Application Checklist: Staffing For Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER)

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Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (AFG)

Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency

Response (SAFER)

Application Checklist

If you are planning to apply to the SAFER Grant program, completing this checklist will help you prepare your SAFER Grant
application. Collecting this information beforehand will reduce the time and energy needed to complete your application
when the next grant cycle opens.

I. Registration Status

Is your System for Award Management (SAM) registration current? £ Yes £ No
• Applicant registration in the System for Award Management (SAM) is free! To register, please visit

• SAM registration is only active for one year and must be renewed annually. Please enter the date your SAM
registration expires: ___________

• If your organization’s registration is expired or inactive, do not call AFG. You must get the registration reset by
calling the Federal Service Help Desk managed by the General Services Administration (GSA) at (866) 606-8220.

• Please ensure your organization’s name, address, DUNS number, and EIN are up to date in SAM and that the
DUNS number in SAM is the same one used to apply for all FEMA grants.

• Your organization’s name in must also match the organization name provided on the 1199a. Payments
are contingent on the information provided in SAM; therefore, it is imperative the information is correct.
II. Department Characteristics I
Note: National, state, local, or tribal organizations that represent the interests of volunteer firefighters will not
have to complete this section.
Square mileage of first-due response area? sq mi
Percentage of first-due area covered by hydrants? %
Critical infrastructure protected? £ Yes* £ No
*If yes, you will be asked to describe.
Percentage of land used for:
a. Agriculture, wild land, open spaces, or undeveloped properties %
b. Commercial/Industrial %
c. Residential %
Permanent resident population of first-due response area?
Seasonal increase in population? £ Yes* £ No
*If yes, what is the increase?
What service(s) does your organization provide? Please check all that apply.
£ Airport Rescue Firefighting (ARFF) £ Formal/Year-Round Fire Prevention Program
£ Advanced Life Support £ Maritime Operations/Firefighting
£ Basic Life Support £ Occasional Fire Prevention
£ Community Paramedic £ Rescue Operational Level
£ Emergency Medical Responder £ Rescue Technical Level Program
£ Haz-Mat Operational Level £ Structural Fire Suppression
£ Haz-Mat Technical Level £ Wildland Fire Suppression
III. Staffing Levels
Total # of # of # NFPA
Operational Operational Support
Career Officers
Staffing levels at the start of the application period (February 9, 2015):
Staffing levels at one year prior to the start of the application period:
Staffing levels at two years prior to the start of the application period:
If awarded this grant, what will the staffing levels be for your department: (whole
numbers only)?
You will be asked to provide details on the department’s existing staffing model (e.g., number of shifts, number of
positions per shift, contracted work hours, etc.).
Does your department utilize any or all of the following types of firefighters? £ Yes* £ No
• Part-time paid firefighters, *If yes, you will be asked to provide details on
• Reserve firefighters, how they are utilized within your department,
the number of firefighters that fill these
• Relief firefighters. positions, how they are scheduled to meet
your staffing needs, and, if applicable, the
number of full-time NFPA compliant positions
they occupy.
IV. Applicant Characteristics II
Note: National, state, local, or tribal organizations that represent the interests of volunteer firefighters will not
have to complete this section.
2014 2013 2012

The number of fire-related civilian fatalities in your first-due jurisdiction for each of
the past three calendar years:
The number of fire-related civilian injuries in your first-due jurisdiction for each of
the past three calendar years:
The number of line of duty member fatalities in your jurisdiction for each of the past
three calendar years:
The number of on-duty member injuries in your jurisdiction for each of the past
three calendar years:
Your department’s operating budget (e.g., personnel, maintenance of apparatus,
equipment, and facilities; utility costs; purchasing expendable items, etc.) for the
current (at time of application) fiscal year:
x x
Your department’s operating budget (e.g., personnel, maintenance of apparatus,
equipment, and facilities; utility costs; purchasing expendable items, etc.) for the
previous three fiscal years:
The percentage of your operating budget dedicated to personnel costs?
(whole percentages):
Does your department have any rainy day funds, rainy day reserves, or £ Yes* £ No
emergency funds? *If yes, what is the amount currently set
The percentage of your annual operating budget derived from (whole percentages that must add up to 100%)
Taxes % Use this information, as well
Bond Issues % as the information above,
in your financial narrative.
EMS billing % It is important that your
Grants % application remain consistent
throughout. When breaking
Donations % down the budget, be sure
to account for all funding
Fund Drives %
received. Budget breakdown
Fee for service % should account for 100%
of budget.
Other %
V. Vehicle Inventory
In each of the types or classes of vehicle listed below, please indicate the appropriate number of frontline
vehicles your organization has that respond to first alarm assignments in support of NFPA 1710/1720. If you have
multiple vehicles of the same type which have a different number of riding positions, please use the “average”
number and provide additional information in the text box provided in the application.
Front Line Available Filled Riding
Vehicles Positions Positions
per Front per Front
Line Vehicle Line Vehicle
per First
Engines or Pumpers:
Ambulances for transport and/or emergency response:
Tankers or Tenders:
Aerial Apparatus:
Brush/Quick Attack:
Rescue Vehicles:
Additional Vehicles:
VI. Department Call Volume
Note: National, state, local, or tribal organizations that represent the interests of volunteer firefighters will not
have to complete this section.
Your organization’s first due call volume for your primary response area (for the three years)
2014 2013 2012

Structural Fires
False Alarms/Good Intent Calls
Vehicle Fires
Vegetation Fires
EMS-BLS Response Calls
EMS-ALS Response Calls
EMS-BLS Scheduled Transports
EMS-ALS Scheduled Transports
Community Paramedic Response Calls
Vehicle Accidents w/o Extrication
Vehicle Extrications
Other Rescue
Hazardous Condition/Materials Calls
Service Calls
Other Calls and Incidents
What is the total acreage of all vegetation fires?
Structural Fires
Department mutual aid call volume: How many times did your organization:
Receive mutual aid:
Receive automatic aid:
Provide mutual aid:
Provide automatic aid:
Total Mutual / Automatic Aid Calls Received:
Total Calls Received:
VII. Hiring of Firefighters Category
Which type of position(s) will be requested?
£ Rehiring laid-off firefighters
Were the position(s) laid off in the two years prior to the start of the application period (February 9, 2015)?
£ Yes. You will be required to attach copies of the official, £ No. You are not eligible to apply under the Rehiring
signed, and issued layoff notices that correspond to the subcategory
number of positions requested in the application. What
was the date of the layoff? __________________
£ Retaining firefighters who have received official notice of layoff action
Were layoff notices issued prior to the start of the application period (February 9, 2015) with effective dates no later than
July 4, 2015?
£ Yes. You will be required to attach copies of the official, £ No. If your department has not issued layoff notices
signed, and issued layoff notices that correspond to the prior to the start of the application period or the layoffs
number of positions requested in the application. will not become effective on or before July 4, 2015,
please contact the Help Desk at (866) 274-0960 to
What is the scheduled date of layoff? ______________ discuss your options.
£ Filling positions that have been lost due to attrition (retirement, voluntary separation, termination)
Were the position(s) vacated in the two years prior to the start of the application period (February 9, 2015)?
£ Yes. £ No. You are not eligible to apply under the attrition
£ Hiring new firefighters
What NFPA Standard (1710 or 1720) is your department attempting to meet?
£ 1710 with aerial £ 1720 - Suburban
£ 1710 without aerial £ 1720 - Rural
£ 1720 - Urban £ 1720 - Remote
Given your current staffing levels and without using overtime to fill vacant positions, how often does your department meet
the NFPA assembly requirements indicated above?
Note: Does your department utilize overtime to fill positions to ensure you are meeting applicable NFPA staffing and
deployment standards? £ Yes* £ No

*If yes, when answering this question you should remove the number of position filled by overtime from your calculations.

If you are only applying to retain positions facing layoff, to answer this question you will want to remove the number of positions facing layoff from
your calculations.

£ Never (0%) £ Very Often (60-79%)

£ Rarely (1 – 19%) £ Most of the Time (80-99%)
£ Sometimes (20-39%) £ Always (100%)
£ Half of the Time (40-59%)
If your department is awarded the number of positions requested in your application, how often will you meet the NFPA
assembly requirements?
£ Never (0%) £ Very Often (60-79%)
£ Rarely (1 – 19%) £ Most of the Time (80-99%)
£ Sometimes (20-39%) £ Always (100%)
£ Half of the Time (40-59%)
Given your current staffing levels and without using overtime to fill vacant positions, what is the average actual staffing
level on the first arriving engine company or vehicle capable of initiating suppression activities on the number of structure
fires indicated in the call volume section? ____________________
Note: Does your department utilize overtime to fill positions to ensure you are meeting applicable NFPA staffing and
deployment standards? £ Yes* £ No

*If yes, when answering this question you should remove the number of position filled by overtime from your calculations.

If you are only applying to retain positions facing layoff, to answer this question you will want to remove the number of positions facing layoff from
your calculations.
If your department is awarded the number of positions requested in your application, what will be the average actual
staffing level on the first arriving engine company or vehicle capable of initiating suppression activities on the number of
structure fires indicated in the call volume section? ____________________
You will be asked to provide details on the departments hiring practices and timelines.
Does your department intend to sustain the positions requested in this application £ Yes* £ No
after the completion of the period of performance? *If yes, you be asked to describe how will they
be sustained?
Have you discussed the requirements and long-term obligations of a SAFER grant £ Yes £ No
with your local governing body?

Note: A letter from your governing body stating their commitment to the grant will
be required at time of application or prior to being awarded a grant.
VIII. Recruitment and Retention of Volunteer Firefighters Category – Fire Departments
What is the ideal number of active volunteer firefighters needed by your
department to adequately comply with NFPA 1710 (Section - Initial
Full Alarm Assignment Capability) or NFPA 1720 (Section 4.3 - Staffing and
Deployment) (Note: Include only operational volunteer firefighters; administrative or
EMS only members should not be included)?
What is the total number of current active volunteer firefighters in your department
(Note: Include only operational volunteer firefighters; administrative or EMS only
members should not be included)?
How many active volunteer firefighters joined your department over the last
three years?
How many active volunteer operational firefighters left your department over the
last three years?
Will you periodically evaluate the proposed program‘s impact? £ Yes* £ No
*If yes, you will be asked to describe how will
the evaluation be conducted?
Will your program have a regional impact? £ Yes* £ No
*If yes, you will be asked to indicate the
departments will be participating and how
they will benefit?

*If yes, you will need to ensure that the fire

departments benefits from this application
have not received grants for similar activities/
items, if awarded.
IX. Recruitment and Retention of Volunteer Firefighters Category – National, State, Local, or Tribal Volunteer
Firefighter Interest Organizations
What is the ideal number of active volunteer firefighters needed by your
organization to assist the fire departments, benefiting from this grant application, to
adequately comply with NFPA 1710 (Section - Initial Full Alarm Assignment
Capability) or NFPA 1720 (Section 4.3 - Staffing and Deployment) (Note: This must
be the cumulative total of the number of firefighters needed by all departments
participating in this application. Include only operational volunteer firefighters;
administrative or EMS only members should not be included)?
What is the total number of current active volunteer firefighters within your
organization (Note: This must be the cumulative total of the number of volunteer
firefighters of all departments participating in this application. Include only
operational volunteer firefighters; administrative or EMS only members should not
be included)?
You will be asked to describe the method(s) used to determine the numbers provided above.
Have you discussed this application with those departments? £ Yes £ No
If awarded, you will need to ensure that the
fire departments benefits from this application
have not received grants for similar activities/
Will you periodically evaluate the proposed program‘s impact? £ Yes* £ No
*If yes, you will be asked to describe how will
the evaluation be conducted?

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