3.2.1 Table A: Dangerous Goods List Explanations
3.2.1 Table A: Dangerous Goods List Explanations
3.2.1 Table A: Dangerous Goods List Explanations
Dangerous goods list
3.2.1 Table A: Dangerous Goods List
As a rule, each row of Table A of this Chapter deals with the substance(s) or article(s) covered by a specific
UN number. However, when substances or articles belonging to the same UN number have different che-
mical properties, physical properties and/or carriage conditions, several consecutive rows may be used for
that UN number.
Each column of Table A is dedicated to a specific subject as indicated in the explanatory notes below. The
intersection of columns and rows (cell) contains information concerning the subject treated in that column,
for the substance(s) or article(s) of that row:
– The first four cells identify the substance(s) or article(s) belonging to that row (additional information in
that respect may be given by the special provisions referred to in Column (6);
– The following cells give the applicable special provisions, either in the form of complete information or in
coded form. The codes cross-refer to detailed information that is to be found in the Part, Chapter, Sec-
tion and/or Sub-section indicated in the explanatory notes below. An empty cell means either that there
is no special provision and that only the general requirements apply, or that the carriage restriction indi-
cated in the explanatory notes is in force.
The applicable general requirements are not referred to in the corresponding cells. The explanatory notes
below indicate for every column the Part(s), Chapter(s), Section(s) and/or Sub-section(s) where these are
to be found.
– of the dangerous substance or article if the substance or article has been assigned its
own specific UN number, or
– of the generic or n.o.s. entry to which the dangerous substances or articles not mentioned
by name shall be assigned in accordance with the criteria ("decision trees") of Part 2.
Contains, in upper case characters, the name of the substance or article, if the substance
or article has been assigned its own specific UN number, or of the generic or n.o.s. entry
to which it has been assigned in accordance with the criteria ("decision trees") of Part 2.
This name shall be used as the proper shipping name or, when applicable, as part of the
proper shipping name (see 3.1.2 for further details on the proper shipping name).
A descriptive text in lower case characters is added after the proper shipping name to clar-
ify the scope of the entry if the classification and/or carriage conditions of the substance or
article may be different under certain conditions.
Contains the number of the class, whose heading covers the dangerous substance or arti-
cle. This class number is assigned in accordance with the procedures and criteria of Part
– For dangerous substances or articles of Class 1, the code consists of a division num-
ber and compatibility group letter, which are assigned in accordance with the proce-
dures and criteria of
– For dangerous substances or articles of Class 2, the code consists of a number and
hazardous property group, which are explained in and
– For dangerous substances or articles of Classes 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 8
and 9, the codes are explained in 2.2.x.1.21.
Contains the packing group number(s) (I, II or III) assigned to the dangerous substance.
These packing group numbers are assigned on the basis of the procedures and criteria of
Part 2. Certain articles and substances are not assigned to packing groups.
Contains the model number of the labels/placards (see and that have to be
affixed to packages, containers, tank-containers, portable tanks, MEGCs, tank-wagons,
wagons with demountable tanks, battery-wagons and wagons.
The shunting labels in accordance with models Nos. 13 and 15 (see 5.3.4) indicated in
brackets for some substances shall only be affixed in the following cases:
The general provisions on labelling/placarding (e.g. number of labels, their location) are to
be found in for packages and small containers, and in 5.3.1, for large containers,
tank-containers, MEGCs, portable tanks, tank-wagons, wagons with demountable tanks,
battery-wagons and wagons.
NOTE: Special provisions, indicated in Column (6), may change the above labelling pro-
Contains the numeric codes of special provisions that have to be met. These provisions
concern a wide array of subjects, mainly connected with the contents of Columns (1) to (5)
(e.g. carriage prohibitions, exemptions from requirements, explanations concerning the
classification of certain forms of the dangerous goods concerned and additional labelling
or marking provisions), and are listed in Chapter 3.3 in numerical order. If Column (6) is
empty, no special provisions apply to the contents of Columns (1) to (5) for the dangerous
goods concerned.
– "LQ0" signifies that no exemption from the provisions of RID exists for the dangerous
goods packed in limited quantities;
– All the other alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "LQ" signify that the provi-
sions of RID are not applicable if the conditions indicated in Chapter 3.4 are fulfilled
(general conditions of 3.4.1 and conditions of 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.5 and 3.4.6, as appropri-
ate, for the relevant code).
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letter "P", which refers to packing instructions for
packagings and receptacles (except IBCs and large packagings), or "R", which refers
to packing instructions for light gauge metal packagings. These are listed in in
numerical order, and specify the packagings and receptacles that are authorized. They
also indicate which of the general packing provisions of 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3, and
which of the special packing provisions of 4.1.5, 4.1.6, 4.1.7, 4.1.8 and 4.1.9 have to be
x = the class number of the dangerous substance or article, without dividing point if applicable
met. If Column (8) does not contain a code starting with the letters "P" or "R", the dan-
gerous goods concerned may not be carried in packagings;
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "IBC" refer to packing instructions for
IBCs. These are listed in in numerical order, and specify the IBCs that are au-
thorized. They also indicate which of the general packing provisions of 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and
4.1.3, and which of the special packing provisions of 4.1.5, 4.1.6, 4.1.7, 4.1.8 and 4.1.9
have to be met. If Column (8) does not contain a code starting with the letters "IBC",
the dangerous goods concerned may not be carried in IBCs;
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "LP" refer to packing instructions for large
packagings. These are listed in in numerical order, and specify the large pack-
agings that are authorized. They also indicate which of the general packing provisions
of 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3, and which of the special packing provisions of 4.1.5, 4.1.6,
4.1.7, 4.1.8 and 4.1.9 have to be met. If Column (8) does not contain a code starting
with the letters "LP", the dangerous goods concerned cannot be carried in large pack-
– Alphanumerical codes starting with letters "PR" refer to packing instructions for particu-
lar pressure receptacles. These are listed in in numerical order, and specify the
pressure receptacles that are authorized. They also indicate which of the general pack-
ing provisions of 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3, and which of the special packing provisions of
4.1.5, 4.1.6, 4.1.7, 4.1.8 and 4.1.9 have to be met.
NOTE: Special packing provisions, indicated in Column (9a), may change the above
packing instructions.
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "PP" or "RR" refer to special packing pro-
visions for packagings and receptacles (except IBCs and large packagings) that have
additionally to be met. These are to be found in, at the end of the relevant pack-
ing instruction (with the letter "P" or "R") referred to in Column (8). If Column (9a) does
not contain a code starting with the letters "PP" or "RR", none of the special packing
provisions listed at the end of the relevant packing instruction apply;
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letter "B" or the letters "BB" refer to special pack-
ing provisions for IBCs that have additionally to be met. These are to be found in, at the end of the relevant packing instruction (with the letters "IBC") referred to
in Column (8). If Column (9a) does not contain a code starting with the letter "B" or the
letters "BB", none of the special packing provisions listed at the end of the relevant pa-
cking instruction apply;
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letter "L" refer to special packing provisions for
large packagings that have additionally to be met. These are to be found in, at
the end of the relevant packing instruction (with the letters "LP") referred to in Column
(8). If Column (9a) does not contain a code starting with the letter "L", none of the spe-
cial packing provisions listed at the end of the relevant packing instruction apply.
Contains the alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "MP" of the applicable mixed
packing provisions. These are listed in 4.1.10 in numerical order. If Column (9b) does not
contain a code starting with the letters "MP", only the general requirements apply (see and
The general requirements for the design, construction, equipment, type approval, testing
and marking of portable tanks are to be found in Chapter 6.7. The general requirements
for the use (e.g. filling) are to be found in 4.2.1 to 4.2.4.
The indication of an "(M)" means that the substance may be carried in UN MEGCs.
NOTE: Special provisions, indicated in Column (11), may change the above require-
May also contain alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "BK" referring to types of
bulk containers described in Chapter 6.11 which may be used for the carriage of bulk
goods in accordance with (a) and 7.3.2.
Contains the alphanumeric codes of the portable tank special provisions that have addi-
tionally to be met. These codes, starting with the letters "TP" refer to special provisions for
the construction or use of these portable tanks. They are to be found in
NOTE: If technically relevant, these special provisions are not only applicable to the port-
able tanks specified in column (10), but also to the portable tanks that may be
used according to the table in
Contains an alphanumeric code describing a tank type, in accordance with (for
gases of Class 2) or (for substances of Classes 3 to 9). This tank type corre-
sponds to the least stringent tank provisions that are acceptable for the carriage of the
relevant substance in RID tanks. The codes describing the other permitted tank types are
to be found in (for gases of Class 2) or (for substances of Classes 3 to
9). If no code is given, carriage in RID tanks is not permitted.
If in this column a tank code for solids (S) and for liquids (L) is indicated, this means that
this substance may be offered for carriage in tanks in the solid or the liquid (molten) state.
In general this provision is applicable to substances having melting points from 20 °C to
180 °C.
If for a solid, only a tank code for liquids (L) is indicated in this column, this means that this
substance is only offered for carriage in tanks in the liquid (molten) state.
The general requirements for the construction, equipment, type approval, testing and
marking that are not indicated in the tank code are to be found in 6.8.1, 6.8.2, 6.8.3 and
6.8.5. The general requirements for the use (e.g. maximum degree of filling, minimum test
pressure) are to be found in 4.3.1 to 4.3.4.
The indication of a "(M)" after the tank code means that the substance can also be carried
in battery-wagons or MEGCs.
The indication of a "(+)" after the tank code means that the alternative use of the tanks is
permitted only where this is specified in the certificate of type approval.
For fibre-reinforced plastic tank-containers, see 4.4.1 and Chapter 6.9; for vacuum-
operated waste tanks, see 4.5.1 and Chapter 6.10.
NOTE: Special provisions, indicated in Column (13), may change the above require-
Contains the alphanumeric codes of the special provisions for RID tanks that have addi-
tionally to be met:
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "TU" refer to special provisions for the use
of these tanks. These are to be found in 4.3.5;
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "TC" refer to special provisions for the con-
struction of these tanks. These are to be found in 6.8.4 (a);
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "TE" refer to special provisions concerning the
items of equipment of these tanks. These are to be found in 6.8.4 (b);
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "TA" refer to special provisions for the type
approval of these tanks. These are to be found in 6.8.4 (c);
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "TT" refer to special provisions for the testing
of these tanks. These are to be found in 6.8.4 (d);
– Alphanumeric codes starting with the letters "TM" refer to special provisions for the mark-
ing of these tanks. These are to be found in 6.8.4 (e).
NOTE: If technically relevant, these special provisions are not only applicable to the
tanks specified in column (12), but also to the tanks that may be used according
to the hierarchies in and
Contains a figure indicating the transport category to which the substance or article is as-
signed for the purposes of exemption from transport operations performed by undertakings
in connection with their main business (see (c)).
Contains the alphanumeric code(s), starting with letter "W", of the applicable special provi-
sions (if any) for carriage in packages. These are listed in 7.2.4. General provisions con-
cerning the carriage in packages are to be found in Chapters 7.1 and 7.2.
Contains the alphanumeric code(s), starting with letters "VW", of the applicable special
provisions for carriage in bulk. These are listed in 7.3.3. If no code is given, carriage in
bulk is not permitted. General Provisions concerning the carriage in bulk are to be found in
Chapters 7.1 and 7.3.
Contains the alphanumeric code(s), starting with letters "CW", of the applicable special
provisions for loading, unloading and handling. These are listed in 7.5.11. If no code is
given, only the general provisions apply (see 7.5.1 to 7.5.4 and 7.5.8).
Contains alphanumeric codes beginning with the letters "CE" for the requirements applica-
ble to forwarding as Colis Express (express goods). These requirements are given in
Chapter 7.6. When column 19 does not contain a code, forwarding as Colis Express (ex-
press goods) is not permitted.
Contains a two or three figure number (preceded in certain cases by the letter "X") for sub-
stances and articles of classes 2 to 9, and for substances and articles of Class 1, the clas-
sification code (see column (3b)). In the cases described in, this number shall ap-
pear in the upper half of the orange-coloured marking. The meaning of the hazard identifi-
cation numbers is explained in