Recreational Facilities. The Introduction (Chapter 1) For These Design Data Collection
Recreational Facilities. The Introduction (Chapter 1) For These Design Data Collection
Recreational Facilities. The Introduction (Chapter 1) For These Design Data Collection
13. Recreational Facilities. The Introduction (Chapter 1) for these design data collection
guidelines contains additional information concerning: preparing a design data collection
request, design data collection requirements, and coordinating the design data collection
and submittal. This section lists data required for design of recreation facilities. Small
scale site development, such as a single campground loop, would need much of the data
listed below but only for the area encompassing and immediately surrounding the project
(3) Land uses in general terms, with private land labeled “private” and public
land labeled by governmental agency acronym.
(4) Locations for borrow areas, storage of construction materials, and sites for
stockpiling of topsoil.
(1) Site topography covering an area large enough to include all potential site
development. The extent of the topography should include the access road
and the probable site entrance area. Contours at 2-foot intervals or 1-foot
intervals if the site is very flat. If the project area is small, a contour
interval of 1 may be needed. The data should be in the form of an
electronic drawing file that can be used to create a base map. All points
contained in the drawing file should have a z axis value which correspond
to onsite elevation.
(3) Surface drainage features such as streams and ravines and any existing
bridges or culverts.
(4) Existing built site features, such as roads, parking, turnarounds, buildings,
structures, power lines, buried utility lines and tanks, campgrounds, picnic
areas, and marinas.
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Design Data Collection Guidelines
(2) Color Photographs of the Site. All photos should be keyed to the site
map. Photos should show problem or hazardous areas, location of
proposed facilities, location of possible access points to the site from
existing routes, and close ups of existing features such as buildings or
structures. These photos should also show favorable off-site views that
should be preserved and considered when siting buildings. Photos should
also be taken of unfavorable onsite features that should be screened from
view or otherwise considered when siting facilities. Photos should show
the condition of existing roads and buildings, if possible.
(3) Aerial Photos. 8- x 10-inch size, color if possible, at a scale which allows
discerning the nature of the vegetation.
D. Biological Data:
(2) Wildlife. List of threatened and endangered animals that have migration
routes, critical habitat, or outstanding habitat in the immediate area. Map
of any species’ migration patterns, critical habitat, and outstanding habitat
that occurs on or adjacent to the project site. List of species which may
pose a danger to users or which may require special accommodations in
site design, for example bears or moose.
(2) Soil survey and map of soil texture for determining susceptibility of soils
to erosion, and suitability of soils for building foundations, roads, trails,
and leach fields.
(3) Areas of existing erosion or high soil moisture, which should be avoided.
2 September 2007
Chapter 3 – Feasibility Designs
13. Recreational Facilities
(6) Availability of potential fill materials on site and nearby, and a description
of the type of materials.
G. User Data:
(4) Seasons of use and differing uses by different users as the seasons change.
(5) Number of users expected at one time to use the site for an average
weekend; for a holiday.
(6) Type of equipment the user is expected to bring along and the
spatial/physical site requirements to accommodate that equipment.
H. Utilities:
(1) Electricity:
September 2007 3
Design Data Collection Guidelines
(d) Available pressure (pounds per square inch) and flow (gallons per
I. Roads Data:
4 September 2007
Chapter 3 – Feasibility Designs
13. Recreational Facilities
(a) Turning radii required for roads and parking lots, based on vehicles
which are anticipated to use the facility.
(b) Wheel loading of anticipated vehicles that will use the facility.
(c) Width, depth, length, and materials needed for new roads.
(3) Carrying capacities of the particular site, for example: proposed density of
campsites or maximum number of boats in the marina and on the
(6) Square footage of new building and size of its footprint. Number of
parking spaces needed for building.
K. Concessionaire=s Requirements:
(1) Type of equipment the user is expected to rent onsite from the
concessionaire and the spatial/physical site requirements and location(s) to
accommodate the storage and servicing of that equipment.
(1) Fee collection methods and location requirements for facility security.
Include methods to achieve security.
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Design Data Collection Guidelines
(4) Requirements for fire safety, such as the need for fire trucks and
ambulances to traverse the site. The need for emergency vehicles to be
able to reach facilities and acceptable limits of access.
(5) Roads and buildings needed for general maintenance of the area and their
associated spatial and functional requirements.
(1) Availability of nursery plants and grass and forb seeds of appropriate
species for revegetation.
(3) Need to stabilize eroding streambanks or lake shores. This includes the
treatment desired, whether it is hard surfacing or live material. Also
includes a local source for riparian plant materials which can be used for
cuttings, if known.
(4) Need for design of erosion control plan including silt fences, temporary
seeding, erosion control blankets, etc., during construction to mitigate soil
erosion and potential siltation of streams and water bodies.
(1) Site topography covering an area large enough to include all potential
marina development sites, with contours at 2-foot intervals or 1-foot
intervals if the site is very flat.
(6) Condition of roads and their suitability for use by vehicles towing boat
6 September 2007
Chapter 3 – Feasibility Designs
13. Recreational Facilities
O. Miscellaneous Data:
(1) Reservoir water surface levels – at season’s highest, average summer pool,
and at season’s lowest.
(5) Unusual local pests that would influence type of construction materials.
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