Authority To Sell Template

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THIS IS TO AUTHORIZE ________________________, of legal age, a resident of

Cabanatuan City, to do and perform any and all of the following acts:

TO SELL my house and lot located at _________________, more particularly

described as follows:

Block No. _________ Lot No. __________ Lot Area: __________ square meters
Transfer Certificate of Title No. __________

That _________________ shall receive a commission fee equivalent to

FIVE (5%) PERCENT and any amount in excess of the net selling price
amounting to ______________________________, as stipulated in the Deed of
Sale or Contract to sell, and the payable upon the execution of the

This exclusive authority shall become ineffective only after 90 days from
receipt of either party of a written notice terminating such authority.

Signature Over Printed Name

Name of Owner: _________________________________________

Spouse: _________________________________________________
Home Address: __________________________________________
Telephone Nos. __________________________________________
Office Address: __________________________________________
Telephone Nos. __________________________________________
Date: _______________________

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