Guia Compliance Officer
Guia Compliance Officer
Guia Compliance Officer
I. 3. ISO 19600
• High level structure: (i) Context of the organization (ii) Leadership (iii) Planning (iv) Support (v)
Operation (vi) Performance evaluation (vii) Improvement
curity roles and responsibilities. The Office 365 security policies address purpose, scope, roles,
responsibilities, compliance requirements, and required coordination among the various Microsoft
organizations providing some level of support for the security of Office 365. Office 365 security policies
contain rules and requirements that must be met in the delivery and operation of Office 365. Office 365
employees and contingent staff are accountable and responsible for complying with these guiding principles
in their designated roles.
Management shall actively support security within the organization through clear direction,
demonstrated commitment, explicit assignment, and acknowledgment of information security
responsibilities. Ensure whether management demonstrates active support for security measures within the
organization. This can be done Information security activities shall be coordinated by representatives from
different parts of the organization with relevant roles and job functions.
ISO 37001
UNE 19601
cc: Simone Tagliaferri -
II. 4. UNE 19601
• Has a high level structure
curity roles and responsibilities. The Office 365 security policies address purpose, scope, roles,
responsibilities, compliance responsibilities, compliance requirements, requirements, and required
coordination among the various Microsoft organizations providing some level of support for the security of
Office 365. Office 365 security policies contain rules and requirements that must be met in the delivery and
operation of Office 365. Office 365 employees and contingent staff are accountable and responsible for
complying with these guiding principles in their designated roles.
Office 365 segregates duties and areas of responsibility to reduce opportunities for unauthorized use,
unintentional modification, or misuse of the organization’s assets. Office 365 teams have defined roles as
part of a comprehensive role-based access control mechanism. Additionally, each Office 365 team has
identified role pairs that, if assigned to a single person, would
However, Annex A to '27001 outlines a suite of information security controls that the management
system would typically be used to manage, provided they are in fact applicable to the organization (which
depends on its information security risks). The security controls in Annex A are explained in much more
detail in ISO/IEC 27002, and in various other standards, laws, regulations etc.
• have identified role pairs that would allow for malicious activity without collusion if assigned to a
single person Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) to ensure appropriate action can be quickly
taken and advice obtained when necessary. Office 365 relies on Microsoft's global criminal compliance and
Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs (CELA) teams for contacts with law enforcement. Roles and
responsibilities for managing and maintaining these relationships are defined.
Office 365 establishes and institutionalizes contact with selected groups and associations within the
security community to facilitate ongoing security education and training for organizational personnel. Office
365 has partnered with the Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Team to maintain contacts with external
parties such as regulatory bodies, service providers, and industry organizations to ensure appropriate
actions can be quickly taken and advice obtained when necessary.
A management authorization process for new information processing facilities shall be defined and
• Ease to synchronize with different standards
• Possibility of integrating management systems, eliminating duplicities
II.4. UNE 19601
• Certifiable standard
• Practical standard: commitment to the structure of the cycle DEMING P-D-C-A, it is not a project with
an end date
• Security in the legal traffic within the supply chain
• Assessment in a judicial procedure of the need for a culture of compliance
to. Leadership
•Chapter 5
•Art. 5.1.1 Governing Body
•Art. 5.1.2 Criminal Compliance Body
•Art. 5.1.3 Senior management
• 5.2 Compliance policy
• 5.3 Roles, responsibilities and authorities in the organization
to. Leadership
that ensure the approval, application and effectiveness of the SGCP) - MUST:
• VALUES OF THE ORGANIZATION: Promote a culture of Criminal Compliance and act according to the
Legal Order
• GIVE OF FINANCIAL, material and human RESOURCES
• Guarantee the incorporation of the SGCP in the processes of the Organization - RESOURCES: -
Guarantee availability - PERSONAL:
• Comply and make them comply
• Communicate internally importance
• Direct and support
• Promote it
• Support management roles - REPORT COMMUNICATION:
Compliance policy
• Compensation systems for compliance achievements
• Evaluations to employees before hiring
•Continuous training
• Communication continues, open and adequate
• Visible recognition of the achievements of compliance management
• Ethical leadership. "Tone at the top"
• As the hierarchical responsibility of a person in an organization increases, it increases their visibility and
ability to influence the behavior of others.
b. Compliance Culture
• The way of acting (behavior) of the members of Senior Management moves the way of acting of the
rest of the individuals that make up the organization: visible, consistent and sustained commitment over
time with a standard of common behavior
b. Compliance Culture
• The business culture must be an element that positively influences the behavior and attitude of all
those who make up the organization: culture of compliance
b. Compliance Culture
b. Compliance Culture
Change perception detection and punishment
Reduce / eliminate behavior bias
Improve the role of moral considerations
Improve culture (eliminate undue environmental influences / group pressure)
• Application of fast and proportionate disciplinary measures
• Consistency in treatment regardless of position
• Clear criminal compliance policy
• Compensation systems that assess achievement of criminal compliance objectives
• An appropriate initiation or orientation program that emphasizes criminal compliance and the values
of the organization
• Tone in the direction (respect and application from above) • Recognition achievements in compliance •
Continuous, open and adequate communication
The SGCP: Context and Planning
cc: jaumescar -
c. The SGCP - Context
• The SGCP must be appropriate to the circumstances of the organization in which it operates.
• Chapter 4 deals with aspects related to it (design the management system and maintain it and
continuous improvement).
c. The SGCP - Context
• Understand the organization and its context
• Understand the needs and expectations of the groups of interest
• Determine the scope of the SGCP
c. The SGCP - Context
•Art. 4.1: adequate knowledge of the internal and external circumstances of the organization, as they
condition the design, maintenance and improvement of its management system.
• A criminal compliance management system is only adequate when it is proportional to the
circumstances of the organization and is projected on risks that truly threaten it.
c. The SGCP - Context
• Size and structure of the organization
• Locations and sectors in which it operates or plans to operate
• Nature, scale and complexity of activities
• Members of the organization and business partners
c. The SGCP - Context
• The "Circular 1/2016 on the criminal liability of legal persons in accordance with the Reform of the
Criminal Code made by the Organic Law 1/2015": "the models of organization and management must be
perfectly adapted to the company and its specific risks "
c. The SGCP - Context
•Art. 4.2: necessary to determine the interest groups and their requirements to be considered within the
SGCP (for example: regulator, administrative authorities, shareholders / investors, consumers and users)
c. The SGCP - Context
•Art. 4.3: Objective and subjective scope of the SGCP.
• The scope of the SGCP is related to the criminal risks that affect the perimeter formed by the members
of the organization and the business partners.
c. The SGCP - Context
•Art. 4.4: The organization adopts, implements, maintains and continuously improves a SGCP, which
includes the necessary policies, processes and procedures as well as their interactions, in accordance with
the requirements established by the Standard.
c. The SGCP - Planning
•Chapter 6
• 6.1 Actions to deal with risks and opportunities
• 6.2 Identification, analysis and evaluation of criminal risks
• 6.3 Crime prevention objectives and planning to achieve them
Section 6.2 of the UNE Standard adopts the classic division of criminal risk assessment in three activities:
identification, analysis and evaluation. Identification: It consists in knowing what potentially criminal
behaviors could entail the criminal responsibility of the juridical person, taken care of the concrete
circumstances of the organization. Analysis: It consists in analyzing what probability exists that they are
materialized and what its consequences would be, in such case. This analysis is what finally allows us to
assess criminal risks. Valuation: Consists in the prioritization of criminal risks and, therefore, of the resources
destined to their prevention, detection and management, emphasizing those that suppose a greater than
low risk.
c. The SGCP - Planning
The SGCP: Planning and operational control
cc: fensterbme –