the divided bus clock is used as sampling clock

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Memory map/register definitions

• If enabled, the Filter block will incur up to one bus clock additional latency penalty
on COUT due to the fact that COUT, which is crossing clock domain boundaries,
must be resynchronized to the bus clock.
• CR1[WE] and CR1[SE] are mutually exclusive.

33.7 Memory map/register definitions

CMP memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4007_3000 CMP Control Register 0 (CMP0_CR0) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.1/770
4007_3001 CMP Control Register 1 (CMP0_CR1) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.2/771
4007_3002 CMP Filter Period Register (CMP0_FPR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.3/773
4007_3003 CMP Status and Control Register (CMP0_SCR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.4/773
4007_3004 DAC Control Register (CMP0_DACCR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.5/774
4007_3005 MUX Control Register (CMP0_MUXCR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.6/775
4007_3008 CMP Control Register 0 (CMP1_CR0) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.1/770
4007_3009 CMP Control Register 1 (CMP1_CR1) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.2/771
4007_300A CMP Filter Period Register (CMP1_FPR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.3/773
4007_300B CMP Status and Control Register (CMP1_SCR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.4/773
4007_300C DAC Control Register (CMP1_DACCR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.5/774
4007_300D MUX Control Register (CMP1_MUXCR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.6/775
4007_3010 CMP Control Register 0 (CMP2_CR0) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.1/770
4007_3011 CMP Control Register 1 (CMP2_CR1) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.2/771
4007_3012 CMP Filter Period Register (CMP2_FPR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.3/773
4007_3013 CMP Status and Control Register (CMP2_SCR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.4/773
4007_3014 DAC Control Register (CMP2_DACCR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.5/774
4007_3015 MUX Control Register (CMP2_MUXCR) 8 R/W 00h 33.7.6/775

33.7.1 CMP Control Register 0 (CMPx_CR0)

Address: Base address + 0h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)

CMPx_CR0 field descriptions

Field Description
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6–4 Filter Sample Count
Represents the number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the comparator ouput filter
accepting a new output state. For information regarding filter programming and latency, see the CMP
functional description.

000 Filter is disabled. If SE = 1, then COUT is a logic 0. This is not a legal state, and is not
recommended. If SE = 0, COUT = COUTA.
001 One sample must agree. The comparator output is simply sampled.
010 2 consecutive samples must agree.
011 3 consecutive samples must agree.
100 4 consecutive samples must agree.
101 5 consecutive samples must agree.
110 6 consecutive samples must agree.
111 7 consecutive samples must agree.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1–0 Comparator hard block hysteresis control
Defines the programmable hysteresis level. The hysteresis values associated with each level are device-
specific. See the Data Sheet of the device for the exact values.

00 Level 0
01 Level 1
10 Level 2
11 Level 3

33.7.2 CMP Control Register 1 (CMPx_CR1)

Address: Base address + 1h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CMPx_CR1 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Sample Enable
At any given time, either SE or WE can be set. If a write to this register attempts to set both, then SE is set
and WE is cleared. However, avoid writing 1s to both field locations because this "11" case is reserved
and may change in future implementations.
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 771
Memory map/register definitions

CMPx_CR1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Sampling mode is not selected.
1 Sampling mode is selected.
6 Windowing Enable
At any given time, either SE or WE can be set. If a write to this register attempts to set both, then SE is set
and WE is cleared. However, avoid writing 1s to both field locations because this "11" case is reserved
and may change in future implementations.

0 Windowing mode is not selected.

1 Windowing mode is selected.
5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 Power Mode Select
See the electrical specifications table in the device Data Sheet for details.

0 Low-Speed (LS) Comparison mode selected. In this mode, CMP has slower output propagation delay
and lower current consumption.
1 High-Speed (HS) Comparison mode selected. In this mode, CMP has faster output propagation delay
and higher current consumption.
3 Comparator INVERT
Allows selection of the polarity of the analog comparator function. It is also driven to the COUT output, on
both the device pin and as SCR[COUT], when OPE=0.

0 Does not invert the comparator output.

1 Inverts the comparator output.
2 Comparator Output Select
0 Set the filtered comparator output (CMPO) to equal COUT.
1 Set the unfiltered comparator output (CMPO) to equal COUTA.
1 Comparator Output Pin Enable
0 CMPO is not available on the associated CMPO output pin. Instead, INV is driven if the comparator
owns the pin, which is usually a result of properly setting pin mux controls at the SoC level. If the
comparator does not own the pin, this field has no effect.
CMPO is available on the associated CMPO output pin.
The comparator output (CMPO) is driven out on the associated CMPO output pin if the comparator
owns the pin. If the comparator does not own the field, this bit has no effect.
0 Comparator Module Enable
Enables the Analog Comparator module. When the module is not enabled, it remains in the off state, and
consumes no power. When the user selects the same input from analog mux to the positive and negative
port, the comparator is disabled automatically.

0 Analog Comparator is disabled.

1 Analog Comparator is enabled.

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772 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)

33.7.3 CMP Filter Period Register (CMPx_FPR)

Address: Base address + 2h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CMPx_FPR field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Filter Sample Period
Specifies the sampling period, in bus clock cycles, of the comparator output filter, when CR1[SE]=0.
Setting FILT_PER to 0x0 disables the filter. Filter programming and latency details appear in the CMP
functional description.
This field has no effect when CR1[SE]=1. In that case, the external SAMPLE signal is used to determine
the sampling period.

33.7.4 CMP Status and Control Register (CMPx_SCR)

Address: Base address + 3h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Write w1c w1c
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CMPx_SCR field descriptions

Field Description
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6 DMA Enable Control
Enables the DMA transfer triggered from the CMP module. When this field is set, a DMA request is
asserted when CFR or CFF is set.

0 DMA is disabled.
1 DMA is enabled.
5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 Comparator Interrupt Enable Rising
Enables the CFR interrupt from the CMP. When this field is set, an interrupt will be asserted when CFR is
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 773
Memory map/register definitions

CMPx_SCR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Interrupt is disabled.
1 Interrupt is enabled.
3 Comparator Interrupt Enable Falling
Enables the CFF interrupt from the CMP. When this field is set, an interrupt will be asserted when CFF is

0 Interrupt is disabled.
1 Interrupt is enabled.
2 Analog Comparator Flag Rising
Detects a rising-edge on COUT, when set, during normal operation. CFR is cleared by writing 1 to it.
During Stop modes, CFR is level sensitive .

0 Rising-edge on COUT has not been detected.

1 Rising-edge on COUT has occurred.
1 Analog Comparator Flag Falling
Detects a falling-edge on COUT, when set, during normal operation. CFF is cleared by writing 1 to it.
During Stop modes, CFF is level senstive .

0 Falling-edge on COUT has not been detected.

1 Falling-edge on COUT has occurred.
0 Analog Comparator Output
Returns the current value of the Analog Comparator output, when read. The field is reset to 0 and will read
as CR1[INV] when the Analog Comparator module is disabled, that is, when CR1[EN] = 0. Writes to this
field are ignored.

33.7.5 DAC Control Register (CMPx_DACCR)

Address: Base address + 4h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CMPx_DACCR field descriptions

Field Description
7 DAC Enable
Enables the DAC. When the DAC is disabled, it is powered down to conserve power.

0 DAC is disabled.
1 DAC is enabled.
6 Supply Voltage Reference Source Select
Table continues on the next page...

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774 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)

CMPx_DACCR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 V is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference V. in1in
1 V is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference V. in2in
5–0 DAC Output Voltage Select
Selects an output voltage from one of 64 distinct levels.
DACO = (V in /64) * (VOSEL[5:0] + 1) , so the DACO range is from V in /64 to V in .

33.7.6 MUX Control Register (CMPx_MUXCR)

Address: Base address + 5h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CMPx_MUXCR field descriptions

Field Description
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6 Pass Through Mode Enable
This bit is used to enable to MUX pass through mode. Pass through mode is always available but for
some devices this feature must be always disabled due to the lack of package pins.

0 Pass Through Mode is disabled.

1 Pass Through Mode is enabled.
5–3 Plus Input Mux Control
Determines which input is selected for the plus input of the comparator. For INx inputs, see CMP, DAC,
and ANMUX block diagrams.

NOTE: When an inappropriate operation selects the same input for both muxes, the comparator
automatically shuts down to prevent itself from becoming a noise generator.

000 IN0
001 IN1
010 IN2
011 IN3
100 IN4
101 IN5
110 IN6
111 IN7
2–0 Minus Input Mux Control
Determines which input is selected for the minus input of the comparator. For INx inputs, see CMP, DAC,
and ANMUX block diagrams.
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 775
CMP functional description

CMPx_MUXCR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: When an inappropriate operation selects the same input for both muxes, the comparator
automatically shuts down to prevent itself from becoming a noise generator.

000 IN0
001 IN1
010 IN2
011 IN3
100 IN4
101 IN5
110 IN6
111 IN7

33.8 CMP functional description

The CMP module can be used to compare two analog input voltages applied to INP and
INM. CMPO is high when the non-inverting input is greater than the inverting input, and
is low when the non-inverting input is less than the inverting input. This signal can be
selectively inverted by setting CR1[INV] = 1.
SCR[IER] and SCR[IEF] are used to select the condition which will cause the CMP
module to assert an interrupt to the processor. SCR[CFF] is set on a falling-edge and
SCR[CFR] is set on rising-edge of the comparator output. The optionally filtered CMPO
can be read directly through SCR[COUT].

33.8.1 CMP functional modes

There are three main sub-blocks to the CMP module:
• The comparator itself
• The window function
• The filter function
The filter, CR0[FILTER_CNT], can be clocked from an internal or external clock source.
The filter is programmable with respect to the number of samples that must agree before
a change in the output is registered. In the simplest case, only one sample must agree. In
this case, the filter acts as a simple sampler.
The external sample input is enabled using CR1[SE]. When set, the output of the
comparator is sampled only on rising edges of the sample input.

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776 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)

The "windowing mode" is enabled by setting CR1[WE]. When set, the comparator output
is sampled only when WINDOW=1. This feature can be used to ignore the comparator
output during time periods in which the input voltages are not valid. This is especially
useful when implementing zero-crossing-detection for certain PWM applications.
The comparator filter and sampling features can be combined as shown in the following
table. Individual modes are discussed below.
Table 33-29. Comparator sample/filter controls
Mode # CR1[EN] CR1[WE] CR1[SE] FPR[FILT_PER] Operation
1 0 X X X X Disabled
See the Disabled mode (# 1).
2A 1 0 0 0x00 X Continuous Mode
2B 1 0 0 X 0x00 See the Continuous mode (#s 2A &
3A 1 0 1 0x01 X Sampled, Non-Filtered mode
3B 1 0 0 0x01 > 0x00 See the Sampled, Non-Filtered
mode (#s 3A & 3B).
4A 1 0 1 > 0x01 X Sampled, Filtered mode
4B 1 0 0 > 0x01 > 0x00 See the Sampled, Filtered mode (#s
4A & 4B).
5A 1 1 0 0x00 X Windowed mode
5B 1 1 0 X 0x00 Comparator output is sampled on
every rising bus clock edge when
SAMPLE=1 to generate COUTA.
See the Windowed mode (#s 5A &
6 1 1 0 0x01 0x01–0xFF Windowed/Resampled mode
Comparator output is sampled on
every rising bus clock edge when
SAMPLE=1 to generate COUTA,
which is then resampled on an
interval determined by FILT_PER to
generate COUT.
See the Windowed/Resampled
mode (# 6).
7 1 1 0 > 0x01 0x01–0xFF Windowed/Filtered mode
Comparator output is sampled on
every rising bus clock edge when
SAMPLE=1 to generate COUTA,
which is then resampled and filtered
to generate COUT.
See the Windowed/Filtered mode
All other combinations of CR1[EN], CR1[WE], CR1[SE], CR0[FILTER_CNT], and FPR[FILT_PER] are illegal.

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 777
CMP functional description

For cases where a comparator is used to drive a fault input, for example, for a motor-
control module such as FTM, it must be configured to operate in Continuous mode so
that an external fault can immediately pass through the comparator to the target fault
Filtering and sampling settings must be changed only after
setting CR1[SE]=0 and CR0[FILTER_CNT]=0x00. This resets
the filter to a known state. Disabled mode (# 1)

In Disabled mode, the analog comparator is non-functional and consumes no power.
CMPO is 0 in this mode. Continuous mode (#s 2A & 2B)

Internal bus



Polarity Window Filter Interrupt
select control block control

To other SOC functions
bus clock Clock 0 COUTA CMPO to
prescaler divided 1

Figure 33-27. Comparator operation in Continuous mode

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778 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)

See the chip configuration section for the source of sample/
window input.
The analog comparator block is powered and active. CMPO may be optionally inverted,
but is not subject to external sampling or filtering. Both window control and filter blocks
are completely bypassed. SCR[COUT] is updated continuously. The path from
comparator input pins to output pin is operating in combinational unclocked mode.
COUT and COUTA are identical.
For control configurations which result in disabling the filter block, see the Filter Block
Bypass Logic diagram. Sampled, Non-Filtered mode (#s 3A & 3B)

Internal bus


0 0x01 1

+ Polarity Filter
Window Interrupt
select control block control

To other SOC functions
bus clock Clock 0 COUTA CMPO to
prescaler divided 1

Figure 33-28. Sampled, Non-Filtered (# 3A): sampling point externally driven

In Sampled, Non-Filtered mode, the analog comparator block is powered and active. The
path from analog inputs to COUTA is combinational unclocked. Windowing control is
completely bypassed. COUTA is sampled whenever a rising-edge is detected on the filter
block clock input.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 779
CMP functional description

The only difference in operation between Sampled, Non-Filtered (# 3A) and Sampled,
Non-Filtered (# 3B) is in how the clock to the filter block is derived. In #3A, the clock to
filter block is externally derived while in #3B, the clock to filter block is internally
The comparator filter has no other function than sample/hold of the comparator output in
this mode (# 3B).

Internal bus


0 0x01 0

Polarity Window Filter Interrupt
select control block control

To other SOC functions
bus clock Clock 0 COUTA CMPO to
prescaler divided bus clock 1


Figure 33-29. Sampled, Non-Filtered (# 3B): sampling interval internally derived Sampled, Filtered mode (#s 4A & 4B)

In Sampled, Filtered mode, the analog comparator block is powered and active. The path
from analog inputs to COUTA is combinational unclocked. Windowing control is
completely bypassed. COUTA is sampled whenever a rising edge is detected on the filter
block clock input.
The only difference in operation between Sampled, Non-Filtered (# 3A) and Sampled,
Filtered (# 4A) is that, now, CR0[FILTER_CNT]>1, which activates filter operation.

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780 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)

Internal bus


0 > 0x01 1

Polarity Window Filter Interrupt
select control block control

To other SOC functions
bus clock Clock 0 COUTA CMPO to
prescaler divided 1

Figure 33-30. Sampled, Filtered (# 4A): sampling point externally driven

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 781
CMP functional description

Internal bus


0 1

Polarity Window Filter Interrupt
CMPO select control block control

To other SOC functions
bus clock Clock 0 COUTA CMPO to
prescaler divided 1

Figure 33-31. Sampled, Filtered (# 4B): sampling point internally derived

The only difference in operation between Sampled, Non-Filtered (# 3B) and Sampled,
Filtered (# 4B) is that now, CR0[FILTER_CNT]>1, which activates filter operation. Windowed mode (#s 5A & 5B)

The following figure illustrates comparator operation in the Windowed mode, ignoring
latency of the analog comparator, polarity select, and window control block. It also
assumes that the polarity select is set to non-inverting state.
The analog comparator output is passed to COUTA only when
the WINDOW signal is high.
In actual operation, COUTA may lag the analog inputs by up to one bus clock cycle plus
the combinational path delay through the comparator and polarity select logic.

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782 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)


Plus input

Minus input



Figure 33-32. Windowed mode operation

Internal bus


0x01 0

Polarity Window Filter Interrupt
select control block control

To other SOC functions
bus clock
Clock 0 COUTA CMPO to
prescaler divided 1

Figure 33-33. Windowed mode

For control configurations which result in disabling the filter block, see Filter Block
Bypass Logic diagram.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 783
CMP functional description

When any windowed mode is active, COUTA is clocked by the bus clock whenever
WINDOW = 1. The last latched value is held when WINDOW = 0. Windowed/Resampled mode (# 6)

The following figure uses the same input stimulus shown in Figure 33-32, and adds
resampling of COUTA to generate COUT. Samples are taken at the time points indicated
by the arrows in the figure. Again, prop delays and latency are ignored for the sake of
This example was generated solely to demonstrate operation of the comparator in
windowed/resampled mode, and does not reflect any specific application. Depending
upon the sampling rate and window placement, COUT may not see zero-crossing events
detected by the analog comparator. Sampling period and/or window placement must be
carefully considered for a given application.


Plus input

Minus input




Figure 33-34. Windowed/resampled mode operation

This mode of operation results in an unfiltered string of comparator samples where the
interval between the samples is determined by FPR[FILT_PER] and the bus clock rate.
Configuration for this mode is virtually identical to that for the Windowed/Filtered Mode
shown in the next section. The only difference is that the value of CR0[FILTER_CNT]
must be 1.

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784 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP) Windowed/Filtered mode (#7)

This is the most complex mode of operation for the comparator block, as it uses both
windowing and filtering features. It also has the highest latency of any of the modes. This
can be approximated: up to 1 bus clock synchronization in the window function +
((CR0[FILTER_CNT] * FPR[FILT_PER]) + 1) * bus clock for the filter function.
When any windowed mode is active, COUTA is clocked by the bus clock whenever
WINDOW = 1. The last latched value is held when WINDOW = 0.
Internal bus


1 > 0x01 0

+ Window
Polarity Filter Interrupt
control block control
- CMPO select IRQ

To other SOC functions
bus clock
Clock 0 COUTA CMPO to
prescaler divided 1

Figure 33-35. Windowed/Filtered mode

33.8.2 Power modes Wait mode operation

During Wait and VLPW modes, the CMP, if enabled, continues to operate normally and
a CMP interrupt can wake the MCU.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 785
CMP functional description Stop mode operation

Subject to platform-specific clock restrictions, the MCU is brought out of stop when a
compare event occurs and the corresponding interrupt is enabled. Similarly, if CR1[OPE]
is enabled, the comparator output operates as in the normal operating mode and
comparator output is placed onto the external pin. In Stop modes, the comparator can be
operational in both:
• High-Speed (HS) Comparison mode when CR1[PMODE] = 1
• Low-Speed (LS) Comparison mode when CR1[PMODE] = 0
It is recommended to use the LS mode to minimize power consumption.
If stop is exited with a reset, all comparator registers are put into their reset state. Low-Leakage mode operation

When the chip is in Low-Leakage modes:
• The CMP module is partially functional and is limited to Low-Speed mode,
regardless of CR1[PMODE] setting
• Windowed, Sampled, and Filtered modes are not supported
• The CMP output pin is latched and does not reflect the compare output state.
The positive- and negative-input voltage can be supplied from external pins or the DAC
output. The MCU can be brought out of the Low-Leakage mode if a compare event
occurs and the CMP interrupt is enabled. After wakeup from low-leakage modes, the
CMP module is in the reset state except for SCR[CFF] and SCR[CFR].

33.8.3 Startup and operation

A typical startup sequence is as follows.
The time required to stabilize COUT will be the power-on delay of the comparators plus
the largest propagation delay from a selected analog source through the analog
comparator, windowing function and filter. See the Data Sheets for power-on delays of
the comparators. The windowing function has a maximum of one bus clock period delay.
The filter delay is specified in the Low-pass filter.

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786 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)

During operation, the propagation delay of the selected data paths must always be
considered. It may take many bus clock cycles for COUT and SCR[CFR]/SCR[CFF] to
reflect an input change or a configuration change to one of the components involved in
the data path.
When programmed for filtering modes, COUT will initially be equal to 0, until sufficient
clock cycles have elapsed to fill all stages of the filter. This occurs even if COUTA is at a
logic 1.

33.8.4 Low-pass filter

The low-pass filter operates on the unfiltered and unsynchronized and optionally inverted
comparator output COUTA and generates the filtered and synchronized output COUT.
Both COUTA and COUT can be configured as module outputs and are used for different
purposes within the system.
Synchronization and edge detection are always used to determine status register bit
values. They also apply to COUT for all sampling and windowed modes. Filtering can be
performed using an internal timebase defined by FPR[FILT_PER], or using an external
SAMPLE input to determine sample time.
The need for digital filtering and the amount of filtering is dependent on user
requirements. Filtering can become more useful in the absence of an external hysteresis
circuit. Without external hysteresis, high-frequency oscillations can be generated at
COUTA when the selected INM and INP input voltages differ by less than the offset
voltage of the differential comparator. Enabling filter modes

Filter modes can be enabled by:
• Setting CR0[FILTER_CNT] > 0x01 and
• Setting FPR[FILT_PER] to a nonzero value or setting CR1[SE]=1
If using the divided bus clock to drive the filter, it will take samples of COUTA every
FPR[FILT_PER] bus clock cycles.
The filter output will be at logic 0 when first initalized, and will subsequently change
when all the consecutive CR0[FILTER_CNT] samples agree that the output value has
changed. In other words, SCR[COUT] will be 0 for some initial period, even when
COUTA is at logic 1.

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 787
CMP functional description

Setting both CR1[SE] and FPR[FILT_PER] to 0 disables the filter and eliminates
switching current associated with the filtering process.
Always switch to this setting prior to making any changes in
filter parameters. This resets the filter to a known state.
Switching CR0[FILTER_CNT] on the fly without this
intermediate step can result in unexpected behavior.
If CR1[SE]=1, the filter takes samples of COUTA on each positive transition of the
sample input. The output state of the filter changes when all the consecutive
CR0[FILTER_CNT] samples agree that the output value has changed. Latency issues

The value of FPR[FILT_PER] or SAMPLE period must be set such that the sampling
period is just longer than the period of the expected noise. This way a noise spike will
corrupt only one sample. The value of CR0[FILTER_CNT] must be chosen to reduce the
probability of noisy samples causing an incorrect transition to be recognized. The
probability of an incorrect transition is defined as the probability of an incorrect sample
raised to the power of CR0[FILTER_CNT].
The values of FPR[FILT_PER] or SAMPLE period and CR0[FILTER_CNT] must also
be traded off against the desire for minimal latency in recognizing actual comparator
output transitions. The probability of detecting an actual output change within the
nominal latency is the probability of a correct sample raised to the power of
The following table summarizes maximum latency values for the various modes of
operation in the absence of noise. Filtering latency is restarted each time an actual output
transition is masked by noise.
Table 33-30. Comparator sample/filter maximum latencies
Mode # Operation Maximum latency1
1 0 X X X X Disabled N/A
2A 1 0 0 0x00 X Continuous Mode TPD
2B 1 0 0 X 0x00
3A 1 0 1 0x01 X Sampled, Non-Filtered mode TPD + TSAMPLE + Tper
3B 1 0 0 0x01 > 0x00 TPD + (FPR[FILT_PER] *
Tper) + Tper

Table continues on the next page...

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788 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)

Table 33-30. Comparator sample/filter maximum latencies (continued)

Mode # Operation Maximum latency1
4A 1 0 1 > 0x01 X Sampled, Filtered mode TPD + (CR0[FILTER_CNT] *
4B 1 0 0 > 0x01 > 0x00 TPD + (CR0[FILTER_CNT] *
FPR[FILT_PER] x Tper) + Tper
5A 1 1 0 0x00 X Windowed mode TPD + Tper
5B 1 1 0 X 0x00 TPD + Tper
6 1 1 0 0x01 0x01 - 0xFF Windowed / Resampled TPD + (FPR[FILT_PER] *
mode Tper) + 2Tper
7 1 1 0 > 0x01 0x01 - 0xFF Windowed / Filtered mode TPD + (CR0[FILTER_CNT] *
FPR[FILT_PER] x Tper) +

1. TPD represents the intrinsic delay of the analog component plus the polarity select logic. TSAMPLE is the clock period of the
external sample clock. Tper is the period of the bus clock.

33.9 CMP interrupts

The CMP module is capable of generating an interrupt on either the rising- or falling-
edge of the comparator output, or both. The following table gives the conditions in which
the interrupt request is asserted and deasserted.
When Then
SCR[IER] and SCR[CFR] are set The interrupt request is asserted
SCR[IEF] and SCR[CFF] are set The interrupt request is asserted
SCR[IER] and SCR[CFR] are cleared for a rising-edge The interrupt request is deasserted
SCR[IEF] and SCR[CFF] are cleared for a falling-edge The interrupt request is deasserted

33.10 CMP DMA support

Normally, the CMP generates a CPU interrupt if there is a change on the COUT. When
DMA support is enabled by setting SCR[DMAEN] and the interrupt is enabled by setting
SCR[IER], SCR[IEF], or both, the corresponding change on COUT forces a DMA
transfer request rather than a CPU interrupt instead. When the DMA has completed the
transfer, it sends a dma_done signal that deasserts the dma_request and clears the flag to
allow a subsequent change on comparator output to occur and force another DMA

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 789
Digital-to-analog converter block diagram

33.11 Digital-to-analog converter block diagram

The following figure shows the block diagram of the DAC module. It contains a 64-tap
resistor ladder network and a 64-to-1 multiplexer, which selects an output voltage from
one of 64 distinct levels that outputs from DACO. It is controlled through the DAC
Control Register (DACCR). Its supply reference source can be selected from two sources
Vin1 and Vin2. The module can be powered down or disabled when not in use. When in
Disabled mode, DACO is connected to the analog ground.

Vin1 Vin2




Figure 33-36. 6-bit DAC block diagram

33.12 DAC functional description

This section provides DAC functional description.

33.12.1 Voltage reference source select

• Vin1 must be used to connect to the primary voltage source as supply reference of 64
tap resistor ladder
• Vin2 must be used to connect to an alternate voltage source, or primary source, if an
alternate voltage source is not available

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790 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 33 Comparator (CMP)

33.13 DAC resets

This module has a single reset input, corresponding to the chip-wide peripheral reset.

33.14 DAC clocks

This module has a single clock input, the bus clock.

33.15 DAC interrupts

This module has no interrupts.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 791
DAC interrupts

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792 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 34
12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)

34.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is a low-power general-purpose DAC. The
output of this DAC can be placed on an external pin or set as one of the inputs to the
analog comparator, operational amplifiers (OPAMPs), analog-to-digital converter (ADC),
or other peripherals.

34.2 Features
The features of the DAC module include:
• On-chip programmable reference generator output. The voltage output range is from
1⁄4096 Vin to Vin, and the step is 1⁄4096 Vin, where Vin is the input voltage.
• Vin can be selected from two reference sources
• Static operation in Normal Stop mode
• 16-word data buffer supported with configurable watermark and multiple operation
• DMA support

34.3 Block diagram

The block diagram of the DAC module is as follows:

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Memory map/register definition



Vin AMP buffer







Hardware trigger DACBFWMF


Figure 34-1. DAC block diagram

34.4 Memory map/register definition

The DAC has registers to control analog comparator and programmable voltage divider
to perform the digital-to-analog functions.

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Chapter 34 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)

The below memory map describes 2 DACs (DAC0 and DAC1)

The address of a register is the sum of a base address and an address offset. The base
address is defined at the chip level. The address offset is defined at the module level.

DAC memory map

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
400C_C000 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT0L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C001 DAC Data High Register (DAC0_DATH) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.2/796
400C_C002 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT1L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C004 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT2L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C006 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT3L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C008 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT4L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C00A DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT5L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C00C DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT6L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C00E DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT7L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C010 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT8L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C012 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT9L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C014 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT10L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C016 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT11L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C018 DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT12L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C01A DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT13L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C01C DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT14L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C01E DAC Data Low Register (DAC0_DAT15L) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.1/795
400C_C020 DAC Status Register (DAC0_SR) 8 R 02h 34.4.3/796
400C_C021 DAC Control Register (DAC0_C0) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.4/797
400C_C022 DAC Control Register 1 (DAC0_C1) 8 R/W 00h 34.4.5/798
400C_C023 DAC Control Register 2 (DAC0_C2) 8 R/W 0Fh 34.4.6/799

34.4.1 DAC Data Low Register (DACx_DATnL)

Address: 400C_C000h base + 0h offset + (2d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read DATA[7:0]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Memory map/register definition

DACx_DATnL field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 When the DAC buffer is not enabled, DATA[11:0] controls the output voltage based on the following
DATA[7:0] formula: Vout = Vin * (1 + DACDAT0[11:0])/4096
When the DAC buffer is enabled, DATA is mapped to the 16-word buffer.

34.4.2 DAC Data High Register (DACx_DATH)

Address: 400C_C000h base + 1h offset = 400C_C001h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 DATA[11:8]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DACx_DATnH field descriptions

Field Description
7–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3–0 When the DAC Buffer is not enabled, DATA[11:0] controls the output voltage based on the following
DATA[11:8] formula. Vout = Vin * (1 + DACDAT0[11:0])/4096
When the DAC buffer is enabled, DATA[11:0] is mapped to the 16-word buffer.

34.4.3 DAC Status Register (DACx_SR)

If DMA is enabled, the flags can be cleared automatically by DMA when the DMA
request is done. Writing 0 to a field clears it whereas writing 1 has no effect. After reset,
DACBFRPTF is set and can be cleared by software, if needed. The flags are set only
when the data buffer status is changed.
Address: 400C_C000h base + 20h offset = 400C_C020h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Write F F F
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

DACx_SR field descriptions

Field Description
7–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 DAC Buffer Watermark Flag
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Chapter 34 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)

DACx_SR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The DAC buffer read pointer has not reached the watermark level.
1 The DAC buffer read pointer has reached the watermark level.
1 DAC Buffer Read Pointer Top Position Flag
0 The DAC buffer read pointer is not zero.
1 The DAC buffer read pointer is zero.
0 DAC Buffer Read Pointer Bottom Position Flag
0 The DAC buffer read pointer is not equal to C2[DACBFUP].
1 The DAC buffer read pointer is equal to C2[DACBFUP].

34.4.4 DAC Control Register (DACx_C0)

Address: 400C_C000h base + 21h offset = 400C_C021h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DACx_C0 field descriptions

Field Description
7 DAC Enable
Starts the Programmable Reference Generator operation.

0 The DAC system is disabled.

1 The DAC system is enabled.
6 DAC Reference Select
0 The DAC selects DACREF_1 as the reference voltage.
1 The DAC selects DACREF_2 as the reference voltage.
5 DAC Trigger Select
0 The DAC hardware trigger is selected.
1 The DAC software trigger is selected.
4 DAC Software Trigger
Active high. This is a write-only field, which always reads 0. If DAC software trigger is selected and buffer
is enabled, writing 1 to this field will advance the buffer read pointer once.

0 The DAC soft trigger is not valid.

1 The DAC soft trigger is valid.
3 DAC Low Power Control

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 797
Memory map/register definition

DACx_C0 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: See the 12-bit DAC electrical characteristics of the device data sheet for details on the impact of
the modes below.

0 High-Power mode
1 Low-Power mode
2 DAC Buffer Watermark Interrupt Enable
0 The DAC buffer watermark interrupt is disabled.
1 The DAC buffer watermark interrupt is enabled.
1 DAC Buffer Read Pointer Top Flag Interrupt Enable
0 The DAC buffer read pointer top flag interrupt is disabled.
1 The DAC buffer read pointer top flag interrupt is enabled.
0 DAC Buffer Read Pointer Bottom Flag Interrupt Enable
0 The DAC buffer read pointer bottom flag interrupt is disabled.
1 The DAC buffer read pointer bottom flag interrupt is enabled.

34.4.5 DAC Control Register 1 (DACx_C1)

Address: 400C_C000h base + 22h offset = 400C_C022h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DACx_C1 field descriptions

Field Description
7 DMA Enable Select
0 DMA is disabled.
1 DMA is enabled. When DMA is enabled, the DMA request will be generated by original interrupts. The
interrupts will not be presented on this module at the same time.
6–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4–3 DAC Buffer Watermark Select
Controls when SR[DACBFWMF] will be set. When the DAC buffer read pointer reaches the word defined
by this field, which is 1–4 words away from the upper limit (DACBUP), SR[DACBFWMF] will be set. This
allows user configuration of the watermark interrupt.

00 1 word
01 2 words
10 3 words
11 4 words

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Chapter 34 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)

DACx_C1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
2–1 DAC Buffer Work Mode Select
00 Normal mode
01 Swing mode
01 Reserved
10 One-Time Scan mode
11 Reserved
0 DAC Buffer Enable
0 Buffer read pointer is disabled. The converted data is always the first word of the buffer.
1 Buffer read pointer is enabled. The converted data is the word that the read pointer points to. It means
converted data can be from any word of the buffer.

34.4.6 DAC Control Register 2 (DACx_C2)

Address: 400C_C000h base + 23h offset = 400C_C023h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

DACx_C2 field descriptions

Field Description
7–4 DAC Buffer Read Pointer
Keeps the current value of the buffer read pointer.
3–0 DAC Buffer Upper Limit
Selects the upper limit of the DAC buffer. The buffer read pointer cannot exceed it.

34.5 Functional description

The 12-bit DAC module can select one of the two reference inputs—DACREF_1 and
DACREF_2 as the DAC reference voltage, Vin by C0[DACRFS]. See the module
introduction for information on the source for DACREF_1 and DACREF_2.
When the DAC is enabled, it converts the data in DACDAT0[11:0] or the data from the
DAC data buffer to a stepped analog output voltage. The output voltage range is from Vin
to Vin∕4096, and the step is Vin∕4096.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 799
Functional description

34.5.1 DAC data buffer operation

When the DAC is enabled and the buffer is not enabled, the DAC module always
converts the data in DAT0 to analog output voltage.
When both the DAC and the buffer are enabled, the DAC converts the data in the data
buffer to analog output voltage. The data buffer read pointer advances to the next word
whenever any hardware or software trigger event occurs. Refer to Introduction for the
hardware trigger connection.
The data buffer can be configured to operate in Normal mode, Swing mode, or One-Time
Scan mode. When the buffer operation is switched from one mode to another, the read
pointer does not change. The read pointer can be set to any value between 0 and
C2[DACBFUP] by writing C2[DACBFRP]. DAC data buffer interrupts

There are several interrupts and associated flags that can be configured for the DAC
buffer. SR[DACBFRPBF] is set when the DAC buffer read pointer reaches the DAC
buffer upper limit, that is, C2[DACBFRP] = C2[DACBFUP]. SR[DACBFRPTF] is set
when the DAC read pointer is equal to the start position, 0. Finally, SR[DACBFWMF] is
set when the DAC buffer read pointer has reached the position defined by
C1[DACBFWM]. C1[DACBFWM] can be used to generate an interrupt when the DAC
buffer read pointer is between 1 to 4 words from C2[DACBFUP]. Modes of DAC data buffer operation

The following table describes the different modes of data buffer operation for the DAC
Table 34-47. Modes of DAC data buffer operation
Modes Description
This is the default mode. The buffer works as a circular buffer.
The read pointer increases by one, every time the trigger
Buffer Normal mode
occurs. When the read pointer reaches the upper limit, it goes
to 0 directly in the next trigger event.
This mode is similar to the normal mode. However, when the
Buffer Swing mode read pointer reaches the upper limit, it does not go to 0. It will
descend by 1 in the next trigger events until 0 is reached.

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 34 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)

Table 34-47. Modes of DAC data buffer operation (continued)

Modes Description
The read pointer increases by 1 every time the trigger occurs.
When it reaches the upper limit, it stops there. If read pointer
is reset to the address other than the upper limit, it will
Buffer One-time Scan mode increase to the upper address and stop there again.

NOTE: If the software set the read pointer to the upper limit,
the read pointer will not advance in this mode.

34.5.2 DMA operation

When DMA is enabled, DMA requests are generated instead of interrupt requests. The
DMA Done signal clears the DMA request.
The status register flags are still set and are cleared automatically when the DMA

34.5.3 Resets
During reset, the DAC is configured in the default mode and is disabled.

34.5.4 Low-Power mode operation

The following table shows the wait mode and the stop mode operation of the DAC
Table 34-48. Modes of operation
Modes of operation Description
Wait mode The DAC will operate normally, if enabled.
If enabled, the DAC module continues to operate
in Normal Stop mode and the output voltage will
Stop mode hold the value before stop.

In low-power stop modes, the DAC is fully

shut down.

The assignment of module modes to core modes is chip-
specific. For module-to-core mode assignments, see the chapter
that describes how modules are configured.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 801
Functional description

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802 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 35
Voltage Reference (VREFV1)

35.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The Voltage Reference(VREF) is intended to supply an accurate voltage output that can
be trimmed in 0.5 mV steps. The VREF can be used in applications to provide a reference
voltage to external devices or used internally as a reference to analog peripherals such as
the ADC, DAC, or CMP. The voltage reference has three operating modes that provide
different levels of supply rejection and power consumption..
The following figure is a block diagram of the Voltage Reference.

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TRM 1.75 V Regulator

1.75 V





Figure 35-1. Voltage reference block diagram

35.1.1 Overview
The Voltage Reference provides a buffered reference voltage for use as an external
reference. In addition, the buffered reference is available internally for use with on chip
peripherals such as ADCs and DACs. Refer to the chip configuration chapter for a
description of these options. The reference voltage is output on a dedicated output pin
when the VREF is enabled. The Voltage Reference output can be trimmed with a
resolution of 0.5mV by means of the TRM register TRIM[5:0] bitfield.

35.1.2 Features
The Voltage Reference has the following features:
• Programmable trim register with 0.5 mV steps, automatically loaded with factory
trimmed value upon reset
• Programmable buffer mode selection:
• Off

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Chapter 35 Voltage Reference (VREFV1)

• Bandgap enabled/standby (output buffer disabled)

• Low power buffer mode (output buffer enabled)
• High power buffer mode (output buffer enabled)
• 1.2 V output at room temperature
• Dedicated output pin, VREF_OUT

35.1.3 Modes of Operation

The Voltage Reference continues normal operation in Run, Wait, and Stop modes. The
Voltage Reference can also run in Very Low Power Run (VLPR), Very Low Power Wait
(VLPW) and Very Low Power Stop (VLPS). If it is desired to use the VREF regulator in
the very low power modes, the system reference voltage must be enabled in these modes.
Refer to the chip configuration chapter for information on enabling this mode of
operation. Having the VREF regulator enabled does increase current consumption. In
very low power modes it may be desirable to disable the VREF regulator to minimize
current consumption. Note however that the accuracy of the output voltage will be
reduced (by as much as several mVs) when the VREF regulator is not used. .
The assignment of module modes to core modes is chip-
specific. For module-to-core mode assignments, see the chapter
that describes how modules are configured.

35.1.4 VREF Signal Descriptions

The following table shows the Voltage Reference signals properties.
Table 35-1. VREF Signal Descriptions
Signal Description I/O
VREF_OUT Internally-generated Voltage Reference output O

When the VREF output buffer is disabled, the status of the
VREF_OUT signal is high-impedence.

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Memory Map and Register Definition

35.2 Memory Map and Register Definition

VREF memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4007_4000 VREF Trim Register (VREF_TRM) 8 R/W See section 35.2.1/806
4007_4001 VREF Status and Control Register (VREF_SC) 8 R/W 00h 35.2.2/807

35.2.1 VREF Trim Register (VREF_TRM)

This register contains bits that contain the trim data for the Voltage Reference.
Address: 4007_4000h base + 0h offset = 4007_4000h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* 0 x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

VREF_TRM field descriptions

Field Description
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved Upon reset this value is loaded with a factory trim value.
6 Chop oscillator enable. When set, internal chopping operation is enabled and the internal analog offset will
CHOPEN be minimized.

This bit is set during factory trimming of the VREF voltage. This bit should be written to 1 to achieve the
performance stated in the data sheet.

0 Chop oscillator is disabled.

1 Chop oscillator is enabled.
5–0 Trim bits
These bits change the resulting VREF by approximately ± 0.5 mV for each step.

NOTE: Min = minimum and max = maximum voltage reference output. For minimum and maximum
voltage reference output values, refer to the Data Sheet for this chip.

000000 Min
.... ....
111111 Max

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806 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 35 Voltage Reference (VREFV1)

35.2.2 VREF Status and Control Register (VREF_SC)

This register contains the control bits used to enable the internal voltage reference and to
select the buffer mode to be used.
Address: 4007_4000h base + 1h offset = 4007_4001h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 VREFST
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

VREF_SC field descriptions

Field Description
7 Internal Voltage Reference enable
This bit is used to enable the bandgap reference within the Voltage Reference module.

NOTE: After the VREF is enabled, turning off the clock to the VREF module via the corresponding clock
gate register will not disable the VREF. VREF must be disabled via this VREFEN bit.

0 The module is disabled.

1 The module is enabled.
6 Regulator enable
This bit is used to enable the internal 1.75 V regulator to produce a constant internal voltage supply in
order to reduce the sensitivity to external supply noise and variation. If it is desired to keep the regulator
enabled in very low power modes, refer to the Chip Configuration chapter for a description on how this can
be achieved.
This bit is set during factory trimming of the VREF voltage. This bit should be written to 1 to achieve the
performance stated in the data sheet.

0 Internal 1.75 V regulator is disabled.

1 Internal 1.75 V regulator is enabled.
5 Second order curvature compensation enable
This bit is set during factory trimming of the VREF voltage. This bit should be written to 1 to achieve the
performance stated in the data sheet.

0 Disabled
1 Enabled
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Internal Voltage Reference stable
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Functional Description

VREF_SC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
This bit indicates that the bandgap reference within the Voltage Reference module has completed its
startup and stabilization.

0 The module is disabled or not stable.

1 The module is stable.
1–0 Buffer Mode selection
These bits select the buffer modes for the Voltage Reference module.

00 Bandgap on only, for stabilization and startup

01 High power buffer mode enabled
10 Low-power buffer mode enabled
11 Reserved

35.3 Functional Description

The Voltage Reference is a bandgap buffer system. Unity gain amplifiers are used.
The VREF_OUT signal can be used by both internal and external peripherals in low and
high power buffer mode. A 100 nF capacitor must always be connected between
VREF_OUT and VSSA if the VREF is being used.
The following table shows all possible function configurations of the Voltage Reference.
Table 35-5. Voltage Reference function configurations
SC[VREFEN] SC[MODE_LV] Configuration Functionality
0 X Voltage Reference disabled Off
1 00 Voltage Reference enabled, Startup and standby
bandgap on only
1 01 Voltage Reference enabled, VREF_OUT available for
high-power buffer on internal and external use. 100
nF capacitor is required.
1 10 Voltage Reference enabled, VREF_OUT available for
low power buffer on internal and external use. 100
nF capacitor is required.
1 11 Reserved Reserved

35.3.1 Voltage Reference Disabled, SC[VREFEN] = 0

When SC[VREFEN] = 0, the Voltage Reference is disabled, the VREF bandgap and the
output buffers are disabled. The Voltage Reference is in off mode.

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808 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 35 Voltage Reference (VREFV1)

35.3.2 Voltage Reference Enabled, SC[VREFEN] = 1

When SC[VREFEN] = 1, the Voltage Reference is enabled, and different modes should
be set by the SC[MODE_LV] bits. SC[MODE_LV]=00
The internal VREF bandgap is enabled to generate an accurate 1.2 V output that can be
trimmed with the TRM register's TRIM[5:0] bitfield. The bandgap requires some time for
startup and stabilization. SC[VREFST] can be monitored to determine if the stabilization
and startup is complete.
The output buffer is disabled in this mode, and there is no buffered voltage output. The
Voltage Reference is in standby mode. If this mode is first selected and the low power or
high power buffer mode is subsequently enabled, there will be a delay before the buffer
output is settled at the final value. This is the buffer start up delay (Tstup) and the value is
specified in the appropriate device data sheet. SC[MODE_LV] = 01
The internal VREF bandgap is on. The high power buffer is enabled to generate a
buffered 1.2 V voltage to VREF_OUT. It can also be used as a reference to internal
analog peripherals such as an ADC channel or analog comparator input.
If this mode is entered from the standby mode (SC[MODE_LV] = 00, SC[VREFEN] = 1)
there will be a delay before the buffer output is settled at the final value. This is the buffer
start up delay (Tstup) and the value is specified in the appropriate device data sheet. If
this mode is entered when the VREF module is enabled then you must wait the longer of
Tstup or until SC[VREFST] = 1.
In this mode, a 100 nF capacitor is required to connect between the VREF_OUT pin and
The internal VREF bandgap is on. The low power buffer is enabled to generate a buffered
1.2 V voltage to VREF_OUT. It can also be used as a reference to internal analog
peripherals such as an ADC channel or analog comparator input.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 809
Initialization/Application Information

If this mode is entered from the standby mode (SC[MODE_LV] = 00, SC[VREFEN] = 1)
there will be a delay before the buffer output is settled at the final value. This is the buffer
start up delay (Tstup) and the value is specified in the appropriate device data sheet. If
this mode is entered when the VREF module is enabled then you must wait the longer of
Tstup or until SC[VREFST] = 1.
In this mode, a 100 nF capacitor is required to connect between the VREF_OUT pin and

35.4 Initialization/Application Information

The Voltage Reference requires some time for startup and stabilization. After
SC[VREFEN] = 1, SC[VREFST] can be monitored to determine if the stabilization and
startup is completed.
When the Voltage Reference is already enabled and stabilized, changing SC[MODE_LV]
will not clear SC[VREFST] but there will be some startup time before the output voltage
at the VREF_OUT pin has settled. This is the buffer start up delay (Tstup) and the value
is specified in the appropriate device data sheet. Also, there will be some settling time
when a step change of the load current is applied to the VREF_OUT pin. When the 1.75V
VREF regulator is disabled, the VREF_OUT voltage will be more sensitive to supply
voltage variation. It is recommended to use this regulator to achieve optimum
VREF_OUT performance.
The TRM[CHOPEN], SC[REGEN] and SC[ICOMPEN] bits are written to 1 during
factory trimming of the VREF voltage. These bits should be written to 1 to achieve the
perfromance stated in the device data sheet.

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810 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 36
Programmable Delay Block (PDB)

36.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The Programmable Delay Block (PDB) provides controllable delays from either an
internal or an external trigger, or a programmable interval tick, to the hardware trigger
inputs of ADCs and/or generates the interval triggers to DACs, so that the precise timing
between ADC conversions and/or DAC updates can be achieved. The PDB can
optionally provide pulse outputs (Pulse-Out's) that are used as the sample window in the
CMP block.

36.1.1 Features
• Up to 15 trigger input sources and software trigger source
• Up to eight configurable PDB channels for ADC hardware trigger
• One PDB channel is associated with one ADC.
• One trigger output for ADC hardware trigger and up to eight pre-trigger outputs
for ADC trigger select per PDB channel
• Trigger outputs can be enabled or disabled independently.
• One 16-bit delay register per pre-trigger output
• Optional bypass of the delay registers of the pre-trigger outputs
• Operation in One-Shot or Continuous modes

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 811

• Optional back-to-back mode operation, which enables the ADC conversions

complete to trigger the next PDB channel
• One programmable delay interrupt
• One sequence error interrupt
• One channel flag and one sequence error flag per pre-trigger
• DMA support
• Up to eight DAC interval triggers
• One interval trigger output per DAC
• One 16-bit delay interval register per DAC trigger output
• Optional bypass of the delay interval trigger registers
• Optional external triggers
• Up to eight pulse outputs (pulse-out's)
• Pulse-out's can be enabled or disabled independently.
• Programmable pulse width

The number of PDB input and output triggers are chip-specific.
See the chip configuration information for details.

36.1.2 Implementation
In this section, the following letters refer to the number of output triggers:
• N — Total available number of PDB channels.
• n — PDB channel number, valid from 0 to N-1.
• M — Total available pre-trigger per PDB channel.
• m — Pre-trigger number, valid from 0 to M-1.
• X — Total number of DAC interval triggers.
• x — DAC interval trigger output number, valid from 0 to X-1.

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812 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 36 Programmable Delay Block (PDB)

• Y — Total number of Pulse-Out's.

• y — Pulse-Out number, valid value is from 0 to Y-1.

The number of module output triggers to core is chip-specific.
For module to core output triggers implementation, see the chip
configuration information.

36.1.3 Back-to-back acknowledgment connections

PDB back-to-back operation acknowledgment connections are chip-specific. For
implementation, see the chip configuration information.

36.1.4 DAC External Trigger Input Connections

The implementation of DAC external trigger inputs is chip-specific. See the chip
configuration information for details.

36.1.5 Block diagram

This diagram illustrates the major components of the PDB.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 813

Ack 0

= Pre-trigger 0

Ch n pre-trigger 0 BB[0], TOS[0] EN[0]

Ack m

= Pre-trigger m

Ch n pre-trigger m BB[m], TOS[m] EN[m]

Sequence Error

ERR[M - 1:0]
Ch n trigger

PDBMOD Control
= Logic DACINTx
PDBCNT = DAC interval trigger x
DAC Interval
PDB Counter Counter x
DAC ext trigger input x
DAC interval trigger x
Trigger-In 0
Trigger-In 1

= Pulse Pulse-Out y
Trigger-In 14
Pulse-Out y

= PDB interrupt

Figure 36-1. PDB block diagram

In this diagram, only one PDB channel n, one DAC interval trigger x, and one Pulse-Out
y is shown. The PDB enable control logic and the sequence error interrupt logic is not

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814 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 36 Programmable Delay Block (PDB)

36.1.6 Modes of operation

PDB ADC trigger operates in the following modes.
Disabled: Counter is off, all pre-trigger and trigger outputs are low if PDB is not in back-
to-back operation of Bypass mode.
Debug: Counter is paused when processor is in Debug mode, and the counter for dac
trigger is also paused in Debug mode.
Enabled One-Shot: Counter is enabled and restarted at count zero upon receiving a
positive edge on the selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and
SC[SWTRIG] is written with 1. In each PDB channel, an enabled pre-trigger asserts once
per trigger input event. The trigger output asserts whenever any of the pre-triggers is
Enabled Continuous: Counter is enabled and restarted at count zero. The counter is
rolled over to zero again when the count reaches the value specified in the modulus
register, and the counting is restarted. This enables a continuous stream of pre-triggers/
trigger outputs as a result of a single trigger input event.
Enabled Bypassed: The pre-trigger and trigger outputs assert immediately after a
positive edge on the selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and
SC[SWTRIG] is written with 1, that is the delay registers are bypassed. It is possible to
bypass any one or more of the delay registers; therefore, this mode can be used in
conjunction with One-Shot or Continuous mode.

36.2 PDB signal descriptions

This table shows the detailed description of the external signal.
Table 36-1. PDB signal descriptions
Signal Description I/O
EXTRG External Trigger Input Source I
If the PDB is enabled and external trigger input source is selected, a
positive edge on the EXTRG signal resets and starts the counter.

36.3 Memory map and register definition

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Memory map and register definition

PDB memory map

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4003_6000 Status and Control Register (PDB0_SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.1/817
4003_6004 Modulus Register (PDB0_MOD) 32 R/W 0000_FFFFh 36.3.2/819
4003_6008 Counter Register (PDB0_CNT) 32 R 0000_0000h 36.3.3/820
4003_600C Interrupt Delay Register (PDB0_IDLY) 32 R/W 0000_FFFFh 36.3.4/820
4003_6010 Channel n Control Register 1 (PDB0_CH0C1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.5/821
4003_6014 Channel n Status Register (PDB0_CH0S) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 36.3.6/822
4003_6018 Channel n Delay 0 Register (PDB0_CH0DLY0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.7/822
4003_601C Channel n Delay 1 Register (PDB0_CH0DLY1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.8/823
4003_6038 Channel n Control Register 1 (PDB0_CH1C1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.5/821
4003_603C Channel n Status Register (PDB0_CH1S) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 36.3.6/822
4003_6040 Channel n Delay 0 Register (PDB0_CH1DLY0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.7/822
4003_6044 Channel n Delay 1 Register (PDB0_CH1DLY1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.8/823
4003_6150 DAC Interval Trigger n Control Register (PDB0_DACINTC0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 36.3.9/823
4003_6154 DAC Interval n Register (PDB0_DACINT0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_6190 Pulse-Out n Enable Register (PDB0_POEN) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_6194 Pulse-Out n Delay Register (PDB0_PO0DLY) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_6198 Pulse-Out n Delay Register (PDB0_PO1DLY) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_619C Pulse-Out n Delay Register (PDB0_PO2DLY) 32 R/W 0000_0000h

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Chapter 36 Programmable Delay Block (PDB)

36.3.1 Status and Control Register (PDBx_SC)

Address: 4003_6000h base + 0h offset = 4003_6000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0





Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PDBx_SC field descriptions

Field Description
31–20 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
19–18 Load Mode Select
Selects the mode to load the MOD, IDLY, CHnDLYm, INTx, and POyDLY registers, after 1 is written to

00 The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers immediately after 1 is written to
01 The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when the PDB counter reaches
the MOD register value after 1 is written to LDOK.
10 The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when a trigger input event is
detected after 1 is written to LDOK.
11 The internal registers are loaded with the values from their buffers when either the PDB counter
reaches the MOD register value or a trigger input event is detected, after 1 is written to LDOK.
17 PDB Sequence Error Interrupt Enable
Enables the PDB sequence error interrupt. When this bit is set, any of the PDB channel sequence error
flags generates a PDB sequence error interrupt.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register definition

PDBx_SC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 PDB sequence error interrupt disabled.
1 PDB sequence error interrupt enabled.
16 Software Trigger
When PDB is enabled and the software trigger is selected as the trigger input source, writing 1 to this bit
reset and restarts the counter. Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. Reading this bit results 0.
15 DMA Enable
When DMA is enabled, the PDBIF flag generates a DMA request instead of an interrupt.

0 DMA disabled
1 DMA enabled
14–12 Prescaler Divider Select
000 Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by multiplication factor selected by MULT.
001 Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by twice of the multiplication factor selected by MULT.
010 Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by four times of the multiplication factor selected by
011 Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by eight times of the multiplication factor selected by
100 Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 16 times of the multiplication factor selected by
101 Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 32 times of the multiplication factor selected by
110 Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 64 times of the multiplication factor selected by
111 Counting uses the peripheral clock divided by 128 times of the multiplication factor selected by
11–8 Trigger Input Source Select
Selects the trigger input source for the PDB. The trigger input source can be internal or external (EXTRG
pin), or the software trigger. Please refer to Chip Configuration chapter for the actual PDB input trigger

0000 Trigger-In 0 is selected

0001 Trigger-In 1 is selected
0010 Trigger-In 2 is selected
0011 Trigger-In 3 is selected
0100 Trigger-In 4 is selected
0101 Trigger-In 5 is selected
0110 Trigger-In 6 is selected
0111 Trigger-In 7 is selected
1000 Trigger-In 8 is selected
1001 Trigger-In 9 is selected
1010 Trigger-In 10 is selected
1011 Trigger-In 11 is selected
1100 Trigger-In 12 is selected
1101 Trigger-In 13 is selected
1110 Trigger-In 14 is selected
1111 Software trigger is selected

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Chapter 36 Programmable Delay Block (PDB)

PDBx_SC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
7 PDB Enable
0 PDB disabled. Counter is off.
1 PDB enabled.
6 PDB Interrupt Flag
This bit is set when the counter value is equal to the IDLY register. Writing zero clears this bit.
5 PDB Interrupt Enable.
Enables the PDB interrupt. When this bit is set and DMAEN is cleared, PDBIF generates a PDB interrupt.

0 PDB interrupt disabled

1 PDB interrupt enabled
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3–2 Multiplication Factor Select for Prescaler
This bit selects the multiplication factor of the prescaler divider for the counter clock.

00 Multiplication factor is 1
01 Multiplication factor is 10
10 Multiplication factor is 20
11 Multiplication factor is 40
1 Continuous Mode Enable
Enables the PDB operation in Continuous mode.

0 PDB operation in One-Shot mode

1 PDB operation in Continuous mode
0 Load OK
Writing 1 to this bit updates the internal registers of MOD, IDLY, CHnDLYm, DACINTx,and POyDLY with
the values written to their buffers. The MOD, IDLY, CHnDLYm, DACINTx, and POyDLY will take effect
according to the LDMOD.
After 1 is written to LDOK bit, the values in the buffers of above registers are not effective and the buffers
cannot be written until the values in buffers are loaded into their internal registers.
LDOK can be written only when PDBEN is set or it can be written at the same time with PDBEN being
written to 1. It is automatically cleared when the values in buffers are loaded into the internal registers or
the PDBEN is cleared. Writing 0 to it has no effect.

36.3.2 Modulus Register (PDBx_MOD)

Address: 4003_6000h base + 4h offset = 4003_6004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 819
Memory map and register definition

PDBx_MOD field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 PDB Modulus
Specifies the period of the counter. When the counter reaches this value, it will be reset back to zero. If the
PDB is in Continuous mode, the count begins anew. Reading these bits returns the value of internal
register that is effective for the current cycle of PDB.

36.3.3 Counter Register (PDBx_CNT)

Address: 4003_6000h base + 8h offset = 4003_6008h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PDBx_CNT field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 PDB Counter
Contains the current value of the counter.

36.3.4 Interrupt Delay Register (PDBx_IDLY)

Address: 4003_6000h base + Ch offset = 4003_600Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PDBx_IDLY field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 PDB Interrupt Delay
Specifies the delay value to schedule the PDB interrupt. It can be used to schedule an independent
interrupt at some point in the PDB cycle. If enabled, a PDB interrupt is generated, when the counter is
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 36 Programmable Delay Block (PDB)

PDBx_IDLY field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
equal to the IDLY. Reading these bits returns the value of internal register that is effective for the current
cycle of the PDB.

36.3.5 Channel n Control Register 1 (PDBx_CHnC1)

Each PDB channel has one Control Register, CHnC1. The bits in this register control the
functionality of each PDB channel operation.
Address: 4003_6000h base + 10h offset + (40d × i), where i=0d to 1d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PDBx_CHnC1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–24 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
23–16 PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Back-to-Back Operation Enable
These bits enable the PDB ADC pre-trigger operation as back-to-back mode. Only lower M pre-trigger bits
are implemented in this MCU. Back-to-back operation enables the ADC conversions complete to trigger
the next PDB channel pre-trigger and trigger output, so that the ADC conversions can be triggered on next
set of configuration and results registers. Application code must only enable the back-to-back operation of
the PDB pre-triggers at the leading of the back-to-back connection chain.

0 PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation disabled.

1 PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger back-to-back operation enabled.
15–8 PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Output Select
These bits select the PDB ADC pre-trigger outputs. Only lower M pre-trigger bits are implemented in this

0 PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger is in bypassed mode. The pre-trigger asserts one peripheral
clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is
selected and SWTRIG is written with 1.
1 PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger asserts when the counter reaches the channel delay register
and one peripheral clock cycle after a rising edge is detected on selected trigger input source or
software trigger is selected and SETRIG is written with 1.
7–0 PDB Channel Pre-Trigger Enable
These bits enable the PDB ADC pre-trigger outputs. Only lower M pre-trigger bits are implemented in this

0 PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger disabled.

1 PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger enabled.

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Memory map and register definition

36.3.6 Channel n Status Register (PDBx_CHnS)

Address: 4003_6000h base + 14h offset + (40d × i), where i=0d to 1d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PDBx_CHnS field descriptions

Field Description
31–24 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
23–16 PDB Channel Flags
The CF[m] bit is set when the PDB counter matches the CHnDLYm. Write 0 to clear these bits.
15–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–0 PDB Channel Sequence Error Flags
Only the lower M bits are implemented in this MCU.

0 Sequence error not detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger.

1 Sequence error detected on PDB channel's corresponding pre-trigger. ADCn block can be triggered
for a conversion by one pre-trigger from PDB channel n. When one conversion, which is triggered by
one of the pre-triggers from PDB channel n, is in progress, new trigger from PDB channel's
corresponding pre-trigger m cannot be accepted by ADCn, and ERR[m] is set. Writing 1’s to clear the
sequence error flags.

36.3.7 Channel n Delay 0 Register (PDBx_CHnDLY0)

Address: 4003_6000h base + 18h offset + (40d × i), where i=0d to 1d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PDBx_CHnDLY0 field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 PDB Channel Delay
These bits specify the delay value for the channel's corresponding pre-trigger. The pre-trigger asserts
when the counter is equal to DLY. Reading these bits returns the value of internal register that is effective
for the current PDB cycle.

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Chapter 36 Programmable Delay Block (PDB)

36.3.8 Channel n Delay 1 Register (PDBx_CHnDLY1)

Address: 4003_6000h base + 1Ch offset + (40d × i), where i=0d to 1d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PDBx_CHnDLY1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 PDB Channel Delay
These bits specify the delay value for the channel's corresponding pre-trigger. The pre-trigger asserts
when the counter is equal to DLY. Reading these bits returns the value of internal register that is effective
for the current PDB cycle.

36.3.9 DAC Interval Trigger n Control Register (PDBx_DACINTCn)

Address: 4003_6000h base + 150h offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 0d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PDBx_DACINTCn field descriptions

Field Description
31–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 DAC External Trigger Input Enable
This bit enables the external trigger for DAC interval counter.

0 DAC external trigger input disabled. DAC interval counter is reset and started counting when a rising
edge is detected on selected trigger input source or software trigger is selected and SWTRIG is
written with 1.
1 DAC external trigger input enabled. DAC interval counter is bypassed and DAC external trigger input
triggers the DAC interval trigger.

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Memory map and register definition

PDBx_DACINTCn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 DAC Interval Trigger Enable
This bit enables the DAC interval trigger.

0 DAC interval trigger disabled.

1 DAC interval trigger enabled.

36.3.10 DAC Interval n Register (PDBx_DACINTn)

Address: 4003_6000h base + 154h offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 0d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PDBx_DACINTn field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 DAC Interval
These bits specify the interval value for DAC interval trigger. DAC interval trigger triggers DAC[1:0] update
when the DAC interval counter is equal to the DACINT. Reading these bits returns the value of internal
register that is effective for the current PDB cycle.

36.3.11 Pulse-Out n Enable Register (PDBx_POEN)

Address: 4003_6000h base + 190h offset = 4003_6190h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PDBx_POEN field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–0 PDB Pulse-Out Enable
These bits enable the pulse output. Only lower Y bits are implemented in this MCU.
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Chapter 36 Programmable Delay Block (PDB)

PDBx_POEN field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 PDB Pulse-Out disabled
1 PDB Pulse-Out enabled

36.3.12 Pulse-Out n Delay Register (PDBx_POnDLY)

Address: 4003_6000h base + 194h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 2d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PDBx_POnDLY field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 PDB Pulse-Out Delay 1
These bits specify the delay 1 value for the PDB Pulse-Out. Pulse-Out goes high when the PDB counter is
equal to the DLY1. Reading these bits returns the value of internal register that is effective for the current
PDB cycle.
15–0 PDB Pulse-Out Delay 2
These bits specify the delay 2 value for the PDB Pulse-Out. Pulse-Out goes low when the PDB counter is
equal to the DLY2. Reading these bits returns the value of internal register that is effective for the current
PDB cycle.

36.4 Functional description

36.4.1 PDB pre-trigger and trigger outputs

The PDB contains a counter whose output is compared against several different digital
values. If the PDB is enabled, a trigger input event will reset the counter and make it start
to count. A trigger input event is defined as a rising edge being detected on selected
trigger input source or software trigger being selected and SC[SWTRIG] is written with
1. For each channel, delay m determines the time between assertion of the trigger input
event to the point at which changes in the pre-trigger m output signal is initiated. The
time is defined as:

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 825
Functional description

• Trigger input event to pre-trigger m = (prescaler X multiplication factor X delay m) +

2 peripheral clock cycles
• Add one additional peripheral clock cycle to determine the time at which the channel
trigger output change.

Each channel is associated with one ADC block. PDB channel n pre-trigger outputs 0 to
M and trigger output is connected to ADC hardware trigger select and hardware trigger
inputs. The pre-triggers are used to precondition the ADC block prior to the actual
trigger. The ADC contains M sets of configuration and result registers, allowing it to
operate in a ping-pong fashion, alternating conversions between M different analog
sources. The pre-trigger outputs are used to specify which signal will be sampled next.
When pre-trigger m is asserted, the ADC conversion is triggered with set m of the
configuration and result registers.
The waveforms shown in the following diagram illustrate the pre-trigger and trigger
outputs of PDB channel n. The delays can be independently set via the CHnDLYm
registers. And the pre-triggers can be enabled or disabled in CHnC1[EN[m]].
Trigger input event

Ch n pre-trigger 0

Ch n pre-trigger 1

... ... ... ...

Ch n pre-trigger M

Ch n trigger

Figure 36-52. Pre-trigger and trigger outputs

The delay in CHnDLYm register can be optionally bypassed, if CHnC1[TOS[m]] is

cleared. In this case, when the trigger input event occurs, the pre-trigger m is asserted
after two peripheral clock cycles.
The PDB can be configured in back-to-back operation. Back-to-back operation enables
the ADC conversions complete to trigger the next PDB channel pre-trigger and trigger
outputs, so that the ADC conversions can be triggered on next set of configuration and
results registers. When back-to-back is enabled by setting CHnC1[BB[m]], the delay m is
ignored and the pre-trigger m is asserted two peripheral cycles after the acknowledgment
m is received. The acknowledgment connections in this MCU is described in Back-to-
back acknowledgment connections.

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Chapter 36 Programmable Delay Block (PDB)

When an ADC conversion, which is triggered by one of the pre-triggers from PDB
channel n, is in progress and ADCnSC1[COCO] is not set, a new trigger from PDB
channel n pre-trigger m cannot be accepted by ADCn. Therefore every time when one
PDB channel n pre-trigger and trigger output starts an ADC conversion, an internal lock
associated with the corresponding pre-trigger is activated. The lock becomes inactive
when the corresponding ADCnSC1[COCO] is set, or the corresponding PDB pre-trigger
is disabled, or the PDB is disabled. The channel n trigger output is suppressed when any
of the locks of the pre-triggers in channel n is active. If a new pre-trigger m asserts when
there is active lock in the PDB channel n, a register flag bit, CHnS[ERR[m]], associated
with the pre-trigger m is set. If SC[PDBEIE] is set, the sequence error interrupt is
generated. Sequence error is typically happened because the delay m is set too short and
the pre-trigger m asserts before the previously triggered ADC conversion is completed.
When the PDB counter reaches the value set in IDLY register, the SC[PDBIF] flag is set.
A PDB interrupt can be generated if SC[PDBIE] is set and SC[DMAEN] is cleared. If
SC[DMAEN] is set, PDB requests a DMA transfer when SC[PDBIF] is set.
The modulus value in MOD register, is used to reset the counter back to zero at the end
of the count. If SC[CONT] bit is set, the counter will then resume a new count.
Otherwise, the counter operation will cease until the next trigger input event occurs.

36.4.2 PDB trigger input source selection

The PDB has up to 15 trigger input sources, namely Trigger-In 0 to 14. They are
connected to on-chip or off-chip event sources. The PDB can be triggered by software
through the SC[SWTRIG]. SC[TRIGSEL] bits select the active trigger input source or
software trigger.
For the trigger input sources implemented in this MCU, see chip configuration

36.4.3 DAC interval trigger outputs

PDB can generate the interval triggers for DACs to update their outputs periodically.
DAC interval counter x is reset and started when a trigger input event occurs if
DACINTCx[EXT] is cleared. When the interval counter x is equal to the value set in
DACINTx register, the DAC interval trigger x output generates a pulse of one peripheral
clock cycle width to update the DACx. If DACINTCx[EXT] is set, the DAC interval
counter is bypassed and the interval trigger output x generates a pulse following the
detection of a rising edge on the DAC external trigger input. The counter and interval
trigger can be disabled by clearing the DACINTCx[TOE].

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Functional description

DAC interval counters are also reset when the PDB counter reaches the MOD register
value; therefore, when the PDB counter rolls over to zero, the DAC interval counters
starts anew.
Together, the DAC interval trigger pulse and the ADC pre-trigger/trigger pulses allow
precise timing of DAC updates and ADC measurements. This is outlined in the typical
use case described in the following diagram.



counter 0

Trigger input event

... ... ... ...

DAC internal trigger x

Ch n pre-trigger 0

Ch n pre-trigger 1

Ch n trigger

PDB interrupt

Figure 36-53. PDB ADC triggers and DAC interval triggers use case

Because the DAC interval counters share the prescaler with
PDB counter, PDB must be enabled if the DAC interval trigger
outputs are used in the applications.

36.4.4 Pulse-Out's
PDB can generate pulse outputs of configurable width. When PDB counter reaches the
value set in POyDLY[DLY1], the Pulse-Out goes high; when the counter reaches
POyDLY[DLY2], it goes low. POyDLY[DLY2] can be set either greater or less than
Because the PDB counter is shared by both ADC pre-trigger/trigger outputs and Pulse-
Out generation, they have the same time base.

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Chapter 36 Programmable Delay Block (PDB)

The pulse-out connections implemented in this MCU are described in the device's chip
configuration details.

36.4.5 Updating the delay registers

The following registers control the timing of the PDB operation; and in some of the
applications, they may need to become effective at the same time.
• PDB Modulus Register (MOD)
• PDB Interrupt Delay Register (IDLY)
• PDB Channel n Delay m Register (CHnDLYm)
• DAC Interval x Register (DACINTx)
• PDB Pulse-Out y Delay Register (POyDLY)

The internal registers of them are buffered and any values written to them are written first
to their buffers. The circumstances that cause their internal registers to be updated with
the values from the buffers are summarized as shown in the table below.
Table 36-54. Circumstances of update to the delay registers
SC[LDMOD] Update to the delay registers
00 The internal registers are loaded with the values from their
buffers immediately after 1 is written to SC[LDOK].
01 The PDB counter reaches the MOD register value after 1 is
written to SC[LDOK].
10 A trigger input event is detected after 1 is written to
11 Either the PDB counter reaches the MOD register value, or a
trigger input event is detected, after 1 is written to SC[LDOK].

After 1 is written to SC[LDOK], the buffers cannot be written until the values in buffers
are loaded into their internal registers. SC[LDOK] is self-cleared when the internal
registers are loaded, so the application code can read it to determine the updates to the
internal registers.
The following diagrams show the cases of the internal registers being updated with
SC[LDMOD] is 00 and x1.

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Functional description


PDB Counter


Ch n pre-trigger 0

Ch n pre-trigger 1

Figure 36-54. Registers Update with SC[LDMOD] = 00


PDB Counter


Ch n pre-trigger 0

Ch n pre-trigger 1

Figure 36-55. Registers update with SC[LDMOD] = x1

36.4.6 Interrupts
PDB can generate two interrupts: PDB interrupt and PDB sequence error interrupt. The
following table summarizes the interrupts.
Table 36-55. PDB interrupt summary
Interrupt Flags Enable bit
PDB Interrupt SC[PDBIF] SC[PDBIE] = 1 and
PDB Sequence Error Interrupt CHnS[ERRm] SC[PDBEIE] = 1

36.4.7 DMA
If SC[DMAEN] is set, PDB can generate DMA transfer request when SC[PDBIF] is set.
When DMA is enabled, the PDB interrupt will not be issued.

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830 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 36 Programmable Delay Block (PDB)

36.5 Application information

36.5.1 Impact of using the prescaler and multiplication factor on

timing resolution
Use of prescaler and multiplication factor greater than 1 limits the count/delay accuracy
in terms of peripheral clock cycles (to the modulus of the prescaler X multiplication
factor). If the multiplication factor is set to 1 and the prescaler is set to 2 then the only
values of total peripheral clocks that can be detected are even values; if prescaler is set to
4 then the only values of total peripheral clocks that can be decoded as detected are
mod(4) and so forth. If the applications need a really long delay value and use 128, then
the resolution would be limited to 128 peripheral clock cycles.
Therefore, use the lowest possible prescaler and multiplication factor for a given

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Application information

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832 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37
FlexTimer Module (FTM)

37.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The FlexTimer module (FTM) is a two-to-eight channel timer that supports input capture,
output compare, and the generation of PWM signals to control electric motor and power
management applications. The FTM time reference is a 16-bit counter that can be used as
an unsigned or signed counter.

37.1.1 FlexTimer philosophy

The FlexTimer is built upon a simple timer, the HCS08 Timer PWM Module – TPM,
used for many years on Freescale's 8-bit microcontrollers. The FlexTimer extends the
functionality to meet the demands of motor control, digital lighting solutions, and power
conversion, while providing low cost and backwards compatibility with the TPM module.
Several key enhancements are made:
• Signed up counter
• Deadtime insertion hardware
• Fault control inputs
• Enhanced triggering functionality
• Initialization and polarity control
All of the features common with the TPM have fully backwards compatible register
assignments. The FlexTimer can also use code on the same core platform without change
to perform the same functions.

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Motor control and power conversion features have been added through a dedicated set of
registers and defaults turn off all new features. The new features, such as hardware
deadtime insertion, polarity, fault control, and output forcing and masking, greatly reduce
loading on the execution software and are usually each controlled by a group of registers.
FlexTimer input triggers can be from comparators, ADC, or other submodules to initiate
timer functions automatically. These triggers can be linked in a variety of ways during
integration of the sub modules so please note the options available for used FlexTimer
Several FlexTimers may be synchronized to provide a larger timer with their counters
incrementing in unison, assuming the initialization, the input clocks, the initial and final
counting values are the same in each FlexTimer.
All main user access registers are buffered to ease the load on the executing software. A
number of trigger options exist to determine which registers are updated with this user
defined data.

37.1.2 Features
The FTM features include:
• FTM source clock is selectable
• Source clock can be the system clock, the fixed frequency clock, or an external
• Fixed frequency clock is an additional clock input to allow the selection of an on
chip clock source other than the system clock
• Selecting external clock connects FTM clock to a chip level input pin therefore
allowing to synchronize the FTM counter with an off chip clock source
• Prescaler divide-by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128
• 16-bit counter
• It can be a free-running counter or a counter with initial and final value
• The counting can be up or up-down
• Each channel can be configured for input capture, output compare, or edge-aligned
PWM mode
• In Input Capture mode:

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

• The capture can occur on rising edges, falling edges or both edges
• An input filter can be selected for some channels
• In Output Compare mode the output signal can be set, cleared, or toggled on match
• All channels can be configured for center-aligned PWM mode
• Each pair of channels can be combined to generate a PWM signal with independent
control of both edges of PWM signal
• The FTM channels can operate as pairs with equal outputs, pairs with
complementary outputs, or independent channels with independent outputs
• The deadtime insertion is available for each complementary pair
• Generation of match triggers
• Software control of PWM outputs
• Up to 4 fault inputs for global fault control
• The polarity of each channel is configurable
• The generation of an interrupt per channel
• The generation of an interrupt when the counter overflows
• The generation of an interrupt when the fault condition is detected
• Synchronized loading of write buffered FTM registers
• Write protection for critical registers
• Backwards compatible with TPM
• Testing of input captures for a stuck at zero and one conditions
• Dual edge capture for pulse and period width measurement
• Quadrature decoder with input filters, relative position counting, and interrupt on
position count or capture of position count on external event

37.1.3 Modes of operation

When the MCU is in an active BDM mode, the FTM temporarily suspends all counting
until the MCU returns to normal user operating mode. During Stop mode, all FTM input
clocks are stopped, so the FTM is effectively disabled until clocks resume. During Wait
mode, the FTM continues to operate normally. If the FTM does not need to produce a

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real time reference or provide the interrupt sources needed to wake the MCU from Wait
mode, the power can then be saved by disabling FTM functions before entering Wait

37.1.4 Block diagram

The FTM uses one input/output (I/O) pin per channel, CHn (FTM channel (n)) where n is
the channel number (0–7).
The following figure shows the FTM structure. The central component of the FTM is the
16-bit counter with programmable initial and final values and its counting can be up or

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836 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)
no clock selected
(FTM counter disable) PS
system clock
fixed frequency clock
external clock prescaler
(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128)
phase A Quadrature
phase B decoder
CNTIN trigger

FTM counter TOIE timer overflow
MOD TOF interrupt
fault control fault interrupt
fault input n* *where n = 3, 2, 1, 0
fault condition

DECAPEN pair channels 0 - channels 0 and 1

ELS0B:ELS0A CH0IE channel 0 CH0TRIG channel 0
dual edge capture interrupt match trigger
mode logic

channel 0
input input capture output modes logic
mode logic C0V channel 0
(generation of channels 0 and 1 outputs signals in output
compare, EPWM, CPWM and combine modes according to output signal
initialization, complementary mode, inverting, software output channel 1
input capture C1V control, deadtime insertion, output mask, fault control output signal
channel 1 mode logic and polarity control)

COMBINE0 CH1F channel 1
interrupt channel 1
CPWMS CH1IE CH1TRIG match trigger

DECAPEN pair channels 3 - channels 6 and 7

ELS6B:ELS6A CH6IE channel 6 CH6TRIG channel 6
dual edge capture CH6F
interrupt match trigger
mode logic

channel 6
input input capture output modes logic
mode logic C6V channel 6
(generation of channels 6 and 7 outputs signals in output
compare, EPWM, CPWM and combine modes according to output signal
initialization, complementary mode, inverting, software output channel 7
input capture C7V control, deadtime insertion, output mask, fault control output signal
channel 7 mode logic and polarity control)

COMBINE3 CH7F channel 7 channel 7
interrupt CH7TRIG match trigger

Figure 37-1. FTM block diagram

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FTM signal descriptions

37.2 FTM signal descriptions

Table 37-1 shows the user-accessible signals for the FTM.
Table 37-1. FTM signal descriptions
Signal Description I/O Function
EXTCLK External clock. FTM external I The external clock input signal is used as the FTM counter
clock can be selected to drive clock if selected by CLKS[1:0] bits in the SC register. This
the FTM counter. clock signal must not exceed 1/4 of system clock frequency.
The FTM counter prescaler selection and settings are also
used when an external clock is selected.
CHn FTM channel (n), where n can I/O Each FTM channel can be configured to operate either as
be 7-0 input or output. The direction associated with each channel,
input or output, is selected according to the mode assigned
for that channel.
FAULTj Fault input (j), where j can be I The fault input signals are used to control the CHn channel
3-0 output state. If a fault is detected, the FAULTj signal is
asserted and the channel output is put in a safe state. The
behavior of the fault logic is defined by the FAULTM[1:0]
control bits in the MODE register and FAULTEN bit in the
COMBINEm register. Note that each FAULTj input may affect
all channels selectively since FAULTM[1:0] and FAULTEN
control bits are defined for each pair of channels. Because
there are several FAULTj inputs, maximum of 4 for the FTM
module, each one of these inputs is activated by the
FAULTjEN bit in the FLTCTRL register.
PHA Quadrature decoder phase A I The quadrature decoder phase A input is used as the
input. Input pin associated Quadrature Decoder mode is selected. The phase A input
with quadrature decoder signal is one of the signals that control the FTM counter
phase A. increment or decrement in the Quadrature Decoder mode.
PHB Quadrature decoder phase B I The quadrature decoder phase B input is used as the
input. Input pin associated Quadrature Decoder mode is selected. The phase B input
with quadrature decoder signal is one of the signals that control the FTM counter
phase B. increment or decrement in the Quadrature Decoder mode.

37.3 Memory map and register definition

37.3.1 Memory map

This section presents a high-level summary of the FTM registers and how they are
The first set has the original TPM registers.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

The second set has the FTM specific registers. Any second set registers, or bits within
these registers, that are used by an unavailable function in the FTM configuration remain
in the memory map and in the reset value, so they have no active function.
Do not write to the FTM specific registers (second set registers)
when FTMEN = 0.

37.3.2 Register descriptions

Accesses to reserved addresses result in transfer errors. Registers for absent channels are
considered reserved.
FTM memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4003_8000 Status And Control (FTM0_SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.3/844
4003_8004 Counter (FTM0_CNT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.4/845
4003_8008 Modulo (FTM0_MOD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.5/846
4003_800C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C0SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_8010 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C0V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_8014 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C1SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_8018 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C1V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_801C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C2SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_8020 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C2V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_8024 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C3SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_8028 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C3V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_802C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C4SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_8030 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C4V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_8034 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C5SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_8038 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C5V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_803C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C6SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_8040 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C6V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_8044 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM0_C7SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_8048 Channel (n) Value (FTM0_C7V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_804C Counter Initial Value (FTM0_CNTIN) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.8/850
4003_8050 Capture And Compare Status (FTM0_STATUS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.9/850
4003_8054 Features Mode Selection (FTM0_MODE) 32 R/W 0000_0004h

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FTM memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4003_8058 Synchronization (FTM0_SYNC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_805C Initial State For Channels Output (FTM0_OUTINIT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8060 Output Mask (FTM0_OUTMASK) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8064 Function For Linked Channels (FTM0_COMBINE) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8068 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTM0_DEADTIME) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_806C FTM External Trigger (FTM0_EXTTRIG) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8070 Channels Polarity (FTM0_POL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8074 Fault Mode Status (FTM0_FMS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8078 Input Capture Filter Control (FTM0_FILTER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_807C Fault Control (FTM0_FLTCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8080 Quadrature Decoder Control And Status (FTM0_QDCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8084 Configuration (FTM0_CONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8088 FTM Fault Input Polarity (FTM0_FLTPOL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_808C Synchronization Configuration (FTM0_SYNCONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8090 FTM Inverting Control (FTM0_INVCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8094 FTM Software Output Control (FTM0_SWOCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_8098 FTM PWM Load (FTM0_PWMLOAD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9000 Status And Control (FTM1_SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.3/844
4003_9004 Counter (FTM1_CNT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.4/845
4003_9008 Modulo (FTM1_MOD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.5/846
4003_900C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C0SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_9010 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C0V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_9014 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C1SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_9018 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C1V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_901C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C2SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_9020 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C2V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTM memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4003_9024 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C3SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_9028 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C3V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_902C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C4SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_9030 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C4V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_9034 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C5SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_9038 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C5V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_903C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C6SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_9040 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C6V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_9044 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM1_C7SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
4003_9048 Channel (n) Value (FTM1_C7V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
4003_904C Counter Initial Value (FTM1_CNTIN) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.8/850
4003_9050 Capture And Compare Status (FTM1_STATUS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.9/850
4003_9054 Features Mode Selection (FTM1_MODE) 32 R/W 0000_0004h
4003_9058 Synchronization (FTM1_SYNC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_905C Initial State For Channels Output (FTM1_OUTINIT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9060 Output Mask (FTM1_OUTMASK) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9064 Function For Linked Channels (FTM1_COMBINE) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9068 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTM1_DEADTIME) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_906C FTM External Trigger (FTM1_EXTTRIG) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9070 Channels Polarity (FTM1_POL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9074 Fault Mode Status (FTM1_FMS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9078 Input Capture Filter Control (FTM1_FILTER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_907C Fault Control (FTM1_FLTCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9080 Quadrature Decoder Control And Status (FTM1_QDCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9084 Configuration (FTM1_CONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9088 FTM Fault Input Polarity (FTM1_FLTPOL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_908C Synchronization Configuration (FTM1_SYNCONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h

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Memory map and register definition

FTM memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4003_9090 FTM Inverting Control (FTM1_INVCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9094 FTM Software Output Control (FTM1_SWOCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4003_9098 FTM PWM Load (FTM1_PWMLOAD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8000 Status And Control (FTM2_SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.3/844
400B_8004 Counter (FTM2_CNT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.4/845
400B_8008 Modulo (FTM2_MOD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.5/846
400B_800C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C0SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
400B_8010 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C0V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
400B_8014 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C1SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
400B_8018 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C1V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
400B_801C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C2SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
400B_8020 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C2V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
400B_8024 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C3SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
400B_8028 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C3V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
400B_802C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C4SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
400B_8030 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C4V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
400B_8034 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C5SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
400B_8038 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C5V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
400B_803C Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C6SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
400B_8040 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C6V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
400B_8044 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTM2_C7SC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.6/847
400B_8048 Channel (n) Value (FTM2_C7V) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.7/849
400B_804C Counter Initial Value (FTM2_CNTIN) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.8/850
400B_8050 Capture And Compare Status (FTM2_STATUS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 37.3.9/850
400B_8054 Features Mode Selection (FTM2_MODE) 32 R/W 0000_0004h
400B_8058 Synchronization (FTM2_SYNC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_805C Initial State For Channels Output (FTM2_OUTINIT) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8060 Output Mask (FTM2_OUTMASK) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8064 Function For Linked Channels (FTM2_COMBINE) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8068 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTM2_DEADTIME) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_806C FTM External Trigger (FTM2_EXTTRIG) 32 R/W 0000_0000h

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTM memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
400B_8070 Channels Polarity (FTM2_POL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8074 Fault Mode Status (FTM2_FMS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8078 Input Capture Filter Control (FTM2_FILTER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_807C Fault Control (FTM2_FLTCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8080 Quadrature Decoder Control And Status (FTM2_QDCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8084 Configuration (FTM2_CONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8088 FTM Fault Input Polarity (FTM2_FLTPOL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_808C Synchronization Configuration (FTM2_SYNCONF) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8090 FTM Inverting Control (FTM2_INVCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8094 FTM Software Output Control (FTM2_SWOCTRL) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
400B_8098 FTM PWM Load (FTM2_PWMLOAD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h

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Memory map and register definition

37.3.3 Status And Control (FTMx_SC)

SC contains the overflow status flag and control bits used to configure the interrupt
enable, FTM configuration, clock source, and prescaler factor. These controls relate to all
channels within this module.
Address: Base address + 0h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



W 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_SC field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Timer Overflow Flag
Set by hardware when the FTM counter passes the value in the MOD register. The TOF bit is cleared by
reading the SC register while TOF is set and then writing a 0 to TOF bit. Writing a 1 to TOF has no effect.
If another FTM overflow occurs between the read and write operations, the write operation has no effect;
therefore, TOF remains set indicating an overflow has occurred. In this case, a TOF interrupt request is
not lost due to the clearing sequence for a previous TOF.

0 FTM counter has not overflowed.

1 FTM counter has overflowed.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_SC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
6 Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable
Enables FTM overflow interrupts.

0 Disable TOF interrupts. Use software polling.

1 Enable TOF interrupts. An interrupt is generated when TOF equals one.
5 Center-Aligned PWM Select
Selects CPWM mode. This mode configures the FTM to operate in Up-Down Counting mode.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 FTM counter operates in Up Counting mode.

1 FTM counter operates in Up-Down Counting mode.
4–3 Clock Source Selection
Selects one of the three FTM counter clock sources.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

00 No clock selected. This in effect disables the FTM counter.

01 System clock
10 Fixed frequency clock
11 External clock
2–0 Prescale Factor Selection
Selects one of 8 division factors for the clock source selected by CLKS. The new prescaler factor affects
the clock source on the next system clock cycle after the new value is updated into the register bits.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

000 Divide by 1
001 Divide by 2
010 Divide by 4
011 Divide by 8
100 Divide by 16
101 Divide by 32
110 Divide by 64
111 Divide by 128

37.3.4 Counter (FTMx_CNT)

The CNT register contains the FTM counter value.
Reset clears the CNT register. Writing any value to COUNT updates the counter with its
initial value, CNTIN.
When BDM is active, the FTM counter is frozen. This is the value that you may read.

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Address: Base address + 4h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_CNT field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Counter Value

37.3.5 Modulo (FTMx_MOD)

The Modulo register contains the modulo value for the FTM counter. After the FTM
counter reaches the modulo value, the overflow flag (TOF) becomes set at the next clock,
and the next value of FTM counter depends on the selected counting method; see
Writing to the MOD register latches the value into a buffer. The MOD register is updated
with the value of its write buffer according to Registers updated from write buffers.
If FTMEN = 0, this write coherency mechanism may be manually reset by writing to the
SC register whether BDM is active or not.
Initialize the FTM counter, by writing to CNT, before writing to the MOD register to
avoid confusion about when the first counter overflow will occur.
Address: Base address + 8h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved MOD
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_MOD field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
15–0 Modulo Value

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

37.3.6 Channel (n) Status And Control (FTMx_CnSC)

CnSC contains the channel-interrupt-status flag and control bits used to configure the
interrupt enable, channel configuration, and pin function.
Table 37-67. Mode, edge, and level selection
X X X XX 0 None Pin not used for
0 0 0 0 1 Input Capture Capture on
Rising Edge
10 Capture on
Falling Edge
11 Capture on
Rising or Falling
1 1 Output Compare Toggle Output
on match
10 Clear Output on
11 Set Output on
1X 10 Edge-Aligned High-true pulses
PWM (clear Output on
X1 Low-true pulses
(set Output on
1 XX 10 Center-Aligned High-true pulses
PWM (clear Output on
X1 Low-true pulses
(set Output on
1 0 XX 10 Combine PWM High-true pulses
(set on channel
(n) match, and
clear on channel
(n+1) match)
X1 Low-true pulses
(clear on
channel (n)
match, and set
on channel (n
+1) match)

Table continues on the next page...

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Table 37-67. Mode, edge, and level selection (continued)

1 0 0 X0 See the Dual Edge One-Shot
following table Capture Capture mode
(Table 37-8).
X1 Continuous
Capture mode

Table 37-68. Dual Edge Capture mode — edge polarity selection

ELSnB ELSnA Channel Port Enable Detected Edges
0 0 Disabled No edge
0 1 Enabled Rising edge
1 0 Enabled Falling edge
1 1 Enabled Rising and falling edges

Address: Base address + Ch offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 7d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 CHF 0
W 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_CnSC field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Channel Flag
Set by hardware when an event occurs on the channel. CHF is cleared by reading the CSC register while
CHnF is set and then writing a 0 to the CHF bit. Writing a 1 to CHF has no effect.
If another event occurs between the read and write operations, the write operation has no effect; therefore,
CHF remains set indicating an event has occurred. In this case a CHF interrupt request is not lost due to
the clearing sequence for a previous CHF.

0 No channel event has occurred.

1 A channel event has occurred.
6 Channel Interrupt Enable
Enables channel interrupts.
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FTMx_CnSC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Disable channel interrupts. Use software polling.
1 Enable channel interrupts.
5 Channel Mode Select
Used for further selections in the channel logic. Its functionality is dependent on the channel mode. See
Table 37-7.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.
4 Channel Mode Select
Used for further selections in the channel logic. Its functionality is dependent on the channel mode. See
Table 37-7.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.
3 Edge or Level Select
The functionality of ELSB and ELSA depends on the channel mode. See Table 37-7.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.
2 Edge or Level Select
The functionality of ELSB and ELSA depends on the channel mode. See Table 37-7.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.
1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 DMA Enable
Enables DMA transfers for the channel.

0 Disable DMA transfers.

1 Enable DMA transfers.

37.3.7 Channel (n) Value (FTMx_CnV)

These registers contain the captured FTM counter value for the input modes or the match
value for the output modes.
In Input Capture, Capture Test, and Dual Edge Capture modes, any write to a CnV
register is ignored.
In output modes, writing to a CnV register latches the value into a buffer. A CnV register
is updated with the value of its write buffer according to Registers updated from write
If FTMEN = 0, this write coherency mechanism may be manually reset by writing to the
CnSC register whether BDM mode is active or not.

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Address: Base address + 10h offset + (8d × i), where i=0d to 7d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_CnV field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Channel Value
Captured FTM counter value of the input modes or the match value for the output modes

37.3.8 Counter Initial Value (FTMx_CNTIN)

The Counter Initial Value register contains the initial value for the FTM counter.
Writing to the CNTIN register latches the value into a buffer. The CNTIN register is
updated with the value of its write buffer according to Registers updated from write
When the FTM clock is initially selected, by writing a non-zero value to the CLKS bits,
the FTM counter starts with the value 0x0000. To avoid this behavior, before the first
write to select the FTM clock, write the new value to the the CNTIN register and then
initialize the FTM counter by writing any value to the CNT register.
Address: Base address + 4Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved INIT
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_CNTIN field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
15–0 Initial Value Of The FTM Counter

37.3.9 Capture And Compare Status (FTMx_STATUS)

The STATUS register contains a copy of the status flag CHnF bit in CnSC for each FTM
channel for software convenience.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

Each CHnF bit in STATUS is a mirror of CHnF bit in CnSC. All CHnF bits can be
checked using only one read of STATUS. All CHnF bits can be cleared by reading
STATUS followed by writing 0x00 to STATUS.
Hardware sets the individual channel flags when an event occurs on the channel. CHF is
cleared by reading STATUS while CHnF is set and then writing a 0 to the CHF bit.
Writing a 1 to CHF has no effect.
If another event occurs between the read and write operations, the write operation has no
effect; therefore, CHF remains set indicating an event has occurred. In this case, a CHF
interrupt request is not lost due to the clearing sequence for a previous CHF.
The STATUS register should be used only in Combine mode.
Address: Base address + 50h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0







R 0

W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_STATUS field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Channel 7 Flag
See the register description.
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FTMx_STATUS field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 No channel event has occurred.
1 A channel event has occurred.
6 Channel 6 Flag
See the register description.

0 No channel event has occurred.

1 A channel event has occurred.
5 Channel 5 Flag
See the register description.

0 No channel event has occurred.

1 A channel event has occurred.
4 Channel 4 Flag
See the register description.

0 No channel event has occurred.

1 A channel event has occurred.
3 Channel 3 Flag
See the register description.

0 No channel event has occurred.

1 A channel event has occurred.
2 Channel 2 Flag
See the register description.

0 No channel event has occurred.

1 A channel event has occurred.
1 Channel 1 Flag
See the register description.

0 No channel event has occurred.

1 A channel event has occurred.
0 Channel 0 Flag
See the register description.

0 No channel event has occurred.

1 A channel event has occurred.

37.3.10 Features Mode Selection (FTMx_MODE)

This register contains the global enable bit for FTM-specific features and the control bits
used to configure:

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

• Fault control mode and interrupt

• Capture Test mode
• PWM synchronization
• Write protection
• Channel output initialization
These controls relate to all channels within this module.
Address: Base address + 54h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0





Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

FTMx_MODE field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Fault Interrupt Enable
Enables the generation of an interrupt when a fault is detected by FTM and the FTM fault control is

0 Fault control interrupt is disabled.

1 Fault control interrupt is enabled.
6–5 Fault Control Mode
Defines the FTM fault control mode.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

00 Fault control is disabled for all channels.

01 Fault control is enabled for even channels only (channels 0, 2, 4, and 6), and the selected mode is
the manual fault clearing.
10 Fault control is enabled for all channels, and the selected mode is the manual fault clearing.
11 Fault control is enabled for all channels, and the selected mode is the automatic fault clearing.
4 Capture Test Mode Enable
Enables the capture test mode.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.
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FTMx_MODE field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Capture test mode is disabled.
1 Capture test mode is enabled.
3 PWM Synchronization Mode
Selects which triggers can be used by MOD, CnV, OUTMASK, and FTM counter synchronization. See
PWM synchronization. The PWMSYNC bit configures the synchronization when SYNCMODE is zero.

0 No restrictions. Software and hardware triggers can be used by MOD, CnV, OUTMASK, and FTM
counter synchronization.
1 Software trigger can only be used by MOD and CnV synchronization, and hardware triggers can only
be used by OUTMASK and FTM counter synchronization.
2 Write Protection Disable
When write protection is enabled (WPDIS = 0), write protected bits cannot be written. When write
protection is disabled (WPDIS = 1), write protected bits can be written. The WPDIS bit is the negation of
the WPEN bit. WPDIS is cleared when 1 is written to WPEN. WPDIS is set when WPEN bit is read as a 1
and then 1 is written to WPDIS. Writing 0 to WPDIS has no effect.

0 Write protection is enabled.

1 Write protection is disabled.
1 Initialize The Channels Output
When a 1 is written to INIT bit the channels output is initialized according to the state of their
corresponding bit in the OUTINIT register. Writing a 0 to INIT bit has no effect.
The INIT bit is always read as 0.
0 FTM Enable
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Only the TPM-compatible registers (first set of registers) can be used without any restriction. Do not
use the FTM-specific registers.
1 All registers including the FTM-specific registers (second set of registers) are available for use with no

37.3.11 Synchronization (FTMx_SYNC)

This register configures the PWM synchronization.

A synchronization event can perform the synchronized update of MOD, CV, and
OUTMASK registers with the value of their write buffer and the FTM counter

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

The software trigger, SWSYNC bit, and hardware triggers
TRIG0, TRIG1, and TRIG2 bits have a potential conflict if
used together when SYNCMODE = 0. Use only hardware or
software triggers but not both at the same time, otherwise
unpredictable behavior is likely to happen.
The selection of the loading point, CNTMAX and CNTMIN
bits, is intended to provide the update of MOD, CNTIN, and
CnV registers across all enabled channels simultaneously. The
use of the loading point selection together with SYNCMODE =
0 and hardware trigger selection, TRIG0, TRIG1, or TRIG2
bits, is likely to result in unpredictable behavior.
The synchronization event selection also depends on the
register) bits. See PWM synchronization.

Address: Base address + 58h offset

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0





Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_SYNC field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 PWM Synchronization Software Trigger
Selects the software trigger as the PWM synchronization trigger. The software trigger happens when a 1 is
written to SWSYNC bit.

0 Software trigger is not selected.

1 Software trigger is selected.
6 PWM Synchronization Hardware Trigger 2
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FTMx_SYNC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Enables hardware trigger 2 to the PWM synchronization. Hardware trigger 2 happens when a rising edge
is detected at the trigger 2 input signal.

0 Trigger is disabled.
1 Trigger is enabled.
5 PWM Synchronization Hardware Trigger 1
Enables hardware trigger 1 to the PWM synchronization. Hardware trigger 1 happens when a rising edge
is detected at the trigger 1 input signal.

0 Trigger is disabled.
1 Trigger is enabled.
4 PWM Synchronization Hardware Trigger 0
Enables hardware trigger 0 to the PWM synchronization. Hardware trigger 0 happens when a rising edge
is detected at the trigger 0 input signal.

0 Trigger is disabled.
1 Trigger is enabled.
3 Output Mask Synchronization
Selects when the OUTMASK register is updated with the value of its buffer.

0 OUTMASK register is updated with the value of its buffer in all rising edges of the system clock.
1 OUTMASK register is updated with the value of its buffer only by the PWM synchronization.
2 FTM Counter Reinitialization By Synchronization (FTM counter synchronization)
Determines if the FTM counter is reinitialized when the selected trigger for the synchronization is detected.
The REINIT bit configures the synchronization when SYNCMODE is zero.

0 FTM counter continues to count normally.

1 FTM counter is updated with its initial value when the selected trigger is detected.
1 Maximum Loading Point Enable
Selects the maximum loading point to PWM synchronization. See Boundary cycle and loading points. If
CNTMAX is one, the selected loading point is when the FTM counter reaches its maximum value (MOD

0 The maximum loading point is disabled.

1 The maximum loading point is enabled.
0 Minimum Loading Point Enable
Selects the minimum loading point to PWM synchronization. See Boundary cycle and loading points. If
CNTMIN is one, the selected loading point is when the FTM counter reaches its minimum value (CNTIN

0 The minimum loading point is disabled.

1 The minimum loading point is enabled.

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37.3.12 Initial State For Channels Output (FTMx_OUTINIT)

Address: Base address + 5Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0









Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_OUTINIT field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Channel 7 Output Initialization Value
Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs.

0 The initialization value is 0.

1 The initialization value is 1.
6 Channel 6 Output Initialization Value
Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs.

0 The initialization value is 0.

1 The initialization value is 1.
5 Channel 5 Output Initialization Value
Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs.

0 The initialization value is 0.

1 The initialization value is 1.
4 Channel 4 Output Initialization Value
Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs.

0 The initialization value is 0.

1 The initialization value is 1.
3 Channel 3 Output Initialization Value
Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs.
Table continues on the next page...

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FTMx_OUTINIT field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The initialization value is 0.
1 The initialization value is 1.
2 Channel 2 Output Initialization Value
Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs.

0 The initialization value is 0.

1 The initialization value is 1.
1 Channel 1 Output Initialization Value
Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs.

0 The initialization value is 0.

1 The initialization value is 1.
0 Channel 0 Output Initialization Value
Selects the value that is forced into the channel output when the initialization occurs.

0 The initialization value is 0.

1 The initialization value is 1.

37.3.13 Output Mask (FTMx_OUTMASK)

This register provides a mask for each FTM channel. The mask of a channel determines if
its output responds, that is, it is masked or not, when a match occurs. This feature is used
for BLDC control where the PWM signal is presented to an electric motor at specific
times to provide electronic commutation.
Any write to the OUTMASK register, stores the value in its write buffer. The register is
updated with the value of its write buffer according to PWM synchronization.
Address: Base address + 60h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0








Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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FTMx_OUTMASK field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Channel 7 Output Mask
Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked.

0 Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally.

1 Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state.
6 Channel 6 Output Mask
Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked.

0 Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally.

1 Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state.
5 Channel 5 Output Mask
Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked.

0 Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally.

1 Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state.
4 Channel 4 Output Mask
Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked.

0 Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally.

1 Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state.
3 Channel 3 Output Mask
Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked.

0 Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally.

1 Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state.
2 Channel 2 Output Mask
Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked.

0 Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally.

1 Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state.
1 Channel 1 Output Mask
Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked.

0 Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally.

1 Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state.
0 Channel 0 Output Mask
Defines if the channel output is masked or unmasked.

0 Channel output is not masked. It continues to operate normally.

1 Channel output is masked. It is forced to its inactive state.

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37.3.14 Function For Linked Channels (FTMx_COMBINE)

This register contains the control bits used to configure the fault control, synchronization,
deadtime insertion, Dual Edge Capture mode, Complementary, and Combine mode for
each pair of channels (n) and (n+1), where n equals 0, 2, 4, and 6.
Address: Base address + 64h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


0 0








Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0








Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_COMBINE field descriptions

Field Description
31 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
30 Fault Control Enable For n = 6
Enables the fault control in channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The fault control in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The fault control in this pair of channels is enabled.
29 Synchronization Enable For n = 6
Enables PWM synchronization of registers C(n)V and C(n+1)V.

0 The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is enabled.
28 Deadtime Enable For n = 6
Enables the deadtime insertion in the channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is enabled.

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FTMx_COMBINE field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
27 Dual Edge Capture Mode Captures For n = 6
Enables the capture of the FTM counter value according to the channel (n) input event and the
configuration of the dual edge capture bits.
This field applies only when FTMEN = 1 and DECAPEN = 1.
DECAP bit is cleared automatically by hardware if dual edge capture – one-shot mode is selected and
when the capture of channel (n+1) event is made.

0 The dual edge captures are inactive.

1 The dual edge captures are active.
26 Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable For n = 6
Enables the Dual Edge Capture mode in the channels (n) and (n+1). This bit reconfigures the function of
MSnA, ELSnB:ELSnA and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits in Dual Edge Capture mode according to Table
This field applies only when FTMEN = 1.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is enabled.
25 Complement Of Channel (n) for n = 6
Enables Complementary mode for the combined channels. In Complementary mode the channel (n+1)
output is the inverse of the channel (n) output.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output.
1 The channel (n+1) output is the complement of the channel (n) output.
24 Combine Channels For n = 6
Enables the combine feature for channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Channels (n) and (n+1) are independent.

1 Channels (n) and (n+1) are combined.
23 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
22 Fault Control Enable For n = 4
Enables the fault control in channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The fault control in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The fault control in this pair of channels is enabled.
21 Synchronization Enable For n = 4
Enables PWM synchronization of registers C(n)V and C(n+1)V.

0 The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is enabled.

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FTMx_COMBINE field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
20 Deadtime Enable For n = 4
Enables the deadtime insertion in the channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is enabled.
19 Dual Edge Capture Mode Captures For n = 4
Enables the capture of the FTM counter value according to the channel (n) input event and the
configuration of the dual edge capture bits.
This field applies only when FTMEN = 1 and DECAPEN = 1.
DECAP bit is cleared automatically by hardware if dual edge capture – one-shot mode is selected and
when the capture of channel (n+1) event is made.

0 The dual edge captures are inactive.

1 The dual edge captures are active.
18 Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable For n = 4
Enables the Dual Edge Capture mode in the channels (n) and (n+1). This bit reconfigures the function of
MSnA, ELSnB:ELSnA and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits in Dual Edge Capture mode according to Table
This field applies only when FTMEN = 1.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is enabled.
17 Complement Of Channel (n) For n = 4
Enables Complementary mode for the combined channels. In Complementary mode the channel (n+1)
output is the inverse of the channel (n) output.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output.
1 The channel (n+1) output is the complement of the channel (n) output.
16 Combine Channels For n = 4
Enables the combine feature for channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Channels (n) and (n+1) are independent.

1 Channels (n) and (n+1) are combined.
15 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
14 Fault Control Enable For n = 2
Enables the fault control in channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.
Table continues on the next page...

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862 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_COMBINE field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The fault control in this pair of channels is disabled.
1 The fault control in this pair of channels is enabled.
13 Synchronization Enable For n = 2
Enables PWM synchronization of registers C(n)V and C(n+1)V.

0 The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is enabled.
12 Deadtime Enable For n = 2
Enables the deadtime insertion in the channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is enabled.
11 Dual Edge Capture Mode Captures For n = 2
Enables the capture of the FTM counter value according to the channel (n) input event and the
configuration of the dual edge capture bits.
This field applies only when FTMEN = 1 and DECAPEN = 1.
DECAP bit is cleared automatically by hardware if Dual Edge Capture – One-Shot mode is selected and
when the capture of channel (n+1) event is made.

0 The dual edge captures are inactive.

1 The dual edge captures are active.
10 Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable For n = 2
Enables the Dual Edge Capture mode in the channels (n) and (n+1). This bit reconfigures the function of
MSnA, ELSnB:ELSnA and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits in Dual Edge Capture mode according to Table
This field applies only when FTMEN = 1.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is enabled.
9 Complement Of Channel (n) For n = 2
Enables Complementary mode for the combined channels. In Complementary mode the channel (n+1)
output is the inverse of the channel (n) output.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output.
1 The channel (n+1) output is the complement of the channel (n) output.
8 Combine Channels For n = 2
Enables the combine feature for channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Channels (n) and (n+1) are independent.

1 Channels (n) and (n+1) are combined.

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 863
Memory map and register definition

FTMx_COMBINE field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6 Fault Control Enable For n = 0
Enables the fault control in channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The fault control in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The fault control in this pair of channels is enabled.
5 Synchronization Enable For n = 0
Enables PWM synchronization of registers C(n)V and C(n+1)V.

0 The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The PWM synchronization in this pair of channels is enabled.
4 Deadtime Enable For n = 0
Enables the deadtime insertion in the channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The deadtime insertion in this pair of channels is enabled.
3 Dual Edge Capture Mode Captures For n = 0
Enables the capture of the FTM counter value according to the channel (n) input event and the
configuration of the dual edge capture bits.
This field applies only when FTMEN = 1 and DECAPEN = 1.
DECAP bit is cleared automatically by hardware if dual edge capture – one-shot mode is selected and
when the capture of channel (n+1) event is made.

0 The dual edge captures are inactive.

1 The dual edge captures are active.
2 Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable For n = 0
Enables the Dual Edge Capture mode in the channels (n) and (n+1). This bit reconfigures the function of
MSnA, ELSnB:ELSnA and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits in Dual Edge Capture mode according to Table
This field applies only when FTMEN = 1.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is disabled.

1 The Dual Edge Capture mode in this pair of channels is enabled.
1 Complement Of Channel (n) For n = 0
Enables Complementary mode for the combined channels. In Complementary mode the channel (n+1)
output is the inverse of the channel (n) output.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output.
1 The channel (n+1) output is the complement of the channel (n) output.

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864 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_COMBINE field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Combine Channels For n = 0
Enables the combine feature for channels (n) and (n+1).
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Channels (n) and (n+1) are independent.

1 Channels (n) and (n+1) are combined.

37.3.15 Deadtime Insertion Control (FTMx_DEADTIME)

This register selects the deadtime prescaler factor and deadtime value. All FTM channels
use this clock prescaler and this deadtime value for the deadtime insertion.
Address: Base address + 68h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_DEADTIME field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–6 Deadtime Prescaler Value
Selects the division factor of the system clock. This prescaled clock is used by the deadtime counter.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0x Divide the system clock by 1.

10 Divide the system clock by 4.
11 Divide the system clock by 16.
5–0 Deadtime Value
Selects the deadtime insertion value for the deadtime counter. The deadtime counter is clocked by a
scaled version of the system clock. See the description of DTPS.
Deadtime insert value = (DTPS × DTVAL).
DTVAL selects the number of deadtime counts inserted as follows:
When DTVAL is 0, no counts are inserted.
When DTVAL is 1, 1 count is inserted.
When DTVAL is 2, 2 counts are inserted.
This pattern continues up to a possible 63 counts.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 865
Memory map and register definition

37.3.16 FTM External Trigger (FTMx_EXTTRIG)

This register:
• Indicates when a channel trigger was generated
• Enables the generation of a trigger when the FTM counter is equal to its initial
• Selects which channels are used in the generation of the channel triggers
Several channels can be selected to generate multiple triggers in one PWM period.
Channels 6 and 7 are not used to generate channel triggers.
Address: Base address + 6Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0








Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_EXTTRIG field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
7 Channel Trigger Flag
Set by hardware when a channel trigger is generated. Clear TRIGF by reading EXTTRIG while TRIGF is
set and then writing a 0 to TRIGF. Writing a 1 to TRIGF has no effect.
If another channel trigger is generated before the clearing sequence is completed, the sequence is reset
so TRIGF remains set after the clear sequence is completed for the earlier TRIGF.

0 No channel trigger was generated.

1 A channel trigger was generated.
6 Initialization Trigger Enable
Enables the generation of the trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CNTIN register.

0 The generation of initialization trigger is disabled.

1 The generation of initialization trigger is enabled.

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866 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_EXTTRIG field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
5 Channel 1 Trigger Enable
Enable the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register.

0 The generation of the channel trigger is disabled.

1 The generation of the channel trigger is enabled.
4 Channel 0 Trigger Enable
Enable the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register.

0 The generation of the channel trigger is disabled.

1 The generation of the channel trigger is enabled.
3 Channel 5 Trigger Enable
Enable the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register.

0 The generation of the channel trigger is disabled.

1 The generation of the channel trigger is enabled.
2 Channel 4 Trigger Enable
Enable the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register.

0 The generation of the channel trigger is disabled.

1 The generation of the channel trigger is enabled.
1 Channel 3 Trigger Enable
Enable the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register.

0 The generation of the channel trigger is disabled.

1 The generation of the channel trigger is enabled.
0 Channel 2 Trigger Enable
Enable the generation of the channel trigger when the FTM counter is equal to the CnV register.

0 The generation of the channel trigger is disabled.

1 The generation of the channel trigger is enabled.

37.3.17 Channels Polarity (FTMx_POL)

This register defines the output polarity of the FTM channels.
The safe value that is driven in a channel output when the fault
control is enabled and a fault condition is detected is the
inactive state of the channel. That is, the safe value of a channel
is the value of its POL bit.

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Memory map and register definition
Address: Base address + 70h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_POL field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
7 Channel 7 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the channel output.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel polarity is active high.

1 The channel polarity is active low.
6 Channel 6 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the channel output.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel polarity is active high.

1 The channel polarity is active low.
5 Channel 5 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the channel output.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel polarity is active high.

1 The channel polarity is active low.
4 Channel 4 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the channel output.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel polarity is active high.

1 The channel polarity is active low.
3 Channel 3 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the channel output.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel polarity is active high.

1 The channel polarity is active low.
2 Channel 2 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the channel output.
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868 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_POL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel polarity is active high.

1 The channel polarity is active low.
1 Channel 1 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the channel output.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel polarity is active high.

1 The channel polarity is active low.
0 Channel 0 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the channel output.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The channel polarity is active high.

1 The channel polarity is active low.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 869
Memory map and register definition

37.3.18 Fault Mode Status (FTMx_FMS)

This register contains the fault detection flags, write protection enable bit, and the logic
OR of the enabled fault inputs.
Address: Base address + 74h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0





R 0 0

W 0 0 0 0 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_FMS field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Fault Detection Flag
Represents the logic OR of the individual FAULTFj bits where j = 3, 2, 1, 0. Clear FAULTF by reading the
FMS register while FAULTF is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTF while there is no existing fault condition
at the enabled fault inputs. Writing a 1 to FAULTF has no effect.
If another fault condition is detected in an enabled fault input before the clearing sequence is completed,
the sequence is reset so FAULTF remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for the earlier fault
condition. FAULTF is also cleared when FAULTFj bits are cleared individually.

0 No fault condition was detected.

1 A fault condition was detected.

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870 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_FMS field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
6 Write Protection Enable
The WPEN bit is the negation of the WPDIS bit. WPEN is set when 1 is written to it. WPEN is cleared
when WPEN bit is read as a 1 and then 1 is written to WPDIS. Writing 0 to WPEN has no effect.

0 Write protection is disabled. Write protected bits can be written.

1 Write protection is enabled. Write protected bits cannot be written.
5 Fault Inputs
Represents the logic OR of the enabled fault inputs after their filter (if their filter is enabled) when fault
control is enabled.

0 The logic OR of the enabled fault inputs is 0.

1 The logic OR of the enabled fault inputs is 1.
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Fault Detection Flag 3
Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault
condition is detected at the fault input.
Clear FAULTF3 by reading the FMS register while FAULTF3 is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTF3 while
there is no existing fault condition at the the corresponding fault input. Writing a 1 to FAULTF3 has no
effect. FAULTF3 bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared.
If another fault condition is detected at the corresponding fault input before the clearing sequence is
completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTF3 remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for
the earlier fault condition.

0 No fault condition was detected at the fault input.

1 A fault condition was detected at the fault input.
2 Fault Detection Flag 2
Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault
condition is detected at the fault input.
Clear FAULTF2 by reading the FMS register while FAULTF2 is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTF2 while
there is no existing fault condition at the the corresponding fault input. Writing a 1 to FAULTF2 has no
effect. FAULTF2 bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared.
If another fault condition is detected at the corresponding fault input before the clearing sequence is
completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTF2 remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for
the earlier fault condition.

0 No fault condition was detected at the fault input.

1 A fault condition was detected at the fault input.
1 Fault Detection Flag 1
Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault
condition is detected at the fault input.
Clear FAULTF1 by reading the FMS register while FAULTF1 is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTF1 while
there is no existing fault condition at the the corresponding fault input. Writing a 1 to FAULTF1 has no
effect. FAULTF1 bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared.
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Memory map and register definition

FTMx_FMS field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
If another fault condition is detected at the corresponding fault input before the clearing sequence is
completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTF1 remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for
the earlier fault condition.

0 No fault condition was detected at the fault input.

1 A fault condition was detected at the fault input.
0 Fault Detection Flag 0
Set by hardware when fault control is enabled, the corresponding fault input is enabled and a fault
condition is detected at the fault input.
Clear FAULTF0 by reading the FMS register while FAULTF0 is set and then writing a 0 to FAULTF0 while
there is no existing fault condition at the the corresponding fault input. Writing a 1 to FAULTF0 has no
effect. FAULTF0 bit is also cleared when FAULTF bit is cleared.
If another fault condition is detected at the corresponding fault input before the clearing sequence is
completed, the sequence is reset so FAULTF0 remains set after the clearing sequence is completed for
the earlier fault condition.

0 No fault condition was detected at the fault input.

1 A fault condition was detected at the fault input.

37.3.19 Input Capture Filter Control (FTMx_FILTER)

This register selects the filter value for the inputs of channels.
Channels 4, 5, 6 and 7 do not have an input filter.
Writing to the FILTER register has immediate effect and must
be done only when the channels 0, 1, 2, and 3 are not in input
modes. Failure to do this could result in a missing valid signal.
Address: Base address + 78h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_FILTER field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
15–12 Channel 3 Input Filter
Selects the filter value for the channel input.
The filter is disabled when the value is zero.

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872 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_FILTER field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
11–8 Channel 2 Input Filter
Selects the filter value for the channel input.
The filter is disabled when the value is zero.
7–4 Channel 1 Input Filter
Selects the filter value for the channel input.
The filter is disabled when the value is zero.
3–0 Channel 0 Input Filter
Selects the filter value for the channel input.
The filter is disabled when the value is zero.

37.3.20 Fault Control (FTMx_FLTCTRL)

This register selects the filter value for the fault inputs, enables the fault inputs and the
fault inputs filter.
Address: Base address + 7Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0







R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_FLTCTRL field descriptions

Field Description
31–12 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
11–8 Fault Input Filter
Selects the filter value for the fault inputs.
The fault filter is disabled when the value is zero.
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 873
Memory map and register definition

FTMx_FLTCTRL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: Writing to this field has immediate effect and must be done only when the fault control or all fault
inputs are disabled. Failure to do this could result in a missing fault detection.
7 Fault Input 3 Filter Enable
Enables the filter for the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Fault input filter is disabled.

1 Fault input filter is enabled.
6 Fault Input 2 Filter Enable
Enables the filter for the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Fault input filter is disabled.

1 Fault input filter is enabled.
5 Fault Input 1 Filter Enable
Enables the filter for the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Fault input filter is disabled.

1 Fault input filter is enabled.
4 Fault Input 0 Filter Enable
Enables the filter for the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Fault input filter is disabled.

1 Fault input filter is enabled.
3 Fault Input 3 Enable
Enables the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Fault input is disabled.

1 Fault input is enabled.
2 Fault Input 2 Enable
Enables the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Fault input is disabled.

1 Fault input is enabled.
1 Fault Input 1 Enable
Enables the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.
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874 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_FLTCTRL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Fault input is disabled.
1 Fault input is enabled.
0 Fault Input 0 Enable
Enables the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Fault input is disabled.

1 Fault input is enabled.

37.3.21 Quadrature Decoder Control And Status (FTMx_QDCTRL)

This register has the control and status bits for the Quadrature Decoder mode.
Address: Base address + 80h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


R 0





Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 875
Memory map and register definition

FTMx_QDCTRL field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Phase A Input Filter Enable
Enables the filter for the quadrature decoder phase A input. The filter value for the phase A input is
defined by the CH0FVAL field of FILTER. The phase A filter is also disabled when CH0FVAL is zero.

0 Phase A input filter is disabled.

1 Phase A input filter is enabled.
6 Phase B Input Filter Enable
Enables the filter for the quadrature decoder phase B input. The filter value for the phase B input is
defined by the CH1FVAL field of FILTER. The phase B filter is also disabled when CH1FVAL is zero.

0 Phase B input filter is disabled.

1 Phase B input filter is enabled.
5 Phase A Input Polarity
Selects the polarity for the quadrature decoder phase A input.

0 Normal polarity. Phase A input signal is not inverted before identifying the rising and falling edges of
this signal.
1 Inverted polarity. Phase A input signal is inverted before identifying the rising and falling edges of this
4 Phase B Input Polarity
Selects the polarity for the quadrature decoder phase B input.

0 Normal polarity. Phase B input signal is not inverted before identifying the rising and falling edges of
this signal.
1 Inverted polarity. Phase B input signal is inverted before identifying the rising and falling edges of this
3 Quadrature Decoder Mode
Selects the encoding mode used in the Quadrature Decoder mode.

0 Phase A and phase B encoding mode.

1 Count and direction encoding mode.
2 FTM Counter Direction In Quadrature Decoder Mode
Indicates the counting direction.

0 Counting direction is decreasing (FTM counter decrement).

1 Counting direction is increasing (FTM counter increment).
1 Timer Overflow Direction In Quadrature Decoder Mode
Indicates if the TOF bit was set on the top or the bottom of counting.

0 TOF bit was set on the bottom of counting. There was an FTM counter decrement and FTM counter
changes from its minimum value (CNTIN register) to its maximum value (MOD register).
1 TOF bit was set on the top of counting. There was an FTM counter increment and FTM counter
changes from its maximum value (MOD register) to its minimum value (CNTIN register).

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876 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_QDCTRL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Quadrature Decoder Mode Enable
Enables the Quadrature Decoder mode. In this mode, the phase A and B input signals control the FTM
counter direction. The Quadrature Decoder mode has precedence over the other modes. See Table 37-7.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 Quadrature Decoder mode is disabled.

1 Quadrature Decoder mode is enabled.

37.3.22 Configuration (FTMx_CONF)

This register selects the number of times that the FTM counter overflow should occur
before the TOF bit to be set, the FTM behavior in BDM modes, the use of an external
global time base, and the global time base signal generation.
Address: Base address + 84h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_CONF field descriptions

Field Description
31–11 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
10 Global Time Base Output
Enables the global time base signal generation to other FTMs.

0 A global time base signal generation is disabled.

A global time base signal generation is enabled.
9 Global Time Base Enable
Configures the FTM to use an external global time base signal that is generated by another FTM.
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 877
Memory map and register definition

FTMx_CONF field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Use of an external global time base is disabled.
Use of an external global time base is enabled.
8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–6 BDM Mode
Selects the FTM behavior in BDM mode. See BDM mode.
5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4–0 TOF Frequency
Selects the ratio between the number of counter overflows to the number of times the TOF bit is set.
NUMTOF = 0: The TOF bit is set for each counter overflow.
NUMTOF = 1: The TOF bit is set for the first counter overflow but not for the next overflow.
NUMTOF = 2: The TOF bit is set for the first counter overflow but not for the next 2 overflows.
NUMTOF = 3: The TOF bit is set for the first counter overflow but not for the next 3 overflows.
This pattern continues up to a maximum of 31.

37.3.23 FTM Fault Input Polarity (FTMx_FLTPOL)

This register defines the fault inputs polarity.
Address: Base address + 88h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0




Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_FLTPOL field descriptions

Field Description
31–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_FLTPOL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
3 Fault Input 3 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The fault input polarity is active high. A one at the fault input indicates a fault.
1 The fault input polarity is active low. A zero at the fault input indicates a fault.
2 Fault Input 2 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The fault input polarity is active high. A one at the fault input indicates a fault.
1 The fault input polarity is active low. A zero at the fault input indicates a fault.
1 Fault Input 1 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The fault input polarity is active high. A one at the fault input indicates a fault.
1 The fault input polarity is active low. A zero at the fault input indicates a fault.
0 Fault Input 0 Polarity
Defines the polarity of the fault input.
This field is write protected. It can be written only when MODE[WPDIS] = 1.

0 The fault input polarity is active high. A one at the fault input indicates a fault.
1 The fault input polarity is active low. A zero at the fault input indicates a fault.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 879
Memory map and register definition

37.3.24 Synchronization Configuration (FTMx_SYNCONF)

This register selects the PWM synchronization configuration, SWOCTRL, INVCTRL
and CNTIN registers synchronization, if FTM clears the TRIGj bit, where j = 0, 1, 2,
when the hardware trigger j is detected.
Address: Base address + 8Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16





Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 SWRSTCNT 0 0 0





Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_SYNCONF field descriptions

Field Description
31–21 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
20 Software output control synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger.
0 A hardware trigger does not activate the SWOCTRL register synchronization.
1 A hardware trigger activates the SWOCTRL register synchronization.
19 Inverting control synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger.
0 A hardware trigger does not activate the INVCTRL register synchronization.
1 A hardware trigger activates the INVCTRL register synchronization.
18 Output mask synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger.
0 A hardware trigger does not activate the OUTMASK register synchronization.
1 A hardware trigger activates the OUTMASK register synchronization.
17 MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger.
0 A hardware trigger does not activate MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization.
1 A hardware trigger activates MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization.
16 FTM counter synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger.
0 A hardware trigger does not activate the FTM counter synchronization.
1 A hardware trigger activates the FTM counter synchronization.

Table continues on the next page...

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880 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_SYNCONF field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
15–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12 Software output control synchronization is activated by the software trigger.
0 The software trigger does not activate the SWOCTRL register synchronization.
1 The software trigger activates the SWOCTRL register synchronization.
11 Inverting control synchronization is activated by the software trigger.
0 The software trigger does not activate the INVCTRL register synchronization.
1 The software trigger activates the INVCTRL register synchronization.
10 Output mask synchronization is activated by the software trigger.
0 The software trigger does not activate the OUTMASK register synchronization.
1 The software trigger activates the OUTMASK register synchronization.
9 MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization is activated by the software trigger.
0 The software trigger does not activate MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization.
1 The software trigger activates MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization.
8 FTM counter synchronization is activated by the software trigger.
0 The software trigger does not activate the FTM counter synchronization.
1 The software trigger activates the FTM counter synchronization.
7 Synchronization Mode
Selects the PWM Synchronization mode.

0 Legacy PWM synchronization is selected.

1 Enhanced PWM synchronization is selected.
6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 SWOCTRL Register Synchronization
0 SWOCTRL register is updated with its buffer value at all rising edges of system clock.
1 SWOCTRL register is updated with its buffer value by the PWM synchronization.
4 INVCTRL Register Synchronization
0 INVCTRL register is updated with its buffer value at all rising edges of system clock.
1 INVCTRL register is updated with its buffer value by the PWM synchronization.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 CNTIN Register Synchronization
0 CNTIN register is updated with its buffer value at all rising edges of system clock.
1 CNTIN register is updated with its buffer value by the PWM synchronization.
1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 Hardware Trigger Mode
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 881
Memory map and register definition

FTMx_SYNCONF field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 FTM clears the TRIGj bit when the hardware trigger j is detected.
1 FTM does not clear the TRIGj bit when the hardware trigger j is detected.

37.3.25 FTM Inverting Control (FTMx_INVCTRL)

This register controls when the channel (n) output becomes the channel (n+1) output, and
channel (n+1) output becomes the channel (n) output. Each INVmEN bit enables the
inverting operation for the corresponding pair channels m.
This register has a write buffer. The INVmEN bit is updated by the INVCTRL register
Address: Base address + 90h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0





Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_INVCTRL field descriptions

Field Description
31–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Pair Channels 3 Inverting Enable
0 Inverting is disabled.
1 Inverting is enabled.
2 Pair Channels 2 Inverting Enable
0 Inverting is disabled.
1 Inverting is enabled.
1 Pair Channels 1 Inverting Enable
0 Inverting is disabled.
1 Inverting is enabled.

Table continues on the next page...

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882 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_INVCTRL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Pair Channels 0 Inverting Enable
0 Inverting is disabled.
1 Inverting is enabled.

37.3.26 FTM Software Output Control (FTMx_SWOCTRL)

This register enables software control of channel (n) output and defines the value forced
to the channel (n) output:
• The CHnOC bits enable the control of the corresponding channel (n) output by
• The CHnOCV bits select the value that is forced at the corresponding channel (n)
This register has a write buffer. The fields are updated by the SWOCTRL register
Address: Base address + 94h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

















Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_SWOCTRL field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15 Channel 7 Software Output Control Value
0 The software output control forces 0 to the channel output.
1 The software output control forces 1 to the channel output.
14 Channel 6 Software Output Control Value
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 883
Memory map and register definition

FTMx_SWOCTRL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The software output control forces 0 to the channel output.
1 The software output control forces 1 to the channel output.
13 Channel 5 Software Output Control Value
0 The software output control forces 0 to the channel output.
1 The software output control forces 1 to the channel output.
12 Channel 4 Software Output Control Value
0 The software output control forces 0 to the channel output.
1 The software output control forces 1 to the channel output.
11 Channel 3 Software Output Control Value
0 The software output control forces 0 to the channel output.
1 The software output control forces 1 to the channel output.
10 Channel 2 Software Output Control Value
0 The software output control forces 0 to the channel output.
1 The software output control forces 1 to the channel output.
9 Channel 1 Software Output Control Value
0 The software output control forces 0 to the channel output.
1 The software output control forces 1 to the channel output.
8 Channel 0 Software Output Control Value
0 The software output control forces 0 to the channel output.
1 The software output control forces 1 to the channel output.
7 Channel 7 Software Output Control Enable
0 The channel output is not affected by software output control.
1 The channel output is affected by software output control.
6 Channel 6 Software Output Control Enable
0 The channel output is not affected by software output control.
1 The channel output is affected by software output control.
5 Channel 5 Software Output Control Enable
0 The channel output is not affected by software output control.
1 The channel output is affected by software output control.
4 Channel 4 Software Output Control Enable
0 The channel output is not affected by software output control.
1 The channel output is affected by software output control.
3 Channel 3 Software Output Control Enable
0 The channel output is not affected by software output control.
1 The channel output is affected by software output control.
2 Channel 2 Software Output Control Enable
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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

FTMx_SWOCTRL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The channel output is not affected by software output control.
1 The channel output is affected by software output control.
1 Channel 1 Software Output Control Enable
0 The channel output is not affected by software output control.
1 The channel output is affected by software output control.
0 Channel 0 Software Output Control Enable
0 The channel output is not affected by software output control.
1 The channel output is affected by software output control.

37.3.27 FTM PWM Load (FTMx_PWMLOAD)

Enables the loading of the MOD, CNTIN, C(n)V, and C(n+1)V registers with the values
of their write buffers when the FTM counter changes from the MOD register value to its
next value or when a channel (j) match occurs. A match occurs for the channel (j) when
FTM counter = C(j)V.
Address: Base address + 98h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0








Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FTMx_PWMLOAD field descriptions

Field Description
31–10 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
9 Load Enable
Enables the loading of the MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers with the values of their write buffers.

0 Loading updated values is disabled.

1 Loading updated values is enabled.

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 885
Functional description

FTMx_PWMLOAD field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Channel 7 Select
0 Do not include the channel in the matching process.
1 Include the channel in the matching process.
6 Channel 6 Select
0 Do not include the channel in the matching process.
1 Include the channel in the matching process.
5 Channel 5 Select
0 Do not include the channel in the matching process.
1 Include the channel in the matching process.
4 Channel 4 Select
0 Do not include the channel in the matching process.
1 Include the channel in the matching process.
3 Channel 3 Select
0 Do not include the channel in the matching process.
1 Include the channel in the matching process.
2 Channel 2 Select
0 Do not include the channel in the matching process.
1 Include the channel in the matching process.
1 Channel 1 Select
0 Do not include the channel in the matching process.
1 Include the channel in the matching process.
0 Channel 0 Select
0 Do not include the channel in the matching process.
1 Include the channel in the matching process.

37.4 Functional description

The notation used in this document to represent the counters and the generation of the
signals is shown in the following figure.

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886 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)
FTM counting is up.
Channel (n) is in high-true EPWM mode.
PS[2:0] = 001
CNTIN = 0x0000
MOD = 0x0004
CnV = 0x0002

prescaler counter 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

FTM counter 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2

channel (n) output

counter channel (n) counter channel (n) counter channel (n)

overflow match overflow match overflow match

Figure 37-166. Notation used

37.4.1 Clock source

The FTM has only one clock domain: the system clock.. Counter clock source

The CLKS[1:0] bits in the SC register select one of three possible clock sources for the
FTM counter or disable the FTM counter. After any MCU reset, CLKS[1:0] = 0:0 so no
clock source is selected.
The CLKS[1:0] bits may be read or written at any time. Disabling the FTM counter by
writing 0:0 to the CLKS[1:0] bits does not affect the FTM counter value or other
The fixed frequency clock is an alternative clock source for the FTM counter that allows
the selection of a clock other than the system clock or an external clock. This clock input
is defined by chip integration. Refer to the chip specific documentation for further
information. Due to FTM hardware implementation limitations, the frequency of the
fixed frequency clock must not exceed 1/2 of the system clock frequency.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 887
Functional description

The external clock passes through a synchronizer clocked by the system clock to assure
that counter transitions are properly aligned to system clock transitions.Therefore, to
meet Nyquist criteria considering also jitter, the frequency of the external clock source
must not exceed 1/4 of the system clock frequency.

37.4.2 Prescaler
The selected counter clock source passes through a prescaler that is a 7-bit counter. The
value of the prescaler is selected by the PS[2:0] bits. The following figure shows an
example of the prescaler counter and FTM counter.
FTM counting is up.
PS[2:0] = 001
CNTIN = 0x0000
MOD = 0x0003

selected input clock

prescaler counter 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

FTM counter 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1

Figure 37-167. Example of the prescaler counter

37.4.3 Counter
The FTM has a 16-bit counter that is used by the channels either for input or output
modes. The FTM counter clock is the selected clock divided by the prescaler.
The FTM counter has these modes of operation:
• Up counting
• Up-down counting
• Quadrature Decoder mode Up counting
Up counting is selected when (QUADEN = 0) and (CPWMS = 0).
CNTIN defines the starting value of the count and MOD defines the final value of the
count, see the following figure. The value of CNTIN is loaded into the FTM counter, and
the counter increments until the value of MOD is reached, at which point the counter is
reloaded with the value of CNTIN.

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888 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

The FTM period when using up counting is (MOD – CNTIN + 0x0001) × period of the
FTM counter clock.
The TOF bit is set when the FTM counter changes from MOD to CNTIN.
FTM counting is up.
CNTIN = 0xFFFC (in two's complement is equal to -4)
MOD = 0x0004

FTM counter (in decimal values) 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3

TOF bit

set TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit

period of FTM counter clock

period of counting = (MOD - CNTIN + 0x0001) x period of FTM counter clock

Figure 37-168. Example of FTM up and signed counting

Table 37-242. FTM counting based on CNTIN value

When Then
CNTIN = 0x0000 The FTM counting is equivalent to TPM up counting, that is,
up and unsigned counting. See the following figure.
CNTIN[15] = 1 The initial value of the FTM counter is a negative number in
two's complement, so the FTM counting is up and signed.
CNTIN[15] = 0 and CNTIN ≠ 0x0000 The initial value of the FTM counter is a positive number, so
the FTM counting is up and unsigned.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 889
Functional description
FTM counting is up
CNTIN = 0x0000
MOD = 0x0004

FTM counter 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2

TOF bit

set TOF bit set TOF bit set TOF bit

period of FTM counter clock

period of counting = (MOD - CNTIN + 0x0001) x period of FTM counter clock

= (MOD + 0x0001) x period of FTM counter clock

Figure 37-169. Example of FTM up counting with CNTIN = 0x0000

• FTM operation is only valid when the value of the CNTIN
register is less than the value of the MOD register, either in
the unsigned counting or signed counting. It is the
responsibility of the software to ensure that the values in
the CNTIN and MOD registers meet this requirement. Any
values of CNTIN and MOD that do not satisfy this criteria
can result in unpredictable behavior.
• MOD = CNTIN is a redundant condition. In this case, the
FTM counter is always equal to MOD and the TOF bit is
set in each rising edge of the FTM counter clock.
• When MOD = 0x0000, CNTIN = 0x0000, for example
after reset, and FTMEN = 1, the FTM counter remains
stopped at 0x0000 until a non-zero value is written into the
MOD or CNTIN registers.
• Setting CNTIN to be greater than the value of MOD is not
recommended as this unusual setting may make the FTM
operation difficult to comprehend. However, there is no
restriction on this configuration, and an example is shown
in the following figure.

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890 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)
FTM counting is up
MOD = 0x0005
CNTIN = 0x0015

load of CNTIN load of CNTIN

FTM counter 0x0005 0x0015 0x0016 ... 0xFFFE 0xFFFF 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x0003 0x0004 0x0005 0x0015 0x0016 ...

TOF bit

set TOF bit set TOF bit

Figure 37-170. Example of up counting when the value of CNTIN is greater than the
value of MOD Up-down counting

Up-down counting is selected when (QUADEN= 0) and (CPWMS = 1).
CNTIN defines the starting value of the count and MOD defines the final value of the
count. The value of CNTIN is loaded into the FTM counter, and the counter increments
until the value of MOD is reached, at which point the counter is decremented until it
returns to the value of CNTIN and the up-down counting restarts.
The FTM period when using up-down counting is 2 × (MOD – CNTIN) × period of the
FTM counter clock.
The TOF bit is set when the FTM counter changes from MOD to (MOD – 1).
If (CNTIN = 0x0000), the FTM counting is equivalent to TPM up-down counting, that is,
up-down and unsigned counting. See the following figure.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 891
Functional description
FTM counting is up-down
CNTIN = 0x0000
MOD = 0x0004

FTM counter 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

TOF bit

set TOF bit set TOF bit

period of FTM counter clock

period of counting = 2 x (MOD - CNTIN) x period of FTM counter clock
= 2 x MOD x period of FTM counter clock

Figure 37-171. Example of up-down counting when CNTIN = 0x0000

It is expected that the up-down counting be used only with
CNTIN = 0x0000. Free running counter

If (FTMEN = 0) and (MOD = 0x0000 or MOD = 0xFFFF), the FTM counter is a free
running counter. In this case, the FTM counter runs free from 0x0000 through 0xFFFF
and the TOF bit is set when the FTM counter changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. See the
following figure..
MOD = 0x0000

FTM counter ... 0x0003 0x0004 ... 0xFFFE 0xFFFF 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x0003 0x0004 0x0005 0x0006 ...

TOF bit

set TOF bit

Figure 37-172. Example when the FTM counter is free running

If (FTMEN = 1), (QUADEN = 0), (CPWMS = 0), (CNTIN = 0x0000), and (MOD =
0xFFFF), the FTM counter is a free running counter. In this case, the FTM counter runs
free from 0x0000 through 0xFFFF and the TOF bit is set when the FTM counter changes
from 0xFFFF to 0x0000.

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892 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Counter reset

Any write to CNT resets the FTM counter to the value in the CNTIN register and the
channels output to its initial value, except for channels in Output Compare mode.
The FTM counter synchronization can also be used to force the value of CNTIN into the
FTM counter and the channels output to its initial value, except for channels in Output
Compare mode. When the TOF bit is set

The NUMTOF[4:0] bits define the number of times that the FTM counter overflow
should occur before the TOF bit to be set. If NUMTOF[4:0] = 0x00, then the TOF bit is
set at each FTM counter overflow.

FTM counter

NUMTOF[4:0] 0x02

TOF counter 0x01 0x02 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x00 0x01 0x02

set TOF bit

Figure 37-173. Periodic TOF when NUMTOF = 0x02

FTM counter

NUMTOF[4:0] 0x00

TOF counter 0x00

set TOF bit

Figure 37-174. Periodic TOF when NUMTOF = 0x00

37.4.4 Input Capture mode

The Input Capture mode is selected when:

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 893
Functional description

• CPWMS = 0
• MSnB:MSnA = 0:0
• ELSnB:ELSnA ≠ 0:0
When a selected edge occurs on the channel input, the current value of the FTM counter
is captured into the CnV register, at the same time the CHnF bit is set and the channel
interrupt is generated if enabled by CHnIE = 1. See the following figure.
When a channel is configured for input capture, the FTMxCHn pin is an edge-sensitive
input. ELSnB:ELSnA control bits determine which edge, falling or rising, triggers input-
capture event. Note that the maximum frequency for the channel input signal to be
detected correctly is system clock divided by 4, which is required to meet Nyquist criteria
for signal sampling.
Writes to the CnV register is ignored in Input Capture mode.
While in BDM, the input capture function works as configured. When a selected edge
event occurs, the FTM counter value, which is frozen because of BDM, is captured into
the CnV register and the CHnF bit is set.

was rising
edge selected?
is filter
0 0 CHnIE channel (n) interrupt
synchronizer rising edge
0 1
channel (n) input D Q D Q edge
detector CnV

Filter* 1
system clock CLK CLK 1
falling edge
0 0

was falling
edge selected?

* Filtering function is only available in the inputs of channel 0, 1, 2, and 3 FTM counter

Figure 37-175. Input Capture mode

If the channel input does not have a filter enabled, then the input signal is always delayed
3 rising edges of the system clock, that is, two rising edges to the synchronizer plus one
more rising edge to the edge detector. In other words, the CHnF bit is set on the third
rising edge of the system clock after a valid edge occurs on the channel input.

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894 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

The Input Capture mode must be used only with CNTIN =
0x0000. Filter for Input Capture mode

The filter function is only available on channels 0, 1, 2, and 3.
First, the input signal is synchronized by the system clock. Following synchronization,
the input signal enters the filter block. See the following figure.

Logic to control
channel (n) input after
the synchronizer the filter counter filter output
5-bit up counter Logic to define
divided by 4 the filter output

system clock

Figure 37-176. Channel input filter

When there is a state change in the input signal, the 5-bit counter is reset and starts
counting up. As long as the new state is stable on the input, the counter continues to
increment. If the 5-bit counter overflows, that is, the counter exceeds the value of
CHnFVAL[3:0], the state change of the input signal is validated. It is then transmitted as
a pulse edge to the edge detector.
If the opposite edge appears on the input signal before it can be validated, the counter is
reset. At the next input transition, the counter starts counting again. Any pulse that is
shorter than the minimum value selected by CHnFVAL[3:0] (× 4 system clocks) is
regarded as a glitch and is not passed on to the edge detector. A timing diagram of the
input filter is shown in the following figure.
The filter function is disabled when CHnFVAL[3:0] bits are zero. In this case, the input
signal is delayed 3 rising edges of the system clock. If (CHnFVAL[3:0] ≠ 0000), then the
input signal is delayed by the minimum pulse width (CHnFVAL[3:0] × 4 system clocks)
plus a further 4 rising edges of the system clock: two rising edges to the synchronizer,
one rising edge to the filter output, plus one more to the edge detector. In other words,
CHnF is set (4 + 4 × CHnFVAL[3:0]) system clock periods after a valid edge occurs on
the channel input.
The clock for the 5-bit counter in the channel input filter is the system clock divided by 4.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 895
Functional description

system clock divided by 4

channel (n) input

after the synchronizer

5-bit counter

CHnFVAL[3:0] = 0010
(binary value)

filter output

Figure 37-177. Channel input filter example

37.4.5 Output Compare mode

The Output Compare mode is selected when:
• CPWMS = 0, and
• MSnB:MSnA = 0:1
In Output Compare mode, the FTM can generate timed pulses with programmable
position, polarity, duration, and frequency. When the counter matches the value in the
CnV register of an output compare channel, the channel (n) output can be set, cleared, or
When a channel is initially configured to Toggle mode, the previous value of the channel
output is held until the first output compare event occurs.
The CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHnIE = 1 at the channel
(n) match (FTM counter = CnV).
MOD = 0x0005
CnV = 0x0003
counter channel (n) counter channel (n) counter
overflow match overflow match overflow

CNT ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 ...

channel (n) output previous value

CHnF bit previous value

TOF bit

Figure 37-178. Example of the Output Compare mode when the match toggles the
channel output

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)
MOD = 0x0005
CnV = 0x0003
counter channel (n) counter channel (n) counter
overflow match overflow match overflow

CNT ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 ...

channel (n) output previous value

CHnF bit previous value

TOF bit

Figure 37-179. Example of the Output Compare mode when the match clears the
channel output
MOD = 0x0005
CnV = 0x0003
counter channel (n) counter channel (n) counter
overflow match overflow match overflow

CNT ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 ...

channel (n) output previous value

CHnF bit previous value

TOF bit

Figure 37-180. Example of the Output Compare mode when the match sets the channel

Using the Output Compare mode is possible with (ELSnB:ELSnA = 0:0). In this case,
when the counter reaches the value in the CnV register, the CHnF bit is set and the
channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHnIE = 1, however the channel (n) output is not
modified and controlled by FTM.
The Output Compare mode must be used only with CNTIN =

37.4.6 Edge-Aligned PWM (EPWM) mode

The Edge-Aligned mode is selected when:
• QUADEN = 0
• CPWMS = 0, and
• MSnB = 1

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 897
Functional description

The EPWM period is determined by (MOD − CNTIN + 0x0001) and the pulse width
(duty cycle) is determined by (CnV − CNTIN).
The CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHnIE = 1 at the channel
(n) match (FTM counter = CnV), that is, at the end of the pulse width.
This type of PWM signal is called edge-aligned because the leading edges of all PWM
signals are aligned with the beginning of the period, which is the same for all channels
within an FTM.
counter overflow counter overflow counter overflow


channel (n) output

channel (n) match channel (n) match channel (n) match

Figure 37-181. EPWM period and pulse width with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 0:0) when the counter reaches the value in the CnV register, the
CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHnIE = 1, however the
channel (n) output is not controlled by FTM.
If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0), then the channel (n) output is forced high at the counter
overflow when the CNTIN register value is are loaded into the FTM counter, and it is
forced low at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnV). See the following figure.
MOD = 0x0008
CnV = 0x0005
counter channel (n) counter
overflow match overflow

CNT ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 ...

channel (n) output

CHnF bit previous value

TOF bit

Figure 37-182. EPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

If (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1), then the channel (n) output is forced low at the counter
overflow when the CNTIN register value is loaded into the FTM counter, and it is forced
high at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = CnV). See the following figure.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)
MOD = 0x0008
CnV = 0x0005
counter channel (n) counter
overflow match overflow

CNT ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 ...

channel (n) output

CHnF bit previous value

TOF bit

Figure 37-183. EPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

If (CnV = 0x0000), then the channel (n) output is a 0% duty cycle EPWM signal and
CHnF bit is not set even when there is the channel (n) match. If (CnV > MOD), then the
channel (n) output is a 100% duty cycle EPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set even when
there is the channel (n) match. Therefore, MOD must be less than 0xFFFF in order to get
a 100% duty cycle EPWM signal.
The EPWM mode must be used only with CNTIN = 0x0000.

37.4.7 Center-Aligned PWM (CPWM) mode

The Center-Aligned mode is selected when:
• QUADEN = 0
• COMBINE = 0, and
• CPWMS = 1
The CPWM pulse width (duty cycle) is determined by 2 × (CnV − CNTIN) and the
period is determined by 2 × (MOD − CNTIN). See the following figure. MOD must be
kept in the range of 0x0001 to 0x7FFF because values outside this range can produce
ambiguous results.
In the CPWM mode, the FTM counter counts up until it reaches MOD and then counts
down until it reaches CNTIN.
The CHnF bit is set and channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1) at the channel
(n) match (FTM counter = CnV) when the FTM counting is down (at the begin of the
pulse width) and when the FTM counting is up (at the end of the pulse width).
This type of PWM signal is called center-aligned because the pulse width centers for all
channels are aligned with the value of CNTIN.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 899
Functional description

The other channel modes are not compatible with the up-down counter (CPWMS = 1).
Therefore, all FTM channels must be used in CPWM mode when (CPWMS = 1).
FTM counter = CNTIN

counter overflow channel (n) match channel (n) match counter overflow
FTM counter = (FTM counting (FTM counting FTM counter =
MOD is down) is up) MOD

channel (n) output

pulse width
2 x (CnV - CNTIN)

Figure 37-184. CPWM period and pulse width with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 0:0) when the FTM counter reaches the value in the CnV register,
the CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1), however the
channel (n) output is not controlled by FTM.
If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0), then the channel (n) output is forced high at the channel (n)
match (FTM counter = CnV) when counting down, and it is forced low at the channel (n)
match when counting up. See the following figure.
MOD = 0x0008 counter counter
CnV = 0x0005 overflow overflow
channel (n) match in channel (n) match in channel (n) match in
down counting up counting down counting

CNT ... 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 ...

channel (n) output

CHnF bit previous value

TOF bit

Figure 37-185. CPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

If (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1), then the channel (n) output is forced low at the channel (n)
match (FTM counter = CnV) when counting down, and it is forced high at the channel (n)
match when counting up. See the following figure.

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900 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)
MOD = 0x0008 counter counter
CnV = 0x0005 overflow overflow
channel (n) match in channel (n) match in channel (n) match in
down counting up counting down counting

CNT ... 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 ...

channel (n) output

CHnF bit previous value

TOF bit

Figure 37-186. CPWM signal with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

If (CnV = 0x0000) or CnV is a negative value, that is (CnV[15] = 1), then the channel (n)
output is a 0% duty cycle CPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set even when there is the
channel (n) match.
If CnV is a positive value, that is (CnV[15] = 0), (CnV ≥ MOD), and (MOD ≠ 0x0000),
then the channel (n) output is a 100% duty cycle CPWM signal and CHnF bit is not set
even when there is the channel (n) match. This implies that the usable range of periods
set by MOD is 0x0001 through 0x7FFE, 0x7FFF if you do not need to generate a 100%
duty cycle CPWM signal. This is not a significant limitation because the resulting period
is much longer than required for normal applications.
The CPWM mode must not be used when the FTM counter is a free running counter.
The CPWM mode must be used only with CNTIN = 0x0000.

37.4.8 Combine mode

The Combine mode is selected when:
• FTMEN = 1
• QUADEN = 0
• COMBINE = 1, and
• CPWMS = 0
In Combine mode, an even channel (n) and adjacent odd channel (n+1) are combined to
generate a PWM signal in the channel (n) output.
In the Combine mode, the PWM period is determined by (MOD − CNTIN + 0x0001) and
the PWM pulse width (duty cycle) is determined by (|C(n+1)V − C(n)V|).

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 901
Functional description

The CHnF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CHnIE = 1) at the
channel (n) match (FTM counter = C(n)V). The CH(n+1)F bit is set and the channel (n
+1) interrupt is generated, if CH(n+1)IE = 1, at the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter =
If (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0), then the channel (n) output is forced low at the beginning of
the period (FTM counter = CNTIN) and at the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n
+1)V). It is forced high at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = C(n)V). See the
following figure.
If (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1), then the channel (n) output is forced high at the beginning of
the period (FTM counter = CNTIN) and at the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n
+1)V). It is forced low at the channel (n) match (FTM counter = C(n)V). See the
following figure.
In Combine mode, the ELS(n+1)B and ELS(n+1)A bits are not used in the generation of
the channels (n) and (n+1) output. However, if (ELSnB:ELSnA = 0:0) then the channel
(n) output is not controlled by FTM, and if (ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 0:0) then the
channel (n+1) output is not controlled by FTM.
channel (n+1) match

FTM counter
channel (n) match

channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-187. Combine mode

The following figures illustrate the PWM signals generation using Combine mode.

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FTM counter





channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-188. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V <
MOD) and (C(n)V < C(n+1)V)
FTM counter
MOD = C(n+1)V



channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-189. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (C(n+1)V = MOD)
FTM counter



channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0
channel (n) output
with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-190. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD)

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 903
Functional description
FTM counter
MOD = C(n+1)V



not fully 100% duty cycle

channel (n) output
with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output not fully 0% duty cycle

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-191. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (C(n)V is Almost Equal
to CNTIN) and (C(n+1)V = MOD)
FTM counter



not fully 100% duty cycle

channel (n) output
with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output not fully 0% duty cycle

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-192. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD) and
(C(n+1)V is Almost Equal to MOD)

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)
FTM counter


channel (n) output 0% duty cycle

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1 100% duty cycle

Figure 37-193. Channel (n) output if C(n)V and C(n+1)V are not between CNTIN and MOD
FTM counter


C(n+1)V = C(n)V


channel (n) output 0% duty cycle

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output 100% duty cycle

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-194. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V <
MOD) and (C(n)V = C(n+1)V)

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 905
Functional description
FTM counter

C(n)V =
C(n+1)V = CNTIN

channel (n) output 0% duty cycle

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0
channel (n) output
100% duty cycle
with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-195. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = C(n+1)V = CNTIN)

MOD = FTM counter
C(n+1)V =


channel (n) output

0% duty cycle
with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output

100% duty cycle
with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-196. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V = C(n+1)V = MOD)

FTM counter




channel (n) match

is ignored
channel (n) output 0% duty cycle
with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output 100% duty cycle

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-197. Channel (n) output if (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V <
MOD) and (C(n)V > C(n+1)V)

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FTM counter



channel (n) output 0% duty cycle

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output 100% duty cycle

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-198. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V < CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD)
FTM counter



channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-199. Channel (n) output if (C(n+1)V < CNTIN) and (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD)

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 907
Functional description
FTM counter





channel (n) output 0% duty cycle

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output 100% duty cycle

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-200. Channel (n) output if (C(n)V > MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n+1)V < MOD)
FTM counter





channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-201. Channel (n) output if (C(n+1)V > MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n)V < MOD)

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FTM counter

MOD = C(n)V


channel (n) output

not fully 0% duty cycle
with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n) output

not fully 100% duty cycle
with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

Figure 37-202. Channel (n) output if (C(n+1)V > MOD) and (CNTIN < C(n)V = MOD) Asymmetrical PWM

In Combine mode, the control of the PWM signal first edge, when the channel (n) match
occurs, that is, FTM counter = C(n)V, is independent of the control of the PWM signal
second edge, when the channel (n+1) match occurs, that is, FTM counter = C(n+1)V. So,
Combine mode allows the generation of asymmetrical PWM signals.

37.4.9 Complementary mode

The Complementary mode is selected when:
• FTMEN = 1
• QUADEN = 0
• CPWMS = 0, and
• COMP = 1
In Complementary mode, the channel (n+1) output is the inverse of the channel (n)
If (FTMEN = 1), (QUADEN = 0), (DECAPEN = 0), (COMBINE = 1), (CPWMS = 0),
and (COMP = 0), then the channel (n+1) output is the same as the channel (n) output.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 909
Functional description

channel (n+1) match

FTM counter
channel (n) match

channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0

channel (n+1) output

with COMP = 0

channel (n+1) output

with COMP = 1

Figure 37-203. Channel (n+1) output in Complementary mode with (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0)

channel (n+1) match

FTM counter
channel (n) match

channel (n) output

with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1

channel (n+1) output

with COMP = 0

channel (n+1) output

with COMP = 1

Figure 37-204. Channel (n+1) output in Complementary mode with (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1)

37.4.10 Registers updated from write buffers CNTIN register update

The following table describes when CNTIN register is updated:
Table 37-243. CNTIN register update
When Then CNTIN register is updated
CLKS[1:0] = 0:0 When CNTIN register is written, independent of FTMEN bit.
• FTMEN = 0, or At the next system clock after CNTIN was written.
• CNTINC = 0
• FTMEN = 1, By the CNTIN register synchronization.
• SYNCMODE = 1, and
• CNTINC = 1

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM) MOD register update

The following table describes when MOD register is updated:
Table 37-244. MOD register update
When Then MOD register is updated
CLKS[1:0] = 0:0 When MOD register is written, independent of FTMEN bit.
• CLKS[1:0] ≠ 0:0, and According to the CPWMS bit, that is:
• FTMEN = 0
• If the selected mode is not CPWM then MOD register is updated after MOD
register was written and the FTM counter changes from MOD to CNTIN. If
the FTM counter is at free-running counter mode then this update occurs
when the FTM counter changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0000.
• If the selected mode is CPWM then MOD register is updated after MOD
register was written and the FTM counter changes from MOD to (MOD –

• CLKS[1:0] ≠ 0:0, and By the MOD register synchronization.

• FTMEN = 1 CnV register update

The following table describes when CnV register is updated:
Table 37-245. CnV register update
When Then CnV register is updated
CLKS[1:0] = 0:0 When CnV register is written, independent of FTMEN bit.
• CLKS[1:0] ≠ 0:0, and According to the selected mode, that is:
• FTMEN = 0
• If the selected mode is Output Compare, then CnV register is updated on the
next FTM counter change, end of the prescaler counting, after CnV register
was written.
• If the selected mode is EPWM, then CnV register is updated after CnV
register was written and the FTM counter changes from MOD to CNTIN. If
the FTM counter is at free-running counter mode then this update occurs
when the FTM counter changes from 0xFFFF to 0x0000.
• If the selected mode is CPWM, then CnV register is updated after CnV
register was written and the FTM counter changes from MOD to (MOD –
• CLKS[1:0] ≠ 0:0, and According to the selected mode, that is:
• FTMEN = 1
• If the selected mode is output compare then CnV register is updated
according to the SYNCEN bit. If (SYNCEN = 0) then CnV register is updated
after CnV register was written at the next change of the FTM counter, the
end of the prescaler counting. If (SYNCEN = 1) then CnV register is updated
by the C(n)V and C(n+1)V register synchronization.
• If the selected mode is not output compare and (SYNCEN = 1) then CnV
register is updated by the C(n)V and C(n+1)V register synchronization.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 911
Functional description

37.4.11 PWM synchronization

The PWM synchronization provides an opportunity to update the MOD, CNTIN, CnV,
OUTMASK, INVCTRL and SWOCTRL registers with their buffered value and force the
FTM counter to the CNTIN register value.
• The PWM synchronization must be used only in Combine
• The legacy PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE = 0) is a
subset of the enhanced PWM synchronization
(SYNCMODE = 1). Thus, only the enhanced PWM
synchronization must be used. Hardware trigger

Three hardware trigger signal inputs of the FTM module are enabled when TRIGn = 1,
where n = 0, 1 or 2 corresponding to each one of the input signals, respectively. The
hardware trigger input n is synchronized by the system clock. The PWM synchronization
with hardware trigger is initiated when a rising edge is detected at the enabled hardware
trigger inputs.
If (HWTRIGMODE = 0) then the TRIGn bit is cleared when 0 is written to it or when the
trigger n event is detected.
In this case, if two or more hardware triggers are enabled (for example, TRIG0 and
TRIG1 = 1) and only trigger 1 event occurs, then only TRIG1 bit is cleared. If a trigger n
event occurs together with a write setting TRIGn bit, then the synchronization is initiated,
but TRIGn bit remains set due to the write operation.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

system clock

write 1 to TRIG0 bit

TRIG0 bit

trigger_0 input

synchronized trigger_0
by system clock

trigger 0 event

All hardware trigger inputs have the same behavior.

Figure 37-205. Hardware trigger event with HWTRIGMODE = 0

If HWTRIGMODE = 1, then the TRIGn bit is only cleared when 0 is written to it.
The HWTRIGMODE bit must be 1 only with enhanced PWM
synchronization (SYNCMODE = 1). Software trigger

A software trigger event occurs when 1 is written to the SYNC[SWSYNC] bit. The
SWSYNC bit is cleared when 0 is written to it or when the PWM synchronization,
initiated by the software event, is completed.
If another software trigger event occurs (by writing another 1 to the SWSYNC bit) at the
same time the PWM synchronization initiated by the previous software trigger event is
ending, a new PWM synchronization is started and the SWSYNC bit remains equal to 1.
If SYNCMODE = 0 then the SWSYNC bit is also cleared by FTM according to
PWMSYNC and REINIT bits. In this case if (PWMSYNC = 1) or (PWMSYNC = 0 and
REINIT = 0) then SWSYNC bit is cleared at the next selected loading point after that the
software trigger event occurred; see Boundary cycle and loading points and the following
figure. If (PWMSYNC = 0) and (REINIT = 1) then SWSYNC bit is cleared when the
software trigger event occurs.
If SYNCMODE = 1 then the SWSYNC bit is also cleared by FTM according to the
SWRSTCNT bit. If SWRSTCNT = 0 then SWSYNC bit is cleared at the next selected
loading point after that the software trigger event occurred; see the following figure. If
SWRSTCNT = 1 then SWSYNC bit is cleared when the software trigger event occurs.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 913
Functional description

system clock

write 1 to SWSYNC bit


software trigger event

PWM synchronization
selected loading point

Figure 37-206. Software trigger event Boundary cycle and loading points

The boundary cycle definition is important for the loading points for the registers MOD,
CNTIN, and C(n)V.
In Up counting mode, the boundary cycle is defined as when the counter wraps to its
initial value (CNTIN). If in Up-down counting mode, then the boundary cycle is defined
as when the counter turns from down to up counting and when from up to down counting.
The following figure shows the boundary cycles and the loading points for the registers.
In the Up Counting mode, the loading points are enabled if one of CNTMIN or CTMAX
bits are 1. In the Up-Down Counting mode, the loading points are selected by CNTMIN
and CNTMAX bits, as indicated in the figure. These loading points are safe places for
register updates thus allowing a smooth transitions in PWM waveform generation.
For both counting modes, if neither CNTMIN nor CNTMAX are 1, then the boundary
cycles are not used as loading points for registers updates. See the register
synchronization descriptions in the following sections for details.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)
loading points if CNTMAX = 1 or CNTMIN = 1


up counting mode

loading points if CNTMAX = 1

CNT = (MOD - 0x0001) -> MOD

up-down counting mode

CNT = (CNTIN + 0x0001) -> CNTIN

loading points if CNTMIN = 1

Figure 37-207. Boundary cycles and loading points MOD register synchronization

The MOD register synchronization updates the MOD register with its buffer value. This
synchronization is enabled if (FTMEN = 1).
The MOD register synchronization can be done by either the enhanced PWM
synchronization (SYNCMODE = 1) or the legacy PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE
= 0). However, it is expected that the MOD register be synchronized only by the
enhanced PWM synchronization.
In the case of enhanced PWM synchronization, the MOD register synchronization
depends on SWWRBUF, SWRSTCNT, HWWRBUF, and HWRSTCNT bits according to
this flowchart:

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 915
Functional description


legacy =0
PWM synchronization SYNCMODE
bit ?
enhanced PWM synchronization

MOD register is MOD register is

updated by software trigger updated by hardware trigger
bit ? bit ?
=1 =1
end end

software hardware
trigger trigger
0= TRIGn
bit ? bit ?
FTM counter is reset by
software trigger
=1 wait hardware trigger n
bit ?

wait the next selected HWTRIGMODE

loading point bit ?

update MOD with update MOD with

its buffer value its buffer value clear TRIGn bit

clear SWSYNC bit clear SWSYNC bit FTM counter is reset by

hardware trigger
0= =1
end end bit ?

wait the next selected

loading point

update MOD with update MOD with

its buffer value its buffer value

end end

Figure 37-208. MOD register synchronization flowchart

In the case of legacy PWM synchronization, the MOD register synchronization depends
on PWMSYNC and REINIT bits according to the following description.
If (SYNCMODE = 0), (PWMSYNC = 0), and (REINIT = 0), then this synchronization is
made on the next selected loading point after an enabled trigger event takes place. If the
trigger event was a software trigger, then the SWSYNC bit is cleared on the next selected

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916 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

loading point. If the trigger event was a hardware trigger, then the trigger enable bit
(TRIGn) is cleared according to Hardware trigger. Examples with software and hardware
triggers follow.

system clock

write 1 to SWSYNC bit


software trigger event

selected loading point

MOD register is updated

Figure 37-209. MOD synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT =
0), and software trigger was used

system clock

write 1 to TRIG0 bit

TRIG0 bit

trigger 0 event

selected loading point

MOD register is updated

Figure 37-210. MOD synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0),

(PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT = 0), and a hardware trigger was used

If (SYNCMODE = 0), (PWMSYNC = 0), and (REINIT = 1), then this synchronization is
made on the next enabled trigger event. If the trigger event was a software trigger, then
the SWSYNC bit is cleared according to the following example. If the trigger event was a
hardware trigger, then the TRIGn bit is cleared according to Hardware trigger. Examples
with software and hardware triggers follow.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 917
Functional description

system clock

write 1 to SWSYNC bit


software trigger event

MOD register is updated

Figure 37-211. MOD synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT =
1), and software trigger was used

system clock

write 1 to TRIG0 bit

TRIG0 bit

trigger 0 event

MOD register is updated

Figure 37-212. MOD synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0),

(PWMSYNC = 0), (REINIT = 1), and a hardware trigger was used

If (SYNCMODE = 0) and (PWMSYNC = 1), then this synchronization is made on the

next selected loading point after the software trigger event takes place. The SWSYNC bit
is cleared on the next selected loading point:

system clock

write 1 to SWSYNC bit


software trigger event

selected loading point

MOD register is updated

Figure 37-213. MOD synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0) and (PWMSYNC = 1)

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

918 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM) CNTIN register synchronization

The CNTIN register synchronization updates the CNTIN register with its buffer value.
This synchronization is enabled if (FTMEN = 1), (SYNCMODE = 1), and (CNTINC =
1). The CNTIN register synchronization can be done only by the enhanced PWM
synchronization (SYNCMODE = 1). The synchronization mechanism is the same as the
MOD register synchronization done by the enhanced PWM synchronization; see MOD
register synchronization. C(n)V and C(n+1)V register synchronization

The C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers synchronization updates the C(n)V and C(n+1)V
registers with their buffer values.
This synchronization is enabled if (FTMEN = 1) and (SYNCEN = 1). The
synchronization mechanism is the same as the MOD register synchronization. However,
it is expected that the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers be synchronized only by the
enhanced PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE = 1). OUTMASK register synchronization

The OUTMASK register synchronization updates the OUTMASK register with its buffer
The OUTMASK register can be updated at each rising edge of system clock
(SYNCHOM = 0), by the enhanced PWM synchronization (SYNCHOM = 1 and
SYNCMODE = 1) or by the legacy PWM synchronization (SYNCHOM = 1 and
SYNCMODE = 0). However, it is expected that the OUTMASK register be synchronized
only by the enhanced PWM synchronization.
In the case of enhanced PWM synchronization, the OUTMASK register synchronization
depends on SWOM and HWOM bits. See the following flowchart:

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 919
Functional description


update OUTMASK register at

each rising edge of system clock update OUTMASK register by
0= =1 PWM synchronization
bit ?

1= =0
no = rising edge bit ?
of system
clock ?
= yes PWM synchronization

update OUTMASK
with its buffer value


enhanced PWM synchronization

OUTMASK is updated OUTMASK is updated

by software trigger by hardware trigger
1= SWOM =0 0= HWOM =1
bit ? bit ?

software end end hardware

SWSYNC trigger TRIGn =0
bit ? bit ?

wait hardware trigger n

update OUTMASK
with its buffer value

update OUTMASK
end with its buffer value

bit ?

clear TRIGn bit


Figure 37-214. OUTMASK register synchronization flowchart

In the case of legacy PWM synchronization, the OUTMASK register synchronization

depends on PWMSYNC bit according to the following description.

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920 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

If (SYNCMODE = 0), (SYNCHOM = 1), and (PWMSYNC = 0), then this

synchronization is done on the next enabled trigger event. If the trigger event was a
software trigger, then the SWSYNC bit is cleared on the next selected loading point. If
the trigger event was a hardware trigger, then the TRIGn bit is cleared according to
Hardware trigger. Examples with software and hardware triggers follow.

system clock

write 1 to SWSYNC bit


software trigger event

selected loading point

OUTMASK register is updated SWSYNC bit is cleared

Figure 37-215. OUTMASK synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (SYNCHOM = 1),

(PWMSYNC = 0) and software trigger was used

system clock

write 1 to TRIG0 bit

TRIG0 bit

trigger 0 event

OUTMASK register is updated and

TRIG0 bit is cleared

Figure 37-216. OUTMASK synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0),

(SYNCHOM = 1), (PWMSYNC = 0), and a hardware trigger was used

If (SYNCMODE = 0), (SYNCHOM = 1), and (PWMSYNC = 1), then this

synchronization is made on the next enabled hardware trigger. The TRIGn bit is cleared
according to Hardware trigger. An example with a hardware trigger follows.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 921
Functional description

system clock

write 1 to TRIG0 bit

TRIG0 bit

trigger 0 event

OUTMASK register is updated and

TRIG0 bit is cleared

Figure 37-217. OUTMASK synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0),

(SYNCHOM = 1), (PWMSYNC = 1), and a hardware trigger was used INVCTRL register synchronization

The INVCTRL register synchronization updates the INVCTRL register with its buffer
The INVCTRL register can be updated at each rising edge of system clock (INVC = 0) or
by the enhanced PWM synchronization (INVC = 1 and SYNCMODE = 1) according to
the following flowchart.
In the case of enhanced PWM synchronization, the INVCTRL register synchronization
depends on SWINVC and HWINVC bits.

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922 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

update INVCTRL register at
each rising edge of system clock update INVCTRL register by
PWM synchronization
0= INVC =1
bit ?

1= =0
bit ?
no = rising edge
of system end
clock ?
= yes

update INVCTRL
with its buffer value


enhanced PWM synchronization

INVCTRL is updated INVCTRL is updated

by software trigger by hardware trigger
1= SWINVC =0 0= HWINVC =1
bit ? bit ?

software end end hardware

SWSYNC trigger TRIGn =0
bit ? bit ?

update INVCTRL
wait hardware trigger n
with its buffer value

update INVCTRL
end with its buffer value

bit ?

clear TRIGn bit


Figure 37-218. INVCTRL register synchronization flowchart SWOCTRL register synchronization

The SWOCTRL register synchronization updates the SWOCTRL register with its buffer

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 923
Functional description

The SWOCTRL register can be updated at each rising edge of system clock (SWOC = 0)
or by the enhanced PWM synchronization (SWOC = 1 and SYNCMODE = 1) according
to the following flowchart.
In the case of enhanced PWM synchronization, the SWOCTRL register synchronization
depends on SWSOC and HWSOC bits.
update SWOCTRL register at
each rising edge of system clock update SWOCTRL register by
0= =1 PWM synchronization
bit ?

1= =0
bit ?
no = rising edge
of system end
clock ?
= yes

update SWOCTRL
with its buffer value


enhanced PWM synchronization

SWOCTRL is updated SWOCTRL is updated

by software trigger by hardware trigger
1= SWSOC =0 0= HWSOC =1
bit ? bit ?

software end end hardware

SWSYNC trigger TRIGn =0
bit ? bit ?

update SWOCTRL
wait hardware trigger n
with its buffer value

update SWOCTRL
end with its buffer value

bit ?

clear TRIGn bit


Figure 37-219. SWOCTRL register synchronization flowchart

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924 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM) FTM counter synchronization

The FTM counter synchronization is a mechanism that allows the FTM to restart the
PWM generation at a certain point in the PWM period. The channels outputs are forced
to their initial value, except for channels in Output Compare mode, and the FTM counter
is forced to its initial counting value defined by CNTIN register.
The following figure shows the FTM counter synchronization. Note that after the
synchronization event occurs, the channel (n) is set to its initial value and the channel (n
+1) is not set to its initial value due to a specific timing of this figure in which the
deadtime insertion prevents this channel output from transitioning to 1. If no deadtime
insertion is selected, then the channel (n+1) transitions to logical value 1 immediately
after the synchronization event occurs.
channel (n+1) match

FTM counter
channel (n) match

channel (n) output

(after deadtime

channel (n+1) output

(after deadtime

synchronization event

Figure 37-220. FTM counter synchronization

The FTM counter synchronization can be done by either the enhanced PWM
synchronization (SYNCMODE = 1) or the legacy PWM synchronization (SYNCMODE
= 0). However, the FTM counter must be synchronized only by the enhanced PWM
In the case of enhanced PWM synchronization, the FTM counter synchronization
depends on SWRSTCNT and HWRSTCNT bits according to the following flowchart.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 925
Functional description


legacy =0
PWM synchronization SYNCMODE
bit ?
enhanced PWM synchronization

FTM counter is reset by FTM counter is reset by

software trigger hardware trigger
1= =0 =1
bit ? bit ?

end end hardware

TRIGn =0
=0 software
SWSYNC trigger
bit ?
bit ?

update FTM counter with wait hardware trigger n

CNTIN register value

update FTM counter with

update the channels outputs CNTIN register value
with their initial value

update the channels outputs

clear SWSYNC bit with their initial value

bit ?

clear TRIGn bit


Figure 37-221. FTM counter synchronization flowchart

In the case of legacy PWM synchronization, the FTM counter synchronization depends
on REINIT and PWMSYNC bits according to the following description.
If (SYNCMODE = 0), (REINIT = 1), and (PWMSYNC = 0) then this synchronization is
made on the next enabled trigger event. If the trigger event was a software trigger then
the SWSYNC bit is cleared according to the following example. If the trigger event was a
hardware trigger then the TRIGn bit is cleared according to Hardware trigger. Examples
with software and hardware triggers follow.

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926 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

system clock

write 1 to SWSYNC bit


software trigger event

FTM counter is updated with the CNTIN register value

and channel outputs are forced to their initial value

Figure 37-222. FTM counter synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (REINIT = 1),
(PWMSYNC = 0), and software trigger was used

system clock

write 1 to TRIG0 bit

TRIG0 bit

trigger 0 event

FTM counter is updated with the CNTIN register value

and channel outputs are forced to their initial value

Figure 37-223. FTM counter synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0),
(REINIT = 1), (PWMSYNC = 0), and a hardware trigger was used

If (SYNCMODE = 0), (REINIT = 1), and (PWMSYNC = 1) then this synchronization is

made on the next enabled hardware trigger. The TRIGn bit is cleared according to
Hardware trigger.

system clock

write 1 to TRIG0 bit

TRIG0 bit

trigger 0 event

FTM counter is updated with the CNTIN register value

and channel outputs are forced to their initial value

Figure 37-224. FTM counter synchronization with (SYNCMODE = 0), (HWTRIGMODE = 0),
(REINIT = 1), (PWMSYNC = 1), and a hardware trigger was used

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 927
Functional description

37.4.12 Inverting
The invert functionality swaps the signals between channel (n) and channel (n+1)
outputs. The inverting operation is selected when (FTMEN = 1), (QUADEN = 0),
(DECAPEN = 0), (COMBINE = 1), (COMP = 1), (CPWMS = 0), and (INVm = 1),
where m represents a channel pair. The INVm bit in INVCTRL register is updated with
its buffer value according to INVCTRL register synchronization
In High-True (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0) Combine mode, the channel (n) output is forced low
at the beginning of the period (FTM counter = CNTIN), forced high at the channel (n)
match and forced low at the channel (n+1) match. If the inverting is selected, the channel
(n) output behavior is changed to force high at the beginning of the PWM period, force
low at the channel (n) match and force high at the channel (n+1) match. See the following
channel (n+1) match

FTM counter
channel (n) match

channel (n) output

before the inverting

channel (n+1) output

before the inverting

write 1 to INV(m) bit

INV(m) bit buffer

INVCTRL register

INV(m) bit

channel (n) output

after the inverting

channel (n+1) output

after the inverting

INV(m) bit selects the inverting to the pair channels (n) and (n+1).

Figure 37-225. Channels (n) and (n+1) outputs after the inverting in High-True
(ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0) Combine mode

Note that the ELSnB:ELSnA bits value should be considered because they define the
active state of the channels outputs. In Low-True (ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1) Combine mode,
the channel (n) output is forced high at the beginning of the period, forced low at the
channel (n) match and forced high at the channel (n+1) match. When inverting is
selected, the channels (n) and (n+1) present waveforms as shown in the following figure.
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928 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

channel (n+1) match

FTM counter
channel (n) match

channel (n) output

before the inverting

channel (n+1) output

before the inverting

write 1 to INV(m) bit

INV(m) bit buffer

INVCTRL register

INV(m) bit

channel (n) output

after the inverting

channel (n+1) output

after the inverting

INV(m) bit selects the inverting to the pair channels (n) and (n+1).

Figure 37-226. Channels (n) and (n+1) outputs after the inverting in Low-True
(ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1) Combine mode

The inverting feature must be used only in Combine mode.

37.4.13 Software output control

The software output control forces the channel output according to software defined
values at a specific time in the PWM generation.
The software output control is selected when (FTMEN = 1), (QUADEN = 0),
(DECAPEN = 0), (COMBINE = 1), (CPWMS = 0), and (CHnOC = 1). The CHnOC bit
enables the software output control for a specific channel output and the CHnOCV
selects the value that is forced to this channel output.
Both CHnOC and CHnOCV bits in SWOCTRL register are buffered and updated with
their buffer value according to SWOCTRL register synchronization.
The following figure shows the channels (n) and (n+1) outputs signals when the software
output control is used. In this case the channels (n) and (n+1) are set to Combine and
Complementary mode.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 929
Functional description

channel (n+1) match

FTM counter
channel (n) match

channel (n) output

after the software
output control

channel (n+1) output

after the software
output control

CH(n)OC buffer
CH(n+1)OC buffer

write to SWOCTRL register write to SWOCTRL register

CH(n)OC bit
CH(n+1)OC bit

SWOCTRL register synchronization SWOCTRL register synchronization

CH(n)OCV = 1 and CH(n+1)OCV = 0.

Figure 37-227. Example of software output control in Combine and Complementary


Software output control forces the following values on channels (n) and (n+1) when the
COMP bit is zero.
Table 37-246. Software ouput control behavior when (COMP = 0)
CH(n)OC CH(n+1)OC CH(n)OCV CH(n+1)OCV Channel (n) Output Channel (n+1) Output
0 0 X X is not modified by SWOC is not modified by SWOC
1 1 0 0 is forced to zero is forced to zero
1 1 0 1 is forced to zero is forced to one
1 1 1 0 is forced to one is forced to zero
1 1 1 1 is forced to one is forced to one

Software output control forces the following values on channels (n) and (n+1) when the
COMP bit is one.
Table 37-247. Software ouput control behavior when (COMP = 1)
CH(n)OC CH(n+1)OC CH(n)OCV CH(n+1)OCV Channel (n) Output Channel (n+1) Output
0 0 X X is not modified by SWOC is not modified by SWOC
1 1 0 0 is forced to zero is forced to zero
1 1 0 1 is forced to zero is forced to one
1 1 1 0 is forced to one is forced to zero
1 1 1 1 is forced to one is forced to zero

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930 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

• The software output control feature must be used only in
Combine mode.
• The CH(n)OC and CH(n+1)OC bits should be equal.
• The COMP bit must not be modified when software output
control is enabled, that is, CH(n)OC = 1 and/or CH(n
+1)OC = 1.
• Software output control has the same behavior with
disabled or enabled FTM counter (see the CLKS bitfield
description in the Status and Control register).

37.4.14 Deadtime insertion

The deadtime insertion is enabled when (DTEN = 1) and (DTVAL[5:0] is non- zero).
DEADTIME register defines the deadtime delay that can be used for all FTM channels.
The DTPS[1:0] bits define the prescaler for the system clock and the DTVAL[5:0] bits
define the deadtime modulo, that is, the number of the deadtime prescaler clocks.
The deadtime delay insertion ensures that no two complementary signals (channels (n)
and (n+1)) drive the active state at the same time.
If POL(n) = 0, POL(n+1) = 0, and the deadtime is enabled, then when the channel (n)
match (FTM counter = C(n)V) occurs, the channel (n) output remains at the low value
until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n) output is set. Similarly, when the
channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n+1)V) occurs, the channel (n+1) output remains
at the low value until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n+1) output is set.
See the following figures.
If POL(n) = 1, POL(n+1) = 1, and the deadtime is enabled, then when the channel (n)
match (FTM counter = C(n)V) occurs, the channel (n) output remains at the high value
until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n) output is cleared. Similarly,
when the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n+1)V) occurs, the channel (n+1)
output remains at the high value until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n
+1) output is cleared.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 931
Functional description

channel (n+1) match

FTM counter
channel (n) match

channel (n) output

(before deadtime

channel (n+1) output

(before deadtime

channel (n) output

(after deadtime

channel (n+1) output

(after deadtime

Figure 37-228. Deadtime insertion with ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0, POL(n) = 0, and POL(n+1) =

channel (n+1) match

FTM counter
channel (n) match

channel (n) output

(before deadtime

channel (n+1) output

(before deadtime

channel (n) output

(after deadtime

channel (n+1) output

(after deadtime

Figure 37-229. Deadtime insertion with ELSnB:ELSnA = X:1, POL(n) = 0, and POL(n+1) =

The deadtime feature must be used only in Combine and
Complementary modes. Deadtime insertion corner cases

If (PS[2:0] is cleared), (DTPS[1:0] = 0:0 or DTPS[1:0] = 0:1):

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932 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

• and the deadtime delay is greater than or equal to the channel (n) duty cycle ((C(n
+1)V – C(n)V) × system clock), then the channel (n) output is always the inactive
value (POL(n) bit value).
• and the deadtime delay is greater than or equal to the channel (n+1) duty cycle
((MOD – CNTIN + 1 – (C(n+1)V – C(n)V) ) × system clock), then the channel (n+1)
output is always the inactive value (POL(n+1) bit value).

Although, in most cases the deadtime delay is not comparable to channels (n) and (n+1)
duty cycle, the following figures show examples where the deadtime delay is comparable
to the duty cycle.
channel (n+1) match

FTM counter
channel (n) match

channel (n) output

(before deadtime

channel (n+1) output

(before deadtime

channel (n) output

(after deadtime

channel (n+1) output

(after deadtime

Figure 37-230. Example of the deadtime insertion (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0, POL(n) = 0, and
POL(n+1) = 0) when the deadtime delay is comparable to channel (n+1) duty cycle

channel (n+1) match

FTM counter
channel (n) match

channel (n) output

(before deadtime

channel (n+1) output

(before deadtime

channel (n) output

(after deadtime

channel (n+1) output

(after deadtime

Figure 37-231. Example of the deadtime insertion (ELSnB:ELSnA = 1:0, POL(n) = 0, and
POL(n+1) = 0) when the deadtime delay is comparable to channels (n) and (n+1) duty

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 933
Functional description

37.4.15 Output mask

The output mask can be used to force channels output to their inactive state through
software. For example: to control a BLDC motor.
Any write to the OUTMASK register updates its write buffer. The OUTMASK register is
updated with its buffer value by PWM synchronization; see OUTMASK register
If CHnOM = 1, then the channel (n) output is forced to its inactive state (POLn bit value).
If CHnOM = 0, then the channel (n) output is unaffected by the output mask. See the
following figure.
the beginning of new PWM cycles

FTM counter

channel (n) output

(before output mask)

CHnOM bit

channel (n) output

(after output mask)

channel (n) output is disabled

configured PWM signal starts
to be available in the channel (n) output

Figure 37-232. Output mask with POLn = 0

The following table shows the output mask result before the polarity control.
Table 37-248. Output mask result for channel (n) before the polarity
CHnOM Output Mask Input Output Mask Result
0 inactive state inactive state
active state active state
1 inactive state inactive state
active state

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934 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

The output mask feature must be used only in Combine mode.

37.4.16 Fault control

The fault control is enabled if (FTMEN = 1) and (FAULTM[1:0] ≠ 0:0).
FTM can have up to four fault inputs. FAULTnEN bit (where n = 0, 1, 2, 3) enables the
fault input n and FFLTRnEN bit enables the fault input n filter. FFVAL[3:0] bits select
the value of the enabled filter in each enabled fault input.
First, each fault input signal is synchronized by the system clock; see the synchronizer
block in the following figure. Following synchronization, the fault input n signal enters
the filter block. When there is a state change in the fault input n signal, the 5-bit counter
is reset and starts counting up. As long as the new state is stable on the fault input n, the
counter continues to increment. If the 5-bit counter overflows, that is, the counter exceeds
the value of the FFVAL[3:0] bits, the new fault input n value is validated. It is then
transmitted as a pulse edge to the edge detector.
If the opposite edge appears on the fault input n signal before validation (counter
overflow), the counter is reset. At the next input transition, the counter starts counting
again. Any pulse that is shorter than the minimum value selected by FFVAL[3:0] bits (×
system clock) is regarded as a glitch and is not passed on to the edge detector.
The fault input n filter is disabled when the FFVAL[3:0] bits are zero or when
FAULTnEN = 0. In this case, the fault input n signal is delayed 2 rising edges of the
system clock and the FAULTFn bit is set on 3th rising edge of the system clock after a
rising edge occurs on the fault input n.
If FFVAL[3:0] ≠ 0000 and FAULTnEN = 1, then the fault input n signal is delayed (3 +
FFVAL[3:0]) rising edges of the system clock, that is, the FAULTFn bit is set (4 +
FFVAL[3:0]) rising edges of the system clock after a rising edge occurs on the fault input

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 935
Functional description

(FFVAL[3:0] 0000)
and (FFLTRnEN*)

synchronizer fault input n* value
fault input n* D Q D Q fault input
polarity rising edge
control FAULTFn*
Fault filter detector
(5-bit counter) 1
system clock CLK CLK

* where n = 3, 2, 1, 0

Figure 37-233. Fault input n control block diagram

If the fault control and fault input n are enabled and a rising edge at the fault input n
signal is detected, a fault condition has occurred and the FAULTFn bit is set. The
FAULTF bit is the logic OR of FAULTFn[3:0] bits. See the following figure.
fault input 0 value
fault input 1 value
fault input 2 value
fault input 3 value

FAULTIE fault interrupt


Figure 37-234. FAULTF and FAULTIN bits and fault interrupt

If the fault control is enabled (FAULTM[1:0] ≠ 0:0), a fault condition has occurred and
(FAULTEN = 1), then outputs are forced to their safe values:
• Channel (n) output takes the value of POL(n)
• Channel (n+1) takes the value of POL(n+1)
The fault interrupt is generated when (FAULTF = 1) and (FAULTIE = 1). This interrupt
request remains set until:
• Software clears the FAULTF bit by reading FAULTF bit as 1 and writing 0 to it
• Software clears the FAULTIE bit
• A reset occurs

The fault control must be used only in Combine mode.

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936 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Automatic fault clearing

If the automatic fault clearing is selected (FAULTM[1:0] = 1:1), then the channels output
disabled by fault control is again enabled when the fault input signal (FAULTIN) returns
to zero and a new PWM cycle begins. See the following figure.
the beginning of new PWM cycles

FTM counter

channel (n) output

(before fault control)


channel (n) output

(after fault control with
automatic fault clearing
and POLn=0)


FAULTF bit is cleared

The channel (n) output is after the fault control with automatic fault clearing and POLn = 0.

Figure 37-235. Fault control with automatic fault clearing Manual fault clearing

If the manual fault clearing is selected (FAULTM[1:0] = 0:1 or 1:0), then the channels
output disabled by fault control is again enabled when the FAULTF bit is cleared and a
new PWM cycle begins. See the following figure.

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Functional description
the beginning of new PWM cycles

FTM counter

channel (n) output

(before fault control)


channel (n) output

(after fault control with
manual fault clearing
and POLn=0)


FAULTF bit is cleared

The channel (n) output is after the fault control with manual fault clearing and POLn = 0.

Figure 37-236. Fault control with manual fault clearing Fault inputs polarity control

The FLTjPOL bit selects the fault input j polarity, where j = 0, 1, 2, 3:
• If FLTjPOL = 0, the fault j input polarity is high, so the logical one at the fault input j
indicates a fault.
• If FLTjPOL = 1, the fault j input polarity is low, so the logical zero at the fault input j
indicates a fault.

37.4.17 Polarity control

The POLn bit selects the channel (n) output polarity:
• If POLn = 0, the channel (n) output polarity is high, so the logical one is the active
state and the logical zero is the inactive state.
• If POLn = 1, the channel (n) output polarity is low, so the logical zero is the active
state and the logical one is the inactive state.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

The polarity control must be used only in Combine mode.

37.4.18 Initialization
The initialization forces the CHnOI bit value to the channel (n) output when a one is
written to the INIT bit.
The initialization depends on COMP and DTEN bits. The following table shows the
values that channels (n) and (n+1) are forced by initialization when the COMP and
DTEN bits are zero.
Table 37-249. Initialization behavior when (COMP = 0 and DTEN = 0)
CH(n)OI CH(n+1)OI Channel (n) Output Channel (n+1) Output
0 0 is forced to zero is forced to zero
0 1 is forced to zero is forced to one
1 0 is forced to one is forced to zero
1 1 is forced to one is forced to one

The following table shows the values that channels (n) and (n+1) are forced by
initialization when (COMP = 1) or (DTEN = 1).
Table 37-250. Initialization behavior when (COMP = 1 or DTEN = 1)
CH(n)OI CH(n+1)OI Channel (n) Output Channel (n+1) Output
0 X is forced to zero is forced to one
1 X is forced to one is forced to zero

The initialization feature must be used only in Combine mode
and with disabled FTM counter. See the description of the ../dil/
FTM.xml#ftm_sc_clks field in the Status and Control register.

37.4.19 Features priority

The following figure shows the priority of the features used at the generation of channels
(n) and (n+1) outputs signals.

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Functional description
pair channels (m) - channels (n) and (n+1)

FTM counter






MS(n)B CH(n)OC

MS(n)A CH(n)OCV POL(n)

ELS(n)B CH(n+1)OC POL(n+1)
ELS(n)A CH(n+1)OI COMP(m) INV(m)EN CH(n+1)OCV DTEN(m) CH(n+1)OM FAULTEN(m)

generation of channel
channel (n) (n)
output signal signal
software deadtime polarity
complementary output fault
initialization inverting output insertion control
mode mask control

generation of channel
channel (n+1)
output signal signal






The channels (n) and (n+1) are in output compare, EPWM, CPWM or combine modes.

Figure 37-237. Priority of the features used at the generation of channels (n) and (n+1)
outputs signals

The Initialization feature must not be used with Inverting and
Software output control features.

37.4.20 Channel trigger output

If CHjTRIG = 1, where j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, then the FTM generates a trigger when the
channel (j) match occurs (FTM counter = C(j)V).
The channel trigger output provides a trigger signal that is used for on-chip modules.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

The FTM is able to generate multiple triggers in one PWM period. Because each trigger
is generated for a specific channel, several channels are required to implement this
functionality. This behavior is described in the following figure.
the beginning of new PWM cycles


FTM counter = C5V

FTM counter = C4V

FTM counter = C3V

FTM counter = C2V

FTM counter = C1V

FTM counter = C0V





(a) CH0TRIG = 0, CH1TRIG = 0, CH2TRIG = 0, CH3TRIG = 0, CH4TRIG = 0, CH5TRIG = 0
(b) CH0TRIG = 1, CH1TRIG = 0, CH2TRIG = 0, CH3TRIG = 0, CH4TRIG = 0, CH5TRIG = 0
(c) CH0TRIG = 0, CH1TRIG = 0, CH2TRIG = 0, CH3TRIG = 1, CH4TRIG = 1, CH5TRIG = 1
(d) CH0TRIG = 1, CH1TRIG = 1, CH2TRIG = 1, CH3TRIG = 1, CH4TRIG = 1, CH5TRIG = 1

Figure 37-238. Channel match trigger

The channel match trigger must be used only in Combine mode.

37.4.21 Initialization trigger

If INITTRIGEN = 1, then the FTM generates a trigger when the FTM counter is updated
with the CNTIN register value in the following cases.
• The FTM counter is automatically updated with the CNTIN register value by the
selected counting mode.
• When there is a write to CNT register

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Functional description

• When there is the FTM counter synchronization

• If (CNT = CNTIN), (CLKS[1:0] = 0:0), and a value different from zero is written to
CLKS[1:0] bits

The following figures show these cases.

CNTIN = 0x0000
MOD = 0x000F

system clock

FTM counter 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05

initialization trigger

Figure 37-239. Initialization trigger is generated when the FTM counting achieves the
CNTIN register value
CNTIN = 0x0000
MOD = 0x000F

system clock

FTM counter 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06

write to CNT

initialization trigger

Figure 37-240. Initialization trigger is generated when there is a write to CNT register
CNTIN = 0x0000
MOD = 0x000F

system clock

FTM counter 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05

trigger event

initialization trigger

Figure 37-241. Initialization trigger is generated when there is the FTM counter

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)
CNTIN = 0x0000
MOD = 0x000F

system clock

FTM counter 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05

CLKS[1:0] bits 00 01

initialization trigger

Figure 37-242. Initialization trigger is generated if (CNT = CNTIN), (CLKS[1:0] = 0:0), and
a value different from zero is written to CLKS[1:0] bits

The initialization trigger output provides a trigger signal that is used for on-chip modules.
The initialization trigger must be used only in Combine mode.

37.4.22 Capture Test mode

The Capture Test mode allows to test the CnV registers, the FTM counter and the
interconnection logic between the FTM counter and CnV registers.
In this test mode, all channels must be configured for Input Capture mode and FTM
counter must be configured to the Up counting.
When the Capture Test mode is enabled (CAPTEST = 1), the FTM counter is frozen and
any write to CNT register updates directly the FTM counter; see the following figure.
After it was written, all CnV registers are updated with the written value to CNT register
and CHnF bits are set. Therefore, the FTM counter is updated with its next value
according to its configuration. Its next value depends on CNTIN, MOD, and the written
value to FTM counter.
The next reads of CnV registers return the written value to the FTM counter and the next
reads of CNT register return FTM counter next value.

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Functional description

FTM counter clock

write to MODE


FTM counter 0x1053 0x1054 0x1055 0x1056 0x78AC 0x78AD 0x78AE0x78AF 0x78B0

write 0x78AC

write to CNT

CHnF bit

0x0300 0x78AC

- FTM counter configuration: (FTMEN = 1), (QUADEN = 0), (CAPTEST = 1), (CPWMS = 0), (CNTIN = 0x0000), and
(MOD = 0xFFFF)
- FTM channel n configuration: input capture mode - (DECAPEN = 0), (COMBINE = 0), and (MSnB:MSnA = 0:0)

Figure 37-243. Capture Test mode

37.4.23 DMA
The channel generates a DMA transfer request according to DMA and CHnIE bits. See
the following table.
Table 37-251. Channel DMA transfer request
DMA CHnIE Channel DMA Transfer Request Channel Interrupt
0 0 The channel DMA transfer request is not The channel interrupt is not generated.
0 1 The channel DMA transfer request is not The channel interrupt is generated if (CHnF = 1).
1 0 The channel DMA transfer request is not The channel interrupt is not generated.
1 1 The channel DMA transfer request is generated if The channel interrupt is not generated.
(CHnF = 1).

If DMA = 1, the CHnF bit is cleared either by channel DMA transfer done or reading
CnSC while CHnF is set and then writing a zero to CHnF bit according to CHnIE bit. See
the following table.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

Table 37-252. Clear CHnF bit when DMA = 1

CHnIE How CHnF Bit Can Be Cleared
0 CHnF bit is cleared either when the channel DMA transfer is done or by reading CnSC while CHnF is set and
then writing a 0 to CHnF bit.
1 CHnF bit is cleared when the channel DMA transfer is done.

37.4.24 Dual Edge Capture mode

The Dual Edge Capture mode is selected if FTMEN = 1 and DECAPEN = 1. This mode
allows to measure a pulse width or period of the signal on the input of channel (n) of a
channel pair. The channel (n) filter can be active in this mode when n is 0 or 2.

is filter DECAP
enabled? channel (n)
MS(n)A CH(n)IE interrupt
synchronizer ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A
0 C(n)V[15:0]
channel (n) input D Q D Q Dual edge capture
mode logic
channel (n+1)
Filter* 1 CH(n+1)IE interrupt
system clock CLK CLK


FTM counter
* Filtering function for dual edge capture mode is only available in the channels 0 and 2

Figure 37-244. Dual Edge Capture mode block diagram

The MS(n)A bit defines if the Dual Edge Capture mode is one-shot or continuous.
The ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits select the edge that is captured by channel (n), and ELS(n
+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the edge that is captured by channel (n+1). If both
ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the same edge, then it is the
period measurement. If these bits select different edges, then it is a pulse width
In the Dual Edge Capture mode, only channel (n) input is used and channel (n+1) input is
If the selected edge by channel (n) bits is detected at channel (n) input, then CH(n)F bit is
set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated (if CH(n)IE = 1). If the selected edge by
channel (n+1) bits is detected at channel (n) input and (CH(n)F = 1), then CH(n+1)F bit is
set and the channel (n+1) interrupt is generated (if CH(n+1)IE = 1).

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Functional description

The C(n)V register stores the value of FTM counter when the selected edge by channel
(n) is detected at channel (n) input. The C(n+1)V register stores the value of FTM
counter when the selected edge by channel (n+1) is detected at channel (n) input.
In this mode, a coherency mechanism ensures coherent data when the C(n)V and C(n
+1)V registers are read. The only requirement is that C(n)V must be read before C(n
• The CH(n)F, CH(n)IE, MS(n)A, ELS(n)B, and ELS(n)A
bits are channel (n) bits.
• The CH(n+1)F, CH(n+1)IE, MS(n+1)A, ELS(n+1)B, and
ELS(n+1)A bits are channel (n+1) bits.
• The Dual Edge Capture mode must be used with
ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:1 or 1:0, ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A =
0:1 or 1:0 and the FTM counter in Free running counter. One-Shot Capture mode

The One-Shot Capture mode is selected when (FTMEN = 1), (DECAPEN = 1), and
(MS(n)A = 0). In this capture mode, only one pair of edges at the channel (n) input is
captured. The ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits select the first edge to be captured, and ELS(n
+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the second edge to be captured.
The edge captures are enabled while DECAP bit is set. For each new measurement in
One-Shot Capture mode, first the CH(n)F and CH(n+1) bits must be cleared, and then the
DECAP bit must be set.
In this mode, the DECAP bit is automatically cleared by FTM when the edge selected by
channel (n+1) is captured. Therefore, while DECAP bit is set, the one-shot capture is in
process. When this bit is cleared, both edges were captured and the captured values are
ready for reading in the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers.
Similarly, when the CH(n+1)F bit is set, both edges were captured and the captured
values are ready for reading in the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM) Continuous Capture mode

The Continuous Capture mode is selected when (FTMEN = 1), (DECAPEN = 1), and
(MS(n)A = 1). In this capture mode, the edges at the channel (n) input are captured
continuously. The ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits select the initial edge to be captured, and
ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the final edge to be captured.
The edge captures are enabled while DECAP bit is set. For the initial use, first the
CH(n)F and CH(n+1)F bits must be cleared, and then DECAP bit must be set to start the
continuous measurements.
When the CH(n+1)F bit is set, both edges were captured and the captured values are
ready for reading in the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers. The latest captured values are
always available in these registers even after the DECAP bit is cleared.
In this mode, it is possible to clear only the CH(n+1)F bit. Therefore, when the CH(n+1)F
bit is set again, the latest captured values are available in C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers.
For a new sequence of the measurements in the Dual Edge Capture – Continuous mode,
clear the CH(n)F and CH(n+1)F bits to start new measurements. Pulse width measurement

If the channel (n) is configured to capture rising edges (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:1) and the
channel (n+1) to capture falling edges (ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 1:0), then the positive
polarity pulse width is measured. If the channel (n) is configured to capture falling edges
(ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 1:0) and the channel (n+1) to capture rising edges (ELS(n
+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 0:1), then the negative polarity pulse width is measured.
The pulse width measurement can be made in One-Shot Capture mode or Continuous
Capture mode.
The following figure shows an example of the Dual Edge Capture – One-Shot mode used
to measure the positive polarity pulse width. The DECAPEN bit selects the Dual Edge
Capture mode, so it remains set. The DECAP bit is set to enable the measurement of next
positive polarity pulse width. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first edge of this pulse is
detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit is set
and DECAP bit is cleared when the second edge of this pulse is detected, that is, the edge
selected by ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits. Both DECAP and CH(n+1)F bits indicate when
two edges of the pulse were captured and the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers are ready for

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Functional description

4 8 12 16 20 24
3 28
7 11 15 19
FTM counter 23 27
2 6 10 14 18 22
1 26
5 9 13 17 21 25

channel (n) input

(after the filter
channel input)




C(n)V 1 3 5 7 9 15 19

CH(n)F bit

clear CH(n)F

C(n+1)V 2 4 6 8 10 16 20 22 24

CH(n+1)F bit

clear CH(n+1)F

problem 1 problem 2

- The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user.
- Problem 1: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F.
- Problem 2: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and not clear CH(n+1)F.

Figure 37-245. Dual Edge Capture – One-Shot mode for positive polarity pulse width

The following figure shows an example of the Dual Edge Capture – Continuous mode
used to measure the positive polarity pulse width. The DECAPEN bit selects the Dual
Edge Capture mode, so it remains set. While the DECAP bit is set the configured
measurements are made. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first edge of the positive polarity
pulse is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit
is set when the second edge of this pulse is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n
+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit indicates when two edges of the pulse were
captured and the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers are ready for reading.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

4 8 12 16 20 24
3 28
7 11 15 19
FTM counter 23 27
2 6 10 14 18 22
1 26
5 9 13 17 21 25

channel (n) input

(after the filter
channel input)




C(n)V 1 3 5 7 9 11 15 19 21 23

CH(n)F bit

clear CH(n)F

C(n+1)V 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 22 24

CH(n+1)F bit

clear CH(n+1)F

- The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user.

Figure 37-246. Dual Edge Capture – Continuous mode for positive polarity pulse width
measurement Period measurement

If the channels (n) and (n+1) are configured to capture consecutive edges of the same
polarity, then the period of the channel (n) input signal is measured. If both channels (n)
and (n+1) are configured to capture rising edges (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:1 and ELS(n
+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 0:1), then the period between two consecutive rising edges is
measured. If both channels (n) and (n+1) are configured to capture falling edges
(ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 1:0 and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A = 1:0), then the period between
two consecutive falling edges is measured.
The period measurement can be made in One-Shot Capture mode or Continuous Capture

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Functional description

The following figure shows an example of the Dual Edge Capture – One-Shot mode used
to measure the period between two consecutive rising edges. The DECAPEN bit selects
the Dual Edge Capture mode, so it remains set. The DECAP bit is set to enable the
measurement of next period. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first rising edge is detected,
that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit is set and DECAP
bit is cleared when the second rising edge is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n
+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits. Both DECAP and CH(n+1)F bits indicate when two selected
edges were captured and the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers are ready for reading.
4 8 12 16 20 24
3 28
7 11 15 19 23
FTM counter 2 6 27
10 14 18
1 22 26
5 9 13 17 21 25

channel (n) input

(after the filter
channel input)




C(n)V 1 3 5 6 7 14 17 18 20 27

CH(n)F bit

clear CH(n)F

C(n+1)V 2 4 6 7 9 15 18 20 23 26

CH(n+1)F bit

clear CH(n+1)F

problem 1 problem 2 problem 3

- The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user.
- Problem 1: channel (n) input = 0, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and not clear CH(n+1)F.
- Problem 2: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F.
- Problem 3: channel (n) input = 1, set DECAP, not clear CH(n)F, and not clear CH(n+1)F.

Figure 37-247. Dual Edge Capture – One-Shot mode to measure of the period between
two consecutive rising edges

The following figure shows an example of the Dual Edge Capture – Continuous mode
used to measure the period between two consecutive rising edges. The DECAPEN bit
selects the Dual Edge Capture mode, so it remains set. While the DECAP bit is set the
configured measurements are made. The CH(n)F bit is set when the first rising edge is
detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit is set

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

when the second rising edge is detected, that is, the edge selected by ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n
+1)A bits. The CH(n+1)F bit indicates when two edges of the period were captured and
the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers are ready for reading.
4 8 12 16 20 24
3 28
7 11 15 19
FTM counter 23 27
2 6 10 14 18 22 26
1 5 9 13 17 21 25

channel (n) input

(after the filter
channel input)




C(n)V 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26

CH(n)F bit

clear CH(n)F

C(n+1)V 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27

CH(n+1)F bit

clear CH(n+1)F

- The commands set DECAPEN, set DECAP, clear CH(n)F, and clear CH(n+1)F are made by the user.

Figure 37-248. Dual Edge Capture – Continuous mode to measure of the period between
two consecutive rising edges Read coherency mechanism

The Dual Edge Capture mode implements a read coherency mechanism between the
FTM counter value captured in C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers. The read coherency
mechanism is illustrated in the following figure. In this example, the channels (n) and (n
+1) are in Dual Edge Capture – Continuous mode for positive polarity pulse width
measurement. Thus, the channel (n) is configured to capture the FTM counter value when
there is a rising edge at channel (n) input signal, and channel (n+1) to capture the FTM
counter value when there is a falling edge at channel (n) input signal.

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Functional description

When a rising edge occurs in the channel (n) input signal, the FTM counter value is
captured into channel (n) capture buffer. The channel (n) capture buffer value is
transferred to C(n)V register when a falling edge occurs in the channel (n) input signal.
C(n)V register has the FTM counter value when the previous rising edge occurred, and
the channel (n) capture buffer has the FTM counter value when the last rising edge
When a falling edge occurs in the channel (n) input signal, the FTM counter value is
captured into channel (n+1) capture buffer. The channel (n+1) capture buffer value is
transferred to C(n+1)V register when the C(n)V register is read.
In the following figure, the read of C(n)V returns the FTM counter value when the event
1 occurred and the read of C(n+1)V returns the FTM counter value when the event 2
event 1 event 2 event 3 event 4 event 5 event 6 event 7 event 8 event 9
FTM counter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

channel (n) input

(after the filter
channel input)

channel (n) 1 3 5 7 9
capture buffer

C(n)V 1 3 5 7

channel (n+1) 2 4 6 8
capture buffer

C(n+1)V 2

read C(n)V read C(n+1)V

Figure 37-249. Dual Edge Capture mode read coherency mechanism

C(n)V register must be read prior to C(n+1)V register in dual edge capture one-shot and
continuous modes for the read coherency mechanism works properly.

37.4.25 Quadrature Decoder mode

The Quadrature Decoder mode is selected if (FTMEN = 1) and (QUADEN = 1). The
Quadrature Decoder mode uses the input signals phase A and B to control the FTM
counter increment and decrement. The following figure shows the quadrature decoder
block diagram.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

synchronizer CNTIN
phase A input D Q D Q filtered phase A signal

Filter 1
system clock CLK CLK FTM counter
FTM counter up/down
synchronizer TOFDIR QUADIR
phase B input D Q D Q
filtered phase B signal
Filter 1

Figure 37-250. Quadrature Decoder block diagram

Each one of input signals phase A and B has a filter that is equivalent to the filter used in
the channels input; Filter for Input Capture mode. The phase A input filter is enabled by
PHAFLTREN bit and this filter’s value is defined by CH0FVAL[3:0] bits
(CH(n)FVAL[3:0] bits in FILTER0 register). The phase B input filter is enabled by
PHBFLTREN bit and this filter’s value is defined by CH1FVAL[3:0] bits (CH(n
+1)FVAL[3:0] bits in FILTER0 register).
Except for CH0FVAL[3:0] and CH1FVAL[3:0] bits, no channel logic is used in
Quadrature Decoder mode.
Notice that the FTM counter is clocked by the phase A and B
input signals when quadrature decoder mode is selected.
Therefore it is expected that the Quadrature Decoder be used
only with the FTM channels in input capture or output compare
The PHAPOL bit selects the polarity of the phase A input, and the PHBPOL bit selects
the polarity of the phase B input.
The QUADMODE selects the encoding mode used in the Quadrature Decoder mode. If
QUADMODE = 1, then the count and direction encoding mode is enabled; see the
following figure. In this mode, the phase B input value indicates the counting direction,
and the phase A input defines the counting rate. The FTM counter is updated when there
is a rising edge at phase A input signal.

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Functional description

phase B (counting direction)

phase A (counting rate)

FTM counter
increment/decrement +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

FTM counter



Figure 37-251. Quadrature Decoder – Count and Direction Encoding mode

If QUADMODE = 0, then the Phase A and Phase B Encoding mode is enabled; see the
following figure. In this mode, the relationship between phase A and B signals indicates
the counting direction, and phase A and B signals define the counting rate. The FTM
counter is updated when there is an edge either at the phase A or phase B signals.
If PHAPOL = 0 and PHBPOL = 0, then the FTM counter increment happens when:
• there is a rising edge at phase A signal and phase B signal is at logic zero;
• there is a rising edge at phase B signal and phase A signal is at logic one;
• there is a falling edge at phase B signal and phase A signal is at logic zero;
• there is a falling edge at phase A signal and phase B signal is at logic one;

and the FTM counter decrement happens when:

• there is a falling edge at phase A signal and phase B signal is at logic zero;
• there is a falling edge at phase B signal and phase A signal is at logic one;
• there is a rising edge at phase B signal and phase A signal is at logic zero;
• there is a rising edge at phase A signal and phase B signal is at logic one.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

phase A

phase B

FTM counter
increment/decrement +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

FTM counter



Figure 37-252. Quadrature Decoder – Phase A and Phase B Encoding mode

The following figure shows the FTM counter overflow in up counting. In this case, when
the FTM counter changes from MOD to CNTIN, TOF and TOFDIR bits are set. TOF bit
indicates the FTM counter overflow occurred. TOFDIR indicates the counting was up
when the FTM counter overflow occurred.
phase A

phase B

FTM counter +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

FTM counter


set TOF set TOF

Figure 37-253. FTM Counter overflow in up counting for Quadrature Decoder mode

The following figure shows the FTM counter overflow in down counting. In this case,
when the FTM counter changes from CNTIN to MOD, TOF bit is set and TOFDIR bit is
cleared. TOF bit indicates the FTM counter overflow occurred. TOFDIR indicates the
counting was down when the FTM counter overflow occurred.

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Functional description

phase A

phase B

FTM counter
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

FTM counter


set TOF set TOF
clear TOFDIR clear TOFDIR

Figure 37-254. FTM counter overflow in down counting for Quadrature Decoder mode Quadrature Decoder boundary conditions

The following figures show the FTM counter responding to motor jittering typical in
motor position control applications.
phase A

phase B

FTM counter




Figure 37-255. Motor position jittering in a mid count value

The following figure shows motor jittering produced by the phase B and A pulses

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

phase A

phase B

FTM counter




Figure 37-256. Motor position jittering near maximum and minimum count value

The first highlighted transition causes a jitter on the FTM counter value near the
maximum count value (MOD). The second indicated transition occurs on phase A and
causes the FTM counter transition between the maximum and minimum count values
which are defined by MOD and CNTIN registers.
The appropriate settings of the phase A and phase B input filters are important to avoid
glitches that may cause oscillation on the FTM counter value. The preceding figures
show examples of oscillations that can be caused by poor input filter setup. Thus, it is
important to guarantee a minimum pulse width to avoid these oscillations.

37.4.26 BDM mode

When the chip is in BDM mode, the BDMODE[1:0] bits select the behavior of the FTM
counter, the CH(n)F bit, the channels output, and the writes to the MOD, CNTIN, and
C(n)V registers according to the following table.
Table 37-253. FTM behavior when the chip Is in BDM mode
BDMMODE CH(n)F Bit FTM Channels Output Writes to MOD, CNTIN, and C(n)V Registers
00 Stopped can be set Functional mode Writes to these registers bypass the registers
01 Stopped is not set The channels outputs are forced Writes to these registers bypass the registers
to their safe value according to buffers
POLn bit
10 Stopped is not set The channels outputs are frozen Writes to these registers bypass the registers
when the chip enters in BDM buffers

Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

Table 37-253. FTM behavior when the chip Is in BDM mode (continued)
BDMMODE CH(n)F Bit FTM Channels Output Writes to MOD, CNTIN, and C(n)V Registers
11 Functional can be set Functional mode Functional mode

Note that if BDMMODE[1:0] = 2’b00 then the channels outputs remain at the value
when the chip enters in BDM mode, because the FTM counter is stopped. However, the
following situations modify the channels outputs in this BDM mode.
• Write any value to CNT register; see Counter reset. In this case, the FTM counter is
updated with the CNTIN register value and the channels outputs are updated to the
initial value – except for those channels set to Output Compare mode.
• FTM counter is reset by PWM Synchronization mode; see FTM counter
synchronization) In this case, the FTM counter is updated with the CNTIN register
value and the channels outputs are updated to the initial value – except for channels
in Output Compare mode.
• In the channels outputs initialization, the channel (n) output is forced to the CH(n)OI
bit value when the value 1 is written to INIT bit. See Initialization.

The BDMMODE[1:0] = 2’b00 must not be used with the Fault
control. Even if the fault control is enabled and a fault condition
exists, the channels outputs values are as defined above.

37.4.27 Intermediate load

The PWMLOAD register allows software to update the MOD, CNTIN, and C(n)V
registers with the content of the register buffer at a defined load point. In this case, it is
not required to use the PWM synchronization control.
There are multiple possible loading points for intermediate load:
Table 37-254. When possible loading points are enabled
Loading point Enabled
When the FTM counter wraps from MOD value to CNTIN Always
At the channel (j) match (FTM counter = C(j)V) When CHjSEL = 1

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The following figure shows some examples of enabled loading points.

FTM counter = MOD
FTM counter = C7V
FTM counter = C6V
FTM counter = C5V
FTM counter = C4V
FTM counter = C3V
FTM counter = C2V
FTM counter = C1V
FTM counter = C0V







(a) LDOK = 0, CH0SEL = 0, CH1SEL = 0, CH2SEL = 0, CH3SEL = 0, CH4SEL = 0, CH5SEL = 0, CH6SEL = 0, CH7SEL = 0
(b) LDOK = 1, CH0SEL = 0, CH1SEL = 0, CH2SEL = 0, CH3SEL = 0, CH4SEL = 0, CH5SEL = 0, CH6SEL = 0, CH7SEL = 0
(c) LDOK = 0, CH0SEL = 0, CH1SEL = 0, CH2SEL = 0, CH3SEL = 1, CH4SEL = 0, CH5SEL = 0, CH6SEL = 0, CH7SEL = 0
(d) LDOK = 1, CH0SEL = 0, CH1SEL = 0, CH2SEL = 0, CH3SEL = 0, CH4SEL = 0, CH5SEL = 0, CH6SEL = 1, CH7SEL = 0
(e) LDOK = 1, CH0SEL = 1, CH1SEL = 0, CH2SEL = 1, CH3SEL = 0, CH4SEL = 1, CH5SEL = 0, CH6SEL = 1, CH7SEL = 0
(f) LDOK = 1, CH0SEL = 1, CH1SEL = 1, CH2SEL = 1, CH3SEL = 1, CH4SEL = 1, CH5SEL = 1, CH6SEL = 1, CH7SEL = 1

Figure 37-257. Loading points for intermediate load

After enabling the loading points, the LDOK bit must be set for the load to occur. In this
case, the load occurs at the next enabled loading point according to the following
Table 37-255. Conditions for loads occurring at the next enabled loading point
When a new value was written Then
To the MOD register The MOD register is updated with its write buffer value.
To the CNTIN register and CNTINC = 1 The CNTIN register is updated with its write buffer value.
To the C(n)V register and SYNCENm = 1 – where m indicates The C(n)V register is updated with its write buffer value.
the pair channels (n) and (n+1)
To the C(n+1)V register and SYNCENm = 1 – where m The C(n+1)V register is updated with its write buffer value.
indicates the pair channels (n) and (n+1)

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Functional description

• If ELSjB and ELSjA bits are different from zero, then the
channel (j) output signal is generated according to the
configured output mode. If ELSjB and ELSjA bits are zero,
then the generated signal is not available on channel (j)
• If CHjIE = 1, then the channel (j) interrupt is generated
when the channel (j) match occurs.
• At the intermediate load neither the channels outputs nor
the FTM counter are changed. Software must set the
intermediate load at a safe point in time.
• The intermediate load feature must be used only in
Combine mode.

37.4.28 Global time base (GTB)

The global time base (GTB) is a FTM function that allows the synchronization of
multiple FTM modules on a chip. The following figure shows an example of the GTB
feature used to synchronize two FTM modules. In this case, the FTM A and B channels
can behave as if just one FTM module was used, that is, a global time base.
FTM module A FTM module B

GTBEEN bit FTM counter

FTM counter enable
enable logic


example glue logic


GTBEOUT bit gtb_out

Figure 37-258. Global time base (GTB) block diagram

The GTB functionality is implemented by the GTBEEN and GTBEOUT bits in the
CONF register, the internal input signal gtb_in, and the internal output signal gtb_out.
The GTBEEN bit enables gtb_in to control the FTM counter enable signal:
• If GTBEEN = 0, each one of FTM modules works independently according to their
configured mode.
• If GTBEEN = 1, the FTM counter update is enabled only when gtb_in is 1.

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

In the configuration described in the preceding figure, FTM modules A and B have their
FTM counters enabled if at least one of the gtb_out signals from one of the FTM modules
is 1. There are several possible configurations for the interconnection of the gtb_in and
gtb_out signals, represented by the example glue logic shown in the figure. Note that
these configurations are chip-dependent and implemented outside of the FTM modules.
See the chip configuration details for the chip's specific implementation.
• In order to use the internal GTB signals to synchronize the
FTM counter of different FTM modules, the configuration
of each FTM module should guarantee that its FTM
counter starts counting as soon as the gtb_in signal is 1.
• The GTB feature does not provide continuous
synchronization of FTM counters, meaning that the FTM
counters may lose synchronization during FTM operation.
The GTB feature only allows the FTM counters to start
their operation synchronously. Enabling the global time base (GTB)

To enable the GTB feature, follow these steps for each participating FTM module:
1. Stop the FTM counter: Write 00b to SC[CLKS].
2. Program the FTM module to the intended configuration. The operation mode needs
to be consistent across all participating modules.
3. Write 1 to CONF[GTBEEN] and write 0 to CONF[GTBEOUT] at the same time.
4. Select the intended FTM counter clock source in SC[CLKS]. The clock source needs
to be consistent across all participating modules.
5. Reset the FTM counter: Write any value to the CNT register.
To initiate the GTB feature, follow these steps for the FTM module used as the time base:
1. Write 1 to CONF[GTBEOUT].
2. If needed, configure the GTB glue logic connecting the FTM modules within the
chip. Some chips do not require configuration of glue logic. See the chip
configuration details for the chip's specific implementation.

37.5 Reset overview

The FTM is reset whenever any chip reset occurs.

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Reset overview

When the FTM exits from reset:

• the FTM counter and the prescaler counter are zero and are stopped (CLKS[1:0] =
• the timer overflow interrupt is zero, see Timer Overflow Interrupt;
• the channels interrupts are zero, see Channel (n) Interrupt;
• the fault interrupt is zero, see Fault Interrupt;
• the channels are in input capture mode, see Input Capture mode;
• the channels outputs are zero;
• the channels pins are not controlled by FTM (ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:0) (../dil/
FTM.xml#ModeSel1Table ).
The following figure shows the FTM behavior after the reset. At the reset (item 1), the
FTM counter is disabled (see the description of the ../dil/FTM.xml#ftm_sc_clks field in
the Status and Control register), its value is updated to zero and the pins are not
controlled by FTM (../dil/FTM.xml#ModeSel1Table ).
After the reset, the FTM should be configurated (item 2). It is necessary to define the
FTM counter mode, the FTM counting limits (MOD and CNTIN registers value), the
channels mode and CnV registers value according to the channels mode.
Thus, it is recommended to write any value to CNT register (item 3). This write updates
the FTM counter with the CNTIN register value and the channels output with its initial
value (except for channels in output compare mode) (Counter reset).
The next step is to select the FTM counter clock by the CLKS[1:0] bits (item 4). It is
important to highlight that the pins are only controlled by FTM when CLKS[1:0] bits are
different from zero (../dil/FTM.xml#ModeSel1Table ).
(3) write any value
(1) FTM reset to CNT register (4) write 1 to SC[CLKS]

FTM counter XXXX 0x0000 0x0010 0x0011 0x0012 0x0013 0x0014 0x0015 0x0016 0x0017 0x0018 . . .

CLKS[1:0] XX 00 01

channel (n) output

(2) FTM configuration channel (n) pin is controlled by FTM

– CNTIN = 0x0010
– Channel (n) is in low-true combine mode with CNTIN < C(n)V < C(n+1)V < MOD
– C(n)V = 0x0015

Figure 37-259. FTM behavior after reset when the channel (n) is in Combine mode

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Chapter 37 FlexTimer Module (FTM)

The following figure shows an example when the channel (n) is in Output Compare mode
and the channel (n) output is toggled when there is a match. In the Output Compare
mode, the channel output is not updated to its initial value when there is a write to CNT
register (item 3). In this case, use the software output control (Software output control) or
the initialization (Initialization) to update the channel output to the selected value (item
(4) use of software output control or initialization
to update the channel output to the zero
(3) write any value
(1) FTM reset to CNT register (5) write 1 to SC[CLKS]

FTM counter XXXX 0x0000 0x0010 0x0011 0x0012 0x0013 0x0014 0x0015 0x0016 0x0017 . . .

CLKS[1:0] XX 00 01

channel (n) output

(2) FTM configuration channel (n) pin is controlled by FTM

– CNTIN = 0x0010
– Channel (n) is in output compare and the channel (n) output is toggled when there is a match
– C(n)V = 0x0014

Figure 37-260. FTM behavior after reset when the channel (n) is in Output Compare

37.6 FTM Interrupts

37.6.1 Timer Overflow Interrupt

The timer overflow interrupt is generated when (TOIE = 1) and (TOF = 1).

37.6.2 Channel (n) Interrupt

The channel (n) interrupt is generated when (CHnIE = 1) and (CHnF = 1).

37.6.3 Fault Interrupt

The fault interrupt is generated when (FAULTIE = 1) and (FAULTF = 1).

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FTM Interrupts

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964 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 38
Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT)

38.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The PIT module is an array of timers that can be used to raise interrupts and trigger DMA

38.1.1 Block diagram

The following figure shows the block diagram of the PIT module.

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Signal description


bus PIT
Timer 1



Timer n

bus clock

Figure 38-1. Block diagram of the PIT

See the chip configuration details for the number of PIT
channels used in this MCU.

38.1.2 Features
The main features of this block are:
• Ability of timers to generate DMA trigger pulses
• Ability of timers to generate interrupts
• Maskable interrupts
• Independent timeout periods for each timer

38.2 Signal description

The PIT module has no external pins.

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Chapter 38 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT)

38.3 Memory map/register description

This section provides a detailed description of all registers accessible in the PIT module.
• Reserved registers will read as 0, writes will have no effect.
• See the chip configuration details for the number of PIT channels used in this MCU.
PIT memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4003_7000 PIT Module Control Register (PIT_MCR) 32 R/W 0000_0002h 38.3.1/967
4003_7100 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVAL0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.2/968
4003_7104 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVAL0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.3/969
4003_7108 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRL0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.4/969
4003_710C Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLG0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.5/970
4003_7110 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVAL1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.2/968
4003_7114 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVAL1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.3/969
4003_7118 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRL1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.4/969
4003_711C Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLG1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.5/970
4003_7120 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVAL2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.2/968
4003_7124 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVAL2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.3/969
4003_7128 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRL2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.4/969
4003_712C Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLG2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.5/970
4003_7130 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVAL3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.2/968
4003_7134 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVAL3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.3/969
4003_7138 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRL3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.4/969
4003_713C Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLG3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 38.3.5/970

38.3.1 PIT Module Control Register (PIT_MCR)

This register enables or disables the PIT timer clocks and controls the timers when the
PIT enters the Debug mode.

Address: 4003_7000h base + 0h offset = 4003_7000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Memory map/register description

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

PIT_MCR field descriptions

Field Description
31–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 Module Disable
Disables the module clock. This field must be enabled before any other setup is done.

0 Clock for PIT timers is enabled.

1 Clock for PIT timers is disabled.
0 Freeze
Allows the timers to be stopped when the device enters the Debug mode.

0 Timers continue to run in Debug mode.

1 Timers are stopped in Debug mode.

38.3.2 Timer Load Value Register (PIT_LDVALn)

These registers select the timeout period for the timer interrupts.
Address: 4003_7000h base + 100h offset + (16d × i), where i=0d to 3d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PIT_LDVALn field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Timer Start Value
Sets the timer start value. The timer will count down until it reaches 0, then it will generate an interrupt and
load this register value again. Writing a new value to this register will not restart the timer; instead the
value will be loaded after the timer expires. To abort the current cycle and start a timer period with the new
value, the timer must be disabled and enabled again.

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Chapter 38 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT)

38.3.3 Current Timer Value Register (PIT_CVALn)

These registers indicate the current timer position.
Address: 4003_7000h base + 104h offset + (16d × i), where i=0d to 3d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PIT_CVALn field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Current Timer Value
Represents the current timer value, if the timer is enabled.

NOTE: • If the timer is disabled, do not use this field as its value is unreliable.
• The timer uses a downcounter. The timer values are frozen in Debug mode if MCR[FRZ] is

38.3.4 Timer Control Register (PIT_TCTRLn)

These registers contain the control bits for each timer.
Address: 4003_7000h base + 108h offset + (16d × i), where i=0d to 3d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PIT_TCTRLn field descriptions

Field Description
31–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Chain Mode
When activated, Timer n-1 needs to expire before timer n can decrement by 1.
Timer 0 can not be changed.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/register description

PIT_TCTRLn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Timer is not chained.
1 Timer is chained to previous timer. For example, for Channel 2, if this field is set, Timer 2 is chained to
Timer 1.
1 Timer Interrupt Enable
When an interrupt is pending, or, TFLGn[TIF] is set, enabling the interrupt will immediately cause an
interrupt event. To avoid this, the associated TFLGn[TIF] must be cleared first.

0 Interrupt requests from Timer n are disabled.

1 Interrupt will be requested whenever TIF is set.
0 Timer Enable
Enables or disables the timer.

0 Timer n is disabled.
1 Timer n is enabled.

38.3.5 Timer Flag Register (PIT_TFLGn)

These registers hold the PIT interrupt flags.
Address: 4003_7000h base + 10Ch offset + (16d × i), where i=0d to 3d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

W w1c
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PIT_TFLGn field descriptions

Field Description
31–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 Timer Interrupt Flag
Sets to 1 at the end of the timer period. Writing 1 to this flag clears it. Writing 0 has no effect. If enabled, or
when TCTRLn[TIE] = 1, TIF causes an interrupt request.

0 Timeout has not yet occurred.

1 Timeout has occurred.

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Chapter 38 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT)

38.4 Functional description

This section provides the functional description of the module.

38.4.1 General operation

This section gives detailed information on the internal operation of the module. Each
timer can be used to generate trigger pulses and interrupts. Each interrupt is available on
a separate interrupt line. Timers
The timers generate triggers at periodic intervals, when enabled. The timers load the start
values as specified in their LDVAL registers, count down to 0 and then load the
respective start value again. Each time a timer reaches 0, it will generate a trigger pulse
and set the interrupt flag.
All interrupts can be enabled or masked by setting TCTRLn[TIE]. A new interrupt can be
generated only after the previous one is cleared.
If desired, the current counter value of the timer can be read via the CVAL registers.
The counter period can be restarted, by first disabling, and then enabling the timer with
TCTRLn[TEN]. See the following figure.
Timer enabled Disable Re-enable
Start value = p1 timer timer

p1 p1 p1 p1

Figure 38-23. Stopping and starting a timer

The counter period of a running timer can be modified, by first disabling the timer,
setting a new load value, and then enabling the timer again. See the following figure.

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Functional description

Timer enabled Disable timer, Re-enable

Start value = p1 Set new load value timer

event p2 p2 p2

Figure 38-24. Modifying running timer period

It is also possible to change the counter period without restarting the timer by writing
LDVAL with the new load value. This value will then be loaded after the next trigger
event. See the following figure.
Timer enabled New start
Start value = p1 Value p2 set


p1 p1 p1 p2 p2

Figure 38-25. Dynamically setting a new load value Debug mode

In Debug mode, the timers will be frozen based on MCR[FRZ]. This is intended to aid
software development, allowing the developer to halt the processor, investigate the
current state of the system, for example, the timer values, and then continue the

38.4.2 Interrupts
All the timers support interrupt generation. See the MCU specification for related vector
addresses and priorities.
Timer interrupts can be enabled by setting TCTRLn[TIE]. TFLGn[TIF] are set to 1 when
a timeout occurs on the associated timer, and are cleared to 0 by writing a 1 to the
corresponding TFLGn[TIF].

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Chapter 38 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT)

38.4.3 Chained timers

When a timer has chain mode enabled, it will only count after the previous timer has
expired. So if timer n-1 has counted down to 0, counter n will decrement the value by
one. This allows to chain some of the timers together to form a longer timer. The first
timer (timer 0) cannot be chained to any other timer.

38.5 Initialization and application information

In the example configuration:
• The PIT clock has a frequency of 50 MHz.
• Timer 1 creates an interrupt every 5.12 ms.
• Timer 3 creates a trigger event every 30 ms.

The PIT module must be activated by writing a 0 to MCR[MDIS].

The 50 MHz clock frequency equates to a clock period of 20 ns. Timer 1 needs to trigger
every 5.12 ms/20 ns = 256,000 cycles and Timer 3 every 30 ms/20 ns = 1,500,000 cycles.
The value for the LDVAL register trigger is calculated as:
LDVAL trigger = (period / clock period) -1
This means LDVAL1 and LDVAL3 must be written with 0x0003E7FF and 0x0016E35F
The interrupt for Timer 1 is enabled by setting TCTRL1[TIE]. The timer is started by
writing 1 to TCTRL1[TEN].
Timer 3 shall be used only for triggering. Therefore, Timer 3 is started by writing a 1 to
TCTRL3[TEN]. TCTRL3[TIE] stays at 0.
The following example code matches the described setup:

// turn on PIT
PIT_MCR = 0x00;

// Timer 1
PIT_LDVAL1 = 0x0003E7FF; // setup timer 1 for 256000 cycles
PIT_TCTRL1 = TIE; // enable Timer 1 interrupts
PIT_TCTRL1 |= TEN; // start Timer 1

// Timer 3
PIT_LDVAL3 = 0x0016E35F; // setup timer 3for 1500000 cycles
PIT_TCTRL3 |= TEN; // start Timer 3

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Example configuration for chained timers

38.6 Example configuration for chained timers

In the example configuration:
• The PIT clock has a frequency of 100 MHz.
• Timers 1 and 2 are available.
• An interrupt shall be raised every 1 hour.

The PIT module needs to be activated by writing a 0 to MCR[MDIS].

The 100 MHz clock frequency equates to a clock period of 10 ns, so the PIT needs to
count for 6000 million cycles, which is more than a single timer can do. So, Timer 1 is
set up to trigger every 6 s (600 million cycles). Timer 2 is chained to Timer 1 and
programmed to trigger 10 times.
The value for the LDVAL register trigger is calculated as number of cycles-1, so
LDVAL1 receives the value 0x23C345FF and LDVAL2 receives the value 0x00000009.
The interrupt for Timer 2 is enabled by setting TCTRL2[TIE], the Chain mode is
activated by setting TCTRL2[CHN], and the timer is started by writing a 1 to
TCTRL2[TEN]. TCTRL1[TEN] needs to be set, and TCTRL1[CHN] and TCTRL1[TIE]
are cleared.
The following example code matches the described setup:

// turn on PIT
PIT_MCR = 0x00;

// Timer 2
PIT_LDVAL2 = 0x00000009; // setup Timer 2 for 10 counts
PIT_TCTRL2 = TIE; // enable Timer 2 interrupt
PIT_TCTRL2 |= CHN; // chain Timer 2 to Timer 1
PIT_TCTRL2 |= TEN; // start Timer 2

// Timer 1
PIT_LDVAL1 = 0x23C345FF; // setup Timer 1 for 600 000 000 cycles
PIT_TCTRL1 = TEN; // start Timer 1

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974 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 39
Low-Power Timer (LPTMR)

39.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The low-power timer (LPTMR) can be configured to operate as a time counter with
optional prescaler, or as a pulse counter with optional glitch filter, across all power
modes, including the low-leakage modes. It can also continue operating through most
system reset events, allowing it to be used as a time of day counter.

39.1.1 Features
The features of the LPTMR module include:
• 16-bit time counter or pulse counter with compare
• Optional interrupt can generate asynchronous wakeup from any low-power mode
• Hardware trigger output
• Counter supports free-running mode or reset on compare
• Configurable clock source for prescaler/glitch filter
• Configurable input source for pulse counter
• Rising-edge or falling-edge

39.1.2 Modes of operation

The following table describes the operation of the LPTMR module in various modes.

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LPTMR signal descriptions

Table 39-1. Modes of operation

Modes Description
Run The LPTMR operates normally.
The LPTMR continues to operate normally and
Wait may be configured to exit the low-power mode
by generating an interrupt request.
The LPTMR continues to operate normally and
Stop may be configured to exit the low-power mode
by generating an interrupt request.
The LPTMR continues to operate normally and
Low-Leakage may be configured to exit the low-power mode
by generating an interrupt request.
Debug The LPTMR operates normally.

39.2 LPTMR signal descriptions

Table 39-2. LPTMR signal descriptions
Signal I/O Description
LPTMR_ALTn I Pulse Counter Input pin

39.2.1 Detailed signal descriptions

Table 39-3. LPTMR interface—detailed signal descriptions
Signal I/O Description
LPTMR_ALTn I Pulse Counter Input
The LPTMR can select one of the input pins to be used in Pulse Counter mode.
State meaning Assertion—If configured for pulse counter mode with
active-high input, then assertion causes the CNR to
Deassertion—If configured for pulse counter mode with
active-low input, then deassertion causes the CNR to
Timing Assertion or deassertion may occur at any time; input may
assert asynchronously to the bus clock.

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Chapter 39 Low-Power Timer (LPTMR)

39.3 Memory map and register definition

The LPTMR registers are reset only on a POR or LVD event.
See LPTMR power and reset for more details.
LPTMR memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4004_0000 Low Power Timer Control Status Register (LPTMR0_CSR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 39.3.1/977
4004_0004 Low Power Timer Prescale Register (LPTMR0_PSR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 39.3.2/979
4004_0008 Low Power Timer Compare Register (LPTMR0_CMR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 39.3.3/980
4004_000C Low Power Timer Counter Register (LPTMR0_CNR) 32 R 0000_0000h 39.3.4/981

39.3.1 Low Power Timer Control Status Register (LPTMRx_CSR)

Address: 4004_0000h base + 0h offset = 4004_0000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

W w1c
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LPTMRx_CSR field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Timer Compare Flag
TCF is set when the LPTMR is enabled and the CNR equals the CMR and increments. TCF is cleared
when the LPTMR is disabled or a logic 1 is written to it.

0 The value of CNR is not equal to CMR and increments.

1 The value of CNR is equal to CMR and increments.
6 Timer Interrupt Enable
When TIE is set, the LPTMR Interrupt is generated whenever TCF is also set.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register definition

LPTMRx_CSR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Timer interrupt disabled.
1 Timer interrupt enabled.
5–4 Timer Pin Select
Configures the input source to be used in Pulse Counter mode. TPS must be altered only when the
LPTMR is disabled. The input connections vary by device. See the chip configuration details for
information on the connections to these inputs.

00 Pulse counter input 0 is selected.

01 Pulse counter input 1 is selected.
10 Pulse counter input 2 is selected.
11 Pulse counter input 3 is selected.
3 Timer Pin Polarity
Configures the polarity of the input source in Pulse Counter mode. TPP must be changed only when the
LPTMR is disabled.

0 Pulse Counter input source is active-high, and the CNR will increment on the rising-edge.
1 Pulse Counter input source is active-low, and the CNR will increment on the falling-edge.
2 Timer Free-Running Counter
When clear, TFC configures the CNR to reset whenever TCF is set. When set, TFC configures the CNR to
reset on overflow. TFC must be altered only when the LPTMR is disabled.

0 CNR is reset whenever TCF is set.

1 CNR is reset on overflow.
1 Timer Mode Select
Configures the mode of the LPTMR. TMS must be altered only when the LPTMR is disabled.

0 Time Counter mode.

1 Pulse Counter mode.
0 Timer Enable
When TEN is clear, it resets the LPTMR internal logic, including the CNR and TCF. When TEN is set, the
LPTMR is enabled. While writing 1 to this field, CSR[5:1] must not be altered.

0 LPTMR is disabled and internal logic is reset.

1 LPTMR is enabled.

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Chapter 39 Low-Power Timer (LPTMR)

39.3.2 Low Power Timer Prescale Register (LPTMRx_PSR)

Address: 4004_0000h base + 4h offset = 4004_0004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LPTMRx_PSR field descriptions

Field Description
31–7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6–3 Prescale Value
Configures the size of the Prescaler in Time Counter mode or width of the glitch filter in Pulse Counter
mode. PRESCALE must be altered only when the LPTMR is disabled.

0000 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 2; glitch filter does not support this configuration.
0001 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 4; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 2 rising
clock edges.
0010 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 8; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 4 rising
clock edges.
0011 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 16; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 8
rising clock edges.
0100 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 32; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 16
rising clock edges.
0101 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 64; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 32
rising clock edges.
0110 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 128; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 64
rising clock edges.
0111 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 256; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 128
rising clock edges.
1000 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 512; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 256
rising clock edges.
1001 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 1024; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 512
rising clock edges.
1010 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 2048; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after
1024 rising clock edges.
1011 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 4096; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after
2048 rising clock edges.
1100 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 8192; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after
4096 rising clock edges.
1101 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 16,384; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after
8192 rising clock edges.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register definition

LPTMRx_PSR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
1110 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 32,768; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after
16,384 rising clock edges.
1111 Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 65,536; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after
32,768 rising clock edges.
2 Prescaler Bypass
When PBYP is set, the selected prescaler clock in Time Counter mode or selected input source in Pulse
Counter mode directly clocks the CNR. When PBYP is clear, the CNR is clocked by the output of the
prescaler/glitch filter. PBYP must be altered only when the LPTMR is disabled.

0 Prescaler/glitch filter is enabled.

1 Prescaler/glitch filter is bypassed.
1–0 Prescaler Clock Select
Selects the clock to be used by the LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter. PCS must be altered only when the
LPTMR is disabled. The clock connections vary by device.

NOTE: See the chip configuration details for information on the connections to these inputs.

00 Prescaler/glitch filter clock 0 selected.

01 Prescaler/glitch filter clock 1 selected.
10 Prescaler/glitch filter clock 2 selected.
11 Prescaler/glitch filter clock 3 selected.

39.3.3 Low Power Timer Compare Register (LPTMRx_CMR)

Address: 4004_0000h base + 8h offset = 4004_0008h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LPTMRx_CMR field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Compare Value
When the LPTMR is enabled and the CNR equals the value in the CMR and increments, TCF is set and
the hardware trigger asserts until the next time the CNR increments. If the CMR is 0, the hardware trigger
will remain asserted until the LPTMR is disabled. If the LPTMR is enabled, the CMR must be altered only
when TCF is set.

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Chapter 39 Low-Power Timer (LPTMR)

39.3.4 Low Power Timer Counter Register (LPTMRx_CNR)

Address: 4004_0000h base + Ch offset = 4004_000Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LPTMRx_CNR field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Counter Value

39.4 Functional description

39.4.1 LPTMR power and reset

The LPTMR remains powered in all power modes, including low-leakage modes. If the
LPTMR is not required to remain operating during a low-power mode, then it must be
disabled before entering the mode.
The LPTMR is reset only on global Power On Reset (POR) or Low Voltage Detect
(LVD). When configuring the LPTMR registers, the CSR must be initially written with
the timer disabled, before configuring the PSR and CMR. Then, CSR[TIE] must be set as
the last step in the initialization. This ensures the LPTMR is configured correctly and the
LPTMR counter is reset to zero following a warm reset.

39.4.2 LPTMR clocking

The LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter can be clocked by one of the four clocks. The clock
source must be enabled before the LPTMR is enabled.
The clock source selected may need to be configured to remain
enabled in low-power modes, otherwise the LPTMR will not
operate during low-power modes.

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Functional description

In Pulse Counter mode with the prescaler/glitch filter bypassed, the selected input source
directly clocks the CNR and no other clock source is required. To minimize power in this
case, configure the prescaler clock source for a clock that is not toggling.
The clock source or pulse input source selected for the LPTMR
should not exceed the frequency fLPTMR defined in the device

39.4.3 LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter

The LPTMR prescaler and glitch filter share the same logic which operates as a prescaler
in Time Counter mode and as a glitch filter in Pulse Counter mode.
The prescaler/glitch filter configuration must not be altered
when the LPTMR is enabled. Prescaler enabled

In Time Counter mode, when the prescaler is enabled, the output of the prescaler directly
clocks the CNR. When the LPTMR is enabled, the CNR will increment every 22 to 216
prescaler clock cycles. After the LPTMR is enabled, the first increment of the CNR will
take an additional one or two prescaler clock cycles due to synchronization logic. Prescaler bypassed

In Time Counter mode, when the prescaler is bypassed, the selected prescaler clock
increments the CNR on every clock cycle. When the LPTMR is enabled, the first
increment will take an additional one or two prescaler clock cycles due to
synchronization logic.

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982 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 39 Low-Power Timer (LPTMR) Glitch filter

In Pulse Counter mode, when the glitch filter is enabled, the output of the glitch filter
directly clocks the CNR. When the LPTMR is first enabled, the output of the glitch filter
is asserted, that is, logic 1 for active-high and logic 0 for active-low. The following table
shows the change in glitch filter output with the selected input source.
If Then
The selected input source remains deasserted for at least 21 The glitch filter output will also deassert.
to 215 consecutive prescaler clock rising edges
The selected input source remains asserted for at least 21 to The glitch filter output will also assert.
215 consecutive prescaler clock rising-edges

The input is only sampled on the rising clock edge.
The CNR will increment each time the glitch filter output asserts. In Pulse Counter mode,
the maximum rate at which the CNR can increment is once every 22 to 216 prescaler
clock edges. When first enabled, the glitch filter will wait an additional one or two
prescaler clock edges due to synchronization logic. Glitch filter bypassed

In Pulse Counter mode, when the glitch filter is bypassed, the selected input source
increments the CNR every time it asserts. Before the LPTMR is first enabled, the selected
input source is forced to be asserted. This prevents the CNR from incrementing if the
selected input source is already asserted when the LPTMR is first enabled.

39.4.4 LPTMR compare

When the CNR equals the value of the CMR and increments, the following events occur:
• CSR[TCF] is set.
• LPTMR interrupt is generated if CSR[TIE] is also set.
• LPTMR hardware trigger is generated.
• CNR is reset if CSR[TFC] is clear.
When the LPTMR is enabled, the CMR can be altered only when CSR[TCF] is set. When
updating the CMR, the CMR must be written and CSR[TCF] must be cleared before the
LPTMR counter has incremented past the new LPTMR compare value.

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Functional description

39.4.5 LPTMR counter

The CNR increments by one on every:
• Prescaler clock in Time Counter mode with prescaler bypassed
• Prescaler output in Time Counter mode with prescaler enabled
• Input source assertion in Pulse Counter mode with glitch filter bypassed
• Glitch filter output in Pulse Counter mode with glitch filter enabled
The CNR is reset when the LPTMR is disabled or if the counter register overflows. If
CSR[TFC] is set, then the CNR is also reset whenever CSR[TCF] is set.
The CNR continues incrementing when the core is halted in Debug mode.
The CNR cannot be initialized, but can be read at any time. Reading the CNR at the time
it is incrementing may return invalid data due to synchronization of the read data bus. If it
is necessary for software to read the CNR, it is recommended that two read accesses are
performed and software verifies that the same data was returned for both reads.

39.4.6 LPTMR hardware trigger

The LPTMR hardware trigger asserts at the same time the CSR[TCF] is set and can be
used to trigger hardware events in other peripherals without software intervention. The
hardware trigger is always enabled.
When Then
The CMR is set to 0 with CSR[TFC] clear The LPTMR hardware trigger will assert on the first compare
and does not deassert.
The CMR is set to a nonzero value, or, if CSR[TFC] is set The LPTMR hardware trigger will assert on each compare
and deassert on the following increment of the CNR.

39.4.7 LPTMR interrupt

The LPTMR interrupt is generated whenever CSR[TIE] and CSR[TCF] are set.
CSR[TCF] is cleared by disabling the LPTMR or by writing a logic 1 to it.
CSR[TIE] can be altered and CSR[TCF] can be cleared while the LPTMR is enabled.
The LPTMR interrupt is generated asynchronously to the system clock and can be used to
generate a wakeup from any low-power mode, including the low-leakage modes,
provided the LPTMR is enabled as a wakeup source.

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984 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 40
Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

40.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The carrier modulator transmitter (CMT) module provides the means to generate the
protocol timing and carrier signals for a wide variety of encoding schemes. The CMT
incorporates hardware to off-load the critical and/or lengthy timing requirements
associated with signal generation from the CPU, releasing much of its bandwidth to
handle other tasks such as:
• Code data generation
• Data decompression, or,
• Keyboard scanning
. The CMT does not include dedicated hardware configurations for specific protocols, but
is intended to be sufficiently programmable in its function to handle the timing
requirements of most protocols with minimal CPU intervention.
When the modulator is disabled, certain CMT registers can be used to change the state of
the infrared output (IRO) signal directly. This feature allows for the generation of future
protocol timing signals not readily producible by the current architecture.

40.2 Features
The features of this module include:
• Four modes of operation:
• Time; with independent control of high and low times

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Block diagram

• Baseband
• Frequency-shift key (FSK)
• Direct software control of the IRO signal
• Extended space operation in Time, Baseband, and FSK modes
• Selectable input clock divider
• Interrupt on end-of-cycle
• Ability to disable the IRO signal and use as timer interrupt

40.3 Block diagram

The following figure presents the block diagram of the CMT module.

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Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)


Carrier generator Modulator CMT_IRO

CMT registers CMT



Clock divider
Peripheral bus clock

Peripheral bus

Figure 40-1. CMT module block diagram

40.4 Modes of operation

The following table describes the operation of the CMT module operates in various
Table 40-1. Modes of operation
Modes Description
In Time mode, the user independently defines the high and
Time low times of the carrier signal to determine both period and
duty cycle
When MSC[BASE] is set, the carrier output (fcg) to the
Baseband modulator is held high continuously to allow for the
generation of baseband protocols.

Table continues on the next page...

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Modes of operation

Table 40-1. Modes of operation (continued)

Modes Description
This mode allows the carrier generator to alternate between
two sets of high and low times. When operating in FSK
mode, the generator will toggle between the two sets when
Frequency-shift key
instructed by the modulator, allowing the user to
dynamically switch between two carrier frequencies without
CPU intervention.

The following table summarizes the modes of operation of the CMT module.
Table 40-2. CMT modes of operation
fcg controlled by primary high and
low registers.
Time 1 0 0 0
fcg transmitted to the IRO signal
when modulator gate is open.
fcg is always high. The IRO signal is
Baseband 1 1 X 0 high when the modulator gate is
fcg control alternates between
primary high/low registers and
FSK 1 0 1 0 secondary high/low registers.
fcg transmitted to the IRO signal
when modulator gate is open.
Setting MSC[EXSPC] causes
subsequent modulator cycles to be
1 X X 1 spaces (modulator out not asserted)
for the duration of the modulator
period (mark and space times).
OC[IROL] controls the state of the
IRO Latch 0 X X X
IRO signal.

1. To prevent spurious operation, initialize all data and control registers before beginning a transmission when
2. This field is not double-buffered and must not be changed during a transmission while MSC[MCGEN]=1.

The assignment of module modes to core modes is chip-
specific. For module-to-core mode assignments, see the chapter
that describes how modules are configured.

40.4.1 Wait mode operation

During Wait mode, the CMT if enabled, will continue to operate normally. However,
there is no change in operating modes of CMT during Wait mode, because the CPU is not
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988 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

40.4.2 Stop mode operation

This section describes the CMT Stop mode operations. Normal Stop mode operation

During Normal Stop mode, clocks to the CMT module are halted. No registers are
The CMT module will resume upon exit from Normal Stop mode because the clocks are
halted. Software must ensure that the Normal Stop mode is not entered while the
modulator is still in operation so as to prevent the IRO signal from being asserted while
in Normal Stop mode. This may require a timeout period from the time that
MSC[MCGEN] is cleared to allow the last modulator cycle to complete. Low-Power Stop mode operation

During Low-Power Stop mode, the CMT module is completely powered off internally
and the IRO signal state is latched and held at the time when the CMT enters this mode.
To prevent the IRO signal from being asserted during Low-Power Stop mode, the
software must assure that the signal is not active when entering Low-Power Stop mode.
Upon wakeup from Low-Power Stop mode, the CMT module will be in the reset state.

40.5 CMT external signal descriptions

The following table shows the description of the external signal.
Table 40-3. CMT signal description
Signal Description I/O
CMT_IRO Infrared Output O

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Memory map/register definition

40.5.1 CMT_IRO — Infrared Output

This output signal is driven by the modulator output when MSC[MCGEN] and
OC[IROPEN] are set. The IRO signal starts a valid transmission with a delay, after
MSC[MCGEN] bit be asserted to high, that can be calculated based on two register bits.
Table 40-5 shows how to calculate this delay.
The following table describes conditions for the IRO signal to be active.
If Then
MSC[MCGEN] is cleared and OC[IROPEN] is set The signal is driven by OC[IROL] . This enables user software
to directly control the state of the IRO signal by writing to
OC[IROPEN] is cleared The signal is disabled and is not driven by the CMT module.
Therefore, CMT can be configured as a modulo timer for
generating periodic interrupts without causing signal activity.

Table 40-5. CMT_IRO signal delay calculation

Condition Delay (bus clock cycles)
MSC[CMTDIV] > 0 (PPS[PPSDIV] *2) + 3

40.6 Memory map/register definition

The following registers control and monitor the CMT operation.

The address of a register is the sum of a base address and an address offset. The base
address is defined at the chip level. The address offset is defined at the module level.
CMT memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_2000 CMT Carrier Generator High Data Register 1 (CMT_CGH1) 8 R/W Undefined 40.6.1/991
4006_2001 CMT Carrier Generator Low Data Register 1 (CMT_CGL1) 8 R/W Undefined 40.6.2/992
4006_2002 CMT Carrier Generator High Data Register 2 (CMT_CGH2) 8 R/W Undefined 40.6.3/992
4006_2003 CMT Carrier Generator Low Data Register 2 (CMT_CGL2) 8 R/W Undefined 40.6.4/993
4006_2004 CMT Output Control Register (CMT_OC) 8 R/W 00h 40.6.5/993
4006_2005 CMT Modulator Status and Control Register (CMT_MSC) 8 R/W 00h 40.6.6/994
4006_2006 CMT Modulator Data Register Mark High (CMT_CMD1) 8 R/W Undefined 40.6.7/996

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

CMT memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_2007 CMT Modulator Data Register Mark Low (CMT_CMD2) 8 R/W Undefined 40.6.8/997
4006_2008 CMT Modulator Data Register Space High (CMT_CMD3) 8 R/W Undefined 40.6.9/997
4006_2009 CMT Modulator Data Register Space Low (CMT_CMD4) 8 R/W Undefined
4006_200A CMT Primary Prescaler Register (CMT_PPS) 8 R/W 00h
4006_200B CMT Direct Memory Access Register (CMT_DMA) 8 R/W 00h

40.6.1 CMT Carrier Generator High Data Register 1 (CMT_CGH1)

This data register contains the primary high value for generating the carrier output.
Address: 4006_2000h base + 0h offset = 4006_2000h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read PH
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

CMT_CGH1 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Primary Carrier High Time Data Value
Contains the number of input clocks required to generate the carrier high time period. When
operating in Time mode, this register is always selected. When operating in FSK mode, this
register and the secondary register pair are alternately selected under the control of the
modulator. The primary carrier high time value is undefined out of reset. This register must
be written to nonzero values before the carrier generator is enabled to avoid spurious

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Memory map/register definition

40.6.2 CMT Carrier Generator Low Data Register 1 (CMT_CGL1)

This data register contains the primary low value for generating the carrier output.
Address: 4006_2000h base + 1h offset = 4006_2001h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read PL
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

CMT_CGL1 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Primary Carrier Low Time Data Value
Contains the number of input clocks required to generate the carrier low time period. When
operating in Time mode, this register is always selected. When operating in FSK mode, this
register and the secondary register pair are alternately selected under the control of the
modulator. The primary carrier low time value is undefined out of reset. This register must be
written to nonzero values before the carrier generator is enabled to avoid spurious results.

40.6.3 CMT Carrier Generator High Data Register 2 (CMT_CGH2)

This data register contains the secondary high value for generating the carrier output.
Address: 4006_2000h base + 2h offset = 4006_2002h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read SH
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

CMT_CGH2 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Secondary Carrier High Time Data Value
Contains the number of input clocks required to generate the carrier high time period. When
operating in Time mode, this register is never selected. When operating in FSK mode, this
register and the primary register pair are alternately selected under control of the modulator.

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992 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

CMT_CGH2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
The secondary carrier high time value is undefined out of reset. This register must be written
to nonzero values before the carrier generator is enabled when operating in FSK mode.

40.6.4 CMT Carrier Generator Low Data Register 2 (CMT_CGL2)

This data register contains the secondary low value for generating the carrier output.
Address: 4006_2000h base + 3h offset = 4006_2003h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read SL
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

CMT_CGL2 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Secondary Carrier Low Time Data Value
Contains the number of input clocks required to generate the carrier low time period. When
operating in Time mode, this register is never selected. When operating in FSK mode, this
register and the primary register pair are alternately selected under the control of the
modulator. The secondary carrier low time value is undefined out of reset. This register must
be written to nonzero values before the carrier generator is enabled when operating in FSK

40.6.5 CMT Output Control Register (CMT_OC)

This register is used to control the IRO signal of the CMT module.
Address: 4006_2000h base + 4h offset = 4006_2004h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Memory map/register definition

CMT_OC field descriptions

Field Description
7 IRO Latch Control
Reads the state of the IRO latch. Writing to IROL changes the state of the IRO signal
when MSC[MCGEN] is cleared and IROPEN is set.
6 CMT Output Polarity
Controls the polarity of the IRO signal.

0 The IRO signal is active-low.

The IRO signal is active-high.
5 IRO Pin Enable
Enables and disables the IRO signal. When the IRO signal is enabled, it is an output
that drives out either the CMT transmitter output or the state of IROL depending on
whether MSC[MCGEN] is set or not. Also, the state of output is either inverted or non-
inverted, depending on the state of CMTPOL. When the IRO signal is disabled, it is in
a high-impedance state and is unable to draw any current. This signal is disabled
during reset.

0 The IRO signal is disabled.

The IRO signal is enabled as output.
4–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

40.6.6 CMT Modulator Status and Control Register (CMT_MSC)

This register contains the modulator and carrier generator enable (MCGEN), end of cycle
interrupt enable (EOCIE), FSK mode select (FSK), baseband enable (BASE), extended
space (EXSPC), prescaler (CMTDIV) bits, and the end of cycle (EOCF) status bit.
Address: 4006_2000h base + 5h offset = 4006_2005h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CMT_MSC field descriptions

Field Description
7 End Of Cycle Status Flag
Sets when:
Table continues on the next page...

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994 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

CMT_MSC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
• The modulator is not currently active and MCGEN is set to begin the initial CMT
• At the end of each modulation cycle while MCGEN is set. This is recognized
when a match occurs between the contents of the space period register and the
down counter. At this time, the counter is initialized with, possibly new contents
of the mark period buffer, CMD1 and CMD2, and the space period register is
loaded with, possibly new contents of the space period buffer, CMD3 and

This flag is cleared by reading MSC followed by an access of CMD2 or CMD4, or by

the DMA transfer.

0 End of modulation cycle has not occured since the flag last cleared.
End of modulator cycle has occurred.
6–5 CMT Clock Divide Prescaler
Causes the CMT to be clocked at the IF signal frequency, or the IF frequency divided
by 2 ,4, or 8 . This field must not be changed during a transmission because it is not

00 IF ÷ 1
01 IF ÷ 2
10 IF ÷ 4
11 IF ÷ 8
4 Extended Space Enable
Enables the extended space operation.

0 Extended space is disabled.

Extended space is enabled.
3 Baseband Enable
When set, BASE disables the carrier generator and forces the carrier output high for
generation of baseband protocols. When BASE is cleared, the carrier generator is
enabled and the carrier output toggles at the frequency determined by values stored
in the carrier data registers. This field is cleared by reset. This field is not double-
buffered and must not be written to during a transmission.

0 Baseband mode is disabled.

Baseband mode is enabled.
2 FSK Mode Select
Enables FSK operation.

0 The CMT operates in Time or Baseband mode.

The CMT operates in FSK mode.
1 End of Cycle Interrupt Enable
Requests to enable a CPU interrupt when EOCF is set if EOCIE is high.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/register definition

CMT_MSC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 CPU interrupt is disabled.
CPU interrupt is enabled.
0 Modulator and Carrier Generator Enable

Setting MCGEN will initialize the carrier generator and modulator and will enable all
clocks. When enabled, the carrier generator and modulator will function continuously.
When MCGEN is cleared, the current modulator cycle will be allowed to expire before
all carrier and modulator clocks are disabled to save power and the modulator output
is forced low.

NOTE: To prevent spurious operation, the user should initialize all data and control
registers before enabling the system.

0 Modulator and carrier generator disabled

Modulator and carrier generator enabled

40.6.7 CMT Modulator Data Register Mark High (CMT_CMD1)

The contents of this register are transferred to the modulator down counter upon the
completion of a modulation period.
Address: 4006_2000h base + 6h offset = 4006_2006h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read MB[15:8]
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

CMT_CMD1 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Controls the upper mark periods of the modulator for all modes.

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996 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

40.6.8 CMT Modulator Data Register Mark Low (CMT_CMD2)

The contents of this register are transferred to the modulator down counter upon the
completion of a modulation period.
Address: 4006_2000h base + 7h offset = 4006_2007h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read MB[7:0]
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

CMT_CMD2 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Controls the lower mark periods of the modulator for all modes.

40.6.9 CMT Modulator Data Register Space High (CMT_CMD3)

The contents of this register are transferred to the space period register upon the
completion of a modulation period.
Address: 4006_2000h base + 8h offset = 4006_2008h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read SB[15:8]
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

CMT_CMD3 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Controls the upper space periods of the modulator for all modes.

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Memory map/register definition

40.6.10 CMT Modulator Data Register Space Low (CMT_CMD4)

The contents of this register are transferred to the space period register upon the
completion of a modulation period.
Address: 4006_2000h base + 9h offset = 4006_2009h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read SB[7:0]
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

CMT_CMD4 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Controls the lower space periods of the modulator for all modes.

40.6.11 CMT Primary Prescaler Register (CMT_PPS)

This register is used to set the Primary Prescaler Divider field (PPSDIV).
Address: 4006_2000h base + Ah offset = 4006_200Ah

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CMT_PPS field descriptions

Field Description
7–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3–0 Primary Prescaler Divider
Divides the CMT clock to generate the Intermediate Frequency clock enable to the secondary prescaler.

0000 Bus clock ÷ 1

Bus clock ÷ 2
Bus clock ÷ 3
Bus clock ÷ 4
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

CMT_PPS field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Bus clock ÷ 5
Bus clock ÷ 6
Bus clock ÷ 7
Bus clock ÷ 8
Bus clock ÷ 9
Bus clock ÷ 10
Bus clock ÷ 11
Bus clock ÷ 12
Bus clock ÷ 13
Bus clock ÷ 14
Bus clock ÷ 15
Bus clock ÷ 16

40.6.12 CMT Direct Memory Access Register (CMT_DMA)

This register is used to enable/disable direct memory access (DMA).

Address: 4006_2000h base + Bh offset = 4006_200Bh

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 DMA
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CMT_DMA field descriptions

Field Description
7–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 DMA Enable
Enables the DMA protocol.

0 DMA transfer request and done are disabled.

DMA transfer request and done are enabled.

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Functional description

40.7 Functional description

The CMT module primarily consists of clock divider, carrier generator, and modulator.

40.7.1 Clock divider

The CMT was originally designed to be based on an 8 MHz bus clock that could be
divided by 1, 2, 4, or 8 according to the specification. To be compatible with higher bus
frequency, the primary prescaler (PPS) was developed to receive a higher frequency and
generate a clock enable signal called intermediate frequency (IF). This IF must be
approximately equal to 8 MHz and will work as a clock enable to the secondary
prescaler. The following figure shows the clock divider block diagram.
Bus clock

Primary if_clk_enable Secondary divider_enable

prescaler prescaler

Figure 40-14. Clock divider block diagram

For compatibility with previous versions of CMT, when bus clock = 8 MHz, the PPS
must be configured to zero. The PPS counter is selected according to the bus clock to
generate an intermediate frequency approximately equal to 8 MHz.

40.7.2 Carrier generator

The carrier generator resolution is 125 ns when operating with an 8 MHz intermediate
frequency signal and the secondary prescaler is set to divide by 1, or, when
MSC[CMTDIV] = 00. The carrier generator can generate signals with periods between
250 ns (4 MHz) and 127.5 μs (7.84 kHz) in steps of 125 ns. The following table shows
the relationship between the clock divide bits and the carrier generator resolution,
minimum carrier generator period, and minimum modulator period.

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1000 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

Table 40-19. Clock divider

Min. carrier generator Min.
Bus clock Carrier generator period
MSC[CMTDIV] modulator period
(MHz) resolution (μs)
(μs) (μs)
8 00 0.125 0.25 1.0
8 01 0.25 0.5 2.0
8 10 0.5 1.0 4.0
8 11 1.0 2.0 8.0

The possible duty cycle options depend upon the number of counts required to complete
the carrier period. For example, 1.6 MHz signal has a period of 625 ns and will therefore
require 5 x 125 ns counts to generate. These counts may be split between high and low
times, so the duty cycles available will be:
• 20% with one high and four low times
• 40% with two high and three low times
• 60% with three high and two low times, and
• 80% with four high and one low time
For low-frequency signals with large periods, high-resolution duty cycles as a percentage
of the total period, are possible.
The carrier signal is generated by counting a register-selected number of input clocks
(125 ns for an 8 MHz bus) for both the carrier high time and the carrier low time. The
period is determined by the total number of clocks counted. The duty cycle is determined
by the ratio of high-time clocks to total clocks counted. The high and low time values are
user-programmable and are held in two registers.
An alternate set of high/low count values is held in another set of registers to allow the
generation of dual-frequency FSK protocols without CPU intervention.
Only nonzero data values are allowed. The carrier generator
will not work if any of the count values are equal to zero.
MSC[MCGEN] must be set and MSC[BASE] must be cleared to enable carrier generator
clocks. When MSC[BASE] is set, the carrier output to the modulator is held high
continuously. The following figure represents the block diagram of the clock generator.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1001
Functional description

Secondary High Count Register

Primary High Count Register


Clock and output control

8-bit up counter
CLR Primary/
MCGEN Secondary



Secondary Low Count Register

Primary Low Count Register

Figure 40-15. Carrier generator block diagram

The high/low time counter is an 8-bit up counter. After each increment, the contents of
the counter are compared with the appropriate high or low count value register. When the
compare value is reached, the counter is reset to a value of 0x01, and the compare is
redirected to the other count value register.
Assuming that the high time count compare register is currently active, a valid compare
will cause the carrier output to be driven low. The counter will continue to increment
starting at the reset value of 0x01. When the value stored in the selected low count value
register is reached, the counter will again be reset and the carrier output will be driven
The cycle repeats, automatically generating a periodic signal which is directed to the
modulator. The lower frequency with maximum period, fmax, and highest frequency with
minimum period, fmin, which can be generated, are defined as:
fmax = fCMTCLK ÷ (2 * 1) Hz
fmin = fCMTCLK ÷ (2 * (28 − 1)) Hz
In the general case, the carrier generator output frequency is:
fcg = fCMTCLK ÷ (High count + Low count) Hz
Where: 0 < High count < 256 and
0 < Low count < 256

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Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

The duty cycle of the carrier signal is controlled by varying the ratio of high time to low
+ high time. As the input clock period is fixed, the duty cycle resolution will be
proportional to the number of counts required to generate the desired carrier period.

40.7.3 Modulator
The modulator block controls the state of the infrared out signal (IRO). The modulator
output is gated on to the IRO signal when the modulator/carrier generator is enabled. .
When the modulator/carrier generator is disabled, the IRO signal is controlled by the state
of the IRO latch. OC[CMTPOL] enables the IRO signal to be active-high or active-low.
The following table describes the functions of the modulators in different modes:
Table 40-20. Mode functions
Mode Function
Time The modulator can gate the carrier onto the modulator output.
Baseband The modulator can control the logic level of the modulator
FSK The modulator can count carrier periods and instruct the
carrier generator to alternate between two carrier frequencies
whenever a modulation period consisting of mark and space
counts, expires.

The modulator provides a simple method to control protocol timing. The modulator has a
minimum resolution of 1.0 μs with an 8 MHz. It can count bus clocks to provide real-
time control, or carrier clocks for self-clocked protocols.
The modulator includes a 17-bit down counter with underflow detection. The counter is
loaded from the 16-bit modulation mark period buffer registers, CMD1 and CMD2. The
most significant bit is loaded with a logic 0 and serves as a sign bit.
When Then
The counter holds a positive value The modulator gate is open and the carrier signal is driven to
the transmitter block.
The counter underflows The modulator gate is closed and a 16-bit comparator is
enabled which compares the logical complement of the value
of the down counter with the contents of the modulation space
period register which has been loaded from the registers,
CMD3 and CMD4.

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Functional description

When a match is obtained, the cycle repeats by opening the modulator gate, reloading the
counter with the contents of CMD1 and CMD2, and reloading the modulation space
period register with the contents of CMD3 and CMD4.
The modulation space period is activated when the carrier signal is low to prohibit cutting
off the high pulse of a carrier signal. If the carrier signal is high, the modulator extends
the mark period until the carrier signal becomes low. To deassert the space period and
assert the mark period, the carrier signal must have gone low to ensure that a space period
is not erroneously shortened.
If the contents of the modulation space period register are all zeroes, the match will be
immediate and no space period will be generated, for instance, for FSK protocols that
require successive bursts of different frequencies).
MSC[MCGEN] must be set to enable the modulator timer.
The following figure presents the block diagram of the modulator.
16 bits Mode

Clock control
17-bit down counter * Carrier out (fcg)

Load Modulator gate
MS bit


EOC Flag set
System control Module interrupt request
Primary/Secondary select



Space period register


16 bits
* Denotes hidden register

Figure 40-16. Modulator block diagram Time mode

When the modulator operates in Time mode, or, when MSC[MCGEN] is set, and
MSC[BASE] and MSC[FSK] are cleared:

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1004 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

• The modulation mark period consists of an integer number of (CMTCLK ÷ 8) clock

• The modulation space period consists of 0 or an integer number of (CMTCLK ÷ 8)
clock periods.
With an 8 MHz IF and MSC[CMTDIV] = 00, the modulator resolution is 1 μs and has a
maximum mark and space period of about 65.535 ms each . See Figure 40-17 for an
example of the Time and Baseband mode outputs.
The mark and space time equations for Time and Baseband mode are:
tmark = (CMD1:CMD2 + 1) ÷ (fCMTCLK ÷ 8)
tspace = CMD3:CMD4 ÷ (fCMTCLK ÷ 8)
where CMD1:CMD2 and CMD3:CMD4 are the decimal values of the concatenated


Carrier out

Modulator gate Mark Space Mark

IRO signal
(Time mode)

IRO signal
(Baseband mode)

Figure 40-17. Example: CMT output in Time and Baseband modes with OC[CMTPOL]=0 Baseband mode

Baseband mode, that is, when MSC[MCGEN] and MSC[BASE] are set, is a derivative of
Time mode, where the mark and space period is based on (CMTCLK ÷ 8) counts. The
mark and space calculations are the same as in Time mode.

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Functional description

In this mode, the modulator output will be at a logic 1 for the duration of the mark period
and at a logic 0 for the duration of a space period. See Figure 40-17 for an example of the
output for both Baseband and Time modes. In the example, the carrier out frequency (fcg)
is generated with a high count of 0x01 and a low count of 0x02 that results in a divide of
3 of CMTCLK with a 33% duty cycle. The modulator down counter was loaded with the
value 0x0003 and the space period register with 0x0002.
The waveforms in Figure 40-17 and Figure 40-18 are for the
purpose of conceptual illustration and are not meant to
represent precise timing relationships between the signals
shown. FSK mode

When the modulator operates in FSK mode, that is, when MSC[MCGEN] and
MSC[FSK] are set, and MSC[BASE] is cleared:
• The modulation mark and space periods consist of an integer number of carrier
clocks (space period can be zero).
• When the mark period expires, the space period is transparently started as in Time
• The carrier generator toggles between primary and secondary data register values
whenever the modulator space period expires.
The space period provides an interpulse gap (no carrier). If CMD3:CMD4 = 0x0000, then
the modulator and carrier generator will switch between carrier frequencies without a gap
or any carrier glitches (zero space).
Using timing data for carrier burst and interpulse gap length calculated by the CPU, FSK
mode can automatically generate a phase-coherent, dual-frequency FSK signal with
programmable burst and interburst gaps.
The mark and space time equations for FSK mode are:
tmark = (CMD1:CMD2 + 1) ÷ fcg
tspace = (CMD3:CMD4) ÷ fcg
Where fcg is the frequency output from the carrier generator. The example in Figure
40-18 shows what the IRO signal looks like in FSK mode with the following values:
• CMD1:CMD2 = 0x0003
• CMD3:CMD4 = 0x0002
• Primary carrier high count = 0x01
• Primary carrier low count = 0x02

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Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

• Secondary carrier high count = 0x03

• Secondary carrier low count = 0x01

Carrier out (fcg)

Modulator gate Mark1 Space1 Mark2 Space2 Mark1 Space1 Mark2

IRO signal

Figure 40-18. Example: CMT output in FSK mode

40.7.4 Extended space operation

In either Time, Baseband, or FSK mode, the space period can be made longer than the
maximum possible value of the space period register. Setting MSC[EXSPC] will force
the modulator to treat the next modulation period beginning with the next load of the
counter and space period register, as a space period equal in length to the mark and space
counts combined. Subsequent modulation periods will consist entirely of these extended
space periods with no mark periods. Clearing MSC[EXSPC] will return the modulator to
standard operation at the beginning of the next modulation period. EXSPC operation in Time mode

To calculate the length of an extended space in Time or Baseband mode, add the mark
and space times and multiply by the number of modulation periods when MSC[EXSPC]
is set.
texspace = (tmark + tspace) * (number of modulation periods)
For an example of extended space operation, see Figure 40-19.
The extended space enable feature can be used to emulate a
zero mark event.

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Functional description


Figure 40-19. Extended space operation EXSPC operation in FSK mode

In FSK mode, the modulator continues to count carrier out clocks, alternating between
the primary and secondary registers at the end of each modulation period.
To calculate the length of an extended space in FSK mode, it is required to know whether
MSC[EXSPC] was set on a primary or secondary modulation period, and the total
number of both primary and secondary modulation periods completed while
MSC[EXSPC] is high. A status bit for the current modulation is not accessible to the
CPU. If necessary, software must maintain tracking of the current primary or secondary
modulation cycle. The extended space period ends at the completion of the space period
time of the modulation period during which MSC[EXSPC]is cleared.
The following table depicts the equations which can be used to calculate the extended
space period depending on when MSC[EXSPC] is set.
If Then
MSC[EXSPC] was set during a primary Use the equation:
modulation cycle
texspace = (tspace)p + (tmark + tspace)s + (tmark + tspace)p +...
MSC[EXSPC] bit was set during a secondary Use the equation:
modulation cycle
texspace = (tspace)s + (tmark + tspace)p + (tmark + tspace)s +...

Where the subscripts p and s refer to mark and space times for the primary and secondary
modulation cycles.

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Chapter 40 Carrier Modulator Transmitter (CMT)

40.8 CMT interrupts and DMA

The CMT generates an interrupt request or a DMA transfer request according to
Table 40-23. DMA transfer request x CMT interrupt request
MSC[EOCF] DMA[DMA] MSC[EOCIE] DMA transfer request CMT interrupt request
0 X X 0 0
1 X 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 0

MSC[EOCF] is set:
• When the modulator is not currently active and MSC[MCGEN] is set to begin the
initial CMT transmission.
• At the end of each modulation cycle when the counter is reloaded from
CMD1:CMD2, while MSC[MCGEN] is set.

When MSC[MCGEN] is cleared and then set before the end of the modulation cycle,
MSC[EOCF] will not be set when MSC[MCGEN] is set, but will become set at the end
of the current modulation cycle.
When MSC[MCGEN] becomes disabled, the CMT module does not set MSC[EOCF] at
the end of the last modulation cycle.
If MSC[EOCIE] is high when MSC[EOCF] is set, the CMT module will generate an
interrupt request or a DMA transfer request.
MSC[EOCF] must be cleared to prevent from being generated by another event like
interrupt or DMA request, after exiting the service routine. See the following table.
Table 40-24. How to clear MSC[EOCF]
MSC[EOCIE] Description
0 X MSC[EOCF] is cleared by reading MSC followed by an access of CMD2 or CMD4.
1 X MSC[EOCF] is cleared by the CMT DMA transfer done.

The EOC interrupt is coincident with:

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CMT interrupts and DMA

• Loading the down-counter with the contents of CMD1:CMD2

• Loading the space period register with the contents of CMD3:CMD4
The EOC interrupt provides a means for the user to reload new mark/space values into
the modulator data registers. Modulator data register updates will take effect at the end of
the current modulation cycle.
The down-counter and space period register are updated at the
end of every modulation cycle, irrespective of interrupt
handling and the state of MSC[EOCF].

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1010 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 41
Real Time Clock (RTC)

41.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.

41.1.1 Features
The RTC module features include:
• Independent power supply, POR, and 32 kHz crystal oscillator
• 32-bit seconds counter with roll-over protection and 32-bit alarm
• 16-bit prescaler with compensation that can correct errors between 0.12 ppm and
3906 ppm
• Register write protection
• Lock register requires VBAT POR or software reset to enable write access
• Access control registers require system reset to enable read and/or write access
• 1 Hz square wave output

41.1.2 Modes of operation

The RTC remains functional in all low power modes and can generate an interrupt to exit
any low power mode. It operates in one of two modes of operation: chip power-up and
chip power-down.

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Register definition

During chip power-down, RTC is powered from the backup power supply (VBAT) and is
electrically isolated from the rest of the chip but continues to increment the time counter
(if enabled) and retain the state of the RTC registers. The RTC registers are not
During chip power-up, RTC remains powered from the backup power supply (VBAT).
All RTC registers are accessible by software and all functions are operational. If enabled,
the 32.768 kHz clock can be supplied to the rest of the chip.

41.1.3 RTC Signal Descriptions

Table 41-1. RTC signal descriptions
Signal Description I/O
EXTAL32 32.768 kHz oscillator input I
XTAL32 32.768 kHz oscillator output O
RTC_CLKOUT 1 Hz square-wave output O
RTC_WAKEUP Wakeup for external device O RTC clock output

The clock to the seconds counter is available on the RTC_CLKOUT signal. It is a 1 Hz
square wave output. RTC wakeup pin

The RTC wakeup pin is an open drain, active low, output that allows the RTC to wakeup
the chip via an external component. The wakeup pin asserts when the wakeup pin enable
is set, the RTC interrupt is asserted, and the chip is powered down. The wakeup pin does
not assert from the RTC seconds interrupt.
The wakeup pin is optional and may not be implemented on all devices.

41.2 Register definition

All registers must be accessed using 32-bit writes and all register accesses incur three
wait states.

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1012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 41 Real Time Clock (RTC)

Write accesses to any register by non-supervisor mode software, when the supervisor
access bit in the control register is clear, will terminate with a bus error.
Read accesses by non-supervisor mode software complete as normal.
Writing to a register protected by the write access register or lock register does not
generate a bus error, but the write will not complete.
Reading a register protected by the read access register does not generate a bus error, but
the register will read zero.
RTC memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4003_D000 RTC Time Seconds Register (RTC_TSR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.1/1013
4003_D004 RTC Time Prescaler Register (RTC_TPR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.2/1014
4003_D008 RTC Time Alarm Register (RTC_TAR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.3/1014
4003_D00C RTC Time Compensation Register (RTC_TCR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.4/1014
4003_D010 RTC Control Register (RTC_CR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 41.2.5/1016
4003_D014 RTC Status Register (RTC_SR) 32 R/W 0000_0001h 41.2.6/1018
4003_D018 RTC Lock Register (RTC_LR) 32 R/W 0000_00FFh 41.2.7/1019
4003_D01C RTC Interrupt Enable Register (RTC_IER) 32 R/W 0000_0007h 41.2.8/1020
4003_D800 RTC Write Access Register (RTC_WAR) 32 R/W 0000_00FFh 41.2.9/1021
4003_D804 RTC Read Access Register (RTC_RAR) 32 R/W 0000_00FFh

41.2.1 RTC Time Seconds Register (RTC_TSR)

Address: 4003_D000h base + 0h offset = 4003_D000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

RTC_TSR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Time Seconds Register
When the time counter is enabled, the TSR is read only and increments once a second provided SR[TOF]
or SR[TIF] are not set. The time counter will read as zero when SR[TOF] or SR[TIF] are set. When the
time counter is disabled, the TSR can be read or written. Writing to the TSR when the time counter is
disabled will clear the SR[TOF] and/or the SR[TIF]. Writing to TSR with zero is supported, but not
recommended because TSR will read as zero when SR[TIF] or SR[TOF] are set (indicating the time is

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1013
Register definition

41.2.2 RTC Time Prescaler Register (RTC_TPR)

Address: 4003_D000h base + 4h offset = 4003_D004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

RTC_TPR field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Time Prescaler Register
When the time counter is enabled, the TPR is read only and increments every 32.768 kHz clock cycle. The
time counter will read as zero when SR[TOF] or SR[TIF] are set. When the time counter is disabled, the
TPR can be read or written. The TSR[TSR] increments when bit 14 of the TPR transitions from a logic one
to a logic zero.

41.2.3 RTC Time Alarm Register (RTC_TAR)

Address: 4003_D000h base + 8h offset = 4003_D008h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

RTC_TAR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Time Alarm Register
When the time counter is enabled, the SR[TAF] is set whenever the TAR[TAR] equals the TSR[TSR] and
the TSR[TSR] increments. Writing to the TAR clears the SR[TAF].

41.2.4 RTC Time Compensation Register (RTC_TCR)

Address: 4003_D000h base + Ch offset = 4003_D00Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Chapter 41 Real Time Clock (RTC)

RTC_TCR field descriptions

Field Description
31–24 Compensation Interval Counter
Current value of the compensation interval counter. If the compensation interval counter equals zero then
it is loaded with the contents of the CIR. If the CIC does not equal zero then it is decremented once a
23–16 Time Compensation Value
Current value used by the compensation logic for the present second interval. Updated once a second if
the CIC equals 0 with the contents of the TCR field. If the CIC does not equal zero then it is loaded with
zero (compensation is not enabled for that second increment).
15–8 Compensation Interval Register
Configures the compensation interval in seconds from 1 to 256 to control how frequently the TCR should
adjust the number of 32.768 kHz cycles in each second. The value written should be one less than the
number of seconds. For example, write zero to configure for a compensation interval of one second. This
register is double buffered and writes do not take affect until the end of the current compensation interval.
7–0 Time Compensation Register
Configures the number of 32.768 kHz clock cycles in each second. This register is double buffered and
writes do not take affect until the end of the current compensation interval.

80h Time Prescaler Register overflows every 32896 clock cycles.

... ...
FFh Time Prescaler Register overflows every 32769 clock cycles.
00h Time Prescaler Register overflows every 32768 clock cycles.
01h Time Prescaler Register overflows every 32767 clock cycles.
... ...
7Fh Time Prescaler Register overflows every 32641 clock cycles.

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Register definition

41.2.5 RTC Control Register (RTC_CR)

Address: 4003_D000h base + 10h offset = 4003_D010h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0



W 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

RTC_CR field descriptions

Field Description
31–15 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
14 This field is reserved.
Reserved It must always be written to 0.
13 Oscillator 2pF Load Configure
0 Disable the load.
1 Enable the additional load.
12 Oscillator 4pF Load Configure
0 Disable the load.
1 Enable the additional load.
11 Oscillator 8pF Load Configure
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 41 Real Time Clock (RTC)

RTC_CR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Disable the load.
1 Enable the additional load.
10 Oscillator 16pF Load Configure
0 Disable the load.
1 Enable the additional load.
9 Clock Output
0 The 32 kHz clock is output to other peripherals.
1 The 32 kHz clock is not output to other peripherals.
8 Oscillator Enable
0 32.768 kHz oscillator is disabled.
1 32.768 kHz oscillator is enabled. After setting this bit, wait the oscillator startup time before enabling
the time counter to allow the 32.768 kHz clock time to stabilize.
7–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Update Mode
Allows SR[TCE] to be written even when the Status Register is locked. When set, the SR[TCE] can always
be written if the SR[TIF] or SR[TOF] are set or if the SR[TCE] is clear.

0 Registers cannot be written when locked.

1 Registers can be written when locked under limited conditions.
2 Supervisor Access
0 Non-supervisor mode write accesses are not supported and generate a bus error.
1 Non-supervisor mode write accesses are supported.
1 Wakeup Pin Enable
The wakeup pin is optional and not available on all devices.

0 Wakeup pin is disabled.

1 Wakeup pin is enabled and wakeup pin asserts if the RTC interrupt asserts and the chip is powered
down .
0 Software Reset
0 No effect.
1 Resets all RTC registers except for the SWR bit and the RTC_WAR and RTC_RAR registers . The
SWR bit is cleared by VBAT POR and by software explicitly clearing it.

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Register definition

41.2.6 RTC Status Register (RTC_SR)

Address: 4003_D000h base + 14h offset = 4003_D014h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

RTC_SR field descriptions

Field Description
31–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 Time Counter Enable
When time counter is disabled the TSR register and TPR register are writeable, but do not increment.
When time counter is enabled the TSR register and TPR register are not writeable, but increment.

0 Time counter is disabled.

1 Time counter is enabled.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Time Alarm Flag
Time alarm flag is set when the TAR[TAR] equals the TSR[TSR] and the TSR[TSR] increments. This bit is
cleared by writing the TAR register.

0 Time alarm has not occurred.

1 Time alarm has occurred.
1 Time Overflow Flag
Time overflow flag is set when the time counter is enabled and overflows. The TSR and TPR do not
increment and read as zero when this bit is set. This bit is cleared by writing the TSR register when the
time counter is disabled.

0 Time overflow has not occurred.

1 Time overflow has occurred and time counter is read as zero.
0 Time Invalid Flag
The time invalid flag is set on VBAT POR or software reset. The TSR and TPR do not increment and read
as zero when this bit is set. This bit is cleared by writing the TSR register when the time counter is

0 Time is valid.
1 Time is invalid and time counter is read as zero.

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1018 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 41 Real Time Clock (RTC)

41.2.7 RTC Lock Register (RTC_LR)

Address: 4003_D000h base + 18h offset = 4003_D018h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 1 1
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

RTC_LR field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1.
6 Lock Register Lock
After being cleared, this bit can be set only by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Lock Register is locked and writes are ignored.

1 Lock Register is not locked and writes complete as normal.
5 Status Register Lock
After being cleared, this bit can be set only by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Status Register is locked and writes are ignored.

1 Status Register is not locked and writes complete as normal.
4 Control Register Lock
After being cleared, this bit can only be set by VBAT POR.

0 Control Register is locked and writes are ignored.

1 Control Register is not locked and writes complete as normal.
3 Time Compensation Lock
After being cleared, this bit can be set only by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Time Compensation Register is locked and writes are ignored.

1 Time Compensation Register is not locked and writes complete as normal.
2–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1.

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Register definition

41.2.8 RTC Interrupt Enable Register (RTC_IER)

Address: 4003_D000h base + 1Ch offset = 4003_D01Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

RTC_IER field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–5 This field is reserved.
4 Time Seconds Interrupt Enable
The seconds interrupt is an edge-sensitive interrupt with a dedicated interrupt vector. It is generated once
a second and requires no software overhead (there is no corresponding status flag to clear).

0 Seconds interrupt is disabled.

1 Seconds interrupt is enabled.
3 This field is reserved.
2 Time Alarm Interrupt Enable
0 Time alarm flag does not generate an interrupt.
1 Time alarm flag does generate an interrupt.
1 Time Overflow Interrupt Enable
0 Time overflow flag does not generate an interrupt.
1 Time overflow flag does generate an interrupt.
0 Time Invalid Interrupt Enable
0 Time invalid flag does not generate an interrupt.
1 Time invalid flag does generate an interrupt.

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Chapter 41 Real Time Clock (RTC)

41.2.9 RTC Write Access Register (RTC_WAR)

Address: 4003_D000h base + 800h offset = 4003_D800h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0





Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

RTC_WAR field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Interrupt Enable Register Write
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Writes to the Interupt Enable Register are ignored.

1 Writes to the Interrupt Enable Register complete as normal.
6 Lock Register Write
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Writes to the Lock Register are ignored.

1 Writes to the Lock Register complete as normal.
5 Status Register Write
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Writes to the Status Register are ignored.

1 Writes to the Status Register complete as normal.
4 Control Register Write
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Writes to the Control Register are ignored.

1 Writes to the Control Register complete as normal.
3 Time Compensation Register Write
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.
Table continues on the next page...

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Register definition

RTC_WAR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Writes to the Time Compensation Register are ignored.
1 Writes to the Time Compensation Register complete as normal.
2 Time Alarm Register Write
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Writes to the Time Alarm Register are ignored.

1 Writes to the Time Alarm Register complete as normal.
1 Time Prescaler Register Write
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Writes to the Time Prescaler Register are ignored.

1 Writes to the Time Prescaler Register complete as normal.
0 Time Seconds Register Write
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Writes to the Time Seconds Register are ignored.

1 Writes to the Time Seconds Register complete as normal.

41.2.10 RTC Read Access Register (RTC_RAR)

Address: 4003_D000h base + 804h offset = 4003_D804h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

RTC_RAR field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 Interrupt Enable Register Read
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Reads to the Interrupt Enable Register are ignored.

1 Reads to the Interrupt Enable Register complete as normal.
6 Lock Register Read
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 41 Real Time Clock (RTC)

RTC_RAR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Reads to the Lock Register are ignored.

1 Reads to the Lock Register complete as normal.
5 Status Register Read
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Reads to the Status Register are ignored.

1 Reads to the Status Register complete as normal.
4 Control Register Read
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Reads to the Control Register are ignored.

1 Reads to the Control Register complete as normal.
3 Time Compensation Register Read
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Reads to the Time Compensation Register are ignored.

1 Reads to the Time Compensation Register complete as normal.
2 Time Alarm Register Read
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Reads to the Time Alarm Register are ignored.

1 Reads to the Time Alarm Register complete as normal.
1 Time Prescaler Register Read
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Reads to the Time Pprescaler Register are ignored.

1 Reads to the Time Prescaler Register complete as normal.
0 Time Seconds Register Read
After being cleared, this bit is set only by system reset. It is not affected by VBAT POR or software reset.

0 Reads to the Time Seconds Register are ignored.

1 Reads to the Time Seconds Register complete as normal.

41.3 Functional description

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1023
Functional description

41.3.1 Power, clocking, and reset

The RTC is an always powered block that remains active in all low power modes and is
powered by the battery power supply (VBAT). The battery power supply ensures that the
RTC registers retain their state during chip power-down and that the RTC time counter
remains operational.
The time counter within the RTC is clocked by a 32.768 kHz clock and can supply this
clock to other peripherals. The 32.768 kHz clock can only be sourced from an external
crystal using the oscillator that is part of the RTC module.
The RTC includes its own analog POR block, which generates a VBAT power-on-reset
signal whenever the RTC module is powered up and initializes all RTC registers to their
default state. A software reset bit can also initialize all RTC registers. The RTC also
monitors the chip power supply and electrically isolates itself when the rest of the chip is
powered down.
Any attempt to access an RTC register, except the access control registers, when VBAT
is powered down, when the RTC is electrically isolated, or when VBAT POR is asserted,
will result in a bus error. Oscillator control

The 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator is disabled at VBAT POR and must be enabled by
software. After enabling the cystal oscillator, wait the oscillator startup time before
setting SR[TCE] or using the oscillator clock external to the RTC.
The crystal oscillator includes tunable capacitors that can be configured by software. Do
not change the capacitance unless the oscillator is disabled. Software reset

Writing one to the CR[SWR] forces the equivalent of a VBAT POR to the rest of the
RTC module. The CR[SWR] is not affected by the software reset and must be cleared by
software. The access control registers are not affected by either VBAT POR or the
software reset; they are reset by the chip reset.

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1024 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 41 Real Time Clock (RTC) Supervisor access

When the supervisor access control bit is clear, only supervisor mode software can write
to the RTC registers, non-supervisor mode software will generate a bus error. Both
supervisor and non-supervisor mode software can always read the RTC registers.

41.3.2 Time counter

The time counter consists of a 32-bit seconds counter that increments once every second
and a 16-bit prescaler register that increments once every 32.768 kHz clock cycle.
The time seconds register and time prescaler register can be written only when SR[TCE]
is clear. Always write to the prescaler register before writing to the seconds register,
because the seconds register increments on the falling edge of bit 14 of the prescaler
The time prescaler register increments provided SR[TCE] is set, SR[TIF] is clear,
SR[TOF] is clear, and the 32.768 kHz clock source is present. After enabling the
oscillator, wait the oscillator startup time before setting SR[TCE] to allow time for the
oscillator clock output to stabilize.
If the time seconds register overflows then the SR[TOF] will set and the time prescaler
register will stop incrementing. Clear SR[TOF] by initializing the time seconds register.
The time seconds register and time prescaler register read as zero whenever SR[TOF] is
SR[TIF] is set on VBAT POR and software reset and is cleared by initializing the time
seconds register. The time seconds register and time prescaler register read as zero
whenever SR[TIF] is set.

41.3.3 Compensation
The compensation logic provides an accurate and wide compensation range and can
correct errors as high as 3906 ppm and as low as 0.12 ppm. The compensation factor
must be calculated externally to the RTC and supplied by software to the compensation
register. The RTC itself does not calculate the amount of compensation that is required,
although the 1 Hz clock is output to an external pin in support of external calibration

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1025
Functional description

Crystal compensation can be supported by using firmware and crystal characteristics to

determine the compensation amount. Temperature compensation can be supported by
firmware that periodically measures the external temperature via ADC and updates the
compensation register based on a look-up table that specifies the change in crystal
frequency over temperature.
The compensation logic alters the number of 32.768 kHz clock cycles it takes for the
prescaler register to overflow and increment the time seconds counter. The time
compensation value is used to adjust the number of clock cycles between -127 and +128.
Cycles are added or subtracted from the prescaler register when the prescaler register
equals 0x3FFF and then increments. The compensation interval is used to adjust the
frequency at which the time compensation value is used, that is, from once a second to
once every 256 seconds.
Updates to the time compensation register will not take effect until the next time the time
seconds register increments and provided the previous compensation interval has expired.
When the compensation interval is set to other than once a second then the compensation
is applied in the first second interval and the remaining second intervals receive no
Compensation is disabled by configuring the time compensation register to zero.

41.3.4 Time alarm

The time alarm register, SR[TAF], and IER[TAIE] allow the RTC to generate an
interrupt at a predefined time. The 32-bit time alarm register is compared with the 32-bit
time seconds register each time it increments. The SR[TAF] will set when the time alarm
register equals the time seconds register and the time seconds register increments.
The time alarm flag is cleared by writing the time alarm register. This will usually be the
next alarm value, although writing a value that is less than the time seconds register, such
as zero, will prevent the time alarm flag from setting again. The time alarm flag cannot
otherwise be disabled, although the interrupt it generates is enabled or disabled by

41.3.5 Update mode

The Update Mode bit in the Control register (CR[UM]) configures software write access
to the Time Counter Enable (SR[TCE]) bit. When CR[UM] is clear, SR[TCE] can be
written only when the LR[SRL] bit is set. When CR[UM] is set, the SR[TCE] can also be
written when SR[TCE] is clear or when SR[TIF] or SR[TOF] are set. This allows the

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1026 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 41 Real Time Clock (RTC)

time seconds and prescaler registers to be initialized whenever time is invalidated, while
preventing the time seconds and prescaler registers from being changed on the fly. When
LR[SRL] is set, CR[UM] has no effect on SR[TCE].

41.3.6 Register lock

The lock register can be used to block write accesses to certain registers until the next
VBAT POR or software reset. Locking the control register will disable the software reset.
Locking the lock register will block future updates to the lock register.
Write accesses to a locked register are ignored and do not generate a bus error.

41.3.7 Access control

The read access and write access registers are implemented in the chip power domain and
reset on the chip reset. They are not affected by the VBAT POR or the software reset.
They are used to block read or write accesses to each register until the next chip system
reset. When accesses are blocked, the bus access is not seen in the VBAT power supply
and does not generate a bus error.

41.3.8 Interrupt
The RTC interrupt is asserted whenever a status flag and the corresponding interrupt
enable bit are both set. It is always asserted on VBAT POR, and software reset, and when
the VBAT power supply is powered down. The RTC interrupt is enabled at the chip level
by enabling the chip-specific RTC clock gate control bit. The RTC interrupt can be used
to wakeup the chip from any low-power mode. If the RTC wakeup pin is enabled and the
chip is powered down, the RTC interrupt will cause the wakeup pin to assert.
The optional RTC seconds interrupt is an edge-sensitive interrupt with a dedicated
interrupt vector that is generated once a second and requires no software overhead (there
is no corresponding status flag to clear). It is enabled in the RTC by the time seconds
interrupt enable bit and enabled at the chip level by setting the chip-specific RTC clock
gate control bit. The RTC seconds interrupt does not cause the RTC wakeup pin to assert.
This interrupt is optional and may not be implemented on all devices.

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Functional description

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Chapter 42
Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

42.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
This section describes the USB. The OTG implementation in this module provides
limited host functionality and device solutions for implementing a USB 2.0 full-speed/
low-speed compliant peripheral. The OTG implementation supports the On-The-Go
(OTG) addendum to the USB 2.0 Specification. Only one protocol can be active at any
time. A negotiation protocol must be used to switch to a USB host functionality from a
USB device. This is known as the Master Negotiation Protocol (MNP).

42.1.1 USB
The USB is a cable bus that supports data exchange between a host computer and a wide
range of simultaneously accessible peripherals. The attached peripherals share USB
bandwidth through a host-scheduled, token-based protocol. The bus allows peripherals to
be attached, configured, used, and detached while the host and other peripherals are in
USB software provides a uniform view of the system for all application software, hiding
implementation details making application software more portable. It manages the
dynamic attach and detach of peripherals.
There is only one host in any USB system. The USB interface to the host computer
system is referred to as the Host Controller.
There may be multiple USB devices in any system such as joysticks, speakers, printers,
etc. USB devices present a standard USB interface in terms of comprehension, response,
and standard capability.

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The host initiates transactions to specific peripherals, whereas the device responds to
control transactions. The device sends and receives data to and from the host using a
standard USB data format. USB 2.0 full-speed /low-speed peripherals operate at 12Mbit/s
or 1.5 Mbit/s.
For additional information, see the USB 2.0 specification.

Host PC

External Hub
External Hub

Root USB Cable

Host Hub
USB Cable USB Cable

USB Cables USB Peripherals

Figure 42-1. Example USB 2.0 system configuration

42.1.2 USB On-The-Go

USB is a popular standard for connecting peripherals and portable consumer electronic
devices such as digital cameras and hand-held computers to host PCs. The On-The-Go
(OTG) Supplement to the USB Specification extends USB to peer-to-peer application.
Using USB OTG technology consumer electronics, peripherals, and portable devices can
connect to each other to exchange data. For example, a digital camera can connect
directly to a printer, or a keyboard can connect to a Personal Digital Assistant to
exchange data.
With the USB On-The-Go product, you can develop a fully USB-compliant peripheral
device that can also assume the role of a USB host. Software determines the role of the
device based on hardware signals, and then initializes the device in the appropriate mode
of operation (host or peripheral) based on how it is connected. After connecting the
devices can negotiate using the OTG protocols to assume the role of host or peripheral
based on the task to be accomplished.
For additional information, see the On-The-Go Supplement to the USB 2.0 Specification.

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

Print Photos

Keyboard Input

Swap Songs
Hot Sync

Figure 42-2. Example USB 2.0 On-The-Go configurations

42.1.3 USB-FS Features

• USB 1.1 and 2.0 compliant full-speed device controller
• 16 bidirectional end points
• DMA or FIFO data stream interfaces
• Low-power consumption
• On-The-Go protocol logic

42.2 External Signal Description

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Functional description

42.3 Functional description

The USB-FS 2.0 full-speed/low-speed module communicates with the processor core
through status registers, control registers, and data structures in memory.

42.3.1 Data Structures

The function of the device operation is to transfer a request in the memory image to and
from the Universal Serial Bus. To efficiently manage USB endpoint communications the
USB-FS implements a Buffer Descriptor Table (BDT) in system memory. See Figure

42.4 Programmers interface

This section discusses the major components of the programming model for the USB

42.4.1 Buffer Descriptor Table

To efficiently manage USB endpoint communications the USB-FS implements a Buffer
Descriptor Table (BDT) in system memory. The BDT resides on a 512-byte boundary in
system memory and is pointed to by the BDT Page Registers. Every endpoint direction
requires two 8-byte Buffer Descriptor (BD) entries. Therefore, a system with 16 fully
bidirectional endpoints would require 512 bytes of system memory to implement the
BDT. The two BD entries allows for an EVEN BD and ODD BD entry for each endpoint
direction. This allows the microprocessor to process one BD while the USB-FS is
processing the other BD. Double buffering BDs in this way allows the USB-FS to
transfer data easily at the maximum throughput provided by USB.
The software API intelligently manages buffers for the USB-FS by updating the BDT
when needed. This allows the USB-FS to efficiently manage data transmission and
reception, while the microprocessor performs communication overhead processing and
other function dependent applications. Because the buffers are shared between the
microprocessor and the USB-FS, a simple semaphore mechanism is used to distinguish
who is allowed to update the BDT and buffers in system memory. A semaphore, the
OWN bit, is cleared to 0 when the BD entry is owned by the microprocessor. The
microprocessor is allowed read and write access to the BD entry and the buffer in system

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

memory when the OWN bit is 0. When the OWN bit is set to 1, the BD entry and the
buffer in system memory are owned by the USB-FS. The USB-FS now has full read and
write access and the microprocessor must not modify the BD or its corresponding data
buffer. The BD also contains indirect address pointers to where the actual buffer resides
in system memory. This indirect address mechanism is shown in the following diagram.
System Memory

BDT Page
BDT_PAGE Registers END_POINT TX ODD 000 Current

Start of Buffer

Buffer in Memory

Figure 42-3. Buffer descriptor table

42.4.2 RX vs. TX as a USB target device or USB host

The USB-FS core uses software control to switch between two modes of operation:
• USB target device
• USB hosts
In either mode, USB host or USB target device, the same data paths and buffer
descriptors are used for the transmission and reception of data. For this reason, a USB-FS
core centric nomenclature is used to describe the direction of the data transfer between
the USB-FS core and the USB:
• RX (or receive) describes transfers that move data from the USB to memory.
• TX (or transmit) describes transfers that move data from memory to the USB.
The following table shows how the data direction corresponds to the USB token type in
host and target device applications.

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Table 42-1. Data direction for USB host or USB target

Device OUT or SETUP IN

42.4.3 Addressing BDT entries

An understanding of the addressing mechanism of the Buffer Descriptor Table is useful
when accessing endpoint data via the USB-FS or microprocessor. Some points of interest
• The BDT occupies up to 512 bytes of system memory.
• 16 bidirectional endpoints can be supported with a full BDT of 512 bytes.
• 16 bytes are needed for each USB endpoint direction.
• Applications with less than 16 endpoints require less RAM to implement the BDT.
• The BDT Page Registers (BDT_PAGE) point to the starting location of the BDT.
• The BDT must be located on a 512-byte boundary in system memory.
• All enabled TX and RX endpoint BD entries are indexed into the BDT to allow easy
access via the USB-FS or MCU core.
When a USB token on an enabled endpoint is received, the USB-FS uses its integrated
DMA controller to interrogate the BDT. The USB-FS reads the corresponding endpoint
BD entry to determine whether it owns the BD and corresponding buffer in system
To compute the entry point in to the BDT, the BDT_PAGE registers is concatenated with
the current endpoint and the TX and ODD fields to form a 32-bit address. This address
mechanism is shown below:
Table 42-2. BDT address calculation fields
Field Description
BDT_PAGE BDT_PAGE registers in the Control Register Block
TX 1 for transmit transfers and 0 for receive transfers
ODD Maintained within the USB-FS SIE. It corresponds to the buffer currently in use. The buffers are
used in a ping-pong fashion.

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

42.4.4 Buffer Descriptors (BDs)

A buffer descriptor provides endpoint buffer control information for the USB-FS and
processor. The Buffer Descriptors have different meaning based on whether it is the
USB-FS or processor reading the BD in memory.
The USB-FS Controller uses the data stored in the BDs to determine:
• Who owns the buffer in system memory
• Data0 or Data1 PID
• Whether to release ownership upon packet completion
• No address increment (FIFO mode)
• Whether data toggle synchronization is enabled
• How much data is to be transmitted or received
• Where the buffer resides in system memory

While the processor uses the data stored in the BDs to determine:
• Who owns the buffer in system memory
• Data0 or Data1 PID
• The received TOKEN PID
• How much data was transmitted or received
• Where the buffer resides in system memory

The format for the BD is shown in the following figure.

Table 42-3. Buffer descriptor format
31:26 25:16 15:8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
(10 bits) TOK_PID[3] TOK_PID[2] TOK_PID[1] TOK_PID[0]
Buffer Address (32-Bits)

Table 42-4. Buffer descriptor fields

Field Description
31–26 Reserved

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Table 42-4. Buffer descriptor fields (continued)

Field Description
25–16 Byte Count
BC Represents the 10-bit byte count. The USB-FS SIE changes this field upon the completion of a RX
transfer with the byte count of the data received.
15–8 Reserved
7 Determines whether the processor or the USB-FS currently owns the buffer. Except when KEEP=1,
the SIE hands ownership back to the processor after completing the token by clearing this bit.
This must always be the last byte of the BD that the processor updates when it initializes a BD.
0 The processor has exclusive access to the BD. The USB-FS ignores all other fields in the BD.
1 USB-FS has exclusive access to the BD. After the BD has been assigned to the USB-FS, the
processor should not change it in any way.
6 Defines whether a DATA0 field (DATA0/1=0) or a DATA1 (DATA0/1=1) field was transmitted or
received. It is unchanged by the USB-FS.
5 Typically, this bit is 1 with ISO endpoints feeding a FIFO. The microprocessor is not informed that a
token has been processed, the data is simply transferred to or from the FIFO. When KEEP is set,
normally the NINC bit is also set to prevent address increment.
0 Bit 3 of the current token PID is written back to the BD by the USB-FS. Allows the USB-FS to
release the BD when a token has been processed.
1 This bit is unchanged by the USB-FS. If the OWN bit also is set, the BD remains owned by the
USB-FS forever.
4 No Increment (NINC)
NINC/ Disables the DMA engine address increment. This forces the DMA engine to read or write from the
same address. This is useful for endpoints when data needs to be read from or written to a single
location such as a FIFO. Typically this bit is set with the KEEP bit for ISO endpoints that are
interfacing to a FIFO.
0 The USB-FS writes bit 2 of the current token PID to the BD.
1 This bit is unchanged by the USB-FS.
3 Setting this bit enables the USB-FS to perform Data Toggle Synchronization.
• If KEEP=0, bit 1 of the current token PID is written back to the BD.
• If KEEP=1, this bit is unchanged by the USB-FS.
0 Data Toggle Synchronization is disabled.
1 Enables the USB-FS to perform Data Toggle Synchronization.
2 Setting this bit causes the USB-FS to issue a STALL handshake if a token is received by the SIE
that would use the BDT in this location. The BDT is not consumed by the SIE (the owns bit remains
set and the rest of the BDT is unchanged) when a BDT-STALL bit is set.
TOK_PID[0] • If KEEP=0, bit 0 of the current token PID is written back to the BD.
• If KEEP=1, this bit is unchanged by the USB-FS.

0 No stall issued.
1 The BDT is not consumed by the SIE (the OWN bit remains set and the rest of the BDT is

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

Table 42-4. Buffer descriptor fields (continued)

Field Description
TOK_PID[n] Bits [5:2] can also represent the current token PID. The current token PID is written back in to the
BD by the USB-FS when a transfer completes. The values written back are the token PID values
from the USB specification:
• 0x1h for an OUT token.
• 0x9h for an IN token.
• 0xDh for a SETUP token.

In host mode, this field is used to report the last returned PID or a transfer status indication. The
possible values returned are:
• 0x3h DATA0
• 0xBh DATA1
• 0x2h ACK
• 0xEh STALL
• 0xAh NAK
• 0x0h Bus Timeout
• 0xFh Data Error
1–0 Reserved, should read as zeroes.
ADDR[31:0] Address
Represents the 32-bit buffer address in system memory. These bits are unchanged by the USB-

42.4.5 USB transaction

When the USB-FS transmits or receives data, it computes the BDT address using the
address generation shown in "Addressing Buffer Descriptor Entries" table.
If OWN =1, the following process occurs:
1. The USB-FS reads the BDT.
2. The SIE transfers the data via the DMA to or from the buffer pointed to by the
ADDR field of the BD.
3. When the TOKEN is complete, the USB-FS updates the BDT and, if KEEP=0,
changes the OWN bit to 0.
4. The STAT register is updated and the TOK_DNE interrupt is set.
5. When the processor processes the TOK_DNE interrupt, it reads from the status
register all the information needed to process the endpoint.
6. At this point, the processor allocates a new BD so that additional USB data can be
transmitted or received for that endpoint, and then processes the last BD.
The following figure shows a timeline of how a typical USB token is processed after the
BDT is read and OWN=1.

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Programmers interface


USB_RST SOF Interrupt Generated

Interrupt Generated


Interrupt Generated


Interrupt Generated


USB Host Function Interrupt Generated

Figure 42-4. USB token transaction

The USB has two sources for the DMA overrun error:
Memory Latency
The memory latency may be too high and cause the receive FIFO to overflow. This is
predominantly a hardware performance issue, usually caused by transient memory access
Oversized Packets
The packet received may be larger than the negotiated MaxPacket size. Typically, this is
caused by a software bug. For DMA overrun errors due to oversized data packets, the
USB specification is ambiguous. It assumes correct software drivers on both sides.
NAKing the packet can result in retransmission of the already oversized packet data.
Therefore, in response to oversized packets, the USB core continues ACKing the packet
for non-isochronous transfers.
Table 42-5. USB responses to DMA overrun errors
Errors due to Memory Latency Errors due to Oversized Packets
Non-Acknowledgment (NAK) or Bus Timeout (BTO) — See Continues acknowledging (ACKing) the packet for non-
bit 4 in "Error Interrupt Status Register (ERRSTAT)" as isochronous transfers.
appropriate for the class of transaction.
The data written to memory is clipped to the MaxPacket size

so as not to corrupt system memory.
The DMAERR bit is set in the ERRSTAT register for host and Asserts ERRSTAT[DMAERR] ,which can trigger an interrupt
device modes of operation. Depending on the values of the and TOKDNE interrupt fires. Note: The TOK_PID field of the
INTENB and ERRENB register, the core may assert an BDT is not 1111 because the DMAERR is not due to latency.
interrupt to notify the processor of the DMA error.

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

Table 42-5. USB responses to DMA overrun errors (continued)

Errors due to Memory Latency Errors due to Oversized Packets
• For host mode, the TOKDNE interrupt is generated and The packet length field written back to the BDT is the
the TOK_PID field of the BDT is 1111 to indicate the MaxPacket value that represents the length of the clipped
DMA latency error. Host mode software can decide to data actually written to memory.
retry or move to next scheduled item.
• In device mode, the BDT is not written back nor is the
TOKDNE interrupt triggered because it is assumed that
a second attempt is queued and will succeed in the
From here, the software can decide an appropriate course of action for future transactions such as stalling the endpoint,
canceling the transfer, disabling the endpoint, etc.

42.5 Memory map/Register definitions

This section provides the memory map and detailed descriptions of all USB interface
USB memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4007_2000 Peripheral ID register (USB0_PERID) 8 R 04h 42.5.1/1041
4007_2004 Peripheral ID Complement register (USB0_IDCOMP) 8 R FBh 42.5.2/1042
4007_2008 Peripheral Revision register (USB0_REV) 8 R 33h 42.5.3/1042
4007_200C Peripheral Additional Info register (USB0_ADDINFO) 8 R 01h 42.5.4/1043
4007_2010 OTG Interrupt Status register (USB0_OTGISTAT) 8 R/W 00h 42.5.5/1043
4007_2014 OTG Interrupt Control Register (USB0_OTGICR) 8 R/W 00h 42.5.6/1044
4007_2018 OTG Status register (USB0_OTGSTAT) 8 R/W 00h 42.5.7/1045
4007_201C OTG Control register (USB0_OTGCTL) 8 R/W 00h 42.5.8/1046
4007_2080 Interrupt Status register (USB0_ISTAT) 8 R/W 00h 42.5.9/1047
4007_2084 Interrupt Enable register (USB0_INTEN) 8 R/W 00h
4007_2088 Error Interrupt Status register (USB0_ERRSTAT) 8 R/W 00h
4007_208C Error Interrupt Enable register (USB0_ERREN) 8 R/W 00h
4007_2090 Status register (USB0_STAT) 8 R 00h
4007_2094 Control register (USB0_CTL) 8 R/W 00h
4007_2098 Address register (USB0_ADDR) 8 R/W 00h

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Memory map/Register definitions

USB memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4007_209C BDT Page Register 1 (USB0_BDTPAGE1) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20A0 Frame Number Register Low (USB0_FRMNUML) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20A4 Frame Number Register High (USB0_FRMNUMH) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20A8 Token register (USB0_TOKEN) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20AC SOF Threshold Register (USB0_SOFTHLD) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20B0 BDT Page Register 2 (USB0_BDTPAGE2) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20B4 BDT Page Register 3 (USB0_BDTPAGE3) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20C0 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT0) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20C4 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT1) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20C8 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT2) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20CC Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT3) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20D0 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT4) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20D4 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT5) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20D8 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT6) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20DC Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT7) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20E0 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT8) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20E4 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT9) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20E8 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT10) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20EC Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT11) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20F0 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT12) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20F4 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT13) 8 R/W 00h
4007_20F8 Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT14) 8 R/W 00h

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

USB memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4007_20FC Endpoint Control register (USB0_ENDPT15) 8 R/W 00h
4007_2100 USB Control register (USB0_USBCTRL) 8 R/W C0h
4007_2104 USB OTG Observe register (USB0_OBSERVE) 8 R 50h
4007_2108 USB OTG Control register (USB0_CONTROL) 8 R/W 00h
4007_210C USB Transceiver Control Register 0 (USB0_USBTRC0) 8 R/W 00h
4007_2114 Frame Adjust Register (USB0_USBFRMADJUST) 8 R/W 00h

42.5.1 Peripheral ID register (USBx_PERID)

Reads back the value of 0x04. This value is defined for the USB peripheral.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 0h offset = 4007_2000h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 ID

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

USBx_PERID field descriptions

Field Description
7–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5–0 Peripheral Identification
This field always reads 0x4h.

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Memory map/Register definitions

42.5.2 Peripheral ID Complement register (USBx_IDCOMP)

Reads back the complement of the Peripheral ID register. For the USB peripheral, the
value is 0xFB.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 4h offset = 4007_2004h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 1 NID

Reset 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1

USBx_IDCOMP field descriptions

Field Description
7–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 1.
5–0 Ones complement of peripheral identification bits.

42.5.3 Peripheral Revision register (USBx_REV)

Contains the revision number of the USB module.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 8h offset = 4007_2008h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read REV

Reset 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

USBx_REV field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Revision
Indicate the revision number of the USB Core.

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

42.5.4 Peripheral Additional Info register (USBx_ADDINFO)

Reads back the value of the fixed Interrupt Request Level (IRQNUM) along with the
Host Enable bit.
Address: 4007_2000h base + Ch offset = 4007_200Ch

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

USBx_ADDINFO field descriptions

Field Description
7–3 Assigned Interrupt Request Number
2–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 When this bit is set, the USB peripheral is operating in host mode.

42.5.5 OTG Interrupt Status register (USBx_OTGISTAT)

Records changes of the ID sense and VBUS signals. Software can read this register to
determine the event that triggers interrupt. Only bits that have changed since the last
software read are set. Writing a one to a bit clears the associated interrupt.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 10h offset = 4007_2010h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read LINE_ 0 0
Write HG CHG
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_OTGISTAT field descriptions

Field Description
7 This bit is set when a change in the ID Signal from the USB connector is sensed.
6 This bit is set when the 1 millisecond timer expires. This bit stays asserted until cleared by software. The
ONEMSEC interrupt must be serviced every millisecond to avoid losing 1msec counts.
5 This bit is set when the USB line state changes. The interrupt associated with this bit can be used to
LINE_STATE_ detect Reset, Resume, Connect, and Data Line Pulse signaling

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USBx_OTGISTAT field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 This bit is set when a change in VBUS is detected indicating a session valid or a session no longer valid.
2 This bit is set when a change in VBUS is detected on a B device.
1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 This bit is set when a change in VBUS is detected on an A device.

42.5.6 OTG Interrupt Control Register (USBx_OTGICR)

Enables the corresponding interrupt status bits defined in the OTG Interrupt Status
Address: 4007_2000h base + 14h offset = 4007_2014h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Write EN EN N
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_OTGICR field descriptions

Field Description
7 ID Interrupt Enable
0 The ID interrupt is disabled
1 The ID interrupt is enabled
6 One Millisecond Interrupt Enable
0 Diables the 1ms timer interrupt.
1 Enables the 1ms timer interrupt.
5 Line State Change Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the LINE_STAT_CHG interrupt.
1 Enables the LINE_STAT_CHG interrupt.
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Session Valid Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the SESSVLDCHG interrupt.
1 Enables the SESSVLDCHG interrupt.
2 B Session END Interrupt Enable
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USBx_OTGICR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Disables the B_SESS_CHG interrupt.
1 Enables the B_SESS_CHG interrupt.
1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 A VBUS Valid Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the AVBUSCHG interrupt.
1 Enables the AVBUSCHG interrupt.

42.5.7 OTG Status register (USBx_OTGSTAT)

Displays the actual value from the external comparator outputs of the ID pin and VBUS.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 18h offset = 4007_2018h

Bit 7 6 5 4

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0

Bit 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0

USBx_OTGSTAT field descriptions

Field Description
7 Indicates the current state of the ID pin on the USB connector
0 Indicates a Type A cable is plugged into the USB connector.
1 Indicates no cable is attached or a Type B cable is plugged into the USB connector.
6 This bit is reserved for the 1ms count, but it is not useful to software.
5 Indicates that the internal signals that control the LINE_STATE_CHG field of OTGISTAT are stable for
LINESTATESTABLE at least 1 millisecond. First read LINE_STATE_CHG field and then read this field. If this field reads as
1, then the value of LINE_STATE_CHG can be considered stable.

0 The LINE_STAT_CHG bit is not yet stable.

1 The LINE_STAT_CHG bit has been debounced and is stable.
4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Session Valid
0 The VBUS voltage is below the B session valid threshold
1 The VBUS voltage is above the B session valid threshold.

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USBx_OTGSTAT field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
2 B Session End
0 The VBUS voltage is above the B session end threshold.
1 The VBUS voltage is below the B session end threshold.
1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 A VBUS Valid
0 The VBUS voltage is below the A VBUS Valid threshold.
1 The VBUS voltage is above the A VBUS Valid threshold.

42.5.8 OTG Control register (USBx_OTGCTL)

Controls the operation of VBUS and Data Line termination resistors.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 1Ch offset = 4007_201Ch

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_OTGCTL field descriptions

Field Description
7 D+ Data Line pullup resistor enable
0 D+ pullup resistor is not enabled
1 D+ pullup resistor is enabled
6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 D+ Data Line pull-down resistor enable
This bit should always be enabled together with bit 4 (DMLOW)

0 D+ pulldown resistor is not enabled.

1 D+ pulldown resistor is enabled.
4 D– Data Line pull-down resistor enable
0 D- pulldown resistor is not enabled.
1 D- pulldown resistor is enabled.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 On-The-Go pullup/pulldown resistor enable
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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

USBx_OTGCTL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 If USB_EN is 1 and HOST_MODE is 0 in the Control Register (CTL), then the D+ Data Line pull-up
resistors are enabled. If HOST_MODE is 1 the D+ and D– Data Line pull-down resistors are engaged.
1 The pull-up and pull-down controls in this register are used.
1–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

42.5.9 Interrupt Status register (USBx_ISTAT)

Contains fields for each of the interrupt sources within the USB Module. Each of these
fields are qualified with their respective interrupt enable bits. All fields of this register are
logically OR'd together along with the OTG Interrupt Status Register (OTGSTAT) to
form a single interrupt source for the processor's interrupt controller. After an interrupt
bit has been set it may only be cleared by writing a one to the respective interrupt bit.
This register contains the value of 0x00 after a reset.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 80h offset = 4007_2080h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Write w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_ISTAT field descriptions

Field Description
7 Stall Interrupt
In Target mode this bit is asserted when a STALL handshake is sent by the SIE.
In Host mode this bit is set when the USB Module detects a STALL acknowledge during the handshake
phase of a USB transaction.This interrupt can be used to determine whether the last USB transaction was
completed successfully or stalled.
6 Attach Interrupt
This bit is set when the USB Module detects an attach of a USB device. This signal is only valid if
HOSTMODEEN is true. This interrupt signifies that a peripheral is now present and must be configured.
5 This bit is set depending upon the DP/DM signals, and can be used to signal remote wake-up signaling on
RESUME the USB bus. When not in suspend mode this interrupt must be disabled.
4 This bit is set when the USB Module detects a constant idle on the USB bus for 3 ms. The sleep timer is
SLEEP reset by activity on the USB bus.
3 This bit is set when the current token being processed has completed. The processor must immediately
TOKDNE read the STATUS (STAT) register to determine the EndPoint and BD used for this token. Clearing this bit
(by writing a one) causes STAT to be cleared or the STAT holding register to be loaded into the STAT
2 This bit is set when the USB Module receives a Start Of Frame (SOF) token.
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USBx_ISTAT field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
In Host mode this field is set when the SOF threshold is reached, so that software can prepare for the next
1 This bit is set when any of the error conditions within Error Interrupt Status (ERRSTAT) register occur. The
ERROR processor must then read the ERRSTAT register to determine the source of the error.
0 This bit is set when the USB Module has decoded a valid USB reset. This informs the processor that it
USBRST should write 0x00 into the address register and enable endpoint 0. USBRST is set after a USB reset has
been detected for 2.5 microseconds. It is not asserted again until the USB reset condition has been
removed and then reasserted.

42.5.10 Interrupt Enable register (USBx_INTEN)

Contains enable fields for each of the interrupt sources within the USB Module. Setting
any of these bits enables the respective interrupt source in the ISTAT register. This
register contains the value of 0x00 after a reset.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 84h offset = 4007_2084h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_INTEN field descriptions

Field Description
7 STALL Interrupt Enable
0 Diasbles the STALL interrupt.
1 Enables the STALL interrupt.
6 ATTACH Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the ATTACH interrupt.
1 Enables the ATTACH interrupt.
5 RESUME Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the RESUME interrupt.
1 Enables the RESUME interrupt.
4 SLEEP Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the SLEEP interrupt.
1 Enables the SLEEP interrupt.
3 TOKDNE Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the TOKDNE interrupt.
1 Enables the TOKDNE interrupt.
2 SOFTOK Interrupt Enable
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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

USBx_INTEN field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Disbles the SOFTOK interrupt.
1 Enables the SOFTOK interrupt.
1 ERROR Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the ERROR interrupt.
1 Enables the ERROR interrupt.
0 USBRST Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the USBRST interrupt.
1 Enables the USBRST interrupt.

42.5.11 Error Interrupt Status register (USBx_ERRSTAT)

Contains enable bits for each of the error sources within the USB Module. Each of these
bits are qualified with their respective error enable bits. All bits of this register are
logically OR'd together and the result placed in the ERROR bit of the ISTAT register.
After an interrupt bit has been set it may only be cleared by writing a one to the
respective interrupt bit. Each bit is set as soon as the error conditions is detected.
Therefore, the interrupt does not typically correspond with the end of a token being
processed. This register contains the value of 0x00 after a reset.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 88h offset = 4007_2088h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Write w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_ERRSTAT field descriptions

Field Description
7 This bit is set when a bit stuff error is detected. If set, the corresponding packet is rejected due to the error.
6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 This bit is set if the USB Module has requested a DMA access to read a new BDT but has not been given
DMAERR the bus before it needs to receive or transmit data. If processing a TX transfer this would cause a transmit
data underflow condition. If processing a RX transfer this would cause a receive data overflow condition.
This interrupt is useful when developing device arbitration hardware for the microprocessor and the USB
module to minimize bus request and bus grant latency. This bit is also set if a data packet to or from the
host is larger than the buffer size allocated in the BDT. In this case the data packet is truncated as it is put
in buffer memory.
4 This bit is set when a bus turnaround timeout error occurs. The USB module contains a bus turnaround
BTOERR timer that keeps track of the amount of time elapsed between the token and data phases of a SETUP or
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USBx_ERRSTAT field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
OUT TOKEN or the data and handshake phases of a IN TOKEN. If more than 16 bit times are counted
from the previous EOP before a transition from IDLE, a bus turnaround timeout error occurs.
3 This bit is set if the data field received was not 8 bits in length. USB Specification 1.0 requires that data
DFN8 fields be an integral number of bytes. If the data field was not an integral number of bytes, this bit is set.
2 This bit is set when a data packet is rejected due to a CRC16 error.
1 This error interrupt has two functions. When the USB Module is operating in peripheral mode
CRC5EOF (HOSTMODEEN=0), this interrupt detects CRC5 errors in the token packets generated by the host. If set
the token packet was rejected due to a CRC5 error.
When the USB Module is operating in host mode (HOSTMODEEN=1), this interrupt detects End Of Frame
(EOF) error conditions. This occurs when the USB Module is transmitting or receiving data and the SOF
counter reaches zero. This interrupt is useful when developing USB packet scheduling software to ensure
that no USB transactions cross the start of the next frame.
0 This bit is set when the PID check field fails.

42.5.12 Error Interrupt Enable register (USBx_ERREN)

Contains enable bits for each of the error interrupt sources within the USB module.
Setting any of these bits enables the respective interrupt source in ERRSTAT. Each bit is
set as soon as the error conditions is detected. Therefore, the interrupt does not typically
correspond with the end of a token being processed. This register contains the value of
0x00 after a reset.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 8Ch offset = 4007_208Ch

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Write N
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_ERREN field descriptions

Field Description
7 BTSERR Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the BTSERR interrupt.
1 Enables the BTSERR interrupt.
6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 DMAERR Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the DMAERR interrupt.
1 Enables the DMAERR interrupt.

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

USBx_ERREN field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
4 BTOERR Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the BTOERR interrupt.
1 Enables the BTOERR interrupt.
3 DFN8 Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the DFN8 interrupt.
1 Enables the DFN8 interrupt.
2 CRC16 Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the CRC16 interrupt.
1 Enables the CRC16 interrupt.
1 CRC5/EOF Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the CRC5/EOF interrupt.
1 Enables the CRC5/EOF interrupt.
0 PIDERR Interrupt Enable
0 Disables the PIDERR interrupt.
1 Enters the PIDERR interrupt.

42.5.13 Status register (USBx_STAT)

Reports the transaction status within the USB module. When the processor's interrupt
controller has received a TOKDNE, interrupt the Status Register must be read to
determine the status of the previous endpoint communication. The data in the status
register is valid when TOKDNE interrupt is asserted. The Status register is actually a
read window into a status FIFO maintained by the USB module. When the USB module
uses a BD, it updates the Status register. If another USB transaction is performed before
the TOKDNE interrupt is serviced, the USB module stores the status of the next
transaction in the STAT FIFO. Thus STAT is actually a four byte FIFO that allows the
processor core to process one transaction while the SIE is processing the next transaction.
Clearing the TOKDNE bit in the ISTAT register causes the SIE to update STAT with the
contents of the next STAT value. If the data in the STAT holding register is valid, the
SIE immediately reasserts to TOKDNE interrupt.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 90h offset = 4007_2090h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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USBx_STAT field descriptions

Field Description
7–4 This four-bit field encodes the endpoint address that received or transmitted the previous token. This
ENDP allows the processor core to determine the BDT entry that was updated by the last USB transaction.
3 Transmit Indicator
0 The most recent transaction was a receive operation.
1 The most recent transaction was a transmit operation.
2 This bit is set if the last buffer descriptor updated was in the odd bank of the BDT.
1–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

42.5.14 Control register (USBx_CTL)

Provides various control and configuration information for the USB module.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 94h offset = 4007_2094h

Bit 7 6 5 4
Write USY
Reset 0 0 0 0

Bit 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0

USBx_CTL field descriptions

Field Description
7 Live USB differential receiver JSTATE signal
The polarity of this signal is affected by the current state of LSEN .
6 Live USB Single Ended Zero signal
5 In Host mode, TOKEN_BUSY is set when the USB module is busy executing a USB token.
TXSUSPENDTOKENBUSY Software must not write more token commands to the Token Register when TOKEN_BUSY is
set.. Software should check this field before writing any tokens to the Token Register to ensure
that token commands are not lost.
In Target mode, TXD_SUSPEND is set when the SIE has disabled packet transmission and
reception. Clearing this bit allows the SIE to continue token processing. This bit is set by the
SIE when a SETUP Token is received allowing software to dequeue any pending packet
transactions in the BDT before resuming token processing.
4 Setting this bit enables the USB Module to generate USB reset signaling. This allows the USB
RESET Module to reset USB peripherals. This control signal is only valid in Host mode
(HOSTMODEEN=1). Software must set RESET to 1 for the required amount of time and then
clear it to 0 to end reset signaling. For more information on reset signaling see Section
of the USB specification version 1.0.

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

USBx_CTL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
3 When set to 1, this bit enables the USB Module to operate in Host mode. In host mode, the
HOSTMODEEN USB module performs USB transactions under the programmed control of the host processor.
2 When set to 1 this bit enables the USB Module to execute resume signaling. This allows the
RESUME USB Module to perform remote wake-up. Software must set RESUME to 1 for the required
amount of time and then clear it to 0. If the HOSTMODEEN bit is set, the USB module appends
a Low Speed End of Packet to the Resume signaling when the RESUME bit is cleared. For
more information on RESUME signaling see Section of the USB specification version
1 Setting this bit to 1 resets all the BDT ODD ping/pong fields to 0, which then specifies the
0 USB Enable
Setting this bit causes the SIE to reset all of its ODD bits to the BDTs. Therefore, setting this bit
resets much of the logic in the SIE. When host mode is enabled, clearing this bit causes the
SIE to stop sending SOF tokens.

0 Disables the USB Module.

1 Enables the USB Module.

42.5.15 Address register (USBx_ADDR)

Holds the unique USB address that the USB module decodes when in Peripheral mode
(HOSTMODEEN=0). When operating in Host mode (HOSTMODEEN=1) the USB
module transmits this address with a TOKEN packet. This enables the USB module to
uniquely address an USB peripheral. In either mode, USB_EN within the control register
must be 1. The Address register is reset to 0x00 after the reset input becomes active or the
USB module decodes a USB reset signal. This action initializes the Address register to
decode address 0x00 as required by the USB specification.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 98h offset = 4007_2098h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_ADDR field descriptions

Field Description
7 Low Speed Enable bit
Informs the USB module that the next token command written to the token register must be performed at
low speed. This enables the USB module to perform the necessary preamble required for low-speed data
6–0 USB Address
Defines the USB address that the USB module decodes in peripheral mode, or transmits when in host

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42.5.16 BDT Page Register 1 (USBx_BDTPAGE1)

Provides address bits 15 through 9 of the base address where the current Buffer
Descriptor Table (BDT) resides in system memory. The 32-bit BDT Base Address is
always aligned on 512-byte boundaries, so bits 8 through 0 of the base address are always
Address: 4007_2000h base + 9Ch offset = 4007_209Ch

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_BDTPAGE1 field descriptions

Field Description
7–1 Provides address bits 15 through 9 of the BDT base address.
0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

42.5.17 Frame Number Register Low (USBx_FRMNUML)

Contains an 11-bit value used to compute the address where the current Buffer Descriptor
Table (BDT) resides in system memory.
Address: 4007_2000h base + A0h offset = 4007_20A0h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read FRM[7:0]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_FRMNUML field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 This 8-bit field and the 3-bit field in the Frame Number Register High are used to compute the address
FRM[7:0] where the current Buffer Descriptor Table (BDT) resides in system memory.

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

42.5.18 Frame Number Register High (USBx_FRMNUMH)

Contains an 11-bit value used to compute the address where the current Buffer Descriptor
Table (BDT) resides in system memory.
Address: 4007_2000h base + A4h offset = 4007_20A4h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 FRM[10:8]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_FRMNUMH field descriptions

Field Description
7–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2–0 This 3-bit field and the 8-bit field in the Frame Number Register Low are used to compute the address
FRM[10:8] where the current Buffer Descriptor Table (BDT) resides in system memory.

42.5.19 Token register (USBx_TOKEN)

Used to initiate USB transactions when in host mode (HOSTMODEEN=1). When the
software needs to execute a USB transaction to a peripheral, it writes the TOKEN type
and endpoint to this register. After this register has been written, the USB module begins
the specified USB transaction to the address contained in the address register. The
processor core must always check that the TOKEN_BUSY bit in the control register is
not 1 before writing to the Token Register. This ensures that the token commands are not
overwritten before they can be executed. The address register and endpoint control
register 0 are also used when performing a token command and therefore must also be
written before the Token Register. The address register is used to select the USB
peripheral address transmitted by the token command. The endpoint control register
determines the handshake and retry policies used during the transfer.
Address: 4007_2000h base + A8h offset = 4007_20A8h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_TOKEN field descriptions

Field Description
7–4 Contains the token type executed by the USB module.
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USBx_TOKEN field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0001 OUT Token. USB Module performs an OUT (TX) transaction.
1001 IN Token. USB Module performs an In (RX) transaction.
1101 SETUP Token. USB Module performs a SETUP (TX) transaction
3–0 Holds the Endpoint address for the token command. The four bit value written must be a valid endpoint.

42.5.20 SOF Threshold Register (USBx_SOFTHLD)

The SOF Threshold Register is used only in Host mode (HOSTMODEEN=1). When in
Host mode, the 14-bit SOF counter counts the interval between SOF frames. The SOF
must be transmitted every 1ms so therefore the SOF counter is loaded with a value of
12000. When the SOF counter reaches zero, a Start Of Frame (SOF) token is transmitted.
The SOF threshold register is used to program the number of USB byte times before the
SOF to stop initiating token packet transactions. This register must be set to a value that
ensures that other packets are not actively being transmitted when the SOF time counts to
zero. When the SOF counter reaches the threshold value, no more tokens are transmitted
until after the SOF has been transmitted.
The value programmed into the threshold register must reserve enough time to ensure the
worst case transaction completes. In general the worst case transaction is an IN token
followed by a data packet from the target followed by the response from the host. The
actual time required is a function of the maximum packet size on the bus.
Typical values for the SOF threshold are:
• 64-byte packets=74;
• 32-byte packets=42;
• 16-byte packets=26;
• 8-byte packets=18.
Address: 4007_2000h base + ACh offset = 4007_20ACh

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read CNT
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_SOFTHLD field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Represents the SOF count threshold in byte times.

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

42.5.21 BDT Page Register 2 (USBx_BDTPAGE2)

Contains an 8-bit value used to compute the address where the current Buffer Descriptor
Table (BDT) resides in system memory.
Address: 4007_2000h base + B0h offset = 4007_20B0h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_BDTPAGE2 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Provides address bits 23 through 16 of the BDT base address that defines the location of Buffer Descriptor
BDTBA Table resides in system memory.

42.5.22 BDT Page Register 3 (USBx_BDTPAGE3)

Contains an 8-bit value used to compute the address where the current Buffer Descriptor
Table (BDT) resides in system memory.
Address: 4007_2000h base + B4h offset = 4007_20B4h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_BDTPAGE3 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Provides address bits 31 through 24 of the BDT base address that defines the location of Buffer Descriptor
BDTBA Table resides in system memory.

42.5.23 Endpoint Control register (USBx_ENDPTn)

Contains the endpoint control bits for each of the 16 endpoints available within the USB
module for a decoded address. The format for these registers is shown in the following
figure. Endpoint 0 (ENDPT0) is associated with control pipe 0, which is required for all
USB functions. Therefore, after a USBRST interrupt occurs the processor core should set
ENDPT0 to contain 0x0D.

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In Host mode ENDPT0 is used to determine the handshake, retry and low speed
characteristics of the host transfer. For Control, Bulk and Interrupt transfers, the
EPHSHK bit should be 1. For Isochronous transfers it should be 0. Common values to
use for ENDPT0 in host mode are 0x4D for Control, Bulk, and Interrupt transfers, and
0x4C for Isochronous transfers.
Address: 4007_2000h base + C0h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Write UB
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_ENDPTn field descriptions

Field Description
7 This is a Host mode only field and is present in the control register for endpoint 0 (ENDPT0) only. When
HOSTWOHUB set this bit allows the host to communicate to a directly connected low speed device. When cleared, the
host produces the PRE_PID. It then switches to low-speed signaling when sends a token to a low speed
device as required to communicate with a low speed device through a hub.
6 This is a Host mode only bit and is present in the control register for endpoint 0 (ENDPT0) only. When set
RETRYDIS this bit causes the host to not retry NAK'ed (Negative Acknowledgement) transactions. When a transaction
is NAKed, the BDT PID field is updated with the NAK PID, and the TOKEN_DNE interrupt is set. When
this bit is cleared NAKed transactions is retried in hardware. This bit must be set when the host is
attempting to poll an interrupt endpoint.
5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 This bit, when set, disables control (SETUP) transfers. When cleared, control transfers are enabled. This
EPCTLDIS applies if and only if the EPRXEN and EPTXEN bits are also set.
3 This bit, when set, enables the endpoint for RX transfers.
2 This bit, when set, enables the endpoint for TX transfers.
1 When set this bit indicates that the endpoint is called. This bit has priority over all other control bits in the
EPSTALL EndPoint Enable Register, but it is only valid if EPTXEN=1 or EPRXEN=1. Any access to this endpoint
causes the USB Module to return a STALL handshake. After an endpoint is stalled it requires intervention
from the Host Controller.
0 When set this bet enables an endpoint to perform handshaking during a transaction to this endpoint. This
EPHSHK bit is generally 1 unless the endpoint is Isochronous.

42.5.24 USB Control register (USBx_USBCTRL)

Address: 4007_2000h base + 100h offset = 4007_2100h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

USBx_USBCTRL field descriptions

Field Description
7 Places the USB transceiver into the suspend state.
0 USB transceiver is not in suspend state.
1 USB transceiver is in suspend state.
6 Enables the weak pulldowns on the USB transceiver.
0 Weak pulldowns are disabled on D+ and D–.
1 Weak pulldowns are enabled on D+ and D–.
5–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

42.5.25 USB OTG Observe register (USBx_OBSERVE)

Provides visibility on the state of the pull-ups and pull-downs at the transceiver. Useful
when interfacing to an external OTG control module via a serial interface.
Address: 4007_2000h base + 104h offset = 4007_2104h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

USBx_OBSERVE field descriptions

Field Description
7 Provides observability of the D+ Pullup . enable at the USB transceiver
0 D+ pullup disabled.
1 D+ pullup enabled.
6 Provides observability of the D+ Pulldown . enable at the USB transceiver
0 D+ pulldown disabled.
1 D+ pulldown enabled.
5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 Provides observability of the D� Pulldown . enable at the USB transceiver
0 D– pulldown disabled.
1 D– pulldown enabled.
3–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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42.5.26 USB OTG Control register (USBx_CONTROL)

Address: 4007_2000h base + 108h offset = 4007_2108h

Bit 7 6 5 4

Reset 0 0 0 0

Bit 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0

USBx_CONTROL field descriptions

Field Description
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 Provides control of the DP Pullup in the USB OTG module, if USB is configured in non-OTG device

0 DP Pullup in non-OTG device mode is not enabled.

1 DP Pullup in non-OTG device mode is enabled.
3–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

42.5.27 USB Transceiver Control Register 0 (USBx_USBTRC0)

Address: 4007_2000h base + 10Ch offset = 4007_210Ch

Bit 7 6 5 4

Read 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0

Bit 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0

USBx_USBTRC0 field descriptions

Field Description
7 USB Reset
Generates a hard reset to the USB_OTG module. After this bit is set and the reset occurs, this bit is
automatically cleared.

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

USBx_USBTRC0 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: This bit is always read as zero. Wait two USB clock cycles after setting this bit.

0 Normal USB module operation.

1 Returns the USB module to its reset state.
6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 Asynchronous Resume Interrupt Enable
This bit, when set, allows the USB module to send an asynchronous wakeup event to the MCU upon
detection of resume signaling on the USB bus. The MCU then re-enables clocks to the USB module. It is
used for low-power suspend mode when USB module clocks are stopped or the USB transceiver is in
Suspend mode. Async wakeup only works in device mode.

0 USB asynchronous wakeup from suspend mode disabled.

1 USB asynchronous wakeup from suspend mode enabled. The asynchronous resume interrupt differs
from the synchronous resume interrupt in that it asynchronously detects K-state using the unfiltered
state of the D+ and D– pins. This interupt should only be enabled when the Transceiver is suspended.
4–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 Synchronous USB Interrupt Detect
0 Synchronous interrupt has not been detected.
1 Synchronous interrupt has been detected.
0 USB Asynchronous Interrupt
INT 0 No interrupt was generated.
1 Interrupt was generated because of the USB asynchronous interrupt.

42.5.28 Frame Adjust Register (USBx_USBFRMADJUST)

Address: 4007_2000h base + 114h offset = 4007_2114h

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read ADJ
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBx_USBFRMADJUST field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Frame Adjustment
In Host mode, the frame adjustment is a twos complement number that adjusts the period of each USB
frame in 12-MHz clock periods. A SOF is normally generated every 12,000 12-MHz clock cycles. The
Frame Adjust Register can adjust this by -128 to +127 to compensate for inaccuracies in the USB 48-MHz
clock. Changes to the ADJ bit take effect at the next start of the next frame.

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OTG and Host mode operation

42.6 OTG and Host mode operation

The Host mode logic allows devices such as digital cameras and palmtop computers to
function as a USB Host Controller. The OTG logic adds an interface to allow the OTG
Host Negotiation and Session Request Protocols (HNP and SRP) to be implemented in
software. Host Mode allows a peripheral such as a digital camera to be connected directly
to a USB compliant printer. Digital photos can then be easily printed without having to
upload them to a PC. In the palmtop computer application, a USB compliant keyboard/
mouse can be connected to the palmtop computer with the obvious advantages of easier
Host mode is intended for use in handheld-portable devices to allow easy connection to
simple HID class devices such as printers and keyboards. It is not intended to perform the
functions of a full OHCI or UHCI compatible host controller found on PC motherboards.
The USB-FS is not supported by Windows 98 as a USB host controller. Host mode
allows bulk, isochronous, interrupt and control transfers. Bulk data transfers are
performed at nearly the full USB interface bandwidth. Support is provided for ISO
transfers, but the number of ISO streams that can be practically supported is affected by
the interrupt latency of the processor servicing the token during interrupts from the SIE.
Custom drivers must be written to support Host mode operation.
Setting the HOST_MODE_EN bit in the CTL register enables Host mode. The USB-FS
core can only operate as a peripheral device or in Host mode. It cannot operate in both
modes simultaneously. When HOST_MODE is enabled, only endpoint zero is used. All
other endpoints should be disabled by software.

42.7 Host Mode Operation Examples

The following sections illustrate the steps required to perform USB host functions using
the USB-FS core. While it is useful to understand the interaction of the hardware and the
software at a detailed level, an understanding of the interactions at this level is not
required to write host applications using the API software.
To enable host mode and discover a connected device:
1. Enable Host Mode (CTL[HOST_MODE_EN]=1). The pull-down resistors are
enabled, and pull-up disabled. Start of Frame (SOF) generation begins. SOF counter
loaded with 12,000. Disable SOF packet generation to eliminate noise on the USB by
writing the USB enable bit to 0 (CTL[USB_EN]=0).

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

2. Enable the ATTACH interrupt (INT_ENB[ATTACH]=1).

3. Wait for ATTACH interrupt (INT_STAT[ATTACH]). Signaled by USB Target pull-
up resistor changing the state of DPLUS or DMINUS from 0 to 1 (SE0 to J or K
4. Check the state of the JSTATE and SE0 bits in the control register. If the connecting
device is low speed (JSTATE bit is 0), set the low-speed bit in the address registers
(ADDR[LS_EN]=1) and the Host Without Hub bit in endpoint 0 register control
5. Enable RESET (CTL[RESET]=1) for 10 ms.
6. Enable SOF packet to keep the connected device from going to suspend
7. Start enumeration by sending a sequence of device framework commands, device
frame work packets to the default control pipe of the connected device. See the
Universal Serial Bus Revision 2.0 specification, "Chapter 9 USB Device Framework"

To complete a control transaction to a connected device:

1. Complete all the steps to discover a connected device
2. Set up the endpoint control register for bidirectional control transfers ENDPT0[4:0]
= 0x0d.
3. Place a copy of the device framework setup command in a memory buffer. See the
Universal Serial Bus Revision 2.0 specification, "Chapter 9 USB Device Framework"
4. Initialize current even or odd TX EP0 BDT to transfer the 8 bytes of command data
for a device framework command (for example, a GET DEVICE DESCRIPTOR).
• Set the BDT command word to 0x00080080 –Byte count to 8, OWN bit to 1.
• Set the BDT buffer address field to the start address of the 8 byte command
5. Set the USB device address of the target device in the address register (ADDR[6:0]).
After the USB bus reset, the device USB address is zero. It is set to some other value
usually 1 by the Set Address device framework command.
6. Write the token register with a SETUP to Endpoint 0 the target device default control
pipe (TOKEN=0xD0). This initiates a setup token on the bus followed by a data
packet. The device handshake is returned in the BDT PID field after the packets

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Host Mode Operation Examples

complete. When the BDT is written, a token done (ISTAT[TOKDNE]) interrupt is

asserted. This completes the setup phase of the setup transaction. Se the Universal
Serial Bus Revision 2.0 specification, "Chapter 9 USB Device Framework" (http://
7. To initiate the data phase of the setup transaction (that is, get the data for the GET
DEVICE DESCRIPTOR command), set up a buffer in memory for the data to be
8. Initialize the current even or odd TX EP0 BDT to transfer the data.
• Set the BDT command word to 0x004000C0 – BC to 64 (the byte count of the
data buffer in this case), OWN bit to 1, Data toggle to Data1.
• Set the BDT buffer address field to the start address of the data buffer
9. Write the token register with a IN or OUT token to Endpoint 0 the target device
default control pipe, an IN token for a GET DEVICE DESCRIPTOR command
(TOKEN=0x90). This initiates an IN token on the bus followed by a data packet
from the device to the host. When the data packet completes, the BDT is written and
a token done (ISTAT[DNE]) interrupt is asserted. For control transfers with a single
packet data phase this completes the data phase of the setup transaction. See the
Universal Serial Bus Revision 2.0 specification, "Chapter 9 USB Device Framework"
10. To initiate the status phase of the setup transaction, set up a buffer in memory to
receive or send the zero length status phase data packet.
11. Initialize the current even or odd TX EP0 BDT to transfer the status data.
• Set the BDT command word to 0x00000080 – BC to 0 (the byte count of the
data buffer in this case), OWN bit to 1, Data toggle to Data0.
• Set the BDT buffer address field to the start address of the data buffer
12. Write the token register with a IN or OUT token to Endpoint 0 the target device
default control pipe, an OUT token for a GET DEVICE DESCRIPTOR command
(TOKEN=0x10). This initiates an OUT token on the bus followed by a zero length
data packet from the host to the device. When the data packet completes, the BDT is
written with the handshake from the device and a Token Done (ISTAT[TOKDNE])
interrupt is asserted. This completes the data phase of the setup transaction. See the
Universal Serial Bus Revision 2.0 specification, "Chapter 9 USB Device Framework"

To send a full speed bulk data transfer to a target device:

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

1. Complete all steps to discover a connected device and to configure a connected

device. Write the ADDR register with the address of the target device. Typically,
there is only one other device on the USB bus in host mode so it is expected that the
address is 0x01 and should remain constant.
2. Write 0x1D to ENDPT0 register to enable transmit and receive transfers with
handshaking enabled.
3. Setup the even TX EP0 BDT to transfer up to 64 bytes.
4. Set the USB device address of the target device in the address register (ADDR[6:0]).
5. Write the TOKEN register with an OUT token to the desired endpoint. The write to
this register triggers the USB-FS transmit state machines to begin transmitting the
TOKEN and the data.
6. Setup the odd TX EP0 BDT to transfer up to 64 bytes.
7. Write the TOKEN register with an OUT token as in step 4. Two tokens can be
queued at a time to allow the packets to be double buffered to achieve maximum
8. Wait for the TOKDNE interrupt. This indicates that one of the BDTs has been
released back to the processor and the transfer has completed. If the target device
asserts NAKs, the USB-FS continues to retry the transfer indefinitely without
processor intervention unless the ENDPT0[RETRYDIS] is 1. If the retry disable field
is set, the handshake (ACK, NAK, STALL, or ERROR (0xf)) is returned in the BDT
PID field. If a stall interrupt occurs, the pending packet must be dequeued and the
error condition in the target device cleared. If a Reset interrupt occurs (SE0 for more
than 2.5 μs), the target has detached.
9. After the TOK_DNE interrupt occurs, the BDTs can be examined and the next data
packet queued by returning to step 2.

42.8 On-The-Go operation

The USB-OTG core provides sensors and controls to enable On-The-Go (OTG)
operation. These sensors are used by the OTG API software to implement the Host
Negotiation Protocol (HNP) and Session Request Protocol (SRP). API calls are provided
to give access the OTG protocol control signals, and include the OTG capabilities in the
device application. The following state machines show the OTG operations involved with
HNP and SRP protocols from either end of the USB cable.

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On-The-Go operation

42.8.1 OTG dual role A device operation

A device is considered the A device because of the type of cable attached. If the USB
Type A connector or the USB Type Mini A connector is plugged into the device, it is
considered the A device.
A dual role A device operates as the following flow diagram and state description table





Figure 42-93. Dual role A device flow diagram

Table 42-96. State descriptions for the dual role A device flow
State Action Response
A_IDLE If ID Interrupt. Go to B_IDLE
The cable has been un-plugged or a Type B cable has been
attached. The device now acts as a Type B device.
If the A application wants to use the bus or if the B device is doing Go to A_WAIT_VRISE
an SRP as indicated by an A_SESS_VLD Interrupt or Attach or Port
Turn on DRV_VBUS
Status Change Interrupt check data line for 5 –10 msec pulsing.
A_WAIT_VRISE If ID Interrupt or if A_VBUS_VLD is false after 100 msec Go to A_WAIT_VFALL
The cable has been changed or the A device cannot support the Turn off DRV_VBUS
current required from the B device.
If A_VBUS_VLD interrupt Go to A_WAIT_BCON

Table continues on the next page...

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Table 42-96. State descriptions for the dual role A device flow (continued)
State Action Response
A_WAIT_BCON After 200 ms without Attach or ID Interrupt. (This could wait forever Go to A_WAIT_FALL
if desired.)
Turn off DRV_VBUS
A_VBUS_VLD Interrupt and B device attaches Go to A_HOST
Turn on Host mode
A_HOST Enumerate Device determine OTG Support.
If A_VBUS_VLD/ Interrupt or A device is done and doesn't think he Go to A_WAIT_VFALL
wants to do something soon or the B device disconnects
Turn off Host mode
Turn off DRV_VBUS
If the A device is finished with session or if the A device wants to Go to A_SUSPEND
allow the B device to take bus.
ID Interrupt or the B device disconnects Go to A_WAIT_BCON
A_SUSPEND If ID Interrupt, or if 150 ms B disconnect timeout (This timeout value Go to A_WAIT_VFALL
could be longer) or if A_VBUS_VLD\ Interrupt
Turn off DRV_VBUS
If HNP enabled, and B disconnects in 150 ms then B device is Go to A_PERIPHERAL
becoming the host.
Turn off Host mode
If A wants to start another session Go to A_HOST
A_PERIPHERAL If ID Interrupt or if A_VBUS_VLD interrupt Go to A_WAIT_VFALL
Turn off DRV_VBUS.
If 3 –200 ms of Bus Idle Go to A_WAIT_BCON
Turn on Host mode
A_WAIT_VFALL If ID Interrupt or (A_SESS_VLD/ & b_conn/) Go to A_IDLE

42.8.2 OTG dual role B device operation

A device is considered a B device if it connected to the bus with a USB Type B cable or a
USB Type Mini B cable.
A dual role B device operates as the following flow diagram and state description table

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On-The-Go operation




Figure 42-94. Dual role B device flow diagram

Table 42-97. State descriptions for the dual role B device flow
State Action Response
B_IDLE If ID\ Interrupt. Go to A_IDLE
A Type A cable has been plugged in and the device should now
respond as a Type A device.
The A device has turned on VBUS and begins a session. Turn on DP_HIGH
If B application wants the bus and Bus is Idle for 2 ms and the Go to B_SRP_INIT
B_SESS_END bit is set, the B device can perform an SRP.
Pulse DP_HIGH 5-10
B_SRP_INIT If ID\ Interrupt or SRP Done (SRP must be done in less than 100 Go to B_IDLE
B_PERIPHERAL If HNP enabled and the bus is suspended and B wants the bus, the Go to B_WAIT_ACON
B device can become the host.
Turn off DP_HIGH
B_WAIT_ACON If A connects, an attach interrupt is received Go to B_HOST
Turn on Host Mode
If ID\ Interrupt or B_SESS_VLD/ Interrupt Go to B_IDLE
If the cable changes or if VBUS goes away, the host doesn't support
Go to B_IDLE
If 3.125 ms expires or if a Resume occurs Go to B_PERIPHERAL
B_HOST If ID\ Interrupt or B_SESS_VLD\ Interrupt Go to B_IDLE
If the cable changes or if VBUS goes away, the host doesn't support
If B application is done or A disconnects Go to B_PERIPHERAL

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Chapter 42 Universal Serial Bus OTG Controller (USBOTG)

42.9 Hardware Interface

Figure 42-95.

42.10 System Level Issues and Configuration


42.10.2 Power
The USB-FS core is a fully synchronous static design. The power used by the design is
dependant on the application usage of the core. Applications that transfer more data or
cause a greater number of packets to be sent consumes a greater amount of power.
Because the design is synchronous and static, reducing the transitions on the clock net
may conserve power. This may be done in the following ways.
The first is to reduce the clock frequency to the USB module. The clock frequency may
not be reduced below the minimum recommended operating frequency of the USB
module without first disabling the USB operation and disconnecting (via software
disconnect) the USB module from the USB bus.
Alternately, the clock may be shut off to the core to conserve power. Again, this may
only be done after the USB operations on the bus have been disabled and the device has
been disconnected from the USB.

42.10.3 USB Suspend State

USB bus powered devices are required to respond to a 3 ms lack of activity on the USB
bus by going into a suspend state. Software is notified of the suspend condition via the
transition in the port status and control register. Optionally, an interrupt can be generated
that is controlled by the interrupt enable register. In the suspend state, a USB device has a
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System Level Issues and Configuration

maximum USB bus power budget of 500 uA. To achieve that level of power
conservation, most of the device circuits need to be switched off. When the clock is
disabled to the USB-FScore all functions are disabled, but all operational states are
retained. The transceiver VP and VM signals can be used to construct a circuit able to
detect the resume signaling on the bus and restore the clocks to the rest of the circuit
when the USB host takes the bus out of the suspend state.

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Chapter 43
USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

43.1 Preface

43.1.1 References
The following publications are referenced in this document. For updates to these
specifications, see http://www.usb.org.
• USB Battery Charging Specification Revision 1.1, USB Implementers Forum
• Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0, USB Implementers Forum

43.1.2 Acronyms and abbreviations

The following table contains acronyms and abbreviations used in this document.
Table 43-1. Acronyms and abbreviated terms
Term Meaning
FS Full speed (12 Mbit/s)
HS High speed (480 Mbit/s)
IDEV_DCHG Current drawn when the USB device is connected to a dedicated charging port
IDEV_HCHG_LFS Current drawn when the USB device is connected to an FS charging host port
IDM_SINK Current sink for the D– line
IDP_SRC Current source for the D+ line
ISUSP Current drawn when the USB device is suspended
LDO Low dropout
LS Low Speed (1.5 Mbit/s)
N/A Not applicable
OTG On-The-Go

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Table 43-1. Acronyms and abbreviated terms (continued)

Term Meaning
RDM_DWN D– pulldown resistance for data pin contact detect
VDAT_REF Data detect reference voltage for the voltage comparator
VDP_SRC Voltage source for the D+ line
VLGC Threshold voltage for logic high

43.1.3 Glossary
The following table shows a glossary of terms used in this document.
Table 43-2. Glossary of terms
Term Definition
Transceiver Module that implements the physical layer of the USB standard (FS or LS only).
PHY Module that implements the physical layer of the USB standard (HS capable).
Attached Device is physically plugged into USB port, but has not enabled either D+ or D– pullup resistor.
Connected Device is physically plugged into USB port, and has enabled either D+ or D– pullup resistor.
Suspended After 3 ms of no bus activity, the USB device enters suspend mode.
Component The hardware and software that make up a subsystem.

43.2 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The USBDCD module works with the USB transceiver to detect whether the USB device
is attached to a charging port, either a dedicated charging port or a charging host. System
software coordinates the detection activites of the module and controls an off-chip
integrated circuit that performs the battery charging.

43.2.1 Block diagram

The following figure is a high level block diagram of the module.

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

clk Digital Block Analog Block

Timer Unit
Bus interface &
registers Voltage Comparator

Control and
Feedback D+
Current Sink
state of D–

state of D+ Analog Control Unit Current Source

D– pulldown
enable Voltage Source

Figure 43-1. Block diagram

The USBDCD module consists of two main blocks:

• A digital block provides the programming interface (memory-mapped registers) and
includes the timer unit and the analog control unit.
• An analog block provides the circuitry for the physical detection of the charger,
including the voltage source, current source, current sink, and voltage comparator

43.2.2 Features
The USBDCD module offers the following features:
• Compliant with the latest industry standard specification: USB Battery Charging
Specification, Revision 1.1
• Programmable timing parameters default to values required by the industry
• Having standard default values allows for easy configuration- simply set the
clock frequency before enabling the module.
• Programmability allows the flexibility to meet future updates of the standards.

43.2.3 Modes of operation

The operating modes of the USBDCD module are shown in the following table.

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Module signal descriptions

Table 43-3. Module modes and their conditions

Module mode Description Conditions when used
Enabled The module performs the charger System software should enable the module only when all of the
detection sequence. following conditions are true:
• The system uses a rechargeable battery.
• The device is being used in an FS USB device application.
• The device has detected that it is attached to the USB cable.

Disabled The module is not active and is held System software should disable the module when either of the
in a low power state. following conditions is true:
• The charger detect sequence is complete.
• The conditions for being enabled are not met.

Powered Off The digital supply voltage dvdd is Low system performance requirements allow putting the device into
removed. a very low-power stop mode.

Operating mode transitions are shown in the following table.

Table 43-4. Entering and exiting module modes
Entering Exiting after
Enabled Set CONTROL[START]. Set CONTROL[SR].1 Disabled
Disabled Take either of the following actions: Set CONTROL[START]. Enabled
• Reset the module. By default, the module
is disabled.

Powered Perform the following actions: Perform the following actions: Disabled
1. Put the device into very low-power stop 1. Restore the supply voltages.
2. Take the device out of very low-power stop
2. Adjust the supply voltages. mode.

1. The effect of setting the SR bit is immediate; that is, the module is disabled even if the sequence has not completed.

43.3 Module signal descriptions

This section describes the module signals. The following table shows a summary of
module signals that interface with the pins of the device.

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

Table 43-5. Signal descriptions

Signal Description I/O
usb_dm USB D– analog data signal. The analog block interfaces directly to the D– I/O
signal on the USB bus.
usb_dp USB D+ analog data signal. The analog block interfaces directly to the D+ I/O
signal on the USB bus.
avdd331 3.3 V regulated analog supply I
avss Analog ground I
dvss Digital ground I
dvdd 1.2 V digital supply I

1. Voltage must be 3.3 V +/- 10% for full functionality of the module. That is, the charger detection function does not work
when this voltage is below 3.0 V, and the CONTROL[START] bit should not be set.

The transceiver module also interfaces to the usb_dm and
usb_dp signals. Both modules and the USB host/hub use these
signals as bidirectional, tristate signals.
Information about the signal integrity aspects of the lines including shielding, isolated
return paths, input or output impedance, packaging, suggested external components,
ESD, and other protections can be found in the USB 2.0 specification and in Application

43.4 Memory map/Register definition

This section describes the memory map and registers for the USBDCD module.

USBDCD memory map

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4003_5000 Control register (USBDCD_CONTROL) 32 R/W 0001_0000h 43.4.1/1076
4003_5004 Clock register (USBDCD_CLOCK) 32 R/W 0000_00C1h 43.4.2/1077
4003_5008 Status register (USBDCD_STATUS) 32 R 0000_0000h 43.4.3/1079
4003_5010 TIMER0 register (USBDCD_TIMER0) 32 R/W 0010_0000h 43.4.4/1080
4003_5014 TIMER1 register (USBDCD_TIMER1) 32 R/W 000A_0028h 43.4.5/1081
4003_5018 TIMER2 register (USBDCD_TIMER2) 32 R/W 0028_0001h 43.4.6/1082

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Memory map/Register definition

43.4.1 Control register (USBDCD_CONTROL)

Contains the control and interrupt bit fields.
Address: 4003_5000h base + 0h offset = 4003_5000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0 0 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R IF 0 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBDCD_CONTROL field descriptions

Field Description
31–26 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
25 Software Reset
Determines whether a software reset is performed.

0 Do not perform a software reset.

1 Perform a software reset.
24 Start Change Detection Sequence
Determines whether the charger detection sequence is initiated.

0 Do not start the sequence. Writes of this value have no effect.

1 Initiate the charger detection sequence. If the sequence is already running, writes of this value have
no effect.
23–17 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
16 Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables interrupts to the system.
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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

USBDCD_CONTROL field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Disable interrupts to the system.
1 Enable interrupts to the system.
15–9 This field is reserved.
8 Interrupt Flag
Determines whether an interrupt is pending.

0 No interrupt is pending.
1 An interrupt is pending.
7–1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 Interrupt Acknowledge
Determines whether the interrupt is cleared.

0 Do not clear the interrupt.

1 Clear the IF bit (interrupt flag).

43.4.2 Clock register (USBDCD_CLOCK)

Address: 4003_5000h base + 4h offset = 4003_5004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

USBDCD_CLOCK field descriptions

Field Description
31–12 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
11–2 Numerical Value of Clock Speed in Binary
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/Register definition

USBDCD_CLOCK field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
The unit of measure is programmed in CLOCK_UNIT. The valid range is from 1 to 1023 when clock unit is
MHz and 4 to 1023 when clock unit is kHz. Examples with CLOCK_UNIT = 1:
• For 48 MHz: 0b00_0011_0000 (48) (Default)
• For 24 MHz: 0b00_0001_1000 (24)

Examples with CLOCK_UNIT = 0:

• For 100 kHz: 0b00_0110_0100 (100)
• For 500 kHz: 0b01_1111_0100 (500)
1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 Unit of Measurement Encoding for Clock Speed
Specifies the unit of measure for the clock speed.

0 kHz Speed (between 1 kHz and 1023 kHz)

1 MHz Speed (between 1 MHz and 1023 MHz)

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

43.4.3 Status register (USBDCD_STATUS)

Provides the current state of the module for system software monitoring.
Address: 4003_5000h base + 8h offset = 4003_5008h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBDCD_STATUS field descriptions

Field Description
31–23 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
22 Active Status Indicator
Indicates whether the sequence is running.

0 The sequence is not running.

1 The sequence is running.
21 Timeout Flag
Indicates whether the detection sequence has passed the timeout threshhold.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/Register definition

USBDCD_STATUS field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The detection sequence has not been running for over 1 s.
1 It has been over 1 s since the data pin contact was detected and debounced.
20 Error Flag
Indicates whether there is an error in the detection sequence.

0 No sequence errors.
1 Error in the detection sequence. See the SEQ_STAT field to determine the phase in which the error
19–18 Charger Detection Sequence Status
Indicates the status of the charger detection sequence.

00 The module is either not enabled, or the module is enabled but the data pins have not yet been
01 Data pin contact detection is complete.
10 Charging port detection is complete.
11 Charger type detection is complete.
17–16 Charger Detection Sequence Results
Reports how the charger detection is attached.

00 No results to report.
01 Attached to a standard host. Must comply with USB 2.0 by drawing only 2.5 mA (max) until
10 Attached to a charging port. The exact meaning depends on bit 18:
• 0: Attached to either a charging host or a dedicated charger. The charger type detection has
not completed.
• 1: Attached to a charging host. The charger type detection has completed.
11 Attached to a dedicated charger.
15–0 This field is reserved.
NOTE: Bits do not always read as 0.

43.4.4 TIMER0 register (USBDCD_TIMER0)

TIMER0 has an TSEQ_INIT field that represents the system latency in ms. Latency is
measured from the time when VBUS goes active until the time system software initiates
charger detection sequence in USBDCD module. When software sets the
CONTROL[START] bit, the Unit Connection Timer (TUNITCON) is initialized with the
value of TSEQ_INIT.
Valid values are 0–1023, however the USB Battery Charging Specification requires the
entire sequence, including TSEQ_INIT, to be completed in 1s or less.

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)
Address: 4003_5000h base + 10h offset = 4003_5010h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

USBDCD_TIMER0 field descriptions

Field Description
31–26 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
25–16 Sequence Initiation Time
TSEQ_INIT represents the system latency (in ms) measured from the time VBUS goes active to the time
system software initiates the charger detection sequence in the USBDCD module. When software sets the
CONTROL[START] bit, the Unit Connection Timer (TUNITCON) is initialized with the value of TSEQ_INIT.
Valid values are 0-1023, but the USB Battery Charging Specification requires the entire sequence,
including TSEQ_INIT, to be completed in 1s or less.
15–12 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
11–0 Unit Connection Timer Elapse (in ms)
Displays the amount of elapsed time since the event of setting the START bit plus the value of
TSEQ_INIT. The timer is automatically initialized with the value of TSEQ_INIT
This timer enables compliance with the maximum time allowed to connect T UNIT_CON under the USB
Battery Charging Specification, v1.1.If the timer reaches the one second limit, the module triggers an
interrupt and sets the error flag STATUS[ERR].
The timer continues counting throughout the charger detection sequence, even when control has been
passed to software. As long as the module is active, the timer continues to count until it reaches the
maximum value of 0xFFF (4095 ms). The timer does not rollover to zero. A software reset clears the timer.

43.4.5 TIMER1 register (USBDCD_TIMER1)

TIMER1 contains timing parameters. Note that register values can be written that are not
compliant with the USB Battery Charging Specification v1.1, so care should be taken
when overwriting the default values.
Address: 4003_5000h base + 14h offset = 4003_5014h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

USBDCD_TIMER1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–26 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/Register definition

USBDCD_TIMER1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
25–16 Time Period to Debounce D+ Signal
Sets the time period (ms) to debounce the D+ signal during the data pin contact detection phase. See
"Debouncing the data pin contact"
Valid values are 1–1023, but the USB Battery Charging Specification requires a minimum value of 10 ms.
15–10 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
9–0 Time Period Comparator Enabled
This timing parameter is used after detection of the data pin. See "Charging Port Detection".
Valid values are 1–1023, but the USB Battery Charging Specification requires a minimum value of 40 ms.

43.4.6 TIMER2 register (USBDCD_TIMER2)

TIMER2 contains timing parameters.
Register values can be written that are not compliant with the
USB Battery Charging Specification v1.1, so care should be
taken when overwriting the default values.
Address: 4003_5000h base + 18h offset = 4003_5018h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

USBDCD_TIMER2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–26 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
25–16 Time Period Before Enabling D+ Pullup
Sets the time period (ms) that the module waits after charging port detection before system software must
enable the D+ pullup to connect to the USB host. Valid values are 1–1023, but the USB Battery Charging
Specification requires a minimum value of 40 ms.
15–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3–0 Time Before Check of D– Line
Sets the amount of time (in ms) that the module waits after the device connects to the USB bus until
checking the state of the D� line to determine the type of charging port. See "Charger Type Detection."
Valid values are 1–15ms.

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

43.5 Functional description

The sequence of detecting the presence of charging port and type of charging port
involves several hardware components, coordinated by system software. This collection
of interacting hardware and software is called the USB Battery Charging Subsystem. The
following figure shows the USBDCD module as a component of the subsystem. The
following table describes the components.

VBUS System Interrupt System

Standard VBUS_detect
Host Port Software

or USB D Pulldown Control Charge


Dedicated Bus D Enable USBDCD and Status Rate Battery

USB Transceiver

Charger Module Charger

or Comm IC
D Pullup Pullup Enable Module Control
Host Port D Enable USB Command

Figure 43-8. USB battery charging subsystem

Table 43-13. USB battery charger subsystem components

Component Description
Battery Charger IC The external battery charger IC regulates the charge rate to the rechargable battery. System
software is responsible for communicating the appropriate charge rates.

Charger Maximum current drawn1

Standard host port up to 500 mA
Charging host port up to 1500 mA
Dedicated charging port up to 1800 mA

1. If the USB host has suspended the USB device, system software must configure the
system to limit the current drawn from the USB bus to 2.5 mA or less.
Comm Module A communications module on the device can be used to control the charge rate of the battery
charger IC.
System software Coordinates the detection activities of the subsystem.
USB Controller The D+ pullup enable control signal plays a role during the charger type detection phase.
System software must issue a command to the USB controller to assert this signal. After this
pullup is enabled, the device is considered to be connected to the USB bus. The host then
attempts to enumerate it.
NOTE: The USB controller must be used only for USB device applications when using the
USBDCD module. For USB host applications, the USBDCD module must be

Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

Table 43-13. USB battery charger subsystem components (continued)

Component Description
USB Transceiver The USB transceiver contains the pullup resistor for the USB D+ signal and the pulldown
resistors for the USB D+ and D– signals. The D+ pullup and the D– pulldown are both used
during the charger detection sequence. The USB transceiver also outputs the digital state of
the D+ and D– signals from the USB bus.
The pullup and pulldown enable signals are controlled by other modules during the charger
detection sequence. The D+ pullup enable is output from the USB controller and is under
software control. The USBDCD module controls the D–pulldown enable.

USBDCD Module Detects whether the device has been plugged into either a standard host port, a charging
host port, or a dedicated charger.
VBUS_detect This interrupt pin connected to the USB VBUS signal detects when the device has been
plugged into or unplugged from the USB bus. If the system requires waking up from a low
power mode on being plugged into the USB port, this interrupt should also be a low power
wake up source. If this pin multiplexes other functions, such as GPIO, the pin can be
configured as an interrupt so that the USB plug or unplug event can be detected.

1. If the USB host has suspended the USB device, system software must configure the system to limit the current drawn from
the USB bus to 2.5 mA or less.

43.5.1 The charger detection sequence

The following figure illustrates the charger detection sequence in a simplified timing
diagram based on the USB Battery Charging Specification v1.1.

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Initial VBUS Data Pin Charging Port Charger
Charger Contact Type Timeout
Detection Conditions Detect
V B U S a t p o rta b le D e d ic a te d C h a rg e r
U S B d e v ice
T SEQ_INIT C h a rg in g H o s t
I DEV_DCHG Dedicated Charger
I DEV_HCHG_LFS C h a rg in g H o s t

0m A

R DM_DWN o ff
Speed D+
Portable lgc_lo
Device V DP_SRC on
I DM_SINK o ff

o ff

C h a rg in g h o s t: VDAT_REF < VD- < VLGC Dedicated Charging Port

D- C h a rg in g H o s t P o rt, F S
Standard host: VD - < VDAT REF

o ff
VDM_SRC could turn on if ground currents
Charging c a u s e D + v o lta g e to e x c e e d VDAT_REF
Host Port T VDMSRC_DIS a t c h a rg in g h o s t p o rt.
o ff

Figure 43-9. Full speed charger detection timing

The following table provides an overview description of the charger detection sequence
shown in the preceding figure.

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Functional description

Table 43-14. Overview of the charger detection sequence

Phase Overview description Full description
1 Initial Conditions Initial system conditions that need to be met before the detection sequence is Initial System
initiated. Conditions
2 VBUS Detection System software detects contact of the VBUS signal with the system interrupt pin VBUS contact
VBUS_detect. detection
3 Data Pin Contact The USBDCD module detects that the USB data pins D+ and D– have made Data pin contact
Detection contact with the USB port. detection
4 Charging Port The USBDCD module detects if the port is a standard host or either type of Charging port
Detection charging port, that is charging host or dedicated charger. detection
5 Charger Type The USBDCD module detects the type of charging port, if applicable. Charger type
Detection detection
6 Sequence The USBDCD module did not finish the detection sequence within the timeout Charger
Timeout interval. The sequence will continue until halted by software. detection
sequence timeout

Timing parameter values used in this module are listed in the following table.
Table 43-15. Timing parameters for the charger detection sequence
Parameter USB Battery Charging Spec Module default
programmable range
TDCD_DBNC1 10 ms min (no max) 10 ms 0– 1023 ms
TVDPSRC_ON1 40 ms min (no max) 40 ms 0 –1023 ms
TVDPSRC_CON1 40 ms min (no max) 40 ms 0 –1023 ms
CHECK_DM N/A 1 ms 0– 15 ms
TSEQ_INIT N/A 16 ms 0 –1023 ms
TVDMSRC_EN 1 1– 20 ms From the USB host N/A
TVDMSRC_DIS1 0 –20 ms From the USB host N/A
TCON_IDPSINK_DIS 1 0– 20 ms From the USB host N/A

1. This parameter is defined by the USB Battery Charging Specification, v1.1. Initial System Conditions

The USBDCD module can be used only with FS USB device applications using a
rechargable battery. That is, it cannot be used with USB applications that are HS, LS,
host, or OTG. In addition, before the USBDCD module's charger detection sequence can
be initiated, the system must be:
• Powered-up and in run mode.
• Recently plugged into a USB port.
• Drawing not more than 2.5 mA total system current from the USB bus.

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

Examples of allowable precursors to this set of initial conditions include:

• A powered-down device is subsequently powered-up upon being plugged into the
USB bus.
• A device in a low power mode subsequently enters run mode upon being plugged
into the USB bus. VBUS contact detection

Once the device is plugged into a USB port, the VBUS_detect system interrupt is
triggered. System software must do the following to initialize the module and start the
charger detection sequence:
1. Restore power if the module is powered-off.
2. Set CONTROL[SR] to initiate a software reset.
3. Configure the USBDCD module by programming the CLOCK register and the
timing parameters as needed.
4. Set CONTROL[IE] to enable interrupts, or clear the bit if software polling method is
used .
5. Set CONTROL[START] to start the charger detection sequence. Data pin contact detection

The module must ensure that the data pins have made contact because the detection
sequence depends upon the state of the USB D+ signal. USB plugs and receptables are
designed such that when the plug is inserted into the receptable, the power pins make
contact before the data pins make contact. See the following figure.
Plug Receptacle



D+ D+


Figure 43-10. Relative pin positions in USB plugs and receptacles

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Functional description

As a result, when a portable USB device is attached to an upstream port, the portable
USB device detects VBUS before the data pins have made contact. The time between
power pins and data pins making contact depends on how fast the plug is inserted into the
receptable. Delays of several hundred milliseconds are possible. Debouncing the data pin contact

When system software has initiated the charger detection sequence, as described in Initial
System Conditions, the USBDCD module turns on the IDP_SRC current source and
enables the RDM_DWN pulldown resistor. If the data pins have not made contact, the D+
line remains high. After the data pins make contact, the D+ line goes low and debouncing
After the D+ line goes low, the module continuously samples the D+ line over the
duration of the TDCD_DBNC debounce time interval.By deafult, TDCD_DBNC is 10 ms, but it
can be programmed in the TIMER0[TDCD_DBNC] field. See the description of the
TIMER0 Register for register information.
When it has remained low for the entire interval, the debouncing is complete. However, if
the D+ line returns high during the debounce interval, the module waits until the D+ line
goes low again to restart the debouncing. This cycle repeats until either of the following
• The data pin contact has been successfully debounced (see Success in detecting data
pin contact (phase completion)).
• A timeout occurs (see Charger detection sequence timeout). Success in detecting data pin contact (phase completion)

After successfully debouncing the D+ state, the module does the following:
• Updates the STATUS register to reflect phase completion (See Table 43-18 for field
• Directly proceeds to the next step in the sequence: detection of a charging port (See
Charging port detection.)

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD) Charging port detection

After it detects that the data pins have made contact, the module waits for a fixed delay of
1 ms, and then attempts to detect whether it is plugged into a charging port. The module
connects the following analog units to the USB D+ or D– lines during this phase:
• The voltage source VDP_SRC connects to the D+ line
• The current sink IDM_SINK connects to the D– line
• The voltage comparator connects to the USB D– line, comparing it to the voltage

After a time of TVDPSRC_ON, the module samples the D– line. The TVDPSRC_ON parameter
is programmable and defaults to 40 ms. After sampling the D– line, the module
disconnects the voltage source, current sink, and comparator.
The next steps in the sequence depend on the voltage on the D– line as determined by the
voltage comparator. See the following table.
Table 43-16. Sampling D– in the charging port detection phase
If the voltage on D- is... Then... See...
The port is a standard host that does not support the Standard host
USB Battery Charging Specification v1.1. port
Above VDAT_REF but below VLGC The port is a charging port. Charging port
Error in charging
Above VLGC This is an error condition.
port detection Standard host port

As part of the charger detection handshake with a standard USB host, the module does
the following without waiting for the TVDPSRC_CON interval to elapse:
• Updates the STATUS register to reflect that a standard host has been detected with
SEQ_RES = 01. See Table 43-18 for field values.
• Generates an interrupt if enabled in CONTROL[IE].

At this point, control has been passed to system software via the interrupt. The rest of the
sequence, which detects the type of charging port, is not applicable, so software should
perform the following steps:

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Functional description

1. Read the STATUS register.

2. Set CONTROL[IACK] to acknowledge the interrupt.
3. Set CONTROL[SR] to issue a software reset to the module.
4. Disable the module.
5. Communicate the appropriate charge rate to the external battery charger IC; see
Table 43-13. Charging port

As part of the charger detection handshake with any type of USB host, the module waits
until the TVDPSRC_CON interval has elapsed before it does the following:
• Updates the STATUS register to reflect that a charging port has been detected with
SEQ_RES = 10. See Table 43-18 for field values.
• Generates an interrupt if enabled in CONTROL[IE].

At this point, control has passed to system software via the interrupt. Software should:
1. Read the STATUS register.
2. Set CONTROL[IACK] to acknowledge the interrupt.
3. Issue a command to the USB controller to pullup the USB D+ line.
4. Wait for the module to complete the final phase of the sequence. See Charger type
detection. Error in charging port detection

For this error condition, the module does the following:
• Updates the STATUS register to reflect the error with SEQ_RES = 00. See Table
43-18 for field values.
• Generates an interrupt if enabled in CONTROL[IE].

Note that in this case the module does not wait for the TVDPSRC_CON interval to elapse.

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

At this point, control has been passed to system software via the interrupt. The rest of the
sequence (detecting the type of charging port) is not applicable, so software should:
1. Read the STATUS register.
2. Set CONTROL[IACK] to acknowledge the interrupt.
3. Set CONTROL[SR] to issue a software reset to the module.
4. Disable the module. Charger type detection

After software enables the D+ pullup resistor, the module is notified automatically (via
internal signaling) to start the CHECK_DM timer counting down the time interval
programmed in the TIMER2[CHECK_DM] field.
After the CHECK_DM time has elapsed, the module samples the USB D– line to
determine the type of charger. See the following table.
Table 43-17. Sampling D– in the charger type detection phase
If the voltage on D– is... Then... See...
High The port is a dedicated charging port.1
charging port
Charging host
Low The port is a charging host port.2

1. In a dedicated charger, the D+ and D– lines are shorted together through a small resistor.
2. In a charging host port, the D+ and D– lines are not shorted. Dedicated charging port

For a dedicated charger, the module does the following:
• Updates the STATUS register to reflect that a dedicated charger has been detected
with SEQ_RES = 11. See Table 43-18 for field values.
• Generates an interrupt if enabled in CONTROL[IE] bit.

At this point, control has been passed to system software via the interrupt. Software
1. Read the STATUS register.

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Functional description

2. Disable the USB controller to prevent transitions on the USB D+ or D– lines from
causing spurious interrupt or wakeup events to the system.
3. Set CONTROL[IACK] to acknowledge the interrupt.
4. Set CONTROL[SR] to issue a software reset to the module.
5. Disable the module.
6. Communicate the appropriate charge rate to the external battery charger IC; see
Table 43-13. Charging host port

For a charging host port, the module does the following:
• Updates the STATUS register to reflect that a charging host port has been detected
with SEQ_RES = 10. See Table 43-18 for field values.
• Generates an interrupt if enabled in CONTROL[IE].

At this point, control has been passed to system software via the interrupt. Software
1. Read the STATUS register.
2. Set CONTROL[IACK] to acknowledge the interrupt.
3. Set CONTROL[SR] to issue a software reset to the module.
4. Disable the module.
5. Communicate the appropriate charge rate to the external battery charger IC; see
Table 43-13. Charger detection sequence timeout

The maximum time allowed to connect according to the USB Battery Charging
Specification, v1.1 is one second. If the Unit Connection Timer reaches the one second
limit and the sequence is still running as indicated by the STATUS[ACTIVE] bit, the
module does the following:

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

• Updates the STATUS register to reflect that a timeout error has occured. See Table
43-18 for field values.
• Sets the CONTROL[IF] bit.
• Generates an interrupt if enabled in CONTROL[IE].
• The detection sequence continues until explicitly halted by software setting the
• The Unit Connection Timer continues counting. See the description of the TIMER0

At this point, control has been passed to system software via the interrupt, which has two
options: ignore the interrupt and allow more time for the sequence to complete, or halt the
sequence. To halt the sequence, software should:
1. Read the STATUS register.
2. Set the CONTROL[IACK] bit to acknowledge the interrupt.
3. Set the CONTROL[SR] bit to issue a software reset to the module.
4. Disable the module.

This timeout function is also useful in case software does not realize that the USB device
is unplugged from USB port during the charger detection sequence. If the interrupt occurs
but the VBUS_DETECT input is low, software can disable and reset the module.
System software might allow the sequence to run past the timeout interrupt under these
1. The USB Battery Charging Spec is amended to allow more time. In this case,
software should poll TIMER0[TUNITCON] periodically to track elapsed time after 1s;
2. For debug purposes.

Note that the TUNITCON register field will stop incrementing when it reaches its maximum
value so it will not rollover to zero and start counting up again.

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Functional description

43.5.2 Interrupts and events

The USBDCD module has an interrupt to alert system software of certain events, which
are listed in the following table. All events except the Phase Complete event for the Data
Pin Detection phase can trigger an interrupt.
Table 43-18. Events triggering an interrupt by sequence phase
Sequence Phase
Event Event description STATUS fields1
phase description
Data Pin Phase The module has detected data pin contact. ERR = 0 VBUS contact
Detection Complete detection
No interrupt occurs: CONTROL[IF] = 0. SEQ_STAT = 01
SEQ_RES = 00
TO = 0
Charging Port Phase The module has completed the process of ERR = 0 Charging port
Detection Complete identifying if the USB port is a charging port or detection
SEQ_RES = 01 or 10
TO = 0
Error The module cannot identify the type of port ERR = 1 Error in charging
because the D– line is above the USB's VLGC port detection
SEQ_RES = 00
TO = 0
Charger Type Phase The module has completed the process of ERR = 0 Charger type
Detection Complete identifying the charger type detection. detection
Note: The ERR flag always reads zero
SEQ_RES = 11 or 10
because no known error conditions are
checked during this phase. TO = 0
Sequence Error The timeout interval from the time the USB ERR = 1 Charger
Timeout device attaches to a USB port until it connects detection
SEQ_STAT = last value2
has elapsed. sequence
SEQ_RES = last value2 timeout.
TO = 1

1. See the description of the Status register for register information.

2. The SEQ_STAT and SEQ_RES fields retain the values held at the time of the timeout error. Interrupt Handling

Software can read which event caused the interrupt from the STATUS register during the
interrupt service routine.
An interrupt is generated only if CONTROL[IE] is set. The CONTROL[IF] bit is always
set under interrupt conditions, even if CONTROL[IE] is cleared. In this case, software
can poll CONTROL[IF] to determine if an interrupt condition is pending.

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

Writes to CONTROL[IF] are ignored. To reset CONTROL[IF], set CONTROL[IACK] to

acknowledge the interrupt. Writing to CONTROL[IACK] when CONTROL[IF] is
cleared has no effect.

43.5.3 Resets
There are two ways to reset various register contents in this module: hardware resets and
a software reset. Hardware resets

Hardware resets originate at the system or device level and propagate down to the
individual module level. They include start up reset, low-voltage reset, and all other
hardware reset sources.
Hardware resets cause the register contents to be restored to their default state as listed in
the register descriptions. Software reset

A software reset re-initializes the module's status information, but leaves configuration
information unchanged. The software reset allows software to prepare the module
without needing to reprogram the same configuration each time the USB device is
plugged into a USB port.
Setting CONTROL[SR] initiates a software reset. The following table shows all register
fields that are reset to their default values by a software reset.
Table 43-19. Software reset and register fields affected
Register Fields affected Fields not affected
CLOCK None All

1. CONTROL[SR] and CONTROL[ IACK] are self-clearing.

A software reset also returns all internal logic, timers, and counters to their reset states. If
the module is already active (STATUS[ACTIVE] = 1), a software reset stops the

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Initialization information

Software must always initiate a software reset before starting
the sequence to ensure the module is in a known state.

43.6 Initialization information

This module has been designed for minimal configuration while retaining significant
programmability. The CLOCK register needs to be initialized to the actual system clock
frequency, unless the default value already matches the system requirements.
The other registers generally do not need to be modified, because they default to values
that comply with the USB Battery Charging Specification v1.1. However, several timing
parameters can be changed for a great deal of flexibility if a particular system requires it.
All module configuration must occur before initiating the charger detection sequence.
Configuration changes made after setting CONTROL[START] result in undefined

43.7 Application information

This section provides application information.

43.7.1 External pullups

Any external pullups applied to the USB D+ or D- data lines must be capable of being
disabled to prevent incorrect pullup values or incorrect operation of the USB subsystem.

43.7.2 Dead or weak battery

According to the USB Battery Charging Specification v1.1, a USB device with a dead,
weak, or missing battery that is attached to a charging port can remain attached
indefinitely drawing up to 1.5A, until the battery is charged to the point that the USB
device can connect.
The USBDCD module is compatible with systems that do not check the strength of the
battery. Therefore, this module assumes that the battery is good, so the USB device must
immediately connect to the USB bus by pulling the D+ line high after the USBDCD
module has determined that the device is attached to a charging port.

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Chapter 43 USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)

The module is also compatible with systems that do check the strength of the battery. In
these systems, if it is known that the battery is weak or dead, software can delay
connecting to the USB while charging at 1.5A. Once the battery is charged to the good
battery threshold, software can then connect to the USB host by pulling the D+ line high.

43.7.3 Handling unplug events

If the device is unplugged from the USB bus during the charger detection sequence, the
contents of the STATUS register must be ignored and the USBDCD module must get a
Software Reset, as described in Software reset.

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Application information

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1098 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 44
USB Voltage Regulator

44.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The USB Voltage Regulator module is a LDO linear voltage regulator to provide 3.3V
power from an input power supply varying from 2.7 V to 5.5 V. It consists of one 3.3 V
power channel. When the input power supply is below 3.6 V, the regulator goes to pass-
through mode. The following figure shows the ideal relation between the regulator output
and input power supply.





2.7 3.0 3.6 5.5 INPUT (Volt)

Figure 44-1. Ideal Relation Between the Regulator Output and Input Power Supply

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44.1.1 Overview
A simplified block diagram for the USB Voltage Regulator module is shown below.

STANDBY Regulator

Other Modules

Regulated Output
Power reg33_in reg33_out Voltage
Supply RUN Regulator
ESR: 5m -> 100m Ohms
Voltage Regulator
External Capacitor
Chip typical = 2.2uF

Figure 44-2. USB Voltage Regulator Block Diagram

This module uses 2 regulators in parallel. In run mode, the RUN regulator with the
bandgap voltage reference is enabled and can provide up to 120 mA load current. In run
mode, the STANDBY regulator and the low power reference are also enabled, but a
switch disconnects its output from the external pin. In STANDBY mode, the RUN
regulator is disabled and the STANDBY regulator output is connected to the external pin
supplying up to 3 mA load current.
Internal power mode signals control whether the module is in RUN or STANDBY mode.

44.1.2 Features
• Low drop-out linear voltage regulator with one power channel (3.3V).
• Low drop-out voltage: 300 mV.
• Output current: 120 mA.
• Three different power modes: RUN, STANDBY and SHUTDOWN.
• Low quiescent current in RUN mode.
• Typical value is around 120 uA (one thousand times smaller than the maximum
load current).
• Very low quiescent current in STANDBY mode.
• Typical value is around 1 uA.

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1100 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 44 USB Voltage Regulator

• Automatic current limiting if the load current is greater than 290 mA.
• Automatic power-up once some voltage is applied to the regulator input.
• Pass-through mode for regulator input voltages less than 3.6 V
• Small output capacitor: 2.2 uF
• Stable with aluminum, tantalum or ceramic capacitors.

44.1.3 Modes of Operation

The regulator has these power modes:
• RUN—The regulating loop of the RUN regulator and the STANDBY regulator are
active, but the switch connecting the STANDBY regulator output to the external pin
is open.
• STANDBY—The regulating loop of the RUN regulator is disabled and the standby
regulator is active. The switch connecting the STANDBY regulator output to the
external pin is closed.
• SHUTDOWN—The module is disabled.

The regulator is enabled by default. This means that once the power supply is provided,
the module power-up sequence to RUN mode starts.

44.2 USB Voltage Regulator Module Signal Descriptions

The following table shows the external signals for the regulator.
Table 44-1. USB Voltage Regulator Module Signal Descriptions
Signal Description I/O
reg33_in Unregulated power supply I
reg33_out Regulator output voltage O

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USB Voltage Regulator Module Signal Descriptions

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1102 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45

45.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The FlexCAN module is a communication controller implementing the CAN protocol
according to the CAN 2.0B protocol specification. A general block diagram is shown in
the following figure, which describes the main sub-blocks implemented in the FlexCAN
module, including one associated memory for storing Message Buffers, Rx Global Mask
Registers, Rx Individual Mask Registers, Rx FIFO and Rx FIFO ID Filters. The functions
of the sub-modules are described in subsequent sections.

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Peripheral Bus Interface Address, Data, Clocks, Interrupts


CAN Control Buffers
Host Interface (MBs)

Tx Rx
Arbitration Matching

CAN Protocol Engine

CAN Tx CAN Rx Chip

CAN Transceiver

Figure 45-1. FlexCAN block diagram

45.1.1 Overview
The CAN protocol was primarily designed to be used as a vehicle serial data bus, meeting
the specific requirements of this field: real-time processing, reliable operation in the EMI
environment of a vehicle, cost-effectiveness and required bandwidth. The FlexCAN
module is a full implementation of the CAN protocol specification, Version 2.0 B, which
supports both standard and extended message frames. The Message Buffers are stored in
an embedded RAM dedicated to the FlexCAN module. See the chip configuration details
for the actual number of Message Buffers configured in the MCU.
The CAN Protocol Engine (PE) sub-module manages the serial communication on the
CAN bus, requesting RAM access for receiving and transmitting message frames,
validating received messages and performing error handling. The Controller Host
Interface (CHI) sub-module handles Message Buffer selection for reception and
transmission, taking care of arbitration and ID matching algorithms. The Bus Interface
Unit (BIU) sub-module controls the access to and from the internal interface bus, in order
to establish connection to the CPU and to other blocks. Clocks, address and data buses,
interrupt outputs and test signals are accessed through the BIU.
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1104 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

45.1.2 FlexCAN module features

The FlexCAN module includes these distinctive legacy features:
• Full implementation of the CAN protocol specification, Version 2.0B
• Standard data and remote frames
• Extended data and remote frames
• Zero to eight bytes data length
• Programmable bit rate up to 1 Mb/sec
• Content-related addressing
• Flexible Mailboxes of zero to eight bytes data length
• Each Mailbox configurable as Rx or Tx, all supporting standard and extended
• Individual Rx Mask Registers per Mailbox
• Full featured Rx FIFO with storage capacity for up to 6 frames and automatic
internal pointer handling
• Transmission abort capability
• Programmable clock source to the CAN Protocol Interface, either bus clock or
crystal oscillator
• Unused structures space can be used as general purpose RAM space
• Listen-Only mode capability
• Programmable Loop-Back mode supporting self-test operation
• Programmable transmission priority scheme: lowest ID, lowest buffer number or
highest priority
• Time Stamp based on 16-bit free-running timer
• Global network time, synchronized by a specific message
• Maskable interrupts
• Independent of the transmission medium (an external transceiver is assumed)

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• Short latency time due to an arbitration scheme for high-priority messages

• Low power modes, with programmable wake up on bus activity

New major features are also provided:

• Remote request frames may be handled automatically or by software
• CAN bit time settings and configuration bits can only be written in Freeze mode
• Tx mailbox status (Lowest priority buffer or empty buffer)
• IDHIT register for received frames
• SYNC bit status to inform that the module is synchronous with CAN bus

• CRC status for transmitted message
• Rx FIFO Global Mask register
• Selectable priority between Mailboxes and Rx FIFO during matching process
• Powerful Rx FIFO ID filtering, capable of matching incoming IDs against either 128
extended, 256 standard, or 512 partial (8 bits) IDs, with up to 32 individual masking
• 100% backward compatibility with previous FlexCAN version

45.1.3 Modes of operation

The FlexCAN module has these functional modes:
• Normal mode (User or Supervisor):
In Normal mode, the module operates receiving and/or transmitting message frames,
errors are handled normally and all the CAN Protocol functions are enabled. User
and Supervisor Modes differ in the access to some restricted control registers.
• Freeze mode:
It is enabled when the FRZ bit in MCR is asserted. If enabled, Freeze mode is
entered when the HALT bit in MCR is set or when Debug mode is requested at MCU
level and the FRZ_ACK bit in MCR is asserted by the FlexCAN. In this mode, no
transmission or reception of frames is done and synchronicity to the CAN bus is lost.
See Freeze mode for more information.

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1106 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

• Listen-Only mode:
The module enters this mode when the LOM bit in the Control 1 Register is asserted.
In this mode, transmission is disabled, all error counters are frozen and the module
operates in a CAN Error Passive mode. Only messages acknowledged by another
CAN station will be received. If FlexCAN detects a message that has not been
acknowledged, it will flag a BIT0 error (without changing the REC), as if it was
trying to acknowledge the message.
• Loop-Back mode:
The module enters this mode when the LPB bit in the Control 1 Register is asserted.
In this mode, FlexCAN performs an internal loop back that can be used for self test
operation. The bit stream output of the transmitter is internally fed back to the
receiver input. The Rx CAN input pin is ignored and the Tx CAN output goes to the
recessive state (logic '1'). FlexCAN behaves as it normally does when transmitting
and treats its own transmitted message as a message received from a remote node. In
this mode, FlexCAN ignores the bit sent during the ACK slot in the CAN frame
acknowledge field to ensure proper reception of its own message. Both transmit and
receive interrupts are generated.

For low-power operation, the FlexCAN module has:

• Module Disable mode:
This low-power mode is entered when the MDIS bit in the MCR Register is asserted
by the CPU and the LPM_ACK is asserted by the FlexCAN. When disabled, the
module requests to disable the clocks to the CAN Protocol Engine and Controller
Host Interface sub-modules. Exit from this mode is done by negating the MDIS bit in
the MCR Register. See Module Disable mode for more information.
• Stop mode:
This low power mode is entered when Stop mode is requested at MCU level and the
LPM_ACK bit in the MCR Register is asserted by the FlexCAN. When in Stop
Mode, the module puts itself in an inactive state and then informs the CPU that the
clocks can be shut down globally. Exit from this mode happens when the Stop mode
request is removed, or when activity is detected on the CAN bus and the Self Wake
Up mechanism is enabled. See Stop mode for more information.

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FlexCAN signal descriptions

45.2 FlexCAN signal descriptions

The FlexCAN module has two I/O signals connected to the external MCU pins. These
signals are summarized in the following table and described in more detail in the next
Table 45-1. FlexCAN signal descriptions
Signal Description I/O
CAN Rx CAN Receive Pin Input
CAN Tx CAN Transmit Pin Output

45.2.1 CAN Rx
This pin is the receive pin from the CAN bus transceiver. Dominant state is represented
by logic level 0. Recessive state is represented by logic level 1.

45.2.2 CAN Tx
This pin is the transmit pin to the CAN bus transceiver. Dominant state is represented by
logic level 0. Recessive state is represented by logic level 1.

45.3 Memory map/register definition

This section describes the registers and data structures in the FlexCAN module. The base
address of the module depends on the particular memory map of the MCU.

45.3.1 FlexCAN memory mapping

The complete memory map for a FlexCAN module is shown in the following table.
The address space occupied by FlexCAN has 128 bytes for registers starting at the
module base address, followed by embedded RAM starting at address 0x0080.

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1108 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

Each individual register is identified by its complete name and the corresponding
mnemonic. The access type can be Supervisor (S) or Unrestricted (U). Most of the
registers can be configured to have either Supervisor or Unrestricted access by
programming the SUPV bit in the MCR Register. These registers are identified as S/U in
the Access column of Table 45-2.
Table 45-2. Module memory map
Affected by Affected by
Register Access Type
Hard Reset Soft Reset
Module Configuration Register (MCR) S Yes Yes
Control 1 register (CTRL1) S/U Yes No
Free Running Timer register (TIMER) S/U Yes Yes
Rx Mailboxes Global Mask register (RXMGMASK) S/U No No
Rx Buffer 14 Mask register (RX14MASK) S/U No No
Rx Buffer 15 Mask register (RX15MASK) S/U No No
Error Counter Register (ECR) S/U Yes Yes
Error and Status 1 Register (ESR1) S/U Yes Yes
Interrupt Masks 2 register (IMASK2) S/U Yes Yes
Interrupt Masks 1 register (IMASK1) S/U Yes Yes
Interrupt Flags 2 register (IFLAG2) S/U Yes Yes
Interrupt Flags 1 register (IFLAG1) S/U Yes Yes
Control 2 Register (CTRL2) S/U Yes No
Error and Status 2 Register (ESR2) S/U Yes Yes
Individual Matching Elements Update Register (IMUER) S/U Yes Yes
Lost Rx Frames Register (LRFR) S/U Yes Yes
CRC Register (CRCR) S/U Yes Yes
Rx FIFO Global Mask register (RXFGMASK) S/U No No
Rx FIFO Information Register (RXFIR) S/U No No
Message Buffers S/U No No
Rx Individual Mask Registers S/U No No

The FlexCAN module can store CAN messages for transmission and reception using
Mailboxes and Rx FIFO structures.

This module's memory map includes sixteen 128-bit message buffers (MBs) that occupy
the range from offset 0x80 to 0x17F.

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Memory map/register definition

CAN memory map

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4002_4000 Module Configuration Register (CAN0_MCR) 32 R/W D890_000Fh 45.3.2/1112
4002_4004 Control 1 register (CAN0_CTRL1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 45.3.3/1117
4002_4008 Free Running Timer (CAN0_TIMER) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 45.3.4/1120
4002_4010 Rx Mailboxes Global Mask Register (CAN0_RXMGMASK) 32 R/W FFFF_FFFFh 45.3.5/1121
4002_4014 Rx 14 Mask register (CAN0_RX14MASK) 32 R/W FFFF_FFFFh 45.3.6/1122
4002_4018 Rx 15 Mask register (CAN0_RX15MASK) 32 R/W FFFF_FFFFh 45.3.7/1123
4002_401C Error Counter (CAN0_ECR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 45.3.8/1123
4002_4020 Error and Status 1 register (CAN0_ESR1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 45.3.9/1125
4002_4028 Interrupt Masks 1 register (CAN0_IMASK1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4002_4030 Interrupt Flags 1 register (CAN0_IFLAG1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4002_4034 Control 2 register (CAN0_CTRL2) 32 R/W 00B0_0000h
4002_4038 Error and Status 2 register (CAN0_ESR2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4002_4044 CRC Register (CAN0_CRCR) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_4048 Rx FIFO Global Mask register (CAN0_RXFGMASK) 32 R/W FFFF_FFFFh
4002_404C Rx FIFO Information Register (CAN0_RXFIR) 32 R Undefined
4002_4880 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR0) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_4884 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR1) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_4888 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR2) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_488C Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR3) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_4890 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR4) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_4894 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR5) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_4898 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR6) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_489C Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR7) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_48A0 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR8) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_48A4 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR9) 32 R/W Undefined

Table continues on the next page...

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1110 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CAN memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4002_48A8 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR10) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_48AC Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR11) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_48B0 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR12) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_48B4 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR13) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_48B8 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR14) 32 R/W Undefined
4002_48BC Rx Individual Mask Registers (CAN0_RXIMR15) 32 R/W Undefined

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Memory map/register definition

45.3.2 Module Configuration Register (CANx_MCR)

This register defines global system configurations, such as the module operation modes
and the maximum message buffer configuration.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 0h offset = 4002_4000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


R 0






Reset 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

CANx_MCR field descriptions

Field Description
31 Module Disable
This bit controls whether FlexCAN is enabled or not. When disabled, FlexCAN disables the clocks to the
CAN Protocol Engine and Controller Host Interface sub-modules. This is the only bit in MCR not affected
by soft reset.

0 Enable the FlexCAN module.

1 Disable the FlexCAN module.
30 Freeze Enable
The FRZ bit specifies the FlexCAN behavior when the HALT bit in the MCR Register is set or when Debug
mode is requested at MCU level. When FRZ is asserted, FlexCAN is enabled to enter Freeze mode.
Negation of this bit field causes FlexCAN to exit from Freeze mode.
Table continues on the next page...

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1112 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_MCR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Not enabled to enter Freeze mode.
1 Enabled to enter Freeze mode.
29 Rx FIFO Enable
This bit controls whether the Rx FIFO feature is enabled or not. When RFEN is set, MBs 0 to 5 cannot be
used for normal reception and transmission because the corresponding memory region (0x80-0xDC) is
used by the FIFO engine as well as additional MBs (up to 32, depending on CTRL2[RFFN] setting) which
are used as Rx FIFO ID Filter Table elements. RFEN also impacts the definition of the minimum number
of peripheral clocks per CAN bit as described in the table "Minimum Ratio Between Peripheral Clock
Frequency and CAN Bit Rate" (in section "Arbitration and Matching Timing"). This bit can be written only in
Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

0 Rx FIFO not enabled.

1 Rx FIFO enabled.
28 Halt FlexCAN
Assertion of this bit puts the FlexCAN module into Freeze mode. The CPU should clear it after initializing
the Message Buffers and Control Register. No reception or transmission is performed by FlexCAN before
this bit is cleared. Freeze mode cannot be entered while FlexCAN is in a low power mode.

0 No Freeze mode request.

1 Enters Freeze mode if the FRZ bit is asserted.
27 FlexCAN Not Ready
This read-only bit indicates that FlexCAN is either in Disable mode, Stop mode or Freeze mode. It is
negated once FlexCAN has exited these modes.

0 FlexCAN module is either in Normal mode, Listen-Only mode or Loop-Back mode.

1 FlexCAN module is either in Disable mode, Stop mode or Freeze mode.
26 Wake Up Interrupt Mask
This bit enables the Wake Up Interrupt generation.

0 Wake Up Interrupt is disabled.

1 Wake Up Interrupt is enabled.
25 Soft Reset
When this bit is asserted, FlexCAN resets its internal state machines and some of the memory mapped
registers. The following registers are reset: MCR (except the MDIS bit), TIMER, ECR, ESR1, ESR2,
IMASK1, IMASK2, IFLAG1, IFLAG2 and CRCR. Configuration registers that control the interface to the
CAN bus are not affected by soft reset. The following registers are unaffected: CTRL1, CTRL2, RXIMR0–
The SOFTRST bit can be asserted directly by the CPU when it writes to the MCR Register, but it is also
asserted when global soft reset is requested at MCU level. Because soft reset is synchronous and has to
follow a request/acknowledge procedure across clock domains, it may take some time to fully propagate
its effect. The SOFTRST bit remains asserted while reset is pending, and is automatically negated when
reset completes. Therefore, software can poll this bit to know when the soft reset has completed.
Soft reset cannot be applied while clocks are shut down in a low power mode. The module should be first
removed from low power mode, and then soft reset can be applied.

0 No reset request.
1 Resets the registers affected by soft reset.

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/register definition

CANx_MCR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
24 Freeze Mode Acknowledge
This read-only bit indicates that FlexCAN is in Freeze mode and its prescaler is stopped. The Freeze
mode request cannot be granted until current transmission or reception processes have finished.
Therefore the software can poll the FRZACK bit to know when FlexCAN has actually entered Freeze
mode. If Freeze Mode request is negated, then this bit is negated after the FlexCAN prescaler is running
again. If Freeze mode is requested while FlexCAN is in a low power mode, then the FRZACK bit will be
set only when the low-power mode is exited. See Section "Freeze Mode".

NOTE: FRZACK will be asserted within 178 CAN bits from the freeze mode request by the CPU, and
negated within 2 CAN bits after the freeze mode request removal (see Section "Protocol Timing").

0 FlexCAN not in Freeze mode, prescaler running.

1 FlexCAN in Freeze mode, prescaler stopped.
23 Supervisor Mode
This bit configures the FlexCAN to be either in Supervisor or User mode. The registers affected by this bit
are marked as S/U in the Access Type column of the module memory map. Reset value of this bit is 1, so
the affected registers start with Supervisor access allowance only. This bit can be written only in Freeze
mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

0 FlexCAN is in User mode. Affected registers allow both Supervisor and Unrestricted accesses.
1 FlexCAN is in Supervisor mode. Affected registers allow only Supervisor access. Unrestricted access
behaves as though the access was done to an unimplemented register location.
22 Self Wake Up
This bit enables the Self Wake Up feature when FlexCAN is in a low-power mode other than Disable
mode. When this feature is enabled, the FlexCAN module monitors the bus for wake up event, that is, a
recessive-to-dominant transition.
If a wake up event is detected during Stop mode, then FlexCAN generates, if enabled to do so, a Wake
Up interrupt to the CPU so that it can exit Stop mode globally and FlexCAN can request to resume the
When FlexCAN is in a low-power mode other than Disable mode, this bit cannot be written as it is blocked
by hardware.

0 FlexCAN Self Wake Up feature is disabled.

1 FlexCAN Self Wake Up feature is enabled.
21 Warning Interrupt Enable
When asserted, this bit enables the generation of the TWRNINT and RWRNINT flags in the Error and
Status Register. If WRNEN is negated, the TWRNINT and RWRNINT flags will always be zero,
independent of the values of the error counters, and no warning interrupt will ever be generated. This bit
can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

0 TWRNINT and RWRNINT bits are zero, independent of the values in the error counters.
1 TWRNINT and RWRNINT bits are set when the respective error counter transitions from less than 96
to greater than or equal to 96.
20 Low-Power Mode Acknowledge
This read-only bit indicates that FlexCAN is in a low-power mode (Disable mode, Stop mode). A low-
power mode cannot be entered until all current transmission or reception processes have finished, so the
CPU can poll the LPMACK bit to know when FlexCAN has actually entered low power mode.
Table continues on the next page...

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1114 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_MCR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: LPMACK will be asserted within 180 CAN bits from the low-power mode request by the CPU, and
negated within 2 CAN bits after the low-power mode request removal (see Section "Protocol

0 FlexCAN is not in a low-power mode.

1 FlexCAN is in a low-power mode.
19 Wake Up Source
This bit defines whether the integrated low-pass filter is applied to protect the Rx CAN input from spurious
wake up. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

0 FlexCAN uses the unfiltered Rx input to detect recessive to dominant edges on the CAN bus.
1 FlexCAN uses the filtered Rx input to detect recessive to dominant edges on the CAN bus.
18 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
17 Self Reception Disable
This bit defines whether FlexCAN is allowed to receive frames transmitted by itself. If this bit is asserted,
frames transmitted by the module will not be stored in any MB, regardless if the MB is programmed with
an ID that matches the transmitted frame, and no interrupt flag or interrupt signal will be generated due to
the frame reception. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in
other modes.

0 Self reception enabled.

1 Self reception disabled.
16 Individual Rx Masking And Queue Enable
This bit indicates whether Rx matching process will be based either on individual masking and queue or
on masking scheme with RXMGMASK, RX14MASK and RX15MASK, RXFGMASK. This bit can be written
only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

0 Individual Rx masking and queue feature are disabled. For backward compatibility with legacy
applications, the reading of C/S word locks the MB even if it is EMPTY.
1 Individual Rx masking and queue feature are enabled.
15–14 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
13 Local Priority Enable
This bit is provided for backwards compatibility with legacy applications. It controls whether the local
priority feature is enabled or not. It is used to expand the ID used during the arbitration process. With this
expanded ID concept, the arbitration process is done based on the full 32-bit word, but the actual
transmitted ID still has 11-bit for standard frames and 29-bit for extended frames. This bit can be written
only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

0 Local Priority disabled.

1 Local Priority enabled.
12 Abort Enable
This bit is supplied for backwards compatibility with legacy applications. When asserted, it enables the Tx
abort mechanism. This mechanism guarantees a safe procedure for aborting a pending transmission, so
that no frame is sent in the CAN bus without notification. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode
because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/register definition

CANx_MCR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: When MCR[AEN] is asserted, only the abort mechanism (see Section "Transmission Abort
Mechanism") must be used for updating Mailboxes configured for transmission.

CAUTION: Writing the Abort code into Rx Mailboxes can cause unpredictable results when the
MCR[AEN] is asserted.

0 Abort disabled.
1 Abort enabled.
11–10 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
9–8 ID Acceptance Mode
This 2-bit field identifies the format of the Rx FIFO ID Filter Table elements. Note that all elements of the
table are configured at the same time by this field (they are all the same format). See Section "Rx FIFO
Structure". This field can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other

00 Format A: One full ID (standard and extended) per ID Filter Table element.
01 Format B: Two full standard IDs or two partial 14-bit (standard and extended) IDs per ID Filter Table
10 Format C: Four partial 8-bit Standard IDs per ID Filter Table element.
11 Format D: All frames rejected.
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6–0 Number Of The Last Message Buffer
This 7-bit field defines the number of the last Message Buffers that will take part in the matching and
arbitration processes. The reset value (0x0F) is equivalent to 16 MB configuration. This field can be written
only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
Number of the last MB = MAXMB

NOTE: MAXMB must be programmed with a value smaller than the parameter NUMBER_OF_MB,
otherwise the number of the last effective Message Buffer will be: (NUMBER_OF_MB - 1)
Additionally, the value of MAXMB must encompass the FIFO size defined by CTRL2[RFFN]. MAXMB also
impacts the definition of the minimum number of peripheral clocks per CAN bit as described in Table
"Minimum Ratio Between Peripheral Clock Frequency and CAN Bit Rate" (in Section "Arbitration and
Matching Timing").

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1116 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

45.3.3 Control 1 register (CANx_CTRL1)

This register is defined for specific FlexCAN control features related to the CAN bus,
such as bit-rate, programmable sampling point within an Rx bit, Loop Back mode,
Listen-Only mode, Bus Off recovery behavior and interrupt enabling (Bus-Off, Error,
Warning). It also determines the Division Factor for the clock prescaler.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 4h offset = 4002_4004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0






Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CANx_CTRL1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–24 Prescaler Division Factor
This 8-bit field defines the ratio between the PE clock frequency and the Serial Clock (Sclock) frequency.
The Sclock period defines the time quantum of the CAN protocol. For the reset value, the Sclock
frequency is equal to the PE clock frequency. The Maximum value of this field is 0xFF, that gives a
minimum Sclock frequency equal to the PE clock frequency divided by 256. See Section "Protocol
Timing". This field can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
Sclock frequency = PE clock frequency / (PRESDIV + 1)
23–22 Resync Jump Width
This 2-bit field defines the maximum number of time quanta that a bit time can be changed by one re-
synchronization. One time quantum is equal to the Sclock period. The valid programmable values are 0–3.
This field can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.
Resync Jump Width = RJW + 1.
21–19 Phase Segment 1
This 3-bit field defines the length of Phase Buffer Segment 1 in the bit time. The valid programmable
values are 0–7. This field can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other
Phase Buffer Segment 1 = (PSEG1 + 1) × Time-Quanta.
18–16 Phase Segment 2
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1117
Memory map/register definition

CANx_CTRL1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
This 3-bit field defines the length of Phase Buffer Segment 2 in the bit time. The valid programmable
values are 1–7. This field can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other
Phase Buffer Segment 2 = (PSEG2 + 1) × Time-Quanta.
15 Bus Off Mask
This bit provides a mask for the Bus Off Interrupt.

0 Bus Off interrupt disabled.

1 Bus Off interrupt enabled.
14 Error Mask
This bit provides a mask for the Error Interrupt.

0 Error interrupt disabled.

1 Error interrupt enabled.
13 CAN Engine Clock Source
This bit selects the clock source to the CAN Protocol Engine (PE) to be either the peripheral clock (driven
by the PLL) or the crystal oscillator clock. The selected clock is the one fed to the prescaler to generate
the Serial Clock (Sclock). In order to guarantee reliable operation, this bit can be written only in Disable
mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes. See Section "Protocol Timing".

0 The CAN engine clock source is the oscillator clock. Under this condition, the oscillator clock
frequency must be lower than the bus clock.
1 The CAN engine clock source is the peripheral clock.
12 Loop Back Mode
This bit configures FlexCAN to operate in Loop-Back mode. In this mode, FlexCAN performs an internal
loop back that can be used for self test operation. The bit stream output of the transmitter is fed back
internally to the receiver input. The Rx CAN input pin is ignored and the Tx CAN output goes to the
recessive state (logic 1). FlexCAN behaves as it normally does when transmitting, and treats its own
transmitted message as a message received from a remote node. In this mode, FlexCAN ignores the bit
sent during the ACK slot in the CAN frame acknowledge field, generating an internal acknowledge bit to
ensure proper reception of its own message. Both transmit and receive interrupts are generated. This bit
can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

NOTE: In this mode, the MCR[SRXDIS] cannot be asserted because this will impede the self reception of
a transmitted message.

0 Loop Back disabled.

1 Loop Back enabled.
11 Tx Warning Interrupt Mask
This bit provides a mask for the Tx Warning Interrupt associated with the TWRNINT flag in the Error and
Status Register. This bit is read as zero when MCR[WRNEN] bit is negated. This bit can be written only if
MCR[WRNEN] bit is asserted.

0 Tx Warning Interrupt disabled.

1 Tx Warning Interrupt enabled.
10 Rx Warning Interrupt Mask
Table continues on the next page...

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1118 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_CTRL1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
This bit provides a mask for the Rx Warning Interrupt associated with the RWRNINT flag in the Error and
Status Register. This bit is read as zero when MCR[WRNEN] bit is negated. This bit can be written only if
MCR[WRNEN] bit is asserted.

0 Rx Warning Interrupt disabled.

1 Rx Warning Interrupt enabled.
9–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7 CAN Bit Sampling
This bit defines the sampling mode of CAN bits at the Rx input. This bit can be written only in Freeze
mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

0 Just one sample is used to determine the bit value.

1 Three samples are used to determine the value of the received bit: the regular one (sample point) and
2 preceding samples; a majority rule is used.
6 Bus Off Recovery
This bit defines how FlexCAN recovers from Bus Off state. If this bit is negated, automatic recovering from
Bus Off state occurs according to the CAN Specification 2.0B. If the bit is asserted, automatic recovering
from Bus Off is disabled and the module remains in Bus Off state until the bit is negated by the user. If the
negation occurs before 128 sequences of 11 recessive bits are detected on the CAN bus, then Bus Off
recovery happens as if the BOFFREC bit had never been asserted. If the negation occurs after 128
sequences of 11 recessive bits occurred, then FlexCAN will re-synchronize to the bus by waiting for 11
recessive bits before joining the bus. After negation, the BOFFREC bit can be re-asserted again during
Bus Off, but it will be effective only the next time the module enters Bus Off. If BOFFREC was negated
when the module entered Bus Off, asserting it during Bus Off will not be effective for the current Bus Off

0 Automatic recovering from Bus Off state enabled, according to CAN Spec 2.0 part B.
1 Automatic recovering from Bus Off state disabled.
5 Timer Sync
This bit enables a mechanism that resets the free-running timer each time a message is received in
Message Buffer 0. This feature provides means to synchronize multiple FlexCAN stations with a special
“SYNC” message, that is, global network time. If the RFEN bit in MCR is set (Rx FIFO enabled), the first
available Mailbox, according to CTRL2[RFFN] setting, is used for timer synchronization instead of MB0.
This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

0 Timer Sync feature disabled

1 Timer Sync feature enabled
4 Lowest Buffer Transmitted First
This bit defines the ordering mechanism for Message Buffer transmission. When asserted, the LPRIOEN
bit does not affect the priority arbitration. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked
by hardware in other modes.

0 Buffer with highest priority is transmitted first.

1 Lowest number buffer is transmitted first.
3 Listen-Only Mode
This bit configures FlexCAN to operate in Listen-Only mode. In this mode, transmission is disabled, all
error counters are frozen and the module operates in a CAN Error Passive mode. Only messages
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1119
Memory map/register definition

CANx_CTRL1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
acknowledged by another CAN station will be received. If FlexCAN detects a message that has not been
acknowledged, it will flag a BIT0 error without changing the REC, as if it was trying to acknowledge the
Listen-Only mode acknowledgement can be obtained by the state of ESR1[FLTCONF] field which is
Passive Error when Listen-Only mode is entered. There can be some delay between the Listen-Only
mode request and acknowledge.
This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

0 Listen-Only mode is deactivated.

1 FlexCAN module operates in Listen-Only mode.
2–0 Propagation Segment
This 3-bit field defines the length of the Propagation Segment in the bit time. The valid programmable
values are 0–7. This field can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other
Propagation Segment Time = (PROPSEG + 1) × Time-Quanta.
Time-Quantum = one Sclock period.

45.3.4 Free Running Timer (CANx_TIMER)

This register represents a 16-bit free running counter that can be read and written by the
CPU. The timer starts from 0x0 after Reset, counts linearly to 0xFFFF, and wraps around.
The timer is clocked by the FlexCAN bit-clock, which defines the baud rate on the CAN
bus. During a message transmission/reception, it increments by one for each bit that is
received or transmitted. When there is no message on the bus, it counts using the
previously programmed baud rate. The timer is not incremented during Disable, Stop,
and Freeze modes.
The timer value is captured when the second bit of the identifier field of any frame is on
the CAN bus. This captured value is written into the Time Stamp entry in a message
buffer after a successful reception or transmission of a message.
If bit CTRL1[TSYN] is asserted, the Timer is reset whenever a message is received in the
first available Mailbox, according to CTRL2[RFFN] setting.
The CPU can write to this register anytime. However, if the write occurs at the same time
that the Timer is being reset by a reception in the first Mailbox, then the write value is
Reading this register affects the Mailbox Unlocking procedure; see Section "Message
Buffer Lock Mechanism".

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1120 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)
Address: 4002_4000h base + 8h offset = 4002_4008h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CANx_TIMER field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Timer Value
Contains the free-running counter value.

45.3.5 Rx Mailboxes Global Mask Register (CANx_RXMGMASK)

This register is located in RAM.
RXMGMASK is provided for legacy application support.
• When the MCR[IRMQ] bit is negated, RXMGMASK is always in effect.
• When the MCR[IRMQ] bit is asserted, RXMGMASK has no effect.
RXMGMASK is used to mask the filter fields of all Rx MBs, excluding MBs 14-15,
which have individual mask registers.
This register can only be written in Freeze mode as it is blocked by hardware in other
Address: 4002_4000h base + 10h offset = 4002_4010h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CANx_RXMGMASK field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Rx Mailboxes Global Mask Bits

These bits mask the Mailbox filter bits. Note that the alignment with the ID word of the Mailbox is not
perfect as the two most significant MG bits affect the fields RTR and IDE, which are located in the Control
and Status word of the Mailbox. The following table shows in detail which MG bits mask each Mailbox filter

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1121
Memory map/register definition

CANx_RXMGMASK field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
SMB[RTR]1 CTRL2[RRS] CTRL2[EACE Mailbox filter fields
MB[RTR] MB[IDE] MB[ID] Reserved
0 - 0 note2 note3 MG[28:0] MG[31:29]
0 - 1 MG[31] MG[30] MG[28:0] MG[29]
1 0 - - - - MG[31:0]
1 1 0 - - MG[28:0] MG[31:29]
1 1 1 MG[31] MG[30] MG[28:0] MG[29]

1. RTR bit of the Incoming Frame. It is saved into an auxiliary MB called Rx Serial Message Buffer (Rx
2. If the CTRL2[EACEN] bit is negated, the RTR bit of Mailbox is never compared with the RTR bit of the
incoming frame.
3. If the CTRL2[EACEN] bit is negated, the IDE bit of Mailbox is always compared with the IDE bit of the
incoming frame.

0 The corresponding bit in the filter is "don't care."

1 The corresponding bit in the filter is checked.

1. RTR bit of the Incoming Frame. It is saved into an auxiliary MB called Rx Serial Message Buffer (Rx SMB).
2. If the CTRL2[EACEN] bit is negated, the RTR bit of Mailbox is never compared with the RTR bit of the incoming frame.
3. If the CTRL2[EACEN] bit is negated, the IDE bit of Mailbox is always compared with the IDE bit of the incoming frame.

45.3.6 Rx 14 Mask register (CANx_RX14MASK)

This register is located in RAM.
RX14MASK is provided for legacy application support. When the MCR[IRMQ] bit is
asserted, RX14MASK has no effect.
RX14MASK is used to mask the filter fields of Message Buffer 14.
This register can only be programmed while the module is in Freeze mode as it is blocked
by hardware in other modes.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 14h offset = 4002_4014h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CANx_RX14MASK field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Rx Buffer 14 Mask Bits
Each mask bit masks the corresponding Mailbox 14 filter field in the same way that RXMGMASK masks
other Mailboxes' filters. See the description of the CAN_RXMGMASK register.

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1122 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_RX14MASK field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The corresponding bit in the filter is "don’t care."
1 The corresponding bit in the filter is checked.

45.3.7 Rx 15 Mask register (CANx_RX15MASK)

This register is located in RAM.
RX15MASK is provided for legacy application support. When the MCR[IRMQ] bit is
asserted, RX15MASK has no effect.
RX15MASK is used to mask the filter fields of Message Buffer 15.
This register can be programmed only while the module is in Freeze mode because it is
blocked by hardware in other modes.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 18h offset = 4002_4018h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CANx_RX15MASK field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Rx Buffer 15 Mask Bits
Each mask bit masks the corresponding Mailbox 15 filter field in the same way that RXMGMASK masks
other Mailboxes' filters. See the description of the CAN_RXMGMASK register.

0 The corresponding bit in the filter is "don’t care."

1 The corresponding bit in the filter is checked.

45.3.8 Error Counter (CANx_ECR)

This register has two 8-bit fields reflecting the value of two FlexCAN error counters:
Transmit Error Counter (TXERRCNT field) and Receive Error Counter (RXERRCNT
field). The rules for increasing and decreasing these counters are described in the CAN
protocol and are completely implemented in the FlexCAN module. Both counters are
read-only except in Freeze mode, where they can be written by the CPU.
FlexCAN responds to any bus state as described in the protocol, for example, transmit
Error Active or Error Passive flag, delay its transmission start time (Error Passive) and
avoid any influence on the bus when in Bus Off state.

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Memory map/register definition

The following are the basic rules for FlexCAN bus state transitions:
• If the value of TXERRCNT or RXERRCNT increases to be greater than or equal to
128, the FLTCONF field in the Error and Status Register is updated to reflect ‘Error
Passive’ state.
• If the FlexCAN state is ‘Error Passive’, and either TXERRCNT or RXERRCNT
decrements to a value less than or equal to 127 while the other already satisfies this
condition, the FLTCONF field in the Error and Status Register is updated to reflect
‘Error Active’ state.
• If the value of TXERRCNT increases to be greater than 255, the FLTCONF field in
the Error and Status Register is updated to reflect ‘Bus Off’ state, and an interrupt
may be issued. The value of TXERRCNT is then reset to zero.
• If FlexCAN is in ‘Bus Off’ state, then TXERRCNT is cascaded together with another
internal counter to count the 128th occurrences of 11 consecutive recessive bits on
the bus. Hence, TXERRCNT is reset to zero and counts in a manner where the
internal counter counts 11 such bits and then wraps around while incrementing the
TXERRCNT. When TXERRCNT reaches the value of 128, the FLTCONF field in
the Error and Status Register is updated to be ‘Error Active’ and both error counters
are reset to zero. At any instance of dominant bit following a stream of less than 11
consecutive recessive bits, the internal counter resets itself to zero without affecting
the TXERRCNT value.
• If during system start-up, only one node is operating, then its TXERRCNT increases
in each message it is trying to transmit, as a result of acknowledge errors (indicated
by the ACKERR bit in the Error and Status Register). After the transition to ‘Error
Passive’ state, the TXERRCNT does not increment anymore by acknowledge errors.
Therefore the device never goes to the ‘Bus Off’ state.
• If the RXERRCNT increases to a value greater than 127, it is not incremented
further, even if more errors are detected while being a receiver. At the next
successful message reception, the counter is set to a value between 119 and 127 to
resume to ‘Error Active’ state.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 1Ch offset = 4002_401Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CANx_ECR field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–8 Receive Error Counter

Table continues on the next page...

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1124 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_ECR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
7–0 Transmit Error Counter

45.3.9 Error and Status 1 register (CANx_ESR1)

This register reflects various error conditions, some general status of the device and it is
the source of interrupts to the CPU.
The CPU read action clears bits 15-10. Therefore the reported error conditions (bits
15-10) are those that occurred since the last time the CPU read this register. Bits 9-3 are
status bits.
The following table shows the FlexCAN state variables and their meanings. Other
combinations not shown in the table are reserved.
0 0 0 0 Not synchronized to
CAN bus
1 1 x x Idle
1 0 1 0 Transmitting
1 0 0 1 Receiving

Address: 4002_4000h base + 20h offset = 4002_4020h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


R 0

W w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Memory map/register definition

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0










W w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CANx_ESR1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–19 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
18 CAN Synchronization Status
This read-only flag indicates whether the FlexCAN is synchronized to the CAN bus and able to participate
in the communication process. It is set and cleared by the FlexCAN. See the table in the overall
CAN_ESR1 register description.

0 FlexCAN is not synchronized to the CAN bus.

1 FlexCAN is synchronized to the CAN bus.
17 Tx Warning Interrupt Flag
If the WRNEN bit in MCR is asserted, the TWRNINT bit is set when the TXWRN flag transitions from 0 to
1, meaning that the Tx error counter reached 96. If the corresponding mask bit in the Control Register
(TWRNMSK) is set, an interrupt is generated to the CPU. This bit is cleared by writing it to 1. When
WRNEN is negated, this flag is masked. CPU must clear this flag before disabling the bit. Otherwise it will
be set when the WRNEN is set again. Writing 0 has no effect. This flag is not generated during Bus Off
state. This bit is not updated during Freeze mode.

0 No such occurrence.
1 The Tx error counter transitioned from less than 96 to greater than or equal to 96.
16 Rx Warning Interrupt Flag
If the WRNEN bit in MCR is asserted, the RWRNINT bit is set when the RXWRN flag transitions from 0 to
1, meaning that the Rx error counters reached 96. If the corresponding mask bit in the Control Register
(RWRNMSK) is set, an interrupt is generated to the CPU. This bit is cleared by writing it to 1. When
WRNEN is negated, this flag is masked. CPU must clear this flag before disabling the bit. Otherwise it will
be set when the WRNEN is set again. Writing 0 has no effect. This bit is not updated during Freeze mode.

0 No such occurrence.
1 The Rx error counter transitioned from less than 96 to greater than or equal to 96.
15 Bit1 Error
This bit indicates when an inconsistency occurs between the transmitted and the received bit in a
Table continues on the next page...

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1126 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_ESR1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: This bit is not set by a transmitter in case of arbitration field or ACK slot, or in case of a node
sending a passive error flag that detects dominant bits.

0 No such occurrence.
1 At least one bit sent as recessive is received as dominant.
14 Bit0 Error
This bit indicates when an inconsistency occurs between the transmitted and the received bit in a

0 No such occurrence.
1 At least one bit sent as dominant is received as recessive.
13 Acknowledge Error
This bit indicates that an Acknowledge Error has been detected by the transmitter node, that is, a
dominant bit has not been detected during the ACK SLOT.

0 No such occurrence.
1 An ACK error occurred since last read of this register.
12 Cyclic Redundancy Check Error
This bit indicates that a CRC Error has been detected by the receiver node, that is, the calculated CRC is
different from the received.

0 No such occurrence.
1 A CRC error occurred since last read of this register.
11 Form Error
This bit indicates that a Form Error has been detected by the receiver node, that is, a fixed-form bit field
contains at least one illegal bit.

0 No such occurrence.
1 A Form Error occurred since last read of this register.
10 Stuffing Error
This bit indicates that a Stuffing Error has been detected.

0 No such occurrence.
1 A Stuffing Error occurred since last read of this register.
9 TX Error Warning
This bit indicates when repetitive errors are occurring during message transmission. This bit is not updated
during Freeze mode.

0 No such occurrence.
1 TXERRCNT is greater than or equal to 96.
8 Rx Error Warning
This bit indicates when repetitive errors are occurring during message reception. This bit is not updated
during Freeze mode.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/register definition

CANx_ESR1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 No such occurrence.
1 RXERRCNT is greater than or equal to 96.
7 This bit indicates when CAN bus is in IDLE state. See the table in the overall CAN_ESR1 register
IDLE description.

0 No such occurrence.
1 CAN bus is now IDLE.
6 FlexCAN In Transmission
This bit indicates if FlexCAN is transmitting a message. See the table in the overall CAN_ESR1 register

0 FlexCAN is not transmitting a message.

1 FlexCAN is transmitting a message.
5–4 Fault Confinement State
This 2-bit field indicates the Confinement State of the FlexCAN module.
If the LOM bit in the Control Register is asserted, after some delay that depends on the CAN bit timing the
FLTCONF field will indicate “Error Passive”. The very same delay affects the way how FLTCONF reflects
an update to ECR register by the CPU. It may be necessary up to one CAN bit time to get them coherent
Because the Control Register is not affected by soft reset, the FLTCONF field will not be affected by soft
reset if the LOM bit is asserted.

00 Error Active
01 Error Passive
1x Bus Off
3 FlexCAN In Reception
This bit indicates if FlexCAN is receiving a message. See the table in the overall CAN_ESR1 register

0 FlexCAN is not receiving a message.

1 FlexCAN is receiving a message.
2 Bus Off Interrupt
This bit is set when FlexCAN enters ‘Bus Off’ state. If the corresponding mask bit in the Control Register
(BOFFMSK) is set, an interrupt is generated to the CPU. This bit is cleared by writing it to 1. Writing 0 has
no effect.

0 No such occurrence.
1 FlexCAN module entered Bus Off state.
1 Error Interrupt
This bit indicates that at least one of the Error Bits (bits 15-10) is set. If the corresponding mask bit
CTRL1[ERRMSK] is set, an interrupt is generated to the CPU. This bit is cleared by writing it to 1. Writing
0 has no effect.

0 No such occurrence.
1 Indicates setting of any Error Bit in the Error and Status Register.
0 Wake-Up Interrupt
Table continues on the next page...

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1128 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_ESR1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
This field applies when FlexCAN is in low-power mode:
• Stop mode

When a recessive-to-dominant transition is detected on the CAN bus and if the MCR[WAKMSK] bit is set,
an interrupt is generated to the CPU. This bit is cleared by writing it to 1.
When MCR[SLFWAK] is negated, this flag is masked. The CPU must clear this flag before disabling the
bit. Otherwise it will be set when the SLFWAK is set again. Writing 0 has no effect.

0 No such occurrence.
1 Indicates a recessive to dominant transition was received on the CAN bus.

45.3.10 Interrupt Masks 1 register (CANx_IMASK1)

This register allows any number of a range of the 32 Message Buffer Interrupts to be
enabled or disabled for MB31 to MB0. It contains one interrupt mask bit per buffer,
enabling the CPU to determine which buffer generates an interrupt after a successful
transmission or reception, that is, when the corresponding IFLAG1 bit is set.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 28h offset = 4002_4028h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CANx_IMASK1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Buffer MBi Mask
Each bit enables or disables the corresponding FlexCAN Message Buffer Interrupt for MB31 to MB0.

NOTE: Setting or clearing a bit in the IMASK1 Register can assert or negate an interrupt request, if the
corresponding IFLAG1 bit is set.

0 The corresponding buffer Interrupt is disabled.

1 The corresponding buffer Interrupt is enabled.

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Memory map/register definition

45.3.11 Interrupt Flags 1 register (CANx_IFLAG1)

This register defines the flags for the 32 Message Buffer interrupts for MB31 to MB0. It
contains one interrupt flag bit per buffer. Each successful transmission or reception sets
the corresponding IFLAG1 bit. If the corresponding IMASK1 bit is set, an interrupt will
be generated. The interrupt flag must be cleared by writing 1 to it. Writing 0 has no
The BUF7I to BUF5I flags are also used to represent FIFO interrupts when the Rx FIFO
is enabled. When the bit MCR[RFEN] is set the function of the 8 least significant
interrupt flags BUF[7:0]I changes: BUF7I, BUF6I and BUF5I indicate operating
conditions of the FIFO, and the BUF4TO0I field is reserved.
Before enabling the RFEN, the CPU must service the IFLAG bits asserted in the Rx
FIFO region; see Section "Rx FIFO". Otherwise, these IFLAG bits will mistakenly show
the related MBs now belonging to FIFO as having contents to be serviced. When the
RFEN bit is negated, the FIFO flags must be cleared. The same care must be taken when
an RFFN value is selected extending Rx FIFO filters beyond MB7. For example, when
RFFN is 0x8, the MB0-23 range is occupied by Rx FIFO filters and related IFLAG bits
must be cleared.
Before updating MCR[MAXMB] field, CPU must service the IFLAG1 bits whose MB
value is greater than the MCR[MAXMB] to be updated; otherwise, they will remain set
and be inconsistent with the number of MBs available.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 30h offset = 4002_4030h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


W w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0




W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1130 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_IFLAG1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–8 Buffer MBi Interrupt
Each bit flags the corresponding FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupt for MB31 to MB8.

0 The corresponding buffer has no occurrence of successfully completed transmission or reception.

1 The corresponding buffer has successfully completed transmission or reception.
7 Buffer MB7 Interrupt Or "Rx FIFO Overflow"
When the RFEN bit in the MCR is cleared (Rx FIFO disabled), this bit flags the interrupt for MB7.

NOTE: This flag is cleared by the FlexCAN whenever the bit MCR[RFEN] is changed by CPU writes.
The BUF7I flag represents "Rx FIFO Overflow" when MCR[RFEN] is set. In this case, the flag indicates
that a message was lost because the Rx FIFO is full. Note that the flag will not be asserted when the Rx
FIFO is full and the message was captured by a Mailbox.

0 No occurrence of MB7 completing transmission/reception when MCR[RFEN]=0, or of Rx FIFO

overflow when MCR[RFEN]=1
1 MB7 completed transmission/reception when MCR[RFEN]=0, or Rx FIFO overflow when
6 Buffer MB6 Interrupt Or "Rx FIFO Warning"
When the RFEN bit in the MCR is cleared (Rx FIFO disabled), this bit flags the interrupt for MB6.

NOTE: This flag is cleared by the FlexCAN whenever the bit MCR[RFEN] is changed by CPU writes.
The BUF6I flag represents "Rx FIFO Warning" when MCR[RFEN] is set. In this case, the flag indicates
when the number of unread messages within the Rx FIFO is increased to 5 from 4 due to the reception of
a new one, meaning that the Rx FIFO is almost full. Note that if the flag is cleared while the number of
unread messages is greater than 4, it does not assert again until the number of unread messages within
the Rx FIFO is decreased to be equal to or less than 4.

0 No occurrence of MB6 completing transmission/reception when MCR[RFEN]=0, or of Rx FIFO almost

full when MCR[RFEN]=1
1 MB6 completed transmission/reception when MCR[RFEN]=0, or Rx FIFO almost full when
5 Buffer MB5 Interrupt Or "Frames available in Rx FIFO"
When the RFEN bit in the MCR is cleared (Rx FIFO disabled), this bit flags the interrupt for MB5.

NOTE: This flag is cleared by the FlexCAN whenever the bit MCR[RFEN] is changed by CPU writes.
The BUF5I flag represents "Frames available in Rx FIFO" when MCR[RFEN] is set. In this case, the flag
indicates that at least one frame is available to be read from the Rx FIFO.

0 No occurrence of MB5 completing transmission/reception when MCR[RFEN]=0, or of frame(s)

available in the Rx FIFO, when MCR[RFEN]=1
1 MB5 completed transmission/reception when MCR[RFEN]=0, or frame(s) available in the Rx FIFO
when MCR[RFEN]=1
4–0 Buffer MBi Interrupt Or "reserved"
When the RFEN bit in the MCR is cleared (Rx FIFO disabled), these bits flag the interrupts for MB4 to

NOTE: These flags are cleared by the FlexCAN whenever the bit MCR[RFEN] is changed by CPU writes.
The BUF4TO0I flags are reserved when MCR[RFEN] is set.
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1131
Memory map/register definition

CANx_IFLAG1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The corresponding buffer has no occurrence of successfully completed transmission or reception
when MCR[RFEN]=0.
1 The corresponding buffer has successfully completed transmission or reception when MCR[RFEN]=0.

45.3.12 Control 2 register (CANx_CTRL2)

This register contains control bits for CAN errors, FIFO features, and mode selection.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 34h offset = 4002_4034h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CANx_CTRL2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–29 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
28 Write-Access To Memory In Freeze Mode
Enable unrestricted write access to FlexCAN memory in Freeze mode. This bit can only be written in
Freeze mode and has no effect out of Freeze mode.

0 Maintain the write access restrictions.

1 Enable unrestricted write access to FlexCAN memory.
27–24 Number Of Rx FIFO Filters
This 4-bit field defines the number of Rx FIFO filters, as shown in the following table. The maximum
selectable number of filters is determined by the MCU. This field can only be written in Freeze mode as it
is blocked by hardware in other modes. This field must not be programmed with values that make the
number of Message Buffers occupied by Rx FIFO and ID Filter exceed the number of Mailboxes present,
defined by MCR[MAXMB].

NOTE: Each group of eight filters occupies a memory space equivalent to two Message Buffers which
means that the more filters are implemented the less Mailboxes will be available.
Table continues on the next page...

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1132 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_CTRL2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Considering that the Rx FIFO occupies the memory space originally reserved for MB0-5, RFFN
should be programmed with a value correponding to a number of filters not greater than the
number of available memory words which can be calculated as follows:
(SETUP_MB - 6) × 4
where SETUP_MB is the least between NUMBER_OF_MB and MAXMB.
The number of remaining Mailboxes available will be:
(SETUP_MB - 8) - (RFFN × 2)
If the Number of Rx FIFO Filters programmed through RFFN exceeds the SETUP_MB value
(memory space available) the exceeding ones will not be functional.

RFFN[3: Number Message Remaining Rx FIFO ID Filter Rx FIFO ID Filter

0] of Rx Buffers Available Table Elements Table Elements
FIFO occupied by Rx Mailboxes1 Affected by Rx Affected by Rx
filters FIFO and ID Individual Masks2 FIFO Global Mask2
Filter Table
0x0 8 MB 0-7 MB 8-63 Elements 0-7 none
0x1 16 MB 0-9 MB 10-63 Elements 0-9 Elements 10-15
0x2 24 MB 0-11 MB 12-63 Elements 0-11 Elements 12-23
0x3 32 MB 0-13 MB 14-63 Elements 0-13 Elements 14-31
0x4 40 MB 0-15 MB 16-63 Elements 0-15 Elements 16-39
0x5 48 MB 0-17 MB 18-63 Elements 0-17 Elements 18-47
0x6 56 MB 0-19 MB 20-63 Elements 0-19 Elements 20-55
0x7 64 MB 0-21 MB 22-63 Elements 0-21 Elements 22-63
0x8 72 MB 0-23 MB 24-63 Elements 0-23 Elements 24-71
0x9 80 MB 0-25 MB 26-63 Elements 0-25 Elements 26-79
0xA 88 MB 0-27 MB 28-63 Elements 0-27 Elements 28-87
0xB 96 MB 0-29 MB 30-63 Elements 0-29 Elements 30-95
0xC 104 MB 0-31 MB 32-63 Elements 0-31 Elements 32-103
0xD 112 MB 0-33 MB 34-63 Elements 0-31 Elements 32-111
0xE 120 MB 0-35 MB 36-63 Elements 0-31 Elements 32-119
0xF 128 MB 0-37 MB 38-63 Elements 0-31 Elements 32-127

1. The number of the last remaining available mailboxes is defined by the least value between the
parameter NUMBER_OF_MB minus 1 and the MCR[MAXMB] field.
2. If Rx Individual Mask Registers are not enabled then all Rx FIFO filters are affected by the Rx FIFO
Global Mask.
23–19 Tx Arbitration Start Delay
TASD This 5-bit field indicates how many CAN bits the Tx arbitration process start point can be delayed from the
first bit of CRC field on CAN bus. This field can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by
hardware in other modes.
This field is useful to optimize the transmit performance based on factors such as: peripheral/serial clock
ratio, CAN bit timing and number of MBs. The duration of an arbitration process, in terms of CAN bits, is
directly proportional to the number of available MBs and CAN baud rate and inversely proportional to the
peripheral clock frequency.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/register definition

CANx_CTRL2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
The optimal arbitration timing is that in which the last MB is scanned right before the first bit of the
Intermission field of a CAN frame. Therefore, if there are few MBs and the system/serial clock ratio is high
and the CAN baud rate is low then the arbitration can be delayed and vice-versa.
If TASD is 0 then the arbitration start is not delayed, thus the CPU has less time to configure a Tx MB for
the next arbitration, but more time is reserved for arbitration. On the other hand, if TASD is 24 then the
CPU can configure a Tx MB later and less time is reserved for arbitration.
If too little time is reserved for arbitration the FlexCAN may be not able to find winner MBs in time to
compete with other nodes for the CAN bus. If the arbitration ends too much time before the first bit of
Intermission field then there is a chance that the CPU reconfigures some Tx MBs and the winner MB is not
the best to be transmitted.
The optimal configuration for TASD can be calculated as:

TASD = 25 - {fCANCLK × [MAXMB + 3 - (RFEN × 8) - (RFEN × RFFN × 2)] × 2} /

{fSYS × [1+(PSEG1+1)+(PSEG2+1)+(PROPSEG+1)] × (PRESDIV+1)}

• fCANCLK is the Protocol Engine (PE) Clock (see section "Protocol Timing"), in Hz
• fSYS is the peripheral clock, in Hz
• MAXMB is the value in CTRL1[MAXMB] field
• RFEN is the value in CTRL1[RFEN] bit
• RFFN is the value in CTRL2[RFFN] field
• PSEG1 is the value in CTRL1[PSEG1] field
• PSEG2 is the value in CTRL1[PSEG2] field
• PROPSEG is the value in CTRL1[PROPSEG] field
• PRESDIV is the value in CTRL1[PRESDIV] field

See Section "Arbitration process" and Section "Protocol Timing" for more details.

NOTE: The recommended value for TASD is 22.

18 Mailboxes Reception Priority
If this bit is set the matching process starts from the Mailboxes and if no match occurs the matching
continues on the Rx FIFO. This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware
in other modes.

0 Matching starts from Rx FIFO and continues on Mailboxes.

1 Matching starts from Mailboxes and continues on Rx FIFO.
17 Remote Request Storing
If this bit is asserted Remote Request Frame is submitted to a matching process and stored in the
corresponding Message Buffer in the same fashion of a Data Frame. No automatic Remote Response
Frame will be generated.
If this bit is negated the Remote Request Frame is submitted to a matching process and an automatic
Remote Response Frame is generated if a Message Buffer with CODE=0b1010 is found with the same ID.
This bit can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

0 Remote Response Frame is generated.

1 Remote Request Frame is stored.
16 Entire Frame Arbitration Field Comparison Enable For Rx Mailboxes
Table continues on the next page...

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1134 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_CTRL2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
This bit controls the comparison of IDE and RTR bits whithin Rx Mailboxes filters with their corresponding
bits in the incoming frame by the matching process. This bit does not affect matching for Rx FIFO. This bit
can be written only in Freeze mode because it is blocked by hardware in other modes.

0 Rx Mailbox filter’s IDE bit is always compared and RTR is never compared despite mask bits.
1 Enables the comparison of both Rx Mailbox filter’s IDE and RTR bit with their corresponding bits within
the incoming frame. Mask bits do apply.
15–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

1. The number of the last remaining available mailboxes is defined by the least value between the parameter
NUMBER_OF_MB minus 1 and the MCR[MAXMB] field.
2. If Rx Individual Mask Registers are not enabled then all Rx FIFO filters are affected by the Rx FIFO Global Mask.

45.3.13 Error and Status 2 register (CANx_ESR2)

This register reflects various interrupt flags and some general status.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 38h offset = 4002_4038h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CANx_ESR2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–23 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
22–16 Lowest Priority Tx Mailbox
If ESR2[VPS] is asserted, this field indicates the lowest number inactive Mailbox (see the IMB bit
description). If there is no inactive Mailbox then the Mailbox indicated depends on CTRL1[LBUF] bit value.
If CTRL1[LBUF] bit is negated then the Mailbox indicated is the one that has the greatest arbitration value
(see the "Highest priority Mailbox first" section). If CTRL1[LBUF] bit is asserted then the Mailbox indicated
is the highest number active Tx Mailbox. If a Tx Mailbox is being transmitted it is not considered in LPTM
calculation. If ESR2[IMB] is not asserted and a frame is transmitted successfully, LPTM is updated with its
Mailbox number.
15 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
14 Valid Priority Status
Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1135
Memory map/register definition

CANx_ESR2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
This bit indicates whether IMB and LPTM contents are currently valid or not. VPS is asserted upon every
complete Tx arbitration process unless the CPU writes to Control and Status word of a Mailbox that has
already been scanned, that is, it is behind Tx Arbitration Pointer, during the Tx arbitration process. If there
is no inactive Mailbox and only one Tx Mailbox that is being transmitted then VPS is not asserted. VPS is
negated upon the start of every Tx arbitration process or upon a write to Control and Status word of any

NOTE: ESR2[VPS] is not affected by any CPU write into Control Status (C/S) of a MB thatis blocked by
abort mechanism. When MCR[AEN] is asserted, the abort code write in C/S of a MB that is being
transmitted (pending abort), or any write attempt into a Tx MB with IFLAG set is blocked.

0 Contents of IMB and LPTM are invalid.

1 Contents of IMB and LPTM are valid.
13 Inactive Mailbox
If ESR2[VPS] is asserted, this bit indicates whether there is any inactive Mailbox (CODE field is either
0b1000 or 0b0000). This bit is asserted in the following cases:
• During arbitration, if an LPTM is found and it is inactive.
• If IMB is not asserted and a frame is transmitted successfully.

This bit is cleared in all start of arbitration (see Section "Arbitration process").

NOTE: LPTM mechanism have the following behavior: if an MB is successfully transmitted and
ESR2[IMB]=0 (no inactive Mailbox), then ESR2[VPS] and ESR2[IMB] are asserted and the index
related to the MB just transmitted is loaded into ESR2[LPTM].

0 If ESR2[VPS] is asserted, the ESR2[LPTM] is not an inactive Mailbox.

1 If ESR2[VPS] is asserted, there is at least one inactive Mailbox. LPTM content is the number of the
first one.
12–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

45.3.14 CRC Register (CANx_CRCR)

This register provides information about the CRC of transmitted messages.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 44h offset = 4002_4044h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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1136 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_CRCR field descriptions

Field Description
31–23 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
22–16 CRC Mailbox
This field indicates the number of the Mailbox corresponding to the value in TXCRC field.
15 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
14–0 CRC Transmitted
This field indicates the CRC value of the last message transmitted. This field is updated at the same time
the Tx Interrupt Flag is asserted.

45.3.15 Rx FIFO Global Mask register (CANx_RXFGMASK)

This register is located in RAM.
If Rx FIFO is enabled RXFGMASK is used to mask the Rx FIFO ID Filter Table
elements that do not have a corresponding RXIMR according to CTRL2[RFFN] field
This register can only be written in Freeze mode as it is blocked by hardware in other
Address: 4002_4000h base + 48h offset = 4002_4048h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CANx_RXFGMASK field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Rx FIFO Global Mask Bits
These bits mask the ID Filter Table elements bits in a perfect alignment.
The following table shows how the FGM bits correspond to each IDAF field.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1137
Memory map/register definition

CANx_RXFGMASK field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Rx FIFO ID Identifier Acceptance Filter Fields
Filter Table
A FGM[31] FGM[30] FGM[29:1] - - FGM[0]
B FGM[31], FGM[30], - FGM[29:16], -
FGM[15] FGM[14] FGM[13:0]
C - - - FGM[31:24],

1. If MCR[IDAM] field is equivalent to the format B only the fourteen most significant bits of the Identifier of
the incoming frame are compared with the Rx FIFO filter.
2. If MCR[IDAM] field is equivalent to the format C only the eight most significant bits of the Identifier of
the incoming frame are compared with the Rx FIFO filter.

0 The corresponding bit in the filter is "don’t care."

1 The corresponding bit in the filter is checked.

1. If MCR[IDAM] field is equivalent to the format B only the fourteen most significant bits of the Identifier of the incoming frame
are compared with the Rx FIFO filter.
2. If MCR[IDAM] field is equivalent to the format C only the eight most significant bits of the Identifier of the incoming frame
are compared with the Rx FIFO filter.

45.3.16 Rx FIFO Information Register (CANx_RXFIR)

RXFIR provides information on Rx FIFO.
This register is the port through which the CPU accesses the output of the RXFIR FIFO
located in RAM. The RXFIR FIFO is written by the FlexCAN whenever a new message
is moved into the Rx FIFO as well as its output is updated whenever the output of the Rx
FIFO is updated with the next message. See Section "Rx FIFO" for instructions on
reading this register.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 4Ch offset = 4002_404Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1138 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

CANx_RXFIR field descriptions

Field Description
31–9 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
8–0 Identifier Acceptance Filter Hit Indicator
This field indicates which Identifier Acceptance Filter was hit by the received message that is in the output
of the Rx FIFO. If multiple filters match the incoming message ID then the first matching IDAF found
(lowest number) by the matching process is indicated. This field is valid only while the IFLAG[BUF5I] is

45.3.17 Rx Individual Mask Registers (CANx_RXIMRn)

These registers are located in RAM.
RXIMR are used as acceptance masks for ID filtering in Rx MBs and the Rx FIFO. If the
Rx FIFO is not enabled, one mask register is provided for each available Mailbox,
providing ID masking capability on a per Mailbox basis.
When the Rx FIFO is enabled (MCR[RFEN] bit is asserted), up to 32 Rx Individual
Mask Registers can apply to the Rx FIFO ID Filter Table elements on a one-to-one
correspondence depending on the setting of CTRL2[RFFN].
RXIMR can only be written by the CPU while the module is in Freeze mode; otherwise,
they are blocked by hardware.
The Individual Rx Mask Registers are not affected by reset and must be explicitly
initialized prior to any reception.
Address: 4002_4000h base + 880h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 15d

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*

* Notes:
• x = Undefined at reset.

CANx_RXIMRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Individual Mask Bits
Each Individual Mask Bit masks the corresponding bit in both the Mailbox filter and Rx FIFO ID Filter Table
element in distinct ways.
For Mailbox filters, see the RXMGMASK register description.
For Rx FIFO ID Filter Table elements, see the RXFGMASK register description.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1139
Memory map/register definition

CANx_RXIMRn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The corresponding bit in the filter is "don't care."
1 The corresponding bit in the filter is checked.

45.3.34 Message buffer structure

The Message Buffer structure used by the FlexCAN module is represented in the
following figure. Both Extended and Standard Frames, 29-bit Identifier and 11-bit
Identifier, respectively, used in the CAN specification (Version 2.0 Part B) are
represented. Each individual MB is formed by 16 bytes.
The memory area from 0x80 to 0x47C is used by the Mailboxes.
Table 45-69. Message buffer structure
31 30 29 28 27 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 8 7 0
0x4 PRIO ID (Standard/Extended) ID (Extended)
0x8 Data Byte 0 Data Byte 1 Data Byte 2 Data Byte 3
0xC Data Byte 4 Data Byte 5 Data Byte 6 Data Byte 7

= Unimplemented or Reserved

CODE — Message Buffer Code

This 4-bit field can be accessed (read or write) by the CPU and by the FlexCAN module
itself, as part of the message buffer matching and arbitration process. The encoding is
shown in Table 45-70 and Table 45-71. See Functional description for additional
Table 45-70. Message buffer code for Rx buffers
Description receive New successful
Frame reception2
0b0000: INACTIVE - - - MB does not
INACTIVE- MB is participate in the
not active. matching process.

Table continues on the next page...

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1140 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

Table 45-70. Message buffer code for Rx buffers (continued)

Description receive New successful
Frame reception2
0b0100: EMPTY - EMPTY - FULL - When a frame is
MB is active and received
empty. successfully (after
the Move-in)
process), the
CODE field is
updated to FULL.
0b0010: FULL - MB FULL Yes FULL - The act of reading
is full. the C/S word
followed by
unlocking the MB
(SRV) does not
make the code
return to EMPTY. It
remains FULL. If a
new frame is
moved to the MB
after the MB was
serviced, the code
still remains FULL.
See Matching
process for
matching details
related to FULL
No OVERRUN - If the MB is FULL
and a new frame is
moved to this MB
before the CPU
service it, the
CODE field is
updated to
Matching process
for details about
overrun behavior.

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1141
Memory map/register definition

Table 45-70. Message buffer code for Rx buffers (continued)

Description receive New successful
Frame reception2
0b0110: OVERRUN Yes FULL - If the CODE field
OVERRUN - MB is indicates
being overwritten OVERRUN and
into a full buffer. CPU has serviced
the MB, when a
new frame is
moved to the MB,
the code returns to
No OVERRUN - If the CODE field
already indicates
another new frame
must be moved, the
MB will be
overwritten again,
and the code will
remain OVERRUN.
See Matching
process for details
about overrun
0b1010: RANSWER - TANSWER(0b1110 0 A Remote Answer
RANSWER4 - A ) was configured to
frame was recognize a remote
configured to request frame
recognize a received, after that
Remote Request a MB is set to
Frame and transmit transmit a response
a Response Frame frame. The code is
in return. automatically
changed to
(0b1110). See
Matching process
for details. If
negated, transmit a
response frame
whenever a remote
request frame with
the same ID is
- - 1 This code is
ignored during
matching and
arbitration process.
See Matching
process for details.

Table continues on the next page...

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1142 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

Table 45-70. Message buffer code for Rx buffers (continued)

Description receive New successful
Frame reception2
CODE[0]=1b1: BUSY5 - FULL - Indicates that the
BUSY - FlexCAN is MB is being
updating the updated, it will be
contents of the MB. negated
The CPU must not automatically and
access the MB. does not interfere
on the next CODE.

1. SRV: Serviced MB. MB was read and unlocked by reading TIMER or other MB.
2. A frame is considered successful reception after the frame to be moved to MB (move-in process). See Move-in) for details.
3. Remote Request Stored bit from CTRL2 register. See Section "Control 2 Register (CTRL2)" for details.
4. Code 0b1010 is not considered Tx and a MB with this code should not be aborted.
5. Note that for Tx MBs, the BUSY bit should be ignored upon read, except when AEN bit is set in the MCR register. If this bit
is asserted, the corresponding MB does not participate in the matching process.

Table 45-71. Message buffer code for Tx buffers

CODE Description Tx Code BEFORE tx MB RTR Tx Code AFTER Comment
frame successful
0b1000: INACTIVE - INACTIVE - - MB does not participate
MB is not active in the arbitration
0b1001: ABORT - MB ABORT - - MB does not participate
is aborted in the arbitration
0b1100: DATA - MB is DATA 0 INACTIVE Transmit data frame
a Tx Data Frame (MB unconditionally once.
RTR must be 0) After transmission, the
MB automatically
returns to the
0b1100: REMOTE - MB REMOTE 1 EMPTY Transmit remote
is a Tx Remote request frame
Request Frame (MB unconditionally once.
RTR must be 1) After transmission, the
MB automatically
becomes an Rx Empty
MB with the same ID.

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map/register definition

Table 45-71. Message buffer code for Tx buffers (continued)

CODE Description Tx Code BEFORE tx MB RTR Tx Code AFTER Comment
frame successful
0b1110: TANSWER - TANSWER - RANSWER This is an intermediate
MB is a Tx Response code that is
Frame from an automatically written to
incoming Remote the MB by the CHI as a
Request Frame result of match to a
remote request frame.
The remote response
frame will be
unconditionally once
and then the code will
automatically return to
RANSWER (0b1010).
The CPU can also write
this code with the same
effect. The remote
response frame can be
either a data frame or
another remote request
frame depending on the
RTR bit value. See
Matching process and
Arbitration process for

SRR — Substitute Remote Request

Fixed recessive bit, used only in extended format. It must be set to 1 by the user for
transmission (Tx Buffers) and will be stored with the value received on the CAN bus for
Rx receiving buffers. It can be received as either recessive or dominant. If FlexCAN
receives this bit as dominant, then it is interpreted as arbitration loss.
1 = Recessive value is compulsory for transmission in Extended Format frames
0 = Dominant is not a valid value for transmission in Extended Format frames
IDE — ID Extended Bit
This bit identifies whether the frame format is standard or extended.
1 = Frame format is extended
0 = Frame format is standard
RTR — Remote Transmission Request
This bit affects the behavior of Remote Frames and is part of the reception filter. See
Table 45-70, Table 45-71 and the description of the RRS bit in Control 2 Register
(CTRL2) for additional details.
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1144 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

If FlexCAN transmits this bit as '1' (recessive) and receives it as '0' (dominant), it is
interpreted as arbitration loss. If this bit is transmitted as '0' (dominant), then if it is
received as '1' (recessive), the FlexCAN module treats it as bit error. If the value received
matches the value transmitted, it is considered as a successful bit transmission.
1 = Indicates the current MB may have a Remote Request Frame to be transmitted if MB
is Tx. If the MB is Rx then incoming Remote Request Frames may be stored.
0 = Indicates the current MB has a Data Frame to be transmitted.. In Rx MB it may be
considered in matching processes.
DLC — Length of Data in Bytes
This 4-bit field is the length (in bytes) of the Rx or Tx data, which is located in offset 0x8
through 0xF of the MB space (see Table 45-69). In reception, this field is written by the
FlexCAN module, copied from the DLC (Data Length Code) field of the received frame.
In transmission, this field is written by the CPU and corresponds to the DLC field value
of the frame to be transmitted. When RTR=1, the Frame to be transmitted is a Remote
Frame and does not include the data field, regardless of the DLC field.
TIME STAMP — Free-Running Counter Time Stamp
This 16-bit field is a copy of the Free-Running Timer, captured for Tx and Rx frames at
the time when the beginning of the Identifier field appears on the CAN bus.
PRIO — Local priority
This 3-bit field is only used when LPRIO_EN bit is set in MCR and it only makes sense
for Tx mailboxes. These bits are not transmitted. They are appended to the regular ID to
define the transmission priority. See Arbitration process.
ID — Frame Identifier
In Standard Frame format, only the 11 most significant bits (28 to 18) are used for frame
identification in both receive and transmit cases. The 18 least significant bits are ignored.
In Extended Frame format, all bits are used for frame identification in both receive and
transmit cases.
DATA BYTE 0-7 — Data Field
Up to eight bytes can be used for a data frame.
For Rx frames, the data is stored as it is received from the CAN bus. DATA BYTE (n) is
valid only if n is less than DLC as shown in the table below.
For Tx frames, the CPU prepares the data field to be transmitted within the frame.

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Memory map/register definition

Table 45-72. DATA BYTEs validity

0 none

45.3.35 Rx FIFO structure

When the MCR[RFEN] bit is set, the memory area from 0x80 to 0xDC (which is
normally occupied by MBs 0 to 5) is used by the reception FIFO engine.
The region 0x80-0x8C contains the output of the FIFO which must be read by the CPU as
a Message Buffer. This output contains the oldest message received and not read yet. The
region 0x90-0xDC is reserved for internal use of the FIFO engine.
An additional memory area, that starts at 0xE0 and may extend up to 0x2DC (normally
occupied by MBs 6 up to 37) depending on the CTRL2[RFFN] field setting, contains the
ID Filter Table (configurable from 8 to 128 table elements) that specifies filtering criteria
for accepting frames into the FIFO.
Out of reset, the ID Filter Table flexible memory area defaults to 0xE0 and only extends
to 0xFC, which corresponds to MBs 6 to 7 for RFFN=0, for backward compatibility with
previous versions of FlexCAN.
The following shows the Rx FIFO data structure.
Table 45-73. Rx FIFO structure
31 28 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 8 7 0
0x84 ID Standard ID Extended
0x88 Data Byte 0 Data Byte 1 Data Byte 2 Data Byte 3
0x8C Data Byte 4 Data Byte 5 Data Byte 6 Data Byte 7
to Reserved

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

Table 45-73. Rx FIFO structure (continued)

0xE0 ID Filter Table Element 0
0xE4 ID Filter Table Element 1
to ID Filter Table Elements 2 to 125
0x2D8 ID Filter Table Element 126
0x2DC ID Filter Table Element 127

= Unimplemented or Reserved

Each ID Filter Table Element occupies an entire 32-bit word and can be compound by
one, two, or four Identifier Acceptance Filters (IDAF) depending on the MCR[IDAM]
field setting. The following figures show the IDAF indexation.
The following figures show the three different formats of the ID table elements. Note that
all elements of the table must have the same format. See Rx FIFO for more information.
Table 45-74. ID table structure
Format 31 30 29 24 23 16 15 14 13 8 7 1 0
(Standard = 29-19, Extended = 29-1)

(Standard = 29-19, Extended = 29-16) (Standard = 13-3, Extended = 13-0)


(Std/Ext = 31-24) (Std/Ext = 23-16) (Std/Ext = 15-8) (Std/Ext = 7-0)

= Unimplemented or Reserved

RTR — Remote Frame

This bit specifies if Remote Frames are accepted into the FIFO if they match the target
1 = Remote Frames can be accepted and data frames are rejected
0 = Remote Frames are rejected and data frames can be accepted
IDE — Extended Frame
Specifies whether extended or standard frames are accepted into the FIFO if they match
the target ID.
1 = Extended frames can be accepted and standard frames are rejected

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Functional description

0 = Extended frames are rejected and standard frames can be accepted

RXIDA — Rx Frame Identifier (Format A)
Specifies an ID to be used as acceptance criteria for the FIFO. In the standard frame
format, only the 11 most significant bits (29 to 19 ) are used for frame identification. In
the extended frame format, all bits are used.
RXIDB_0, RXIDB_1 — Rx Frame Identifier (Format B)
Specifies an ID to be used as acceptance criteria for the FIFO. In the standard frame
format, the 11 most significant bits (a full standard ID) (29 to 19 and 13 to 3 ) are used
for frame identification. In the extended frame format, all 14 bits of the field are
compared to the 14 most significant bits of the received ID.
RXIDC_0, RXIDC_1, RXIDC_2, RXIDC_3 — Rx Frame Identifier (Format C)
Specifies an ID to be used as acceptance criteria for the FIFO. In both standard and
extended frame formats, all 8 bits of the field are compared to the 8 most significant bits
of the received ID.

45.4 Functional description

The FlexCAN module is a CAN protocol engine with a very flexible mailbox system for
transmitting and receiving CAN frames. The mailbox system is composed by a set of
Message Buffers (MB) that store configuration and control data, time stamp, message ID
and data (see Message buffer structure). The memory corresponding to the first 38 MBs
can be configured to support a FIFO reception scheme with a powerful ID filtering
mechanism, capable of checking incoming frames against a table of IDs (up to 128
extended IDs or 256 standard IDs or 512 8-bit ID slices), with individual mask register
for up to 32 ID Filter Table elements. Simultaneous reception through FIFO and mailbox
is supported. For mailbox reception, a matching algorithm makes it possible to store
received frames only into MBs that have the same ID programmed on its ID field. A
masking scheme makes it possible to match the ID programmed on the MB with a range
of IDs on received CAN frames. For transmission, an arbitration algorithm decides the
prioritization of MBs to be transmitted based on the message ID (optionally augmented
by 3 local priority bits) or the MB ordering.
Before proceeding with the functional description, an important concept must be
explained. A Message Buffer is said to be "active" at a given time if it can participate in
both the Matching and Arbitration processes. An Rx MB with a 0b0000 code is inactive
(refer to Table 45-70). Similarly, a Tx MB with a 0b1000 or 0b1001 code is also inactive
(refer to Table 45-71).

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

45.4.1 Transmit process

To transmit a CAN frame, the CPU must prepare a Message Buffer for transmission by
executing the following procedure:
1. Check whether the respective interrupt bit is set and clear it.
2. If the MB is active (transmission pending), write the ABORT code (0b1001) to the
CODE field of the Control and Status word to request an abortion of the
transmission. Wait for the corresponding IFLAG to be asserted by polling the IFLAG
register or by the interrupt request if enabled by the respective IMASK. Then read
back the CODE field to check if the transmission was aborted or transmitted (see
Transmission abort mechanism). If backwards compatibility is desired (MCR[AEN]
bit is negated), just write the INACTIVE code (0b1000) to the CODE field to
inactivate the MB but then the pending frame may be transmitted without notification
(see Mailbox inactivation).
3. Write the ID word.
4. Write the data bytes.
5. Write the DLC, Control, and CODE fields of the Control and Status word to activate
the MB.

When the MB is activated, it will participate into the arbitration process and eventually
be transmitted according to its priority. At the end of the successful transmission, the
value of the Free Running Timer is written into the Time Stamp field, the CODE field in
the Control and Status word is updated, the CRC Register is updated, a status flag is set
in the Interrupt Flag Register and an interrupt is generated if allowed by the
corresponding Interrupt Mask Register bit. The new CODE field after transmission
depends on the code that was used to activate the MB (see Table 45-70 and Table 45-71
in Message buffer structure).
When the Abort feature is enabled (MCR[AEN] is asserted), after the Interrupt Flag is
asserted for a Mailbox configured as transmit buffer, the Mailbox is blocked, therefore
the CPU is not able to update it until the Interrupt Flag is negated by CPU. This means
that the CPU must clear the corresponding IFLAG before starting to prepare this MB for
a new transmission or reception.

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Functional description

45.4.2 Arbitration process

The arbitration process scans the Mailboxes searching the Tx one that holds the message
to be sent in the next opportunity. This Mailbox is called the arbitration winner.
The scan starts from the lowest number Mailbox and runs toward the higher ones.
The arbitration process is triggered in the following events:
• From the CRC field of the CAN frame. The start point depends on the
CTRL2[TASD] field value.
• During the Error Delimiter field of a CAN frame.
• During the Overload Delimiter field of a CAN frame.
• When the winner is inactivated and the CAN bus has still not reached the first bit of
the Intermission field.
• When there is CPU write to the C/S word of a winner MB and the CAN bus has still
not reached the first bit of the Intermission field.
• When CHI is in Idle state and the CPU writes to the C/S word of any MB.
• When FlexCAN exits Bus Off state.
• Upon leaving Freeze mode or Low Power mode.

If the arbitration process does not manage to evaluate all Mailboxes before the CAN bus
has reached the first bit of the Intermission field the temporary arbitration winner is
invalidated and the FlexCAN will not compete for the CAN bus in the next opportunity.

The arbitration process selects the winner among the active Tx Mailboxes at the end of
the scan according to both CTRL1[LBUF] and MCR[LPRIO_EN] bits settings. Lowest-number Mailbox first

If CTRL1[LBUF] bit is asserted the first (lowest number) active Tx Mailbox found is the
arbitration winner. MCR[LPRIO_EN] bit has no effect when CTRL1[LBUF] is asserted.

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1150 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN) Highest-priority Mailbox first

If CTRL1[LBUF] bit is negated, then the arbitration process searches the active Tx
Mailbox with the highest priority, which means that this Mailbox’s frame would have a
higher probability to win the arbitration on CAN bus when multiple external nodes
compete for the bus at the same time.
The sequence of bits considered for this arbitration is called the arbitration value of the
Mailbox. The highest-priority Tx Mailbox is the one that has the lowest arbitration value
among all Tx Mailboxes.
If two or more Mailboxes have equivalent arbitration values, the Mailbox with the lowest
number is the arbitration winner.
The composition of the arbitration value depends on MCR[LPRIO_EN] bit setting. Local Priority disabled

If MCR[LPRIO_EN] bit is negated the arbitration value is built in the exact sequence of
bits as they would be transmitted in a CAN frame (see the following table) in such a way
that the Local Priority is disabled.
Table 45-75. Composition of the arbitration value when Local Priority is disabled
Format Mailbox Arbitration Value (32 bits)
Standard (IDE = 0) Standard ID (11 RTR (1 bit) IDE (1 bit) - (18 bits) - (1 bit)
Extended (IDE = 1) Extended ID[28:18] SRR (1 bit) IDE (1 bit) Extended ID[17:0] RTR (1 bit)
(11 bits) (18 bits) Local Priority enabled

If Local Priority is desired MCR[LPRIO_EN] must be asserted. In this case the Mailbox
PRIO field is included at the very left of the arbitration value (see the following table).
Table 45-76. Composition of the arbitration value when Local Priority is enabled
Format Mailbox Arbitration Value (35 bits)
Standard (IDE = PRIO (3 bits) Standard ID (11 RTR (1 bit) IDE (1 bit) - (18 bits) - (1 bit)
0) bits)
Extended (IDE = PRIO (3 bits) Extended SRR (1 bit) IDE (1 bit) Extended RTR (1 bit)
1) ID[28:18] (11 ID[17:0] (18 bits)

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Functional description

As the PRIO field is the most significant part of the arbitration value Mailboxes with low
PRIO values have higher priority than Mailboxes with high PRIO values regardless the
rest of their arbitration values.
Note that the PRIO field is not part of the frame on the CAN bus. Its purpose is only to
affect the internal arbitration process. Arbitration process (continued)

After the arbitration winner is found, its content is copied to a hidden auxiliary MB called
Tx Serial Message Buffer (Tx SMB), which has the same structure as a normal MB but is
not user accessible. This operation is called move-out and after it is done, write access to
the corresponding MB is blocked (if the AEN bit in MCR is asserted). The write access is
released in the following events:
• After the MB is transmitted
• FlexCAN enters in Freeze mode or Bus Off
• FlexCAN loses the bus arbitration or there is an error during the transmission
At the first opportunity window on the CAN bus, the message on the Tx SMB is
transmitted according to the CAN protocol rules. FlexCAN transmits up to eight data
bytes, even if the Data Length Code (DLC) field value is greater than that.
Arbitration process can be triggered in the following situations:
• During Rx and Tx frames from CAN CRC field to end of frame. TASD value may be
changed to optimize the arbitration start point.
• During CAN BusOff state from TX_ERR_CNT=124 to 128. TASD value may be
changed to optimize the arbitration start point.
• During C/S write by CPU in BusIdle. First C/S write starts arbitration process and a
second C/S write during this same arbitration restarts the process. If other C/S writes
are performed, Tx arbitration process is pending. If there is no arbitration winner
after arbitration process has finished, then TX arbitration machine begins a new
arbitration process.
• • If there is a pending arbitration and BusIdle state starts then an arbitration
process is triggered. In this case the first and second C/S write in BusIdle will
not restart the arbitration process. It is possible that there is not enough time to
finish arbitration in WaitForBusIdle state and the next state is Idle. In this case
the scan is not interrupted, and it is completed during BusIdle state. During this
arbitration C/S write does not cause arbitration restart.
• Arbitration winner deactivation during a valid arbitration window.
• Upon Leave Freeze mode (first bit of the WaitForBusIdle state). If there is a re-
synchronization during WaitForBusIdle arbitration process is restarted.

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

Arbitration process stops in the following situation:

• All Mailboxes were scanned
• A Tx active Mailbox is found in case of Lowest Buffer feature enabled
• Arbitration winner inactivation or abort during any arbitration process
• There was not enough time to finish Tx arbitration process (for instance, when a
deactivation was performed near the end of frame). In this case arbitration process is
• Error or Overload flag in the bus
• Low Power or Freeze mode request in Idle state
Arbitration is considered pending as described below:
• It was not possible to finish arbitration process in time
• C/S write during arbitration if write is performed in a MB which number is lower
than the Tx arbitration pointer
• Any C/S write if there is no Tx Arbitration process in progress
• Rx Match has just updated a Rx Code to Tx Code
• Entering Busoff state
C/S write during arbitration has the following effect:
• If C/S write is performed in the arbitration winner, a new process is restarted
• If C/S write is performed in a MB whose number is higher than the Tx arbitration
pointer, the ongoing arbitration process will scan this MB as normal.

45.4.3 Receive process

To be able to receive CAN frames into a Mailbox, the CPU must prepare it for reception
by executing the following steps:
1. If the Mailbox is active (either Tx or Rx) inactivate the Mailbox (see Mailbox
inactivation), preferably with a safe inactivation (see Transmission abort
2. Write the ID word
3. Write the EMPTY code (0b0100) to the CODE field of the Control and Status word
to activate the Mailbox.

After the MB is activated, it will be able to receive frames that match the programmed
filter. At the end of a successful reception, the Mailbox is updated by the move-in process
(see Section "Move-in") as follows:

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Functional description

1. The received Data field (8 bytes at most) is stored.

2. The received Identifier field is stored.
3. The value of the Free Running Timer at the time of the second bit of frame’s
Identifier field is written into the Mailbox’s Time Stamp field.
4. The received SRR, IDE, RTR, and DLC fields are stored.
5. The CODE field in the Control and Status word is updated (see Table 45-70 and
Table 45-71 in Section Message buffer structure).
6. A status flag is set in the Interrupt Flag Register and an interrupt is generated if
allowed by the corresponding Interrupt Mask Register bit.

The recommended way for CPU servicing (read) the frame received in an Mailbox is
using the following procedure:
1. Read the Control and Status word of that Mailbox.
2. Check if the BUSY bit is deasserted, indicating that the Mailbox is locked. Repeat
step 1) while it is asserted. See Section "Message Buffer Lock Mechanism".
3. Read the contents of the Mailbox. Once Mailbox is locked now, its contents won’t be
modified by FlexCAN Move-in processes. See Section "Move-in".
4. Acknowledge the proper flag at IFLAG registers.
5. Read the Free Running Timer. It is optional but recommended to unlock Mailbox as
soon as possible and make it available for reception.

The CPU should synchronize to frame reception by the status flag bit for the specific
Mailbox in one of the IFLAG Registers and not by the CODE field of that Mailbox.
Polling the CODE field does not work because once a frame was received and the CPU
services the Mailbox (by reading the C/S word followed by unlocking the Mailbox), the
CODE field will not return to EMPTY. It will remain FULL, as explained in Table
45-70 . If the CPU tries to workaround this behavior by writing to the C/S word to force
an EMPTY code after reading the Mailbox without a prior safe inactivation, a newly
received frame matching the filter of that Mailbox may be lost.
In summary: never do polling by reading directly the C/S word
of the Mailboxes. Instead, read the IFLAG registers.

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1154 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

Note that the received frame’s Identifier field is always stored in the matching Mailbox,
thus the contents of the ID field in an Mailbox may change if the match was due to
masking. Note also that FlexCAN does receive frames transmitted by itself if there exists
a matching Rx Mailbox, provided the MCR[SRXDIS] bit is not asserted. If the
MCR[SRXDIS] bit is asserted, FlexCAN will not store frames transmitted by itself in any
MB, even if it contains a matching MB, and no interrupt flag or interrupt signal will be
generated due to the frame reception.
To be able to receive CAN frames through the Rx FIFO, the CPU must enable and
configure the Rx FIFO during Freeze mode (see Rx FIFO). Upon receiving the Frames
Available in Rx FIFO interrupt (see the description of the IFLAG[BUF5I] "Frames
available in Rx FIFO" bit in the IMASK1 register), the CPU should service the received
frame using the following procedure:
1. Read the Control and Status word (optional – needed only if a mask was used for
IDE and RTR bits)
2. Read the ID field (optional – needed only if a mask was used)
3. Read the Data field
4. Read the RXFIR register (optional)
5. Clear the Frames Available in Rx FIFO interrupt by writing 1 to IFLAG[BUF5I] bit
(mandatory – releases the MB and allows the CPU to read the next Rx FIFO entry)

45.4.4 Matching process

The matching process scans the MB memory looking for Rx MBs programmed with the
same ID as the one received from the CAN bus. If the FIFO is enabled, the priority of
scanning can be selected between Mailboxes and FIFO filters. In any case, the matching
starts from the lowest number Message Buffer toward the higher ones. If no match is
found within the first structure then the other is scanned subsequently. In the event that
the FIFO is full, the matching algorithm will always look for a matching MB outside the
FIFO region.
As the frame is being received, it is stored in a hidden auxiliary MB called Rx Serial
Message Buffer (Rx SMB).
The matching process start point depends on the following conditions:
• If the received frame is a remote frame, the start point is the CRC field of the frame

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Functional description

• If the received frame is a data frame with DLC field equal to zero, the start point is
the CRC field of the frame
• If the received frame is a data frame with DLC field different than zero, the start
point is the DATA field of the frame

If a matching ID is found in the FIFO table or in one of the Mailboxes, the contents of the
SMB will be transferred to the FIFO or to the matched Mailbox by the move-in process.
If any CAN protocol error is detected then no match results will be transferred to the
FIFO or to the matched Mailbox at the end of reception.
The matching process scans all matching elements of both Rx FIFO (if enabled) and
active Rx Mailboxes (CODE is EMPTY, FULL, OVERRUN or RANSWER) in search of
a successful comparison with the matching elements of the Rx SMB that is receiving the
frame on the CAN bus. The SMB has the same structure of a Mailbox. The reception
structures (Rx FIFO or Mailboxes) associated with the matching elements that had a
successful comparison are the matched structures. The matching winner is selected at the
end of the scan among those matched structures and depends on conditions described
ahead. See the following table.
Table 45-77. Matching architecture
Mailbox 0 - 0 cmp2 no_cmp3 cmp_msk4 EMPTY or
Mailbox 0 - 1 cmp_msk cmp_msk cmp_msk EMPTY or
Mailbox 1 0 - cmp no_cmp cmp RANSWER
Mailbox 1 1 0 cmp no_cmp cmp_msk EMPTY or
Mailbox 1 1 1 cmp_msk cmp_msk cmp_msk EMPTY or
FIFO5 - - - cmp_msk cmp_msk cmp_msk -

1. For Mailbox structure, If SMB[IDE] is asserted, the ID is 29 bits (ID Standard + ID Extended). If SMB[IDE] is negated, the
ID is only 11 bits (ID Standard). For FIFO structure, the ID depends on IDAM.
2. cmp: Compares the SMB contents with the MB contents regardless the masks.
3. no_cmp: The SMB contents are not compared with the MB contents
4. cmp_msk: Compares the SMB contents with MB contents taking into account the masks.
5. SMB[IDE] and SMB[RTR] are not taken into account when IDAM is type C.

A reception structure is free-to-receive when any of the following conditions is satisfied:

• The CODE field of the Mailbox is EMPTY

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

• The CODE field of the Mailbox is either FULL or OVERRUN and it has already
been serviced (the C/S word was read by the CPU and unlocked as described in
Mailbox lock mechanism)
• The CODE field of the Mailbox is either FULL or OVERRUN and an inactivation
(see Mailbox inactivation) is performed
• The Rx FIFO is not full
The scan order for Mailboxes and Rx FIFO is from the matching element with lowest
number to the higher ones.
The matching winner search for Mailboxes is affected by the MCR[IRMQ] bit. If it is
negated the matching winner is the first matched Mailbox regardless if it is free-to-
receive or not. If it is asserted, the matching winner is selected according to the priority
1. the first free-to-receive matched Mailbox;
2. the last non free-to-receive matched Mailbox.
It is possible to select the priority of scan between Mailboxes and Rx FIFO by the
CTRL2[MRP] bit.
If the selected priority is Rx FIFO first:
• If the Rx FIFO is a matched structure and is free-to-receive then the Rx FIFO is the
matching winner regardless of the scan for Mailboxes
• Otherwise (the Rx FIFO is not a matched structure or is not free-to-receive), then the
matching winner is searched among Mailboxes as described above
If the selected priority is Mailboxes first:
• If a free-to-receive matched Mailbox is found, it is the matching winner regardless
the scan for Rx FIFO
• If no matched Mailbox is found, then the matching winner is searched in the scan for
the Rx FIFO
If both conditions above are not satisfied and a non free-to-receive matched Mailbox is
found then the matching winner determination is conditioned by the MCR[IRMQ] bit:
• If MCR[IRMQ] bit is negated the matching winner is the first matched Mailbox
• If MCR[IRMQ] bit is asserted the matching winner is the Rx FIFO if it is a free-to-
receive matched structure, otherwise the matching winner is the last non free-to-
receive matched Mailbox
See the following table for a summary of matching possibilities.

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Functional description

Table 45-78. Matching possibilities and resulting reception structures

RFEN IRMQ MRP Matched in MB Matched in Reception Description
FIFO structure
No FIFO, only MB, match is always MB first
0 0 X1 None2 -3 None Frame lost by no
0 0 X Free4 - FirstMB
0 1 X None - None Frame lost by no
0 1 X Free - FirstMb
0 1 X NotFree - LastMB Overrun
FIFO enabled, no match in FIFO is as if FIFO does not exist
1 0 X None None5 None Frame lost by no
1 0 X Free None FirstMB
1 1 X None None None Frame lost by no
1 1 X Free None FirstMb
1 1 X NotFree None LastMB Overrun
FIFO enabled, Queue disabled
1 0 0 X NotFull6 FIFO
1 0 0 None Full7 None Frame lost by
1 0 0 Free Full FirstMB
1 0 0 NotFree Full FirstMB
1 0 1 None NotFull FIFO
1 0 1 None Full None Frame lost by
1 0 1 Free X FirstMB
1 0 1 NotFree X FirtsMb Overrun
FIFO enabled, Queue enabled
1 1 0 X NotFull FIFO
1 1 0 None Full None Frame lost by
1 1 0 Free Full FirstMB
1 1 0 NotFree Full LastMb Overrun
1 1 1 None NotFull FIFO
1 1 1 Free X FirstMB
1 1 1 NotFree NotFull FIFO
1 1 1 NotFree Full LastMb Overrun

1. This is a don’t care condition.

2. Matched in MB “None” means that the frame has not matched any MB (free-to-receive or non-free-to-receive).

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)
3. This is a forbidden condition.
4. Matched in MB “Free” means that the frame matched at least one MB free-to-receive regardless of whether it has matched
MBs non-free-to-receive.
5. Matched in FIFO “None” means that the frame has not matched any filter in FIFO. It is as if the FIFO didn’t exist
6. Matched in FIFO “NotFull” means that the frame has matched a FIFO filter and has empty slots to receive it.
7. Matched in FIFO “Full” means that the frame has matched a FIFO filter but couldn’t store it because it has no empty slots
to receive it.

If a non-safe Mailbox inactivation (see Mailbox inactivation) occurs during matching

process and the Mailbox inactivated is the temporary matching winner then the temporary
matching winner is invalidated. The matching elements scan is not stopped nor restarted,
it continues normally. The consequence is that the current matching process works as if
the matching elements compared before the inactivation did not exist, therefore a
message may be lost.
Suppose, for example, that the FIFO is disabled, IRMQ is enabled and there are two MBs
with the same ID, and FlexCAN starts receiving messages with that ID. Let us say that
these MBs are the second and the fifth in the array. When the first message arrives, the
matching algorithm will find the first match in MB number 2. The code of this MB is
EMPTY, so the message is stored there. When the second message arrives, the matching
algorithm will find MB number 2 again, but it is not "free-to-receive", so it will keep
looking and find MB number 5 and store the message there. If yet another message with
the same ID arrives, the matching algorithm finds out that there are no matching MBs
that are "free-to-receive", so it decides to overwrite the last matched MB, which is
number 5. In doing so, it sets the CODE field of the MB to indicate OVERRUN.
The ability to match the same ID in more than one MB can be exploited to implement a
reception queue (in addition to the full featured FIFO) to allow more time for the CPU to
service the MBs. By programming more than one MB with the same ID, received
messages will be queued into the MBs. The CPU can examine the Time Stamp field of
the MBs to determine the order in which the messages arrived.
Matching to a range of IDs is possible by using ID Acceptance Masks. FlexCAN
supports individual masking per MB. Refer to the description of the Rx Individual Mask
Registers (RXIMRx). During the matching algorithm, if a mask bit is asserted, then the
corresponding ID bit is compared. If the mask bit is negated, the corresponding ID bit is
"don't care". Please note that the Individual Mask Registers are implemented in RAM, so
they are not initialized out of reset. Also, they can only be programmed while the module
is in Freeze mode; otherwise, they are blocked by hardware.
FlexCAN also supports an alternate masking scheme with only four mask registers
(RGXMASK, RX14MASK, RX15MASK and RXFGMASK) for backwards
compatibility with legacy applications. This alternate masking scheme is enabled when
the IRMQ bit in the MCR Register is negated.

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Functional description

45.4.5 Move process

There are two types of move process: move-in and move-out. Move-in
The move-in process is the copy of a message received by an Rx SMB to a Rx Mailbox
or FIFO that has matched it. If the move destination is the Rx FIFO, attributes of the
message are also copied to the RXFIR FIFO. Each Rx SMB has its own move-in process,
but only one is performed at a given time as described ahead. The move-in starts only
when the message held by the Rx SMB has a corresponding matching winner (see
Matching process) and all of the following conditions are true:
• The CAN bus has reached or let past either:
• The second bit of Intermission field next to the frame that carried the message
that is in the Rx SMB
• The first bit of an overload frame next to the frame that carried the message that
is in the Rx SMB
• There is no ongoing matching process
• The destination Mailbox is not locked by the CPU
• There is no ongoing move-in process from another Rx SMB. If more than one move-
in processes are to be started at the same time both are performed and the newest
substitutes the oldest.
The term pending move-in is used throughout the documentation and stands for a move-
to-be that still does not satisfy all of the aforementioned conditions.
The move-in is cancelled and the Rx SMB is able to receive another message if any of
the following conditions is satisfied:
• The destination Mailbox is inactivated after the CAN bus has reached the first bit of
Intermission field next to the frame that carried the message and its matching process
has finished
• There is a previous pending move-in to the same destination Mailbox
• The Rx SMB is receiving a frame transmitted by the FlexCAN itself and the self-
reception is disabled (MCR[SRXDIS] bit is asserted)
• Any CAN protocol error is detected
Note that the pending move-in is not cancelled if the module enters Freeze or Low-Power
mode. It only stays on hold waiting for exiting Freeze and Low-Power mode and to be
unlocked. If an MB is unlocked during Freeze mode, the move-in happens immediately.

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

The move-in process is the execution by the FlexCAN of the following steps:
1. if the message is destined to the Rx FIFO, push IDHIT into the RXFIR FIFO;
2. reads the words DATA0-3 and DATA4-7 from the Rx SMB;
3. writes it in the words DATA0-3 and DATA4-7 of the Rx Mailbox;
4. reads the words Control/Status and ID from the Rx SMB;
5. writes it in the words Control/Status and ID of the Rx Mailbox, updating the CODE
The move-in process is not atomic, in such a way that it is immediately cancelled by the
inactivation of the destination Mailbox (see Mailbox inactivation) and in this case the
Mailbox may be left partially updated, thus incoherent. The exception is if the move-in
destination is an Rx FIFO Message Buffer, then the process cannot be cancelled.
The BUSY Bit (least significant bit of the CODE field) of the destination Message Buffer
is asserted while the move-in is being performed to alert the CPU that the Message
Buffer content is temporarily incoherent. Move-out
The move-out process is the copy of the content from a Tx Mailbox to the Tx SMB when
a message for transmission is available (see Section "Arbitration process"). The move-out
occurs in the following conditions:
• The first bit of Intermission field
• During Bus Off state when TX Error Counter is in the 124 to 128 range
• During Bus Idle state
• During Wait For Bus Idle state
The move-out process is not atomic. Only the CPU has priority to access the memory
concurrently out of Bus Idle state. In Bus Idle, the move-out has the lowest priority to the
concurrent memory accesses.

45.4.6 Data coherence

In order to maintain data coherency and FlexCAN proper operation, the CPU must obey
the rules described in Transmit process and Receive process.

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Functional description Transmission abort mechanism

The abort mechanism provides a safe way to request the abortion of a pending
transmission. A feedback mechanism is provided to inform the CPU if the transmission
was aborted or if the frame could not be aborted and was transmitted instead.
Two primary conditions must be fulfilled in order to abort a transmission:
• MCR[AEN] bit must be asserted
• The first CPU action must be the writing of abort code (0b1001) into the CODE field
of the Control and Status word.
The active MBs configured as transmission must be aborted first and then they may be
updated. If the abort code is written to a Mailbox that is currently being transmitted, or to
a Mailbox that was already loaded into the SMB for transmission, the write operation is
blocked and the MB is kept active, but the abort request is captured and kept pending
until one of the following conditions are satisfied:
• The module loses the bus arbitration
• There is an error during the transmission
• The module is put into Freeze mode
• The module enters in BusOff state
• There is an overload frame

If none of the conditions above are reached, the MB is transmitted correctly, the interrupt
flag is set in the IFLAG register, and an interrupt to the CPU is generated (if enabled).
The abort request is automatically cleared when the interrupt flag is set. On the other
hand, if one of the above conditions is reached, the frame is not transmitted; therefore, the
abort code is written into the CODE field, the interrupt flag is set in the IFLAG, and an
interrupt is (optionally) generated to the CPU.
If the CPU writes the abort code before the transmission begins internally, then the write
operation is not blocked; therefore, the MB is updated and the interrupt flag is set. In this
way the CPU just needs to read the abort code to make sure the active MB was safely
inactivated. Although the AEN bit is asserted and the CPU wrote the abort code, in this
case the MB is inactivated and not aborted, because the transmission did not start yet.
One Mailbox is only aborted when the abort request is captured and kept pending until
one of the previous conditions are satisfied.
The abort procedure can be summarized as follows:
• CPU checks the corresponding IFLAG and clears it, if asserted.

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

• CPU writes 0b1001 into the CODE field of the C/S word.
• CPU waits for the corresponding IFLAG indicating that the frame was either
transmitted or aborted.
• CPU reads the CODE field to check if the frame was either transmitted
(CODE=0b1000) or aborted (CODE=0b1001).
• It is necessary to clear the corresponding IFLAG in order to allow the MB to be
reconfigured. Mailbox inactivation

Inactivation is a mechanism provided to protect the Mailbox against updates by the
FlexCAN internal processes, thus allowing the CPU to rely on Mailbox data coherence
after having updated it, even in Normal mode.
Inactivation of transmission Mailboxes must be performed just when MCR[AEN] bit is
If a Mailbox is inactivated, it participates in neither the arbitration process nor the
matching process until it is reactivated. See Transmit process and Receive process for
more detailed instruction on how to inactivate and reactivate a Mailbox.
To inactivate a Mailbox, the CPU must update its CODE field to INACTIVE (either
0b0000 or 0b1000).
Because the user is not able to synchronize the CODE field update with the FlexCAN
internal processes, an inactivation can lead to undesirable results:
• A frame in the bus that matches the filtering of the inactivated Rx Mailbox may be
lost without notice, even if there are other Mailboxes with the same filter
• A frame containing the message within the inactivated Tx Mailbox may be
transmitted without notice
In order to eliminate such risk and perform a safe inactivation the CPU must use the
following mechanism along with the inactivation itself:
• For Tx Mailboxes, the Transmission Abort (see Transmission abort mechanism)
The inactivation automatically unlocks the Mailbox (see Mailbox lock mechanism).
Message Buffers that are part of the Rx FIFO cannot be
inactivated. There is no write protection on the FIFO region by

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Functional description

FlexCAN. CPU must maintain data coherency in the FIFO

region when RFEN is asserted. Mailbox lock mechanism

Other than Mailbox inactivation, FlexCAN has another data coherence mechanism for the
receive process. When the CPU reads the Control and Status word of an Rx MB with
codes FULL or OVERRUN, FlexCAN assumes that the CPU wants to read the whole
MB in an atomic operation, and therefore it sets an internal lock flag for that MB. The
lock is released when the CPU reads the Free Running Timer (global unlock operation),
or when it reads the Control and Status word of another MB regardless of its code. A
CPU write into C/S word also unlocks the MB, but this procedure is not recommended
for normal unloack use because it cancels a pending-move and potentially may lose a
received message. The MB locking is done to prevent a new frame to be written into the
MB while the CPU is reading it.
The locking mechanism applies only to Rx MBs that are not
part of FIFO and have a code different than INACTIVE
(0b0000) or EMPTY1 (0b0100). Also, Tx MBs can not be
Suppose, for example, that the FIFO is disabled and the second and the fifth MBs of the
array are programmed with the same ID, and FlexCAN has already received and stored
messages into these two MBs. Suppose now that the CPU decides to read MB number 5
and at the same time another message with the same ID is arriving. When the CPU reads
the Control and Status word of MB number 5, this MB is locked. The new message
arrives and the matching algorithm finds out that there are no "free-to-receive" MBs, so it
decides to override MB number 5. However, this MB is locked, so the new message can
not be written there. It will remain in the SMB waiting for the MB to be unlocked, and
only then will be written to the MB.
If the MB is not unlocked in time and yet another new message with the same ID arrives,
then the new message overwrites the one on the SMB and there will be no indication of
lost messages either in the CODE field of the MB or in the Error and Status Register.
While the message is being moved-in from the SMB to the MB, the BUSY bit on the
CODE field is asserted. If the CPU reads the Control and Status word and finds out that
the BUSY bit is set, it should defer accessing the MB until the BUSY bit is negated.

1. In previous FlexCAN versions, reading the C/S word locked the MB even if it was
EMPTY. This behavior is maintained when the IRMQ bit is negated.

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

If the BUSY bit is asserted or if the MB is empty, then reading
the Control and Status word does not lock the MB.
Inactivation takes precedence over locking. If the CPU inactivates a locked Rx MB, then
its lock status is negated and the MB is marked as invalid for the current matching round.
Any pending message on the SMB will not be transferred anymore to the MB. An MB is
unlocked when the CPU reads the Free Running Timer Register (see Section "Free
Running Timer Register (TIMER)"), or the C/S word of another MB.
Lock and unlock mechanisms have the same functionality in both Normal and Freeze
An unlock during Normal or Freeze mode results in the move-in of the pending message.
However, the move-in is postponed if an unlock occurs during a low power mode (see
Modes of operation) and it will take place only when the module resumes to Normal or
Freeze modes.

45.4.7 Rx FIFO
The receive-only FIFO is enabled by asserting the RFEN bit in the MCR. The reset value
of this bit is zero to maintain software backward compatibility with previous versions of
the module that did not have the FIFO feature. The FIFO is 6-message deep. The memory
region occupied by the FIFO structure (both Message Buffers and FIFO engine) is
described in Rx FIFO structure. The CPU can read the received messages sequentially, in
the order they were received, by repeatedly reading a Message Buffer structure at the
output of the FIFO.
The IFLAG[BUF5I] (Frames available in Rx FIFO) is asserted when there is at least one
frame available to be read from the FIFO. An interrupt is generated if it is enabled by the
corresponding mask bit. Upon receiving the interrupt, the CPU can read the message
(accessing the output of the FIFO as a Message Buffer) and the RXFIR register and then
clear the interrupt. If there are more messages in the FIFO the act of clearing the interrupt
updates the output of the FIFO with the next message and update the RXFIR with the
attributes of that message, reissuing the interrupt to the CPU. Otherwise, the flag remains
negated. The output of the FIFO is only valid whilst the IFLAG[BUF5I] is asserted.
The IFLAG[BUF6I] (Rx FIFO Warning) is asserted when the number of unread
messages within the Rx FIFO is increased to 5 from 4 due to the reception of a new one,
meaning that the Rx FIFO is almost full. The flag remains asserted until the CPU clears

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Functional description

The IFLAG[BUF7I] (Rx FIFO Overflow) is asserted when an incoming message was lost
because the Rx FIFO is full. Note that the flag will not be asserted when the Rx FIFO is
full and the message was captured by a Mailbox. The flag remains asserted until the CPU
clears it.
Clearing one of those three flags does not affect the state of the other two.
An interrupt is generated if an IFLAG bit is asserted and the corresponding mask bit is
asserted too.
A powerful filtering scheme is provided to accept only frames intended for the target
application, reducing the interrupt servicing work load. The filtering criteria is specified
by programming a table of up to 128 32-bit registers, according to CTRL2[RFFN]
setting, that can be configured to one of the following formats (see also Rx FIFO
• Format A: 128 IDAFs (extended or standard IDs including IDE and RTR)
• Format B: 256 IDAFs (standard IDs or extended 14-bit ID slices including IDE and
• Format C: 512 IDAFs (standard or extended 8-bit ID slices)

A chosen format is applied to all entries of the filter table. It is
not possible to mix formats within the table.
Every frame available in the FIFO has a corresponding IDHIT (Identifier Acceptance
Filter Hit Indicator) that can be read by accessing the RXFIR register. The
RXFIR[IDHIT] field refers to the message at the output of the FIFO and is valid while
the IFLAG[BUF5I] flag is asserted. The RXFIR register must be read only before
clearing the flag, which guarantees that the information refers to the correct frame within
the FIFO.
Up to 32 elements of the filter table are individually affected by the Individual Mask
Registers (RXIMRx), according to the setting of CTRL2[RFFN], allowing very powerful
filtering criteria to be defined. If the IRMQ bit is negated, then the FIFO filter table is
affected by RXFGMASK.

45.4.8 CAN protocol related features

This section describes the CAN protocol related features.

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN) Remote frames

Remote frame is a special kind of frame. The user can program a mailbox to be a Remote
Request Frame by writing the mailbox as Transmit with the RTR bit set to '1'. After the
remote request frame is transmitted successfully, the mailbox becomes a Receive
Message Buffer, with the same ID as before.
When a remote request frame is received by FlexCAN, it can be treated in three ways,
depending on Remote Request Storing (CTRL2[RRS]) and Rx FIFO Enable
(MCR[RFEN]) bits:
• If RRS is negated the frame's ID is compared to the IDs of the Transmit Message
Buffers with the CODE field 0b1010. If there is a matching ID, then this mailbox
frame will be transmitted. Note that if the matching mailbox has the RTR bit set, then
FlexCAN will transmit a remote frame as a response. The received remote request
frame is not stored in a receive buffer. It is only used to trigger a transmission of a
frame in response. The mask registers are not used in remote frame matching, and all
ID bits (except RTR) of the incoming received frame should match. In the case that a
remote request frame was received and matched a mailbox, this message buffer
immediately enters the internal arbitration process, but is considered as normal Tx
mailbox, with no higher priority. The data length of this frame is independent of the
DLC field in the remote frame that initiated its transmission.
• If RRS is asserted the frame's ID is compared to the IDs of the receive mailboxes
with the CODE field 0b0100, 0b0010 or 0b0110. If there is a matching ID, then this
mailbox will store the remote frame in the same fashion of a data frame. No
automatic remote response frame will be generated. The mask registers are used in
the matching process.
• If RFEN is asserted FlexCAN will not generate an automatic response for remote
request frames that match the FIFO filtering criteria. If the remote frame matches one
of the target IDs, it will be stored in the FIFO and presented to the CPU. Note that for
filtering formats A and B, it is possible to select whether remote frames are accepted
or not. For format C, remote frames are always accepted (if they match the ID).
Remote Request Frames are considered as normal frames, and generate a FIFO
overflow when a successful reception occurs and the FIFO is already full. Overload frames

FlexCAN does transmit overload frames due to detection of following conditions on
CAN bus:
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Functional description

• Detection of a dominant bit in the first/second bit of Intermission

• Detection of a dominant bit at the 7th bit (last) of End of Frame field (Rx frames)
• Detection of a dominant bit at the 8th bit (last) of Error Frame Delimiter or Overload
Frame Delimiter Time stamp

The value of the Free Running Timer is sampled at the beginning of the Identifier field on
the CAN bus, and is stored at the end of "move-in" in the TIME STAMP field, providing
network behavior with respect to time.
The Free Running Timer can be reset upon a specific frame reception, enabling network
time synchronization. See the TSYN description in the description of the Control 1
Register (CTRL1). Protocol timing

The following figure shows the structure of the clock generation circuitry that feeds the
CAN Protocol Engine (PE) submodule. The clock source bit CLKSRC in the CTRL1
Register defines whether the internal clock is connected to the output of a crystal
oscillator (Oscillator Clock) or to the Peripheral Clock (generally from a PLL). In order
to guarantee reliable operation, the clock source should be selected while the module is in
Disable Mode (bit MDIS set in the Module Configuration Register).
Peripheral Clock (PLL)

PE Clock Sclock
(1 .. 256)

Oscillator Clock (Xtal)


Figure 45-66. CAN engine clocking scheme

The crystal oscillator clock should be selected whenever a tight tolerance (up to 0.1%) is
required in the CAN bus timing. The crystal oscillator clock has better jitter performance
than PLL generated clocks.
The FlexCAN module supports a variety of means to setup bit timing parameters that are
required by the CAN protocol. The Control Register has various fields used to control bit
timing parameters: PRESDIV, PROPSEG, PSEG1, PSEG2 and RJW. See the description
of the Control 1 Register (CTRL1).
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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

The PRESDIV field controls a prescaler that generates the Serial Clock (Sclock), whose
period defines the 'time quantum' used to compose the CAN waveform. A time quantum
is the atomic unit of time handled by the CAN engine.

f Tq = (Prescaler Value)
A bit time is subdivided into three segments2 (see Figure 45-67 and Table 45-79):
• SYNC_SEG: This segment has a fixed length of one time quantum. Signal edges are
expected to happen within this section
• Time Segment 1: This segment includes the Propagation Segment and the Phase
Segment 1 of the CAN standard. It can be programmed by setting the PROPSEG and
the PSEG1 fields of the CTRL1 Register so that their sum (plus 2) is in the range of 4
to 16 time quanta
• Time Segment 2: This segment represents the Phase Segment 2 of the CAN standard.
It can be programmed by setting the PSEG2 field of the CTRL1 Register (plus 1) to
be 2 to 8 time quanta long

f Tq
Bit Rate = (number of Time Quanta)

NRZ Signal

SYN C _SEG Time Segment 1 Time Segment 2

(PROP_SEG + PSEG1 + 2) (PSEG2 + 1)

1 4 ... 16 2 ... 8

8 ... 25 Time Quanta

= 1 Bit Time

Transmit Point Sample Point

(single or triple sampling)

Figure 45-67. Segments within the bit time

2. For further explanation of the underlying concepts, see ISO/DIS 11519–1, Section 10.3. See also the CAN 2.0A/B
protocol specification for bit timing.

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Functional description

Whenever CAN bit is used as a measure of duration (e.g. MCR[FRZACK] and

MCR[LPMACK]), the number of peripheral clocks in one CAN bit can be calculated as:
f SYS x [1 + (PSEG1 + 1) + (PSEG2 + 1) + (PROPSEG + 1)] x (PRESDIV + 1)

• NCCP is the number of peripheral clocks in one CAN bit;
• fCANCLK is the Protocol Engine (PE) Clock (see Figure "CAN Engine Clocking
Scheme"), in Hz;
• fSYS is the frequency of operation of the system (CHI) clock, in Hz;
• PSEG1 is the value in CTRL1[PSEG1] field;
• PSEG2 is the value in CTRL1[PSEG2] field;
• PROPSEG is the value in CTRL1[PROPSEG] field;
• PRESDIV is the value in CTRL1[PRESDIV] field.
For example, 180 CAN bits = 180 x NCCP peripheral clock periods.
Table 45-79. Time segment syntax
Syntax Description
SYNC_SEG System expects transitions to occur on the bus during this period.
Transmit Point A node in transmit mode transfers a new value to the CAN bus at this point.
Sample Point A node samples the bus at this point. If the three samples per bit option is selected, then this point
marks the position of the third sample.

The following table gives an overview of the CAN compliant segment settings and the
related parameter values.
Table 45-80. CAN standard compliant bit time segment settings
Time segment 1 Time segment 2 Re-synchronization jump width
5 .. 10 2 1 .. 2
4 .. 11 3 1 .. 3
5 .. 12 4 1 .. 4
6 .. 13 5 1 .. 4
7 .. 14 6 1 .. 4
8 .. 15 7 1 .. 4
9 .. 16 8 1 .. 4

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

The user must ensure the bit time settings are in compliance
with the CAN standard. For bit time calculations, use an IPT
(Information Processing Time) of 2, which is the value
implemented in the FlexCAN module. Arbitration and matching timing

During normal reception and transmission of frames, the matching, arbitration, move-in
and move-out processes are executed during certain time windows inside the CAN frame,
as shown in the following figures.
Start Move
(bit 2)

DLC (4) DATA and/or CRC (15 to 79) EOF (7) Interm
Matching Window (26 to 90 bits) Window

Figure 45-68. Matching and move-in time windows

Start Arbitration Arb Start Move
(delayed by TASD) (bit 1)

CRC (15) EOF (7) Interm

Arbitration Window (25 bits) Window

Figure 45-69. Arbitration and move-out time windows

0 1 2 3 ... 123 124 125 126 ... 128

TASD Arb Move-out

Count Process Window
(Transmit Error Counter)

Figure 45-70. Arbitration at the end of bus off and move-out time windows

The matching and arbitration timing shown in the preceding
figures do not take into account the delay caused by the

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Functional description

concurrent memory access due to the CPU or other internal

FlexCAN sub-blocks.
When doing matching and arbitration, FlexCAN needs to scan the whole Message Buffer
memory during the available time slot. In order to have sufficient time to do that, the
following requirements must be observed:
• A valid CAN bit timing must be programmed, as indicated in Table 45-80
• The peripheral clock frequency can not be smaller than the oscillator clock
frequency, that is, the PLL can not be programmed to divide down the oscillator
clock; see Clock domains and restrictions
• There must be a minimum ratio between the peripheral clock frequency and the CAN
bit rate, as specified in the following table:

Table 45-81. Minimum ratio between peripheral clock frequency and CAN
bit rate
Minimum number of peripheral
Number of Message Buffers RFEN
clocks per CAN bit
16 and 32 0 16
64 0 25
16 1 16
32 1 17
64 1 30

A direct consequence of the first requirement is that the minimum number of time quanta
per CAN bit must be 8, therefore the oscillator clock frequency should be at least 8 times
the CAN bit rate. The minimum frequency ratio specified in the preceding table can be
achieved by choosing a high enough peripheral clock frequency when compared to the
oscillator clock frequency, or by adjusting one or more of the bit timing parameters
(PRESDIV, PROPSEG, PSEG1, PSEG2) contained in the Control 1 Register (CTRL1).
In case of synchronous operation (when the peripheral clock frequency is equal to the
oscillator clock frequency), the number of peripheral clocks per CAN bit can be adjusted
by selecting an adequate value for PRESDIV in order to meet the requirement in the
preceding table. In case of asynchronous operation (the peripheral clock frequency
greater than the oscillator clock frequency), the number of peripheral clocks per CAN bit
can be adjusted by both PRESDIV and/or the frequency ratio.

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

As an example, taking the case of 64 MBs, if the oscillator and peripheral clock
frequencies are equal and the CAN bit timing is programmed to have 8 time quanta per
bit, then the prescaler factor (PRESDIV + 1) should be at least 2. For prescaler factor
equal to one and CAN bit timing with 8 time quanta per bit, the ratio between peripheral
and oscillator clock frequencies should be at least 2.

45.4.9 Clock domains and restrictions

The FlexCAN module has two clock domains asynchronous to each other:
• The Bus Domain feeds the Control Host Interface (CHI) submodule and is derived
from the peripheral clock.
• The Oscillator Domain feeds the CAN Protocol Engine (PE) submodule and is
derived directly from a crystal oscillator clock, so that very low jitter performance
can be achieved on the CAN bus.
When CTRL1[CLKSRC] bit is set, synchronous operation occurs because both domains
are connected to the peripheral clock (creating a 1:1 ratio between the peripheral and
oscillator domain clocks).
When the two domains are connected to clocks with different frequencies and/or phases,
there are restrictions on the frequency relationship between the two clock domains. In the
case of asynchronous operation, the Bus Domain clock frequency must always be greater
than the Oscillator Domain clock frequency.
Asynchronous operation with a 1:1 ratio between peripheral
and oscillator clocks is not allowed.

45.4.10 Modes of operation details

The FlexCAN module has functional modes and low-power modes. See Modes of
operation for an introductory description of all the modes of operation. The following
sub-sections contain functional details on Freeze mode and the low-power modes.
“Permanent Dominant” failure on CAN Bus line is not
supported by FlexCAN. If a Low-Power request or Freeze
mode request is done during a “Permanent Dominant”, the
corresponding acknowledge can never be asserted.

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Functional description Freeze mode

This mode is requested by the CPU through the assertion of the HALT bit in the MCR
Register or when the MCU is put into Debug mode. In both cases it is also necessary that
the FRZ bit is asserted in the MCR Register and the module is not in a low-power mode.
The acknowledgement is obtained through the assertion by the FlexCAN of FRZ_ACK
bit in the same register. The CPU must only consider the FlexCAN in Freeze mode when
both request and acknowledgement conditions are satisfied.
When Freeze mode is requested during transmission or reception, FlexCAN does the
• Waits to be in either Intermission, Passive Error, Bus Off or Idle state
• Waits for all internal activities like arbitration, matching, move-in and move-out to
finish. A pending move-in is not taken into account.
• Ignores the Rx input pin and drives the Tx pin as recessive
• Stops the prescaler, thus halting all CAN protocol activities
• Grants write access to the Error Counters Register, which is read-only in other modes
• Sets the NOT_RDY and FRZ_ACK bits in MCR

After requesting Freeze mode, the user must wait for the FRZ_ACK bit to be asserted in
MCR before executing any other action, otherwise FlexCAN may operate in an
unpredictable way. In Freeze mode, all memory mapped registers are accessible, except
for CTRL1[CLK_SRC] bit that can be read but cannot be written.
Exiting Freeze mode is done in one of the following ways:
• CPU negates the FRZ bit in the MCR Register
• The MCU is removed from Debug Mode and/or the HALT bit is negated

The FRZ_ACK bit is negated after the protocol engine recognizes the negation of the
freeze request. When out of Freeze mode, FlexCAN tries to re-synchronize to the CAN
bus by waiting for 11 consecutive recessive bits.

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN) Module Disable mode

This low power mode is normally used to temporarily disable a complete FlexCAN
block, with no power consumption. It is requested by the CPU through the assertion of
the MDIS bit in the MCR Register and the acknowledgement is obtained through the
assertion by the FlexCAN of the LPM_ACK bit in the same register. The CPU must only
consider the FlexCAN in Disable mode when both request and acknowledgement
conditions are satisfied.
If the module is disabled during Freeze mode, it requests to disable the clocks to the PE
and CHI sub-modules, sets the LPM_ACK bit and negates the FRZ_ACK bit. If the
module is disabled during transmission or reception, FlexCAN does the following:
• Waits to be in either Idle or Bus Off state, or else waits for the third bit of
Intermission and then checks it to be recessive
• Waits for all internal activities like arbitration, matching, move-in and move-out to
finish. A pending move-in is not taken into account.
• Ignores its Rx input pin and drives its Tx pin as recessive
• Shuts down the clocks to the PE and CHI sub-modules
• Sets the NOTRDY and LPMACK bits in MCR

The Bus Interface Unit continues to operate, enabling the CPU to access memory mapped
registers, except the Rx Mailboxes Global Mask Registers, the Rx Buffer 14 Mask
Register, the Rx Buffer 15 Mask Register, the Rx FIFO Global Mask Register. The Rx
FIFO Information Register, the Message Buffers, the Rx Individual Mask Registers, and
the reserved words within RAM may not be accessed when the module is in Disable
Mode. Exiting from this mode is done by negating the MDIS bit by the CPU, which
causes the FlexCAN to request to resume the clocks and negate the LPM_ACK bit after
the CAN protocol engine recognizes the negation of disable mode requested by the CPU. Stop mode

This is a system low-power mode in which all MCU clocks can be stopped for maximum
power savings. The Stop mode is globally requested by the CPU and the
acknowledgement is obtained through the assertion by the FlexCAN of a Stop
Acknowledgement signal. The CPU must only consider the FlexCAN in Stop mode when
both request and acknowledgement conditions are satisfied.

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Functional description

If FlexCAN receives the global Stop mode request during Freeze mode, it sets the
LPMACK bit, negates the FRZACK bit and then sends the Stop Acknowledge signal to
the CPU, in order to shut down the clocks globally.
If Stop mode is requested during transmission or reception, FlexCAN does the following:
• Waits to be in either Idle or Bus Off state, or else waits for the third bit of
Intermission and checks it to be recessive
• Waits for all internal activities like arbitration, matching, move-in and move-out to
finish. A pending move-in is not taken into account.
• Ignores its Rx input pin and drives its Tx pin as recessive
• Sets the NOTRDY and LPMACK bits in MCR
• Sends a Stop Acknowledge signal to the CPU, so that it can shut down the clocks

Stop mode is exited when the CPU resumes the clocks and removes the Stop Mode
request. This can be as a result of the Self Wake mechanism.
In the Self Wake mechanism, if the SLFWAK bit in MCR Register was set at the time
FlexCAN entered Stop mode, then upon detection of a recessive to dominant transition
on the CAN bus, FlexCAN sets the WAKINT bit in the ESR Register and, if enabled by
the WAKMSK bit in MCR, generates a Wake Up interrupt to the CPU. Upon receiving
the interrupt, the CPU should resume the clocks and remove the Stop mode request.
FlexCAN will then wait for 11 consecutive recessive bits to synchronize to the CAN bus.
As a consequence, it will not receive the frame that woke it up. The following table
details the effect of SLFWAK and WAKMSK upon wake-up from Stop mode. Note that
wake-up from Stop mode only works when both bits are asserted.
After the CAN protocol engine recognizes the negation of the Stop mode request, the
FlexCAN negates the LPMACK bit.
Table 45-82. Wake-up from Stop Mode
MCU Wake-up interrupt
clocks enabled generated

0 - - No No
0 - - No No
1 0 0 No No
1 0 1 No No
1 1 0 No No
1 1 1 Yes Yes

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

45.4.11 Interrupts
The module has many interrupt sources: interrupts due to message buffers and interrupts
due to the ORed interrupts from MBs, Bus Off, Error, Wake Up, Tx Warning, and Rx
Each one of the message buffers can be an interrupt source, if its corresponding IMASK
bit is set. There is no distinction between Tx and Rx interrupts for a particular buffer,
under the assumption that the buffer is initialized for either transmission or reception.
Each of the buffers has assigned a flag bit in the IFLAG Registers. The bit is set when the
corresponding buffer completes a successful transfer and is cleared when the CPU writes
it to 1 (unless another interrupt is generated at the same time).
It must be guaranteed that the CPU clears only the bit causing
the current interrupt. For this reason, bit manipulation
instructions (BSET) must not be used to clear interrupt flags.
These instructions may cause accidental clearing of interrupt
flags which are set after entering the current interrupt service
If the Rx FIFO is enabled (MCR[RFEN] = 1), the interrupts corresponding to MBs 0 to 7
have different meanings. Bit 7 of the IFLAG1 becomes the "FIFO Overflow" flag; bit 6
becomes the FIFO Warning flag, bit 5 becomes the "Frames Available in FIFO flag" and
bits 4-0 are unused. See the description of the Interrupt Flags 1 Register (IFLAG1) for
more information.
For a combined interrupt where multiple MB interrupt sources are OR'd together, the
interrupt is generated when any of the associated MBs (or FIFO, if applicable) generates
an interrupt. In this case, the CPU must read the IFLAG registers to determine which MB
or FIFO source caused the interrupt.
The interrupt sources for Bus Off, Error, Wake Up, Tx Warning and Rx Warning
generate interrupts like the MB interrupt sources, and can be read from both the Error and
Status Register 1 and 2. The Bus Off, Error, Tx Warning, and Rx Warning interrupt mask
bits are located in the Control 1 Register; the Wake-Up interrupt mask bit is located in the

45.4.12 Bus interface

The CPU access to FlexCAN registers are subject to the following rules:

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Initialization/application information

• Unrestricted read and write access to supervisor registers (registers identified with S/
U in Table "Module Memory Map" in Supervisor Mode or with S only) results in
access error.
• Read and write access to implemented reserved address space results in access error.
• Write access to positions whose bits are all currently read-only results in access error.
If at least one of the bits is not read-only then no access error is issued. Write
permission to positions or some of their bits can change depending on the mode of
operation or transitory state. Refer to register and bit descriptions for details.
• Read and write access to unimplemented address space results in access error.
• Read and write access to RAM located positions during Low Power Mode results in
access error.
• If MAXMB is programmed with a value smaller than the available number of MBs,
then the unused memory space can be used as general purpose RAM space. Note that
reserved words within RAM cannot be used. As an example, suppose FlexCAN is
configured with 16 MBs, RFFN is 0x0, and MAXMB is programmed with zero. The
maximum number of MBs in this case becomes one. The RAM starts at 0x0080, and
the space from 0x0080 to 0x008F is used by the one MB. The memory space from
0x0090 to 0x017F is available. The space between 0x0180 and 0x087F is reserved.
The space from 0x0880 to 0x0883 is used by the one Individual Mask and the
available memory in the Mask Registers space would be from 0x0884 to 0x08BF.
From 0x08C0 through 0x09DF there are reserved words for internal use which
cannot be used as general purpose RAM. As a general rule, free memory space for
general purpose depends only on MAXMB.

45.5 Initialization/application information

This section provide instructions for initializing the FlexCAN module.

45.5.1 FlexCAN initialization sequence

The FlexCAN module may be reset in three ways:
• MCU level hard reset, which resets all memory mapped registers asynchronously

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Chapter 45 CAN (FlexCAN)

• MCU level soft reset, which resets some of the memory mapped registers
synchronously. See Table 45-2 to see what registers are affected by soft reset.
• SOFT_RST bit in MCR, which has the same effect as the MCU level soft reset

Soft reset is synchronous and has to follow an internal request/acknowledge procedure

across clock domains. Therefore, it may take some time to fully propagate its effects. The
SOFT_RST bit remains asserted while soft reset is pending, so software can poll this bit
to know when the reset has completed. Also, soft reset can not be applied while clocks
are shut down in a low power mode. The low power mode should be exited and the
clocks resumed before applying soft reset.
The clock source (CLK_SRC bit) should be selected while the module is in Disable
mode. After the clock source is selected and the module is enabled (MDIS bit negated),
FlexCAN automatically goes to Freeze mode. In Freeze mode, FlexCAN is un-
synchronized to the CAN bus, the HALT and FRZ bits in MCR Register are set, the
internal state machines are disabled and the FRZ_ACK and NOT_RDY bits in the MCR
Register are set. The Tx pin is in recessive state and FlexCAN does not initiate any
transmission or reception of CAN frames. Note that the Message Buffers and the Rx
Individual Mask Registers are not affected by reset, so they are not automatically
For any configuration change/initialization it is required that FlexCAN is put into Freeze
mode; see Freeze mode. The following is a generic initialization sequence applicable to
the FlexCAN module:
• Initialize the Module Configuration Register
• Enable the individual filtering per MB and reception queue features by setting
the IRMQ bit
• Enable the warning interrupts by setting the WRN_EN bit
• If required, disable frame self reception by setting the SRX_DIS bit
• Enable the Rx FIFO by setting the RFEN bit
• Enable the abort mechanism by setting the AEN bit
• Enable the local priority feature by setting the LPRIO_EN bit
• Initialize the Control Register
• Determine the bit timing parameters: PROPSEG, PSEG1, PSEG2, RJW

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Initialization/application information

• Determine the bit rate by programming the PRESDIV field

• Determine the internal arbitration mode (LBUF bit)
• Initialize the Message Buffers
• The Control and Status word of all Message Buffers must be initialized
• If Rx FIFO was enabled, the ID filter table must be initialized
• Other entries in each Message Buffer should be initialized as required
• Initialize the Rx Individual Mask Registers
• Set required interrupt mask bits in the IMASK Registers (for all MB interrupts), in
MCR Register for Wake-Up interrupt and in CTRL Register (for Bus Off and Error
• Negate the HALT bit in MCR

Starting with the last event, FlexCAN attempts to synchronize to the CAN bus.

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1180 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 46
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

46.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The serial peripheral interface (SPI) module provides a synchronous serial bus for
communication between an MCU and an external peripheral device.

46.1.1 Block Diagram

The block diagram of this module is as follows:

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eDMA INTC Slave Bus Interface Clock/Reset

DMA and Interrupt Control



CMD Data Data

Shift Register

Baud Rate, Delay &
Transfer Control PCS[x]/SS

Figure 46-1. SPI Block Diagram

46.1.2 Features
The module supports the following features:
• Full-duplex, three-wire synchronous transfers
• Master and Slave modes:
• Data streaming operation in Slave mode with continuous slave selection
• Buffered transmit operation using the transmit first in first out (TX FIFO) with depth
of four entries
• Buffered receive operation using the receive FIFO (RX FIFO) with depth of four
• TX and RX FIFOs can be disabled individually for low-latency updates to SPI

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

• Visibility into TX and RX FIFOs for ease of debugging

• Programmable transfer attributes on a per-frame basis:
• two transfer attribute registers
• Serial clock (SCK) with programmable polarity and phase
• Various programmable delays
• Programmable serial frame size of 4–16 bits, expandable by software control
• SPI frames longer than 16 bits can be supported using the continuous
selection format
• Continuously held chip select capability
• 5 peripheral chip selects (PCSs), expandable to 32 with external demultiplexer
• Deglitching support for up to 16 PCS with external demultiplexer
• DMA support for adding entries to TX FIFO and removing entries from RX FIFO:
• TX FIFO is not full (TFFF)
• RX FIFO is not empty (RFDF)
• Interrupt conditions:
• End of Queue reached (EOQF)
• TX FIFO is not full (TFFF)
• Transfer of current frame complete (TCF)
• Attempt to transmit with an empty Transmit FIFO (TFUF)
• RX FIFO is not empty (RFDF)
• Frame received while Receive FIFO is full (RFOF)
• Global interrupt request line
• Modified SPI transfer formats for communication with slower peripheral devices
• Power-saving architectural features:
• Support for Stop mode
• Support for Doze mode

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46.1.3 Module Configurations

The module supports SPI configuration. SPI Configuration

The SPI configuration allows the module to send and receive serial data. This
configuration allows the module to operate as a basic SPI block with internal FIFOs
supporting external queue operation. Transmitted data and received data reside in
separate FIFOs. The host CPU or a DMA controller read the received data from the
Receive FIFO and write transmit data to the Transmit FIFO.
For queued operations, the SPI queues can reside in system RAM, external to the module.
Data transfers between the queues and the module FIFOs are accomplished by a DMA
controller or host CPU. The following figure shows a system example with DMA, DSPI,
and external queues in system RAM.
System RAM
RX Queue DMA Controller
Rx Data
Tx Data
or host CPU
TX Queue

Tx Data Rx Data


Shift Register

Figure 46-2. SPI with queues and DMA

46.1.4 Modes of Operation

The module supports the following modes of operation that can be divided into two
• Module-specific modes:
• Master mode

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

• Slave mode
• Module Disable mode
• MCU-specific modes:
• External Stop mode
• Debug mode

The module enters module-specific modes when the host writes a module register. The
MCU-specific modes are controlled by signals external to the module. The MCU-specific
modes are modes that an MCU may enter in parallel to the block-specific modes. Master Mode

Master mode allows the module to initiate and control serial communication. In this
mode, the SCK signal, SOUT signal, and the PCS[x] signals are controlled by the module
and configured as outputs. Slave Mode

Slave mode allows the module to communicate with SPI bus masters. In this mode, the
module responds to externally controlled serial transfers. The SCK signal and the
PCS[0]/SS signals are configured as inputs and driven by an SPI bus master. Module Disable Mode

The Module Disable mode can be used for MCU power management. The clock to the
non-memory mapped logic in the module can be stopped while in the Module Disable
mode. External Stop Mode

External Stop mode is used for MCU power management. The module supports the
Peripheral Bus Stop mode mechanism. When a request is made to enter External Stop
mode, it acknowledges the request and completes the transfer that is in progress. When
the module reaches the frame boundary, it signals that the system clock to the module
may be shut off.

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Module signal descriptions Debug Mode

Debug mode is used for system development and debugging. The MCR[FRZ] bit controls
module behavior in the Debug mode:
• If the bit is set, the module stops all serial transfers, when the MCU is in debug
• If the bit is cleared, the MCU debug mode has no effect on the module.

46.2 Module signal descriptions

This section provides description of the module signals.
The following table lists the signals that may connect off chip depending on device
Table 46-1. Module signal descriptions
Signal Master Mode Slave Mode Port Direction
PCS0/SS Peripheral Chip Select 0 output Slave Select input I/O
PCS[3:1] Peripheral Chip Select 1 – 3 Unused O
PCS4 Peripheral Chip Select 4 Unused O
SIN Serial Data In I
SOUT Serial Data Out O
SCK Master mode: Serial Clock (output) Serial Clock (input) I/O

46.2.1 PCS0/SS — Peripheral Chip Select/Slave Select

In Master mode, the PCS0 signal is an output that selects which slave device the current
transmission is intended for.
In Slave mode, the active low SS signal is an input signal that allows an SPI master to
select the module as the target for transmission.

46.2.2 PCS1 – PCS3 — Peripheral Chip Selects 1 – 3

PCS1 – PCS3 are output signals in Master mode.
In Slave mode, these signals are unused.

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

46.2.3 PCS4 — Peripheral Chip Select 4

In Master mode, PCS4 is an output signal.
In Slave mode, this signal is unused.

46.2.4 SIN — Serial Input

SIN is a serial data input signal.

46.2.5 SOUT — Serial Output

SOUT is a serial data output signal.

46.2.6 SCK — Serial Clock

SCK is a serial communication clock signal. In Master mode, the module generates the
SCK. In Slave mode, SCK is an input from an external bus master.

46.3 Memory Map/Register Definition

Register accesses to memory addresses that are reserved or undefined result in a transfer
error. Write access to the POPR also results in a transfer error.
SPI memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4002_C000 Module Configuration Register (SPI0_MCR) 32 R/W 0000_4001h 46.3.1/1190
4002_C008 DSPI Transfer Count Register (SPI0_TCR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 46.3.2/1193
DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master
4002_C00C 32 R/W 7800_0000h 46.3.3/1193
Mode) (SPI0_CTAR0)
DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Slave Mode)
4002_C00C 32 R/W 7800_0000h 46.3.4/1198
DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master
4002_C010 32 R/W 7800_0000h 46.3.3/1193
Mode) (SPI0_CTAR1)
4002_C02C DSPI Status Register (SPI0_SR) 32 R/W 0201_0000h 46.3.5/1200

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory Map/Register Definition

SPI memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
DSPI DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register
4002_C030 32 R/W 0000_0000h 46.3.6/1203
DSPI PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode
4002_C034 32 R/W 0000_0000h 46.3.7/1205
DSPI PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode
4002_C034 32 R/W 0000_0000h 46.3.8/1207
4002_C038 DSPI POP RX FIFO Register (SPI0_POPR) 32 R 0000_0000h 46.3.9/1207
4002_C03C DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI0_TXFR0) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_C040 DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI0_TXFR1) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_C044 DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI0_TXFR2) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_C048 DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI0_TXFR3) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_C07C DSPI Receive FIFO Registers (SPI0_RXFR0) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_C080 DSPI Receive FIFO Registers (SPI0_RXFR1) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_C084 DSPI Receive FIFO Registers (SPI0_RXFR2) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_C088 DSPI Receive FIFO Registers (SPI0_RXFR3) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_D000 Module Configuration Register (SPI1_MCR) 32 R/W 0000_4001h 46.3.1/1190
4002_D008 DSPI Transfer Count Register (SPI1_TCR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 46.3.2/1193
DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master
4002_D00C 32 R/W 7800_0000h 46.3.3/1193
Mode) (SPI1_CTAR0)
DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Slave Mode)
4002_D00C 32 R/W 7800_0000h 46.3.4/1198
DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master
4002_D010 32 R/W 7800_0000h 46.3.3/1193
Mode) (SPI1_CTAR1)
4002_D02C DSPI Status Register (SPI1_SR) 32 R/W 0201_0000h 46.3.5/1200
DSPI DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register
4002_D030 32 R/W 0000_0000h 46.3.6/1203
DSPI PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode
4002_D034 32 R/W 0000_0000h 46.3.7/1205
DSPI PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode
4002_D034 32 R/W 0000_0000h 46.3.8/1207
4002_D038 DSPI POP RX FIFO Register (SPI1_POPR) 32 R 0000_0000h 46.3.9/1207
4002_D03C DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI1_TXFR0) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_D040 DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI1_TXFR1) 32 R 0000_0000h

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPI memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4002_D044 DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI1_TXFR2) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_D048 DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers (SPI1_TXFR3) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_D07C DSPI Receive FIFO Registers (SPI1_RXFR0) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_D080 DSPI Receive FIFO Registers (SPI1_RXFR1) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_D084 DSPI Receive FIFO Registers (SPI1_RXFR2) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_D088 DSPI Receive FIFO Registers (SPI1_RXFR3) 32 R 0000_0000h

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Memory Map/Register Definition

46.3.1 Module Configuration Register (SPIx_MCR)

Contains bits to configure various attributes associated with the module operations. The
HALT and MDIS bits can be changed at any time, but the effect takes place only on the
next frame boundary. Only the HALT and MDIS bits in the MCR can be changed, while
the module is in the Running state.
Address: Base address + 0h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16





DCONF FRZ Reserved PCSIS[4:0]

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0 0 0



Reset 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPIx_MCR field descriptions

Field Description
31 Master/Slave Mode Select
Configures the DSPI for either Master mode or Slave mode.

0 DSPI is in Slave mode.

1 DSPI is in Master mode.
30 Continuous SCK Enable
Enables the Serial Communication Clock (SCK) to run continuously.

0 Continuous SCK disabled.

1 Continuous SCK enabled.
29–28 DSPI Configuration
Selects among the different configurations of the DSPI.

00 SPI
01 Reserved
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
27 Freeze
Enables the DSPI transfers to be stopped on the next frame boundary when the device enters Debug

0 Do not halt serial transfers in Debug mode.

1 Halt serial transfers in Debug mode.
26 Modified Timing Format Enable
Enables a modified transfer format to be used.

0 Modified SPI transfer format disabled.

1 Modified SPI transfer format enabled.
25 This field is reserved.
24 Receive FIFO Overflow Overwrite Enable
In the RX FIFO overflow condition, configures the DSPI to ignore the incoming serial data or overwrite
existing data. If the RX FIFO is full and new data is received, the data from the transfer, generating the
overflow, is ignored or shifted into the shift register.

0 Incoming data is ignored.

1 Incoming data is shifted into the shift register.
23–21 This field is reserved.
20–16 Peripheral Chip Select x Inactive State
Determines the inactive state of PCSx.

0 The inactive state of PCSx is low.

1 The inactive state of PCSx is high.

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory Map/Register Definition

SPIx_MCR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
15 Doze Enable
Provides support for an externally controlled Doze mode power-saving mechanism.

0 Doze mode has no effect on DSPI.

1 Doze mode disables the module.
14 Module Disable
Allows the clock to be stopped to the non-memory mapped logic in the module effectively putting it in a
software-controlled power-saving state. The reset value of the MDIS bit is parameterized, with a default
reset value of 0.

0 Enables the module clocks.

1 Allows external logic to disable DSPI clocks.
13 Disable Transmit FIFO
When the TX FIFO is disabled, the transmit part of the module operates as a simplified double-buffered
SPI. This bit can be written only when the MDIS bit is cleared.

0 TX FIFO is enabled.
1 TX FIFO is disabled.
12 Disable Receive FIFO
When the RX FIFO is disabled, the receive part of the module operates as a simplified double-buffered
SPI. This bit can only be written when the MDIS bit is cleared.

0 RX FIFO is enabled.
1 RX FIFO is disabled.
11 Clear TX FIFO
Flushes the TX FIFO. Writing a 1 to CLR_TXF clears the TX FIFO Counter. The CLR_TXF bit is always
read as zero.

0 Do not clear the TX FIFO counter.

1 Clear the TX FIFO counter.
10 Flushes the RX FIFO. Writing a 1 to CLR_RXF clears the RX Counter. The CLR_RXF bit is always read
CLR_RXF as zero.

0 Do not clear the RX FIFO counter.

1 Clear the RX FIFO counter.
9–8 Sample Point
Controls when the module master samples SIN in Modified Transfer Format. This field is valid only when
CPHA bit in CTARn[CPHA] is 0.

00 0 system clocks between SCK edge and SIN sample

01 1 system clock between SCK edge and SIN sample
10 2 system clocks between SCK edge and SIN sample
11 Reserved
7–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPIx_MCR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
0 Halt
Starts and stops the module transfers.

0 Start transfers.
1 Stop transfers.

46.3.2 DSPI Transfer Count Register (SPIx_TCR)

TCR contains a counter that indicates the number of SPI transfers made. The transfer
counter is intended to assist in queue management. Do not write the TCR when the DSPI
is in the Running state.
Address: Base address + 8h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SPIx_TCR field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 SPI Transfer Counter
Counts the number of SPI transfers the DSPI makes. The SPI_TCNT field increments every time the last
bit of an SPI frame is transmitted. A value written to SPI_TCNT presets the counter to that value.
SPI_TCNT is reset to zero at the beginning of the frame when the CTCNT field is set in the executing SPI
command. The Transfer Counter wraps around; incrementing the counter past 65535 resets the counter to
15–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

46.3.3 DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode)
CTARs are used to define different transfer attributes. Do not write to the CTARs while
the DSPI is in the Running state.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1193
Memory Map/Register Definition

In Master mode, the CTARs define combinations of transfer attributes such as frame size,
clock phase and polarity, data bit ordering, baud rate, and various delays. In Slave mode,
a subset of the fields in CTAR0 are used to set the slave transfer attributes.
When the DSPI is configured as an SPI master, the CTAS field in the command portion
of the TX FIFO entry selects which of the CTAR register is used. When the DSPI is
configured as an SPI bus slave, the CTAR0 is used.
Address: Base address + Ch offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 1d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reset 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SPIx_CTARn field descriptions

Field Description
31 Double Baud Rate
Doubles the effective baud rate of the Serial Communications Clock (SCK). This field is used only in
Master mode. It effectively halves the Baud Rate division ratio, supporting faster frequencies, and odd
division ratios for the SCK. When the DBR bit is set, the duty cycle of the SCK depends on the value in the
Baud Rate Prescaler and the Clock Phase bit as listed in the following table. See the BR field description
for details on how to compute the baud rate.

Table 46-38. DSPI SCK duty cycle

DBR CPHA PBR SCK duty cycle
0 any any 50/50
1 0 00 50/50
1 0 01 33/66
1 0 10 40/60
1 0 11 43/57
1 1 00 50/50
1 1 01 66/33
1 1 10 60/40
1 1 11 57/43

Table continues on the next page...

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1194 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPIx_CTARn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The baud rate is computed normally with a 50/50 duty cycle.
1 The baud rate is doubled with the duty cycle depending on the Baud Rate Prescaler.
30–27 Frame Size
The number of bits transferred per frame is equal to the FMSZ field value plus 1. The minimum valid
FMSZ field value is 3.
26 Clock Polarity
Selects the inactive state of the SCK. This bit is used in both Master and Slave mode. For successful
communication between serial devices, the devices must have identical clock polarities. When the
Continuous Selection Format is selected, switching between clock polarities without stopping the DSPI
can cause errors in the transfer due to the peripheral device interpreting the switch of clock polarity as a
valid clock edge.

0 The inactive state value of SCK is low.

1 The inactive state value of SCK is high.
25 Clock Phase
Selects which edge of SCK causes data to change and which edge causes data to be captured. This bit is
used in both Master and Slave mode. For successful communication between serial devices, the devices
must have identical clock phase settings. In Continuous SCK mode, the bit value is ignored and the
transfers are done as if the CPHA bit is set to 1.

0 Data is captured on the leading edge of SCK and changed on the following edge.
1 Data is changed on the leading edge of SCK and captured on the following edge.
24 LSB First
Specifies whether the LSB or MSB of the frame is transferred first.

0 Data is transferred MSB first.

1 Data is transferred LSB first.
23–22 PCS to SCK Delay Prescaler
Selects the prescaler value for the delay between assertion of PCS and the first edge of the SCK. See the
CSSCK field description for information on how to compute the PCS to SCK Delay. See PCS to SCK
Delay (tCSC) for more details.

00 PCS to SCK Prescaler value is 1.

01 PCS to SCK Prescaler value is 3.
10 PCS to SCK Prescaler value is 5.
11 PCS to SCK Prescaler value is 7.
21–20 After SCK Delay Prescaler
Selects the prescaler value for the delay between the last edge of SCK and the negation of PCS. See the
ASC field description for information on how to compute the After SCK Delay.See After SCK Delay (tASC)
for more details.

00 Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 1.

01 Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 3.
10 Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 5.
11 Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 7.

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory Map/Register Definition

SPIx_CTARn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
19–18 Delay after Transfer Prescaler
Selects the prescaler value for the delay between the negation of the PCS signal at the end of a frame and
the assertion of PCS at the beginning of the next frame. The PDT field is used only in Master mode. See
the DT field description for details on how to compute the Delay after Transfer. See Delay after Transfer
(tDT) for more details.

00 Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 1.

01 Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 3.
10 Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 5.
11 Delay after Transfer Prescaler value is 7.
17–16 Baud Rate Prescaler
Selects the prescaler value for the baud rate. This field is used only in Master mode. The baud rate is the
frequency of the SCK. The system clock is divided by the prescaler value before the baud rate selection
takes place. See the BR field description for details on how to compute the baud rate.

00 Baud Rate Prescaler value is 2.

01 Baud Rate Prescaler value is 3.
10 Baud Rate Prescaler value is 5.
11 Baud Rate Prescaler value is 7.
15–12 PCS to SCK Delay Scaler
Selects the scaler value for the PCS to SCK delay. This field is used only in Master mode. The PCS to
SCK Delay is the delay between the assertion of PCS and the first edge of the SCK. The delay is a
multiple of the system clock period, and it is computed according to the following equation:
The following table lists the delay scaler values.

Table 46-39. Delay scaler encoding

Field value Delay scaler value
0000 2
0001 4
0010 8
0011 16
0100 32
0101 64
0110 128
0111 256
1000 512
1001 1024
1010 2048
1011 4096
1100 8192
1101 16384

Table continues on the next page...

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1196 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPIx_CTARn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Table 46-39. Delay scaler encoding (continued)
Field value Delay scaler value
1110 32768
1111 65536

See PCS to SCK Delay (tCSC) for more details.

11–8 After SCK Delay Scaler
Selects the scaler value for the After SCK Delay. This field is used only in Master mode. The After SCK
Delay is the delay between the last edge of SCK and the negation of PCS. The delay is a multiple of the
system clock period, and it is computed according to the following equation:
tASC = (1/fSYS) x PASC x ASC
See Delay Scaler Encoding table in CTARn[CSSCK] bit field description for scaler values. See After SCK
Delay (tASC) for more details.
7–4 Delay After Transfer Scaler
Selects the Delay after Transfer Scaler. This field is used only in Master mode. The Delay after Transfer is
the time between the negation of the PCS signal at the end of a frame and the assertion of PCS at the
beginning of the next frame.
In the Continuous Serial Communications Clock operation, the DT value is fixed to one SCK clock period.
The Delay after Transfer is a multiple of the system clock period, and it is computed according to the
following equation:
tDT = (1/fSYS) x PDT x DT
See Delay Scaler Encoding table in CTARn[CSSCK] field description for scaler values.
3–0 Baud Rate Scaler
Selects the scaler value for the baud rate. This field is used only in Master mode. The prescaled system
clock is divided by the Baud Rate Scaler to generate the frequency of the SCK. The baud rate is computed
according to the following equation:
SCK baud rate = (fSYS/PBR) x [(1+DBR)/BR]
The following table lists the baud rate scaler values.

Table 46-40. DSPI baud rate scaler

CTARn[BR] Baud rate scaler value
0000 2
0001 4
0010 6
0011 8
0100 16
0101 32
0110 64
0111 128
1000 256

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1197
Memory Map/Register Definition

SPIx_CTARn field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Table 46-40. DSPI baud rate scaler (continued)
CTARn[BR] Baud rate scaler value
1001 512
1010 1024
1011 2048
1100 4096
1101 8192
1110 16384
1111 32768

46.3.4 DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Slave Mode)

When the DSPI is configured as an SPI bus slave, the CTAR0 register is used.
Address: Base address + Ch offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 0d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0 0


Reset 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SPIx_CTARn_SLAVE field descriptions

Field Description
31–27 Frame Size
The number of bits transfered per frame is equal to the FMSZ field value plus 1. The minimum value of
thisfield is 3.
26 Clock Polarity
Table continues on the next page...

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1198 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPIx_CTARn_SLAVE field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Selects the inactive state of the Serial Communications Clock (SCK).

0 The inactive state value of SCK is low.

1 The inactive state value of SCK is high.
25 Clock Phase
Selects which edge of SCK causes data to change and which edge causes data to be captured. This bit is
used in both master and slave mode. For successful communication between serial devices, the devices
must have identical clock phase settings. In Continuous SCK mode, the bit value is ignored and the
transfers are done as the CPHA bit is set to 1.

0 Data is captured on the leading edge of SCK and changed on the following edge.
1 Data is changed on the leading edge of SCK and captured on the following edge.
24–23 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
22 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
21–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1199
Memory Map/Register Definition

46.3.5 DSPI Status Register (SPIx_SR)

SR contains status and flag bits. The bits reflect the status of the DSPI and indicate the
occurrence of events that can generate interrupt or DMA requests. Software can clear flag
bits in the SR by writing a 1 to them. Writing a 0 to a flag bit has no effect. This register
may not be writable in Module Disable mode due to the use of power saving
Address: Base address + 2Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16




R TCF 0 0 TFFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

W w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SPIx_SR field descriptions

Field Description
31 Transfer Complete Flag
Indicates that all bits in a frame have been shifted out. TCF remains set until it is cleared by writing a 1 to

0 Transfer not complete.

1 Transfer complete.
30 TX and RX Status
Reflects the run status of the DSPI.

0 Transmit and receive operations are disabled (DSPI is in Stopped state).

1 Transmit and receive operations are enabled (DSPI is in Running state).
29 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

Table continues on the next page...

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1200 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPIx_SR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
28 End of Queue Flag
Indicates that the last entry in a queue has been transmitted when the DSPI is in Master mode. The EOQF
bit is set when the TX FIFO entry has the EOQ bit set in the command halfword and the end of the transfer
is reached. The EOQF bit remains set until cleared by writing a 1 to it. When the EOQF bit is set, the
TXRXS bit is automatically cleared.

0 EOQ is not set in the executing command.

1 EOQ is set in the executing SPI command.
27 Transmit FIFO Underflow Flag
Indicates an underflow condition in the TX FIFO. The transmit underflow condition is detected only for
DSPI blocks operating in Slave mode and SPI configuration. TFUF is set when the TX FIFO of a DSPI
operating in SPI Slave mode is empty and an external SPI master initiates a transfer. The TFUF bit
remains set until cleared by writing 1 to it.

0 No TX FIFO underflow.
1 TX FIFO underflow has occurred.
26 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
25 Transmit FIFO Fill Flag
Provides a method for the DSPI to request more entries to be added to the TX FIFO. The TFFF bit is set
while the TX FIFO is not full. The TFFF bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it or by acknowledgement from
the DMA controller to the TX FIFO full request.

0 TX FIFO is full.
1 TX FIFO is not full.
24 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
23 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
22 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
21 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
20 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
19 Receive FIFO Overflow Flag
Indicates an overflow condition in the RX FIFO. The field is set when the RX FIFO and shift register are
full and a transfer is initiated. The bit remains set until it is cleared by writing a 1 to it.

0 No Rx FIFO overflow.
1 Rx FIFO overflow has occurred.
18 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
17 Receive FIFO Drain Flag
Table continues on the next page...

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SPIx_SR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Provides a method for the DSPI to request that entries be removed from the RX FIFO. The bit is set while
the RX FIFO is not empty. The RFDF bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it or by acknowledgement from the
DMA controller when the RX FIFO is empty.

0 RX FIFO is empty.
1 RX FIFO is not empty.
16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–12 TX FIFO Counter
Indicates the number of valid entries in the TX FIFO. The TXCTR is incremented every time the PUSHR is
written. The TXCTR is decremented every time an SPI command is executed and the SPI data is
transferred to the shift register.
11–8 Transmit Next Pointer
Indicates which TX FIFO entry is transmitted during the next transfer. The TXNXTPTR field is updated
every time SPI data is transferred from the TX FIFO to the shift register.
7–4 RX FIFO Counter
Indicates the number of entries in the RX FIFO. The RXCTR is decremented every time the POPR is read.
The RXCTR is incremented every time data is transferred from the shift register to the RX FIFO.
3–0 Pop Next Pointer
Contains a pointer to the RX FIFO entry to be returned when the POPR is read. The POPNXTPTR is
updated when the POPR is read.

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1202 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

46.3.6 DSPI DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register


RSER controls DMA and interrupt requests. Do not write to the RSER while the DSPI is
in the Running state.
Address: Base address + 30h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SPIx_RSER field descriptions

Field Description
31 Transmission Complete Request Enable
Enables TCF flag in the SR to generate an interrupt request.

0 TCF interrupt requests are disabled.

1 TCF interrupt requests are enabled.
30 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
29 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
28 DSPI Finished Request Enable
Enables the EOQF flag in the SR to generate an interrupt request.

0 EOQF interrupt requests are disabled.

1 EOQF interrupt requests are enabled.
27 Transmit FIFO Underflow Request Enable
Enables the TFUF flag in the SR to generate an interrupt request.

0 TFUF interrupt requests are disabled.

1 TFUF interrupt requests are enabled.

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SPIx_RSER field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
26 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
25 Transmit FIFO Fill Request Enable
Enables the TFFF flag in the SR to generate a request. The TFFF_DIRS bit selects between generating
an interrupt request or a DMA request.

0 TFFF interrupts or DMA requests are disabled.

1 TFFF interrupts or DMA requests are enabled.
24 Transmit FIFO Fill DMA or Interrupt Request Select
Selects between generating a DMA request or an interrupt request. When SR[TFFF] and
RSER[TFFF_RE] are set, this field selects between generating an interrupt request or a DMA request.

0 TFFF flag generates interrupt requests.

1 TFFF flag generates DMA requests.
23 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
22 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
21 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
20 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
19 Receive FIFO Overflow Request Enable
Enables the RFOF flag in the SR to generate an interrupt request.

0 RFOF interrupt requests are disabled.

1 RFOF interrupt requests are enabled.
18 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
17 Receive FIFO Drain Request Enable
Enables the RFDF flag in the SR to generate a request. The RFDF_DIRS bit selects between generating
an interrupt request or a DMA request.

0 RFDF interrupt or DMA requests are disabled.

1 RFDF interrupt or DMA requests are enabled.
16 Receive FIFO Drain DMA or Interrupt Request Select
Selects between generating a DMA request or an interrupt request. When the RFDF flag bit in the SR is
set, and the RFDF_RE bit in the RSER is set, the RFDF_DIRS bit selects between generating an interrupt
request or a DMA request.

0 Interrupt request.
1 DMA request.
15 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

Table continues on the next page...

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1204 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPIx_RSER field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
14 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
13–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

46.3.7 DSPI PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode (SPIx_PUSHR)

PUSHR provides the means to write to the TX FIFO. Data written to this register is
transferred to the TX FIFO . 8- or 16-bit write accesses to the Data Field of PUSHR
transfers the 16 bit Data field of PUSHR to the TX FIFO. Write accesses to the
Command Field of PUSHR transfers the 16 bit Command Field of PUSHR to the TX
FIFO. The register structure is different in Master and Slave modes. In Master mode, the
register provides 16-bit command and data to the TX FIFO. In Slave mode, the 16 bit
Command Field of PUSHR is reserved.

A PUSHR Read Operation returns the topmost TX FIFO entry.

When DSPI Module is disabled, any writes to this register will not update the FIFO.
Hence any reads performed during Module disable mode will return the last PUSHR
write performed when Module was enabled.
Address: Base address + 34h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0 0



Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SPIx_PUSHR field descriptions

Field Description
31 Continuous Peripheral Chip Select Enable
Selects a continuous selection format. The bit is used in SPI Master mode. The bit enables the selected
PCS signals to remain asserted between transfers.
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1205
Memory Map/Register Definition

SPIx_PUSHR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Return PCSn signals to their inactive state between transfers.
1 Keep PCSn signals asserted between transfers.
30–28 Clock and Transfer Attributes Select
Selects which CTAR to use in master mode to specify the transfer attributes for the associated SPI frame.
In SPI Slave mode, CTAR0 is used. See the chapter on chip configuration to determine how many CTARs
this device has. You should not program a value in this field for a register that is not present.

000 CTAR0
001 CTAR1
010 Reserved
011 Reserved
100 Reserved
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
111 Reserved
27 End Of Queue
Host software uses this bit to signal to the DSPI that the current SPI transfer is the last in a queue. At the
end of the transfer, the EOQF bit in the SR is set.

0 The SPI data is not the last data to transfer.

1 The SPI data is the last data to transfer.
26 Clear Transfer Counter
Clears the TCNT field in the TCR register. The TCNT field is cleared before the DSPI starts transmitting
the current SPI frame.

0 Do not clear the TCR[TCNT] field.

1 Clear the TCR[TCNT] field.
25–24 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
23–22 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
21–16 Select which PCS signals are to be asserted for the transfer. Refer to the chip configuration chapter for the
PCS[5:0] number of PCS signals used in this MCU.

0 Negate the PCS[x] signal.

1 Assert the PCS[x] signal.
15–0 Transmit Data
Holds SPI data to be transferred according to the associated SPI command.

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1206 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

46.3.8 DSPI PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode


PUSHR provides the means to write to the TX FIFO. Data written to this register is
transferred to the TX FIFO. Eight- or sixteen-bit write accesses to the Data Field of
PUSHR transfers the 16 bit Data Field of PUSHR to the TX FIFO. The register structure
is different in master and slave modes. The register structure is different in master and
slave modes. In master mode the register provides 16-bit command and data to the TX
FIFO. In slave mode, the 16 bit Command Field of PUSHR is reserved.
Address: Base address + 34h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SPIx_PUSHR_SLAVE field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Transmit Data
Holds SPI data to be transferred according to the associated SPI command.

46.3.9 DSPI POP RX FIFO Register (SPIx_POPR)

POPR is used to read the RX FIFO. Eight- or sixteen-bit read accesses to the POPR have
the same effect on the RX FIFO as 32-bit read accesses. A write to this register will
generate a Transfer Error.
Address: Base address + 38h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1207
Memory Map/Register Definition

SPIx_POPR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Received Data
Contains the SPI data from the RX FIFO entry to which the Pop Next Data Pointer points.

46.3.10 DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers (SPIx_TXFRn)

TXFRn registers provide visibility into the TX FIFO for debugging purposes. Each
register is an entry in the TX FIFO. The registers are read-only and cannot be modified.
Reading the TXFRx registers does not alter the state of the TX FIFO.
Address: Base address + 3Ch offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 3d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SPIx_TXFRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 Transmit Command or Transmit Data
TXDATA In Master mode the TXCMD field contains the command that sets the transfer attributes for the SPI data.
In Slave mode, this field is reserved.
15–0 Transmit Data
Contains the SPI data to be shifted out.

46.3.11 DSPI Receive FIFO Registers (SPIx_RXFRn)

RXFRn provide visibility into the RX FIFO for debugging purposes. Each register is an
entry in the RX FIFO. The RXFRs are read-only. Reading the RXFRx registers does not
alter the state of the RX FIFO.
Address: Base address + 7Ch offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 3d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1208 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPIx_RXFRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Receive Data
Contains the received SPI data.

46.4 Functional description

The Serial Peripheral Interface (DSPI) block supports full-duplex, synchronous serial
communications between MCUs and peripheral devices. The SPI configuration transfers
data serially using a shift register and a selection of programmable transfer attributes.

The DCONF field in the Module Configuration Register (MCR) determines the module
Configuration. SPI configuration is selected when DCONF within SPIx_MCR is 0b00.
The CTARn registers hold clock and transfer attributes. The SPI configuration allows to
select which CTAR to use on a frame by frame basis by setting a field in the SPI
See DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register (In Master Mode) (SPI_CTARn) for
information on the fields of CTAR registers.
Typical master to slave connections are shown in the following figure. When a data
transfer operation is performed, data is serially shifted a predetermined number of bit
positions. Because the modules are linked, data is exchanged between the master and the
slave. The data that was in the master shift register is now in the shift register of the
slave, and vice versa. At the end of a transfer, the TCF bit in the SR is set to indicate a
completed transfer.
DSPI Master DSPI Slave

Shift Register SOUT SIN Shift Register

Baud Rate


Figure 46-69. SPI serial protocol overview

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Functional description

Generally, more than one slave device can be connected to the module master. Six
Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) signals of the module masters can be used to select which
of the slaves to communicate with. Refer to the chip configuration chapter for the number
of PCS signals used in this MCU.
The SPI configuration share transfer protocol and timing properties which are described
independently of the configuration in Transfer formats . The transfer rate and delay
settings are described in Module baud rate and clock delay generation.

46.4.1 Start and Stop of module transfers

The module has two operating states: Stopped and Running. Both the states are
independent of it's configuration. The default state of the module is Stopped. In the
Stopped state, no serial transfers are initiated in Master mode and no transfers are
responded to in Slave mode. The Stopped state is also a safe state for writing the various
configuration registers of the module without causing undetermined results. In the
Running state serial transfers take place.
The TXRXS bit in the SR indicates the state of module. The bit is set if the module is in
Running state.
The module starts or transitions to Running when all of the following conditions are true:
• SR[EOQF] bit is clear
• MCU is not in the Debug mode or the MCR[FRZ] bit is clear
• MCR[HALT] bit is clear

The module stops or transitions from Running to Stopped after the current frame when
any one of the following conditions exist:
• SR[EOQF] bit is set
• MCU in the Debug mode and the MCR[FRZ] bit is set
• MCR[HALT] bit is set

State transitions from Running to Stopped occur on the next frame boundary if a transfer
is in progress, or immediately if no transfers are in progress.

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

46.4.2 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) configuration

The SPI configuration transfers data serially using a shift register and a selection of
programmable transfer attributes. The module is in SPI configuration when the DCONF
field in the MCR is 0b00. The SPI frames can be 32 bits long. The host CPU or a DMA
controller transfers the SPI data from the external to DSPI RAM queues to a TX FIFO
buffer. The received data is stored in entries in the RX FIFO buffer. The host CPU or the
DMA controller transfers the received data from the RX FIFO to memory external to the
module. The operation of FIFO buffers is described in Transmit First In First Out (TX
FIFO) buffering mechanism, Transmit First In First Out (TX FIFO) buffering mechanism
and Receive First In First Out (RX FIFO) buffering mechanism. The interrupt and DMA
request conditions are described in Interrupts/DMA requests.
The SPI configuration supports two block-specific modes—Master mode and Slave
mode. In Master mode the module initiates and controls the transfer according to the
fields of the executing SPI Command. In Slave mode, the module responds only to
transfers initiated by a bus master external to it and the SPI command field space is
reserved. Master mode

In SPI Master, mode the module initiates the serial transfers by controlling the SCK and
the PCS signals. The executing SPI Command determines which CTARs will be used to
set the transfer attributes and which PCS signals to assert . The command field also
contains various bits that help with queue management and transfer protocol . See DSPI
PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode (SPI_PUSHR) for details on the SPI command
fields. The data in the executing TX FIFO entry is loaded into the shift register and
shifted out on the Serial Out (SOUT) pin. In SPI Master mode, each SPI frame to be
transmitted has a command associated with it, allowing for transfer attribute control on a
frame by frame basis. Slave mode

In SPI Slave mode the module responds to transfers initiated by an SPI bus master. It
does not initiate transfers. Certain transfer attributes such as clock polarity, clock phase,
and frame size must be set for successful communication with an SPI master. The SPI
Slave mode transfer attributes are set in the CTAR0 . The data is shifted out with MSB
first. Shifting out of LSB is not supported in this mode.

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Functional description FIFO disable operation

The FIFO disable mechanisms allow SPI transfers without using the TX FIFO or RX
FIFO. The module operates as a double-buffered simplified SPI when the FIFOs are
disabled. The Transmit and Receive side of the FIFOs are disabled separately; setting the
MCR[DIS_TXF] bit disables the TX FIFO, and setting the MCR[DIS_RXF] bit disables
the RX FIFO.
The FIFO disable mechanisms are transparent to the user and to host software. Transmit
data and commands are written to the PUSHR and received data is read from the POPR.
When the TX FIFO is disabled, the fields SR[TFFF], SR[TFUF] and SR[TXCTR] behave
as if there is a one-entry FIFO but the contents of TXFRs, SR[TXNXTPTR] are
undefined. Similarly, when the RX FIFO is disabled, the RFDF, RFOF, and RXCTR
fields in the SR behave as if there is a one-entry FIFO, but the contents of the RXFR
registers and POPNXTPTR are undefined. Transmit First In First Out (TX FIFO) buffering mechanism

The TX FIFO functions as a buffer of SPI data for transmission. The TX FIFO holds four
words, each consisting of SPI data. The number of entries in the TX FIFO is device-
specific. SPI data is added to the TX FIFO by writing to the Data Field of module PUSH
FIFO Register (PUSHR). TX FIFO entries can only be removed from the TX FIFO by
being shifted out or by flushing the TX FIFO.
The TX FIFO Counter field (TXCTR) in the module Status Register (SR) indicates the
number of valid entries in the TX FIFO. The TXCTR is updated every time a 8- or 16-bit
write takes place to the Data Field of SPI_PUSHR or SPI data is transferred into the shift
register from the TX FIFO.
The TXNXTPTR field indicates the TX FIFO Entry that will be transmitted during the
next transfer. The TXNXTPTR field is incremented every time SPI data is transferred
from the TX FIFO to the shift register. The maximum value of the field is equal to the
maximum implemented TXFR number and it rolls over after reaching the maximum. Filling the TX FIFO

Host software or other intelligent blocks can add (push) entries to the TX FIFO by
writing to the PUSHR. When the TX FIFO is not full, the TX FIFO Fill Flag (TFFF) in
the SR is set. The TFFF bit is cleared when TX FIFO is full and the DMA controller
indicates that a write to PUSHR is complete. Writing a '1' to the TFFF bit also clears it.
The TFFF can generate a DMA request or an interrupt request. See Transmit FIFO Fill
Interrupt or DMA Request for details.

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

The module ignores attempts to push data to a full TX FIFO, and the state of the TX
FIFO does not change and no error condition is indicated. Draining the TX FIFO

The TX FIFO entries are removed (drained) by shifting SPI data out through the shift
register. Entries are transferred from the TX FIFO to the shift register and shifted out as
long as there are valid entries in the TX FIFO. Every time an entry is transferred from the
TX FIFO to the shift register, the TX FIFO Counter decrements by one. At the end of a
transfer, the TCF bit in the SR is set to indicate the completion of a transfer. The TX
FIFO is flushed by writing a '1' to the CLR_TXF bit in MCR.
If an external bus master initiates a transfer with a module slave while the slave's TX
FIFO is empty, the Transmit FIFO Underflow Flag (TFUF) in the slave's SR is set. See
Transmit FIFO Underflow Interrupt Request for details. Receive First In First Out (RX FIFO) buffering mechanism

The RX FIFO functions as a buffer for data received on the SIN pin. The RX FIFO holds
four received SPI data frames. The number of entries in the RX FIFO is device-specific.
SPI data is added to the RX FIFO at the completion of a transfer when the received data
in the shift register is transferred into the RX FIFO. SPI data are removed (popped) from
the RX FIFO by reading the module POP RX FIFO Register (POPR). RX FIFO entries
can only be removed from the RX FIFO by reading the POPR or by flushing the RX
The RX FIFO Counter field (RXCTR) in the module's Status Register (SR) indicates the
number of valid entries in the RX FIFO. The RXCTR is updated every time the POPR is
read or SPI data is copied from the shift register to the RX FIFO.
The POPNXTPTR field in the SR points to the RX FIFO entry that is returned when the
POPR is read. The POPNXTPTR contains the positive offset from RXFR0 in a number
of 32-bit registers. For example, POPNXTPTR equal to two means that the RXFR2
contains the received SPI data that will be returned when the POPR is read. The
POPNXTPTR field is incremented every time the POPR is read. The maximum value of
the field is equal to the maximum implemented RXFR number and it rolls over after
reaching the maximum.

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Functional description Filling the RX FIFO

The RX FIFO is filled with the received SPI data from the shift register. While the RX
FIFO is not full, SPI frames from the shift register are transferred to the RX FIFO. Every
time an SPI frame is transferred to the RX FIFO, the RX FIFO Counter is incremented by
If the RX FIFO and shift register are full and a transfer is initiated, the RFOF bit in the
SR is set indicating an overflow condition. Depending on the state of the ROOE bit in the
MCR, the data from the transfer that generated the overflow is either ignored or shifted in
to the shift register. If the ROOE bit is set, the incoming data is shifted in to the shift
register. If the ROOE bit is cleared, the incoming data is ignored. Draining the RX FIFO

Host CPU or a DMA can remove (pop) entries from the RX FIFO by reading the module
POP RX FIFO Register (POPR). A read of the POPR decrements the RX FIFO Counter
by one. Attempts to pop data from an empty RX FIFO are ignored and the RX FIFO
Counter remains unchanged. The data, read from the empty RX FIFO, is undetermined.
When the RX FIFO is not empty, the RX FIFO Drain Flag (RFDF) in the SR is set. The
RFDF bit is cleared when the RX_FIFO is empty and the DMA controller indicates that a
read from POPR is complete or by writing a 1 to it.

46.4.3 Module baud rate and clock delay generation

The SCK frequency and the delay values for serial transfer are generated by dividing the
system clock frequency by a prescaler and a scaler with the option for doubling the baud
rate. The following figure shows conceptually how the SCK signal is generated.

System Clock 1 1+DBR SCK

Prescaler Scaler

Figure 46-70. Communications clock prescalers and scalers Baud rate generator

The baud rate is the frequency of the SCK. The system clock is divided by a prescaler
(PBR) and scaler (BR) to produce SCK with the possibility of halving the scaler division.
The DBR, PBR, and BR fields in the CTARs select the frequency of SCK by the formula
in the BR field description. The following table shows an example of how to compute the
baud rate.
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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Table 46-98. Baud rate computation example

fSYS PBR Prescaler BR Scaler DBR Baud rate
100 MHz 0b00 2 0b0000 2 0 25 Mb/s
20 MHz 0b00 2 0b0000 2 1 10 Mb/s

The clock frequencies mentioned in the preceding table are
given as an example. Refer to the clocking chapter for the
frequency used to drive this module in the device. PCS to SCK Delay (tCSC)

The PCS to SCK delay is the length of time from assertion of the PCS signal to the first
SCK edge. See Figure 46-71 for an illustration of the PCS to SCK delay. The PCSSCK
and CSSCK fields in the CTARx registers select the PCS to SCK delay by the formula in
the CSSCK field description. The following table shows an example of how to compute
the PCS to SCK delay.
Table 46-99. PCS to SCK delay computation example
fSYS PCSSCK Prescaler CSSCK Scaler PCS to SCK Delay
100 MHz 0b01 3 0b0100 32 0.96 μs

The clock frequency mentioned in the preceding table is given
as an example. Refer to the clocking chapter for the frequency
used to drive this module in the device. After SCK Delay (tASC)

The After SCK Delay is the length of time between the last edge of SCK and the negation
of PCS. See Figure 46-71 and Figure 46-72 for illustrations of the After SCK delay. The
PASC and ASC fields in the CTARx registers select the After SCK Delay by the formula
in the ASC field description. The following table shows an example of how to compute
the After SCK delay.
Table 46-100. After SCK Delay computation example
fSYS PASC Prescaler ASC Scaler After SCK Delay
100 MHz 0b01 3 0b0100 32 0.96 μs

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Functional description

The clock frequency mentioned in the preceding table is given
as an example. Refer to the clocking chapter for the frequency
used to drive this module in the device. Delay after Transfer (tDT)

The Delay after Transfer is the minimum time between negation of the PCS signal for a
frame and the assertion of the PCS signal for the next frame. See Figure 46-71 for an
illustration of the Delay after Transfer. The PDT and DT fields in the CTARx registers
select the Delay after Transfer by the formula in the DT field description. The following
table shows an example of how to compute the Delay after Transfer.
Table 46-101. Delay after Transfer computation example
fSYS PDT Prescaler DT Scaler Delay after Transfer
100 MHz 0b01 3 0b1110 32768 0.98 ms

The clock frequency mentioned in the preceding table is given
as an example. Refer to the clocking chapter for the frequency
used to drive this module in the device.
When in Non-Continuous Clock mode the tDT delay is configured according to the
equation specified in the CTAR[DT] bitfield description. When in Continuous Clock
mode, the delay is fixed at 1 SCK period.

46.4.4 Transfer formats

The SPI serial communication is controlled by the Serial Communications Clock (SCK)
signal and the PCS signals. The SCK signal provided by the master device synchronizes
shifting and sampling of the data on the SIN and SOUT pins. The PCS signals serve as
enable signals for the slave devices.
In Master mode, the CPOL and CPHA bits in the Clock and Transfer Attributes Registers
(CTARn) select the polarity and phase of the serial clock, SCK.
• CPOL - Selects the idle state polarity of the SCK
• CPHA - Selects if the data on SOUT is valid before or on the first SCK edge

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Even though the bus slave does not control the SCK signal, in Slave mode these values
must be identical to the master device settings to ensure proper transmission. In SPI Slave
mode, only CTAR0 is used.
The module supports four different transfer formats:
• Classic SPI with CPHA=0
• Classic SPI with CPHA=1
• Modified Transfer Format with CPHA = 0
• Modified Transfer Format with CPHA = 1

A modified transfer format is supported to allow for high-speed communication with

peripherals that require longer setup times. The module can sample the incoming data
later than halfway through the cycle to give the peripheral more setup time. The MTFE
bit in the MCR selects between Classic SPI Format and Modified Transfer Format.
In the SPI configurations, the module provides the option of keeping the PCS signals
asserted between frames. See Continuous Selection Format for details. Classic SPI Transfer Format (CPHA = 0)

The transfer format shown in following figure is used to communicate with peripheral
SPI slave devices where the first data bit is available on the first clock edge. In this
format, the master and slave sample their SIN pins on the odd-numbered SCK edges and
change the data on their SOUT pins on the even-numbered SCK edges.

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Functional description
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

SCK (CPOL = 0)

SCK (CPOL = 1)

Master and Slave


Master SOUT/
Slave SIN

Master SIN/
Slave SOUT




MSB first (LSBFE = 0): MSB Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 LSB
MSB first (LSBFE = 1): LSB Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 MSB
tCSC = PCS to SCK delay
tASC = After SCK delay
tDT = Delay after Transfer (Minimum CS idle time)

Figure 46-71. Module transfer timing diagram (MTFE=0, CPHA=0, FMSZ=8)

The master initiates the transfer by placing its first data bit on the SOUT pin and asserting
the appropriate peripheral chip select signals to the slave device. The slave responds by
placing its first data bit on its SOUT pin. After the tASC delay elapses, the master outputs
the first edge of SCK. The master and slave devices use this edge to sample the first input
data bit on their serial data input signals. At the second edge of the SCK, the master and
slave devices place their second data bit on their serial data output signals. For the rest of
the frame the master and the slave sample their SIN pins on the odd-numbered clock
edges and changes the data on their SOUT pins on the even-numbered clock edges. After
the last clock edge occurs, a delay of tASC is inserted before the master negates the PCS
signals. A delay of tDT is inserted before a new frame transfer can be initiated by the
master. Classic SPI Transfer Format (CPHA = 1)

This transfer format shown in the following figure is used to communicate with
peripheral SPI slave devices that require the first SCK edge before the first data bit
becomes available on the slave SOUT pin. In this format, the master and slave devices
change the data on their SOUT pins on the odd-numbered SCK edges and sample the
data on their SIN pins on the even-numbered SCK edges

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

SCK (CPOL = 0)

SCK (CPOL = 1)

Master and Slave


Master SOUT/
Slave SIN

Master SIN/
Slave SOUT



MSB first (LSBFE = 0): MSB Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 LSB
LSB first (LSBFE = 1): LSB Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 MSB
tCSC = CS to SCK delay
tASC = After SCK delay
tDT = Delay after Transfer (minimum CS negation time)

Figure 46-72. Module transfer timing diagram (MTFE=0, CPHA=1, FMSZ=8)

The master initiates the transfer by asserting the PCS signal to the slave. After the tCSC
delay has elapsed, the master generates the first SCK edge and at the same time places
valid data on the master SOUT pin . The slave responds to the first SCK edge by placing
its first data bit on its slave SOUT pin.
At the second edge of the SCK the master and slave sample their SIN pins. For the rest of
the frame the master and the slave change the data on their SOUT pins on the odd-
numbered clock edges and sample their SIN pins on the even-numbered clock edges.
After the last clock edge occurs, a delay of tASC is inserted before the master negates the
PCS signal. A delay of tDT is inserted before a new frame transfer can be initiated by the
master. Continuous Selection Format

Some peripherals must be deselected between every transfer. Other peripherals must
remain selected between several sequential serial transfers. The Continuous Selection
Format provides the flexibility to handle the following case. The Continuous Selection
Format is enabled for the SPI configuration by setting the CONT bit in the SPI command.
The behavior of the PCS signals in the configurations is identical so only SPI
configuration will be described.
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Functional description

When the CONT bit = 0, the module drives the asserted Chip Select signals to their idle
states in between frames. The idle states of the Chip Select signals are selected by the
PCSISn bits in the MCR. The following timing diagram is for two four-bit transfers with
CPHA = 1 and CONT = 0.

SCK (CPOL = 0)

SCK (CPOL = 1)

Master SOUT

Master SIN


tCSC t ASC t DT t
tCSC = PCS to SCK dela
t ASC = After SCK delay
t DT = Delay after Transfer (minimum CS negation time)

Figure 46-73. Example of non-continuous format (CPHA=1, CONT=0)

When the CONT bit = 1, the PCS signal remains asserted for the duration of the two
transfers. The Delay between Transfers (tDT) is not inserted between the transfers. The
following figure shows the timing diagram for two four-bit transfers with CPHA = 1 and
CONT = 1.

SCK (CPOL = 0)

SCK (CPOL = 1)

Master SOUT

Master SIN


t t
tCSC = PC S to SCK del ay
= After SCK delay

Figure 46-74. Example of continuous transfer (CPHA=1, CONT=1)

When using the module with continuous selection follow these rules:

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

• All transmit commands must have the same PCSn bits programming.
• The CTARs, selected by transmit commands, must be programmed with the same
transfer attributes. Only FMSZ field can be programmed differently in these CTARs.
• When transmitting multiple frames in this mode, the user software must ensure that
the last frame has the PUSHR[CONT] bit deasserted in Master mode and the user
software must provide sufficient frames in the TX_FIFO to be sent out in Slave mode
and the master deasserts the PCSn at end of transmission of the last frame.
• The PUSHR[CONT] / DSICR0[DCONT] bits must be deasserted before asserting
MCR[HALT] bit in master mode. This will make sure that the PCSn signals are
deasserted. Asserting MCR[HALT] bit during continuous transfer will cause the
PCSn signals to remain asserted and hence Slave Device cannot transition from
Running to Stopped state.

User must fill the TX FIFO with the number of entries that will
be concatenated together under one PCS assertion for both
master and slave before the TX FIFO becomes empty.
When operating in Slave mode, ensure that when the last entry
in the TX FIFO is completely transmitted, that is, the
corresponding TCF flag is asserted and TXFIFO is empty, the
slave is deselected for any further serial communication;
otherwise, an underflow error occurs.

46.4.5 Continuous Serial Communications Clock

The module provides the option of generating a Continuous SCK signal for slave
peripherals that require a continuous clock.
Continuous SCK is enabled by setting the CONT_SCKE bit in the MCR. Enabling this
bit generates the Continuous SCK regardless of the MCR[HALT] bit status. Continuous
SCK is valid in all configurations.
Continuous SCK is only supported for CPHA=1. Clearing CPHA is ignored if the
CONT_SCKE bit is set. Continuous SCK is supported for Modified Transfer Format.
Clock and transfer attributes for the Continuous SCK mode are set according to the
following rules:

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Functional description

• When the module is in SPI configuration, CTAR0 is used initially. At the start of
each SPI frame transfer, the CTAR specified by the CTAS for the frame is used.
• In all configurations, the currently selected CTAR remains in use until the start of a
frame with a different CTAR specified, or the Continuous SCK mode is terminated.

It is recommended to keep the baud rate the same while using the Continuous SCK.
Switching clock polarity between frames while using Continuous SCK can cause errors
in the transfer. Continuous SCK operation is not guaranteed if the module is put into the
External Stop mode or Module Disable mode.
Enabling Continuous SCK disables the PCS to SCK delay and the Delay after Transfer
(tDT) is fixed to one SCK cycle. The following figure is the timing diagram for
Continuous SCK format with Continuous Selection disabled.
In Continuous SCK mode, for the SPI transfer CTAR0 should
always be used, and the TX FIFO must be cleared using the
MCR[CLR_TXF] field before initiating transfer.

SCK (CPOL = 0)

SCK (CPOL = 1)

Master SOUT

Master SIN



Figure 46-75. Continuous SCK Timing Diagram (CONT=0)

If the CONT bit in the TX FIFO entry is set, PCS remains asserted between the transfers.
Under certain conditions, SCK can continue with PCS asserted, but with no data being
shifted out of SOUT, that is, SOUT pulled high. This can cause the slave to receive
incorrect data. Those conditions include:
• Continuous SCK with CONT bit set, but no data in the TX FIFO.

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

• Continuous SCK with CONT bit set and entering Stopped state (refer to Start and
Stop of module transfers).
• Continuous SCK with CONT bit set and entering Stop mode or Module Disable

The following figure shows timing diagram for Continuous SCK format with Continuous
Selection enabled.

SCK (CPOL = 0)

SCK (CPOL = 1)

Master SOUT

Master SIN


transfer 1 transfer 2

Figure 46-76. Continuous SCK timing diagram (CONT=1)

46.4.6 Slave Mode Operation Constraints

Slave mode logic shift register is buffered. This allows data streaming operation, when
the DSPI is permanently selected and data is shifted in with a constant rate.
The transmit data is transferred at second SCK clock edge of the each frame to the shift
register if the SS signal is asserted and any time when transmit data is ready and SS
signal is negated.
Received data is transferred to the receive buffer at last SCK edge of each frame, defined
by frame size programmed to the CTAR0/1 register. Then the data from the buffer is
transferred to the RXFIFO or DDR register.
If the SS negates before that last SCK edge, the data from shift register is lost.

46.4.7 Interrupts/DMA requests

The module has several conditions that can generate only interrupt requests and two
conditions that can generate interrupt or DMA requests. The following table lists these
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1223
Functional description

Table 46-102. Interrupt and DMA request conditions

Condition Flag Interrupt DMA
End of Queue (EOQ) EOQF Yes -
Transfer Complete TCF Yes -
TX FIFO Underflow TFUF Yes -
RX FIFO Drain RFDF Yes Yes
RX FIFO Overflow RFOF Yes -

Each condition has a flag bit in the module Status Register (SR) and a Request Enable bit
in the DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register (RSER). Certain flags (as
shown in above table) generate interrupt requests or DMA requests depending on
configuration of RSER register.
The module also provides a global interrupt request line, which is asserted when any of
individual interrupt requests lines is asserted. End of Queue Interrupt Request

The End of Queue Request indicates that the end of a transmit queue is reached. The End
of Queue Request is generated when the EOQ bit in the executing SPI command is set
and the EOQF_RE bit in the RSER is set.

This interrupt request is generated when the last bit of the SPI
frame with EOQ bit set is transmitted. Transmit FIFO Fill Interrupt or DMA Request

The Transmit FIFO Fill Request indicates that the TX FIFO is not full. The Transmit
FIFO Fill Request is generated when the number of entries in the TX FIFO is less than
the maximum number of possible entries, and the TFFF_RE bit in the RSER is set. The
TFFF_DIRS bit in the RSER selects whether a DMA request or an interrupt request is
TFFF flag clears automatically when DMA is used to fill TX

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

To clear TFFF when not using DMA, follow these steps for
every PUSH performed using CPU to fill TX FIFO:
1. Wait until TFFF = 1.
2. Write data to PUSHR using CPU.
3. Clear TFFF by writing a 1 to its location. If TX FIFO is not
full, this flag will not clear. Transfer Complete Interrupt Request

The Transfer Complete Request indicates the end of the transfer of a serial frame. The
Transfer Complete Request is generated at the end of each frame transfer when the
TCF_RE bit is set in the RSER. Transmit FIFO Underflow Interrupt Request

The Transmit FIFO Underflow Request indicates that an underflow condition in the TX
FIFO has occurred. The transmit underflow condition is detected only for the module
operating in Slave mode and SPI configuration . The TFUF bit is set when the TX FIFO
of a DSPI is empty, and a transfer is initiated from an external SPI master. If the TFUF
bit is set while the TFUF_RE bit in the RSER is set, an interrupt request is generated. Receive FIFO Drain Interrupt or DMA Request

The Receive FIFO Drain Request indicates that the RX FIFO is not empty. The Receive
FIFO Drain Request is generated when the number of entries in the RX FIFO is not zero,
and the RFDF_RE bit in the RSER is set. The RFDF_DIRS bit in the RSER selects
whether a DMA request or an interrupt request is generated. Receive FIFO Overflow Interrupt Request

The Receive FIFO Overflow Request indicates that an overflow condition in the RX
FIFO has occurred. A Receive FIFO Overflow request is generated when RX FIFO and
shift register are full and a transfer is initiated. The RFOF_RE bit in the RSER must be
set for the interrupt request to be generated.

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Functional description

Depending on the state of the ROOE bit in the MCR, the data from the transfer that
generated the overflow is either ignored or shifted in to the shift register. If the ROOE bit
is set, the incoming data is shifted in to the shift register. If the ROOE bit is cleared, the
incoming data is ignored.

46.4.8 Power saving features

The module supports following power-saving strategies:
• External Stop mode
• Module Disable mode – Clock gating of non-memory mapped logic Stop mode (External Stop mode)

The DSPI supports the Stop mode protocol. When a request is made to enter External
Stop mode, the DSPI block acknowledges the request . If a serial transfer is in progress,
the DSPI waits until it reaches the frame boundary before it is ready to have its clocks
shut off . While the clocks are shut off, the DSPI memory-mapped logic is not accessible.
This also puts the DSPI in STOPPED state. The SR[TXRXS] bit is cleared to indicate
STOPPED state. The states of the interrupt and DMA request signals cannot be changed
while in External Stop mode. Module Disable mode

Module Disable mode is a block-specific mode that the module can enter to save power.
Host CPU can initiate the Module Disable mode by setting the MDIS bit in the MCR.
The Module Disable mode can also be initiated by hardware. A power management block
can initiate the Module Disable mode by asserting the DOZE mode signal while the
DOZE bit in the MCR is set.
When the MDIS bit is set or the DOZE mode signal is asserted while the DOZE bit is set,
the module negates Clock Enable signal at the next frame boundary. Once the Clock
Enable signal is negated, it is said to have entered Module Disable Mode. This also puts
the module in STOPPED state. The SR[TXRXS] bit is cleared to indicate STOPPED
state.If implemented, the Clock Enable signal can stop the clock to the non-memory
mapped logic. When Clock Enable is negated, the module is in a dormant state, but the
memory mapped registers are still accessible. Certain read or write operations have a
different effect when the module is in the Module Disable mode. Reading the RX FIFO
Pop Register does not change the state of the RX FIFO. Similarly, writing to the PUSHR
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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Register does not change the state of the TX FIFO. Clearing either of the FIFOs has no
effect in the Module Disable mode. Changes to the DIS_TXF and DIS_RXF fields of the
MCR have no effect in the Module Disable mode. In the Module Disable mode, all status
bits and register flags in the module return the correct values when read, but writing to
them has no effect. Writing to the TCR during Module Disable mode has no effect.
Interrupt and DMA request signals cannot be cleared while in the Module Disable mode.

46.5 Initialization/application information

This section describes how to initialize the module.

46.5.1 How to manage queues

The queues are not part of the module, but it includes features in support of queue
management. Queues are primarily supported in SPI configuration.
1. When module executes last command word from a queue, the EOQ bit in the
command word is set to indicate it that this is the last entry in the queue.
2. At the end of the transfer, corresponding to the command word with EOQ set is
sampled, the EOQ flag (EOQF) in the SR is set.
3. The setting of the EOQF flag disables serial transmission and reception of data,
putting the module in the Stopped state. The TXRXS bit is cleared to indicate the
Stopped state.
4. The DMA can continue to fill TX FIFO until it is full or step 5 occurs.
5. Disable DMA transfers by disabling the DMA enable request for the DMA channel
assigned to TX FIFO and RX FIFO. This is done by clearing the corresponding
DMA enable request bits in the DMA Controller.
6. Ensure all received data in RX FIFO has been transferred to memory receive queue
by reading the RXCNT in SR or by checking RFDF in the SR after each read
operation of the POPR.
7. Modify DMA descriptor of TX and RX channels for new queues
8. Flush TX FIFO by writing a 1 to the CLR_TXF bit in the MCR. Flush RX FIFO by
writing a '1' to the CLR_RXF bit in the MCR.
9. Clear transfer count either by setting CTCNT bit in the command word of the first
entry in the new queue or via CPU writing directly to SPI_TCNT field in the TCR.

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Initialization/application information

10. Enable DMA channel by enabling the DMA enable request for the DMA channel
assigned to the module TX FIFO, and RX FIFO by setting the corresponding DMA
set enable request bit.
11. Enable serial transmission and serial reception of data by clearing the EOQF bit.

46.5.2 Switching Master and Slave mode

When changing modes in the module, follow the steps below to guarantee proper
1. Halt it by setting MCR[HALT].
2. Clear the transmit and receive FIFOs by writing a 1 to the CLR_TXF and CLR_RXF
bits in MCR.
3. Set the appropriate mode in MCR[MSTR] and enable it by clearing MCR[HALT].

46.5.3 Initializing Module in Master/Slave Modes

Once the appropriate mode in MCR[MSTR] is configured, the module is enabled by
clearing MCR[HALT]. It should be ensured that module Slave is enabled before enabling
it's Master. This ensures the Slave is ready to be communicated with, before Master
initializes communication.

46.5.4 Baud rate settings

The following table shows the baud rate that is generated based on the combination of the
baud rate prescaler PBR and the baud rate scaler BR in the CTARs. The values calculated
assume a 100 MHz system frequency and the double baud rate DBR bit is cleared.
The clock frequency mentioned above is given as an example in
this chapter. See the clocking chapter for the frequency used to
drive this module in the device.

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Table 46-103. Baud rate values (bps)

Baud rate divider prescaler values
2 3 5 7
2 25.0M 16.7M 10.0M 7.14M
4 12.5M 8.33M 5.00M 3.57M
6 8.33M 5.56M 3.33M 2.38M
8 6.25M 4.17M 2.50M 1.79M
16 3.12M 2.08M 1.25M 893k
Baud Rate Scaler Values

32 1.56M 1.04M 625k 446k

64 781k 521k 312k 223k
128 391k 260k 156k 112k
256 195k 130k 78.1k 55.8k
512 97.7k 65.1k 39.1k 27.9k
1024 48.8k 32.6k 19.5k 14.0k
2048 24.4k 16.3k 9.77k 6.98k
4096 12.2k 8.14k 4.88k 3.49k
8192 6.10k 4.07k 2.44k 1.74k
16384 3.05k 2.04k 1.22k 872
32768 1.53k 1.02k 610 436

46.5.5 Delay settings

The following table shows the values for the Delay after Transfer (tDT) and CS to SCK
Delay (TCSC) that can be generated based on the prescaler values and the scaler values set
in the CTARs. The values calculated assume a 100 MHz system frequency.
The clock frequency mentioned above is given as an example in
this chapter. See the clocking chapter for the frequency used to
drive this module in the device.

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Initialization/application information

Table 46-104. Delay values

Delay prescaler values
1 3 5 7
2 20.0 ns 60.0 ns 100.0 ns 140.0 ns
4 40.0 ns 120.0 ns 200.0 ns 280.0 ns
8 80.0 ns 240.0 ns 400.0 ns 560.0 ns
16 160.0 ns 480.0 ns 800.0 ns 1.1 μs
32 320.0 ns 960.0 ns 1.6 μs 2.2 μs
64 640.0 ns 1.9 μs 3.2 μs 4.5 μs
Delay scaler values

128 1.3 μs 3.8 μs 6.4 μs 9.0 μs

256 2.6 μs 7.7 μs 12.8 μs 17.9 μs
512 5.1 μs 15.4 μs 25.6 μs 35.8 μs
1024 10.2 μs 30.7 μs 51.2 μs 71.7 μs
2048 20.5 μs 61.4 μs 102.4 μs 143.4 μs
4096 41.0 μs 122.9 μs 204.8 μs 286.7 μs
8192 81.9 μs 245.8 μs 409.6 μs 573.4 μs
16384 163.8 μs 491.5 μs 819.2 μs 1.1 ms
32768 327.7 μs 983.0 μs 1.6 ms 2.3 ms
65536 655.4 μs 2.0 ms 3.3 ms 4.6 ms

46.5.6 Calculation of FIFO pointer addresses

Complete visibility of the TX and RX FIFO contents is available through the FIFO
registers, and valid entries can be identified through a memory-mapped pointer and
counter for each FIFO. The pointer to the first-in entry in each FIFO is memory mapped.
For the TX FIFO the first-in pointer is the Transmit Next Pointer (TXNXTPTR). For the
RX FIFO the first-in pointer is the Pop Next Pointer (POPNXTPTR). The following
figure illustrates the concept of first-in and last-in FIFO entries along with the FIFO
Counter. The TX FIFO is chosen for the illustration, but the concepts carry over to the
RX FIFO. See Transmit First In First Out (TX FIFO) buffering mechanism and Receive
First In First Out (RX FIFO) buffering mechanism for details on the FIFO operation.

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Chapter 46 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Push TX FIFO Register

Transmit Next
TX FIFO Base - Data Pointer
Entry A (first in)
Entry B
Entry C
Entry D (last in)

Shift Register SOUT

+1 TX FIFO Counter -1

Figure 46-77. TX FIFO pointers and counter Address Calculation for the First-in Entry and Last-in Entry
in the TX FIFO
The memory address of the first-in entry in the TX FIFO is computed by the following

The memory address of the last-in entry in the TX FIFO is computed by the following

TX FIFO Base - Base address of TX FIFO

TXNXTPTR - Transmit Next Pointer
TX FIFO Depth - Transmit FIFO depth, implementation specific Address Calculation for the First-in Entry and Last-in Entry
in the RX FIFO
The memory address of the first-in entry in the RX FIFO is computed by the following

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Initialization/application information

The memory address of the last-in entry in the RX FIFO is computed by the following

RX FIFO Base - Base address of RX FIFO

RXCTR - RX FIFO counter
POPNXTPTR - Pop Next Pointer
RX FIFO Depth - Receive FIFO depth, implementation specific

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Chapter 47
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

47.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The inter-integrated circuit (I2C, I2C, or IIC) module provides a method of
communication between a number of devices. The interface is designed to operate up to
100 kbit/s with maximum bus loading and timing. The I2C device is capable of operating
at higher baud rates, up to a maximum of clock/20, with reduced bus loading. The
maximum communication length and the number of devices that can be connected are
limited by a maximum bus capacitance of 400 pF. The I2C module also complies with
the System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, version 2.

47.1.1 Features
The I2C module has the following features:
• Compatible with The I2C-Bus Specification
• Multimaster operation
• Software programmable for one of 64 different serial clock frequencies
• Software-selectable acknowledge bit
• Interrupt-driven byte-by-byte data transfer
• Arbitration-lost interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to slave
• Calling address identification interrupt
• START and STOP signal generation and detection
• Repeated START signal generation and detection
• Acknowledge bit generation and detection
• Bus busy detection
• General call recognition

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• 10-bit address extension

• Support for System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, version 2
• Programmable glitch input filter
• Low power mode wakeup on slave address match
• Range slave address support
• DMA support

47.1.2 Modes of operation

The I2C module's operation in various low power modes is as follows:
• Run mode: This is the basic mode of operation. To conserve power in this mode,
disable the module.
• Wait mode: The module continues to operate when the core is in Wait mode and can
provide a wakeup interrupt.
• Stop mode: The module is inactive in Stop mode for reduced power consumption,
except that address matching is enabled in Stop mode. The STOP instruction does
not affect the I2C module's register states.

47.1.3 Block diagram

The following figure is a functional block diagram of the I2C module.

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Module Enable Address Write/Read



STOP Shift
Arbitration Register

Control Address

Figure 47-1. I2C Functional block diagram

47.2 I2C signal descriptions

The signal properties of I2C are shown in the following table.
Table 47-1. I2C signal descriptions
Signal Description I/O
SCL Bidirectional serial clock line of the I2C system. I/O
SDA Bidirectional serial data line of the I2C system. I/O

47.3 Memory map and register descriptions

This section describes in detail all I2C registers accessible to the end user.

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Memory map and register descriptions

I2C memory map

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_6000 I2C Address Register 1 (I2C0_A1) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.1/1236
4006_6001 I2C Frequency Divider register (I2C0_F) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.2/1237
4006_6002 I2C Control Register 1 (I2C0_C1) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.3/1238
4006_6003 I2C Status register (I2C0_S) 8 R/W 80h 47.3.4/1240
4006_6004 I2C Data I/O register (I2C0_D) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.5/1241
4006_6005 I2C Control Register 2 (I2C0_C2) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.6/1242
4006_6006 I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter register (I2C0_FLT) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.7/1243
4006_6007 I2C Range Address register (I2C0_RA) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.8/1244
4006_6008 I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2C0_SMB) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.9/1244
4006_6009 I2C Address Register 2 (I2C0_A2) 8 R/W C2h
4006_600A I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2C0_SLTH) 8 R/W 00h
4006_600B I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2C0_SLTL) 8 R/W 00h
4006_7000 I2C Address Register 1 (I2C1_A1) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.1/1236
4006_7001 I2C Frequency Divider register (I2C1_F) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.2/1237
4006_7002 I2C Control Register 1 (I2C1_C1) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.3/1238
4006_7003 I2C Status register (I2C1_S) 8 R/W 80h 47.3.4/1240
4006_7004 I2C Data I/O register (I2C1_D) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.5/1241
4006_7005 I2C Control Register 2 (I2C1_C2) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.6/1242
4006_7006 I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter register (I2C1_FLT) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.7/1243
4006_7007 I2C Range Address register (I2C1_RA) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.8/1244
4006_7008 I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2C1_SMB) 8 R/W 00h 47.3.9/1244
4006_7009 I2C Address Register 2 (I2C1_A2) 8 R/W C2h
4006_700A I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2C1_SLTH) 8 R/W 00h
4006_700B I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2C1_SLTL) 8 R/W 00h

47.3.1 I2C Address Register 1 (I2Cx_A1)

This register contains the slave address to be used by the I2C module.
Address: Base address + 0h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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I2Cx_A1 field descriptions

Field Description
7–1 Address
Contains the primary slave address used by the I2C module when it is addressed as a slave. This field is
used in the 7-bit address scheme and the lower seven bits in the 10-bit address scheme.
0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

47.3.2 I2C Frequency Divider register (I2Cx_F)

Address: Base address + 1h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Cx_F field descriptions

Field Description
7–6 The MULT bits define the multiplier factor mul. This factor is used along with the SCL divider to generate
MULT the I2C baud rate.

00 mul = 1
01 mul = 2
10 mul = 4
11 Reserved
5–0 ClockRate
Prescales the bus clock for bit rate selection. This field and the MULT field determine the I2C baud rate,
the SDA hold time, the SCL start hold time, and the SCL stop hold time. For a list of values corresponding
to each ICR setting, see I2C divider and hold values.
The SCL divider multiplied by multiplier factor (mul) determines the I2C baud rate.

I2C baud rate = bus speed (Hz)/(mul × SCL divider)

The SDA hold time is the delay from the falling edge of SCL (I2C clock) to the changing of SDA (I2C data).

SDA hold time = bus period (s) × mul × SDA hold value
The SCL start hold time is the delay from the falling edge of SDA (I2C data) while SCL is high (start
condition) to the falling edge of SCL (I2C clock).

SCL start hold time = bus period (s) × mul × SCL start hold value
The SCL stop hold time is the delay from the rising edge of SCL (I2C clock) to the rising edge of SDA (I2C
data) while SCL is high (stop condition).

SCL stop hold time = bus period (s) × mul × SCL stop hold value
For example, if the bus speed is 8 MHz, the following table shows the possible hold time values with
different ICR and MULT selections to achieve an I2C baud rate of 100 kbps.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register descriptions

I2Cx_F field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Hold times (μs)
SDA SCL Start SCL Stop
2h 00h 3.500 3.000 5.500
1h 07h 2.500 4.000 5.250
1h 0Bh 2.250 4.000 5.250
0h 14h 2.125 4.250 5.125
0h 18h 1.125 4.750 5.125

47.3.3 I2C Control Register 1 (I2Cx_C1)

Address: Base address + 2h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Write RSTA
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Cx_C1 field descriptions

Field Description
7 I2C Enable
Enables I2C module operation.

0 Disabled
1 Enabled
6 I2C Interrupt Enable
Enables I2C interrupt requests.

0 Disabled
1 Enabled
5 Master Mode Select
When the MST bit is changed from a 0 to a 1, a START signal is generated on the bus and master mode
is selected. When this bit changes from a 1 to a 0, a STOP signal is generated and the mode of operation
changes from master to slave.

0 Slave mode
1 Master mode
4 Transmit Mode Select
Table continues on the next page...

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I2Cx_C1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Selects the direction of master and slave transfers. In master mode this bit must be set according to the
type of transfer required. Therefore, for address cycles, this bit is always set. When addressed as a slave
this bit must be set by software according to the SRW bit in the status register.

0 Receive
1 Transmit
3 Transmit Acknowledge Enable
Specifies the value driven onto the SDA during data acknowledge cycles for both master and slave
receivers. The value of the FACK bit affects NACK/ACK generation.

NOTE: SCL is held low until TXAK is written.

0 An acknowledge signal is sent to the bus on the following receiving byte (if FACK is cleared) or the
current receiving byte (if FACK is set).
1 No acknowledge signal is sent to the bus on the following receiving data byte (if FACK is cleared) or
the current receiving data byte (if FACK is set).
2 Repeat START
Writing a one to this bit generates a repeated START condition provided it is the current master. This bit
will always be read as zero. Attempting a repeat at the wrong time results in loss of arbitration.
1 Wakeup Enable
The I2C module can wake the MCU from low power mode with no peripheral bus running when slave
address matching occurs.

0 Normal operation. No interrupt generated when address matching in low power mode.
1 Enables the wakeup function in low power mode.
0 DMA Enable
The DMAEN bit enables or disables the DMA function.

0 All DMA signalling disabled.

DMA transfer is enabled and the following conditions trigger the DMA request:
• While FACK = 0, a data byte is received, either address or data is transmitted. (ACK/NACK
• While FACK = 0, the first byte received matches the A1 register or is general call address.

If any address matching occurs, IAAS and TCF are set. If the direction of transfer is known from
master to slave, then it is not required to check the SRW. With this assumption, DMA can also be
used in this case. In other cases, if the master reads data from the slave, then it is required to rewrite
the C1 register operation. With this assumption, DMA cannot be used.
When FACK = 1, an address or a data byte is transmitted.

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Memory map and register descriptions

47.3.4 I2C Status register (I2Cx_S)

Address: Base address + 3h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Write w1c w1c
Reset 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Cx_S field descriptions

Field Description
7 Transfer Complete Flag
This bit sets on the completion of a byte and acknowledge bit transfer. This bit is valid only during or
immediately following a transfer to or from the I2C module. The TCF bit is cleared by reading the I2C data
register in receive mode or by writing to the I2C data register in transmit mode.

0 Transfer in progress
1 Transfer complete
6 Addressed As A Slave
This bit is set by one of the following conditions:
• The calling address matches the programmed slave primary address in the A1 register or range
address in the RA register (which must be set to a nonzero value).
• GCAEN is set and a general call is received.
• SIICAEN is set and the calling address matches the second programmed slave address.
• ALERTEN is set and an SMBus alert response address is received
• RMEN is set and an address is received that is within the range between the values of the A1 and
RA registers.

This bit sets before the ACK bit. The CPU must check the SRW bit and set TX/RX accordingly. Writing the
C1 register with any value clears this bit.

0 Not addressed
1 Addressed as a slave
5 Bus Busy
Indicates the status of the bus regardless of slave or master mode. This bit is set when a START signal is
detected and cleared when a STOP signal is detected.

0 Bus is idle
1 Bus is busy
4 Arbitration Lost
This bit is set by hardware when the arbitration procedure is lost. The ARBL bit must be cleared by
software, by writing a one to it.

0 Standard bus operation.

1 Loss of arbitration.
3 Range Address Match
This bit is set by any of the following conditions:
Table continues on the next page...

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I2Cx_S field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
• Any nonzero calling address is received that matches the address in the RA register.
• The RMEN bit is set and the calling address is within the range of values of the A1 and RA registers.

Writing the C1 register with any value clears this bit.

0 Not addressed
1 Addressed as a slave
2 Slave Read/Write
When addressed as a slave, SRW indicates the value of the R/W command bit of the calling address sent
to the master.

0 Slave receive, master writing to slave

1 Slave transmit, master reading from slave
1 Interrupt Flag
This bit sets when an interrupt is pending. This bit must be cleared by software by writing a 1 to it, such as
in the interrupt routine. One of the following events can set this bit:
• One byte transfer, including ACK/NACK bit, completes if FACK = 0. An ACK or NACK is sent on the
bus by writing 0 or 1 to TXAK after this bit is set in receive mode.
• One byte transfer, excluding ACK/NACK bit, completes if FACK = 1.
• Match of slave address to calling address including primary slave address, range slave address,
alert response address, second slave address, or general call address.
• Arbitration lost
• In SMBus mode, any timeouts except SCL and SDA high timeouts

0 No interrupt pending
1 Interrupt pending
0 Receive Acknowledge
0 Acknowledge signal was received after the completion of one byte of data transmission on the bus
1 No acknowledge signal detected

47.3.5 I2C Data I/O register (I2Cx_D)

Address: Base address + 4h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Cx_D field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Data
In master transmit mode, when data is written to this register, a data transfer is initiated. The most
significant bit is sent first. In master receive mode, reading this register initiates receiving of the next byte
of data.

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Memory map and register descriptions

I2Cx_D field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: When making the transition out of master receive mode, switch the I2C mode before reading the
Data register to prevent an inadvertent initiation of a master receive data transfer.
In slave mode, the same functions are available after an address match occurs.
The C1[TX] bit must correctly reflect the desired direction of transfer in master and slave modes for the
transmission to begin. For example, if the I2C module is configured for master transmit but a master
receive is desired, reading the Data register does not initiate the receive.
Reading the Data register returns the last byte received while the I2C module is configured in master
receive or slave receive mode. The Data register does not reflect every byte that is transmitted on the I2C
bus, and neither can software verify that a byte has been written to the Data register correctly by reading it
In master transmit mode, the first byte of data written to the Data register following assertion of MST (start
bit) or assertion of RSTA (repeated start bit) is used for the address transfer and must consist of the
calling address (in bits 7-1) concatenated with the required R/W bit (in position bit 0).

47.3.6 I2C Control Register 2 (I2Cx_C2)

Address: Base address + 5h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Cx_C2 field descriptions

Field Description
7 General Call Address Enable
Enables general call address.

0 Disabled
1 Enabled
6 Address Extension
Controls the number of bits used for the slave address.

0 7-bit address scheme

1 10-bit address scheme
5 High Drive Select
Controls the drive capability of the I2C pads.

0 Normal drive mode

1 High drive mode
4 Slave Baud Rate Control
Enables independent slave mode baud rate at maximum frequency, which forces clock stretching on SCL
in very fast I2C modes. To a slave, an example of a "very fast" mode is when the master transfers at 40
kbps but the slave can capture the master's data at only 10 kbps.
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 47 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

I2Cx_C2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The slave baud rate follows the master baud rate and clock stretching may occur
1 Slave baud rate is independent of the master baud rate
3 Range Address Matching Enable
This bit controls slave address matching for addresses between the values of the A1 and RA registers.
When this bit is set, a slave address match occurs for any address greater than the value of the A1
register and less than or equal to the value of the RA register.

0 Range mode disabled. No address match occurs for an address within the range of values of the A1
and RA registers.
1 Range mode enabled. Address matching occurs when a slave receives an address within the range of
values of the A1 and RA registers.
2–0 Slave Address
Contains the upper three bits of the slave address in the 10-bit address scheme. This field is valid only
while the ADEXT bit is set.

47.3.7 I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter register (I2Cx_FLT)

Address: Base address + 6h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reserved FLT
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Cx_FLT field descriptions

Field Description
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved Writing this bit has no effect.
6–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4–0 I2C Programmable Filter Factor
Controls the width of the glitch, in terms of bus clock cycles, that the filter must absorb. For any glitch
whose size is less than or equal to this width setting, the filter does not allow the glitch to pass.

00h No filter/bypass
01-1Fh Filter glitches up to width of n bus clock cycles, where n=1-31d

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1243
Memory map and register descriptions

47.3.8 I2C Range Address register (I2Cx_RA)

Address: Base address + 7h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Cx_RA field descriptions

Field Description
7–1 Range Slave Address
This field contains the slave address to be used by the I2C module. The field is used in the 7-bit address
scheme. Any nonzero write enables this register. This register's use is similar to that of the A1 register, but
in addition this register can be considered a maximum boundary in range matching mode.
0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

47.3.9 I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2Cx_SMB)

When the SCL and SDA signals are held high for a length of
time greater than the high timeout period, the SHTF1 flag sets.
Before reaching this threshold, while the system is detecting
how long these signals are being held high, a master assumes
that the bus is free. However, the SHTF1 bit rises in the bus
transmission process with the idle bus state.
When the TCKSEL bit is set, there is no need to monitor the
SHTF1 bit because the bus speed is too high to match the
protocol of SMBus.
Address: Base address + 8h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Write w1c w1c
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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1244 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 47 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

I2Cx_SMB field descriptions

Field Description
7 Fast NACK/ACK Enable
For SMBus packet error checking, the CPU must be able to issue an ACK or NACK according to the result
of receiving data byte.

0 An ACK or NACK is sent on the following receiving data byte

1 Writing 0 to TXAK after receiving a data byte generates an ACK. Writing 1 to TXAK after receiving a
data byte generates a NACK.
6 SMBus Alert Response Address Enable
Enables or disables SMBus alert response address matching.

NOTE: After the host responds to a device that used the alert response address, you must use software
to put the device's address on the bus. The alert protocol is described in the SMBus specification.

0 SMBus alert response address matching is disabled

1 SMBus alert response address matching is enabled
5 Second I2C Address Enable
Enables or disables SMBus device default address.

0 I2C address register 2 matching is disabled

1 I2C address register 2 matching is enabled
4 Timeout Counter Clock Select
Selects the clock source of the timeout counter.

0 Timeout counter counts at the frequency of the bus clock / 64

1 Timeout counter counts at the frequency of the bus clock
3 SCL Low Timeout Flag
This bit is set when the SLT register (consisting of the SLTH and SLTL registers) is loaded with a non-zero
value (LoValue) and an SCL low timeout occurs. Software clears this bit by writing a logic 1 to it.

NOTE: The low timeout function is disabled when the SLT register's value is zero.

0 No low timeout occurs

1 Low timeout occurs
2 SCL High Timeout Flag 1
This read-only bit sets when SCL and SDA are held high more than clock × LoValue / 512, which indicates
the bus is free. This bit is cleared automatically.

0 No SCL high and SDA high timeout occurs

1 SCL high and SDA high timeout occurs
1 SCL High Timeout Flag 2
This bit sets when SCL is held high and SDA is held low more than clock × LoValue/512. Software clears
this bit by writing a 1 to it.

0 No SCL high and SDA low timeout occurs

1 SCL high and SDA low timeout occurs

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register descriptions

I2Cx_SMB field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 SHTF2 Interrupt Enable
Enables SCL high and SDA low timeout interrupt.

0 SHTF2 interrupt is disabled

1 SHTF2 interrupt is enabled

47.3.10 I2C Address Register 2 (I2Cx_A2)

Address: Base address + 9h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

I2Cx_A2 field descriptions

Field Description
7–1 SMBus Address
Contains the slave address used by the SMBus. This field is used on the device default address or other
related addresses.
0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

47.3.11 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2Cx_SLTH)

Address: Base address + Ah offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read SSLT[15:8]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Cx_SLTH field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Most significant byte of SCL low timeout value that determines the timeout period of SCL low.

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1246 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 47 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

47.3.12 I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2Cx_SLTL)

Address: Base address + Bh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read SSLT[7:0]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Cx_SLTL field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Least significant byte of SCL low timeout value that determines the timeout period of SCL low.

47.4 Functional description

This section provides a comprehensive functional description of the I2C module.

47.4.1 I2C protocol

The I2C bus system uses a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL) for data
transfers. All devices connected to it must have open drain or open collector outputs. A
logic AND function is exercised on both lines with external pull-up resistors. The value
of these resistors depends on the system.
Normally, a standard instance of communication is composed of four parts:
1. START signal
2. Slave address transmission
3. Data transfer
4. STOP signal
The STOP signal should not be confused with the CPU STOP instruction. The following
figure illustrates I2C bus system communication.

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Functional description
SCL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SDA A D 7 A D 6 A D 5 A D 4 A D 3 A D 2 A D 1 R /W XXX D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Start Signal C a llin g A d d re s s R e a d / Ack D a ta B y te No Stop

W rite Bit Ack Signal

SCL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9
8 8

SDA A D 7 A D 6 A D 5 A D 4 A D 3 A D 2 A D 1 R /W XX A D 7 A D 6 A D 5 A D 4 A D 3 A D 2 A D 1 R /W

C a llin g A d d re s s R e a d / Ack Repeated N e w C a llin g A d d re s s No Stop

Start Read/
Start Ack Signal
Signal W rite Bit W rite
Signal Bit

Figure 47-38. I2C bus transmission signals START signal

The bus is free when no master device is engaging the bus (both SCL and SDA are high).
When the bus is free, a master may initiate communication by sending a START signal.
A START signal is defined as a high-to-low transition of SDA while SCL is high. This
signal denotes the beginning of a new data transfer—each data transfer might contain
several bytes of data—and brings all slaves out of their idle states. Slave address transmission

Immediately after the START signal, the first byte of a data transfer is the slave address
transmitted by the master. This address is a 7-bit calling address followed by an R/W bit.
The R/W bit tells the slave the desired direction of data transfer.
• 1 = Read transfer: The slave transmits data to the master
• 0 = Write transfer: The master transmits data to the slave
Only the slave with a calling address that matches the one transmitted by the master
responds by sending an acknowledge bit. The slave sends the acknowledge bit by pulling
SDA low at the ninth clock.

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Chapter 47 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

No two slaves in the system can have the same address. If the I2C module is the master, it
must not transmit an address that is equal to its own slave address. The I2C module
cannot be master and slave at the same time. However, if arbitration is lost during an
address cycle, the I2C module reverts to slave mode and operates correctly even if it is
being addressed by another master. Data transfers

When successful slave addressing is achieved, data transfer can proceed on a byte-by-
byte basis in the direction specified by the R/W bit sent by the calling master.
All transfers that follow an address cycle are referred to as data transfers, even if they
carry subaddress information for the slave device.
Each data byte is 8 bits long. Data may be changed only while SCL is low. Data must be
held stable while SCL is high. There is one clock pulse on SCL for each data bit, and the
MSB is transferred first. Each data byte is followed by a ninth (acknowledge) bit, which
is signaled from the receiving device by pulling SDA low at the ninth clock. In summary,
one complete data transfer needs nine clock pulses.
If the slave receiver does not acknowledge the master in the ninth bit, the slave must
leave SDA high. The master interprets the failed acknowledgement as an unsuccessful
data transfer.
If the master receiver does not acknowledge the slave transmitter after a data byte
transmission, the slave interprets it as an end to data transfer and releases the SDA line.
In the case of a failed acknowledgement by either the slave or master, the data transfer is
aborted and the master does one of two things:
• Relinquishes the bus by generating a STOP signal.
• Commences a new call by generating a repeated START signal. STOP signal

The master can terminate the communication by generating a STOP signal to free the
bus. A STOP signal is defined as a low-to-high transition of SDA while SCL is asserted.
The master can generate a STOP signal even if the slave has generated an
acknowledgement, at which point the slave must release the bus.

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Functional description Repeated START signal

The master may generate a START signal followed by a calling command without
generating a STOP signal first. This action is called a repeated START. The master uses
a repeated START to communicate with another slave or with the same slave in a
different mode (transmit/receive mode) without releasing the bus. Arbitration procedure

The I2C bus is a true multimaster bus that allows more than one master to be connected
on it.
If two or more masters try to control the bus at the same time, a clock synchronization
procedure determines the bus clock. The bus clock's low period is equal to the longest
clock low period, and the high period is equal to the shortest one among the masters.
The relative priority of the contending masters is determined by a data arbitration
procedure. A bus master loses arbitration if it transmits logic level 1 while another master
transmits logic level 0. The losing masters immediately switch to slave receive mode and
stop driving SDA output. In this case, the transition from master to slave mode does not
generate a STOP condition. Meanwhile, hardware sets a status bit to indicate the loss of
arbitration. Clock synchronization

Because wire AND logic is performed on SCL, a high-to-low transition on SCL affects
all devices connected on the bus. The devices start counting their low period and, after a
device's clock has gone low, that device holds SCL low until the clock reaches its high
state. However, the change of low to high in this device clock might not change the state
of SCL if another device clock is still within its low period. Therefore, the synchronized
clock SCL is held low by the device with the longest low period. Devices with shorter
low periods enter a high wait state during this time; see the following diagram. When all
applicable devices have counted off their low period, the synchronized clock SCL is
released and pulled high. Afterward there is no difference between the device clocks and
the state of SCL, and all devices start counting their high periods. The first device to
complete its high period pulls SCL low again.

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1250 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 47 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

D e la y S ta rt C o u n tin g H ig h P e rio d




In te rn a l C o u n te r R e s e t

Figure 47-39. I2C clock synchronization Handshaking
The clock synchronization mechanism can be used as a handshake in data transfers. A
slave device may hold SCL low after completing a single byte transfer (9 bits). In this
case, it halts the bus clock and forces the master clock into wait states until the slave
releases SCL. Clock stretching

The clock synchronization mechanism can be used by slaves to slow down the bit rate of
a transfer. After the master drives SCL low, a slave can drive SCL low for the required
period and then release it. If the slave's SCL low period is greater than the master's SCL
low period, the resulting SCL bus signal's low period is stretched. In other words, the
SCL bus signal's low period is increased to be the same length as the slave's SCL low
period. I2C divider and hold values

Table 47-41. I2C divider and hold values
ICR SCL SDA hold SCL hold SCL hold ICR SCL SDA hold SCL hold SCL hold
divider value (start) (stop) divider (clocks) (start) (stop)
(hex) (hex)
value value (clocks) value value
00 20 7 6 11 20 160 17 78 81
01 22 7 7 12 21 192 17 94 97
02 24 8 8 13 22 224 33 110 113

Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

Table 47-41. I2C divider and hold values (continued)

ICR SCL SDA hold SCL hold SCL hold ICR SCL SDA hold SCL hold SCL hold
divider value (start) (stop) divider (clocks) (start) (stop)
(hex) (hex)
value value (clocks) value value
03 26 8 9 14 23 256 33 126 129
04 28 9 10 15 24 288 49 142 145
05 30 9 11 16 25 320 49 158 161
06 34 10 13 18 26 384 65 190 193
07 40 10 16 21 27 480 65 238 241
08 28 7 10 15 28 320 33 158 161
09 32 7 12 17 29 384 33 190 193
0A 36 9 14 19 2A 448 65 222 225
0B 40 9 16 21 2B 512 65 254 257
0C 44 11 18 23 2C 576 97 286 289
0D 48 11 20 25 2D 640 97 318 321
0E 56 13 24 29 2E 768 129 382 385
0F 68 13 30 35 2F 960 129 478 481
10 48 9 18 25 30 640 65 318 321
11 56 9 22 29 31 768 65 382 385
12 64 13 26 33 32 896 129 446 449
13 72 13 30 37 33 1024 129 510 513
14 80 17 34 41 34 1152 193 574 577
15 88 17 38 45 35 1280 193 638 641
16 104 21 46 53 36 1536 257 766 769
17 128 21 58 65 37 1920 257 958 961
18 80 9 38 41 38 1280 129 638 641
19 96 9 46 49 39 1536 129 766 769
1A 112 17 54 57 3A 1792 257 894 897
1B 128 17 62 65 3B 2048 257 1022 1025
1C 144 25 70 73 3C 2304 385 1150 1153
1D 160 25 78 81 3D 2560 385 1278 1281
1E 192 33 94 97 3E 3072 513 1534 1537
1F 240 33 118 121 3F 3840 513 1918 1921

47.4.2 10-bit address

For 10-bit addressing, 0x11110 is used for the first 5 bits of the first address byte.
Various combinations of read/write formats are possible within a transfer that includes
10-bit addressing.

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1252 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 47 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Master-transmitter addresses a slave-receiver

The transfer direction is not changed. When a 10-bit address follows a START condition,
each slave compares the first 7 bits of the first byte of the slave address (11110XX) with
its own address and tests whether the eighth bit (R/W direction bit) is 0. It is possible that
more than one device finds a match and generates an acknowledge (A1). Each slave that
finds a match compares the 8 bits of the second byte of the slave address with its own
address, but only one slave finds a match and generates an acknowledge (A2). The
matching slave remains addressed by the master until it receives a STOP condition (P) or
a repeated START condition (Sr) followed by a different slave address.
Table 47-42. Master-transmitter addresses slave-receiver with a 10-bit
S Slave R/W A1 Slave A2 Data A ... Data A/A P
address 0 address
first 7 bits second
11110 + byte
AD10 + AD[8:1]

After the master-transmitter has sent the first byte of the 10-bit address, the slave-receiver
sees an I2C interrupt. User software must ensure that for this interrupt, the contents of the
Data register are ignored and not treated as valid data. Master-receiver addresses a slave-transmitter

The transfer direction is changed after the second R/W bit. Up to and including
acknowledge bit A2, the procedure is the same as that described for a master-transmitter
addressing a slave-receiver. After the repeated START condition (Sr), a matching slave
remembers that it was addressed before. This slave then checks whether the first seven
bits of the first byte of the slave address following Sr are the same as they were after the
START condition (S), and it tests whether the eighth (R/W) bit is 1. If there is a match,
the slave considers that it has been addressed as a transmitter and generates acknowledge
A3. The slave-transmitter remains addressed until it receives a STOP condition (P) or a
repeated START condition (Sr) followed by a different slave address.
After a repeated START condition (Sr), all other slave devices also compare the first
seven bits of the first byte of the slave address with their own addresses and test the
eighth (R/W) bit. However, none of them are addressed because R/W = 1 (for 10-bit
devices), or the 11110XX slave address (for 7-bit devices) does not match.

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Functional description

Table 47-43. Master-receiver addresses a slave-transmitter with a 10-bit

S Slave R/W A1 Slave A2 Sr Slave R/W A3 Data A ... Data A P
address 0 address address 1
first 7 second first 7
bits byte bits
11110 + AD[8:1] 11110 +
AD10 + AD10 +

After the master-receiver has sent the first byte of the 10-bit address, the slave-transmitter
sees an I2C interrupt. User software must ensure that for this interrupt, the contents of the
Data register are ignored and not treated as valid data.

47.4.3 Address matching

All received addresses can be requested in 7-bit or 10-bit address format.
• AD[7:1] in Address Register 1, which contains the I2C primary slave address, always
participates in the address matching process. It provides a 7-bit address.
• If the ADEXT bit is set, AD[10:8] in Control Register 2 participates in the address
matching process. It extends the I2C primary slave address to a 10-bit address.
Additional conditions that affect address matching include:
• If the GCAEN bit is set, general call participates the address matching process.
• If the ALERTEN bit is set, alert response participates the address matching process.
• If the SIICAEN bit is set, Address Register 2 participates in the address matching
• If the Range Address register is programmed to a nonzero value, the range address
itself participates in the address matching process.
• If the RMEN bit is set, any address within the range of values of Address Register 1
and the Range Address register participates in the address matching process. The
Range Address register must be programmed to a value greater than the value of
Address Register 1.
When the I2C module responds to one of these addresses, it acts as a slave-receiver and
the IAAS bit is set after the address cycle. Software must read the Data register after the
first byte transfer to determine that the address is matched.

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1254 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 47 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

47.4.4 System management bus specification

SMBus provides a control bus for system and power management related tasks. A system
can use SMBus to pass messages to and from devices instead of tripping individual
control lines. Removing the individual control lines reduces pin count. Accepting
messages ensures future expandability. With the system management bus, a device can
provide manufacturer information, tell the system what its model/part number is, save its
state for a suspend event, report different types of errors, accept control parameters, and
return its status. Timeouts
The TTIMEOUT,MIN parameter allows a master or slave to conclude that a defective device
is holding the clock low indefinitely or a master is intentionally trying to drive devices
off the bus. The slave device must release the bus (stop driving the bus and let SCL and
SDA float high) when it detects any single clock held low longer than TTIMEOUT,MIN.
Devices that have detected this condition must reset their communication and be able to
receive a new START condition within the timeframe of TTIMEOUT,MAX.
SMBus defines a clock low timeout, TTIMEOUT, of 35 ms, specifies TLOW:SEXT as the
cumulative clock low extend time for a slave device, and specifies TLOW:MEXT as the
cumulative clock low extend time for a master device. SCL low timeout

If the SCL line is held low by a slave device on the bus, no further communication is
possible. Furthermore, the master cannot force the SCL line high to correct the error
condition. To solve this problem, the SMBus protocol specifies that devices participating
in a transfer must detect any clock cycle held low longer than a timeout value condition.
Devices that have detected the timeout condition must reset the communication. When
the I2C module is an active master, if it detects that SMBCLK low has exceeded the
value of TTIMEOUT,MIN, it must generate a stop condition within or after the current data
byte in the transfer process. When the I2C module is a slave, if it detects the
TTIMEOUT,MIN condition, it resets its communication and is then able to receive a new
START condition. SCL high timeout

When the I2C module has determined that the SMBCLK and SMBDAT signals have
been high for at least THIGH:MAX, it assumes that the bus is idle.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1255
Functional description

A HIGH timeout occurs after a START condition appears on the bus but before a STOP
condition appears on the bus. Any master detecting this scenario can assume the bus is
free when either of the following occurs:
• SHTF1 rises.
• The BUSY bit is high and SHTF1 is high.
When the SMBDAT signal is low and the SMBCLK signal is high for a period of time,
another kind of timeout occurs. The time period must be defined in software. SHTF2 is
used as the flag when the time limit is reached. This flag is also an interrupt resource, so

The following figure illustrates the definition of the timeout intervals TLOW:SEXT and
TLOW:MEXT. When in master mode, the I2C module must not cumulatively extend its
clock cycles for a period greater than TLOW:MEXT within a byte, where each byte is
defined as START-to-ACK, ACK-to-ACK, or ACK-to-STOP. When CSMBCLK
TIMEOUT MEXT occurs, SMBus MEXT rises and also triggers the SLTF.
Start T LOW:SEXT Stop

ClkAck ClkAck



Figure 47-40. Timeout measurement intervals

A master is allowed to abort the transaction in progress to any slave that violates the
TLOW:SEXT or TTIMEOUT,MIN specifications. To abort the transaction, the master issues a
STOP condition at the conclusion of the byte transfer in progress. When a slave, the I2C
module must not cumulatively extend its clock cycles for a period greater than
TLOW:SEXT during any message from the initial START to the STOP. When CSMBCLK
TIMEOUT SEXT occurs, SEXT rises and also triggers SLTF.
MEXT are optional functions that are implemented in the
second step.

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1256 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 47 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) FAST ACK and NACK

To improve reliability and communication robustness, implementation of packet error
checking (PEC) by SMBus devices is optional for SMBus devices but required for
devices participating in and only during the address resolution protocol (ARP) process.
The PEC is a CRC-8 error checking byte, calculated on all the message bytes. The PEC is
appended to the message by the device that supplied the last data byte. If the PEC is
present but not correct, a NACK is issued by the receiver. Otherwise an ACK is issued.
To calculate the CRC-8 by software, this module can hold the SCL line low after
receiving the eighth SCL (8th bit) if this byte is a data byte. So software can determine
whether an ACK or NACK should be sent to the bus by setting or clearing the TXAK bit
if the FACK (fast ACK/NACK enable) bit is enabled.
SMBus requires a device always to acknowledge its own address, as a mechanism to
detect the presence of a removable device (such as a battery or docking station) on the
bus. In addition to indicating a slave device busy condition, SMBus uses the NACK
mechanism to indicate the reception of an invalid command or invalid data. Because such
a condition may occur on the last byte of the transfer, SMBus devices are required to
have the ability to generate the not acknowledge after the transfer of each byte and before
the completion of the transaction. This requirement is important because SMBus does not
provide any other resend signaling. This difference in the use of the NACK signaling has
implications on the specific implementation of the SMBus port, especially in devices that
handle critical system data such as the SMBus host and the SBS components.
In the last byte of master receive slave transmit mode, the
master must send a NACK to the bus, so FACK must be
switched off before the last byte transmits.

47.4.5 Resets
The I2C module is disabled after a reset. The I2C module cannot cause a core reset.

47.4.6 Interrupts
The I2C module generates an interrupt when any of the events in the following table
occur, provided that the IICIE bit is set. The interrupt is driven by the IICIF bit (of the
I2C Status Register) and masked with the IICIE bit (of the I2C Control Register 1). The
IICIF bit must be cleared (by software) by writing 1 to it in the interrupt routine. The

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1257
Functional description

SMBus timeouts interrupt is driven by SLTF and masked with the IICIE bit. The SLTF
bit must be cleared by software by writing 1 to it in the interrupt routine. You can
determine the interrupt type by reading the Status Register.
In master receive mode, the FACK bit must be set to zero
before the last byte transfer.
Table 47-44. Interrupt summary
Interrupt source Status Flag Local enable
Complete 1-byte transfer TCF IICIF IICIE
Match of received calling address IAAS IICIF IICIE
Arbitration lost ARBL IICIF IICIE
SMBus SCL high SDA low timeout SHTF2 IICIF IICIE & SHTF2IE
Wakeup from stop or wait mode IAAS IICIF IICIE & WUEN Byte transfer interrupt

The Transfer Complete Flag (TCF) bit is set at the falling edge of the ninth clock to
indicate the completion of a byte and acknowledgement transfer. When FACK is enabled,
TCF is then set at the falling edge of eighth clock to indicate the completion of byte. Address detect interrupt

When the calling address matches the programmed slave address (I2C Address Register)
or when the GCAEN bit is set and a general call is received, the IAAS bit in the Status
Register is set. The CPU is interrupted, provided the IICIE bit is set. The CPU must
check the SRW bit and set its Tx mode accordingly. Exit from low-power/stop modes

The slave receive input detect circuit and address matching feature are still active on low
power modes (wait and stop). An asynchronous input matching slave address or general
call address brings the CPU out of low power/stop mode if the interrupt is not masked.
Therefore, TCF and IAAS both can trigger this interrupt.

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1258 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 47 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Arbitration lost interrupt

The I2C is a true multimaster bus that allows more than one master to be connected on it.
If two or more masters try to control the bus at the same time, the relative priority of the
contending masters is determined by a data arbitration procedure. The I2C module asserts
the arbitration-lost interrupt when it loses the data arbitration process and the ARBL bit
in the Status Register is set.
Arbitration is lost in the following circumstances:
1. SDA is sampled as low when the master drives high during an address or data
transmit cycle.
2. SDA is sampled as low when the master drives high during the acknowledge bit of a
data receive cycle.
3. A START cycle is attempted when the bus is busy.
4. A repeated START cycle is requested in slave mode.
5. A STOP condition is detected when the master did not request it.

The ARBL bit must be cleared (by software) by writing 1 to it. Timeout interrupt in SMBus

When the IICIE bit is set, the I2C module asserts a timeout interrupt (outputs SLTF and
SHTF2) upon detection of any of the mentioned timeout conditions, with one exception.
The SCL high and SDA high TIMEOUT mechanism must not be used to influence the
timeout interrupt output, because this timeout indicates an idle condition on the bus.
SHTF1 rises when it matches the SCL high and SDA high TIMEOUT and falls
automatically just to indicate the bus status. The SHTF2's timeout period is the same as
that of SHTF1, which is short compared to that of SLTF, so another control bit,
SHTF2IE, is added to enable or disable it.

47.4.7 Programmable input glitch filter

An I2C glitch filter has been added outside legacy I2C modules but within the I2C
package. This filter can absorb glitches on the I2C clock and data lines for the I2C
module. The width of the glitch to absorb can be specified in terms of the number of
(half) bus clock cycles. A single Programmable Input Glitch Filter control register is
provided. Effectively, any down-up-down or up-down-up transition on the data line that

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Functional description

occurs within the number of clock cycles programmed in this register is ignored by the
I2C module. The programmer must specify the size of the glitch (in terms of bus clock
cycles) for the filter to absorb and not pass.
Noise internal signals
external signals

Figure 47-41. Programmable input glitch filter diagram

47.4.8 Address matching wakeup

When a primary, range, or general call address match occurs when the I2C module is in
slave receive mode, the MCU wakes from a low power mode with no peripheral bus
running. Data sent on the bus that is the same as a target device address might also wake
the target MCU.
After the address matching IAAS bit is set, an interrupt is sent at the end of address
matching to wake the core. The IAAS bit must be cleared after the clock recovery.
After the system recovers and is in Run mode, restart the I2C
module if necessary. The SCL line is not held low until the I2C
module resets after address matching.
The main purpose of this feature is to wake the MCU from Stop
mode. The main purpose is not communication.

47.4.9 DMA support

If the DMAEN bit is cleared and the IICIE bit is set, an interrupt condition generates an
interrupt request. If the DMAEN bit is set and the IICIE bit is set, an interrupt condition
generates a DMA request instead. DMA requests are generated by the transfer complete
flag (TCF).
If the DMAEN bit is set, the only arbitration lost is to another I2C module (error), and
SCL low timeouts (error) generate CPU interrupts. All other events initiate a DMA

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1260 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 47 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

Before the last byte of master receive mode, TXAK must be set
to send a NACK after the last byte’s transfer. Therefore, the
DMA must be disabled before the last byte’s transfer.
In 10-bit address mode transmission, the addresses to send
occupy 2-3 bytes. During this transfer period, the DMA must be
disabled because the C1 register is written to send a repeat start
or to change the transfer direction.

47.5 Initialization/application information

Module Initialization (Slave)

1. Write: Control Register 2
• to enable or disable general call
• to select 10-bit or 7-bit addressing mode
2. Write: Address Register 1 to set the slave address
3. Write: Control Register 1 to enable the I2C module and interrupts
4. Initialize RAM variables (IICEN = 1 and IICIE = 1) for transmit data
5. Initialize RAM variables used to achieve the routine shown in the following figure
Module Initialization (Master)
1. Write: Frequency Divider register to set the I2C baud rate (example provided in this
2. Write: Control Register 1 to enable the I2C module and interrupts
3. Initialize RAM variables (IICEN = 1 and IICIE = 1) for transmit data
4. Initialize RAM variables used to achieve the routine shown in the following figure
5. Write: Control Register 1 to enable TX
6. Write: Control Register 1 to enable MST (master mode)
7. Write: Data register with the address of the target slave (the LSB of this byte
determines whether the communication is master receive or transmit)

The routine shown in the following figure can handle both master and slave I2C
operations. For slave operation, an incoming I2C message that contains the proper
address begins I2C communication. For master operation, communication must be
initiated by writing the Data register.

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Initialization/application information



Tx Rx Y Arbitration

Last byte Y
Clear ARBL N

Last byte
to be read?

Y N Y N Data transfer
Address transfer see note 2
Y see note 1
Y End of Y 2nd to Rx
address cycle last byte to be SRW=1? Tx/Rx?
(master Rx)? read?

N N N (write) Tx

Write next Generate stop ACK from
byte to Data reg Set TXACK signal (MST=0) Set TX mode

Read data from

Write data Transmit
Data reg
to Data reg next byte
and store

Switch to Switch to
Set Rx mode
Rx mode Rx mode

Generate stop Read data from

Dummy read Dummy read Dummy read
signal (MST=0) Data reg
from Data reg from Data reg from Data reg
and store


1. If general call is enabled, check to determine if the received address is a general call address (0x00).
If the received address is a general call address, the general call must be handled by user software.
2. When 10-bit addressing addresses a slave, the slave sees an interrupt following the first byte of the extended address.
Ensure that for this interrupt, the contents of the Data register are ignored and not treated as a valid data transfer.

Figure 47-42. Typical I2C interrupt routine

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Chapter 47 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)

Y N N See typical I2C

FACK=1? interrupt routine
flow chart



Tx Rx Y Arbitration

Last byte Last byte N
Clear ARBL
transmitted? to be read?


N Y 2nd to N Y
RXAK=0? last byte to be IAAS=1? IAAS=1?

Address transfer
Y see note 1
Y End of Delay (note 2) (read)
address cycle Read data from
Data reg SRW=1? Tx/Rx?
(master Rx)? Rx
and soft CRC

N Delay (note 2) N (write) Tx

Read data and
Soft CRC
Set TXAK to Delay (note 2) Y
proper value Generate stop Read data from ACK from
Clear IICIF signal (MST=0) Data reg
Delay (note 2) receiver?
and soft CRC
Clear FACK=0 N

Set TXAK to Delay (note 2)

Write next Set TXAK to proper value Read data from Transmit
byte to Data reg proper value Clear IICIF Data reg next byte
Delay (note 2) and soft CRC

Set TXAK to
Switch to Clear IICIF proper value Switch to
Set Tx mode Clear IICIF
Rx mode Delay (note 2) Rx mode
Delay (note 2)

Generate stop Read data from Read data from

Dummy read Write data Dummy read
signal (MST=0) Data reg Data reg
from Data reg to Data reg from Data reg
and store and store


1. If general call or SIICAEN is enabled, check to determine if the received address is a general call address (0x00) or an SMBus
device default address. In either case, they must be handled by user software.
2. In receive mode, one bit time delay may be needed before the first and second data reading.

Figure 47-43. Typical I2C SMBus interrupt routine

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Initialization/application information

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1264 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

48.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The UART allows asynchronous serial communication with peripheral devices and

48.1.1 Features
The UART includes the following features:
• Full-duplex operation
• Standard mark/space non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format
• Selectable IrDA 1.4 return-to-zero-inverted (RZI) format with programmable pulse
• 13-bit baud rate selection with /32 fractional divide, based on the module clock
• Programmable 8-bit or 9-bit data format
• Separately enabled transmitter and receiver
• Programmable transmitter output polarity
• Programmable receive input polarity
• 13-bit break character option

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• 11-bit break character detection option

• Independent FIFO structure for transmit and receive
• Two receiver wakeup methods:
• Idle line wakeup
• Address mark wakeup
• Address match feature in the receiver to reduce address mark wakeup ISR overhead
• Ability to select MSB or LSB to be first bit on wire
• Hardware flow control support for request to send (RTS) and clear to send (CTS)
• Support for ISO 7816 protocol to interface with SIM cards and smart cards
• Support for T=0 and T=1 protocols
• Automatic retransmission of NACK'd packets with programmable retry
• Support for 11 and 12 ETU transfers
• Detection of initial packet and automated transfer parameter programming
• Interrupt-driven operation with seven ISO-7816 specific interrupts:
• Wait time violated
• Character wait time violated
• Block wait time violated
• Initial frame detected
• Transmit error threshold exceeded
• Receive error threshold exceeded
• Guard time violated
• Support for CEA709.1-B protocol used in building automation and home networking
• Automatic clock resynchronization
• Support for collision detection
• Interrupt-driven operation with 12 flags, not specific to ISO-7816 support

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

• Transmitter data buffer at or below watermark

• Transmission complete
• Receiver data buffer at or above watermark
• Idle receiver input
• Receiver data buffer overrun
• Receiver data buffer underflow
• Transmit data buffer overflow
• Noise error
• Framing error
• Parity error
• Active edge on receive pin
• LIN break detect
• Receiver framing error detection
• Hardware parity generation and checking
• 1/16 bit-time noise detection
• DMA interface

48.1.2 Modes of operation

The UART functions in the same way in all the normal modes.
It has the following two low power modes:
• Wait mode
• Stop mode Run mode

This is the normal mode of operation.

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UART signal descriptions Wait mode

UART operation in the Wait mode depends on the state of the C1[UARTSWAI] field.
• If C1[UARTSWAI] is cleared, and the CPU is in Wait mode, the UART operates
• If C1[UARTSWAI] is set, and the CPU is in Wait mode, the UART clock generation
ceases and the UART module enters a power conservation state.

C1[UARTSWAI] does not initiate any power down or power up procedures for the
ISO-7816 smartcard interface.
Setting C1[UARTSWAI] does not affect the state of the C2[RE] or C2[TE].
If C1[UARTSWAI] is set, any ongoing transmission or reception stops at the Wait mode
entry. The transmission or reception resumes when either an internal or external interrupt
brings the CPU out of Wait mode. Bringing the CPU out of Wait mode by reset aborts
any ongoing transmission or reception and resets the UART. Stop mode

The UART is inactive during Stop mode for reduced power consumption. The STOP
instruction does not affect the UART register states, but the UART module clock is
disabled. The UART operation resumes after an external interrupt brings the CPU out of
Stop mode. Bringing the CPU out of Stop mode by reset aborts any ongoing transmission
or reception and resets the UART. Entering or leaving Stop mode does not initiate any
power down or power up procedures for the ISO-7816 smartcard interface.

48.2 UART signal descriptions

The UART signals are shown in the following table.
Table 48-1. UART signal descriptions
Signal Description I/O
CTS Clear to send I
RTS Request to send O
RXD Receive data I
TXD Transmit data O
Collision Collision detect I

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

48.2.1 Detailed signal descriptions

The detailed signal descriptions of the UART are shown in the following table.
Table 48-2. UART—Detailed signal descriptions
Signal I/O Description
CTS I Clear to send. Indicates whether the UART can start transmitting data when flow control is
State meaning Asserted—Data transmission can start.
Negated—Data transmission cannot start.
Timing Assertion—When transmitting device's RTS asserts.
Negation—When transmitting device's RTS deasserts.
RTS O Request to send. When driven by the receiver, indicates whether the UART is ready to
receive data. When driven by the transmitter, can enable an external transceiver during
State Asserted—When driven by the receiver, ready to receive data. When
driven by the transmitter, enable the external transmitter.
Negated—When driven by the receiver, not ready to receive data. When
driven by the transmitter, disable the external transmitter.
Timing Assertion—Can occur at any time; can assert asynchronously to the other
input signals.
Negation—Can occur at any time; can deassert asynchronously to the
other input signals.
RXD I Receive data. Serial data input to receiver.
State meaning Whether RXD is interpreted as a 1 or 0 depends on the bit encoding
method along with other configuration settings.
Timing Sampled at a frequency determined by the module clock divided by the
baud rate.
TXD O Transmit data. Serial data output from transmitter.
State meaning Whether TXD is interpreted as a 1 or 0 depends on the bit encoding
method along with other configuration settings.
Timing Driven at the beginning or within a bit time according to the bit encoding
method along with other configuration settings. Otherwise, transmissions
are independent of reception timing.
Collision I Collision Detect. Indicates if a collision is detected during Data Transmission.
State Asserted—Indicates a collision detection. UARTxCPW determines the
length of this pulse for valid collision detection.
Negated—No collision detected.
Timing Asserts asynchronously to other input signals.

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Memory map and registers

48.3 Memory map and registers

This section provides a detailed description of all memory and registers.
Accessing reserved addresses within the memory map results in a transfer error. None of
the contents of the implemented addresses are modified as a result of that access.
Only byte accesses are supported.
UART memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_A000 UART Baud Rate Registers: High (UART0_BDH) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.1/1280
4006_A001 UART Baud Rate Registers: Low (UART0_BDL) 8 R/W 04h 48.3.2/1281
4006_A002 UART Control Register 1 (UART0_C1) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.3/1282
4006_A003 UART Control Register 2 (UART0_C2) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.4/1283
4006_A004 UART Status Register 1 (UART0_S1) 8 R C0h 48.3.5/1285
4006_A005 UART Status Register 2 (UART0_S2) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.6/1288
4006_A006 UART Control Register 3 (UART0_C3) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.7/1290
4006_A007 UART Data Register (UART0_D) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.8/1291
4006_A008 UART Match Address Registers 1 (UART0_MA1) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.9/1292
4006_A009 UART Match Address Registers 2 (UART0_MA2) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A00A UART Control Register 4 (UART0_C4) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A00B UART Control Register 5 (UART0_C5) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A00C UART Extended Data Register (UART0_ED) 8 R 00h
4006_A00D UART Modem Register (UART0_MODEM) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A00E UART Infrared Register (UART0_IR) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A010 UART FIFO Parameters (UART0_PFIFO) 8 R/W See section
4006_A011 UART FIFO Control Register (UART0_CFIFO) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A012 UART FIFO Status Register (UART0_SFIFO) 8 R/W C0h
4006_A013 UART FIFO Transmit Watermark (UART0_TWFIFO) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A014 UART FIFO Transmit Count (UART0_TCFIFO) 8 R 00h

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UART memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_A015 UART FIFO Receive Watermark (UART0_RWFIFO) 8 R/W 01h
4006_A016 UART FIFO Receive Count (UART0_RCFIFO) 8 R 00h
4006_A018 UART 7816 Control Register (UART0_C7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A019 UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register (UART0_IE7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A01A UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register (UART0_IS7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART0_WP7816T0) 8 R/W 0Ah
4006_A01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART0_WP7816T1) 8 R/W 0Ah
4006_A01C UART 7816 Wait N Register (UART0_WN7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A01D UART 7816 Wait FD Register (UART0_WF7816) 8 R/W 01h
4006_A01E UART 7816 Error Threshold Register (UART0_ET7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A01F UART 7816 Transmit Length Register (UART0_TL7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A021 UART CEA709.1-B Control Register 6 (UART0_C6) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter High 48.3.33/
4006_A022 8 R/W 00h
(UART0_PCTH) 1311
UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter Low 48.3.34/
4006_A023 8 R/W 00h
(UART0_PCTL) 1312
4006_A024 UART CEA709.1-B Beta1 Timer (UART0_B1T) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer High 48.3.36/
4006_A025 8 R/W 00h
(UART0_SDTH) 1313
UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer Low 48.3.37/
4006_A026 8 R/W 00h
(UART0_SDTL) 1313
4006_A027 UART CEA709.1-B Preamble (UART0_PRE) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A028 UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Packet Length (UART0_TPL) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A029 UART CEA709.1-B Interrupt Enable Register (UART0_IE) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A02A UART CEA709.1-B WBASE (UART0_WB) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A02B UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UART0_S3) 8 R/W 00h

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Memory map and registers

UART memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_A02C UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UART0_S4) 8 R/W 00h
4006_A02D UART CEA709.1-B Received Packet Length (UART0_RPL) 8 R 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Received Preamble Length 48.3.45/
4006_A02E 8 R 00h
(UART0_RPREL) 1319
4006_A02F UART CEA709.1-B Collision Pulse Width (UART0_CPW) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Receive Indeterminate Time 48.3.47/
4006_A030 8 R/W 00h
(UART0_RIDT) 1319
UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Indeterminate Time 48.3.48/
4006_A031 8 R/W 00h
(UART0_TIDT) 1320
4006_B000 UART Baud Rate Registers: High (UART1_BDH) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.1/1280
4006_B001 UART Baud Rate Registers: Low (UART1_BDL) 8 R/W 04h 48.3.2/1281
4006_B002 UART Control Register 1 (UART1_C1) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.3/1282
4006_B003 UART Control Register 2 (UART1_C2) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.4/1283
4006_B004 UART Status Register 1 (UART1_S1) 8 R C0h 48.3.5/1285
4006_B005 UART Status Register 2 (UART1_S2) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.6/1288
4006_B006 UART Control Register 3 (UART1_C3) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.7/1290
4006_B007 UART Data Register (UART1_D) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.8/1291
4006_B008 UART Match Address Registers 1 (UART1_MA1) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.9/1292
4006_B009 UART Match Address Registers 2 (UART1_MA2) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B00A UART Control Register 4 (UART1_C4) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B00B UART Control Register 5 (UART1_C5) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B00C UART Extended Data Register (UART1_ED) 8 R 00h
4006_B00D UART Modem Register (UART1_MODEM) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B00E UART Infrared Register (UART1_IR) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B010 UART FIFO Parameters (UART1_PFIFO) 8 R/W See section
4006_B011 UART FIFO Control Register (UART1_CFIFO) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B012 UART FIFO Status Register (UART1_SFIFO) 8 R/W C0h
4006_B013 UART FIFO Transmit Watermark (UART1_TWFIFO) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B014 UART FIFO Transmit Count (UART1_TCFIFO) 8 R 00h

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UART memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_B015 UART FIFO Receive Watermark (UART1_RWFIFO) 8 R/W 01h
4006_B016 UART FIFO Receive Count (UART1_RCFIFO) 8 R 00h
4006_B018 UART 7816 Control Register (UART1_C7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B019 UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register (UART1_IE7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B01A UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register (UART1_IS7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART1_WP7816T0) 8 R/W 0Ah
4006_B01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART1_WP7816T1) 8 R/W 0Ah
4006_B01C UART 7816 Wait N Register (UART1_WN7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B01D UART 7816 Wait FD Register (UART1_WF7816) 8 R/W 01h
4006_B01E UART 7816 Error Threshold Register (UART1_ET7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B01F UART 7816 Transmit Length Register (UART1_TL7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B021 UART CEA709.1-B Control Register 6 (UART1_C6) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter High 48.3.33/
4006_B022 8 R/W 00h
(UART1_PCTH) 1311
UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter Low 48.3.34/
4006_B023 8 R/W 00h
(UART1_PCTL) 1312
4006_B024 UART CEA709.1-B Beta1 Timer (UART1_B1T) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer High 48.3.36/
4006_B025 8 R/W 00h
(UART1_SDTH) 1313
UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer Low 48.3.37/
4006_B026 8 R/W 00h
(UART1_SDTL) 1313
4006_B027 UART CEA709.1-B Preamble (UART1_PRE) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B028 UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Packet Length (UART1_TPL) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B029 UART CEA709.1-B Interrupt Enable Register (UART1_IE) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B02A UART CEA709.1-B WBASE (UART1_WB) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B02B UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UART1_S3) 8 R/W 00h

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Memory map and registers

UART memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_B02C UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UART1_S4) 8 R/W 00h
4006_B02D UART CEA709.1-B Received Packet Length (UART1_RPL) 8 R 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Received Preamble Length 48.3.45/
4006_B02E 8 R 00h
(UART1_RPREL) 1319
4006_B02F UART CEA709.1-B Collision Pulse Width (UART1_CPW) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Receive Indeterminate Time 48.3.47/
4006_B030 8 R/W 00h
(UART1_RIDT) 1319
UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Indeterminate Time 48.3.48/
4006_B031 8 R/W 00h
(UART1_TIDT) 1320
4006_C000 UART Baud Rate Registers: High (UART2_BDH) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.1/1280
4006_C001 UART Baud Rate Registers: Low (UART2_BDL) 8 R/W 04h 48.3.2/1281
4006_C002 UART Control Register 1 (UART2_C1) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.3/1282
4006_C003 UART Control Register 2 (UART2_C2) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.4/1283
4006_C004 UART Status Register 1 (UART2_S1) 8 R C0h 48.3.5/1285
4006_C005 UART Status Register 2 (UART2_S2) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.6/1288
4006_C006 UART Control Register 3 (UART2_C3) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.7/1290
4006_C007 UART Data Register (UART2_D) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.8/1291
4006_C008 UART Match Address Registers 1 (UART2_MA1) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.9/1292
4006_C009 UART Match Address Registers 2 (UART2_MA2) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C00A UART Control Register 4 (UART2_C4) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C00B UART Control Register 5 (UART2_C5) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C00C UART Extended Data Register (UART2_ED) 8 R 00h
4006_C00D UART Modem Register (UART2_MODEM) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C00E UART Infrared Register (UART2_IR) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C010 UART FIFO Parameters (UART2_PFIFO) 8 R/W See section
4006_C011 UART FIFO Control Register (UART2_CFIFO) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C012 UART FIFO Status Register (UART2_SFIFO) 8 R/W C0h
4006_C013 UART FIFO Transmit Watermark (UART2_TWFIFO) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C014 UART FIFO Transmit Count (UART2_TCFIFO) 8 R 00h

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1274 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UART memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_C015 UART FIFO Receive Watermark (UART2_RWFIFO) 8 R/W 01h
4006_C016 UART FIFO Receive Count (UART2_RCFIFO) 8 R 00h
4006_C018 UART 7816 Control Register (UART2_C7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C019 UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register (UART2_IE7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C01A UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register (UART2_IS7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART2_WP7816T0) 8 R/W 0Ah
4006_C01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART2_WP7816T1) 8 R/W 0Ah
4006_C01C UART 7816 Wait N Register (UART2_WN7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C01D UART 7816 Wait FD Register (UART2_WF7816) 8 R/W 01h
4006_C01E UART 7816 Error Threshold Register (UART2_ET7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C01F UART 7816 Transmit Length Register (UART2_TL7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C021 UART CEA709.1-B Control Register 6 (UART2_C6) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter High 48.3.33/
4006_C022 8 R/W 00h
(UART2_PCTH) 1311
UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter Low 48.3.34/
4006_C023 8 R/W 00h
(UART2_PCTL) 1312
4006_C024 UART CEA709.1-B Beta1 Timer (UART2_B1T) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer High 48.3.36/
4006_C025 8 R/W 00h
(UART2_SDTH) 1313
UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer Low 48.3.37/
4006_C026 8 R/W 00h
(UART2_SDTL) 1313
4006_C027 UART CEA709.1-B Preamble (UART2_PRE) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C028 UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Packet Length (UART2_TPL) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C029 UART CEA709.1-B Interrupt Enable Register (UART2_IE) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C02A UART CEA709.1-B WBASE (UART2_WB) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C02B UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UART2_S3) 8 R/W 00h

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Memory map and registers

UART memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_C02C UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UART2_S4) 8 R/W 00h
4006_C02D UART CEA709.1-B Received Packet Length (UART2_RPL) 8 R 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Received Preamble Length 48.3.45/
4006_C02E 8 R 00h
(UART2_RPREL) 1319
4006_C02F UART CEA709.1-B Collision Pulse Width (UART2_CPW) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Receive Indeterminate Time 48.3.47/
4006_C030 8 R/W 00h
(UART2_RIDT) 1319
UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Indeterminate Time 48.3.48/
4006_C031 8 R/W 00h
(UART2_TIDT) 1320
4006_D000 UART Baud Rate Registers: High (UART3_BDH) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.1/1280
4006_D001 UART Baud Rate Registers: Low (UART3_BDL) 8 R/W 04h 48.3.2/1281
4006_D002 UART Control Register 1 (UART3_C1) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.3/1282
4006_D003 UART Control Register 2 (UART3_C2) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.4/1283
4006_D004 UART Status Register 1 (UART3_S1) 8 R C0h 48.3.5/1285
4006_D005 UART Status Register 2 (UART3_S2) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.6/1288
4006_D006 UART Control Register 3 (UART3_C3) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.7/1290
4006_D007 UART Data Register (UART3_D) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.8/1291
4006_D008 UART Match Address Registers 1 (UART3_MA1) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.9/1292
4006_D009 UART Match Address Registers 2 (UART3_MA2) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D00A UART Control Register 4 (UART3_C4) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D00B UART Control Register 5 (UART3_C5) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D00C UART Extended Data Register (UART3_ED) 8 R 00h
4006_D00D UART Modem Register (UART3_MODEM) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D00E UART Infrared Register (UART3_IR) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D010 UART FIFO Parameters (UART3_PFIFO) 8 R/W See section
4006_D011 UART FIFO Control Register (UART3_CFIFO) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D012 UART FIFO Status Register (UART3_SFIFO) 8 R/W C0h
4006_D013 UART FIFO Transmit Watermark (UART3_TWFIFO) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D014 UART FIFO Transmit Count (UART3_TCFIFO) 8 R 00h

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1276 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UART memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_D015 UART FIFO Receive Watermark (UART3_RWFIFO) 8 R/W 01h
4006_D016 UART FIFO Receive Count (UART3_RCFIFO) 8 R 00h
4006_D018 UART 7816 Control Register (UART3_C7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D019 UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register (UART3_IE7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D01A UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register (UART3_IS7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART3_WP7816T0) 8 R/W 0Ah
4006_D01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART3_WP7816T1) 8 R/W 0Ah
4006_D01C UART 7816 Wait N Register (UART3_WN7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D01D UART 7816 Wait FD Register (UART3_WF7816) 8 R/W 01h
4006_D01E UART 7816 Error Threshold Register (UART3_ET7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D01F UART 7816 Transmit Length Register (UART3_TL7816) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D021 UART CEA709.1-B Control Register 6 (UART3_C6) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter High 48.3.33/
4006_D022 8 R/W 00h
(UART3_PCTH) 1311
UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter Low 48.3.34/
4006_D023 8 R/W 00h
(UART3_PCTL) 1312
4006_D024 UART CEA709.1-B Beta1 Timer (UART3_B1T) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer High 48.3.36/
4006_D025 8 R/W 00h
(UART3_SDTH) 1313
UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer Low 48.3.37/
4006_D026 8 R/W 00h
(UART3_SDTL) 1313
4006_D027 UART CEA709.1-B Preamble (UART3_PRE) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D028 UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Packet Length (UART3_TPL) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D029 UART CEA709.1-B Interrupt Enable Register (UART3_IE) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D02A UART CEA709.1-B WBASE (UART3_WB) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D02B UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UART3_S3) 8 R/W 00h

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Memory map and registers

UART memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4006_D02C UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UART3_S4) 8 R/W 00h
4006_D02D UART CEA709.1-B Received Packet Length (UART3_RPL) 8 R 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Received Preamble Length 48.3.45/
4006_D02E 8 R 00h
(UART3_RPREL) 1319
4006_D02F UART CEA709.1-B Collision Pulse Width (UART3_CPW) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Receive Indeterminate Time 48.3.47/
4006_D030 8 R/W 00h
(UART3_RIDT) 1319
UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Indeterminate Time 48.3.48/
4006_D031 8 R/W 00h
(UART3_TIDT) 1320
400E_A000 UART Baud Rate Registers: High (UART4_BDH) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.1/1280
400E_A001 UART Baud Rate Registers: Low (UART4_BDL) 8 R/W 04h 48.3.2/1281
400E_A002 UART Control Register 1 (UART4_C1) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.3/1282
400E_A003 UART Control Register 2 (UART4_C2) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.4/1283
400E_A004 UART Status Register 1 (UART4_S1) 8 R C0h 48.3.5/1285
400E_A005 UART Status Register 2 (UART4_S2) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.6/1288
400E_A006 UART Control Register 3 (UART4_C3) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.7/1290
400E_A007 UART Data Register (UART4_D) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.8/1291
400E_A008 UART Match Address Registers 1 (UART4_MA1) 8 R/W 00h 48.3.9/1292
400E_A009 UART Match Address Registers 2 (UART4_MA2) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A00A UART Control Register 4 (UART4_C4) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A00B UART Control Register 5 (UART4_C5) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A00C UART Extended Data Register (UART4_ED) 8 R 00h
400E_A00D UART Modem Register (UART4_MODEM) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A00E UART Infrared Register (UART4_IR) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A010 UART FIFO Parameters (UART4_PFIFO) 8 R/W See section
400E_A011 UART FIFO Control Register (UART4_CFIFO) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A012 UART FIFO Status Register (UART4_SFIFO) 8 R/W C0h
400E_A013 UART FIFO Transmit Watermark (UART4_TWFIFO) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A014 UART FIFO Transmit Count (UART4_TCFIFO) 8 R 00h

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1278 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UART memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
400E_A015 UART FIFO Receive Watermark (UART4_RWFIFO) 8 R/W 01h
400E_A016 UART FIFO Receive Count (UART4_RCFIFO) 8 R 00h
400E_A018 UART 7816 Control Register (UART4_C7816) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A019 UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register (UART4_IE7816) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A01A UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register (UART4_IS7816) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART4_WP7816T0) 8 R/W 0Ah
400E_A01B UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UART4_WP7816T1) 8 R/W 0Ah
400E_A01C UART 7816 Wait N Register (UART4_WN7816) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A01D UART 7816 Wait FD Register (UART4_WF7816) 8 R/W 01h
400E_A01E UART 7816 Error Threshold Register (UART4_ET7816) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A01F UART 7816 Transmit Length Register (UART4_TL7816) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A021 UART CEA709.1-B Control Register 6 (UART4_C6) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter High 48.3.33/
400E_A022 8 R/W 00h
(UART4_PCTH) 1311
UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter Low 48.3.34/
400E_A023 8 R/W 00h
(UART4_PCTL) 1312
400E_A024 UART CEA709.1-B Beta1 Timer (UART4_B1T) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer High 48.3.36/
400E_A025 8 R/W 00h
(UART4_SDTH) 1313
UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer Low 48.3.37/
400E_A026 8 R/W 00h
(UART4_SDTL) 1313
400E_A027 UART CEA709.1-B Preamble (UART4_PRE) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A028 UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Packet Length (UART4_TPL) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A029 UART CEA709.1-B Interrupt Enable Register (UART4_IE) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A02A UART CEA709.1-B WBASE (UART4_WB) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A02B UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UART4_S3) 8 R/W 00h

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Memory map and registers

UART memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
400E_A02C UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UART4_S4) 8 R/W 00h
400E_A02D UART CEA709.1-B Received Packet Length (UART4_RPL) 8 R 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Received Preamble Length 48.3.45/
400E_A02E 8 R 00h
(UART4_RPREL) 1319
400E_A02F UART CEA709.1-B Collision Pulse Width (UART4_CPW) 8 R/W 00h
UART CEA709.1-B Receive Indeterminate Time 48.3.47/
400E_A030 8 R/W 00h
(UART4_RIDT) 1319
UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Indeterminate Time 48.3.48/
400E_A031 8 R/W 00h
(UART4_TIDT) 1320

48.3.1 UART Baud Rate Registers: High (UARTx_BDH)

This register, along with the BDL register, controls the prescale divisor for UART baud
rate generation. To update the 13-bit baud rate setting (SBR[12:0]), first write to BDH to
buffer the high half of the new value and then write to BDL. The working value in BDH
does not change until BDL is written.
BDL is reset to a nonzero value, but after reset, the baud rate generator remains disabled
until the first time the receiver or transmitter is enabled, that is, when C2[RE] or C2[TE]
is set.
Address: Base address + 0h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_BDH field descriptions

Field Description
7 LIN Break Detect Interrupt Enable
Enables the LIN break detect flag, LBKDIF, to generate interrupt requests based on the state of

0 LBKDIF interrupt requests disabled.

LBKDIF interrupt requests enabled.
6 RxD Input Active Edge Interrupt Enable
Enables the receive input active edge, RXEDGIF, to generate interrupt requests.
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1280 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_BDH field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Hardware interrupts from RXEDGIF disabled using polling.
1 RXEDGIF interrupt request enabled.
5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4–0 UART Baud Rate Bits
The baud rate for the UART is determined by the 13 SBR fields. See Baud rate generation for details.

NOTE: • The baud rate generator is disabled until C2[TE] or C2[RE] is set for the first time after
reset.The baud rate generator is disabled when SBR = 0.
• Writing to BDH has no effect without writing to BDL, because writing to BDH puts the data
in a temporary location until BDL is written.

48.3.2 UART Baud Rate Registers: Low (UARTx_BDL)

This register, along with the BDH register, controls the prescale divisor for UART baud
rate generation. To update the 13-bit baud rate setting, SBR[12:0], first write to BDH to
buffer the high half of the new value and then write to BDL. The working value in BDH
does not change until BDL is written. BDL is reset to a nonzero value, but after reset, the
baud rate generator remains disabled until the first time the receiver or transmitter is
enabled, that is, when C2[RE] or C2[TE] is set.
Address: Base address + 1h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read SBR
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

UARTx_BDL field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 UART Baud Rate Bits
The baud rate for the UART is determined by the 13 SBR fields. See Baud rate generation for details.

NOTE: • The baud rate generator is disabled until C2[TE] or C2[RE] is set for the first time after
reset.The baud rate generator is disabled when SBR = 0.
• Writing to BDH has no effect without writing to BDL, because writing to BDH puts the data
in a temporary location until BDL is written.
• When the 1/32 narrow pulse width is selected for infrared (IrDA), the baud rate fields must
be even, the least significant bit is 0. See MODEM register for more details.

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Memory map and registers

48.3.3 UART Control Register 1 (UARTx_C1)

This read/write register controls various optional features of the UART system.
Address: Base address + 2h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_C1 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Loop Mode Select
When LOOPS is set, the RxD pin is disconnected from the UART and the transmitter output is internally
connected to the receiver input. The transmitter and the receiver must be enabled to use the loop function.

0 Normal operation.
1 Loop mode where transmitter output is internally connected to receiver input. The receiver input is
determined by RSRC.
6 UART Stops in Wait Mode
0 UART clock continues to run in Wait mode.
1 UART clock freezes while CPU is in Wait mode.
5 Receiver Source Select
This field has no meaning or effect unless the LOOPS field is set. When LOOPS is set, the RSRC field
determines the source for the receiver shift register input.

0 Selects internal loop back mode. The receiver input is internally connected to transmitter output.
1 Single wire UART mode where the receiver input is connected to the transmit pin input signal.
4 9-bit or 8-bit Mode Select
This field must be set when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled.

0 Normal—start + 8 data bits (MSB/LSB first as determined by MSBF) + stop.

1 Use—start + 9 data bits (MSB/LSB first as determined by MSBF) + stop.
3 Receiver Wakeup Method Select
Determines which condition wakes the UART:
• Address mark in the most significant bit position of a received data character, or
• An idle condition on the receive pin input signal.

0 Idle line wakeup.

1 Address mark wakeup.
2 Idle Line Type Select
Determines when the receiver starts counting logic 1s as idle character bits. The count begins either after
a valid start bit or after the stop bit. If the count begins after the start bit, then a string of logic 1s preceding
the stop bit can cause false recognition of an idle character. Beginning the count after the stop bit avoids
false idle character recognition, but requires properly synchronized transmissions.
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1282 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_C1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: • In case the UART is programmed with ILT = 1, a logic of 1'b0 is automatically shifted after a
received stop bit, therefore resetting the idle count.
• In case the UART is programmed for IDLE line wakeup (RWU = 1 and WAKE = 0), ILT has
no effect on when the receiver starts counting logic 1s as idle character bits. In idle line
wakeup, an idle character is recognized at anytime the receiver sees 10, 11, or 12 1s
depending on the M, PE, and C4[M10] fields.

0 Idle character bit count starts after start bit.

1 Idle character bit count starts after stop bit.
1 Parity Enable
Enables the parity function. When parity is enabled, parity function inserts a parity bit in the bit position
immediately preceding the stop bit. This field must be set when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled.

0 Parity function disabled.

1 Parity function enabled.
0 Parity Type
Determines whether the UART generates and checks for even parity or odd parity. With even parity, an
even number of 1s clears the parity bit and an odd number of 1s sets the parity bit. With odd parity, an odd
number of 1s clears the parity bit and an even number of 1s sets the parity bit. This field must be cleared
when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled.

0 Even parity.
1 Odd parity.

48.3.4 UART Control Register 2 (UARTx_C2)

This register can be read or written at any time.
Address: Base address + 3h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_C2 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Transmitter Interrupt or DMA Transfer Enable.
Enables S1[TDRE] to generate interrupt requests or DMA transfer requests, based on the state of

NOTE: If C2[TIE] and C5[TDMAS] are both set, then TCIE must be cleared, and D[D] must not be written
unless servicing a DMA request.

0 TDRE interrupt and DMA transfer requests disabled.

1 TDRE interrupt or DMA transfer requests enabled.

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UARTx_C2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
6 Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable
Enables the transmission complete flag, S1[TC], to generate interrupt requests .

0 TC interrupt requests disabled.

TC interrupt requests enabled.
5 Receiver Full Interrupt or DMA Transfer Enable
Enables S1[RDRF] to generate interrupt requests or DMA transfer requests, based on the state of

0 RDRF interrupt and DMA transfer requests disabled.

1 RDRF interrupt or DMA transfer requests enabled.
4 Idle Line Interrupt Enable
Enables the idle line flag, S1[IDLE], to generate interrupt requests , based on the state of C5[ILDMAS].

0 IDLE interrupt requests disabled.

1 IDLE interrupt requests enabled.
3 Transmitter Enable
Enables the UART transmitter. TE can be used to queue an idle preamble by clearing and then setting TE.
When C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled and C7816[TTYPE] = 1, this field is automatically cleared after
the requested block has been transmitted. This condition is detected when TL7816[TLEN] = 0 and four
additional characters are transmitted.

0 Transmitter off.
1 Transmitter on.
2 Receiver Enable
Enables the UART receiver.

0 Receiver off.
1 Receiver on.
1 Receiver Wakeup Control
This field can be set to place the UART receiver in a standby state. RWU automatically clears when an
RWU event occurs, that is, an IDLE event when C1[WAKE] is clear or an address match when C1[WAKE]
is set. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set.

NOTE: RWU must be set only with C1[WAKE] = 0 (wakeup on idle) if the channel is currently not idle.
This can be determined by S2[RAF]. If the flag is set to wake up an IDLE event and the channel
is already idle, it is possible that the UART will discard data. This is because the data must be
received or a LIN break detected after an IDLE is detected before IDLE is allowed to reasserted.

0 Normal operation.
1 RWU enables the wakeup function and inhibits further receiver interrupt requests. Normally, hardware
wakes the receiver by automatically clearing RWU.
0 Send Break
Toggling SBK sends one break character from the following: See for the number of logic 0s for the
different configurations. Toggling implies clearing the SBK field before the break character has finished
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1284 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_C2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
transmitting. As long as SBK is set, the transmitter continues to send complete break characters (10, 11,
or 12 bits, or 13 or 14 bits).
• 10, 11, or 12 logic 0s if S2[BRK13] is cleared
• 13 or 14 logic 0s if S2[BRK13] is set.

Transmitting break charactersThis field must be cleared when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set.

0 Normal transmitter operation.

1 Queue break characters to be sent.

48.3.5 UART Status Register 1 (UARTx_S1)

The S1 register provides inputs to the MCU for generation of UART interrupts or DMA
requests. This register can also be polled by the MCU to check the status of its fields. To
clear a flag, the status register should be read followed by a read or write to D register,
depending on the interrupt flag type. Other instructions can be executed between the two
steps as long the handling of I/O is not compromised, but the order of operations is
important for flag clearing. When a flag is configured to trigger a DMA request, assertion
of the associated DMA done signal from the DMA controller clears the flag.
• If the condition that results in the assertion of the flag,
interrupt, or DMA request is not resolved prior to clearing
the flag, the flag, and interrupt/DMA request, reasserts. For
example, if the DMA or interrupt service routine fails to
write sufficient data to the transmit buffer to raise it above
the watermark level, the flag reasserts and generates
another interrupt or DMA request.
• Reading an empty data register to clear one of the flags of
the S1 register causes the FIFO pointers to become
misaligned. A receive FIFO flush reinitializes the pointers.
Address: Base address + 4h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

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UARTx_S1 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Transmit Data Register Empty Flag
TDRE will set when the number of datawords in the transmit buffer (D and C3[T8])is equal to or less than
the number indicated by TWFIFO[TXWATER]. A character that is in the process of being transmitted is not
included in the count. To clear TDRE, read S1 when TDRE is set and then write to the UART data register
(D). For more efficient interrupt servicing, all data except the final value to be written to the buffer must be
written to D/C3[T8]. Then S1 can be read before writing the final data value, resulting in the clearing of the
TRDE flag. This is more efficient because the TDRE reasserts until the watermark has been exceeded.
So, attempting to clear the TDRE with every write will be ineffective until sufficient data has been written.

0 The amount of data in the transmit buffer is greater than the value indicated by TWFIFO[TXWATER].
1 The amount of data in the transmit buffer is less than or equal to the value indicated by
TWFIFO[TXWATER] at some point in time since the flag has been cleared.
6 Transmit Complete Flag
TC is cleared when there is a transmission in progress or when a preamble or break character is loaded.
TC is set when the transmit buffer is empty and no data, preamble, or break character is being
transmitted. When TC is set, the transmit data output signal becomes idle (logic 1). TC is cleared by
reading S1 with TC set and then doing one of the following: When C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled, this
field is set after any NACK signal has been received, but prior to any corresponding guard times
expiring.When C6[EN709] is set/enabled, this flag is not set on transmit packet completion.
• Writing to D to transmit new data.
• Queuing a preamble by clearing and then setting C2[TE].
• Queuing a break character by writing 1 to SBK in C2.

0 Transmitter active (sending data, a preamble, or a break).

1 Transmitter idle (transmission activity complete).
5 Receive Data Register Full Flag
RDRF is set when the number of datawords in the receive buffer is equal to or more than the number
indicated by RWFIFO[RXWATER]. A dataword that is in the process of being received is not included in
the count. RDRF is prevented from setting while S2[LBKDE] is set. Additionally, when S2[LBKDE] is set,
the received datawords are stored in the receive buffer but over-write each other. To clear RDRF, read S1
when RDRF is set and then read D. For more efficient interrupt and DMA operation, read all data except
the final value from the buffer, using D/C3[T8]/ED. Then read S1 and the final data value, resulting in the
clearing of the RDRF flag. Even if RDRF is set, data will continue to be received until an overrun condition

0 The number of datawords in the receive buffer is less than the number indicated by RXWATER.
1 The number of datawords in the receive buffer is equal to or greater than the number indicated by
RXWATER at some point in time since this flag was last cleared.
4 Idle Line Flag
IDLE After the IDLE flag is cleared, a frame must be received (although not necessarily stored in the data buffer,
for example if C2[RWU] is set), or a LIN break character must set the S2[LBKDIF] flag before an idle
condition can set the IDLE flag. To clear IDLE, read UART status S1 with IDLE set and then read D.
IDLE is set when either of the following appear on the receiver input:
• 10 consecutive logic 1s if C1[M] = 0
• 11 consecutive logic 1s if C1[M] = 1 and C4[M10] = 0
• 12 consecutive logic 1s if C1[M] = 1, C4[M10] = 1, and C1[PE] = 1

Idle detection is not supported when7816Eor EN709is set/enabled and hence this flag is ignored.

NOTE: When RWU is set and WAKE is cleared, an idle line condition sets the IDLE flag if RWUID is set,
else the IDLE flag does not become set.
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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_S1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Receiver input is either active now or has never become active since the IDLE flag was last cleared.
1 Receiver input has become idle or the flag has not been cleared since it last asserted.
3 Receiver Overrun Flag
OR is set when software fails to prevent the receive data register from overflowing with data. The OR bit is
set immediately after the stop bit has been completely received for the dataword that overflows the buffer
and all the other error flags (FE, NF, and PF) are prevented from setting. The data in the shift register is
lost, but the data already in the UART data registers is not affected. If the OR flag is set, no data is stored
in the data buffer even if sufficient room exists. Additionally, while the OR flag is set, the RDRF and IDLE
flags are blocked from asserting, that is, transition from an inactive to an active state. To clear OR, read
S1 when OR is set and then read D. If LBKDE is enabled and a LIN Break is detected, the OR field
asserts if S2[LBKDIF] is not cleared before the next data character is received.See for more details
regarding the operation of the OR bit. Overrun (OR) flag implicationsIn 7816 mode, it is possible to
configure a NACK to be returned by programing C7816[ONACK].

0 No overrun has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
1 Overrun has occurred or the overrun flag has not been cleared since the last overrun occured.
2 Noise Flag
NF is set when the UART detects noise on the receiver input. NF does not become set in the case of an
overrun or while the LIN break detect feature is enabled (S2[LBKDE] = 1). When NF is set, it indicates
only that a dataword has been received with noise since the last time it was cleared. There is no
guarantee that the first dataword read from the receive buffer has noise or that there is only one dataword
in the buffer that was received with noise unless the receive buffer has a depth of one. To clear NF, read
S1 and then read D. When EN709 is set/enabled, noise flag is not set.

0 No noise detected since the last time this flag was cleared. If the receive buffer has a depth greater
than 1 then there may be data in the receiver buffer that was received with noise.
1 At least one dataword was received with noise detected since the last time the flag was cleared.
1 Framing Error Flag
FE is set when a logic 0 is accepted as the stop bit. FE does not set in the case of an overrun or while the
LIN break detect feature is enabled (S2[LBKDE] = 1). FE inhibits further data reception until it is cleared.
To clear FE, read S1 with FE set and then read D. The last data in the receive buffer represents the data
that was received with the frame error enabled. Framing errors are not supported when 7816E is set/
enabled. However, if this flag is set, data is still not received in 7816 mode.Framing errors are not
supported in 709 mode.

0 No framing error detected.

1 Framing error.
0 Parity Error Flag
PF is set when PE is set, S2[LBKDE] is disabled, and the parity of the received data does not match its
parity bit. The PF is not set in the case of an overrun condition. When PF is set, it indicates only that a
dataword was received with parity error since the last time it was cleared. There is no guarantee that the
first dataword read from the receive buffer has a parity error or that there is only one dataword in the buffer
that was received with a parity error, unless the receive buffer has a depth of one. To clear PF, read S1
and then read D. Within the receive buffer structure the received dataword is tagged if it is received with a
parity error. This information is available by reading the ED register prior to reading the D register.When
EN709 is set/enabled parity error flag is not set.

0 No parity error detected since the last time this flag was cleared. If the receive buffer has a depth
greater than 1, then there may be data in the receive buffer what was received with a parity error.
1 At least one dataword was received with a parity error since the last time this flag was cleared.

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UARTx_S1 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description

48.3.6 UART Status Register 2 (UARTx_S2)

The S2 register provides inputs to the MCU for generation of UART interrupts or DMA
requests. Also, this register can be polled by the MCU to check the status of these bits.
This register can be read or written at any time, with the exception of the MSBF and
RXINV bits, which should be changed by the user only between transmit and receive
Address: Base address + 5h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read RAF
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_S2 field descriptions

Field Description
7 LIN Break Detect Interrupt Flag
LBKDIF is set when LBKDE is set and a LIN break character is detected on the receiver input. The LIN
break characters are 11 consecutive logic 0s if C1[M] = 0 or 12 consecutive logic 0s if C1[M] = 1. LBKDIF
is set after receiving the last LIN break character. LBKDIF is cleared by writing a 1 to it.

0 No LIN break character detected.

1 LIN break character detected.
6 RxD Pin Active Edge Interrupt Flag
RXEDGIF is set when an active edge occurs on the RxD pin. The active edge is falling if RXINV = 0, and
rising if RXINV=1. RXEDGIF is cleared by writing a 1 to it. See for additional details. RXEDGIF description

NOTE: The active edge is detected only in two wire mode and on receiving data coming from the RxD

0 No active edge on the receive pin has occurred.

1 An active edge on the receive pin has occurred.
5 Most Significant Bit First
Setting this field reverses the order of the bits that are transmitted and received on the wire. This field
does not affect the polarity of the bits, the location of the parity bit, or the location of the start or stop bits.
This field is automatically set when C7816[INIT] and C7816[ISO7816E] are enabled and an initial
character is detected in T = 0 protocol mode.In EN709 mode, this field affects the order of bits the same
way as it does in normal mode.
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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_S2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 LSB (bit0) is the first bit that is transmitted following the start bit. Further, the first bit received after the
start bit is identified as bit0.
1 MSB (bit8, bit7 or bit6) is the first bit that is transmitted following the start bit, depending on the setting
of C1[M] and C1[PE]. Further, the first bit received after the start bit is identified as bit8, bit7, or bit6,
depending on the setting of C1[M] and C1[PE].
4 Receive Data Inversion
Setting this field reverses the polarity of the received data input. In NRZ format, a one is represented by a
mark and a zero is represented by a space for normal polarity, and the opposite for inverted polarity. In
IrDA format, a zero is represented by short high pulse in the middle of a bit time remaining idle low for a
one for normal polarity. A zero is represented by a short low pulse in the middle of a bit time remaining idle
high for a one for inverted polarity.This field is automatically set when C7816[INIT] and C7816[ISO7816E]
are enabled and an initial character is detected in T = 0 protocol mode.In EN709 mode, this bit affects the
polarity of bits the same as it does in normal mode.

NOTE: Setting RXINV inverts the RxD input for data bits, start and stop bits, break, and idle. When
C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled, only the data bits and the parity bit are inverted.

0 Receive data is not inverted.

1 Receive data is inverted.
3 Receive Wakeup Idle Detect
When RWU is set and WAKE is cleared, this field controls whether the idle character that wakes the
receiver sets S1[IDLE]. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled.

0 S1[IDLE] is not set upon detection of an idle character.

1 S1[IDLE] is set upon detection of an idle character.
2 Break Transmit Character Length
Determines whether the transmit break character is 10, 11, or 12 bits long, or 13 or 14 bits long. See for
the length of the break character for the different configurations. The detection of a framing error is not
affected by this field. Transmitting break characters

0 Break character is 10, 11, or 12 bits long.

1 Break character is 13 or 14 bits long.
1 LIN Break Detection Enable
Selects a longer break character detection length. While LBKDE is set, S1[RDRF], S1[NF], S1[FE], and
S1[PF] are prevented from setting. When LBKDE is set, see . Overrun operationLBKDE must be cleared
when C7816[ISO7816E] is set.

0 Break character is detected at one of the following lengths:

• 10 bit times if C1[M] = 0
• 11 bit times if C1[M] = 1 and C4[M10] = 0
• 12 bit times if C1[M] = 1, C4[M10] = 1, and S1[PE] = 1
1 Break character is detected at length of 11 bit times if C1[M] = 0 or 12 bits time if C1[M] = 1.
0 Receiver Active Flag
RAF is set when the UART receiver detects a logic 0 during the RT1 time period of the start bit search.
RAF is cleared when the receiver detects an idle character when C7816[ISO7816E] is cleared/disabled.
When C7816[ISO7816E] is enabled, the RAF is cleared if the C7816[TTYPE] = 0 expires or the
C7816[TTYPE] = 1 expires.
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UARTx_S2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: In case C7816[ISO7816E] is set and C7816[TTYPE] = 0, it is possible to configure the guard time
to 12. However, if a NACK is required to be transmitted, the data transfer actually takes 13 ETU
with the 13th ETU slot being a inactive buffer. Therefore, in this situation, the RAF may deassert
one ETU prior to actually being inactive.

0 UART receiver idle/inactive waiting for a start bit.

1 UART receiver active, RxD input not idle.

48.3.7 UART Control Register 3 (UARTx_C3)

Writing R8 does not have any effect. TXDIR and TXINV can be changed only between
transmit and receive packets.
Address: Base address + 6h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read R8
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_C3 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Received Bit 8
R8 is the ninth data bit received when the UART is configured for 9-bit data format, that is, if C1[M] = 1 or
C4[M10] = 1.
6 Transmit Bit 8
T8 is the ninth data bit transmitted when the UART is configured for 9-bit data format, that is, if C1[M] = 1
or C4[M10] = 1.

NOTE: If the value of T8 is the same as in the previous transmission, T8 does not have to be rewritten.
The same value is transmitted until T8 is rewritten.
5 Transmitter Pin Data Direction in Single-Wire mode
Determines whether the TXD pin is used as an input or output in the single-wire mode of operation. This
field is relevant only to the single wire mode. When C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled and C7816[TTYPE]
= 1, this field is automatically cleared after the requested block is transmitted. This condition is detected
when TL7816[TLEN] = 0 and 4 additional characters are transmitted. Additionally, if C7816[ISO7816E] is
set/enabled and C7816[TTYPE] = 0 and a NACK is being transmitted, the hardware automatically
overrides this field as needed. In this situation, TXDIR does not reflect the temporary state associated with
the NACK.

0 TXD pin is an input in single wire mode.

1 TXD pin is an output in single wire mode.
4 Transmit Data Inversion.
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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_C3 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Setting this field reverses the polarity of the transmitted data output. In NRZ format, a one is represented
by a mark and a zero is represented by a space for normal polarity, and the opposite for inverted polarity.
In IrDA format, a zero is represented by short high pulse in the middle of a bit time remaining idle low for a
one for normal polarity, and a zero is represented by short low pulse in the middle of a bit time remaining
idle high for a one for inverted polarity.This field is automatically set when C7816[INIT] and
C7816[ISO7816E] are enabled and an initial character is detected in T = 0 protocol mode.

NOTE: Setting TXINV inverts all transmitted values, including idle, break, start, and stop bits. In loop
mode, if TXINV is set, the receiver gets the transmit inversion bit when RXINV is disabled. When
C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled then only the transmitted data bits and parity bit are inverted.

0 Transmit data is not inverted.

1 Transmit data is inverted.
3 Overrun Error Interrupt Enable
Enables the overrun error flag, S1[OR], to generate interrupt requests.

0 OR interrupts are disabled.

1 OR interrupt requests are enabled.
2 Noise Error Interrupt Enable
Enables the noise flag, S1[NF], to generate interrupt requests.

0 NF interrupt requests are disabled.

1 NF interrupt requests are enabled.
1 Framing Error Interrupt Enable
Enables the framing error flag, S1[FE], to generate interrupt requests.

0 FE interrupt requests are disabled.

1 FE interrupt requests are enabled.
0 Parity Error Interrupt Enable
Enables the parity error flag, S1[PF], to generate interrupt requests.

0 PF interrupt requests are disabled.

1 PF interrupt requests are enabled.

48.3.8 UART Data Register (UARTx_D)

This register is actually two separate registers. Reads return the contents of the read-only
receive data register and writes go to the write-only transmit data register.
• In 8-bit or 9-bit data format, only UART data register (D)
needs to be accessed to clear the S1[RDRF] bit (assuming
receiver buffer level is less than RWFIFO[RXWATER]).
The C3 register needs to be read, prior to the D register,
only if the ninth bit of data needs to be captured. Similarly,

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the ED register needs to be read, prior to the D register,

only if the additional flag data for the dataword needs to be
• In the normal 8-bit mode (M bit cleared) if the parity is
enabled, you get seven data bits and one parity bit. That
one parity bit is loaded into the D register. So, for the data
bits, mask off the parity bit from the value you read out of
this register.
• When transmitting in 9-bit data format and using 8-bit
write instructions, write first to transmit bit 8 in UART
control register 3 (C3[T8]), then D. A write to C3[T8]
stores the data in a temporary register. If D register is
written first, and then the new data on data bus is stored in
D, the temporary value written by the last write to C3[T8]
gets stored in the C3[T8] register.
Address: Base address + 7h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read RT
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_D field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Reads return the contents of the read-only receive data register and writes go to the write-only transmit
RT data register.

48.3.9 UART Match Address Registers 1 (UARTx_MA1)

The MA1 and MA2 registers are compared to input data addresses when the most
significant bit is set and the associated C4[MAEN] field is set. If a match occurs, the
following data is transferred to the data register. If a match fails, the following data is
discarded. These registers can be read and written at anytime.
Address: Base address + 8h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read MA
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_MA1 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Match Address

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

48.3.10 UART Match Address Registers 2 (UARTx_MA2)

These registers can be read and written at anytime. The MA1 and MA2 registers are
compared to input data addresses when the most significant bit is set and the associated
C4[MAEN] field is set. If a match occurs, the following data is transferred to the data
register. If a match fails, the following data is discarded.
Address: Base address + 9h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read MA
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_MA2 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Match Address

48.3.11 UART Control Register 4 (UARTx_C4)

Address: Base address + Ah offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_C4 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Match Address Mode Enable 1
See Match address operation for more information.

0 All data received is transferred to the data buffer if MAEN2 is cleared.

1 All data received with the most significant bit cleared, is discarded. All data received with the most
significant bit set, is compared with contents of MA1 register. If no match occurs, the data is
discarded. If match occurs, data is transferred to the data buffer. This field must be cleared when
C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled.
6 Match Address Mode Enable 2
See Match address operation for more information.

0 All data received is transferred to the data buffer if MAEN1 is cleared.

1 All data received with the most significant bit cleared, is discarded. All data received with the most
significant bit set, is compared with contents of MA2 register. If no match occurs, the data is
discarded. If a match occurs, data is transferred to the data buffer. This field must be cleared when
C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled.

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UARTx_C4 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
5 10-bit Mode select
Causes a tenth, non-memory mapped bit to be part of the serial transmission. This tenth bit is generated
and interpreted as a parity bit. The M10 field does not affect the LIN send or detect break behavior. If M10
is set, then both C1[M] and C1[PE] must also be set. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO7816E] is
See Data format (non ISO-7816) for more information.

0 The parity bit is the ninth bit in the serial transmission.

1 The parity bit is the tenth bit in the serial transmission.
4–0 Baud Rate Fine Adjust
This bit field is used to add more timing resolution to the average baud frequency, in increments of 1/32.
See Baud rate generation for more information.

48.3.12 UART Control Register 5 (UARTx_C5)

Address: Base address + Bh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_C5 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Transmitter DMA Select
Configures the transmit data register empty flag, S1[TDRE], to generate interrupt or DMA requests if
C2[TIE] is set.

NOTE: • If C2[TIE] is cleared, TDRE DMA and TDRE interrupt request signals are not asserted
when the TDRE flag is set, regardless of the state of TDMAS.
• If C2[TIE] and TDMAS are both set, then C2[TCIE] must be cleared, and D must not be
written unless a DMA request is being serviced.

0 If C2[TIE] is set and the S1[TDRE] flag is set, the TDRE interrupt request signal is asserted to request
interrupt service.
1 If C2[TIE] is set and the S1[TDRE] flag is set, the TDRE DMA request signal is asserted to request a
DMA transfer.
6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 Receiver Full DMA Select
Configures the receiver data register full flag, S1[RDRF], to generate interrupt or DMA requests if C2[RIE]
is set.

NOTE: If C2[RIE] is cleared, and S1[RDRF] is set, the RDRF DMA and RDFR interrupt request signals
are not asserted, regardless of the state of RDMAS.
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1294 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_C5 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 If C2[RIE] and S1[RDRF] are set, the RDFR interrupt request signal is asserted to request an interrupt
1 If C2[RIE] and S1[RDRF] are set, the RDRF DMA request signal is asserted to request a DMA
4–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

48.3.13 UART Extended Data Register (UARTx_ED)

This register contains additional information flags that are stored with a received
dataword. This register may be read at any time but contains valid data only if there is a
dataword in the receive FIFO.
• The data contained in this register represents additional
information regarding the conditions on which a dataword
was received. The importance of this data varies with the
application, and in some cases maybe completely optional.
These fields automatically update to reflect the conditions
of the next dataword whenever D is read.
• If S1[NF] and S1[PF] have not been set since the last time
the receive buffer was empty, the NOISY and PARITYE
fields will be zero.
Address: Base address + Ch offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_ED field descriptions

Field Description
7 The current received dataword contained in D and C3[R8] was received with noise.
0 The dataword was received without noise.
1 The data was received with noise.
6 The current received dataword contained in D and C3[R8] was received with a parity error.
0 The dataword was received without a parity error.
1 The dataword was received with a parity error.
5–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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48.3.14 UART Modem Register (UARTx_MODEM)

The MODEM register controls options for setting the modem configuration.
cleared when C7816[ISO7816EN] is enabled. This will cause
the RTS to deassert during ISO-7816 wait times. The ISO-7816
protocol does not use the RTS and CTS signals.
Address: Base address + Dh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_MODEM field descriptions

Field Description
7–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3 Receiver request-to-send enable
Allows the RTS output to control the CTS input of the transmitting device to prevent receiver overrun.

NOTE: Do not set both RXRTSE and TXRTSE.

0 The receiver has no effect on RTS.

1 RTS is deasserted if the number of characters in the receiver data register (FIFO) is equal to or
greater than RWFIFO[RXWATER]. RTS is asserted when the number of characters in the receiver
data register (FIFO) is less than RWFIFO[RXWATER].
2 Transmitter request-to-send polarity
Controls the polarity of the transmitter RTS. TXRTSPOL does not affect the polarity of the receiver RTS.
RTS will remain negated in the active low state unless TXRTSE is set.

0 Transmitter RTS is active low.

1 Transmitter RTS is active high.
1 Transmitter request-to-send enable
Controls RTS before and after a transmission.

0 The transmitter has no effect on RTS.

1 When a character is placed into an empty transmitter data buffer , RTS asserts one bit time before the
start bit is transmitted. RTS deasserts one bit time after all characters in the transmitter data buffer
and shift register are completely sent, including the last stop bit. (FIFO)(FIFO)
0 Transmitter clear-to-send enable
TXCTSE controls the operation of the transmitter. TXCTSE can be set independently from the state of
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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_MODEM field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 CTS has no effect on the transmitter.
1 Enables clear-to-send operation. The transmitter checks the state of CTS each time it is ready to send
a character. If CTS is asserted, the character is sent. If CTS is deasserted, the signal TXD remains in
the mark state and transmission is delayed until CTS is asserted. Changes in CTS as a character is
being sent do not affect its transmission.

48.3.15 UART Infrared Register (UARTx_IR)

The IR register controls options for setting the infrared configuration.
Address: Base address + Eh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_IR field descriptions

Field Description
7–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Infrared enable
Enables/disables the infrared modulation/demodulation.

0 IR disabled.
1 IR enabled.
1–0 Transmitter narrow pulse
Enables whether the UART transmits a 1/16, 3/16, 1/32, or 1/4 narrow pulse.

00 3/16.
01 1/16.
10 1/32.
11 1/4.

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48.3.16 UART FIFO Parameters (UARTx_PFIFO)

This register provides the ability for the programmer to turn on and off FIFO
functionality. It also provides the size of the FIFO that has been implemented. This
register may be read at any time. This register must be written only when C2[RE] and
C2[TE] are cleared/not set and when the data buffer/FIFO is empty.
Address: Base address + 10h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 * * * 0 * * *

* Notes:
• TXFIFOSIZE field: The reset value depends on whether the specific UART instance supports the FIFO and on the size of
that FIFO. See the Chip Configuration details for more information on the FIFO size supported for each
UART instance.
• RXFIFOSIZE field: The reset value depends on whether the specific UART instance supports the FIFO and on the size of
that FIFO. See the Chip Configuration details for more information on the FIFO size supported for each
UART instance.

UARTx_PFIFO field descriptions

Field Description
7 Transmit FIFO Enable
When this field is set, the built in FIFO structure for the transmit buffer is enabled. The size of the FIFO
structure is indicated by TXFIFOSIZE. If this field is not set, the transmit buffer operates as a FIFO of
depth one dataword regardless of the value in TXFIFOSIZE. Both C2[TE] and C2[RE] must be cleared
prior to changing this field. Additionally, TXFLUSH and RXFLUSH commands must be issued immediately
after changing this field.

0 Transmit FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support).

1 Transmit FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicated by TXFIFOSIZE.
6–4 Transmit FIFO. Buffer Depth
The maximum number of transmit datawords that can be stored in the transmit buffer. This field is read

000 Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 1 dataword.

001 Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 4 datawords.
010 Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 8 datawords.
011 Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 16 datawords.
100 Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 32 datawords.
101 Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 64 datawords.
110 Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 128 datawords.
111 Reserved.
3 Receive FIFO Enable
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_PFIFO field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
When this field is set, the built in FIFO structure for the receive buffer is enabled. The size of the FIFO
structure is indicated by the RXFIFOSIZE field. If this field is not set, the receive buffer operates as a FIFO
of depth one dataword regardless of the value in RXFIFOSIZE. Both C2[TE] and C2[RE] must be cleared
prior to changing this field. Additionally, TXFLUSH and RXFLUSH commands must be issued immediately
after changing this field.

0 Receive FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support)

1 Receive FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicted by RXFIFOSIZE.
2–0 Receive FIFO. Buffer Depth
The maximum number of receive datawords that can be stored in the receive buffer before an overrun
occurs. This field is read only.

000 Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 1 dataword.

001 Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 4 datawords.
010 Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 8 datawords.
011 Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 16 datawords.
100 Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 32 datawords.
101 Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 64 datawords.
110 Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 128 datawords.
111 Reserved.

48.3.17 UART FIFO Control Register (UARTx_CFIFO)

This register provides the ability to program various control fields for FIFO operation.
This register may be read or written at any time. Note that writing to TXFLUSH and
RXFLUSH may result in data loss and requires careful action to prevent unintended/
unpredictable behavior. Therefore, it is recommended that TE and RE be cleared prior to
flushing the corresponding FIFO.
Address: Base address + 11h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_CFIFO field descriptions

Field Description
7 Transmit FIFO/Buffer Flush
Writing to this field causes all data that is stored in the transmit FIFO/buffer to be flushed. This does not
affect data that is in the transmit shift register.

0 No flush operation occurs.

1 All data in the transmit FIFO/Buffer is cleared out.

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UARTx_CFIFO field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
6 Receive FIFO/Buffer Flush
Writing to this field causes all data that is stored in the receive FIFO/buffer to be flushed. This does not
affect data that is in the receive shift register.

0 No flush operation occurs.

1 All data in the receive FIFO/buffer is cleared out.
5–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Receive FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable
When this field is set, the RXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host.

0 RXOF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host.

1 RXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host.
1 Transmit FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable
When this field is set, the TXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host.

0 TXOF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host.

1 TXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host.
0 Receive FIFO Underflow Interrupt Enable
When this field is set, the RXUF flag generates an interrupt to the host.

0 RXUF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host.

1 RXUF flag generates an interrupt to the host.

48.3.18 UART FIFO Status Register (UARTx_SFIFO)

This register provides status information regarding the transmit and receiver buffers/
FIFOs, including interrupt information. This register may be written to or read at any
Address: Base address + 12h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_SFIFO field descriptions

Field Description
7 Transmit Buffer/FIFO Empty
Asserts when there is no data in the Transmit FIFO/buffer. This field does not take into account data that
is in the transmit shift register.
Table continues on the next page...

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1300 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_SFIFO field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Transmit buffer is not empty.
1 Transmit buffer is empty.
6 Receive Buffer/FIFO Empty
Asserts when there is no data in the receive FIFO/Buffer. This field does not take into account data that is
in the receive shift register.

0 Receive buffer is not empty.

1 Receive buffer is empty.
5–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Receiver Buffer Overflow Flag
Indicates that more data has been written to the receive buffer than it can hold. This field will assert
regardless of the value of CFIFO[RXOFE]. However, an interrupt will be issued to the host only if
CFIFO[RXOFE] is set. This flag is cleared by writing a 1.

0 No receive buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
1 At least one receive buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
1 Transmitter Buffer Overflow Flag
Indicates that more data has been written to the transmit buffer than it can hold. This field will assert
regardless of the value of CFIFO[TXOFE]. However, an interrupt will be issued to the host only if
CFIFO[TXOFE] is set. This flag is cleared by writing a 1.

0 No transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
1 At least one transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
0 Receiver Buffer Underflow Flag
Indicates that more data has been read from the receive buffer than was present. This field will assert
regardless of the value of CFIFO[RXUFE]. However, an interrupt will be issued to the host only if
CFIFO[RXUFE] is set. This flag is cleared by writing a 1.

0 No receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
1 At least one receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.

48.3.19 UART FIFO Transmit Watermark (UARTx_TWFIFO)

This register provides the ability to set a programmable threshold for notification of
needing additional transmit data. This register may be read at any time but must be
written only when C2[TE] is not set. Changing the value of the watermark will not clear
the S1[TDRE] flag.
Address: Base address + 13h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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UARTx_TWFIFO field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Transmit Watermark
When the number of datawords in the transmit FIFO/buffer is equal to or less than the value in this register
field, an interrupt via S1[TDRE] or a DMA request via C5[TDMAS] is generated as determined by
C5[TDMAS] and C2[TIE]. For proper operation, the value in TXWATER must be set to be less than the
size of the transmit buffer/FIFO size as indicated by PFIFO[TXFIFOSIZE] and PFIFO[TXFE].

48.3.20 UART FIFO Transmit Count (UARTx_TCFIFO)

This is a read only register that indicates how many datawords are currently in the
transmit buffer/FIFO. It may be read at any time.
Address: Base address + 14h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_TCFIFO field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Transmit Counter
The value in this register indicates the number of datawords that are in the transmit FIFO/buffer. If a
dataword is being transmitted, that is, in the transmit shift register, it is not included in the count. This
value may be used in conjunction with PFIFO[TXFIFOSIZE] to calculate how much room is left in the
transmit FIFO/buffer.

48.3.21 UART FIFO Receive Watermark (UARTx_RWFIFO)

This register provides the ability to set a programmable threshold for notification of the
need to remove data from the receiver FIFO/buffer. This register may be read at any time
but must be written only when C2[RE] is not asserted. Changing the value in this register
will not clear S1[RDRF].
Address: Base address + 15h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

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1302 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_RWFIFO field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Receive Watermark
When the number of datawords in the receive FIFO/buffer is equal to or greater than the value in this
register field, an interrupt via S1[RDRF] or a DMA request via C5[RDMAS] is generated as determined by
C5[RDMAS] and C2[RIE]. For proper operation, the value in RXWATER must be set to be less than the
receive FIFO/buffer size as indicated by PFIFO[RXFIFOSIZE] and PFIFO[RXFE] and must be greater
than 0.

48.3.22 UART FIFO Receive Count (UARTx_RCFIFO)

This is a read only register that indicates how many datawords are currently in the receive
FIFO/buffer. It may be read at any time.
Address: Base address + 16h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_RCFIFO field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Receive Counter
The value in this register indicates the number of datawords that are in the receive FIFO/buffer. If a
dataword is being received, that is, in the receive shift register, it is not included in the count. This value
may be used in conjunction with PFIFO[RXFIFOSIZE] to calculate how much room is left in the receive

48.3.23 UART 7816 Control Register (UARTx_C7816)

The C7816 register is the primary control register for ISO-7816 specific functionality.
This register is specific to 7816 functionality and the values in this register have no effect
on UART operation and should be ignored if ISO_7816E is not set/enabled. This register
may be read at any time but values must be changed only when ISO_7816E is not set.
Address: Base address + 18h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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UARTx_C7816 field descriptions

Field Description
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 Generate NACK on Overflow
When this field is set, the receiver automatically generates a NACK response if a receive buffer overrun
occurs, as indicated by S1[OR]. In many systems, this results in the transmitter resending the packet that
overflowed until the retransmit threshold for that transmitter is reached. A NACK is generated only if
TTYPE=0. This field operates independently of ANACK. See . Overrun NACK considerations

0 The received data does not generate a NACK when the receipt of the data results in an overflow
1 If the receiver buffer overflows, a NACK is automatically sent on a received character.
3 Generate NACK on Error
When this field is set, the receiver automatically generates a NACK response if a parity error occurs or if
INIT is set and an invalid initial character is detected. A NACK is generated only if TTYPE = 0. If ANACK is
set, the UART attempts to retransmit the data indefinitely. To stop retransmission attempts, clear C2[TE]
or ISO_7816E and do not set until S1[TC] sets C2[TE] again.

0 No NACK is automatically generated.

1 A NACK is automatically generated if a parity error is detected or if an invalid initial character is
2 Detect Initial Character
When this field is set, all received characters are searched for a valid initial character. If an invalid initial
character is identified, and ANACK is set, a NACK is sent. All received data is discarded and error flags
blocked (S1[NF], S1[OR], S1[FE], S1[PF], IS7816[WT], IS7816[CWT], IS7816[BWT], IS7816[GTV]) until a
valid initial character is detected. Upon detecting a valid initial character, the configuration values
S2[MSBF], C3[TXINV], and S2[RXINV] are automatically updated to reflect the initial character that was
received. The actual INIT data value is not stored in the receive buffer. Additionally, upon detection of a
valid initial character, IS7816[INITD] is set and an interrupt issued as programmed by IE7816[INITDE].
When a valid initial character is detected, INIT is automatically cleared. This Initial Character Detect
feature is supported only in T = 0 protocol mode.

0 Normal operating mode. Receiver does not seek to identify initial character.
1 Receiver searches for initial character.
1 Transfer Type
Indicates the transfer protocol being used.
See ISO-7816 / smartcard support for more details.

0 T = 0 per the ISO-7816 specification.

1 T = 1 per the ISO-7816 specification.
0 ISO-7816 Functionality Enabled
Indicates that the UART is operating according to the ISO-7816 protocol.

NOTE: This field must be modified only when no transmit or receive is occurring. If this field is changed
during a data transfer, the data being transmitted or received may be transferred incorrectly.

0 ISO-7816 functionality is turned off/not enabled.

1 ISO-7816 functionality is turned on/enabled.

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1304 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

48.3.24 UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register (UARTx_IE7816)

The IE7816 register controls which flags result in an interrupt being issued. This register
is specific to 7816 functionality, the corresponding flags that drive the interrupts are not
asserted when 7816E is not set/enabled. However, these flags may remain set if they are
asserted while 7816E was set and not subsequently cleared. This register may be read or
written to at any time.
Address: Base address + 19h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_IE7816 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Wait Timer Interrupt Enable
0 The assertion of IS7816[WT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
1 The assertion of IS7816[WT] results in the generation of an interrupt.
6 Character Wait Timer Interrupt Enable
0 The assertion of IS7816[CWT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
1 The assertion of IS7816[CWT] results in the generation of an interrupt.
5 Block Wait Timer Interrupt Enable
0 The assertion of IS7816[BWT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
1 The assertion of IS7816[BWT] results in the generation of an interrupt.
4 Initial Character Detected Interrupt Enable
0 The assertion of IS7816[INITD] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
1 The assertion of IS7816[INITD] results in the generation of an interrupt.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Guard Timer Violated Interrupt Enable
0 The assertion of IS7816[GTV] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
1 The assertion of IS7816[GTV] results in the generation of an interrupt.
1 Transmit Threshold Exceeded Interrupt Enable
0 The assertion of IS7816[TXT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
1 The assertion of IS7816[TXT] results in the generation of an interrupt.
0 Receive Threshold Exceeded Interrupt Enable
0 The assertion of IS7816[RXT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
1 The assertion of IS7816[RXT] results in the generation of an interrupt.

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48.3.25 UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register (UARTx_IS7816)

The IS7816 register provides a mechanism to read and clear the interrupt flags. All flags/
interrupts are cleared by writing a 1 to the field location. Writing a 0 has no effect. All
bits are "sticky", meaning they indicate that only the flag condition that occurred since
the last time the bit was cleared, not that the condition currently exists. The status flags
are set regardless of whether the corresponding field in the IC7816 is set or cleared. The
IC7816 controls only if an interrupt is issued to the host processor. This register is
specific to 7816 functionality and the values in this register have no affect on UART
operation and should be ignored if 7816E is not set/enabled. This register may be read or
written at anytime.
Address: Base address + 1Ah offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_IS7816 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Wait Timer Interrupt
Indicates that the wait time, the time between the leading edge of a character being transmitted and the
leading edge of the next response character, has exceeded the programmed value. This flag asserts only
when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. This interrupt is cleared by writing 1.

0 Wait time (WT) has not been violated.

1 Wait time (WT) has been violated.
6 Character Wait Timer Interrupt
Indicates that the character wait time, the time between the leading edges of two consecutive characters
in a block, has exceeded the programmed value. This flag asserts only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. This
interrupt is cleared by writing 1.

0 Character wait time (CWT) has not been violated.

1 Character wait time (CWT) has been violated.
5 Block Wait Timer Interrupt
Indicates that the block wait time, the time between the leading edge of first received character of a block
and the leading edge of the last character the previously transmitted block, has exceeded the programmed
value. This flag asserts only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1.This interrupt is cleared by writing 1.

0 Block wait time (BWT) has not been violated.

1 Block wait time (BWT) has been violated.
4 Initial Character Detected Interrupt
Indicates that a valid initial character is received. This interrupt is cleared by writing 1.
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1306 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_IS7816 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 A valid initial character has not been received.
1 A valid initial character has been received.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Guard Timer Violated Interrupt
Indicates that one or more of the character guard time, block guard time, or guard time are violated. This
interrupt is cleared by writing 1.

0 A guard time (GT, CGT, or BGT) has not been violated.

1 A guard time (GT, CGT, or BGT) has been violated.
1 Transmit Threshold Exceeded Interrupt
Indicates that the transmit NACK threshold has been exceeded as indicated by ET7816[TXTHRESHOLD].
Regardless of whether this flag is set, the UART continues to retransmit indefinitely. This flag asserts only
when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. If 7816E is cleared/disabled, ANACK is cleared/disabled, C2[TE] is cleared/
disabled, C7816[TTYPE] = 1, or packet is transferred without receiving a NACK, the internal NACK
detection counter is cleared and the count restarts from zero on the next received NACK. This interrupt is
cleared by writing 1.

0 The number of retries and corresponding NACKS does not exceed the value in
1 The number of retries and corresponding NACKS exceeds the value in ET7816[TXTHRESHOLD].
0 Receive Threshold Exceeded Interrupt
Indicates that there are more than ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD] consecutive NACKS generated in response
to parity errors on received data. This flag requires ANACK to be set. Additionally, this flag asserts only
when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. Clearing this field also resets the counter keeping track of consecutive NACKS.
The UART will continue to attempt to receive data regardless of whether this flag is set. If 7816E is
cleared/disabled, RE is cleared/disabled, C7816[TTYPE] = 1, or packet is received without needing to
issue a NACK, the internal NACK detection counter is cleared and the count restarts from zero on the next
transmitted NACK. This interrupt is cleared by writing 1.

0 The number of consecutive NACKS generated as a result of parity errors and buffer overruns is less
than or equal to the value in ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD].
1 The number of consecutive NACKS generated as a result of parity errors and buffer overruns is
greater than the value in ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD].

48.3.26 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UARTx_WP7816T0)

The WP7816 register contains constants used in the generation of various wait timer
counters. To save register space, this register is used differently when C7816[TTYPE] =
0 and C7816[TTYPE] = 1. This register may be read at any time. This register must be
written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set.
Address: Base address + 1Bh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read WI
Reset 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

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UARTx_WP7816T0 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Wait Timer Interrupt (C7816[TTYPE] = 0)
Used to calculate the value used for the WT counter. It represents a value between 1 and 255. The value
of zero is not valid. This value is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. See . Wait time and guard time

48.3.27 UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register (UARTx_WP7816T1)

The WP7816 register contains constants used in the generation of various wait timer
counters. To save register space, this register is used differently when C7816[TTYPE] =
0 and C7816[TTYPE] = 1. This register may be read at any time. This register must be
written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set.
Address: Base address + 1Bh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

UARTx_WP7816T1 field descriptions

Field Description
7–4 Character Wait Time Integer (C7816[TTYPE] = 1)
Used to calculate the value used for the CWT counter. It represents a value between 0 and 15. This value
is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. See Wait time and guard time parameters .
3–0 Block Wait Time Integer(C7816[TTYPE] = 1)
Used to calculate the value used for the BWT counter. It represent a value between 0 and 15. This value
is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. See Wait time and guard time parameters .

48.3.28 UART 7816 Wait N Register (UARTx_WN7816)

The WN7816 register contains a parameter that is used in the calculation of the guard
time counter. This register may be read at any time. This register must be written to only
when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set.
Address: Base address + 1Ch offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read GTN
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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1308 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_WN7816 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Guard Band N
Defines a parameter used in the calculation of GT, CGT, and BGT counters. The value represents an
integer number between 0 and 255. See Wait time and guard time parameters .

48.3.29 UART 7816 Wait FD Register (UARTx_WF7816)

The WF7816 contains parameters that are used in the generation of various counters
including GT, CGT, BGT, WT, and BWT. This register may be read at any time. This
register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set.
Address: Base address + 1Dh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

UARTx_WF7816 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 FD Multiplier
Used as another multiplier in the calculation of WT and BWT. This value represents a number between 1
and 255. The value of 0 is invalid. This value is not used in baud rate generation. See Wait time and guard
time parameters and Baud rate generation .

48.3.30 UART 7816 Error Threshold Register (UARTx_ET7816)

The ET7816 register contains fields that determine the number of NACKs that must be
received or transmitted before the host processor is notified. This register may be read at
anytime. This register must be written to only when C7816[ISO_7816E] is not set.
Address: Base address + 1Eh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_ET7816 field descriptions

Field Description
7–4 Transmit NACK Threshold
The value written to this field indicates the maximum number of failed attempts (NACKs) a transmitted
character can have before the host processor is notified. This field is meaningful only when
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UARTx_ET7816 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
C7816[TTYPE] = 0 and C7816[ANACK] = 1. The value read from this field represents the number of
consecutive NACKs that have been received since the last successful transmission. This counter
saturates at 4'hF and does not wrap around. Regardless of how many NACKs that are received, the
UART continues to retransmit indefinitely. This flag only asserts when C7816[TTYPE] = 0. For additional
information see the IS7816[TXT] field description.

0 TXT asserts on the first NACK that is received.

1 TXT asserts on the second NACK that is received.
3–0 Receive NACK Threshold
The value written to this field indicates the maximum number of consecutive NACKs generated as a result
of a parity error or receiver buffer overruns before the host processor is notified. After the counter exceeds
that value in the field, the IS7816[RXT] is asserted. This field is meaningful only when C7816[TTYPE] = 0.
The value read from this field represents the number of consecutive NACKs that have been transmitted
since the last successful reception. This counter saturates at 4'hF and does not wrap around. Regardless
of the number of NACKs sent, the UART continues to receive valid packets indefinitely. For additional
information, see IS7816[RXT] field description.

48.3.31 UART 7816 Transmit Length Register (UARTx_TL7816)

The TL7816 register is used to indicate the number of characters contained in the block
being transmitted. This register is used only when C7816[TTYPE] = 1. This register may
be read at anytime. This register must be written only when C2[TE] is not enabled.
Address: Base address + 1Fh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_TL7816 field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Transmit Length
This value plus four indicates the number of characters contained in the block being transmitted. This
register is automatically decremented by 1 for each character in the information field portion of the block.
Additionally, this register is automatically decremented by 1 for the first character of a CRC in the epilogue
field. Therefore, this register must be programmed with the number of bytes in the data packet if an LRC is
being transmitted, and the number of bytes + 1 if a CRC is being transmitted. This register is not
decremented for characters that are assumed to be part of the Prologue field, that is, the first three
characters transmitted in a block, or the LRC or last CRC character in the Epilogue field, that is, the last
character transmitted. This field must be programed or adjusted only when C2[TE] is cleared.

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1310 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

48.3.32 UART CEA709.1-B Control Register 6 (UARTx_C6)

Address: Base address + 21h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0
EN709 TX709 CE CP
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_C6 field descriptions

Field Description
7 EN709
Enables the CEA709.1-B feature.

0 CEA709.1-B is disabled.
1 CEA709.1-B is enabled
6 CEA709.1-B Transmit Enable
Starts CEA709.1-B transmission.

0 CEA709.1-B transmitter is disabled.

1 CEA709.1-B transmitter is enabled.
5 Collision Enable
Enables the collision detect functionality.

0 Collision detect feature is disabled.

1 Collision detect feature is enabled.
4 Collision Signal Polarity
Indicates the polarity of the collision signal.

0 Collision signal is active low.

1 Collision signal is active high.
3–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

48.3.33 UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter High

Address: Base address + 22h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Memory map and registers

UARTx_PCTH field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Packet Cycle Time Counter High
Indicates the most significant byte of maximum period after the line code violation for which the bus could
remain idle without decrementing back log count. If the time elapsed after line code violation is greater
than packet cycle time, then packet cycle timer expired interrupt is generated. It is measured in terms of bit
times, that is, the time it takes for a single bit or one differential Manchester symbol to be transmitted. This
is medium dependent and hence does not usually require adjustment and is programmed only once.

48.3.34 UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter Low

Address: Base address + 23h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_PCTL field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Packet Cycle Time Counter Low
Indicates the least significant byte of maximum period after the line code violation for which the bus could
remain idle without decrementing back log count. If the time elapsed after line code violation is greater
than packet cycle time, then packet cycle timer expired interrupt is generated. It is measured in terms of bit
times, that is, the time it takes for a single bit or one Differential Manchester symbol to be transmitted. This
is medium dependent and therefore does not usually require adjustment and is programmed only once.

48.3.35 UART CEA709.1-B Beta1 Timer (UARTx_B1T)

Address: Base address + 24h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read B1T
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_B1T field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Beta1 Timer
Beta1 delay is a value that is system dependent and usually does not require adjustment. It is
programmed only once and measured in bit times.

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1312 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

48.3.36 UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer High

Address: Base address + 25h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_SDTH field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Secondary Delay Timer High
This is the most significant byte of the secondary delay timer and is set by software. This is generally a
variable value that must be set for each data message to be transmitted. It is measured in bit times, that
is, the time that it takes for a single bit or one differential Manchester symbol to be transmitted. This value
must be between 0 and (BL*Wbase) + (ProritySlots -1), Beta2 timeslots. A value of zero indicates that the
queued packet will be sent immediately upon expiration of the beta1 timer.

48.3.37 UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer Low

Address: Base address + 26h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_SDTL field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Secondary Delay Timer Low
This is the least significant byte of the secondary delay timer and is set by software. This is generally a
variable value that must be set for each data message to be transmitted. It is measured in bit times, that
is, the time that it takes for a single bit or one Differential Manchester symbol to be transmitted. This value
must be between 0 and (BL*Wbase) + (ProritySlots -1), Beta2 timeslots. A value of zero indicates that the
queued packet will be sent immediately upon expiration of the Beta1 timer.

48.3.38 UART CEA709.1-B Preamble (UARTx_PRE)

Address: Base address + 27h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Memory map and registers

UARTx_PRE field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 CEA709.1-B Preamble Register
The number of bit-sync characters that occur prior to the byte-sync character when preamble is

NOTE: The minimum preamble length supported by twisted pair wire is four bit-sync fields.

48.3.39 UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Packet Length (UARTx_TPL)

Address: Base address + 28h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read TPL
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_TPL field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Transmit Packet Length Register
Length of the data packet in bytes that is transmitted by CEA709.1-B transmitter. This includes the CRC
packet as well.

48.3.40 UART CEA709.1-B Interrupt Enable Register (UARTx_IE)

Address: Base address + 29h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_IE field descriptions

Field Description
7 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
6 WBASE Expired Interrupt Enable
Interrupt enable for WBASE expired flag.

0 Interrupt is disabled.
1 Interrupt is enabled.
5 Initial Sync Detection Interrupt Enable
Interrupt enable for initial synchronization detection flag.
Table continues on the next page...

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1314 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_IE field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
NOTE: This field cannot be cleared except by disabling CEA709. Therefore, ISDIE must be cleared when
the first initial sync detection interrupt occurs. If the ISD interrupt is not disabled in the interrupt
handler, then user will continuously get interrupts.

0 Interrupt is disabled.
1 Interrupt is enabled.
4 Packet Received Interrupt Enable
Interrupt enable for packet received flag.

0 Interrupt is disabled.
1 Interrupt is enabled.
3 Packet Transmitted Interrupt Enable
Interrupt enable for packet transmitted flag.

0 Interrupt is disabled.
1 Interrupt is enabled.
2 Packet Cycle Timer Interrupt Enable
Interrupt enable for packet cycle time expired flag.

0 Interrupt is disabled.
1 Interrupt is enabled.
1 Preamble Start Interrupt Enable
Interrupt enable for preamble start flag.

0 Interrupt is disabled.
1 Interrupt is enabled.
0 Transmission Fail Interrupt Enable
Interrupt enable for transmission fail flag.

0 Interrupt is disabled.
1 Interrupt is enabled.

48.3.41 UART CEA709.1-B WBASE (UARTx_WB)

Address: Base address + 2Ah offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_WB field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 CEA709.1-B WBASE register

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Memory map and registers

UARTx_WB field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Size of the basic randomizing window in bit periods after Beta1 time period.

48.3.42 UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UARTx_S3)

Address: Base address + 2Bh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read ISD
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_S3 field descriptions

Field Description
7 Preamble Error Flag
Indicates that the received preamble has an error. If the received preamble length is greater than or less
than the transmit preamble length, the preamble error flag is asserted. This flag is cleared by writing 1.

0 Preamble is correct.
1 Preamble has an error.
6 Wbase Expired Flag
Indicates that the Wbase time period has expired after beta1 time slots. This flag is cleared by writing 1.

0 WBASE time period has not expired.

1 WBASE time period has expired after beta1 time slots.
5 Initial Sync Detect
Indicates that initially, a valid one and a line code violation is detected. This flag is cleared by deasserting
EN709 bit.

0 Initial sync is not detected.

1 Initial sync is detected.
4 Packet Received Flag
Indicates that complete packet is received. This flag is cleared by writing 1.

0 Packet is not received.

1 Packet is received.
3 Packet Transmitted Flag
Indicates that complete packet is transmitted. This flag is cleared by writing 1. In case TX packet gets
aborted due to FIFO becoming empty or an overflow, packet transmitted flag will still be generated.

0 Packet transmission is not complete.

1 Packet transmission is complete.

Table continues on the next page...

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1316 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

UARTx_S3 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
2 Packet Cycle Timer Expired Flag
Indicates that packet cycle time period has expired with no activity on the line. This flag is cleared by
writing 1.

0 Packet cycle time has not expired.

1 Packet cycle time has expired.
1 Preamble Start Flag
Indicates start of the preamble while the packet is being transmitted. This flag is cleared by writing 1.

0 Preamble start is not detected.

1 Preamble start is detected.
0 Transmission Fail Flag
Indicates that transmission could not proceed. This flag is asserted when the packet is queued for
transmission but before the random delay has expired and an incoming receive packet is detected. This
flag is also asserted while transmission when the TX FIFO becomes empty or overflows. In these cases,
line code violation is transmitted on TX line immediately after the current byte or preamble transmission is
finished, without waiting for completion of transmit packet length. If the transmission fail flag is asserted,
C6[TX709] is cleared. This flag is cleared by writing 1.

0 Transmission continues normally.

1 Transmission has failed.

48.3.43 UART CEA709.1-B Status Register (UARTx_S4)

Address: Base address + 2Ch offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read 0 INITF
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_S4 field descriptions

Field Description
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 Initial Synchronization Fail Flag
Indicates that the initial synchronization has failed and the packet cycle time has expired after enabling
EN709 register. This flag is cleared if EN709 is cleared.

0 Initial synchronization has not failed.

1 Initial synchronization has failed.
3–2 CDET
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and registers

UARTx_S4 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Indicates when the collision occurs during transmission. This flag is cleared by writing 2'b11. If the collision
flag is not cleared by software and a valid collision pulse is detected during some other phase of
transmission, then collision flag continues to indicate the previous value.

00 No collision.
01 Collision occurred during preamble.
10 Collision occurred during data.
11 Collision occurred during line code violation.
1 Improper Line Code Violation
Indicates that line code violation received is not proper. This flag is cleared by writing 1.

0 Line code violation received is proper.

1 Line code violation received is improper, that is, less than three bit periods.
0 Framing Error
Indicates that the received CEA709.1-B packet has finished at byte boundary. This flag is cleared by
writing 1.

0 Received packet is byte bound.

1 Received packet is not byte bound.

48.3.44 UART CEA709.1-B Received Packet Length (UARTx_RPL)

Address: Base address + 2Dh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Read RPL

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_RPL field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Received Packet Length
Indicates the length of received packet in bytes. If the received packet is not byte aligned, the partial byte
received is appended by zeros.

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1318 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

48.3.45 UART CEA709.1-B Received Preamble Length

Address: Base address + 2Eh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_RPREL field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 Received Preamble Length
Indicates the number of bit sync fields received in the preamble.

48.3.46 UART CEA709.1-B Collision Pulse Width (UARTx_CPW)

Address: Base address + 2Fh offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read CPW
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_CPW field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 CEA709.1-B CPW register
Indicates the width of valid collision pulse in terms of IPG clock cycles.

48.3.47 UART CEA709.1-B Receive Indeterminate Time

Address: Base address + 30h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1319
Functional description

UARTx_RIDT field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 CEA709.1-B Receive IDT register
Indicates the indeterminate time period after reception during which any activity on RX line will be
discarded. Indeterminate time period value should be less than Beta1 timer value.

48.3.48 UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Indeterminate Time

Address: Base address + 31h offset
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UARTx_TIDT field descriptions

Field Description
7–0 CEA709.1-B Transmit IDT Register
This register indicates the indeterminate time period after transmission during which any activity on TX line
will be discarded. Indeterminate time period value should be less than Beta1 timer value.

48.4 Functional description

This section provides a complete functional description of the UART block.
The UART allows full duplex, asynchronous, NRZ serial communication between the
CPU and remote devices, including other CPUs. The UART transmitter and receiver
operate independently, although they use the same baud rate generator. The CPU
monitors the status of the UART, writes the data to be transmitted, and processes
received data.

48.4.1 CEA709.1-B
The UART provides support for CEA709.1-B, which is commonly used in building
automation, home networking, including all key building automation subsystems such as
heating, ventilating, airconditioning, lighting, security, fire detection, access control, and
energy monitoring.

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1320 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) CEA709.1-B packet cycle

The following figure illustrates the frame format and Differential Manchester encoding.
Differential Manchester encoding requires that each transmitted bit includes a clock
transition at the start of the bit period. This allows synchronization with the receiver.

1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0

Transmitter Enable

Bit Sync Byte Data+16bit CRC Line Beta1 SDT

Sync Code

Figure 48-289. Frame format with differential manchester encoding

A logic zero is indicated with the presence of a transition in the middle of the bit period
and a logic one is indicated by the absence of any transition. When transitions occur at
the start of the bit time, polarity is arbitrary because the last bit of a transmission has no
trailing clock edge. A transmitter will transmit a preamble at the beginning of a packet to
allow other nodes to synchronize their receiver clocks. The preamble comprises a bit-
sync field followed by a byte-sync field. The bit-sync field is a series of differential
Manchester logic ones and the byte-sync field is a single differential Manchester logic
zero. The byte-sync field marks the end of the preamble and the start of the data field
The transmitter terminates the packet by forcing the data output to be transitionless long
enough for the receiver to recognize an invalid bit code. This signals the end of the
packet. At the end of the packet transmission, the line must remain transitionless for three
bit periods after the final clock transition.
The UART is responsible for providing the BitSync and ByteSync fields of the PPDU
illustrated below. The layer two software manages all other encapsulating fields and
provides these to the UART as part of the packet to be transmitted.

Bit Sync Byte Sync Priority Alt Path Delta BL NPDU CRC

Figure 48-290. Physical protocol data unit structure

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1321
Functional description Packet cycle and delay calculations

Packet 1 2 1 2 w Packet
Priority Randomizing
slots w i ndow

Figure 48-291. CEA709.1-B packet cycle

Predictive p-persistent CSMA is a technique for collision avoidance that randomizes

channel access using knowledge of predicted load. It manages software using data and
events reported by the hardware.
Beta1 delay is a value set by the software. It is generally a fixed value that is system
dependent and hence does not usually require adjustment. It is measured in bit times, that
is, the time that it takes for a single bit to be transmitted or one differential Manchester
symbol. Beta1 is defined by CEA/EIA-709 specification as:
Beta1 > 1 bit time + (2 × Taup + Taum)
Where Taup is the physical propagation delay defined by the media length.
Taum is the detection and turn around-delay within the MAC sublayer; this is the period
from the time the idle channel condition is detected, to the point when the first output
transition appears on the output. On media where there is a carrier, this time must include
the time between turning on the carrier, and it being asserted as a valid carrier on the
The secondary delay timer is a value that is set by software. This is generally a variable
value that must be set for each data message to be transmitted. It is measured in bit times,
that is, the time that it takes for a single bit to be transmitted or one differential
Manchester symbol. This value must be between 0 and (BL × Wbase) + (ProritySlots -1),
Beta2 timeslots. A value of zero indicates that the queued packet for transmit is to be sent
immediately upon expiration of the beta1 timer. According to the CEA/EIA-709
• BL is back log
• Wbase is 16 beta2 timeslots
• A priorityslot is the same amount of time as a beta2 timeslot
• Beta2 > 2 × Taup + Taum
Priority slots are handled completely by software. When calculating the secondary delay
timer value, the software must take into account any priority slot that is included in the
design of the system.

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1322 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

Each node must maintain an estimation of the current channel backlog. Backlog
calculation is managed by the layer two software. Initially, the backlog is set to one. The
backlog is incremented on transmission by a value indicated in the frames backlog
increment field.
The backlog decrements under the following conditions:
• On waiting to transmit: If Wbase randomizing slots go by without channel activity.
• On receive: If a packet is received with a backlog increment of 0.
• On transmit: If a packet is transmitted with a backlog increment of 0.
• On idle: If a packet cycle time expires without channel activity.
The following actions need to be completed when a frame is received to prepare an
outgoing message for transmission after the channel becomes idle:
• CRC of incoming message needs to be verified by software.
• If the CRC is good, the BL is recalculated, otherwise BL remains the same.
• Transmit delay (secondary delay timer) is calculated and supplied to UART. Clock resynchronization

The UART is transmitting on time base source. Therefore, all receivers keep
synchronizing with the node that is transmitting and no clock resynchronization occurs in
When the UART is receiving or waiting to transmit, clock resynchronization is vital.
Because long streams of data are possible (up to 229 bytes + headers), there exists
significant potential for nodes to wander regarding time reference over the course of the
message. Therefore, Differential Manchester Encoding (DME) is used. While DME
requires twice the bandwidth of non-return to zero (NRZ) encoding schemes, it has the
benefit of a guaranteed transition at the start of each bit transmitter. A transition
occurring at the middle of the bit is encoded as a logic 0 or the lack of a transition at the
middle of the bit time is encoded as a logic 1. By detecting the transition at the start of a
bit period, the receiver is able to be resynthesized to the transmitter every bit period.
Resynchronization can occur only after the node is already synchronized with the system.
Additionally, for resynchronization to be effective, some basic assumptions regarding the
system must be made:
1. Only a single channel sample may be in error (noise) over the entire bit (16 samples)
2. While a node is drifted from the system time base, with the resynchronization, the
node is never shifted by more than 2 data samples in a given bit period.
3. If multiple noise events have occurred, no action is taken.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1323
Functional description

4. If a single noise event occurs, and it is possible to uniquely identify the noise event,
then resynchronization takes place.
Starting at sample 15 of the previous time bit period, five data samples are collected. The
number and location of the samples are key to decide if an adjustment in time base is
required. Table below lists the possible values and the actions associated with each
possibility. In the table, S means the data is the same as the logical value that was
received in the second half of the previous bit period. D means that the sample is
different from the logical value that was received in the second half of the previous bit
Sample Values (15,16,1,2,3) Action / Event
SSSSS No start of bit transition is detected. Therefore, no adjustment
to time base is made.
SSSSD Two or more error events occurred or the time base was off.
In this case, the time base is slowed down by two. Sample 3
becomes sample 1. The next sample is treated as sample 2.
SSSDS Two or more error events occurred, time base was off along
with noise occurrence, or sample 2 is noise and there is no
start of bit transition. Therefore, no adjustment to time base is
SSSDD It is possible that either noise was received during sample 1
or the time base needs shifting. In this case, the time base is
slowed down by one. Sample 2 becomes sample 1, and
sample 3 becomes sample 2. The next sample is treated as
sample 3.
SSDSS It is most likely that sample 1 is noise and there is no start of
bit transition. Therefore, no adjustment to time base is made.
SSDSD It is possible that sample 1 is noise, and time base needs
shifting by two, or that sample 2 is noise. It is more likely that
sample 2 is noise and therefore no adjustment to time base is
SSDDS It is most likely that sample 3 is noise. Therefore, no
adjustment to time base is made.
SSDDD This is the expected case. Therefore, no adjustment to time
base is made.
SDSSS It is most likely that sample 16 is noise and there is no start of
bit transition. Therefore, no adjustment to time base is made.
SDSSD Either multiple errors occurred or sample 16 is noise and time
base is off by two. In this case, the time base is slowed down
by two. Sample 3 becomes sample 1. The next sample is
treated as sample 2.
SDSDS In this case, multiple errors have occurred. Therefore, no
adjustment to time base is made.
SDSDD In this case, there must either be multiple noise or one noise
at sample 16 or sample 1 with a time shift. Assuming that one
noise occurred, it is unclear what direction the time shift is.
Therefore, no adjustment to time base is made.

Table continues on the next page...

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1324 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

Sample Values (15,16,1,2,3) Action / Event

SDDSS In this case, either multiple errors occurred, two or more
noise, or two or more noise and a time shift. The most likely
case is that samples 16 and 1 are noise. Therefore, no
adjustment to time base is made.
SDDSD The most likely case is noise for sample 2 and a time shift.
Therefore, the time base is sped up by one. Sample 16
becomes sample 1, sample 1 becomes sample 2, sample 2
becomes sample 3, sample 3 becomes sample 4, and the
next sample taken is sample 5.
SDDDS The most likely case is noise for sample 3 and a time shift.
Therefore, the time base is sped up by one. Sample 16
becomes sample 1, sample 1 becomes sample 2, sample 2
becomes sample 3, sample 3 becomes sample 4, and the
next sample taken is sample 5.
SDDDD Either sample 16 is noise or the time base has shifted. In this
case, it is assumed that a time shift has occurred. Therefore,
the time base is sped up by one. Sample 15 becomes sample
1, sample 1 becomes sample 2, sample 2 becomes sample 3,
sample 3 becomes sample 4, and the next sample taken is
sample 5.
DSSSS It is most likely that sample 16 is noise and there is no start of
bit transition. Therefore, no adjustment to time base is made.
DSSSD It is most likely that sample 15 is noise along with time shift. In
this case, the time base is slowed down by two. Sample 3
becomes sample 1. The next sample is treated as sample 2.
DSSDS In this case, multiple errors occurred. Therefore, no
adjustment to time base is made
DSSDD Either multiple errors occurred, possibly with time shift, or
sample 15 is noise. In this case, the time base is slowed
down by one. Sample 2 becomes sample 1, and sample 3
becomes sample 2. The next sample is treated as sample 3.
DSDSS In this case, multiple errors occurred. Therefore, no
adjustment to time base is made.
DSDSD In this case, multiple errors occurred. Therefore, no
adjustment to time base is made.
DSDDS In this case, multiple errors occurred. Therefore, no
adjustment to time base is made.
DSDDD In this case, either multiple errors occurred or sample 15 is
noise and there is no start of bit transition. Therefore, no
adjustment to time base is made.
DDSSS In this case multiple errors occurred. It is most likely that
samples 15 and 16 are noise. Therefore, no adjustment to
time base is made.
DDSSD In this case multiple errors occurred. Therefore, no
adjustment to time base is made.
DDSDS In this case multiple errors occurred. Therefore, no
adjustment to time base is made.

Table continues on the next page...

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1325
Functional description

Sample Values (15,16,1,2,3) Action / Event

DDSDD It is most likely that sample 1 is noise. Therefore, the time
base is sped up by two. Sample 15 becomes sample 1,
sample 16 becomes sample 2, sample 1 becomes sample 3,
sample 2 becomes sample 4, sample 3 becomes sample 5,
and the next sample taken is sample 6.
DDDSS In this case multiple errors occurred along with time shift.
Therefore, no adjustment to time base is made.
DDDSD It is most likely that sample 2 is noise. Therefore, the time
base is sped up by two. Sample 15 becomes sample 1,
sample 16 becomes sample 2, sample 1 becomes sample 3,
sample 2 becomes sample 4, sample 3 becomes sample 5,
and the next sample taken is sample 6.
DDDDS It is most likely that sample 3 is noise. Therefore, the time
base is sped up by two. Sample 15 becomes sample 1,
sample 16 becomes sample 2, sample 1 becomes sample 3,
sample 2 becomes sample 4, sample 3 becomes sample 5,
and the next sample taken is sample 6.
DDDDD Either samples 15 and 16 are noise or the time base has
shifted. Therefore, the time base is sped up by two. Sample
15 becomes sample 1, sample 16 becomes sample 2, sample
1 becomes sample 3, sample 2 becomes sample 4, sample 3
becomes sample 5, and the next sample taken is sample 6. Data sampling

The receiver samples the unsynchronized receiver input signal at the RT clock rate. The
RT clock is an internal signal with a frequency 16 times the baud rate. To adjust for baud
rate mismatch, the RT clock is resynchronized after every bit.
To locate the start of preamble, data recovery logic does an asynchronous search for a
logic 0 preceded by three logic 1s or logic 1 preceded by three logic 0s. When the falling
edge or rising edge of a possible preamble bit occurs, the RT clock begins to count to 16.
Rx pin input
SAMPLES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0






Figure 48-292. Receiver data sampling

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1326 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

To verify the start bit and to detect noise, data recovery logic takes samples at RT3, RT5,
and RT7. The following table summarizes the results of the preamble verification
Table 48-298. Preamble/ Data bit verification
RT3, RT5, and RT7 samples Preamble verification
000 Yes
001 Yes
010 Yes
011 No
100 Yes
101 No
110 No
111 No

If preamble verification is not successful, the RT clock is reset and a new search for a
preamble begins.
To determine the value of a data bit, recovery logic takes samples at RT11, RT12, and
RT13. The following table summarizes the results of the data bit samples. If the majority
of RT11, RT12, and RT13 samples is the same as the majority of RT3, RT5, and RT7
samples, then the data bit detected is 1, else the data bit detected is 0.
Table 48-299. Data bit recovery
RT11, RT12, and RT13 samples Data bit determination
000 0
001 0
010 0
011 1
100 0
101 1
110 1
111 1

To signify the end of a data packet, the transmitter causes a line-code violation to occur,
that is, the transmitter remains transitionless for at least 3-bit periods after the final clock
transition, excluding the final data transition, if it exists. The receiver detects this
violation. For the purpose of detecting a line-code violation, the receiver monitors the
channel to locate a series of five or six back-to-back half bit periods.

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1327
Functional description Initial clock synchronization

When operating with EN709 set, there are various times when initial clock
synchronization is required. When the UART has just been enabled, there is clearly no
system clock reference. Additionally, if a channel has remained idle for a significant
period of time, such as the arbitration time between packets, substantial clock drift may
have occurred in the system between nodes. This is because there have been meaningful
clock transitions on the channel to keep nodes synchronized. After these events, the clock
may require significant synchronization adjustment; this event is referred to as initial
clock synchronization.
There are three situations that may occur when a node attempts to obtain initial clock
1. The node enters the system while a data packet is being actively transmitted.
2. The node enters the system while there is no data packet being actively transmitted
on the system.
3. The node is already in the system and initial clock synchronization is required due to
the end of a packet.
For case 1 and 2, the UART implements the following procedure:
1. The UART attempts to identify a valid edge to synchronize with.
2. While the UART attempts to locate a valid edge, it also tries to identify a line code
violation of 8 back-to-back half bit time samples rather than the 6. It is not required
to finish the current bit because the clock is not synchronized. If the required line-
code violation is detected, the beta1 delay timer will start and the UART will transit
to case 3.
3. If an edge is determined to be valid, that node will consider itself synchronized but
will not start receiving, or attempt to send data, until a line code violation has been
4. If no valid edge is determined and meanwhile the packet cycle timer expires, it is
indicated to the processor that initial synchronization has failed and the processor can
choose to transmit the data.
For case 3, it implements the following procedure:
1. Beta1 delay and secondary delay times increment as appropriate, that is Beta1 delay
expires before the secondary delay timer starts.
2. While the timers are counting, the UART attempts to identify a valid edge.
3. If a valid edge is identified before the time expires, and data is queued to be
transmitted, the transmission failure asserts and the clock is considered synchronized.
The incoming data packet is received.

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

4. If a valid edge is not identified before the delay time expires, and data is queued to be
transmitted, the UART considers itself synchronized, and starts the preamble
5. If a valid edge is not identified before the delay time expires, and data is not queued
to be transmitted, the UART continues attempting to locate a valid edge using the
same process, and receives the incoming data packet like in step 3.

pct expired
lonen &!INITF
INITF = 1’b1


TX done

Preamble Start

Beta1 Expired
RX LCV end detect

Preamble Start WAIT2

SDT Expired & txen Priority packet preemption

The first data is fetched from the data buffer immediately after the preamble has
completed. Therefore, it is possible to decide which data is sent during transmission until
the completion of the preamble. This can be done in two different ways.
• The expected data to be transmitted can be written to the data buffer before or shortly
after TE is enabled. In this case, the data is ready before the start of the preamble
period. If a high priority packet has been identified for immediate/preemptive
transmission, software may flush the data buffer and put the new data into the data
buffer. This new data must be put into the data buffer prior to the completion of the
preamble. Similarly, the transmit packet length register needs to be updated.
• Software can trigger data to be transmitted by asserting TE before the actual data has
been placed in the data buffer. In the end, the software can write data into the data
buffer and update the transmit packet length register. This occurs before the
preamble completes. To assist in identifying how much time is left before the
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1329
Functional description

preamble completes, the preamble started interrupt is asserted when the UART starts
transmitting the preamble.
If the data buffer does not contain at least one byte of valid data
and the transmit packet length register has been updated prior to
the preamble completing, an underflow event will occur and
TXEN is deasserted. The packet is terminated by transmitting
line code violation. Collision detection

Collision flag is detected only when device is transmitting if C6[CE] is asserted. The
collision pulse is valid if it is asserted for CPW number of peripheral clock cycles. If the
collision signal is already asserted before the start of packet transmission, then the width
of the collision pulse is calculated from the start of transmit packet as shown in the figure
below. If the collision signal is not cleared by the software by writing 11b, then the flag
continues to retain the previous value. After the flag is cleared, the collision pulse width
is calculated again, and the flag is asserted, if the width is equal to or more than the
programmed CPW value.

TX packet


collision flag
01 00 02 00 01

clr collision flag

Figure 48-293. Collision pulse detection

The collision signal is asynchronous to the ipg clk, therefore the collision pulse of width
exactly equal to CPW may not be detected correctly due to synchronization issue. The
collision pulse visible to design may be decreased by one peripheral clock cycle due to
the asynchronous nature of the collision pulse.

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1330 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

48.4.2 Transmitter


SBR12:0 BRFA4:0




PE PARITY TxD Pin Control

TRANSMITTER CONTROL Tx output buffer en
Tx input buffer en

DMA Done
7816 LOGIC
DMA Requests
LOGIC IRQ Requests




Figure 48-294. Transmitter Block Diagram Transmitter character length

The UART transmitter can accommodate either 8, 9, or 10-bit data characters. The state
of the C1[M] and C1[PE] bits and the C4[M10] bit determine the length of data
characters. When transmitting 9-bit data, bit C3[T8] is the ninth bit (bit 8).

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1331
Functional description Transmission bit order

When S2[MSBF] is set, the UART automatically transmits the MSB of the data word as
the first bit after the start bit. Similarly, the LSB of the data word is transmitted
immediately preceding the parity bit, or the stop bit if parity is not enabled. All necessary
bit ordering is handled automatically by the module. Therefore, the format of the data
written to D for transmission is completely independent of the S2[MSBF] setting. Character transmission

To transmit data, the MCU writes the data bits to the UART transmit buffer using UART
data registers C3[T8] and D. Data in the transmit buffer is then transferred to the
transmitter shift register as needed. The transmit shift register then shifts a frame out
through the transmit data output signal after it has prefaced it with any required start and
stop bits. The UART data registers, C3[T8] and D, provide access to the transmit buffer
The UART also sets a flag, the transmit data register empty flag S1[TDRE], and
generates an interrupt or DMA request (C5[TDMAS]) whenever the number of
datawords in the transmit buffer is equal to or less than the value indicated by
TWFIFO[TXWATER]. The transmit driver routine may respond to this flag by writing
additional datawords to the transmit buffer using C3[T8]/D as space permits.
See Application information for specific programing sequences.
Setting C2[TE] automatically loads the transmit shift register with the following
• 10 logic 1s if C1[M] = 0
• 11 logic 1s if C1[M] = 1 and C4[M10] = 0
• 12 logic 1s if C1[M] = 1, C4[M10] = 1, C1[PE] = 1
After the preamble shifts out, control logic transfers the data from the D register into the
transmit shift register. The transmitter automatically transmits the correct start bit and
stop bit before and after the dataword.
When C7816[ISO_7816E] = 1, setting C2[TE] does not result in a preamble being
generated. The transmitter starts transmitting as soon as the corresponding guard time
expires. When C7816[TTYPE] = 0, the value in GT is used. When C7816[TTYPE] = 1,
the value in BGT is used, because C2[TE] will remain asserted until the end of the block
transfer. C2[TE] is automatically cleared when C7816[TTYPE] = 1 and the block being
transmitted has completed. When C7816[TTYPE] = 0, the transmitter listens for a NACK
indication. If no NACK is received, it is assumed that the character was correctly

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1332 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

received. If a NACK is received, the transmitter resends the data, assuming that the
number of retries for that character, that is, the number of NACKs received, is less than
or equal to the value in ET7816[TXTHRESHOLD].
Hardware supports odd or even parity. When parity is enabled, the bit immediately
preceding the stop bit is the parity bit.
When the transmit shift register is not transmitting a frame, the transmit data output
signal goes to the idle condition, logic 1. If at any time software clears C2[TE], the
transmitter enable signal goes low and the transmit signal goes idle.
If the software clears C2[TE] while a transmission is in progress, the character in the
transmit shift register continues to shift out, provided S1[TC] was cleared during the data
write sequence. To clear S1[TC], the S1 register must be read followed by a write to D
If S1[TC] is cleared during character transmission and C2[TE] is cleared, the
transmission enable signal is deasserted at the completion of the current frame. Following
this, the transmit data out signal enters the idle state even if there is data pending in the
UART transmit data buffer. To ensure that all the data written in the FIFO is transmitted
on the link before clearing C2[TE], wait for S1[TC] to set. Alternatively, the same can be
achieved by setting TWFIFO[TXWATER] to 0x0 and waiting for S1[TDRE] to set. Transmitting break characters

Setting C2[SBK] loads the transmit shift register with a break character. A break
character contains all logic 0s and has no start, stop, or parity bit. Break character length
depends on C1[M] and C1[PE], S2[BRK13], and C4[M10]. See the following table.
Table 48-300. Transmit break character length
S2[BRK13] C1[M] C4[M10] C1[PE] Bits transmitted
0 0 — — 10
0 1 0 — 11
0 1 1 0 11
0 1 1 1 12
1 0 — — 13
1 1 — — 14

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1333
Functional description

As long as C2[SBK] is set, the transmitter logic continuously loads break characters into
the transmit shift register. After the software clears C2[SBK], the shift register finishes
transmitting the last break character and then transmits at least one logic 1. The automatic
logic 1 at the end of a break character guarantees the recognition of the start bit of the
next character. Break bits are not supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled.
When queuing a break character, it will be transmitted
following the completion of the data value currently being
shifted out from the shift register. This means that, if data is
queued in the data buffer to be transmitted, the break character
preempts that queued data. The queued data is then transmitted
after the break character is complete. Idle characters

An idle character contains all logic 1s and has no start, stop, or parity bit. Idle character
length depends on C1[M], C1[PE], and C4[M10]. The preamble is a synchronizing idle
character that begins the first transmission initiated after setting C2[TE]. When
C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled, idle characters are not sent or detected. When data is
not being transmitted, the data I/O line is in an inactive state.
If C2[TE] is cleared during a transmission, the transmit data output signal becomes idle
after completion of the transmission in progress. Clearing and then setting C2[TE] during
a transmission queues an idle character to be sent after the dataword currently being
When queuing an idle character, the idle character will be
transmitted following the completion of the data value currently
being shifted out from the shift register. This means that if data
is queued in the data buffer to be transmitted, the idle character
preempts that queued data. The queued data is then transmitted
after the idle character is complete.
If C2[TE] is cleared and the transmission is completed, the
UART is not the master of the TXD pin.

K20 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

1334 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Hardware flow control

The transmitter supports hardware flow control by gating the transmission with the value
of CTS. If the clear-to-send operation is enabled, the character is transmitted when CTS
is asserted. If CTS is deasserted in the middle of a transmission with characters remaining
in the receiver data buffer, the character in the shift register is sent and TXD remains in
the mark state until CTS is reasserted.
If the clear-to-send operation is disabled, the transmitter ignores the state of CTS. Also, if
the transmitter is forced to send a continuous low condition because it is sending a break
character, the transmitter ignores the state of CTS regardless of whether the clear-to-send
operation is enabled.
The transmitter's CTS signal can also be enabled even if the same UART receiver's RTS
signal is disabled. Transceiver driver enable

The transmitter can use RTS as an enable signal for the driver of an external transceiver.
See Transceiver driver enable using RTS for details. If the request-to-send operation is
enabled, when a character is placed into an empty transmitter data buffer, RTS asserts
one bit time before the start bit is transmitted. RTS remains asserted for the whole time
that the transmitter data buffer has any characters. RTS deasserts one bit time after all
characters in the transmitter data buffer and shift register are completely sent, including
the last stop bit. Transmitting a break character also asserts RTS, with the same assertion
and deassertion timing as having a character in the transmitter data buffer.
The transmitter's RTS signal asserts only when the transmitter is enabled. However, the
transmitter's RTS signal is unaffected by its CTS signal. RTS will remain asserted until
the transfer is completed, even if the transmitter is disabled mid-way through a data
The following figure shows the functional timing information for the transmitter. Along
with the actual character itself, TXD shows the start bit. The stop bit is also indicated,
with a dashed line if necessary.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1335
Functional description

C1 in transmission

TXD C1 C2 C3 Break C4 C5

write C1 C2 C3 C4 Start Stop C5
Break Break



1. Cn = transmit characters
Figure 48-295. Transmitter RTS and CTS timing diagram

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1336 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

48.4.3 Receiver





From Transmitter

RxD DMA Requests


To TxD
7816 LOGIC


Figure 48-296. UART receiver block diagram Receiver character length

The UART receiver can accommodate 8-, 9-, or 10-bit data characters. The states of
C1[M], C1[PE], and C4[M10] determine the length of data characters. When receiving 9
or 10-bit data, C3[R8] is the ninth bit (bit 8).

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1337
Functional description Receiver bit ordering

When S2[MSBF] is set, the receiver operates such that the first bit received after the start
bit is the MSB of the dataword. Similarly, the bit received immediately preceding the
parity bit, or the stop bit if parity is not enabled, is treated as the LSB for the dataword.
All necessary bit ordering is handled automatically by the module. Therefore, the format
of the data read from receive data buffer is completely independent of S2[MSBF]. Character reception

During UART reception, the receive shift register shifts a frame in from the
unsynchronized receiver input signal. After a complete frame shifts into the receive shift
register, the data portion of the frame transfers to the UART receive buffer. Additionally,
the noise and parity error flags that are calculated during the receive process are also
captured in the UART receive buffer. The receive data buffer is accessible via the D and
C3[T8] registers. Additional received information flags regarding the receive dataword
can be read in ED register. S1[RDRF] is set if the number of resulting datawords in the
receive buffer is equal to or greater than the number indicated by RWFIFO[RXWATER].
If the C2[RIE] is also set, RDRF generates an RDRF interrupt request. Alternatively, by
programming C5[RDMAS], a DMA request can be generated.
When C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled and C7816[TTYPE] = 0, character reception
operates slightly differently. Upon receipt of the parity bit, the validity of the parity bit is
checked. If C7816[ANACK] is set and the parity check fails, or if INIT and the received
character is not a valid initial character, then a NACK is sent by the receiver. If the
number of consecutive receive errors exceeds the threshold set by
ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD], then IS7816[RXT] is set and an interrupt generated if
IE7816[RXTE] is set. If an error is detected due to parity or an invalid initial character,
the data is not transferred from the receive shift register to the receive buffer. Instead, the
data is overwritten by the next incoming data.
When the C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled, C7816[ONACK] is set/enabled, and the
received character results in the receive buffer overflowing, a NACK is issued by the
receiver. Additionally, S1[OR] is set and an interrupt is issued if required, and the data in
the shift register is discarded. Framing errors

If the data recovery logic does not detect a logic 1 where the stop bit should be in an
incoming frame, it sets the framing error flag, S1[FE], if S2[LBKDE] is disabled. When
S2[LBKDE] is disabled, a break character also sets the S1[FE] because a break character

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1338 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

has no stop bit. S1[FE] is set at the same time that received data is placed in the receive
data buffer. Framing errors are not supported when C7816[ISO7816E] is set/enabled.
However, if S1[FE] is set, data will not be received when C7816[ISO7816E] is set. Receiving break characters

The UART recognizes a break character when a start bit is followed by eight, nine, or ten
logic 0 data bits and a logic 0 where the stop bit should be. Receiving a break character
has these effects on UART registers:
• Sets the framing error flag, S1[FE].
• Writes an all 0 dataword to the data buffer, which may cause S1[RDRF] to set,
depending on the watermark and number of values in the data buffer.
• May set the overrun flag, S1[OR], noise flag, S1[NF], parity error flag, S1[PE], or
the receiver active flag, S2[RAF].

The detection threshold for a break character can be adjusted when using an internal
oscillator in a LIN system by setting S2[LBKDE]. The UART break character detection
threshold depends on C1[M], C1[PE], C4[LBKDE], and C4[M10]. See the following
Table 48-301. Receive break character detection threshold
LBKDE M M10 PE Threshold (bits)
0 0 — — 10
0 1 0 — 11
0 1 1 0 11
0 1 1 1 12
1 0 — — 11
1 1 — — 12

While C4[LBKDE] is set, it will have these effects on the UART registers:
• Prevents S1[RDRF], S1[FE], S1[NF], and S1[PF] from being set. However, if they
are already set, they will remain set.
• Sets the LIN break detect interrupt flag, S2[LBKDIF], if a LIN break character is

Break characters are not detected or supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1339
Functional description Hardware flow control

To support hardware flow control, the receiver can be programmed to automatically
deassert and assert RTS.
• RTS remains asserted until the transfer is complete, even if the transmitter is disabled
midway through a data transfer. See Transceiver driver enable using RTS for more
• If the receiver request-to-send functionality is enabled, the receiver automatically
deasserts RTS if the number of characters in the receiver data register is equal to or
greater than receiver data buffer's watermark, RWFIFO[RXWATER].
• The receiver asserts RTS when the number of characters in the receiver data register
is less than the watermark. It is not affected if RDRF is asserted.
• Even if RTS is deasserted, the receiver continues to receive characters until the
receiver data buffer is full or is overrun.
• If the receiver request-to-send functionality is disabled, the receiver RTS remains
The following figure shows receiver hardware flow control functional timing. Along with
the actual character itself, RXD shows the start bit. The stop bit can also indicated, with a
dashed line, if necessary. The watermark is set to 2.
C1 in reception

RXD C1 C2 C3 C4


Register 1
C1 C3
C1 C2 C3


Figure 48-297. Receiver hardware flow control timing diagram

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1340 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Infrared decoder

The infrared decoder converts the received character from the IrDA format to the NRZ
format used by the receiver. It also has a 16-RT clock counter that filters noise and
indicates when a 1 is received. Start bit detection

When S2[RXINV] is cleared, the first rising edge of the received character corresponds
to the start bit. The infrared decoder resets its counter. At this time, the receiver also
begins its start bit detection process. After the start bit is detected, the receiver
synchronizes its bit times to this start bit time. For the rest of the character reception, the
infrared decoder's counter and the receiver's bit time counter count independently from
each other. Noise filtering

Any further rising edges detected during the first half of the infrared decoder counter are
ignored by the decoder. Any pulses less than one RT clocks can be undetected by it
regardless of whether it is seen in the first or second half of the count. Low-bit detection

During the second half of the decoder count, a rising edge is decoded as a 0, which is sent
to the receiver. The decoder counter is also reset. High-bit detection

At 16-RT clocks after the previous rising edge, if a rising edge is not seen, then the
decoder sends a 1 to the receiver.
If the next bit is a 0, which arrives late, then a low-bit is detected according to Low-bit
detection. The value sent to the receiver is changed from 1 to a 0. Then, if a noise pulse
occurs outside the receiver's bit time sampling period, then the delay of a 0 is not
recorded as noise. Baud rate tolerance

A transmitting device may be operating at a baud rate below or above the receiver baud
rate. Accumulated bit time misalignment can cause one of the three stop bit data samples
(RT8, RT9, and RT10) to fall outside the actual stop bit. A noise error will occur if the

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1341
Functional description

RT8, RT9, and RT10 samples are not all the same logical values. A framing error will
occur if the receiver clock is misaligned in such a way that the majority of the RT8, RT9,
and RT10 stop bit samples are a logic 0.
As the receiver samples an incoming frame, it resynchronizes the RT clock on any valid
falling edge within the frame. Resynchronization within frames corrects a misalignment
between transmitter bit times and receiver bit times. Slow data tolerance

The following figure shows how much a slow received frame can be misaligned without
causing a noise error or a framing error. The slow stop bit begins at RT8 instead of RT1
but arrives in time for the stop bit data samples at RT8, RT9, and RT10.

















Figure 48-298. Slow data

For an 8-bit data character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 154 RT cycles
(9 bit times × 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles).
With the misaligned character shown in the Figure 48-298, the receiver counts 154 RT
cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 147 RT cycles (9 bit times
× 16 RT cycles + 3 RT cycles).
The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of
a slow 8-bit data character with no errors is:
((154 − 147) ÷ 154) × 100 = 4.54%
For a 9-bit data character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 170 RT cycles
(10 bit times × 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles).
With the misaligned character shown in the Figure 48-298, the receiver counts 170 RT
cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 163 RT cycles (10 bit
times × 16 RT cycles + 3 RT cycles).
The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of
a slow 9-bit character with no errors is:
((170 − 163) ÷ 170) × 100 = 4.12%

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1342 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Fast data tolerance

The following figure shows how much a fast received frame can be misaligned. The fast
stop bit ends at RT10 instead of RT16 but is still sampled at RT8, RT9, and RT10.

















Figure 48-299. Fast data

For an 8-bit data character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 154 RT cycles
(9 bit times × 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles).
With the misaligned character shown in the Figure 48-299, the receiver counts 154 RT
cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 160 RT cycles (10 bit
times × 16 RT cycles).
The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of
a fast 8-bit character with no errors is:
((154 − 160) ÷ 154) × 100 = 3.90%
For a 9-bit data character, data sampling of the stop bit takes the receiver 170 RT cycles
(10 bit times × 16 RT cycles + 10 RT cycles).
With the misaligned character shown in the Figure 48-299, the receiver counts 170 RT
cycles at the point when the count of the transmitting device is 176 RT cycles (11 bit
times × 16 RT cycles).
The maximum percent difference between the receiver count and the transmitter count of
a fast 9-bit character with no errors is:
((170 − 176) ÷ 170) × 100 = 3.53% Receiver wakeup

C1[WAKE] determines how the UART is brought out of the standby state to process an
incoming message. C1[WAKE] enables either idle line wakeup or address mark wakeup.
Receiver wakeup is not supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled because
multi-receiver systems are not allowed.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1343
Functional description Idle input line wakeup (C1[WAKE] = 0)

In this wakeup method, an idle condition on the unsynchronized receiver input signal
clears C2[RWU] and wakes the UART. The initial frame or frames of every message
contain addressing information. All receivers evaluate the addressing information, and
receivers for which the message is addressed process the frames that follow. Any receiver
for which a message is not addressed can set its C2[RWU] and return to the standby state.
C2[RWU] remains set and the receiver remains in standby until another idle character
appears on the unsynchronized receiver input signal.
Idle line wakeup requires that messages be separated by at least one idle character and
that no message contains idle characters.
When C2[RWU] is 1 and S2[RWUID] is 0, the idle character that wakes the receiver
does not set S1[IDLE] or the receive data register full flag, S1[RDRF]. The receiver
wakes and waits for the first data character of the next message which is stored in the
receive data buffer. When S2[RWUID] and C2[RWU] are set and C1[WAKE] is cleared,
any idle condition sets S1[IDLE] and generates an interrupt if enabled.
Idle input line wakeup is not supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled. Address mark wakeup (C1[WAKE] = 1)

In this wakeup method, a logic 1 in the bit position immediately preceding the stop bit of
a frame clears C2[RWU] and wakes the UART. A logic 1 in the bit position immediately
preceeding the stop bit marks a frame as an address frame that contains addressing
information. All receivers evaluate the addressing information, and the receivers for
which the message is addressed process the frames that follow. Any receiver for which a
message is not addressed can set its C2[RWU] and return to the standby state. C2[RWU]
remains set and the receiver remains in standby until another address frame appears on
the unsynchronized receiver input signal.
A logic 1 in the bit position immediately preceding the stop bit clears the receiver's
C2[RWU] before the stop bit is received and places the received data into the receiver
data buffer.
Address mark wakeup allows messages to contain idle characters but requires that the bit
position immediately preceding the stop bit be reserved for use in address frames.
If module is in standby mode and nothing triggers to wake the UART, no error flag is set
even if an invalid error condition is detected on the receiving data line.
Address mark wakeup is not supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled.

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1344 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Match address operation

Match address operation is enabled when C4[MAEN1] or C4[MAEN2] is set. In this
function, a frame received by the RX pin with a logic 1 in the bit position immediately
preceding the stop bit is considered an address and is compared with the associated MA1
or MA2 register. The frame is transferred to the receive buffer, and S1[RDRF] is set, only
if the comparison matches. All subsequent frames received with a logic 0 in the bit
position immediately preceding the stop bit are considered to be data associated with the
address and are transferred to the receive data buffer. If no marked address match occurs,
then no transfer is made to the receive data buffer, and all following frames with logic 0
in the bit position immediately preceding the stop bit are also discarded. If both
C4[MAEN1] and C4[MAEN2] are negated, the receiver operates normally and all data
received is transferred to the receive data buffer.
Match address operation functions in the same way for both MA1 and MA2 registers.
• If only one of C4[MAEN1] and C4[MAEN2] is asserted, a marked address is
compared only with the associated match register and data is transferred to the
receive data buffer only on a match.
• If C4[MAEN1] and C4[MAEN2] are asserted, a marked address is compared with
both match registers and data is transferred only on a match with either register.

Address match operation is not supported when C7816[ISO_7816E] is set/enabled.

48.4.4 Baud rate generation

A 13-bit modulus counter and a 5-bit fractional fine-adjust counter in the baud rate
generator derive the baud rate for both the receiver and the transmitter. The value from 1
to 8191 written to SBR[12:0] determines the module clock divisor. The SBR bits are in
the UART baud rate registers, BDH and BDL. The baud rate clock is synchronized with
the module clock and drives the receiver. The fractional fine-adjust counter adds
fractional delays to the baud rate clock to allow fine trimming of the baud rate to match
the system baud rate. The transmitter is driven by the baud rate clock divided by 16. The
receiver has an acquisition rate of 16 samples per bit time.
Baud rate generation is subject to two sources of error:
• Integer division of the module clock may not give the exact target frequency. This
error can be reduced with the fine-adjust counter.
• Synchronization with the module clock can cause phase shift.

The Table 48-302 lists the available baud divisor fine adjust values.
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Functional description

UART baud rate = UART module clock / (16 × (SBR[12:0] + BRFD))

The following table lists some examples of achieving target baud rates with a module
clock frequency of 10.2 MHz, with and without fractional fine adjustment.
Table 48-302. Baud rates (example: module clock = 10.2 MHz)
Bits Receiver Transmitter Target Baud Error
SBR BRFD value
BRFA clock (Hz) clock (Hz) rate (%)
17 00000 0 600,000.0 37,500.0 38,400 2.3
16 10011 19/32=0.59375 614,689.3 38,418.08 38,400 0.047
33 00000 0 309,090.9 19,318.2 19,200 0.62
33 00110 6/32=0.1875 307,344.6 19,209.04 19,200 0.047
66 00000 0 154,545.5 9659.1 9600 0.62
133 00000 0 76,691.7 4793.2 4800 0.14
266 00000 0 38,345.9 2396.6 2400 0.14
531 00000 0 19,209.0 1200.6 1200 0.11
1062 00000 0 9604.5 600.3 600 0.05
2125 00000 0 4800.0 300.0 300 0.00
4250 00000 0 2400.0 150.0 150 0.00
5795 00000 0 1760.1 110.0 110 0.00

Table 48-303. Baud rate fine adjust

BRFA Baud Rate Fractional Divisor (BRFD)
00000 0/32 = 0
00001 1/32 = 0.03125
00010 2/32 = 0.0625
00011 3/32 = 0.09375
00100 4/32 = 0.125
00101 5/32 = 0.15625
00110 6/32 = 0.1875
00111 7/32 = 0.21875
01000 8/32 = 0.25
01001 9/32 = 0.28125
01010 10/32 = 0.3125
01011 11/32 = 0.34375
01100 12/32 = 0.375
01101 13/32 = 0.40625
01110 14/32 = 0.4375
01111 15/32 = 0.46875
10000 16/32 = 0.5

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

Table 48-303. Baud rate fine adjust (continued)

BRFA Baud Rate Fractional Divisor (BRFD)
10001 17/32 = 0.53125
10010 18/32 = 0.5625
10011 19/32 = 0.59375
10100 20/32 = 0.625
10101 21/32 = 0.65625
10110 22/32 = 0.6875
10111 23/32 = 0.71875
11000 24/32 = 0.75
11001 25/32 = 0.78125
11010 26/32 = 0.8125
11011 27/32 = 0.84375
11100 28/32 = 0.875
11101 29/32 = 0.90625
11110 30/32 = 0.9375
11111 31/32 = 0.96875

48.4.5 Data format (non ISO-7816)

Each data character is contained in a frame that includes a start bit and a stop bit. The rest
of the data format depends upon C1[M], C1[PE], S2[MSBF], and C4[M10]. Eight-bit configuration

Clearing C1[M] configures the UART for 8-bit data characters, that is, eight bits are
memory mapped in D. A frame with eight data bits has a total of 10 bits. The most
significant bit of the eight data bits can be used as an address mark to wake the receiver.
If the most significant bit is used in this way, then it serves as an address or data
indication, leaving the remaining seven bits as actual data. When C1[PE] is set, the eighth
data bit is automatically calculated as the parity bit. See the following table.
Table 48-304. Configuration of 8-bit data format
Start Data Address Parity Stop
bit bits bits bits bit
0 1 8 0 0 1
0 1 7 11 0 1
1 1 7 0 1 1

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Functional description

1. The address bit identifies the frame as an address character. See Receiver wakeup. Nine-bit configuration

When C1[M] is set and C4[M10] is cleared, the UART is configured for 9-bit data
characters. If C1[PE] is enabled, the ninth bit is either C3[T8/R8] or the internally
generated parity bit. This results in a frame consisting of a total of 11 bits. In the event
that the ninth data bit is selected to be C3[T8], it will remain unchanged after
transmission and can be used repeatedly without rewriting it, unless the value needs to be
changed. This feature may be useful when the ninth data bit is being used as an address
When C1[M] and C4[M10] are set, the UART is configured for 9-bit data characters, but
the frame consists of a total of 12 bits. The 12 bits include the start and stop bits, the 9
data character bits, and a tenth internal data bit. Note that if C4[M10] is set, C1[PE] must
also be set. In this case, the tenth bit is the internally generated parity bit. The ninth bit
can either be used as an address mark or a ninth data bit.
See the following table.
Table 48-305. Configuration of 9-bit data formats
Start Data Address Parity Stop
C1[PE] UC1[M] C1[M10]
bit bits bits bits bit
0 0 0 See Eight-bit configuration
0 0 1 Invalid configuration
0 1 0 1 9 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 8 11 0 1
0 1 1 Invalid Configuration
1 0 0 See Eight-bit configuration
1 0 1 Invalid Configuration
1 1 0 1 8 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 9 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 8 12 1 1

1. The address bit identifies the frame as an address character.

2. The address bit identifies the frame as an address character.

Unless in 9-bit mode with M10 set, do not use address mark
wakeup with parity enabled.

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1348 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Timing examples

Timing examples of these configurations in the NRZ mark/space data format are
illustrated in the following figures. The timing examples show all of the configurations in
the following sub-sections along with the LSB and MSB first variations. Eight-bit format with parity disabled

The most significant bit can be used for address mark wakeup.

Figure 48-300. Eight bits of data with LSB first


Figure 48-301. Eight bits of data with MSB first Eight-bit format with parity enabled


Figure 48-302. Seven bits of data with LSB first and parity

Figure 48-303. Seven bits of data with MSB first and parity Nine-bit format with parity disabled

The most significant bit can be used for address mark wakeup.

Figure 48-304. Nine bits of data with LSB first


Figure 48-305. Nine bits of data with MSB first

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Functional description Nine-bit format with parity enabled


Figure 48-306. Eight bits of data with LSB first and parity

Figure 48-307. Eight bits of data with MSB first and parity Non-memory mapped tenth bit for parity

The most significant memory-mapped bit can be used for address mark wakeup.

Figure 48-308. Nine bits of data with LSB first and parity

Figure 48-309. Nine bits of data with MSB first and parity

48.4.6 Single-wire operation

Normally, the UART uses two pins for transmitting and receiving. In single wire
operation, the RXD pin is disconnected from the UART and the UART implements a
half-duplex serial connection. The UART uses the TXD pin for both receiving and

Tx pin output
Tx pin input



Figure 48-310. Single-wire operation (C1[LOOPS] = 1, C1[RSRC] = 1)

Enable single wire operation by setting C1[LOOPS] and the receiver source field,
C1[RSRC]. Setting C1[LOOPS] disables the path from the unsynchronized receiver input
signal to the receiver. Setting C1[RSRC] connects the receiver input to the output of the

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

TXD pin driver. Both the transmitter and receiver must be enabled (C2[TE] = 1 and
C2[RE] = 1). When C7816[ISO_7816EN] is set, it is not required that both C2[TE] and
C2[RE] are set.

48.4.7 Loop operation

In loop operation, the transmitter output goes to the receiver input. The unsynchronized
receiver input signal is disconnected from the UART.

TRANSMITTER Tx pin output


Figure 48-311. Loop operation (C1[LOOPS] = 1, C1[RSRC] = 0)

Enable loop operation by setting C1[LOOPS] and clearing C1[RSRC]. Setting

C1[LOOPS] disables the path from the unsynchronized receiver input signal to the
receiver. Clearing C1[RSRC] connects the transmitter output to the receiver input. Both
the transmitter and receiver must be enabled (C2[TE] = 1 and C2[RE] = 1). When
C7816[ISO_7816EN] is set, it is not required that both C2[TE] and C2[RE] are set.

48.4.8 ISO-7816/smartcard support

The UART provides mechanisms to support the ISO-7816 protocol that is commonly
used to interface with smartcards. The ISO-7816 protocol is an NRZ, single wire, half-
duplex interface. The TxD pin is used in open-drain mode because the data signal is used
for both transmitting and receiving. There are multiple subprotocols within the ISO-7816
standard. The UART supports both T = 0 and T = 1 protocols. The module also provides
for automated initial character detection and configuration, which allows for support of
both direct convention and inverse convention data formats. A variety of interrupts
specific to 7816 are provided in addition to the general interrupts to assist software.
Additionally, the module is able to provide automated NACK responses and has
programmed automated retransmission of failed packets. An assortment of programmable
timeouts and guard band times are also supported.
The term elemental time unit (ETU) is frequently used in the context of ISO-7816. This
concept is used to relate the frequency that the system (UART) is running at and the
frequency that data is being transmitted and received. One ETU represents the time it

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Functional description

takes to transmit or receive a single bit. For example, a standard 7816 packet, excluding
any guard time or NACK elements is 10 ETUs (start bit, 8 data bits, and a parity bit).
Guard times and wait times are also measured in ETUs.,
The ISO-7816 specification may have certain configuration
options that are reserved. To maintain maximum flexibility to
support future 7816 enhancements or devices that may not
strictly conform to the specification, the UART does not
prevent those options being used. Further, the UART may
provide configuration options that exceed the flexibility of
options explicitly allowed by the 7816 specification. Failure to
correctly configure the UART may result in unexpected
behavior or incompatibility with the ISO-7816 specification. Initial characters

In ISO-7816 with T = 0 mode, the UART can be configured to use C7816[INIT] to detect
the next valid initial character, referred to by the ISO-7816 specifically as a TS character.
When the initial character is detected, the UART provides the host processor with an
interrupt if IE7816[INITDE] is set. Additionally, the UART will alter S2[MSBF],
C3[TXINV], and S2[RXINV] automatically, based on the initial character. The
corresponding initial character and resulting register settings are listed in the following
Table 48-306. Initial character automated settings
Initial character
Initial character (bit 1-10) MSBF TXINV RXINV
inverse convention
direct convention

S2[MSBF], C3[TXINV], and S2[RXINV] must be reset to their default values before
C7816[INIT] is set. Once C7816[INIT] is set, the receiver searches all received data for
the first valid initial character. Detecting a Direct Convention Initial Character will cause
no change to S2[MSBF], C3[TXINV], and S2[RXINV], while detecting an Inverse
Convention Initial Character will cause these fields to set automatically. All data
received, which is not a valid initial character, is ignored and all flags resulting from the
invalid data are blocked from asserting. If C7816[ANACK] is set, a NACK is returned
for invalid received initial characters and an RXT interrupt is generated as programmed.

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Protocol T = 0
When T = 0 protocol is selected, a relatively complex error detection scheme is used.
Data characters are formatted as illustrated in the following figure. This scheme is also
used for answer to reset and Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) formats.



Figure 48-312. ISO-7816 T = 0 data format

As with other protocols supported by the UART, the data character includes a start bit.
However, in this case, there are two stop bits rather than the typical single stop bit. In
addition to a standard even parity check, the receiver has the ability to generate and return
a NACK during the second half of the first stop bit period. The NACK must be at least
one time period (ETU) in length and no more than two time periods (ETU) in length. The
transmitter must wait for at least two time units (ETU) after detection of the error signal
before attempting to retransmit the character.
It is assumed that the UART and the device (smartcard) know in advance which device is
receiving and which is transmitting. No special mechanism is supplied by the UART to
control receive and transmit in the mode other than C2[TE] and C2[RE]. Initial Character
Detect feature is also supported in this mode. Protocol T = 1
When T = 1 protocol is selected, the NACK error detection scheme is not used. Rather,
the parity bit is used on a character basis and a CRC or LRC is used on the block basis,
that is, for each group of characters. In this mode, the data format allows for a single stop
bit although additional inactive bit periods may be present between the stop bit and the
next start bit. Data characters are formatted as illustrated in the following figure.
ISO 7816 FORMAT (T=1)

Figure 48-313. ISO 7816 T=1 data format

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Functional description

The smallest data unit that is transferred is a block. A block is made up of several data
characters and may vary in size depending on the block type. The UART does not
provide a mechanism to decode the block type. As part of the block, an LRC or CRC is
included. The UART does not calculate the CRC or LRC for transmitted blocks, nor does
it verify the validity of the CRC or LRC for received blocks. The 7816 protocol requires
that the initiator and the smartcard (device) takes alternate turns in transmitting and
receiving blocks. When the UART detects that the last character in a block has been
transmitted it will automatically clear C2[TE] and enter receive mode. Therefore, the
software must program the transmit buffer with the next data to be transmitted, and then
enable C2[TE], once the software has determined that the last character of the received
block has been received. The UART detects that the last character of the transmit block
has been sent when TL7816[TLEN] = 0 and four additional characters have been sent.
The four additional characters are made up of three prior to TL7816[TLEN]
decrementing (prologue) and one after TL7816[TLEN] = 0, the final character of the
epilogue. Wait time and guard time parameters

The ISO-7816 specification defines several wait time and guard time parameters. The
UART allows for flexible configuration and violation detection of these settings. On
reset, the wait time (IS7816[WT]) defaults to 9600 ETUs and guard time (GT) to 12
ETUs. These values are controlled by parameters in the WP7816, WN7816, and WF7816
registers. Additionally, the value of C7816[TTYPE] also factors into the calculation. The
formulae used to calculate the number ETUs for each wait time and guard time value are
shown in Table 48-307.
Wait time (WT) is defined as the maximum allowable time between the leading edge of a
character transmitted by the smartcard device and the leading edge of the previous
character that was transmitted by the UART or the device. Similarly, character wait time
(CWT) is defined as the maximum allowable time between the leading edge of two
characters within the same block. Block wait time (BWT) is defined as the maximum
time between the leading edge character of the last block received by the smartcard
device and the leading edge of the first character transmitted by the smartcard device.
Guard time (GT) is defined as the minimum allowable time between the leading edge of
two consecutive characters. Character guard time (CGT) is the minimum allowable time
between the leading edges of two consecutive characters in the same direction, that is,
transmission or reception. Block guard time (BGT) is the minimum allowable time
between the leading edges of two consecutive characters in opposite directions, that is,
transmission then reception or reception then transmission.

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

The GT and WT counters reset whenever C7816[TTYPE] = 1 or C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0

or a new dataword start bit has been received or transmitted as specified by the counter
descriptions. The CWT, CGT, BWT, BGT counters reset whenever C7816[TTYPE] = 0
or C7816[ISO_7816E] = 0 or a new dataword start bit is received or transmitted as
specified by the counter descriptions. When C7816[TTYPE] = 1, some of the counter
values require an assumption regarding the first data transferred when the UART first
starts. This assumption is required when the 7816E is disabled, when transition from
C7816[TTYPE] = 0 to C7816[TTYPE] = 1 or when coming out of reset. In this case, it is
assumed that the previous non-existent transfer was a received transfer.
The UART will automatically handle GT, CGT, and BGT such that the UART will not
send a packet before the corresponding guard time expiring.
Table 48-307. Wait and guard time calculations
Reset value C7816[TTYPE] = 0 C7816[TTYPE] = 1
Wait time (WT) 9600 WI × 960 × GTFD Not used
Character wait time (CWT) Not used Not used 11 + 2CWI
Block wait time (BWT) Not used Not used 11 + 2BWI × 960 × GTFD
Guard time (GT) 12 GTN not wqual to 255 Not used
12 + GTN
GTN wqual to 255
Character guard time (CGT) Not used Not used GTN not equal to 255
12 + GTN
GTN equal to 255
Block guard time (BGT) Not used Not used 22 Baud rate generation

The value in WF7816[GTFD] does not impact the clock frequency. SBR and BRFD are
used to generate the clock frequency. This clock frequency is used by the UART only and
is not seen by the smartcard device. The transmitter clocks operates at 1/16 the frequency
of the receive clock so that the receiver is able to sample the received value 16 times
during the ETU.

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Functional description UART restrictions in ISO-7816 operation

Due to the flexibility of the UART module, there are several features and interrupts that
are not supported while running in ISO-7816 mode. These restrictions are documented
within the register field definitions.

48.4.9 Infrared interface

The UART provides the capability of transmitting narrow pulses to an IR LED and
receiving narrow pulses and transforming them to serial bits, which are sent to the
UART. The IrDA physical layer specification defines a half-duplex infrared
communication link for exchanging data. The full standard includes data rates up to 16
Mbits/s. This design covers data rates only between 2.4 kbits/s and 115.2 kbits/s.
The UART has an infrared transmit encoder and receive decoder. The UART transmits
serial bits of data that are encoded by the infrared submodule to transmit a narrow pulse
for every zero bit. No pulse is transmitted for every one bit. When receiving data, the IR
pulses are detected using an IR photo diode and transformed to CMOS levels by the IR
receive decoder, external from the MCU. The narrow pulses are then stretched by the
infrared receive decoder to get back to a serial bit stream to be received by the UART.
The polarity of transmitted pulses and expected receive pulses can be inverted so that a
direct connection can be made to external IrDA transceiver modules that use active low
The infrared submodule receives its clock sources from the UART. One of these two
clocks are selected in the infrared submodule to generate either 3/16, 1/16, 1/32, or 1/4
narrow pulses during transmission. Infrared transmit encoder

The infrared transmit encoder converts serial bits of data from transmit shift register to
the TXD signal. A narrow pulse is transmitted for a zero bit and no pulse for a one bit.
The narrow pulse is sent in the middle of the bit with a duration of 1/32, 1/16, 3/16, or 1/4
of a bit time. A narrow high pulse is transmitted for a zero bit when C3[TXINV] is
cleared, while a narrow low pulse is transmitted for a zero bit when C3[TXINV] is set.

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Infrared receive decoder

The infrared receive block converts data from the RXD signal to the receive shift register.
A narrow pulse is expected for each zero received and no pulse is expected for each one
received. A narrow high pulse is expected for a zero bit when S2[RXINV] is cleared,
while a narrow low pulse is expected for a zero bit when S2[RXINV] is set. This receive
decoder meets the edge jitter requirement as defined by the IrDA serial infrared physical
layer specification.

48.5 Reset
All registers reset to a particular value are indicated in Memory map and registers.

48.6 System level interrupt sources

There are several interrupt signals that are sent from the UART. The following table lists
the interrupt sources generated by the UART. The local enables for the UART interrupt
sources are described in this table. Details regarding the individual operation of each
interrupt are contained under various sub-sections of Memory map and registers.
However, RXEDGIF description also outlines additional details regarding the RXEDGIF
interrupt because of its complexity of operation. Any of the UART interrupt requests
listed in the table can be used to bring the CPU out of Wait mode.
Table 48-308. UART interrupt sources
Interrupt Source Flag Local enable DMA select
Transmitter TDRE TIE TDMAS = 0
Transmitter TC TCIE -
Receiver IDLE ILIE -
Receiver RDRF RIE RDMAS = 0
Receiver OR ORIE -
Receiver NF NEIE -
Receiver FE FEIE -
Receiver PF PEIE -
Receiver RXUF RXUFE -
Transmitter TXOF TXOFE -
Receiver WT WTWE -
Receiver CWT CWTE -

Table continues on the next page...

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System level interrupt sources

Table 48-308. UART interrupt sources (continued)

Interrupt Source Flag Local enable DMA select
Receiver BWT BWTE -
Receiver TXT TXTE -
Receiver RXT RXTE -
Receiver GTV GTVE -

48.6.1 RXEDGIF description

S2[RXEDGIF] is set when an active edge is detected on the RxD pin. Therefore, the
active edge can be detected only when in two wire mode. A RXEDGIF interrupt is
generated only when S2[RXEDGIF] is set. If RXEDGIE is not enabled before
S2[RXEDGIF] is set, an interrupt is not generated until S2[RXEDGIF] is set. RxD edge detect sensitivity

Edge sensitivity can be software programmed to be either falling or rising. The polarity
of the edge sensitivity is selected using S2[RXINV]. To detect the falling edge,
S2[RXINV] is programmed to 0. To detect the rising edge, S2[RXINV] is programmed
to 1.
Synchronizing logic is used prior to detect edges. Prior to detecting an edge, the receive
data on RxD input must be at the deasserted logic level. A falling edge is detected when
the RxD input signal is seen as a logic 1 (the deasserted level) during one module clock
cycle, and then a logic 0 (the asserted level) during the next cycle. A rising edge is
detected when the input is seen as a logic 0 during one module clock cycle and then a
logic 1 during the next cycle. Clearing RXEDGIF interrupt request

Writing a logic 1 to S2[RXEDGIF] immediately clears the RXEDGIF interrupt request
even if the RxD input remains asserted. S2[RXEDGIF] remains set if another active edge
is detected on RxD while attempting to clear S2[RXEDGIF] by writing a 1 to it.

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1358 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Exit from low-power modes

The receive input active edge detect circuit is still active on low power modes (Wait and
Stop). An active edge on the receive input brings the CPU out of low power mode if the
interrupt is not masked (S2[RXEDGIF]=1).

48.7 DMA operation

In the transmitter, S1[TDRE] can be configured to assert a DMA transfer request. In the
receiver, S1[RDRF], can be configured to assert a DMA transfer request. The following
table shows the configuration field settings required to configure each flag for DMA
Table 48-309. DMA configuration
Flag Request enable bit DMA select bit

When a flag is configured for a DMA request, its associated DMA request is asserted
when the flag is set. When S1[RDRF] is configured as a DMA request, the clearing
mechanism of reading S1, followed by reading D, does not clear the associated flag. The
DMA request remains asserted until an indication is received that the DMA transactions
are done. When this indication is received, the flag bit and the associated DMA request is
cleared. If the DMA operation failed to remove the situation that caused the DMA
request, another request is issued.

48.8 Application information

This section describes the UART application information.

48.8.1 Transmit/receive data buffer operation

The UART has independent receive and transmit buffers. The size of these buffers may
vary depending on the implementation of the module. The implemented size of the
buffers is a fixed constant via PFIFO[TXFIFOSIZE] and PFIFO[RXFIFOSIZE].
Additionally, legacy support is provided that allows for the FIFO structure to operate as a

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Application information

depth of one. This is the default/reset behavior of the module and can be adjusted using
the PFIFO[RXFE] and PFIFO[TXFE] bits. Individual watermark levels are also provided
for transmit and receive.
There are multiple ways to ensure that a data block, which is a set of characters, has
completed transmission. These methods include:
1. Set TXFIFO[TXWATER] to 0. TDRE asserts when there is no further data in the
transmit buffer. Alternatively the S1[TC] flag can be used to indicate when the
transmit shift register is also empty.
2. Poll TCFIFO[TXCOUNT]. Assuming that only data for a data block has been put
into the data buffer, when TCFIFO[TXCOUNT] = 0, all data has been transmitted or
is in the process of transmission.
3. S1[TC] can be monitored. When S1[TC] asserts, it indicates that all data has been
transmitted and there is no data currently being transmitted in the shift register.

48.8.2 ISO-7816 initialization sequence

This section outlines how to program the UART for ISO-7816 operation. Elements such
as procedures to power up or power down the smartcard, and when to take those actions,
are beyond the scope of this description. To set up the UART for ISO-7816 operation:
1. Select a baud rate. Write this value to the UART baud registers (BDH/L) to begin the
baud rate generator. Remember that the baud rate generator is disabled when the
baud rate is zero. Writing to the BDH has no effect without also writing to BDL.
According to the 7816 specification the initial (default) baud rating setting should be
Fi = 372 and Di = 1 and a maximum frequency of 5 MHz. In other words, the BDH,
BDL, and C4 registers should be programmed such that the transmission frequency
provided to the smartcard device must be 1/372th of the clock and must not exceed 5
2. Write to set BDH[LBKDIE] = 0.
3. Write to C1 to configure word length, parity, and other configuration fields (LOOPS,
RSRC) and set C1[M] = 1, C1[PE] = 1, and C1[PT] = 0.
4. Write to set S2[RWUID] = 0 and S2[LBKDE] = 0.
5. Write to set MODEM[RXRTSE] = 0, MODEM[TXRTSPOL] = 0,

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

6. Write to set up interrupt enable fields desired (C3[ORIE], C3[NEIE], C3[PEIE], and
7. Write to set C4[MAEN1] = 0 and C4[MAEN2] = 0.
8. Write to C5 register and configure DMA control register fields as desired for
9. Write to set C7816[INIT] = 1,C7816[ TTYPE] = 0, and C7816[ISO_7816E] = 1.
Program C7816[ONACK] and C7816[ANACK] as desired.
10. Write to IE7816 to set interrupt enable parameters as desired.
11. Write to ET7816 and set as desired.
12. Write to set C2[ILIE] = 0, C2[RE] = 1, C2[TE] = 1, C2[RWU] = 0, and C2[SBK] =
0. Set up interrupt enables C2[TIE], C2[TCIE], and C2[RIE] as desired.

At this time, the UART will start listening for an initial character. After being identified,
it will automatically adjust S2[MSBF], C3[TXINV], and S2[RXINV]. The software must
then receive and process an answer to reset. Upon processing the answer to reset, the
software must write to set C2[RE] = 0 and C2[TE] = 0. The software should then adjust
7816 specific and UART generic parameters to match and configure data that was
received during the answer on reset period. After the new settings have been
programmed, including the new baud rate and C7816[TTYPE], C2[RE] and C2[TE] can
be reenabled as required. Transmission procedure for (C7816[TTYPE] = 0)

When the protocol selected is C7816[TTYPE] = 0, it is assumed that the software has a
prior knowledge of who should be transmitting and receiving. Therefore, no mechanism
is provided for automated transmission/receipt control. The software must monitor
S1[TDRE], or configure for an interrupt, and provide additional data for transmission, as
appropriate. Additionally, software should set C2[TE] = 1 and control TXDIR whenever
it is the UART's turn to transmit information. For ease of monitoring, it is suggested that
only data be transmitted until the next receiver/transmit switchover is loaded into the
transmit FIFO/buffer.

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Application information Transmission procedure for (C7816[TTYPE] = 1)

When the protocol selected is C7816[TTYPE] = 1, data is transferred in blocks. Before
starting a transmission, the software must write the size, in number of bytes, for the
Information Field portion of the block into TLEN. If a CRC is being transmitted for the
block, the value in TLEN must be one more than the size of the information field. The
software must then set C2[TE] = 1 and C2[RE] = 1. The software must then monitor
S1[TDRE]/interrupt and write the prologue, information, and epilogue field to the
transmit buffer. TLEN automatically decrements, except for prologue bytes and the final
epilogue byte. When the final epilogue byte has been transmitted, the UART
automatically clears C2[TE] to 0, and the UART automatically starts capturing the
response to the block that was transmitted. After the software has detected the receipt of
the response, the transmission process must be repeated as needed with sufficient urgency
to ensure that the block wait time and character wait times are not violated.

48.8.3 Initialization sequence (non ISO-7816)

To initiate a UART transmission:
1. Configure the UART.
a. Select a baud rate. Write this value to the UART baud registers (BDH/L) to
begin the baud rate generator. Remember that the baud rate generator is disabled
when the baud rate is zero. Writing to the BDH has no effect without also
writing to BDL.
b. Write to C1 to configure word length, parity, and other configuration bits
(LOOPS, RSRC, M, WAKE, ILT, PE, and PT). Write to C4, MA1, and MA2 to
c. Enable the transmitter, interrupts, receiver, and wakeup as required, by writing to
C2 (TIE, TCIE, RIE, ILIE, TE, RE, RWU, and SBK), S2 (MSBF and BRK13),
and C3 (ORIE, NEIE, PEIE, and FEIE). A preamble or idle character is then
shifted out of the transmitter shift register.
2. Transmit procedure for each byte.
a. Monitor S1[TDRE] by reading S1 or responding to the TDRE interrupt. The
amount of free space in the transmit buffer directly using TCFIFO[TXCOUNT]
can also be monitored.
b. If the TDRE flag is set, or there is space in the transmit buffer, write the data to
be transmitted to (C3[T8]/D). A new transmission will not result until data exists
in the transmit buffer.

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3. Repeat step 2 for each subsequent transmission.

During normal operation, S1[TDRE] is set when the shift
register is loaded with the next data to be transmitted from the
transmit buffer and the number of datawords contained in the
transmit buffer is less than or equal to the value in
TWFIFO[TXWATER]. This occurs 9/16ths of a bit time after
the start of the stop bit of the previous frame.
To separate messages with preambles with minimum idle line time, use this sequence
between messages.
1. Write the last dataword of the first message to C3[T8]/D.
2. Wait for S1[TDRE] to go high with TWFIFO[TXWATER] = 0, indicating the
transfer of the last frame to the transmit shift register.
3. Queue a preamble by clearing and then setting C2[TE].
4. Write the first and subsequent datawords of the second message to C3[T8]/D.

48.8.4 Overrun (OR) flag implications

To be flexible, the overrun flag (OR) operates slight differently depending on the mode
of operation. There may be implications that need to be carefully considered. This section
clarifies the behavior and the resulting implications. Regardless of mode, if a dataword is
received while S1[OR] is set, S1[RDRF] and S1[IDLE] are blocked from asserting. If
S1[RDRF] or S1[IDLE] were previously asserted, they will remain asserted until cleared. Overrun operation

The assertion of S1[OR] indicates that a significant event has occurred. The assertion
indicates that received data has been lost because there was a lack of room to store it in
the data buffer. Therefore, while S1[OR] is set, no further data is stored in the data buffer
until S1[OR] is cleared. This ensures that the application will be able to handle the
overrun condition.
In most applications, because the total amount of lost data is known, the application will
attempt to return the system to a known state. Before S1[OR] is cleared, all received data
will be dropped. For this, the software does the following.

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1. Remove data from the receive data buffer. This could be done by reading data from
the data buffer and processing it if the data in the FIFO was still valuable when the
overrun event occurred, or using CFIFO[RXFLUSH] to clear the buffer.
2. Clear S1[OR]. Note that if data was cleared using CFIFO[RXFLUSH], then clearing
S1[OR] will result in SFIFO[RXUF] asserting. This is because the only way to clear
S1[OR] requires reading additional information from the FIFO. Care should be taken
to disable the SFIFO[RXUF] interrupt prior to clearing the OR flag and then clearing
SFIFO[RXUF] after the OR flag has been cleared.

Note that, in some applications, if an overrun event is responded to fast enough, the lost
data can be recovered. For example, when C7816[ISO_7816E] is asserted,
C7816[TTYPE]=1 and C7816[ONACK] = 1, the application may reasonably be able to
determine whether the lost data will be resent by the device. In this scenario, flushing the
receiver data buffer may not be required. Rather, if S1[OR] is cleared, the lost data may
be resent and therefore may be recoverable.
When LIN break detect (LBKDE) is asserted, S1[OR] has significantly different behavior
than in other modes. S1[OR] will be set, regardless of how much space is actually
available in the data buffer, if a LIN break character has been detected and the
corresponding flag, S2[LBKDIF], is not cleared before the first data character is received
after S2[LBKDIF] asserted. This behavior is intended to allow the software sufficient
time to read the LIN break character from the data buffer to ensure that a break character
was actually detected. The checking of the break character was used on some older
implementations and is therefore supported for legacy reasons. Applications that do not
require this checking can simply clear S2[LBKDIF] without checking the stored value to
ensure it is a break character.

48.8.5 Overrun NACK considerations

When C7816[ISO_7816E] is enabled and C7816[TTYPE] = 0, the retransmission feature
of the 7816 protocol can be used to help avoid lost data when the data buffer overflows.
Using C7816[ONACK], the module can be programmed to issue a NACK on an
overflow event. Assuming that the smartcard device has implemented retransmission, the
lost data will be retransmitted. While useful, there is a programming implication that may
require special consideration. The need to transmit a NACK must be determined and
committed to prior to the dataword being fully received. While the NACK is being
received, it is possible that the application code will read the data buffer such that
sufficient room will be made to store the dataword that is being NACKed. Even if room
has been made in the data buffer after the transmission of a NACK is completed, the
received data will always be discarded as a result of an overflow and the

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ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD] value will be incremented by one. However, if sufficient

space now exists to write the received data which was NACK'ed, S1[OR] will be blocked
and kept from asserting.

48.8.6 Match address registers

The two match address registers allow a second match address function for a broadcast or
general call address to the serial bus, as an example.

48.8.7 Modem feature

This section describes the modem features. Ready-to-receive using RTS

To help to stop overrun of the receiver data buffer, the RTS signal can be used by the
receiver to indicate to another UART that it is ready to receive data. The other UART can
send the data when its CTS signal is asserted. This handshaking conforms to the
TIA-232-E standard. A transceiver is necessary if the required voltage levels of the
communication link do not match the voltage levels of the UART's RTS and CTS signals.


Figure 48-314. Ready-to-receive

The transmitter's CTS signal can be used for hardware flow control whether its RTS
signal is used for hardware flow control, transceiver driver enable, or not at all. Transceiver driver enable using RTS

RS-485 is a multiple drop communication protocol in which the UART transceiver's
driver is 3-stated unless the UART is driving. The RTS signal can be used by the
transmitter to enable the driver of a transceiver. The polarity of RTS can be matched to
the polarity of the transceiver's driver enable signal. See the following figure.
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Figure 48-315. Transceiver driver enable using RTS

In the figure, the receiver enable signal is asserted. Another option for this connection is
to connect RTS_B to both DE and RE_B. The transceiver's receiver is disabled while
driving. A pullup can pull RXD to a non-floating value during this time. This option can
be refined further by operating the UART in single wire mode, freeing the RXD pin for
other uses.

48.8.8 IrDA minimum pulse width

The IrDA specifies a minimum pulse width of 1.6 µs. The UART hardware does not
include a mechanism to restrict/force the pulse width to be greater than or equal to 1.6 µs.
However, configuring the baud rate to 115.2 kbit/s and the narrow pulse width to 3/16 of
a bit time results in a pulse width of 1.6 µs.

48.8.9 Clearing 7816 wait timer (WT, BWT, CWT) interrupts

The 7816 wait timer interrupts associated with IS7816[WT], IS7816[BWT], and
IS7816[CWT] will automatically reassert if they are cleared and the wait time is still
violated. This behavior is similar to most of the other interrupts on the UART. In most
cases, if the condition that caused the interrupt to trigger still exists when the interrupt is
cleared, then the interrupt will reassert. For example, consider the following scenario:
1. IS7816[WT] is programmed to assert after 9600 cycles of unresponsiveness.
2. The 9600 cycles pass without a response resulting in the WT interrupt asserting.
3. The IS7816[WT] is cleared at cycle 9700 by the interrupt service routine.
4. After the WT interrupt has been cleared, the smartcard remains unresponsive. At
cycle 9701 the WT interrupt will be reasserted.

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Chapter 48 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

If the intent of clearing the interrupt is such that it does not reassert, the interrupt service
routine must remove or clear the condition that originally caused the interrupt to assert
prior to clearing the interrupt. There are multiple ways that this can be accomplished,
including ensuring that an event that results in the wait timer resetting occurs, such as, the
transmission of another packet.

48.8.10 Legacy and reverse compatibility considerations

Recent versions of the UART have added several new features. Whenever reasonably
possible, reverse compatibility was maintained. However, in some cases this was either
not feasible or the behavior was deemed as not intended. This section describes several
differences to legacy operation that resulted from these recent enhancements. If
application code from previous versions is used, it must be reviewed and modified to take
the following items into account. Depending on the application code, additional items
that are not listed here may also need to be considered.
1. Various reserved registers and register bits are used, such as, MSFB and M10.
2. This module now generates an error when invalid address spaces are used.
3. While documentation indicated otherwise, in some cases it was possible for
S1[IDLE] to assert even if S1[OR] was set.
4. S1[OR] will be set only if the data buffer (FIFO) does not have sufficient room.
Previously, the data buffer was always a fixed size of one and the S1[OR] flag would
set so long as S1[RDRF] was set even if there was room in the data buffer. While the
clearing mechanism has remained the same for S1[RDRF], keeping the OR flag
assertion tied to the RDRF event rather than the data buffer being full would have
greatly reduced the usefulness of the buffer when its size is larger than one.
5. Previously, when C2[RWU] was set (and WAKE = 0), the IDLE flag could reassert
up to every bit period causing an interrupt and requiring the host processor to reassert
C2[RWU]. This behavior has been modified. Now, when C2[RWU] is set (and
WAKE = 0), at least one non-idle bit must be detected before an idle can be detected.

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Application information

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Chapter 49
Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous
Audio Interface (SAI)

49.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The I2S (or I2S) module provides a synchronous audio interface (SAI) that supports full-
duplex serial interfaces with frame synchronization such as I2S, AC97, TDM, and codec/
DSP interfaces.

49.1.1 Features
• Transmitter with independent bit clock and frame sync supporting 2 data channels
• Receiver with independent bit clock and frame sync supporting 2 data channels
• Maximum Frame Size of 32 words
• Word size of between 8-bits and 32-bits
• Word size configured separately for first word and remaining words in frame
• Asynchronous 8 × 32-bit FIFO for each transmit and receive channel
• Graceful restart after FIFO error

49.1.2 Block diagram

The following block diagram also shows the module clocks.

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Figure 49-1. I2S/SAI block diagram

49.1.3 Modes of operation

The module operates in these MCU power modes: Run mode, stop modes, and Debug
mode. Run mode

In Run mode, the SAI transmitter and receiver operate normally. Stop modes

In Stop mode, the transmitter is disabled after completing the current transmit frame, and,
the receiver is disabled after completing the current receive frame. Entry into Stop mode
is prevented–not acknowledged–while waiting for the transmitter and receiver to be
disabled at the end of the current frame.

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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) Debug mode

In Debug mode, the SAI transmitter and/or receiver can continue operating provided the
Debug Enable bit is set. When TCSR[DBGE] or RCSR[DBGE] bit is clear and Debug
mode is entered, the SAI is disabled after completing the current transmit or receive
frame. The transmitter and receiver bit clocks are not affected by Debug mode.

49.2 External signals

Name Function I/O Reset Pull
SAI_TX_BCLK Transmit Bit Clock I/O 0 —
SAI_TX_SYNC Transmit Frame Sync I/O 0 —
SAI_TX_DATA[1:0] Transmit Data O 0 —
SAI_RX_BCLK Receive Bit Clock I/O 0 —
SAI_RX_SYNC Receive Frame Sync I/O 0 —
SAI_RX_DATA[1:0] Receive Data I 0 —
SAI_MCLK Audio Master Clock I/O 0 —

49.3 Memory map and register definition

A read or write access to an address after the last register will result in a bus error.
I2S memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4002_F000 SAI Transmit Control Register (I2S0_TCSR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 49.3.1/1373
4002_F004 SAI Transmit Configuration 1 Register (I2S0_TCR1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 49.3.2/1376
4002_F008 SAI Transmit Configuration 2 Register (I2S0_TCR2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 49.3.3/1376
4002_F00C SAI Transmit Configuration 3 Register (I2S0_TCR3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 49.3.4/1378
4002_F010 SAI Transmit Configuration 4 Register (I2S0_TCR4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 49.3.5/1379
4002_F014 SAI Transmit Configuration 5 Register (I2S0_TCR5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 49.3.6/1380
4002_F020 SAI Transmit Data Register (I2S0_TDR0) 32 (always 0000_0000h 49.3.7/1381
reads 0)
4002_F024 SAI Transmit Data Register (I2S0_TDR1) 32 (always 0000_0000h 49.3.7/1381
reads 0)
4002_F040 SAI Transmit FIFO Register (I2S0_TFR0) 32 R 0000_0000h 49.3.8/1381

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I2S memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4002_F044 SAI Transmit FIFO Register (I2S0_TFR1) 32 R 0000_0000h 49.3.8/1381
4002_F060 SAI Transmit Mask Register (I2S0_TMR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 49.3.9/1382
4002_F080 SAI Receive Control Register (I2S0_RCSR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4002_F084 SAI Receive Configuration 1 Register (I2S0_RCR1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4002_F088 SAI Receive Configuration 2 Register (I2S0_RCR2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4002_F08C SAI Receive Configuration 3 Register (I2S0_RCR3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4002_F090 SAI Receive Configuration 4 Register (I2S0_RCR4) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4002_F094 SAI Receive Configuration 5 Register (I2S0_RCR5) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4002_F0A0 SAI Receive Data Register (I2S0_RDR0) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_F0A4 SAI Receive Data Register (I2S0_RDR1) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_F0C0 SAI Receive FIFO Register (I2S0_RFR0) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_F0C4 SAI Receive FIFO Register (I2S0_RFR1) 32 R 0000_0000h
4002_F0E0 SAI Receive Mask Register (I2S0_RMR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4002_F100 SAI MCLK Control Register (I2S0_MCR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h
4002_F104 SAI MCLK Divide Register (I2S0_MDR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h

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49.3.1 SAI Transmit Control Register (I2Sx_TCSR)

Address: 4002_F000h base + 0h offset = 4002_F000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16





W FR w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_TCSR field descriptions

Field Description
31 Transmitter Enable
Enables/disables the transmitter. When software clears this field, the transmitter remains enabled, and this
bit remains set, until the end of the current frame.

0 Transmitter is disabled.
1 Transmitter is enabled, or transmitter has been disabled and has not yet reached end of frame.
30 Stop Enable
Configures transmitter operation in Stop mode. This field is ignored and the transmitter is disabled in all
stop modes.

0 Transmitter disabled in Stop mode.

1 Transmitter enabled in Stop mode.
29 Debug Enable
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I2Sx_TCSR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Enables/disables transmitter operation in Debug mode. The transmit bit clock is not affected by debug

0 Transmitter is disabled in Debug mode, after completing the current frame.

1 Transmitter is enabled in Debug mode.
28 Bit Clock Enable
Enables the transmit bit clock, separately from the TE. This field is automatically set whenever TE is set.
When software clears this field, the transmit bit clock remains enabled, and this bit remains set, until the
end of the current frame.

0 Transmit bit clock is disabled.

1 Transmit bit clock is enabled.
27–26 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
25 FIFO Reset
Resets the FIFO pointers. Reading this field will always return zero.

0 No effect.
1 FIFO reset.
24 Software Reset
When set, resets the internal transmitter logic including the FIFO pointers. Software-visible registers are
not affected, except for the status registers.

0 No effect.
1 Software reset.
23–21 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
20 Word Start Flag
Indicates that the start of the configured word has been detected. Write a logic 1 to this field to clear this

0 Start of word not detected.

1 Start of word detected.
19 Sync Error Flag
Indicates that an error in the externally-generated frame sync has been detected. Write a logic 1 to this
field to clear this flag.

0 Sync error not detected.

1 Frame sync error detected.
18 FIFO Error Flag
Indicates that an enabled transmit FIFO has underrun. Write a logic 1 to this field to clear this flag.

0 Transmit underrun not detected.

1 Transmit underrun detected.
17 FIFO Warning Flag
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I2Sx_TCSR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Indicates that an enabled transmit FIFO is empty.

0 No enabled transmit FIFO is empty.

1 Enabled transmit FIFO is empty.
16 FIFO Request Flag
Indicates that the number of words in an enabled transmit channel FIFO is less than or equal to the
transmit FIFO watermark.

0 Transmit FIFO watermark has not been reached.

1 Transmit FIFO watermark has been reached.
15–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12 Word Start Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables word start interrupts.

0 Disables interrupt.
1 Enables interrupt.
11 Sync Error Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables sync error interrupts.

0 Disables interrupt.
1 Enables interrupt.
10 FIFO Error Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables FIFO error interrupts.

0 Disables the interrupt.

1 Enables the interrupt.
9 FIFO Warning Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables FIFO warning interrupts.

0 Disables the interrupt.

1 Enables the interrupt.
8 FIFO Request Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables FIFO request interrupts.

0 Disables the interrupt.

1 Enables the interrupt.
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 FIFO Warning DMA Enable
Enables/disables DMA requests.
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I2Sx_TCSR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Disables the DMA request.
1 Enables the DMA request.
0 FIFO Request DMA Enable
Enables/disables DMA requests.

0 Disables the DMA request.

1 Enables the DMA request.

49.3.2 SAI Transmit Configuration 1 Register (I2Sx_TCR1)

Address: 4002_F000h base + 4h offset = 4002_F004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_TCR1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2–0 Transmit FIFO Watermark
Configures the watermark level for all enabled transmit channels.

49.3.3 SAI Transmit Configuration 2 Register (I2Sx_TCR2)

This register must not be altered when TCSR[TE] is set.
Address: 4002_F000h base + 8h offset = 4002_F008h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)

I2Sx_TCR2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–30 Synchronous Mode
Configures between asynchronous and synchronous modes of operation. When configured for a
synchronous mode of operation, the receiver must be configured for asynchronous operation.

00 Asynchronous mode.
01 Synchronous with receiver.
10 Synchronous with another SAI transmitter.
11 Synchronous with another SAI receiver.
29 Bit Clock Swap
This field swaps the bit clock used by the transmitter. When the transmitter is configured in asynchronous
mode and this bit is set, the transmitter is clocked by the receiver bit clock (SAI_RX_BCLK). This allows
the transmitter and receiver to share the same bit clock, but the transmitter continues to use the transmit
frame sync (SAI_TX_SYNC).
When the transmitter is configured in synchronous mode, the transmitter BCS field and receiver BCS field
must be set to the same value. When both are set, the transmitter and receiver are both clocked by the
transmitter bit clock (SAI_TX_BCLK) but use the receiver frame sync (SAI_RX_SYNC).

0 Use the normal bit clock source.

1 Swap the bit clock source.
28 Bit Clock Input
When this field is set and using an internally generated bit clock in either synchronous or asynchronous
mode, the bit clock actually used by the transmitter is delayed by the pad output delay (the transmitter is
clocked by the pad input as if the clock was externally generated). This has the effect of of decreasing the
data input setup time, but increasing the data output valid time.
The slave mode timing from the datasheet should be used for the transmitter when this bit is set. In
synchronous mode, this bit allows the transmitter to use the slave mode timing from the datasheet, while
the receiver uses the master mode timing. This field has no effect when configured for an externally
generated bit clock .

0 No effect.
1 Internal logic is clocked as if bit clock was externally generated.
27–26 MCLK Select
Selects the Audio Master Clock used to generate an internally generated bit clock. This field has no effect
when configured for an externally generated bit clock.

00 Bus Clock selected.

01 Master Clock 1 selected.
10 Master Clock 2 selected.
11 Master Clock 3 selected.
25 Bit Clock Polarity
Configures the polarity of the bit clock.

0 Bit clock is active high with drive outputs on rising edge and sample inputs on falling edge.
1 Bit clock is active low with drive outputs on falling edge and sample inputs on rising edge.
24 Bit Clock Direction
Configures the direction of the bit clock.
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I2Sx_TCR2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Bit clock is generated externally in Slave mode.
1 Bit clock is generated internally in Master mode.
23–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–0 Bit Clock Divide
Divides down the audio master clock to generate the bit clock when configured for an internal bit clock.
The division value is (DIV + 1) * 2.

49.3.4 SAI Transmit Configuration 3 Register (I2Sx_TCR3)

This register must not be altered when TCSR[TE] is set.
Address: 4002_F000h base + Ch offset = 4002_F00Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_TCR3 field descriptions

Field Description
31–18 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
17–16 Transmit Channel Enable
Enables the corresponding data channel for transmit operation. A channel must be enabled before its
FIFO is accessed.

0 Transmit data channel N is disabled.

1 Transmit data channel N is enabled.
15–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4–0 Word Flag Configuration
Configures which word sets the start of word flag. The value written must be one less than the word
number. For example, writing 0 configures the first word in the frame. When configured to a value greater
than TCR4[FRSZ], then the start of word flag is never set.

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1378 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)

49.3.5 SAI Transmit Configuration 4 Register (I2Sx_TCR4)

This register must not be altered when TCSR[TE] is set.
Address: 4002_F000h base + 10h offset = 4002_F010h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_TCR4 field descriptions

Field Description
31–21 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
20–16 Frame size
Configures the number of words in each frame. The value written must be one less than the number of
words in the frame. For example, write 0 for one word per frame. The maximum supported frame size is
32 words.
15–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12–8 Sync Width
Configures the length of the frame sync in number of bit clocks. The value written must be one less than
the number of bit clocks. For example, write 0 for the frame sync to assert for one bit clock only. The sync
width cannot be configured longer than the first word of the frame.
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 MSB First
Specifies whether the LSB or the MSB is transmitted/received first.

0 LSB is transmitted/received first.

1 MSB is transmitted/received first.
3 Frame Sync Early
0 Frame sync asserts with the first bit of the frame.
1 Frame sync asserts one bit before the first bit of the frame.
2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 Frame Sync Polarity
Configures the polarity of the frame sync.
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I2Sx_TCR4 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Frame sync is active high.
1 Frame sync is active low.
0 Frame Sync Direction
Configures the direction of the frame sync.

0 Frame sync is generated externally in Slave mode.

1 Frame sync is generated internally in Master mode.

49.3.6 SAI Transmit Configuration 5 Register (I2Sx_TCR5)

This register must not be altered when TCSR[TE] is set.
Address: 4002_F000h base + 14h offset = 4002_F014h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_TCR5 field descriptions

Field Description
31–29 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
28–24 Word N Width
Configures the number of bits in each word, for each word except the first in the frame. The value written
must be one less than the number of bits per word. The value of WNW must be greater than or equal to
the value of W0W even when there is only one word in each frame. Word width of less than 8 bits is not
23–21 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
20–16 Word 0 Width
Configures the number of bits in the first word in each frame. The value written must be one less than the
number of bits in the first word. Word width of less than 8 bits is not supported if there is only one word per
15–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12–8 First Bit Shifted
Configures the bit index for the first bit transmitted for each word in the frame. If configured for MSB First,
the index of the next bit transmitted is one less than the current bit transmitted. If configured for LSB First,
the index of the next bit transmitted is one more than the current bit transmitted. The value written must be
greater than or equal to the word width when configured for MSB First. The value written must be less
than or equal to 31-word width when configured for LSB First.
7–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)

49.3.7 SAI Transmit Data Register (I2Sx_TDRn)

Address: 4002_F000h base + 20h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 1d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0
W TDR[31:0]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_TDRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Transmit Data Register
The corresponding TCR3[TCE] bit must be set before accessing the channel's transmit data register.
Writes to this register when the transmit FIFO is not full will push the data written into the transmit data
FIFO. Writes to this register when the transmit FIFO is full are ignored.

49.3.8 SAI Transmit FIFO Register (I2Sx_TFRn)

The MSB of the read and write pointers is used to distinguish between FIFO full and
empty conditions. If the read and write pointers are identical, then the FIFO is empty. If
the read and write pointers are identical except for the MSB, then the FIFO is full.
Address: 4002_F000h base + 40h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 1d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_TFRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–20 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
19–16 Write FIFO Pointer
FIFO write pointer for transmit data channel.
15–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3–0 Read FIFO Pointer
FIFO read pointer for transmit data channel.

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49.3.9 SAI Transmit Mask Register (I2Sx_TMR)

This register is double-buffered and updates:
1. When TCSR[TE] is first set
2. At the end of each frame.
This allows the masked words in each frame to change from frame to frame.
Address: 4002_F000h base + 60h offset = 4002_F060h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_TMR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Transmit Word Mask
Configures whether the transmit word is masked (transmit data pin tristated and transmit data not read
from FIFO) for the corresponding word in the frame.

0 Word N is enabled.
1 Word N is masked. The transmit data pins are tri-stated when masked.

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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)

49.3.10 SAI Receive Control Register (I2Sx_RCSR)

Address: 4002_F000h base + 80h offset = 4002_F080h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16





W FR w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0 0 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_RCSR field descriptions

Field Description
31 Receiver Enable
Enables/disables the receiver. When software clears this field, the receiver remains enabled, and this bit
remains set, until the end of the current frame.

0 Receiver is disabled.
1 Receiver is enabled, or receiver has been disabled and has not yet reached end of frame.
30 Stop Enable
Configures receiver operation in Stop mode. This bit is ignored and the receiver is disabled in all stop

0 Receiver disabled in Stop mode.

1 Receiver enabled in Stop mode.
29 Debug Enable
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I2Sx_RCSR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Enables/disables receiver operation in Debug mode. The receive bit clock is not affected by Debug mode.

0 Receiver is disabled in Debug mode, after completing the current frame.

1 Receiver is enabled in Debug mode.
28 Bit Clock Enable
Enables the receive bit clock, separately from RE. This field is automatically set whenever RE is set.
When software clears this field, the receive bit clock remains enabled, and this field remains set, until the
end of the current frame.

0 Receive bit clock is disabled.

1 Receive bit clock is enabled.
27–26 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
25 FIFO Reset
Resets the FIFO pointers. Reading this field will always return zero.

0 No effect.
1 FIFO reset.
24 Software Reset
Resets the internal receiver logic including the FIFO pointers. Software-visible registers are not affected,
except for the status registers.

0 No effect.
1 Software reset.
23–21 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
20 Word Start Flag
Indicates that the start of the configured word has been detected. Write a logic 1 to this field to clear this

0 Start of word not detected.

1 Start of word detected.
19 Sync Error Flag
Indicates that an error in the externally-generated frame sync has been detected. Write a logic 1 to this
field to clear this flag.

0 Sync error not detected.

1 Frame sync error detected.
18 FIFO Error Flag
Indicates that an enabled receive FIFO has overflowed. Write a logic 1 to this field to clear this flag.

0 Receive overflow not detected.

1 Receive overflow detected.
17 FIFO Warning Flag
Indicates that an enabled receive FIFO is full.
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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)

I2Sx_RCSR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 No enabled receive FIFO is full.
1 Enabled receive FIFO is full.
16 FIFO Request Flag
Indicates that the number of words in an enabled receive channel FIFO is greater than the receive FIFO

0 Receive FIFO watermark not reached.

1 Receive FIFO watermark has been reached.
15–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12 Word Start Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables word start interrupts.

0 Disables interrupt.
1 Enables interrupt.
11 Sync Error Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables sync error interrupts.

0 Disables interrupt.
1 Enables interrupt.
10 FIFO Error Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables FIFO error interrupts.

0 Disables the interrupt.

1 Enables the interrupt.
9 FIFO Warning Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables FIFO warning interrupts.

0 Disables the interrupt.

1 Enables the interrupt.
8 FIFO Request Interrupt Enable
Enables/disables FIFO request interrupts.

0 Disables the interrupt.

1 Enables the interrupt.
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4–2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 FIFO Warning DMA Enable
Enables/disables DMA requests.

0 Disables the DMA request.

1 Enables the DMA request.

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I2Sx_RCSR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 FIFO Request DMA Enable
Enables/disables DMA requests.

0 Disables the DMA request.

1 Enables the DMA request.

49.3.11 SAI Receive Configuration 1 Register (I2Sx_RCR1)

Address: 4002_F000h base + 84h offset = 4002_F084h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_RCR1 field descriptions

Field Description
31–3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2–0 Receive FIFO Watermark
Configures the watermark level for all enabled receiver channels.

49.3.12 SAI Receive Configuration 2 Register (I2Sx_RCR2)

This register must not be altered when RCSR[RE] is set.
Address: 4002_F000h base + 88h offset = 4002_F088h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_RCR2 field descriptions

Field Description
31–30 Synchronous Mode
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I2Sx_RCR2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
Configures between asynchronous and synchronous modes of operation. When configured for a
synchronous mode of operation, the transmitter must be configured for asynchronous operation.

00 Asynchronous mode.
01 Synchronous with transmitter.
10 Synchronous with another SAI receiver.
11 Synchronous with another SAI transmitter.
29 Bit Clock Swap
This field swaps the bit clock used by the receiver. When the receiver is configured in asynchronous mode
and this bit is set, the receiver is clocked by the transmitter bit clock (SAI_TX_BCLK). This allows the
transmitter and receiver to share the same bit clock, but the receiver continues to use the receiver frame
sync (SAI_RX_SYNC).
When the receiver is configured in synchronous mode, the transmitter BCS field and receiver BCS field
must be set to the same value. When both are set, the transmitter and receiver are both clocked by the
receiver bit clock (SAI_RX_BCLK) but use the transmitter frame sync (SAI_TX_SYNC).

0 Use the normal bit clock source.

1 Swap the bit clock source.
28 Bit Clock Input
When this field is set and using an internally generated bit clock in either synchronous or asynchronous
mode, the bit clock actually used by the receiver is delayed by the pad output delay (the receiver is
clocked by the pad input as if the clock was externally generated). This has the effect of of decreasing the
data input setup time, but increasing the data output valid time.
The slave mode timing from the datasheet should be used for the receiver when this bit is set. In
synchronous mode, this bit allows the receiver to use the slave mode timing from the datasheet, while the
transmitter uses the master mode timing. This field has no effect when configured for an externally
generated bit clock .

0 No effect.
1 Internal logic is clocked as if bit clock was externally generated.
27–26 MCLK Select
Selects the audio master clock used to generate an internally generated bit clock. This field has no effect
when configured for an externally generated bit clock.

00 Bus clock selected.

01 Master clock 1 selected.
10 Master clock 2 selected.
11 Master clock 3 selected.
25 Bit Clock Polarity
Configures the polarity of the bit clock.

0 Bit Clock is active high with drive outputs on rising edge and sample inputs on falling edge.
1 Bit Clock is active low with drive outputs on falling edge and sample inputs on rising edge.
24 Bit Clock Direction
Configures the direction of the bit clock.
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I2Sx_RCR2 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Bit clock is generated externally in Slave mode.
1 Bit clock is generated internally in Master mode.
23–8 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
7–0 Bit Clock Divide
Divides down the audio master clock to generate the bit clock when configured for an internal bit clock.
The division value is (DIV + 1) * 2.

49.3.13 SAI Receive Configuration 3 Register (I2Sx_RCR3)

This register must not be altered when RCSR[RE] is set.
Address: 4002_F000h base + 8Ch offset = 4002_F08Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_RCR3 field descriptions

Field Description
31–18 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
17–16 Receive Channel Enable
Enables the corresponding data channel for receive operation. A channel must be enabled before its FIFO
is accessed.

0 Receive data channel N is disabled.

1 Receive data channel N is enabled.
15–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4–0 Word Flag Configuration
Configures which word the start of word flag is set. The value written should be one less than the word
number (for example, write zero to configure for the first word in the frame). When configured to a value
greater than the Frame Size field, then the start of word flag is never set.

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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)

49.3.14 SAI Receive Configuration 4 Register (I2Sx_RCR4)

This register must not be altered when RCSR[RE] is set.
Address: 4002_F000h base + 90h offset = 4002_F090h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_RCR4 field descriptions

Field Description
31–21 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
20–16 Frame Size
Configures the number of words in each frame. The value written must be one less than the number of
words in the frame. For example, write 0 for one word per frame. The maximum supported frame size is 2
15–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12–8 Sync Width
Configures the length of the frame sync in number of bit clocks. The value written must be one less than
the number of bit clocks. For example, write 0 for the frame sync to assert for one bit clock only. The sync
width cannot be configured longer than the first word of the frame.
7–5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4 MSB First
Specifies whether the LSB or the MSB is transmitted/received first.

0 LSB is transmitted/received first.

1 MSB is transmitted/received first.
3 Frame Sync Early
0 Frame sync asserts with the first bit of the frame.
1 Frame sync asserts one bit before the first bit of the frame.
2 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
1 Frame Sync Polarity
Configures the polarity of the frame sync.
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I2Sx_RCR4 field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 Frame sync is active high.
1 Frame sync is active low.
0 Frame Sync Direction
Configures the direction of the frame sync.

0 Frame Sync is generated externally in Slave mode.

1 Frame Sync is generated internally in Master mode.

49.3.15 SAI Receive Configuration 5 Register (I2Sx_RCR5)

This register must not be altered when RCSR[RE] is set.
Address: 4002_F000h base + 94h offset = 4002_F094h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_RCR5 field descriptions

Field Description
31–29 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
28–24 Word N Width
Configures the number of bits in each word, for each word except the first in the frame. The value written
must be one less than the number of bits per word. The value of WNW must be greater than or equal to
the value of W0W even when there is only one word in each frame. Word width of less than 8 bits is not
23–21 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
20–16 Word 0 Width
Configures the number of bits in the first word in each frame. The value written must be one less than the
number of bits in the first word. Word width of less than 8 bits is not supported if there is only one word per
15–13 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
12–8 First Bit Shifted
Configures the bit index for the first bit received for each word in the frame. If configured for MSB First, the
index of the next bit received is one less than the current bit received. If configured for LSB First, the index
of the next bit received is one more than the current bit received. The value written must be greater than or
equal to the word width when configured for MSB First. The value written must be less than or equal to 31-
word width when configured for LSB First.
7–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)

49.3.16 SAI Receive Data Register (I2Sx_RDRn)

Reading this register introduces one additional peripheral clock wait state on each read.
Address: 4002_F000h base + A0h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 1d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R RDR[31:0]

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_RDRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Receive Data Register
The corresponding RCR3[RCE] bit must be set before accessing the channel's receive data register.
Reads from this register when the receive FIFO is not empty will return the data from the top of the receive
FIFO. Reads from this register when the receive FIFO is empty are ignored.

49.3.17 SAI Receive FIFO Register (I2Sx_RFRn)

The MSB of the read and write pointers is used to distinguish between FIFO full and
empty conditions. If the read and write pointers are identical, then the FIFO is empty. If
the read and write pointers are identical except for the MSB, then the FIFO is full.
Address: 4002_F000h base + C0h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 1d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_RFRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–20 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
19–16 Write FIFO Pointer
FIFO write pointer for receive data channel.
15–4 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
3–0 Read FIFO Pointer
FIFO read pointer for receive data channel.

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49.3.18 SAI Receive Mask Register (I2Sx_RMR)

This register is double-buffered and updates:
1. When RCSR[RE] is first set
2. At the end of each frame
This allows the masked words in each frame to change from frame to frame.
Address: 4002_F000h base + E0h offset = 4002_F0E0h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_RMR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Receive Word Mask
Configures whether the receive word is masked (received data ignored and not written to receive FIFO) for
the corresponding word in the frame.

0 Word N is enabled.
1 Word N is masked.

49.3.19 SAI MCLK Control Register (I2Sx_MCR)

The MCLK Control Register (MCR) controls the clock source and direction of the audio
master clock.
Address: 4002_F000h base + 100h offset = 4002_F100h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R DUF 0 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)

I2Sx_MCR field descriptions

Field Description
31 Divider Update Flag
Provides the status of on-the-fly updates to the MCLK divider ratio.

0 MCLK divider ratio is not being updated currently.

1 MCLK divider ratio is updating on-the-fly. Further updates to the MCLK divider ratio are blocked while
this flag remains set.
30 MCLK Output Enable
Enables the MCLK divider and configures the MCLK signal pin as an output. When software clears this
field, it remains set until the MCLK divider is fully disabled.

0 MCLK signal pin is configured as an input that bypasses the MCLK divider.
1 MCLK signal pin is configured as an output from the MCLK divider and the MCLK divider is enabled.
29–26 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
25–24 MCLK Input Clock Select
Selects the clock input to the MCLK divider. This field cannot be changed while the MCLK divider is
enabled. See the chip configuration details for information about the connections to these inputs.

00 MCLK divider input clock 0 selected.

01 MCLK divider input clock 1 selected.
10 MCLK divider input clock 2 selected.
11 MCLK divider input clock 3 selected.
23–0 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

49.3.20 SAI MCLK Divide Register (I2Sx_MDR)

The MCLK Divide Register (MDR) configures the MCLK divide ratio. Although the
MDR can be changed when the MCLK divider clock is enabled, additional writes to the
MDR are blocked while MCR[DUF] is set. Writes to the MDR when the MCLK divided
clock is disabled do not set MCR[DUF].
Address: 4002_F000h base + 104h offset = 4002_F104h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

I2Sx_MDR field descriptions

Field Description
31–20 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.

Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

I2Sx_MDR field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
19–12 MCLK Fraction
Sets the MCLK divide ratio such that: MCLK output = MCLK input * ( (FRACT + 1) / (DIVIDE + 1) ).
FRACT must be set equal or less than the value in the DIVIDE field.
11–0 MCLK Divide
Sets the MCLK divide ratio such that: MCLK output = MCLK input * ( (FRACT + 1) / (DIVIDE + 1) ).
FRACT must be set equal or less than the value in the DIVIDE field.

49.4 Functional description

49.4.1 SAI clocking

The SAI clocks include:
• The audio master clock
• The bit clock
• The bus clock Audio master clock

The audio master clock is used to generate the bit clock when the receiver or transmitter
is configured for an internally generated bit clock. The transmitter and receiver can
independently select between the bus clock and up to three audio master clocks to
generate the bit clock.
Each SAI peripheral can control the input clock selection, pin direction and divide ratio
of one audio master clock. The input clock selection and pin direction cannot be altered if
an SAI module using that audio master clock has been enabled. The MCLK divide ratio
can be altered while an SAI is using that master clock, although the change in the divide
ratio takes several cycles. MCR[DUF] can be polled to determine when the divide ratio
change has completed.
The audio master clock generation and selection is chip-specific. Refer to chip-specific
clocking information about how the audio master clocks are generated. A typical
implementation appears in the following figure.

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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)


PLL_OUT 11 Fractional
11 Bit
EXTAL 01 Clock 1
Clock 1
SYS_CLK 00 Divider MCLK_IN 0 BUS_CLK 00 Divider BCLK


Figure 49-58. SAI master clock generation Bit clock

The SAI transmitter and receiver support asynchronous free-running bit clocks that can
be generated internally from an audio master clock or supplied externally. There is also
the option for synchronous bit clock and frame sync operation between the receiver and
transmitter or between multiple SAI peripherals.
Externally generated bit clocks must be:
• Enabled before the SAI transmitter or receiver is enabled
• Disabled after the SAI transmitter or receiver is disabled and completes its current
frames Bus clock

The bus clock is used by the control and configuration registers and to generate
synchronous interrupts and DMA requests.

49.4.2 SAI resets

The SAI is asynchronously reset on system reset. The SAI has a software reset and a
FIFO reset. Software reset

The SAI transmitter includes a software reset that resets all transmitter internal logic,
including the bit clock generation, status flags, and FIFO pointers. It does not reset the
configuration registers. The software reset remains asserted until cleared by software.
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Functional description

The SAI receiver includes a software reset that resets all receiver internal logic, including
the bit clock generation, status flags and FIFO pointers. It does not reset the configuration
registers. The software reset remains asserted until cleared by software. FIFO reset

The SAI transmitter includes a FIFO reset that synchronizes the FIFO write pointer to the
same value as the FIFO read pointer. This empties the FIFO contents and is to be used
after TCSR[FEF] is set, and before the FIFO is re-initialized and TCSR[FEF] is cleared.
The FIFO reset is asserted for one cycle only.
The SAI receiver includes a FIFO reset that synchronizes the FIFO read pointer to the
same value as the FIFO write pointer. This empties the FIFO contents and is to be used
after the RCSR[FEF] is set and any remaining data has been read from the FIFO, and
before the RCSR[FEF] is cleared. The FIFO reset is asserted for one cycle only.

49.4.3 Synchronous modes

The SAI transmitter and receiver can operate synchronously to each other. Synchronous mode

The SAI transmitter and receiver can be configured to operate with synchronous bit clock
and frame sync.
If the transmitter bit clock and frame sync are to be used by both the transmitter and
• The transmitter must be configured for asynchronous operation and the receiver for
synchronous operation.
• In synchronous mode, the receiver is enabled only when both the transmitter and
receiver are enabled.
• It is recommended that the transmitter is the last enabled and the first disabled.
If the receiver bit clock and frame sync are to be used by both the transmitter and
• The receiver must be configured for asynchronous operation and the transmitter for
synchronous operation.

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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)

• In synchronous mode, the transmitter is enabled only when both the receiver and
transmitter are both enabled.
• It is recommended that the receiver is the last enabled and the first disabled.
When operating in synchronous mode, only the bit clock, frame sync, and transmitter/
receiver enable are shared. The transmitter and receiver otherwise operate independently,
although configuration registers must be configured consistently across both the
transmitter and receiver.

49.4.4 Frame sync configuration

When enabled, the SAI continuously transmits and/or receives frames of data. Each
frame consists of a fixed number of words and each word consists of a fixed number of
bits. Within each frame, any given word can be masked causing the receiver to ignore
that word and the transmitter to tri-state for the duration of that word.
The frame sync signal is used to indicate the start of each frame. A valid frame sync
requires a rising edge (if active high) or falling edge (if active low) to be detected and the
transmitter or receiver cannot be busy with a previous frame. A valid frame sync is also
ignored (slave mode) or not generated (master mode) for the first four bit clock cycles
after enabling the transmitter or receiver.
The transmitter and receiver frame sync can be configured independently with any of the
following options:
• Externally generated or internally generated
• Active high or active low
• Assert with the first bit in frame or asserts one bit early
• Assert for a duration between 1 bit clock and the first word length
• Frame length from 1 to 32 words per frame
• Word length to support 8 to 32 bits per word
• First word length and remaining word lengths can be configured separately
• Words can be configured to transmit/receive MSB first or LSB first
These configuration options cannot be changed after the SAI transmitter or receiver is

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49.4.5 Data FIFO Data alignment

Each transmit and receive channel includes a FIFO of size 8 × 32-bit. The FIFO data is
accessed using the SAI Transmit/Receive Data Registers. Data in the FIFO can be
aligned anywhere within the 32-bit wide register through the use of the First Bit Shifted
configuration field, which selects the bit index (between 31 and 0) of the first bit shifted.
Examples of supported data alignment and the required First Bit Shifted configuration are
illustrated in Figure 49-59 for LSB First configurations and Figure 49-60 for MSB First

Figure 49-59. SAI first bit shifted, LSB first

Figure 49-60. SAI first bit shifted, MSB first

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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI) FIFO pointers

When writing to a TDR, the WFP of the corresponding TFR increments after each valid
write. The SAI supports 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit writes to the TDR and the FIFO pointer
will increment after each individual write. Note that 8-bit writes should only be used
when transmitting up to 8-bit data and 16-bit writes should only be used when
transmitting up to 16-bit data.
Writes to a TDR are ignored if the corresponding bit of TCR3[TCE] is clear or if the
FIFO is full. If the Transmit FIFO is empty, the TDR must be written at least three bit
clocks before the start of the next unmasked word to avoid a FIFO underrun.
When reading an RDR, the RFP of the corresponding RFR increments after each valid
read. The SAI supports 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit reads from the RDR and the FIFO pointer
will increment after each individual read. Note that 8-bit reads should only be used when
receiving up to 8-bit data and 16-bit reads should only be used when receiving up to 16-
bit data.
Reads from an RDR are ignored if the corresponding bit of RCR3[RCE] is clear or if the
FIFO is empty. If the Receive FIFO is full, the RDR must be read at least three bit clocks
before the end of an unmasked word to avoid a FIFO overrun.

49.4.6 Word mask register

The SAI transmitter and receiver each contain a word mask register, namely TMR and
RMR, that can be used to mask any word in the frame. Because the word mask register is
double buffered, software can update it before the end of each frame to mask a particular
word in the next frame.
The TMR causes the Transmit Data pin to be tri-stated for the length of each selected
word and the transmit FIFO is not read for masked words.
The RMR causes the received data for each selected word to be discarded and not written
to the receive FIFO.

49.4.7 Interrupts and DMA requests

The SAI transmitter and receiver generate separate interrupts and separate DMA requests,
but support the same status flags.

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Data FIFO FIFO data ready flag

The FIFO data ready flag is set based on the number of entries in the FIFO and the FIFO
watermark configuration.
The transmit data ready flag is set when the number of entries in any of the enabled
transmit FIFOs is less than or equal to the transmit FIFO watermark configuration and is
cleared when the number of entries in each enabled transmit FIFO is greater than the
transmit FIFO watermark configuration.
The receive data ready flag is set when the number of entries in any of the enabled
receive FIFOs is greater than the receive FIFO watermark configuration and is cleared
when the number of entries in each enabled receive FIFO is less than or equal to the
receive FIFO watermark configuration.
The FIFO data ready flag can generate an interrupt or a DMA request. FIFO warning flag

The FIFO warning flag is set based on the number of entries in the FIFO.
The transmit warning flag is set when the number of entries in any of the enabled
transmit FIFOs is empty and is cleared when the number of entries in each enabled
transmit FIFO is not empty.
The receive warning flag is set when the number of entries in any of the enabled receive
FIFOs is full and is cleared when the number of entries in each enabled receive FIFO is
not full.
The FIFO warning flag can generate an Interrupt or a DMA request. FIFO error flag

The transmit FIFO error flag is set when the any of the enabled transmit FIFOs
underflow. After it is set, all enabled transmit channels repeat the last valid word read
from the transmit FIFO until TCSR[FEF] is cleared and the next transmit frame starts.
All enabled transmit FIFOs must be reset and initialized with new data before
TCSR[FEF] is cleared.
RCSR[FEF] is set when the any of the enabled receive FIFOs overflow. After it is set, all
enabled receive channels discard received data until RCSR[FEF] is cleared and the next
next receive frame starts. All enabled receive FIFOs should be emptied before
RCSR[FEF] is cleared.

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Chapter 49 Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) / Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)

The FIFO error flag can generate only an interrupt. Sync error flag

The sync error flag, TCSR[SEF] or RCSR[SEF], is set when configured for an externally
generated frame sync and the external frame sync asserts when the transmitter or receiver
is busy with the previous frame. The external frame sync assertion is ignored and the
sync error flag is set. When the sync error flag is set, the transmitter or receiver continues
checking for frame sync assertion when idle or at the end of each frame.
The sync error flag can generate an interrupt only. Word start flag

The word start flag is set at the start of the second bit clock for the selected word, as
configured by the Word Flag register field.
The word start flag can generate an interrupt only.

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1402 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 50
General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)

50.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The general-purpose input and output (GPIO) module communicates to the processor
core via a zero wait state interface for maximum pin performance. The GPIO registers
support 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit accesses.
The GPIO data direction and output data registers control the direction and output data of
each pin when the pin is configured for the GPIO function. The GPIO input data register
displays the logic value on each pin when the pin is configured for any digital function,
provided the corresponding Port Control and Interrupt module for that pin is enabled.
Efficient bit manipulation of the general-purpose outputs is supported through the
addition of set, clear, and toggle write-only registers for each port output data register.

50.1.1 Features
• Features of the GPIO module include:
• Pin input data register visible in all digital pin-multiplexing modes
• Pin output data register with corresponding set/clear/toggle registers
• Pin data direction register
• Zero wait state access to GPIO registers
GPIO module is clocked by system clock.

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50.1.2 Modes of operation

The following table depicts different modes of operation and the behavior of the GPIO
module in these modes.
Table 50-1. Modes of operation
Modes of operation Description
Run The GPIO module operates normally.
Wait The GPIO module operates normally.
Stop The GPIO module is disabled.
Debug The GPIO module operates normally.

50.1.3 GPIO signal descriptions

Table 50-2. GPIO signal descriptions
Signal Description I/O
PORTA31–PORTA0 General-purpose input/output I/O
PORTB31–PORTB0 General-purpose input/output I/O
PORTC31–PORTC0 General-purpose input/output I/O
PORTD31–PORTD0 General-purpose input/output I/O
PORTE31–PORTE0 General-purpose input/output I/O

Not all pins within each port are implemented on each device.
See the chapter on signal multiplexing for the number of GPIO
ports available in the device.

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1404 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 50 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Detailed signal description

Table 50-3. GPIO interface-detailed signal descriptions
Signal I/O Description
PORTA31–PORTA0 I/O General-purpose input/output
PORTB31–PORTB0 State meaning Asserted: The pin is logic 1.
PORTC31–PORTC0 Deasserted: The pin is logic 0.
PORTD31–PORTD0 Timing Assertion: When output, this
signal occurs on the rising-
PORTE31–PORTE0 edge of the system clock. For
input, it may occur at any time
and input may be asserted
asynchronously to the system
Deassertion: When output,
this signal occurs on the
rising-edge of the system
clock. For input, it may occur
at any time and input may be
asserted asynchronously to
the system clock.

50.2 Memory map and register definition

Any read or write access to the GPIO memory space that is outside the valid memory
map results in a bus error. All register accesses complete with zero wait states, except
error accesses which complete with one wait state.
GPIO memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
400F_F000 Port Data Output Register (GPIOA_PDOR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 50.2.1/1407
400F_F004 Port Set Output Register (GPIOA_PSOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.2/1407
reads 0)
400F_F008 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOA_PCOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.3/1408
reads 0)
400F_F00C Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOA_PTOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.4/1408
reads 0)
400F_F010 Port Data Input Register (GPIOA_PDIR) 32 R 0000_0000h 50.2.5/1409
400F_F014 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOA_PDDR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 50.2.6/1409
400F_F040 Port Data Output Register (GPIOB_PDOR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 50.2.1/1407

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register definition

GPIO memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
400F_F044 Port Set Output Register (GPIOB_PSOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.2/1407
reads 0)
400F_F048 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOB_PCOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.3/1408
reads 0)
400F_F04C Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOB_PTOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.4/1408
reads 0)
400F_F050 Port Data Input Register (GPIOB_PDIR) 32 R 0000_0000h 50.2.5/1409
400F_F054 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOB_PDDR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 50.2.6/1409
400F_F080 Port Data Output Register (GPIOC_PDOR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 50.2.1/1407
400F_F084 Port Set Output Register (GPIOC_PSOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.2/1407
reads 0)
400F_F088 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOC_PCOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.3/1408
reads 0)
400F_F08C Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOC_PTOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.4/1408
reads 0)
400F_F090 Port Data Input Register (GPIOC_PDIR) 32 R 0000_0000h 50.2.5/1409
400F_F094 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOC_PDDR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 50.2.6/1409
400F_F0C0 Port Data Output Register (GPIOD_PDOR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 50.2.1/1407
400F_F0C4 Port Set Output Register (GPIOD_PSOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.2/1407
reads 0)
400F_F0C8 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOD_PCOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.3/1408
reads 0)
400F_F0CC Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOD_PTOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.4/1408
reads 0)
400F_F0D0 Port Data Input Register (GPIOD_PDIR) 32 R 0000_0000h 50.2.5/1409
400F_F0D4 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOD_PDDR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 50.2.6/1409
400F_F100 Port Data Output Register (GPIOE_PDOR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 50.2.1/1407
400F_F104 Port Set Output Register (GPIOE_PSOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.2/1407
reads 0)
400F_F108 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOE_PCOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.3/1408
reads 0)
400F_F10C Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOE_PTOR) 32 (always 0000_0000h 50.2.4/1408
reads 0)

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 50 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)

GPIO memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
400F_F110 Port Data Input Register (GPIOE_PDIR) 32 R 0000_0000h 50.2.5/1409
400F_F114 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOE_PDDR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 50.2.6/1409

50.2.1 Port Data Output Register (GPIOx_PDOR)

This register configures the logic levels that are driven on each general-purpose output
Address: Base address + 0h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GPIOx_PDOR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Port Data Output
Unimplemented pins for a particular device read as zero.

0 Logic level 0 is driven on pin, provided pin is configured for general-purpose output.
1 Logic level 1 is driven on pin, provided pin is configured for general-purpose output.

50.2.2 Port Set Output Register (GPIOx_PSOR)

This register configures whether to set the fields of the PDOR.
Address: Base address + 4h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GPIOx_PSOR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Port Set Output
Writing to this register will update the contents of the corresponding bit in the PDOR as follows:

0 Corresponding bit in PDORn does not change.

1 Corresponding bit in PDORn is set to logic 1.

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Memory map and register definition

50.2.3 Port Clear Output Register (GPIOx_PCOR)

This register configures whether to clear the fields of PDOR.
Address: Base address + 8h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GPIOx_PCOR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Port Clear Output
Writing to this register will update the contents of the corresponding bit in the Port Data Output Register
(PDOR) as follows:

0 Corresponding bit in PDORn does not change.

1 Corresponding bit in PDORn is cleared to logic 0.

50.2.4 Port Toggle Output Register (GPIOx_PTOR)

Address: Base address + Ch offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GPIOx_PTOR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Port Toggle Output
Writing to this register will update the contents of the corresponding bit in the PDOR as follows:

0 Corresponding bit in PDORn does not change.

1 Corresponding bit in PDORn is set to the inverse of its existing logic state.

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Chapter 50 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)

50.2.5 Port Data Input Register (GPIOx_PDIR)

Address: Base address + 10h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GPIOx_PDIR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Port Data Input
Reads 0 at the unimplemented pins for a particular device. Pins that are not configured for a digital
function read 0. If the Port Control and Interrupt module is disabled, then the corresponding bit in PDIR
does not update.

0 Pin logic level is logic 0, or is not configured for use by digital function.
1 Pin logic level is logic 1.

50.2.6 Port Data Direction Register (GPIOx_PDDR)

The PDDR configures the individual port pins for input or output.
Address: Base address + 14h offset
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GPIOx_PDDR field descriptions

Field Description
31–0 Port Data Direction
Configures individual port pins for input or output.

0 Pin is configured as general-purpose input, for the GPIO function.

1 Pin is configured as general-purpose output, for the GPIO function.

50.3 Functional description

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Functional description

50.3.1 General-purpose input

The logic state of each pin is available via the Port Data Input registers, provided the pin
is configured for a digital function and the corresponding Port Control and Interrupt
module is enabled.
The Port Data Input registers return the synchronized pin state after any enabled digital
filter in the Port Control and Interrupt module. The input pin synchronizers are shared
with the Port Control and Interrupt module, so that if the corresponding Port Control and
Interrupt module is disabled, then synchronizers are also disabled. This reduces power
consumption when a port is not required for general-purpose input functionality.

50.3.2 General-purpose output

The logic state of each pin can be controlled via the port data output registers and port
data direction registers, provided the pin is configured for the GPIO function. The
following table depicts the conditions for a pin to be configured as input/output.
If Then
A pin is configured for the GPIO function and the The pin is configured as an input.
corresponding port data direction register bit is clear.
A pin is configured for the GPIO function and the The pin is configured as an output and and the logic state of
corresponding port data direction register bit is set. the pin is equal to the corresponding port data output register.

To facilitate efficient bit manipulation on the general-purpose outputs, pin data set, pin
data clear, and pin data toggle registers exist to allow one or more outputs within one port
to be set, cleared, or toggled from a single register write.
The corresponding Port Control and Interrupt module does not need to be enabled to
update the state of the port data direction registers and port data output registers including
the set/clear/toggle registers.

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1410 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 51
Touch sense input (TSI)

51.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The touch sensing input (TSI) module provides capacitive touch sensing detection with
high sensitivity and enhanced robustness. Each TSI pin implements the capacitive
measurement of an electrode having individual programmable detection thresholds and
result registers. The TSI module can be functional in several low-power modes with
ultra-low current adder and waking up the CPU in a touch event. It provides a solid
capacitive measurement module to the implementation of touch keypad, rotaries, and

51.2 Features
TSI module features included:
• Support for as many as 16 input capacitive touch-sensing pins with individual result
• Automatic detection of electrode capacitance change in low-power mode with
programmable upper and lower threshold
• Automatic periodic scan unit with different duty cycles for run and low-power modes
• Fully support with Freescale touch-sensing SW library suite the implementation of
keypads, rotaries and sliders
• Operation across all low-power modes: WAIT, STOP, VLPR, VLPW, VLPS, LLS,
• Capability to wake up MCU from low-power modes.
• Configurable interrupts:

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• End-of-scan or out-of-range interrupt

• TSI error interrupts: pad short to VDD/VSS or conversion overrun
• Automatically compensates for temperature and supply voltage variations within
operating parameters
• Stand alone operation not requiring any external crystal even in low-power modes
• Configurable integration of each electrode capacitance measurement from 1 to 4096
• Programmable Electrode Oscillator and TSI Reference Oscillator allowing high
sensitivity, small scan time, and low-power functionality.
• Uses only one pin per electrode implementation with no external hardware required

51.3 Overview
This section presents an overview of the TSI module. The following figure presents the
simplified TSI module block diagram.
External Touch Sensing Input (TSI) Module

PAD1 Capacitance Measurement Unit TSICHnCNT

Cap Switch


Electrode Touch
Scan Unit Detection
PEN [15:0]


Figure 51-1. TSI block diagram

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1412 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI)

51.3.1 Electrode capacitance measurement unit

The electrode capacitance measurement unit senses the capacitance of a TSI pin and
outputs a 16-bit result. This module is based in dual oscillator architecture. One oscillator
is connected to the external electrode array and oscillates according to the electrode
capacitance, while the other according to an internal reference capacitor. The pin
capacitance measurement is given by the counted number of periods of the reference
oscillator during a predefined number of electrode oscillations.
The electrode oscillator charges and discharges the pin capacitance with a programmable
current source to accommodate several different sizes of electrode capacitances. The
electrode oscillator frequency, before being compared to that of the reference oscillator,
goes through a prescaler and module counter to decrease its frequency and consecutively
increase the measurement resolution and noise robustness.
The following figure presents the simplified block diagram of how the electrode
capacitance is measured.
Capacitance Measurement Unit


TSI Reference Oscillator


16-bit TSICHnCNT
EN Counter
TSI Counter
Electrode Prescaler Modulo
Oscillator Control


Figure 51-2. TSI capacitance measurement unit block diagram

51.3.2 Electrode scan unit

This section describes the functionality of the electrode scan unit, which is responsible
for triggering the start of the active electrode scan.
The TSI module needs to periodically scan all active electrodes to determine whether a
touch event has occurred. The electrode scan unit is responsible for defining two
independent scan periods, one for TSI active mode and the other for TSI low-power
mode. This independent control allows the application to configure longer scan period
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1413
Modes of operation

during low-power mode, thereby contributing to smaller average power consumption.

The TSI, in low-power mode, has the capability to wake the CPU upon an electrode
capacitance change. When the CPU wakes, the TSI enters active mode, and a shorter scan
period can provide a faster response time and more robust touch detection. Apart from
the periodical mode, the electrode scan unit also allows software triggering of the
electrode scans. This feature is very useful for initialization of the touch application for
detecting the initial electrode capacitances. This module generates configurable end-of-
scan interrupt to indicate the application that all electrodes were scanned. In the event
starting a new electrode scan while a previous one is still in progress an overrun error flag
is generated.

51.3.3 Touch detection unit

The touch detection unit indicates any change in the low-power electrode pin
capacitance. The purpose of this module is to wake up only the CPU from low-power
modes in the event of a electrode capacitance change. So, if there is no capacitance
change in the electrode, the MCU stays in low-power mode indefinitely, while keeping
the electrode monitoring, ensuring minimal power consumption.
This module compares the pin capacitance value in the result register with a
preconfigured low and high threshold. If the capacitance result register value is outside
the ranges defined by upper and lower threshold, the touch detection unit generates an
out-of-range flag indicating a pin capacitance change.
The upper and lower threshold values are configurable, allowing the application to select
the magnitude of the capacitance change to trigger the out-of-range flag. With the
threshold values programmed properly, the application noise level does not cause
frequent CPU interrupts, minimizing the CPU usage.

51.4 Modes of operation

The TSI module has three operation modes: disabled, active mode, and low-power mode.
Table 51-1. TSI Module funtionality in MCU operation modes
MCU operation mode TSI clock sources TSI operation mode Functional electrode Required STPE state
when TSIEN = 1 pins
Run LPOCLK, MSGIRCLK, Active mode All Don’t care
Wait LPOCLK, MSGIRCLK, Active mode All Don’t care

Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI)

Table 51-1. TSI Module funtionality in MCU operation modes (continued)

MCU operation mode TSI clock sources TSI operation mode Functional electrode Required STPE state
when TSIEN = 1 pins
Stop LPOCLK, MSGIRCLK, Active mode All 1
VLPRun LPOCLK, MSGIRCLK, Active mode All Don’t care
VLPWait LPOCLK, MSGIRCLK, Active mode All Don’t care
VLPStop LPOCLK MSGIRCLK, Active mode All 1
LLS LPOCLK, VLPOSCCLK Low-power mode Determined by 1
VLLS3 LPOCLK, VLPOSCCLK Low-power mode Determined by 1
VLLS2 LPOCLK, VLPOSCCLK Low-power mode Determined by 1
VLLS1 LPOCLK, VLPOSCCLK Low-power mode Determined by 1

51.4.1 TSI disabled mode

When GENCS[TSIEN] is cleared, the TSI module is disabled, and does not perform any
function in any MCU operation mode.

51.4.2 TSI active mode

In active mode, the TSI module has its full functionality, being able to scan up to 16
electrodes. The TSI can be in active mode with the MCU in any of the following
operational modes: Run, Wait, Stop, VLPR, VLPW, and VLPS.
Three clocks sources can be selected for the TSI module in active mode: LPOCLK,

51.4.3 TSI low-power mode

The TSI modules enters in low-power mode if the GENCS[STPE] is set to one and the
MCU enters in one of the following operational modes: LLS, VLLS1, VLLS2, and
VLLS3. In low-power mode, only one selectable pin is active, being able to perform

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Modes of operation

capacitance measurements. The scan period is defined by GENCS[LPSCNITV] . Two

low-power clock sources are available in the TSI low-power mode, LPOCLK, and
VLPOSCCLK, being selected by GENCS[LPCLKS].
In low-power mode, the TSI interrupt can also be configured as end-of-scan or out-of-
range and the GENCS[TSIIEN] must be set in order to generate these interrupts. The TSI
interrupt causes the exit of the low-power mode and entrance in the active mode, and the
MCU also wakes up.
In low-power mode, the electrode scan unit is always configured to periodical low-power

51.4.4 Block diagram

The following figure shows the block diagram of TSI module.1
Capacitance Measurement Unit

TSI Reference Oscillator


PAD0 16-bit
TSI Counter
Cap Switch

Electrode Prescaler Modulo

Oscillator Control

Touch and Error Interrupt
Low MCGIRCLK 2 Windowed
Scan Error EXTERF
Power OSCERCLK Comparators OUTRGF
Trigger Detection
Scan LPOCLK out of range
Control VLPOSCCLK interrupt
Polling OVRF
EOSF overrun interrupt
end of scan interrupt Touch Detection Unit

Electrode Scan Unit

Figure 51-3. TSI block diagram

1. The out-of-range functionality present in the Touch Detection Unit is available only in low-power modes.

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1416 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI)

51.5 TSI signal descriptions

The TSI module has up to 16 external pins for touch sensing. The table below itemizes all
the TSI external pins.
Table 51-2. TSI signal descriptions
Signal Description I/O
TSI_IN[15:0] TSI capacitive pins. Switchable driver that connects directly to the I/O
electrode pins TSI[15:0] can operate as GPIO pins

51.5.1 TSI_IN[15:0]
When TSI functionality is enabled by the PEN[PENn], the TSI analog portion uses
corresponding TSI_IN[n] pin to connect the module with the external electrode. The
connection between the pin and the touch pad must be kept as short as possible to reduce
distribution capacity on board.

51.6 Memory map and register definition

This section presents the touch sensing input module memory map and registers
TSI memory map
Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4004_5000 General Control and Status register (TSI0_GENCS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 51.6.1/1418
4004_5004 SCAN Control register (TSI0_SCANC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 51.6.2/1422
4004_5008 Pin Enable register (TSI0_PEN) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 51.6.3/1424
4004_500C Wake-Up Channel Counter Register (TSI0_WUCNTR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 51.6.4/1426
4004_5100 Counter Register (TSI0_CNTR1) 32 R 0000_0000h 51.6.5/1426
4004_5104 Counter Register (TSI0_CNTR3) 32 R 0000_0000h 51.6.5/1426
4004_5108 Counter Register (TSI0_CNTR5) 32 R 0000_0000h 51.6.5/1426
4004_510C Counter Register (TSI0_CNTR7) 32 R 0000_0000h 51.6.5/1426
4004_5110 Counter Register (TSI0_CNTR9) 32 R 0000_0000h 51.6.5/1426
4004_5114 Counter Register (TSI0_CNTR11) 32 R 0000_0000h 51.6.5/1426
4004_5118 Counter Register (TSI0_CNTR13) 32 R 0000_0000h 51.6.5/1426

Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register definition

TSI memory map (continued)

Width Section/
address Register name Access Reset value
(in bits) page
4004_511C Counter Register (TSI0_CNTR15) 32 R 0000_0000h 51.6.5/1426
Low-Power Channel Threshold register
4004_5120 32 R/W 0000_0000h 51.6.6/1427

51.6.1 General Control and Status register (TSIx_GENCS)

Address: 4004_5000h base + 0h offset = 4004_5000h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



R 0 0



W w1c w1c w1c w1c

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TSIx_GENCS field descriptions

Field Description
31–29 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
28 Low-Power Mode Clock Source Selection
This field can be changed only if the TSI module is disabled (TSIEN bit = 0).
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI)

TSIx_GENCS field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 LPOCLK is selected to determine the scan period in low-power mode.
1 VLPOSCCLK is selected to determine the scan period in low-power mode.
27–24 TSI Low-Power Mode Scan Interval
This field can be changed only if the TSI module is disabled (TSIEN bit = 0).

0000 1 ms scan interval

0001 5 ms scan interval
0010 10 ms scan interval
0011 15 ms scan interval
0100 20 ms scan interval
0101 30 ms scan interval
0110 40 ms scan interval
0111 50 ms scan interval
1000 75 ms scan interval
1001 100 ms scan interval
1010 125 ms scan interval
1011 150 ms scan interval
1100 200 ms scan interval
1101 300 ms scan interval
1110 400 ms scan interval
1111 500 ms scan interval
23–19 Number of Consecutive Scans Per Electrode Electrode
This field can be changed only if the TSI module is disabled (TSIEN bit = 0).

00000 Once per electrode.

00001 Twice per electrode.
00010 3 times per electrode.
00011 4 times per electrode.
00100 5 times per electrode.
00101 6 times per electrode.
00110 7 times per electrode.
00111 8 times per electrode.
01000 9 times per electrode.
01001 10 times per electrode.
01010 11 times per electrode.
01011 12 times per electrode.
01100 13 times per electrode.
01101 14 times per electrode.
01110 15 times per electrode.
01111 16 times per electrode.
10000 17 times per electrode.
10001 18 times per electrode.
10010 19 times per electrode.
10011 20 times per electrode.
10100 21 times per electrode.
10101 22 times per electrode.
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register definition

TSIx_GENCS field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
10110 23 times per electrode.
10111 24 times per electrode.
11000 25 times per electrode.
11001 26 times per electrode.
11010 27 times per electrode.
11011 28 times per electrode.
11100 29 times per electrode.
11101 30 times per electrode.
11110 31 times per electrode.
11111 32 times per electrode.
18–16 Electrode Oscillator Prescaler
This field can be changed only if the TSI module is disabled (TSIEN bit = 0)

000 Electrode Oscillator Frequency divided by 1

001 Electrode Oscillator Frequency divided by 2
010 Electrode Oscillator Frequency divided by 4
011 Electrode Oscillator Frequency divided by 8
100 Electrode Oscillator Frequency divided by 16
101 Electrode Oscillator Frequency divided by 32
110 Electrode Oscillator Frequency divided by 64
111 Electrode Oscillator Frequency divided by 128
15 End of Scan Flag
This flag is set when all active electrodes are scanned is ended after a scan trigger. Writing 1 to this bit will
clear the flag to 0.
14 Out of Range Flag
This flag is set if the result register of the low-power enabled electrode is outside the range defined by the
TSI_THRESHOLD register. This flag is set only when the TSI is in low-power mode. It can be read after
the CPU wakes up. Writing 1 to this bit will clear the flag to 0.
13 External Electrode Error Occurred
This flag is set when an active electrode has a result register either 0x0000 or 0xFFFF. Writing 1 to this bit
will clear the flag to 0.

0 No fault happend on TSI electrodes.

1 Short to VDD or VSS was detected on one or more electrodes.
12 Overrun Error Flag
This flag is set when a scan trigger occurs while a scan is still in progress. Writing 1 to this bit will clear the
flag to 0.

0 No overrun.
1 Overrun occurred.
11–10 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
9 Scan In Progress Status
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Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI)

TSIx_GENCS field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
1 indicates a scanning process is in progress. This bit is read-only and changes automatically by the TSI
8 Software Trigger Start
Write a 1 to this bit will start a scan sequence and write a 0 to this bit has no effect.
7 Touch Sensing Input Module Enable
0 TSI module is disabled.
1 TSI module is enabled.
6 Touch Sensing Input Interrupt Module Enable
0 Interrupt from TSI is disabled.
1 Interrupt from TSI is enabled.
5 Error Interrupt Enable
Caused either by a Short or Overrun Error.

0 Interrupt disabled for error.

1 Interrupt enabled for error.
4 End-of-Scan Or Out-of-Range Interrupt Select
0 Out-of-Range interrupt is allowed.
1 End-of-Scan interrupt is allowed.
3 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
2 Reserved
This field is reserved.
1 Scan Trigger Mode
This field can be changed only if the TSI module is disabled (TSIEN bit = 0).

0 Software trigger scan.

1 Periodical Scan.
0 TSI STOP Enable while in low-power modes (STOP, VLPS, LLS, and VLLS{3,2,1}).
0 Disable TSI when MCU goes into low-power modes.
1 Allows TSI to continue running in all low-power modes.

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Memory map and register definition

51.6.2 SCAN Control register (TSIx_SCANC)

Address: 4004_5000h base + 4h offset = 4004_5004h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R 0 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TSIx_SCANC field descriptions

Field Description
31–28 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
27–24 Ref OSC Charge Current Select
0000 2 µA charge current
0001 4 µA charge current
0010 6 µA charge current
0011 8 µA charge current
0100 10 µA charge current
0101 12 µA charge current
0110 14 µA charge current
0111 16 µA charge current
1000 18 µA charge current
1001 20 µA charge current
1010 22 µA charge current
1011 24 µA charge current
1100 26 µA charge current
1101 28 µA charge current
1110 30 µA charge current
1111 32 µA charge current
23–20 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
19–16 External OSC Charge Current Select
0000 2 µA charge current
0001 4 µA charge current
0010 6 µA charge current
0011 8 µA charge current
0100 10 µA charge current
0101 12 µA charge current
0110 14 µA charge current
0111 16 µA charge current
Table continues on the next page...

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Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI)

TSIx_SCANC field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
1000 18 µA charge current
1001 20 µA charge current
1010 22 µA charge current
1011 24 µA charge current
1100 26 µA charge current
1101 28 µA charge current
1110 30 µA charge current
1111 32 µA charge current
15–8 Scan Module
00000000 Continue Scan.
Others Scan Period Modulus.
7–6 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
5 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
4–3 Active Mode Clock Source
11 Not valid.
2–0 Active Mode Prescaler
000 Input Clock Source divided by 1
001 Input Clock Source divided by 2
010 Input Clock Source divided by 4
011 Input Clock Source divided by 8
100 Input Clock Source divided by 16
101 Input Clock Source divided by 32
110 Input Clock Source divided by 64
111 Input Clock Source divided by 128

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Memory map and register definition

51.6.3 Pin Enable register (TSIx_PEN)

Do not change the settings when TSIEN is 1.
Address: 4004_5000h base + 8h offset = 4004_5008h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

R 0

Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0








Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TSIx_PEN field descriptions

Field Description
31–20 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
19–16 Low-Power Scan Pin
0000 TSI_IN[0] is active in low-power mode.
0001 TSI_IN[1] is active in low-power mode.
0010 TSI_IN[2] is active in low-power mode.
0011 TSI_IN[3] is active in low-power mode.
0100 TSI_IN[4] is active in low-power mode.
0101 TSI_IN[5] is active in low-power mode.
0110 TSI_IN[6] is active in low-power mode.
0111 TSI_IN[7] is active in low-power mode.
1000 TSI_IN[8] is active in low-power mode.
1001 TSI_IN[9] is active in low-power mode.
1010 TSI_IN[10] is active in low-power mode.
1011 TSI_IN[11] is active in low-power mode.
1100 TSI_IN[12] is active in low-power mode.
1101 TSI_IN[13] is active in low-power mode.
1110 TSI_IN[14] is active in low-power mode.
1111 TSI_IN[15] is active in low-power mode.
15 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 15
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
14 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 14
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Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI)

TSIx_PEN field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
13 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 13
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
12 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 12
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
11 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 11
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
10 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 10
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
9 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 9
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
8 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 8
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
7 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 7
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
6 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 6
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
5 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 5
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
4 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 4
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
3 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 3
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
2 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 2
Table continues on the next page...

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Memory map and register definition

TSIx_PEN field descriptions (continued)

Field Description
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
1 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 1
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.
0 Touch Sensing Input Pin Enable Register 0
0 The corresponding pin is not used by TSI.
1 The corresponding pin is used by TSI.

51.6.4 Wake-Up Channel Counter Register (TSIx_WUCNTR)

Address: 4004_5000h base + Ch offset = 4004_500Ch

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TSIx_WUCNTR field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 This field is reserved.
Reserved This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
15–0 Touch Sensing Wake-Up Channel 16-bit Counter Value

51.6.5 Counter Register (TSIx_CNTRn)

Address: 4004_5000h base + 100h offset + (4d × i), where i=0d to 7d
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TSIx_CNTRn field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 Touch Sensing Channel n 16-bit Counter Value
15–0 Touch Sensing Channel n-1 16-bit Counter Value

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Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI)

51.6.6 Low-Power Channel Threshold register (TSIx_THRESHOLD)

Address: 4004_5000h base + 120h offset = 4004_5120h

Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TSIx_THRESHOLD field descriptions

Field Description
31–16 Touch Sensing Channel Low Threshold Value
15–0 Touch Sensing Channel High Threshold Value

51.7 Functional description

This section provides functional description of the TSI module.

51.7.1 Capacitance measurement

The electrode pin capacitance measurement uses a dual oscillator approach. The TSI
electrode oscillator has its frequency dependable of the external electrode capacitance
and of the TSI module configuration. After going to a configurable prescaler, the TSI
electrode oscillator signal goes to the input of the module counter. The time for the
module counter to reach its module value is measured using the TSI reference oscillator.
The measured electrode capacitance is directly proportional to the time.

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1427
Functional description

Figure 51-32. Dual electrode capacitance measurement TSI electrode oscillator

The TSI electrode oscillator circuit is illustrated in the following figure. A configurable
constant current source is used to charge and discharge the external electrode
capacitance. A buffer hysteresis defines the oscillator delta voltage. The delta voltage
defines the margins of high and low voltage which are the reference input of the
comparator at different times.

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1428 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI)

Figure 51-33. TSI electrode oscillator circuit

The current source applied to the pad capacitance is controlled by the

SCANC[EXTCHRG]. The hysteresis delta voltage is defined inn the module electrical
specifications present in the device data sheet.. The figure below shows the voltage
amplitude waveform of the electrode capacitance charging and discharging with a
programmable current.
Electrode Capacitor Charging and
Electrode Discharging with constant current

Voltage Delta


Figure 51-34. TSI electrode oscillator chart

The oscillator frequency is given by the following equation

Felec I
2 * Celec * ΔV
Figure 51-35. Equation 1: TSI electrode oscillator frequency

I: constant current
Celec: electrode capacitance

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Functional description

ΔV: Hysteresis delta voltage

By this equation, for example, an electrode with Celec= 20 pF and a current source of I =
16 µA and ΔV = 600 mV has the following oscillation frequency:
16 µA
Felec 0.67MHz
2 * 20pF * 600mV
Figure 51-36. Equation 2: TSI electrode oscillator frequency

The current source is used to accommodate the TSI electrode oscillator frequency with
different electrode capacitance sizes. Electrode oscillator and counter module control

The TSI oscillator frequency signal goes through a prescaler defined by the GENCS[PS]
and then enters in a module counter. GENCS[NSCN] defines the maximum count value
of the module counter.
The pin capacitance sampling time is given by the time the module counter takes to go
from zero to its maximum value, defined by NSCN. The electrode sample time is
expressed by the following equation:

Tcap_samp PS * NSCN
F elec
Using Equation 1.

Tcap_samp 2 * PS * NSCN * Celec * ΔV

Figure 51-37. Equation 3: Electrode sampling time

PS: prescaler value
NSCN: module counter maximum value
I: constant current
Celec: electrode capacitance
ΔV: Hysteresis delta voltage
By this equation, an electrode with C = 20 pF, a current source of I = 16 µA and ΔV =
600 mV, PS = 2, and NSCN = 16 has the following sampling time:

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Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI)

Tcap_samp 2*2*16*20pF*600mV 48µs

16µA TSI reference oscillator

The TSI reference oscillator has the same topology of the TSI electrode oscillator. The
TSI reference oscillator instead of using an external capacitor for the electrode oscillator
has an internal reference capacitor.
The TSI reference oscillator has an independent programmable current source controlled
The reference oscillator frequency is given by the following equation:

Fref_osc Iref
2 *Cref * ΔV
Figure 51-38. Equation 4: TSI reference oscillator frequency

Cref: Internal reference capacitor
Iref: Reference oscillator current source
∆V : Hysteresis delta voltage
Considering Cref = 1.0 pF, Iref = 12 µA and ∆V = 600 mV, follows

Fref_osc 12µA 10.0MHz

2 *1.0pF * 600mV

51.7.2 TSI measurement result

The capacitance measurement result is defined by the number of TSI reference oscillator
periods during the sample time and is stored in the TSICHnCNT register.
TSICHnCNT = Tcap_samp * Fref_osc
Using Equation 2 and Equation 1 follows:
Cref * Ielec * Celec

Figure 51-39. Equation 5: Capacitance result value

In the example where Fref_osc = 10.0MHz and Tcap_samp = 48 µs, TSICHnCNT = 480

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Functional description

51.7.3 Electrode scan unit

This section describes the functionality of the electrode scan unit, which is responsible
for triggering the start of the active electrode scan.
The TSI module needs to periodically scan all active electrodes to determine whether a
touch event has occurred. The electrode scan unit is responsible for defining two
independent scan periods, one for TSI active mode and the other for TSI low-power
mode. This independent control allows the application to configure longer scan period
during low-power mode, thereby contributing to smaller average power consumption.
The TSI, in low-power mode, has the capability to wake the CPU upon an electrode
capacitance change. When the CPU wakes, the TSI enters active mode, and a shorter scan
period can provide a faster response time and more robust touch detection. Apart from
the periodical mode, the electrode scan unit also allows software triggering of the
electrode scans. This feature is very useful for initialization of the touch application for
detecting the initial electrode capacitances. This module generates configurable end-of-
scan interrupt to indicate the application that all electrodes were scanned. In the event
starting a new electrode scan while a previous one is still in progress an overrun error flag
is generated. Active electrodes

The electrode scan unit is responsible to start the capacitance measurement of all active
electrodes. Each electrode pin should be activated by writing a 1 to the respective
PEN[PEN] bit.
After an electrode scan is triggered, the electrode scan unit, controls the scanning of all
the active electrodes sequentially. It starts the scanning of the electrode pin TSI_IN[0]
and goes sequentially, scanning until it reaches the electrode pin TSI_IN[15]. The
electrode pins that do not have their enable bit (PEN[PEN]) are not scanned and are
Only one electrode pin is functional in the low-power mode scan and it is defined by the
field PEN[LPSP]. In low-power scan mode, the configuration of PEN[PEN] bits are

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Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI) Scan trigger

The scan trigger can be set to periodical scan or software trigger. GENCS[STM]
determines the TSI scan trigger mode. If STM = 1, the trigger mode is selected as
continuous. If STM = 0, the software trigger mode is selected. In periodic mode, the scan
trigger is generated automatically by the electrode scan unit Software trigger mode

The software trigger scan is started by writing 1 to the bit GENCS[SWTS]. A single scan
of all active electrodes is performed. The software trigger scan can be initiated only by
the GENCS[SWTS] bit if the STM = 0. If STM = 1, any write in the GENCS[SWTS] bit
is ignored. Periodic scan control

The electrode scan unit operates both in TSI active mode and TSI low-power mode. It has
a separate scan period control for each one of these modes. It allows the application to
controls the trade-off of the scan frequency and the average TSI module power

Periodic Scan Periodic Scan Periodic Scan Periodic Scan

Trigger Trigger Trigger Trigger

E1 E2 ... En E1 E2 ... En E1 E2 ... En E1 ...


Figure 51-40. Periodical scan time chart Active mode periodic scan

In active mode periodic scan the scan following clocks can be selected: LPOOSCCLK,
MCGIRCLK, and OSCERCLK. The field SCANC[AMCLKS] selects the TSI clock
source for the active mode scan. The scan period is determined by the SCANC[SMOD]
value. SMOD is the module of the counter that determines the scan period.
The following figure presents the scan sequence performed by the TSI module. Every
active electrode is scanned sequentially, starting with the TSI_IN[0] and ending with the
TSI_IN[15] pin, if they are active.

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Functional description

When the electrode scan unit starts a scan sequence, all the active electrodes will be
scanned sequentially, with each electrode having a scanned time defined by the
GENCS[NSCN]. The counter value is the sum of the total scan times of that electrode.
First Active Second Active Last Active
Electrode Electrode Electrode

Scan ... ... ... ...

1st Scan Last Scan 1st Scan Last Scan 1st Scan Last Scan

Result ... ... ...

Count from 0 to result Count from 0 to result ... Count from 0 to result
Counter ... ... ...


Figure 51-41. Scan sequence Low-power mode scan

In low-power periodic scan, the scan period is define by GENCS[LPSCNITV]. The TSI
module is enabled only in low-power modes only if GENCS[STPE] is 1.
All electrodes can operate in low power modes except in the low leakage modes. In low
leakage modes (LLS, VLLSx) only one electrode pin is functional, it's defined by the bit
field PEN[LPSP]. End-of-scan interrupt

The electrode scan unit sets the EOSF flag in the GENCS registers after all the active
electrode scan finishes. The EOSF flag generates an end-of-scan interrupt request if it is
enabled.. The interrupt is asserted if enabled by GENCS[TSIIE] and GENCS[ESOR].
The GENCS[EOSF] indicates that all active electrode scans are finished and the
respective capacitance results are in the TSICHnCNT registers. The GENCS[EOSF] is
cleared by writing 1 to it.

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Chapter 51 Touch sense input (TSI) Over-run interrupt

If an electrode scan is in progress and there is a scan trigger, the electrode scan unit
generates and over-run error by asserting GENCS[OVRF]. If the TSI error interrupt is
active by setting GENCS[ERIE], an interrupt request is asserted. The OVRF flag is
cleared by writing 1 to it.

51.7.4 Touch detection unit

The touch detection unit is responsible for detecting electrode capacitance changes while
in low-power mode.
It also detects the occurrence of error with the electrode in the case it capacitance result is
0x0000 or 0xFFFF. The errors can be caused by electrode pin short circuit to VDD or VSS,
or by electrode capacitances out of the configuration range of the TSI module. Capacitance change threshold

Each TSI pin has the result register TSICHnCNT. In low-power mode, only one electrode
can be active. At the end of the low-power active electrode conversion, the touch
detection unit compares whether the TSICHnCNT result value is within a configurable
range. The comparison range is defined by individual registers: TSICHHTH, the upper
threshold value, and TSICHLTH, the lower threshold value. If TSICHnCNT happens to
be out of the range defined by TSICHLTH and TSICHHTH, the GENCS[OUTRGF] flag
is set indicating that a capacitance change occurred in the low-power active electrode.. Out-of-range interrupt

The Out-of-range interrupt is used to wake the CPU from low power modes.
The GENCS[OUTRGF] flag generates a TSI interrupt request if GENCS[TSIIE] is set
and GENCS[ESOR] is cleared. With this configuration, after the end-of-electrode scan,
the TSI interrupt is requested only when there is a capacitance change. If the low-power
electrode capacitance does not vary, the TSI Interrupt does not interrupt the CPU. Error interrupt

The GENCS[EXTERF] is set in the case the capacitance result registers, TSICHnCNT, of
a TSI pin is either 0 or 0xFFFF, the two possible extreme values. The EXTERF flag
generates a TSI Error Interrupt request if the GENCS[ERIE] bit is set.

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Application information

51.8 Application information

After enabling the TSI module for the first time, calibrate all the enabled channels by
setting proper high and low threshold value for each active channel. All of the channel
dedicated counter values can be read from each counter value register, then the software
suite can adjust the threshold based on these values.
Follow proper PCB layout guidelines for board design on electrode shapes, sizes, routes,
etc. Visit www.freescale.com/touch for application notes and reference designs.

51.8.1 TSI module sensitivity

The TSI module sensitivity is defined by the increment cause in the TSICHnCNT result
registers caused by a 1 pF delta in the electrode pin capacitance.
It is given by the following equation:
TSI sensitivity Cref * I
Iref * PS * NSCN

For the example provided, Iref = 2 µA, PS = 2; NSCN = 16, Cref = 1.0 pF and I =2 µA, the
TSIsensitivity = 0.03125 pf/count

51.9 TSI module initialization

This section provides the recommended initialization sequence for the TSI module.
Prior to enabling TSI module by setting TSI_GENCS[TSIEN] , you must configure other
bits first. The pin enable registers are set to select which channels will be sampled. The
dual oscillators configuration bits are set to make the scan and conversion more accurate.
Also remember not to change the settings while TSI is working in progress. To switch
from different scan modes, for instance, you must do a software reset to TSI by disabling
and then enabling TSI_GENCS[TSIEN].

51.9.1 Initialization sequence

Freescale TSS library has complete support for TSI, which makes the configuration and
application much easier. For detailed information on how to work with TSI and TSS
together, visit www.freescale.com/touchsensing to get the application notes for details.

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1436 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 52
JTAG Controller (JTAGC)

52.1 Introduction
For the chip-specific implementation details of this module's
instances see the chip configuration chapter.
The JTAGC block provides the means to test chip functionality and connectivity while
remaining transparent to system logic when not in test mode. Testing is performed via a
boundary scan technique, as defined in the IEEE 1149.1-2001 standard. All data input to
and output from the JTAGC block is communicated in serial format.

52.1.1 Block diagram

The following is a block diagram of the JTAG Controller (JTAGC) block.

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Power-on reset
Test Access Port (TAP)
TMS Controller

1-bit Bypass Register

32-bit Device Identification Register

Boundary Scan Register

TAP Instruction Decoder

TAP Instruction Register

Figure 52-1. JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) block diagram

52.1.2 Features
The JTAGC block is compliant with the IEEE 1149.1-2001 standard, and supports the
following features:
• IEEE 1149.1-2001 Test Access Port (TAP) interface
• 4 pins (TDI, TMS, TCK, and TDO)
• Instruction register that supports several IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined instructions as
well as several public and private device-specific instructions. Refer to Table 52-3
for a list of supported instructions.
• Bypass register, boundary scan register, and device identification register.
• TAP controller state machine that controls the operation of the data registers,
instruction register and associated circuitry.

52.1.3 Modes of operation

The JTAGC block uses a power-on reset indication as its primary reset signals. Several
IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined test modes are supported, as well as a bypass mode.

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Chapter 52 JTAG Controller (JTAGC) Reset
The JTAGC block is placed in reset when either power-on reset is asserted, or the TMS
input is held high for enough consecutive rising edges of TCK to sequence the TAP
controller state machine into the Test-Logic-Reset state. Holding TMS high for five
consecutive rising edges of TCK guarantees entry into the Test-Logic-Reset state
regardless of the current TAP controller state. Asserting power-on reset results in
asynchronous entry into the reset state. While in reset, the following actions occur:
• The TAP controller is forced into the Test-Logic-Reset state, thereby disabling the
test logic and allowing normal operation of the on-chip system logic to continue
• The instruction register is loaded with the IDCODE instruction IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined test modes

The JTAGC block supports several IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined test modes. A test mode is
selected by loading the appropriate instruction into the instruction register while the
JTAGC is enabled. Supported test instructions include EXTEST, HIGHZ, CLAMP,
SAMPLE and SAMPLE/PRELOAD. Each instruction defines the set of data register(s)
that may operate and interact with the on-chip system logic while the instruction is
current. Only one test data register path is enabled to shift data between TDI and TDO for
each instruction.
The boundary scan register is enabled for serial access between TDI and TDO when the
EXTEST, SAMPLE or SAMPLE/PRELOAD instructions are active. The single-bit
bypass register shift stage is enabled for serial access between TDI and TDO when the
BYPASS, HIGHZ, CLAMP or reserved instructions are active. The functionality of each
test mode is explained in more detail in JTAGC block instructions. Bypass mode

When no test operation is required, the BYPASS instruction can be loaded to place the
JTAGC block into bypass mode. While in bypass mode, the single-bit bypass shift
register is used to provide a minimum-length serial path to shift data between TDI and

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External signal description

52.2 External signal description

The JTAGC consists of a set of signals that connect to off chip development tools and
allow access to test support functions. The JTAGC signals are outlined in the following
table and described in the following sections.
Table 52-1. JTAG signal properties
Name I/O Function Reset State Pull
TCK Input Test Clock — Down
TDI Input Test Data In — Up
TDO Output Test Data Out High Z1 —
TMS Input Test Mode Select — Up

1. TDO output buffer enable is negated when the JTAGC is not in the Shift-IR or Shift-DR states. A weak pull may be
implemented at the TDO pad for use when JTAGC is inactive.

52.2.1 TCK—Test clock input

Test Clock Input (TCK) is an input pin used to synchronize the test logic and control
register access through the TAP.

52.2.2 TDI—Test data input

Test Data Input (TDI) is an input pin that receives serial test instructions and data. TDI is
sampled on the rising edge of TCK.

52.2.3 TDO—Test data output

Test Data Output (TDO) is an output pin that transmits serial output for test instructions
and data. TDO is three-stateable and is actively driven only in the Shift-IR and Shift-DR
states of the TAP controller state machine, which is described in TAP controller state

52.2.4 TMS—Test mode select

Test Mode Select (TMS) is an input pin used to sequence the IEEE 1149.1-2001 test
control state machine. TMS is sampled on the rising edge of TCK.

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Chapter 52 JTAG Controller (JTAGC)

52.3 Register description

This section provides a detailed description of the JTAGC block registers accessible
through the TAP interface, including data registers and the instruction register. Individual
bit-level descriptions and reset states of each register are included. These registers are not
memory-mapped and can only be accessed through the TAP.

52.3.1 Instruction register

The JTAGC block uses a 4-bit instruction register as shown in the following figure. The
instruction register allows instructions to be loaded into the block to select the test to be
performed or the test data register to be accessed or both. Instructions are shifted in
through TDI while the TAP controller is in the Shift-IR state, and latched on the falling
edge of TCK in the Update-IR state. The latched instruction value can only be changed in
the Update-IR and Test-Logic-Reset TAP controller states. Synchronous entry into the
Test-Logic-Reset state results in the IDCODE instruction being loaded on the falling
edge of TCK. Asynchronous entry into the Test-Logic-Reset state results in asynchronous
loading of the IDCODE instruction. During the Capture-IR TAP controller state, the
instruction shift register is loaded with the value 0001b , making this value the register's
read value when the TAP controller is sequenced into the Shift-IR state.
3 2 1 0
R 0 0 0 1
W Instruction Code
Reset: 0 0 0 1

Figure 52-2. Instruction register

52.3.2 Bypass register

The bypass register is a single-bit shift register path selected for serial data transfer
between TDI and TDO when the BYPASS, CLAMP, HIGHZ or reserve instructions are
active. After entry into the Capture-DR state, the single-bit shift register is set to a logic
0. Therefore, the first bit shifted out after selecting the bypass register is always a logic 0.

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Register description

52.3.3 Device identification register

The device identification (JTAG ID) register, shown in the following figure, allows the
revision number, part number, manufacturer, and design center responsible for the design
of the part to be determined through the TAP. The device identification register is
selected for serial data transfer between TDI and TDO when the IDCODE instruction is
active. Entry into the Capture-DR state while the device identification register is selected
loads the IDCODE into the shift register to be shifted out on TDO in the Shift-DR state.
No action occurs in the Update-DR state.
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
R Part Revision Number Design Center Part Identification Number
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R Part Identification Number Manufacturer Identity Code 1
RESE PIN (contd.) MIC 1

The following table describes the device identification register functions.

Table 52-2. Device identification register field descriptions
Field Description
PRN Part Revision Number. Contains the revision number of the part. Value is 0x0.
DC Design Center. Indicates the design center. Value is 0x2C.
PIN Part Identification Number. Contains the part number of the device. Value is TBD.
MIC Manufacturer Identity Code. Contains the reduced Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) ID.
Value is 0x00E .
IDCODE ID IDCODE Register ID. Identifies this register as the device identification register and not the bypass
register. Always set to 1.

52.3.4 Boundary scan register

The boundary scan register is connected between TDI and TDO when the EXTEST,
SAMPLE or SAMPLE/PRELOAD instructions are active. It is used to capture input pin
data, force fixed values on output pins, and select a logic value and direction for
bidirectional pins. Each bit of the boundary scan register represents a separate boundary

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Chapter 52 JTAG Controller (JTAGC)

scan register cell, as described in the IEEE 1149.1-2001 standard and discussed in
Boundary scan. The size of the boundary scan register and bit ordering is device-
dependent and can be found in the device BSDL file.

52.4 Functional description

This section explains the JTAGC functional description.

52.4.1 JTAGC reset configuration

While in reset, the TAP controller is forced into the Test-Logic-Reset state, thus disabling
the test logic and allowing normal operation of the on-chip system logic. In addition, the
instruction register is loaded with the IDCODE instruction.

52.4.2 IEEE 1149.1-2001 (JTAG) Test Access Port

The JTAGC block uses the IEEE 1149.1-2001 TAP for accessing registers. This port can
be shared with other TAP controllers on the MCU. Ownership of the port is determined
by the value of the currently loaded instruction.
Data is shifted between TDI and TDO though the selected register starting with the least
significant bit, as illustrated in the following figure. This applies for the instruction
register, test data registers, and the bypass register.

TDI Selected Register TDO

Figure 52-3. Shifting data through a register

52.4.3 TAP controller state machine

The TAP controller is a synchronous state machine that interprets the sequence of logical
values on the TMS pin. The following figure shows the machine's states. The value
shown next to each state is the value of the TMS signal sampled on the rising edge of the
TCK signal. As the following figure shows, holding TMS at logic 1 while clocking TCK
through a sufficient number of rising edges also causes the state machine to enter the
Test-Logic-Reset state.

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Functional description


1 1 1

0 0

1 1

0 0

0 0

1 1

1 1

0 0


0 0
1 1

0 0

1 1

1 1
0 0

The value shown adjacent to each state transition in this figure represents the value of TMS at the time
of a rising edge of TCK.

Figure 52-4. IEEE 1149.1-2001 TAP controller finite state machine Enabling the TAP controller

The JTAGC TAP controller is enabled by setting the JTAGC enable to a logic 1 value.

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Chapter 52 JTAG Controller (JTAGC) Selecting an IEEE 1149.1-2001 register

Access to the JTAGC data registers is achieved by loading the instruction register with
any of the JTAGC block instructions while the JTAGC is enabled. Instructions are shifted
in via the Select-IR-Scan path and loaded in the Update-IR state. At this point, all data
register access is performed via the Select-DR-Scan path.
The Select-DR-Scan path is used to read or write the register data by shifting in the data
(LSB first) during the Shift-DR state. When reading a register, the register value is loaded
into the IEEE 1149.1-2001 shifter during the Capture-DR state. When writing a register,
the value is loaded from the IEEE 1149.1-2001 shifter to the register during the Update-
DR state. When reading a register, there is no requirement to shift out the entire register
contents. Shifting may be terminated once the required number of bits have been

52.4.4 JTAGC block instructions

The JTAGC block implements the IEEE 1149.1-2001 defined instructions listed in the
following table. This section gives an overview of each instruction; refer to the IEEE
1149.1-2001 standard for more details. All undefined opcodes are reserved.
Table 52-3. 4-bit JTAG instructions
Instruction Code[3:0] Instruction Summary
IDCODE 0000 Selects device identification register for shift
EZPORT 0001 Enables the EZPORT function for the SoC
SAMPLE/PRELOAD 0010 Selects boundary scan register for shifting, sampling, and
preloading without disturbing functional operation
SAMPLE 0011 Selects boundary scan register for shifting and sampling
without disturbing functional operation
EXTEST 0100 Selects boundary scan register while applying preloaded
values to output pins and asserting functional reset
Factory debug reserved 0101 Intended for factory debug only
Factory debug reserved 0110 Intended for factory debug only
Factory debug reserved 0111 Intended for factory debug only
ARM JTAG-DP Reserved 1000 This instruction goes the ARM JTAG-DP controller. See the
ARM JTAG-DP documentation for more information.
HIGHZ 1001 Selects bypass register while three-stating all output pins and
asserting functional reset
ARM JTAG-DP Reserved 1010 This instruction goes the ARM JTAG-DP controller. See the
ARM JTAG-DP documentation for more information.

Table continues on the next page...

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Functional description

Table 52-3. 4-bit JTAG instructions (continued)

Instruction Code[3:0] Instruction Summary
ARM JTAG-DP Reserved 1011 This instruction goes the ARM JTAG-DP controller. See the
ARM JTAG-DP documentation for more information.
CLAMP 1100 Selects bypass register while applying preloaded values to
output pins and asserting functional reset
ARM JTAG-DP Reserved 1110 This instruction goes the ARM JTAG-DP controller. See the
ARM JTAG-DP documentation for more information.
BYPASS 1111 Selects bypass register for data operations IDCODE instruction

IDCODE selects the 32-bit device identification register as the shift path between TDI
and TDO. This instruction allows interrogation of the MCU to determine its version
number and other part identification data. IDCODE is the instruction placed into the
instruction register when the JTAGC block is reset. EZPORT instruction

The EZPORT instruction allows for the EZPORT module to program the on-chip flash
from a simple 4-pin interface. The JTAGC forces the core into a reset state and forces the
EZPORT mode select/chip select low. In this mode, the flash can be programmed
through the JTAG test port pins, which are connected to the EZPORT module. SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction

The SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction has two functions:
• The SAMPLE portion of the instruction obtains a sample of the system data and
control signals present at the MCU input pins and just before the boundary scan
register cells at the output pins. This sampling occurs on the rising edge of TCK in
the Capture-DR state when the SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction is active. The
sampled data is viewed by shifting it through the boundary scan register to the TDO
output during the Shift-DR state. Both the data capture and the shift operation are
transparent to system operation.
• The PRELOAD portion of the instruction initializes the boundary scan register cells
before selecting the EXTEST or CLAMP instructions to perform boundary scan
tests. This is achieved by shifting in initialization data to the boundary scan register
during the Shift-DR state. The initialization data is transferred to the parallel outputs
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Chapter 52 JTAG Controller (JTAGC)

of the boundary scan register cells on the falling edge of TCK in the Update-DR
state. The data is applied to the external output pins by the EXTEST or CLAMP
instruction. System operation is not affected. SAMPLE instruction

The SAMPLE instruction obtains a sample of the system data and control signals present
at the MCU input pins and just before the boundary scan register cells at the output pins.
This sampling occurs on the rising edge of TCK in the Capture-DR state when the
SAMPLE instruction is active. The sampled data is viewed by shifting it through the
boundary scan register to the TDO output during the Shift-DR state. There is no defined
action in the Update-DR state. Both the data capture and the shift operation are
transparent to system operation. EXTEST External test instruction

EXTEST selects the boundary scan register as the shift path between TDI and TDO. It
allows testing of off-chip circuitry and board-level interconnections by driving preloaded
data contained in the boundary scan register onto the system output pins. Typically, the
preloaded data is loaded into the boundary scan register using the SAMPLE/PRELOAD
instruction before the selection of EXTEST. EXTEST asserts the internal system reset for
the MCU to force a predictable internal state while performing external boundary scan
operations. HIGHZ instruction

HIGHZ selects the bypass register as the shift path between TDI and TDO. While
HIGHZ is active all output drivers are placed in an inactive drive state (e.g., high
impedance). HIGHZ also asserts the internal system reset for the MCU to force a
predictable internal state. CLAMP instruction

CLAMP allows the state of signals driven from MCU pins to be determined from the
boundary scan register while the bypass register is selected as the serial path between
TDI and TDO. CLAMP enhances test efficiency by reducing the overall shift path to a

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Initialization/Application information

single bit (the bypass register) while conducting an EXTEST type of instruction through
the boundary scan register. CLAMP also asserts the internal system reset for the MCU to
force a predictable internal state. BYPASS instruction

BYPASS selects the bypass register, creating a single-bit shift register path between TDI
and TDO. BYPASS enhances test efficiency by reducing the overall shift path when no
test operation of the MCU is required. This allows more rapid movement of test data to
and from other components on a board that are required to perform test functions. While
the BYPASS instruction is active the system logic operates normally.

52.4.5 Boundary scan

The boundary scan technique allows signals at component boundaries to be controlled
and observed through the shift-register stage associated with each pad. Each stage is part
of a larger boundary scan register cell, and cells for each pad are interconnected serially
to form a shift-register chain around the border of the design. The boundary scan register
consists of this shift-register chain, and is connected between TDI and TDO when the
EXTEST, SAMPLE, or SAMPLE/PRELOAD instructions are loaded. The shift-register
chain contains a serial input and serial output, as well as clock and control signals.

52.5 Initialization/Application information

The test logic is a static logic design, and TCK can be stopped in either a high or low
state without loss of data. However, the system clock is not synchronized to TCK
internally. Any mixed operation using both the test logic and the system functional logic
requires external synchronization.
To initialize the JTAGC block and enable access to registers, the following sequence is
1. Place the JTAGC in reset through TAP controller state machine transitions controlled
by TMS
2. Load the appropriate instruction for the test or action to be performed

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Document Number: K20P100M72SF1RM

Rev. 1.1, Dec 2012

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