This chapter outlines control charts for variables, including the x and R charts for monitoring the mean and variability of individual measurements over time. It discusses the statistical basis and development of these charts and how to interpret them. The chapter also covers control charts for x-bar and range (x and R), charts for x-bar and standard deviation (x and s), and an s2 chart. Supplemental materials provide additional details on estimating standard deviation and variability, determining when a process has shifted, and detecting shifts versus drifts in the process mean.
This chapter outlines control charts for variables, including the x and R charts for monitoring the mean and variability of individual measurements over time. It discusses the statistical basis and development of these charts and how to interpret them. The chapter also covers control charts for x-bar and range (x and R), charts for x-bar and standard deviation (x and s), and an s2 chart. Supplemental materials provide additional details on estimating standard deviation and variability, determining when a process has shifted, and detecting shifts versus drifts in the process mean.
This chapter outlines control charts for variables, including the x and R charts for monitoring the mean and variability of individual measurements over time. It discusses the statistical basis and development of these charts and how to interpret them. The chapter also covers control charts for x-bar and range (x and R), charts for x-bar and standard deviation (x and s), and an s2 chart. Supplemental materials provide additional details on estimating standard deviation and variability, determining when a process has shifted, and detecting shifts versus drifts in the process mean.
This chapter outlines control charts for variables, including the x and R charts for monitoring the mean and variability of individual measurements over time. It discusses the statistical basis and development of these charts and how to interpret them. The chapter also covers control charts for x-bar and range (x and R), charts for x-bar and standard deviation (x and s), and an s2 chart. Supplemental materials provide additional details on estimating standard deviation and variability, determining when a process has shifted, and detecting shifts versus drifts in the process mean.
6.2 CONTROL CHARTS FOR x CHART FOR INDIVIDUAL AND R MEASUREMENTS 6.2.1 Statistical Basis of the 6.5 SUMMARY OF PROCEDURES FOR x , Charts R, AND s CHARTS 6.2.2 Development and Use of x 6.6 APPLICATIONS OF VARIABLES and R Charts CONTROL CHARTS 6.2.3 Charts Based on Standard Supplemental Material for Chapter 6 Values S6.1 s2 IS NOT ALWAYS AN UNBIASED 6.2.4 Interpretation of x and R ESTIMATOR OF s 2 Charts S6.2 SHOULD WE USE d2 OR d *2 IN 6.2.5 The Effect of Non-normality ESTIMATING s VIA THE RANGE on x and R Charts METHOD? 6.2.6 The Operating-Characteristic S6.3 DETERMINING WHEN THE PROCESS Function HAS SHIFTED 6.2.7 The Average Run Length for S6.4 MORE ABOUT MONITORING the x Chart VARIABILITY WITH INDIVIDUAL 6.3 CONTROL CHARTS FOR x AND s OBSERVATIONS 6.3.1 Construction and Operation S6.5 DETECTING DRIFTS VERSUS SHIFTS of x and s Charts IN THE PROCESS MEAN 6.3.2 The x and s Control S6.6 THE MEAN SQUARE SUCCESSIVE Charts with Variable Sample DIFFERENCE AS AN ESTIMATOR Size OF s 2 6.3.3 The s2 Control Chart
The supplemental material is on the textbook Website
A quality characteristic that is measured on a numerical scale is called a variable. Examples include dimensions such as length or width, temperature, and volume. This chapter presents Shewhart control charts for these types of quality characteristics. The x and R control charts are widely used to monitor the mean and variability of variables. Several variations of the x
(Monographs On Statistics and Applied Probability (Series) 161) Li, Bing - Sufficient Dimension Reduction - Methods and Applications With R-CRC Press (2018)