Questions On Advanced Concrete
Questions On Advanced Concrete
Questions On Advanced Concrete
Roll No:
CE 7120 Homework 2
1. For the beam section in Figure 1: a) Develop the moment vs. curvature curve.
b) Sketch the variations in the strain profiles across the depth of the section, with
increasing moment.
Consider an increment of 0.0005 for the strain at the compressive fibre of the section.
Grade of concrete is M20 and grade of steel is Fe250. Clear cover is 30 mm and
diameter of stirrups is 8 mm. Show the curves with and without the tension stiffening
effect. The tension stiffening effect can be modelled as per the FIB recommendations.
Use the material properties and partial safety factors as per IS 456: 2000. Neglect any
confinement of concrete.
2. Develop the approximate trilinear moment vs. curvature curves, for a beam section
with same dimensions and material properties as in Figure 1, but with varying amount of
reinforcement at same d. Consider pt = 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and pt,lim. Overlap the plots
in a single graph. Neglect the tension stiffening effect. Comment on the results.
Suggested steps
a) Calculate Mcr, cr
b) Calculate My, y
c) Calculate Mu, u.
d) Plot the points and join them by straight lines.
3. For the column section in Figure 2, develop the moment vs. rotation curves for the
plastic hinge region near the joint, for the axial load levels of 0, 0.5Pb, Pb and 1.5 Pb.
Overlap the plots in a single graph. The axial load due to gravity, that will cause
balanced failure under increasing moment due to lateral load, is denoted as Pb. Grade of
concrete is M35 and grade of steel is Fe415. Use the material properties and partial
safety factors as per IS 456: 2000. Neglect any confinement of concrete.
(8) 25
(3) 16
Figure 1
Figure 2