Valve World Sample Issue PDF
Valve World Sample Issue PDF
Valve World Sample Issue PDF
Cover Story:
A.K. Velan: 1918-2017
An industry legend’s legacy lives on
efficiency &
It’s in our DNA
Valve World is the global magazine for valve and actuator users,
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suppliers and specifiers. The team is gearing up for the upcoming Valve World Expo & Conference taking place in
Publishing Director Düsseldorf, Germany on November 27 – November 29. This is promising to be a dynamic
Robert-Jan à Campo
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conference will have an emphasis on practical, applicable knowledge-sharing among the
Sarah Bradley most skillful members of the valve community.
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26 Project report: Siemens and Evonik parther up in CO2
The industry is investing in concepts for capture, storage and usage of CO2. In Germany,
Siemens and Evonik plan to employ renewable energy to generate high-value specialty
chemicals from CO2.
17 – 19 APRIL 2018 22 – 24 MAY 2018 24 – 28 JUNE 2018
Mediterranean Offshore Conference CWC LNG Fuels Summit Power & Energy Conference &
& Exhibition This summit provides a platform that encourages Exhibition
This conference is held under the high and drives collaboration between end users P&E focuses on the power industry’s
patronage of Egyptian Ministry of petroleum and the LNG supply chain. With representation latest research, technical advances,
and mineral resources. It forms an ideal place across the industry’s entire value chain, including development trends, and business
for the companies to boost their presence marine, road transportation and industrial, this strategies, including power plant operations,
in the industrial sectors, such as Drilling & summit provides opportunity to meet new LNG maintenance, performance, economics,
Downhole Technology, Fluid Mechanisms & Oil players and existing clientele. regulatory compliance, and construction
Recovery Products, R.O.V., etc. presented by a broad range of qualified
Location: Novotel Amsterdam City Hotel, power professionals.
Location: Bibliotheca Alexandrina Conference The Netherlands
Center, Alexandria, Egypt Contact: Bianca Bukatschek Location: Disney’s Contemporary Resort,
Email: [email protected], Email: lngfuels@thecwcgroucom Florida, USA
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Website: Website: http://
5 – 8 JUNE 2018 power-energy/about/contact-us
Caspian International Oil & Gas
30 APRIL – 3 MAY 2018 Exhibition and Conference
OTC 2018 This event will provide an insight on the 9 – 10 AUGUST 2018
This event helps the energy professionals to opportunities and challenges for the industry International Conference and Expo
exchange their ideas and opinions to advance in the Caspian Region, with high level on Oil and Gas
scientific and technical knowledge for offshore speakers from the Ministry, SOCAR and B This Oil Gas Expo 2018 provides a platform for
resources and environmental matters. It has event is hosted with the official support of researcher scholars, scientists and academic
expanded technically and globally with the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan and SOCAR. people to share and globalize their research
Arctic Technology Conference, OTC Brasil, OTC work while the participants from industry/
Asia and d5. Location: Baku Expo Center, Baku, Azerbaijan business sectors can promote their products
Contact: Tofig Karimov thus facilitating dissemination of knowledge.
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11 – 15 JUNE 2018 Website: http://https://oil-gas.conferenceseries.
7– 8 MAY 2018
World forum and leading trade show for the
PRC Europe 2018 chemical engineering and process industry,
This event is an international downstream held every 3 years, in June. The event offers an
oil and gas event dedicated to the European
refining and petrochemical sector. This year,
Innovations Platform and Technology Summit Web calendar
and provides a trend setting meeting point,
the event focuses on the process safety, a take off for investment decisions and an For more details about these and other
automation, OpEx, asset management and international network of experts and executives. events, see the calendar on Valve
new regulations. World’s website,
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany Information about upcoming events can
Location: Berlin, Germany Contact: Bianca Bukatschek
be submitted to [email protected]
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NEC Energy Solutions (NEC ES), a utility-scale battery energy stor- AMPO FOUNDRY has developed Due to this, AMPO is currently
wholly-owned subsidiary of NEC age systems connected to the UK patternless services for the manufacturing, by patternless
Corporation, has commissioned a grid. The Cleator and Glassenbury production of large sand cast- and sand moulding technolo-
total of 50 MW of energy storage sites secured two contracts with ing parts, with a maximum gies, a 48” butterfly valve body
projects in the UK with VLC En- National Grid in August 2016 for moulding box size of 3000mm x and disc for one of its main
ergy. It is a joint venture between battery energy storage systems 3000mm, in order to meet cus- global customers.
Low Carbon, a renewable energy to provide Enhanced Frequency tomer requirements and contin- This technology reduces the
investment company, and VPI Response (EFR) to the UK system uously adapt to market needs. need to manufacture wooden
Immingham, owner of combined operator. This technology has been devel- patterns. Consequently, it is a
heat and power plants in Europe NEC ES provided turnkey engi- oped by the engineering team very cost-effective way of pro-
and part of the Vitol Group. neering, procurement and con- of AMPO along with an interna- ducing one-off or small produc-
The 50MW portfolio, which is now struction (EPC) services which tional research centre, as well tion run castings, with ben-
fully operational and includes included its GSS® end-to-end as with the guidance and the efits like; lead time reduction,
a 40 MW facility in Glassenbury grid storage solution, and was essential contribution of one of manufacturing cost reduction,
in Kent and a 10 MW installa- contracted to operate the sites its main customers, obtaining high integrity and dimensional
tion in Cleator in Cumbria, rep- to provide the EFR service direct- an optimum patternless casting accuracy castings, appropriate
resents the largest portfolio of ly to the National Grid. method. surface finishes, etc.
fl[email protected]
+44 1782 654000
Upend & flood control system for Alfa Laval wins SEK 300 M order
Peregrino II
Heerema Fabrication Group has
awarded DGI Doedijns, special-
ist in engineered hydraulic solu-
tions, to design and deliver the
Flooding System Upend Control
System for the ‘Peregrino II Jack-
et’. The Flooding System Upend
Control Center consists of 56
actuated valves, a control cen-
tre, interconnecting hoses. DGI
Doedijns provides also the yard
installation of the equipment.
It is a challenging task to upend
large constructions like the Per-
egrino II Jacket. The jacket will be
about 135 m (443 ft) tall, have a Alfa Laval has won an order to complete brewery process line,
footprint of 66 x 53 m (217 x 179 ft), floating chambers. The Upend Con- supply a complete process line including process modules,
and will weigh 9,300 metric tons trol Centre, a self-contained unit, to a brewery plant in Mexico. valves, heat exchangers, mix-
(excluding the 12 piles). DGI Doed- supplies hydraulic power to operate The order, worth approximately ers and other types of fluid
ijns delivers reliable and safe up- a series of spring return actuated SEK 300M, is booked in the food handling equipment. The large-
ending and flooding control sys- valves. These valves will control the systems unit of the food & water scale process line will, among
tems for the installation of these flooding of the floating chambers of division. Delivery is scheduled other things, handle fermenta-
large offshore structures. the jacket. By controllably flooding for 2018. tion of yeast – as well as the
Jackets, like the Peregrino II are de- the legs with water, the jacket will The order comprises vari- maturation and filtration of
signed to float and the legs act as upend and can be installed safely. ous pieces of equipment for a beer.
CMD produces gaskets and seals in graph- certified the relevance to the safety re-
Any type of material
ite, which are used across various indus- quirements of two new CMD products: AR-
tries in Europe. MASEAL®312 OX and OXYSAFE®.
Approvals, awards, with related certifi- The ARMASEAL®312 stem packing is well-
cates, have been obtained over the years known for its lasting performance and, the
to meet the requirements of the most de- OXYSAFE®, both obtained after a meticu-
manding specifications: API Standard 622, lous and supervised procedure for abso-
ISO 15848, Shell MESC 77/300, TA Luft, Fire lute safety of these seals that will operate Any quantity
Safe and others. in oxygen service up to 300°C temperature
Now, CMD has obtains an important quali- and 160 Bar pressure.
fication whose demand seems to be con- This procedure, completely dedicated, was
stantly on the rise. The BAM - Bundesanstalt also attended and certified by the presti-
für Materialforschung und -prüfung - gious Bureau Veritas.
Fast-track delivery
WVC USA adopts Kaizen system
Project management
actuators in a thermal power bile application by Bernard
plant in the Sichuan Province, Controls. AQ LOGIC offers the
in China. Mounted on but- best combination of compact
terfly valves, the customer design and ease-of-use, while
chose AQ with new LOGIC (v2) remaining very competitive.
The know-how of more than 60 years in valve manufac-
integrated control. This new New LOGIC integrated control turing empowers Böhmer to build Ball Valves that help
LOGIC offers user-friendly in- is available in 14 languages, VÕÃÌiÀÃÌÀi>âiÌ
terface with large LCD display directly selectable using local successfully for the long term.
for non-intrusive settings and commands or the BC APP, to
Bluetooth communication as set the actuator menu.
Make your
business flow
11th International Valve
Trade Fair & Conference
Düsseldorf, Germany
UK P&I Club highlights lessons from
cargo damage
VP Customer Service Rob Velan, VP IT and Strategic Planning Shane Velan, VP Marketing Dan Velan, and President and CEO Yves Leduc.
Founded in 1950, Velan is a world leader in the design and production of cast
and forged steel gate, globe, check, ball, triple-offset butterfly, engineered severe
service valves, and steam traps offering superior performance across all major
industrial applications.
While its founder A.K. Velan passed away on September 29th, 2017, just shy of
his 100th birthday, the family influence remains strong. Today, three of A.K.’s
grandchildren, Rob, Shane, and Dan Velan, are integral parts of the company,
working closely with President and CEO Yves Leduc.
sk anyone who knew A.K. Velan
and they’ll tell you he was a
larger-than-life character. After all,
we’re talking about a man who
was still doing push-ups in his eighties and
continued to come into the office until the
age of 96. He will be remembered as an
entrepreneur, philanthropist, and loving pa-
triarch of the Velan family whose inimitable
leadership of the company spanned more
than six decades.
Born on February 8, 1918, to a Czech
father and a Polish mother, A.K. grew up
in Zywiec, Poland, later moving to Brno,
Czechoslovakia. In 1948, he and his young
family left then-communist Czechoslovakia
and sought freedom in Canada. In 1950,
A.K. founded Velan Engineering Ltd. in his
new hometown of Montreal. Soon thereaf-
ter he patented a revolutionary bimetallic
steam trap, the first of his many success-
ful patents. 1970s: A.K. Velan shown next to forged bolted bonnet valves in assembly.
Conceived in Czechoslovakia, designed
and produced as a prototype in Switzer- a new industry to embrace, he would go ITER Generation 5 nuclear fusion reactor
land, and first tested and manufactured after any new project that came his way. prototype being built in France.
on a shoestring budget in Canada, the Back in the 1950s for example, an inquiry Equal parts entrepreneur, inventor, and
steam trap helped Velan gain the market came in from a nuclear pilot plant for salesman, in the 1950s A.K. convinced
traction needed to expand its product line bellows seal valves. At the time this was Newport News Shipbuilding, which was
into valves, the vast majority of its current a new term for A.K. and he had to look in then the largest privately owned shipyard
sales. a Czech/English dictionary for the word in the U.S., to have his new steam traps
“bellows.” Once the meaning was clarified, tested in the U.S. Navy labs, a process
Thinking big he jumped at the opportunity to design that took over a year. After the steam
A.K. dreamt big when it came to his goals something new to him, and it worked: In traps were qualified and supplied to the
for the young company. Always a global 1958, Velan supplied 8,500 bellows seal Navy in the 60s, Velan performed qualifi-
visionary, he hit the ground running with valves to the Oak Ridge National Lab’s cation tests on forged pressure seal paral-
typical energy and brio, establishing the research reactor in Tennessee. lel slide valves for the nuclear shipbuilding
company’s first overseas manufacturing This pioneering spirit in the nuclear industry program.
plant in 1954. As early as 1956, he trav- continues today as Velan is currently supply- This early entry into the nuclear navy
elled around the world, building a network ing valves for two pilot plants in China: the program lead to a very strong relationship
of international distributors. Hualong One (ACP1000) technology being built with Newport News Shipbuilding. In the
No matter what the challenge was, A.K. at FuQing, and the new High-Temperature 2000s, Velan developed valves for the new
rarely shied away. Even if it was a com- Reactor (C-HTR) being built in Shidaowan, Gerald Ford Class Nuclear Aircraft Carriers,
pletely new product to design and build or China. Velan is also a valve supplier to the including titanium triple-offset butterfly
n the discussion around CO2-emission CO2-foot print as the process would use CO2
specialty chemicals reduction there are two routes avail- as a feedstock.
able: CCS and CCU. Carbon capture and
from CO2. storage is generally to be considered a 20 kTon plant
suboptimal solution. CCS requires significant This lower CO2 foot print would be further
investments and the return on investment ‘dampened’ by the underlying production
By Lucien Joppen from an economic standpoint is zero. A car- process. The first step of the process, which
bon capture and usage (CCU) would lead to will be Siemens’ domain, is to convert CO2
both economic and environmental benefits. and water into CO and hydrogen, using
The so-called Rheticus-project, a joint- renewable energy (wind, solar etc.).
venture between Siemens and Evonik, is Siemens will provide the technology for the
a classic example of CCU. In this two year electrolysis and the storage of hydrogen. The
project, both companies will develop a pro- latter could be used as a back-up for the
duction platform for specialty chemicals such production process or help to stabilize the
as butanol and hexanol. These (platform) power grid. Siemens is also heavily invest-
chemicals function as building blocks for ing in technology to store hydrogen in a safe
plastics or food supplements. Not only would and cost-effective manner.
these chemicals have the potential to com- Evonik will take care of the second step: the
pete in cost (due to lower feed stock costs), conversion - by fermentation - of CO (with some
they would also have a significant lower CO2 and O2) into the aforementioned chemicals.
Both processes have been demonstrated at
a lab scale (TRL 3) and need to be scaled
IKEA: from CO2 to polymers up in the next two years, resulting in a
technical test facility with a capacity of 1 to
Gas fermentation is being applied to a number of (waste) gases such as CO, CO2, methane 10 kilograms per hour. This facility will be
or syngas. One of the pioneers worldwide is Lanzatech, a New Zealand outfit that has scaled up further to a test or demonstration
developed a proprietary microorganism to convert CO into bio-ethanol (gas to liquid). plant which is scheduled to go on stream in
Meanwhile, more companies have ventured into gas fermentation, such as Newlight Tech- 2011 at the Evonik-facility in Marl, Germany.
nologies, INEOS or Mango Materials. Ultimately, both companies foresee a 20Kton
The first company has devised a pathway to produce a polymer from methane and oxy- production plant between 2025 and 2030.
gen. The material, aptly named AirCarbon, is a thermoplast which can be used to sub- For the time being there are several chal-
stitute fossil-based polymers such as PP, PE or ABS. In 2016, IKEA and Newlight signed a lenges that need to be addressed, such as
supply, collaboration and licensing agreement. Thereby the Swedish multinational will keeping the organisms active, cell reten-
purchase 50 per cent of a planned 23Kton plant in the US. Furthermore, IKEA will gain tion or the gas liquid transport within the
exclusive rights in the home furnishings sector for the brand. bioreactor.
With the Rheticus
platform, we want
In the fermentation
to demonstrate that artificial process -here at lab
photosynthesis is feasible scale -, special bacteria -
proprietary mutants of
C.authethanogenum and
Artificial photosynthesis C.kluyveri - are converting
“We are developing a (production) platform that CO-containing gases
to valuable chemicals
will allow us to produce chemical products in a through metabolic
much more cost-effective and environmentally- processes.
friendly manner than we do today”, Guenther Credits: Siemens
Schmid, technical project leader on behalf of
Siemens Corporate Technology says. “Using our
platform, operators will be able to scale their
plants to suit their needs.” Rheticus
“With the Rheticus platform, we want to
demonstrate that artificial photosynthesis is Rheticus is a spin off from the Power to X-track of the German Kopernikus Initiative. In
feasible”, adds Dr. Thomas Haas (Evonik). the latter program, science, business and civil society are working together to develop
“Furthermore, its modular nature and flexibil- technologically and economically viable solutions for energy generation and storage.
ity in terms of location, raw material sources Kopernikus addresses four key areas: the development of electricity networks, the stor-
and products manufactured make the new age of surplus renewable energy by conversion into other energy carriers, the adaptation
platform attractive for the specialty chemicals of industrial processes to a fluctuating energy supply, and improved interaction between
industry in particular. In the future, these all sectors of the energy system.
modules could be installed anywhere where “By 2025 we’ll have new energy concepts underway that are applicable on an industrial
there is a source of CO2, power plant waste scale - and which will also be socially acceptable”, according to Johanna Wanka, Federal
gas or biogas for instance. We are confident Minister of Education and Research. One of these could be the ‘Rheticus’-process’. The
that other companies will use the platform project will receive 2.8 million euros in funding from Germany’s Federal Ministry of Educa-
and integrate it with their own modules to tion and Research (BMBF). Over 20 scientists from Evonik and Siemens are involved.
manufacture their chemical products.”
Seven projects
to watch out for
Last year, the oil
and gas industry
has been on the
up. The oil price
reached a two year
high in November
2017, suggesting
more cash is ready
to be pumped back
into E&P activity.
In this article,
seven projects in
various regions
of the world are
By Mark Daniel
In Mozambique, home to the gas-rich Rovuma Ba- Johan Castburg features the “largest subsea scope”
sin, the Coral Sea floating LNG project represents of any current project worldwide. Image courtesy Kåre
Spanne, Statoil.
this fully. Indeed, the number of players involved
in Coral South highlights the hidden riches lying
in and off the continent.
The Coral Field holds around 450 billion cubic Hefty price tag
metres of gas. Eni East Africa serves as chief Gas corridor projects don’t come much bigger
operator holding a 50% operating interest. Other than this. Conceived as an alternative to Rus-
partners have been drawn from across Africa and sian delivery routes, the Southern Gas Corridor
the world, including KOGAS (Korea), Galp Energia aims at shoring up European gas supplies
(Portugal), and Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbon- by drawing on the Caspian Sea’s enormous
tres (Mozambique), thanks to the resources held reserves. Gas will be transported via pipeline
off Mozambique’s coast. to Europe through routes crossing Azerbaijan,
Construction of the floating processing facility Georgia, and Turkey.
is currently underway. Norway’s Aker Solutions Many sub-projects, worthy of inclusion on this
inked a contract to deliver three umbilicals and list by themselves, fall under the umbrella of
related equipment to the project site in Mozam- the Southern Gas Corridor. For instance, Azer-
bique in June 2017, helping kick the project off baijan’s massive Shah Deniz field expansion
in earnest after it was initially earmarked back project, with its price tag of $23.9 billion, is
in 2012. Once complete in 2022, the FPSO is part of the Corridor’s development.
expected to pump out over 3.4 million tons of But that isn’t all. To get the gas from the
gas per year. Caspian to Europe, several major pipelines π Valve World March 2018 29
O I L & G AS
are under construction. These include International backers 2018. However, it is Denmark’s largest
the $8 billion Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Out in the Hidd Industrial Area, Bahrain, gas field, sending fuel to 1.5 million
Pipeline, and the $5 billion Trans-Adriatic construction on the Middle East’s first Danish homes every year. Such is its
Pipeline. LNG receiving and regasification terminal significance for Danish energy supply,
First gas volumes delivered from Shah is underway. The new facility’s status is it’s little wonder Maersk’s priorities
Deniz to Turkey are expected by 2018, such that it has attracted an international shifted from retirement to renovation.
with Europe receiving its first supplies by assortment of backers. It is estimated Tyra will keep pumping
2020, according to project leads BP. Once up and running in 2019, Bahrain LNG out 60,000 barrels of oil equivalent a
Terminal will be operated by the Bahrain year when it reopens in 2022.
Spending spree LNG WLL, a joint venture composed of
Uzbekistan is preparing for something Bahrain’s National Oil & Gas Authority,
of an oil & gas spending spree, ready Teekay LNG, Samsung C&T and the Gulf
to pump $30.4 billion into hydrocarbon Investment Company. 1. Coral South LNG, Mozambique
projects well into the next decade. The At its peak, this latest facility will have a Cost: $4.67 billion
Jizzakh Oil Refinery, which broke ground capacity of over 22 million cubic metres Time frame: 2012 – 2022
in January 2017, is one of these. of gas a day with the infrastructure to
This facility has been designed with match. Currently under construction at 2. Southern Gas Corridor, Caspian
a processing capacity of five million the Hidd location is a floating storage Sea-Europe
tons of oil a year once fully up and unit (FSU), an offshore LNG-receiving Cost: $41 billion
running in 2022. What’s more, it will jetty, a regasification platform, subsea Time frame: 2013-2018
also produce around 700,000 tons of jet gas pipelines, an onshore gas receiving
fuel, and a further 300,000 tons of other centre, and an onshore nitrogen produc- 3. Jizzakh Oil Refinery, Uzbekistan
oil-based products, annually. Output is tion facility.
Cost: $2.2 billion
expected to reach 1 million tons a year
Time frame: 2017-2022
between 2019-2021, while the facility is Black gold
being built. Brazil is at the frontier of deep sea oil
4. Johan Castberg Project, Norway
Uzbekneftgas, Uzbekistan’s national exploration, particularly in pre-salt oil
Cost: $5.92 billion
gas producer, is funding the development fields. Pre-salt oil is located at depths
Time frame: 2017-2024
of Jizzakh Refinery. Local specialists of 7,000 metres; specifically, between
Enter Engineering are the projects’ 2,000m of wild Atlantic Ocean and 5,000m
5. Bahrain LNG Terminal, Bahrain
main contractors, winning procurement of rock and oil. Drilling for such minerals
and engineering rights in September is intense, to be sure, but is worth it for Cost: $741 million
2017. the black gold hidden beneath, especially Time frame: 2017-2019
at the Libra Oil field.
Largest subsea scope Libra is the biggest field of its kind in 6. Libra oil field, Brazil
Located in the Barents Sea, Johan Brazil’s deep-sea acreage. Extending over Cost: Up to $91 billion
Castburg will feature the “largest subsea an 800km by 200km area 250 kilometres Time frame: 2013-ongoing
scope” of any current project worldwide, off Brazil’s south-eastern coast, Libra is
according to its owners Norwegian estimated to hold between 8 to 12 billion 7. Tyra Field Redevelopment,
national Statoil. barrels of recoverable oil. Denmark
Recoverable resources are thought to be Libra’s importance, and sheer size, Cost: $3.36 billion
somewhere in the region of 450-650 mil- make it incredibly attractive to inter- Time frame: 2018-2022
lion barrels, making Johan Castberg one national majors with Brazilian national
of the largest undersea projects of recent Petrobras leading the charge with a
years. As many as 30 wells will be drilled 40% operational stake. Shell and Total
at the site between 2019-2024. Production each own 20% shares in Libra, alongside About the author
is expected to kick off in 2022 with a field 10% interests for China’s CNPC Mark Daniel is an
lifespan of at least 30 years. and CNOOC. international career
Subsea sections will be connected to counselor and resume
Statoil’s largest ever FPSO. In October North Sea development writer. Based on The
Sunshine Coast in Aus-
2017, Statoil awarded a Letter of The North Sea is mature territory, but there
tralia he provides first
Intent (LoI) to Sembcorp Marine Rigs is still plenty of life in the region yet. At
class career services
and Floaters in Singapore as part of Tyra, a gas field facing the end of its opera- and advice to clients
the initial procurement phase. Semcorp tional life due to underground subsidence throughout the world.
is to supply engineering, and construc- and safety concerns, Maersk Oil is set to He predominately
tion of the FPSO’s hull and living redevelop its Tyra operations, including a works in oil & gas,
quarters for a total cost of around complete overhaul of infrastructure. mining and civil infrastructure. A prolific
$490 million. Works include replacement of the existent publisher, he contributes to several
The $5.92 billion investment in the gas processing platforms with a modern industry magazines and publishes a daily
project is considerably lower than the facility, plus rig and engineering upgrades blog to his 20,000 LinkedIn followers.
initial investment as oil price drops on five surrounding satellite fields.
Contact: [email protected]
have limited the FPSO’s profitability. Previously, Tyra was to be retired in
By Richard Heyl
engineering from Texas A&I ne of Garza’s core responsibilities is years ago. Garza said, “Yes, today we
University in 1990. After
providing advanced technical support encounter valves that aren’t made to the
graduating, Garza was hired
to ExxonMobil’s Upstream producing requested specifications, valves that leak
by ExxonMobil (then Exxon)
aas a facilities affiliates. Technical support includes (passing when closed and externally), and
eengineer. Still providing specialized expertise with a global valves that stick during cycling. While we
wwith ExxonMobil perspective and focus on process safety, op- have seen some valve manufacturers increase
today, Garza is timizing asset reliability, integrity, and profit- their attention to the areas of quality and
a Sr. Mechanical ability. Not unlike many Sr. level positions, time design, we’re still experiencing many opera-
CConsultant with management is one of Garza’s most indispens- tional issues with valves.” When we asked
a focus on static able skills. what he thought the increase might be attrib-
eequipment. We asked Garza if he’d seen an uptick in prob- uted to, Garza told us about a discussion
lematic valves today, as compared to say 20+ he had with a colleague some years ago.
issues, Garza advocates staying with investigating and discovers maybe operating temperatures are often very
that vendor, “Why start over after so that vendor A has been bought out low due to LNG and Arctic climates, and
much time and money has been and the experienced staff replaced, equipment is being installed in deeper
spent on improvement of their product? or that they had budget constraints, and deeper waters. All these elements
Take advantage of the lessons learned, or perhaps their shop was over loaded are challenging to a valve’s mechanical
and use them to your advantage – over- during that period; whatever the design, materials, and/or soft goods.
seeing them in areas known to be reason, vendor A’s ability to maintain We now have to focus on issues such
deficient. Otherwise, the company could their level of quality may have been as swelling, splitting, and cracking.
end up purchasing from another vendor negatively impacted. Quite often, this Even carbon steel pressure vessels that
whom they may not have any experience detail is not even identified until after operate in arctic climates must often be
with at all. Consider also that there are company X gets stuck with 100 designed to withstand brittle fractures in
only so many vendors out there!” problematic valves. The point is, the -45°C (-50°F) range due to ambient
Garza also sees problems with the spot checking may not be enough. conditions.
“Preferred Vendor List” that is often Companies need to realize Garza went on to say, that in his
maintained by many companies. Garza that proactively spending more time opinion, “end users are driving some
has found that at times these lists are and money visiting vendors can improve of these issues by purchasing valves
too static and become stale. Hypotheti- the quality of their valve purchases, fit for a specification, rather than fit
cally speaking, Garza says, “Vendor and ultimately translate to the elimina- for a specific purpose.” Garza explained,
A might be doing a good job delivering tion, or at least reduction, of project “the typical cycle could be something
quality valves to company X. They might delays and cost impacts.” like, a problem occurs, so we modify a
have been spot checked, and received specification to prevent the problem
positive ratings on company X’s Another factor Garza spoke of is or event from recurring. We now have
evaluation forms. Vendor A might even how much harsher the environment a high degree of confidence that the
get a stamp of approval, and become in which valves operate has become. problem will not occur again. But then
a preferred vendor for company X. Garza explained, “Today’s fluids contain we try to generically apply this
Now say 5 years goes by, and company X modern products created to address spe- specification, in its entirety, to each
orders 100 valves from the same vendor cific requirements. This includes and every valve, as if it’s a one-size-
again. Only now, the quality of their chemicals such as drag reducing agents, fits-all tool. Then vendors sometimes
valves is not so good. What happened? corrosion inhibitors, demulsifiers, etc. try to stretch their capabilities to meet
Company X thought they had a good Compression has increased natural gas these stringent demands that may
vendor. So company X does some pressures to as high as 12,000+ psi, not even be necessary. We need to
trust our training, and use our
engineering judgment to realize that
there’s not a one size-fits-all solution
Valve depicted in
Valve depicted in “open” position in most cases. You don’t always need
“closed” position a valve with exotic metallurgy or special
thermoplastics, especially when you’re
Rising Stem
Rising Stem not dealing with harsh temperatures or
Upper Static Stop for not shown) high pressures. We need to start with a
not shown)
Gate Half
basic standard minimum specification –
Note: Valve sketch is say API 6D or 6A, and apply some mini-
generic and not Two gate halves
wedge against mum ’common requirements’ to it –
intended to depict any
each other to
particular Seat ring (slip);
create outward
items that are based on operating ex-
manufacturer’s product typical for both
sides force when valve perience and identified to be absolutely
open or closed
applicable to all valves. Then we can go
on building from there, but only if truly
Net force of each gate Process Net force of each gate
half against its seat Flowstream half against its seat
Flowstream (slip) creates pressure (slip) creates pressure
(blocked) seal; valve closed seal; valve open Additionally, Garza feels that the
relationship between the end user and
Note: Not Valve
Body the vendor can often lack an element
depicted is a
spring which of communication and “open door”
keeps the 2 gate policy. Garza explains, “I’ve heard of
halves together Valve
while traveling Cavity situations where end users go
between full open overboard on valve options making
to full closed
positions things much more complicated than
they truly have to be. This puts vendors
Open this valve Lower Static Stop for
for Double Gate Half Cavity in awkward situations, which unfortunate-
Drain / Drain /
Isolation and ly can work themselves out in one
Bleed Bleed
of two ways. Either the vendor is afraid
Figure 1. Through Conduit Expanding Gate Valve (one option) of questioning the end user’s expertise
and thus does not tell the end user that
he doesn’t believe that certain items are the field. One’s an expanding gate valve extreme, and fluids that contain all kinds of
necessary, or the end user chooses to (Figure 2; e.g. WKM Pow-R-Seal), and the additional additives and debris. In many of
ignore the vendor’s recommendation. Ul- other is a plug valve with slips in it (e.g. these cases, a hardened metal seated valve
timately, the end user’s company ends up General Twin Seal). The problem is, they that can withstand the elements may be the
with a more complex and more expensive both have their limitations. The gate valve’s preferred option. It’s allowed to ’pass’ (leaks
valve than needed, and quite possibly a downside is that it has a rising stem actua- across seat when closed) slightly when
longer delivery time.” Garza concluded, tor, which is linear and can be very tall brand new (limits specified in valve industry
“This is the time for improved vendor to for larger pipe sizes. Offshore, this often standards), as opposed to a soft seated
end user communication. Let’s put down becomes a limiting issue from a space valve, which is not allowed to “pass” at all
those text generating devices and get on perspective. The plug valve’s short coming when new, but as months go by in harsher
the phone, or better yet, actually have a is that getting it with a full port (when services, the soft seated material may pit
face-to-face discussion to ensure that the possible) often results in higher costs and scratch –leaving you with a valve that
optimal valve is chosen where possible.” and pigging may not always be possible. ’passes’ more when closed. The metal
I believe vendors are working on a mechani- seated valves have been steadily improving.
The wish list cally energized double isolation and bleed The industry has made a lot of advance-
When we asked Garza if there were any version of a ball valve, but I’ve yet to see ments in materials and manufacturing meth-
innovations he felt the industry could re- one on the market.” ods. Modern CNC machining and tougher
ally use Garza expressed to us that, “The surface coatings on parts that don’t wear
Upstream industry could really benefit from Before we parted, we asked if there were out, scratch, or score as easily when they
a single ball valve with double isolation and any other troublesome R&D challenges left rub together have all been steps in the right
bleed (DIB) capabilities. Can it be done with to solve. Garza said just two words, “leaky direction. But we’ve yet to reach that perfect
a single ball? Absolutely. But the valve has valves”. Garza continued, “In my opinion, marriage. I’m talking about the kind of valve
to have two barriers that are we still haven’t found the ‘Holy Grail’ of that lasts several years, never “passes”, has
mechanically energized. Only then can you valves. If you’ve got a completely clean some reasonably acceptable (low) operating
bleed the area between those two barriers. fluid, typically it’s not a problem; if you can torque, and yet, is still affordable.”
There are no known proven designs today make it past the shop test that is. Put in a
that can achieve this. I’m only aware of soft seated valve, and you’re good to go in
two valves that have been around for many most cases. But today we’re dealing with For Part 1 of Rudy Garza’s interview, see the
years and have been tried and proven in operating conditions that are increasingly February issue of Valve World
Improve sealing in cryogenic and high Reduce total system costs by extending
temperature valves at a lower cost temperature ranges and simplifying assembly
Vespel® polyimide and fluoropolymer composite parts Learn about a new design paradigm for Kalrez®
can provide long term sealing over the temperature range perfluoroelastomer seals to improve low temperature
-271 °C to +350 °C continuous as well as significantly sealing while maintaining up to +250 °C high pressure
reducing actuator torque and improve ease of sealing sealing
over a long service life.
he oil and gas industry must meet the meant significant costs could be saved by using an
highest levels of reliability, efficiency and elastomer with good extrusion resistance, thereby elimi-
shows how safety throughout every stage of the produc- nating the need and expense of back up rings.
collaboration tion process. To meet such stringent stan-
dards, oil and gas producers rely on first class col- Long lasting performance
between a leading laboration with partners in the valve and seals sector Oliver Valves proposed its double block and bleed
producer of sealing to prevent leakages and ensure optimal output. (DBB) valve which is designed in such a way that it
They need valves and seals that have exceptional allows for customisation of overall size and weight to
materials and a durability and resistance against extreme tempera- work within the spacing constraints, whilst maintain-
high-end valve tures in harsh chemical environments in order to ing the highest level of valve performance. However
reduce emissions and to improve process control. the critical point was to ensure internal seals within
manufacturer has DuPont™ Kalrez® solutions support our customers the valve could survive these extreme high tempera-
led to extremely throughout the oil and gas industry to improve ture and chemical conditions, while providing isolated
efficiency and deliver against the highest health reliable service with no visible leaks.
efficient valve and environmental standards. DuPont collaborates To find such a seal, Oliver Valves collaborated
isolation solutions with partners in the valve sector to create solu- with DuPont who was able to propose a solution
tions that offer the highest resistance valve and from its Kalrez® line. DuPont’s perfluoroelastomer
for refineries. seal combinations in the oil and gas sector. (FFKM) high pressure, high temperature Kalrez®
seals provide long-lasting performance, are resis-
By Geoff Lewis, Application Devel- Technical difficulty tant to 1800 chemicals and solvents, and retain
opment Manager O&G DuPont DuPont has recently partnered with Oliver Valves, high levels of elasticity and recovery, even after
Kalrez® and Vespel® Specialty Parts one of the world’s leading manufacturers of double long-term exposure to elevated temperatures.
block and bleed valves (through their Twinsafe The DuPont and Oliver Valves’ solution was proto-
valves), to help a downstream refinery customer typed and tested by the valve maker. After being
solve a long term performance problem with an successfully qualified for use all of the valves were
isolation valve. The customer, a major European delivered on time.
operator of refineries, had tried various designs over
several years, without finding a long lasting solution. Efficiency and cost gains
This resulted in time, efficiency and financial costs. The valves and the Kalrez® seals were a great success,
providing the refinery operator with isolated leak free
reliable service for the first time. They removed any
potential need for additional fabrication and resulted in
efficiency and cost gains in addition to environmental
and safety benefits. The performance of the valve and
seal resulted in repeat orders from the customer. The
vastly improved leak prevention and improved control
led to longer service life for valve stem and bore parts.
Through the collaboration, DuPont and Oliver dem-
onstrated their leadership in the valves and seals
sector by achieving new levels of high temperature
high pressure performance with large bore valves.
The wide range of Kalrez® seal solutions that
DuPont can offer provide great opportunities for
the whole oil and gas industry. Whether the issue
is temperature, chemicals or pressure DuPont™
The technical difficulty in finding a solution to the Kalrez® solutions can ensure excellent resistance
problem arose from the fact that the customer needed and long lasting performance.
large valves (10” to 16” in bore diameter) that could A full range of DuPont™ Kalrez® products for Oil & Gas
prevent leakage at extreme temperature (315°C) in valve applications can be found at
an aggressive environment. Furthermore there were com/products-and-services/plastics-polymers-resins/
constraints on the overall size of the valve due to the parts-shapes/Uses & Applications/high-pressure-seals.
existing framework on the platform. As a result the html?src=T&AP_trade-magazine-editorial_valve-
customer had been unable to find an effective solution world_2018_02 and customers can see which Kalrez®
for these conditions. The large size of the valves also grades are compatible with their specific environment.
Clearwater International LLP is a global, mid market M&A advisory and investment banking firm which handles transactions valued at
between $20m and $500m across a range of industries.
ere’s a simple question: what does it that the final customer normally requires filter
Prodim’s Freddy take to become a distributor of choice? regulators on his pneumatic actuators. We
Franceus says that Extensive stocks? Rock-bottom prices? passed that information back to the engineering
A large inside sales team? Well such company who were able to review and update the
technical know- factors can work well in some circumstances, paperwork in good time.”
how and service but at Prodim Industrial Valves & Automation in The second exampled provided by Mr. Franceus is
Belgium the management team have definitely equally compelling. “Our engineer who reviewed
are key when carved out a different route to success. Manag- the quotation request for a pneumatically-operated
serving niche ing Director Freddy Franceus explains more: “It valve immediately spotted something that had
is simply not our plan to be a one-stop-shop been overlooked by the engineering company:
markets holding every single valve item that might be namely that the site did not have a compressed air
needed by the process industries throughout facility. The client therefore quickly accepted our
Belgium. Our strategy is much more focussed, recommendation to replace the pneumatic actuator
By David Sear
namely to help customers who have demanding with an electro-hydraulic model!”
applications that need specific valves, and in Strong relationships up and down the supply
particular actuated valves.” chain are also essential for niche suppliers,
Stocks kept in the warehouse therefore include continues Mr. Franceus. “Take a current order for
a small yet dedicated range of valves, actuators two DN1600 valves and actuators which a local
and accessories which are regularly needed by client needs most urgently. Now valve bodies
the customer base. There’s also a storage rack of that size are cast to order and so can take
containing numerous mounting brackets and weeks or even months to obtain. Fortunately
bushes. “We don’t just sell individual items; rather one of our preferred suppliers was able and
we fit and then test actuated valves to deliver willing to keep his own foundry open during the
Christmas period to help serve this customer.
Freddy Franceus in Profile Of course there is a cost factor involved but the
Age: 49 customer is willing to pay it because it means
Education: Studied electromechanical he can keep his facility up and running.”
engineering at technical college Summing up our pleasant interview, Mr. Franceus
Career: started in the valve industry in 1991. Worked as sales reiterates his vision for valve supply. “I am quite
engineer / product manager for three convinced that the future will be formed around
leading valve manufacturers before joining Prodim in strong valve manufacturers who work closely
2006. He acquired Prodim in 2009 with knowledgeable, local distributors, whereby
Hobbies: enjoys playing tennis and golf with friends smaller, highly knowledgeable companies will be
Family: married with five children, Mr. Franceus likes to spend time with family
responsible for meeting customers’ needs for high
in his second home in the Medoc region of France.
end, technical valve solutions.”
By ESA member
D. Halkyard
spiral wound gasket; sealing element with outer ring only. Failure: mode inner ring buckling. Cause: incorrect size\no
inner support ring
n general, seal failure shows itself as one leakage is normally attributable to excessive
of three relatively distinct failure modes; an stress loss, usually caused by process pressure
immediate or sudden ‘catastrophic’ usually and/or temperature excursions, or may be the
gross leak also known as a “blow out”, a slow final result from a slow progressive leak that
‘progressive’ or chronic leak or a ‘transient’ leak went unnoticed e.g. occurred under pipework of
that may occur for a time then self seal and may vessel insulation. Much can be learned from a
subsequently reoccur. simple used gasket inspection. The presence of
Catastrophic leaks can occur on plant start up, a clearly damaged gasket; crushed non-metallic
pressure test or during normal operation. They or buckled spiral wound gasket is fairly easy to
normally arise because of insufficient, too much diagnose, however simple thickness analysis can
or uneven load being generated in the connec- also be an indicator of excessive and/or uneven
tion during assembly. During service catastrophic assembly stress. The following table highlights
Gasket defective and/or damaged Gasket inspection – radial scoring/scratches, face missing, corro-
sion. Welding issues ring rolled - under and over dressed welds.
Pass bar attachment – high weld spots and or weld spatter.
Replace gasket.
Flange sealing face damage Face sealing inspection, radial scoring/scratches, pitting, corro-
sion, weld spatter, appropriate surface roughness
Replace flange and or re-machine flange sealing face(s) in line
with industry standards.
Leakage on process start up and/ Gasket relaxation Gasket inspection – excessive damage, radial extrusion/intrusion.
or shut down with temperature Consider gasket with improved creep resistance style/material
Review gasket selection and/or assembly load (torque)
Leakage during steady state operation Excessive load cycling Check for process excursions/spikes (temperature and pressure).
Improve process control. Consider gasket with improved resil-
ience. Consider alternative bolt material / design.
Review assembly load (torque)
Gasket chemical degradation Gasket inspection – damage, extrusion, swelling, discoloration, corrosion,
pop corning.
Review chemical compatibility under application conditions. Consider
gasket with improved chemical resistance.
Gasket thermal degradation Gasket inspection – damage, charring, mass loss, discolouration, facing
and/or winding disappearance, metal carburisation.
Consider gasket with improved thermal resistance.
Bolt relaxation Can be difficult to visually detect. Bolt inspection – permanent elongation,
necking, male thread damage.
Consider bolt length (full thread engagement), review assembly procedure,
review bolt material selection.
Bolt corrosion Bolt inspection – general or galvanic corrosion, pitting, stress cracking
(hydrogen, chloride).
Consider alternative bolt material. Consider possibility of protective coating
(Xylan, Zinc passivation etc.).
some of the more common primary causes and seal life is key to achieving a success- the plant and / or equipment. As the
and suggests some cost effective checks ful seal. Relaxation is the enemy of joint name implies they appear and disappear
and preventative action to be considered integrity. Studies have shown that seemingly at will. Unfortunately flange
in the event of ‘catastrophic’ seal failure it can and does occur over many months. design codes don’t normally consider
mode. All the components in the connection these transient load conditions. Increasing
can be subject to relaxation, depending the overall load in the connection may
Progressive leaks on the application conditions some more solve the problem but only if the indi-
Progressive leaks can be defined as than others. Connections using lower vidual mechanical components are kept
those that begin slowly and as time quality non-metallic gaskets can be more within their acceptable limits. Increasing
passes generally increase in severity. prone to relaxation effects, particularly in the resilience of the connection can also
This type of leak is associated with time elevated temperature service. In this type prove useful in addressing these types of
related progressive stress loss in the of time related failure mode the effects of problems. These types of leaks are generally
connection. Stress loss can be attribut- corrosion and chemical degradation can associated with fluctuations in temperature
able to any one or all of the mechanical also be a significant cause of load loss in and / or pressure during start up, shutdown
components in the connection. Alternatively the connection. or during normal operation if batch and/or
the initial assembly stress may have been cyclic in nature. Seal integrity can also be
insufficient to accommodate the calculated Transient leaks affected by a phenomenon known as radial
relaxation in the connection over the re- Transient leaks are associated with bolted shear. This can occur due to differences
quired seal life. Consideration of the initial connections that are subject to changes in in the thermal expansion characteristics
assembly stress in the context of relaxation load during the normal operation of between the mating sealing faces. π Valve World March 2018 45
Schroedahl AC
RTK REflex
hen manufacturing environmental
While the cost equipment like pumps, samplers,
barrier of in-house and other measuring equipment,
manufacturers frequently outsource
machining for the machining of their products’ individual parts.
environmental Machining equipment is typically complex and
expensive, so most manufacturers contract with
equipment outside vendors to machine their parts, and then
manufacturers assemble parts into finished products in-house.
While the cost barrier of in-house machining for
may be high, environmental equipment manufacturers may be
it can result in high, it can result in huge benefits. After making The quality of a finished product is determined in large
the investment in advanced machining equipment part by machining of constituent parts
huge benefits to bring machining in-house, QED has improved
writes Jerry Priest, quality and reduced lead time while also achieving Once the vendor completes and inspects the
cost savings. ordered parts, they ship the parts to the
Factory Director, manufacturer who inspects the received parts for
QED Environmental Importance of quality machining quality. If the outside vendor’s work meets the
When manufacturing complex parts, one of the most manufacturer’s requirements, the manufacturer
Systems, Inc. important factors influencing the quality of the fin- uses the parts to assemble their products.
ished product is the quality of a machine’s integral For many manufacturers, this is the optimal way to
parts. Small imperfections or mistakes that occur obtain machined parts while considering the cost of
during the machining of an individual part may in machining equipment compared to the cost of con-
the future result in a number of problems related tracting an outside vendor. However, there are many
to the performance of a product as a whole. These places in the typical outsourced parts machining
problems range from a simple lack of durability to process in which issues can arise and mistakes may
a complete failure or breakage of a device during occur. For example, parts specifications may get cor-
operation. It would seem obvious that manufacturers rupted, misinterpreted, or changed in the process of
would take all measures to prevent imperfections being sent and confirmed from the manufacturer to
or defects in their parts, but there are often costs the machining vendor; the quality of raw materials
or other barriers that prevent most manufacturers used by the machining vendor may not be as good
from having complete control of every aspect of as it should be; and most importantly, the entire
their own manufacturing process. When machining outsourcing process can take a long time. Addition-
of individual parts is outsourced, this lack of control ally, as a cost reduction by the vendor, they may use
can become a major issue. generic material or cheaper material than what is
called out by the specifications.
Outsourcing Consider that the manufacturer must first send
If a manufacturer uses an outside vendor to specifications to the machining vendor, who then
machine a part, the first step is to place an order. must confirm those specifications (and possibly
If it is the first time a particular vendor is being take the time to machine samples) and ensure
used, the vendor usually supplies a completed they have the necessary raw materials on hand
sample of the ordered parts to be inspected by before any parts are officially machined for the
the manufacturer’s quality department to verify manufacturer. When the parts are finished, the
that the vendor can meet the manufacturer’s vendor must inspect them for quality, and then
standards. Upon verification, the manufacturer send them to the manufacturer, who must inspect
will place the order and the vendor will then ac- the parts for quality again. Then, and only then,
quire the necessary raw material to produce the can the manufacturer begin to assemble the parts
requested parts. into the equipment they can sell to customers. π Valve World March 2018 49
Total control
Machining parts in-house provides manufac-
turers control over every aspect of the life
of a part, from design all the way through
assembly. If a manufacturer can overcome
the initial cost of acquiring machining equip-
ment, in-house machining can alleviate
potential quality and lead time problems.
For example, with in-house machining, the
manufacturer will likely do its own initial
prove out to determine the part’s exact
cycle time and cost. Once the prove out is
completed, the part is identified internally
as a part to be made rather than purchased.
When current stock quantities drop below
a pre-determined amount, the machining
department is prompted with an internal Advanced machining equipment can mill and turn features simultaneously to produce parts in a single setup
order. Raw material is automatically ordered
and the machining department is issued a An investment in advanced machining equip- another. By contrast, the new machines are
work order and puts the part in a queue to ment also enables manufacturers to machine production centers that utilize both milling
be produced. During the production run, the high-quality parts repeatedly after thousands and turning features simultaneously to pro-
machinists will inspect the parts and will get of cycles. Since all manufacturing is per- duce parts in a single setup. They produce
approval from the quality department. Once formed within the same facility, the possibil- parts completely on one machine without
the order is complete, parts are cleaned and ity of damage during shipment from a vendor, the operator having to touch the part. They
moved into assembly. as well as freight costs are also eliminated. also have a bar feeder and robotic arms,
Manufacturers machining parts in-house can Overall, the process for in-house machining is so even loading and unloading of parts at
ensure that they use only the highest quality much more streamlined than the process of completion is done robotically. This level
of raw materials. They are the masters of machining using an outside source. of automation greatly reduces the amount
their own specifications, so the information is of human error that can occur with other
unlikely to be misinterpreted or changed by Example of in-house machining types of machines and helps eliminate any
accident. Perhaps, most importantly, in-house QED is an example of a company that fluctuation in cycle times for each part.
parts machining produces higher-quality parts has recently made the switch to in-house QED is now machining many of its parts in-
much faster than outsourced part machin- machining of many of the parts used in its house and has been reaping all the benefits
ing. A manufacturer’s machinists work hand products. The change required purchase of mentioned. One of the key success stories
in hand with its quality department to verify several pieces of advanced machining equip- is the case of the drive shaft for the control
that every part made meets and exceeds ment, including a Citizen Cincom L32 Swiss valve on the QED ORP215M wellhead. The
specifications. Parts no longer need to be lathe, a Behringer Automatic band saw, and complexity of this part had created a unique
checked for quality twice – the manufacturer a Mazak Multiplex 6300YR. scenario for QED, in which its machining
can monitor them before, during, and after When outsourcing, some complex parts vendors could not produce parts up to quality
they are machined, enabling the manufactur- may require an outside machining vendor standards, or the vendor’s price per part was
er to identify and correct any quality issues to manufacture parts on multiple different not within an acceptable range. The in-house
that arise immediately, without any lost time machines, introducing the ability for human machining department was in its infancy at
in production or final assembly. error with each setup from one machine to the time, but with the product launch near
and no outside vendor verified to produce
the drive shaft, the machining department
had to make the part themselves.
With very little lead time, the machining
department was able to deliver the parts to
meet the product launch and fill all customer
orders with no delays in delivery. They
produced the parts at a cost per piece price
that was 30 percent less than the lowest bid
from the machining vendors. The example
demonstrates both the advanced capabili-
ties of QED’s machining equipment and the
lead time and cost savings benefits seen by
bringing in-house machining to QED.
Machining parts in-house enables manufac-
turers to create the highest quality prod-
ucts more quickly and consistently than
outsourced machining, and, in the long run,
Quality inspections are key to ensuring outsourced parts meet specifications for a lower cost.
For more information contact Mr. Mehmet Erel: [email protected] Tel: +31 575 585 286
For registration and a list of other courses scheduled for 2018 go to:
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By Lucien Joppen
t is fair to say that the drone inspection Cautious
business is still in its infancy. One of the As for the rest of the oil and gas industry, Fran-
major players in Europe, British-Dutch ken says some companies have expressed an
Skeye, was established in 2012. Founder/co- interest in Skeye’s services, but only after Shell
owner Pieter Franken: “I came into contact more or less decided to use drones for inspec-
with drones and their commercial potential tion purposes.
back in 2012. After some initial tests I “The acceptation of most new technologies
decided to start my own company which in 2016 is generally slow. Most companies are looking
merged with Skycap from Britain. At the at each other and waiting for a first mover
moment we operate a fleet of more than 15 who ideally would weed out the start-up
drones in different types and capabilities.” problems. We and also our competitors
Franken, just back from a trip to Nigeria, initially have underestimated the reluctance
has just signed an agreement with Shell to within the industry in general. Only recently,
monitor some of its projects over the world, it seems that the industry is more ready
also in Nigeria. According to him, the agreement to act rather than expressing a general
could be a breakthrough in oil and gas. interest.”
“We have been working up to the agreement This reluctance also stemmed from
for more than three years. Understandably, various developments within the field of
Shell wanted to make sure that our drones, legislation, Franken says. Because the
drone operators and organization are working use of drones for commercial purposes
to their strict standards. This process takes is a relative new development using
time.” various technologies that are rapidly π Valve World March 2018 53
O I L & G AS
Drone is not a silver
Human factor
Apart from the advantages, drones
also have their limitations. Franken
would be the first to acknowledge
this. Unlike a human inspector drones
are not able to take a screw driver or
some epoxy resin to carry out light
Shell platform in the North Sea. repairs or maintenance. “Drones can
only detect. Based on these data, it
is up to human experts to analyze and
evolving, legislation typically follows - K2 Dronotics -claims that a drone could possibly act. In most cases, human
technology. inspect 12 off shore flares in just six intervention is needed but with the
“There is also a lot of confusion -still- days, thereby increasing the number data gathered by drone inspection,
within the industry what is allowed of inspections and subsequently reducing these interventions can be planned
and what not”, Franken states. “It inspection costs and flare replacement more efficiently.”
does not help that for drones below costs. In short, drones and drone operators
150 kg there are national legislations The other pro of drones is their ability will not be the be-all and end-all but
in place which can vary considerably to inspect and detect with greater merely take some of the inspection
per country. In some countries, the detail than the human eye. Drones work away from humans, Franken says.
use of drones for inspection services are able to shoot high-res images “A drone is not a silver bullet. The
is very strict. In other regions, both and use infrared camera’s to detect human factor remains very important
legislation and enforcement are consid- differences in warmth to 1/10th of a for assessment and repair/
ered weak. There are however efforts, degree. maintenance.”
coordinated by the EASA (European
Aviation Safety Agency) to harmonize
legislation within the EU, a development
which the drone (operating) industry
When asked about the potential of drone inspection, various numbers circulate. It is fair
to say these are highly speculative – ranging from 14 to 28 billion USD in 2022/2025 - and
also encompass drone services in general. Apart from industrial inspection, drones are
Lower costs
also used for measuring (for example volumes of iron ore or coal) or visualization such as
As stated before, drone inspection is
360 views from a 20 story building that still has to be built.
here to stay and to grow in the years
For industrial inspections, two types of drones or UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles)
to come. A major driver for growth is
are in use: helicopter and airplane. The latter are typically for inspection which cover
a lower cost structure compared to manual
greater areas and requite longer flight times. Inspections are carried out mostly be-
inspection. Also the safety factor comes
yond the visional line of sight (BVOL). Helicopter-type drones – available in various
into play.
types – are used for shorter inspections of industrial equipment, mostly within visual
Mostly drones are employed for inspections
line of sight. Both drone types have potential for the oil and gas industry. For exam-
of equipment (parts) that are difficult
ple, Shell will employ BVOL-drones for inspection of the Australian Charlie-LNG-project,
to reach. For example, flares in petrochemical
covering more than 725 kilometers of water and gas gathering pipelines.
installations or hulls/underdecks/top
sides in FPSO’s or platforms. One company
shwin Annareddy, principal consultant at use data for preventive maintenance. Data can also
Frost & Sullivan, states that the oil and be used to monitor the performance of individual
automation gas market is still cautious. However, components, such as valves, which can used to
(see also IIoT), the downright pessimism of the recent
past seems to have been replaced with moderate
improve design features for better performance
and/or a longer life span.”
a focus on repair/ optimism. This sentiment has been fuelled by ris- As Bob McIlvaine already noted in the February
maintenance and ing oil prices. Also, it looks like some companies,
for example Shell or Statoil, have managed to sig-
edition of Valve World, the market for valve guide,
control and measure will outperform the actual
environmental nificantly reduce their project costs, lowering the valve market. In 2018, refineries will spend ap-
pressures threshold for new exploration and exploitation.
For example, Shell has commissioned the design
proximately 8,5 billion USD on valves and a whop-
ping 23,9 USD on guide, control and measure which
(CO2 emissions) and construction of a new FPSO for the Penguins are the building blocks for IIoT.
will continue Field in the northern part of the North Sea. In this
issue (see page 29) we have listed seven major Carbon tax
to have a more oil and gas developments worldwide. Fugitive emissions, in particular CO2-reduction, will
dominant impact According to Annareddy, the aforementioned
revival does not necessarily mean a boom in
have a bigger impact on the valve market, An-
nareddy states. The objectives and goals which have
on the market for valve sales. “For the time being, the focus lies been set in the Paris accord and carbon taxation
valves in general on repair and, if necessary, replacement. As the
oil and gas market is prone to price fluctuations
(which still is relatively low but expected to go up in
certain regions/countries) have their repercussions
and for valves – as recent years have shown – companies are on many sectors, especially energy-intensive sectors
in oil and gas in still reluctant to invest and choose to hang on to
existing assets with the focus on repair.”
such as oil and gas, steel manufacturing and the
petrochemical industry.Annareddy: “Tougher regula-
particular. tions will impact the design of control valves and
The rise of IIoT boost the sales of valves that promote environmen-
By Lucien Joppen With the focus on maintenance and performance, tally sustainable practices across various end-user
Annareddy sees an increased interest within the industries. This development inevitably will lead
manufacturing industry - including oil and gas – in to a quality push in valves for critical applications
automation, in particular IIoT. “The Industrial Inter- (control, pressure valves). Take for example material
net of Things and the advance of data driven diag- development in elastomers for individual parts.
nostics will put their mark on the manufacturing Western (control) valve manufacturers have to focus
sector, so much is clear. These technologies enable on developing innovative, high-quality yet cost-
industries to optimize production processes and effective designs that meet end-user requirements.”
We’re back
in the
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Contact your Powell Representative at 513-852-2000
ou cannot help but admire
Continuing our Thorben’s determination when,
mini-series as a young man, he decided to
pursue a career in the mechanical
honouring some field. Although his experience was negligible
of the many he simply picked up a telephone directory
and started to call around local companies,
professionals who asking if they would be willing to train him.
contribute to the This direct approach has certainly paid off
for Thorben and the company who took him
smooth running on, as he is still with Mankenberg almost a
of the flow control quarter of a century later.
Thorben spent his first years working on the
industry. factory floor, helping to make a wide range
of valves. This hands-on experience is still
By David Sear proving invaluable to this very day, as is
his later role within the service department.
“My job as a service technician was to visit
customers where I would assist during plant
start-ups, advise on maintenance, help
trouble-shooting, etc. At the time I was a
young man and really enjoyed the indepen- Personal Profile
dence and the travel.” Name: Thorben Klein
More recently Thorben has been serving
Company: Mankenberg
customers from within the inside sales
department. “In this role the experiences Location: Lübeck, Germany
I gained during my time in production and Position: Inside Sales
service are proving invaluable as I can Expertise: pressure control valves,
discuss valves on a technical level with pressure reducing valves
customers. I’ve seen the problems and I
understand the applications, and this ex-
interests: One of Thorben’s hobbies
perience really does help in identifying the
is classic scooters,
best valve for each application.”
such as Vespas and
Technical solutions
Of course even with almost twenty five Family: Thorben is married and
years of experience there are still plenty of has two young children
challenges for Thorben. “The job in inside
sales is all about offering the correct type
of valve and determining the best technical Manufacturing a valve takes many steps
solution for the customer. So you need to and it does take a lot of expertise and expe-
be able to review the given specifications, rience to determine how long it will take to
and be able to calculate data such as the get a valve from start-up to dispatch.”
cv value, etc. You also have to know when Although Thorben says there’s no such thing
to ask others for advice. For example, as a typical day, he indicates that he would
if I have any concerns about low tempera- normally get through five to ten customer
ture applications I call the technical depart- inquiries on each day in the office. “Repeat
ment to ask about the suitability of O-ring inquiries for standard items may take a
materials.” matter of minutes, whilst a more complex
His sales work is not just about technology, job could take the best part of a whole
though. “Of course the customer wants a shift. So there is a lot of variety in my work
technically sound solution but that’s not the which I really enjoy. I am very happy with
end of the story. So my job also involves what I do, although perhaps if an opportu-
working out the price of each valve, deter- nity were to arise later in outside sales then
mining a realistic delivery schedule, etc. I would certainly consider it!”
Andre Gafford, Sr. Partner for DeLeon Consulting Group based in Houston, Texas
ith 19 years of experience
in the O&G sector Gafford
understands the realities of a
fluctuating market in addition
to the needs of a growing business. Be it
valves, hose & fittings, flanges, specialty
alloy pipes, or pumps, Gafford has the
connections and experience to source the
right material for the job and the crews to
install it.
A graduate of the University of Houston
Downtown with a B.B.A. in Marketing, Gaf-
ford began his career in procurement, work-
ing for oilfield services companies Baker
Hughes and Saipen, a subsidiary of Eni. In
search of a new challenge and the oppor-
tunity to be more hands-on, he decided to
move in a new direction, providing strate-
gic contracting services at various levels
of pipeline and facility off-and-onshore
development. The experience Gafford gained
in this capacity, working for such compa-
nies as Shell, Hess, Marathon and Statoil,
eventually led to a unique opportunity as
an independent consultant for Statoil. He
elaborates, “The last contract role I had was on the gas – they are slow on new projects
with Statoil. The company was going through You have the older and some are even slower on using new
a reorganization but I was asked to stay on. guys who were pushed technologies,” he adds.
I consented to stay on but only if I could out when the industry went Referencing the O&G industry and the low
work under my own company. So that is cost of oil in recent history, Gafford points
what I have been doing for the last couple
bad, and then we have guys to the increased importance of competitive
of years.” who are two to three years pricing. He explains, “Price is more impor-
Gafford understands the ever-changing in the business. (…) More tant now than it was two to three years ago.
needs of the industry and has built his mentoring needs to take place. Back then price would have been third or
career on resilience. He says, “When oil was fourth on my list. Now the order is quality,
bad in ’98 I ended up going into electricity
It is (…) always talked about pricing and efficiency.”
and power generation for a couple of years. but rarely happens.
I have dealt with every part of construction, Straightforward
including feasibility, pre-construction, com- In Gafford’s experience, valve manufacturers
missioning… everything. That was me saying to Gafford, and providing service options, and distributors are usually willing to work
I needed to be as well-rounded as possible based on availability, time and preference. with clients, like himself, to improve their
so that the next time the oil goes bad, I will “I have always been in the advisory posi- products and services. He says, “Everyone
have options.” tion – these are the guys we should be has always been really good with reaching
doing business with because they have the out to me and selling me their products. I
On the same page top notch products, awesome delivery and have done surveys on what valve and field
Gafford appreciates the challenges that come they can service their own equipment,” he service suppliers want to know is: who are
with managing large construction projects. explains. we using, what are we using and what is
He says, “I have executed brownfield and driving those decisions.”
greenfield projects; so going from nothing to Price more important What can manufacturers do to best sup-
revamping an old plant. That means we are When choosing the right valve manufacturer, port customer needs? In response to that
changing out everything or we are buying Gafford stresses the importance of opting question, Gafford suggests a straightforward
completely new equipment - instrumenta- for a supplier with deep-rooted industry approach to sales that promotes service op-
tion, pipes, valves, fittings, flanges and the presence. “I create AMLs (Approved Manu- tions. He says, “It is important for suppliers
crews to install.” facturers’ Lists) and I usually look for size. to provide more description of their products
Understanding that people are prone to I usually deal with very large companies, and a better array of all their packages. Also,
adopting their own way of doing things, Gaf- like Statoil and Marathon. The name carries let potential customers know up-front if they
ford emphasizes the importance of reinforc- its own weight; so I want someone that has have the ability to service their products.
ing the common best interests of the com- been around and also has their name on the It happens a lot that you might have to get
pany by ensuring that project engineers are line,” he says. someone in to service something; that ser-
always on the same page. Thinking in terms “You have to have a name that resonates. vice needs to be a part of the warranty. That
of the company’s best interests also means Big companies are slow movers in times is something I need to know. Because when
providing a mix of skilled workers, according where oil is unstable. You have thin margins it is not, those turn into hidden costs.” π Valve World March 2018 61
E ND US E R I N T E RVIEW – C o n su l t an t ’s C o rne r
Attractive opportunities in
upstream oil & gas
The upstream oil &
gas industry suffered
significant setbacks
in 2015 and 2016,
following the collapse
of crude oil prices
that had begun in
mid-2014. Last year
marked an inflection
point in the market,
and although far
from complete, the
recovery can be
described as a ‘good Pipeline. Photo © Jonathan –
start,’ particularly for
the North American
he upstream oil & gas opportunities a production wing valve for shutoff/isolation
market. Current for valve sales are centered on of the wellhead from the pipeline system;
two primary types of applications: a choke valve for adjustable throttling of
projections for 2018 wellhead and pipeline. The former flow from the well; and a swab valve at
suggest a continuation are generally governed by the API 6A the top of the tree assembly for vertical
Specification for Wellhead and Christmas access into the well bore. Valves are
of this positive trend. Tree Equipment, and the latter by the generally of the gate or ball type and are
API 6D Specification for Pipeline and selected especially for tight shutoff, resis-
Piping Valves. tance to flow erosion, and resistance to
By Matjaž Matoªec, Research Manager, corrosion that can be of particular concern
Resolute Research Wellhead applications (API 6A) for sour crude or sour gas products with
Opportunities for wellhead applications high sulfur content.
are broadly projected based on the Baker It should be noted that the foregoing dis-
Hughes Rig Count which provides a leading cussion excludes subsea valves which are
metric for the upstream oil & gas industry. subject to far more demanding service con-
This metric turned positive in 2017, al- ditions and on a delayed market recovery
though almost exclusively in North America track because of the higher cost basis for
(see Chart 1). subsea production.
A typical wellhead includes five or more
valves that meet the API Specification Pipeline applications (API 6D)
6A. These valves are generally of a rela- Pipeline applications include mainline
tively small size in the range of 1” to 4” for valves (MLVs), other valves used in pump-
onshore wellheads. The valves may include ing stations for oil and compressor stations
an upper and lower master valve for well for gas, plus valves used for pig launching
shutoff; a kill wing valve for introduction and receiving, and other miscellaneous
of various chemicals for flow enhancement, applications. Mainline sectionalizing/block
corrosion resistance, and other purposes; valves are generally installed at intervals π Valve World March 2018 63
Electric actuators for industrial valves in areas subject to fire hazards
In the event of a fire, the prime objective is to save life first, followed by minimising
material damage.
Fire-proof AUMA actuators function perfectly at the fire source and help
to minimise fire damage.
Rig Count
Global industrial valve
and actuator sales
3500 growth in 2017 was 7.6 %.
(Source: Resolute Research Valve
Product Database)
Number of Active Drilling Rigs
Pipeline construction in
Valve & Actuator Sales in Oil & Gas Industry, in USD billion North America
(Historic Values and Projections, by Resolute Research) According to the P&GJ’s 2017
$12 Worldwide Pipeline Construction
Report, 83,802 miles of pipelines
$10 were planned and under con-
struction worldwide at the begin-
$8 ning of 2017, with North America
accounting for 31,814 miles,
or 38%, of new and planned
pipelines. In January 2018, the
International Energy Agency (IEA)
raised its outlook for U.S. crude
supply this year by 260,000 bar-
$2 rels per day (bpd) to a record
10.4 million bpd. If materialized,
$0 this forecast would put the Unit-
ed States ahead of Saudi Arabia
in terms of crude oil output, mak-
ing it the world’s second largest
oil producer, after Russia. As
On the way up. After years of declining sales, valve and actuator sales in oil and gas are back on track.
North American oil & gas produc-
tion continues to rise, Canadian
crude exports are on the verge of
all geographic regions. A case in point is world regions is also driving the expansion exceeding the country’s pipeline
the upstream oil & gas industry in 2017, of LNG liquefaction plants and regasifica- and rail capacity, which is likely
where the upturn was most pronounced in tion plants, along with the necessary gas to speed up pipeline construc-
North America. This is reflected both in the pipeline infrastructure to and from those tion. These are only two of many
number of active rigs and in new oil & gas facilities. factors that make North America
pipeline construction. a world region of largest opportu-
The exceptional activity in North America Opportunities summary nity for pipeline expansion.
(particularly in the United States) was Many of the sales revenue figures as
driven by new wellhead and pipeline reported by valve manufacturers are
requirements. These requirements now in for 2017, and considerable
are related to new wells, plus previously progress in recouping some of the earlier
drilled and capped gas and oil wells loses is evident. The latest estimate from a broader distribution of the gains to other
in the Permian Basin, and the Marcellus Resolute Research indicates an approxi- world regions.
and Bakken regions. A relaxation of mate 7.6% increase in global industrial In view of the growing trend for natural
legislative restrictions on pipelines valve and actuator sales over 2016, which gas to fuel power generation, indus-
and the oil & gas industry in general is certainly good news for the valve indus- trial processes, and residential heating,
further assisted the recovery in the try, following the disappointments in 2015 plus the higher activity in gas pipeline
United States. Increasing demand for and 2016. construction, it is anticipated that ball
natural gas in Mexico has also stimulated The gains in valve sales specifically valves will see the greatest benefits in the
pipeline construction from the United in oil & gas in North America have upstream industry in the near term. How-
States into Mexico, and within Mexico been substantially higher than that, ever, this is not to discount other valves
itself over the past several years and reflecting the market drivers discussed including gate valves, which will also see
into 2017. above. It is projected that a similar up- welcome market opportunities, although
This trend is expected to continue through ward trend will be seen in 2018, including likely on a smaller scale.
2020 in North America (U.S. and Canada)
and Mexico, as well as to pick up in other
world regions including Asia (particularly
China and India), the Middle East, and About the author
Northern and Eastern Europe. Matjaž Matoªec is Research Manager at Resolute Research where he leads a
dynamic team of market analysts. Resolute Research is a leading industrial
Prime movers driving this market expan-
market research specialist providing global clients with high-quality market
sion include the continuation of gas and
intelligence on flow control equipment, in the form of market reports, data-
oil shale development in the United States, bases and custom-made research. Collectively, Resolute Research has decades
continued movement of Russian oil & gas of experience in providing consulting services to professionals working in the
into the China markets, and continued flow control industry.
activities in Europe aimed at decreas- For more information, you can contact Matjaž at m.matosec@resoluteresearch.
ing the current dependency of Europe on com or visit
Russian gas. Broader use of LNG in various
27 – 29 November
Düsseldorf, Germany
When performing ne must evaluate the media: Is it a
clean gas, or is it heavy hydrocarbons
maintenance on a with a lot of pollution? Is there an
leaky ball valve, aggressive or sour media, or is it soft?
Then the construction of the valve: Is it self-
there is a lot of relief or double piston? Is the valve soft seated
information that with soft PTFE or is it a harder material such as
PEEK? Or is it metal to metal with a tungsten
must be evaluated carbide layer on the ball and seats? What type
before the actual of radial seals are there on the seats? Are they
O-rings, chevrons or lip seals? How is the valve
maintenance is operated? Is it opened with differential pressure,
carried out. Part 12 or fully equalized?
Is the cavity equalized or not? Has the valve
in a series on the been closed with full flow through the valve?
how (and why) of How often is the valve operated – once a week
or once a year? How fast is the valve operated?
maintenance. Then the two most important questions; is the
valve equipped with lubrication fittings to the
By Ingolf Fra Holmslet seat, if so, how many to each seat? Is the valve
equipped with an auxiliary valve to the cavity?
If the valve is equipped with fittings and an
auxiliary valve there are (as we have seen from
previous articles) a lot of possibilities for main-
tenance, and in many cases the valve may be
100% cured, but in other cases it may be worse
after cleaning, it is not the maintenance that has
damaged the valve, but the maintenance has
uncovered the state of the valve.
Jumping to conclusions
In this article, I will discuss two cases occurring
on two large valves, one where I was misled Figure 64
by my own assessment and one where I was
lucky when performing the fix. I am using those
cases to illustrate how one can be fooled into first barrier and should have been 100% sealed,
jumping to conclusions, or how one can be but the valve was leaking too much. The valve
lucky when doing the right assessment. The first information was as follows: Self-relief construc-
example involved a top entry trunnion ball valve tion on the seats which sealed on the upstream
containing 140 bar clean sales gas with conden- seat only. As illustrated in Figure 65 the valve
sate. In this case the valve was needed as a was equipped with soft-seated seats with PTFE
I can be
c at
[email protected]
Figure 65 π Valve World March 2018 71
Figure 66 Figure 67
inserts. As also illustrated in Figure 65 the had tricked me as the O-rings were in
radial seals on the seats were O-rings. The perfect condition. But, as illustrated in
Don’t jump to
valve was normally in the open position, Figure 66, the seal area on the seats was conclusions, the devil
operated only one or two times a year and full of hard particles that were stuck on is in the detail
had been in service for about 10 years. The the seat. The particles were some 10th of
valve was never closed in flowing condition a millimetre high and prevented the seat
or opened with differential pressure. from coming into contact with the ball. We seats sideways in the seat pocket, increas-
At the assessment phase there seemed to found the same black stuff in the spring ing the gap between the seat and seat
be a simple solution on the problem. My pockets and on the coil springs, illustrated pocket at 3 o´clock and reducing the gap at
argumentation was as follows: not opened in Figure 64. 9 o´clock. If the tolerance between the seat
with differential pressure, not closed at As the media was clean gas and conden- and the seat pocket were in the maximum
a flowing condition and maximum opera- sate I was quite puzzled. I did clean the and minimum area, one could get a lack of
tions 20 closures and 20 openings equals seats with valve cleaner and, as illustrated contact between the lip seal and the seat
40 of 90 degrees movement. With so few in Figure 67, the particles on the seal area pocket at 3 o´clock, creating a leak path,
operations in a clean media and operating were dissolved. It was decided to replace and subsequently a leaky valve.
with a fully equalized valve I could not see all internal parts, and the particles were My suggestion was: Operate the valve
any reason why the PTFE seal on the seats sent to a laboratory for analysis. The result around 5 mm towards the open position,
should leak. As the media was clean sales was: Under certain conditions (temperature and stop. This trying to centre the seat
gas I did not think that deposits could be and pressure drop) the gas molecules will in the seat pocket and creating lip seal
formed on the ball or seats. That argument bind in chains and transfer from gas to contact all around the seat. Not every-
was also based upon the fact that the con- solid carbon and bind to the seal. body in the production agreed, but they
densate should actually work as a cleaner I have never seen this before, but it humoured me.
on the seal surfaces. My conclusion to this taught me an important lesson: If the valve We set it up with the instrument person-
problem was that the O-ring on the radial has been without maintenance, always nel, me on the top of the actuator ready
seal of the seats may have suffered explo- clean it. It doesn’t matter if the media has to scream out at the first movement of
sive decompression, or RGD, and the leak been clean. If we had cleaned the valve the valve; an instrument technician at the
path was not between the ball and the seat it would have been fixed and probably panel, bypassing the system, moving the
but between the seat and the seat pocket, sealed 100%. valve and stopping at my command. I made
as illustrated in Figure 65. This could be a line across the position plate and waited
fixed by injecting sealing component into Valve got fooled for any movement.
the O-ring groove. In the second case it was the opposite – At the first mm movement of the indicator,
I fooled the valve. I yelled and he stopped the valve with
Fooled by the valve The case involved a 42” ESD valve, less then 5 mm movement and locked the
Because the conclusion in the pre-assess- class 1500 metal sealed (TC on ball and valve. When testing the valve after the
ment was RGD in the radial O-ring we did seats) top entry, trunnion ball valve, a movement, you may have guessed it, the
not clean the valve with valve cleaner, but monster of a valve. The media was valve sealed 100% and I was the hero of
regarded that as a waste of time and valve “clean” sales gas. The valve was one of the day.
cleaner. To seal off the O-ring we injected a the outer barriers towards the installation.
fair amount of sealing component, I even When the valve was closed it was leaking My point being: Don´t jump to conclusions!
thought it was too much required to seal too much to set a barrier, and we knew Remember, “The devil is in the detail”.
off the valve. We were unable to seal the the rotation of the ball was correct. I must
valve 100% but we managed to get the add that the valve was equipped with lip
valve nearly sealed off and kept the cavity seals as the radial seal on the seat, which
without pressure by opening the auxiliary was important.
valve in the cavity. We managed to do the The valve was without lubrication fittings
required job, but because of the relatively to the seats, and no cavity port for bleed-
large leak rate passing the valve it was ing of the cavity. The valve had been in
decided to repair the valve in the line (top service around 6 years, operated only
entry valve). The whole system was shut for setting a barrier 5 to 6 times. I could The two books: Cheater bar for valves
down and depressurised to dismantle the not see any reason why this valve should with rotating spindle and Cheater bar for
ball and seats. leak. valves with rising spindles are written by
Ingolf Fra Holmslet and can be ordered
When the seats came out, I could see that The only thing I could come up with was
from his web page
this time I had been fooled by a valve. It that when the ball rotated it dragged the
OWNERSHIP Ideal for Severe Service Applications
This DN25 PENTA ‘SAT’ series tor. The valve is equipped with
high integrity metal seated ball PENTAFITE seat technology, a pat-
valve has been fitted with an EL- ented nickel and graphite matrix
O-MATIC ‘F’ series single acting dispersion. This technology of-
rack & pinion pneumatic actua- fers absolute ZERO LEAKAGE per-
tor c/w a QEV breather block and formance, within a broad contin-
ASCO 551 series NAMUR mounted uous working temperature range
mono-stable solenoid valve, and of -100°C to +780°C, and working
a WESTLOCK valve position moni- pressures up to 720 barg.
The method of protection for the
limit switches can be flameproof
or intrinsic safety. The ergonom-
ic design is manufactured from
316L stainless steel, with a GRP
junction box.
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Zhejiang Mr. Peter Bulmer Ms. Melina Schnaudt USA MRC Global
China p.bulmer@kci-world. Tel.: +49 2821 71145 33 Global Headquarters
tel: +86-577-57765687 com m.schnaudt@kci-world. info.crossridge@ tel: +1-877-294-7574
fax:+86-577-57765582 tel: +1-416-361-7030 com [email protected]
[email protected] Ms. Melanie Gogan [email protected]
tel: +1-416-361-7030 Valve World 2018 Powell Valves The Wm.
Conference & Powell Company
Exhibition CIRCOR Energy 2503 Spring Grove
Fugitive Emissions 27 – 29 November, 945 Bunker Hill, Avenue
Summit China 2018 2018 Suite 650 Cincinnati, OH 45214
19 - 20 September 2018 Düsseldorf, Houston, USA
www.australianpipelinevalve. in Shanghai, China Germany TX 77024 tel: +1-513-852-2000 Exhibition Information: Exhibition Information: USA fax:+1-513-852-2997
Mr. Alexander van Holten Mr. Gerrit Nawracala tel: +1-800-654-4842 [email protected]
(continued above➚) (continued above➚) (continued above➚)
Valve World 2018 Conference & Exhibition, 27th – 29th November, 2018, Messe Düsseldorf,
Southern California (Continued) SEALING SYSTEMS (Continued)
Valve Technical S.r.l. GFD-Gesellschaft
3521 FM 646 Rd. Technical S.r.l. AW Chesterton Co für Dichtungstechnik
North Santa Fe, since 1973 focused in 860 Salem Street, mbH
TX 77573 Pressure Safety Valves Building A fax:+49 7135 9511-11
USA for Oil & Gas and Groveland, [email protected]
tel :+1-281-482-4728 Industrial MA 01834
fax:+1-281-482-9728 applications. USA
[email protected] tel: +1-978-469-6446 Varisco & C. Srl PRESSURE fax:+1-978-469-6785 Piazza di Mauro 6A
API 6A, API 6D, SEALS [email protected] I-96010
ISO 9001 Ball, Priolo Gargallo (SR)
Gate, Plug, Powell Valves
Australian Pipeline Check and The Wm. Powell
SEALS tel: +39 0931 760945
Valve Globe Valves. Company
fax:+39 0931 760777
70-78 Stanbel Road, Sizes: 1/4” thru 80” 2503 Spring Grove
Carrara Sealing Global [email protected]
Salisbury Plain, Class: 150# Avenue
SA 5109 thru 2500# Cincinnati,
Via Provinciale 1E
Australia OH 45214
25030 Adro
fax:+61 8 8285 0088 ACTUATORS tel: +1-513-852-2000 VALVES
tel: +39-03-0745-1121
admin@australian fax:+1-513-852-2997
fax:+39-03-0745-1130 Emerson Actuation quotes@powellvalves. MRC Global
[email protected]
www.australianpipeline Technologies com Global Headquarters
VALVE WORLD BUYERS’GUIDE+ONLINE • MARCH 2018 19200 Northwest tel: +1-877-294-7574
API 622 packing
www.globalsupplyline. Freeway [email protected]
API 641 packing Houston,
Seats for ball valves
Pressure Balanced TX 77065
Flange Gaskets
Lubricated Firesafe USA STEAM
PTFE Sealants
Certified Plug EQUIPMENT
Valves Short lead info.crossridge@
time manufacturer. Fluorten srl Valsteam ADCA
Also keep large Via Cercone, Engineering S.A.
stock range 150 to Metso Flow 34 I-24060 Castelli Zona Industrial
2500LB. Control Oy. Calepio (BG) da Guia,
Also Valvitalia in Vanha Porvoontie 229 Italy Lote 14a, Brejo
stock P.O. Box 304 tel: +39-0354425115 3105-467 Guia -
FI-01301 fax:+39-035848496 Pombal
Vantaa fluorten@fluorten.
Crane ChemPharma & FABRICATION tel: +351-236-959-060
Finland com
Energy, Xomox® tel: +358-20-483-150 fax:+351-236-952-950
Lovere Bilbao I., [email protected]
A BUSINESS OF fax:+358-20-483-151 S.L.
CRANE CO. info.automation@metso. Pol.Ugaldeguren, 3
Von-Behring-Str. 15 com OringOne Srl Products for clean
Parcela 20 - Nave 3
D-88131, Via Lago Garda, 3 steam and industrial
E- 48170 Zamudio
Lindau I-24060 gases and fluids
Germany Chiuduno BG application
Rotork Controls Ltd Spain
tel: +49-8382-7020 Italy
Brassmill Lane tel: +34-94-454-51-30
fax:+49-8382-702144 [email protected] STEEL VALVES
Bath, fax:+34-94-454-51-00
[email protected] MANUFACTURER
Avon lovere@
BA1 3JQ Chaoda Valves Co Ltd
United Kingdom Slib Italy Jiangbei Street,
tel: +44-1225-733-200 Steel and stainless via Marconi 142/144
FluoroSeal Inc. Oubei Town,
fax:+44-1225-333-467 steel stockholders I-24060 Castelli
1875 46e Avenue Yongjia County,
[email protected] Round bars and Calepio (BG)
Montréal, Zhejiang Province, blocks (25 t max) Italy
QC H8T 2N8 325105 Wenzhou
Canada tel: +39-035-4425511 China
tel: +1-514-739-0220 PRESSURE SAFETY RUBBER fax:+39-035-4425478 tel: +86-577-67319952
fax:+1-514-739-5452 VALVES DIAPHRAGMS [email protected] fax:+86-577-67982118
sales@fluorosealvalves. wan@chinavalve.
com Technical S.r.l. com
www.fluorosealvalves. Via Toscana 9 www.chinavalve.
com I-20060 GFD-Gesellschaft com
Vignate (Mi) für Dichtungstechnik The professional
Italy mbH manufacturer
MRC Global tel: +39-02-953-612-40 Hofwiesenstr. 7 of industrial
Global Headquarters fax:+39-02-956-0273 D-74336 Brackenheim gate valve,
tel: +1-877-294-7574 [email protected] Germany check valve,
[email protected] tel: +49 7135 9511-0 globe valve (continued above➚) (continued above➚) and ball valve.
Poland: +48-33-842-1968
Shanghai: +86-2163365656
Continued overleaf
For more&information:
VALVE WORLD 2014 CONFERENCE EXHIBITION 2e-mail: [email protected]
Valve World
Application Guide
March 2018
r ti
All these companies are
listed in the Buyers’ Guide
and in the Phone Directory
Afcon Ningjin Yahua
Industries Co., Ltd.
AW Chesterton Co
Changzhou Heighten
Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.
Control Seal B. V.
CTS Valves
DAC Technologies BV
FBV Inc.,
Goodwin International
MRC Global
Continued overleaf
All these companies are
listed in the Buyers’ Guide
and in the Phone Directory
Soosung Valve - Korea
STI S.r.l.
Technical S.r.l.
Trumbull Industries
Velan Inc
Vinco Valves SA