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Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol.

8(1)2015:47-53, January 2015, Efe Lucky Igharo and Eugene Uroro

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Organic Geochemical Characterization of “L-1” Well in the

Anambra Basin, Southern Nigeria for Source Rock and
Hydrocarbon Potential
Efe Lucky Igharo and Eugene Uroro
Department of Geology, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
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Abstract - The Anambra basin of Nigeria harbours the largest deposit of sub-bituminous coal and lignite. There have been reports of oil
seepages in parts the basin. Thepotential of the coal and other formations as source rock andhydrocarbon is yet to be fully understood. This
study is aim at identifying the source rocks and the geochemical composition of the oil seepage. Forty eight shale and coaly samples
comprising of twenty eight ditch cuttings, twelve sidewall core and eight conventional core samples from depths 550m to 2390m in L-1 Well
in the Anambra Basin were subjected to organic geochemical investigation using Rock Eval, TOC, and Vitrinite Reflectance study. The
Vitrinite reflectance valuesrangefrom 0.52% to 1.0 %, TOC range from 0.61% to 7.39%, while the Tmax values range from 432 to 440. The
Hydrogen index values ranges from 11mgHC/g to177mgHC/g. The catagenetic study show that the vitrinite reflectance slightly increase
from 0.5 to 0.62% between depth of 850m to 1920m, which increases more sharply (in the top of Asata/Nkporo Shales) and reaches 1.0 at
2390m depth. The production indexes range from 0.04 to 0.33.The whole studied section of the well from the analyses iscomposed mainly of
Kerogen Type III land derived organic matter with infinitesimal amount of Type IV and also it is evident from the study that the shaly and
coaly intervals of the Lower Coal Measures are now in the oil generation zone and have already produced hydrocarbons.
Keywords: Production index; Coal; Hydrocarbon; Rock-Eval pyrolysis; Vitrinite reflectance, Aulacogen
Submission: 16 September 2014 Corrected : 30 October 2014 Accepted: 18 December 2014

Doi: 10.12777/ijse.8.1.47-53
[How to cite this article: Igharo, E.L. and Uroro, E. (2015). Organic Geochemical Characterization of “L-1” Well in the Anambra Basin, Southern Nigeria for
Source Rock and Hydrocarbon Potential. International Journal of Science and Engineering, 8(1),47-53, Doi: 10.12777/ijse.8.1.47-53

INTRODUCTON Basin again for reevaluation. Research and exploration are

L-1 Well lies within the Anambra Basin, which is a been carried out in other to improve the available data on
roughly triangular structural Basin that was form during the Basin so as to discover new reserves and increase our
the separation of South America continent from Africa and production.
it is the second most petroliferous Basin in Nigeria aside Organic geochemistry which is implored in this
the Niger Delta Basin. The Basin occupies an area of investigation is a very important tool in petroleum
4,000km2 and is bounded to the east by the exploration both in the early stage in identifying the source
undifferentiated Precambrian Basement Complex and rock and classifying crude oil into families (Ekweozor et al.,
Abakiliki anticlinorium to the west, but the Northern and 1979).
Southern boundary are not well defined as shown in Figure The objective of this research is to evaluate the
1 (Short and Stauble, 1967). hydrocarbon potential of the Anambra basin using
Hydrocarbon exploration started early within the basin geochemical and optical study of organic matter from L-1
but most of the wells were observed to be ungratifying and well which penetrated the Early Tertiary and Late
this discouraged most of the oil companies who then Cretaceous sediments of Imo Shale, Upper Coal Measures
resorted to the very prolific Niger Delta. With increase in (Nsukka Formation), False Bedded Sandstone of Ajali
demand to meet the world’s growing energy demand, Formation, the Lower Coal Measures (Mamu formation)
dwindling reserves and discovering of inland petroleum and Asata/Nkporo Shale.
reserves in Cameroun and Niger couple with increasing
technology, attention has been moved to the Anambra
© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, January 2015, All rights reserved
Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol. 8(1)2015:47-53, January 2015, Efe Lucky Igharo and Eugene Uroro

GEOLOGICAL SETTING Anambra platform and Afikpo region leading to the

The Anambra basin is part of the Lower Benue Trough deposition of the Nkporo Group, Mamu Formation, Ajali
which is the southern section of the NE--SW aulacogen that Sandstone, Nsukka Formation, Imo Formation and Ameki
developed as a failed arm of the triple radial rift system Group (Table 2)., and the Late Eocene-Pliocene
Eocene Niger Delta
Grant (1971); and Olade, (1975). The Basin is in the form of phase characterizes the stratigraphy of Anambra Basin. Due
a roughly triangular prism situated in the South-eastern
South to earth movement the southern position of the basin is
part of Nigeria and covers about 4,000 km2. down warped and overlapped by thick Tertiary deposits of
The sediments deposited in the Anambra Basin are the Niger Delta (Short hort &Stäuble, 1967; Murat, 1972).
generally considered to be Upper Cretaceous – Lower N w a j i d e a n d R e i j e r ( 1 9 9 7 ) o b s e r v e d t h a t t he
Tertiary descendant of the Southern Benue trough and the regressive offlap sequence began to develop in the
stratigraphic history is characterized by three sedimentary Campanian an times and prograded into the Maastrichtrian
phases (Short and Stauble, 1967). The Aptian - Santonian and the delta development ended in the Paleocene when
Abakaliki - Benue Phase which resulted in the deposition of the Imo shale Paleocene
ocene transgression phase occurred. This
the Asu River Group and the Eze-Aku
Aku and Awgu Formations is a pointer to the fact that the main source, reservoir and
in the Abakaliki-Benue
Benue Basin, the Benue valley and the cap rocks which are related to the petroleum potentials of
Calabar Flank, Campanian-Mid Mid Eocene Anambra-Benin
Anambra the basin are diagnostic in these sequences particularly in
phase resulting from the Santonian folding and uplift of the the Coal Measure facies, the AwguShale’sAwguSh and Agbani
Abakaliki region and dislocation of the depocenter into the Sandstones.

Figure 1. Position of the Anambra Basin in the tectonic framework of Southern Nigeria (after Short and Stauble, 1967)

© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, January 2015, All rights reserved
Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol. 8(1)2015:47-53, January 2015, Efe Lucky Igharo and Eugene Uroro

Table 1. Stratigraphy of Southern Benue Trough / Anambra Basin


Forty eight shale and coaly samples comprising of
twenty eight ditch cuttings, twelve sidewall core
and eight conventional core samples were
collected from stratigraphic depth ranging from
550 to 2930m (TD) cutting across five formations
from Imo Shale to Asata / Nkporo Shales within
Samples preparation was done according to
Espitalieet al.,., 1977, standard organic geochemical
sample preparation procedure and Stach et al
1982; Obaje,, 1994; organic petrologic sample
preparation procedure. The Analysis was carried
out with LECO 230 analyzer and Delsi Rock Eval II
instrument and the following were obtained:

a) Total organic carbon (TOC) determination to

estimate the quantity of organic matter in each

b) Rock-Eval pyrolysis to determine the

hydrocarbon generative potential of the organic
matter (S1, S2, S3, Tmax, and the derivatives:
Hydrogen Index (HI), Oxygen Index (OI), and
Production Index (PI).

c) Vitrinite reflectivity (Ro %) to determine the

Fig. 2. Synthetic Catagentic Profile
source rocks maturity.


The results of the geochemical
eochemical analyses are shown Six Imo shale samples were subjected to Rock Eval
in Table 2, fromwhich profiles weregenerated
were to analysis. The average organic matter of the
represent the degree and level of maturity of the
samples is fair with TOC range of0.61 to 1.08%.
organic matter in the sediment.

© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, January 2015, All rights reserved
Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol. 8(1)2015:47-53, January 2015, Efe Lucky Igharo and Eugene Uroro

The hydrogen index (HI = S2/TOC) vs. oxygen Upper Coal Measure
index (OI=S3/TOC) plot on the van One sample was analyzed and studied within this
Krevelendiagram (Van Krevelen, 1984; Tissot and formation. It is characterized by a type III kerogen
Welte, 1984), indicates the predominance of and has a TOC of 1.02% and the genetic potential
organic matter of types III kerogen (Fig. 3). The (S1+S2) of the samples is 0.22 mg HC/g of rock
genetic potential (S1+S2) of the samples is less hence it is negligible
than 0.2 mg HC/g of rock hence it source rock
potential is negligible

Table 2. Results of organic geochemical data

(m) E REF % % % 0C
% )
550.0 #01 IMO SHALES 90.31 0.61 0.57 93
650.0 #02 “ 89.60 0..93 0.2 0.1 0.45 11 48
700.0 #03 ” 92.04 0.65 0.1 0.40 15 62
800.0 #04 “ 92.20 0.66 0.31 47
850.0 #05 “ 91.77 0.57 1.08 0.0152 1.4 0.2 0.42 19 39 (434)
900.0 #06 IMO SHALES 86.65 0.75 0.01 0.1 0.45 13 60
980.0 #07 UPPER COAL M. 75.28 0.52 1.02 0.0354 3.5 0.02 0.2 1.33 20 13 (433)
1020.0 #08 F B SANDSTONE 79.19 3.22 0.2266 7.0 0.58 3.7 1.67 115 52 436 0.14
1124.0 #09 “ 94.82 3.25 0.19 4.3 0.58 132 18 437 0.04
1160.0 #10 “ 0.52
1250.0 #11 “ 0.54
1425.0 #12 F B SANDSTONE 0.56
1484.5 #13 LOWER COAL M. 91.81 2.32 0.21 1.4 0.90 60 39 432 0.13
1500.0 #14 ” 87.71 0.82 0.0657 8.0 0.09 0.6 0.49 73 60 438
1540.0 #15 “ 91.09 0.57 1.36 0.12 1.3 1.19 96 87 435
1608.5 #16 “ 95.66 7.39 0.85 14. 0.78 191 11 433 0.06
1625.0 #17 “ 0.56
1695.0 #18 “ 92.85 1.58 0.16 1.8 0.75 114 47 437 0.08
1725.0 #19 “ 84.70 1.35 0.0668 4.9 0.08 1.1 1.35 81 10 439
1745.0 #20 “ 89.44 0.66 3.20 0.62 5.1 1.22 159 38 434 0.11
1758.5 #21 “ 90.92 6.67 0.79 11. 1.47 177 22 434 0.06
1760.0 #22 “ 91.98 2.26 0.0937 4.1 0.28 3.0 0.75 133 33 439 0.09
1915.0 #23 “ 91.06 1.27 0.20 1.3 2.28 102 18 438 0.13
1927.0 #24 “ 94.70 2.18 0.1352 6.2 0.22 3.1 3.38 142 15 439 0.07
1920.2 #25 “ 92.97 0.62 1.71 0.1346 7.9 0.14 1.9 2.07 111 12 437 0.07
1922.6 #26 “ 95.13 1.62 0.19 1.9 1.94 11 120 436 0.09
1926.8 #27 LOWER COAL M. 95.10 1.75 0.2740 15.7 0.23 2.2 2.02 12 115 439 0.09
1965.0 #28 ASATA/NKPORO 94.72 2.54 0.21 1.6 1.31 63 52 441 0.12
1980.0 #29 “ 85.78 0.70 2.14 0.19 1.4 4.52 65 211 445 0.12
2040.0 #30 “ 74.26 0.75 1.95 0.1342 6.9 0.19 1.4 5.26 72 270 445 0.12
2054.0 #31 “ 94.28 1.38 0.09 0.4 0.50 29 36 437 0.18
2078.0 #32 “ 93.10 1.65 0.14 1.0 1.07 61 65 444 0.12
2101.0 #33 “ 93.52 1.63 0.27 1.3 0.55 80 34 445 0.17

© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, January 2015, All rights reserved
Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol. 8(1)2015:47-53, January 2015, Efe Lucky Igharo and Eugene Uroro

(m) E REF % % % 0C
% )
2125.0 #34 “ 86.63 1.32 0.05 0.3 1.78 23 135 (450)
2140.0 #35 “ 88.74 0.80 1.59 0.1667 10.5 0.10 0.8 1.43 50 90 450
2175.0 #36 “ 87.78 2.33 0.39 0.8 1.09 34 47 458 0.33
2180.0 #37 “ 78.18 1.50 0.0875 5.0 0.19 0.9 1.59 60 106 451 0.17
2190.0 #38 “ 83.50 2.29 0.30 0.6 1.91 26 83 444 0.33
2221.0 #39 ASATA/NKPORO 96.64 0.95 3.68 0.9160 2.5 0.73 3.0 1.02 82 28 451 0.20
2212.2 #40 “ 96.00 2.79 0.1484 5.3 0.53 2.0 0.69 72 25 448 0.21
2218.1 #41 “ 95.74 2.13 0.1761 8.3 0.38 1.4 0.03 66 39 452 0.21
2218.6 #42 “ 98.72 0.11 0.0192 17.5 0.1 0.09 91 82
2260.0 #43 “ 90.41 1.27 0.19 0.9 1.61 71 127 447 0.17
2277.5 #44 “ 94.69 3.51 0.55 2.4 0.70 68 20 448 0.19
2290.0 #45 “ 90.66 1.92 0.30 1.5 2.14 78 111 446 0.17
2330.0 #46 “ 90.48 1.44 0.22 1.0 1.95 69 135 444 0.18
2356.0 #47 “ 89.94 0.97 1.74 0.0940 5.4 0.14 1.0 1.99 57 114 451
2390.0 #48 “ 89.47 1.00 1.77 0.34 1.2 1.63 68 92 449 0.22

Fig. 3. L-1
1 Well Plot of HI versus OI for kerogen type Fig. 4. L-1
1 Well Plot of HI versus Tmax showing the
assessment potential for oil and gas phase

© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, January 2015, All rights reserved
Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol. 8(1)2015:47-53, January 2015, Efe Lucky Igharo and Eugene Uroro

Indices [PI= S1/(S2+S3)] of the samples ranging

from 0.6 to 0.13 reflects an immature level and
Tmax values ranging between
betwe 432 to 439, coupled
with vitrinite reflectance 0.6% indicating that the
samples are within oil window but the low
hydrogen index and moderate maturation reveals
minor hydrocarbon potential.

Asata/Nkporo Shale
This formation was divided into two facies for this
study and they are the Shaly upper part where
eleven samples were analyzed and the Sandy
lower part where ten samples were analyzed.
The organic content of the samples seems quite
good and homogenous in the formation, though
the lower sandy part is slightly better with a TOC
and genetic potential [GP= S1+S2] ranging 1.3 to
3.5% and 1 to 1.8 respectively compared to 1.5 to
2.5% and 1 to 3.7 at the Shaly upper part
reflecting a moderately good source rock.
Hydrogen index versus oxygen index plot
icates type III kerogen.

The production index is relatively high ranging

from 0.12 to 0.33 (Table 2) 2 which is compatible
with the generation of hydrocarbons. The Tmax
value which range from 441 to 452 combined with
Fig. 5. L-1Well
1Well Plot of HI versus TOC a vitrinite reflectance of 1% reflects mature stage
of maturation. The PI values of the studied
False Bedded Sandstone samples of Asata/Nkporo formation which are
Two shale samples interbedded within sandstone greater than 0.1 (Table 2) also reveals possible
of the formation was studied and an average TOC impregnation by migrated
grated oil or contamination by
of 3.2% recorded. The genetic potential was very mud additives (Clementz, 1979).
high with an average of 4.38 mg HC/g rock (Table
1). The Tmax values for the section was 436 and CONCLUSIONS
437 this reflectt an early mature stage of The organic geochemical study of L-1 L Well
maturation and in combination with the type III revealed a land derived type III organic matter
kerogen observed from the hydrogen index of 115 throughout the section. The from the study, the
and 132 which falls within 150 to 50 (Peter, kerogen is predominantly gas prone. prone The
1986). It indicates that the organic matter is catagenetic
atagenetic study assessed from the Tmaxand
predominantly gas prone. vitrinite reflectance gently increases from 0.5 to
Also it mustn’t be forgotten that this shale levels 0.65% VRo between the depths of 850m and 1944
are very scarce and that false bedded sandstone is m, and then increases more sharply at the top of
a reservoir and not a source rock. the Asata – Nkporo Shale es and reaches 0.95 – 1%
VRowhich at 2390m depth iit is therefore at the
Lower Coal Measure early to mature stage of maturation
maturation. Juxtaposition
The average organic content of the fourteen of the geochemical and petrologic results reveal
analyzed samples from this formation is high to that the shaly and coaly intervals of the coal
locally high (1.2 to 7.4%
.4% TOC) due to frequent measure present a good genetic potential and the
presence of coaly particles. Sample #16, 20, and Asata / Nkporo shales which ha has a genetic
21 is composed of oil prone type II kerogen with potential of 3 - 4 mgHC/ g of rock reflects a
S2/S3>5 while sample #13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, medium potential for hydrocarbon
ydrocarbon sourcing and
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 indicates gas prone type this is further buttressed by PI values which are
III kerogen with S2/S3<2. greater than 1 an indication possible
The genetic potential ranging from 1.2 to 15mg/g impregnation by migrated oil.
is the highest recorded of all the formations
crossed within the borehole. The production
© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, January 2015, All rights reserved
Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol. 8(1)2015:47-53, January 2015, Efe Lucky Igharo and Eugene Uroro

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© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, January 2015, All rights reserved

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