Preschool Homeschool Curriculum

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The curriculum outlines a 33-week preschool program with weekly lessons focusing on a letter, number, shape, color, and other educational activities.

Each week covers a different letter of the alphabet and incorporates activities like crafts, reading, counting, nature walks, and cooking/baking related to developing that letter sound and other skills.

The weekly lessons aim to teach letter and number recognition, fine motor skills through activities like play dough, scissors, and writing, as well as early math, science, and faith concepts.




Preschool Homeschool Curriculum for 3 Year Olds
Week 1: Letter “Aa”, color red, apple projects (apple painting w/color red and counting with
apple slices). Alligator dot activity and “I Spy” outside for things red. Review the Bible story of
creation (use creation wheel to help visual story).

Week 2: Letter “Ee”, letter crafts: q-tip painting, reading activities, and number three.

Week 3: Letter “Ss”, scissor activities, playdoh learning activities, counting activities.

Week 4: Letter “Bb”, color blue, read Little Blue Truck, review the story of Noah’s Ark, water
table activities.

Week 5: Letter “Tt”, number four, shape square, salt tray writing, letter recognition.

Week 6: Sorting by color, matching activities, writing practice, bake cookies using counting skills
we have learned.

Week 7: Letter “Gg”, color green, collect grass, leaves and other material outside that is green.
Finger paint trace letter “Gg”, “good vs. bad” lesson, play redlight/greenlight.

Week 8: Letter “Oo”, number five, shape circle, “all about Daddy” activity, make homemade
donuts, counting book, read Five Little Ducks.

Week 9: Letter “Cc”, color orange, letter c craft, number matching, scissor activities, playdoh
learning activities. Play letter game on ABC Mouse. 

Week 10: Writing and letter sound practice, comparison practice with items found on nature
walk, practice location (behind, in front of, beside, on top, below) with various toys.

Week 11: Letter “Pp”, color & dissect pumpkins activities, practice reading on own, sequencing,
sorting by color.

Week 12: Letter “Nn”, story of Moses, Watch Prince of Egypt to help explain story, number six,
identify animals activity.

Week 13: Reading Practice and numbers/counting work, tooth brushing practice with eggs.

Week 14: Letter “Dd”, letter D activities with animals, scissor practice, puzzle activities.

Week 15: Review week – where do we still need help/more practice? Go through lessons on
ABC Mouse to see where we still need to work through. Revise accordingly. 

Week 16: Letter “Mm”, story of Mary, play iSpy using empty toilet paper rolls, shape triangle,
number six.

Week 17: Read The Gospel for Little Ones and ask Conner to retell the story to me. Practice
identifying shapes and colors. Bake Daddy a special treat using our counting skills.


Week 18: Letter “Ff” (practice “f” sound), count fish in Papa’s pond, number seven, practice
writing name.

Week 19: Nature walk identifying different shapes and practice letter sounds. Use water table to
identify objects that float and sink.

Week 20: Reading practice, online activities, number eight, and writing name practice.

Week 21: Shape rectangle, color purple, coloring activities, and number nine.

Week 22: Letter “Rr”, shape review, numbers 1-9 review, matching games with colors.

Week 23: Writing name practice, letter review, color yellow, number ten, sequencing, sorting by

Week 24: Identity animals game, matching uppercase and lowercase letters, salt tray writing.

Week 25: Letter “Ll”, shape diamond, practice counting 1-10, cutting shapes, sorting by size.

Week 26: Review/catch up week. Determine where we still need to work on and catch up on
anything we are behind on. Allow him to choose whatever game he'd like to play on ABC Mouse
and assess his progress. 

Week 27: Letters “Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg” – practice putting in order and matching lower
and upper case letters. Vinegar and baking soda volcanoes, writing and reading practice.

Week 28: Make dough and watch rise with lesson in dealing with emotions (anger), puzzles,
writing and letter sounds practice, hopscotch, and number matching.

Week 29: Play run to the shape, make string pasta necklaces, letter crafts, introduce math
(1+1=2, 2+2=4), practice color mixing (green+blue=yellow, etc.).

Week 30: Letter “Xx”, memory game with numbers, practice weighing, color brown.

Week 31: Letter “Yy”, exploring living & nonliving things, make books and telling stories (use
Jesus telling parables as reference).

Week 32: Letter “Zz”, rhyming, online learning, memory game with letters.

Week 33: Review and determine areas that will need to be continually worked on.


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