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Dillon Brown
Mrs. DeBock
English 4
16 February 2016
Essential Question: Why should medical professionals do more for athletes who suffer from
concussions and CTE?
Working Thesis: Protection should be increased to those who have had a concussion and are still
wanting to play sports
Refined Thesis: Protection and prevention should be given to athletes who have sustained a
concussion because it could affect them in the long-run and they are more prone to CTE than
Annotated Bibliography
Mayers, Lester B. Redick, Thomas S. Chiffriller, Sheila H. Simone, Ashley N. Terraforte, Keith
"Working Memory Capacity Among Collegiate Student Athletes: Effects Of
Sport-Related Head Contacts, Concussions, And Working Memory Demands." Journal
Of Clinical & Experimental Neuropsychology 33.5 (2011): 532-537. Psychology and
Behavioral Sciences Collection. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
The article Working Memory Capacity Among Collegiate Student Athletes:
Effects of Sport-Related Head Contacts, Concussions, and Working Memory Demand, analyzes
the effects of concussions and how it affects students athletes. By having three tables, the first
table being athletes competing in head-contact-prone sports (soccer and football) who have
sustained multiple concussions, the second table being athletes who compete in non-head-contact

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sports (basketball, baseball ,etc), and the third table being non athlete students. Each student was
given the AOSPAN (automated operation span) test. The test presents the subject with a series of
simple mathematical problems that, when solved, generate a brief presentation of a letter on the
computer screen. After a sequence of math questions resulting in a series of letters, the subject
must place the letters in order, and getting high score on the AOSPAN task is a bad thing. Non
athletes were averaging a score of 38.4, while athletes were averaging a score of 40.5, and
concussed athletes were averaging a whopping 44.5, with football and soccer bringing in a total
of 44.8% of the high scores on the AOSPAN task. Neurologists look at this and see the impact
concussions have on athletes. Athletes suffering from multiple concussions are usually informed
of their rough future, usually having severe problems with paying attention, short-term memory,
having difficulty performing daily tasks and feeling slower overall. This article is relevant to the
research because it gives specific information on how concussions can affect athletes. The
AOSPAN task shows the rate these athletes can work at, and their memory span which is helpful
for most neurologists.
Walter, Andrew. "Counterpoint: Professional Sports Associations Should Protect Athletes From
Concussions." Points Of View: Concussions In Pro Sports (2015): 1. Points of View
Reference Center. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.
The article Counterpoint: Professional Sports Associations Should Protect Athletes From
Concussions, goes on to explain that most teams and coaches tend to rush athletes back onto the
field after a concussion, when in reality, is practically sending them into a future of confusion
and pain. Recently, however, professional sports associations such as the NFL, NBA, and BPL
have begun to implement policies geared toward protecting those who have suffered or may
suffer a concussion. But are they doing enough? These policies are a step into the right direction;

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however, because of the sheer number of concussions athletes suffer and the potentially serious
long-term harm to players, there is still a lot of work to be done. Sports are always involving,
football players are training to hit harder, pitchers are now averaging a fastball that can reach
speeds over 100 mph. soccer players are trained to go after the ball at all costs, and basketball
players are getting more and more physical were a broken nose is an uncommon sight. And even
though major professional leagues are taking steps toward uniform concussion policies, those
policies alone will not protect the player. And until professional sports leagues establish uniform
procedures for treating concussions, mandate the wearing of the best equipment to protect
athletes, and severely punish those who are looking to hurt others while playing, athletes could
be in danger; for no good reason, and each game could be their last. This article is relevant to the
research because it explain the reasoning in helping concussed athletes. We should be trying to
help those who have trouble with life because of concussions.
Wilcox, Christine. Is Enough Being Done to Protect Athletes from Concussions? New York:
Reference Point, 2015. Print.
The book Is Enough Being Done to Protect Athletes from Concussions? Discusses the
importance of treating concussions. Many may think that concussions are not really dangerous
because they are so common and when you sustain a concussion you should be able to shake it
off, but the short-term and long-term effects concussions have can be devastating. Multiple
concussions can lead to a lifetime of pain and even CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), a
progressive degenerative disease that causes memory loss, confusion, impaired judgement,
aggression and eventually, progressive dementia, there is no cure for concussions except mental
and physical rest. Another devastating result of multiple concussions is SIS (second-impact
syndrome). SIS can occur when a person, almost always teenagers, suffers a second concussion

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before fully healing from the first. In SIS the brain undergoes massive cerebral edema after the
second concussion, swelling rapidly inside the skull. The swelling crushes the brains blood
vessels inside the skull, which is usually fatal. This article is relevant to the research because it
discusses the dangers of concussions, and why many should not take concussions lightly.

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