The root of pollution problem that occurs in water surface and groundwater is the unavailability of adequate
wastewater infrastructure in order to anticipate the rapid development of city with large populations [2]. Jakarta as a
capital city with population of 9.733.880 million from the total area of 650 km2, only has 3% of its total population
served by piping system, which are in Setiabudi and Tebet district. The Masterplan of wastewater and drainage
(1991-2010) has been made with assistance from JICA through central government, and now it is under evaluation
and compilation of new Masterplan 2012-2050 . There was no significant progress in
wastewater infrastructure development from 1991 to 2001. To know why the wastewater infrastructure is
undeveloped and its obstacle issues, it needs a reaserch conducted to society, management, and the government as
decision maker. This research is done by using the SEM Method to 270 respondents. The result of this research
shows the pathway coeficient which has positive and significant influence to the sustainability which are intitution
(0.203), environmental (0.197), technology selection (0.156), financial/economy (0.146) and social-culture (0.128).
Those coeficients are used to compile the development strategy for wastewater infrastructure.
© 2012 The Authors.
2013 The Authors. Published
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by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
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1878-0296 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of SUSTAIN conference’s committee and supported by Kyoto University; (OPIR),
(GCOE-ES), (GCOE-HSE), (CSEAS), (RISH), (GCOE-ARS) and (GSS) as co-hosts.
686 Endang Setiawati et al. / Procedia Environmental Sciences 17 (2013) 685 – 692
1. Introduction
The availability of wastewater or sanitation infrastructure is one of the basic human needs with the
main purpose of separating human waste from the living environment to prevent diseases [1]. World
Health Organization (WHO) found that bad sanitation condition causes 85-90% diarrhea in developng
country [4] and causes 1,6 million children death under the age of 5 [5]. In developing country, the
simplicity and low cost of construction of lavatory (simple hole) without operation and maintenance,
contributes in spreading the disease through the ground water contamination [23].
Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia has similar sanitation issues with another cities in developing
countries. In this case, the issue is wastewater problems. Rapid city growth, population growth and
migration from vilage to urban without proper planning for wastewater infrastructure, is the root of
pollution issues which occur on surface water and ground water [2].
Jakarta currently has been served by sewerage system with grants from central government through
Loan International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). Those infrastructure and its
facilities have been built in 1992-1996. To manage those wastewater network, Regional Company for
Wastewater Management in DKI Jakarta (PD PAL Jaya) was established, with ± 3% service coverage
including Setiabudi and Tebet District. In 1991, Master Plan of Wastewater and Drainage (1991-2010)
for Jakarta city has been done with JICA Assistance, and become the guideline for next development
program, but until 2011 there has been no significant development progress.
Based on study, 77% groundwater in DKI Jakarta has been contaminated by E. Coli [14]. Well
water can not be used as a source of drinking water [15] and 82% of rivers has been heavily
Hence, Jakarta needs a strategy on domestic wastewater development to reach The Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015 where 50% of population has access for basic sanitation and
implementing the vision of Jakarta to become a prosperous, comfortable, and sustainable city of service.
The study on provision of infrastructure and facility strategy is done to know how the development of
sustainable city wastewater infrastructure that can balance the city and population growth, and individual
wastewater development not polluted the environmental.
The study has been done in household which has been served by sewerage system (offsite) in Tebet
and Setiabudi district. In this study examined the indicators and variables which influenced the
sustainability of provision of the wastewater infrastructure and facility in theory, then compiled into
teoritical model which will be proven by field data and become data-basis model [3]. Those variables will
be analized by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) [24].
2. Methodology
Sampling has been done in Tebet and Setiabudi district, South Jakarta, which has been covered by
offsite system (sewerage) through domestic connection. The sub-district for location of study are:
Manggarai, Manggarai Selatan, Bukit Duri, Karet, Setiabudi, Karet Kuningan, Menteng Atas, Pasar
Manggarai and Guntur.
Based on literature study, the factors that influenced the sustainability are as follows:
Technology Selection (TS); is a latent exogenous variable measured from 4 indicators: system
endurance (X1.1), availability of spare part (X1.2), easiness of operational (X1.3), and adaptability
Endang Setiawati et al. / Procedia Environmental Sciences 17 (2013) 685 – 692 687
Financial (F); is a latent exogenous variable measured from 3 indicators: investment cost (X2.1),
O&M cost (X2.2), and local development (X2.3).
Environmental (E); is a latent exogenous variable measured from 3 indicators: not polluting water
sources (X3.1), efficiency of raw material (X3.2), and minimization of wastewater (X3.3).
Institutional (I); is a latent exogenous variable measured from 2 indicators: regulation and sanction
for wastewater (X4.1), and regulation & sanction for environmental protection (X4.2).
Social-Culture (SC); is a latent exogenous variable measured from 4 indicators: willingness to pay
(X5.1), local capacity (X5.2), society acceptance (X1.3), and suitability of local culture (X5.4).
Literatures of factors in sustainable wastewater system showed in this table:
Data was obtained from primary and secondary data. Primary data is obtained directly from
respondent by interview using questionaire, observation or both combined. While secondary data is
obtained from related institution. The data is grouped into variables of observation/indicators which
consists of technology selection, financial, environmental, institution, and social-culture.
The second order is done by validity and realibity test to measure the level of influence significancy
between one latent variable and its indicator.
The validity test is done by using the Confirmatory Factor Analisys (CFA) by using AMOS 18
programme where loading factor > 0.5 and value of p on regression weight < 0.05.
The realibity test is done to know how far the the measuring instrument can be trust. Reliability is
consistency of a measurement. High realibity showed that the indicator has high consistency in
measured its laten variable. To measure the realibility costruct reliability (CR) can be used as
follows (Hair and all, 2006:777).
n 2 n 2 n
CR = i] i] i]) (1)
Where is a loading factor for each latent variable and is an error variance for each
construct/latent. The minimum limit value used to assest 0.70 and p
variance error < 0.05. The result of validity and realibility test is shown on te table 4 (appendix A).
To express the relationship of causality between the various construct, an equations of Structural
Equation Model (SEM) is built as follow:
= 1 1 + 2 2 + 3 3 + 4 4 + 5 5+ (2)
Where :
= Sustainability system (laten variable intervening/endogen)
= Recidu factor
To build a good model, it has to be tested with suitability tests indicated by fit and proper criterias, as
shown in the table 2 below.
The test result with fit and proper criteria to assess the viability of a model could be seen on the
following table 3; the table also shows good result on 6 criteria, which means there is a match between
the theoretical model with the data, therefore it can be said that the model could be accepted with no
modifications are required on the model.
Table 3 Test Result with Goodness of fit
3.2 Empirical Model of the Relation of Exogenous variables on the Endogenous variables
Empirical model of the relation of exogenous variables on the endogenous variables after
conducting validity and reliability test and test using fit and proper criteria could be depicted as follows:
X1.22 0 66
Te chno
0.968 Sele
ion (TS
ion TS))
X1.44 0
X2.11 0.995
X2.22 0.9 7
0.987 Fina
( )
(F Y1.11
X2.33 0
0.994 0.940
0.146 Susttai
Su aina
bi litty
li ty Y1.22
(S) 0
X3.11 0.948 0.1977
En viro
nm entta
en t al
tal 0.904 Y1.33
X3.22 0.972
X3.33 0
Goodness of Fit:
X4.11 0.9
0.952 Inst
In sti
ion Chi-
i-Square = 210.437
X4.22 ()
(I Probability = 0.000
0.504 0.128 RMSEA = 0.045
1 GFI = 0.927
2 0 26
0.926 Sociial
So al-
l AGFI = 0.899
0.982 Cult
Cu ltur
ur ( C) CMIN/DF = 1.536
3 TLI = 0.987
5.4 CFI = 0.990
From the empirical model of sustainability, line coefficient is obtained as hypothesis in the research,
which is presented in structural equation as follows:
S = 0.156 TS + 0.146 F + 0.197 E + 0.203 I + 0.128 SC (3)
Based on the table 4 above, the interpretation for each line coefficient are defined as follows :
All of the exogenous variables have positive and significant effect on the Sustainability (S). It can be
seen on the line coefficients which are marked as positive from 0.128 to 0.203 with C.R. value from 1.974
to 2.505, and the significance of probability (p) are obtained at 0.012 to 0.048, which are smaller than the
determined significance level of 0.05.
Thus, all exogenous variables affect directly on Sustainability (with the value at 0.156 on the
selection of technology, which means that whenever there is an increase on Technology Selection (TS), it
will raise the Sustainability (S) of 0.156). It is also similar to the other latent variables.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussion, it could be concluded that the institutions,
environment, technology selection, financial/economy and socio-cultural conjointly affect the
sustainability. Variables that provide the dominant influence on sustainability in respectively are
institution (0.203), environment (0.197), technology selection (0.156), financial/economy (0.146) and
socio-cultural (0.128), all which have a positive and significant impact on sustainability. The coefficients
of the variables that affects sustainability are used to prepare the strategies for the provision of wastewater
infrastructure, which are the implementation of legislation and legal sanctions, saving and recycling
wastewater, the selection of appropriate technology for limited space and the necessity for investment and
society involvement. From the variable observed in sustainability, 83,3%. the society members sampled
agree that sewerage system makes the environment and health better.
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692 Endang Setiawati et al. / Procedia Environmental Sciences 17 (2013) 685 – 692
Appendix A
1. Loading factor > 0,5
2. p-value (regression weight) < 0,05
3. Composite Reability (CR) > 0,7