CELTA Lesson Plan
CELTA Lesson Plan
CELTA Lesson Plan
Overall comment:
Overall, for this stage of the course, this lesson was: TO STANDARD / NOT TO STANDARD
Subsidiary Lesson Aim (By the end of the lesson students will be able to review, use, develop, learn, practise… in the context of………….)
Personal Aims (Teaching skills YOU want to improve on in this lesson; consider feedback from your previous observed lessons)
Assumptions (What your students already know about the language, an activity, or the topic that will help them in this lesson)
Class Profile (Who are the students; consider their first language(s), ages, interests, language level(s), motivation, etc.)
Materials (Write what materials you are using, page numbers etc. Reference all your handouts here and attach a copy of each to your lesson
Target Language Analysis Sheet for a Systems lesson (Grammar / Vocabulary)
Analyse the Target Language of I will check students’ Show your analysis of form Show your analysis of pron.
your lesson here: understanding of meaning here here
Include examples from your using: I will clarify and highlight the I will drill the following words
lesson and context following form on the board: and highlight pronunciation:
Anticipated problems and solutions
Anticipated problems with meaning of target language (What Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
could the students misuse/misunderstand?)
Anticipated problems with form of target language (What could Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
students leave out, add, change, etc?)
Anticipated problems with pronunciation of target language Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
(Which sounds could be difficult for students to pronounce? What
might they pronounce incorrectly?)
Other anticipated problems (Problems with materials, learners Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
and classroom management.)
Procedure (Please include all stages, and enough detail for the reader to understand exactly what the teacher and students do)
Stage Aim Focus Time Procedure Observer’s Comments
Self Evaluation Name: ____________________ TP No: ______
This document is designed to help you structure your post-observation thoughts. Please complete the sections below in as much detail as
possible following your observed lesson.
Did you achieve your main aims (linguistic and skills)? How was this evident through the different stages
of your lesson?
What are your action points for your next lesson? How will you ensure these are achieved?