Request For Additional Course Offerings For SHS
Request For Additional Course Offerings For SHS
Request For Additional Course Offerings For SHS
Region III
Division of Pampanga
San Roque, San Luis
This is to request your good office that we be allowed to offer 2 additional TVL Course
Offerings for Grade 11 this School Year 2017-2018 which include:
1. Illustration (320 hrs.) for Grade 11 to be paired with Animation (320 hrs.) for Grade 12
(S.Y. 2018-2019) under ICT
2. Bread and Pastry Production (160 hrs.) for Grade 11 to be paired with Food and
Beverages Services (160 hrs.) and Bartending (320 hrs.) for Grade 12 (S.Y. 2018-2019)
under Home Economics
1. Students are interested in Arts-related courses as shown in our latest survey of SHS
TVL Course Offerings for Grade 10 where Illustration ranked 2nd (Bread and Pastry
being the 1st)
2. We offer Mechanical Drafting in Grade 8 (Exploratory) and Technical Drafting in
Grades 9 and 10 (Specialization) which under suggested career pathways are
considered beginning courses to Illustration which has no pre-requisite
3. We have a Drafting Room which is under Sustainability Status in the Division Search
for TLE Model School in IA and 50 available computer units (DCP Provided)
1. In our latest survey of courses to be offered in SHS, most of the Grade 10 students
who preferred TVL chose Bread and Pastry Production which placed it 1st in rank
among TVL courses
2. Even the Suggestion Box of the school contains requests from students that Bread and
Pastry Production be offered in Grade 11 for them not to transfer to another school
that offers this course
3. Grade 10 students from Talang High School, a neighbor school which is a Non-Senior
High School Provider, inquire if we offer this course, this just shows that Bread and
Pastry Production has high demand among all TVL courses that we plan to offer in
our school.
Attached are the results of the latest survey conducted along with the Enrolment Profile of the
school. With these and with the aforementioned reasons, we hope that our request merits your
favorable consideration and approval.
Principal II