I Chit Subo 2011
I Chit Subo 2011
I Chit Subo 2011
Magnesium-ion batteries (MIBs) with a Mg-metal negative electrode are expected to combine high
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energy density and high electromotive force, owing to the divalent ion careers and its low redox
potential. However, it has been reported to date that the cell voltage of MIBs is not high enough
(1.5 V), being far below that of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) (4–5 V). In this work, we have investigated
the potentiality of Mg–Co–O and Mg–Ni–O complex oxides as the positive electrode for MIBs, which
are composed of these positive electrodes and a Mg negative electrode in acetonitrile with Mg(ClO4)2
salt as an electrolyte. These MIBs can exhibit a relatively high open circuit voltage, OCV, and can light
a blue diode after charge. However, as the combination of the acetonitrile electrolyte and metal Mg can
yield the passivation on the surface of the Mg electrode, we have also checked these materials for a well-
established Li ion battery system, and confirmed that the charged battery can show high OCV. In order
to attain such a high cell voltage, it would be significant to exploit the unstabilized ion after charge in
the host complex oxide.
11764 | J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 11764–11772 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 11764–11772 | 11765
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trical conductivities of the two samples of MgCo2O4 and Co3O4. to the surface region where the concentration of Mg2+ ions is low
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The conductivity of each sample was elevated with increasing by the charge (this is discussed later in Fig. 5). Most importantly,
temperature, which indicates a typical semiconductor. The as is shown in Fig. 3(c), we have successfully demonstrated that
MgCo2O4 sample shows appreciable electrical conductance at the present MIB has sufficiently high voltage to light the blue
room temperature; 2.07 101 S cm1, being comparable to that diode of about 2.6 V band gap. To the authors’ knowledge, to
of LiCoO2, whose conductivity is in order of 102 S cm1.18 From show the MIB indeed working is a first in MIB technology. We
the slopes of Arrhenius plots, the activation energies (the band have also examined the rechargeability of the present MIB
gap in this case) are estimated to be 3.43 102 eV for MgCo2O4
and 1.23 101 eV for Co3O4. The lowering of band gap by
substituting Mg into Co3O4 may contribute to the increase of the
Fig. 3 The OCV values of the test cells after charge: positive electrode,
(a) Co3O4 and (b) MgCo2O4; negative electrode, Mg; electrolyte, Mg
Fig. 2 (a) The structural data determined by the Rietveld analysis shows (ClO4)2 in acetonitrile. For Co3O4, the remaining Co(II) ions can be
the disordered spinel (Mg0.6Co0.4)(Mg0.2Co0.8)2O4. (b) The temperature changed to Co(III), when the other Co(II) ions are extracted into the
dependence of the AC electrical property of MgCo2O4. The MgCo2O4 electrolyte by charge, but Co(III) inevitably changes to Co(IV) for
pellet dimensions for the electrical conductivity measurements are MgCo2O4, because of the absence of the Co(II) ions. (c) The potential of
0.958 cm in diameter, 0.0661 cm in thickness, and the mass density is (+)MgCo2O4|Mg(ClO4)2 in acetonitrile|Mg() revealed by lighting the
2.94 g cm3, indicating the relative density of 0.593. Those of the Co3O4 blue diode having a band gap of about 2.6 V. For reference, it is also
pellet calcined at 800 C are 0.731 cm in diameter, 0.199 cm in thickness, shown that a commercial button cell of 1.5 V cannot light the blue diode,
and the mass density is 3.06 g cm3, meaning the relative density of 0.504. but two cells can do it.
11766 | J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 11764–11772 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Published on 01 July 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1JM11793A
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This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 11764–11772 | 11767
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Published on 01 July 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1JM11793A
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Fig. 6 (a) XRD profile for Mg0.67Ni1.33O2 after annealing (at 350 C, 2
h) the sample synthesized by the inverse coprecipitation method. It is
clearly seen that Mg0.67Ni1.33O2 forms the rock salt structure. (b) The
intermittent charge procedure (with cc–cv mode) and corresponding
OCV value with the rest time (cc: constant current ¼ 50 mA/0.53 cm2; cv:
constant voltage ¼ 4 V). The MIB with Mg0.67Ni1.33O2 can be charged for
a relatively shorter duration than the MIB with MgCo2O4. The sudden
drop of OCV in the first rest time seems to be experimental noise. (c) The
OCV versus rest time curve for three samples. MCO means MgCo2O4,
and MNO denotes Mg0.67Ni1.33O2, and ‘‘in GB’’ means that the cell was
constructed in a glove box filled with Ar gas, ‘‘in air’’ means that the cell
was made under ambient conditions. The structural relaxation in the case
of Mg0.67Ni1.33O2 is found to be faster than that in the case of MgCo2O4. Fig. 7 FE-SEM micrographs of (a) MgCo2O4 (MCO) and (b)
Mg0.67Ni1.33O2 (MNO) of as-synthesized samples and after-charged
samples. XRD profiles for (c) MgCo2O4 (MCO) and (d) Mg0.67Ni1.33O2
(MNO) after annealing (at 350 C for 2 h) the sample synthesized by the
Next we show the FE-SEM micrographs of the initial powder inverse coprecipitation method and the samples after charge to some
of (a) MgCo2O4 (MCO) and (b) Mg0.67Ni1.33O2 (MNO), and the amounts. The charge amount described here is for reference, because the
XRD profiles (c) MgCo2O4 and (d) Mg0.67Ni1.33O2 before and host material is not so stable after deep charge.
after charge tests in Fig. 7; the powder samples before tests are
the as-synthesized ones, and those after the charge tests are of the
active materials on the Al collector. As seen in the FE-SEM that we could easily grind into finer particles. The right micro-
micrographs (left photos), the initial MNO powder appears to be graphs show the morphologies of the active materials (where the
more homogeneous and slightly finer than the initial MCO powder was mechanically milled and pasted on the Al collector)
powder. The characteristic features are that the MCO powder is on the electrode after charging to some extent. From these
relatively ductile (comparatively difficult to get fine particles by photographs, it is found that the MNO particles on the electrode
grinding), but in contrast the MNO powder is hard and brittle, so are finer than the MCO ones on the electrode. These
11768 | J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 11764–11772 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Based on the present experimental results, we describe a funda- ion from the host, where DE(X/Y) denotes the energy increase due
mental guideline to obtain the excellent cell voltage in the MIB to the oxidization of a Ni ion from X to Y. This will have to be
system. In order to enhance the cell voltage, as shown in Fig. 1 elucidated in near future.
(a), it can be crucial to exploit Co(IV) or Ni(IV) ions that are The problem to be overcome in the present MIB is that the
unstable in the host matrix, namely, the unstable cations should current density is appreciable but low, due to the divalent
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characteristics as predicted, so that we could not charge and the difficulty of redistribution of the ions’ charge is considered to
discharge the test cells quickly. That is, one of the big drawbacks be a key for the diffusion of Mg2+ ions.6 It should be noted here
of these positive-electrode materials is the high polarization, that MgCo2O4 forms a configurational disordered spinel struc-
which is not good for efficient energy storage. This is mainly due ture (and probably Mg0.67Ni1.33O2 also disordered in terms of the
to the slowness of the solid-state diffusion in the host materials, charge rate and composition), which appears to be advantageous
as discussed below. As seen in Fig. 4, upon charging, the current in terms of the diffusion for intercalation, because the redistri-
density of, at most, about 25 mA cm2 can be realized for short bution of the ions’ charge should be easier in such a disordered
duration (i.e., cc condition), but fleetingly turns to the cv structure, where the configuration of the valences is intrinsically
condition, in which the current decreases gradually with time. As disordered. Thus, to attain a more disordered structure appears
briefly mentioned earlier, this is mostly due to the slowness of to facilitate the diffusion of Mg2+ ions inside the host active
diffusion of Mg2+ ions inside the active-material particles. material.
Therefore, in order to charge to a large extent, we have to do it Finally, we here address the problem that the Mg negative elec-
for a much longer time under a very low current condition. trode is passivated in the acetonitrile–Mg(ClO4)2 electrolyte.
Otherwise, the extraction of Mg2+ ions can be done intermittently Actually, many investigations on the proper electrolyte for MIBs
Published on 01 July 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1JM11793A
(unless the current is not quite low), as seen in Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 6 have been made intensively to date; the acetonitrile electrolyte with
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(b). Namely, after extracting of Mg2+ ions from near the surfaces Mg(ClO4)2 used here has been proposed,14–16 but the passivation
of the active-material particles, we have to wait until the Mg2+ problem has been recently raised in the case of the Mg negative
ions around the cores of the particles diffuse nearer towards their electrode.17 In such a case, it may be thought that the present
surfaces. This typical feature of the solid-state diffusion can be methodology is inadequate to examine positive electrodes for
easily understood from Fig. 5(b). Since the diffusion/mobility of MIBs. However, in the present demonstration, we have tested the
Mg2+ ions inside MgCo2O4 or Mg0.67Ni1.33O2 particles is low, MIBs at the very small current density of less than 50–100 mA cm12.
when MIB is discharged, the cell voltage decreases rapidly Thus, unless Mg is ‘‘completely’’ passivated, the redox reactions
because Mg2+ ions are saturated only near the surface. However, supposed in the present MIBs are possible to occur. Actually, we see
when the mode is changed to the ‘‘rest’’ condition, its OCV value from Fig. 5(a) and (b) and Fig. 6(b) that the rate of the reaction is
recovers to increase gradually, because the inserted Mg2+ ions considered to be controlled by the solid-state diffusion inside the
move into the inner side of the particles and consequently the respective active materials. That is, this should be one of the
concentration of the Mg2+ ions in the vicinity of the surface evidences that the cell reactions are closely related with the positive-
becomes diluted. For further elapsed time, the OCV decreases electrode active material. Taking account of the fact that the present
due to the Mg diffusion from the core to the surrounding. When MIBs work as a battery, it is reasonable to consider that the rate of
the concentration of Mg2+ ions comes to be high to some extent, diffusion inside the active material is much lower than the disso-
we can again extract Mg2+ ions from the host, that is, we can lution rate of the Mg electrode passivated in the electrolyte. In
again charge the cell. Thus, it should be stressed here that the addition, in the light of non-aqueous Mg electrochemistry of today,
intercalation/deintercalation of Mg2+ ions into/from these active probably there are no stable electrolyte solutions with wide enough
materials is surely possible despite the solid-state diffusion of electrochemical windows in which Mg electrodes are truly reversible
divalent ions. for many cycles. In the present demonstration, since at most several
The diffusion mechanism in the spinel structure is briefly dis- charge/discharge tests were performed, it is conceivable that the
cussed based on the two papers.6,19 According to Ishizawa and electrolyte remains stable during the charge/discharge tests from the
Tateishi,19 the diffusion of Li+ ions located at 8a sites in the kinetics point of view, not from the view of thermodynamics.
LiMn2O4 normal spinel occurs via the octahedral 16c interstices In order to obtain more evidence for the abilities of these active
(the largest spatial void in the spinel structure). The radius of the materials, we performed some additional experiments by using
whereas the radius of the Mg2+ ion is 0.66 A
Li+ ion is 0.68 A, and the Cu negative electrode and the frequently used electrolyte for
almost the same as that of the Li+ ion. Thus, the diffusion Li ion batteries (1 M LiPF6 in a solution of 33% ethylene
mechanism may be discussed in terms of hopping activation carbonate and 67% dimethyl carbonate). This system is very
energy controlled by the ion charges and atomic configuration. stable, in that only a small amount of Mg is electrochemically
This geometric situation can be also applied to the present cases deposited on the Cu negative electrode while the battery is
of MgCo2O4 regardless of the normal or disordered spinel, and charged; Li metal is considered to be mainly deposited on the Cu
probably the octahedral 16c interstices play a significant role in negative electrode and Li is not passivated in the electrolyte.
the diffusion of Mg2+ ions with the similar ionic radius. In Here, we have tested four types of the materials as the positive
general, it is believed that the divalence is disadvantageous for electrode: MgCo2O4, Mg0.67Ni1.33O2, MgNiO2, and carbon
the ionic conductor, because the activation energy for diffusion black (CB) only. First, each battery was charged under the cc–cv
or ion hopping is roughly predicted to be large in proportion to z2 condition, and then we observed the OCVs after 30 min.
(z: the valence), but this is just an intuitive understanding. Subsequently, the electrolyte was renewed to remove the possi-
According to the literature,6 since the repulsion exceeds the bility that the test cell is a sort of electrochemical capacitor, and
attraction if the interatomic distance decreases, the strong then the OCV was again monitored with the rest time. As is
attractions between inserted Mg2+ ions and the host anions clearly seen in Fig. 9, the OCV values for MgCo2O4
should rather decrease the potential barriers by decreasing the Mg0.67Ni1.33O2 and MgNiO2 maintain high values of about 2.5–
repulsion upon squeezing, thus promoting the diffusion of Mg2+ 3.5 V, even though the electrolyte is renewed. Furthermore, we
ions. The most important thing is to achieve the local electro- have also confirmed by SEM-EDX that Mg and also Co, Ni are
neutrality when accepting the inserted Mg2+ ions, i.e., to reduce deposited on the Cu electrode (not presented here). Thus, the
11770 | J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 11764–11772 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Published on 01 July 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1JM11793A
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Fig. 9 The OCV re-examination by using the Li-ion battery system. The negative electrode is Cu metal, the electrolyte is an ethylene carbonate and
dimethyl carbonate with LiPF6 salt, which are commonly used for the LIB systems. (a) Schematic illustration of constructing the test cell and the way to
measure the OCV. After charging of the cell, we have checked with FE-SEM that Mg and also Ni are deposited on the Cu surface, indicating that
divalent Mg and Co, Ni ions are deintercalated from the host active materials. (b) The time-dependence of the cell voltage (OCV) of the test cell with each
positive-electrode material. ‘‘Electrolyte renewed’’ means that the electrolyte was exchanged to a new one on the way of the measurement to remove any
effects of the capacitor.
values of charge amount in Fig. 6 etc. are not accurate in this a high cell voltage, it would be significant to exploit the unsta-
viewpoint. Of course, these high OCV values are obtained versus bilized ion after charge, such as Co(IV) or Ni(IV) ions in the host
Li metal, not Mg metal; therefore, when it is versus Mg, the OCV matrix after extracting divalent ions by charge.
may be reduced. Namely, this means that the validity of these (3) We have also observed in Fig. 5 the diffusion-like behavior
active materials was checked in the Li ion battery system. inside the solid active materials, which suggested that the cell
However, these experiments strongly indicate that the Mg ions reaction is strongly related to the solid active materials.
can be deintercalated from the host matrix and the transition (4) Since the Mg negative electrode tends to be passivated in
metals can then be oxidized to higher values. the acetonitrile electrolyte, we have also confirmed the potenti-
ality of MgCo2O4, Mg0.67Ni1.33O2 and MgNiO2 active materials
by utilizing the commonly used Li-ion battery system. In
5. Conclusions
particular, the MgNiO2 positive electrode can yield a high OCV
In conclusion, considering that MIB will be one of candidates of (3.5–3.9 V) versus Li/Li+.
post-LIB in the future, we have investigated the potentiality of Thus, judging from overall experimental results, the present
the magnesium complex oxides (MgCo2O4, Mg0.67Ni1.33O2, active materials are considered to possess high potential to
MgNiO2, etc.) for the MIBs, which are composed of a Mg negative deliver high voltage as the positive electrodes in MIB systems.
electrode and an acetonitrile electrolyte with 1 M Mg(ClO4)2. However, there are many remaining problems to be settled in the
(1) MgCo2O4 was found to show an appreciably high elec- future for practical use, such as seeking a more appropriate wide-
trical conductance at room temperature: 2.07 101 S cm1, potential window electrolyte to circumvent the passivation
being comparable to that of LiCoO2. problem of the Mg negative electrode and dissolution in the
(2) We have presented that the MIBs with the positive elec- electrolyte, enhancing the current density, etc. Although the MIB
trodes (using MgCo2O4, Mg0.67Ni1.33O2, etc.) exhibit high OCVs study tends to be undermined due to its low cell voltage, we
exceeding 3 V, and have demonstrated that these batteries can believe that the present study to gain an excellent cell voltage will
light a blue diode with a 2.6 V bandgap. In order to attain such trigger off much more extensive works on the MIB technology.
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11772 | J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 11764–11772 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011