Individual Leaerning
Individual Leaerning
Individual Leaerning
Individual learning begins with the interest, engagement, and motivation of the learner. The
teacher and learner must act as a team with the teacher providing opportunities for
discovery and connections to be made by personalizing the delivery and pacing of
instruction. Inquiry into the why and the how creates lasting, deep understanding.
Individual learning delivered through dynamic, multi-sensory instruction takes into account
a person’s unique brain, life experiences, and strengths leads to true understanding.
Making learning personal, engaging, and fun is Sparkle Spot Learning’s model of teaching.
Your child will feel energized and successful because truly understanding is the key to
developing skills and creating a life-long love of learning.
All individuals learn- whether they do it consciously or unconsciously. It is afundamental requirement of
Individual learning is defined as
thec a p a c i t y t o b u i l d k n o w l e d g e t h r o u g h i n d i v i d u a l r e f l e c t i o n a b o u t e x t e r n a l stimul
i and sources, and through the personal re-elaboration of
individualk n o w l e d g e a n d e x p e r i e n c e i n l i g h t o f i n t e r a c t i o n w i t h o t h e r s a n
d t h e environment.
Prof David Merrill
... the social context of a learning environment may provide support for itsmembers, nevertheless the
change in cognitive structure and the acquisitionof knowledge and skill is and individual event.
"Here, we refer individual learning in the context of organization. In otherwords it implies that
How an individual learns in an organization and how is itimportant in an organization.
F o l l o w i n g s e c t i o n d e a l s w i t h t h e v a r i o u s m o d e l s a n d t h e o r i e s c o i n e d b y different
pshycologists explaining how an individual learns
Theory of Competence:
This theory states that learning is a four stage process, which involves the journey from unconscious
incompetence to unconscious competence.
Unconscious incompetence:
The individual neither understands
nork n o w s h o w t o d o s o m e t h i n g , n o r r e c o g n i z e s t h e d e f i c i t , n o r h a s a desir
e to address it
Conscious incompetence:
T h o u g h t h e i n d i v i d u a l d o e s n o t understand or know how to do
something, he or she does recognizethe deficit, without yet addressing it.
Conscious competence:
The individual understands or knows how todo something. However, demonstrating the skill or
knowledge requiresa great deal of consciousness or concentration.
Unconscious competence:
The individual has had so much practicew i t h a s k i l l t h a t i t b e c o m e s " s e c o n d n a t u r e "
a n d c a n b e p e r f o r m e d easily (often without concentrating too deeply). He or she may or maynot be
able to teach it to others, depending upon how and when it waslearned