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Global estimates of the value of ecosystems and their services

in monetary units
Rudolf de Groot
, Luke Brander
, Sander van der Ploeg
, Robert Costanza
, Florence Bernard
Leon Braat
, Mike Christie
, Neville Crossman
, Andrea Ghermandi
, Lars Hein
, Salman Hussain
Pushpam Kumar
, Alistair McVittie
, Rosimeiry Portela
, Luis C. Rodriguez
, Patrick ten Brink
Pieter van Beukering
Environmental Systems Analysis Group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), VU University, Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Institute for Sustainable Solutions (ISS), Portland State University, Portland, OR 97201, USA
ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi 00100, Kenya
Alterra, Wageningen University & Research Centre, Droevendaalsesteeg 3-3 A, 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands
School of Management and Business, Aberystwyth University, Cledwyn Building, Aberystwyth SY23 3DD, UK
CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, PMB 2, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064, Australia
CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, Bellenden Street, Crace, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Graduate School of Management, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel
Resource Economics and Biodiversity Team, Scottish Agricultural College, Kings Buildings, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JG, UK
Division of Environmental Policy Implementation (DEPI), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), P.O. Box 30522, Nairobi 00100, Kenya
Conservation International, 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202, USA
Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), Quai au Foin 55/Hooikaai 55, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 24 March 2012
Received in revised form
6 July 2012
Accepted 7 July 2012
Available online 31 July 2012
Ecosystem services
Monetary values
a b s t r a c t
This paper gives an overview of the value of ecosystem services of 10 main biomes expressed in
monetary units. In total, over 320 publications were screened covering over 300 case study locations.
Approximately 1350 value estimates were coded and stored in a searchable Ecosystem Service Value
Database (ESVD). A selection of 665 value estimates was used for the analysis.
Acknowledging the uncertainties and contextual nature of any valuation, the analysis shows that
the total value of ecosystem services is considerable and ranges between 490 int$/year for the total
bundle of ecosystem services that can potentially be provided by an average hectare of open oceans to
almost 350,000 int$/year for the potential services of an average hectare of coral reefs.
More importantly, our results show that most of this value is outside the market and best
considered as non-tradable public benets. The continued over-exploitation of ecosystems thus comes
at the expense of the livelihood of the poor and future generations. Given that many of the positive
externalities of ecosystems are lost or strongly reduced after land use conversion better accounting for
the public goods and services provided by ecosystems is crucial to improve decision making and
institutions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable ecosystem management.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Ecosystems provide a range of services, many of which are of
fundamental importance to human well-being, for health, liveli-
hoods, and survival (Costanza et al., 1997; Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment (MA), 2005; TEEB Foundations, 2010). Despite inter-
national commitments (through among others the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD, 2010)) global biodiversity continues to
decline at unprecedented rates (TEEB Synthesis, 2010). Ecosystem
degradation and the loss of biodiversity undermine ecosystem
functioning and resilience and thus threaten the ability of
ecosystems to continuously supply the ow of ecosystem services
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Ecosystem Services
2212-0416/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: 31 317 482247; fax: 31 317 419000.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. de Groot),
[email protected] (L. Brander), [email protected] (R. Costanza),
[email protected] (F. Bernard), [email protected] (L. Braat),
[email protected] (M. Christie), [email protected] (N. Crossman),
[email protected] (A. Ghermandi),
[email protected] (S. Hussain), [email protected] (P. Kumar),
[email protected] (A. McVittie), [email protected] (R. Portela),
[email protected] (L.C. Rodriguez), [email protected] (P. ten Brink),
[email protected] (P. van Beukering).
Current address: Division of Environment, Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology, 2408 Block F, 9-11 Hong Shing Street, Hong Kong.
Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 5061
for present and future generations. These threats are expected to
become greater in the context of climate change and ever
increasing human consumption of resources. Biodiversity and its
associated ecosystem services can no longer be treated as inex-
haustible and free goods and their true value to society as well as
the costs of their loss and degradation, need to be properly
accounted for (Costanza et al., 1997; Blignaut and Moolman,
2006; Carpenter et al., 2006; TEEB in Policy, 2011; TEEB
Synthesis, 2010).
Although the importance of ecosystems to human society has
many dimensions (ecological, socio-cultural and economic),
expressing the value of ecosystem services in monetary units is
an important tool to raise awareness and convey the (relative)
importance of ecosystems and biodiversity to policy makers.
Information on monetary values
enables more efcient use of
limited funds through identifying where protection and restora-
tion is economically most important and can be provided at
lowest cost (Crossman and Bryan, 2009; Crossman et al., 2011).
It can also assist the determination of the extent to which
compensation should be paid for the loss of ecosystem services
in liability regimes (Payne and Sand, 2011).
Expressing ecosystem service values in monetary units also
provides guidance in understanding user preferences and the
relative value current generations place on ecosystem services.
These values help to make decisions about allocating resources
between competing uses whereby it should be realised that
monetary values that are based on market prices only, usually
neglect the rights (values) of future generations (Farley, 2008).
Furthermore, the measurement of the broad range of ecosystem
service ows and their values in monetary units or otherwise is a
fundamental step to improve incentives and generate expendi-
tures needed for their conservation and sustainable use, such as
systems of Payments or Rewards for Ecological Services (Farley
and Costanza, 2010; Leimona, 2011). This information is critical
for the implementation of the CBDs programme of work on
incentives and measures, as well as to promote the integration
of such values into national accounting systems
(TEEB in Policy,
2011). We would like to underline that monetary valuation does
not imply that economic incentives are the only solution but
should be seen as an addition to other instruments such as spatial
planning and regulation.
To support this message, and stimulate public debate and
policy action, a global assessment of The Economics of Ecosys-
tems and Biodiversity (TEEB) was launched in 2007 and the
results published in 2010 and 2011 (TEEB Foundations, 2010;
TEEB in Business, 2011; TEEB in Local Policy, 2011; TEEB in Policy,
2011; TEEB Synthesis, 2010).
As a contribution to the TEEB study, the authors of this article
developed an Ecosystem Service Value Database (ESVD) with
more than 1350 value-estimates. Here we give an overview and
critical discussion of the main results of the analysis of the
monetary values included in this database.
Research on the monetary valuation of ecosystem services
dates back to the early 1960s but received wide attention with
the publication of Costanza et al. (1997) and since then there has
been a steady growth in the number of articles and reports on the
monetary valuation of natural resources, ecosystem services and
biodiversity (Fig. 1).
These publications cover a large number of ecosystems, types
of landscapes, different denitions of services, different areas,
different levels of scale, time and complexity and different
valuation methods. In addition, a number of independent biblio-
graphies and summaries for different ecosystems and methodol-
ogies have been compiled by different authors or institutes (see
Section 3 for details).
In this paper, we present the results of an analysis of the
monetary values of ecosystem services provided by 10 main
(Open oceans, Coral reefs, Coastal systems, Coastal wet-
lands, Inland wetlands, Lakes, Tropical forests, Temperate forests,
Woodlands, and Grasslands) based on local case studies across
the world. For each biome, 22 ecosystem services were taken into
account, following the TEEB classication (De Groot et al.,
2010a). In total, approximately 320 publications were screened
and more than 1350 data-points from over 300 case study
locations were stored in the Ecosystem Services Value Database
(ESVD) (see Appendix 1 for details). A selection of 665 of these
value data points has been used for the analysis presented in this
paper (see Section 3 for details on the data selection process). An
earlier, partial analysis of the data was included as Appendix 3 in
the TEEB book on Ecological and Economic Foundations (TEEB
Foundations, 2010).
In order to make the information from all studies comparable
and accessible, the collected data were systematically entered
into the ESVD. Values were converted to a common set of units,
namely 2007 International $/ha/year, i.e. translated into US$
values on the basis of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). The ESVD
also contains site-, study- and context-specic information from
the case studies (see Section 2 for details).
To our knowledge, the ESVD is one of the largest databases of
its kind including actual values for a range of ecosystem services
and biomes in which the value estimates are organized in
monetary units/ha/year to allow easy retrieval for value transfer
and meta-analysis. The ESVD can thus provide useful insights on
the monetary value of specic ecosystem types or spatially
dened areas (e.g. parks, watersheds, regions) and thus help to
analyze the effects of different land use options, both through
empirical research and value transfer exercises in the absence of
Fig. 1. Cumulative total of ecosystem services valuation studies sourced from
EVRI from 1960 to 2008. Source: modied from Christie et al., 2008.
Throughout this paper we use monetary value or monetary valuation as a
shorthand for ALL values of ecosystem services expressed in monetary units,
including market and non-market values.
The Convention on Biodiversity New Strategic Plan for 2020 requests that
values for biodiversity be integrated into national development strategies and
national accounts. Similarly, the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2020 (Target 2,
Action 5) requires Member States to assess the economic value of ecosystem
services and integrate them into accounting systems at the national level. In
addition, the World Bank has established the Global Partnership for Wealth
Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) http://www.
Throughout this paper we use biome as shorthand for the 10 main types of
ecosystem-complexes for which we analyzed the monetary value of the services
they provide. Each biome can be split into several ecosystems, each with their own
set of ecosystem services, but for the purpose of this paper, data on monetary
values was aggregated at the biome-level (for details see Appendix 1).
R. de Groot et al. / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 5061 51
primary values. Notwithstanding the limitations and restrictions
in the state-of-the-art of value transfer techniques (Brouwer,
2000; Johnston and Rosenberger, 2010; Defra, 2010), it is an
increasingly attractive option for policy-makers facing time and
budget constraints. The database is specically designed to
support the application of meta-analysis, i.e., a set of statistical
tools for synthesizing the results from multiple studies and
transferring values, which has been used for economic valuation
of environmental resources in many instances, for example:
wetlands (Brouwer et al., 1999; Woodward and Wui, 2001;
Brander et al., 2006; Enjolras and Boisson, 2008; Ghermandi
et al., 2010; Brander et al., 2011), coral reefs (Brander et al.,
2007; Stoeckl et al., 2011), forests (Zandersen and Tol, 2009),
woodland recreation (Bateman and Jones, 2003), biodiversity
(Nijkamp and Vindigni, 2003), outdoor recreation (Rosenberger
and Loomis, 2000; Shrestha and Loomis, 2001), water quality (Van
Houtven et al., 2007), urban air pollution (Kaoru and Smith,
1995), urban open space (Brander and Koetse, 2011) and envir-
onmental valuation studies (Gen, 2004). Nelson and Kennedy
(2009) provide a critical overview of 140 meta-analyses in the
eld of natural resource economics. Note that we acknowledge
the uncertainties related to value transfers, and discuss these
further in Section 5.
In Section 2 of this paper, the database structure is briey
described. Section 3 explains the approach used for collecting and
analyzing the data, and gives the main descriptive statistics (e.g.
number of value estimates per biome, geographical distribution
and main determining factors of the values, such as inuence of
income level, population density, and proximity of user to the
service). Also the valuation methods used are presented and
discussed. Section 4 forms the core of the paper and gives a
detailed overview of the monetary values found for each biome
(in Int. $/ha/year). The paper ends with a discussion of methodo-
logical challenges involved in monetary valuation of ecosystems
and their services and some conclusions on the importance and
possible uses of the data presented in this paper.
2. The Ecosystem Service Valuation Database
The Ecosystem Service Valuation Database (ESVD) was devel-
oped to enable systematic data entry, processing and analysis of
monetary estimates of ecosystem service values from different
biomes in a way that it is readily usable by different end-users.
The ESVD builds on the COPI Valuation Database (Braat et al.,
2008), which formed the basis for the Costs of Policy Inaction
reports (Ten Brink et al., 2009), and was modied following the
recommendations from the TEEB Scoping the Science report
(Balmford et al., 2008). The ESVD is a relational database, which
links information on the publication, with the value estimates and
the case study locations (Fig. 2). The relational links between
tables make it possible to quickly and precisely extract valuation
data on all value estimates or for a selection only e.g. by biome or
ecosystem service.
A detailed description of the ESVD is given in Van der Ploeg
et al. (2010). Below, we provide an overview of the main
component tables included in the database.
Central to the ESVD is the Values table, which describes the
variables related to a single monetary value data point for an
ecosystem service. The database now contains over 1350 unique
value data points. The variables in this table are among others:
the monetary value, the original units of measure (e.g. Yuan/ha,
Fig. 2. A relational representation of the Ecosystem Service Valuation Database (ESVD).
R. de Groot et al. / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 5061 52
US$/ha/yr), the valuation method, the value type (e.g. annual
value, stock value, (net) present value), the year of estimation, the
original currency of the estimate, the validation year, the discount
rate and number of years over which values are discounted (if
applicable) and some remarks on calculation procedure. The
individual value data points are linked to a series of other tables
that describe the site and context characteristics of the valuation
study such as the area to which the service value relates (e.g.
location, biome, ecosystem sub-service and services). These tables
are briey described below.
Each value observation is linked to a specic biome or ecosys-
tem through the Biomes table. The biome and ecosystem classi-
cation scheme used is based on Chapter 1 in the TEEB
Foundations report (De Groot et al., 2010a) which identies 12
main biome types. The Biomes table includes these 12 types and
many more sub-biomes. This paper, however, only presents
information on 10 key biomes (see Table 2): Desert and Polar
regions were excluded from our analysis due to the low number of
value data points; Cultivated Land and Urban Areas were excluded
because they are human-dominated systems. These excluded
biomes do produce ecosystem services but there were insufcient
primary valuation studies to allow a meaningful analysis.
Each value data point is also linked to an Ecosystem service and
Ecosystem Sub-service table. The ecosystem service classication
scheme was also taken from the TEEB Foundations report, Chap-
ter 1 (De Groot et al., 2010a) which describes 22 services divided
into four main categories: provisioning, regulating, habitat and
cultural services (see Table 1). These 22 Ecosystem Services were
further subdivided into 90 more specic sub-services to provide
more information on the actual nature of the service (e.g. sh, bush
meat etc. as sub-categories of the service food) (see Appendix 1
provided as online supplementary information).
The database also gives information on the valuation methods used
(Table 1) and contains information on the study location, which
allows ecosystem service values to be linked to the socio-economic
context of a study site (e.g. income and population density).
Note that in Table 1 and our subsequent analysis, only 665 of
the 1350 values in the database are used; these are the values for
which we were able to calculate standardized per hectare values
in 2007 International dollars (see Section 3).
3. Data collection and methodology used for the analysis
3.1. Data sources and criteria for data selection
Information on the monetary value of ecosystem services were
sourced from a number of existing databases including: COPI
Valuation database (Braat et al., 2008; EVRI, 1997; ENVAlue,
2004), EcoValue (Wilson et al., 2004), ValueBaseSwe (Sundberg
and S oderqvist, 2004) and ESD-ARIES (UVM, 2008), as well as
other relevant studies with data on ecosystem service values
(Costanza et al., 1997; De Groot et al., 2002; Brander et al., 2006).
Table 1
The number of value estimates per valuation method and ecosystem service.
Source: compiled based on data presented in Appendix 1.
Ecosystem service No. of esti-mates Market values Revealed preference Stated preference Other
Direct market value Cost based methods
Total 665 297 4 51 60 13 56 3 24 93 13 51
Provisioning services 287 219 0 23 8 2 14 0 0 1 8 12
1 Food 133 118 8 1 3 3
2 Water 38 5 10 7 1 9 3 3
3 Raw materials 100 83 5 1 5 2 4
4 Genetic resources 3 2 8 3 1
5 Medicinal resources 6 4 1 1
6 Ornamental resources 7 7
Regulating services 152 20 0 7 51 9 40 0 0 7 0 18
7 Air quality regulation 1 1
8 Climate regulation 36 12 9 5 6 1 3
9 Moderation of disturbance 48 2 2 26 1 10 4 3
10 Water ow regulation 5 2 1 1 1
11 Waste treatment 31 1 1 5 2 19 1 2
12 Erosion prevention 17 4 7 1 1 1 3
13 Soil fertility mainten. 7 1 2 2 2
14 Pollination 3 2 1
15Biological control 4 1 1 2
Habitat services 81 10 3 13 1 2 2 0 0 34 4 12
16 Nursery service 28 9 12 1 2 1 3
17 Genepool Protection 53 1 3 1 2 33 4 9
Cultural services 145 48 1 8 0 0 0 3 24 51 1 9
18 aesthetics information 12 2 3 6 1
19 Recreation 122 40 8 23 43 1 7
20 Inspiration for culture and art 2 1 1
21 Spiritual experience 1 1
22 Cognitive development 8 5 1 1
The acronyms for the valuation methods are DMPDirect market pricing; PESPayment for Ecosystem services; FI/PFFactor Income/Production Function; ACAvoided
Cost; MC/RCMitigation and Restoration Cost; RCReplacement cost; HPHedonic Pricing, TCTravel Cost; CVContingent Valuation, GVGroup Valuation; Otherin
most cases another method or a combination of methods.
PES is not a valuation method per se but can be seen as an expressed WTP through the market.
R. de Groot et al. / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 5061 53
All potential data on values were screened to ensure they
contain suitable and sufcient information regarding the multiple
dimensions of the ESVD for the analysis.
Criteria used for selecting data were that a study should (a) be
an original case study, i.e. not based on value transfer; (b) provide
a monetary value of a given ecosystem service or sub-service
which can be attached to a specic biome/ecosystem and a
specic time period; (c) provide information on the surface area
to which the ecosystem service value applies in order to make it
possible to convert the monetary value to per ha values; (d)
provide information about the valuation method used; (e) provide
the location of the case study site, the surface area and the scale of
the study (local, country, region, continent and global).
3.2. Value standardization
In the literature, ecosystem service values have been reported
in many different metrics and currencies for different time
periods and price levels (e.g., WTP per household per year,
capitalized value for a given time horizon, marginal value per
acre, etc.).
The ecosystem service values contained in the ESVD are Values
Estimated in Monetary units (VEM). These values are estimated
using a range of approaches, including market prices, cost-based
approaches, stated preference methods, revealed preference
methods and production function approaches. They generally
represent marginal values for a specic ecosystem service pro-
vided by an individual ecosystem (they are marginal values in the
sense that they represent the change in value for a small change
in the overall provision of the specic ecosystem service). To aid
direct comparison and aggregation, these values (VEM) have been
standardised in the ESVD to common spatial, temporal and
currency units, namely International dollars per hectare per year
To aid direct comparison and aggregation, these values (VEM)
needed to be organized in a standardised and contextually
explicit manner. The values in the data set were thus standar-
dized into the common metric of 2007 International dollars
hectare per year. If necessary the estimates were converted into
the ofcial local currency. The values were then adjusted to 2007
values using the GDP deators of each country and then con-
verted to international dollars using appropriate purchasing
power parity (PPP) conversion factors relative to the year 2007.
The ofcial exchange rates, GDP deators and PPP conversion
factors were based on the World Bank (2009) World Develop-
ment Indicators.
WTP per person or household per year were
converted to per hectare per year values given information on the
case study area and the relevant population size as identied in
the valuation studies. The implication of this unit-standardization
was that we only used those studies and data-sources that
enabled selection, or calculation, of estimates presented on a
per hectare per year basis and for which the biome, ecosystem
service and location are explicitly specied. Of the original 1350
value points input into ESVD, only 665 had adequate information
to convert into the standardised unit. Note that by only standar-
dising values using GDP deators and PPP conversion factors will
not take into account changes in population, changes in scarcity
of nature, marginal values of climate change mitigation which all
lead to higher demand and/or scarcity of services and hence the
values are likely to be underestimates.
4. Value of ecosystem services per biome in monetary units
Table 2 shows a summary of the monetary values for
each service per biome which are presented as averages
in this
table. The ranges of these values are presented in Table 3 and
Fig. 3, which also show the number of value data points found and
used per biome. Most value data points were found for inland
wetlands (25%), coastal wetlands (especially mangroves) (21%),
tropical forests (14%) and coral reefs (14%). The geographic
distribution of the valuation data included in the database
shows a rather balanced distribution over the continents: 28%
from Asia, 26% from Africa, 14% from Europe, 12% from Latin
America and the Caribbean, 12% from North America, and 8% from
4.1. Range and average of monetary values per biome
Table 3 gives a summary of the monetary values of the
ecosystem services found for the 10 biomes. In the analysis
presented in this paper we calculate the mean value for each
ecosystem service within each biome category. We then summed
the mean ES values across ES categories for each biome. This
provides an estimate of the total mean value for the bundle of all
services that can potentially be provided by a biome on a
sustainable basis (albeit recognizing that not all ES for all biomes
are represented in the ESVD).
The standard deviation of the mean, and the median, mini-
mum and maximum values were calculated for every ecosystem
service to provide insight into the distribution of the values. This
was done because no rigorous statistical analysis could be
performed for every biome due to the lack of values per ecosys-
tem service. Table 3 shows a summary of these numbers.
It is important to keep in mind that value estimates are based
on individual case studies and in some cases this leads to large
value ranges. For example, the most economically important
service of coral reefs is tourism which, based on 29 studies,
represents an average monetary value of almost 96,300 Int$/ha/
year. The value range however is very big: from a little more than
0.1 Int$/ha/year (for small, remote reefs) to more than 1 million
Int$/ha/y for heavily visited reefs. This implies that any extra-
polation of values between different contexts or generalization to
a larger scale must be done with great care. Due to increasing
scarcity of pristine and undamaged reefs and a still growing
human population even less accessible or less attractive reefs
may, however, become more valuable in the future because
demand for tourism and provision services (e.g. food, genetic
material) will increase as well as the number of beneciaries of
other services such as natural hazard reduction by reefs.
The international dollar, or the GearyKhamis dollar, is a hypothetical unit
of currency that is used to standardize monetary values across countries by
correcting to the same purchasing power that the U.S. dollar had in the United
States at a given point in time. Figures expressed in international dollars cannot be
converted to another countrys currency using current market exchange rates;
instead they must be converted using the countrys PPP (purchasing power parity)
exchange rate. 1 Int.$1 USD.
The World Bank Development Indicators series 2009 used for GDP deators
and purchasing power parity converters are respectively GDP deator (base year
varies by country) and PPP conversion factor, private consumption (LCU per
international $). For the conversion to local currencies the series Ofcial
exchange rate (LCU per USD, period average) was used. When rates/conversion
factors for a country or year were not available in the series another ofcial source
was used (the Penn World Table, the US Federal Reserve Bank or other National
Banks) or values were based on linear regression of the available values.
There is arguably no such thing as an average value given the site
specicity of ecosystem services and the interactions of the ecosystems with
economic and social systems; an average is used simply to present an indication
of importance and create a window into the rich literature (see Appendix 1 for
R. de Groot et al. / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 5061 54
It is important to note that for most biomes less than half of
the total number of services is represented in the data underlying
the values shown in Fig. 3. The values presented are therefore
almost certainly an under-estimate of the economic importance
of that biome/ecosystem.
On the other hand, if values across sites are characterized by a
highly skewed distribution this results in a high average value, in
such cases the use of a median value of per hectare values might
be appropriate for further analysis.
Fig. 3 shows that the total
Table 2
Summary of monetary values for each service per biome (values in Int.$/ha/year, 2007 price levels).
Marine Coral
Fresh water (rivers/
Woodlands Grasslands
Provisioning services 102 55,724 2396 2998 1659 1914 1828 671 253 1305
1 Food 93 677 2384 1111 614 106 200 299 52 1192
2 Water 1217 408 1808 27 191 60
3 Raw materials 8 21,528 12 358 425 84 181 170 53
4 Genetic resources 33,048 10 13
5 Medicinal
301 99 1504 1
6 Ornamental
472 114 32
Regulating services 65 171,478 25,847 171,515 17,364 187 2529 491 51 159
7 Air quality
8 Climate regulation 65 1188 479 65 488 2044 152 7 40
9 Disturbance
16,991 5351 2986 66
10 Regulation of
water ows
5606 342
11 Waste treatment 85 162,125 3015 187 6 7 75
12Erosion prevention 153,214 25,368 3929 2607 15 5 13 44
13 Nutrient cycling 45 1713 3 93
14 Pollination 30 31
15 Biological control 948 11 235
Habitat services 5 16,210 375 17,138 2455 0 39 862 1277 1214
16 Nursery service 0 194 10,648 1287 16 1273
17 Genetic diversity 5 16,210 180 6490 1168 23 862 3 1214
Cultural services 319 108,837 300 2193 4203 2166 867 990 7 193
18 Esthetic
11,390 1292 167
19 Recreation 319 96,302 256 2193 2211 2166 867 989 7 26
20 Inspiration 0 700
21 Spiritual
22 Cognitive
1145 22 1
Total economic value 491 352,249 28,917 193,845 25,682 4267 5264 3013 1588 2,871
Numbers in the cells are averages of the values found for a particular service and biome. Calculations are based on a total of 665 values. For details see Appendix 1.
Coastal systems include estuaries, continental shelf area and sea grass, but exclude wetlands like tidal marsh, mangroves and salt water wetlands.
Table 3
Total monetary value of the bundle of ecosystem services per biome. (Values in Int.$/ha/year, 2007 price levels).
No. of
Total of service mean
Total of St. Dev. of
Total of median
Total of minimum
Total of maximum
Open oceans 14 491 762 135 85 1,664
Coral reefs 94 352,915 668,639 197,900 36,794 2,129,122
Coastal systems 28 28,917 5045 26,760 26,167 42,063
139 193,845 384,192 12,163 300 887,828
168 25,682 36,585 16,534 3018 104,924
Rivers and
15 4267 2771 3938 1446 7757
Tropical forest 96 5264 6526 2355 1581 20,851
58 3013 5437 1127 278 16,406
Woodlands 21 1588 317 1522 1373 2188
Grasslands 32 2871 3860 2698 124 5930
More details of all original values in the database are shown in Table 2 and in Appendix 1.
When undertaking meta-regression analysis of values a log transformation
of explanatory variables such as physical characteristics of sites (e.g. area) might
also be appropriate to normalize the values as these often exhibit highly skewed
R. de Groot et al. / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 5061 55
value ranges between 490 int$/year for the total bundle of
ecosystem services that can potentially be provided by an
hectare of open oceans to almost 350,000 int$/year
for the potential services of an average hectare of coral reefs.
As the database grows, Fig. 3 can be made more context
relevant, for example to better account for the socio-economic
context by differentiating value-estimates from countries with
different income levels.
4.2. Meta-analytic value function for inland wetlands
As an example of how the information contained in the ESVD
may be used for conducting meta-analyses to estimate value
functions, we present a meta-analysis of the value data for inland
wetlands. The data used in this analysis is based on the ESVD and
has been supplemented with additional variables representing
context characteristics using a GIS. The specication of the
estimated meta-regression model is
where the dependent variable (y) is the vector of wetland values
standardized to 2007 US$ per hectare per year. The subscript i
assumes values from 1 to 244 (number of value observations),
a is the constant term, b
, b
and b
are vectors containing
the coefcients of the explanatory variables and u is the vector
of residuals. The explanatory variables consist of three categories,
namely characteristics of (i) the valued wetland X
site area, wetland type); (ii) the socio-economic and geographical
context X
(GDP per capita, population within 50 km of study
site, wetland abundance within 50 km, and abundance of
lakes and rivers within 50 km)
and (iii) the valuation study X
(valuation method). Variable denitions together with the esti-
mated OLS meta-regression model are presented in Table 4.
The estimated coefcients on the explanatory variables have
expected signs but not all are statistically signicant at the 5
percent level. In terms of study site characteristics, the negative
effect of the study site area indicates diminishing returns to scale
for wetland values. In other words, the value of an additional
hectare to a large wetland is of lower value than an additional
hectare to a small wetland.
Regarding socio-economic and geographical context, the posi-
tive effect of the income variable (GDP per capita) indicates that
most wetland ecosystem services have higher values in countries
with higher incomes. This indicates that the demand for wetland
ecosystem services increases with income; in other words (most)
wetland ecosystem services are not inferior goods for which
demand falls as incomes rise. The positive effect of population on
the value of wetland ecosystem services reects the market size
or demand for ecosystem services. A larger population in the
vicinity of a wetland means that more people benet from the
ecosystem services that it provides. The positive effect of the area
of lakes and rivers in the vicinity of a wetland indicates that lakes
and rivers are complements to wetland ecosystem services, i.e.,
the combination of surface water bodies results in higher valued
ecosystem services. The negative effect of the total area of other
wetland sites in the vicinity of the study site indicates substitu-
tion effects between wetlands. The ecosystem services from a
specic wetland will be of higher value if there are fewer other
wetlands in the vicinity.
In terms of study characteristics, the meta-regression results
show that valuation methodology can have a signicant inuence
on estimated values, with the travel cost, net factor income,
production function, and market price methods all producing
statistically signicantly lower values than contingent valuation
(the omitted dummy variable in the regression model).
In addition to providing a statistical synthesis and identifying
general results across studies, meta-analysis is also of interest as a
tool for transferring values from studied sites to new policy sites.
A meta-analytic value function, such as the one presented here,
can be combined with information on parameter values for the
policy site to estimate values.
5. Discussion of caveats and potential uses
Although this paper explicitly focuses on expressing ecosys-
tem values in monetary units as a tool to provide better insight
into the economic benets of ecosystem goods and services, we
would like to stress that it is not the purpose of this study to
underplay the shortcomings and limitations of monetary valua-
tion, not only in relation to ecosystem services but also to man-
Fig. 3. Range and average of total monetary value of bundle of ecosystem services per biome (in Int. $/ha/yr 2007/PPP-corrected)). The total number of values per biome is
given between brackets; the average of the value-range is shown as a star. For exact values see Table 3.
(footnote continued)
distributions, i.e. there are a large number of very small sites and few very large
Clearly, an average ha is a theoretical construct (similar to the non-existing
average human being) which is illustrated by the fact that for each biome there is
a wide spread of values reecting different site specicities (e.g. the monetary
value of coral reefs ranges between a few hundred US$/ha/yr for small remote
reefs to over 2 million US$/ha/yr for heavily visited reefs in the Caribbean).
We dened the spatial variables using alternative neighborhood scales (10,
20 and 50 km radii from the centre point of each study site), tested each in the
regression model, and selected the scale with the highest explanatory power.
R. de Groot et al. / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 5061 56
made goods and services (EPA, 2009; Defra, 2010), some of which
are discussed below.
We also want to make clear that expressing the value of
ecosystem services in monetary units does not suggest that the
values should be used as a basis for establishing prices and does
not mean that they should be treated as private commodities that
can be traded in private markets. Most ecosystem services are
public goods that cannot (or should not) be privatized. Their value
in monetary terms is an estimate of their benets to
societybenets that would be lost if they were destroyed or
gained if they were restored. Thus, monetary valuations of the
importance of ecosystem services to society can serve as a
powerful and arguably essential communication tool to inform
better, more balanced decisions regarding trade-offs involved in
land use options and resource use. Ecosystem service valuations
are best seen as complementary to conventional decision-making
frameworks, in which the positive and negative externalities of
the use or loss of many environmental goods and services are still
not, or insufciently acknowledged. Monetary valuation can help
to make these externalities visible and complement the insights
on the role and importance of nature gleaned via other quantita-
tive and qualitative measures (TEEB Foundations, 2010). Respond-
ing to the assessments of value can eventually internalize at least
part of their economic importance in decision making, in eco-
nomic accounting, and in policy responses, whether they use
economic incentives, spatial planning or other regulatory
The ESVD was designed to provide easy access to value data in
monetary units on ecosystem services. With over 1350 data
points presented in monetary values/ha/year for 22 services of
10 biomes it is one of the most extensive databases of its kind,
potentially allowing more robust value transfer and meta-analy-
sis. However, there were many methodological challenges that
had to be solved during the development of ESVD. In this section
we provide an overview of the main caveats when performing or
interpreting the outcomes of ecosystem service assessment or
meta-analysis, as well as the potential uses and need for further
expansion and improvement of this database.
5.1. Data availability and reliability
The number of ecosystem services and estimates per biome
varies signicantly (see Table 2 and Fig. 3 and De Groot et al., 2010b)
due to limitations in data availability and reliability. On average data
was found for only about 12 services per biome (out of a potential
maximum of 22 recognized services). This highlights the need for
further research on some ecosystem services (e.g. genetic resources,
ornamental resources, air quality control, regulation of water ows,
pollination, biological control, nursery service and cultural services
except recreation and tourism) and biomes (e.g. deserts, polar
regions, cultivated land, and urban areas) that are currently poorly
Also researchers should be much more aware of the need to
provide sufcient information in their publications to allow for
reproduction of their studies and inclusion of their data in
databases. The UK government has recently published guidance
on undertaking value transfer including a protocol for primary
valuation (see Eftec, 2010).
5.2. Distribution of data on services and values over biomes
The number of ecosystem service value estimates used per
biome differs greatly (e.g. 168 for inland wetlands but only 14 for
marine ecosystems, Fig. 3). The main reasons are that there is a
general dearth of data in the literature and the selection criteria
and the standardization procedure (see Section 3) precluded a
large number of values (more than 50%). Future work on the
development of the ESVD will focus on obtaining values for those
services and biomes which are now least well represented in the
5.3. Value heterogeneity and value range
In databases on ecosystem service values such as ESVD, data
heterogeneity is a major concern (Nelson and Kennedy, 2009).
The devised standardization procedure addresses some of the
sources of heterogeneity, such as difference in purchasing power
among countries and ination across different years. Other issues,
however, cannot be adequately addressed in a database which
aims at being all-embracing of the environmental resource
valuation literature. Such is, for instance, the important issue of
the different conceptual models of values that are elicited in the
valuation studies (Smith and Pattanayak, 2002). This should be
considered in any application that makes use of the data collected
in the ESVD.
Table 4
Meta-regression value function for inland wetlands.
Variable Variable denition Coeffs Std. error
Dependent constant Natural log of US$/ha/annum 1.386 1.890
Study site area Natural log of the study site area (ha) 0.321
Freshwater marsh Dummy (1freshwater marsh; 0other) 0.576 0.443
Wooded marsh Dummy (1wooded marsh; 0other) 0.681
Salt-brackish marsh Dummy (1salt/brackish marsh; 0other) 1.489
GDP per capita Natural log of country level GDP per capita (PPP USD 2007) 0.37
Population Natural log of population within 50 km radius of study site 0.339
Wetland abundance Natural log of area of wetlands within 50 km radius of study site 0.203
Lake and river abundance Natural log of area of lakes and rivers within 50 km radius of study site 0.092 0.077
Hedonic pricing Dummy (1hedonic pricing; 0other) 1.219 1.112
Travel cost Dummy (1travel cost; 0other) 1.658
Replacement cost Dummy (1replacement cost; 0other) 0.567 0.403
Net factor income Dummy (1net factor income; 0other) 1.355
Production function Dummy (1production function; 0other) 1.298
Market price Dummy (1market price; 0other) 1.391
Opportunity cost Dummy (1opportunity cost; 0other) 0.726 0.804
Choice experiment Dummy (1choice experiment; 0other) 0.573 0.832
N244 Adjusted R
Indicates statistical signicance at the 5 percent levels.
Indicates statistical signicance at the 1 percent levels.
R. de Groot et al. / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 5061 57
The considerable range of values found can be attributed to
ve main causes. First, valuation studies come from a wide
variation of locations and countries with different ecological and
socio-economic characteristics (see also Section 5.5). Second, a
wide variety of valuation methods has been used to obtain
monetary values of ecosystem services. Third, the different
studies relate to a variety of sub-biomes (ecosystems) and sub-
services. Fourth, it is sometimes difcult to isolate these service
values without taking into account the benets of other services,
i.e. depending on the valuation methodology employed it is often
impossible to attribute a value to a particular service or to
apportion a total value across a range of services. This may lead
to double-counting when services values are aggregated. Fifth, the
values of services are location and time specic; consequently the
nuance of the original case studies is blurred during aggregation
of individual service values.
The values and the assessed averages should therefore be
seen as illustrative and when specic policy questions arise where
valuation insights could contribute to better decision making, site
specic assessment should be done, duly informed by a value
transfer exercise to help scope this issue.
5.4. Choice of valuation method and preferred methods
We found that provisioning services are more often valued
through direct market pricing methods (see Table 1), while
regulating services are, in addition to direct market pricing,
mainly valued using avoided cost and replacement cost. The
habitat services are often valued through direct market pricing,
factor income and contingent valuation while cultural services are
often valued using direct market pricing and travel cost. The
choice of the most appropriate valuation method for a given
service depends on the purpose of the valuation and the socio-
economic and environmental context. However, it should be
noted that values derived from different valuation methods may
not be measuring the same economic construct and therefore
values from different methods may not be directly comparable.
5.5. Difference in socio-economic context
Monetary estimates for ecosystem services are generally
applicable at local scales and used for local decision making. At
the local level, the economic value of a service will be very
different depending on the livelihood circumstances, income
levels and other socio-economic conditions such as price levels,
population density (see for example Shrestha and Loomis (2001),
Brander et al. (2006), Ghermandi et al. (2010) and Barrio and
Loureiro (2010)), distances between beneciaries and the
resource, accessibility, and the presence of substitute and com-
plementary sites (Ghermandi et al., 2010). These factors should be
controlled when transferring values from one study site and
context to another. An adequate characterization of the context
of the valued ecosystems is a problematic task that has been
investigated in several meta-analyses of ecosystem service values
(Brander et al., 2006; Ghermandi et al., 2010; Brander et al.,
2011). The ESVD was screened for context characteristics but
there are still too few data-points per service to make a statisti-
cally meaningful analysis and even with sufcient data it is
questionable whether general conclusions can be drawn at the
global level although meta-analysis techniques are increasingly
able to identify such relationships.
An important issue in making comparisons or transferring
values across socio-economic contexts is the level of dependence
on the resource for critical services. For instance, many poor
communities may depend directly on ecosystems for their sub-
sistence (e.g., for provision of food or clean water) but a valuation
study focusing solely on market prices may fail to capture the
importance of such services for local livelihoods. Similarly, WTP
statements, if not properly put in the context of the socio-
economic conditions of the population of beneciaries, may
understate the true value of ecosystem services for poor and
vulnerable communities due to inability to pay (Kenter et al.,
This underlines the need to use indicators of importance that
build on quantitative (e.g. ecosystem service ows), spatial (i.e.
mapping) and qualitative indicators (e.g. stakeholder perceptions
and preferences).
5.6. Identication of beneciaries at different scales
An important issue is the spatial scale at which services are
provided to beneciaries (e.g. Hein et al., 2006; TEEB Foundations,
2010), including directional components. For example as regards
the issue of scale the value of the supply of tourism and
recreational activities at a location does not necessarily accrue
only to the local community. It is often the case that non-local or
international visitors are the main beneciaries of such services.
For climate mitigation, which is provided locally through carbon
sequestration, the benets are mainly global. Similarly, the
benets from bio-prospecting from local resources mainly lead
to high prots for international pharmaceutical companies. Inter-
national treaties, such as the Climate Convention and Convention
on Biological Diversity, increasingly aim to channel at least some
of the benets from the international community back to the local
communities providing the service. On the other hand, the
benets from moderation of extreme events (e.g. storm surges),
clean water supply and waste treatment generally directly accrue
to the welfare of local communities as would pollination benets
often with a directional component i.e. only some members of the
community benet depending on the spatial interconnection
between ecosystem, ow of services and beneciary. Indeed the
valuation studies themselves may differ by either concentrating
entirely on local community values or by incorporating local
values together with international ones.
5.7. Selection bias of value estimates
The ESVD, like any body of literature, may be affected by four
main sources of selection bias (Johnston and Rosenberger, 2010).
First, a research priority selection bias may exist in the collected
data, arising from the higher likelihood of sites with (expected)
high benets to be selected for valuation than areas with little or
no value (Woodward and Wui, 2001; Hoehn, 2006). Second, a
publication bias may arise due to the publishing criteria of
academic journals, which, for instance, tend to favor statistically
signicant results over inconclusive studies. Third, the process of
selection of the studies sampled in the database may introduce a
bias due to, for instance, the implemented value standardization
procedure and in spite of our efforts for comprehensiveness in our
search. Finally, as previously discussed, methodological charac-
teristics are likely to affect the values elicited in the primary
It should also be realized that the values found and presented
in this paper are for those ecosystems that are in actual use for a
particular service. The recognition of the extent and distribution
of potential values can be used to assess scenarios of future use of
currently unutilised ecosystem services. In local trade-off analysis
and decision-making situations it can be argued that the total
value of the bundle of, actual and potential, services involved in
the decision (e.g. converting a coastal system into cultivated or
urban land) represents the opportunity cost of the conversion and
R. de Groot et al. / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 5061 58
provides important information to come to better, more sustain-
able decisions.
5.8. Interactions between service-use and inuence of management
It is important to understand that ecosystem services cannot
always coexist under particular management regimes (De Groot
et al., 2010c). These are the so-called competing or non-compet-
ing uses or services with trade-offs across services for different
land use decisions. For example, forests managed for eco-tourism
may not be usable for timber extraction; wetlands conserved for
the maintenance of genetic information and nursery service
cannot simultaneously be used for waste treatment or intensive
shery. For valuation case studies, however, it is not always
possible to retrieve information on trade-offs between ecosystem
services, in which case we used conservative estimates (i.e. the
lower value) and in principle the values presented (Table 3)
reects the value of the total bundle of services that can be
provided simultaneously by a given ecosystem in a sustainable
5.9. Spatial heterogeneity
The supply of ecosystem services per unit area is rarely
homogenous so care should be taken when interpreting ecosys-
tem service values on a per hectare basis. The same bundle of
services may not be, and usually is not, supplied equally by all
units of each biome (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological
Diversity (SCBD), 2001; Costanza et al., 2008). In many cases the
supply of the service is also not proportional to ecosystem size.
There is also a relationship between monetary values and the size
of the area: e.g. Oteros-Rozas (pers. comm., 2010) found that
many services in small forests are signicantly higher valued than
the same services in bigger forests per unit area. Decreasing
returns to scale (i.e. lower average unit area values in larger
ecosystems) have also been shown in a number of meta-analyses,
including wetlands and coral reefs (Ghermandi et al., 2010;
Brander et al., 2007): the loss or degradation of a resource with
limited or no local substitutes will affect the wellbeing of the local
community more strongly than the loss of a more abundant
resource (Ghermandi et al., 2010).
Also the provision of services is affected by spatial aspects: a
small area usually does not provide the same level and quality of
services than a larger system, for example habitat and water
related services. The provision of some services may require a
minimum threshold of habitat area below which the ecosystem
fails to deliver the service. How ecological functions are affected
when systems shrink or expand is often not well known. Simi-
larly, understanding of how changes in ecological functions
subsequently affect the provision of goods and services is also
limited. There are, of course, exceptions to the above. For climate
mitigation, the benets can be in direct relationship to the area
(e.g. of forests, sea grass beds).
5.10. Changing perceptions and (time) preferences
The value of some services may not be recognized yet (e.g.
carbon sequestration only became economically valuable during
the past decade) thus leading to undervaluation of their impor-
tance in decision making. Undervaluation of ecosystem services
may lead to over-exploitation of the resource stocks that generate
those services. This is the case, for instance, for overharvesting of
service ows and consequent depletion of the resource stock that
generates those services in the rst place. On the other hand,
scarcity combined with a high demand may lead to very high
market prices, and thus also lead to overexploitation of the
service (e.g. ivory or rare ornamental species). When interpreting
the value of ecosystem services in decision-making situations
(e.g. land use conversion), these distortions should be taken into
account by acknowledging the potential use of currently under-
valued services, and the over-valuation of services that are used
in a non-sustainable way.
These calculations, taking account of all ecosystem service
values over a long time-period, can be used to compare values of
an unsustainable use scenario versus a conservation or sustain-
able use scenario to show the net welfare benets (or costs) of
both scenarios. For example, it has been shown that sustainable
use of forests or wetlands is usually economically more benecial
than conversion to alternative land uses if all, or most services are
taken into account (e.g. Balmford et al., 2002; van Beukering et al.,
2003; Barbier, 2007; Costanza et al., 2008; Hanley and Barbier,
6. Conclusions
The ESVD with over 1350 values for 22 services of 10 biomes is
one of the most extensive databases of its kind and designed to
allow more robust value transfer and meta-analysis. Contrary to
most other databases, this database will be open access and allow
others to both retrieve and submit data (see
org for further information on access to, and development of, this
Although valuation of ecosystem services in monetary units
still has many caveats, the outputs of ecosystem service assess-
ments are increasingly important in the policy debate regarding
exploitation versus sustainable use. It is therefore important to
provide the best available information and engage in an open
dialog on the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of mone-
tary valuation of ecosystem services, and to pursue strategies to
improve the various valuation approaches.
Studies like the one we present here are often criticized on the
grounds that we cannot value the priceless and that we cannot,
or should not place monetary values on anything that is essential
and non-substitutable (i.e. of fundamental importance). As much
as we in principle agree with this point of view, in daily decision
making practice (by governments, businesses and consumers) we
explicitly or implicitly put a price on forests, wetlands, and other
ecosystems. Often this price is very low, or even close to zero, not
reecting the variety of market and non-market ecosystem
services supplied by these multi-functional systems which is
why we convert them into plantations, shrimp farms and other
mono-functional systems without, or only partially, considering
the costs of the loss of their services.
Valuation is assessing trade-offs (whether people perceive
them or not). What we are concerned with is understanding
these trade-offs in order to optimize the (sustainable) benets we
recieve from the interaction between ecosystems and human,
social and built capital assets. We can express those trade-offs in
many ways, including in monetary units, but expressing them in
monetary units does NOT mean we can or should privatize them,
commodify them or exchange them in markets. For example, the
amount of money we spend on highway safety implies a value for
human life that can be expressed in monetary units. This does
NOT mean that people are for sale. But it does mean that society
values a statistical human life at a non-innite amount and it is
important to know that number in order to make better decisions
about highway safety. It should be emphasized here that the
monetary values presented in this paper are a mix of market and
non-market values and an important conclusion is that most of
the economic value is outside the market and can only be
captured by shadow prices elicited through avoided damage cost,
R. de Groot et al. / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 5061 59
replacement cost, contingent valuation, production functions, or
other non-market valuation technique. These non-market values
are still largely ignored but are nevertheless real: we all pay the
price of the lost ecosystem services, or the cost of restoration,
meaning that we still live at the expense of others, usually the
poor and future generations.
Values in monetary units will never in themselves provide
easy answers to difcult decisions, and should always be seen as
additional information, complementing quantitative and qualita-
tive assessments, to help decision makers by giving approxima-
tions of the value of ecosystem services involved in the trade-off
analysis. However, even if we do not have a precise value for, for
example, water purication we can assess broadly how valuable it
is as an ecosystem service relative to other services, or the costs of
the absence of that service, in a particular decision making
Note that expressing values in monetary units can be a time
and resource intensive exercise and often quantitative insights
expressed in bio-physical units are sufcient to communicate
benets (e.g. number of people benetting from clean water
provision). Valuation should therefore only be done where it is
needed. However, we believe that in almost all decision making
situations trade-offs are involved and some form of valuation is
Another important use of the database is to indicate which
services may be most important in a given decision making
context. The database can help to provide a rst indication of
the potential value of the most relevant services on the basis of
which it can be decided which services need to be analyzed in
more detail (i.e. a screening list). The database can provide
information on both the change in value as a consequence
of a policy decision as well as the loss of the total value in
case the providing ecosystem is fully lost. As the amount and
quality of data in the database increases it becomes possible to
provide more accurate information on the benets of conserva-
tion policies and trade-offs involved in changes in land use,
including the connection with poverty. This is due both to
increasing insights from individual studies on ecosystem service
provision and their value to the rural poor and to the possibility of
demonstrating links of income levels, and hence income groups,
to values within a value production function where there is a
sufcient evidence base to allow statistical relationships to be
Better knowledge about the monetary value of ecosystem
services communicates important information to complement
quantitative and qualitative insights and can help to make the
positive and negative externalities of changes in ecosystems
visible and eventually internalize at least part of their true
economic and social importance in decision making, economic
accounting and policy response.
The TEEB study in which the authors of this paper participated
in various ways was funded by the EU and the German, UK, Dutch,
Swedish, Norwegian and Japanese governments, and coordinated
by UNEP and the TEEB-ofce at UFZ, Bonn, Germany, who
provided nancial and logistic support for the development of
the database.
Appendix 1. Supporting information
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in
the online version at
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