Annotated Bibliography

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Smith 1

How Concussions Will Lead to the Downfall of the National Hockey League

Ashleigh G. Smith

Professor Malcolm Campbell

UWRT 1104

March 19, 2019

Annotated Bibliography

Donnellon, Sam. "Is the NHL Doing enough to Prevent Concussions? Eric Lindros, Others Don't

Think So." TCA Regional News, Apr 19, 2018. ProQuest, Accessed 3 March


This source is a newspaper article from TCA Regional News, and it is about retired NHL

players who think that the NHL is not doing enough to prevent concussions. Former

players are claiming that did not know what kind of danger they were being put in and

that they believe players will continue to be injured until the NHL realizes how

dangerous the game is and that they are putting their players at risk. This is more of an

opinion piece; however, I feel as though it is the opinion of the majority. The main point

is that current and former NHL players disagree with their commissioner who said that

concussions are not an issue in the NHL. These players feel as though that money is

valued over their lives and their safety. This article is an interview with Eric Lindros’

who was the captain of the Philadelphia Flyers and a member of the NHL Hall of Fame.

Sam Donnellon is a sports analyst who has worked for the Philadelphia Daily News and

the Boston Hearld. I think that Sam was objective but that Eric Lindros, whom he

interviewed was biased against the NHL because he used to work for the league as a

player. The article is well written, objective, simple, and to the point. The idea of this

article to point out that these hockey players are being hurt by the NHL and their

decisions. I think the article is attempting to highlight the dangers of the game for the
fans of the game. This is a great source because it is a hall of famers personal account of

how the game and the league treated them.

This source is great for my research because it is a first-hand account of a NHL’s player’s

experience with concussions and how the league handles head injuries. It is a helpful

article. It helps me understand that players are seeing how messed by the NHL’s ideals

are and that they need to change. It, however, has not changed my perspective on my

topic. It’s a great source and will be used in my research.

Monette, Michael. "Heavy Hitting: Concussions and Safety Law." Canadian Medical

Association Journal, vol. 184, no. 12, 2012, pp. E641-2. ProQuest, Accessed 4 March


This source is a medical journal written by the Canadian Medical Association. This

source talks about how sacred hockey is in the hearts of Canadians, which makes it hard

to change the game of hockey, as in taking fighting out of the game. There is no

argument or opinion in this piece, it is factual. This article mostly discusses how

dangerous concussions are to not only hockey players, but also football players, soccer

players, and boxers. This article also verifies that concussions and CTE are linked to one

another. This article is pushing for a safety legislation to help these professional athletes

with presenting facts.

Michael Monette, the author of this piece, is writer who researches about mental health

and head injuries for the Canadian Medical Association. I do not know if he is a doctor,

but he always cites his sources. This source is reliable as it is peer-viewed and cited
throughout the entirety of the article. This is an academic source published by the

Canadian Medical Association. The purpose of this article is to inform people about head

injuries and how professional athletes are putting themselves on the line for our

entertainment. It is a great source because it ties major sports together via the same

disease, however, there are no interviews with athletes whom have been affected.

This source was helpful. It made me understand that there a lot of people out there who

care about these athletes. Also, it helps me understand that this is not only an NHL issue,

it’s a sports issues and there are people out there trying to make a difference. This article

has made me realize that people realize how dangerous these games can be and want to

try and help. I like this source because it ties all of the major professional sports together,

however, I do not think I will be using this article because there is just not enough

information pertaining to the NHL specifically.

Landeskog, Gabriel. “We Need to Talk About Concussions, Right Now” The Players' Tribune, 2

Aug. 2016,

concussions-right-now. Accessed 6 March 2019.

This source is an article written for which is a website created by

Derek Jeter so that athletes of all kind had a place to express themselves and their

thoughts in relation to the game. This particular piece is about Gabriel Landeskog, the

captain of the Colorado Avalanche, and his experience with concussions. Landeskog

describes the mental and physical toll that a concussion takes on a person. He describes

the protocols and prevention of concussions and how it feels to have one. However, he

also rolls the NHL under the bus at the same time when he describes that he felt as

though he was being rushed back into the game before he was well enough to play again.
He urges athletes to sit out if they are not feeling 110% confident in their recovery. He

concludes his piece by pushing athletes to remember that head injuries are just as, if not

more important, physical injuries.

Gabriel Landeskog is a professional hockey player who was drafted in 2011. He plays for

the Colorado Avalanche and also serves as their captain. He may be slightly biased

because he loves the game and also because he gets to see how the NHL handles

concussions first hand. This information is reliable because it is written by someone who

has experienced the NHL and their concussion protocols. The purpose of this piece is to

stress athletes to take care of themselves, but also to demonstrate to fans how much the

athletes hate being out of the game as much as the fans hate to see it. This source is great

because it is written solely by a NHL player.

This source was helpful because Landeskog does a great job of explaining how hard head

injuries are on the athlete both physically and mentally which can be a hard concept to

grasp if you have never experienced a concussion as an athlete. This article made me

more sympatric as a fan of hockey towards these athletes. They put their livelihood on the

line for the sake of fans enjoyment. This article exemplified how why it is so important to

care about these athletes. I love this source because it is a first-hand account from a NHL

player on his experience with concussions in the NHL, I fully plan on using this source in

my EIP.

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