Young and Crative PDF
Young and Crative PDF
Young and Crative PDF
every minute on the immensely popular platform of You-
Tube. In this section, authors present examples of video
blogging, otherwise known as vlogging, a common feature
among viewers. Some vloggers have become world famous
through their presence on the screen, some of them are still
mostly known among their friends and family.
Digital Technologies
Empowering Children in Everyday Life
been compiled. This and other information is available on the and further afield. The production of
comparative media statistics forms the
Clearinghouse’s web site:
core of this service.
Nordicom is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Digital Technologies
Empowering Children in Everyday Life
Published by:
The International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media
University of Gothenburg
Box 713
Preface 7
Young and Creative. Digital Technologies Empowering Children in Everyday Life 9
1 The Rhetorics of Creativity
Shakuntala Banaji 17
2 Creativity on YouTube. Considering New Media and the Impulses of the Learner
Danah Henriksen, Megan Hoelting 31
3 The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age: Interview with Sonia Livingstone 43
6 The YouTube Channel RAK TV. A Narrative Interview with Rachel Cócaro, 14 Years Old
Paulo Guimarães, Maria Inês de C. Delorme 77
13 Pockets of Freedom, but Mostly Constraints. Emerging trends in children’s DIY media platforms
Deborah A. Fields, Sara M. Grimes 159
15 “Children Love to be Hilariously Silly and Dead-Serious Alike”: Interview with Margret Albers 185
Young and Creative
Creativity in Everyday Practices
Introduction – Young and Creative
Introduction – Young and Creative
Introduction – Young and Creative
Jenkins, H, (2006a). Fans, bloggers, and gamers: Exploring participatory culture. New
York: New York University Press.
Jenkins, H. (2006b). Convergence culture: When old and new media collide. New York:
NYU Press.
Introduction – Young and Creative
Jenkins, H., Purushotma, R., Weigel, M., Clinton, K., & Robison, A. J. (2009). Confront-
ing the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century.
Cambridge: MIT Press.
Lammers, J. C., Curwood, J. S., & Magnifico, A. M. (2012). Toward an affinity space
methodology: Considerations for literacy research. English Teaching: Practice and
Critique, 11 (2), 44–58.
On Creativity
Shakuntala Banaji
The Rhetorics of Creativity
Shakuntala Banaji
the aim of giving young children the ability to deal reflexively and
ethically with problems encountered during learning and family life,
examples used to illustrate ‘everyday creativity’ include attempts by
working-class individuals or immigrants to find jobs against the odds
without becoming discouraged. This too is a highly resilient strand in
commentaries on this subject and has a strong appeal for educators
(Jeffrey 2005; Cohen 2000).
Clearly for those even nominally in favour of retaining a particular
link between creativity and the arts and culture (Negus & Pickering,
2004), who see creativity as something ‘special’ (or indeed who see it
as being about challenge and social critique rather than conformity
to rules), this approach raises the question: Is this view of creativity
as an ability to be flexible in meeting the demands of life incompatible
with the notion of creativity as something that adds a special quality
to life? It seems that there remain tensions between activities, ideas
and creations that are dubbed ‘creative’ in particular social contexts or
historical moments and those that are rejected for fear of their playful,
disruptive or anarchic potential.
The Rhetorics of Creativity
Shakuntala Banaji
The Rhetorics of Creativity
Shakuntala Banaji
ogies as inherently creative, Scanlon et al. (2005) and Seiter (2005) also
note that many computer programmes designed to increase children’s
knowledge and skills are not in the least bit creative, relying on rote
learning, repetition and drill exercises. Thus, they argue that digital
technology can – but does not necessarily – support the expression
and development of creativity. In a society where technology is not
equally available to all, children may well be enthusiastic and confident
users of digital technologies when offered the opportunities for playful
production, but they are still divided by inequalities of access outside
school and across the school system. Ultimately, the social contexts of
the use of digital technology may help or hinder its creative potential.
The Rhetorics of Creativity
and the need to give practical advice to trainee teachers, thus fitting
them for the fairly chaotic but restricted milieu they will soon enter.
At points this tension is productive, or at the very least practical, in the
sense that it prevents the educational perspective on creativity from
sidestepping issues, such as assessment and time management, that are
of very real significance for practitioners in both formal educational and
more unorthodox settings. Many educators have to walk a tightrope
between institutional constraints and the fragility of their constructed
‘creative’ environment. However, at times the tension also appears to
lead to contradiction or even paradox: risk-taking is to be encouraged,
but it is also to be kept within easily controllable bounds; time is re-
quired for playful engagement with ideas and materials, but this time
has stringent external parameters in terms of the school day. Work by
Banaji, Cranmer & Perotta (2013) provides evidence that interventions
by governments in education have created a culture of vocationalization,
standardization and competition which is a barrier to creative pedagogy,
playful exploration and creative work in the classroom. While it is clear
that a number of students continue to work in imaginative and divergent
ways, and that some teachers still encourage them to do so by valuing
playful or subversive discussion and creative production with new or
traditional technologies, the literature on creativity in contemporary
classroom settings suggest that this is despite, rather than because of,
most current education policies.
Although not considered in detail here, in response to such in-
stitutional realities, and setting a challenge to aspects of foregoing
rhetorics, Creative Arts and Political Challenge sees art and participa-
tion in creative education as necessarily politically challenging, and
potentially transformative of the consciousness of those who engage
in it. It describes the processes of institutional pressure that militate
against positive and challenging experiences of creativity by young
people, regardless of the efforts of teachers and practitioners (Thomson,
Hall & Russell, 2006). In previous work on this topic (Banaji & Burn,
2006; Banaji & Burn, 2007) this rhetoric is pursued further, with an
emphasis on the questions it raises about creative partnerships, social
contexts and political or philosophical presuppositions. If one wishes
to retain the idea of cultural creativity as having an oppositional rather
than a merely socializing force, it is important not to lose sight of the
Shakuntala Banaji
In discussions of creativity, it is crucial that we understand and respond
to the relationship between the cultural politics of talk about creativity
or play and a wider politics. While there is evidence from numerous
studies (Balshaw, 2004; Starko, 2005) that creative ways of teaching
and learning, and creative projects in the arts, humanities and the
sciences, offer a wider range of learners a more enjoyable, flexible and
independent experience of education than some traditional methods,
there is no evidence that simply giving young people or workers brief
opportunities for creative play or work substantially alters social in-
equalities, exclusions and injustices. Creativity is not a substitute for
social justice. There is a complex, and not always clearly identifiable,
cultural politics behind many rhetorics of creativity, as there is behind
educational rhetorics and the rhetorics of play. This is the case not only
within discourses which explicitly address questions about power, and
about whose culture is seen as legitimate and whose is not; it is also
the case in discourses where constructions of power remain implicit,
such as those which celebrate ‘high art’ as ‘civilizing’ and child art as
being about an ‘expression of the soul’, or which see the development
of workers’ creativity as being ‘for the good of the national economy’
and the constant testing and attribution of levels of ability to children
as a way of raising ‘standards’. Some discourses explicitly legitimize
certain forms of cultural expression and certain goals, and implicitly
delegitimize others. Increasingly, such discourses aid gatekeepers
within educational institutions by stigmatizing particular pedagogies
and parenting choices. Talk about creativity is, then, always political,
even when it appears not to be.
The Rhetorics of Creativity
1. National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education, UK.
Banaji, Shakuntala; Burn, Andrew & Buckingham, David (2006). The Rhetorics of Cre-
ativity: A Review of the Literature, London: Arts Council of England.
Banaji, Shakuntala & Burn, Andrew (2007). Creativity through rhetorical lens: implica-
tions for schooling, literacy and media education, (pp.62-70) in Cremin, Teresa;
Comber, Barbara & Wolf, Shelby (eds.) Literacy, vol.41 (2). Oxford: Blackwell
Banaji, Shakuntala; Cranmer, Sue & Perrotta, Carlo (2013). What’s stopping us? Barriers
to creativity and innovation in schooling across Europe, (pp.450-463), in Thomas,
Kerry & Chan, Janet (eds.) Handbook of Research on Creativity. Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar Publishing.
Balshaw, Maria. (2004). Risking creativity: building the creative context. Support for
Learning, 19(2): 71-76.
Beetlestone, Florence (1998). Creative Children, Imaginative Teaching. Buckingham:
Open University Press.
Boden, Margaret (1990). The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms. London: Weidenfeld
and Nicolson.
Buckingham, David & Jones, Ken (2001). New Labour’s cultural turn: some tensions
in contemporary educational and cultural policy. Journal of Educational Policy
16(1): 1-14.
Cohen, Gene (2000). The Creative Age: awakening human potential in the second half of
life. New York: HarperCollins.
Colleen, Cordes & Miller, Edward (2000).Fool’s gold: A critical look at computers in
childhood, Alliance for Childhood. Available at <http://www.allianceforchildhood.
net/projects/computers/computers_reports_fools_gold_download.htm> [Accessed
7th July, 2007].
Craft, Anna (1999).Teaching Creativity: Philosophy and Practice. London and New York:
Craft, Anna (2003). Creative Thinking in the Early Years of Education. Early Years,
23(2): 147-158.
Cropley, Arthur J. (2001). Creativity in Education and Learning: a guide for teachers and
educators. London, Kogan Page.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihály (1997). Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and
Invention: New York: Harper Perennial.
In formulating the rhetorics that appear here and in tracing their lineage, I am
grateful for the substantial contributions and critiques of Andrew Burn and
David Buckingham. I also thank Creative Partnerships for the opportunity to
research and write the literature review from which this article arises, and the
Arts Council for the permission to reproduce sections of that literature review.
Shakuntala Banaji
Cunningham, H. (1998) Digital Culture – the View from the Dance Floor, (pp.128-148)
in Sefton-Green, Julian (ed.), Digital Diversions: Youth Culture in the Age of Mul-
timedia. London and New York: Routledge.
Dixon, Shanly & Webber, Sandra (2007). Play Spaces, Childhood and Video games,
(pp.17-36) in Webber, Sandra & Dixon, Shanly (eds.) Growing Up Online: Young
People’s Everyday Use of Digital Technologies. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Gardner, Howard (1993). Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. London,
Fontana Press
Jeffery, Graham (ed.) (2005). The Creative College: building a successful learning culture
in the arts. Stoke on Trent UK and Sterling, USA: Trentham books.
Kant, Immanuel (1790 [2000]). The Critique of Judgement. New York: Prometheus Books.
Landry, Charles (2000) .The Creative City: A Toolkit for Urban Innovators. London, UK
and Sterling, USA, Commedia: Earthscan Publications.
Loveless, Avril (1999). A digital big breakfast: the Glebe School Project, (pp.32-41)
in Sefton-Green, Julian (ed.) Young People, Creativity and New Technologies: the
Challenge of Digital Arts. London and New York: Routledge.
Loveless, Avril (2002). Literature Review in Creativity, New Technologies and Learning.
NESTA Futurelab.
Marshall, Bethan (2001). Creating Danger: The Place of the Arts in Education Policy,
(pp.116-125) in Craft, Anna; Jeffrey, Bob & Leibling, Mark (eds.) Creativity in
Education. London: Continuum.
Negus, Keith & Pickering, Michael (2004). Creativity, Communication and Cultural Value.
London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: SAGE.
Pope, Rob (2005). Creativity: Theory, History, Practice. London and New York, Rout-
ledge: QCA.
Robinson, Ken et al. National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education
(1999). All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education. Sudbury, Suffolk, DfEE
publications: NACCCE.
Russ, Sandra (2003). Play and Creativity: developmental issues. Scandinavian Journal of
Educational Research 47(3): 291-303.
Scanlon, Margaret; Buckingham, David & Burn, Andrew (2005). Motivating Maths:
Digital Games and Mathematical Learning. Technology, Pedagogy and Education,
14(1): 127-139.
Scholtz, Antonie & Livingstone, D. W. (2005). Knowledge workers’ and the ‘new econ-
omy’, in Canada: 1983-2004.’ Paper presented at 3rd annual Work and Life Long
Learning (WALL) conference.
Scruton, Roger (2000). After Modernism. City Journal 10(2). Electronic resource, NP.
Seiter, Ellen (2005). The Internet Playground: Children’s Access, Entertainment and
Mis-Education. New York: Peter Lang.
Seltzer, Kimberly & Bentley, Tom (1999). The Creative Age: Knowledge and Skills for the
New Economy. London: Demos.
Simonton, Dean (1999). Genius, Creativity, and Leadership: Historiometric Inquiries.
Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
Starko, Alane (2005). Creativity in the Classroom: Schools of Curious Delight. London:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Thomson, Pat, Hall, Christine & Russell, Lisa (2006). An arts project failed, censored
or...? A critical incident approach to artist-school partnerships. Changing English:
Studies in Culture and Education. Vol 13 (1): 29-44.
The Rhetorics of Creativity
Creativity on YouTube
Considering New Media and the Impulses of the Learner
Danah Henriksen & Megan Hoelting
Image 1. The Smosh duo Image 2. Joey Graceffa on his book cover
Creativity on YouTube
people than ever – particularly young people. With the power of these
tools, society has seen a rise in what has been termed “content creation.”
This means that anyone, with the right tools, has the ability to create
video or audio content and share it via avenues like YouTube (Burgess
& Green, 2013). The growth and magnitude of the medium, across a
range of video content, topics, and genres, is rooted in what new media
allow people to do – create, communicate, collaborate and share – in
powerful and global ways (Lange, 2007; Haridakis & Hanson, 2009).
In this article, we suggest that the affordances of YouTube have put
significant creativity in the hands of more youths than ever. This has
revolutionized how systems of creativity operate, and has allowed for
the phenomenon of YouTube stars. Avenues like YouTube allow people
to sidestep traditional gatekeepers within a field, to become successful
content creators, sharing their work directly with an audience. This has
implications for society, culture, and education in the opportunities it
offers to create and share.
We suggest that this connects with Dewey’s (1943) and Bruce &
Levin’s (1997) framework for viewing media and technology as a
way to address “the four impulses” of the learner. As described by
Dewey, these impulses are: to inquire, to communicate, to construct,
and to express (Dewey, 1943; Bruce & Levin, 1997). New media offer
affordances for creating and sharing, which opens up possibilities to
explore all these learning impulses. The culturally pervasive popularity
of YouTube and other new media may lie in the way they address these
needs and impulses. As educational contexts seek to meet the creative
needs of youth, we suggest revisiting the educational foundations of
Dewey – in speaking to these four impulses as a framework for educa-
tional technology. But first, we consider how new media like YouTube
reveal a change in systems of creativity, with greater participation by
students and youth.
Danah Henriksen & Megan Hoelting
Creativity on YouTube
Danah Henriksen & Megan Hoelting
Examples like Smosh and Joey Graceffa are not anomalies in new
media (Berg, 2015). They represent a fast growing phenomenon,
in which individuals can use new media to sidestep the traditional
gatekeepers of creativity (the field), and propel themselves to creative
success. In altering this gatekeeping aspect of creative systems, new
media allow for creation and sharing in powerful ways, and youths
have been among the first to recognize and harness these capabilities
(Harlan, Bruce, & Lupton, 2012). Video, audio, and other creative media
tools have affordances that allow a young audience to explore, create,
and share. We suggest that these impulses for exploration, creation and
sharing are human and innate. They have always been present, but now
there are avenues to pursue them and participate through media as a
means of creativity.
Creativity on YouTube
Danah Henriksen & Megan Hoelting
(to build or make content, in ways that let people participate, rather
than accepting prepackaged content); and to express (to share our
own views, feelings, or identity). We do not suggest that everything
on YouTube is important or useful content, as this is clearly not the
case. But it is important to consider how it allows for a new creative
reality among young people. It is a motivational approach to media that
inspires youths to join and explore, create, and share – via the prospect
of engaging their natural impulses to inquire, communicate, construct,
and express. This takeaway is a powerful one for education, in terms
of classroom content and new media for creativity.
Since its inception, YouTube has been a site for artists to upload
their original or remixed works. The balance between consumers and
producers initially leaned heavily toward consumers (YouTube Press
Statistics, n.d.); however, while the site still has more consumers than
producers, the ratio is becoming increasingly more balanced. This has
two possible interpretations: more creators are discovering the site; or
consumers are realizing their creative potential and adding their own
content to the site. In either (or both) cases, it signifies a shift in how
people are interacting with media. We are entering the age of the creative
consumer, one who is hungry for new media but also capable of creating
their own when they find the status quo lacking. This has repercussions
for the potential of youths to participate in creative communities, and
for diverse voices that have been lost in the past. Noticing gaps in
representation can become a catalyst for creation (Kaitlyn Alexander
interview, Piccoli, 2015), and an opportunity to connect youths to the
wider world and a greater diversity of voice.
Furthermore, content creators are not confined to one form of me-
dia; they feel comfortable enough in their expertise to make creative
attempts with other modalities or a range of topics and subjects. The
“content” these creators distribute is not limited by mode or discipline.
For example, some of the most popular content creators (Grace Helbig,
Mamrie Hart, Tyler Oakley, etc.) have expanded their artistry to other
platforms, which often necessitates a new mode of communication. In
a classroom, such a perspective would alter the rigid structure of course
content. To encourage students to become boundary-crossing content
creators, we might readjust our worldview to one that “demands new
pedagogical structures that respect nonconformity and the urge to
Creativity on YouTube
Danah Henriksen & Megan Hoelting
that content creation can intersect with big ideas and school content,
in ways that can be compelling for teaching and learning.
We have proposed ideas and questions for consideration, suggesting
that the YouTube model of a content creator might be valuable for teach-
ing and learning in the classroom. We have noted that Dewey (1943)
and Bruce & Levin (1997) established ideas about media as a way to
connect with the four impulses of the learner, which seems prevalent
for the world we live in and for education broadly. Currently, these are
still ideas and questions; but in noting them, we point to their poten-
tial for youth creativity in school settings. As most of the questions in
this new arena may not be fully known or articulated yet, we propose
that the field consider these emergent issues and bring them into the
broader discourse. All of this points to the overarching issue of how
the power of new media for creation can be harnessed to promote a
creative and expansive mindset in students. Perhaps appropriately for
the shifting terrain of new media, we conclude with more questions
than answers – offering these as emergent and vital possibilities and
considerations for creativity and education.
Berg, Madeline (2015). The World’s Top-earning YouTube Stars 2015. Forbes, 18 Novem-
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Bereiter, Carl & Scardamalia, Marlene (1993). Surpassing Ourselves: An Inquiry into the
Nature and Implications of Expertise. Chicago, IL: Open Court.
Bruce, Chip Bertram, & Levin, James (1997). Educational technology: Media for inquiry,
communication, construction, and expression. Journal of Educational Computing
Research, 17(1): 79-102.
Burgess, Jean & Green, Joshua (2013). YouTube: Online Video and Participatory Culture.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Creativity on YouTube
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (1988). The Flow Experience and its Significance for Human
Psychology. New York, NY: Harper and Row.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (1997). Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention.
New York, NY: HarperPerennial.
de Oliveira, Janaina Minelli; Henriksen, Danah; Castañeda, Linda; Marimon, Marta; Bar-
berà, Elena; Monereo, Carles; Coll, Cesar; Mahiri, Jabari, & Mishra, Punya (2015).
The educational landscape of the digital age: Communication practices pushing
(us) forward. RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, 12(2): 14-29.
Dewey, John (1943). The child and the curriculum and the school and society. Chicago,
IL: University of Chicago Press.
Dredge, Stuart (2016, February, 3). Why are YouTube Starts So Popular? The Guardian.
Available at
tube-stars-popular-zoella. [Accessed 24 September 2016]
Graceffa, Joey (2015). In Real Life: My Journey to a Pixelated World. New York: Simon
& Schuster.
Haridakis, Paul, & Hanson, Gary (2009). Social Interaction and Co-viewing with You-
Tube: Blending Mass Communication Reception and Social Connection. Journal
of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 53(2): 317-335.
Harlan, Mary Ann; Bruce, Christine, & Lupton, Mandy (2012). Teen Content Creators:
Experiences of Using Information to Learn. Library Trends, 60(3): 569-587.
Henriksen, Danah; Hoelting, Megan, & the Deep-Play Research Group (2016). A Systems
View of Creativity in a YouTube World. Tech Trends, 60(2): 102-106.
Lange, Patricia. (2007). Publicly Private and Privately Public: Social Networking on
YouTube. Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication, 13(1): 361-380.
Mokyr, Joel; Vickers, Chris, & Ziebarth, Nicholas (2015). The history of technological
anxiety and the future of economic growth: Is this time different? The Journal of
Economic Perspectives, 29(3): 31-50.
Mishra, Punya, Koehler, Matthew, & Henriksen, Danah (2011). The 7 Transdisciplinary
Habits of Mind: Extending the TPACK Framework towards 21st century Learning.
Educational Technology, 51(2): 22-28.
Sawyer, R. Keith (2006). Educating for innovation. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 1(1):
Susarla, Anjana; Oh, Jeong-Ha, & Tan, Yong (2012). Social Networks and the Diffusion
of User-Generated Content: Evidence from YouTube. Information Systems Research,
23(1): 23-41.
Snickars, Pelle & Vonderau, Patrick (Eds.) (2009). The YouTube Reader. Stockholm:
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Welbourne, Dustin & Grant, Will (2015). Science Communication on YouTube: Factors
that Affect Channel and Video Popularity. Public Understanding of Science, (6):
YouTube Press Statistics (n.d.). In YouTube.[online]. Retrieved from
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Zhao, Yong (2012). World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Stu-
dents. Corwin Press.
The Class: Living and
Learning in the Digital Age
Interview with Sonia Livingstone
You and Julian Sefton-Green recently launched the book The Class:
Living and Learning in the Digital Age. Could you tell us about the
Our book is about a class of 13- to 14-year-olds at an ordinary urban
secondary school in London. This is a famously tricky age for parents The Class: Living and Learning in the
Digital Age. Interview with Sonia Livings-
and teachers, and for young people themselves. We were curious tone in Ilana Eleá and Lothar Mikos (Eds.)
about what young people want, how they see the world, and how they Young & Creative. Digital Technologies
Empowering Children in Everyday Life.
find a path through the opportunities and constraints they face. Our Gothenburg: Nordicom
Interview with Sonia Livingstone
When researching The Class, you said the most important thing was
to focus on ordinary rather than exceptional uses of media among
13-year-olds. Did you find that they do explore creativity through
learning, creating and sharing, and can you give some examples?
Our work is part of the MacArthur Foundation-funded Connected
Learning Research Network, where we were inspired by the possibility
that ‘connected learning taps the opportunities provided by digital media
to more easily link home, school, community and peer contexts of learning;
support peer and intergenerational connections based on shared interests;
and create more connections with nondominant youth, drawing from
capacities of diverse communities’ (Ito et al., 2013). But, having heard
from our colleagues about the adventurous achievements of pioneering
young people forging exceptional pathways to creativity, we decided
instead to inquire into the experiences of an ordinary class of children
from a fairly typical London suburb. Could we identify what makes
some stand out while others do not? Could we, even, pinpoint some
advice for parents, teachers and policy makers to support more young
people in harnessing digital media for creative and civic purposes?
I’ll answer your question by focusing on how the class used YouTube,
now the most popular app among UK teenagers. Its popularity doesn’t
imply homogeneity in meaning or use, however, for the 28 teens in the
class revealed 28 different patterns of use. But only six of them had
ever uploaded anything, raising important questions about how young
people’s digital interests can be supported and sustained.
The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age
Interview with Sonia Livingstone
interview for this shy and seemingly unhappy boy on the edge of the
social scene, he talked with enthusiasm about using YouTube tutorials
combined with music-making software and mixing decks to record his
own music on the computer. And yet the interview unravelled when
I pushed a little further – for it turned out that such activities were
not practically possible at home (or indeed in the rather standardised
music technology lessons I witnessed at school). Rather, his account
was aspirational; these are
things he has heard about
and hopes to follow up in
the future.
While Joel seems to be
missing out on opportuni-
ties he would relish, Alice
represents a contrary case.
She didn’t really bother
with YouTube much – but
it would be wrong to char-
acterise her as apathetic or
uncreative. For Alice turned
out to be incredibly active in
her local community – with
Image 1. Parents have equipped
their home with digital technology babysitting, Girl Guides,
community events – and
she also did singing, tram-
polining, netball and ice-skating out of school, and arts and crafts,
DIY and photography at home. Is it really necessary, one wonders, for
a 13-year-old girl to also get creative in uploading stuff to YouTube for
society to celebrate her achievements?
Meanwhile, Gideon was something of a paradox. At school, and
online, he stood right at the centre of the social network – the boy who
cracked jokes, played football and computer games with the boys, had
twice as many friends on Facebook as anyone else. Yet at home, when
we got to know him better, he was quieter, revealing some past difficul-
ties requiring ‘anger management’ classes and, now, a quiet reliance on
the succour of his immediate family. Interestingly, his use of YouTube
was fairly edgy – ‘America’s hardest prisons’, ‘Angry Scottish guy kicks
The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age
Interview with Sonia Livingstone
Ito, Mizuko, Gutiérrez, Kris, Livingstone, Sonia, Penuel, Bill, Rhodes, Jean, Salen, Katie,
Schor, Juliet, Sefton-Green, Julian, & Watkins, Craig. (2013). Connected Learning:
An agenda for research and design. Irvine, CA: Digital Media and Learning Research
Hub. Available at
The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age
Livingstone, Sonia & Sefton-Green, Julian (2016) The Class: Living and Learning in
the Digital Age. New York: New York University Press. Available at nyupress.
org/books/9781479824243/; read for free online at connectedyouth.nyupress.
org/book/9781479824243/; watch the launch event at
The Creative YouTubers
Margaret Holland
Literature review
YouTube started as a site to distribute user-generated content and
later has developed into a platform where an individual can turn their
personal brand into a career.
Before analysing the rise and success of Felix Kjellberg, Zoe Sugg,
and Grace Helbig, it is important to understand how YouTube has
grown as a content-sharing platform. Founded by Chad Hurley, Steven
Chen, and Jawed Karim, YouTube launched with little fanfare in June
2005. As Burgess and Green (2009:I) explain:
YouTube was one of a number of competing services aiming to
remove the technical barriers to the widespread sharing of video
online. The website provided a very simple, integrated interface
within which users could upload, publish, and view streaming videos
without high levels of technical knowledge.
YouTube was comparable to other video start-ups at the time until
Google acquired the site for $1.65 billion in October 2006 (Burgess &
Green, 2009:I). The site has steadily gained popularity, and since 2008 it
has consistently been in the top ten most visited sites globally (Morreale,
2014). Almost a decade later it is the world’s third most popular online
destination with availability in 61 languages and a million advertisers
(Luscombe, 2015).
Since being purchased by Google, YouTube has evolved from a site
where amateur and ad-free videos were posted to an online destina-
tion consumed by commercialised videos. But there is another side
according to Morreale (2014:114), “Its tagline ‘Broadcast Yourself ’
invites ordinary users to take an active part in creating the material they
consume. At the same time, less obvious is that YouTube is a business
whose purpose is to generate profit”. About this institutionalisation of
YouTube, Kim (2012:56) wrote:
How YouTube Developed into a Successful Platform for User-Generated Content
Sugg’s and Kjellberg’s approach to YouTube has helped them attract not
only brands that want to work with them, but also loyal viewership.
YouTube has more American viewers between the ages 18-49 than
any cable network, helping increase its revenue by an estimated $1 bil-
lion over the last year (Luscombe, 2015). YouTubers have the attention
advertisers and cable networks desire, as explained by Burling (2015:22):
“book publishers are starting to pay more attention to a form of expres-
sion that has exploded over the past decade: fictional web series and
vlogging, or video blogging, found mostly on YouTube. Why? That’s
Margaret Holland
where the kids are”. YouTube is now the ultimate destination for kids
logging on to the Internet. Luscombe (2015:72) points out, mentioning
an anecdote: “Variety asked a bunch of teens to choose their favorite
stars among 20 names, the top five were all from YouTube”.
With consistent views from a critical mass of audience, YouTube
has created an opportunity for the average person to build his or her
personal brand. According to Kozinets and Cerone (2014:21): “Social
branding has been creating grassroots ‘micro-celebrities’ with increas-
ing frequency. For personal branders, being storytellers who are capable,
yet fascinating and even fantastic is a sound strategy”. The influence of
a YouTuber’s personal brand is demonstrated through the success of
brands collaborating with content creators.
In this study the author points at particular elements within the videos
of three prominent YouTubers and the structure of their channels. The
YouTubers were selected based on Lavaveshkul’s (2012) study, which
analysed the top 10 most subscribed to YouTube channels of 2012. These
10 channels could be divided into three categories of gaming, comedy,
or how-to. The current study selected one channel from each category
based on their popularity on YouTube. The three YouTubers were Felix
Kjellberg (gaming), Grace Helbig (comedy), and Zoe Sugg (how-to).
For the study the author developed questions, based on the studies of
Lavaveshkul (2012) and Biel and Gatica-Perez (2011). Some answers were
found by examining the videos of the three YouTubers on November 9
and 10, 2015. Others were found from Social Blade, a statistics website
that tracks growth across social media platforms including YouTube
(“Track YouTube”, 2015).
How YouTube Developed into a Successful Platform for User-Generated Content
YouTuber Subscribers Channel Views Views per Month Yearly Income
Margaret Holland
Tour. She has appeared on TV-shows and the cover of Seventeen Maga
zine. In 2013 and 2014 Sugg won “Best British Vlogger” at the Radio 1
Teen Awards among several other awards.
In addition to uploading YouTube videos, Helbig host a podcast, and
has appeared in TV-shows, commercials as well as published books.
Kjellberg has also involved in outside projects such as releasing a book
and a video game.
YouTube’s transformation from video sharing to profitability
All three YouTubers began posting videos over five years ago. Helbig
began posting content in October 2006, just one year after the site was
developed and around the same time Google purchased YouTube.
According to Kim (2012:57):
Since being purchased by Google, YouTube has adopted a new
e-commerce model; it puts banner ads in videos or in YouTube pages
and shares the revenue with the copyright holders of the videos. The
basic idea of selling banner advertisements is to play commercials
during the streaming of videos.
All three featured advertisements in their videos. Over the past decade,
YouTube has become a launching pad for careers (Luscombe, 2015).
Based on the videos watched throughout this study, Kjellberg, Sugg,
and Helbig all mention that they use their videos as a source of income.
At the time of examination (November 9-10, 2015) Kjellberg was
the most subscribed user on YouTube, with over 40 million subscribers
and 10 billion overall views on his channel (“Track YouTube”, 2015).
His videos generated more views than the world’s population, which
was then a little over seven billion (“Worldometers”, 2015). According
to Grundberg, “The 24-year-old Mr. Kjellberg, who created PewDiePie
five years ago, had parlayed his persona into a brand name that pulls
in the equivalent of $4 million in ad sales a year, most of it pure prof-
it” (2014). As reported by Business Insider, most YouTubers get paid
through advertisements, previews, and sponsored videos. Side projects,
such as book deals, also add to their income (Kosoff, 2015). Kjellberg,
Helbig, and Sugg all had advertisements display throughout their videos
in addition to book deals. Sugg’s book, Girl Online, “broke the record
How YouTube Developed into a Successful Platform for User-Generated Content
for highest first-week sales for a debut author in the U.K., selling 78,109
copies-besting J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter titles and E.L. James’ Fifty
Shades of Grey” (Burling, 2015:24). What began as a place for Sugg,
Helbig, and Kjellberg to upload videos as a hobby is now their career.
Appeal to viewers
It is presumably the YouTubers’ authencity that appeal to their viewers.
Strangelove (2010:113) explain, “There is no one authoritative YouTube
identity, but there is one dominant YouTube community-the community
of amateur videographers. Their numbers will most likely always exceed
those of participating celebrities and media corporations”. Each YouTuber
analysed in this study began as an everyday person posting videos online,
filmed inside their homes, having conversations with a camera through
vlogging (video blogging). In keeping with Burgess and Green (2009:54):
The vlog reminds us of the residual character of interpersonal face-
to-face communication ... it is a form whose persistent direct address
to the viewer inherently invites feedback ... Traditional media content
doesn’t explicitly invite conversational and inter-creative participation.
According to Sörman, founder of a YouTuber network in Sweden,
“PewDiePie is like a cool friend you have and subscribing to him is
almost like Skyping with him-that’s why viewers are such dedicated
fans” (Grundberg & Hansegard, 2014).
All three link their other social media accounts to their YouTube
channel to interact with viewers. Kjellberg’s fans, or “bros” as he calls
them, are engaged because he takes the time to talk about them in videos
or answer their questions (Kosoff, 2015). Helbig and Sugg do the same
and create an online community for their fans. Strangelove (2010:105)
explains, “Participation in online groups leads to a psychological sense
of community. People can be deeply engaged in online communities …
On YouTube we find groups of individuals who interact around shared
interests”. Sugg’s advice for creating content on YouTube is “to be your-
self and have fun. If you’re not having fun, no one is going to have fun
watching your videos” (Tan, 2015:98). Creating an enjoyable, personable
environment distinguishes these YouTubers. They are being themselves
and establishing an environment where the viewer feels as though they
are listening to their friend. Within this environment viewers are able
to engage with an online community that enjoys similar content.
Margaret Holland
How YouTube Developed into a Successful Platform for User-Generated Content
In conclusion, YouTube has evolved from a website where users sim-
ply upload content to a platform where an individual can build their
career. An analysis of popular YouTubers explains why viewers find
videos from Helbig, Sugg, and Kjellberg entertaining. Regardless of
their category, they all shared similar video elements. YouTube is the
world’s third most popular online destination because viewers, espe-
cially those of a younger demographic, can relate to the authenticity
of user-generated content. Once established, in addition to their own
content, popular YouTubers are utilising traditional media to build their
personal brand. They can be found on bookshelves, on the television
screen, and even in a wax museum.
With jobs that rely on viewers, it is easy to question the longevity
of online careers. YouTube has transformed in 10 years from a site
where content was shared to a place where user-generated content
thrives. According to Luscombe (2015:75), “Not only must the com-
pany contend with youth-savvy tech firms – your Snapchats, your
Spotifys, your Vines – but established media companies are onto the
fact that kids are just future users”. As their young viewers grow older,
Margaret Holland
Biel, Joan-Isaac & Gatica-Perez, Daniel (2010, May). VlogSense: Conversational Behavior
and Social Attention in YouTube. ACM Transactions on. Multimedia Computing,
Communications and Applications. 2(3), 1-20.
Burgess, Jean & Green, Joshua (2009). YouTube: Online Video and Participatory Culture.
Cambridge, England: Polity. I-54.
Burling, Alexis (2015). Book Publishing Comes to YouTube. Publishers Weekly, 262(7),
Grundberg, Sven & Hansegard, Jens (2014). YouTube’s Biggest Draw Plays Games,
Earns $4 Million a Year. The Wall Street Journal, 16 June 2014 [online]. Available
at < videogames-earns-4-mil-
lion-a-year-1402939896> [Accessed 10 November 2015].
Helbig, Grace (2014). Grace’s Guide: The Art of Pretending to Be a Grown-Up. New York:
Helbig, Grace (2016). Grace & Style: The Art of Pretending You Have It. New York:
Kain, Erik (2014). YouTuber ‘PewDiePie’ is Making $4 Million a Year. Forbes, 18 June
2014 [online]. Available at <
youtuber-pewdiepie-is-making-4-million-a-year>. [Accessed 10 November 2015].
Kim, Jin (2012). The Institutionalization of YouTube: From User-Generated Content to
Professionally Generated Content. Media, Culture & Society 34(1), 53-67.
Kosoff, Maya (2015). Meet the YouTube Millionaires: These are the Highest-Paid
YouTube Stars of 2015. Business Insider, 15 October 2015. Available at <http://
An earlier version of this article was originally published in the Spring 2016 issue
of the Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications.
The author would like to extend thanks to Kenn Gaither, associate professor
and associate dean at Elon University, for his constant guidance throughout this
process, without which this article could not have been written. The author also
thanks the School of Communications and the many reviewers who have helped
revise this article.
How YouTube Developed into a Successful Platform for User-Generated Content the-most-money-2015-10>.
[Accessed 10 November 2015].
Kozinets, Robert & Cerone, Stefano (2014). Between the Suit and the Selfie: Executives’
Lessons on the Social “Micro-Celebrity”. GFK Marketing Intelligence Review 6(2), 21.
Lavaveshkul, Liz (2012). How to Achieve 15 Minutes (or more) of Fame Through You-
Tube. Jornal of International Commercial Law and Technology, 7, 370.
Luscombe, Belinda (2015). You Tube’s View Master. Time, 186(9/10), 70-75.
Morreale, Joanne (2014). From Homemade to Store Bought: Annoying Orange and
the Professionalization of YouTube. Journal of Consumer Culture 14(1), 113-128.
NBC (2015). How Grace Helbig’s Mom Scared Her Straight as a Child. [online]. Available
at <
her-straight- as-a-child/2855128>. [Accessed 10 November 2015].
PewDiePie (2015). This Book Loves You. London: Penguin Books.
Social Blade (2015). Social Blade YouTube Stats. [online]. Available at <http://socialblade.
com>. [Accessed 11 November 2015].
Stedman, Alex (2015). YouTube Star Grace Helbig’s Talk show gets Series Order from E!
Variety, 5 January 2015 [online]. Available at <
youtube-star-grace-helbigs-talk-show- gets-series-order-from-e-1201392834/>.
[Accessed 14 November 2015].
Strangelove, Michael (2010). Watching YouTube Extraordinary Videos by Ordinary People.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Sugg, Zoe (2014). Girl Online. London: Penguin Books.
Sugg, Zoe (2015). Girl Online: On Tour. New York: Keywords Press/Atria.
Tan, Michelle (2015, October 1). Girl Off-Line. Seventeen Magazine, 94-98.
The Great Comic Relief Bake Off. BBC, 22 February 2015 [online]. Available at http:// [Accessed 15 November 2015].
Worldometers (2015). Real Time World Statistics. [online]. Available at <http://www.>. [Accessed 15 November 2015].
Margaret Holland
1. What is their most popular video?
2. What is their total subscriber amount on the day the information is retrieved?
3. When did they begin posting videos?
4. How do they describe themselves in their ‘about’ section?
5. What is the total amount of channel views?
6. What is the total view per month as of October 2015?
7. What other forms of social media do they promote on their landing page?
8. What is the overall “theme” of their channel?
9. How many videos do they have uploaded?
10. What are their estimated yearly earnings?
11. Does this person have an uploading schedule?
12. Based on their last 10 videos, what is the average length of one of their videos?
13. What are some of their brand deals or projects outside of their channel?
Top Girls on YouTube
Identity, Participation, and Consumption
Lidia Marôpo, Inês Vitorino Sampaio & Nut Pereira de Miranda
Top Girls on YouTube
necraft and others (games and vlogs of games); TV (from broadcast and
cable television); Non-TV (created for YouTube); Unboxing (children or
adults opening boxes or toys’ wrapping papers); Teen YouTubers (people
over 12 years of age); Child YouTubers (0-12 years old); and Educational.
Minecraft and others is the most popular category with 52 per cent of
total views, whereas Child YouTubers was the second most popular, but
had more audience growth between 2015 and 2016 (564 per cent) – the
first in this category being Unboxing, with 975 per cent growth.
In this context of intense connectivity (Mascheroni & Ólafsson,
2014), answering questions like “who am I?”, “what could I be?”, “who do
I want to be?” is strongly influenced by media pervasiveness (Woodward,
1997:14). The digital media, especially social networking sites, is seen as
a powerful tool for the youngest to express themselves, to interact, and
to negotiate collective and individual identities (Drotner, 1992; Bucking-
ham, 2008; Buckingham & Willett, 2006; Livingstone & Bulger, 2014).
From this perspective, the YouTuber girls’ channels may be seen as a
means of self-representation and dissemination of their points of view,
ideas and creativity in the public space. Conducting ethnographic re-
search on the uses of YouTube by children and teenagers (aged 10-18) in
America, Lange (2014:68) noted several ways that girls participate in the
production of videos for this platform. Video blogging, sketch comedy,
lip-synching, personal event videos, and hanging-out-at-home videos
are the most popular. The participants in the study discussed numerous
themes, such as reflections about their school, challenges they face, music,
pets, and so forth. For the author, video-blogs promote the expression of
girls’ voices, and often allow the disclosure of issues relevant for their lives.
On the other hand, Dantas and Godoy (2016:98) assert that in some
cases, children’s channels might be considered a (semi) professional
activity conditioned to the marketing interests of the brands that spon-
sor them. From this perspective, they raise problematic issues for the
young video authors, such as exploitation of child labor. The activity,
according to Dantas and Godoy (2016:98), “demands a schedule of
appointments, a duty to be regular with their video-posting, an obli-
gation to disclose the products received from the brands, among other
responsibilities”. Furthermore, it might expose the child audience to
improper marketing content and stimulate consumerism, among other
problems (Postman, 1994).
Lidia Marôpo, Inês Vitorino Sampaio & Nut Pereira de Miranda
Rebekah Willett (2008) asserts that children and teenagers are not be-
ing encouraged to exercise self-expression; rather, they are constructing
identities aligned with a consumer culture. Nonetheless, she recognizes
that children and teenagers play an active role in their engagement with
the Internet, even in such an intense commercial context. The author
then launches a challenge: to analyze the online content authored by
children, taking into account the power and influence of the market,
but without neglecting children’s agency. Willet (2008:53) brings in the
concept of “bricolage”, from Lévi-Strauss, to analyze how child YouTu-
bers use varied resources while transforming and re-contextualizing
different cultural products to create a new self-image or identity.
The child YouTubers have their own “channels” on YouTube, similar
to an online profile on other social networking sites, containing a list
of subscribers, information such as the number of “thumbs up” and
“thumbs down” they have received, and statistics on views. Some of
them reach significant popularity as video authors by broadcasting
information about their identities, crafting videos with appealing
content, and publicly and intensively promoting and disseminating
their videos (Lange, 2008).
According to Félix (2016: 02), “being a YouTuber is more than
simply sitting in front of a camera once a week to record a 15-minute
video with apparently improvised content”. This task, according to the
author, demands strategies such as finding a target audience, mastering
technological tools to monitor competitors, interpreting Google Trends
to identify keywords to describe the video and facilitate its delivery
to the target audience, and possessing skills in the production and
post-production of audiovisual language. Besides interacting with the
audience on YouTube and other social media, their investment also
includes participating in offline activities, such as book-launching
parties and advertising campaign events. The YouTubers’ strategies
also include knowing which mechanisms generate more advertising
revenue. The channels’ owners must join the YouTube Partner Program
and sign a contract that enables brand advertisement on their videos
and thus the monetization of their content.
Omar Ricón (as cited in Félix 2016:02) highlights six common You-
Tuber strategies for achieving popularity: Narrative – talking directly
to the camera, aiming to break the formality of television; Aesthetic –
Top Girls on YouTube
Lidia Marôpo, Inês Vitorino Sampaio & Nut Pereira de Miranda
Top Girls on YouTube
Lidia Marôpo, Inês Vitorino Sampaio & Nut Pereira de Miranda
Top Girls on YouTube
closes the name of the dental clinic she attended. Besides this channel
she also maintains another, “Júlia Silva TV”, dedicated exclusively to
the “commercial” format.
Lidia Marôpo, Inês Vitorino Sampaio & Nut Pereira de Miranda
1. Ages in December 2016.
Top Girls on YouTube
Alexa (2016). About web site views. [online]. Available at <
sites>. [Accessed 12 February, 2016].
Buckingham, David (2008). Youth, Identity, and Digital Media. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Buckingham, David; Willett, Rebekah (2006). Digital Generations: Children, Young
People, and New Media. Nova Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
CGI (2016). About the use of the Internet by children and adolescents in Brazil. [online].
Available at <
RO_ELETRONICO.pdf >. [Accessed 12 January, 2017].
Dantas, Thaís; Godoy, Renato (2016). Youtubers mirins: mera expressão artística ou
trabalho infantil? [Youtubers kids: mere artistic expression or child labor?]. pp.
95-104 in Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil. Pesquisa sobre o uso da internet por
crianças e adolescentes no Brasil: TIC Kids online Brasil 2015.
Drotner, Kerstin (1992). Modernity and Media Panics, pp. 42-62 in Skovmand, Michael
& Kim Christian Schroder (eds.) Media Cultures Reappraising Transnational Media.
Londres; Nova Iorque: Routledge.
Félix, Claudia (2016). Youtubers: entre la estrategia profesional y la calidad de los
contenidos. Revista Zócalo, 25 May, 2016. [online]. Available at <http://www.
al-y-la-calidad-de-los-contenidos.html> [Accessed 12 January, 2017].
Ferreras, Jesse (2016). YouTube Beats Cable TV Among Teen Video Choices: Piper
Jaffray Survey. [online]. The Huffington Post, 17 october, 2016. Availabe at <http://>.
[Accessed 12 January, 2017].
Giddens, Anthony (2002). Modernidade e identidade [Modernity and Identity]. Rio de
Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Ed.
Lange, Patricia (2007). Privately Public: Social Networking on YouTube. Journal of
Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1): 361–380.
Lange, Patricia (2014). Kids on YouTube: technical identities and digital literacies. London
and New York: Routledge.
Livingstone, Sonia & Bulger, Monica (2014). Global Research Agenda for Children’s
Rights in The Digital Age. Journal of Children and Media, 8(4): 317-335.
Mascheroni, Giovanna & Ólafsson, Kjártan (2014). Net Children Go Mobile: Risks and
Opportunities. Milano: Educatt.
Postman, Neil (1994). The Disappearance of Childhood. New York: Vintage Books.
Secom (2015). About habits of media consumption by the Brazilian population. [on-
line]. Available at <
ia-pbm-2015.pdf >. [Accessed 08 January, 2016].
Silva, Sérgio Damasceno (2016). Audiência infantil no YouTube chega a 52 bi de views.
[Children’s YouTube audience reaches 52 billion views]. Meio & Mensagem. 5
October 2016 [online]. Available at <
de-views.html>. [Accessed 12 January, 2017].
Willett, Rebekah (2008). Consumer Citizens Online: Structure, Agency, and Gender in
Online Participation, pp. 49-70 in Buckingham, David (ed.) Youth, Identity, and
Digital Media. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Lidia Marôpo, Inês Vitorino Sampaio & Nut Pereira de Miranda
Woodward, Kathryn (1997). Concepts of Identity and Difference, pp. 7-62 in Wood-
ward, Kathryn (ed.) Identity and Difference, London: Sage Publications/The Open
Yarosh, Svetlana; Bonsignore, Elizabeth; McRoberts, Sarah & Peyton, Tamara (2016).
YouthTube: Youth Video Authorship on YouTube and Vine. Paper presented at 19th
ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
(CSCW 2016), February 27-March 02, 2016, at San Francisco, USA.
The YouTube Channel RAK TV
A Narrative Interview with Rachel Cócaro, 14 Years Old
T he initial proposal for this chapter was to talk to young people from
Rio de Janeiro aged ten to 14, in order to learn about the creative
universe of young YouTubers from Rio. We did not look for YouTubers
who were considered “celebrities” or “exceptional” in their use of media,
but practices and meanings built by “ordinary” young people who were
considered creative based on their productions in the digital sphere.
We made a Facebook call among our contacts requesting the names of
young producers of media who were active in social networks. Through
this network of contacts, ten young people agreed to participate in the
Rachel Cócaro was one of the interviewees. As a practice among
researchers of Human Sciences, the meetings were based on the precepts
of “narrative interviews” (Delorme, 2008: 34), since this type of method-
ology favors knowing the person as a whole subject, the protagonist of
his/her stories, and as a producer and permanent consumer of culture,
with emphasis on his/her media creations. As narrative interviews differ
from questionnaires, we do not present questions and answers here but
rather blocks of opinions and ideas organized by the researchers, once Guimarães, Paulo & de C. Delorme, Maria
they have been validated by each of the interviewees. Inês (2017).The Youtube Channel RAK TV.
A Narrative Interview with Rachel Cócaro,
From this point, we came to know Rachel through her media cre- 14 Years Old in Ilana Eleá and Lothar Mikos
ations presented in various videos, with content of different themes, (Eds.) Young & Creative. Digital Technolo-
gies Empowering Children in Everyday Life.
formats, and lengths, shared on a YouTube channel called RAK TV1. Gothenburg: Nordicom
Paulo Guimarães & Maria Inês de C. Delorme
She stood out through her critical thinking and the ability of seeing
herself sometimes within and sometimes outside the universe of You-
Tubers of her age. In eight of our ten interviews with the young people,
there emerged certain recurring themes which we used as categories:
autonomy, creativity, YouTube quality, and celebrity/success. These
categories were stressed throughout the interview in Rachel’s ideas
about the theoretical fragments to which her ideas refer.
Who she is
Rachel Cócaro Gouvêa Veiga is a fourteen-year-old girl who lives with
her mother and two sisters: fifteen-year-old Rebecca and Rachel’s twin
sister Raphaela who, when very young, suffered a mechanical asphyxia-
tion that left her with cognitive side-effects: “A mental age of six, seven
years.” This sister has not yet learned some things, and her mother “will
only let her have a computer when she can read and write. That’s ok,
right? It’s not only cool things that are on the Internet”.
To quickly understand who Rachel is, just watch the video “TAG:
Twin Sister”2 where she introduces herself and Raphaela, answering
fun questions with agility and speed. Rachel’s thinking is fast; it is
fun and has the timing of spontaneous joking. On Instagram, Twitter
and YouTube her productions are designated as Rak TV in the case of
videos on the channel of the same name. This channel name originated
from her name which, ending with the letter K, would sound the way
she wanted it to [RAK], which would not be the case if she had used
the literal abbreviation for it, and [TV] because she is visually exposed
and “can be seen on a screen: from a cell phone, from computers or
from SMART TVs.”
Rachel and her sisters live with their mother, who is a doctor, in the
state of Rio de Janeiro, in the city of Niterói. Their parents are separated,
and the daughters live alternately with both of them.
She attends high school, considers herself good in the Portuguese
language, and wishes, whenever possible, to “escape from mathemat-
ics”. The three sisters study at a well-known school in Niterói, which
is considered an avant-garde school in several aspects, stressing the
encouragement of the arts in general as well as sports. Everyone knows
Rachel is a YouTuber; her family supports her and encourages her initia-
The YouTube Channel RAK TV
tive. Her schoolmates are very dear to her, and she believes she is more
valued in the school space for liking sports than for being a YouTuber.
Rachel enjoys watching TV series, usually on Netflix. She does not
like playing on the Internet but claims to have “a competitive spirit”,
which justifies “watching and liking Big Brother Brazil, because I’m
interested in knowing who will stay and who will leave.” She uses
Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat; she also has Facebook but does not
like it, and thus does not use it.
Paulo Guimarães & Maria Inês de C. Delorme
The YouTube Channel RAK TV
YouTube quality
“A quality video, in my opinion, must have several things. It has to be
well lit, well edited, and have good sound. It has to be fun; that’s very
important. The person must have charisma, because it’s horrible when
someone wants to be funny but isn’t. I think you also have to present
the content of your age. I don’t like writing about subjects I don’t know
very well. I don’t need to have formed an opinion about everything,
and if I don’t know the subject I won’t talk about, for example, Nazis
on my videos. I like to watch some channels, like “After Eleven o’clock”4
by two Brazilians, which is very funny. I also like Taciele Alcolea5, who
Paulo Guimarães & Maria Inês de C. Delorme
Rachel feels she has been creative in many moments in her life, for
instance at school when using paintbrushes and paint, developing her
artistic pursuits, but says, “you just want to be creative but sometimes
you’re not. When you strive, sometimes you’re not and, besides that,
creativity can be found in the simplest things. At times, and most
often, chatting leisurely with friends at school gives you a different
idea that generates a good video. Never at home, only with friends
from school”.
The YouTube Channel RAK TV
Therefore, for her, being creative is not something that can be trans-
lated or even channeled simply as an action. The elements (themes) of
the production of content for the network are identified in her everyday
relationships and in interaction with others. At the same time, she does
not refer to creativity when talking about her clothes, saying she likes
to customize, give them a unique and personal touch, and doing the
same thing with her cellphone covers. She is also creative and unique
in the way she dresses.
On YouTube, she feels she is creative when she “has an idea no one
has had yet,” or when posting something that already exists “but in
a very different, original way. Original? Yes, when I defend my own
She posts her videos “when it’s possible, when I can. All it takes is
for me to mark a day and time and I get tense; for me it doesn’t work”;
i.e., for her there is no creativity in having a pre-established day and
time. In general, she posts three videos a month and, sometimes, more
than this.
Paulo Guimarães & Maria Inês de C. Delorme
The YouTube Channel RAK TV
At the same time, she does not hide her desire to be identified on
the streets and to have social visibility as a YouTuber, claiming: “making
money is always good, but that’s not exactly what I seek as a YouTuber”.
This happens to most creative people, “but it’s not the hope of getting
fame or fortune that guides them; rather, it’s the opportunity to do a
job they like” (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996, p. 107).
In this field, we still need to establish a discussion about “succeeding
and being a celebrity”, since this reflection was identified in Rachel’s
comments and indeed those of all the young people we spoke with. One
of the essential reasons for producing and sharing content is a desire
for recognition by their peers, viewers, friends, fans, and everyone who
interacts with their productions.
Therefore, despite her worries about the quality of what she produces
and conveys, she likes to assume that her products can have an even
greater reach. She does not produce to meet the interests of whoever
her audience is. In fact, she produces to be happy, to be as she is, and
to expose her thoughts in order to legitimize herself as a fun YouTuber
who “has her own opinions, without there necessarily being a goal to
attain”. Her speeches are vehement and coherent, and her videos confirm
what Jorge (2012) points out: “The power of celebrities has a discursive
root. In fact, contemporary celebrities are built in the interaction and
circulation by the media” (p. 79). In a consecutive way, it is possible
to say that the construction of this kind of relation between “one who
does/says/indicates/” and “one who assists/consumes/enjoys/” is also
cyclical, as it suggests its growth and expansion in the light of com-
plicity between these two parties. In addition, it can be said that the
potential presented by media and its scope suggests the need for a more
in-depth investigation of the role of leadership and power relations in
this universe.
It is also necessary to reflect on the fact that “youth cultures are
thus very marked precisely by the connection to the media culture,
the cultural and entertainment industries in complex ways of which
celebrities are an essential part” (ibid, p. 120).
In relation to the YouTuber videos, they address issues in Rachel’s
life that are important to her and that stress her identity (it is not only
her audio, but also she herself who acts and talks to the audience),
among other factors that narrow the relationship between her and her
Paulo Guimarães & Maria Inês de C. Delorme
public. This implies that if on the one hand there is a desire to promote
a legitimate approach between her, as a celebrity, and her fans, on the
other hand there is a concern about the clear construction of limits
that she plainly establishes and shapes.
It can be said that Rachel’s speeches, in relation to studies on celeb-
rities, allow us to consider that “the credibility of a celebrity between
his/her public and professional life, on the one hand, and personal and
private, on the other, is fundamental for activation and reiteration of
cultural visibility and the effective functioning of the endorsement,
whether political or commercial” (ibid p. 94, 95). However, such a
nuance becomes much more sensitive in the sphere of YouTubers who
still have a small number of productions and some level of control over
their audience – compared to the examples offered by the interviewee
herself – mainly due to her non-professionalization in the area of pro-
duction and placement of videos.
Therefore, to conclude, it can be said that Rachel is aware, and takes
care to ensure that her life as a YouTuber does not mix with her personal
life in issues related mainly to her safety and integrity. In addition, on
this dichotomy between public and private life, she concludes: “Yes, I
would like to be a celebrity, to be recognized on the street; but without
exaggeration, without persecution like what happened to John Lennon,
who was killed by a fan”.
1. RAK TV channel:
2. “Tag: Twin Sister” video:
3. The Musical.Ly app: . Available for download and video creation
and sharing.
4. After de Eleven o’clock channel:
5. Instagram of Taciele Alcolea:
and her Snapchat:@Tacialcolea
6. Instagram Thaynara OG: and
her Snapchat:@thaynaraog
The YouTube Channel RAK TV
7. Kéfera Buchmann de Mattos Johnson Pereira (Curitiba, January 25, 1993), better
known as simply Kéfera, is a Brazilian actress, vlogger, voice actress, presenter, and
writer. She became better known through the YouTube channel “5ive Minutes”,
one of the first channels in Brazil to reach a million subscribers. In 2016 she was
named by Forbes magazine as one of the most promising young women in Brazil.
Her channel can be accessed at the following address:
8. Law 12.965/14, known as the “Civil Internet Framework”, addresses issues related
to the responsibility and attribution of rights and duties related to the use of the
Internet in national territory. Available at:
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi (1996). Creativity. New York: Harper Collins.
Delorme, Maria Ines C. (2008) Domingo é dia de felicidade. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Multifoco.
Guimaraes, Paulo (2016). Mobile technologies in education: Processes and developing
solutions for the learning space design. University of Lisbon. Master’s dissertation.
Jenkins, Henry (2009). Culture of Convergence (2nd Ed). São Paulo: Aleph.
Jorge, Ana (2012). The Culture of Celebrities and Youth: from consumption to partici-
pation. University of Lisbon. PhD final thesis.
Expressions of Creativity
among Children and Youth
Kyounghwa Yonnie Kim
“Exclusively for Keitai”
Kyounghwa Yonnie Kim
keitai shôsetsu often use unskilled and juvenile expressions, the frequent
grammatical errors are partly due to its colloquial writing styles, often
centered on a series of conversations or short expressions for readers’
emotional immersion and enjoyment. Because of the combination of
unrealistic story composition and poor expression, professional writers
and critics alike despised keitai shôsetsu as a sort of “false literature”,
supported only by immature youngsters.
In the aftermath of the runaway success of Koizora, only a handful
of the keitai shôsetsu sold well in paper book form, and the amount
of social attention paid to keitai shôsetsu has declined amidst sluggish
sales. When the website Maho-No-Airando, the largest keitai shôsetsu
distributor, was sold to a giant publishing company in 2011, social dis-
courses started mentioning keitai shôsetsu as a transient phenomenon
that had run its course. Although
the phenomenon itself disap-
peared from public attention, a
survey released in 20113 showed
that the reading public of keitai
shôsetsu is growing in line with
the increase in smartphone use.
Furthermore, dozens of commer-
cial keitai shôsetsu websites are
still operating with a profitable
business model, transforming
interactive literature into printed
books for sale (Figure 1). In other
words, keitai shôsetsu succeeded
in making inroads into the privi-
leged position of Japanese literary
Image 1. Maho No Airando is actively
running its keitai shôsetsu channel.
circles, to prove the emergence
Accessed December 2, 2016. of new creativity on the mobile
platform by young generations.
“Exclusively for Keitai”
Kyounghwa Yonnie Kim
the next sentence. That way, I can control how they dwell on the
emotions of characters. [Y, female, 23, office worker]
“Exclusively for Keitai”
Kyounghwa Yonnie Kim
“Exclusively for Keitai”
during the Meiji era (Kim, 2014). Today, postal media, such as a letter
or a postcard, may be suitably understood as parts of social system
rather than as communication technology. However, in the early era
of the postal system, sending and receiving a postal medium across
geographical spaces was a novel way to create feelings of telepresence
(Milne, 2010). When postcards first emerged as a medium for this new
attraction, ordinary people used them to write short fictional stories,
called hagaki-shôsetsu (hagaki means “postcard”; thus, “postcard novel”).
It is not difficult to find the similarity between keitai shôsetsu and
hagaki-shôsetsu, in the link of both the literary genre and the new me-
dium of the day. It is interesting to note that, in other countries such as
Mainland China and South Korea, there were attempts to build online
mobile novel platforms, mainly prompted by the mega-hit of Koizora
in Japan. However, neither of these countries achieved recognizable
success. In this sense, keitai shôsetsu certainly provides a concrete ex-
ample of the social appropriation and cultural customization of mobile
technologies in Japan, revealing how new technology (mobile media)
resonates with existing cultural prototypes (literature) to generate new
Kyounghwa Yonnie Kim
2. BBS is an acronym for Bulletin Board System, commonly used in Japan to describe
an online content platform mainly for reading and writing.
Bolter, Jay David & Grusin, Richard (1999). Remediation: Understanding new media.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Castells, Manuel, Ferdandez-Ardevol, Mireia; Qiu, Jack Linchuan; & Sey, Araba (2007).
Mobile communication and society: A global perspective. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Hjorth, Larissa (2009). Mobile media in the Asia-Pacific: Gender and the art of being
mobile. London and New York: Routledge.
Ito, Mizuko; Okabe, Daisuke & Matsuda, M. (eds.) (2005). Personal, portable, pedestrian:
Mobile phones in Japanese life. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Kim, Kyounghwa Yonnie (2012). “The landscape of keitai shôsetsu: Mobile phones as a
literary medium among Japanese youth”. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural
Studies, 26(3):475-485.
Kim, Kyounghwa Yonnie (2014). “Genealogy of mobile creativity: A media archaeological
approach to literary practice in Japan”, pp. 216-224 in Goggin, Gerard & Hjorth,
Larissa (eds.) The Routledge companion to mobile media. London: Routledge.
Kim, Kyounghwa Yonnie (2017 forthcoming). “Keitai in Japan” in Darling-Wolf, Fabienne
(ed.) Routledge handbook of Japanese media. New York: Routledge.
Matsuda, Misa (2010). “Japanese mobile youth in the 2000s”, pp. 31-42 in Donald,
Stephanie Hemelryk; Anderson, Theresa Dirndorfer & Spry, Damien (eds.) Youth,
society and mobile media in Asia. New York: Routledge.
Matsuda, Misa; Dobashi, Shingo & Tsuji, Izumi (eds.) (2014). Keitai no 2000-nendai:
Seijuku suru Mobairu Shakai [Keitai in the 2000s: Maturation of Japanese mobile
society]. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
Milne, Esther (2010). Letters, Postcards, Email: Technologies of Presence. London: Routledge.
“Exclusively for Keitai”
Okada, Tomoyuki (2005). “Youth culture and the shaping of Japanese mobile media:
Personalization and the keitai Internet as multimedia”, pp. 41-60 in Ito, Mizuko;
Okabe, Daiske & Matsuda, Misa (eds.) Personal, portable, pedestrian: Mobile phones
in Japanese life. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Rheingold, Howard (2002). Smart mobs: The next social revolution. Cambridge, MA:
Perseus Publishing.
Tomita, Hidenori; Fujimoto, Kenichi; Okada, Tomoyuki; Matsuda, Misa & Takahiro, Nor-
ihiko (1997). Pokeberu-Keitai shugi [Pocket bell & Keitai-ism]. Tokyo: JustSystem.
Tomita, Hidenori (ed.) (2016). The post-mobile society: From the smart/mobile to second
offline. London and New York: Routledge.
A Shared Literary Experience
Youth Reading, Creativity and Virtual Performances
Alejandra Ravettino Destefanis
A Shared Literary Experience
Alejandra Ravettino Destefanis
A Shared Literary Experience
Alejandra Ravettino Destefanis
1. The cultural eventgeared towards adolescent readers (which brought together
booktubers, bloggers and bookstagrammers) was boosted by the international
presence of young writers for several days at the fair. <
internacional/propuestas-culturales> [Accessed 31 January 2016].
2. Literature for Young Adults, abbreviated as YA or Ya-Lit, is gaining knowledge all
over the world and can be defined as literature for young people (12 to 17 years
old), despite having many readers from other age groups (over 18 years). It separates
itself from children’s literature by leaving aside the ingenuity of the protagonists
and concentrating on more adult themes.
3. According to the publishing company V&REditoras, James Dashner, author of the
The Maze Runner series, had sold 6,500,000 copies worldwide by last year. The first
two books of the trilogy already have a film version, and the adaptation of the next
book into a film is underway. The best-selling saga-film version dynamic is being
repeated in other YA titles around the world, for instance Twilight, The Hunger
Games and The 5th Wave. For its part, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
by J. K. Rowling, first published nearly 20 years ago, set the standard for this new
youth trend. SOURCE: Oliva, Lorena. (2016). Literatura Young Adults: ¿negocio
o pasión por leer? La Nación, 08 mayo 2016 [online]. Available at <
lxwTrO>. [Accessed 31 January 2016].
A Shared Literary Experience
Austen, Jane (1813). Pride and Prejudice. [online]. Available at <>.
[Accessed 05 February 2016].
Barnes & Noble (2015). The Best Young Adults Books of 2015, Barnes & Noble, 03 Decem-
ber 2015 [online]. Available at <>. [Accessed 31 January 2016].
Alejandra Ravettino Destefanis
Bishop, Brian (2014). New ‘Twilight’ Short Films Are Coming to Facebook. The Holly-
wood Reporter, 30 September 2014 [online]. Available at <>.
[Accessed 31 January 2016].
Brontë, Charlotte (1847). Jane Eyne. [online]. Available at <>.
[Accessed 05 February 2016].
Bowker Market Research (2012). Young Adult Books Attract Growing Numbers of Adult
Fans. Bowker, 13 September 2012 [online]. Available at <>.
[Accessed 31 January 2016].
Chartier, Roger (1999). Cultura escrita, literatura e historia. México: Fondo de la Cultura
De Certeau, Michel (1996). La Invención de lo Cotidiano I. Artes de Hacer. México:
Universidad Iberoamericana.
Defoe, Daniel (1719). Robinson Crusoe. [online]. Available at <>.
[Accessed 05 February 2016].
Golding, William (1954). Lord of the Flies. [online]. Available at <>.
[Accessed 05 February 2016].
Hinton, Susan (1967). The Outsiders.[online]. Available at <>.
[Accessed 05 February 2016].
Lee, Harper (1960). To Kill a Mockingbird. [online]. Available at <
rGM>. [Accessed 05 February 2016].
Martín-Barbero, Jesús (2005). “Los modos de leer”. Presentado en la semana de la lectura
CERLALC en el panel “Lectura y medios de comunicación”. Bogotá: Centro de
Competencia en Comunicación para América Latina.
Melty (2013). Cincuenta sombras de Grey: 5 cosas que deberías saber., 14 April
2013 [online]. Available at <>. [Accessed 31 January 2016].
Perriconi, Graciela (2015). La construcción del géneroen la literaturainfantil y juvenil.
Buenos Aires: Editorial Lugar.
Oliva, Lorena (2016). Literatura Young Adults: ¿negocio o pasiónpor leer? La Nación, 08
mayo 2016 [online]. Available at <>. [Accessed 31 January 2016].
Ravettino Destefanis, Alejandra (2011). ”La producción de contenidos literarios en
Internet. Emprendimientos culturales y autogestión”, ponencia presentada en
las IX Jornadas de Sociología Capitalismo del Siglo XXI, crisis y reconfiguraciones.
Luces y sombras en América Latina, del 08 al 12 de agosto de 2011, Buenos Aires.
Ravettino Destefanis, Alejandra (2016). Cultura escrita, tiempo libre y jóvenes universi-
tarios. Acerca de las prácticas e imágenes vinculadas con la lectura, los contenidos y
los soportes. Buenos Aires: Teseo Press. Available at <
culturaescrita/>. [Accessed 31 January 2016].
Salinger, Jerome David (1951). The Catcher in the Rye. [online]. Available at <https://>. [Accessed 05 February 2016].
Twain, Mark (1876). The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. [online]. Available at <https://goo.
gl/GaEO4M>. [Accessed 05 February 2016].
Verne, Jules (1865). From the Earth to the Moon. [online]. Available at <
lcJalb>. [Accessed 05 February 2016].
Internet Mukbang
(Foodcasting) in South Korea
Seok-Kyeong Hong & Sojeong Park
A s the saying goes, “We are what we eat”; food is closely related to
one’s identity. Recently in Korea, Internet users have shed new
light on eating through online content called mukbang1. Mukbang is
primarily known as an online broadcast genre of Afreeca TV2, the
largest MCN (Multi-Channel Network) in Korea. Individuals called
BJs (Broadcasting Jockeys) can broadcast whatever content they want,
and viewers can tune in to any channel and enjoy watching them while
chatting with the BJs. At the time of writing (2016), about 3,500 chan-
nels are on air every day and typically 150-300 thousand users access
the live broadcasts. Afreeca TV provides a virtual space for people to
communicate whatever they want.
After Afreeca TV began service in 2006, it gained sudden popularity
during the anti-US beef import protest of 2008.3 Mukbang appeared on
Afreeca TV the same year, and has since then expanded dramatically
in numbers and formats. Today, 10-15 per cent of all the channels offer
the mukbang genre, with many BJs displaying their own styles of eating
and broadcasting.
The fact that BJs earn a great deal of money by eating on screen
surprised the media. They covered this new phenomenon with great Hong, Seok-Kyeong & Park, Sojeong
(2017). Internet Mukbang (Foodcasting)
attention, especially its economy system: Afreeca TV has a unique profit in South Korea in Ilana Eleá and Lothar
system entailing the “star balloon”, a type of currency within Afreeca Mikos (Eds.) Young & Creative. Digital Tech-
nologies Empowering Children in Everyday
TV. Viewers send star balloons to BJs as a sign of appreciation. One star Life. Gothenburg: Nordicom
Seok-Kyeong Hong & Sojeong Park
copyright: AfreecaTV
balloon costs 10 cents, and viewers can send them to BJs as much as
they want while watching a program. Afreeca TV usually gets 30-40 per
cent of the profit, while the BJs get 60-70 per cent. Through this process,
popular mukbang BJs can earn as much as thousands of dollars a night.
As mukbang has gained in popularity, television programs have
adopted its terms and ideas, and new programs appropriating features
of mukbang have been successful. This phenomenon provides an inter-
esting case of Internet subculture transforming the legitimate discourse
produced by conventional media.
This article examines mukbang, as provided by Afreeca TV, and
analyzes its implications on contemporary Korean society. Defining
mukbang as a new and unique phenomenon developed in a specific
socio-historical context of Korea, we will discuss its aesthetics and
ethics, which break the norms of traditional food culture and challenge
the social norms governing the body and subjectivity. Furthermore, this
Internet Mukbang (Foodcasting) in South Korea
Seok-Kyeong Hong & Sojeong Park
The fourth type is the “cook”. Cook BJs actually cook and eat the
foods they make, explaining the recipes to the viewers. Some have
previously worked as cooks at hotels or other institutions. Making use
of their experience, they provide both cookbang, and mukbang.
The fifth type is the “pretty boy/girl”. BJs of this type usually focus
on their looks and communicate with their fans. Mukbang seems to be
a subordinate theme here, since they do not eat much and talk very little
about food. They set up the lighting to make their facial complexion
look fair. Female BJs wear heavy makeup and sexy outfits, and some
male BJs show their pretty faces and slim bodies as well.
Internet Mukbang (Foodcasting) in South Korea
Seok-Kyeong Hong & Sojeong Park
copyright: AfreecaTV
Internet Mukbang (Foodcasting) in South Korea
ask them to eat other, new spicy foods or add more capsaicin powder
to increase the spiciness. This aspect is interesting, as it also shows a
gender difference: it is usually male BJs who challenge themselves to
eat foods in a sadistic way. They continue adding spiciness for fun, or
in desire of conquest: the more spiciness they endure, the more viewers
will like them and the more manly they believe they look. A few female
BJs enjoy eating spicy foods, but they hold back their pain or express it
in a calmer way. Sometimes they look erotic while eating this type of
food, breathing heavily and moaning, thereby exciting some viewers
and earning balloons from them.
Lastly, mukbang portrays BJs swallowing masses of calories of food,
neglecting the social pressure to have a slender body. In other words,
BJs explicitly show themselves abusing their own bodies. In contempo-
rary Korean society great attention is paid to body size, but mukbang
BJs do not seem to care about this tacit social requirement on body.
Many of them consume tens of thousands of calories at a time, usually
at night. Yet most female BJs are slimmer than the average Korean
woman. Many viewers find this surprising, and frequently ask about
their weight. This transgresses the universal law that the more one eats,
the more weight one gains.
Seok-Kyeong Hong & Sojeong Park
food only for themselves and eat alone in silence, as this lacks the cozy
atmosphere of a family gathering. So they tend to face the TV or a
computer monitor while eating, with mukbang serving as their “meal
mate”, soothing their loneliness during mealtime. People usually access
mukbang around mealtime or late-night snack time.
The particularity of the Asian table culture can be a complementary
explanation for the advent of mukbang.4 Since the staple food of Asian
countries is rice, a culture of side dishes has developed. Therefore,
unlike Western countries, Koreans serve several kinds of side dishes
and consume them together. So regardless of whether one lives with
family or not, one has to set a table consisting of several dishes; this
is a great burden to single-person households, most of which contain
people in their twenties to early thirties, who lack the knowledge, ability
and time for cooking.
Mukbang fulfills both the physical and sentimental hunger of
single-person households. First, it fulfills viewers’ physical hunger by
providing simple recipes or tips for eating alone. BJs introduce newly
released small-portion foods that can be prepared easily. Also, while
people living alone often cannot order diverse menus at one time, many
BJs are gourmands who eat a great deal of diverse foods in one sitting,
thereby offering viewers a vicarious satisfaction.
As Georg Simmel said, “the shared meal…lifts an event of physiolog-
ical primitivity and inescapable commonality into the sphere of social
interaction” (Probyn, 1999), while eating alone lacks social interaction.
Food definitely plays a social role that creates bonds between people.5
Many single-person households are in want of this bond, but are
sufficiently individualized to have given up finding someone to share
a meal with. Instead, they try to overcome their sentimental hunger
through the interactive nature of mukbang. They soothe their loneliness
by eating in front of a computer and communicating via the keyboard.
Internet Mukbang (Foodcasting) in South Korea
Seok-Kyeong Hong & Sojeong Park
45.3 45.4
40.9 40.5
2005 2008 2011 2014
Figure 1. Rate of students and employed among non-NEET, aged 15 to 29 (per cent)
Source: Hyundai Research Institute (2015). Characteristics and Implications of Young NEET.
are without a job for more than a year. Graph 1 indicates the rate of
students and employed among the population aged 15 to 29, and shows
that the rate of students is rising while that of those who are employed
is decreasing. This implies that a growing number of students in their
twenties postpone graduation, failing to find a decent job. Since their
student status gives them a feeling of belonging or stability, they tend
to remain students. Thus, the percentage of the NEET could be more
than statistics indicators, and the fear of NEET being their near future
is a shared sentiment among the young population.
The parent generation of the NEET had to survive the post-eco-
nomic crisis of 1997, with many opening fried chicken or convenience
stores as their last resort, as mentioned. The NEET, who are in the
aftermath of the economic crisis of the late 2000s, do not even dare
start a business. The prevalent sense of “social loser” among young
people and their socioeconomic status as NEET sustain the online
surplusage culture. Consuming fried chicken and convenience store
foods on camera, and watching it, might be one of the ways of enduring
this time of defeatism.
Internet Mukbang (Foodcasting) in South Korea
Subcultural power and the hegemonic process
As mukbang gained in popularity, a hegemonic process taken on by
conventional TV is observed: new TV food programs have recently
appropriated the culinary aesthetics and ethical attitudes developed by
Internet mukbang (Hong & Park, 2016). Conventional food programs
have typically introduced fancy foods cooked by professional chefs, or
exotic foods that are not available in everyday life. Also, they have always
emphasized the healthiness of foods and recipes. But, as they embrace
the ethics of mukbang, they have started portraying junk food such
as instant, frozen, and high-calorie foods. The standard of excellence
concerning food has been altered as well. Its excellence was originally
evaluated based on taste, presentation, the elaborateness of recipes,
and the professionalism of chefs. But after mukbang’s influence on TV,
it is judged only by the eater’s satisfaction. If the eater is content with
the food, it does not matter how much fat or spice is used to prepare
it. Thus, the hegemony of judgement for cooking and food has shifted
from top-class chefs to ordinary eaters.
TV programs do not exactly copy the formats of Internet mukbang,
but rather adapt them to the television platform by negotiating with
the norms of conventional food programs: they are either aired on a
cable channel (which requires less public responsibility than terrestrial
channels) or aired late at night on terrestrial channels; and they omit,
dilute or rework the components of Internet mukbang.
Also, TV appropriates Internet mukbang, rearticulating the domi-
nant differential system of gender into a new format. In traditional food
culture it is the woman who cooks for the family, with the exception
that the man does the cooking when it comes to “creation”.7 This role
division between the sexes seemed nullified in Internet mukbang, with
women and men eating on both sides of the screen and the cooking
diminished to an instant boiling or replaced with delivery foods. But in
the mukbang-influenced TV programs most cooking guests are men,
and professional male chefs are considered sexy; on the other hand,
men as everyday cooks and nurturers are portrayed as effeminate. This
representation still holds onto the dominant ideology of the sexual labor
division between the creator/producer and the re-creator/reproducer.
Seok-Kyeong Hong & Sojeong Park
1. Abbreviation for food broadcasting in Korean, which can be translated to ‘food-
casting’. It includes all kinds of programs on TV and the Internet showing scenes
of eating as an important part of the content.
2. Abbreviation for ‘Any Free Casting’ TV.
3. During the protest, thousands of people occupied the streets and police took action
to control the demonstrators. People who were angry at the police brutality started
filming with their portable recording devices to deliver lively scenes and expose the
violence. In the process, Afreeca TV was mobilized as a main platform for these
4. The high rate of single-person households alone cannot explain the advent of muk-
bang, since Western countries also have a great deal of single-person households. In
Northern European countries such as Denmark, Norway and Finland, the share of
single-person households reached 40per cent in the 2000s. (URL: http://ec.europa.
5. The word “companion” originates from the meaning “person who eats bread with
someone else”. In Korea as well, there are some words that indicate the importance
of food in human relationship, such as “bapjung, an attachment that grows between
people who share meals for a long time.
6. For example, some count the number of strawberry seeds in a strawberry yogurt
pot, collect all the bones after eating chicken, or hack a certain Internet server for
no reason.
7. The extreme majority of professional chefs are male.
Internet Mukbang (Foodcasting) in South Korea
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Hong, Sojeong, & Park, Seok-Kyeong (2016). The Emergence of Internet Mukbang
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Joo, C. Y. (2013). Hunger Society. Paju: Geulhangari.
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Probyn, Elspeth (1999). Beyond Food/Sex: Eating and an Ethics of Existence. Theory,
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“Transmedia Storytelling
as a Narrative Expansion”
Interview with Carlos Scolari
Interview with Carlos Scolari
“Transmedia Storytelling as a Narrative Expansion”
Image 1 & 2. Students analyse and reflect on social media and transmedia narrative worlds
Interview with Carlos Scolari
“Transmedia Storytelling as a Narrative Expansion”
may involve hundreds of people. For example, fans have created movies
with professional-level special effects inspired by Star Trek, Halo, or The
Lord of the Rings. In our research, we have found teens that organise
international teams to play online videogames like Counterstrike, or
girls writing and sharing fanfiction in collaborative platforms like
Wattpad. Even if we do not believe in the mythology of the ‘digital
natives’ (like adults, not all teens are geeks or digital experts), in every
class it was not difficult for the research team to identify advanced
videogame players or media content creators.
Conversations on
Creativity and Communication
Carmilla Floyd
Carmilla Floyd
Tell us a little bit about why and how you use social media
Erik: I use all of them relatively differently but also use them all together.
So there are things that I will post on Instagram that will always show
up on my Facebook and my Twitter. These will range from selfies to
places where I’ve been, but mostly selfies. I use a lot of # so that people
can look it up. Snapchat is more of a tool I use to send pics and chat
with people safely without giving my number out.
Phuong: I like to share both my photos and my opinions about world
politics, the environment, and social affairs, especially relating to chil-
dren and women, culture, and entertainment. I share stuff like breaking
news but also interesting stories, videos and photo essays that have
inspired me and that I think can inspire others.
Yaya: I use a wide range of social media platforms and each platform
has its own use, although many are similar. I go according to the use of
each one, feel and vibe, as well as the audience and reach. For example,
on Instagram and Facebook I share what I do in fashion and other areas
while I use Pinterest to be inspired, Snapchat for fun and Twitter for
information and news.
Alex: I use both Facebook and Instagram to promote when I am going
to DJ somewhere. For inspiration and ideas, I go on Instagram and
Roseli: For me, as a Xicana, social media is definitely an important way
to communicate with other people of colour, a way for us to ‘carve out
our own culture’ instead of being interpreted and appropriated by others.
It is via these social networks I have met many of the people that I’ve
Conversations on Creativity and Communication
Xicana activist and DJ Roseli uses social media to carve out her own culture
Carmilla Floyd
Conversations on Creativity and Communication
to my friends. Cute stuff or selfies gets the most reactions and likes. A
photo of homemade food does well too.
Yaya: I post to inspire people and to influence them for the better. I
also post content that people can relate to, which affects the reactions
on my posts.
Phuong, from Hanoi in Vietnam, studies photography in Berlin, Germany and uses
social media to communicate and share her images and ideas.
4 3
Image 2. This is Phuong, in Hanoi, Image 3. Berlin Wall, Image 4. Berlin Street
Carmilla Floyd
Does your social media activity reflect who you really are?
Tony: I never share content that I feel doesn’t relate to me or reflect my-
self. I like to be spontaneous, the moment I feel like it, I share and post.
Xuan: It reflects the person I want to be on that account. Who I want
to be can change over time. I often change my handles to reflect that
change, and I have a lot of different accounts on, for example, Instagram.
Some are private, some public or semi-private. I allow my mother on
some but not on all! I often erase accounts, or my whole feed, and start
fresh with a new style.
Erik: What I put out there is really I. All my social media without a
shadow of a doubt screams I am a Queer, POC2, Native American and
Valeria: My Instagram reflects who I am way more than Facebook does.
I feel like I mainly use Instagram for myself. Sometimes when I wonder,
“wth am I doing with my life?” I look through my feed over these last
two years or so, and I feel better. My Instagram is a storyteller, maybe
not to my followers, but to me, about myself.
Conversations on Creativity and Communication
Yaya: I do both planned content that is well thought of, and spontane-
ous content as a channel of self-expression, which I post with a little
less structure and thought, and more freedom. I always stick to high
quality, visually stimulating images and videos. My captions are also
of a high standard, in the sense that I write to express myself and share
my story. That’s what primarily gets me the most reactions or likes too.
Ayanda “Yaya” Nhlapo, TV host and fashion designer in South Africa, shares glimpses of her life
and work on her SM accounts, and tries to inspire and influence her followers for the better.
Image 5. “Yaya”
Xuan: I do mostly, but sometimes I just get lucky with a shot. Angles,
location, and lighting is vital. I take a lot of selfies in the restroom in
my high school restroom, because I like the clean look of fluorescent
lights and white tiles. I always work with the images, picking filters and
colours that go with the tone and look of my different feeds.
Carmilla Floyd
Xuan uses social media for creative expression, and always works with the images,
picking filters and colors that go with the tone and look of her different SM feeds.
6 7
4 8 9
Image 6. Xuan showing of her nails and a new bag, Image 7. Xuan showing off her brand new velvet shoes,
Images 8 & 9. These two photos were taken at an exhibition by Doug Aitken at MOMA in Los Angeles
Conversations on Creativity and Communication
11 12 13
Image 10. Erik hanging out doing homework, Image 11. Erik posing with the lamp post exhibit at the LACMA museum in
Los Angeles, Image 12. Caption on Instagram: “When I bathe my dogs always hang out right next me. The company of
my pups are the best. Sometimes Appa insists that I wash behind my ears and if I don’t he will.”, Image 13. Caption on
Instagram: “Just hanging out like a Leather Mary. Rocking my leather jacket”.
Carmilla Floyd
Xuan: I love having access the world at my fingertips. I hate the igno-
rance, racism, exotism, and sexism. Stupid comments and questions
from narrow minded people or douche guys (that I immediately block).
Followers asking: ‘Are you from Japan or Korea’, because stereotypes
tell them that cool Asians must be from there? But I like that social
media offer me and other young people a platform and safe spaces
where we can talk about our feelings, norms, and discrimination. Some
of the accounts I follow forbid white people to comment, although
they can read the posts and comments that POC and WOC3 make.
I think that’s really good, because social media is so full of hate and
stupid comments, sometimes we want to say stuff without worrying
about being attacked.
Rosie: Just the fact that it is available, I like. I believe that the reason
why young folks create and share via social media is because the reality
of our present and future is so overwhelming. We need any outlet to
express ourselves, support others, and unwind with memes.
Alex: Sometimes I get annoyed when people close to me write stupid
Valeria: I like that social media lets people express themselves freely,
and can connect with other people they’ve never met before. I like that
it can be used for activism, for sharing knowledge, and for questioning
the status quo. I also dislike when people are too private. Some of my
friends, classmates and family members love to spill everything on
Facebook – even their arguments with other people. It’s embarrassing
and annoying.
Conversations on Creativity and Communication
Law student Valeria uses Instagram to express herself and stay a tiny bit creative as opposed
to what she can be in the academic world.
Roseli: Well, I do have a lot of vinyls, and I DJ together with the Chulita
Vinyl Club in LA. A lot of my friends make artwork that is physical
and three dimensional. But then we share promote our stuff online, so
it works out well.
Valeria: Sometimes. I think it comes from the overload of information
we receive online all day, every hour, every minute and second. Then
I turn to something analogue, like a DVD or a vinyl record. Analogue
creativity takes us back to the roots, in a sense. It lets me relax for a
minute, and disconnect from the world. When I listen to my vinyl
records I live in the moment, not through the screen of my phone. I
can’t switch from one artist to the next in a second. I have the albums
I have, the songs I have, and that’s enough. But only until I pick up my
phone and have access to everything and nothing is ever enough. And
that’s great too! There’s always something new to learn and discover.
Carmilla Floyd, Journalist and Communications specialist, Walkie Talkie, Sweden,
[email protected]
Carmilla Floyd
1. Xicana: a female Mexican-American.
2. POC: abbreviation for people of color, as in everybody except caucasians.
3. WOC: abbreviation for women of color.
Collecting and Sharing
Anna Keune, Naomi Thompson, Kylie Peppler & Stephanie Chang
(Keune, Peppler, Chang, & Regalla, 2015). This can lead to portfolios
becoming an afterthought that does not evoke the excitement often
connected with making.
Organizers of out-of-school spaces (e.g., after-school clubs, libraries,
museums) particularly find it challenging to meaningfully integrate
the documentation of hands-on projects; despite its perceived impor-
tance, documenting is tricky to implement, especially in out-of-school
settings without attendance requirements. Portfolio creation to bolster
college and job applications may not be sufficiently motivational for
youth, as this does not directly serve their immediate project needs.
It is unclear how to support the capturing and sharing of hands-on
creative work in out-of-school makerspaces in a way that is purposeful
and meaningful for youth. Educators need examples of youth capturing
their projects on their own terms, in their own ways, and on their own
time to inform out-of-school portfolio processes. This knowledge gap
prompted us to ask: what are the mechanisms and motivators that
make the documentation of creative projects immediately purposeful
and meaningful for youth?
To answer this question, we examined the youth portfolios of an
urban, out-of-school, and youth-serving makerspace in the eastern
United States through a year-long qualitative study. The makerspace
we worked with had a space-wide process whereby every youth had
their own online portfolio. In this article, we focus on three youth
who captured and shared their creative out-of-school work beyond
the adult-initiated process. The three cases concretize different ways
of documenting and allowed us to extract specific motivators and
mechanisms that could frame portfolio creation in other out-of-school
settings as immediately purposeful and meaningful for youth.
“My Portfolio Helps My Making”
Anna Keune, Naomi Thompson, Kylie Peppler & Stephanie Chang
“My Portfolio Helps My Making”
Anna Keune, Naomi Thompson, Kylie Peppler & Stephanie Chang
and staff members saying “thank you” when someone dropped coins
into the box. The donation box was positioned on a small table next
to the entrance of the makerspace.
Although the donation box was one of his favorite projects, Akida
did not document it on his makerspace portfolio. He planned to share
the code for the project in the future, and the fact that the project was
displayed and in use at the makerspace made it possible to go back and
capture the work online. More importantly, the project was displayed
along with other youth projects, including a cardboard sign with em-
bedded LEDs that changed color depending on the hashtags posted
to the social media feed of the makerspace. This project inspired the
creation of a large light installation for the White House art festival
SXSL (South by South Lawn) in 2016. Besides serving as inspiration
for potentially larger projects, photographs of the donation box were
often shared on social media. For example, sharing a photograph of
Akida presenting the donation box at a local manufacturing company
made it possible for his work to be amplified and to reach an audience
outside the makerspace (see Image 2).
Presenting work to audiences outside the makerspace can be a moti-
vator for youth to preserve their projects. Displaying and using projects
inside the makerspace was one mechanism for achieving this, while
another was to provide opportunities for anyone to capture and share
by encouraging visitors to post pictures for their online network. The
interplay of online and offline sharing of youth work in the makerspace
and beyond can create dynamic impacts on the way youth experience
the possibilities of their projects.
“My Portfolio Helps My Making”
Anna Keune, Naomi Thompson, Kylie Peppler & Stephanie Chang
In the flow of making, Alma’s ideas emerged as she layered more and
more skills onto the project while working toward her final project.
One example of layering prior skills was related to the stackability of
the mushrooms. Similar to a birdhouse she had previously documented
on her portfolio (Image 4), Alma had to consider the tolerance setting
of the 3D printer she was using to create removable parts. Each of the
printers at the makerspace was assembled and calibrated by hand, so it
was important to know the settings of the printer in use while working
on a project that required precision.
Alma started documenting projects on her DHF website when she
joined the makerspace. At designated times, she wrote periodic posts
throughout the beginner’s course, addressing her audience through
witty writing and usually including project photographs. These allotted
times presented checkpoints for Alma to remember to keep track of
capturing the making in order to better serve the creation of her final
“My Portfolio Helps My Making”
I think [my portfolio] helps making. (…) It helps when you’re well
on your way, you can always go back and remember what you did
and what you may not remember in the present. Going back, you
can get a fresh look on things, and that changes your perspective
and that would also help your current making.
Anna Keune, Naomi Thompson, Kylie Peppler & Stephanie Chang
his own pace, from working on personal projects alongside peers, which
he called working “human-adjacent,” to contributing to collaborative
projects in small groups. In this move to overcome his shyness, Evan’s
portfolio played a strong role. Just how important the portfolio was to
Evan can be seen in the sheer number of project posts he published
online. Over the course of a year he published a total of 33 posts, the
highest number in the makerspace. In nine of these posts, he reflected
on his social interactions with others. This was nearly triple the average
of the other youths, suggesting that Evan was deliberately seeking to
capture his progress in this area.
One of the projects Evan highlighted for us as particularly inter-
esting to him was part of a Zombie-centered design course, in which
makerspace educators asked the youth to prototype a solution for
escaping from zombies across a ravine. Evan created a pulley bridge
out of cardboard and string (Image 5, left). He explained that it was
challenging to make the bridge function and to plan for a clean, func-
tional design. To show how the bridge would function, Evan shared a
video on his portfolio that demoed his prototype (Image 6, right). He
explained that he looked across the portfolio entries of other youth
working alongside him and noticed that “there were different ways
for people to get across the gorge.” The process offered by the online
portfolio infrastructure motivated Evan to reflect on face-to-face and
online social engagement.
Another example of Evan’s social engagement at the makerspace was
related to a Minecraft course, in which small groups of youth collab-
orated to build a small virtual town. Evan led one of the construction
groups, coordinating the actions of his group members with other
groups by moving in and out of the virtual space:
When everyone had different pieces of the map, we had to do it twice,
because the first time things collapsed. But the second time it worked
a lot better when people were forming groups. (...) It was the same
when we built the final colony in the final project. Before we worked
more organized, we elected leaders and worked in groups. But the
first day of building a colony a few people did random stuff and a
leader (of another group) got distracted and (the joined) leadership
was difficult to keep going. Once everyone decided to build in the
same place, the group came together.
“My Portfolio Helps My Making”
Image 5 & 6. Snapshot of Evan’s pulley bridge (left) and portfolio (right)
Anna Keune, Naomi Thompson, Kylie Peppler & Stephanie Chang
Motivators Mechanisms
Connecting to authentic audiences • Provide physical and online spaces for sharing
• Encourage visitors to capture and share youth
Taking ownership over portfolios • Offer choice over how and where to document
and share.
• Make customization features available.
• Encourage use of existing tools and support
multiple spaces.
Working toward a final project • Make it known to youth that small projects can
build toward final projects.
• Allot time for documenting and browsing portfo-
Comparing project solutions • Initiate a space-wide portfolio system.
• Encourage sharing portfolio posts among youth.
Encouraging following passions • Be flexible about number of posts.
and elaborating interests • Provide opportunities for shifting between
personal and shared projects.
• Give space to track progress over time.
The three cases show how possibilities arise as youth are given the space
and resources for making and for taking ownership of documenting and
sharing their work. This way, portfolios are not simply a requirement
set by adults, but a way to share with peers, follow passions, and elab-
orate interests. Their portfolios allowed these three youth to share their
projects on their own terms, in their own ways, and on their own time.
At the DHF, adult-driven portfolio practices ignited and spread
documentation throughout the makerspace. All the portfolios present-
ed in this article took the adult-driven portfolio process and turned it
into an adult-initiated process that was flexible enough for the youth
“My Portfolio Helps My Making”
to adapt to their personal purposes and needs. For example, they were
motivated by the ability to follow their passions and elaborate their
interests through a flexible number of required posts, opportunities to
shift between personal and collaborative projects, and visual tools for
seeing their personal development.
The youth connected to authentic audiences who were genuinely
interested in their projects presented outside the makerspace, and
found their projects being shared on social media by visitors. This
speaks to the importance of providing opportunities for youth to engage
communities with specialized interests within the safe confines of the
out-of-school makerspace. Treated in these ways, portfolios can become
tools for uncovering interests and possibilities for future opportunities
and community memberships.
The youth were motivated by taking ownership over their portfolios,
which was encouraged by giving them the power to make choices
about aesthetics as well as location(s) in the matter of how and where
their work would be viewed by others. The immediate usefulness of
the portfolios was also perceived when the youth were allowed to use
their portfolios to work toward a final project; for example, when the
makerspace provided time and space for documenting and browsing
portfolios. Viewing projects and portfolios could inspire comparing pro-
ject solutions, new ideas or ways in which challenges could be overcome.
While youth are creating projects in makerspaces, preparing for
college or future jobs might be a far-away goal; however, these cases
show that the social context of portfolios – creating and sharing work
within and outside local learning spaces – may be more immediately
useful and personally relevant for youth and serve as a driver to con-
tinue documenting. Through diverse tools, the youth took ownership
over the process of capturing and sharing their work, and beyond this,
took ownership of their future making opportunities and possibilities.
This work was part of the Open Portfolio Project, a research initiative concerned
with the use of open and decentralized portfolio systems as tools for lifelong learning
and assessment, funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. We thank
the youth and educators of the Digital Harbor Foundation for their participation
and contribution.
Anna Keune, Naomi Thompson, Kylie Peppler & Stephanie Chang
1. The expression is a shortening of kindergarten (K) for 4- to 6-year-olds through
twelfth grade (12) for 17- to 19-year-olds.
2. More information about the Open Portfolio Project:
Blumenfeld, Phyllis; Soloway, Elliot; Marx, Ronald; Krajcik, Joseph; Guzdial, Mark &
Palincsar, Annemarie (1991). Motivating project-based learning: Sustaining the
doing, supporting the learning. Educational psychologist, 26(3-4): 369-398.
Byrne, Daragh & Davidson, Catherine (2015). MakeSchools Higher Education Alliance:
State of Making Report. Retrieved from
Gardner, Howard (1989). Zero-based Arts Education: An introduction to ARTS PROPEL.
Studies in Art Education, 71-83.
Keune, Anna; Peppler, Kylie; Chang, Stephanie & Regalla, Lisa (2015). A networked
vision for sharing and documenting. Maker Education Initiative. December, 2015.
Lamme, Linda & Hysmith, Cecilia (1991). One school’s adventure into portfolio assess-
ment. Language Arts, 68(8): 629-640.
Love, Douglas; Gathercoal, Paul & McKean, Gerry (2004). Portfolios to webfolios and
beyond: Levels of maturation. Educause Quarterly, 27(2): 24-38.
Merriam, Sharan & Tisdell, Elizabeth (2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and
implementation. John Wiley & Sons.
Niguidula, David (1993). The Digital Portfolio: A Richer Picture of Student Performance.
Studies on Exhibitions (13).
Nolen, Susan; Horn, Ilana & Ward, Christopher J. (2015). Situating motivation. Educa-
tional Psychologist, 50(3): 234-247.
Peppler, Kylie & Bender, Sophia (2013). Maker movement spreads innovation one project
at a time. Phi Delta Kappan, 95(3): 22-27.
Peppler, Kylie; Maltese, Adam; Keune, Anna; Chang, Stephanie & Regalla, Lisa (2015). The
Maker Ed Open Portfolio Project: Survey of Makerspaces Part 2. Maker Education
Initiative. Accessed December, 2015.
Peppler, Kylie; Halverson, Erica & Kafai, Yasmin (Eds.). (2016). Makeology: Makerspaces
as Learning Environments (Vol. 1). New York: Routledge.
Riconscente, Michelle (2000). Digital Portfolios: An Enduring Promise for Enhancing
Assessment. New York, NY: Center for Children and Technology.
Rieman, John; Franzke, Marita & Redmiles, David (1995, May). Usability evaluation
with the cognitive walkthrough. Paper presented at the conference Companion on
Human Factors in Computing Systems, 7-11 May 1995, at Denver, Colorado, USA.
Tseng, Tiffany (2015a). Making make-throughs: Supporting young makers sharing
design process. Paper presented at the conference Fablearn, 26-27 August, at
Stanford University, USA.
Tseng, Tiffany (2015b). Spin: A photography turntable system for creating animated
documentation. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Interaction
Design and Children, 21-25 June 2015, at Medford, Massachusetts, USA.
Pockets of Freedom,
but Mostly Constraints
Emerging Trends in Children’s DIY Media Platforms
Deborah A. Fields & Sara M. Grimes
Pockets of Freedom, but Mostly Constraints
Deborah A. Fields & Sara M. Grimes
availability of sites where children can lawfully share their DIY media
creations; the limited design features for sharing and creating found on
these sites that are available to children; and the absence of adequate
guidelines and policies prioritizing children’s freedom of expression
currently available to designers.
Literature review
Previous academic research on children’s digital media making has been
limited in many ways. For one, large surveys of Internet use tend to
exclude children entirely, focusing instead on teens and young adults.
Important exceptions to this include works associated with the EU Kids
Online project (Livingstone, 2008), longitudinal research conducted as
part of the Young Canadians in a Wired World project (Steeves, 2014),
and research by Svoen (2007). Even here, younger children aged 0 to 8
years are absent from most available data sets. While a growing number
of qualitative studies examine the experiences of younger children cre-
ating and sharing content online (e.g. Burn & Richards, 2014; Willett et
al., 2013), it remains an underexplored area of research. Among recent
studies that do attend to children’s DIY media production, there is a
tendency to focus on classroom contexts, and most do not explicitly
consider children’s sharing of their creations (for an exception to this,
see Fields, Kafai & Giang, 2016). Instead, sharing behavior is implied
instead of described, or simply noted as a potential implication of
creative production (e.g. Kearney, 2007).
As with other aspects of children’s digital technology use, few (if any)
previous studies consider the overall scope and quality of the available
spaces, tools and platforms for children’s DIY media making, especially
with consideration for how larger policy influences might shape these
designs. To date, much of the scholarship on children’s online spaces
has focused on single websites, some of which were developed under
highly unique circumstances – such as at a university (e.g. Scratch), or
through a special funding initiative (e.g. YouMedia). Similar trends can
be found in the literature on children’s games, apps and other digital
technologies (e.g. Rafalow & Salen Tekinbas, 2014; Bailey, 2016) – leav-
ing a dearth of comprehensive and comparative research to draw on.
These gaps in our understanding are problematic, as we cannot
assume that trends exhibited by teens and young adults will hold for
Pockets of Freedom, but Mostly Constraints
children, or that the features found on one site are universal. This is
especially the case when we consider not only the vast differences in
development experienced between the preschool and teenage years, but
also differences in family structures and supervision of online activities.
For instance, even among users of similar ages, sharing behaviors can
differ substantially (e.g. Svoen, 2007). Concurrently, however, emerging
research suggests that increased participation in media making and
sharing can provide children with a myriad of valuable opportunities
from giving and receiving constructive criticism (e.g. Black, 2008), to
public and civic engagement (e.g. Bennett, 2007), to exercising one’s
communication rights (e.g. Coombe, 2010). Furthermore, the spread of
child-created content has the potential to make media as a whole more
diverse and democratic, through the inclusion of the voices, ideas and
perspectives of a group that has until recently been largely excluded
from directly contributing its content (Grimes & Fields, 2015).
Deborah A. Fields & Sara M. Grimes
Pockets of Freedom, but Mostly Constraints
On-site sharing 96
Sharing in third-party sites 68
Moderate users’ content before posting 19
Site moderates content of users’ communication 26
Instructions to report unacceptable content 65
Networking residues
Commenting 80
Liking/favoriting/rating 68
Private messaging 48
Text chat 16
Curate projects in a gallery or list 49
Note: Sites provided multiple features wich is why the sum within each category is exceeds 100.
Source: Compiled by the authors
Notably, only a fifth of the sites analyzed moderated user content before
it was posted, while less than a third monitored users’ contributions
to on-site forums, comment sections, and other communication
channels. Support for various forms of peer moderation was more
prevalent: 65 per cent of the sites instructed users to “report” unac-
ceptable or offensive content. It is important to note that the content
analysis did not extend to the sites’ own creation tools, which may
very well have contained design limitations that restricted users at the
Deborah A. Fields & Sara M. Grimes
Pockets of Freedom, but Mostly Constraints
Deborah A. Fields & Sara M. Grimes
Pockets of Freedom, but Mostly Constraints
Deborah A. Fields & Sara M. Grimes
1. Additional research stages associated with this project include a transnational
policy analysis and a series of in-depth case studies, both of which are currently
underway. Once the data from these stages have been analyzed, we furthermore
plan to hold a daylong “child advisory” event, which will bring together Kids DIY
Media partners and child creators to discuss the implications of our findings, and
establish a series of next steps and priority areas.
2. The sites covered a broad range of media, from writing and art to game-making
and science. A few examples are,,, diy.
org,,, and
Pockets of Freedom, but Mostly Constraints
Bailey, Chris (2016). Free the Sheep: Improvised Song and Performance in and around
a Minecraft Community. Literacy 50(2): 62-71.
Bennett, W. Lance (ed.) (2007). Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can
Engage Youth. The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.
Black, Rebecca. W. (2008). Adolescents and Online Fan Fiction. Peter Lang: New York.
Buckingham, David. (2009). Skate Perception: Self-Representation, Identity and Visual
Style in a Youth Subculture, pp. 133-151 in D. Buckingham & R. Willett (eds.), Video
Cultures: Media Technology and Everyday Creativity. Palgrave Macmillan: New York.
Burn, Andrew & Richards, Christopher Owen (eds.) (2014). Children’s Games in the New
Media Age: Childlore, Media and the Playground. Farnham: Ashgate.
Coombe, Rosemary J. (2010). Honing a Critical Cultural Study of Human Rights, Com-
munication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 7(3): 230-246.
Fields, Deborah A., Kafai, Yasmin B., & Giang, Michael T. (2016). Participation by Choice:
A Transitional Analysis of Patterns in Social Networking and Coding Contributions
in the Online Scratch Community, pp. 209-240 in U. Cress, H. Jeong, & J. Moskaliuk
(eds.) Mass Collaboration and Education. New York, NY: Springer.
Grimes, Sara M. (2013). Persistent and Emerging Questions about the Use of Terms of
Service Contracts in Children’s Digital Media Sites and Platforms. University of
British Columbia Law Review 46(3), 681-736.
Grimes, Sara M. & Fields, Deborah A. (2012). Kids Online: A New Research Agenda
for Understanding Social Networking Forums. New York. The Joan Ganz Cooney
Center at Sesame Workshop. Available at <
reports-38.html> [Accessed 1 June, 2016].
Grimes, Sara M. & Fields, Deborah A. (2015). Children’s Media Making, but not Sharing:
The Potential and Limitations of Child-specific DIY Media Websites for a More
Inclusive Media Landscape. Media International Australia, 154: 112-122.
Kafai, Yasmin B. & Fields, Deborah A. (2013). Connected Play: Tweens in a Virtual World.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Kearney, Mary Celeste (2007). Productive Spaces: Girls’ Bedrooms as Sites of Cultural
Production, Journal of Children and Media, 1(2): 126-141.
Livingstone, Sonia (2008). Taking Risky Opportunities in Youthful Content Creation:
Teenagers’ Use of Social Networking Sites for Intimacy, Privacy and Self-Expression.
New Media & Society, 10(3): 393-411.
Rafalow, M. H., & Salen Tekinbaş, Katie (2014). Welcome to Sackboy Planet: Connected
Learning Among LittleBigPlanet 2. Digital Media and Learning Research Hub,
Irvine, CA.
Steeves, Valerie (2014). Canadians in a Wired World, Phase III: Experts or Amateurs? Gaug-
ing Young Canadians’ Digital Literacy Skills. Ottawa: Media Awareness Network.
Svoen, Brit (2007). Consumers, Participants, and Creators: Young People’s Diverse Use
of Television and New Media. Computers in Entertainment (CIE), 5(2): 1-16.
Willett, Rebekah, Chris Richards, Jackie Marsh, Andrew Burn, and Julia C. Bishop.
(2013). Children, Media and Playground Cultures: Ethnographic Studies of School
Playtimes. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Vygotsky, Lev S. (2004). Imagination and Creativity in Childhood. Journal of Russian
and East European Psychology, 42(1): 7-97.
YouTube, Inc. (2014, January). The Power of Gen C. Report. Statista. Available at < https://
best-customers.html> [Accessed: 9 January, 2017].
Peer Teaching and Learning
A Case of Two Five-year-olds as Minecraft Creators1
Sara Sintonen, Maj-Britt Kentz & Lasse Lipponen
Peer Teaching and Learning
Sara Sintonen, Maj-Britt Kentz & Lasse Lipponen
Peer Teaching and Learning
worth noting that the players, Topi and Mikael, do not see each other
playing in real time, except when their communication is mediated via
the iPad. In other words, the two create in ‘different worlds’, and do not
play side by side during this session.
During the first part of the session, Topi’s primary role is to advise
and explain the EMC generator’s operating principles and benefits, as
the tool is new to Mikael. The two friends’ comments are distributed
fairly evenly, with Mikael slightly more active (61 comments) in his
role as the primary learner than Topi (53). Since the boys are working
separately, Topi (for whom the EMC generator is already a familiar
tool), has the ability to do other things on his own, like looking after his
bee farm. Thus, in addition to explaining the use of the EMC generator
and advising, explaining, and justifying his choices, Topi himself has
an opportunity to experiment and learn new things.
In this first part of the session, the cooperation between the boys
starts easily and naturally. They work on the EMC challenge for ten
minutes, but to begin, only one direct question from Mikael and one
straight answer from Topi are required. The rest of Topi’s EMC responses
(15) are explanatory, specifying and justifying, and also include ques-
tions guiding Mikael’s progress and comments supporting his choices,
such as ‘Yes’, ‘So’ and ‘Okay’ (10).
Mikael’s role as a learner manifests itself in the discussion in a va-
riety of ways. He explains his actions quite richly from a pedagogical
point of view. He asks Topi for clarification six (6) times, expresses
his understanding of the instructions/advice (3) and his acceptance
of and compliance with the instructions given (7), and slows Topi’s
pace down once (1). Mikael justifies his solutions and choices re-
lating to the construction phases (8), and explains and shares his
achievements (13).
Although Mikael is immersed in his work, he follows (5) what Topi
is doing the whole time and comments briefly, for instance saying
‘Okay’ and ‘Yep’. In Mikael’s case, our attention turned to his reflective
speech, which also acts to guide his own actions when faced with new
things (12). The role of learner prompts Mikael (4) to also thank Topi
and express his enjoyment: ‘Thanks for telling me that, that it’s this I
mean, it’s so cool that I can copy these now…’
Sara Sintonen, Maj-Britt Kentz & Lasse Lipponen
The second half of the session also starts very spontaneously. Mi-
kael has just managed to get the EMC generator to work and grasped
the principle of ‘duplication’, although complete success still requires
some fine tuning, and at the same time the phone rings at Topi’s and
he leaves to report this to an adult. Mikael continues fine tuning and
Topi returns. Topi begins to persuade Mikael to pursue new challenges,
asking ‘You know Morning Star?’.
The second half of the session, therefore, focuses on the construc-
tion of the Morning Star. As the tool is new to Topi as well, he starts
learning by doing, meaning that he begins to build while explaining the
building process at the same time. The work becomes less synchronized,
as Mikael was not prepared for the change, and it takes him a while to
gather the necessary materials and working space. During the session
Topi himself becomes a learner, trying his best to figure out how the
morning star can be constructed. The players gather dark matter, du-
plicate it their own, and take turns counting how many stacks (=64) of
red matter the EMC generator has produced.2 As the gaming session
progresses, the vocabulary they use becomes more professional and
incorporates more English terms mixed into the Finnish.
Although the setup of the activity changes (both players are now
learners), the narration shows that the action is intentional. Morning
Star is a common goal that is achieved through peer learning in a
nuanced way, and through deeper mutual intersubjectivity. Intersub-
jectivity requires initiative, listening to the other and understanding
perspective, as well as linguistic exchange. According to Kronqvist
(2004), these are obligatory conditions for successful collaboration.
In the final stage, when the players are close to the target, they are cre-
ating the same, new thing in the game almost synchronously. At this
point, the negotiations, questions and mutual teaching have turned
into talking out loud to themselves (Episode 1). Finally, the players
manage to reach their goal:
Topi’s parent: Five minutes. Boys, now, five minutes.
Mikael: Okay, that’s fine.
Topi: Okay.
Mikael: Now, yes, I have mor[e]…I just take a little like this…
Topi: Dark matter, picks, dark, no but… what am I doing…
Mikael: Dark matter, picks [pickaxes] over there. Okay, I put some
Peer Teaching and Learning
of those here, like this, this, this, this, this. Now we do this, like this.
Now, yes, now. Now a lot of these come... really… I take only a little
of this dark matter…
Topi: Guess what I have?
Mikael: What?
Topi: Morning Star.
Mikael: Yes.
In the second period of the gaming session, Mikael starts acting more
independently, and tries different solutions on his own. The players
might work on their own for longer periods of time, but when one of
them needs help, both are immediately drawn back into the joint action
and dialogue (Episode 2):
Topi: I really need to make a chest.
Mikael: Like so, so, so… [mumbles]
Topi: I have an invi… [inventory] full of red matter.
Mikael: Okay. I’ll just put some things in there. What…okay, one
can’t do that. So, can one put any of these in? No, only Silver Ingots…
[explains his own testing]
Topi: Okay, now I have also Dark Matter in here, good.
Mikael: I just take some of these…Silver Ingots…not really, let’s
take some of these…
Topi: Dark Matter
Mikael: So, let’s check one of those over here…
Topi: I did…[mumbles]
Mikael: [mumbles] Th-th-this is way, not that way, yes, now!
Topi: Okay!
Mikael: [lifts his arm] Mum, come and see! [mumbles] a couple of
stacks of these…
Mikael: Here is my red matter! Then one creates some more…let’s
take some more
Topi: How much red matter do you have?
Mikael: Wait, see, let me tell you soon, as soon as I’ve put these
emeralds in here…
Mikael: Forty-two.
Sara Sintonen, Maj-Britt Kentz & Lasse Lipponen
Peer Teaching and Learning
Mikael: Yes.
Topi: Okay, then it’s right.
In the above exchange, one player probes the other for his knowledge of
Minecraft’s morning star tool. As the dialogue progresses, it is discov-
ered that the asker himself is slightly unsure how to use it. However, the
players solve this together. Ogden (2000) brings up an interesting point
concerning collaboration and peer learning: making sense together.
He argues that, in addition to a common language, the parties need to
have an understanding of others and the environment. This includes
mutual respect (De Lisi, 2002). Shared Minecraft creating sessions, like
the episodes presented here, are possible only when both parties are
familiar with each other’s — partly unspoken — intentions, goals and
beliefs, in addition to a very sophisticated communication system (ibid.,
Sara Sintonen, Maj-Britt Kentz & Lasse Lipponen
Minecraft is an environment where young people can create, play and
communicate with others. In this case, two five-year-olds were on their
way to doing this, for instance, collaborating as multiplayers in a local
setting. They were creating and producing their own digital culture,
whereby ‘communities entice learning by initiating a give and take
dialogue between individuals across all backgrounds and skill levels’
(Kuznetsov & Paulos, 2010:7). Our study shows that also these very
young children are comfortable in a digital environment, exploiting it in
highly diverse and rapidly developing ways. The players’ collaboration
conveys both insensitivity and sensitivity in cheering, encouraging and
helping the other player. As well as skills related to playing Minecraft
(e.g. IT skills, English, mathematics), the players learn social skills and
how to settle conflicts. They also develop new rules for the game, as a
kind of in-game play, expressing their creativity. Game discourse is a
dialogue between two amateur experts, whereby ideas, experiences and
observations related to other digital cultures are also shared. Further,
our own analysis of the players’ creative and productive actions shows
that digital tools are not an ‘addition’ to their activity, but rather an in-
tegral part of it. These tools mediate player communication and actions.
In this case, the five-year-olds’ gaming knowhow and the skills and
knowledge associated with the game are a product of participation and
playing together, rather than a prerequisite for participation. This is an
interesting finding: these five-year-olds are capable of intersubjective
digital production and scaffolding. It is particularly remarkable that
the two players spontaneously and continuously created new tools
for shared action: different concepts and stories related to the action.
Peer Teaching and Learning
Thus, they deliberately sought to change their social practices and their
material, instrumental world. At the same time, they moved towards
a common understanding of which resources are available, where to
find them, and how they are used and reproduced.
1. This article has been modified by the writers of the original Finnish version. It will
be published in Kasvatus & Aika, 2017,
2. Dark matter is an extremely powerful material for buildings in Minecraft that is
undestructible. Red matter is an item that can be used to upgrade other items.
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“Children Love to be Hilariously
Silly and Dead-Serious Alike”
Interview with Margret Albers
Interview with Margret Albers
What is the main idea behind the Spixel Award and which age
groups do you address?
There are different awards that have their focus on the media-educa-
tional process, which leads to an audio-visual product. In the case of
the Spixel the focus lies on the production itself. To submit a film it has
to be aired on TV or (since 2016) been made available on the internet.
The aim is to support and award high quality and experimental TV
productions made by children, age 8 to 14.
What kind of challenges did you have to manage with the Spixel
Award in the beginning?
We had to make it known at the right places, but that actually happened
quite fast because the approach of the competition is quite unique. In the
first year, the age group was “up to 12 years”. This turned out to be difficult.
One of the main criteria of the award is that the films have to express the
children’s viewpoint. Especially in case of productions made by young
children, the viewpoint of the educators became very evident. Therefore
we changed the age range into 8 – 14, which actually works quite well.
“Children Love to be Hilariously Silly and Dead-Serious Alike”
The Spixel competition has now been running for 12 years. Can you
summarize some tendencies in the production of the participating
children regarding style, topics, professional role models for the
children, passion for television or….?
Interview with Margret Albers
Image 2. Happy Award Winners & Jury 2016. Source: Deutsche Kindermedienstiftung GOLDENER SPATZ
“Children Love to be Hilariously Silly and Dead-Serious Alike”
Training Teachers to
Spark Young People’s Creativity
Geoff Walton, Mark Childs, Janet Hetherington & Gordana Jugo
but also enables each teacher to incorporate his or her own personal
goals into the process.
PRA is seen as favoured because it takes into consideration local
knowledge and experience, and is therefore arguably more practical
and thus findings may be more deliverable in the future (Reason &
Bradbury, 2011). Thus, ownership of the AMORES process by teachers
is more secure because they are involved in both the research itself
and the outcomes of the project. This ultimately leads to improved
research results and an enhancement of teachers’ professional practice
in digital literacy.
Geoff Walton, Mark Childs, Janet Hetherington & Gordana Jugo
Section 1: Each teacher was encouraged to think about the wider school
environment and consider how technology was being used within the
home, in out-of-school settings (including libraries), and in the home
Teachers talked about and shared their experiences of using tech-
nology, and reflected upon their learning needs.
Section 3: The teachers discussed how their learning and the relation-
ships that had developed over the course of the workshop could influ-
ence the structure of the next part of the project, and began drawing
up initial plans to implement this. Through this process they developed
content for the online teacher-training plan.
Online course
Based on the outcomes of the workshop, a plan was devised for the
teachers’ online training course to further enhance and embed their
digital literacy capabilities. In brief, the online course lasted approx-
imately six weeks and consisted of the following activities: creating
videos and comic strips, and learning about games-based learning.
The platform used was Edmodo (a secure social medium specifically
designed for schools), and using videoconferencing for collaborative
learning. The course, delivered via Moodle, can be found at http://www. .
Geoff Walton, Mark Childs, Janet Hetherington & Gordana Jugo
Geoff Walton, Mark Childs, Janet Hetherington & Gordana Jugo
Bilateral videoconferences
A number of bilateral videoconferences (VCs) took place; here we de-
scribe a typical event. Having read the book Mio my Son (original title
Mio min Mio, by children’s author Astrid Lindgren), Swedish students
presented the e-artefacts they had created to Croatian students. The 28
students on the Swedish side, and the 16 Croatian students with their
teachers, met online in May 2015. The Swedish students presented
their e-artefacts about Swedish author Astrid Lindgren and her story.
They had made films in iMovie in which they presented parts of the
book (iMovie e-artefacts were shared through Edmodo). The films
were sent to Croatia in advance, so that the Croatian students could
prepare questions to ask during the VC. The Croatian students also
voted for the best e-artefact.
E-artefacts competition
We launched a competition open to all schoolchildren in the EU.
Contestants were invited to enter their e-artefact in the form of a video
or digital comic strip. Five judges, including Dr Jane Secker (Chair of
ILG), chose the winning entry, which was announced in August 2015.
The winning videos and comic strips are displayed on our website, and
the prize was a visit to Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Research results
Students were surveyed through a number of mechanisms suggested
by the central research team of the project, but individual schools were
Geoff Walton, Mark Childs, Janet Hetherington & Gordana Jugo
who responded, we found that the most recent literature they had read
fell into one of the following categories:
• A text set by the school (or a sequel to a set text), cited by half the
• A film tie-in (either the novelization of film, or a book on which a
recently released film had been based)
• A book within the fantasy genre
• A biography of a sports star or heavy metal musician (i.e. Zlatan
Ibrahimović, AC/DC or Ozzy Osbourne)
• Fanfiction3
• Responses we did not count as literature (magazine, website or social
The inclusion of soccer and heavy metal is a reflection of the issues of
masculinity that surround the issue of reading. Many of the respondents
(particularly those who used male pseudonyms) reported that they did
not like reading, but still reported that they frequently read for fun.
This was interpreted by teachers as an aversion to boys categorizing
themselves as readers, even though they read, as they perceived this
as un-masculine. Boys with higher social status, and self-confidence,
had no qualms about self-identifying as readers. The interpretation of
the “sports or metal” finding is that some boys will admit to reading a
book if it is about what they perceive as an uncontestably male subject.
Amongst the younger readers (12 to 13 years old), the greatest
difference was that they read more texts that were not set by teachers:
only two of 42 children reported that the last book they had read was
a set text, compared with 44 of 88 of the older age group. This indicates
that at this age they are far more proactive in finding texts that interest
them. As with the older students, fantasy, film tie-ins and the “sports
or metal” biographies also featured, whereas differences included the
presence of graphic novels and teen dramas. Responses regarding the
last item read that were not regarded as literature included newspapers,
subtitles in a movie, an inode (a text descriptor in Linux or Unix) and
the survey tool itself!
Geoff Walton, Mark Childs, Janet Hetherington & Gordana Jugo
Geoff Walton, Mark Childs, Janet Hetherington & Gordana Jugo
ation that it has its strongest transformative power. There were many
stories of students from all the countries who had not previously had
the opportunity to present their abilities finding a new presence in the
classroom as a result of making videos or comics, or participating in the
VC. Students also developed skills in co-operation and language ability.
Through their videoconferencing, they acquired a greater knowledge of
other cultures and an appreciation of the strength of their own.
What the results also show, however, is an absence of impact on the
extent to which children report that they like reading. In the analysis
of the Swedish schoolchildren at the start of the project, the percent-
age of children who claimed a love for literature fell at a rate of 12
per cent per year. At the end of the project, the fall-off rate remained
unchanged. The sample is too small for any clear-cut declarations; and
of course, these are only the reported opinions, which are distorted by
the children’s self-perceptions and how they choose to be perceived.
Also, as seen above, reading is tied up with many gender-related anxi-
eties concerning identity. Despite this, the children’s engagement with
literature within the classroom is heightened, and far more enjoyable.
Successful strategies for translating this to transform daily habits of
reading still need to be identified.
1. The storytelling arc defines the beginning and the end of a story, it’s the process of
storytelling. Traditionally a story comes to an end, but in participatory environ-
ments it is possible to create an interactive way of storytelling in which the story
unfolds in a circle between storyteller and listeners who participate in the creation
of the story (Tilkin, Paulus, Biesen, & Land, 2011: 8-10)
2. Kolb’s learning cycle suggests that learners’ ideas are formed and reformed contin-
uously through experience, and that they bring their own ideas and preconceptions
to differing levels of elaboration to the iterative learning process. In summary this
Anderson, Lorin, & Krathwohl, David (eds.) (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching
and assessing: A revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives: Complete
edition. New York: Longman.
Bates, Tony & Poole, Gary (2010). Assessing technology: Using the SECTIONS model.
[Online] Available at (Accessed
6th December 2016).
Black, Rebecca (2007). Fanfiction writing and the construction of space, E-Learning 4
(4) page 387.
Clark, Christina (2012). Children’s and young people’s reading today. Findings form the
National Trust’s 2011 literacy survey. National Literacy Trust. [Online] Available
at (Accessed 6th
December 2016).
Conole, Grainne; Littlejohn, Alison; Falconer, Isabel & Jeffery, Ann (2005). Pedagogical
review of learning activities and use cases, LADIE project report, JISC; August 2005.
Fetterman, David; Kaftarian, Shakeh & Wandersman, Abraham (1996). Empowerment
Evaluation. California: Sage.
GB: Department for Education; Education Standards Research Team (2012). Research
evidence on reading for pleasure. [Online] Available at <
government/publications/research-evidence-on-reading-for-pleasure > (Accessed
6th December 2016).
Kolb, David; Rubin, Irwin & Osland, Joyce (1991). Organizational behavior; an experi-
ential approach. (5th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Lewis, Sarah; Pea, Roy & Rosen, Joseph (2010). Special issue: Digitize and transfer. Social
Science Information, Vol. 49(3): 1–19 .
Reason, Peter & Bradbury Hilary (2011). Handbook of action research: participative
inquiry and practice. London: Sage.
Tavares, Rosemeire; Hepworth, Mark & De Souza Costa, Sely (2011). Investigating
citizens’ information needs through participative research: a pilot study in Can-
dangolandia, Brazil. Information Development, 27(2), pp. 125-138.
Tilkin, Guy; Paulus, Michèle; Biesen, Alden & Land, Jennifer (2011). 1001 Stories for Adult
Learning, Sheherazade Consortium. [Online] Available at http://www.sheherazade.
eu/sites/default/files/manuals/Manual_English.pdf (Accessed 6th December 2016).
Bringing Maker Literacies
to Early Childhood Education
Jill Scott & Karen Wohlwend
Jill Scott & Karen Wohlwend
from paper crowns for Elsa and Anna (Disney’s Frozen) or fashion a
cape for Thor (Marvel’s Avengers) from a play kitchen tablecloth. It has
also become evident pre-service teacher training must better prepare
teachers to respond to the student’s interests in popular culture, play,
and making. Maker literacies (Wohlwend et al., in press 2017) that in-
clude popular media, toyhacking, and creating films can be included
in literacy practices if pre-service teachers develop an understanding
of their value and place within the literacy curriculum. How do we tap
into the creative potential of play and making interests in a way that
aligns with school literacy goals? How could early literacy curriculum
and instruction expand to incorporate making into primary literacy
methods courses?
This study documents maker literacies pre-service teachers used
when a “play, toyhacking, and filmmaking module” was added to their
primary literacy methods class. The pre-service teachers completed
this module during their literacy methods course at the university.
The main purpose was to encourage pre-service teachers to transform
and expand their notions about what counts as literacy and literacy
curriculum in early childhood education.
Theoretical framework
Play is a literacy that creates action texts (Wohlwend, 2011), stories
enacted with bodies, toys, props, and puppets rather than print on
paper. During play, players collaborate and pretend scenarios or “as
if ” worlds (Holland et al., 1998), attaching agreed-upon meanings to
bodies, materials, and actions (Vygotsky, 1978; Thiel, 2015). The no-
tion of toyhacking in this article enables redesign of toys’ and puppets’
materials but also their embedded texts (e.g., characters, narratives)
(Rowsell & Pahl, 2006). Digital technologies save and document play
and open further opportunities for redesign through video-editing.
In Literacy Playshop, four processes contribute to children’s mean-
ing-making with media: play, storying, collaboration, and produc-
tion. While the three levels move inside-out and back again, the four
processes are represented here as loosely-defined domains so there
is no production sequence or curricular “cycle” but rather recursive
connections spreading across domains in multiple and unruly direc-
tions. Each of the four processes contributes a critical, productive, and
Bringing Maker Literacies to Early Childhood Education
The sessions progressed in three stages of media pre-production, pro-
duction, and post-production: toyhacking and character development,
storyboarding and filming, and video-editing and sharing.
Participants began the pre-production module by deconstructing
familiar characters and narratives of popular culture toy franchises,
such as Barbie and Star Wars. They looked closely at each toy to iden-
tify its commercial franchise, its character traits and filmic narrative,
Jill Scott & Karen Wohlwend
and the material messages in its materials. Toys are designed with
anticipated identities (Wohlwend, 2009), that is, companies produce
toys and games with a particular consumer demographic in mind. This
guides the selection of colours, textures, shapes, and other material
decisions about toys and products in order to appeal to boys or girls
or age groups of children.
In this study, as university students examined a commercial mass
media toy, they pondered questions like,
• What is the toys intended text?
• Who is the toy intended for?
• Who could be left out by this toy?
• What could I do to change the toy’s text?
Following this critical deconstruction, the participants proceeded
eagerly down the hallway to visit the university’s designated maker-
space where they worked to modify toys’ popular culture texts, social
meanings, and the material features. In this space students were given
boxes full of inexpensive commercial mass media toys that they cut,
glued, painted, combined, and otherwise decorated.
When newly revised characters emerged, the participants worked in
small collaborative groups to create a storyline for their toys. Through
Bringing Maker Literacies to Early Childhood Education
Jill Scott & Karen Wohlwend
Bringing Maker Literacies to Early Childhood Education
Jill Scott & Karen Wohlwend
A great strength of this project is that the university students were able
to actively consider their assigned elementary child’s media interests
and funds of knowledge (Moll et al., 1992) as they were hacking their
toys. In addition, they welcomed children’s toys and popular culture
connections from home into their field experience activities. Allowing
Bringing Maker Literacies to Early Childhood Education
Jill Scott & Karen Wohlwend
1. Pre-kindergarten (also called Pre-K or PK) is a classroom-based preschool program
for children at or below the age of five in the United States, Canada and Turkey.
An applicant for PK3 must be three years old by Sept. 30.
2. All names are pseudonyms.
Cochran-Smith, Marilyn & Lytle, Susan L. (2009). Inquiry as Stance: Practitioner research
for the next generation. New York: Teachers College Press.
Forstater, Mark & White, Michael (Producers); Gilliam, Terry, & Jones, Terry (Directors).
(1975). Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Motion Picture). United Kingdom,
Michael White Productions, National Film Trustee Company, Python Pictures.
Holland, Dorothy; Lachicotte, William; Skinner, Debra, & Cain, Carole (1998). Identity
and agency in cultural worlds. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Ito, Mizuko (2007). Technologies of the Childhood Imagination: Media Mixes, Hyper-
sociality, and Recombinant Cultural Form. Médiamorphoses, 21 Available at http://
Medina, Carmen & Wohlwend, Karen (2014). Literacy, Play, and Globalization: Converging
Imaginaries in Children’s Critical and Cultural Performances. New York: Routledge.
Moll, Luis; Amanti, Cathy; Neff, Deborah, & Gonzalez, Norma (1992). Funds of
Knowledge for Teaching: Using a Qualitative Approach to Connect Homes and
Classrooms. Theory into Practice 31:132-141 doi: 10.1080/00405849209543534.
Peppler, Kylie & Bender, Sophia (2013). Maker Movement Spreads Innovation One Proj-
ect at a Time. Phi Delta Kappan 95(3): 22-27 doi: 10.1177/003172171309500306.
Rowsell, Jennifer & Pahl, Kate (2006). Sedimented Identities in Texts: Instances of
Practice. Reading Research Quarterly 42(3): 388-404 doi: 10.1598/RRQ.42.3.3.
Jill Scott, Doctoral Student, Literacy, Culture and Language Education, School of
Education, Indiana University, USA, [email protected]
Karen Wohlwend, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Literacy, Culture and Language Educa-
tion, School of Education, Indiana University, USA, [email protected]
Bringing Maker Literacies to Early Childhood Education
Scollon, Ronald &, Scollon, Suzanne (2004). Nexus analysis: Discourse and the Emerging
Internet. Routledge, New York.
Thiel, Jayne Johnson (2015). Bumblebees in Trouble: Embodied Literacies During
Imaginative Superhero Play. Language Arts 93(1): 38-49
Vygotsky, Lev S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Pro-
cesses. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Wohlwend, Karen; Buchholz, Beth & Medina, Carmen (In press for 2017). Playful
Literacies and Practices of Making in Children’s Imaginaries. In Mills, Kathy;
Stornaiuolo, Amy; Smith, Anna & Pandya, Jessica Zacher (Eds.), Handbook of
Writing, Literacies, and Education in Digital Cultures. New York, NY: Routledge.
Wohlwend, Karen; Buchholz, Beth; Wessel-Powell, Christy; Coggin, Linda, & Husbye,
Nicholas (2013). Literacy Playshop: New Literacies, Popular Media, and Play in the
Early Childhood Classroom. Teachers College Press, New York.
Wohlwend, Karen (2009). Damsels in Discourse: Girls Consuming and Producing
Gendered Identity Texts through Disney Princess Play. Reading Research Quarterly
44(1): 57-83 doi: 10.1598/rrq.44.1.3.
Wohlwend, Karen (2011). Playing their Way into Literacies: Reading, Writing, and Child-
hood Classroom. Teachers College Press, New York.
Wohlwend, Karen (2012). The Boys who would Be Princesses: Playing with Gender
Identity intertexts in Disney Princess Transmedia. Gender and Education 24(6):
593-610 doi: 10.1080/09540253.2012.674495.
Wohlwend, Karen (2014). Mediated Discourse Analysis: Tracking Discourse in Action,
pp. 56-69 in Albers, Peggy; Holbrook, Teri & Flint, Amy Seely (Eds), New Methods
in Literacy Research. New York: Routledge.
An earlier version of this article was originally published in the Spring 2016 issue
of the Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications.
The author would like to extend thanks to Kenn Gaither, associate professor
and associate dean at Elon University, for his constant guidance throughout this
process, without which this article could not have been written. The author also
thanks the School of Communications and the many reviewers who have helped
revise this article.
Meeting Change with
Interview with Kirsten Drotner
Interview with Kirsten Drotner
by a book three years later2. Having spent the best part of my twenties
in historical archives, I wanted to turn to more contemporary media
issues. So in line with the wider interests at the time in cultural agency,
I chose to conduct a media-ethnographic study, not of dedicated fan
culture, but of ‘ordinary’ young people’s video-making. I followed about
25 informants for about a year across a range of sites and settings in
which they moved, and I analysed their video-making processes as
well as their results3. This work allowed me to gain insight into the
fascinating processes of creative collaboration; and that fascination has
stayed with me, even if I have worked on many other media projects
since then.
Naturally, the pervasive uptake of digital media technologies that
offer immediate and easy options for shaping and sharing all sorts of
images, sound and text have turned what 25 years ago seemed like a
niche research area into a key concern. I have just finished a project,
conducted with my colleague Heidi Philipsen, on children’s film-making
practices and the didactics needed to further these practices4. That work
has made it absolutely evident that today children’s digital content cre-
ation is at the core of exercising their freedom of expression. But it has
equally documented that children are not digital natives who already
know how to exercise this freedom. They need sustained training to
Meeting Change with Creativity
Interview with Kirsten Drotner
Image 2. Sharing the fun of production is a serious matter, even for very young children.
Meeting Change with Creativity
World Economic Forum in 2016 and stating that of the generation pop-
ulating schools today 65 per cent will hold future jobs not yet perceived
or invented6. To prepare for such dramatic changes, creative skills are
needed by all, not merely a select creative class. For without creativity,
no innovation, and no training in meeting change with a capacity to
act on that change. And where better to start than by advancing chil-
dren’s and young people’s creative media competences. They have the
resources; they already apply these in their leisure time. But mobiles
and tablets are still often banned in the classroom as distracting gadgets
diverting attention from the main elements of teaching. We need to
turn the tables.
2. Drotner, Kirsten (1988). English children and their magazines, 1752-1945. New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
3. Drotner, Kirsten (1989). Girl meets boy: Aesthetic production, reception, and
gender identity, Cultural Studies 3, (2): 208-225. Drotner, Kirsten (1991). At skabe
sig – selv: unge, æstetik, pædagogik. Copenhagen: Gyldendal. Rev. ed. 1995.
4. Drotner, Kirsten & Philipsen, Heidi (2016). Udvikling af tværfaglig filmpædagogik:
Kreativitet, kreation og kollaboration [Developing interdisciplinary film pedagogy:
Creativity, creation and collaboration]. Odense: Kulturregion Fyn. See: http://
Philipsen, Heidi & Drotner, Kirsten (2017). Praksiskatalog: Produktiv læring med
film i dansk og de praktisk-musiske fag. Hvordan udvikles praksis? [Best practice:
Productive learning through film in Danish and cultural subjects]. Odense:
Kulturregion Fyn. See:
5. Hasebrink, Uwe; Görz, Anke; Haddon, Leslie; Kalmus, Veronika; Livingstone,
Sonia. et al. (2011). Patterns of risk and safety online: In-depth analysis from the EU
Kids Online Survey of 9- to 16-year-olds and their parents in 25 European countries.
London: London School of Economics. See:
6. The future of jobs: Employment, skills and workforce strategy for the fourth industrial
revolution (2016). World Economic Forum.
Publications from the International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media
Dafna Lemish & Maya Götz (Eds.) Beyond the Stereotypes? Images of Boys and Girls, and their Consequences. Yearbook 2017
Magda Abu-Fadil, Jordi Torrent, Alton Grizzle (Eds.) Opportunities for Media and Information Literacy in the Middle East
and North Africa. Yearbook 2016
Sirkku Kotilainen, Reijo Kupiainen (Eds.) Reflections on Media Education Futures. Contributions to the Conference Media Education Futures in
Tampere, Finland 2014. Yearbook 2015
Ilana Eleá (Ed.) Agentes e Vozes. Um Panorama da Mídia-Educação no Brasil, Portugal e Espanha. Yearbook 2014. Portuguese/Spanish Edition.
Cecilia von Feilitzen & Johanna Stenersen (Eds): Young People, Media and Health. Risks and Rights. Yearbook 2014.
English Edition.
Thomas Tufte, Norbert Wildermuth, Anne Sofie Hansen-Skovmoes, Winnie Mitullah (Eds): Speaking Up and Talking Back? Media Empowerment and
Civic Engagement among East and Southern African Youth. Yearbook 2012/2013.
Cecilia von Feilitzen, Ulla Carlsson & Catharina Bucht (Eds): New Questions, New Insights, New Approaches. Contributions
to the Research Forum at the World Summit on Media for Children and Youth 2010. Yearbook 2011.
Ulla Carlsson (Ed.) Children and Youth in the Digital Media Culture. From a Nordic Horizon. Yearbook 2010.
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