Lavidor Walsh 2003

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A Magnetic Stimulation Examination of Orthographic

Neighborhood Effects in Visual Word Recognition

Michal Lavidor1 and Vincent Walsh2

& The split-fovea theory proposes that visual word recog- representation of words is split between the cerebral hemi-
nition is mediated by the splitting of the foveal image, with spheres rather than bilateral. Behaviorally, we showed that
letters to the left of fixation projected to the right hemisphere words that have many orthographic neighbors sharing the
(RH) and letters to the right of fixation projected to the left same initial letters (‘‘lead neighbors’’) facilitated lexical
hemisphere (LH). We applied repetitive transcranial magnetic decision more than words with few lead neighbors. This
stimulation (rTMS) over the left and right occipital cortex effect did not apply to end neighbors (orthographic
during a lexical decision task to investigate the extent to neighbors sharing the same final letters). Crucially, rTMS
which word recognition processes could be accounted for over the RH impaired lead-, but not end-neighborhood
according to the split-fovea theory. Unilateral rTMS signifi- facilitation. The results support the split-fovea theory, where
cantly impaired lexical decision latencies to centrally pre- the RH has primacy in representing lead neighbors of a
sented words, supporting the suggestion that foveal written word. &

the bilateral representation of the fovea. Assuming
When a person is fixating centrally, information pre- that the fovea is bilaterally represented in the cerebral
sented to the right of fixation (in the right visual field, cortex, foveal sparing may be due to the foveal repre-
or RVF) is projected to the visual cortex of the left sentation in the undamaged hemisphere, but estimates
cerebral hemisphere (LH) and information presented of the extent of the overlap vary: Bunt and Minckler
to the left of fixation (in the left visual field, or LVF) is (1977), for example, concluded that the bilateral repre-
projected to the visual cortex of the right cerebral sentation covers the whole fovea—a visual area of 38.
hemisphere (RH). However, it is not entirely clear how Others have estimated the overlap to be smaller: Wyatt
the visual half fields flank one another along the vertical (1978), for example, suggested that the overlap covers
meridian (Brysbaert, 1994). The current study aimed to only between 0.58 and 1.58 of the central representation.
look at this question by combining classical methods of Some recent studies have also favored the bilateral,
behavioral studies with the application of repetitive rather than split representation of the vertical midline
transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the occip- with normal observers (Brandt, Stephan, Bense, Yousry,
ital cortex, in order to test the impact of a left versus & Dieterich, 2000) and also with hemianopia patients
right lesion on the processing of foveal stimuli. (Trauzettel-Klosinski & Reinhard, 1998).
However, the majority of studies with human subjects
have tended to support a split, rather than bilateral,
The Cortical Representation of the Fovea
cortical representation of the vertical midline. Harvey
Bilateral representation of the fovea has been demon- (1978), for example, presented visual targets to the left
strated in cats (Stone, 1966) and monkeys (Stone, Lei- and right of fixation at various retinal loci and found a
cester, & Sherman, 1973), and the overlap appears separation between crossed and uncrossed responding
primarily to be due to the presence of ipsilaterally pro- at all retinal loci. Targets located 0.258 and 0.58 from
jecting cells in the nasal hemiretina rather than to con- fixation, which should have fallen on the region of
tralaterally projecting cells in the temporal hemiretina nasotemporal overlap, produced a reaction time (RT)
(Leventhal, Ault, & Vitek, 1988). In addition to the difference between crossed and uncrossed responding
anatomical evidence, the foveal sparing phenomenon just as large as at the other loci (e.g., 28 and 38) outside
(e.g., Zihl, 1989) is considered as evidence supporting the overlap. If an area of functionally important overlap
projecting to both cerebral hemispheres exists, then the
need for interhemispheric crossing in word representa-
University of Hull, 2University College London tion would be eliminated. Thus, the conclusion from

D 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 15:3, pp. 354 – 363
Harvey’s (1978) study, as well from similar studies (Lines In light of the evidence favoring the split fovea, we
& Milner, 1983; Haun, 1978), was that the human fovea argue that aspects of letter and word recognition that
is not bilaterally represented or at least that the ana- are more characteristic of the right cerebral hemi-
tomical overlap does not appear to have functional sphere will also be reflected in the processing of the
consequences. In a recent study, magnetic resonance initial letters of words, while aspects of letter and
imaging (MRI) and visual field defects in patients with word recognition that are more characteristic of the
occipital lobe injury were correlated, leading Gray, left hemisphere (LH) will apply to the ends of words.
Galetta, Siegal, and Schatz (1997) to conclude that the In this article, the investigated variable was ortho-
foveal region is unilaterally represented in the human graphic neighborhood (N), recently reported as having
primary visual cortex. Fendrich and Gazzaniga (1989; see asymmetric effects in the two cerebral hemispheres
also Fendrich, Wessinger, & Gazzaniga, 1996) asked a (Lavidor & Ellis, 2002a, 2002b; Rubinstein, Henik, &
commissurotomy patient to compare target figures pre- Dronkers, 2001).
sented 18 or less from the retinal vertical midline with
reference figures presented distal to the midline in the
Orthographic Neighborhood
same or opposite visual field. The patient was required
to judge whether the two stimuli were the same or N is defined as the number of same-length words differ-
different. It was found that targets in the same visual ing from a target word by one letter (i.e., neighbors)
field as the reference were readily matched, but accuracy (Coltheart, Davelaar, Jonasson, & Besner, 1977). By this
was only at chance levels for targets in the opposite field. definition, the word marsh, for example, has two neigh-
These results were interpreted as indicating that the bors, harsh and march (Forster & Shen, 1996). In
patient’s fovea was effectively split with respect to the contrast, the word cover has 13 neighbors (including
left and right cerebral hemispheres (see also Sugishita, coven, covet, cower, hover, lover, mover, and rover).
Hamilton, Sakuma, & Hemmi, 1994). In a recent study Previous studies have shown, in general, facilitation
with healthy observers, visual targets presented to the effects for lexical decision for words with larger Ns
LVF and RVF evoked responses in the contralateral (so-called friendly words) (Andrews, 1997; Laxon, Colt-
occipital (and medial parietal) areas, even when the heart, & Keating, 1988; Laxon, Masterson, & Moran,
horizontal eccentricity was 08 (Portin & Hari, 1999). 1994). N effects are robust when frequency, regularity,
Behaviorally, it has been established that, at least for and age of acquisition are controlled (Morrison & Ellis,
brief presentation of foveal stimuli (up to 200 msec), 2000), although frequency of the neighboring words
there is no functional overlap along the vertical meridian may interact with N (Perea & Pollatsek, 1998; Segui &
(Gazzaniga, 2000). Grainger, 1990). Theoretical explanations of N effects
Recently, several behavioral studies with healthy par- generally invoke the notion that a written word can
ticipants have tested directly the predictions of the split- activate not only its own lexical entry but also the entries
fovea theory and concluded that there are no indications for other words of similar appearance. In certain con-
that the center of the visual field is bilaterally repre- ditions at least, activating those other lexical entries can
sented (Brysbaert, 1994; Brysbaert, Vitu, & Schroyens, facilitate the processing of the target word. Andrews
1996). The idea in these experiments was to look at (1997) proposed an explanation for neighborhood size
robust, previously reported visual field differences but effects in terms of McClelland and Rumelhart’s (1981)
with a different definition of visual fields, where RVF interactive activation model of visual word recognition,
starts from 08 to the right of fixation and LVF from suggesting that the processing units responsible for
midline to the left. Employing this definition of visual identifying letters in words receive more top-down sup-
fields, Lavidor, Ellis, Shillcock, and Bland (2001) have port from lexical units in the case of words with many
reported word length effects in the left side of centrally neighbors than in the case of words with few neighbors.
presented words (the initial letters) but not the right
side (the final letters), replicating the well-established
Orthographic Neighborhood Effects in a
finding of word length and hemifield interaction (Ellis,
Split-Fovea Model
Young, & Anderson, 1988).
The split fovea has been successfully implemented in In the split-fovea model, the RH is assumed to reflect
a connectionist model (Shillcock, Ellison, & Monaghan, N effects invoked by the initial letters (represented in
2000). Shillcock et al. (2000) investigated the optimal the LVF), and the LH would, symmetrically, reflect N of
processing of visually presented words in a connec- the end letters, represented in the RVF.
tionist model employing a split functional architecture. However, words are not simple symmetrical stimuli,
The results of their algorithm demonstrated reading and initial letters of words may be more informative
behavior that is observed in psycholinguistic experi- than their endings. For example, informative letter
ments including the optimal viewing position (OVP; sequences at the beginning of a word lead to a devia-
O’Regan, 1981) and the failure to fixate shorter words tion of the landing positions of the saccadic eye move-
(Rayner, 1998). ments toward the word beginning (Doré & Beauvillain,

Lavidor and Walsh 355

1997; Beauvillain, Doré, & Baudouin, 1996). Bryden, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Visual
Mondor, Loken, Ingleton, and Bergstrom (1990) found Word Recognition
that subjects identified significantly more words with
Several types of visual recognition tasks have been
terminal deletions (missing letter or bigram at word’s
disrupted by TMS applied over the occipital pole at
ending, e.g., marc_ ) than words with an initial deletion
various delays from the letter or the word presentation
(missing letters at the word’s beginning, e.g., _arch). It
onset (e.g., Cowey & Walsh, 2000; Corthout, Uttl, Walsh,
has been proposed that the structure of the mental
Hallett, & Cowey, 1999; Corthout, Uttl, Ziemann, Cowey,
lexicon may not easily allow access via the end of the
& Hallett, 1999; Kammer, 1999; Kastner, Demmer, &
word, even if it is highly informative (O’Regan, Levy-
Ziemann, 1998; Amassian et al., 1989, 1998; Amassian,
Schoen, Pynte, & Brugaillere, 1984).
Cracco, et al., 1993, Amassian, Maccabee, et al., 1993).
The different contribution of initial letters to word
For example, single-letter identification was impaired
identification in comparison to final letters implies that
when TMS was applied over the striate visual cortex
‘‘orthographic neighbors are not all equal’’ (Perea,
(Amassian et al., 1989). Recently, we showed that rTMS
1998). Orthographic neighbors that share the initial
over the right occipital cortex has a significant inhibitory
letters with a target (we will term them lead neigh-
effect on lexical decision performance to LVF targets but
bors [LN], e.g., anger – angel ) may facilitate target
no significant effect on RVF targets. The complementary
recognition more than orthographic neighbors that
pattern of rTMS effects was obtained with LH stimula-
share the final letters with a target (end neighbors1
tion, which significantly impaired lexical decision to RVF
[EN], e.g., aloud – cloud ). At the level of processing in
but not LVF targets (Lavidor, Ellison, & Walsh, in press).
the occipital cortex, it is more likely that the RH
activates lead neighbors but the LH does not neces-
sarily activate end neighbors. This hypothesis received RESULTS
some indirect support recently by Lavidor and Ellis
(2002a, 2002b) and Rubinstein et al. (2001), who RTs and the percentage of incorrect responses for words
found robust N effects in the LVF, but not in the are summarized in Table 1.
RVF. The aim of the current study was therefore to
look into the question of orthographic neighborhood
Target Lexicality
effects within the context of the split-fovea theory by
temporarily disrupting processing in the RH and LH Target lexicality had a significant effect on RTs, F(1,7) =
with repetitive TMS. 5.22, p < .05, and accuracy, F(1,7) = 8.3, p < .01, with

Table 1. Mean RTs and Standard Deviations for Word Targets (in msec) and Percentage of Error as a Function of Target
Orthographic Neighborhood Size and Site of Magnetic Stimulation

Many Lead-N, Many Lead-N, Few Lead-N, Few Lead-N,

Many End-N Few End-N Many End-N Few End-N
Mean RT 425 435 462 477
SD 46 57 72 60
% error 0 0 2 2

Mean RT 505 501 485 490
SD 87 55 77 73
% error 5 8 6 0

Mean RT 476 470 508 513
SD 92 55 73 66
% error 7 4 6 10

Lead-N = orthographic lead-neighbors; End-N = orthographic end-neighbors.

356 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 15, Number 3

faster and more accurate responses to words (478 msec,
96% correct) than to nonwords (513 msec, 89% correct).
These results are in accordance with previous behavioral
literature (Chiarello, 1988; Ellis et al., 1988). Because the
neighborhood effects for words were the focus of the
current study, the rest of the analyses was performed
only for word targets.

Reaction Times
The application of rTMS had a significant effect,
F(2,14) = 10.5, p < .01, with RTs being slowed when
TMS was applied to the LH (mean = 492 msec) or to the
RH site (mean = 495 msec) compared with the no-TMS
mean of 449 msec (all post hoc differences were Bon-
ferroni corrected to p < .05). Orthographic neighbor-
hood group had a significant effect on response latency,
Figure 1. rTMS effect size for RTs for words as a function of word
F(3,21) = 5.93, p < .01, with faster responses to words orthographic neighborhood size and magnetic stimulation site. RH
with many LN (many LN + many EN = 468 msec, many rTMS significantly impairs responses to stimuli with many lead
LN + few EN = 469 msec) compared with responses to neighbors (LN) but had little effect when words had few LN. LH rTMS
words with few LN (few LN + many EN = 485 msec, few produced an equal (small, yet significant) inhibition for all word types.
LN + few EN = 493 msec).
The interaction between rTMS site (RH, LH) and
orthographic neighborhood was also significant, model. In view of the evidence supporting the split-
F(6,42) = 3.42, p < .05. Separate analyses testing the fovea theory (Gazzaniga, 2000; Shillcock et al., 2000;
neighborhood effect under the three rTMS conditions Portin & Hari, 1999; Gray et al., 1997; Brysbaert, 1994),
revealed significant N effect when rTMS was not applied, the starting point of this investigation was that when a
F(3,21) = 5.1, p < .05, and when the application site was person is fixating centrally, information presented to
in the LH, F(3,21) = 4.8, p < .05. However, the ortho- the right of fixation (in the RVF) is projected to the
graphic neighborhood effect was abolished by RH rTMS, visual cortex of the left cerebral hemisphere (LH) due
F(3,21) = 1.3, ns, that is, the facilitation gained for words to the anatomical arrangement of the human visual
with many LN was impaired only when rTMS was applied system. Conversely, information presented to the left
to the RH. This can be clearly seen in Figure 1, which of fixation (in the LVF) is projected to the visual cortex
presents rTMS effect sizes (the difference in RTs from of the right cerebral hemisphere. Assuming a split-
the no-TMS condition). In the RH site, the rTMS effect foveal representation, we specifically investigated the
(i.e., the inhibition caused by rTMS) is significantly larger importance of the RH in processing the initial letters of
for words with many LN when compared with words a written word and of the LH in representing the final
with few LN. However, the rTMS effect when stimulating letters of centrally presented targets. We presented
the LH site caused equal (small, yet significant) inhi- words that had many or few lead neighbors (same-
bition for all word types. Having few or many EN did not length words that shared the initial letters) and many or
affect performance. few end neighbors (same-length words that shared the
final letters with a target word). Behaviorally, lead-
neighborhood density facilitated performance rather
Error Rates
than end-neighborhood density. However, this facilita-
The application of rTMS had an overall significant effect tion was significantly impaired when rTMS was applied
on error rates, F(2,14) = 6.3, p < .05, with significantly to the RH, but not to the LH. Thus, the ability to
more errors when TMS was applied to the LH (mean = respond to the initial letters is dependent upon RH
6.7%) or to the RH site (mean = 5%) compared with processes. Orthographic neighborhood density was
the no-TMS mean of 1%. Orthographic neighborhood selected as a variable of interest that may characterize
neither interacted with rTMS site nor directly affected the RH processes in word recognition under a split-
error rates to word stimuli. fovea constraint due to the greater orthographic neigh-
borhood effects in the RH but not in the LH (Lavidor &
Ellis, 2002a, 2002b; Rubinstein et al., 2001).
One concern that may account for the results is a
In a lexical decision experiment with rTMS applied to possible systematic bias towards a certain visual field.
the left and right visual cortex, we investigated the However, the stimuli were all centrally presented, and
function of the RH in terms of a split-word recognition usually subjects are successful in maintaining fixation to

Lavidor and Walsh 357

foveal stimuli, and only a small percentage of trials are Theoret, & Pascual-Leone, 2001; Fierro et al., 2000;
not properly fixated (less then 1%, see, for instance, Walsh, Ellison, Ashbridge, & Cowey, 1999; Seyal, Ro,
Rayner, 1998). Systematic shifts of eye position to RVF & Rafal, 1995). Thus, the results we obtained do not rule
were reported by one research group ( Jordan, Patching, out the possibility of some functional significance
& Milner, 2000; Patching & Jordan, 1998); however, most behind the anatomical evidence of bilateral representa-
eye-movement researchers would report, if at all, an LVF tion of the fovea. However, interhemispheric interac-
bias due to the OVP (the tendency to fixate slightly to tions cannot explain the significant interaction we
the left of fixation, see O’Regan, 1981). More specifically, obtained between orthographic neighborhood of the
in a companion lexical decision and TMS study (Lavidor initial letters and rTMS site. One other possibility is a
et al., in press), we have monitored fixation during the different model that is a weaker version of the split
TMS sessions and failures to fixate centrally presented model, that is, where both hemispheres maintain a
words occurred in 0.09% of all trials. Therefore, one can strong representation of the contralateral stimuli and a
preclude the possibility that the current data reflect weak representation of the ipsilateral stimuli of centrally
systematic RVF shifts. presented targets. Even if this is the case, our results
Before carrying out a TMS procedure, it was necessary show clearly that the supposedly ‘‘weaker’’ letters that
to obtain reliable baseline effects with the behavioral are ipsilateral to the unstimulated hemisphere did not
task. Word and nonword targets were briefly presented affect performance. They may be there; however, neigh-
in the center of the monitor while right-handed partic- borhood effects of the ‘‘weaker’’ letters were not found,
ipants made lexical decision judgments. The results were so functionally, the split is complete. We have shown
compatible with those of numerous previous lateraliza- how rTMS over the RH can interfere selectively with the
tion experiments (Iacoboni & Zaidel, 1996; Chiarello, processing of the initial letters of centrally presented
1988; Ellis et al., 1988); words were responded to faster words (but not of final letters). This is a strong test of
and more accurately than nonwords, and we found the the split representation of the fovea theory.
predicted orthographic lead-neighborhood effect. In summary, this investigation of the split-foveal rep-
The rTMS effects we found for briefly presented resentation contributes to the emerging literature that is
targets are consistent with other rTMS findings with providing a starting point for the reconceptualization of
occipital stimulation in which TMS is only able to disrupt visual word recognition research in terms of the splitting
perceptual judgments if the relative duration of presen- of the fovea. The results reported here provide support
tation is short (e.g., Amassian et al., 1989), stimuli are for the theory that during fixation, letters to the left of
close to luminance-detection thresholds (Miller, Fen- fixation are projected to and processed in the right
drich, Eliassen, Demirel, & Gazzaniga, 1996) or both cerebral hemisphere and letters to the right of fixation
(see Kammer & Nusseck, 1998; see also Walsh & Cowey, are projected to and processed in the left cerebral
2000; Walsh & Pascual-Leone, 2003, for details of the hemisphere. The challenge for this new area of visual
relationship between stimuli and the temporal duration word recognition research is to integrate this theory
of TMS effects). In the present study, error rates were with the more complex tasks involved in the reading of
affected by rTMS application; however, they were not connected text.
sensitive to the manipulation of orthographic neighbor-
hood. Because performance was nearly errorless (partic- METHODS
ularly for words), the lack of N-related effects for the
accuracy measure may be due to ceiling level perfor- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Equipment
mance. Although errors may be a useful measure of The stimulator used was a MagStim (Super Rapid model)
performance close to threshold, it has been difficult to with four external boosters (maximum output 2 T).
obtain errors in cognitive tasks with TMS (see Walsh & Magnetic stimulation was applied at 65% of the maxi-
Cowey, 1998; Walsh & Pascual-Leone, 2003, for meth- mum using a figure-of-eight 70-mm coil (1.3 T). The
odological details). double coil windings in the figure-of-eight coil carry two
The significant behavioral disruption induced by TMS currents in opposite directions and at the midpoint of
during the presentation of targets at the center of the coil where the two loops meet, there is a localized
fixation at first sight suggests it is unlikely that two summation of current. A focal electric current is induced
complete copies of the centrally presented word were in the cortex by the magnetic pulse that undergoes
processed in each hemisphere. However, independent minimal attenuation by the intervening soft tissue and
representations do not preclude interactions between bone. Previous studies have demonstrated that magnetic
the two hemispheres, and when the word is presented stimulation using this type of coil can produce function-
in the region of greatest representational overlap (i.e., at ally dissociable effects when moving the coil by 0.5 – 1 cm
fixation in the midline), it may be the case that any on the scalp (Brasil-Neto, McShane, Fuhr, Hallett, &
disruption to word processing may interfere with either Cohen, 1992). The center of the coil was positioned
competition or cooperation between the hemispheres over the site to be stimulated such that the windings
that is a feature of normal processing (e.g., Hilgetag, were to the left and to the right of it and the handle of

358 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 15, Number 3

the coil pointed vertically. The level of stimulation (65%) neighbors (Quinlan, 1993, mean = 1.6 neighbors), so
selected in this article matches the conditions used in that the stimulus groups did not differ on any of these
a previous study of split-foveal processing with TMS categories. The nonwords were generated from another
(Lavidor et al., in press). word pool of six-letter words, with similar frequency
range, by changing one or two letters, such that the
nonwords were pronounceable (and had many and few
LN and EN as described).
Eight native English-speaking participants, four women Each of the four groups was further divided to three
and four men, took part in the experiment. All of the subgroups (20 stimuli in each subgroup), matched in
participants had normal or corrected-to-normal vision frequency, imageability, and N. The subgroups were
and were aged between 19 and 30 (mean 23.5). All the randomly assigned to one of the three TMS conditions
participants were right-handed and scored at least 85 (no-TMS, TMS to the LH, or TMS to the RH). During the
according to the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory experiment, each stimulus was repeated twice in two
(Oldfield, 1971), with mean score of 96. Participants different TMS conditions.
received £10 for their participation. The stimuli were presented in Times Roman font,
Before taking part in the experiment, participants were size 16, such that target width was 1.68 when viewed
given an information leaflet that explained the procedure from 70 cm. The targets were black on a light gray back-
to be used and were given at least 24 hr to decide ground and were presented in the center of the screen
whether they wished to participate. All participants for 150 msec.
signed a consent form and reported absence of epilepsy
or any other neurological conditions in themselves and
their family. The Oxford Research Ethical Committee
granted ethical committee approval for all procedures. We applied rTMS over the left and right occipital
cortex during a lexical decision task to investigate the
extent to which word recognition processes could be
accounted for according to the split-fovea theory. The
The experimental stimuli consisted of 120 words and targets we presented differ in orthographic neighbor-
120 nonwords all containing six letters. The stimuli were hood density. The experiment tested the predictions
selected such that they would match one of four stim- that (1) stimulating the right or left sites would impair
ulus groups created from the four possible combinations lexical decision to centrally presented words, (2) words
of many and few lead and end neighbors according to with many lead neighbors would be processed faster
the following criteria: than words with few lead neighbors, but end neigh-
bors would have a smaller, if any, effect, and, crucially,
1. Lead neighbors (LN): The number of six-letter
(3) stimulating the RH site would decrease the lead-
words that could be made beginning with the same first
neighborhood effect, but LH TMS would not inhibit
three letters of each stimulus word or nonword.2 The
the end-neighborhood effect. This last prediction is
range of this variable was 15 –40 neighbors for the many
based on the split-fovea theory and the asymmetric
LN group and 0 –7 neighbors for the few LN group.
orthographic neighborhood effect.
2. End neighbors (EN): The number of six-letter
A 4  3  2 factorial design (Orthographic Neighbor-
words that could be made ending with the same final
hood: many LN + many EN, many LN + few EN, few
three letters of the stimuli. The range of this variable was
LN + many EN, and few LN + few EN)  (TMS: no
15 –70 neighbors for the many EN group and 0 –10
stimulation, RH stimulation, or LH stimulation)  (tar-
neighbors for the few EN group.
get lexicality: word, nonword) was used in a within-
Group 1 stimuli (30 words and 30 nonwords, e.g., subjects design. Dependent variables were RT and
castle) had many lead neighbors (mean number of percentage of incorrect responses. The application of
LN = 28.9). This group of words also had many end repetitive TMS was presented in alternating blocks of
neighbors (mean number of EN = 39.4). Group 2 single-hemisphere stimulation. The other variables were
stimuli (again 30 words and 30 nonwords, e.g., cheese) randomly applied.
had many LN (mean = 30) but few EN (mean = 9).
Group 3 stimuli (e.g., cement) had few LN (mean = 3) Procedure
and many EN (mean = 41). Group 4 (e.g., coffin) had
few LN (mean = 4) and few EN (mean = 7). Pre-experiment: Induction of Stationary Phosphenes
The word stimuli in each of the four groups were Before attempting to disrupt word processing, the sites
matched according to written frequency (frequency to be stimulated were defined by eliciting phosphenes
norms by Kucera & Francis, 1967, mean frequency = from the occipital cortex to ensure that hemispheric
10.00 per million), imageability (Coltheart, 1981, mean = stimulation selectively affected contralateral visual field
363, from a 100– 700 scale), and number of orthographic processing. Participants wore a latex swimming cap and

Lavidor and Walsh 359

Figure 2. Experimental time
line of the task used in this
study. Stimuli were presented
for 150 msec, and rTMS was
applied for 500 msec at target

sat with their head supported by a chin rest and head distance to the right of the central point was 1.55 cm. All
strap in order to secure head position and stabilize but one participant reported left to central phosphenes
fixation. Stimulation sites were the right and left corti- when the RH was stimulated and right to central phos-
ces. The upper edge of the inion was marked on the cap, phenes when the LH was stimulated. For the main
and another point (the reference point) was marked experiment, we used the effective phosphene sites for
2 cm above it. The occipital hemispheric sites that were each participant with a fixed 65% of the stimulator
marked on the cap were 1.5 cm to the left of the center output, a level selected based on previous experiments
point (LH site) and 1.5 cm to the right of the central and found to be sufficient to disrupt perception without
point (RH site). The coordinates were selected initially masking stimuli with overt phosphenes. For the partic-
based on previously successful studies with TMS, which ipant who failed to see phosphenes, we used the mean
reported stationary phosphenes and suppression of values of the group as stimulation sites. This subject was
visual perception tasks with TMS at similar sites (Lavidor included because he had taken part in several previous
et al., in press; Pascual-Leone & Walsh, 2001; Cowey & experiments in which visual suppression was induced
Walsh, 2000; Kammer, 1999; Stewart, Battelli, Walsh, & and because visual effects have been coregistered with
Cowey, 1999; Stewart, Ellison, Walsh, & Cowey, 2001; his anatomical MRI scan.
Kastner et al., 1998; Amassian et al., 1989).
At the phosphene stage, we located the stimulation
Main Experiment
sites with TMS delivered at a frequency of 2 Hz and
between 60% and 90% of stimulator output. In a dark- At the experimental stage, we applied rTMS with 65%
ened room, participants closed their eyes while TMS was of the stimulator output at 8-Hz frequency for
delivered to the RH and LH points. Participants were 500 msec from the onset of the target presentation
asked to indicate whenever they saw a phosphene and while participants were performing the lexical decision
to describe its position in space. TMS was applied at task. Stimulus presentation was controlled by an IBM
increasing intensities until participants reported seeing Pentium II computer on a 1700 SVGA display with
phosphenes regularly and reliably. For some partici- 100-Hz refresh rate.
pants, the magnetic stimulation sites were changed in The experimental trials were employed in 8 blocks, 60
a ‘‘win-stay/lose-shift’’ paradigm (see Ashbridge, Walsh, trials in each block, with a total of 480 trials per
& Cowey, 1997) to locate regions on the scalp that participant. While orthographic neighborhood and tar-
resulted in phosphene perception. The mean distance get lexicality (word or nonword) were randomly pre-
to the left of the central point was 1.56 cm and the mean sented, magnetic stimulation sites were fixed per block.

360 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 15, Number 3

Thus, we had four blocks with rTMS applied to the right enables the bilateral speeded coding of word length when at
visual cortex and four blocks with rTMS applied to the the initial stages the word is split between the two hemispheres
requires further study. One possibility is the magnocellular
left visual cortex, in alternating order. In each block, pathway, which encodes low spatial frequency information and
rTMS was given in alternating trials to allow 4-sec delay in which neuronal latencies are short in early visual processing
between successive rTMS trials. Thus, in each block, (see Stein & Walsh, 1997; Stuart & Lovegrove, 1992).
every rTMS trial was followed by a non-TMS trial and so
forth. The rationale for this design was to maintain
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