The document discusses metal-air batteries and fuel cells. It provides a high-level overview of the technologies and compares them to other battery systems. It also reviews books on these topics and their usefulness for teaching.
The document discusses metal-air batteries and fuel cells. It provides a high-level overview of the technologies and compares them to other battery systems. It also reviews books on these topics and their usefulness for teaching.
The document discusses metal-air batteries and fuel cells. It provides a high-level overview of the technologies and compares them to other battery systems. It also reviews books on these topics and their usefulness for teaching.
The document discusses metal-air batteries and fuel cells. It provides a high-level overview of the technologies and compares them to other battery systems. It also reviews books on these topics and their usefulness for teaching.
cuss how the effects of molecular size to be intimately familiar both with the during the start-up, running,
p, running, and shut-
and shape, molecular flexibility, inter- history of metal-air batteries’ develop- down of a process. The subject cover- molecular order and bonding, macro- ment and with their detailed function. age essentially is a study of failures due structure, and additives are seen in One of the most interesting parts of to nonideal conditions. A general theme processability, physical and chemical this book is its appendix, which sum- is that these conditions can be mini- properties, and applications. There is a marizes the state of the art in a very mized by proper design engineering final brief review of most of the com- wide variety of new battery systems and process engineering associated with mercially important polymers in which and compares metal-air batteries with plant construction and daily on-stream properties and applications are com- some of their competitors. The concepts operation through conventional instru- pared. An attempt is made to relate of energy density and power density ments or sophisticated supervisory com- price to performance, but because 1967 are used, and the economics of elec- puters. The introduction is an excellent nominal list prices are used, the results tric vehicle applications are treated in eye-opener or memory-jogger. It con- are at best qualitative. a sensible way. cerns plant case histories of cata- The extensive reliance upon sec- Fuel Cells is less successful. First of strophic events and it critiques the re- ondary sources for data, the most re- all, the field is much larger and more sults in each case with 20-20 hindsight. cent of which was published in 1967, highly developed, particularly in its Material in these papers contains ex- results in the exclusion of almost all theoretical aspects, and whatever ex- amples of malfunctions that are not developments in the last 8 or 10 years. perience Gregory has had is not suf- exactly common; thus the book has High temperature polymers are men- ficient for the very difficult task of sum- great value in pointing out those un- tioned only in passing. The book is fur- marizing a complex field in less than common pitfalls that usually are not ther marred by excessive repetition of 70 pages. Although the hardware is studied in textbooks. The authors bring definitions, tables, and graphs. As is well-described, the discussions of theory out the importance of redundancy or necessary for a work of the scope at- are very weak: concepts of efficiency diversity balanced against economic tempted, only generalizations can be and reversibility are confused and vir- considerations, but never at the ex- given without adequate detail for the tually no useful quantitative expres- pense of personnel, process, and plant design engineer or practicing processor. sions are given. The economic aspects safety. They also present pertinent A few erroneous statements appear; for of fuel-cell technology have not been points gleaned from experience, as well example, the myth is perpetrated that clearly separated from the need for as other information pertaining strictly fluorinated polvmers decompose explo- special purpose applications. For ex- to theoretical applications. In those pa- sively with the formation of toxic gases, ample, hydrazine fuel cells are virtually pers dealing with design engineering, and it is stated that polyvinyl alcohol isdismissed because they require a rela- the question-“What if?” is continually infusible. tively expensive fuel, but the implica- reviewed to anticipate and prevent cat- This book will be useful at the inter- tion is made that platinum-based fuel astrophic events in future plants. Once mediate student level (where it un- cells might indeed be economical. This a process is in operation, the emphasis doubtedly originated), to practicing en- is, of course, precisely the opposite of shifts to remembering Murphy’s Law- gineers seeking a generalized survey of what an intelligent crystal ball gazer “That which can happen, will.” The im- polymers and their properties, and to might predict: Platinum, being a scarce portance of permanent records also is more serious practitioners who need a resource, will certainly become far emphasized as is adherence to ISA and starting point for detailed projects. The too expensive for any but the highest- NEC Standards with the additional compilation of data from several priority special purpose applications. consideration of OSHA. sources will be welcomed by theorists. In contrast, a concerted development The book should be of value as a effort on hydrazine production might reference book to an academician and JOHN T. BARR AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. possibly introduce substantial econ- will be of even greater value to process engineers of limited experience and to CHEMICALS GROUP omies of scale. Thus, at some time in many old-timers as well. The subject CALVERT CITY,KY. 42029 the future when gasoline is consider- ably more expensive than it is now, matter is pertinent both to engineers hydrazine might indeed turn out to be and to instrumentation foremen. the cheaper fuel. A point not emphasized strongly in Whatever the future may bring, how- the papers is how well a human could ever, these books will certainly find and should enter the control loop with- considerable use in present-day under- out upsetting the process. An experi- Metal-Air Batteries and Fuel Cells, D. P. graduate teaching. enced operator needs to enter the loop Gregory,Mills and Boon, Ltd., London. for one of the following reasons: to 1972. 79 pages and 69 pages respec- JAMESN. BUTLER make fine adjustments, to manually tively. Both about $4.00. HARVARD UNIVERSITYoverride, or to make changes in the These two short books provide valu- CAMBRIDGE, MASS.02138 set-point of a controller or a program able supplementary material for un- change in a supervisory computer. This dergraduate courses in which recent need results from his expertise in the developments in battery technology process. No matter how much redun- are discussed. A course in introductory dancy or diversity is built into the sys- chemistry is sdequate preparation for tem, human wisdom should be con- either one, and the many excellent sidered. An example is the automatic photographs and diagrams give a good Instrumentation in the Chemical and Pe- light dimmer on an automobile travel- sense of the physical construction of troleum Industries, Vol. 8, Irving G. Young, ing at relatively high speed around a these new power sources. Unfortunately (ed), Instrument Society of America, New curve having reflective guard posts. neither book has student problems or York ( 1 972). 109 pages. $9.00. The control loop functions normally, exercises, although both have bibliog- This book, a collection of papers but it dims your lights at the wrong raphies which will direct an interested concerning control instrumentation, time. Man, you’d better resort to man- student to further reading. emphasizes safety, intrinsic and other- ual override quickly or you’re in trou- Metal-Air Batteries is the better of wise, in the design, operation, and ble. the two by far. Gregory shows himself maintenance of instrumentation systems Nevertheless, considering a11 features
Aircraft Engine Controls_ Design, System Analysis and Health Monitoring L. C. Jaw and J. D. Mattingly Amer...unt available to RAeS members on request). ISBN 978-1-60086-705-7. (The Aeronautical Journal, vol. 115, issue 1165) (2011)