Terms of Refrence

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1. Background

2. Introduction

3. Objective
The overall objective of consultancy services is to design a safe, reliable and cost-
effective bridge using the appropriate modern technology. The bridge is to be designed
considering the availability of skilled manpower, construction material, condition of
accessibility and other prevailing working conditions.
The bridge is to be designed considering the parameters as follows:
(i) Carriageway width = 7m
(ii) Number of footpaths = 2
(iii) Width of footpath = 1.5 m
(iv) Moving load classes: IRC Class A/ IRC Class AA

4. Scope of work
The consultancy shall carry out the necessary field works along the alignment. The firm shall
be responsible for accuracy, interpretation, analysis of all data received and for the conclusion
and recommendations in their report. The scope of work to be carried out by the firm shall
include but may not be limited to the following:

4.1 Desk Study

A desk study shall be carried out, collecting all data, geological map road network map, map
of earthquake zoning, land use map, aerial photo and information relevant to survey and design
of the bridge and reviewing for planning of field survey and investigation works. After the desk
study, the consultancy shall submit the inception report.

4.2 Detailed Engineering Study and Survey:

Detailed engineering study and survey shall include the following:
4.2.1 Technical Feasibility study:
It should include reviewing the available data, collecting, reviewing and analysis of field data
to be used in the study and conducting analysis to decide upon the technical feasibility of the
bridge site(s). A cost comparison of different types of bridge shall be made and discussed with
the Project Coordinator and Project Manager before proceeding to bridge site for soil
4.2.2 Geological and Geomorphologic study:
In this study the following points related to the river, its catchment area and all the considered
bridge sites should be studied in detail.
(i) Topography
(ii) Nature and structure of the surface soil
(iii) Nature and structure of local as well as regional geology
(iv) Other information as needed.
4.2.3 Bridge Site Selection
The most suitable site for the bridge based on the above characteristics of the site as well as
the catchments area shall be selected. The selected site should be clearly indicated in the map
and all the characteristic features of the chosen bridge site shall be given, in order to facilitate
easy reference while designing the bridge.
4.2.4 Topographical Survey
The topographical survey of the area should cover a minimum distance of 300 m upstream,
150 m. downstream and 150 m from the riverbanks on either side of the river at the proposed
bridge site. The Topographical Map should show the following:
4.2.5 Hydrological Study

For determination of all design data the consultant shall carry out a detailed hydrometrical
survey and hydrological study of the river and bridge site, which shall include the following:
i) Catchment area of the river up to bridge site.
ii) Length of the river from origin up to bridge site.
iii) Nature, size and quantities of debris carried by the river.
iv) Possibility of change of catchment.
v) Vegetation, cultivation etc. of the catchment.
vi) Intensity, duration and distribution of rain in the catchment.
vii) Existence of reservoir's, Lakes etc. in the catchment.
viii) Existing bridge or other hydraulic structures across the river in the vicinity of
the proposed bridge site with their details as much as possible.
ix) General slope of the river from the critical point (origin) of the river up to
bridge site and general slope of the catchment in both sides of the river.
x) Cross sections covering 200m.beyond flood lines of the river at proposed
bridge site, at about 500m. u/s and about 200m d/s. wherein HFL, LWL, LBL,
area of the cross section, wetted perimeter and geological profile with silt
factor of each strata (at proposed bridge site only) shall be indicated.
(Horizontal and vertical scale of the cross section shall be the same)
xi) Velocity and depth of flow at the time of survey.
xii) Shifting of the river in the past at proposed bridge site and in its vicinity.
xiii) Bed slope of the river which must start from 100m. up of the U/S cross section
and end at 100 m. down of the D/S cross section.
xiv) Maximum discharge calculated by established formulas with different return
periods and the peak discharge observed over a period of 100 years.
xv) Other information required for river control, design, construction and
maintenance of the bridge.

All documents should be provided in both hard copy (paper) and digital format per
guidelines. All copies of draft and final reports shall be printed double sided. The consultant
will provide four copies of the draft and final reports and an electronic version of both.
Reports must be submitted a minimum of one full week prior to meetings at which they will
be discussed, to be included in meeting packets.

5. Key expert

6. Working schedules

7. Man schedules

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