An Efficient Cross-Layer Reliable Retransmission Scheme For The Human Body Shadowing in IEEE 802.15.6-Based Wireless Body Area Networks
An Efficient Cross-Layer Reliable Retransmission Scheme For The Human Body Shadowing in IEEE 802.15.6-Based Wireless Body Area Networks
An Efficient Cross-Layer Reliable Retransmission Scheme For The Human Body Shadowing in IEEE 802.15.6-Based Wireless Body Area Networks
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2523461, IEEE Sensors
Abstract—In recent years, a number of middle-aged and a short period and need long-term hospitalization. As a re-
elderly people with chronic diseases are increasing. In addition, sult, using wireless body sensor networks (WBSNs) for self-
patients with chronic diseases do not cause health harm in a care becomes an ideal way. Physiological data recorded by
short period and need long-term hospitalization. Thus, wireless
body area network (WBAN) is the best scheme for daily care. sensor nodes not only provide users immediate reminders or
According to the human physiological information, it not only warnings, but also reduce the occurrence of delayed medical
sends real-time notifications to users but also reduces delays of the situation.
notification regarding patients’ conditions. The physician early Over the past decade, the wireless sensor network (WSN)
identifies the cause of disease and applies remedies according to is also one of the most exciting techniques. It has a significant
indications. Daily activities of a person affect the transmission
signal of sensor nodes such as walk or run. Thus, the sensor impact on almost all major industries as well as our home
nodes which have to retransmit the failed frames are continuously lives [3]. Recent advances in integrated circuits, development
interfered a period time by human body shadowing, so the in microelectronics, system on chip, wireless communication,
retransmission procedure should be deferred. If the sensor nodes and wearable sensors have enabled to show a new type of
immediately retransmit the failed frames, they may suffer from networks known as WBSN. The WBSN offers many new
the human posture interference again. Therefore, we propose
an efficient cross-layer reliable retransmission scheme (CL-RRS) promising applications in the area of remote health monitoring.
in IEEE 802.15.6 without additional control overheads. The In a star topology, the communication is established between
proposed scheme not only detects the information of the sensor sensor nodes and a single central controller. This paper focuses
nodes with failed transmission frames to allocate retransmission on the star network topology. A WBSN may consist of a
resources, but also increases the successful probability of frame large number of sensor nodes, which are scattered densely
retransmission. Simulation results validated by our mathematical
analysis show that CL-RRS significantly improves frame loss in the human body to receive and collect personally medi-
rate and average transmission time, as well as reduces power cal information, such as pacemakers, coronary care, muscle
consumption. stimulants, neurostimulators, and retinal prostheses, etc.. In
Index Terms—Wireless body area network, frame retransmis- these cases, the messages of human body information are
sion, human body shadowing, IEEE 802.15.6. important and should be transmitted by the reliable frame
transmission. Different sensor devices may have different
transmission timing according to their priorities. In addition,
some human body information may have real-time properties
In the United States, people life has increased from 69.8 and must be transmitted periodically in WBSNs.
years in 1960 to 78.6 years in 2011 [1]. The size of popu- In WBSNs, transmission signal strength may attenuate
lation with 60 to 80 years old will climb in the near future. during transmission depending on different reasons such as
Furthermore, overall health care expenditure in the US was transmission distance, transmission power, and an obstacle in
$1.8 trillion in 2004, and this number is expected to be triple between sender and receiver. In addition, sensor nodes transmit
by 2020. Besides, according to the World Health Organization data using lower power for saving energy. Because the sensor
(WHO) report, the cost of health care of the US is 20% gross node is installed in/on the human body, the organs or limbs
domestic product (GDP) [2]. The new challenge of medical may affect signal strength [4–6]. When transmission signal is
and health care systems is the elderly population problem. shadowed, higher frame error rate (FER) may cause by weak
The problem of fatal disease should be diagnosed at an early signal strength. As a result, sensor nodes need to retransmit
date. the failed frame and increase transmission cost.
Furthermore, the numbers of middle-aged and the elderly Several wireless technologies are considered for WBSNs:
people with chronic diseases are increasing. Patients with IEEE 802.15.4 [7], Bluetooth [8], and IEEE 802.15.6 [9].
chronic diseases do not cause immediately health harm in Among the well-known specifications, IEEE 802.15.6 origi-
nally designed for wireless body area networks (WBANs), has
Hsueh-Wen Tseng is with the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. become one of the promising candidates for interconnections
Ruei-Yu Wu is with the Department of Management Information Systems, between wireless body sensor nodes. IEEE 802.15.6 compared
Hwa Hsia University of Technology, New Taipei, Taiwan. to other schemes, data transmission rate, number of channels,
Yi-Zhang Wu is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. and quality of service (QoS) to obtain the most advantageous.
Corresponding author: Ruei-Yu Wu (email:[email protected]). Therefore, in this paper, we propose a cross-layer reliable
1530-437X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2523461, IEEE Sensors
1530-437X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2523461, IEEE Sensors
frame and has the same capability as B. In order to decrease improved transmission schedule of sensor nodes. For addi-
the sensor nodes to wake up again and receive additional tional relay nodes, they are suitable to used a long shadowing
control messages, only B is considered in this paper. duration from the human body as with the wear equipment on
The superframe structure is divided into exclusive access the human body, people keeps walking or running posture to
phases (EAP1 and EAP2), random access phases (RAP1 and cause discomfort. As a result, a patient decreases willingness
RAP2), a managed access phase (MAP), and a contention of wear equipment usage. In addition, for walking or running
access phase (CAP). Note that the order of each subperiod posture of a patient, the probability and the duration time
does not be changed in the superframe, and each subperiod of the human body shadowing are decrease. In this case,
is not sure to appear in the superframe. The size of each we use a suitable transmission schedule to transmit the body
subperiod can be adjusted under the superframe size. The information, and it also decreases extra hardware cost.
EAPs are used to transmit high priority or emergency frame, Hence, in this paper, we focus on IEEE 802.15.6 to solve the
and the RAPs and CAP are used to transmit general frame. retransmission problem caused by the human body shadowing.
A slotted CSMA/CA scheme is used to access channel in Although the performance analysis for IEEE 802.15.6 was
EAPs, RAPs, and CAP. The size of CW is set according extensively investigated, little work has been done on the
to the frame priority. The high priority frame uses a small problems of IEEE 802.15.6 transmission efficiency. Therefore,
CW as compared with the low priority frame. The MAP we propose a cross-layer reliable retransmission scheme (CL-
adapts TDMA to transmit the frame. The nodes can access the RRS) to improve the retransmission problem and reduce the
channel in their own time slots without any contention. Based overall energy consumption for IEEE 802.15.6-based WBANs.
on the characteristics of the transmitted frames, the superframe
only includes the EAP, the RAP, and the MAP in this paper. TABLE I
A hub can allocate resources to sensor nodes to guarantee T HE COMPARISON OF PROTOCOLS
the QoS of the transmission frame in the contention-free phase. IEEE 802.15.4 Bluetooth LE IEEE 802.15.6
There are 8 different access categories which indicate priorities Data rate 250 Kbps 1 Mbps 971.4 Kbps
of transmission frame for accessing the medium in contention Channels 16 40 (37 data) 79
access phase. The priority values shall be determined based QoS No Limited Yes
on the designation of frame payloads in the frame [14].
In Table I, we compare with data rate, channels, and QoS
of three protocols. To consider the data rate, IEEE 802.15.4 is
lower than the other two protocols. In the number of channel,
IEEE 802.15.6 has obvious advantages to coexist with other In a WBAN, the receiver is a hub to collect body informa-
protocols and avoid interference problem from other using tion from end devices. Our CL-RRS consists of operations
2.4 GHz services. In contention free phase, the hub allocates in both PHY and MAC layers. Upon the occurrence of
time slots to ensure the QoS of the transmission frame. Here, overlapped signals, the preamble of the frame is first detected
the QoS is only considered in contention access phase in from the overlapped signals in the PHY layer. Then CL-RRS
three protocols. In addition, IEEE 802.15.6 increases the slot uses the signal features of the PHY layer during received frame
number of a superframe to 256. It can effectively reduce the to identify the precise reason of failed transmission on the
resource allocation problem. For WBANs, when we consider receiver. Therefore, the retransmission subperiods are used to
data rate, number of channels, and QoS, IEEE 802.15.6 is effectively retransmit the failed frame in the MAC layer.
better than other two protocols. In general, a common approach increases the transmission
In [15], the authors described the perturbations of the energy or information encoding to improve the frame error rate
electromagnetic propagation of radio signals caused by the (FER). However, for the sake of low-energy consumption, the
presence of a moving object in the two-dimensional (2-D) area sensor node cannot amplify transmission energy to increase
near the transmitting/receiving devices. In [16], the authors transmission signal strength. Therefore, IEEE 802.15.6 adopts
statistically analyzed the path loss, shadow fading, and delay the BCH encoding which corrects the bit error to reduce the
dispersion of on-body Ultra-Wideband (UWB) WBAN chan- transmission failure possibility. The BCH has different bit
nel. Humans are always in motion; channel conditions between error rate (BER) according to signal strength [4, 18] indicated
different nodes and the hub are always changing [17]. In that transmission signal strength ratio between the hub and
IEEE 802.15.6, the two-hop relay mechanism with predefined a sensor node at different body postures of normal activities.
relaying nodes is proposed to reduce the possibility of data [6] indicated that human body shadowing causes significant
relaying failure. Pan et al. used a predefined relaying node signal attenuation and increases the FER. Thus, the receiver
to improve the data relaying failure rate and also proposed fails to recognize the received frame due to the low signal
a dynamic scheduling algorithm depending on the packet strength. The average human body shadowing rate is 10%,
delivery rate (PDR) to schedule the relaying node in the two- the body shadowing duration is 80 ms, and the signal strength
hop relay. threshold of IEEE 802.15.6 is −86 dBm in [6].
In reference [6], the authors found that body postures affect Once frames are transmitted during the human body shad-
the strength of transmission signals to decrease the reliability owing, the chain effects of errors occur. As a result, the FER
of frame transmission. To solve a human body shadowing rapidly increases, and the retransmission overhead and power
problem, they added relay nodes on the human body or consumption also increase for the sensor nodes. Therefore,
1530-437X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2523461, IEEE Sensors
the retransmission policy should not only use a single MAC body shadowing, the time of the unstable signal is much longer
layer mechanism. The random backoff scheme cannot solve than the transmission time of a frame. For the collision, the
the human body shadowing problem effectively. Here, CL- signal strength is fully overlapped from the beginning to the
RRS is proposed to solve the retransmission problem in IEEE end of the frame. This is because senders select the same
802.15.6-based WBANs. backoff value to transmit to the same receiver. Since sensor
In following subsections, first, the frame received mecha- nodes have different transmission distances to the hub, there
nisms of TDMA and CSMA/CA considering the human body are different transmission delays of frames between the sensor
shadowing are described. Then, to distinguish collision and nodes and the hub. Thus, the hub receives a frame with a
human body shadowing problems are discussed. Finally, the very short stable signal period at the beginning (Sstable b ). CL-
transmission modes of a dynamic adjustment in the superframe RRS uses the signal features of the PHY layer during received
is described. frame to identify the precise reason of failed transmission on
the receiver. As the receiver (hub) judges the correct reason
of failed transmission, the receiver uses different superframe
A. TDMA and CSMA/CA Frames Delivery Flow
structures to retransmit the failed frame with the human body
IEEE 802.15.6 standard does not consider the influenced shadowing.
transmissions signal during frame delivery with TDMA and Otherwise, the hub tries to recognize the sender ID of the
CSMA/CA due to the human body shadowing. We determine failed frame header from the MAC layer. If sender ID is
these two types of frame delivery schemes whether the human inconsistent with IDtable recorded by the hub, the hub drops
body shadowing occurs or not. The IDs of sensor nodes are the failed frame. The IDtable is the ID record of sensor nodes
detected from the collided signals in the PHY layer to identify in the hub. On the contrary, the hub records the sender ID and
the sensor nodes. Furthermore, we retransmit the failed frame the allocates MAP1 to retransmit the failed frame. Hence, the
with the suitable subperiods according to the reasons of failure. sender retransmits the failed frame in suitable subperiods, and
Figure 2(a) shows a flow chart of a received frame by using the failed frame can be retransmitted effectively.
TDMA. Let SX present the average signal strength when the The computation complexity of our detection operation on
hub receives a frame from the sensor node X. First, the hub the receiver is analyzed as follows. Let n be the number of
determines body shadowing when it receives a frame. If SX devices supervised by the receiver, and m be the number of
is less or equal to threshold (ST hreshold ), the hub broadcasts device in collision. The length of the PHY frame is assumed
a special negative acknowledgement frame (NACK) to notify to be k bits. First, the preamble (0000...0) is correlated to
and stop the retransmission procedure of X. One flag bit in the the received signal in a sliding window manner, sliding from
ACK frame is used to distinguish the NACK from the standard the beginning to the end of the whole overlapped signal. The
ACK. In addition, if a sensor node wants to transmit/receive length of the whole overlapped signal with m collided frames
a frame, it has to awake. Otherwise, this sensor node enters is at most (m × k − (m − 1)) bits. Then, the procedures
sleep mode for power saving. Hence, the NACK frame is only after preamble is detected are conducted at most m times
received by the awake device. Otherwise, if the hub receives (if the preamble from all m collided frames is all detected,
the frame from X and SX is larger than ST hreshold , it uses which is generally not possible). In conclusion, the overall
cyclic redundancy check (CRC) in the receiving frame for time complexity of the detection preamble is O(m × k).
error detection.
Figure 2(b) shows a flow chart of a received frame by
using CSMA/CA. First, the hub determines the data collision B. Dynamic Superframe
situation when it receives a frame. Upon the occurrence of Based on different priority frames of the sensor nodes, a
overlapped signals, the preamble of the frame is first detected superframe is classified into four modes (A to D) as shown in
from the overlapped signals. CL-RRS uses the signal features Figure 3. In mode A, the superframe is composed of EAP and
of the PHY layer during received frames to identify the RAP, and the frame is transmitted only by contention scheme
precise reason of failed transmission on the receiver. For in different subperiods according to the frame priority.
frame collision, there is a very short stable signal period at In mode C, the MAP is inserted before the EAP in the
the beginning (Sstable b ), an unstable signal strength in initial superframe to periodically provide the frame transmission. If
received signal (Sunstable b ), and an unstable signal strength a frame is unsuccessfully transmitted in the MAP, and the
(Sunstable ) during the frame transmission. failed frame also retransmits by using contention scheme in
There are two situations in which a receiver cannot correctly following the EAP or the RAP. In general, the failed frame
receive a data frame from a sender. They may be frame will be arranged to the MAP of next superframe, and it
collision and human body shadowing. The collision signal occupies transmission resources of other sensor nodes and
strength compared with normal signal strength may be higher, increases the frame drop rate because of long transmission
lower or offset. Thus, it is hardly to judge the reasons of the delay. Thus, C mode increases the successful probability of
failed frame. In addition, the sender ID of the failed frame frame transmission and decreases transmission delay.
does not easily judge from overlapped signals. To compare mode B and D to mode A and C, the MAP1 is
First, the overlapped signals are unstable and they may inserted after the RAP in the superframe. The design avoids
cause by frame collision or human body shadowing. These high priority frames to occupy the transmission resources, and
different reasons lead to different signal intensity. For human starvation occurs in low priority frames. Thus, the low priority
1530-437X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2523461, IEEE Sensors
Receive Frame
If (Sunstable Y
Receive Frame N
Analyze Sender ID
Condition (1)
A. Contention Mode
Condition (2)
1530-437X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2523461, IEEE Sensors
to allocate the transmission resources in the subperiods of probability of i − 1 frame transmission. The Psucess is the
the superframe. Once the body shadowing occurs, the sensor probability that the sender successfully transmits a frame
node suspends to retransmit the failed frame. In addition, the without collision. It is equal to (1 − PSC ) ∗ (1 − PF E,x ).
hub considers the awakening status of the sensor node as it The PT xF ail (i) is the probability that the sender has to
allocates MAP and MAP1 to the sensor nodes to retransmit transmit
Pi thej failedi−j frame passing through i times. It is equal
the failed frames. The reason is to avoid that the hub allocates to j=0 PSC ∗ Pf ail .
resource to the sensor node, but it still stays on suspended The PSC is the sum of the collision probability that two
status. On the contrary, the hub allocates transmission resource to P nE frames are simultaneously transmitted. It is equal
to RAP. to i=2 P(pc,i) . The Pf ail is the probability that a frame
transmission fails without data collision, and it is equal to
(nE + 2) ∗ SIF S + BOavg ∗ TCSM Aslot (1 − PSC ) ∗ PF E,x . The P(pc,i) is the collision probability that
NslotEAP = ⌈
TSF slot i contending frames to simultaneously access the channel, and
PnE (1)
2 ∗ max(TEdata1 , TEdata2 , ..., TEdatan ) + i=1 TEdatai
it is equal to P(pc,i) = PC,i (BO) ∗ Pnc,i . For example, if three
+ ⌉
TSF slot frames are transmitted simultaneously, the collision probability
is Ppc,3 = PC,3 (BO) ∗ (PcF,1 ∗ pcF,2 + PcF,1 ∗ PcF,3 + PcF,2 ∗
The four superframe structures contain the EAP which
PcF,3 ).
should be allocated carefully. Once the sensor node has not
high priority frames, but the hub still allocates the transmission Pc,k (BO) [19] is the collision probability of k contending
resource to the EAP. Thus, it results in resource waste. In frames with BO, and is derived by recursion as shown in the
addition, IEEE 802.15.6 defines that CW size is set to 1 with following:
the first and the second frame transmission in the EAP. If two
1 k−1 1
or more nodes simultaneously transmit a frame in the EAP,
+ Pc,k−1 (BO) ∗iBO +
frame collision occurs. Thus, in this paper, the slot number of 1 k−2
PC,k−2 (BO) − BO ∗ Ck , k ≥ 3
Pc,k (BO) = (5)
the EAP provides that nodes have a chance to retransmit the 1 ,k = 2
highest priority frame as frame collision occurs. Hence, we
0, k=1
define NslotEAP , refereed to (1), as the number of allocation
BO denotes the size of the CW for a frame transmission.
slots in the EAP.
Pnc,i is the probability of i contending frames are transmitted
NslotEAP includes the time of twice collisions, the trans- by nE nodes in this period and derived as follows:
mission time of the highest priority frame of the node, the
short interframe space (SIF S), and average backoff inter-
(nE −i+1) (nE −i+1)+1
val. 2 ∗ max(TEdata1 , TEdata2 , ..., TEdatanE ) is the maximum Pnc,i =
PcF,a2 . . .
PnE of the highest priority frame with twice collisions and a1 =1 a2 =a1 +1
i=1 TEdatai is the transmission time of the highest priority (nE −i+1)+(i−2)
frame. TEdata1 is defined that the transmitting duration of a PcF,ai −2 .
frame with the highest priority. nE is defined that the number ai−2 =ai−3 +1
of the sensor nodes with the highest priority frame. TSF slot According to (1) to derive the requested resource of the
is the time of a slot in the superframe. EAP, the coordinator also has to retain a minimum trans-
BOavg is average backoff interval in the EAP. It is defined mission time of the RAP (NslotRAP min ) because the sensor
as an interval from the time that a sensor node attempts to node can send a resource request to the hub in the RAP. It
access the channel for a frame to the time that the sensor node is composed of SIF S, the backoff time of the maximum
actually transmits the frame over the channel. The backoff contention window size (CWMax ∗ TCSMA slot ), the trans-
intervals, b(0) and b(1), are a successful frame transmission mitting duration of a resource request frame (Tconnec request ),
at the first time and the second time, respectively. BOavg is and the transmitting duration of a assignment resource frame
expressed as follows: (Tconnec assign ). The NslotRAP min can be derived as
T xLimit
BOavg = ⌈b(0) + b(1) + PT x (i) ∗ b(i − 1)⌉. (2) SIF S + CWmax ∗ TCSM A slot
i=3 NslotRAP min
TSF slot
b(i) is the expected value of a backoff interval before a Tconnec request + Tconnec assign
+ ⌉.
successful transmission until the i-th times and expressed as TSF slot
i−1 CW
1 X
! ( In each superframe structure, the subperiods are allocated
X CW = 2CWpre , if j = 2, 4
b(i) = k , (3) under (7) after allocating the EAP. We discuss how to allocate
CW k=1 CW = CWpre , if j = 0, 1, 3.
the resources in the subperiods of each superframe structure. In
PT x (i) denotes the successful probability of a frame transmis- contention mode (mode A), the size of the RAP is the number
sion until continuously i times. It can be expressed as of allocation slots of the superframe minus the transmission
duration for the B, and the number of allocation slots in the
PT x (i) = Psuccess ∗ PT xF ail (i − 1). (4)
EAP. The equation is NslotRAP = NslotSF − NslotBeacon −
This value is derived from the successful probability of NslotEAP .
a frame transmission until i-th times and the unsuccessful In the contention-based retransmission mode (mode B),
1530-437X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2523461, IEEE Sensors
1530-437X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2523461, IEEE Sensors
• Nremain : The number of remaining frames after a sensor T xLimit
transmitting frames in the MAP T xEAP = NTEAP
x ×( i × PT x (i)+
• Nremain : The number of remaining frames after a sensor
T xLimit × PT xF ail (T xLimit))
transmitting frames in the EAP
• Nremain : The number of remaining frames after a sensor T xLimit
transmitting frames in the RAP
x ×( i × PT x (i)+
In the analysis, we analyse the transmission times of frames T xLimit × PT xF ail (T xLimit)).
in each subperiod to calculate the total transmission times of
PT x (i) and PT xF ail (T xlimit) refer to (4) of Section III.
frames in the superframe. In the following, we analyze T xAvg RAP RAP
T xMAP 1 is equal to Nremain . Nremain denotes the number
for CL-RRS scheme and derive as
of frames, and they do not be transmitted in the RAP. These
frames will be transmitted in following MAP1 to satisfy the
T xM AP + T xEAP + T xRAP + T xM AP 1 requests of transmission deadline by using TDMA. Nremain RAP
T xAvg = . (8)
NF rame is expressed as follows:
If frames cannot completely transmit in the MAP, they are T xLimit
going to transmit in the following EAP, RAP, and MAP1. First, RAP
Nremain = NTRAP
x × (1 − PT x (i)). (14)
the T xMAP in the MAP is expressed as follows: i=1
Equation (10) represents the probability that the sensor node To validate the correctness of the analysis, we perform
x transmits a frame with the human body shadowing. PMAP a simple simulation of CL-RRS to verify analytical results.
is defined as the probability that the hub does not allocate the We use a simulation environment as shown in Figure 6. The
resource to the MAP of next superframe because of the human simulation parameters are given based on Table II and applied
body shadowing. It is expressed as to (9) to (16).
Figure 7 shows T xAvg under the results of different sensors
Shadow N slotShadow − (N slotM AP − N slotx )
PM AP = , (11) nodes (i.e., ECG, glucose monitor, blood pressure, and drug
N slotSF
delivery) obtain from analysis and simulation experiments of
where N slotShadow is the number of allocation slots because CL-RRS. In addition, the system is defined as the average
of the human body shadowing. N slotMAP and N slotSF are results of all sensor nodes. From this figure, we observe that
the number of slots in the MAP and the superframe. the analytical results are very close to the experimental results.
Similarly, we calculate T xEAP and T xRAP in the EAP and The figure shows the difference between the analysis and
RAP, respectively. The average transmission times of frames simulation results which are about 0.56%. We find a special
are equal to the number of transmitted frames multiplied by phenomenon for difference between the analysis and simula-
the expected transmission times of a frame. They are expressed tion results. If a sensor node uses CSMA/CA to transmit a
as follows: frame, it shows an obvious difference (e.g., drug delivery) in
1530-437X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2523461, IEEE Sensors
Simulation Results
Goodput (kbps)
ECG Glucose Monitor Blood Pressure Drug Delivery System 80
Different Types of Senders 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The Number of Times
1530-437X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2523461, IEEE Sensors
60 3
50 2.5
40 2
Duty Cycles (%)
30 1.5
20 1
10 0.5
0 0
ECG Glucose Monitor Blood Pressure Drug Delivery System ECG Glucose Monitor Blood Pressure Drug Delivery System
Different Types of Sensors Different Types of Sensors
Fig. 10. Effects of different sensor nodes on duty cycle. Fig. 11. Effects of different sensor nodes on average transmission times of
a frame.
Although the goodput is similar to the other schemes, CL- IEEE 802.15.6 Std.
RRS spends less power consumption and also meets the
Figure 9 (a) shows the effect of different sensor nodes on the 0.4
pressure sensors. In the other word, the frame loss rate of 0.1
1530-437X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2523461, IEEE Sensors
subperiods in the MAC layer to retransmit the failed frame. [18] D. S. J. Dong, “Cooperative receive diversity for coded gfsk body-
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transmission time, as well as reducing the power consumption. networks,” Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 58, no. 9,
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This work was supported in part by Ministry of Science and
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Hwa Hsia University of Technology under Grant HWH105-H-
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