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Audac: User Manual & Installation Guide

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LCR Meter

LCR Meter LCR700

User Manual & Installation Guide


User Manual & Installation Guide

[email protected]
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

ENVIRONMENT ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

SAFETY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

OVERVIEW PANEL................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7

SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

CAPITANCE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

INDUCTANCE .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

IMPEDANCE .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

GETTING STARTED ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

1. AUTO POWER-DOWN ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

2. FREQUENCY SELECT ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

3. PARALLEL/SERIES MODE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

4. RANGE BUTTON ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

5. L/R/C FUNCTION BUTTON (ONLY MAIN DISPLAY) .......................................................................................................................................... 14

6. Q/D/R FUNCTION BUTTON (ONLY SECOND DISPLAY) ................................................................................................................................... 14

7. HOLD > 2SEC ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14

8.MIN/MAX BUTTON ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

9. SET ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15

10. REL RELATIVE MODE (ONLY MAIN DISPLAY) ............................................................................................................................................... 16

11. HI/LO LIMITS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

12. TOL ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RS-232 COMMAND TABLE ..................................................................................................................................... 18

PERSONAL NOTES .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22


Dear customer,

With the LRC Meter you have acquired a high-quality and state-of-the-art measurement appliance.

The device is essential to sound engineers because of its many possibilities. Users can carry out measurements

for induction, capacitance and impedance. During this action you can get a read-out on the D factor

(dissipation factor) on a second display. All measurements can be carried out on two different frequencies: 120

and 1.000 Hz. This allows a measurement of great accuracy.

The LCR700 has an Auto-Power OFF function, which helps conserve the lifespan of the battery, and a fuse

detection function to inform that a fuse is open or damaged. The use of a DC adapter can also serve to disable

the Auto Power OFF function. The RS232 port enables you to communicate with a computer.



Do not place the unit in environments which contain high levels of dust, heat, moisture or vibration.

Do not use the unit near water or other liquids. Make sure no water or other liquids can be spilled,
dripped or splashed on the unit.

This unit is developed for indoor use only. Do not use it outdoors.

Do not place objects on top of the unit.

Place the unit on a stable base.

Safety Requirements

(Read the safety requirements before using the meter)


Before taking any measurements, please isolate the DUT from the power supply.

You should remove the test leads from the meter before replacing the batteries in order to avoid an electric
shock. Make sure the circuit switch is disconnected before taking any measurements.

Do not use the meter if test leads look damaged. Please check regularly.


When you can’t turn on the meter…

1. When you have turned off the meter a few seconds ago, it is perfectly normal. Please wait a moment to turn
it on again.

2. When you can’t operate the meter properly, please turn it off and restart later.

3. When the segments are fading away gradually, please wait 10 seconds to restart the meter.

4. When you can’t turn on the meter normally, please press the power key for 10 seconds and the meter will


General information

Display L\C\R-4 ½ digits, max. reading of 19999.

Q\D\R-4 digits, max.. reading of 9999 (Auto
Measurement parameters Ls + (Q, D, Rs), Lp + (Q, D, Rp).
Cs + (Q, D, Rs), Cp + (Q, D, Rp).
Basic accuracy 0.5% for Impedance
0.7% for Inductance, Capacitance
Measuring range control Auto & manual
Overload indication “OL” display.
Test frequency 1KHz & 120 Hz
Low battery indication The indicator is displayed when the battery
voltage drops below the operating level and it
cancels all the memorized values to store into
EEPROM (included SET values).
Measurement speed once per second, nominal.
Operating environment 0°C to 50 °C at < 80% RH..
Storage environment -20°C to 60°C at 0 to 80% RH. With battery
removed from meter.
Power Single standard 9 Volt battery (NEDA 1604,
IEC 6F22 006P)
External power Adaptor 12 Volt min to 15 Volt max/50mA
Auto power Auto power of if unused for 10 minutes
FUSE warning Indicates when a fuse is open of damaged.
Protective Fuse 0.1 A fast-blow 250V AC.
Dimensions 19.2 cm (Height), 9.1 cm (width), and 5.25 cm
Weights 365g (battery and holster included).
Accessories A pair of test leads, instruction manual, Software,
Optical data cable (9V battery and spare fuse in the

Overview panel

APO Auto power off R Parallel or Series Resistance

RS232 Communication indicator indicator
R Recording mode indicator % Tolerance indicator (percentage)
MAX Maximum reading indicator 1 KHz Frequency indicator
MIN Minimum reading indicator 120 Hz Frequency indicator
AVG Average reading indicator LRC L, C or R function indicator
AUTO Autoranging indicator  High limit and tolerance indicator
H Data hold indicator  Low limit and tolerance indicator
SET Set mode indicator Low battery indicator
 Relative mode indicator Beep tone indicator for tolerance
TOL Tolerance mode indicator mode
PAL Parallel mode indicator MKΩ Impedance (Ohm) indicator
SER Series mode indicator umH Inductance (Henry) indicator
D Dissipation factor indicator munpF Capacitance (Farad) indicator
Q Quality factor indicator




Test Frequency 120 Hz

Range Min. Max. Cx DF Note

20mF 1µF 10.000mF +/- (5.0%rdg + +/- (10%rdg + After short cal.
5counts) 100/Cx + 5counts)
DF<0.1 DF< 0.1

2000µF 100nF 1999.9µ +/- (1.0%rdg + 5 +/- (2.0%rdg + After short cal.
counts) 100/Cx + 5counts)
DF<0.1 DF<0.1

200µF 10nF 199.99µF +/- (0.7%rdg + 3 +/- (0.7%rdg + -

counts) DF<0.5 100/Cx + 5 counts)

20µF 1nF 19.999µF +/- (0.7%rdg + +/- (0.7%rdg + -

3counts) DF<0.5 100/Cx + 5counts)

2000nF 100pF 1999.9nF +/- (0.7%rdg +3counts) +/- (0.7%rdg + -

DF<0.5 100/Cx + 5counts)

200nF 10 pF 199.99nF +/- (0.7%rdg + 5 +/- (0.7%rdg + After open cal.

counts) DF<0.5 100/Cx + 5counts)

20nF 1pF 19.999nF +/- (1.0%rdg + +/- (2.0%rdg + After open cal.
5counts) DF<0.1 100/Cx + 5 counts)

Test Frequency 1 KHz
Range Min. Max. Cx DF Note

2000µF 100nF 1000.0µF +/- (5.0%rdg + 5counts) +/- (10%rdg + 100/Cx + 5 After short
DF<0.1 counts) DF<0.1 cal.

200µF 10nF 199.99µF +/- (1.0%rdg+ 3counts) +/- (2.0%rdg + 100/Cx After short
DF<0.5 +5counts) DF<0.5 cal.

20µF 1nF 19.999µF +/- (0.7%rdg +3counts) +/- (0.7%rdg + 100/Cx + -

DF<0.5 5counts) DF<0.5

2000nF 100pF 1999.9nF +/- (0.7%rdg +3counts) +/- (0.7%rdg + 100/Cx + -

DF<0.5) 5counts) DF<0.5

200nF 10pF 199.99nF +/- (0.7%rdg +5counts) +/- (0.7%rdg + 100/Cx + -

DF<0.1 5counts) DF<0.5

20nF 1pF 19.999nF +/- (0.7%rdg + 100/Cx +/- (0.7%rdg + 100/Cx + After open
+5counts) DF<0.1 5counts) DF<0.1 cal.

2000pF 0.1pF 1999.9pF +/- (1.0% rdg+5counts) +/- (2.0%rdg+ 100/Cx + After open
5counts) DF<0.1 cal.


Test Frequency 120Hz

Range Min. Max. Lx (DF<0.5) DF (DF<0.5) Note

20000H 1H 10000H Not specified Not specified -

2000H 100mH 1999.9H +/- (1.0%rdg + Lx/10000 +/- (2.0%rdg + 100/Lx After open
+5counts) +5counts) cal.

200H 10mH 199.99H +/- (0.7%rdg + Lx/10000 + +/- (1.2%rdg + 100/Lx -

5counts) +5counts)

20H 1mH 19.999H +/- (0.7%rdg + Lx/10000 + +/- (1.2%rdg + 100/Lx -

5counts) +5counts)

2000mH 100µH 1999.9mH +/- (0.7%rdg + Lx/10000 + +/- (1.2%rdg + 100/Lx -

5counts) +5counts)

200mH 10µH 199.99mH +/- (1.0%rdg + Lx/10000 + +/- (3.0%rdg + 100/Lx After short
5counts) +5counts) cal.

20mH 1µH 19.999mH +/- (2.0%rdg + Lx/10000 + +/- (10%rdg + 100/Lx After short
5counts) +5counts) cal.

Test Frequency 1KHz
Range Min. Max. Lx (DF<0.5) DF (DF<0.5) Note

2000H 100mH 1000.0H Not specified Not specified -

200H 10mH 199.99H +/- (1.0% rdg + +/- (1.2%rdg + 100/Lx After
Lx/10000+5counts) + 5counts) open cal.

20H 1mH 19.999H +/- (0.7% rdg + +/- (1.2%rdg + 100/Lx -

Lx/10000+5counts) + 5counts)

2000mH 100µH 1999.9mH +/- (0.7% rdg + +/- (1.2%rdg + 100/Lx -

Lx/10000+5counts) + 5counts)

200mH 10µH 199.99mH +/- (0.7% rdg + +/- (1.2%rdg + 100/Lx -

Lx/10000+5counts) + 5counts)

20mH 1µH 19.999mH +/- (1.2% rdg + +/- (5.0%rdg + 100/Lx After
Lx/10000+5counts) + 5counts) short cal.

2000µH 0.1µH 1999.µH +/- (2.0% rdg + +/- (10% rdg + 100/Lx After
Lx/10000+5counts) + 5counts) shore cal.


Range Min. Max. Test Freq. 120 Hz Test Freq. 1 kHz Note

10MΩ 1kΩ 10.000MΩ +/- (2.0%rdg + +/- (2.0%rdg + After open cal.
8counts) 8counts)

2MΩ 100Ω 1.9999MΩ +/- (0.5%rdg + +/- (0.5%rdg + After open cal.
5counts) 5counts)

200kΩ 10Ω 199.99kΩ +/- (0.5%rdg + +/- (0.5%rdg + -

3counts) 3counts)

20kΩ 1Ω 19.9 +/- (0.5%rdg + +/- (0.5%rdg + -

99kΩ 3counts) 3counts)

2kΩ 100mΩ 1.9999kΩ +/- 0.5%rdg + +/- (0.5%rdg + -

3counts) 3counts)

200Ω 10mΩ 199.99Ω +/- (0.8%rdg + +/- (0.8%rdg + After short cal.
5counts) 5counts)

20Ω 1mΩ 19.999Ω +/- (1.2%rdg + +/- (1.2%rdg + After short cal.
8counts) 8counts)


1. Q value is the reciprocal of DF

2. The specification is based on the testing sockets (clips) performed on the meter.
3. L(C) x indicates the readings of inductance (capacitance) on the display.
E.g. inductance (capacitance) = 18.888 H (F) then L(C) x=18888.


Getting started

1. Auto Power-down
If unused for about 10 minutes, the meter will power-down automatically. Press the button to resume the
power-on mode. When the power is down, press the button to turn on the meter. The meter will return to
its last operation before the power was turned off. In the MIN-MAX record mode, the RS-232 communication
mode or while using the DC power-adaptor function, the auto-power down function is disabled automatically.

Continuous Measurement

In the power down mode, push the button 2 seconds until the APO OFF indicator appears. It will put the
meter into the continuous measurement mode.

Power switch

The button turns the meter on or off.

2. Frequency select

Set the “FREQ” button switch to 120 Hz or 1 KHz according to the specimen that is to be tested. Generally,
the electrolytic capacitor is set to 120 Hz. Others are set to 1 kHz in general.

3. Parallel/Series Mode

Press the “PAL SER” key to select either parallel (PAL) or series (SER) equivalent circuit. Generally, high
impedances are measured in the parallel mode and low impedances are measured in the series mode.

4. Range Button

Press the (RANGE) key to select the Manual Range mode and to turn off the “AUTO” indicator. Every time
you press the(RANGE) button, the measuring range will be increased by the power of ten, visible in the
decimal point moving to the right and in the measuring unit changing. To exit the Manual Range mode and
return to autoranging, press the (RANGE) button for 2 seconds. The “AUTO” indicator turns back on.

5. L/C/R Function Button (only Main display)

The L/C/R key switches the measurement parameters in sequence L – C – R – L …. This is indicated on the
LCD. When the meter is turned on, it is set to the measurement parameter that was used last before the meter
was turned off.

6. Q/D/R Function Button (only Second display)

The Q/D/R key switches the measurement parameter in sequence Q – D – R – Q … This is indicated on the
LCD. When the meter is turned on, it is set to the measurement parameter that was used last before the meter
was turned off.

7. HOLD. >2sec.

Press the “HOLD” key to enter the data hold mode, the “HOLD” indicator is displayed. When the Hold
mode is selected, the last readings will “freeze” in the display. Press “HOLD” for 2 seconds to start the
backlight function, press this key for 2 seconds to exit the backlit function or wait 1 minute for it to
automatically disable.

8. Min/Max button

Press “Min/Max” to enter the Min/Max/Avg mode. The meter will begin recording the minimum, maximum
and average measured values. When this mode is entered, the auto power off and the function keys are
disabled. After the first 6 measurements there will be an acoustic signal (beep) . When a new Max or Min value
is recorded, there will be a signal (beep – beep). If you want to read the recorded MIN and MAX values, the
difference between MAX and MIN values, and the average value AVG, you must press the button “MIN
MAX” alternately. The Average Value’s display, displays the true average value. It can save up to 3000 values.
The “Avg” indicator will flash when recording times reach 2991 to 3000 times. If the 3000 limit is exceeded, the
Avg indicator stops recording and no further averaging will take place. The Max/Min values will continue to
update. Under the Max/Min function, press “HOLD” key to stop recording temporarily and to store the
former recording values. Press “HOLD” again to continue recording.
You should press the Max/Min function for 2 seconds to stop the Max/Min function and delete the

9. SET

1. The “SET” function can only be activated if no other function is active.

2. Press “SET” to enter the SET mode, and change to manual range mode automatically.

3. While in the SET function, the main display is cleared, the second display shows “SET” indicators. The LCD
shows the following flashing indicators: ,TOL,and. The 5 keys that are now active are: “Power”,
“SET”, “REL”, “Hi/Lo” and “TOL” .

4. OPEN, SHORT calibration:

For the open calibration, pres the “SET” button once. In the large digital display, “OPEN” appears, in the
small digital display “CAL” appears. Press the “PAL SER” button for confirmation (ENTER). If the
calibration was successful, the measuring instrument would leave the set mode immediately and return to the
normal mode. For the short calibration, short circuit the measuring leads and press the “SET” button twice.
The large display will show “SHrt”, in the small display, “CAL” will be displayed. Press the “PAL SER” button
for confirmation. After a relatively short time, the frequency display will change from 1 kHz to 120 Hz. After a
successful calibration, the measuring instrument would leave the set mode immediately and will return to
normal mode. If “out” appears in the small display and “UAL” in the large display, the calibration was not

5. Hi/Lo Limits setting:

For setting a high and low limit (Hi) and (Lo), press the “RANGE” button before you enter the set mode to set
the desired measuring range for the high and low limit. Then press the “SET” button to reach the set mode and
then the "Hi/Lo" button. The arrow symbol “” will flash, and on its right 4 1/2 digits for setting the value.
When the half digit flashes, only the numbers “1” or “0” (=blank) can be set. For the other four digits, the
numbers from 0 to 9 are possible. After entering the number, the next digit will flash. When the setting of the
high limit is done, press the “ENTER” button (PAL SER) to confirm the lower limit. (Arrow symbol ““).
Proceed in the same way as for setting the high limit. Make sure that the set value is below the upper limit,
otherwise “Err” for error will be displayed and the measuring instrument will switch to the upper limit. When
the setting of the lower limit is done, press the "ENTER” button for confirmation and the LCR meter will
return to the normal mode automatically.

6. TOL Hi/Lo Limits setting:

Press the “RANGE” button to select the desired range. Press the “SET” button to enter the set mode and then
the “TOL” button. The “TOL” symbol above the large display will flash and beneath it, the left digit of the 4
1/2 digits will flash also for setting the value. This value will be needed for measuring tolerance (described in
detail below) without tolerance standards (in [%]). When the setting is done, press the “ENTER” button (PAL
SER). The arrow symbol “” and on its right the 4 ½ digits will flash for setting the value. When the half digit
flashes, only the numbers “1” or “0” (=blank) can be set. For the other four digits, the numbers from 0 to 9 are
possible. After entering the number, the next digit will flash. When the setting of the high limit is done, press
the "ENTER" button (PAL SER) to confirm the lower limit. (Arrow symbol ““). Proceed in the same way
as for setting the high limit. Make sure that the set value is below the upper limit, otherwise “Err” for error will
be displayed and the measuring instrument will switch to the upper limit. When the setting of the lower limit is
done, press the “ENTER” button for confirmation and the meter will return to the normal mode

7. REL setting:
Press the “RANGE” button to select the desired range. Press the “SET” button to enter the set mode and then
the “REL” button. The “” symbol and the left digit of the 4 ½ digits will now flash for setting a reference
value. After entering a number the next digit will flash. When the reference value is set, press “ENTER” to
return to the normal mode.

10. REL Relative mode (only Main display)

Press the “REL” key to enter the Relative mode. The displayed reading is stored as a reference value and the
display will indicate zero or a value close to zero (since the measured value and the reference value are the same
at this point). Indicator “” is displayed. Press the “REL” key again to exit the Relative mode.

For example: the displayed reading is 100.0, then press REL to store as a reference value and the display
indicates zero. If you have set 100.0 as a reference value and if the input signal is 99.5, the relative mode will be
-0.5. (99.5-100.0).

11. Hi/Lo Limits

Press “Hi/Lo LIMITS” to enter the “Hi/Lo LIMITS” mode, and change to manual range mode. The original
“Hi/Lo LIMITS” values and indicators “” and “”appear individually and at the same time. When the
input exceeds Hi Limit, the “” indicator is blinking and emits a continuous tone. When the input is lower
than the Lo Limit, the “” indicator is blinking and a beep tone is heard. Press “Hi/Lo LIMITS” again to exit
this mode. In addition, the meter ignores and does not record if an overload (“OL”) situation occurs in the
comparative processes or in the capacitance range <=50 counts.

12. TOL

Press “TOL” to enter the tolerance mode, and change to manual range mode automatically. The original preset
standard value and the “TOL” indicator appear individually and at the same time. When you enter the TOL
mode, the Main display indicates the reference value and the second display indicates the tolerance value.
There are 4 preset values in the TOL mode: just press TOL again to step through 1 %, 5 %, 10 % and 20%.
The meter will emit an audible tone and blink the upper “”or lower “”indicator if the measured value is
outside the limits. Standard values can be set by the “SET” function. In addition, the meter ignores and does
not record if an overload (“OL”) situation occurs in the comparative processes or in the capacitance range <=
50 counts. Press “TOL” for 2 seconds to exit this function.


Warning: Remove test leads before replacing battery or fuses.

Battery replacement

Power is supplied by a 9 volt “transistor” battery. (NEDA 1604, IEC 6 F22. The indicator appears on
the LCD display when replacement is needed. Remove the two screws on the back of the meter and lift
off the battery case. Remove the battery from battery contacts.

Fuse Replacement

The LCD displays the symbol “FUSE” and an audible beep will sound. Replace the fuse only with the
original type 100mA/250V, fast acting fuse.


Wipe the case with a damp cloth and detergent. Repeat regularly. Do not use abrasives or solvents.


Additional information RS-232 Command Table

Use IR as the interface of Data transmission and use an external computer to start RS-232 functions.

RS-232 Interface Parameters:

Baud rate: 1200

Parity check: EVEN
Data buts: 7
Stop bits: 1
(1) Setup Selections

a. Command S: Meter will enter the Setup mode and return “SETUP READY..x”.
(x:firmware version)
b. Command
Main functions change
(L/C/R): L, C or R test function
(Q/D/R): Q, D or R
(P/S): P-PAL / S-SER
(A/B): A - 1 KHz / B-120 Hz
(A/M): A - AUTO / M – Manual
(0-6): Manual range
c. Command [A-AAAAA]: Default change

S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A [ U +/- 1 9 9 9 9 ]

Start Data Setting Value Stop

Code Format code

[U+/-19999]: REL SET setting value
[V+/-19999]: Limits Hi setting value
[W+/-19999]: Limits Lo setting value
[X+/-19999]: TOL SET setting value
[Y+/-19999]: TOL SET Hi setting value
[Z+/-19999]: TOL SET Lo setting value

d. Command [BXXXXXX]: Exit the SETUP mode

(2) Read Data

Command N: Read Meter current data and status.
Data format: There are 39 ASCII code.

1. L/C/R
2. Q/D/R
3. A(1KHz) / B(120Hz)
4. P(PAL) / S(SER)
5. A(AUTO) / M(MENU)
6. 0/1: Main Display MSD, 8: while changing range, 9: OL
7. 6-10: Main Display Data
10. LSD
11. Main Display Range
12. MSD
13. 12-15: Second Display Data
15. LSD
16. Second Display Range, 9: OL
17. Sequence 0-9 cycling
18. MSD
19. 18-21: D value
21. LSD
22. Range for D value, 9: OL
23. MSD
24. 23-26: Q value
26. LSD
27. Range for Q value, 9: OL
28. S(SET) / _(normal)
29. F(FUSE)/_(normal)
30. H(HOLD) /_(normal)

31. R(Present value) / M(Maximum value) / I(Minimum value) / X(Max-Min value) / A(Average

value) / _(normal)
32. R(REL) / S(REL SET) / _(normal)
33. L(LIMITS) / _(normal)
34. T(TOL) / S(TOL SET) / _(normal)
35. B(Backlight) / _(normal)
36. A(Adapter insert) / _(normal)
37. B(Low Battery) / _normal
38. CR (ASCII : 0DH)
39. nl (LF) (ASCII: 0AH)

(3) RS-232 Output Chart for Main Display

Range Rs R L Rs C

1KHz/120Hz 1 KHz 120 Hz 1KHz 120 Hz

0 100Ω 20.000Ω 2000.0µH 20.000mH 100KΩ 2000.0pF 20.000nF

1 100Ω 200.00Ω 20.000mH 200.00mH 100KΩ 20.000nF 200.00nF

2 100Ω 2000.0Ω 200.00mH 2000.0mH 10KΩ 200.00nF 2000.0nF

3 1KΩ 20.000KΩ 2000.0mH 20.000H 1KΩ 2000.0nF 20.000µF

4 10KΩ 200.00KΩ 20.000H 200.00H 100Ω 20.000µF 200.00µF

5 100KΩ 2000.0KΩ 200.00H 2000.0H 100Ω 200.00µF 2000.0µF

6 100KΩ 10.000MΩ 1000.0H 10000H 100Ω 2000.0µF 20.000mF

(4) RS-232 Output Chart for Second Display

Range Q/D R R R
(Rs=100Ω) (Rs=1KΩ, 10KΩ) (Rs=100KΩ)

1 999.9 99.99Ω 99.99Ω X

2 99.99 999.9Ω 999.9Ω 999.9Ω

3 9.999 9.999KΩ 9.999KΩ 9.999KΩ

4 9999 99.99KΩ 99.99KΩ 99.99KΩ

5 X X 999.9KΩ 999.9KΩ


Rp = Rs (1+Q²)
Cp= Cs [1/(1+D²)

Cs= Cp (1+D²)
Lp = Ls [1+(1/Q²)]
Ls = Lp [Q²/(1+Q²)]

Personal notes


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