ISCA Notes by Vipin Nair

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CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta







CHAPTER 1 - Concept of Governance and Management of
Information Systems
CHAPTER 2 - Information System Concepts
CHAPTER 3 Protection of Information Systems
CHAPTER 4 Business Continuity Planning and Disaster recovery
CHAPTER 5 Acquisition, Development and Implementation of
Information Systems (SDLC)
CHAPTER 6 - Auditing & Information Systems
CHAPTER 7 Information Technology Regulatory issues
CHAPTER 8 Emerging Technology

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

1.1. The Concept of Governance

The term "Governance" specifies the ability of an organization to be able to control and regulate its
own operation so as to avoid conflicts of interest related to the division between beneficiaries
(shareholders) and people involved in the company.
The term Governance is derived from the Greek verb meaning to steer. A governance system
typically refers to all the means and mechanisms that will enable multiple stakeholders in an
enterprise to have an organized mechanism for evaluating options, setting direction and monitoring
compliance and performance, in order to satisfy specific enterprise objectives.

1.1.1. Enterprise Governance:

The set of responsibilities and practices exercised by the board and executive management with

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

the goal of providing strategic direction, ensuring that objectives are achieved, ascertaining that
risks are managed appropriately and verifying that the organizations resources are used
Enterprise governance is an overarching framework into which many tools and techniques and
codes of best practice can fit. Examples include codes on corporate governance and financial
reporting standards.

1.1.2. Corporate Governance:

It is defined as the system by which a company or enterprise is directed and controlled to

achieve the objective of increasing shareholder value by enhancing economic performance.
It refers to the structures and processes for the direction and control of companies.
It concerns the relationships among the management, Board of Directors, the controlling
shareholders and other stakeholders.

1.1.3. Benefits of Governance

Achieving enterprise objectives by ensuring that each element of the mission and strategy are
assigned and managed with a transparent decisions rights.
Defining and encouraging desirable behavior in the use of IT and in the execution of IT
outsourcing arrangements.
Implementing and integrating the desired business processes into the enterprise.
Providing stability and overcoming the limitations of organizational structure.
Improving customer
business and internal relationships and satisfaction
reducing internal territorial strife by formally integrating the customers, business units, and external
IT providers into a holistic IT governance framework
Enabling effective and strategically aligned decision making for the IT Principles.

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

1.1.4. Governance Dimensions

Governance has two dimensions:

1. Conformance or Corporate Governance
2. Performance or Business Governance.

Conformance or Corporate Governance Dimension:

It provides a historic view and focuses on regulatory requirements.

The conformance dimension is monitored by the audit committee.
This covers corporate governance issues such as:
o Roles of the chairman and CEO
o Role and composition of the board of directors
o Board committees
o Controls assurance
o Risk management for compliance.

Performance or Business Governance Dimension:

The performance dimension of governance is pro-active in its approach.

This dimension does not lend itself easily to a regime of standards and assurance as this is specific
to enterprise goals and varies based on the mechanism to achieve them.

It is business oriented and takes a forward looking view.

This dimension focuses on strategy and value creation with the objective of helping the board to
make strategic decisions, understand its risk appetite and its key performance drivers.

The performance dimension in terms of the overall strategy is the responsibility of the full board
but there is no dedicated oversight mechanism as comparable to the audit committee
It is advisable to develop appropriate best practices, tools and techniques

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

1.2. IT Governance

IT governance is the system by which IT activities in a company or enterprise are directed and controlled to
achieve business objectives with the ultimate objective of meeting stakeholder needs. Hence, the overall
objective of IT governance is very much similar to corporate governance but with the focus on IT. Hence, it can
be said that there is an inseparable relationship between corporate governance and IT governance or IT
Governance is a sub-set of Corporate or Enterprise Governance.

1.2.1. Benefits of IT Governance

Increased value delivered through enterprise IT;
Increased user satisfaction with IT services;
Improved agility in supporting business needs;
Better cost performance of IT;
Improved management and mitigation of IT-related business risk;
IT becoming an enabler for change rather than an inhibitor;
Improved transparency and understanding of ITs contribution to the business;
Improved compliance with relevant laws, regulations and policies; and
More optimal utilization of IT resources.
1.2.2. Governance of Enterprise IT (GEIT)

It is a sub-set of corporate governance and facilitates implementation of a framework of IS controls

within an enterprise as relevant and encompassing all key areas.
The primary objectives of GEIT are
o Analyze and articulate the requirements for the governance of enterprise IT
o To put in place and maintain effective enabling structures, principles, processes and
practices, with clarity of responsibilities and authority to achieve the enterprise's mission,
goals and objectives.

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

1.2.3. Benefits of GEIT

It provides a consistent approach integrated and aligned with the enterprise governance approach.
It ensures that IT-related decisions are made in line with the enterprise's strategies and objectives.
It ensures that IT-related processes are overseen effectively and transparently.
It confirms compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
It ensures that the governance requirements for board members are met.

1.2.4. Key Governance Practices of GEIT

Evaluate the Governance System:
o Continually identify and engage with the enterprise's stakeholders, document an

understanding of the requirements

make judgment on the current and future design of governance of enterprise IT;

Direct the Governance System:

o Inform leadership and obtain their support, buy-in and commitment.
o Guide the structures, processes and practices for the governance of IT in line with agreed
governance design principles, decision-making models and authority levels.
o Define the information required for informed decision making.

Monitor the Governance System:

o Monitor the effectiveness and performance of the enterprises governance of IT.
o Assess whether the governance system and implemented mechanisms are operating
effectively and provide appropriate oversight of IT.

1.3. Corporate Governance

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Nikhil Gupta

The concept of Corporate Governance has succeeded in attracting a good deal of public interest
because of its importance for the economic health of corporations, protect the interest of
stakeholders including investors and the welfare of society.
Corporate Governance has been defined as the system by which business corporations are directed
and controlled.
The corporate governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among
different participants in the corporation, such as, the Board, managers, shareholders and other
stakeholders, and spells out the rules and procedures for making decisions on corporate affairs.
Best practices of corporate governance include the following:
o Clear assignment of responsibilities and decision-making authorities, incorporating an
hierarchy of required approvals from individuals to the board of directors;
o Establishment of a mechanism for the cooperation among the board of directors, senior
management and the auditors;
o Implementing strong internal control systems such as internal and external audit functions,
risk management functions independent of business lines, and other checks and balances;
o Special monitoring of risk exposures where conflicts of interest are likely to be particularly
great, including business relationships with borrowers affiliated with the bank, large
shareholders, senior management, or key decision-makers within the firm .
o Financial incentives to act in an appropriate manner offered to senior management,
business line management and employees in the form of compensation and promotion.
o Appropriate information flows internally and to the public.

1.4. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Enterprise risk management is a process, effected by an entitys board of directors, management

and other personnel, applied in strategy setting and across the enterprise, designed to identify
potential events that may affect the entity, and manage risk to be within its risk appetite, to provide
reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of entity objectives.
Integrated Framework published by Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

Commission (COSO) highlights the need for management to implement a system of risk
management at the enterprise level.
Enterprise risk management deals with risks and opportunities affecting value creation or
It is important for management to ensure that the enterprise risk management strategy considers
implementation of information and its associated risks while formulating IT security and controls as
IT security and controls are a sub-set of the overall enterprise risk management strategy and
encompass all aspects of activities and operations of the enterprise

1.5. Internal Controls

SECs final rules define internal control over financial reporting as a process designed by, or
under the supervision of,
o the companys principal executive and principal financial officers,
o persons performing similar functions
o effected by the companys board of directors, management and other personnel,
o to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting
The preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles and includes those policies and procedures that:
o Pertain to the maintenance of records that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect
the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company;
o Provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit
preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting
o Provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized
acquisition, use, or disposition of the companys assets that could have a material effect on
the financial statements.

1.5.1. Responsibility for Implementing Internal Controls:

An organization must ensure that its financial statements comply with Financial Accounting

Standards (FAS) and International Accounting Standards (IAS) or local rules via policy enforcement
and risk avoidance methodology called Internal Control.

SOX made a major change in internal controls by holding Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and Chief
Financial Officers (CFOs) personally and criminally liable for the quality and effectiveness of their
organizations internal controls. Part of the process is to attest to the public that an organizations
internal controls are effective.
Internal controls can be expected to provide only a reasonable assurance, not an absolute
assurance, to an entitys management and board.
There must be a system of checks and balances of defined processes that lead directly from actions
and transactions reporting to an organizations owners, investors, and public hosts.

1.5.2. Internal Controls as per COSO:

According to COSO, Internal Control has 5 interrelated components:

Control Environment: An organization needs to develop and maintain a control environment

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

including categorizing the criticality and materiality of each business process.

Risk Assessment: A control environment must include an assessment of the risks associated with
each business process.
Control Activities: Control activities must be developed to manage, mitigate, and reduce the risks
associated with each business process.
Information and Communication: an organization to capture and exchange the information needed
to conduct, manage, and control its business processes.
Monitoring: The internal control process must be continuously monitored with modifications made
as warranted by changing conditions.

1.6. Role of IT in Enterprises

Day by day enterprises are using IT not just for data processing but more for strategic and
competitive advantage too. IT has not only automated the business processes but also transformed
the way business processes are performed. It is needless to emphasize that IT is used to perform
business processes, activities and tasks and it is important to ensure that IT deployment is oriented
towards achievement of business objectives.
IT not only as an information processing tool but more from a strategic perspective to provide
better and innovative services .

1.7. IT Strategy Planning

IT strategic plans provide direction to deployment of information systems and it is important that
key functionaries in the enterprise are aware and are involved in its development and
The strategic planning process has to be dynamic in nature and IT management and business
process owners should ensure a process is in place to modify the IT long-range plan in a timely and
accurate manner to accommodate changes to the enterprise's long-range plan and changes in IT
conditions. Management should establish a policy requiring that IT long and short-range plan are
developed and maintained.
Management should ensure that IT long and short-range plans are communicated to business
process owners and other relevant parties across the enterprise.

1.8. Strategic Planning

Planning is basically decide :o

what is to be done,
who is going to do
when it is going to be done
Strategic planning refers to the planning undertaken by top management towards meeting longterm objectives of the enterprise.

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

1.8.1. Three levels of managerial activity in an enterprise:


Strategic Planning
Management Control
Operational Control.

Strategic planning is the process by which top management determines overall organizational
purposes and objectives and how they are to be achieved.
Management control is defined as the process by which managers assure that resources are
obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of the enterprise's objectives.
Operational control is defined as the process of assuring that specific tasks are carried out
effectively and efficiently.

1.8.2. IT Strategy planning in an enterprise broadly classified into the

following categories:
o Enterprise Strategic Plan,
o Information Systems Strategic Plan,
o Information Systems Requirements Plan, and
o Information Systems Applications and Facilities Plan.

1) Enterprise Strategic Plan:

The enterprise strategic plan provides the overall charter under which all units in the enterprise,
including the information systems function must operate.
It is the primary plan prepared by top management of the enterprise that guides the long run
development of the enterprise.
It includes a statement of mission

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

2) Information Systems Strategic Plan:

The IS strategic plan in an enterprise has to focus on striking an optimum balance of IT opportunities
and IT business requirements as well as ensuring its further accomplishment.
Some of the enablers of the IS Strategic plan are:
o Enterprise business strategy,
o Definition of how IT supports the business objectives,
o Inventory of technological solutions and current infrastructure,
o Monitoring the technology markets,
o Timely feasibility studies and reality checks,
o Existing systems assessments,
o Enterprise position on risk, time-to-market, quality, and
o Need for senior management buy-in, support and critical review.
3) Information Systems Requirements Plan:

The information system requirements plan defines information system architecture for the
information systems department.
The architecture specifies the major organization functions needed to support planning, control and
operations activities and the data classes associated with each function.
Some of the key enablers of the information architecture are:
o Automated data repository and dictionary,
o Data syntax rules,
o Data ownership and criticality/security classification,
o An information model representing the business, and
o Enterprise information architectural standards.

4) Information Systems Applications and Facilities Plan:

the information systems management can develop an information systems applications and
facilities plan. This plan includes:
Specific application systems to be developed and an associated time schedule,
Hardware and Software acquisition/development schedule,
Facilities required, and
Organization changes required.

Senior management is responsible for developing and implementing long and short-range plans that
enable achievement of the enterprise mission and goals.
Senior management should ensure that IT issues as well as opportunities are adequately assessed
and reflected in the enterprise's long- and short-range plans.

1.8.3. Objective of IT Strategy

The primary objective of IT strategy is to provide:
o A holistic view of the current IT environment,
o the future direction,
1.8.4. Key Management Practices for Aligning IT Strategy with Enterprise Strategy
Understand enterprise direction (Consider the current enterprise environment and also consider
the external environment of the enterprise.)

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

Assess the current environment, capabilities and performance (performance of current internal
business and IT capabilities and external IT services)
Define the target IT capabilities (understanding of the enterprise environment and requirements)
Conduct a gap analysis (gaps between the current and target environments)
Define the strategic plan and road map (how IT- related goals will contribute to the enterprises
strategic goals. Include how IT will support IT-enabled investment programs, business processes, IT
services and IT assets.)
Communicate the IT strategy and direction (Create awareness and understanding of the business
and IT objectives and direction)

1.8.5 Business Value from Use of IT

It is achieved by ensuring optimization of the value contribution to the business, IT services and IT

assets resulting from IT-enabled investments at an acceptable cost.

It ensure that enterprise is able to secure optimal value.

Continually evaluate the portfolio of IT enabled investments, services and assets to determine the
likelihood of achieving enterprise objectives and delivering value at a reasonable cost.
Direct value management principles and practices to enable optimal value realization from IT
enabled investments throughout their full economic life cycle.
Monitor the key goals and metrics to determine the extent to which the business is generating the
expected value and benefits to the enterprise.

1.9 Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management and IT Risk Management are key components of an effective IT
governance structure of any enterprise. Effective IT governance helps to ensure close linkage to the
enterprise risk management activities, including Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and IT Risk

1.9.1. IS Risks and Risk Management

It is the process of assessing risk and taking steps to reduce risk to an acceptable level and
maintaining that level of risk.

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

Risk management involves identifying, measuring, and minimizing uncertain events affecting
Based on the point of impact of risks, controls are classified as Preventive, Detective and Corrective.
Preventive controls prevent risks from actualizing. Detective controls detect the risks as they arise.
Corrective controls facilitate correction.
The risks in IT environment are mitigated by providing appropriate and adequate IS Security.
IS security is defined as "procedures and practices to assure that computer facilities are available at
all required times, that data is processed completely and efficiently and that access to data in
computer systems is restricted to authorized people".


Sources of Risk

Some of the common sources of risk are:

Commercial and Legal Relationships,
Economic Circumstances,

Technology and Technical Issues,

Natural Events,

Management Activities and Controls, and

Human Behaviour,
Individual Activities.
Political Circumstances,

1.9.3. Risk Management Strategies

Risk management strategy is explained below:

Tolerate/Accept the risk

Terminate/Eliminate the risk
Transfer/Share the risk
Treat/mitigate the risk
Turn back

1.9.4. Key Governance Practices of Risk Management

The key governance practices for evaluating risk management are given as following:

Evaluate Risk Management

Direct Risk Management
Monitor Risk Management

1.9.5. Key Management Practices of Risk Management

Key Management Practices for implementing Risk Management are given as following:
1) Collect Data
2) Analyze Risk
3) Maintain a Risk Profile
4) Articulate Risk
5) Define a Risk Management Action Portfolio
6) Respond to Risk

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

1.10 IT Compliance Review

In the US, Sarbanes Oxley Act has been passed to protect investors by improving the accuracy and
reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to the securities laws, and for other purposes.
In India, Clause 49 of listing agreement issued by SEBI mandates similar implementation of
enterprise risk management and internal controls as appropriate for the enterprise.
IT Act, which was passed in 2000 and amended in 2008 provides legal recognition for electronic
records and also mandates responsibilities for protecting information.
It is important for enterprises to be aware and well conversant of IT compliances.
It implement processes and practices to manage these compliances both from conformance and
performance perspective.

1.10.1 Compliance in COBIT 5

Management domain of Monitor, Evaluate and Assess contains a compliance focused process:

MEA03 Monitor, Evaluate and Assess Compliance with External Requirements.

This process is designed to evaluate that IT processes and IT supported business processes are
compliant with laws, regulations and contractual requirements.
Legal and regulatory compliance is a key part of the effective governance of an enterprise.
The COBIT 5 framework includes the necessary guidance to support enterprise GRC objectives and
supporting activities.

1.10.2 Key Management Practices of IT Compliance

Identify External Compliance Requirements
Optimize Response to External Requirements
Confirm External Compliance
Obtain Assurance of External Compliance

1.11. COBIT 5 - A GEIT Framework

COBIT 5 enables enterprises in achieving their objectives for the governance and management of
enterprise IT. The best practices of COBIT 5 help enterprises to create optimal value from IT by
maintaining a balance between realizing benefits and optimizing risk levels and resource use.
COBIT 5 enables IT to be governed and managed in a holistic manner for the entire enterprise,
taking in the full end-to-end business and IT functional areas of responsibility, considering the IT
related interests of internal and external stakeholders.
COBIT 5 helps enterprises to manage IT related risk and ensures compliance, continuity, security and
COBIT 5 enables clear policy development and good practice for IT management including increased
business user satisfaction.

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

1.11.1. Need for Enterprises to Use COBIT 5

COBIT 5 provides good practices in governance and management to address the critical business

issues. COBIT 5 is a set of globally accepted principles, practices, analytical tools and models that can
be customized for enterprises of all sizes, industries and geographies. It helps enterprises to create
optimal value from their information and technology.
COBIT 5 provides the tools necessary to understand, utilize, implement and direct important IT
related activities, and make more informed decisions through simplified navigation and use.
Increased value creation from use of IT
User satisfaction with IT engagement and services
Reduced IT related risks and compliance with laws, regulations and contractual requirements;
Development of more business-focused IT solutions and services
Increased enterprise wide involvement in IT-related activities.

1.11.2. Five Principles of COBIT 5

COBIT 5 simplifies governance challenges with five principles. The five key principle are following:-

Principle 1: Meeting Stakeholder Needs

Principle 2: Covering the Enterprise End-to-End
Principle 3: Applying a Single Integrated Framework
Principle 4: Enabling a Holistic Approach
Principle 5: Separating Governance from Management

1.11.3. Seven Enablers of COBIT 5

The COBIT 5 framework describes seven categories of enabler which are :1) Principles, policies and frameworks
2) Processes
3) Organizational structures
4) Culture , Ethics and Behaviors
5) Information
6) Services , Infrastructure and Applications
7) People , skills and Competencies

1.11.4. COBIT 5 Process Reference Model

It defines and describes in detail a number of governance and management processes.

It represents all of the processes normally found in an enterprise relating to IT activities providing a
common reference mode understandable to operational IT and business managers.

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

Q.1. Short Notes:

Governance (refer 1.1)
Enterprise governance (refer 1.1.1)
iii. IT Governance (refer 1.2)
iv. ERM (refer 1.4)
Internal controls (refer 1.5)
Strategic planning (Refer 1.8)
COBIT 5 Process Reference Model (Refer 1.11.4)
viii. IT Compliance review (Refer 1.10)
Q.2. Explain Corporate governance and its benefits.
Ans . (Refer- 1.1.2 , 1.1.3)
Q.3. Explain GEIT and Key Governance practices of GEIT .
Ans . (Refer 1.2.2 , 1.2.4)
Q.4. Explain the responsibility for implementing Internal controls.
Ans . (Refer 1.5.1)
Q.5. What are the Internal controls as per COSO
Ans . (Refer 1.5.2)
Q.6. What are the roles of IT in Enterprises.
Ans . (Refer 1.6)
Q.7. Explain the levels of managerial activity in an enterprise.
Ans . (Refer 1.8.1)
Q.8. Explain the different categories of IT Strategy planning in an enterprise
Ans . (Refer 1.8.2)

Q.9. Explain the Principles of COBIT 5 .

Ans . (Refer 1.11.2)
Q.10. What is COBIT 5 and the Need for Enterprises to Use COBIT 5 ?
Ans . (Refer 1.11, 1.11.1)
Q.11. What is Risk and explain the Sources of Risk
Ans . (Refer 1.9, 1.9.2)

Q.12. Explain Key Management Practices for Aligning IT Strategy with Enterprise Strategy
Ans. (Refer 1.8.4)

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

2.1. System
Definition: A set of interrelated elements that operate collectively to accomplish

some common purpose or goal.

The word System is quite often used in our every day life like Economic system,
Political system and information system etc.
There is one thing common in all these systems, that is, these all are collection of
certain elements. For example, in case of information System it is hardware, software,
users, data etc, which work together to achieve certain goal/ objective for example, in
case of information system it is speedy and accurate information).
To be more specific and precise, a system may be defined as a set of elements, which
work together to achieve an objective.
A business is also a system.

Set of Elements


Objectives/ Goals

System Definition

General Model of a System

General model of a system consist of Inputs, Process and Outputs as shown in the figures

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

Input is the data flowing into the system from outside.

Processing is the action of manipulating the input into a more useful form.
Output is the information flowing out of a system.
Storage is the means of holding information for use at a later date.
Feedback occurs when the outcome has an influence on the input.

2.1.1. Types of Systems

System can be classified on the basis of following parameters:i.

Interactive Behavior
Degree of Human Intervention
Working / Output

1. According to Elements
Abstract Systems : An abstract systems is that system, which does not contain any physical components.
It is an orderly arrangement of ideas.
Example: Computer program, Architectural design, Blue print etc.

Physical Systems :
Physical System are concrete operational systems made up of people, materials,
machines and other physical things.
Physical systems are more common than abstract systems. Elements in such systems
interact with each other to achieve an objective. For example: Computer Systems,
Transport Systems etc.
All the working systems are physical systems.

2. According to Interactive Behavior

Open System: An open system is one, which interacts with its environment and can mould or adapt
itself according to requirement of environment. All living systems for example,
humans animals and plants etc are open systems.
Open system interacts freely with its environment by taking input & returning output.
An organization , which is sensitive to changes of customer preferences like product
prices, looks and packaging etc and adjust its products as per customers requirements
is essentially an open organization . All organizations are essentially open systems as
they can not work in isolation. Thus the system Analyst usually deals with adaptive
and open systems.
Open systems are difficult to develop and maintain than closed system, but exist for
longer period or have longer life span than closed system.
Example: Education system , political system etc.

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

Closed System : A Closed system is one, which does not change itself as per the requirement of
There are two types of closed system
(1) Completely Closed:o A system which does not interact with the environment nor changes with
the change in environment is termed as a completely closed system.
o Completely closed systems are available only in scientific applications.
These systems do not interact with environment.
(2) Relatively closed:o Relatively closed systems are those systems, which interact with
environment but do not change themselves as per requirement of
o A relatively closed system is one that has only controlled and well defined
inputs and outputs.
o The relatively closed system is not affected by disturbances from outside
the system.

3. According to Degree of Human Intervention

Manual Systems: Systems where data collection, manipulation, maintenance & final reporting are
carried out absolutely by human efforts.
Ex: manual accounting
Automated Systems: Systems where computers are used to carry out all the tasks mentioned above.
However , non of the business system is 100% automated ; rather , to some extent, it
depends on manual intervention , may be in a negligible way.

4. According to Working / Output

Deterministic : A system is called deterministic when inputs, process and outputs are known with
In deterministic system one can predict the output with certainty i.e. deterministic
system operates in a predictable manner.
A deterministic system operates in predictable manner
An accounting system is normally a deterministic system.
Ex: computer system , correct input gives correct output.
Probabilistic : A probabilistic system is one in which output can only be predicted in probabilistic
A probabilistic system provides expected output.
Demand Forecasting system is a probabilistic system.
Probabilistic system behavior is not predictable.
Ex:- Inventory , weather report.

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

2.1.2. System Elements

1) System Interfaces:
o System interface help to provide an integrated system which contains many subsystems.
o Maintain a complex system efficiently, a system is normally divided into subsystems.
o Each system can have various sub systems but these sub systems should interact
with each other to provide an integrated system.
o The inter connections provided for inter actions among these sub systems are
called interfaces.

2) System Environment:
o The Components outside the system boundary with which system interacts is known
as environment of system.
o A business system normally have customer, Govt. Dept, Supplier etc as part of
o A system continuously interacts with its environment components.
o Ex: Net banking & smart phones are invented due to the need & demand of the

3) System Boundary:
o The boundary of system defines the extent (limits) of system within which system
components work together.
o In order to understand a system, users need to define or describe the system under
study. This is done with the help of boundary.
o A system exists inside the boundary, whereas environment exists outside the

4) Supra System
o Entity formed by a system and other equivalent systems with which it interacts.
o A system immediate above a sub system is known as supra system.
o A sub system is governed or controlled by its supra system.

5) Subsystem
o A subsystem is a part of a larger system.
o It is difficult to manage a big system as a single system or as a whole. Therefore, a
big system is divided into smaller parts known as sub-system.
o Sub-system help to manage and develop a complex big system efficiently.

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

2.1.4. Characteristics of Subsystem

The following are the characteristics of Subsystem:
1) Decomposition
Any system can be divided into smaller systems known as system decomposition .
A sub system can further be divided into still smaller systems.
This process continues until the smallest sub systems are of manageable size.
The concept of sub system is an important aspect and considered as considered as basis for
analysis and design of information systems, because it is difficult to manage a complex
system when considered as a whole.
Therefore, for the sake of convenience and clarity, a system is divided into smaller systems.
The sub systems resulting from this process usually form hierarchical structures. In a
hierarchy, a sub system is one element of a supra system
The process of decomposition into smaller systems is used to analyze an existing systems and
to design and implement new system efficiently.
2) Simplification of Systems :
Simplification is defined as the process of organizing subsystems so as to reduce the number
of interconnections.
When we decompose the system into smaller systems for simplification, we have to take care
in the process of decomposition the interconnections or interfaces among the subsystems.
The process of decomposition could lead to large number of interconnections, which are
some time not manageable. In order to reduce these large numbers of interconnections, we
should do the simplification of system.
3) Decoupling :
If two subsystems are connected very tightly, very close coordination between them is
Decoupling refers to the situation when one subsystem is independent of other subsystem.

2.1.5. System Stress

Systems change when they undergo stress.

Systems are continuously evaluated for their objectives and in this process system or its sub
system passes through a stress to achieve the set goal.
Stress is a force transmitted by systems supra system to its sub system that causes a sub
system to change so as to achieve its revised objective or goal.
There are mainly two reasons because of which a system undergoes through a stress :
o A Change in Goal or Objective of System
o Change in the level of Existing Goal / Objective of system
To accommodate stress through change in system may be in two forms:
1. Structural Changes (change in components)
2. Process Changes (change in logics)

CA Clues

Nikhil Gupta

2.1.6. System Entropy or Maintenance

Any system, if not maintained properly would decay or can becomes disordered or
disorganized .
This decaying process of system in system terminology is known as increase in entropy.
In order to prevent decaying process of system, a negative entropy or maintenance of inputs
or energy to inputs and process is required.
The open system requires more negative entropy or energy to inputs and processes than the
closed systems. But almost all the system requires the energy or system maintenance.
Like in an information system if user is not getting the outputs as per requirement than it
require to change or upgrade the program as per his requirement.

2.2. Information

Information defined by Davis and Olson as- Information is data that has been proposed
into a form that is meaningful to the recipient and is of real or perceived value in current or
progressive decision.
Information is data that have been put into a meaningful and useful context for the intended
The relation of data to information is that of raw material to finished product.
Information is a necessary and key input in any decision making process.
Information is organized and compiled data that has some value to the receiver or
information is data that has been transferred into a meaningful and useful form for specific
Information is crucial for business decisions. It plays a vital role in the survival of a business.

2.2.1. Attributes or Characteristics of Good Information

The characteristics of information are mainly concerned with quality of information i.e its
fitness to use, or its reliability.
The important characteristics of useful and effective information are as follows :
Timeliness or Availability:
Information must be available at all times.
If information is not available at the time of need, it is useless.
Timeliness means that information must reach the recipients within the prescribed
time frame. For effective decision making, information must reach the decision
maker at right time. Delays, of whatever nature destroy the value of information.
The characteristics of timeliness, to be effective, should also include up- to date,
i.e. current information. In other words timely information does not mean in time
information only, timely information means in-time as well as updated

Relevance or Purpose :
Relevance is another key attribute of information.

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Information must have purposes at the time it is transmitted to a person or

machine, otherwise it is simple data.
Information is said to be relevant if it is made specifically for the recipient and
answer those questions which receiver of the information desired.
The information should serve as reports to managers, which are useful and helps
them for better decision making.
The basic purpose of information is to inform, evaluate, persuade, and
organize.(to provide useful data to user)


Mode and Format :

Mode means way the information is delivered.
Mode of information in business can be written, visuals or verbal depending upon
requirement and needs.
Format of information means the presentation of information.
The presentation of information depending upon the needs should be in such a
way it full fill the requirement of receiver for quick decision making or problem
solutions. Like wherever possible information should be submitted in a nice
presentable format with charts and graphs etc.
It should be simple, relevant and should highlight important points.


Redundancy :
It signifies duplication and it is not a desired attribute, however it can be used for
error control.
Redundancy means excess of information carried per unit of data. Redundancy is
sometime necessary in order to safeguard against errors. We can say information
must be in sufficient quantity for correct decision making.


Accuracy :
Accuracy is very important attribute of information.
Accuracy means information should be free from errors. Accuracy also means
that information is free from biasness. As managers decisions are based on the
information supplied in MIS report, therefore, all managers need accurate


Completeness :
Information should be as complete as possible.
No piece of information essential to a decision should be missing.
The information, which is provided to managers must be complete and should
meet all their needs.
In situations, where providing complete information is not feasible for one reason
or the other, the manager must be informed of this fact, so that due care in this
regard may be taken by providing a footnote along with the information about
information completeness.


Reliability :
It is a measure of failure or success of using information for decision-making.
If an information leads to correct decision on many occasions, we say the
information is reliable.

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Information should be from reliable sources, if the sources are external from
which the information is obtained the information sources names should be
indicated for reliability purpose.


Transparency :
Information must reveal directly what we want to know for decision-making.
Information should be free from any business. It should not have any influential
factor of person / company who is providing the information.


Quality :
Quality refers to the correctness of information.
Errors may be the result of incorrect data measurement and calculation methods,
failure to follow processing procedure and loss or no processing of data.
Validity :
It should meet the purpose for which it is being collected.



Rate :
A useful information is the one which is transmitted at a rate which matches with
the rate at which the recipient wants to receive.


Value of information :
If new information causes a different decision to be made , The value of the new
information is the difference in value between the outcome of the decision and
that of the new decision, less the cost of obtaining the information.

2.2.2. Dimension of Information : ( Value of Information )

Here dimension means criteria for which information is valued in business organization.
Normally information importance is evaluated from economic point of view, business point
of view and technical point of view etc.
Therefore these three criteria are known as dimension of information:
Economic dimension ( Cost V/s Benefits ) : This dimension of information
refers to the cost of information and its benefits. Generation of information
cost money. To decide about the money to be spent on information generation,
a cost benefit analysis should be undertaken. Although it is difficult to
measure the cost and benefits of information because of its intangible
Cost of Information : Cost of information include, cost of acquiring data,
cost of maintaining data, cost of generating information and cost of
communicating information etc.
Value of Information : Value of information is value of the change in
decision behaviour because of information. It is difficult to measure exact cost
benefit analysis of information because of its intangible characteristics.
Business Dimension : Business dimension means different types of
information required by manages at different levels of management hierarchy
and its use in decision making. This dimension provides the importance of
information for business decision making and business continuity.
Technical Dimension : This dimension refers about the security of
information i.e. how, information will be stored and communicated etc. safely.

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This dimension is mainly related with database i.e. the way the data is
arranged so that it is available to its authorized user when required and in
secured manner.


Types of Information



External Information :
This information is obtained from outside the organization boundary.
This information is related with the environment of organization, in which
organization operate.
The environment information primarily includes the following:
o Government Policies : Information about concessions, benefits, restrictions
of government policies in respect of tax concessions or any other aspects,
which may be useful to the organization in the future period.
o Major factors of production : Information related with source, cost,
location, availability, accessibility and productivity of the major factors of
production viz. (i) labour (ii) materials and parts, and ( iii) capital.
o Technological environment : Forecast of any technological changes in the
industry and the probable effects of it on the firm.
o Economic Trends : It includes information relating to economic indicates
like consumer disposal income, environment, productivity, capital
investment etc. such information is valuable for those firms specially, whose
output is a function of these important variables.

Internal Information :
This information is part of internal functioning of organization.
Various internal functional areas of organization are: Financial plans
Supply factors
Sales forecast

2.3. Information System

An information system is termed as a system that comprises of people, computer systems,

data and network that helps to collect, store and analyze data to produce the desired
information for the functioning, betterment and expansion of business.
Information systems play a vital role in the enterprise collaboration and management and
strategic success of businesses that must operate in an inter-networked global environment
and also facilitate E-business and E-commerce operations.
A computer based Information system is a combination of people, IT and business processes that
helps management in taking important decisions to carry out the business successfully.

2.3.1. Component of Information System

An information system comprise of people, hardware, software, data and network for communication
Here, people mean the IT professionals i.e. system administrator, programmers and end users i.e.

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the persons, who can use hardware and software for retrieving the desired information.
The hardware means the physical components of the computers i.e. server or smart terminals with
different configurations like corei3/corei5/corei7 processors etc. and software means the system
software (different types like of operating systems e.g. UNIX, LINUX, WINDOWS etc.), application
software (different type of computer programs designed to perform specific task) and utility software
(e.g. tools).
The data is the raw fact, which may be in the form of database. The data may be alphanumeric,
text, image, video, audio, and other forms.
The network means communication media (internet, intranet, extranet etc.).

2.3.2. Information System and Its Role in Business

Some of important roles of information system other than the cost reductions, waste
reductions and increase revenue in business are as follows :
Help managers in effective decision making to achieve the organizational goal.
Helps to take right decision at the right time.
Help organizations to gain edge in the competitive environment.
Helps to execute innovative ideas efficiently
Helps in solutions of complex and critical problems
Helps to utilize knowledge gathered though information system in day business
Helps to implement the formulated strategy with integrated business operations /

2.3.3. Important characteristics of Computer Based Information Systems

All systems work for predetermined objectives and the system is designed and developed
If one subsystem or component of a system fails; in most of the cases, the whole system does not
work. However, it depends on how the subsystems are interrelated.
The work done by individual subsystems is integrated to achieve the central goal of the system. The
goal of individual subsystem is of lower priority than the goal of the entire system.

2.3.4. Major areas of computer based applications

Finance and Accounting

The main goal of this subsystem is to ensure the financial viability of the organization,
enforce financial discipline and plan and monitor the financial budget.
It also helps in forecasting revenues, determining the best resources and uses of funds and
managing other financial resources.
Typical sub-application areas in finance and accounting are -Financial accounting; General
ledger; Accounts receivable/payable; Asset accounting; Investment management; Cash
management; Treasury management; Fund management and Balance sheet.

Marketing and Sales

Marketing and sales activities have a key role for running a business successfully in a
competitive environment.
The objective of this subsystem is to maximize the sales and ensure customer satisfaction.
Creating new customers and advertising the products.

Production or Manufacturing
The objective of this subsystem is to optimally deploy man, machine and material to
maximize production or service.
This system generates production schedules and schedules of material requirements,

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monitors the product quality, plans for replacement or overhauling the machinery and also
helps in overhead cost control and waste control.

Inventory /Stores Management It is designed to keeping the track of materials in the stores.
The system is used to regulate the maximum and minimum level of stocks, raise alarm at
danger level stock of any material, give timely alert for re-ordering of materials with optimal
re-order quantity.
Similarly well-designed inventory management system for finished goods and semi-finished
goods provides important information for production schedule and marketing/sales strategy.

Human Resource Management Human resource is the most valuable asset or backbone for an organization.
Effective and efficient utilization of manpower in a dispute-free environment in this key
functional area ensures to facilitate disruption free and timely services in business.
Human resource management system aims to achieve this goal. Skill database maintained
in HRM system, with details of qualifications, training, experience, interests etc. helps
management for allocating manpower to right activity at the time of need or starting a new
This system also keeps track of employees output or efficiency.

2.3.5. Types of Information Systems

1. Operations Support Systems

Transaction Processing System ( TPS )

Process Control System (PCS)
Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)
2. Management Support System
Management Information System ( MIS )
Decision Support System (DSS)
Executive Information System (EIS)
3. Office Automation System
Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)
Electronic Message Communication System
Teleconferencing & Videoconferencing System
Text processing System (TPS)
4. Other Information System
Expert system
Knowledge Management Systems
Functional Business Information Systems
Strategic Information Systems and Cross
Functional Information Systems
1. Operations Support Systems (OSS):
Information systems are required to process the data generated and used in business

OSS produces a variety of information for internal and external use.
Its role is to effectively process business transactions, control industrial processes, support
enterprise communications and collaborations and update corporate database.
The main objective of OSS is to improve the operational efficiency of the enterprise.
These are further categorized as :

o Transaction Processing System ( TPS )

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o Process Control System (PCS)
o Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)

i.) Transaction Processing System ( TPS)

TPS processes the transactions and provides the routine and regular reports /
information. This system primarily automates those routine processes, which are used
to support day to day business operations. TPS acts as a base to, almost all, other
types of information systems. TPS accepts data as inputs and provides information as
outputs, for example, reports as outputs.
A TPS involves the following activities:
Capturing data to organize in files or databases
Processing of files/databases using application software
Processing of queries from various quarters of the organization.
Generating information in the form of reports
Components of the Transaction Processing Systems :


This component provides data to TPS for processing. To make a data suitable for
processing it may be a two step process.
i. Collection or Recording : In this data is recorded in to computer for
processing Data collection is also known as Data Capturing.
ii. Classification or Conversion : In this step recorded data is classified as per
the nature of data. Data is normally classified according to its nature as
payment, receipt, sales data etc.


This component is used to convert the given data to TPS into information.
Processing of data / transaction is done as per the accounting rules or business
logics. Processing uses various activities like sorting, calculation and
summarization to provide the sequenced and summarization to provide the
sequenced and summarized data in the form of journals and ledgers, for providing
various types of financial and operational reports.
In manual TPS, processing may also be known as posting of transactions to
predefined books to journals and ledgers whereas in computer, processing is
used to create transaction and master files.


Storage is used to hold data permanently or temporary, based on requirement,

storage is essential for processing as well for producing outputs. In computer
based information system master and transactions files are used store data just like
Daybooks and Ledgers are used for storage of data in manual processing.
Master files : Master files contain relatively key information. Master files are of
permanent nature and updated by transaction files.

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Transaction Files : Transaction files are known as detailed files and keep the
data relating to business transactions. Transaction files are normally of temporary

An information system is developed to produce various types of output/
information. Outputs are also known as objectives of information system.
Outputs from information system are produced in the form reports. Normally
output repots from Accounting TPS can be divided into two categories :
Financial Reports - Financial reports provide summarized information, for
example Balance Sheet and Income Statement
Operational Reports - Operational reports provide day to day detail
operational information, for example daybook etc.
Feature of TPS

Handling large volume of data for processing

Automatic basic operations
Benefits are easily measurable
Acts as an input source for other systems

ii.) Process Control System (PCS)

In Process Control System , computer is used to control ongoing physical processes.
The computers are designed to automatically make decisions, which adjust the physical production

iii.) Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)

These systems uses a variety of technologies to help people work together.
It supports collaboration to communicate ideas, share resources and co-ordinate cooperative work

Its objective is to use IT to enhance the productivity and creativity of teams in enterprises.

2.Management Support System

Management Information System ( MIS )

Decision Support System (DSS)
Executive Information System (EIS)

i.) Management Information System ( MIS )

MIS is considered as an extension of Transactions Processing system.
MIS has been defined by Davis and Olson as an integrated user-machine system
designed for providing information to support operational control, management
control and decision making functions in an organization.
MIS Provides detailed and summarized information to managers on businesss
functions such as accounts, marketing and production, etc.
MIS provide information on these functions by using operational databases created
by TPS.

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The three terms used in MIS / MIS components




Management : Management means functions to plan, organize, initiate and control

Plan : Management plan by setting objectives and goals.
Organize : Management organize the tasks and resources necessary for executing the
Initiate : Management set these task and resources into homogenous group and
assign authority etc. for achieving goals.
Control : They control the performance of work by setting performance standards
and avoiding deviations from standards.
Information : Information means processed data or transactions which have been given
meaningful and useful context. Management uses these meaningful context or information to
initiate actions.
System : A system can be described simply as a set of elements joined together for a
common objective.

Characteristics of an Effective MIS


Management Oriented :
A good MIS must furnish information to the managers to expand their
It is management which uses the MIS for efficient decision making.
Therefore, information provided by MIS should be management oriented.
MIS should not be meant for only top management it should meet the
information needs of all levels of managers.


Management Directed :
MIS is meant for managerial decisions.
Management should be involved in setting the system specifications as well as
in directing changes from time to time in the system. Without the involvement
of management it is very difficult to develop an effective MIS.


Need based :
MIS design and development should be as per the information needs of
managers at different levels.


Exception Based :
MIS should be developed on exceptional based reporting principal, which
means as abnormal situation i.e. maximum, minimum or expected value vary

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from tolerance limit should also be reported. Exception reports help in
efficient decision making.


Integrated :
MIS integrates various subsystems to provide for meaningful information.
Information integration is a key successful business functioning. And MIS to
be effective, it must generate the information keeping all aspects of business
operation. All the functional and operational sub- systems should be linked
together into one unit. This helps in generation of better information.


Common Data Flows :

Wherever possible MIS should use common input, processing and output
This helps in reducing duplication of same information as well as simplifies
matters / operations.


Long Term Planning :

MIS development normally takes a long duration.
The system must be well planned for the future to avoid the possibility of
system obsolescence before even system came into existence.


Modularity (sub Systems concepts ):

The process of MIS development is quite complex and one likely to lose
insight frequently. Thus the MIS, though viewed as a single entity (system),
but must be broken down into small functional sub system to enable easy
development, implementation and maintenance.


Common Data Base :

MIS should be avoid duplication of files.
Database is a life support of an MIS that hold all the functional system
Database should be integrated to allow different users to access it commonly
and thus eliminates duplication in data storages, updation, deletion and
protection etc.


Computerized :
MIS can be use without the use of computers.
The use of computers increases the effectiveness and efficiency.

Misconceptions/Myths about MIS


MIS is related only with computers :

This is not true since MIS may or may not be computerized.
The computer is only a tool, which helps in the timely and accurate
information processing.
It is just another tool used in management information system.


More data means more information :

The quantity of data is not important then the quality.

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Too much of meaningless data can in fact create problems.

Data provided in the reports should meet the requirement of managers.
The form of data and manner of presentation of facts are more important than
the more quantity of data.

Accuracy in reporting is of prime importance :

It depends upon the level and type of work for which the reports are
At lower level management high level of accuracy is very important.
Where as at top level, where normally strategic decision are taken accuracy is
not of prime importance.
A fairly correct presentation of relevant is adequate.

Pre Requisites of an Effective MIS

a) Database :
MIS revolve around information and information is produced form data. And data
is kept in database. Therefore, for an effective MIS it is required that the data in a
database is organized in such a way that access to data is efficient, improved and
redundancy in data should be minimum.
The main characteristic of the database are: It is user-oriented.
It is available to authorized persons only.
It is controlled by a DBA.
b) Qualified system and Management staff :
Qualified officers of 2 categories are required
i. System and computers experts
Management Experts

Support of Top Management :

The MIS should have full support of the top management.
An effective MIS require in fact the total involvement of Top management in the
development, since subordinates will not accept the MIS unless top management
is involved into it.


Control and Maintenance of MIS :

Controls are required to ensure that everyone is following the same standard
procedures. Maintenance implies that there should be changes / modifications from
time to time based on changing needs.


Evaluation of MIS :
A good MIS should meet the information needs of the executive.
And meeting information requirements of executives should be on continuous basis
i.e for future also. This capability can be achieved if MIS is flexible and information
requirement of executive can be achieved by evaluating the MIS and taking timely
actions on feedbacks.

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Constraints in operating a computer Base MIS

Followings are the major constraints in operating an MIS.





Non availability of experts. : Who can identify the information needs of

organization for decision making process then design and implement an effective
MIS as per this information need.
Problem of selecting the sub systems of MIS to be installed and operated upon :
Some time it become a major constraint to select first sub- systems for which MIS
can be installed first and operated upon.
Non standardization of MIS : Due to varied business objectives normally MIS is
non standardized one. This causes a problem in designing, implementing and
maintaining the MIS.
High turnover of MIS experts : Information Technology is evaluating fields and
there is a high turnover of experts for better pay packets, promotion etc. which
causes a sproblem in operating MIS effectively.
Non-cooperation of staff : Change is a major problem, which normally staffs resist,
but this is not a big problem now a days and this can be handled by educating staff.
Difficulty in quantifying benefits of MIS : MIS is an expense nature of application.
And it is very difficult to quantify the benefits of information because of its intangible

Effect of using computer Based MIS

1. Fast and Timely data processing : Computer help in processing data with speed which
in turn help in timely information.
2. More comprehensive Information : Use of computer help to handle volume of data and
complex function on data with ease this result in more comprehensive information.
3. Prompt and easy retrieval of Information : Efficient storage devices and databases
help in fast and easy retrieval of information as per management requirement.
4. Increases scope of use of information system : Timely and accurate information
increases the confidence of managers for decision making process and in turn they rely
more and more on information systems for decisions making processes.
5. Increases the effectiveness of Information system : Timely information increases the
effectiveness of information systems.
6. Increases complexity of system design and operation :Use of computers require
correct designed and implemented of information systems this require lot of hardware
and software integration which is a complex task.
7. Scope of widen Analysis : Computer help in extracting and generating multiple type of
information ( information with various scenarios ) accurately and in no time for decisions
makers this help in widen analysis of problem.

Limitation of MIS :
1. Quality of output depends on the quality of inputs and processes.
2. MIS can be based on quantitative factor only it does not take into account non- quantitative
factors like human judgments etc.
3. MIS are prepared for various functions like finance, Marketing, Production and personnel
4. MIS is less useful for non structured decisions.
5. Effectiveness of MIS is decreases if information is not shared within the organization.

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6. MIS generate the information based on internal data only it does not provide information
considering external data.
7. MIS normally provide pre defined periodic reports, exception reports based on internal data
and some management science tools etc, it does not provide ad hoc reports suitable to the
requirement of decision makers.

ii.) Decision Support System ( DSS ) :

DSS are mainly used for solution of semi structured and unstructured problem.
DSS helps to solve semi structured and unstructured problems by bringing together human
judgments and computerized information.
DSS are extensively used in financial planning, corporate budgeting and sales forecasting,
DSS are normally developed as spreadsheets models for problem areas, and provide the
capability of What if analysis that is executing the models for various alternatives to arrive
at correct decisions.
DSS is an interactive, flexible and adaptable Computer Based Information System specially
developed for supporting the solution of non structured management problem for improved
decision making. It uses data, provides easy user interface, and can incorporate the decision
makers own judgment.
DSS uses models, is built by an interactive process ( often by end users ), support all phases
of decision making , and may include a knowledge component.

Characteristics and Capabilities of DSS




DSS provide support to solution of semi structured and unstructured problems by

bringing together capabilities of human judgment and computerized information.
DSS provides support for various managerial levels, ranging from top executive to
line managers.
DSS Support is provided to individual as well as groups. Less structured problems
require the involvement of several individuals from different and organizational
DSS are adaptive over time. The decision maker should be reactive, able to confront
changing conditions quickly, and adapt the DSS to meet these changes. DSS are
flexible, so user can add, delete, combine, change or rearrange basic elements.
DSS provide user friendly features, strong graphic capabilities and interactive
human machine interface which greatly increase the effectiveness of DSS.
DSS attempts to improve the effectiveness of decision making ( accuracy,
timeliness and quality ), rather than only efficiency of making decision.
Helps user to apply his knowledge to solve the problem.
DSS helps End user to construct and modify system by themselves. Though larger
systems can be built with assistance from information specialist.
DSS utilizes models for problem solutions. The modeling capability enables
experimenting with different strategies under different categories.
The DSS can utilize both internal and external databases for problem solutions.

Components of DSS
DSS is composed of Four basic components :

Planning language

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Model base



(1) The user : The user of decision support system is usually a manager or analyst with
unstructured or semi structured problem to solve. DSS has two broad classes of users.
(a) Managers
(b) Staff Specialist (Analysts)
(2) Planning Language : The user communicates with and commands the DSS through
Planning Language. User uses two types of planning languages with interface system.
(a) General Purpose Planning Language : This type of Planning language allows
the user to perform routine task for example retrieving data from database etc.
(b) Special Purpose Planning Language : Some specialized software provides these
languages for specialized analysis like SPSS , SAP .
(3) Model Base : Model Base is known brain of DSS because it provide the structure of
problem to be solved. It provide a frame work of problem in the form of a model which
to analyzed problem using data manipulation and computations.
(4) Databases : The DSS includes one or more databases. These databases contain both
internal and external data.

Tools of Decision Support Systems (DSS)

The tools of decision support systems are software for supporting database query, modeling,
data analysis and display. A comprehensive tool kit for DSS would be to support all these
Database Software : These tools support database query and report generation. By using
database software user can access data from database for internal as well external data
requirement of DSS.
Model Based Software : These software help designer to design model that incorporate
business rules and assumptions. Actually model based software are the most important tool
of DSS. These software support the user with what if Analysis.
Statistical Software : These software are used for statistical analysis and simulation which is
an essential part of business modeling or DSS. These software help in various statistical
analysis like regression, variance analysis etc. SPSS is most popular statistical software in the
market for statistical analysis.
Display Based Software: These software help in displaying the output in presentable form.
This toll mainly helps in showing output in graphical form which can be directly interpreted
by management. Graphic tools for mainframe computers are DISSPLA, TELEGRAF and
SASGRAPH and for microcomputers are HARVARD GRAPHICS etc.

Uses of DSS in Accounting Applications

Cost Accounting System
Capital budgeting System
Budget variance Analysis system
General decision support system

iii.) Executive Information System ( EIS )

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EIS is an information system that serves the information need of top executives.
EIS enables its users to extract summary data and model complex problems without the need
to learn complex query languages, statistical formulas or high computing skills.
EIS is considered as highly user friendly system because it provides a user friendly graphical
reporting system with drill down capabilities.
EIS is mainly an advancement of MIS but it can include the DSS capabilities to solve
complex problems.

Characteristics of EIS
1. EIS is a computer based information system that serves the information need of top
2. EIS is very user friendly, supported by graphics and exception reporting and drill down
3. EIS provides rapid access to timely information and direct access to management reports.
4. EIS is capable of accessing both internal data and external data.
5. EIS is easily connected to Internet EIS can easily be given a DSS support for decision


EIS Features (easy to use) like:

Standard templates
Interactive functions
Colorful graphics
Icons & pull down menus

3. Office Automation System

It is most rapidly expanding computer based information systems.

Different office activities can be broadly grouped into the following types of operations:
i) Document Capture
ii) Document Creation
iii) Receipts and Distribution
iv) Filling, Search, Retrieval and Follow up
v) Recording Utilization of Resources

COMPUTER BASED OAS ARE: Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

Electronic Message Communication System (EMCS)
Teleconferencing & Videoconferencing System (TVS)
Text Processing System (TPS)

1. Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

The computer based document management systems capture the information contained in
documents, stored it for future reference.
Stored document is available to the users as and when required.
It is very useful in remote access of documents that is almost impossible with manual document
management systems.
Example :- text processors, electronic message communication systems etc.

2. Electronic Message Communication System (EMCS)

Business enterprises have been using a variety of communication systems for finding and receiving

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messages.These include telephone, mail and facsimile (Fax), etc.

The computer based message communication systems offer a lot of economy not only in terms of
reduced time in sending or receiving the message but also in terms of reliability of the message and
cost of communication.
Components of Message Communication Systems are given as follows:
i. Electronic Mail
ii. Facsimile (Fax)
iii. Voice Mail

3. Teleconferencing & Videoconferencing System (TVS)

Teleconferencing is conducted in a business meeting involving more than two persons located at two
or more different places.
The teleconferencing helps in reducing the time and cost of meeting as the participants do not have
to travel to attend the meeting.
Teleconferencing may be audio or video conferencing with or without use of computer systems.

4. Text Processing System (TPS)

Text processing systems are the most commonly used components of the OAS.
Text processing systems automate the process of development of documents such as letters, reports,
memos etc.
They permit use of standard stored information to produce personalized documents.
Automation reduces keying effort and minimizes the chances of errors in the document.

Benefits of Office Automation Systems are given as follows:

Improve communication within an organization and between enterprises.

Reduce the cycle time between preparation of messages and receipt of messages at the
recipients end.
Reduce the costs of office communication both in terms of time spent by executives and cost
of communication links.
Ensure accuracy of information and smooth flow of communication.

4. Other Information Systems

There exists other categories of information systems also that support either operations or
management applications.
Other information system are: Expert Systems
Knowledge Management Systems
Functional Business Information Systems
Strategic Information Systems and Cross
Functional Information Systems

1. Expert Systems
Expert system is a computer based information system which provides the advices or solutions of given
problems, just like the human experts. Expert system works on the principle of Artificial Intelligence to solve
complex and unstructured problems normally in a narrow area like audit etc, just like the human experts. Expert
systems are also knowledge based systems, because these systems contain the knowledge of experts in an
organized and structured manners to solve the problems.

Expert System is a system that allows a person not having any specialized knowledge or experience
to make a decision.
They contain the knowledge used by an expert in a specific field in the form If/The rules and an
engine capable of drawing inferences from this knowledge base.

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It helps to process the information required to access the problem/ decision- making situation and
express conclusion with a reasonable degree of confidence.
Expert System (ES) provide several levels of expertise.

Components Of experts systems

1. User Interface: This allows the user to design, create, update, use and communication with the expert system.
2. Inference Engine: This contains the basic logic and reasoning part of the system. Data obtained from the user and
knowledge base are used to recommend a course of action.
3. Knowledge Base: This includes the data, knowledge, Relationship, and decision rules used by experts to solve a
particular type of problem.
It is the computer equivalent of all the knowledge and insight that an expert or a group of experts
develop through years of experience in their field.
4. Knowledge Acquisition Facility: Building a knowledge base, referred to as knowledge engineering involves both a human expert and s
knowledge engineer.
The knowledge Engineer is responsible for extracting an individuals Expertise and using the
Knowledge acquisition facility to enter it into the knowledge base.
5. Explanation Facility: Explanation of logic used to arrive is its conclusion is given here.

Characteristics of Expert system

Expert system can be example based, rule based and frame based for providing problem solution or
In example based expert system it searches the appropriate match for present problem or case with
previous cases with previous cases and their solution from knowledge base. In rule base it uses if then
else rules for serried of question from users to draw conclusion for problem solution. In frame base
Expert System it divided every data, processes etc into logically linked units called frames to create
the most logical solution.
Expert System provides various level of expertise like Assistant Level: Provide user attention on
problem area Colebee Level: Discuss the problem with user at arrive at agreement. True Expert: User
accepts the solution without any question. (Very difficult to develop)
Expert System provides problem solution or provides advice like Human experts.

Benefits of Expert system

Provide low cost solution or advice.

Provide solution or advice based on the knowledge of many experts.
Always available for solution and advice, there is no time restriction etc it happens in the case of
human experts.
Help user in better decision making and also improve their productivity.

Limitation of Expert system

Costly and complex system to develop and also it takes lots of time to develop expert system.
It is difficult to obtain the knowledge of experts in terms of how they specify a problem and how they
take decision.

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It is also difficult to develop the programs to obtained knowledge of experts for problem and their

Uses of Expert System

Doctors use expert system to diagnose the patient dieses by providing symptoms of dieses to expert
Indian Revenue Department uses Tax Expert System to investigate tax evasion and frauds on the
basis of providing tax returns details.

2. Knowledge Management Systems

These are knowledge based systems that support the conception, association and propagation of
business knowledge within the enterprise.

3.Functional Business Information Systems

These systems supports the operational and managerial applications of the basic enterprises of an

4. Strategic Information Systems and Cross

These systems provide an industry strategic products, services and capabilities for competitive

5.Functional Information Systems

It is also known as integrated information system that combines most of information systems.
It is designed to produce information and support decision making for different levels of management
and business functions.

2.3.6. Application of Information Systems in Enterprise Processes

(i) Support an organizations business processes and operations
(ii) Support business decision-making
(iii) Support strategic competitive advantage


Some Important Implications Of Information Systems In Business

Information system helps managers in efficient decision-making to achieve the organizational goals.
Information systems helps in making right decision at the right time i.e. just on time.
A good information system may help in generating innovative ideas for solving critical problems.
An organization will be able to survive and thrive in a highly competitive environment on the strength
of a well-designed Information system.

2.3.8. Information as a Key Business Asset and its Relation to Business Objectives
and Processes
Information is a strategic resource that helps enterprises in achieving long term objectives and

In todays competitive and unpredictable business environment, only those enterprises
survive, which have complete information and knowledge of customer buying habits and
market strategy.
Information management enhances an organization ability and capacity to deal with and achieve its
mission by meeting challenges of competition, timely performance and change management.

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This is critical as the managed information and knowledge enables the enterprise to deal with
dynamic challenges and effectively envision and create their future.
This requires coordination between people, processes and technology.

2.4. Factors On Which Information Requirements depend.

Determinants of Managements Information Needs

Operational Functions

Type of Decision Making

Level of Management
Structured ( Programmed )
Top ( Strategic )
Unstructured ( Non Programmed)
Middle( Tactical)
Semi Structured
Lower ( Supervisory )

2.4.1. Operational Function :

The grouping or clustering of several functional units on the basis of related activities into a
sub system is termed as operational function.
Different operational functions need different kind of information in terms of their content
and characteristics.

2.4.2. Type of Decision Making :

Programmed decisions ( Structured Decision ):

Programmed decisions refers to decisions made on problems and situations by
reference to a predetermined set of precedents , procedures, techniques and rules.
Decisions, which are of repetitive and routine in nature are know as programmed
decisions. For example, preparation of payroll and disbursement of pay through
bank account.
Non Programmed decisions ( Unstructured Decisions ) :
These decisions are those which are made on situations and problems which are
novel and non-repetitive and about which not much knowledge and information are
Decisions which are unstructured and involved high consequences and are complex
or have a major commitment are known as non programmed decision.
The decisions which, can not be easily automated are also known as Non
programmed decisions. These types of decisions have no pre established decision
procedure. Also, it is difficult to completely specify the information requirement for
taking these decisions.

2.4.3. Level of Management Activity :

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We know management is divided normally into three broad categories and it is know as
levels of management.
Interaction of the Three Levels of Management
Top management establishes the policies, plans and objectives of company, as well as
general budget framework under which various departments will operate.
These factors are passed down to middle management where they translated into specific
revenue, cost and profit goals. These are reviewed, analyzed and modified in accordance with
the overall plans and policies; middle management then issue specific schedules and
measurement specifications to operational management.
The operational level has the job of producing the goods and services required to meet the
revenue and profit goals which in turn will enable the company to reach its overall plan and
In general, the management levels are divided into following three categories along with
their information requirements:

1) Strategic Level ( Top Management ) :

Strategic level management is concerned with development of organizational mission,

objectives and strategies.
Strategies top management tries to relate a company with its environment. It is
essentially take decisions regarding what products to produce and in what market to
Strategic decisions resources will be allocated to the various divisions and units in the
organizations to achieve the objectives.

2) Tactical Level (Middle Management ) :

Tactical level stands in the middle of managerial hierarchy.
At this level managers plan, organize, lead and control the activities of other
At tactical level, managers coordinate the activities of sub units in an organization.
For example, marketing, finance, etc. They also ensure that resources are obtained
and used efficiently in the accomplishment of organization objectives.
Nature of information required :- Regular ; Specific ; Accurate ; Simple ; Present ;
Internal, External ; Reliable ; Complete.
Information for tactical decisions is more easily available.

3) Supervisory Level (Operational Management):


At this level managers co-ordinate the work of others who are not managers, to
ensure effective and efficient execution of work.
This is the lowest level in management hierarchy. At this level day to day business
operations are performed.
Nature of information Required :- Regular ; Specific; Accurate ; Simple ; Internal ;
Reliable ; Complete ; Historical.

Various types of Business Applications

The Accounting Information System

The accounting information system comprises of the processes, procedures, and systems that
capture accounting data from business processes.

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System record the accounting data in the appropriate records and process the detailed accounting
data by classifying, summarizing.

2.6. Impact of IT on Information Systems for different sectors :

(i) E-business :
This is also called electronic business and includes purchasing, selling, production management,
logistics, communication, support services and inventory management through the use of internet
The primary components of E-business are infrastructure, electronic commerce and electronically
linked devices and computer aided networks.
The advantage of E-business are 24 hour sale, lower cost of doing business, more efficient business
relationship, eliminate middlemen, unlimited market place and access with broaden customer base,
secure payment systems, easier business administration and online fast updating.
Different types of business can be done e.g. it may be B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to
Customer), C2C (Customer to Customer) and C2B (Customer to Business).
(ii) Financial Service Sector:
The financial services sector manages large amounts of data and processes enormous numbers of
transactions every day. Owing to application of IT, all the major financial institutions operate nationally
and have wide networks of regional offices and associated electronic networks.
IT has changed the working style of financial services and makes them easier and simpler for
customers also.
Services are offered by the financial services on internet, which can be accessed from anywhere and
anytime that makes it more convenient to the customers. It also reduces their cost in terms of office
staff and office building. It has been observed that automated and IT enabled service sectors reduces
cost effectively. Through the use of internet and mobile
phones financial service sectors are in direct touch with their customers and with adequate
databases it will be easier for service sectors to manage customer relationships. For example,
through emails or SMS the customers can be made aware of launch of new policies; they can
be informed on time the day of maturity of their policies etc.









No Decisions

problems using
Science tools

Type of


Scheduled and

Science Models,
blend of
Information to
support specific

i.e Monitoring
Only when
Combined with

Status access,
reporting, key

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Level served

Low level


Analyst and

Question section
Q.1. Short notes:-


Transaction Processing System ( TPS )

Process Control System (PCS)
Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS)
Management Information System ( MIS )
Decision Support System (DSS)
Executive Information System (EIS)
Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)
Electronic Message Communication System
Teleconferencing & Videoconferencing System
Text processing System (TPS)
Expert system
Knowledge Management Systems
Functional Business Information Systems
Strategic Information Systems and Cross
Functional Information Systems

[ Answer( i xv) refer 2.3.5]

Q.2. What do you mean system & explain the types of system.
Ans. Refer ( 2.1, 2.1.1)
Q.3. Explain information & attributes of good information.
Ans. Refer (2.2.1)
Q.4. Explain IS & its Role.
Ans. Refer (2.3.2)
Q.5. Explain the important characteristic of computer based IS.
Ans. Refer (2.3.3)
Q.6. Explain the major areas of computer based applications.
Ans. Refer (2.3.4)
Q.7. Explain the Components of experts systems.
Ans. Refer (2.3.5)
Q.8. Explain the Factors On Which Information Requirements depend.
Ans. Refer (2.4)
Q.9. what are the Impacts of IT on Information Systems in different sectors.
Ans. Refer (2.6)

Senior Executive

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Protection of Information Systems

Information System
In the computerized information systems, most of the business processes are automated.
Organizations are increasingly relying on Information Technology for information and transaction
IT innovations such as hardware, software, networking technology, communication technology etc.

3.2. (Why) Need for Protection of Information Systems

Information systems are exposed to many direct and indirect risks.
These risks primarily have emerged due to technological changes of information systems.
These changes always create gap between protection applied and protection required, due to:
Widespread use of new technologies
Extensive use of network applications
Eliminations of distance, time and space constraints i.e use of distributed or any time
anywhere processing systems
Frequent technological changes
Attractiveness of conducting electronic attacks against organizations (electronic
attacks are easy to conduct and hard to detect)
Devolutions or decentralization of management and control
Some external factors such as legal and regulatory requirements

The above gaps indicate that there are always emerging new risks areas
that could have significant impacts on critical business operations such as:

External dangers from hackers, leading to denial of service and virus attack, extortion
and leakage of corporate confidential information
Growing potential for misuse and abuse of information system affecting privacy and
ethical values
Dangers to information system availability and robustness

3.2. Information System Security

Information security refers to the protection of valuable assets against loss, disclosure, or damage.
Securing valuable assets from threats, sabotage, or natural disaster with physical safeguards such as
locks, perimeter fences, and insurance is commonly understood and implemented by most of the
Security must be expanded to include logical and other technical safeguards such as user identifiers,
passwords, firewalls, etc.
The data or information is protected against harm from threats that will lead to its loss, inaccessibility,
alteration, or wrongful disclosure.
The protection is achieved through a layered series of technological and non-technological

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safeguards such as physical security and logical measures.


Information system Security Objective:

The objective of information system security is the protection of the interests of those relying on
information, and protect the information systems and communications that deliver the information
from harm resulting from failures of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Every organization, the security objective comprises three universally accepted attributes:
Confidentiality : Prevention of the unauthorized disclosure of information
Integrity : Prevention of the unauthorized modification of information
Availability : Prevention of the unauthorized withholding of information.

3.3. Information is Sensitive ?

Factors are necessary for an organization to succeed are following: Strategic Plans: Most of the organizations readily acknowledge that strategic plans are
crucial to the success of a company. But many of them fail to really make an effort to protect
these plans
Business Operations: Business operations consist of an organizations process and
procedures, most of which are deemed to be proprietary. As such, they may provide a market
advantage to the organization. Example :- when one company can provide a service
profitably at a lower price than the competitor.
Finances: Financial information, such as salaries and wages, are very sensitive and should
not be made public.

3.4. Information Security Policy

An information security policy is an essential foundation for an effective and comprehensive

information security program.
It is the primary way in which managements information security concerns are translated into specific
measurable and testable goals and objectives.
It provides guidance to the people, who build, install, and maintain information systems.
An information security policy is a document that describes an organizations information security
controls and activities.
The policy does not specify technologies or specific solutions, it defines a specific set of intentions
and conditions that help protect a companys information assets and its ability to conduct business.
An information security policy should be in written form.

3.4.1. Tools to Implement Policy: Standards, Guidelines, Procedures.

Standards specify technologies and methodologies to be used to secure systems.
Guidelines help in smooth implementation of information security policy.

Procedures are more detailed steps to be followed to accomplish particular security related tasks.

Standards, guidelines, and procedures should be promulgated throughout an organization through handbooks
or manuals.

3.4.2. Issues to address

Policy should at least address the following issues:
A definition of information security.
Definition of all relevant information security responsibilities.
A brief explanation of the security policies, principles, standards and compliance requirements.

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Reasons why information security is important to the organization, and its goals and principles.

3.4.3. Members of Security Policy

Security policy broadly comprises the following three groups of management:
Management members who have budget and policy authority.
Technical group who know what can and cannot be supported.
Legal experts who know the legal ramifications of various policy charges.

3.4.4. Information Security Policies

Major Information Security Policies are given as follows:
Information Security Policy: This policy provides a definition of Information Security
User Security Policy: This policy sets out the responsibilities and requirements for all IT system
Acceptable Usage Policy: This sets out the policy for acceptable use of email and Internet services.
Organizational Information Security Policy: This policy sets out the Group policy for the security of
its information assets and the Information Technology (IT) systems processing this information.
Network & System Security Policy : This policy sets out detailed policy for system and network
security and applies to IT department users
Information Classification Policy : This policy sets out the policy for the classification of information


Components of the Security Policy

Purpose and Scope of the Document and the intended audience.
Security Infrastructure.
Security organization Structure.
Security policy document maintenance and compliance requirements.
Incident response mechanism and incident reporting.
Inventory and Classification of assets.
Description of technologies and computing structure.
Physical and Environmental Security.
IT Operations management.
IT Communications.
System Development and Maintenance Controls.
Business Continuity Planning.
Legal Compliances.

3.5. Information Systems Controls

Controls are known as checks or management tools which are implemented to ensure that
process or system will work as per its intended purpose. And controls are used everywhere in
the business organizations. We all know that businesses are highly dependent on Information
Technology (IT) systems for their day to day working, due to extensive use of IT systems
Therefore, it is important that controls should be in place for IT systems so that the IT
systems can work error free and as per the requirements.
IT controls are specific IT processes designed to support an overall business process. Figure
below presents the components and processes of IT department; and controls are applied to
these components and processes.
The increasing use of IT in organizations has made it imperative that appropriate information systems

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are implemented in an organization.

IT should cover all key aspects of business processes of an enterprise and should have an impact on
its strategic and competitive advantage for its success.
The enterprise strategy outlines the approach, it wishes to formulate with relevant policies and
procedures to achieve business objectives.
Control is defined as Policies, procedures, practices and enterprise structure that are designed to
provide reasonable assurance that business objectives will be achieved and undesired events are
prevented, detected and corrected.
An information systems auditing includes reviewing the implemented system or providing consultation
and evaluating the reliability of operational effectiveness of controls.

3.5.1. Types of Controls

IT controls can be categorized as:i. General Controls

ii. Application Controls

General Controls are those controls that are applicable to overall systems components,
processes, and data for a given organization or systems environment. This includes controls
over such areas as the data centre and network operations, systems development and
acquisition, system change and maintenance, access, and computer processing.

Application controls are those controls that are applicable to individual accounting
subsystems, such as payroll or accounts payable. These types of controls are primarily
applicable to the processing of individual applications and ensure that transactions are
authorized and correctly recorded; and processing is complete and accurate.





Need for Controls in Information Systems

Or Why Controls are needed for Information System ?

Followings are some important reasons for need of controls to Information System
Information is an important resource : Every one is now aware of importance of
Information system in the organization. Information provided by Information System in one
of the most important assets, therefore, it is necessary that this information should be reliable
and protected from hacker both inside and outside organization. Hence, there should be a
strong control environment in the organization to protect information.
Increasing threats of various types to Information System: Every day new
types of threats are emerging to information system working such as viruses, hacking and
data theft, etc. Therefore, organizations Information System needs to be protected from all
such types of threats
Increasing need for regulatory compliance : Moreover, changing regulatory
environment requires various compliances therefore organization should implement adequate
controls to meet these compliances.
Information System is set integrated resources: Information System contains
different types of integrated resources such as applications, database, network, operating
system and programs, etc. therefore, it us important to know how to implement the controls
necessary to protect all system resources to provide an effective, reliable and error free
Information system

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5. Growing Importance, education and awareness of Information Security

and controls: we already studied about Information system Audit and control Association
( ISACA ) which recognized the importance of information security and controls, and offers
a wide range of products and services on this. This organization also offers certifications
known as certified Information Security Manager ( CISM) and Certified Information System
Auditor ( CISA), recognizing the special role played by persons those who manage the
organization Information Security. This education and awareness of Information system
security and controls has also encouraged to implement the information security and controls
to achieve a reliable and error free information system.
3.5.3. Procedure of Information System Control

Information System control procedure may include:

Strategy and direction,

General Organization and Management,
Access to IT resources, including data and programs,
System development methodologies and change control,
Operation procedures,
System Programming and technical support functions,
Qualify Assurance Procedures,
Physical Access Controls,
BCP and DRP,
Network and Communication,
Database Administration, and
Protective and detective mechanisms against internal and external attacks.

3.5.4. Impact of Technology on Internal Controls

Change in type and nature of internal controls
Change in internal control environment


There is large difference between internal control environment and types of internal controls
used in computerized system compare to manual system.
An internal control environment is derived through followings in both manual and
computerized system
Personnel : By setting appropriate controls and standards for personnel to carry out jobs
based on their competencies and skill
Segregation of duties: A key control in financial system which means that processing of
transactions is split between different people from beginning to end.
Authorization procedures : Controls setup to ensure that transactions are approved and
Record Keeping: Controls setup to maintain the records in books and storage.
Access to assets and records : Controls set up for access of resources and data
Management supervision and review: Controls setup by management for supervision and
Concentration of Programs and data : Transaction and master file data may be stored in a
computer readable form on one computer installation or on a number of distributed

Some Examples of differences in manual and computerized environment controls

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Segregation of Duties : In manual system auditor is normally concerned with

the segregation of duties of finance department as data is prepared and
processed at that place only, whereas in computerized system auditor remains
concerned for segregation of duties in both finance and IT department.


Concentration of programs and data ( retention of records or data ) : In

computerized environment data can be managed centrally which may be in the
access of large numbers of users and outsiders through network whereas in
manual system this remains in the access of very few authorized persons.

3.5.5. Information Systems Control Techniques

The aim of information system control is to ensure business objectives are achieved,
undesired risk are detected, and there after prevented and corrected. That is to provide
reliable, error free and efficient information system.
This is achieved by designing an effective Information control framework, which contains
policies, procedures , processes and organization structure that gives reasonable assurance
that the business objectives will be achieved.
Objective of Controls
The objective of controls is to reduce or if possible eliminate the causes of the exposure to potential
loss. Exposures are potential losses due to threats materializing. All exposures have causes. Some
categories of exposures are: Errors or omissions in data, procedure, processing, judgment and
comparison; Improper authorizations and improper accountability with regards to procedures
processing, judgment and comparison; and Inefficient activity in procedures, processing and
Some of the critical control lacking in a computerized environment are:
Lack of management understanding of IS risks and related controls.
Absence or inadequate IS control framework
Absence of weak general controls and IS controls
Lack of awareness a knowledge of IS risks and controls amongst the business users

3.5.6. Categories of Controls

(a) Based on the objective of controls
(b) Based on the nature of IS resources.
(c) Based on their functional nature
Categories of Controls

Objective of controls

Nature of IS resource

Internal Accounting




Physical Access


Functional Nature

Logical Access
IS Operational
IS Management

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(a) Based on the objective of controls

Based on the objective of controls, these can be classified as under:


Preventive Controls
Detective Controls
Corrective Controls
Compensatory Controls
Auditors Categories of Controls





Preventive Controls :
Preventive controls are those inputs, which are designed to prevent an error, omission or malicious

act occurring.

Example using login id and password is a preventive control.

The main characteristics of such controls are given as follows:


Understanding probable threats

Understanding vulnerabilities and exposure of the assets for threats
Finding the necessary preventive controls to avoid the probable threats

Preventive controls are implemented for both computerized and manual environment; but
techniques and implementation may differ depending upon the type of threats and exposure.
Examples of preventive controls.
Employ qualified personnel
Id Passwords
Access controls
Segregation of duties
Proper Documentation
Authorization of transactions
Validation of transactions
Anti virus software
Vaccination against diseases,
Prescribing appropriate books for a course,
Training and retraining of staff,

Detective Controls:

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Detective controls are designed to detect errors, omissions or malicious acts that occur and report
the occurrence.
An example of a detective control is regular reporting of expenditures statement to management

is a kind of detective control

The main characteristics of such controls are given as follows:


Having clear understanding of lawful activities

Controlling such activities through preventive controls
Establishing detective controls which can report the unlawful activities, if preventive
controls are not able to prevent such activities
Example of detective controls
Frequent audit
Audit Trails Controls
Re validations of transactions after executions
Reconciliation of statements
Monitoring expenditure against budgeted amount
Echo controls in telecommunications
Hash totals,
Duplicate checking of calculations,
Past-due accounts report,
Intrusion detection system,
Monitoring expenditures against budgeted amount.

Corrective controls:
Corrective controls are designed to reduce the impact of error or malicious activities by
correcting the error and avoiding the malicious activities occurrence in futures, for example,
backup procedure, etc
Corrective controls may include the use of default dates on invoices where an operator has tried to

enter the incorrect date.

A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is considered to be a corrective control.
The main characteristics of the corrective controls are:

Minimize the impact of threats or problems
Rectify the problem
Modify the processing system to minimize the future occurrence of problems
Examples of corrective controls
Recovery procedures
Contingency planning
Setting up corrective procedures for problems
Change of control procedures or inputs to avoid occurrence of problems in future
Investigate budget variance and report violations.
Compensatory Controls:
Controls are basically designed to reduce the probability of threats, which can exploit the

vulnerabilities of an asset and cause a loss to that asset.

Sometime, organizations due to financial and operational constraints can not implement
appropriate preventive controls.
While designing the appropriate control one thing should be kept in mind the cost of the lock should
not be more than the cost of the assets it protects.

In such cases, there are controls which are not preventive controls of the assets to be

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protected but indirectly those controls help to protect assets. Such indirect controls are called
compensatory controls,
for example, Strong user controls can help to reduce data processing errors and frauds, etc.
Here strong user controls are administrative controls for increasing efficiency of
organizations but these indirectly help to avoid various threats to different assets.

(b) Controls is based on the nature of IS resources



Another classification of controls is based on the nature of IS resources. These are given as follows:
Environmental controls: These are the controls relating to IT environment such as power,
air-conditioning, UPS, smoke detection, fire-extinguishers, dehumidifiers etc.
Physical Access Controls: These are the controls relating to physical security of the tangible IS
resources and intangible resources stored on tangible media etc. Such controls include Access
control doors, Security guards, door alarms, restricted entry to secure areas, visitor logged access,
CCTV monitoring etc.
Logical Access Controls: These are the controls relating to logical access to information resources
such as operating systems controls, application software boundary controls, networking controls,
access to database objects, encryption controls etc.
IS Operational Controls : These are the controls relating to IS operation, administration and its
management such as day begin and day end controls, IS infrastructure management, Helpdesk
operations etc.
IS Management Controls: These are the controls relating to IS management, administration,
policies, procedures, standards and practices, monitoring of IS operations, Steering committee etc.
SDLC Controls: These are the controls relating to planning, design, development, testing,
implementation and post implementation, change management of changes to application,other
software and operations.

(c) Controls is based on their functional nature

Another category of controls is based on their functional nature. When reviewing a clients control
systems, the auditor will be able to identify three components of internal control. Each component is
aimed at achieving different objectives.
These controls are given as follows:

i. Accounting control : for reliability of financial records

ii. Operational controls : for efficient working of day business activities
iii. Administrative controls : for compliance of management requirement and other statutory
These internal controls are framed to meet the following objectives for organizations
( COSOs objectives)
Reliability of Financial Reporting
Effectiveness and efficiency of Operations
Compliance with applicable law and regulations.
(d) Based on the aforementioned categories of controls, major control techniques
Organizational Controls - These controls are concerned with the decision-making processes that



lead to management authorization of transactions.

Management Controls - The controls adapted by the management of an enterprise are to ensure
that the information systems function correctly and they meet the strategic business objectives. The
management has the responsibility to determine whether the controls that the enterprise system has
put in place are sufficient to ensure that the IT activities are adequately controlled.
Financial Controls - These controls are generally defined as the procedures exercised by the
system user personnel over source, or transactions origination, documents before system input.
These areas exercise control over transactions processing using reports generated by the computer
applications to reflect un-posted items, non-monetary changes, item counts and amounts of

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transactions for settlement of transactions processed and reconciliation of the applications to general
Data Processing Environment Controls- These controls are related to hardware and software
and include procedures exercised in the IS environment. This includes on-line transaction systems,
database administration, media library, application program change control, the data center.
Physical Access Controls :- These Physical security and access controls should address
supporting services (such as electric power), backup media and any other elements required for the
systems operation.
Logical Access Controls :- Logical access controls are implemented to ensure that access to
systems, data and programs is restricted to authorized users so as to safeguard information against
unauthorized use, disclosure or modification, damage or loss.
SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) Controls :- These are functions and activities generally
performed manually that control the development of application systems, either through in-house
design and programming or package purchase.
Application Control Techniques:- These include the programmatic routines within the application
program code. The objective of application controls is to ensure that data remains complete, accurate
and valid during its input, update and storage.
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Controls:- These controls are related to having an
operational and tested IT continuity plan, which is in line with the overall business continuity plan, and
its related business requirements so as to make sure IT services are available as required and to
ensure a minimum impact on business in the event of a major disruption.

3.6. Audit trails :

Audit trails are used as detective controls. Audit trails are log that can be designed to record
the user activities on system and application. Audit trails provide an important detective
control which help to accomplish security policy. In this control, log files are created by
system ( operating system) which maintain details of user activities on system

3.6.1. Objective of Audit Trails :

(1)Detecting unauthorized access to system : This help in determining un authorized access to
system or infection of system due to viruses etc. Reporting of un authorized access can be real time
or after the fact depending upon system requirement. Time detection and reporting of access of
system logs should be carefully designed as recording of these activities impose significant impact
on computer performance.
(2) Reconstruction of event : Audit trails analysis help to reconstruct the event that led to
system failures or application errors. Analysis of these trails help to avoid similar situations in
future. Audit trails also help accountant to reconstruct the balances by using values from log files
incase of getting problems in having correct balances due to system failure.
(3) Personal accountability : We know that audit trails are used for monitoring user activities
and this help in building controls and establishing security policies. And user would also not like to
breach the security of system if user is aware that his activities are being monitored by the system.
(4)Implementing Audit Trails : The information contained in audit log files is useful to
accountants in measuring the potential damage and financial loss associated with application errors,
abuse of authority, or unauthorized access by intrudes. However, logs should be designed in such a
manner that the required information should be easily accessible, because logs can record lots of
information and poorly designed logs may not provide timely information from large volume of
recorded information.

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3.7. User Controls

Application system controls are undertaken to accomplish reliable information processing cycles that
perform the processes across the enterprise.
Applications represent the interface between the user and the business functions.
From the point of view of users, it is the applications that drive the business logic.
The following lists the user controls that are to be exercised for system effectiveness and efficiency.






Establishes interface between the user of the system and the

system itself.
The system must ensure that it has an authentic user.
Users allowed using resources in restricted ways.
Responsible for the data and instructions in to the information
Input Controls are validation and error detection of data input into
the system.
Responsible for computing, sorting, classifying and summarizing

To provide functions that determine the data content available to

users, data format, timeliness of data and how data is prepare and
routed to users.

Responsible to provide functions to define, create, modify, delete

and read data in an information system.
It maintains procedural data-set of rules to perform operations on
the data to help a manager to take decisions.

3.8. Boundary Control techniques


Major Boundary Control techniques are given as follows:

It deals with programs for transforming data into cipher text that are meaningless to anyone.
A cryptographic technique encrypts data (clear text) into cryptograms (cipher text) and its strength
depends on the time and cost to decipher the cipher text by a cryptanalyst.
Three techniques of cryptography are:i. Transposition
ii. substitution
product cipher

2. Passwords:

User identification by an authentication mechanism with personal characteristics like name, birth date,
employee code, function, designation or a combination of two or more of these can be used as a
password boundary access control.

3. Personal Identification Numbers (PIN):

PIN is similar to a password assigned to a user by an institution a random number stored in its
database independent to a user identification details, or a customer selected number.

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4. Biometric Devices:
Biometric identification e.g. thumb and/or finger impression, eye retina etc. are also used as boundary
control techniques.

3.9. Controls over Data Integrity, Privacy and Security

Data is the most precious resources of information system.

Processed data is known as information and information system is used to process the data
and maintain information.
It is very important that this data and information should be protected from any kind of
manipulation and errors, etc.

Classification of Information

1. Top Secret :
This is highly sensitive information, it includes, primarily, top management strategic plan
e.g. mergers or acquisitions; investment strategies and product designs etc.
This type of information requires the highest possible level of security / controls
2. Highly Confidential:
This type of information, if made public or even shared around the organization, can
seriously affect the organizations operations, and is considered critical to its ongoing
This information includes accounting information, business plans and information of
customers product / tasks specifications, etc.
This type of information requires very high level of security / controls
3. Proprietary:
This type of information includes processes and procedures for organization day to day
operations e.g. product designs and specifications, product manufacturing and quality control
procedures etc
This type of information requires very high level of security / controls
4. Internal Use only:
This type of information is not approved for general circulation outside the organization.
Such information loss can cause inconvenience to the organization or management, but
information disclosure is unlikely to result in financial loss or serious damage to credibility
of organization Example of this type of information would include, internal memos, minutes
of meetings, internal project reports.
This type of information requires very high level of security / controls
5. Public Documents:
Information in the public domain; annual reports, press statements etc; which has been
approved for public use.
This type of information requires very high level of security / controls

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3.9.1. Data Integrity:

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Once the information is classified, the organization has to decide about various data integrity
controls to be implemented.
The primary objective of data integrity control techniques is to prevent, detect, and correct
errors in transactions as they flow through the various stages of data processing.
Data integrity controls protect data from accidental or malicious alteration or destruction and
provide assurance to the user that the information meets expectations about is quality and
There are six important data integrity controls:
Controls over Data Integrity

Source Data

Input Validation

Online Data

Data Processing
And Storage



1. Source Data Controls:

Source data are major cause of errors and frauds in any accounting system.
Controls must be applied in system which uses source documents to input transaction to
ensure error free inputs to system.
Organization must implement control procedure over source document to avoid any
document fraud.
o Incomplete or Inaccurate source data input.
Examples:o Good form design
o Segregation of duties
o Check digit verification

2. Input Validation Controls:

When we input text characters in amount field then computer provide you the message;
invalid data. That is due to validation controls for inputs.
validations controls to avoid acceptance of invalid inputs by information system.
Threats: Invalid or inaccurate data in computer-processed transaction files
Examples:- edit checks, sequence, validity, range , limit etc.

3. On line Data Entry Controls:

Online data inputs system such as ATM and Net Banking, etc.
Threats: Incorrect and unauthorized transactions input through online terminals
Examples :o User ID Password controls
o Edit check
o Limits check
o Range check

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o Limits the nos. of times user can enter the code

o Completeness test

4. Data Processing and Storage Controls:

The incorrect processing of data, incorrect data storage and data storage destruction can
result in serious damage to organization credibility and can cause huge economic losses.
Threats: Inaccurate or Incomplete data in computer- processed master files
Examples:o Monitoring data entry by data control personnel
o Reconciliation of system updates with control accounts
o Exception reports
o Conversion controls

5. Output Controls:

Output controls ensure that the system output is not lost, misdirected, or corrupted and
privacy is not lost.
Threats: Incomplete or inaccurate computer output
Examples :
Printed outputs
ii. Visual or online outputs
iii. Secure storage & distribution of outputs error or exception reports

6. Data transmission Controls:

Data transmission or use of networks has become an integral part of information system for
efficient working of organizations.
Threats: unauthorized access to data moving on a network or to the system itself, network or
to the system itself, network system failures/errors.
Examples :
o Data Encryption
o Network Monitoring
o Maintaining standby
o backup equipment to recover from network failures
o Use id / password to allow access to authorized users only.
o Regular audit
o Firewall

3.9.2. Data Integrity Policies

1. Disaster Recovery A comprehensive disaster-recovery plan must be used to ensure continuity of
the corporate business in the event of an outage.

2. Offsite Backup Storage Backups older than one month must be sent offsite for permanent

3. Software Testing All software must be tested in a suitable test environment before installation on
production systems.

4. Virus- Signature Updating- Virus signatures must be updated automatically when they are made
available from the vendor through enabling of automatic updates.

5. Environment Divisions The division of environments into Development, Test, and Production is
required for critical systems.

6. Quarter-end & Year-end backups it must be done separately from the normal schedule ,

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for accounting purposes.

3.9.3. Data Security

The protection of data against accidental or intentional disclosure to unauthorized persons as well as
the prevention of unauthorized modification and deletion of the data.
Multiple levels of data security are necessary in an information system environment; they include
o database protection,
o data integrity,
o security of the hardware and software controls,
o physical security over the user
o organizational policies.
An IS auditor is responsible to evaluate the following while reviewing the adequacy of data security
o Who is responsible for the accuracy of the data?
o Who is permitted to update data?
o Who is permitted to read and use the data?
o Who controls the security of the data?
o Who is responsible for determining who can read and update the data?

3.9.4. Data Privacy

It deals with data / information confidentiality.

It aims to regulates the use and exchange of personal information.
There are two technologies to address privacy protection in enterprise IT systems:o Policy Communication
o Policy Enforcement
Data privacy policies:
o Copyright Notice
o E mail Monitoring
o Encryption of Data Backups
o Data access


Access of information system and its resources should be to authorize users only.
Access of resources to authorized users should be as per their rights and responsibilities.
It is very important that information system should be protected from unauthorized access
both directly or physically and through programs or logically.
Information system and its resources can have two types of access:
1) Logical Access: It is access of resources through programs or applications
2) Physical Access: It is physical or direct access of information system resources like access to
hard disk, tape and other disk devices, etc which can have precious information.

Based on the type of access mentioned above there are two types of access
Access control

Logical Access Controls

Physical Access Controls

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3.10.1. Logical Access Controls

Known as electronic or technological controls

Restrict the access of resources through programs, applications and network channels to
authorized users only.

3.10.2. Logical access controls objectives are:

Allow access of system to authorized only

Restrict users to authorized transactions only
Restrict access of network to authorized only
Protect system from malicious programs and viruses, etc.
Helps to protect the integrity of application and data, etc
Logical Access Controls

Logical Access

Issues and

Logical Access

Logical Access
Controls and

Audit of
Logical Access

3.10.3. Logical Access Paths:

Followings are some common paths through which logical access can be gained for an information
Online Terminal: These are normally computers or devices connected to servers by using
that user gain the access to information system by providing user id and password. e.g ATM
Operator Console: These computers are directly connected to servers / mainframe
computers in the server room.
Dial up ports: These provide remote access to organization system through MODEM
Telecommunication Network : The links or channels connecting computers together to
provide LAN and WAN can be used for access to system.
Batch job processing: In a batch processing environment, the jobs are accumulated and
activated all at once. To avoid unknown job entering into batch, the accumulated jobs which
are waiting to be processed, should be controlled appropriately.

3.10.4. Issues and Revelations related to logical access

The exposures and losses are divide into the following three categories:1.
Technical Exposures

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Asynchronous Exposures
Computer Crime exposures
Remote and distributed data processing applications
Physical and Environmental protection

1. Technical Exposures:

Trojan Horse: These are spy program and provide secret information like id, password to its
owner, who later misuse this information
Logic Bomb: It is a destructive program, such as virus that is triggered by some
predetermined events.
Time Bomb: programmers can install time bombs in their program to disable the software
upon a predetermined date.
Round Down: In this programmers and executers put some instructions in the program
which round off the interest money in authorized accounts and this rounded off money is
credited in false accounts and in organization like banks this rounded off money some time
runs in millions.
Worms: Worms are malware that self-propagates. A worm is a memory destructive program,
worm is a piece of code just like virus.
Data Diddling: it refers to the alteration of existing data. Changing data before, during or /
and after it enter into the system with malicious intentions.
Salami Techniques : it is used for the commission of financial crimes. This involves slicing
of small amounts of money from a computerized transaction or account and is similar to the
rounding down technique.
Trap Doors: A Trap Door is a mechanism to get into system. It is a software that allows
unauthorized access to system without going through normal login procedure.

2. Asynchronous Exposure or Attack:



This includes the access of system through network or telecommunications link.

Some common example of this exposure are:
Hacking: Unauthorized access and use of computer system or information through
communication channels is very common abusive technique and it is known hacking.
Piggybacking: Tapping into a telecommunication line and using the authorized user data
packets to enter into system when he logs into system, authorized user unknowingly carries
the perpetrator into the system
Wire tapping: This involves spying on information being transmitted over
telecommunication network.
Denial of Service Attack: Hacker attack a website with thousands of data packets from a
same system with changed addresses and web server clogged with unwanted packets and can
not provide services to other genuine users.
Eaves Dropping: This is tapping communication channels and listening to data packets
unauthorisely. This is a kind of hacking only.

3. Computer Crime exposures

o Financial Loss: Financial losses may be direct like loss of money or indirect like
expenditure towards repair for damages.

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o Legal Issues: The organizations will be exposed to lawsuits from customers due to access
violations, and particularly when there are not proper security measures. Therefore IS auditor
should take legal counsel while reviewing the issues associated with computer security.
o Loss of Credibility or Competitive Edge: Company may gain a bad name if customers
data / funds are manipulated.
o Blackmail / Industrial Espionage By knowing the confidential information, the perpetrator
can obtain money from the organization by threatening and exploiting the confidential
o Disclosure of Confidential, Sensitive or Embarrassing Information : Disclosure of
information can spoil the reputation of the organization and individual and may invite legal
or regulatory actions against organizations.
o Sabotage: People who may not be interested in financial gain but who want to spoil the
credibility of the company may involve in such activities. They do it because of their dislike
towards the organization.

4. Remote and distributed data processing applications


Control data transmission over remote locations

Monitor operations at remote locations carefully
Terminal lock can assure remote computer and data files.
Proper control mechanisms over documentation to prevent unauthorized

3.10.5. Logical Access Violators:

Logical access violators are often the same people who exploit physical exposures, although the
skills needed to exploit logical exposures are more technical and complex.
Hackers: Hackers are the most common violators of logical access. They use various
methods to gain controls of system
IS Personnel They have easiest access to computerized information since they are
custodians of this information. Segregation of duties and supervision help to reduce the
logical access violations through these violators.
End Users: Users of systems; can be employees, customers and suppliers, etc
Former Employees should be cautious of former employees who have left the
organization on unfavorable terms.
Interested or Educated Outsiders.
Organized criminals
Accidental ignorant Violation done unknowingly

3.10.6. Types of Logical Access Controls

More popularity of computers and networks applications are becoming online applications, for
example, banking application: and such applications provide logical access to authorized users.
Therefore logical access of such applications should be controlled using following controls:
Using login id password
Using access control
Using data encryption

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Using Firewall
Using Network Monitoring, etc

logical access controls should be there for following resources:

Application software
Data dictionary / directory
Dial up lines
Program Libraries
Logging files
Password files
Password library
Procedure libraries
Spooling queues
System software
Backup files
Telecommunication lines
Temporary disk files

Role of an IS auditor in evaluating logical access controls:

An IS auditor should and identify following while working with logical access control mechanisms.
Review the relevant documents related to logical access and associated risks
Review the potential unauthorized access paths and evaluate access protection.
Review the working of various logical access controls
Deficiencies or redundancies must be identified and evaluated.
Evaluate access control mechanism
The auditor can compare security policies and practices of other organizations to assess its
Verify test controls over access paths to determine their effective functioning.

3.10.7. Physical Access Controls

Physical access means when users physically access the information system resources. Physical
access controls prevent illegal entry into IS facilities. It ensure that all personnel who are granted
access of the system have proper authorization.
Effects of Violation of Physical Access paths:
Abuse of data processing resources
Blackmailing or revenge
Damage to equipments and resources
Theft of equipments and resources
Public disclosure of sensitive information
Unauthorized entry
Physical access done by employees:

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Accidental Ignorant
Employees experiencing financial
Former employee
Addicted to a substance or gambling
Employee notified for their termination
Employees on strike
Employees threatened by disciplinary action or dismissal
Interested or informed outsiders

3.10.8. Access Control Mechanisms :

Access control mechanisms allow the entry of authorized users only to the system. The
mechanism processes the users request for resources in there steps.

Identification and Authentication: Users identify themselves by providing id such

as name or account no. with authentication code such as password and finger prints,
etc. The user given information is matched with already stored information and if
given identification by user is correct then user is allowed to access the resources.

Authorization: After gaining access to system through valid identification and

authentication, users are given access to resources as per their authorization, or roles
and responsibilities. There are two approaches to implement the authorization as
access control mechanism:- A ticket oriented approach and A list oriented

3.10.9. Physical Access Controls Techniques:

Physical access controls are designed to protect the organization from unauthorized access or
we can say, to prevent illegal entry.
Following are some common physical access controls:
1. Locks on Doors
Cipher locks ( Combination Door Locks ) also known as programmable locks.
they are keyless and use keypads for entering a pin number.
Bolting Door Locks A special metal key is used to gain entry.
Electronic Door Locks known as smart card operated door. It is used with a sensor
reader to gain physical access.
Biometric door locks they use human characteristic as the key to the door such as
voice, fingerprint, face detection , signature etc.
2. Physical Identification Medium
Personal Identification numbers ( PIN) If user inserts a card and enters a PIN, if
the code will be match then entry will be permitted. It is just like ATM card and PIN.
Plastic cards used for identification purpose.

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3. Logging of Access
Manual Logging All visitors should be prompted to sign a visitors log indicating

their name, company represented, contact number,their purpose of visit, etc

Electronic Logging This feature is a combination of electronic and biometric
security systems.

4. Other means of controlling Physical Access

CCTV cameras
Security Guards
Controlled Visitor Access
Computer Terminal Locks
Controlled Single Entry Point
Alarm System
Perimeter Fencing
Control of out of hours of employee
Non exposure of sensitive facilities
5. Audit of Physical Access Controls
This audit requires personal observations and touring of facilities by auditors.
Auditor should observe and audit the followings:
Assess the various threats and risks to facilities
Review the controls used to avoid these threats and risks.
Observe and test the controls used to ensure that:
o Hardware facilities are protected against forced entry
o Computer terminals are locked or secured to prevent illegal removal of physical
components like boards, chips and the computer itself.
o Following facilities are protected with proper physical access controls.
Computer room
Control units and front end processors
Dedicated telephones / telephone lines
Disposal sites
Local area networks
Micro computers and personal computers
Off site backup file storage facility
On site and remote printers
Operator consoles and terminals
Portable equipment
Power sources
Storage rooms and supplies
Tape library, tapes, disks and all magnetic media
Telecommunications equipments
The following paths of physical entry should be evaluated and tested for proper security
All entrance points.
Glass windows and walls
Movable walls and modular cubicles
Above suspended ceilings and beneath raised floors.

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Ventilation systems

3.11. Environmental Controls

It provide a safe environment for personnel & equipment. Environmental exposures are
primarily due to elements of nature, However, with proper controls, exposure to rudiments
can be reduced.
Environmental exposures are:
Fire Damage : the most common risk to any facility
Water Damage / flooding even with facilities located on upper floors of high
buildings. Water damage is a risk, usually from broken water pipes.
Power spike
Electrical Shock
Natural disasters earthquake , volcano, hurricane, tornado
Equipment failure
Air Conditioning failure
Bomb threat / attack
Controls for Environmental Exposures:
Hand Held fire Extinguishers
Manual Fire Alarms
Smoke Detectors
Fire Suppression Systems
Dry Pipe sprinkling systems
Regular Inspection by fire Department
Fireproof Walls, Floors and Ceilings
Wiring Placed in Electrical Panels and Conduit
Strategically Locating the Computer Room
Electrical Surge Protectors
Uninterruptible Power Supply ( UPS) / Generator
Power Leads from Two Substations
Emergency Power Off Switch
Controls from Pollution Damage

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-: QUESTION SECTION :Q.1. Short Notes :i.

Audit trails (refer-3.6)
Data Integrity (refer-3.9.1)
iii. Data security (refer-3.9.3)
Environmental Controls (refer-3.11)
Logical Access Control (refer-3.10.1)
Q.2. Why we Need Protection of Information Systems ?
Ans. (Refer-3.2)

Q.3. Explain the Objective of Information system Security.

Ans. (Refer-3.2.1)

Q.4. Why Information is Sensitive ?

Ans. (Refer-3.3)
Q.5. what are the components of the Security Policy ?
Ans. (Refer-3.4.5)
Q.6. Why Controls are needed for Information System ?
Ans. (Refer-3.5.2)
Q.7. explain the types of Controls
Ans. (Refer-3.5.1)
Q.8. Explain the boundary control techniques.
Ans. (Refer-3.8)
Q.9. Explain the Data privacy policies.
Ans. (Refer-3.9.4)
Q.10. Explain the types of Logical Access Controls.
Ans. (Refer-3.10.6)
Q.11. Describe the techniques of physical access controls.
Ans. (Refer-3.10.9)

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Business Continuity Planning And
Disaster Recovery Planning

4.1. Business Continuity Management (BCM)

BCM is a very effective management process to help enterprises to manage the disruption of all
kinds, providing counter measures to safeguard from the incident of disruption of all kinds. Business
continuity means maintaining the uninterrupted availability of all key business resources required to
support essential business activities.

4.1.1. Need of Business Continuity Management (BCM)

BCM ensure continuity of services and operations, an enterprise shall adapt and follow well-defined
and time-tested plans and procedures.
BCM build the redundancy in teams and infrastructure, manage a quick and efficient transition to the
backup arrangement for business systems and services.

4.1.2. Some key terms related to BCM.

Business Contingency: it is an event with the potential to disrupt computer operations, thereby

disrupting critical mission and business functions.

BCP Process: it is a process designed to reduce the risk to an enterprise from an unexpected
disruption of its critical functions. it ensure that vital business functions are recovered and
operationalized within an acceptable timeframe. The purpose is to ensure continuity of business.
Business Continuity Planning (BCP): It refers to the ability of enterprises to recover from a disaster
and continue operations with least impact.

4.1.3. BCM Policy

BCM policy document is a high level document, which shall be the guide to make a systematic

approach for disaster recovery.

When developing BCM policy:
organization consider the scope
BCM principles,
BCM guidelines
Minimum standards for the organization.
They should refer any relevant standards, regulations or policies that have to be included or can be
used as a benchmark.
BCM policy defines the processes of setting up activities for establishing a business continuity
capability and the ongoing management and maintenance of the business continuity capability.

4.1.4. Components of BCM Process

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Components of BCM Process are given below:1. BCM - Management Process

The management process enables the business continuity, capacity and capability to be
established and maintained.
The capacity and capability are established in accordance to the requirements of the
A BCM process should be in place to address the policy and objectives as defined in the
business continuity policy by providing organization structure with responsibilities and
authority, implementation and maintenance of business continuity management.

2. BCM Information Collection Process

The activities of assessment process do the prioritization of an enterprises products and

services and the urgency of the activities that are required to deliver them.
The pre-planning phase of Developing the BCP also involves collection of information.
It enables us to refine the scope of BCP and the associated work program;

3. BCM Strategy Process

Finalization of business continuity strategy requires assessment of a range of strategies.
This requires an appropriate response to be selected at an acceptable level and during and

after a disruption within an acceptable timeframe for each product or service.

BCM Development and Implementation Process
Development of a management framework and a structure of incident management, business
continuity and business recovery and restoration plans.

5. BCM Testing and Maintenance Process

BCM testing, maintenance and audit testing in the enterprise BCM to prove the extent to
which its strategies and plans are complete
A BCP tested periodically because there will be no doubt in the plan and its implementation.
The BCM maintenance process demonstrates the documented evidence of the proactive
management and governance of the enterprises business continuity program.

6. BCM Training Process

Extensive trainings in BCM framework
Incident management,
Business continuity
Business recovery
Restoration plans
Enable it to become part of the enterprises core values and provide confidence in all

4.2. Business Continuity Planning ( BCP )

BCP is a guiding document that allows management team to continue operations in the event
of some type of disaster.
The goal of a BCP is to ensure that the business will continue to operate before, throughout
and after a disaster event.
It provide a long term strategy for ensuring the continued successful operation of an
It defines the plans to avoid crises and disasters, and if crises or disasters occur then it define
for immediate recovery from these crises and disasters.
BCP define steps, plans and procedure for continuance of business activities irrespective of

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any situation.

4.2.1. BCP Manual

A BCP manual is a documented description of actions to be taken, resources to be used and

procedures to be followed before, during and after an event that severely disrupts all or part of the
business operations.
Successful organizations have a comprehensive BCP Manual, which ensures process readiness,
data and system availability to ensure business continuity.
BCP provide reasonable assurance to senior management of enterprise about the capability of the
enterprise to recover from any unexpected incident or disaster affecting business operations and
continue to provide services with minimal impact.
The BCP Manual is expected to specify the responsibilities of the BCM team, whose mission is to
establish appropriate BCP procedures to ensure the continuity of enterprise's critical business

4.2.2. Area covered by Business Continuity Planning



Business Resumption Planning

Disaster Recovery Planning
Crises Management planning

4.2.3. Objective of BCP

Main Two objective of BCP are:1.

Primary Objective
Key Objective
Primary Objective of BCP is organization enables to survive in disaster.
Key Objectives of BCP is continue essential business operations, safety of people at the time of
disaster, minimize immediate damages and loses etc.

4.2.4. BCP phases

The eight phases are given as follows:
Pre-Planning Activities
Vulnerability Assessment
Business Impact Analysis
Define Detail Requirements

Plan Development
Testing Program
Maintenance Program
Plan Testing and Plan Implementation

Phase 1 Pre-Planning Activities :

Obtain an understanding of the existing and projected computing environment of the organization.
Steering Committee should be established.
This phase enables the BC team to define the scope of BCP and the associated work program,
develop project schedules
Identify any issues that could have an impact on the success of BCP.
overall responsibility is providing direction and guidance to the Project Team.
Phase 2 Vulnerability Assessment :
Control and security weaknesses are evaluated. Security and controls within an organization are
continuing concern.

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It is preferable from an economic and business strategy perspective.

This phase addresses measures to reduce the probability of occurrence.

Phase 3 Business Impact Assessment (BIA):

BIA is performed to understand the cost of interruption and identify the application and processes are
critical to continue functioning of the organization.
A Business Impact Assessment (BIA) helps to achieve following objectives: identify critical systems, processes and functions;
assess the economic impact of incidents and disasters
assess tolerable downtime or pain threshold
Phase 4 Define Detail Requirements

In this phase , a profile is developed that indicates recovery strategy to support critical
business processes.
This profile should include:
Outside support
Personnel for each business unit

Phase 5 Plan Development:

During this phase, available options are determined , and appropriate strategy will be developed for
timely recovery of all critical processes and their related activities.
This phase also includes the implementation of changes to user procedures, upgrading of existing
data processing.
Recovery standards are also be developed during this phase.
Phase 6 Testing Program:
The Testing Program is developed during this phase.
A program is developed for testing BCP in order to insure that organization will survive a disaster and
recovery procedures are complete & workable.
Phase 7 Maintenance Program:
In this phase, a program is developed to keep the plan up to date and current because Maintenance
of the plans is critical to the success of an actual recovery.
The plans must reflect changes to the environments that are supported by the plans.
Phase 8 Plan Testing and Implementation:
Once plans are developed, initial tests of the plans are conducted and any necessary modifications to
the plans are made based on an analysis of the test results.
Specific activities of this phase include the following:
Defining the test purpose/approach;
Identifying test teams;
Structuring the test;
Conducting the test;
Analyzing test results; and
Modifying the plans as appropriate.
comprehensive and accurate

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4.3. Business continuity life cycle

BCLC has four broad and sequential sections:

Risk assessment,
Determination of recovery alternatives,
Recovery plan implementation, and
Recovery plan validation.
Within each sections, the required resource sets are manipulated to provide the organization with the
best mix of resources, optimum costs of critical resources, minimum tangible and intangible losses.
These resource sets can be broken down into the following components:

4.4. Business Continuity Plan Development Methodology

The methodology for developing a BCP can be sub-divided into eight different phases.
Understand the total efforts required to develop and maintain an effective recovery plan;
Obtaining commitment from appropriate management to support and participate in the effort;
Defining recovery requirements from the perspective of business functions
Documenting the impact of an extended loss to operations and key business functions;
Focus on disaster prevention and impact minimization, as well as orderly recovery;
Selecting business continuity teams that ensure the proper balance required for plan
Developing a BCP that is understandable, easy to use and maintain;
Integrate BCP into ongoing business planning and system development processes in order
that the plan remains viable overtime.

4.5.Types of Plans
There are various kinds of plans that need to be designed. These plans include the following plan:

1. Emergency Plan

In emergency plan the actions to be taken immediately when a disaster occurs. Management
must identify those situations that require the plan to be invoked.
Example : major fire
major structural damage
terrorist attack.
The actions are depending on the nature of the disaster occurs.

2. Back-up Plan
In backup plan, the type of backup to be kept:
frequency with which backup is to be taken
procedures for making backup

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location of backup resources

allocate the site where these resources can be assembled and operations restarted,
procedures specified in the backup plan is to be straightforward.
The backup plan needs continuous updating as changes occurs.

3. Recovery Plan
Recovery plans set out procedures to restore full information system capabilities.
Recovery plan identify a recovery committee who will be responsible for working out the specifics of

the recovery to be taken.

The plan should specify the responsibilities of the committee and it provide guidelines on priorities to
be followed.
The plan also indicate which applications are to be recovered first and last.

4. Test Plan
The final and last component of a disaster recovery plan is a test plan.
The purpose of the test plan is to identify the weakness in the emergency, backup, or recovery plans.

They also identify in the preparedness of an organization and its personnel for facing a disaster.

4.6. Backup

It is a utility program.
If original database is destroyed then same can be restored with the backup of that database.
It is create for security purpose

4.6.1. Back-up techniques:

Various types of back-ups are given as follows:

1. Online back up

Backup which is performed when the database is being actively accessed.

Performed by executive the command line or form backup database utility.

2. Offline backup
Performed when the database is shutdown or the system is not used by user.
3. Live backup
Performed by using the backup utility with the command line option.
It is an advance form of online backup.
4. Full backup
For a full backup, the database backup utility copies the database and log.
A full backup captures all files on the disk or within the folder selected for backup
5. Incremental backup
An incremental backup captures files that were created or changed since the last backup,

regardless of backup type.

This is the most economical method, as only the files that changed since the last backup are
backed up.
This saves a lot of backup time and space.

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By performing an incremental backup the mirror log is not backed up.

6. Differential Backup:

A differential backup stores files that have changed since the last full backup.
Differential backup is faster and more economical in using the backup space.

7. Mirror back-up:
A mirror backup is identical to a full backup, with the exception that the files are not

compressed in zip files and they cannot be protected with a password.

A mirror backup is most frequently used to create an exact copy of the backup data.

4.6.2. Developing a backup and recovery strategy


The steps consists of the following

Understand what backup and recovery means to your business.
Management commits time and resources for the project
Develop, test, document, health, check, deploy and monitor.
Beware of any external factors that affect recovery.
Address secondary backup issues.

4.6.3. Alternate Processing Facility Arrangements

Security administrators should consider the following backup options:

(i) Cold Site

Equipment and resource must be installed to duplicate the critical business function of an
If an organisation can tolerate some downtime, cold-site backup is appropriate.
A cold site has all the facilities needed to install a mainframe system-raised floors, air conditioning,
power, communication lines etc.

(ii) Warm site

It is between cold site and hot site.
It is better than cold site and less than hot site.
It has all cold-site facilities in addition to the hardware that might be difficult to install.

They can be either share (sharing server equipment or dedicated own server).
(iii) Hot site
If fast recovery is critical, an organisation need hot site backup.
Hot sites are fully equipped with equipment and resources to recover business functions.
Most robust disaster recovery technique
Most expensive but provide almost zero downtime.
(iv) Reciprocal agreement:
When Two or more organisations agree to provide backup facilities to each other when one suffering
the disaster.
This backup option is relatively cheap, but each participant must maintain sufficient capacity to
operate anothers critical system.

4.7. Disaster Recovery Procedural Plan

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Disaster recovery is a complex and large process and it include various plans such as;

Emergency Plan

Recovery Plan

Backup plan and

Test Plan
Disaster Recovery Procedural Plan is a document which includes all the procedures to follow
for disaster recovery.
Disaster Recovery Procedure Plan is known as DRP document or DRP manual listing
everything about DRP such as;

Emergency procedures, which describe the actions to be taken at the time of incident

Fall back procedures or back up procedures describe the action to be taken to move
essential services to some other place

Resumption procedures, which describe actions to be taken to return to normal


Maintenance schedule for testing and updating of plans

Conditions, for activating various plans

Awareness and education to staff and management for business continuity activities

Responsibilities of individual for business continuity activities

List of vendors or supplier with their contact numbers and addresses for emergency

List and phone numbers of employees for emergency

Emergency phone no. of fire dept, police, hospital and backup locations, etc.

Medical procedures to be followed in case of emergency

Backup or fall back locations to use as per contractual agreements

Insurance paper and claim forms

List of computers hardware, software, peripheral equipment and their configuration

List and location of data and program files, manuals, etc

4.8. Audit of DRP / BCP

Audit of disaster and recovery / business resumption plan include a detail list of activities. For
example, this audit includes:

4.8.1. Audit the Methodology of DRP preparation:

Find out whether a disaster recovery / business resumption plan exists or not, if it exists
then was this developed using a reliable / sound methodology?
Review the BIA ( Business Impact Analysis ) study, which is the basis of developing DRP;
in terms of its appropriateness

4.8.2. Audit the Backup and Recovery Procedures

Determine the sufficiency of backup procedures of DRP

Review the resources availability under backup procedures
Review about the resources being available are latest / updated or not
Review the information backup procedures for their appropriateness
Review and observe the working of alternate sites developed for immediate recovery from
Find out whether the DRP copies have been kept at all the locations with proper guidance
or not

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4.8.3. Audit the Test Plan

Review the Test Plan and also verify the extent to which DRP has been tested
Review that plan is regularly tested and have the lasted features to it
Obtain and Review the actual test results

4.8.4. Audit the Team / Personnel Responsibilities

Review who all participated in BIA study and DRP preparation; in terms of their
experience, qualifications, etc.
Determine whether required training has been provided to personnel responsible for disaster
recover / business resumption process.
Determine DRP include name of personnel and others responsible ( supplier, service
providers) with their telephone numbers

-: QUESTION SECTION :Q.1. Short Notes :i.

Business Continuity Management (BCM). [Ans.(Refer-4.1)]
ii. Business Continuity Plan (BCP). [Ans.(Refer-4.2)]
iii. Business continuity life cycle. [Ans.(Refer-4.3)]
Backup [Ans.(Refer-4.6)]
Q.2. Why is business continuity plan important in an organization?
Q.3. Why we Need the Business Continuity Management (BCM) ?

Q.4. What are the components of a business Continuity Plan?

Q.5. Describe the methodology of developing a business continuity Plan.
Q.6. What are the various phases of developing a business continuity plan?


Explain the Components of BCM Process ?


Back-up Plan is one of the most important for an organization. Comment?

Q.9. Describe various types of back-up techniques?
Q.10. Describe various contents of a disaster recovery procedural plan?

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Acquisition, Development and Implementation of Information Systems

5.1. System Development

Systems development is the process of examining a business situation with the intent of improving it
through better procedures and methods.
System development has two main components: System Analysis
System Design
System Analysis is the process of collecting facts, diagnosing problems and use the information to
solve the problems. System analysts understand the existing system and the future needs and
recommend the alternatives for improving the system.
System Design is the process of planning a new or improved system. System designer , design the
blue print which specifies all the features.

5.1.1. Why organizations fail to achieve their Systems development objectives?

Reasons for failure to achieve systems development objectives are following:1. User Related Issues- It refers to the issues where the user is reckoned as the primary agent.
Some user related problems are:o Shifting user needs
o Resistance to change
o Lack of user participation
o Inadequate testing and user training
2. Developer Related Issues- It refers to the issues and challenges with regard to the
developers. Some developer related problems are:o Lack of standard project management and system development
o Overworked or under-trained development staff
3. Management Related Issues- It refers to the issues of organizational set up and overall
management to accomplish the system development goals. Some management related
problems are:o Lack of senior management support and involvement
o Development of strategic systems
4. New Technologies- when organizations deploy new but complex technology, users are not
able to run the system.

5.2. System Development Team

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Many people in the organization who are responsible for system development these peoples
called system development team. System development team consist of :i.
Steering Committee
ii. Project management team
iii. System Analysts
System Designers

5.2.1. Role of Accountants in systems development

An accountant has knowledge in information technology, business accounting, internal

controls, behavior and communication that can be applied in development efforts.
An accountant can help in various related aspects during system development which are
explain below: Return on Investment (ROI) : It defines the return , an entity shall earn on a particular
Computing Cost of IT Implementation and Cost Benefits Analysis
Skills expected from an Accountant

5.3. System Development Approaches

5.3.1. Waterfall Model / Traditional Model or Approach

Traditional approach method involve step by step execution of system development

activities in a predefined sequence.
When one phase is completed then next begins. Steps occur in sequence.
In the traditional approach of the systems development activities are performed in
sequence, start with feasible study and end by maintenance.
This model does not allow developers to go back up to the previous step.

Progress of system development is measurable.
It enables to conserve resources.
It is ideal for supporting less experienced project teams and project managers or project

teams, whose composition fluctuates.

The orderly sequence of development steps and design reviews help to ensure the quality,
reliability, adequacy and maintainability of the developed software.

It is criticized to be Inflexible, slow, costly, and cumbersome due to significant structure and tight

Project progresses forward, with only slight movement backward.
It depends upon early identification and specification of requirements, even if the users may not be
able to clearly define what they need early in the project.
Requirement inconsistencies, missing system components and unexpected development needs are
often discovered during design and coding.

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Problems are often not discovered until system testing.

System performance cannot be tested until the system is almost fully coded, and under capacity may
be difficult to correct.
It is difficult to respond to changes, which may occur later in the life cycle, and if undertaken it proves
costly and are thus discouraged.
It leads to excessive documentation, whose updation is time-consuming.
Written specifications ate often difficult for users to read and thoroughly appreciate.
It promotes the gap between users and developers with clear vision of responsibility.

5.3.2. Prototyping Model or Approach

Prototyping approach is to develop a small or pilot version called a prototype of part or all of a
system. A prototype is a usable system or system component that is built quickly and at a lesser cost,
and with the intention of modifying/replicating/expanding or even replacing it by a full-scale and fully
operational system.

It is a working model of the proposed system. It is based on the simple ideas that the people
can express more easily what they like or do not like about an actual working system.
A prototype model suggests that before development of actual software, a working prototype
of the system should be built first. A prototype is toy implementation of system, usually
exhibiting limited functional capabilities, low reliability, and inefficient performance.

Strength / Merit
It improves both user participation in system development and communication among project

It is very useful for resolving unclear objectives
It helps to easily identify, confusing or difficult functions and missing functionality.
It generate specifications for a production system.
It encourages innovation and flexible designs.
It provides for quick implementation of an incomplete, but functional, application.
A very short time period is normally required to develop and start experimenting with a prototype.

Weakness / Demerit
Requirements may frequently change significantly.
Non-functional elements is difficult to document.
Prototype may not have sufficient checks and balances incorporated.
Prototyping can only be successful if the system users are want to devote significant time in
experiments with the prototype.
The interactive process of prototyping causes the prototype to be experimented with quite
Inadequate testing can make the approved system error-prone.
Inadequate documentation makes this system difficult to maintain.

There are several condition for adopting prototype.

An important purpose is to illustrate input data format, messages, reports and
interactive dialogue to the customer.
End users does not understand their informational needs.
System requirement are hard to define.
This is valuable thing in finding the customers actual requirement.

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Prototype model help in examining the technical issues associated with product

Prototype model steps.


Identify Information System Requirement (user basic requirement)

Develop the initial Prototype
Test and review (allow users to interact with this prototype and record their problems
and suggestions)
Repeat steps 1 to 3 until user sign off


5.3.3. Incremental Model

It is a method of software development where model is designed, implemented and tested

incrementally until the product is finished.
The product is defined as finished when it satisfies all of its requirements.
This model couples the elements of the waterfall model with the iterative philosophy of
The product is decomposed into a number of components, each of which are designed and built
separately .
The initial software concept, requirement analysis, and design of architecture and system core
are defined using the Waterfall approach, followed by iterative Prototyping, which culminates in
installation of the final prototype.

Strength / Merit
Stakeholders can be given concrete evidence of project status throughout the life cycle.
It is more flexible and less costly to change scope and requirements.
It helps to mitigate integration and architectural risks earlier in the project.
It allows the delivery of a series of implementations that are gradually more complete.
System can goes into production more quickly as incremental releases.
Gradual implementation provides the ability to monitor the effect of incremental Changes
Helps to mitigate integration and architectural risks earlier in the project.
Weaknesses / Demerit
Each phase of an iteration is rigid and do not overlap each other.
lack of overall consideration of the business problem and technical requirements for the overall

Problems may arise pertaining to system architecture
Some modules are completed much earlier than others, well-defined interfaces are required.
It is difficult to demonstrate early success to management.

5.3.4. Spiral Model

The spiral model is a software development process combining elements of both

design and prototyping in stages.
It is the combine features of prototyping model and waterfall model.
The spiral model is designed to control the risk.
It tries to combine advantages of top-down and bottom-up concepts
The spiral model is intended for large, expensive and complicated projects

Strength / Merit

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It enhances the risk avoidance.
It is useful in helping for optimal development of a given software iteration based on project

Weakness / Demerit
It is difficult to determine the exact composition of development methodologies to use for

each iteration around the Spiral.

It may prove highly customized to each project, and thus is quite complex and limits
No established controls exist for moving from one cycle to another cycle.
Without controls, each cycle may generate more work for the next cycle.
No firm deadlines- cycles continue with no clear termination condition leading to, inherent risk
of not meeting budget or schedule.

5.3.5. Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model

It refers to a type of software development methodology.

RAD is assigned new tools and techniques, which are intended to speed up the development
It is a system development approach designed to give much faster development and higher
quality results than those achieved with the traditional approach.
The customer or user is heavily involved in the process.
The key features of this approach can be described as low cost, quick and right quality.
Strength / merit

Operational version of an application is available much earlier.

RAD produces systems more quickly and to a business focus, this approach tends to produce
systems at lower cost.
Quick initial reviews are possible

Saves time , money and human effort.

It concentrates on essential system elements from user viewpoint.
It provides for the ability to rapidly change system design as demanded by users.
It leads to a tighter fit between user requirements and system specifications.

Weakness / Demerit
High speed and lower cost may affect to a lower overall system quality.
lead to inconsistent designs within and across systems.
It may call for lack of attention to later system administration needs built into system.
Formal reviews and audits are more difficult to implement than for a complete system.
Potential for violation of programming standards.

Fundamentals of the RAD methodology:

Combining best available techniques

Using incremental prototyping
Using workshops instead of interview to gather requirements
Selecting set of CASE tools for prototyping, modeling and reusability of codes
Implementing time boxed development

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RAD Components
Joint Application Development (JAD)
Rapidity of development
Clean rooms
Time Boxing
Incremental prototyping

5.3.6. Agile Model

The term agile development refers to a family of similar development processes.

It offers a nontraditional way of developing complex systems.
The project is broken down into relatively short, time-boxed iterations.
Disadvantages of above methodologies are overcome through this methodology.
Minimize risk by developing software in short time boxes called Iterations a miniature
software project.
Iteration may not add enough functionality to warrant releasing the project.

Main Features:
Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software
Working software is delivered frequently
Working software is the principal measure of progress
Close, daily co-operation between business people and developers
Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication.
Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted.
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.
Self-organizing teams
Regular adaptation to changing circumstances.
Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace

Strengths / merit:
Flexible to handle variations
Handle dynamism by avoiding wastage of effort.
An adaptive team, which enables to respond to the changing requirements.
Team does not have to invest time and efforts
Face to face communication and continuous inputs from customer representative leaves

a little space for guesswork.

The documentation is crisp and to the point to save time.
End result - the high quality software in least possible time duration and satisfied

Weakness / demerit

In case of large organisations, it is difficult to assess the efforts required at the beginning of the
software development life cycle.
Lack of emphasis on necessary designing and documentation.
Agile increases potential threats to business continuity and knowledge transfer.
Agile requires more re-work and due to the lack of long-term planning and the lightweight approach to
architecture, re-work is often required on Agile projects when the various components of the software
are combined and forced to interact.
The project can easily get taken off track if the customer representative is not clear about the final

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outcome that they want.

Agile lacks the attention to outside integration
No place for newly appointed programmers, unless combined with experienced resources as only
senior programmers can take major decisions required during the development process.

5.4. System Development Life Cycle

SDLC is set of activities carried out by System Analysts, Designers and user to develop
and implement system.
It consists of a generic sequence of steps or phases in which each phase of the SDLC uses the
results of the previous one.
The SDLC can also be viewed from a more process oriented perspective.

5.4.1. Advantages of SDLC

Better planning and control by project managers;
Compliance to prescribed standards ensuring better quality;
Documentation that SDLC stresses on is an important measure of communication and control
The phases are important milestones and help to project manager and user for review and signoff.

From the perspective of the IS Audit, the possible advantages are following:
The IS auditor can have clear understanding of various phases of the SDLC on the basis
of the detailed documentation.
The IS Auditor on the basis of his/her examination, can state in his/her report about the
compliance by the IS management of the procedures, if any, set by the management.
The IS Auditor has a technical knowledge and ability of different areas of SDLC, can
be a guide during the various phases of SDLC.
The IS auditor can provide an evaluation of the methods and techniques used through
the various development phases of the SDLC.

5.4.3. Some of the shortcomings risks are associated with the SDLC are as following:
The development team may find it cumbersome.
The users may find that the end product is not visible for a long time.
The rigidity of the approach may prolong the duration of many projects.
IT may not be suitable for small and medium sized projects.

5.4.4. Six activities of System Development Life Cycle [ Memory code: FADDTIM ]
Feasibility study ( Preliminary Investigation )
Analysis ( System Requirement Analysis )
Design ( System Design )
i) Acquisition (System Acquisition)
ii) Development ( System Development )
Testing ( System Testing )
Implementation (System Implementation)

5.6. Stage I of SDLC

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Feasibility Study ( Preliminary Investigation )

System development begins with identification of a problem by the management or users

In this step user is determine whether the request is valid and feasible.
User request to change improve or enhance an existing system.
The purpose of preliminary investigation is to evaluate the project needs
The analyst should understand the project needs.

5.6.1. Steps in Preliminary Investigation :


Identification of Problem.
Identification of Objectives.
Delineation of Scope.
Feasibility Study.

Identification of Problem- problem identification relates to collection of information to

evaluate the merit of the project request.

Identification of Objective- After identification of the problem, it is easy to work out and
precisely specify the objectives of the proposed solution.

Delineation of Scope

After problems & opportunities are identified then the analyst must determine the project
scope like:
Functionality requirement
Control requirements
Performance requirements
Money requirement
Other resources required.

Feasibility Study:

A feasibility study is carried out by the system analysts, which refers to a process of evaluating
alternative systems through cost/benefit analysis so that the most feasible and desirable system can
be selected for development.
The Feasibility Study of a system is evaluated under following dimensions described briefly as
o Technical: Is the technology needed available?
o Financial: Is the solution viable financially?
o Economic: Return on Investment?
o Schedule/Time: Can the system be delivered on time?
o Resources: Are human resources reluctant for the solution?
o Operational: How will the solution work?
o Legal: Is the solution valid in legal terms?

Detailed Evaluate under following aspects:

1. Technical feasibility:

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Analyst ascertains whether proposed system is feasible with existing

technology to determine whether compromise is required.
Issues raised whether necessary technology exist , proposed equipment hold .
Some technical issues to be considered
Communications Channel configuration
Communications Network
Computer Programs
Data Storage Medium

2. Economic Feasibility: Cost Benefit analysis involves an overall evaluation of all expected incremental costs and
benefits on implementation of proposed system.
Cost Benefit Analysis:
Development Costs:
Salaries of analysts and programmers
Converting and preparing data files
Cost of Preparing computer facilities
Testing and documenting.
Training and other startup costs.
Operational Costs Hardware / software rental charges
Salaries or Computer Operators
Salaries of System Analysts
Input data preparation & control
Data processing supplies
Maintaining physical facilities
Overhead charges.
Intangible Costs loss of employee productivity
Decreased customer sales
Loss of goodwill



Operational Feasibility: - It is a measure of how well the solution will work in the
organization. Obtain the views of employees, customers and suppliers since
technically and economically feasible system may fail due to human behavioral
problems. So in this feasibility, satisfaction level of management, users, operators,
customers and suppliers is considered.
Schedule Feasibility: - Design team estimates time required for system operation and
communicate it to Steering Committee. Steering Committee will analyze alternatives
and select one with less implementation time. It is a measure of how reasonable the
project timetable.
Legal Feasibility:- It involves determining how the project will comply with legal
obligation of the organization.

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Financial Feasibility: Solution proposed may be prohibitively costly for the user
Resource Feasibility: Focuses on human resources, Implementation difficulty in
non- metro location

Reporting result to Management

Analyst defines the problem in this reports.

Understandable and clear terms.
Executive Summary.

5.7. System Analysis (PHASE II of SDLC)

This is very important phase of software development

Any error in this phase would affect all subsequent phases of development.
Begins with management approval for developing new system
Determination of Users needs and advanced features of new system.
Studying the application area in depth.
The aim of the requirement analysis is to thoroughly understand the user requirement and
remove any inconsistencies and incompleteness in these requirements.
Assessing strengths and weaknesses of the present system
After the analyst has collected all the required information regarding the system to be
developed, and has removed all the inconsistencies and anomalies from specifications.

5.7.1. Mainly The following activities are carried out for this phase :

Collection of information
Analysis of present system
Analysis of proposed system
Preparing the management report

(1) Collection of Information or Fact Finding Techniques

Analyst interacts with organizations staff and collects the data for the system to be developed,
Information is gathered through various means like:

Fact finding Techniques



Documents : In this analyst collect all the documents used by users for the existing
Questionnaires : In this Users and Managers are asked various questions regarding the
problem with existing system and requirement from the new system.
Interviews : Users and managers are interviewed to collect the information in depth and
in exact form.

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Observations: Observation play a very important role in analysis of system. In this

analyst personally visit the place of work of users and observe their working.

(2) Analysis of the present system

This step help in analyzing the users present system which in turn help in analyzing the user
requirement from the proposed system.
This analysis cover the following areas :

Historical aspects:- History of organization, Annual Reports, Organization Charts,

System changes .

Inputs- Source Documents, Place of Organization, From, Framework.

Data files- Investigate Date Files, Systems and Procedures Manual, One-line and offline files, Cost of retrieving and processing.

Methods, procedures and Data communications:- Method and Procedure are the
business logics which transform inputs into outputs. This is a very crucial analysis,
which provide the understanding of functional aspects of various business processes.

Outputs- Scrutinize outputs, Understand what info. is needed Sequence of data

Redundant reports.

Internal Controls- Control points, Identify weaknesses.

Physical and logical system- Document, logical flow, Diagrams, Data Dictionary.

System Analysis of Proposed System

After the analysis of present system, the proposed system analysis and specifications
The proposed system analysis is done, using the data collected in collection of data
step and models prepared during analysis of existing system.
The requirements specified from the proposed system by user and the shortcoming of
present system are used to prepare the specification for proposed system in terms of
Outputs required from proposed system
database to be maintained with desired capabilities like on line working etc
(iii) inputs types, preparation, capturing and place of capturing for efficient data
methods and procedures followed for relationships between inputs and output
to database, data communication etc.
Work load and timing etc for efficient working of proposed system

(4) Preparing the Management Report :

After completing steps mentioned above, all information gathered and analysis done there on is
documented and submitted to a management for approval and approved document become the
contract or reference document for further development.

5.7.2. System Development Tools

Many tools and techniques are there which help the system analyst to visualize,
document, analyze and design new system in a faster and easier manner.
Help to improve existing system and to develop new ones.
Conceptualize activities and resources,
Analyze present business operations,
Propose and design new or improved information systems.

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Categories of Tools
1. System Component & Flows: These tools help the system analysts to document the
data flow among the major resources and activities of an information system.

Examples :(a) System Flowcharts

(b) DFD
(c) System Component Matrix.
2. User Interface: Designing the interface between end users and the computer system
is a major consideration of a system analyst while designing the new system. Layout

Examples:(a) Layout Forms & Screens

(b) Dialogue Flow Diagrams.
3. Data Attributes & Relationships: The data resources in information system are
defined, catalogued and designed by this category of tools.

Examples:(a) Data Dictionary

(b) Entity Relationship Diagrams
(c) File Layout Forms
(d) Grid Charts.
4. Detailed Systems Process: These tools are used to help the programmer to develop
detailed procedures and processes required in the design of a computer program.

Examples:(a) Decision Tree & Tables

(b) Structure Charts.

5.8. System Design (Phase 3 of SDLC )

Design Phase of System Development deals with transforming the customer requirements as
described in Requirement Specification Document into a form implement able using a
programming language.
This phase start after the system analysis phase is over, in other words, the output of the
system analysis phase, i.e. requirement specifications becomes an input to the design phase.
System Design is considered one of the most crucial and core phase of System Development
because success of system developed depend upon good system design.

5.8.1. A good system design should have following desirable characteristics.

A good design should capture all the functionalities of system correctly.

It should be easily understandable
It should be efficient
It should be easily adaptable to change, i.e. easily maintainable.

5.8.2. System Design phases or step

The system design phase activities includes:-

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Architectural Design;
Design of Data /Information Flow
Design of Database
Design of User-interface
Physical Design
Design and acquisition of the hardware/system software platform'

Phase-1. Architectural Design:-

It deals with the organization of applications in terms of modules and sub-modules.

The architectural design is made with the help of a tool called Functional Decomposition
In this stage, we identify major modules; functions and scope of each module; interface features of
each module.

Phase-2. Design of Data /Information Flow:-

The design of the data and information flow is a major step in the conceptual design of the new
In designing the data / information flow for the proposed system, the inputs that are required are existing data / information flows, problems with the present system, and objective of the new system.

Phase-3. Design of Database:

Design of the database involves determining its scope ranging from local to global structure.
The scope is decided on the basis of interdependence among organizational units. The design of the
database involves four major activities,

Phase-4. Design of User Interface:

It allows users to interact with a system.

In this step, designer consider source documents to capture raw data, hard-copy output reports,
screen layouts for dedicated source-document input, inquiry screens for database interrogation,
graphic and color displays, and requirements for special input/output device.

Phase-5. Physical Design

For the physical design, the logical design is transformed into units, which is further decomposed
into implementation units such as programs and modules.
During physical design, The designers follow some type of structured approach like CASE tools to
access their relative performance via simulations when they undertake physical design. Some of the
issues addressed here are type of hardware for client application and server application, Operating
systems to be used, type of networking, processing batch online, real time; frequency of input,

Phase-6. Design and acquisition of the hardware/system software platform'

In some cases , the new system may require specific hardware & system software.

5.9. System Acquisition (Buy) (Phase IV of SDLC)

After a system is designed either partially or fully, the next phase of the systems development
starts, which relates to the acquisition of operating infrastructure including hardware, software
and services.
Acquisitions are highly technical and cannot be taken easily and for granted.

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Acquisition Standards:
It is important for the Management to establish acquisition standards that address the security and
reliability issues have been considered in development of the system to be acquired.
Acquisition standards should focus on the following:
o Ensuring security, reliability, and functionality already built into a product;
o Ensuring managers complete appropriate vendor, contract, and licensing reviews and
acquiring products compatible with existing systems
o Invitations-to-tender involves soliciting bids from vendors when acquiring hardware or
integrated systems of hardware and software.
o Request-for-proposals involves soliciting bids when acquiring off-the-shelf or third-party
developed software
o Establishing acquisition standards to ensure functional, security, and operational
requirements to be accurately identified and clearly detailed in request-for-proposals.
Acquiring Systems Components from Vendors:

Hardware Acquisition In case of procuring items such machinery as machine tools, transportation equipment, air


conditioning equipment, etc.,

Management can normally rely on the time tested selection techniques and the objective
selection criteria.
Not just buying and paying the vendor but it amounts to an enduring alliance with the

Software Acquisition


Once user output and input requirements are finalized, the nature of the application software
requirements must be assessed by the systems analyst.
This helps the systems development team to decide what type of application software products is
needed and consequently, the degree of processing that the system needs to handle.
At this stage, the system developers must determine whether the application software should be
created in-house or acquired from a vendor.

Contracts, software licenses and copy right violations


Contracts between an organization and a software vendor should clearly describe the rights and
responsibilities of the parties to the contract. The contracts should be in writing with sufficient detail to
provide assurances for performance, source code accessibility, software and data security, and other
important issues.
Software license grants permission to do things with computer software.
The usual goal is to authorize activities, which are prohibited by default by copyright law, patent law,
trademark law and any other intellectual property rights.
Copyright laws protect proprietary as well as open-source software. The use of unlicensed software
or violations of a licensing agreement expose organizations to possible litigation.

Validation of vendors proposals

This process consists of evaluating and ranking the proposals of vendors.
This process is quite difficult, expensive and time consuming, but in any case it has to be gone
This problem is made difficult by the fact that vendors would be offering a variety of configurations.
The following factors have to be considered towards rigorous evaluation.
The Performance capability of each proposed System in Relation to its Costs;
The Costs and Benefits of each proposed;
The Maintainability of each proposed;
The Compatibility of each proposed system with Existing Systems; and

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Vendor Support.

5.9.3. Methods of Validating the proposal:

Some of the validation methods are following:
It is a subjective method for validation and evaluation.
It is a simple test.
The various criteria are put in check list in the form of suitable questions against which the
responses of the various vendors are validated.


Public Evaluation Reports:

This method has been frequently and usefully employed by several buyers in the past.
This method is particularly useful where the buying staff has inadequate knowledge of facts
Reports regarding performance of various computer vendors are printed in leading computer
journals from time to time.


Benchmarking test :
These are sample programs that represent at least a part of the buyers primary work load
and include considerations and can be current applications that have been designed to
represent planned processing needs.
That is, benchmarking problems are oriented towards testing whether a solution offered by
the vendor meets the requirements of the job on hand of the buyer.


Testing Problems:

Test problems disregard the actual job mix and are devised to test the true capabilities of the
hardware, software or system.

5.10. System Development (Build) (Phase IV of SDLC)

At the end of the design stage the organization has a good idea about type of hardware and
software required for system. Hardware can be acquired through buying, hiring etc. As
regards of software there are two options build it or buy it.
Software development is also known as programming process because ultimately software is
made with many programs. Software development is not a simple job, It require lot of
planning and thinking for any application development.

5.10.1. Features of good coded programs:

Reliability: It refers to the consistency with which a program operates over a period of time.
Robustness: It refers to the applications strength to uphold its operations in adverse situations by
taking into account all possible inputs and outputs of a program in case of least likely situations.
Accuracy: It refers not only to what program is supposed to do, but should also take care of what it
should not do. The second part becomes more challenging for quality control personnel and auditors.
Efficiency: It refers to the performance per unit cost with respect to relevant parameters and it should
not be unduly affected with the increase in input values.
Usability: It refers to a user-friendly interface and easy-to-understand documents.
Readability: It refers to the ease of maintenance of program even in the absence of the program

5.10.2. Program Coding Standards:

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The graphical layout or design prepared for programs in the design step is not executable on
computer system.
It is program code, which can be executed on computer.
For each language, there are specific rules concerning format and syntax. Syntax means
vocabulary, punctuation and grammatical rules available in the language manuals that the
programmer has to follow strictly and pedantically.
Coding standards minimize the system development setbacks due to programmer turnover.
Coding standards provide simplicity, interoperability, compatibility, efficient utilization of
resources and least processing time.
So these logical layouts are converted into program code by computer programmer by using
any particular language like BASIC , COBOL, C , JAVA etc.

5.10.3. Programming Language:

Application programs are coded in the form of statements or instructions and the same is converted
by the compiler to object code for the computer to understand and execute.
The programming languages commonly used are given as follows :
o High level general purpose programming languages such as COBOL and C;
o Object oriented languages such as C++, JAVA etc.
o Scripting language such as JAVA Script, VB Script
o Decision Support or Logic Programming languages such as LISP and PROLOG.
5.10.4. Program Debugging:
Debugging is the most primitive form of testing activity.
which refers to correcting programming language syntax and diagnostic errors so that the program
compiles cleanly.
A clean compile means that the program can be successfully converted from the source code
written by the programmer into machine language instructions.
Debugging consists of following four steps:
o Input source program into compiler,
o Let the compiler to find errors in program.
o Correct errors.
o Resubmitting the corrected source program as input to the compiler.
5.10.5. Testing the Programs:
A careful and thorough testing of each program is imperative to the successful installation of any
The programmer plan the testing to be performed, including testing of all the possible exceptions.
The test plan should require the execution of all standard processing logic based on chosen testing
The program test plan should be discussed with the project manager and/or system users.
A log of test results and all conditions successfully tested should be kept.
5.10.6. Program Documentation:
It implies writing of narrative procedures and instructions for people, who will use software is done
throughout the program life cycle.
Managers and users should carefully review both internal and external documentation in order to
ensure that the software and system behave as the documentation indicates. If they do not,
documentation should be revised.
User documentation should be prepared in such a way that the user can clearly understand the

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5.10.7. Program Maintenance:

The requirements of business data processing applications are subject to periodic change. This calls
for modification of various programs.
Maintenance programmers are entrusted with this task.

5.11. System Testing (PHASE 5 of SDLC )

Software testing is an important stage in SDLC.

In this stage the system is thoroughly tested to ensure that it will work correctly or not.
Testing is must before installation of an information system.
Testing is a process used to identify the correctness, completeness and quality of developed
computer software.
The data collected through testing can also provide an indication of the software's reliability and

Several activities are involved in system testing like

Preparation of realistic test data
Processing the test data on the new system
Checking the test results thoroughly
Reviewing the results with its future users and taking appropriate

5.11.1. Different levels of Testing are described as follows.

(i) Unit Testing:
Unit testing is a method of software testing.




In this method of testing the correctness of a particular module of source code is tested.
This type of testing is mostly done by the developers.
A unit is the smallest testable part of an application, which may be an individual program, function,
procedure, etc.
There are five categories of tests that a programmer typically performs on a program unit:Functional Tests: It check whether programs do, what they are supposed to do or not. It validates
the program against a checklist of requirement. The test plan specifies operating conditions, input
values, and expected results, and as per this plan, programmer checks by inputting the values to see
whether the actual result and expected result match.
Performance Tests: It verify the response time, the execution time, the throughput, primary and
secondary memory utilization and the traffic rates on data channels and communication links.
Stress Tests: Stress testing is a form of testing that is used to determine the stability of a given
system or entity. Main purpose of stress testing is to find defects in the system capacity of handling
large numbers of transactions during peak periods.
Structural Tests: Structural Tests are concerned with examining the internal processing logic of a
software system.
Parallel Tests: In Parallel Tests, the same test data is used in the new and old system and the output
results are then compared. Conducting redundant processing to ensure that the new version or
application performs correctly.

5.11.2. Types of Unit Testing

It is classified into 2 categories :i.
Static Testing It evaluate the quality of a program module through a direct examination of source

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code. it is conducted on source programs and do not normally require executions in operating
conditions. Typical static analysis techniques include the following:
o Desk Check: This is done by the programmer. Programmer checks the logical syntax errors,
and deviation from coding standards.
o Structured Walk Through: The application developer leads other programmers to scan the
text of the program and explanation to uncover errors.
o Code examination: The program is reviewed by a formal committee. Review is done with
formal checklists.


Dynamic Testing: Such testing is normally conducted through execution of programs in operating
conditions. three techniques for dynamic testing and analysis include the following:
o Black Box Testing: it examines the program from a user perspective by providing a wide
variety of input scenarios and inspecting the output. It attempts to derive sets of inputs that
will fully exercise all the functional requirements of a system. This to find errors like incorrect
or missing function, errors in data structures, performance errors, etc.
o White Box Testing: It is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the
procedural design to derive test cases. It verifies inner program logic. It uses an internal
perspective of the system to design test cases based on internal structure. It requires
programming skills to identify all paths through the software. It is used for unit testing of selfdeveloped software.
o Gray Box Testing: It is a combination of black box testing and white box testing. In gray box
testing, the tester applies a limited number of test cases to the internal workings of the
software under test.

5.11.3. Integration Testing

Integration testing is an activity of software testing in which individual software modules are combined
and tested as a group.
It occurs after unit testing and before system testing
An objective is to evaluate the validity of connection of two or more components that pass information
from one area to another.
This is carried out in the following two manners:
o Bottom-up Integration: the bottom level modules are tested first. It is the traditional strategy
used to integrate the components of a software system into a functioning whole. Bottom-up
testing is easy to implement as at the time of module testing, tested subordinate modules are
o Top-down Integration: the top level modules are tested first. It starts with the main routine,
and stubs are substituted, for the modules directly subordinate to the main module.
o Regression Testing: Each time a new module is added as part of integration testing the
software changes. the regression tests ensure that changes or corrections have not
introduced new faults. The data used for the regression tests should be the same as the data
used in the original test. It is used when there is high risk that the new changes may affect
the unchanged areas of application system.

5.11.4. System Testing:

It is a process in which software and other system elements are tested as a whole.
System testing begins either when the software as a whole is operational or when the well-defined
subsets of the software's functionality have been implemented.
The purpose is to ensure that the new or modified system functions properly.
These test procedures are often performed in a non-production test environment.
The types of testing that might be carried out are as follows:
o Recovery Testing: it is the activity of testing how well the application is able recover from
crashes, hardware failures and other similar problems.
o Security Testing: This is the process to determine that an Information System protects data
and maintains functionality as intended or not. This testing technique also ensures the

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existence and proper execution of access controls in the new system.

The six basic security concepts that need to be covered by security testing are
following:o confidentiality,
o integrity,
o Availability
o authentication,
o authorization,
o non-repudiation.
o Stress or Volume Testing: Stress testing is a form of testing that is used to determine the
stability of a given system or entity.
o Performance Testing: software performance testing is used to determine the speed or
effectiveness of a computer, network, software program or device. This testing technique compares
the new system's performance with that of similar systems using well defined benchmarks.

5.11.5. Final Acceptance Testing:

It is conducted when the system is just ready for implementation. During this testing, it is ensured that
the new system satisfies the quality standards adopted by the business and the system satisfies the
Thus, the final acceptance testing has two major parts:
o Quality Assurance Testing: It ensures that the new system satisfies the prescribed quality
standards and the development process is as per the organizations quality assurance policy,
o User Acceptance Testing: It ensures that the functional aspects expected by the users have
been well addressed in the new system. There are two types of the user acceptance testing
described as follows:
Alpha Testing: This is the first stage, often performed by the users within the
organization by the developers, to improve and ensure the quality/functionalities as
per users satisfaction.
Beta Testing: This is the second stage, generally performed after the deployment of
the system. It is performed by the external users, during the real life execution of the

5.11.6. Internal Testing Controls:

There are several controls that can be exercised internally to assure the testing phase quality and efficiency.
Though it varies from one organization to another, some of the generic key control aspects appear to be
addressed by the responses to following queries:
Whether the test-suite prepared by the testers includes the actual business scenarios?
Whether test data used covers all possible aspects of system?
Whether CASE tools like Test Data Generators have been used?
Whether test results have been documented?
Whether test have been performed in their correct order?
Whether modifications needed based on test results have been done?
Whether modifications made have been properly authorized and documented?

5.12. System Implementation (PHASE 6 of SDLC)

System Implementation is the process of ensuring that information system is properly

operational and allows users to take over its operation for use and evaluation.
System Implementation includes all those activities for convert of an old system to new

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The new system may be totally new, replacing an existing manual or automatic system or it may be a
major modification in an existing system.
Some of the generic key activities involved in System Implementation include the following:
Conversion of data to the new system files;
Training of end users;
Completion of user documentation;
System changeover; and
Evaluation of the system a regular intervals.

The system Implementation consists of the following activities.


Equipment Installation
Training personnel
Conversion procedures
System Implementation Activities


Training personal


5.12.1. Equipment installation

The hardware required to support the new system is selected prior to the implementation phase.
The necessary hardware should be ordered in time to allow for installation and testing of equipment

during the implementation phase.

In this procured hardware is installed in the Organization for use of developed and acquires
The following steps are involved in Equipment Installation.
Equipment Installation Activities

Site Preparation


Equipment installation


Site preparation :
An appropriate location as prescribed must be found to provide an operating environment

for the equipment that will meet the vendor's temperature, humidity and dust control
specifications etc.

Site preparation is very important step of system implementation, a poorly

designed site can drastically reduce productivity of users.
After the preparation of site layout, actual site preparation starts as per the

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specification provided in layout i.e furniture, wiring, air conditions etc are


Install Equipments (installation of new hardware/software) :

Once a site is prepared, the equipments are installed physically and connected to
power line and communication lines etc,


Check Equipments :

The equipment must be turned on for testing under normal operating conditions

Installed equipments are checked for proper working like turning on / off, booting of
computers and communication channels working etc.
various routine test and diagnostic routine are carried out for testing the equipments installed.

5.12.2.Training personnel :

Training is an important aspect for effective utilization of installed system. Even a good
developed system can fail if it is not operated and used in proper manner.
Whenever a new system is installed in the organization, a need of training arises for both
general users and computer professional as the new system often contain some new types of
hardware and software.
Normally two types of training are provided for new system
Training to system Operators ( i.e. to Computer Professionals )
Training to End User ( i.e. to General User )

5.12.3. Conversion procedures:

This involves the activities carried out for successful conversion from old system to new
Following activities are carried out for conversion from old system to new system.
Procedures Conversion :
o Every system has its own procedure etc for input data preparation, output
generation, controls etc.
o Therefore for implementation of new system the procedure, methods for
working on new system must be clearly defined and converted from old
procedure and methods to as per the requirement of new system.

File Conversion :
o The old data files should be converted to as per the requirement of new
system and these conversion should be done before the system is
o Data file conversion is one of the most important task and it should be
done with utmost care. And old file should also be kept for some time if
any bug is detected later on in new converted data files same can be


System ( Processing ) Conversion :

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o After data files are converted from old system to new system and system
components are properly in place, users in organization should start
working on new system.
o If required for some time old system may be continuous for verification


Scheduling of personnel and equipment :

o This should be done for productive use of personnel working on system.
Schedule should set up for both equipments and personnel for data
processing activities so that required outputs are available always at time.


Preparation of alternative plan in case of equipment failure :

o Once a new system is implemented an alternative plan for data processing
should always be there in case of equipment failure.
o Particularly with the use of online system, there should be enough back
up system for taking up the process in case of main equipment failures.

5.12.4. Conversion Strategies or Conversion Modes :

There are four strategies for conversion from the old system to the new system:


Abrupt changeover




(i) Direct implementation / Abrupt change-over :

o In this method, the old system is totally discontinued and the new system is put into use.
o It is a risky way of conversion because if errors are in the new system then a lot of delay and
losses can be there.
Old System
New System

Advantages :

(a) No duplication of work and efforts.

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(b) Low cost.


(a) To recover from errors may take long time

b)User can not compare the result of new system with the old system.

(ii) Parallel implementation:

o In this method both the old system and the new system are run at the same time.
o The results of both the systems can be compared.
o After satisfaction the use of old system is stopped and new system is used only.
o This method involves greater costs and workload nearly doubles.
o It ensures that there are no losses due to errors.
Old System
New System

Advantages :
Disadvantages :

(a) Recover from any processing error immediately

(b) User can compare the result of new system with old.
(a) Duplications of work and efforts
(b) High cost, difficulty in running two system.

(iii) Phased implementation :

o If the system is large , a phased changeover might be possible .
o In this method , systems are upgraded one piece at a time.
Diagram:(iv) Pilot implementation :o It is preferred when new systems also involve new techniques and the drastic improvement in
the organization performance.
o In this method the new system replaces the old one in one operation but only on a small scale.
o Any errors can be rectified or further beneficial changes can be introduced and replicated throughout
the whole system in good time with the least disruption

5.13. Post Implementation Review (PHASE 7 of SDLC)

5.13.1. Post Implementation Review
After the system has been in production use for 6-12 months, it is reviewed for its effectiveness to

fulfill the organizational objectives.

The purpose is to :o Monitor and review the new processes to see if further improvements can be made to
optimize the benefits delivered.

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Evaluate the effectiveness & efficiency of the live system.
Analyze lessons learned.

5.13.2. System Evaluation

o Final step of system implementation is evaluation.
o Evaluation provides the feedback necessary to assess the value of information and
performance of system.
o It is also one of the very important step of system implementation as it provide the
information about how successful is system in satisfying user needs and it also provide the
information on drawbacks / problems encountered in system development, which analyst and
designer can take care while developing the next new system to avoid these problems /
drawback in next systems.
Type of Evaluations

Development Evaluation

Operation Evaluation

Information Evaluation

(i) Development Evaluation : This evaluation is done to check whether system developed is on
schedule and with in the budget.
(ii) Operation Evaluation : This evaluation includes the operational aspects of developed system.
(iii) Information Evaluation : This evaluation is related to find our the value of information that
developed system is providing to user or to find out how the information provided by system is
changing the quality of decision making of users

5.13.2. System Maintenance

All organizations have changing information requirement from time to time. Hence the system
requires to be modified to adapt to these changing requirements. Maintenance can be of two types.

Schedule Maintenance : it is planned maintenance i.e. changes / modifications which are

planned in advance. This type of maintenance is also known as preventive maintenance like
running every morning Anti Virus scanner and Removal program for Detection and Removal
of viruses from system is type of Schedule Maintenance.

Rescue Maintenance : Is regarding errors / situations which were not anticipated but which
have arisen now and require immediate solution like breakdown of a system due t hard disk
crashing require Rescue maintenance operation ex. Recovering data from crashed hard disk
and putting new hard disk in use.

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Short Notes:System development team

Incremental Model
RAD Model
Agile Model


What is system Development ? explain the components of system development.

[Refer- 5.1]


Why organizations fail to achieve their Systems development objectives?

[Refer- 5.1.1]


What is the Role of Accountants in systems development ?

[Refer- 5.2.1]


Ans.[Refer- 5.2]
Ans.[Refer- 5.3.3]
Ans.[Refer- 5.3.5]
Ans.[Refer- 5.3.6]
Ans.[Refer- 5.4]
System Analysis
Ans.[Refer- 5.7]
Program Debugging
Ans.[Refer- 5.10.4]
Integration Testing
Ans.[Refer- 5.11.3]
Final Acceptance Testing Ans.[Refer- 5.11.5]


Explain the activities of SDLC.

Ans.[Refer- 5.4.4]


Discuss Various approaches to system development.

[Refer- 5.3]


What is purpose of Preliminary Investigation ? Explain the various steps of Preliminary

[Refer- 5.6]



What is feasibility study ? Explain the various types of feasibilities studies carried out in
Preliminary Investigation.
[Refer- 5.6]

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Discuss the content of cost / benefit analysis in economic feasibility

[Refer- 5.6.1]


What is System Analysis ? Explain the various tasks performed in system analysis or
requirement analysis phase of system development
[Refer- 5.7]


Q.12 Explain the various fact finding techniques.

Ans. [Refer- 5.7.1]

Explain the major categories of system Development Tools.

[Refer- 5.7.2]


What is system Design ? What are the objective of system Design ?

[Refer- 5.8]


explain the activities of system design .

[Refer- 5.8.2]

Q.17. Explain the Features of good coded programs


[Refer- 5.10.1]

Q.18. Briefly describe the type of activities used in successful system Implementation.
[Refer- 5.12]
Q.19. explain the Different levels of Testing.


[Refer- 5.11.1]


Explain the term System Maintenance

[Refer- 5.13.2]

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6.1. Information System Audit

The first business software applications were mostly in the domain of finance and accounting. The
numbers from paper statements and receipts were entered into the computer, which would perform
calculations and create reports. Computers were audited using sampling techniques. An auditor
would collect the original paper statements and receipts, manually perform the calculations used to
create each report, and compare the results of the manual calculation with those generated by the

As computers became more sophisticated, auditors recognized that they had fewer and fewer
findings related to the correctness of calculations and more and more on the side of unauthorized
access. Moreover, the checks and balances that were devised to maintain correctness of calculations
were implemented as software change control measures. Nowadays, information systems audit
seems almost synonymous with information security control testing.

The IS Audit of an Information System environment may include - Assessment of internal controls
within the IS environment to assure validity, reliability, and security of information and information


Need of Information Systems Audit

Organizational Costs of Data Loss
Incorrect Decision Making
Costs of Computer Abuse
Value of Computer Hardware, Software and Personnel
High Costs of Computer Error
Maintenance of Privacy
Controlled evolution of computer Use
Information Systems Auditing
Asset Safeguarding Objectives
System Effectiveness Objectives

6.1.3. Objectives of Information System Audit - An IS audit is conducted to:i.

Safeguard Information System Assets.
Maintain Data Integrity , System Effectiveness, and System Effectiveness, and System
Efficiency, and
Compliance with IS related policies/guidelines.
6.1.4. Scope of Information System Audit

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1. The IS will examine & evaluate the following:

Adequacy Et effectiveness of internal control system.
Quality of performance by the information system.
Planning, organizing , and directing processes to determine whether reasonable
assurance .exists that objectives Et goals will be achieved.
2. The scope of the IS audit will also include evaluation of the internal controls for use Et
protection of information and the information system, as under :
Application system,
Users/ People,
Services/Facilities and
3. Areas of Review. The IS auditor will examine, among other, the following :
Budgets and monitoring of variance.
Business Continuity Planning, and Testing thereof.
Acquisition of major systems, if any.
Strategy plans Et its monitoring mechanism.
Impact of external influences on the information system such as internet, merge of
suppliers or liquidation etc.
Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
High level policies for information system use and the protection and monitoring of
compliance with these policies.
Approval of contract with suppliers and its performance monitoring against service level
Review of IS reports on Information System like Control of self assessment reports,
internal / external audit reports, quality assurance reports etc.
Risk assessment and containment measures adopted to managing those risks.
Mission statement and agreed goals/ objectives.


Purpose of Information System Audit Policy

The purpose of IS audit policy is to
Provide guidelines to the audit team to conduct an audit on IT enabled system.
Protect entire system from the most common security threats which includes.
Unauthorized Access to confidential data/department computers.
Password disclosure,
Virus infections.
Denial of service attacks,
Open ports, if any, accessible by outsiders.
o Ensure integrity ,confidentiality and availability of information and IT resources.
o Lay down objectives & confidentiality and availability of information and IT resources.
o The IS audit process is to evaluate the adequacy of internal controls with regard to both specific
computer program and the data processing environment as a whole.

6.1.6. Responsibility of IS Auditor


knowledge of business operations, practices and compliance requirements;

Should possess the requisite professional technical qualification and certifications;
Good understanding of information Risks and Controls;
Knowledge of IT strategies, policies and procedural controls;
Ability to understand technical and manual controls relating to business continuity
Good knowledge of Professional Standards and Best Practices of IT controls and

Functions of IS Auditor
Inadequate information security controls (e.g. missing or out of date antivirus controls, open systems

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without password etc.)

Inefficient use of resources, or poor governance (e.g. heavy spending on unnecessary IT projects like
printing resources, storage devices, high power servers and workstations etc.)
Ineffective IT strategies, policies and practices (including a lack of policy for use of Information and
Communication Technology resources, Internet usage policies, Security practices etc.)
IT-related frauds ( example:- hacking )

6.1.8. Categories of IS Audits

IS Audits has been classified into five types:

o Systems and Application: An audit to verify that systems and applications are appropriate, are
efficient, and are adequately controlled to ensure valid, reliable, timely, and secure input,
processing, and output at all levels of a system's activity.
o Information Processing Facilities: An audit to verify that the processing facility is controlled to
ensure timely, accurate, and efficient processing of applications under normal and potentially
disruptive conditions.
o Systems Development: An audit to verify that the systems under development meet the
objectives of the organization and to ensure that the systems are developed in accordance with
generally accepted standards for systems development.
o Management of IT and Enterprise Architecture: An audit to verify that IT management has
developed an organizational structure and procedures to ensure a controlled and efficient
environment for information processing.
o Telecommunications, Intranets, and Extranets: An audit to verify that controls are in place on
the client (end point device), server, and on the network connecting the clients and servers.

6.1.9. Steps in Information System Audit


Scoping ( pre-audit survey) - Determine the main area of focus. It include background reading and
web browsing, previous audit reports, pre audit interview, observations.
Planning (preparation)- Involving the generation of an audit work plan or risk-control-matrix.
Fieldwork - Gathering evidence by interviewing staff and managers, reviewing documents, and
observing processes etc.
Analysis - SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats ) or PEST (Political, Economic,
Social, Technological) techniques can be used for analysis.
Reporting - Reporting to the management is done after analysis of evidence gathered and analyzed
Closure ( follow-up ) - Closure involves preparing notes for future audits and follow up with
management to complete the actions they promised after previous audits.

6.2. IS Audit Standards

IS auditing standards lay down a minimum level of acceptable performance required to be met by IT/IS audit
professionals. Every IS audit should be designed to adhere to these standards. Several well known
organizations have given practical and useful information on IS Audit, which are given following:
(i) ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association):
ISACA is a global leader in information governance, control, security and audit. ISACA developed the
following to assist IS auditor while carrying out an IS audit.
IS auditing standards: ISACA issued 16 auditing standards, which defines the mandatory
requirements for IS auditing and reporting.
IS auditing guidelines: ISACA issued 39 auditing guidelines, which provide a guideline in applying IS
auditing standards.
IS auditing procedures: ISACA issued 11 IS auditing procedures, which provide examples of
procedure an IS auditor need to follow while conducting IS audit for complying with IS auditing
COBIT (Control objectives for information and related technology): This is a framework containing

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good business practices relating to information technology.

(ii) ISO 27001: Information Security Management System (ISMS) requirements.
ISO 27001 is the international best practice and certification standard for an Information Security
Management System (ISMS).
ISMS is a systematic approach to manage Information security in an IS environment It encompasses
people and, processes.
ISO 27001 defines how to organise information security in any kind of organization, profit or nonprofit, private or state-owned, small or large.
It also enables an organization to get certified, which means that an independent certification body
has confirmed that information security has been implemented in the organisation as defined policies
and procedures.
Many Indian IT companies have taken this certification:- INFOSYS, TCS, WIPRO.
(iii) Internal Audit Standards:
IIA (The Institute of Internal Auditors) is an international professional association.
It provides dynamic leadership for the global profession of internal auditing.
IIA issued Global Technology Audit Guide (GTAG). GTAG provides management of organisation
about information technology management, control, and security.
(iv) Standards on Internal Audit issued by ICAI:
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has issued various standards; the details are
given in the Study Material of Auditing paper.
The standards issued by the ICAI highlight the process to be adopted by internal auditor in specific
(v) ITIL: The Information Security Management System (ISMS).
(ITIL) is a set of practices for IT Service Management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with
the needs of business.
ITIL describes procedures, tasks and checklists that are not organization-specific, used by an
organization for establishing a minimum level of competency. It allows the organization to establish a
baseline from which it can plan, implement, and measure.
It is used to demonstrate compliance and to measure improvement.

6.4. Performing IS Audit

An IS Auditor uses the equivalent concepts of materiality in financial audits and significance in

performance audits to plan both effective and efficient audit procedures.

Planning activities are concentrated in the planning phase, during which the objectives are to obtain
an understanding of the entity and its operations, including its internal control, identify significant
issues, assess risk, and design the nature, extent, and timing of audit procedures. To accomplish this,
the methodology presented here is a guidance to help the auditor to perform IS Audit.
The auditor must address many considerations that cover the nature, timing, and extent of testing.
The auditor must check an auditing testing plan and a testing methodology to determine whether the
previously identified controls are effective.
The auditor should also conduct several tests with both valid and invalid data to test the ability and
extent of error detection, correction, and prevention within the application.
The auditor performs the necessary testing by using documentary evidence, corroborating
interviews, and personal observation.
We also test the critical controls, processes, and apparent exposures.
The auditor performs the necessary testing by using documentary evidence, corroborating interviews,
and personal observation.
The audit team selects one of the many Generalized Audit Software (GAS) packages such as
Microsoft Access or Excel, IDEA, or ACL and determines what changes are necessary to run the
software at the installation. The auditor is to use one of these softwares to do sampling, data
extraction, exception reporting, summarize and foot totals, and other tasks to perform in-depth

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analysis and reporting capability.


IS Audit and Audit Evidence

According to SA-230, Audit Documentation refers to the record of audit procedures


performed, relevant audit evidence obtained, and conclusions the auditor reached. The
objects of an auditors working papers are to record and demonstrate the audit work from one
year to another.
Evidences are also necessary for the following purposes:
o Means of controlling current audit work
o Evidence of audit work performed
o Schedules supporting or additional item in the accounts
o Information about the business being audited, including the recent history.

Documentation by Auditor
To prepare proper report, auditor needs documented evidences.
The problem of documents not available in physical form has been highlighted at many places.

6.5.2. Provisions relating to Digital Evidences

As per Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Evidence means and include:
All documents produced for the inspection of the Court, such documents are called documentary
All statements, which the Court permits or requires to be made before it by witnesses, in relation to
matters of fact under inquiry; such statements are called oral evidence;


6.5.3. Types of Audit Tools:


Different types of continuous audit techniques may be used.

Snapshots: Tracing a transaction is a computerized system can be performed with the help of
snapshots or extended records.
Integrated Test Facility (ITF): This technique involves the creation of a dummy entity in the application
system files and the processing of audit test data against the entity as a means of verifying
processing authenticity, accuracy, and completeness.
System Control Audit Review File (SCARF): The SCARF technique involves embedding audit
software modules within a host application system to provide continuous monitoring of the systems
transactions. The information collected is written onto a special audit file- the SCARF master files.
Continuous and Intermittent Simulation (CIS): This is a variation of the SCARF continuous audit
technique. This technique can be used to trap exceptions whenever the application system uses a
database management system.
Audit Hooks: There are audit routines that flag suspicious transactions.

6.5.4 Audit Trail

Audit trails are logs that can be designed to record activity at the system, application, and user level.
When properly implemented, audit trails provide an important detective control to help accomplish
security policy objectives.
Audit trail controls attempt to ensure that a chronological record of all events that have occurred in a
system is maintained. The accounting audit trail shows the source and nature of data and processes
that update the database. The operations audit trail maintains a record of attempted or actual
resource consumption within a system.
Audit Trail Objectives: Audit trails can be used to support security objectives in three ways:
o Detecting unauthorized access to the system
o Facilitating the reconstruction of events
o Promoting personal accountability.
Implementing an Audit Trail: The information contained in audit logs is useful to accountants in
measuring the potential damage and financial loss associated with application errors, abuse of

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authority, or unauthorized access by outside intruders.

6.6 General Controls

The Various general controls are given following:
Operating System Controls
Data Management Controls
Organizational Structure Controls
System Development Controls
System Maintenance Controls
Computer Centre Security Controls
Internet & Intranet Controls
Personal Computers Controls

6.6.1 Operating System Controls

Operating system is the computer control program. It allows users and their applications to
share and access common computer resources, such as processor, main memory, database
and printers. Operating system performs the following major tasks:

o Schedule Jobs Every organization gives priorities to different works and they
can determine the sequence in which they want the job to be managed.
o Manage hardware & Software Resources The programs required by the users
gets loaded in the primary storage & then caused the various hardware units to
perform as specified by the program.
o Maintain System Security A password is created for every user to ensure that
unauthorized person are denied access to data in the system
o Enable multiple User Resource sharing Many users can share the programs at
the same time.
o Handling Interrupts It is technique used by the operating system to temporarily
suspend processing of one program & enable the other program to be executed
o Maintain Usage Records This is useful in companies where the usage of system
by various departments have to be recorded and also charged sometimes

Operating Systems being one of most critical software of any computer need to work in a well
controlled environment. Following are the major control objectives:
o OS Protect itself from user;
o OS Protect user from each other;
o OS Protect user from themselves;
o OS Protected from itself
o OS Protected from its environment.

Operating system security involves policy, procedure and controls that determine, who can access
the operating system, which resources they can access, and what action they can take. The
following security components are found in secure operating system:
o Log-in Procedure: A log-in procedure is the first line of defense against unauthorized access.
o Access Token: Operating System creates an access token that contains key information
about the user including user-id, password, user group and privileges granted to the user.
o Access Control List: This list contains information that defines the access privileges for all
valid users of the resource.
o Discretionary Access Control: The system administrator usually determines; who is granted
access to specific resources and maintains the access control list.
following can be used as remedies from destructive programs like viruses, warms etc.:
o Purchase software from reputed vendor;

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Examine all software before implementation;

Establish educational program for user awareness;
Install all new application on a standalone computer and thoroughly test them;
Make back up copy of key file; and
Always use updated anti-virus software.

6.6.2 Data Management Controls

Data Management Controls divided into two categories:
Access Control
Backup Control.
i) Access Controls: it is designed to prevent unauthorized individual from viewing, retrieving, computing or
destroying the entity data. Controls are established in the following ways:
User Access Controls through passwords, biometric Controls etc.
Data Encryption (data kept in encrypted form into database)
ii) Back-up Controls: it ensure that the availability of system in the event of data loss due to unauthorized
access, equipment failure or physical disaster; the organization can retrieve its files and databases.
Backup refers to copies of data so it may be used to restore the original data after a data loss. Various
backup strategies are: Dual recording of data
Periodic dumping of data
Logging input transactions
Logging changes to the data

6.6.3 Organizational Structure Controls

Segregate the task of transaction authorization from transaction processing;

Segregate record keeping from asset custody; and
Divide transaction-processing tasks among individuals.

6.6.4 System Development Controls

It ensure that proper documentations and authorizations are available for each phase of the system
development process. It includes controls at controlling new system development activities
The six activities deal with system development controls in IT setup. These are following:
o System Authorization Activities: All systems must be properly authorized to ensure their
economic justification and feasibility.
o User Specification Activities: Users must be actively involved in the systems development
o Technical Design Activities: The technical design activities in the SDLC translate the user
specifications into a set of detailed technical specifications of a system that meets the user's
o Internal Auditors Participation: The internal auditor plays an important role in the control of
systems development activities, particularly in organizations whose users lack technical
o Program Testing: All program modules must be thoroughly tested before they are
implemented. The results of the tests are then compared against predetermined results to
identify programming and logic errors.
o User Test and Acceptance Procedures: Before implementation, this is the last point at
which the user can determine the system's adequacy and acceptability.

6.6.5 System Maintenance Controls

Maintenance activities should be given essentially the same treatment as new development.
When maintenance cause extensive changes to program logic, additional control should be invoke,
such as involvement by the auditor and the implementation of user test and acceptance procedure.

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6.6.6 Computer Centre Security and Controls

These are of the following types:
Physical Security,
Software & Data Security, and
Data Communication Security.
(a) Physical Security:
Physical security includes arrangements like:
fire detection and fire suppression systems,
security from water damage,
safeguards from power variation, and
pollution and unauthorized intrusion.
Why we need Physical Security: Fire Damage
Water Damage
Power Supply Variation
Pollution Damage
Unauthorized Intrusion
(b) Software & Data Security:
Some of the examples of requirements of data security in software are:
Authorization of persons to use data,
Passwords & PIN
Frequent audits
Encryption of data
Security software,
Back up of data/information
Antivirus software.
(c) Data Communication Security:
This can be implemented through the following controls:
Audit trails of crucial network activities,
Sign on user identifier,
Passwords to gain access,
Terminal locks,
Sender & receiver authentications,
Check over access from unauthorized terminals,
Encryption of data / information,
Proper network administration,
Hardware & system software built in control,
Use of approved networks protocols,
Network administrations, and
Internally coded device identifier.

6.6.7 Internet and Intranet Controls

There are two major exposures in the communication sub-system including Internet and Intranet, which are
given as follows:
Component Failure: Data may be lost or corrupted through component failure.( ex: communication

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lines, hardware, software)

Subversive Threats: An intruder attempts to violate the integrity of some components in the subsystem.

Following mechanism can be used to control such risks:

Fire wall: A firewall is a system that enforces access control between two networks. Only authorized
traffic between the organization and the outside is allowed to pass through the firewall.
Encryption: Encryption is the conversion of data into a secret code for storage in databases and
transmission over networks. The encryption algorithm uses a key. The more bits in the key, the
stronger is the encryption algorithms. Two general approaches are used for encryption viz. private
key and public key encryption.
Recording of Transaction Log: All incoming and outgoing requests should be recorded in a
transaction log. The log should record the user ID, the time of the access and the terminal location
from where the request has been originated.
Call Back Devices: it requires user to enter a password and then the system breaks the connection.


Personal Computers Controls

Related risks are:-

o Personal computers are small in size and easy to connect and disconnect.
o It can be shifted from one location to another or even taken outside the organization for theft
o of information.
o Pen drives can be very conveniently transported from one place to another, as a result of

which data theft may occur.

o The operating staff may not be adequately trained.

Security Measures
o Physically locking the system;
o Proper logging of equipment shifting must be done;
o Centralized purchase of hardware and software;
o Standards set for developing, testing and documenting;
o Uses of antimalware software; and
o The use of personal computer and their peripheral must be controls.

6.7 Audit and Evaluation Techniques for Physical and Environmental Controls
6.7.1 Role of IS Auditor in Physical Access Controls

Auditing physical access requires the auditor to review the physical access risk and controls to form
an opinion on the effectiveness of the physical access controls. This involves the following:
Risk Assessment
Controls Assessment
Review of Documents

6.7.2 Audit of Environmental Controls

(a) Role of Auditor in Environmental Controls: Audit of environmental controls should form a critical part
of every IS audit plan. The IS auditor should satisfy not only the effectiveness of various technical controls but
also the overall controls safeguarding the business against environmental risks.
(b) Audit of Environmental Controls:
It requires the IS auditor to conduct physical inspections and observe practices. The Auditor should verify:
water and smoke detectors, power supply arrangements to such devices, and testing logs;
location of fire extinguishers, firefighting equipment and refilling date of fire extinguishers;
Emergency procedures, evacuation plans and marking of fire exists.
Power sources and conduct tests to assure the quality of power.
Environmental control equipment such as air-conditioning, heaters, etc;

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Identify undesired activities such as smoking, consumption of eatables etc.

6.8 Application Controls

Application controls are categories in the following types:
o Input Controls
o Process Controls
o Output Controls.
6.8.1 Input Controls
Input controls are divided into the following broad classes:
Source Document Control
Data Coding Controls
Validation Controls.
(a) Source Document Controls: In systems that use physical source documents to initiate transactions,
careful control must be exercised over these instruments. Source document fraud can be used to remove
assets from the organization.
(b) Data Coding Controls: Two types of errors can corrupt a data code and cause processing errors. These
are transcription and transposition errors.
(c) Validation Controls: Input validation controls are intended to detect errors in the transaction data before
the data are processed. There are three levels of input validation controls:
o Field interrogation- It involves programmed procedures that examine the characters of the data in the
o Record interrogation- Reasonableness Check, Valid Sign, Sequence Check
o File interrogation- Internal and External Labeling, Data File Security, File Updating and Maintenance
Authorization etc.

6.8.2 Processing Controls

Various processing controls are following:
Run-to-run Totals
Reasonableness Verification
Edit Checks
Field Initialization
Exception Reports

6.8.3 Output Controls

Various Output Controls are following:
Storage and logging of sensitive, critical forms
Logging of output program executions
Controls over printing
Report distribution and collection controls
Retention controls

6.9.1. Application Security Audit

Application security audit is being looked from the usage perspective. A layered approach is used based on
the functions and approach of each layer. The approach is in line with management structure which follows
top-down approach. auditors need to have a clear understanding of the following.
Business process for which the application has been designed;

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The source of data input to and output from the application;

The various interfaces of the application under audit with other applications;
The various methods used to login to application, other than normal used id and passwords that are
being used, including the design used for such controls;
The roles, descriptions, user profiles and user groups that can be created in an application
The policy of the organization for user access and supporting standards.


i. Application Security Audit ANS. [Refer- 6.9.1]
Personal Computers Controls ANS. [Refer- 6.6.8]
iii. Audit trail
ANS. [Refer- 6.5.4]


ANS. [Refer- 6.2]

ANS. [Refer- 6.1]

Information System Audit

Q.2. Explain the different categories of Application Controls

ANS. [Refer- 6.8]
Q.3. what is the Role of Auditor in Environmental Controls ?

ANS. [Refer- 6.7.2]

Q.4. explain the various general controls.

ANS. [Refer- 6.6]
Q.5. Explain the Different types of continuous audit techniques.

ANS. [Refer- 6.5.3]

Q.6. Explain the Categories of IS Audits.
ANS. [Refer- 6.1.8]

Q.7. Why we Need of Information Systems Audit

ANS. [Refer- 6.1.2]

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Chapter- 7
Information Technology Regulatory Issues
7.1 IT Act

IT Act was enacted on 17th May 2000 primarily to provide legal recognition for electronic transactions
and facilitate e-commerce. India became the 12th nation in the world to adopt cyber laws by passing
the Act.
IT Act, 2000 was introduced, it was the first information technology legislation introduced in India.
The IT Act is based on Model law on e-commerce adopted by UNCITRAL of United Nations
The IT Act was amended by passing of the Information Technology (Amendment) Act 2008 (Effective
from October 27, 2009).The amended Act casts responsibility on body corporate to protect sensitive
personal information (Sec. 43A). It recognizes and punishes offences by companies and individual
(employee) actions (Sec. 43, 66 to 66F, 67..) such as sending offensive messages using electronic
medium or using body corporate IT for unacceptable purposes, stealing computer resources,
unauthorized access to computer resources, identity theft/cheating by personating using computer,
violation of privacy, cyber terrorism, offences using computer and publishing or transmitting obscene

7.1.1. Rules have been issued for IT Act 2008:

Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive

personal data or information) Rules, 2011.

Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011.
Information Technology (Electronic Service Delivery) Rules, 2011.

7.1.2. Objectives of Act :

To grant legal recognition to

transactions carried out by means of electronic data interchange and electronic commerce
in place of paper based methods of communication;
Digital signatures for authentication of any information or matter, which requires
authentication under any law;
keeping of books of accounts by bankers in electronic form;
To facilitate
electronic filing of documents with Government departments;
legal sanction to electronic fund transfers between banks

To enable
Electronic governance
To amend the Indian Penal Code, the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, the Bankers Book Evidence Act,
1891, and the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

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To provide for
Data security and privacy

7.2 Key Definitions (Strictly as per ICAI content)

IT Act provides various definitions of different technological terms. some of the key definitions are given
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,
"Access" with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions means gaining entry into,
instructing or communicating with the logical, arithmetical, or memory function resources of a
computer, computer system or computer network.

"Addressee" means a person who is intended by the originator to receive the electronic record but
does not include any intermediary.

"Adjudicating Officer" means adjudicating officer appointed under subsection (1) of section 46;

"Affixing Electronic Signature" with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions means
adoption of any methodology or procedure by a person for the purpose of authenticating an
electronic record by means of Electronic Signature;

asymmetric crypto system means a system consisting of secure key pair, private key and
public key to verify the digital signature;

"Certifying Authority" means a person who has been granted a license to issue a Electronic
Signature Certificate under section 24;

"Certification Practice Statement" means a statement issued by a Certifying Authority to specify the
practices that the Certifying Authority employs in issuing Electronic Signature Certificates;
o "Communication Device" means Cell Phones, Personal Digital Assistance or combination of
both or any other device used to communicate, send or transmit any text, video, audio, or

"Computer" means any electronic, magnetic, optical or other high-speed data processing device or
system which performs logical, arithmetic, and memory functions by manipulations of electronic,
magnetic or optical impulses, and includes all input, output, processing, storage, computer software,
or communication facilities which are connected or related to the computer in a computer system or
computer network;

Computer network means interconnection of one of more computers using satellite,

microwave or other communication channels.

"Computer Resource" means computer, communication device, computer system, computer

network, data, computer database or software;

"Computer System" means a device or collection of devices, including input and output support
devices and excluding calculators which are not programmable and capable of being used in
conjunction with external files, which contain computer programmes, electronic instructions, input
data, and output data, that performs logic, arithmetic, data storage and retrieval, communication
control and other functions.

"Controller" means the Controller of Certifying Authorities appointed under sub-section (7) of

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"Cyber Appellate Tribunal" means the Cyber Appellate * Tribunal established under sub-section (1) of
section 48

o Cyber Caf means any facility from where access to the internet is offered by any person in
the ordinary course of business to the members of the public.
"Cyber Security" means protecting information, equipment, devices, computer, computer
resource, communication device and information stored therein from unauthorized access,
use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction.
"Data" means a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts or instructions which are
being prepared or have been prepared in a formalized manner, and is intended to be processed, is
being processed or has been processed in a computer system or computer network and may be in
any form (including computer printouts magnetic or optical storage media, punched cards, punched
tapes) or stored internally in the memory of the computer;

"Digital Signature" means authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means of an

electronic method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of section 3;

"Digital Signature Certificate" means a Digital Signature Certificate issued under sub-section (4) of
section 35;

"Electronic Form" with reference to information means any information generated, sent, received or
stored in media, magnetic, optical, computer memory, micro film, computer generated micro fiche or
similar device;

"Electronic Gazette" means official Gazette published in the electronic form;

electronic record means data or record in an electronic form.

"Information" includes data, message, text, images, sound, voice, codes, computer programmes,
software and databases or micro film or computer generated micro fiche

"Key Pair", in an asymmetric crypto system, means a private key and its mathematically related public
key, which are so related that the public key can verify a digital signature created by the private key;

"Law" includes any Act of Parliament or of a State Legislature, Ordinances promulgated by the
President or a Governor, as the case may be. Regulations made by the President under article 240,
Bills enacted as President's Act under sub-clause (a) of clause (1) of article 357 of the Constitution
and includes rules, regulations, bye-laws and orders issued or made there under

"License" means a license granted to a Certifying Authority under section 24;

o Originator" means a person who sends, generates, stores or transmits any electronic
message or causes any electronic message to be sent, generated, stored or transmitted to
any other person but does not include an intermediary
o Prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
o Private Key" means the key of a key pair used to create a digital signature;
o Public Key" means the key of a key pair used to verify a digital signature

o secure system means computer system which is secure from unauthorized access
and misuse.
o "Security Procedure" means the security procedure prescribed under section16 by the
Central Government;

o "Subscriber" means a person in whose name the Electronic Signature Certificate is issued;
o "Verify" in relation to a digital signature, electronic record or public key, with its grammatical

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variations and cognate expressions means to determine whether
the initial electronic record was affixed with the digital signature by the use of private
key corresponding to the public key of the subscriber;
the initial electronic record is retained intact or has been altered since such electronic
record was so affixed with the digital signature.


This section describes the conditions subject to which an electronic record may be
authenticated by means affixing digital signatures.
Digital signature[sec-3]: Digital Signature means authentication of any electronic record by
a subscriber by means of an electronic method or procedure in accordance with the
provisions of section 3.
Hash Function: An algorithm mapping or translation of one sequence of bits into another
smaller set known as hash result , such that an electronic record yields the same hash result
every time the algorithm is executed with the same electronic record as its input making it
computationally infeasible.
An electronic document to be legal valid document is two step process.
1. Hash Function or known as Hashing is used for integrity of document
2. Digital Signature used for Authentication of documents.
Electronic Signature[sec-3A]: section 3A laid down the conditions subject to which an
electronic signature can be affixed.
3A(1) Electronic Signature & authentication technique must be reliable.
3A(2) - Electronic Signature & authentication technique shall be considered reliable
if:- The signature creation data and authentication data are linked to the
signatory and to no other person.
- It fulfils such other conditions as may be prescribed.


E- Governance means filing of any form, application or other document with govt.
department in electronic form and similarly issue or grant of any license or permit or receipt
or payment from government offices and its agencies through electronic means or electronic
E Governance will help in low cost, efficient and transparent working of govt. department.
These sections specify the following rules for making e Governance Possible.
Section 4 legal recognition for electronic records: This specify govt. dept can
accept the document in electronic form and these will be treated as legal valid
Section 5 legal recognition for Digital Signature: This specify that Digital
Signature will be treated as legal valid signature for authentication of Electronic

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Section -6 Electronic Governance Foundation : Provide that filing of any form,
application etc to govt. dept. can be done through electronic mean, and similarly govt.
dept. can issue or grant any license, permit etc through electronic means.
Section 7 Retention of records in Electronic form : Specify way the field
electronic documents to be retained in database so that same can be easily tracked and
Section 8 Audit Documents etc in Electronic Form : Provide for publications
of rules, regulations, notification etc in the Electronic Gazette.
Section 9 : Specify that Govt. Dept can not insist on filing documents in electronic
form only, if it violates certain rights.
Section 10 Power to Central Government to make Rules : It also specify the
power of Central Govt to make rules from time to time in respect of Digital Signature
etc like type of digital signature, manner and format, procedure for affixing the digital
signature etc
Section 10A validity of contracts formed through electronic means:
contract shall remain valid even if following are expressed in electronic form or by
means of electronic records
Communication of proposal
ii. Acceptance of proposal
iii. Revocation of proposal and acceptance


Attributions means the requirements for an electronic record to deemed or consider it as
written or made by someone.
Section 11- Attribution of e-records : an e-record shall be attributable to originator if it is
sent by originator himself , or automated IS of originator.
Section 12- Acknowledgment of Receipt : it is made by addressee in agreed manner. In
absence of any agreement the same may be sent by any communication.
Section 13- Time and place of dispatch & receipt of e-record : it should be as per
agreement between the originator & addressee

7.6. [CHAPTER V]
Section 14 Secure Electronic Record : It provides where any security procedure has been applied
to an electronic record at a specific point of time, then such record shall be deemed to be a secure
electronic record from such point of time to the time of verification.

Section 15 Secure Electronic Signature : It provides for the security procedure to be applied to
Digital Signatures for being treated as a secure digital signature.
An electronic signature shall be deemed to be a secure electronic signature if The signature creation data, at the time of affixing signature, was under the exclusive control
of signatory and no other person
The signature creation data was stored and affixed in such exclusive manner as may be
Explanation - In case of digital signature, the "signature creation data" means the private key
of the subscriber
Section 16 Security Procedures and Practices : It provides for the power of the Central
Government to prescribe the security procedure in respect of secure electronic records and secure
digital signatures. In doing so, the Central Government shall take into account various factors like

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nature of the transaction, level of sophistication of the technological capacity of the parties, availability
and cost of alternative procedures, volume of similar transactions entered into by other parties etc.



Section 17- Appointment of controller and other officers to regulate certifying authorities.
Section 18- Functions which the controller may perform in respect of activities of certifying
Section 19- Power of the controller with previous approval of the central government to
grant recognition to foreign certifying authorities.
Section 20- Omitted vide IT Act,2008
Section 21- Form , fees and other document to be submitted by a certifying authority, to
apply for the issue of the license to Issue DSC, by the controller.
Section 22- the application for license shall be accompanied practice statement and statement
including the procedure with respect to identification of the applicant and fees not exceeding
Section 23- the application for renewal of a license.
Section 24- the procedure for grant or rejection of license after giving the applicant a
reasonable opportunity of being heard.



Section 35 - The procedure for issuance of Digital Signature Certificate

Certifying Authority will issue Digital Certificate to Subscriber on the payment of certain
fees not exceeding Rs. 25000/- after satisfying itself that subscriber hold the private key for
corresponding public key to be listed in Digital Certificate and private key is capable for
creating digital signature etc.



Section 40 Subscriber of Digital Signature Certificate

Section 40A Subscriber of Electronic Signature Certificate
Section 41 Acceptance of Digital Signature Certificate
Section 42 Control of Private Key

7.10. [CHAPTER IX]


Chapter IX contains sections 43 to 47. It provides for awarding compensation or damages for certain
types of computer frauds. It also provides for the appointment of Adjudication Officer for holding an
inquiry in relation to certain computer crimes and for awarding compensation. Sections 43 to 45 deal
with different nature of penalties.

These sections provide the penalties which an adjudicating officer can impose on damage of
computer or computer network like for
o Copy or extract any data from database without permission
o Unauthorized access and downloading
o Introduction of virus
o Damage to computer system and computer network

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Disruption of computer, compute network
Denial to authorized person to access computer
Providing assistance to any person to facilitate unauthorized access to computer
Charging the service availed by a person to an account of another person by tampering
and manipulation of other compute etc.

Section 43 deals with penalty for damage to computer, computer system, etc
Section 44 Penalty for failure to furnish information, return, etc.
Section 45 provides for residuary penalty. Whoever contravenes any rules or regulations made under
this Act, for the contravention of which no penalty has been separately provided, shall be liable to pay
a compensation not exceeding twenty-five thousand rupees to the person affected by such
contravention or a penalty not exceeding twenty-five thousand rupees.

7.11. [CHAPTER X]

Section 48 to 64 - Describe the provisions and power of Appellate Tribunal in respect of

order passed by Adjudicating officers.
Appellate Tribunal : This chapter of IT Act, 2000 provides a mechanism for establishment
of one or more Cyber Regulation Appellate Tribunal. The Cyber Regulation Appellate
Tribunal shall be appellate body where appeals against the orders passed by the Adjudicating
Officers shall be preferred. The Tribunal shall not be bound by principal of code of civil
procedure but shall follow the principles of natural justice and shall have the same powers as
those are vested in a Civil Court. Against an order or decision of Cyber Appellate Tribunal,
an appeal shall be made to the High Court.
Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal shall consist of one person only known as Presiding
Officer, who shall be appointed by Central Government. Such a person is equivalent to High
court judge.


This chapter deals with some computer crimes and provides for penalties for these offences. It
contain sections 65 to 78.
Following are offences and Penalties there of provided in this chapter.
Tampering with computer source documents.
Hacking computer system
Publishing of information which is obscene in electronic form
Electronic forgery i.e. affixing of false digital signature, making false electronic record
Electronic forgery for purpose of cheating
Electronic forgery for the purpose of harming reputation
Using as genuine a forged electronic record
Publication of digital signature certificate for fraudulent purpose.
Offences by companies
Breach of confidentiality and privacy
Publishing false Digital Signature Certificate.
Misrepresentation or suppressing of material fact

Penalty for Offences:

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Punishment for publishing false Digital Signature Certificate is imprisonment up to 2 years

or with fine up to Rs. 1 lakh or both
Punishment for fraudulent publishing is imprisonment up to 2 years or with fine up to Rs. 1
lakh or both
Punishment for hacking is imprisonment upto 3 years or with fine that my extend to Rs.
2,00,000/- or both.
Punishment for publishing obscene information may extend to 5 years imprisonment and
with a fine which may extend to Rs. 1 lakh in event of first conviction and which may extend
to 10 years and fine may Rs. 2 lakhs.
Punishment for misrepresentation is imprisonment up to 2 years with a fine up to Rs. 1 lakh
or both etc.


CASES (section-79)
The Network Service Providers shall not be liable for third parties information or data made
available by him if he proves that the offences, was committed without his knowledge or consent.



It provides the power of various government bodies for making rules, amendment and other
provisions for Cyber Laws.
Section 80- Power of police officer and other officer to enter, search etc.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, any police
officer, not below the rank of a Inspector or any other officer of the Central Government or a
State Government authorized by the Central Government in this behalf may enter any public
place and search and arrest without warrant any person found therein who is reasonably
suspected of having committed or of committing or of being about to commit any offence
under this Act

Section 81 Act to have Overriding effect

The provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith
contained in any other law for the time being in force. conferred under the Copyright Act 1957
or the Patents Act 1970.

Section 81A- Application of the Act to Electronic cheque and truncated cheque
The provisions of this Act, for the time being in force, shall apply to, or in relation to,
electronic cheques and the truncated cheques subject to such modifications and
amendments as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of the Negotiable
Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of 1881) by the Central Government, in consultation with the
Reserve Bank of India, by notification in the Official Gazette.

Section 84C- Punishment for attempt to commit offences

Whoever attempts to commit an offence punishable by this Act or causes such an offence to
be committed, and in such an attempt does any act towards the commission of the offence,
shall, where no express provision is made for the punishment of such attempt, be punished
with imprisonment of any description provided for the offence, for a term which may extend to
one-half of the longest term of imprisonment provided for that offence, or with such fine as is
provided for the offence or with both.

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Section 85 Offences by companies

Where a person committing a contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule,
sdirection or order made there under is a Company, every person who, at the time the
contravention was committed, was in charge of, and was responsible to, the company for the
conduct of business of the company as well as the company, shall be guilty of the
contravention and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly:

7.15. Requirements of Various Authorities for System Controls & Audit

7.15.1 Requirements of IRDA for System Controls & Audit

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) is the apex body overseeing
the insurance business in India.
It protects the interests of the policyholders, regulates, promotes and ensures orderly growth of the
insurance in India.
Information System Audit has a significant role to play in the emerging Insurance Sector.
Information System Audit aims at providing assurance in respect of Confidentiality, Availability and
Integrity for Information systems. It also looks at their efficiency, effectiveness and responsiveness.

7.15.2 Requirements of RBI for System Controls & Audit


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is India's central banking institution, which formulates the monetary
policy with regard to the Indian rupee.
The Bank was constituted for the need of following:
To regulate the issue of banknotes,
To maintain reserves with a view to securing monetary stability, and
To operate the credit and currency system of the country to its advantage

7.15.3 Requirements of SEBI for System Controls & Audit

SEBI is the regulator for the securities market in India. SEBI has to be responsive to the needs of
three groups, which constitute the market:
The issuers of securities,
The investors, and
The market intermediaries.

7.16. Cyber Forensic and Cyber Fraud Investigation

Cyber forensics is one of the latest scientific techniques that has emerged due to the effect of
increasing computer frauds.
Cyber, means on The Net that is online.
Forensics is a scientific method of investigation and analysis techniques to gather, process, interpret,
and to use evidence to provide a conclusive description of activities in a way that is suitable for
presentation in a court of law.
Cyber and Investigation together will conclude that Cyber Investigation is an investigation method
gathering digital evidences to be produced in court of law.

7.17. Security Standards

Information security is essential in the day-to-day operations of enterprises.
Various security standards are:-

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ISO 27001
ISO 27001 is the international best practice and standard for an Information Security Management
System (ISMS). An ISMS is a systematic approach to managing confidential or sensitive information
so that it remains secure.

7.17.2 SA 402

SA 402 is a revised version of the erstwhile Auditing and Assurance Standard (AAS) 24, "Audit
Considerations Relating to Entities Using Service Organizations" issued by the ICAI in 2002.
This SA is effective for audits of financial statements w.e.f. April 1, 2010.

7.17.3 ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library)

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a set of practices for IT Service Management
(ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business.
ITIL describes the procedures, tasks and checklists that are not organization-specific and it is used
by an organization for establishing a minimum level of competency.
It allows the organization to establish a baseline from which it can plan, implement, and measure. It is
used to demonstrate compliance and to measure improvement.

Questions :

Write Short Notes on Followings:

Digital Signature Certificate [ ans. Refer- 7.6]
ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) [ ans. Refer- 7.17.3.]
Cyber Forensic
[ ans. Refer- 7.16]
Hash Function
[ ans. Refer- 7.3]


What is the Scope of IT Act and describe various relevant definitions in it.

[ ans. Refer- 7.1 & 7.2]


What is E Governance? Explain various provisions for E Governance in chapter III of

IT Act.

[ ans. Refer- 7.4]


What is Digital Signature? How it is used for the Authentication of Electronic Record.

[ ans. Refer- 7.6]

Q.5. Explain the requirements of RBI for System Controls & Audit
[ ans. Refer- 7.15.2]

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8.1. Emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies are

contemporary advances and innovation in various fields

of technology. Various converging technologies have emerged in the technological
convergence of different systems evolving towards similar goals.
Emerging technologies are those technical innovations which represent progressive
developments within a field for competitive advantage.
Emerging technologies in general denote significant technology developments that
broach new territory in some significant way in their field.
Examples of currently emerging technologies are: synthetic biology, Nano-scale design,
systems biology, wireless networks, ICT-enhanced educational systems etc.
Some of the technologies, which have recently emerged and are being rapidly adapted include cloud,
grid mobile, and green computing.

8.2. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing simply means the use of computing resources as a service through a real time
communication networks, such as Internet. The Internet is commonly visualized as clouds; hence the
term cloud computing for computation done through the Internet.
With the Cloud Computing, users can access database resources via the Internet from anywhere, for
as long as they need, without worrying about any maintenance or management of actual resources.
Example of cloud computing is Google Apps where any application can be accessed using a browser
and it can be deployed on thousands of computer through the Internet.

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Cloud computing is a combination of software and hardware based computing resources delivered as
a networked service.
This model of IT enabled services enables anytime access to a shared pool of applications and
Applications and resources can be accessed using a simple front-end interface such as a Web
browser, and as a result enabling users to access the resources from any client device including
notebooks, desktops and mobile devices.
Cloud computing provides the facility to access shared resources and common infrastructure offering
services on demand over the network to perform operations that meet changing business needs

8.2.1. Goals of Cloud Computing

To create a highly efficient IT ecosystem, where resources are pooled together and costs are aligned

with what resources are actually used;

To access services and data from anywhere at any time;
To scale the IT ecosystem quickly, easily and cost-effectively based on the evolving business needs;
To consolidate IT infrastructure into a more integrated and manageable environment;
To reduce costs related to IT energy/power consumption;
To enable or improve "Anywhere Access" for ever increasing users; and
To enable rapidly provision resources as needed.

8.2.2. Cloud Computing Architecture

It refers to the components and subcomponents required for cloud computing. These components
typically consist of a front end platform (fat client, thin client, mobile device), back end platforms
(servers, storage), a cloud based delivery, and a network (Internet, Intranet, Intercloud). Combined,
these components make up cloud computing architecture.
In cloud computing, protection depends on having the Right Architecture for the Right Application
(RARA). Organizations must understand the individual requirements of their applications, and if
already using a cloud platform, understand the corresponding cloud architecture.
A cloud computing architecture consists of a front end and a back end. They connect to each other
through a network, usually the Internet.
Front End Architecture: Cloud computing architectures consist of front-end platforms called clients
or cloud clients. These clients comprise servers, fat (or thick) clients, thin clients, zero clients ,tablets
and mobile devices. These client platforms interact with the cloud data storage via an application
(middleware), via a web browser, such as Firefox, Microsofts internet explorer or Apples Safari.
Other types of systems have some unique applications which provide network access to its clients.
Back End Architecture: it refers to some service facilitating peripherals. In cloud computing, the
back end is cloud itself, which may encompass various computer machines, data storage systems
and servers. Groups of these clouds make up a whole cloud computing system. It include any type of
web application program such as video games to applications for data processing, software
development and entertainment.

8.2.3. Cloud Computing Environment

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The cloud computing environment can consist of multiple types of clouds based on their deployment
and usage. Cloud computing environments are briefly described in above figure.

8.2.4. Types of Cloud Computing

1. Public Clouds
2. Private Clouds
3. Hybrid Clouds

1. Public Clouds: This environment can be used by the general public. It includes individuals,
corporations and other types of organizations. Typically, public clouds are administrated by third
parties or vendors over the Internet, and the services are offered on pay-per-use basis. These are
also called provider clouds. Technically there may be little or no difference between public and private
cloud architecture, however, security consideration may be substantially different for services
(applications, storage, and other resources) that are made available by a service provider for a public
audience and when communication is effected over a non-trusted network. Generally, public cloud
service providers like Amazon AWS, Microsoft and Google own and operate the infrastructure and
offer access only via Internet.

Advantages of public cloud are:

It is widely used in the development, deployment and management of enterprise

applications, at lowest costs.

It allows the organizations to deliver highly scalable and reliable applications rapidly
and at lowest costs.

o Its security assurance and building trust among the clients is far from desired but
slowly liable to happen.

2. Private Clouds: This cloud computing environment resides within the boundaries of an organization
and is used exclusively for the organizations benefits. These are also called internal clouds. Private
cloud is cloud infrastructure operated solely for a single organization, whether managed internally or
by a third-party and hosted internally or externally.

Advantage :
o They improve average server utilization
o allow usage of low-cost servers and hardware while providing higher efficiencies;

3. Hybrid Clouds: it is a combination of two or more clouds (private, community or public) that remain
unique entities but are bound together, offering the benefits of multiple deployment models. A hybrid
cloud service as a cloud computing service that is composed of some combination of private, public
and community cloud services, from different service providers.

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8.2.5. Cloud computing characteristics

Agility :- It improves with users' ability to re-provision technological infrastructure

Cost :- cloud providers claim that computing costs reduce.
Virtualization:- this technology allows sharing of servers and storage devices and
increased utilization. Applications can be easily migrated from one physical server to
Reliability :- it improves with the use of multiple redundant sites, which makes welldesigned cloud computing suitable for business continuity and disaster recovery.[36]
Performance :- it is monitored, and consistent and loosely coupled architectures are
constructed using web services as the system interface.[32][41][42]
Security :- it can improve due to centralization of data, increased security-focused
resources, etc.
Maintenance ;- the cloud computing applications is easier, because they do not need
to be installed on each user's computer and can be accessed from different places.
High Scalability: Cloud environments enable servicing of business requirements for
larger audiences, through high scalability.
Multi-sharing: With the cloud working in a distributed and shared mode, multiple users
and applications can work more efficiently with cost reductions by sharing common
Services in Pay-Per-Use Mode: SLAs between the provider and the user must be
defined when offering services in pay per use mode. This may be based on the
complexity of services offered. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) may be
offered to the users so they can access services on the cloud by using these APIs.

8.2.6. Advantages of Cloud Computing

Major advantages of Cloud Computing are given as follows:
Cost Efficient methods
Almost Unlimited Storage
Backup and Recovery much simpler than other traditional methods of data storage.
Automatic Software Integration
Easy Access to Information
Quick Deployment

8.2.7. Challenges relating to Cloud Computing

Major challenges are discussed following:
Confidentiality: Prevention of the unauthorized disclosure of the data is referred as
Integrity: Integrity refers to the prevention of unauthorized modification of data and it ensures
that data is of high quality, correct, consistent and accessible. Strong data integrity is the
basis of all the service models such as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service
(PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
Availability: Availability refers to the prevention of unauthorized withholding of data and it
ensures the data backup through Business Planning Continuity Planning (BCP) and Disaster
Recovery Planning (DRP).
Trust: Deployment model provide a trust to the Cloud environment.
Legal Issues and Compliance
Privacy: privacy issues are embedded in each phase of the Cloud design. It should include
both the legal compliance and trusting maturity. The Cloud decreases the privacy risk.
Audit: Auditing is type of checking that what is happening in the Cloud environment.
Data Stealing: In a Cloud, data stored anywhere is accessible in public form and private form
by anyone at any time. In such cases, an issue arises as data stealing.
Architecture: In the architecture of Cloud computing models, it should be a control over the

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security and privacy of the system.

Identity Management and Access control
Incident Response: It ensures to meet the requirements of the organization during an incident


Cloud Computing Models

Cloud computing providers offer their services according to several fundamental models
1. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

IaaS providers offer computers, more often virtual machine and other resources as service. It
provides the infrastructure / storage required to host the services ourselves. IaaS clouds often
offer additional resources such as a virtual-machine
Examples of IaaS : Amazon EC2, Azure Services Platform, Dyn DNS, Google Compute Engine,
HP Cloud, etc.

2. Platform as a service (PaaS)

In the PaaS models, cloud providers deliver a '''computing platform''', typically including
operating system, programming language execution environment, database, and web server.
Application developers can develop and run their software solutions on a cloud platform without
the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers.
With some PaaS offers like Windows Azure, the underlying computer and storage resources
scale automatically to match application demand so that the cloud user does not have to allocate
resources manually. The latter has also been proposed by an architecture aiming to facilitate
real-time in cloud environments.

Examples of PaaS : AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Foundry,, EngineYard etc.

3. Software as a service (SaaS)

SaaS provides users to access large variety of applications over internets that are hosted on
service providers infrastructure
In the business model using software as a service (SaaS), users are provided access to
application software and databases. Cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms
that run the applications.
SaaS is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software" and is usually priced on a pay-per-use
SaaS providers generally price applications using a subscription fee.
In the SaaS model, cloud providers install and operate application software in the cloud and
cloud users access the software from cloud clients.

4. Network as a service (NaaS)

It is a category of cloud services where the capability provided to the cloud service user is to use
network/transport connecting services.

NaaS involves optimization of resource allocation by considering network and computing

resources as a whole.

A category of cloud services where the capability provided to the cloud service user is to use
network/transport connectivity services and/or inter-cloud network connectivity services. NaaS
involves the optimization of resource allocations by considering network and computing
resources as a unified whole.
Some of the examples are: Virtual Private Network, Mobile Network Virtualization etc.

5. Communication as a Service (CaaS):

CaaS has evolved in the same lines as SaaS.

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CaaS is an outsourced enterprise communication solution that can be leased from single
The CaaS vendor is responsible for all hardware and software management and offers
guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS). It allows businesses to selectively deploy communication
devices and modes on a pay-as-you-go, as-needed basis. This approach eliminates the large
capital investments.
Examples are: Voice over IP (VolP), Instant Messaging (IM), Collaboration and
Videoconferencing application using fixed and mobile devices.

Mobile Computing
Mobile computing is humancomputer interaction by which a computer is expected to be
transported during normal usage.
Mobile computing involves mobile communication, mobile hardware, and mobile software.
Communication issues include ad hoc and infrastructure networks as well as communication
properties, protocols, data formats and concrete technologies.
Hardware includes mobile devices or device components. Mobile software deals with the
characteristics and requirements of mobile applications.

8.3.1. Limitation of Mobile Computing

Range & Bandwidth: Mobile Internet access is generally slower than direct cable connections, using
technologies such as GPRS and EDGE, and more recently HSDPA and HSUPA 3G and 4G networks.
These networks are usually available within range of commercial cell phone towers. Higher
speed wireless LANs are inexpensive but have very limited range.
Security standards: When working mobile, one is dependent on public networks, requiring careful use
of VPN. Security is a major concern while concerning the mobile computing standards on the fleet. One
can easily attack the VPN through a huge number of networks interconnected through the line.
Power consumption: When a power outlet or portable generator is not available, mobile computers
must rely entirely on battery power. Combined with the compact size of many mobile devices, this often
means unusually expensive batteries must be used to obtain the necessary battery life.
Transmission interferences: Weather, terrain, and the range from the nearest signal point can all
interfere with signal reception. Reception in tunnels, some buildings, and rural areas is often poor.
Potential health hazards: People who use mobile devices while driving are often distracted from driving
and are thus assumed more likely to be involved in traffic accidents. Cell phones may interfere with
sensitive medical devices. Questions concerning mobile phone radiation and health have been raised.
Human interface with device: Screens and keyboards tend to be small, which may make them hard to
use. Alternate input methods such as speech or handwriting recognition require training.

8.3.2 Mobile Computing Benefits

It enables mobile sales personnel to update work order status in real-time, facilitating
excellent communication.
It facilitates access to corporate services and information at any time, from anywhere.
It provides remote access to the corporate Knowledgebase at the job location.
It enables to improve management effectiveness by enhancing information quality,
information flow, and ability to control a mobile workforce.

8.4 BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

It refers to business policy that allows employees to use their preferred computing devices, like smart

phones and laptops for business purposes. It means employees are welcome to use personal
devices (laptops, smart phones, tablets etc.) to connect to the corporate network to access
information and application.
The BYOD policy has rendered the workspaces flexible, empowering employees to be mobile and

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giving them the right to work beyond their required hours. The continuous influx of readily improving
technological devices has led to the mass adoption of smart phones, tablets and laptops, challenging
the long-standing policy of working on company-owned devices.

8.4.1 Emerging BYOD Threats

BYOD program that allows access to corporate network, emails, client data etc. is one of the top security
concerns for enterprises. These risks can be classified into four categories:
Network Risks: It is normally exemplified and hidden in Lack of Device Visibility.
Device Risks: It is normally exemplified and hidden in Loss of Devices.
Application Risks: It is normally exemplified and hidden in Application Viruses and Malware.
Implementation Risks: It is normally exemplified and hidden in Weak BYOD Policy.

8.5 Social Media and Web 2.0

Related aspects of Social Media and Web 2.0 are given as follows:

8.5.1 Social Media

A set of entities connected with each other on a logical or a physical basis. Physical networks like
computer networks are those that can be planned, implemented and managed very optimally and
efficiently. when we move from physical to logical networks, the visualization becomes much more
difficult. A social network is usually created by a group of individuals, who have a set of common
interests and objectives.

8.5.2 Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a second generation of the World Wide Web that is focused on
the ability for people to collaborate and share information online. Web 2.0 basically refers to the
transition from static HTML Web pages to a more dynamic Web that is more organized and is based
on serving Web applications to users.
The components of Web 2.0 help to create and sustain social.

8.6. Green IT / Green computing

Green IT , is the study and practice of environmentally sustainable computing or IT.

Green IT refers to the study and practice of establishing / using computers and IT resources in a more
efficient and environmentally friendly and responsible way. Computers consume a lot of natural
resources, from the raw materials needed to manufacture them, the power used to run them, and the
problems of disposing them at the end of their life cycle.

Green computing is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources.

One of the earliest initiatives toward green computing in the United States was the voluntary labeling
program known as Energy Star. It was conceived by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in
1992 to promote energy efficiency in hardware of all kinds.

The goals of green computing are similar to green chemistry:

reduce the use of hazardous materials,

maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime,

promote the recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste.

8.7. Grid Computing

Grid computing requires the use of software that can divide and carve out pieces of a program as one
large system image to several thousand computers.
Grid computing is the collection of computer resources from multiple locations to reach a common

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goal. The grid can be thought of as a distributed system with non-interactive workloads that involve a
large number of files. Grids are often constructed with general-purpose grid middleware software


Emerging technologies
Cloud computing
iii. Hybrid cloud
Mobile computing
viii. BYOD
Green IT
Grid Computing

ANS. [Refer- 8.1]

ANS. [Refer- 8.2]
ANS. [Refer- 8.2.4]
ANS. [Refer- 8.2.6]
ANS. [Refer- 8.2.6]
ANS. [Refer- 8.2.6]
ANS. [Refer- 8.3]
ANS. [Refer- 8.4]
ANS. [Refer- 8.6]
ANS. [Refer- 8.7]

Q.2. What are the goals of Cloud Computing ? ANS. [Refer- 8.2.1]
Q.3. Explain the Architecture Cloud Computing. ANS. [Refer- 8.2.2]
Q.4. Give the advantages & limitation of public cloud. ANS. [Refer- 8.2.4]
Q.5. what are the characteristics Cloud computing
ANS. [Refer- 8.2.5]
Q.6. what are the major Challenges relating to Cloud Computing ANS. [Refer- 8.2.7]

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