Mechanics of Fluids and Hydraulic Machines: Lecture Notes

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B. Tech IV Semester
IARE - R16

Mr. G. Sarat Raju

Dr. G. Naveen Kumar

Mr. G. Musallaiah
Assistant Professor




Fluid Mechanics

Fundamental Concepts:

Mechanics : Deals with action of forces on bodies at rest or in motion.

State of rest and Motion: They are relative and depend on the frame of reference. If the position
with reference to frame of reference is fixed with time, then the body is said to be in a state of rest.
Otherwise, it is said to be in a state of motion.
Scalar and heater quantities: Quantities which require only magnitude to represent them are
called scalar quantities. Quantities which acquire magnitudes and direction to represent them are
called vector quantities.

Eg: Mass, time internal, Distance traveled _ Scalars

Weight, Displacement, Velocity _ Vectors
Velocity and Speed: Rate of displacement is called velocity and Rate and distance travelled is
called Speed.
Unit: m/s
Acceleration: Rate of change of velocity is called acceleration. Negative acceleration is called
Momentum: The capacity of a body to impart motion to other bodies is called momentum.
The momentum of a moving body is measured by the product of mass and velocity the moving
Momentum = Mass x Velocity
Unit: Kgm/s
Newton’s first law of motion: Every body continues to be in its state of rest or uniform motion
unless compelled by an external agency.
Inertia: It is the inherent property the body to retain its state of rest or uniform motion.
Force: It is an external agency which overcomes or tends to overcome the inertia of a body.
Newton’s second law of motion: The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly
proportional to the magnitudes of the applied force and takes place in the direction of the applied


If F = 1 When m = 1 and u = 1

Then K = 1

F = ma.
Unit: newton (N)

Mass: Measure of amount of matter contained by the body it is a scalar quantity.

Unit: Kg.

Weight: Gravitational force on the body. It is a vector quantity.

F = ma

W = mg

Unit: newton (N) g = 9.81 m/s2

Volume: Measure of space occupied by the body.

Unit: m3

m3 = 1000 litres

Work: Work done = Force x Displacement _ Linear motion.

Work done = Torque x Angular displacement _ Rotatory motion.

Unit: Nm or J

Energy: Capacity of doing work is called energy.

Unit: Nm or J

Potential energy = mgh

Kinetic energy = ½ mv2
Power: Rate of doing work is called Power.

Matter: Anything which possess mass and requires space to occupy is called matter.

States of matter:

Matter can exist in the following states

Solid state.

Fluid state.
Solid state: In case of solids intermolecular force is very large and hence molecules

are not free to move. Solids exhibit definite shape and volume. Solids undergo certain amount of
deformation and then attain state of equilibrium when subjected to tensile, compressive and shear

Fluid State: Liquids and gases together are called fluids. Incase of liquids

Intermolecular force is comparatively small. Therefore liquids exhibit definite volume. But they
assume the shape of the container

Liquids offer very little resistance against tensile force. Liquids offer maximum resistance against
compressive forces. Therefore, liquids are also called incompressible fluids. Liquids undergo
continuous or prolonged angular deformation or shear strain when subjected to tangential force or
shear force. This property of the liquid is called flow of liquid. Any substance which exhibits the
property of flow is called fluid. Therefore liquids are considered as fluids.

In case of gases intermolecular force is very small. Therefore the molecules are free to move along
any direction. Therefore gases will occupy or assume the shape as well as the volume of the

Gases offer little resistance against compressive forces. Therefore gases are called compressible
fluids. When subjected to shear force gases undergo continuous or prolonged angular
deformation or shear strain. This property of gas is called flow of gases. Any substance which
exhibits the property of flow is called fluid. Therefore gases are also considered as fluids.

Branches of Mechanics:

I. Fluid Statics deals with action of forces on fluids at rest or in equilibrium.

II. Fluid Kinematics deals with geometry of motion of fluids without considering the cause of motion.

III. Fluid dynamics deals with the motion of fluids considering the cause of motion.

Properties of fluids:

1. Mass density or Specific mass (ρ):

Mass density or specific mass is the mass per unit volume of the fluid.

2. Weight density or Specific weight (ϒ):

Weight density or Specific weight of a fluid is the weight per unit volume.

Unit: kg/m3 or kgm3

With the increase in temperature volume of fluid increases and hence mass density decreases.

In case of fluids as the pressure increases volume decreases and hence mass density increases.

Unit: N/m3

3. Specific gravity or Relative density (S):

It is the ratio of specific weight of the fluid to the specific weight of a standard fluid.

Unit: It is a dimensionless quantity and has no unit.

In case of liquids water at 40C is considered as standard liquid.

Specific gravity or relative density of a fluid can also be defined as the ratio of mass density of the
fluid to mass density of the standard fluid. Mass density of standard water is 1000 kg/m3.

4. Specific volume (∀ ): It is the volume per unit mass of the fluid.

Unit: m3/kg

As the temperature increases volume increases and hence specific volume increases. As the
pressure increases volume decreases and hence specific volume decreases.


1. Calculate specific weight, mass density, specific volume and specific gravity of a liquid
having a volume of 4m3 and weighing 29.43 kN. Assume missing data suitably.

2. Calculate specific weight, density, specific volume and specific gravity and if one litre of
Petrol weighs 6.867N.

3. Specific gravity of a liquid is 0.7 Find i) Mass density ii) specific weight. Also find the mass
and weight of 10 Litres of liquid.

5. Vapour Pressure: The process by which the molecules of the liquid go out of its surface in the
form of vapour is called Vaporisation. There are two ways of causing Vaporisation.
a. By increasing the temperature of the liquid to its boiling point.
b. By reducing the pressure above the surface of the liquid to a value less than Vapour
pressure of the liquid.

As the pressure above the surface of the liquid is reduced, at some point, there will be vapourisation
of the liquid. If the reduction in pressure is continued vapourisation will also continue. If the
reduction in pressure is stopped, vapourisation continues until vapours of the liquid exert certain
pressure which will just stop the vapourisation. This minimum partial pressure exerted by the

vapours of the liquid just to stop vapourisation is called Vapour Pressure of the liquid.
If the pressure over the surface goes below the vapour pressure, then, there will be vapourisation.
But if the pressure above the surface is more than the vapour pressure then there will not be
vapourisation unless there is heating.

Importance of Vapour Pressure:

In case of Hydraulic turbines sometimes pressure goes below the vapour pressure of

the liquid. This leads to vaporisation and formation of bubbles of liquid. When bubbles are carried
to high Pressure zone they get busted leaving partial vacuum. Surrounding liquid enters this space
with very high velocity exerting large force on the part of the machinery. This shenornenon is
called cavitation. Turbines are designed such that there is no cavitation.

In Carburettors and sprayers vapours of liquid are created by reducing the pressure below vapour
pressure of the liquid.
Unit of Vapour Pressure: N/m2 (Pascal - Pa)
Vapour Pressure of a fluid increases with increase in temperature.

1. A vertical cylinder 300mm in diameter is fitted at the top with a tight but frictionless piston
and filled with water at 700 C. The outer portion of the piston is exposed to atmospheric pressure
of 101.3 kPa. Calculate the minimum force applied on the piston that will cause water to boil at 700
C. Take Vapour pressure of water at 700C as 32k Pa.

6. Viscosity:

Viscosity is the property by virtue of which fluid offers resistance against the flow or shear
deformation. In other words, it is the reluctance of the fluid to flow. Viscous force is that force of
resistance offered by a layer of fluid for the motion of another layer over it.
In case of liquids, viscosity is due to cohesive force between the molecules of adjacent layers of
liquid. In case of gases, molecular activity between adjacent layers is the cause of viscosity.
1. Newton’s law of viscosity:

Let us consider a liquid between the fixed plate and the movable plate at a distance ‘Y’ apart , ‘A’ is
the contact area (Wetted area ) of the movable plate , ‘F’ is the force required to move the plate with
a velocity ‘U’ According to Newton

 τ is the force required; per unit area called ‘Shear Stress’.

 The above equation is called Newton’s law of viscosity.

Velocity gradient or rate of shear strain:

It is the difference in velocity per unit distance between any two layers.
If the velocity profile is linear then velocity gradient is given by U/Y. If the velocity profile is non –
linear then it is given by du/dy.

2. Effect of Pressure on Viscosity of fluids:
Pressure has very little or no effect on the viscosity of fluids.
3. Effect of Temperature on Viscosity of fluids:
Effect of temperature on viscosity of liquids: Viscosity of liquids is due to cohesive force between
the molecules of adjacent layers. As the temperature increases cohesive force decreases and hence
viscosity decreases.
Effect of temperature on viscosity of gases: Viscosity of gases is due to molecular activity between
adjacent layers. As the temperature increases molecular activity increases and hence viscosity

4. Kinematics Viscosity: It is the ratio of dynamic viscosity of the fluid to its mass


1. Viscosity of water is 0.01 poise. Find its kinematics viscosity if specific gravity is 0.998.

2. A Plate at a distance 0.0254mm from a fixed plate moves at 0.61m/s and requires a force of
1.962N/m2 area of plate. Determine dynamic viscosity of liquid between the plates.

3. A plate having an area of 1m2 is dragged down an inclined plane at 450 to horizontal with a
velocity of 0.5m/s due to its own weight. Three is a cushion of liquid 1mm thick between the
inclined plane and the plate. If viscosity of oil is 0.1 Pas find the weight of the plate.

4. A shaft of φ 20mm and mass 15kg slides vertically in a sleeve with a velocity of 5 m/s. The gap

between the shaft and the sleeve is 0.1mm and is filled with oil. Calculate the viscosity of oil if the
length of the shaft is 500mm.

5. If the equation of velocity profile over 2 plate is V= 2y2/3 . in which ‘V’ is the velocity in
m/s and ‘y’ is the distance in ‘m’ . Determine shear stress at (i) y = 0 (ii) y = 75mm. Take µ =
i. at y = 0
ii. at y = 75mm (75 x 10-3 m)

6. Dynamic viscosity of oil used for lubrication between a shaft and a sleeve is 6 P. The shaft
is of diameter
0.4 m and rotates at 190 rpm. Calculate the power lost in the bearing for a sleeve length of 0.09 m.
Thickness of oil is 1.5 mm.

(7) Surface Tension (σ):

 Surface tension is due to cohesion between the molecules of liquid and weak adhesion
between the molecules on the exposed surface of the liquid and molecules of air.

 A molecule inside the surface gets attracted by equal forces from the surrounding molecules
whereas a molecule on the surface gets attracted by the molecule below it. Since there are no
molecules above it, it experiences an unbalanced vertically downward force. Due to this entire
surface of the liquid expose of to air will have a tendency to move in ward and hence the surface
will be under tension. The property of the liquid surface to offer resistance against tension is called
surface tension.

 Consequences of Surface tension:

 Liquid surface supports small loads.
 Formation of spherical droplets of liquid.
 Formation of spherical bubbles of liquid.
 Formation of cylindrical jet of liquids.

 Measurement of surface tension:

Surface tension is measured as the force exerted by the film on a line of unit length on the surfaceof
the liquid. It can also be defined as the force required maintaining unit length of film in

Unit: N/m
Force due to surface tension = σ x length of film

NOTE: Force experienced by a curved surface due to radial pressure is given by the product of
intensity of pressure and projected area of the curved surface.

7.1 To derive an expression for the pressure inside the droplet of a liquid.

Let us consider droplet of liquid of surface tension σ, D is the diameter of the droplet. Let ‘p’ be
the pressure inside the droplet in excess of outside pressure (p = pinside – poutside).

For the equilibrium of the part of the droplet,

Force due to surface tension = Force due to pressure

As the diameter increases pressure decreases.

7.2 To derive an expression for the pressure inside the bubble of liquid:
`D’ is the diameter of bubble of liquid of surface tension σ . Let ’p’ be the pressure inside the
bubble which is in excess of outside pressure. In case of bubble the liquid layer will be in contact
with air both inside and outside.

For the equilibrium of the part of the bubble,
Force due to surface tension = Force due to pressure

7.3 To derive an expression for the pressure inside the jet of liquid:

Let us consider a jet of diameter D of liquid of surface tension σ and p is the intensity of pressure
inside the jet in excess of outside atmospheric pressure. For the equilibrium of the part of the jet
shown in fig,

Force due to Radial pressure = Force due to surface tension

 Effect of temperature on surface tension of liquids:

In case of liquids, surface tension decreases with increase in temperature. Pressure has no or very
little effect on surface tension of liquids.

1. What is the pressure inside the droplet of water 0.05 mm in diameter at 200C if the pressure
outside the droplet is 103 kPa Take σ = 0.0736 N/m at 200C.

2. liquid bubble 2cm in radius has an internal pressure of 13Pa. Calculate the surface tension
of liquid film.

It is the property by virtue of which there will be change in volume of fluid due to change in

Rheological classification of fluids: (Rheology _ Study of stress – strain behavior).

1. Newtonian fluids: A fluid which obeys Newton’s law of viscosity i.e., t = μ. du/dy is called
Newtonian fluid. In such fluids shear stress varies directly as shear strain.
In this case the stress strain curve is a stress line passing through origin the slope of the line gives
dynamic viscosity of the fluid.
Eg: Water, Kerosene.

3. Non- Newtonian fluid: A fluid which does not obey Newton’s law of viscosity is called
non-Newton fluid. For such fluids,

3. Ideal Plastic fluids:
In this case the strain starts after certain initial stress (t0) and then the stress strain relationship will
be linear. t0 is called initial yield stress. Sometimes they are also called Bingham’s Plastics.
Eg: Industrial sludge.

4. Thixotropic fluids:
These require certain amount of yield stress to initiate shear strain. After wards stress-strain
relationship will be non – linear.
Eg; Printers ink.

5. Ideal fluid: Any fluid for which viscosity is assumed to be zero is called Ideal fluid. For ideal
fluid t = 0 for all values of du/dy

6. Real fluid :
Any fluid which posses certain viscosity is called real fluid. It can be Newtonian
or non – Newtonian, thixotropic or ideal plastic.


Fluid is a state of matter which exhibits the property of flow. When a certain mass of fluids is held
in static equilibrium by confining it within solid boundaries, it exerts force along direction
perpendicular to the boundary in contact. This force is called fluid pressure.

• Pressure distribution:
It is the variation of pressure over the boundary in contact with the fluid.
There are two types of pressure distribution.
a) Uniform Pressure distribution.
b) Non-Uniform Pressure distribution.

(a) Uniform Pressure distribution:

If the force exerted by the fluid is same at all the points of contact boundary then the pressure
distribution is said to be uniform.

(b) Non –Uniform Pressure distribution:

If the force exerted by the fluid is not same at all the points then the pressure distribution is said to
be non-uniform.

• Intensity of pressure or unit pressure or Pressure:

Intensity of pressure at a point is defined as the force exerted over unit area considered around that
point. If the pressure distribution is uniform then intensity of pressure will be same at all the points.

• Calculation of Intensity of Pressure:

When the pressure distribution is uniform, intensity of pressure at any points is given by the ratio of
total force to the total area of the boundary in contact.
Intensity of Pressure ‘p’ =F/A
When the pressure distribution is non- uniform, then intensity of pressure at a point is given by

Unit of Intensity of Pressure: N/m2 or pascal (Pa).

Note: 1 MPa =1N/mm2
• Atmospheric pressure

Air above the surface of liquids exerts pressure on the exposed surface of the liquid and normal to
the surface.
This pressure exerted by the atmosphere is called atmospheric pressure.
Atmospheric pressure at a place depends on the elevation of the place and the temperature.
Atmospheric pressure is measured using an instrument called ‘Barometer’ and hence atmospheric
pressure is also called Barometric pressure.
Unit: kPa .
‘bar’ is also a unit of atmospheric pressure 1bar = 100 kPa.
• Absolute pressure and Gauge Pressure:
Absolute pressure at a point is the intensity of pressure at that point measured with reference to
absolute vacuum or absolute zero pressure.
Absolute pressure at a point can never be negative since there can be no pressure less than absolute
zero pressure.
Absolute pressure at ‘A’

Absolute pressure at a point is the intensity of pressure at that point measured with reference to
absolute vacuum or absolute zero pressure.
Absolute pressure at a point can never be negative since there can be no pressure less than absolute
zero pressure.
If the intensity of pressure at a point is measured with reference to atmospheric pressure, then it is
called gauge pressure at that point.
Gauge pressure at a point may be more than the atmospheric pressure or less than the atmospheric
pressure. Accordingly gauge pressure at the point may be positive or negative.
Negative gauge pressure is also called vacuum pressure.

From the figure, It is evident that, Absolute pressure at a point = Atmospheric pressure ±
Gauge pressure.
NOTE: If we measure absolute pressure at a Point below the free surface of the liquid, then,
p = g. Y + patm
If gauge pressure at a point is required, then atmospheric pressure is taken as zero, then,
p = g. Y
Pressure Head
It is the depth below the free surface of liquid at which the required pressure
intensity is available.
P = gh
h = P/ g
For a given pressure intensity ‘h’ will be different for different liquids since, ‘g’ will be different for
different liquids. Whenever pressure head is given, liquid or the property of liquid like specify
gravity, specific weight, mass density should be given.
(i) 3m of water
(ii) 10m of oil of S = 0.8.
(iii) 3m of liquid of g = 15 kN/m3
(iv) 760mm of Mercury.
(v) 10m _ not correct.
1. To convert head of a liquid to head of another liquid.

2. Swater x hwater = Sliquid x hliquid
1x hwater = Sliquid x hliquid
h water = Sliquid x hliquid

Pressure head in meters of water is given by the product of pressure head in meters of liquid and
specific gravity of the liquid.
Eg: 10meters of oil of specific gravity 0.8 is equal to 10x0.8 = 8 meters of water.
Eg: Atmospheric pressure is 760mm of Mercury.
P = g h
kPa kN/ m3 m
1. Calculate intensity of pressure due to a column of 0.3m of (a) water (b) Mercury
(c) Oil of specific gravity-0.8.
a) h = 0.3m of water

2. Intensity of pressure required at a points is 40kPa. Find corresponding head in
(a) water (b) Mercury (c) oil of specific gravity-0.9.

4. Standard atmospheric pressure is 101.3 kPa Find the pressure head in (i) Meters of water (ii)
mm of mercury (iii) m of oil of specific gravity 0.8.

5. An open container has water to a depth of 2m and above this an oil of S = 0.9 for a depth of
1m. Find the intensity of pressure at the interface of two liquids and at the bottom of the tank.

6. Convert the following absolute pressure to gauge pressure (a) 120kPa (b) 3kPa (c) 15m of
H2o (d) 800mm of Hg.

Measurement of Pressure
Various devices used to measure fluid pressure can be classified into,
1. Manometers
2. Mechanical gauges.
Manometers are the pressure measuring devices which are based on the principal of balancing the
column of the liquids whose pressure is to be measured by the same liquid or another liquid.
Mechanical gauges consist of an elastic element which deflects under the action of applied pressure
and this movement will operate a pointer on a graduated scale.
Classification of Manometers:
Manometers are broadly classified into
a) Simple Manometers
b) Differential Manometers.
a) Simple Manometers
Simple monometers are used to measure intensity of pressure at a point.
They are connected to the point at which the intensity of pressure is required. Such a point is called
gauge point.
b) Differential Manometers
Differential manometers are used to measure the pressure difference between two points. They are
connected to the two points between which the intensity of pressure is required.

Types of Simple Manometers
Common types of simple manometers are
a) Piezometers
b) U-tube manometers
c) Single tube manometers
d) Inclined tube manometers
a) Piezometers:

Piezometer consists of a glass tube inserted in the wall of the vessel or pipe at the level of point at
which the intensity of pressure is to be measured. The other end of the piezometer is exposed to air.
The height of the liquid in the piezometer gives the pressure head from which the intensity of
pressure can be calculated.
To minimize capillary rise effects the diameters of the tube is kept more than 12mm.
_ Simple in construction
_ Economical
_ Not suitable for high pressure intensity.
_ Pressure of gases cannot be measured.
(b) U-tube Manometers:

A U-tube manometers consists of a glass tube bent in U-Shape, one end of which
is connected to gauge point and the other end is exposed to atmosphere. U-tube consists of a liquid
of specific of gravity other than that of fluid whose pressure intensity is to be measured and is
called manometric liquid.
• Manometric liquids
¨ Manometric liquids should neither mix nor have any chemical reaction with the fluid whose
pressure intensity is to be measured.
¨ It should not undergo any thermal variation.
¨ Manometric liquid should have very low vapour pressure.
¨ Manometric liquid should have pressure sensitivity depending upon the magnitude of pressure to
be measured and accuracy requirement.
• To write the gauge equation for manometers
Gauge equations are written for the system to solve for unknown quantities.
1. Convert all given pressure to meters of water and assume unknown pressure in meters of waters.

2. Starting from one end move towards the other observing the following points.
¨ Any horizontal movement inside the same liquid will not cause change in pressure.
¨ Vertically downward movement causes increase in pressure and upward motion causes decrease in
¨ Convert all vertical columns of liquids to meters of water by multiplying them by corresponding
specify gravity.
¨ Take atmospheric pressure as zero (gauge pressure computation).
3. Solve for the unknown quantity and convert it into the required unit.
4. If required calculate absolute pressure.
1. Determine the pressure at A for the U- tube manometer shown in fig. Also calculate the absolute
pressure at A in kPa.

2. For the arrangement shown in figure, determine gauge and absolute pressure at the
point M.

3. If the pressure at ‘At’ is 10 kPa (Vacuum) what is the value of ‘x’?

4. The tank in the accompanying figure consists of oil of S = 0.75. Determine the pressure gauge
reading in kN/m2.

5. A closed tank is 8m high. It is filled with Glycerine up to a depth of 3.5m and linseed oil to
another 2.5m. The remaining space is filled with air under a pressure of 150 kPa. If a pressure
gauge is fixed at the bottom of the tank what will be its reading.
Also calculate absolute pressure. Take relative density of Glycerine and Linseed oil as 1.25 and
0.93 respectively.

Differential manometers are used to measure pressure difference between any two points. Common
varieties of differential manometers are:
(a) Two piezometers.
(b) Inverted U-tube manometer.
(c) U-tube differential manometers.
(d) Micromanometers.

(a) Two Pizometers

The arrangement consists of two pizometers at the two points between which the pressure
difference is required. The liquid will rise in both the piezometers. The difference in elevation of
liquid levels can be recorded and the pressure difference can be calculated.
It has all the merits and demerits of piezometer.
(b) Inverted U-tube manometers

Inverted U-tube manometer is used to measure small difference in pressure between any two points.
It consists of an inverted U-tube connecting the two points between which the pressure difference is
required. In between there will be a lighter manometric liquid. Pressure difference between the two
points can be calculated by writing the gauge equations for the system.
Let ‘hA’ and ‘hB’ be the pr head at ‘A’ and ‘B’ in meters of water
hA – (Y1 S1) + (x SM) + (y2 S2) = hB.
hA – hB = S1 y1 – SM x – S2 y2,
pA – pB = g (hA – hB)
(c) U-tube Differential manometers

A differential U-tube manometer is used to measure pressure difference between any two points. It
consists of a U-tube containing heavier manometric liquid, the two limbs of which are connected to
the gauge points between which the pressure difference is required. U-tube differential manometers
can also be used for gases. By writing the gauge equation for the system pressure difference can be
Let ‘hA’ and ‘hB’ be the pressure head of ‘A’ and ‘B’ in meters of water
hA + S1 Y1 + x SM – Y2 S2 = hB
hA – hB = Y2 S2 – Y1 S1– x SM

(1) An inverted U-tube manometer is shown in figure. Determine the pressure difference between A
and B in N/m2
Let hA and hB be the pressure heads at A and B in meters of water.

2. In the arrangements shown in figure. Determine the ho ‘h’.

3. Compute the pressure different between ‘M’ and ‘N’ for the system shown in figure.

4. Petrol of specify gravity 0.8 flows up through a vertical pipe. A and B are the two points in the
pipe, B being 0.3 m higher than A. Connection are led from A and B to a U–tube containing
Mercury. If the pressure difference between A and B is 18 kPa, find the reading of manometer.

4. What is the pressure pA in the fig given below? Take specific gravity of oil as 0.8.


Single column manometer is used to measure small pressure intensities.

A single column manometer consists of a shallow reservoir having large cross sectional area when
compared to cross sectional area of U – tube connected to it. For any change in pressure, change in
the level of manometric liquid in the reservoir is small and change in level of manometric liquid in
the U- tube is large.
To derive expression for pressure head at A:
BB and CC are the levels of manometric liquid in the reservoir and U-tube before connecting the
point A to the manometer, writing gauge equation for the system we have,

+ y x S – h1 x Sm = 0
Sy = Smh1
Let the point A be connected to the manometer. B1B1 and C1 C1 are the levels of manometric
liquid. Volume of liquid between BBB1B1 = Volume of liquid between
Let the point A be connected to the manometer. B1B1 and C1 C1 are the levels of manometric
liquid. Volume of liquid between BBB1B1 = Volume of liquid between

Pressure gauges are the devices used to measure pressure at a point.
They are used to measure high intensity pressures where accuracy requirement is less.
Pressure gauges are separate for positive pressure measurement and negative pressure
measurement. Negative pressure gauges are called Vacuum gauges.


Mechanical gauge consists of an elastic element which deflects under the action of applied pressure
and this deflection will move a pointer on a graduated dial leading to the measurement of pressure.
Most popular pressure gauge used is Bordon pressure gauge.
The arrangement consists of a pressure responsive element made up of phosphor bronze or special
steel having elliptical cross section. The element is curved into a circular arc, one end of the tube is
closed and free to move and the other end is connected to gauge point. The changes in pressure
cause change in section leading to the movement. The movement is transferred to a needle using
sector pinion mechanism. The needle moves over a graduated dial.

Unit-II: Fluid Kinematics and Dynamics
Fluid Kinematics gives the geometry of fluid motion. It is a branch of fluid mechanics, which
describes the fluid motion, and it’s consequences without consideration of the nature of forces
causing the motion. Fluid kinematics is the study of velocity as a function of space and time in the
flow field. From velocity, pressure variations and hence, forces acting on the fluid can be
Velocity at a given point is defined as the instantaneous velocity of the fluid particle, which at a
given instant is passing through the point. It is represented by V=V(x,y,z,t). Vectorially,
V=ui+vj+wk where u,v,w are three scalar components of velocity in x,y and z directions and (t) is
the time. Velocity is a vector quantity and velocity field is a vector field.
Fluid Mechanics is a visual subject. Patterns of flow can be visualized in several ways.
Basic types of line patterns used to visualize flow are streamline, path line, streak line and
time line.
(a) Stream line is a line, which is everywhere tangent to the velocity vector at a given instant.
(b) Path line is the actual path traversed by a given particle.
(c) Streak line is the locus of particles that have earlier passed through a prescribed point.
(d) Time line is a set of fluid particles that form a line at a given instant.

Streamline is convenient to calculate mathematically. Other three lines are easier to obtain
experimentally. Streamlines are difficult to generate experimentally. Streamlines and Time lines are
instantaneous lines. Path lines and streak lines are generated by passage of time. In a steady flow
situation, streamlines, path lines and streak lines are identical. In Fluid Mechanics, the most
common mathematical result for flow visualization is the streamline pattern – It is a common
method of flow pattern presentation.
Streamlines are everywhere tangent to the local velocity vector. For a stream line, (dx/u) = (dy/v) =
(dz/w). Stream tube is formed by a closed collection of streamlines. Fluid within the stream tube is
confined there because flow cannot cross streamlines. Stream tube walls need not be solid, but may
be fluid surfaces


Two methods of describing the fluid motion are: (a) Lagrangian method and (b) Eularian method.
A single fluid particle is followed during its motion and its velocity, acceleration etc. are described
with respect to time. Fluid motion is described by tracing the kinematics behavior of each and every
individual particle constituting the flow. We follow individual fluid particle as it moves through the
flow. The particle is identified by its position at some instant and the time elapsed since that instant.
We identify and follow small, fixed masses of fluid. To describe the fluid flow where there is a
relative motion, we need to follow many particles and to resolve details of the flow; we need a large
number of particles. Therefore, Langrangian method is very difficult and not widely used in Fluid


Fig. Eulerian Method

The velocity, acceleration, pressure etc. are described at a point or at a section as a function of time.
This method commonly used in Fluid Mechanics. We look for field description, for Ex.; seek the
velocity and its variation with time at each and every location in a flow field. Ex., V=V(x,y,z,t).
This is also called control volume approach. We draw an imaginary box around a fluid system. The
box can be large or small, and it can be stationary or in motion.


1. Steady and Un-steady flows

2. Uniform and Non-uniform flows
3. Laminar and Turbulent flows
4. Compressible and Incompressible flows
5. Rotational and Irrotational flows
6. One, Two and Three dimensional flows


Steady flow is the type of flow in which the various flow parameters and fluid properties at any
point do not change with time. In a steady flow, any property may vary from point to point in the
field, but all properties remain constant with time at
every point.[ ∂V/∂ x,y,z= 0; [∂p/ ∂t]x,y,z =0. Ex.: V=V(x,y,z); p=p(x,y,z) . Time is a
t] criterion.
Unsteady flow is the type of flow in which the various flow parameters and
fluid properties at any point change with time. [∂V/∂t] x,y,z≠0 ; [∂p/∂t] x,y,z≠0,

Eg.:V=V(x,y,z,t), p=p(x,y,z,t) or V=V(t), p=p(t) . Time is a criterion


Uniform Flow is the type of flow in which velocity and other flow parameters at any instant of time
do not change with respect to space. Eg., V=V(x) indicates that the flow is uniform in ‘y’ and ‘z’
axis. V=V (t) indicates that the flow is uniform in ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ directions. Space is a criterion.
Uniform flow field is used to describe a flow in which the magnitude and direction of the velocity
vector are constant, i.e., independent of all space coordinates throughout the entire flow field (as
opposed to uniform flow at a cross
section). That is, [ ∂V/ t=constant =0, that is ‘V’ has unique value in entire flow
Non-uniform flow is the type of flow in which velocity and other flow parameters at any instant change
with respect to space.
[ ∂V/ ∂s] t=constant is not equal to zero. Distance or space is a criterion


Laminar Flow is a type of flow in which the fluid particles move along well-
defined paths or stream-lines. The fluid particles move in laminas or layers gliding
smoothly over one another. The behavior of fluid particles in motion is a criterion. Turbulent Flow

is a type of flow in which the fluid particles move in zigzag way

in the flow field. Fluid particles move randomly from one layer to another. Reynolds number is a
criterion. We can assume that for a flow in pipe, for Reynolds No. less than 2000, the flow is
laminar; between 2000-4000, the flow is transitional; and greater than 4000, the flow is turbulent.


Incompressible Flow is a type of flow in which the density ( ρ) is constant in the

flow field. This assumption is valid for flow Mach numbers with in 0.25. Mach number is used as a
criterion. Mach Number is the ratio of flow velocity to velocity of sound waves in the fluid medium
Compressible Flow is the type of flow in which the density of the fluid changes in the flow field.
Density is not constant in the flow field. Classification of flow based on Mach number is given
M < 0.25 – Low speed
M < unity – Subsonic
M around unity – Transonic
M > unity – Supersonic
M > > unity, (say 7) – Hypersonic


Rotational flow is the type of flow in which the fluid particles while flowing along stream-lines also
rotate about their own axis.
Ir-rotational flow is the type of flow in which the fluid particles while flowing along stream-lines do
not rotate about their own axis.


The number of space dimensions needed to define the flow field completely governs dimensionality
of flow field. Flow is classified as one, two and three- dimensional depending upon the number of
space co-ordinates required to specify the velocity fields.
One-dimensional flow is the type of flow in which flow parameters such as velocity is a function of
time and one space coordinate only.
For Ex., V=V(x,t) – 1-D, unsteady ; V=V(x) – 1-D, steady
Two-dimensional flow is the type of flow in which flow parameters describing the flow vary in two
space coordinates and time.
For Ex., V=V(x,y,t) – 2-D, unsteady; V=V(x,y) – 2-D, steady
Three-dimensional flow is the type of flow in which the flow parameters describing the flow vary in
three space coordinates and time.

For Ex., V=V(x,y,z,t) – 3-D, unsteady ; V=V(x,y,z) – 3D, steady


Rate of flow or discharge (Q) is the volume of fluid flowing per second. For incompressible fluids
flowing across a section,
Volume flow rate, Q= A ×V m3/s where A=cross sectional area and V= average
For compressible fluids, rate of flow is expressed as mass of fluid flowing across a section per
Mass flow rate (m) =(ρAV) kg/s where ρ = density.

Fig. Continuity Equation

Continuity equation is based on Law of Conservation of Mass. For a fluid flowing through a pipe,
in a steady flow, the quantity of fluid flowing per second at all cross- sections is a constant.
Let v 1=average velocity at section [1], ρ1=density of fluid at [1], A1=area of flow at
[1]; Let v2, ρ2, A2 be corresponding values at section [2].
Rate of flow at section [1]= ρ 1 A1
Rate of flow at section [2]= ρ 2 A2
 1 A1 v1= ρ2 A2 v2 v2
This equation is applicable to steady compressible or incompressible fluid flows and
is called Continuity Equation. If the fluid is incompressible, 1 = ?2 and the continuity
equation reduces to A 1 v1= A2 v2
For steady, one dimensional flow with one inlet and one outlet,
ρ 1 A1 v1− ρ2 A2 v2=0
For control volume with N inlets and outlets
_ i=1N (ρi Ai vi) =0 where inflows are positive and outflows are negative .
Velocities are normal to the areas. This is the continuity equation for steady one dimensional flow
through a fixed control volume
When density isx2+ay2+az2)1/2
constant, _

Problem 1.0
Given the velocity field V= (4+xy+2t)i + 6x3j + (3xt2+z)k. Find acceleration of a fluid
particle at (2,4,-4) at t=3.
[dV/dt]=[ ∂V/∂t]+u[∂V/∂x]+v[∂V/ ∂y]+w[∂V/∂z]
u. (4+xy+2t); v=6x3; w= (3xt2+z)
[ ∂V/∂x]= (yi+18x2j+3t2k); [∂V/∂y]= xi; [∂V/∂z]= k; [∂V/ ∂t] = 2i+6xtk . Substituting,
[dV/dt]= (2+4y+xy2+2ty+6x4)i + (72x2+18x3y+36tx2)j +
The acceleration vector at the point (2,4, -4) and time t=3 is obtained by substitution,
a. 170i+1296j+572k; Therefore, a x=170, ay=1296, az=572
b. Resultant |a|= [1702+12962+5722]1/2 units = 1426.8 units.

Velocity Potential Function is a Scalar Function of space and time co-ordinates such that its
negative derivatives with respect to any direction give the fluid velocity in that direction.
_ = _ (x,y,z) for steady flow.
u. -( ∂_/∂x); v= -( ∂_/∂y); w= -( ∂_/ ∂z) where u,v,w are the components of
velocity in
x,y and z directions.
In cylindrical co-ordinates, the velocity potential function is given by u u r. (?_/?r),
_ = (1/r)( ∂_/∂_)
The continuity equation for an incompressible flow in steady state is
( ∂u/∂x + ∂v/∂y + ∂w/∂z) = 0
Substituting for u, v and w and simplifying,
( ∂2_ /∂x2 + ∂2_ /∂y2 + ∂2_/∂z2) = 0
Which is a Laplace Equation. For 2-D Flow, ( ∂2_ /∂x2 + ∂2_ /∂y2) =0

If any function satisfies Laplace equation, it corresponds to some case of steady

incompressible fluid flow.


Assumption of Ir-rotational flow leads to the existence of velocity potential. Consider the rotation
of the fluid particle about an axis parallel to z-axis. The rotation
component is defined as the average angular velocity of two infinitesimal linear
segments that are mutually perpendicular to each other and to the axis of rotation.
Consider two-line segments _x, _y. The particle at P(x,y) has velocity components u,v in the x-y

The angular velocities of _x and _y are sought.

The angular velocity of (_x) is {[v+ (∂v/∂x) _x –v] / _x} = (∂v/∂x) rad/sec
The angular velocity of (_y) is -{[u+ ( ∂u/∂y) _y –u] / _y} = -(u/y) rad/sec Counter clockwise
direction is taken positive. Hence, by definition, rotation
component (_ _ z. is _z= 1/2 {(?v/?x)- (?u/?y)}. The other two components
x. 1/2 {(?w/?y)- (?v/?z)}
y. 1/2 {(?u/?z)- (?w/?x)}
The rotation vector = _ = i_ x +j_y +k_z.
The vorticity vector(Ω) is defined as twice the rotation vector = 2_


_ z. 1/2 {(?v/?x)-
_ x. 1/2 {(?w/?y)-
y. 1/2 {(?u/?z)-
Substituting u=- (∂_/∂x); v=- (∂_/∂y); w= - (∂ _/∂z) ; we get
_ z. 1/2 {(?/?x)(- ?_/?y) - (?/?y)(- ?_/?x)}
= ½{-(∂2_/∂x∂y)+ (∂2_/ ∂y∂x)} = 0 since _ is a continuous function.
Similarly, _ x=0 and _y =0
All rotational components are zero and the flow is irrotational.– Therefore, irrotational flow is also
called as Potential Flow.
If the velocity potential (_) exists, the flow should be irrotational. If velocity potential function satisfies
Laplace Equation, It represents the possible case of steady, incompressible, irrotational flow.
Assumption of a velocity potential is equivalent to the assumption of irrotational flow.
Laplace equation has several solutions depending upon boundary conditions.
If _ 1 and _2 are both solutions, _1+ _2 is also a solution
2(_1)=0, ∇ 2(_2)=0, ∇ 2(_1+ _2)=0
Also if _
is a solution, C_1 is also a solution (where C=Constant)

Stream Function is defined as the scalar function of space and time such that its partial derivative with
respect to any direction gives the velocity component at right angles to that direction. Stream function is
defined only for two dimensional flows and 3-D flows with axial symmetry.
( ∂_/∂x) = v ; (∂_/∂y) = -u
In Cylindrical coordinates, u r = (1/r) (∂_/∂_) and u_ = (∂_/∂r)
z = 0. Hence for 2-D flow, (∂2 _ /∂x2)+ (∂2_ /∂y2)


1. If the Stream Function (_) exists, it is a possible case of fluid flow, which may be rotational or
2. If Stream Function satisfies Laplace Equation, it is a possible case of an irrotational flow.


On an equi-potential line, the velocity potential is constant, _=constant or d(_)=0. _ = _(x,y) for
steady flow.
d(_) = (∂_/∂x) dx + (∂_/∂y) dy.
d(_) = -u dx – v dy = -(u dx + v dy) = 0.
For equi-potential line, u dx + v dy = 0
Therefore, (dy/dx) = -(u/v) which is a slope of equi-potential lines
For lines of constant stream Function,
_ = Constant or d(_)=0, _ = _(x,y)
d(_) = (∂_/∂x) dx + (∂_/∂y) dy = vdx - udy
Since (∂_/∂x) = v; (∂_/∂y) = -u
Therefore, (dy/dx) = (v/u) = slope of the constant stream function line. This is the slope of the
stream line.
The product of the slope of the equi-potential line and the slope of the constant stream function line
(or stream Line) at the point of intersection = -1.
Thus, equi-potential lines and streamlines are orthogonal at all points of intersection.

Examples: Uniform flow, Line source and sink, Line vortex

Two-dimensional doublet – a limiting case of a line source approaching a line sink


u. -(∂_/∂x), v= -(∂_/∂ y)
u. -(∂_/∂y), v= (∂_/∂x) ; Therefore,
-(∂_/∂x) = - (∂_/∂y) and - (∂_/∂ y) = ( ∂_/∂x)
Hence, (∂_/∂ x) = ( ∂_/∂y) and (∂_/∂y) = -(∂_/∂x)

The velocity potential function for a flow is given by _= (x2 –y2). Verify that the flow is
incompressible and determine the stream function for the flow.
u=–(∂_/∂x)= –2x , v= – (∂_/∂y)= 2y
For incompressible flow, (∂u/∂x)+ (∂v/∂y)= 0
Continuity equation is satisfied. The flow is 2-D and incompressible and exists.

u. –(∂_/∂y); v= (∂_/∂x) ; (∂_/∂y)= –u = 2x;

_ = 2xy+F(x) + C ; C=Constant

(_/ ∂x)= v = 2y; _ = 2xy+ F(y)+C Comparing we get, _= 2xy+C

The stream function for a 2-D flow is given by _ = 2xy. Calculate the velocity at the point P (2,3)
and velocity function (_).
Given _ = 2xy; u= –(∂_/∂y) = -2x; v= (∂_/∂x)=2y
Therefore, u= –4 units/sec. and v= 6 units/sec.
Resultant=√(u2+v2) = 7.21 units/sec.
( ∂_/∂x)= –u = 2x; _= x2+F(y)+C; C=Constant.
( ∂_/∂y) = –v= –2y; _= – y2+F(x)+C,
Therefore, we get, _= (x2 –y2) +C


A Fluid particle while moving in a fluid may undergo any one or a combination of the following
four types of displacements:
1. Linear or pure translation
2. Linear deformation
3. Angular deformation
4. Rotation.

(1) Linear Translation is defined as the movement of fluid element in which fluid element
moves from one position to another bodily – Two axes ab & cd and a’b’& c’d’ are parallel.

(2) Linear deformation is defined as deformation of fluid element in linear direc tion – axes are
parallel, but length changes.
(3) Angular deformation, also called shear defor mation is defined as the average change in the
angle contained by two adjacent sides. The angular deformation or
shear strain rate = ½( 1 + 2) = ½(?v/?x + ?u/?y)

Fig Angular deformation Fig. Rotation

(4) Rotation is defined as the movement of the fluid element in such a way that both its axes (horizontal
as well as vertical) rotate in the same direction. Rotational

components are:
_ z. 1/2 {(?v/?x)-
_ x. 1/2 {(?w/?y)- (?v/?z)}
y. 1/2 {(?u/?z)- (?w/?x)}. Vorticity (?) is defined as the value twice of the
and is given as 2_
Find the vorticity components at the point (1,1,1) for the following flow field;
u=2x2+3y, v= – 2xy+3y2+3zy, w= –(3z2¸2) +2xz – 9y2z
 =2_ where Ω= Vorticity and _= component of rotation.
Ω Ωx. {(?w/?y)- (?v/?z)}= –18yz–3y= –21
Ω units
y. {(?u/?z)- (?w/?x)}= 0–2z= –2 units
z. {(?v/?x)- (?u/?y)}= – 2y –3 = –5

Unit-III: Boundary layer Concept and Closed conduit flow


Whenever a body is placed in a stream, forces are exerted on the body. Similarly, if the body is
moving in a stationary fluid, force is exerted on the body.

Therefore, when there is a relative motion between the body and the fluid, force is exerted on the
Example: Wind forces on buildings, bridges etc., Force experienced by automobiles, aircraft,
propeller etc.,


Consider a stationary body placed in a stream of real fluid.

Let U = Free stream velocity.
Fluid will exert a Force F R on the body.
The force is inclined at an angle to the direction of velocity.
The Force F R can be resolved into TWO components – One in the direction of flow
(F F D. and the other perpendicular to it
R = FL + FD
Drag: The component of the total force (F Drag
R. in the direction of motion is called as

). Drag is the force exerted by the fluid on the body in the direction of motion. Drag resists motion
of the body or fluid.
Example: Wind resistance to a moving car, water resistance to torpedoes etc., Power is required to
overcome drag and hence drag has to be reduced to a possible

Lift: The component of the total force in the direction perpendicular to the direction of motion. Lift
is the force exerted by the fluid normal to the direction of motion.
Lift is zero for symmetrical flow.
Lift = Weight (in the case of an airplane in cruise)
Consider an elemental area (dA) on the surface of the body.
1. Pressure force (PdA) acts normal to the area dA.
2. 0dA) acts along the tangent to dA
Shear force (

3. (
dF D = Drag force on the element
0dA ) Sin (θ)
Therefore, Total drag on the body
= F
D = _dFD = _(pdA)Cos (θ) + _(τ
0dA ) Sin (θ) -----Equation (1)
Total drag (or Profile drag) = Pressure drag (or form drag) + Friction drag.

The quantity _(pdA) Cos ( epends

upon the form or shape of the body as well as the location of the separation point.
The quantity0dA) Sin (θ) is called as the friction drag or skin friction drag and

depends upon the extent and character of the boundary layer. The sum of the pressure drag and the
friction drag is called as total drag or profile drag.

In the case of a flat plate (Fig. a), ( D is only the friction drag
If the plate is held normal to the plane (Fig. b), ( D is only the
pressure drag
Lift = Force due to Pressure in the normal direction + Force due to shear in the normal direction.
= – (pdA)Sin ( 0dA) Cos (θ) OR FL = – _(pdA)Sin (θ) + _(τ0dA) Cos (θ)
-----Equation (2)
Equations (1) and (2) require detailed information regarding pressure distributions
and shear stress distributions to determine F D and FL on the body.
As a simple alternative, Drag and Lift Forces are expressed as
F D = CDA (ρU2/2)
F L = CLA (ρU2/2)
Where C D and CL are called Coefficient of Drag and Coefficient of Lift respectively,
 = Density of fluid, U = Velocity of body relative to fluid
A = Reference area or projected area of the body perpendicular to the direction of flow or it is the largest
projected area in the in the case of submerged body.


Let force ‘F’ is exerted by fluid on the body.

of elasticity, U = Velocity and g = Acceleration due to gravity. From dimensional analysis, we get,

Fr = Froude Number = (U/√gL)

If the body is completely submerged, Fr is not important. If Mach number is relatively low (say, <
0.25), M can be neglected.

F D = CD L2 (ρU2/2) = CD
F L = CL L2 (ρU2/2) = CL

C L and CD are the coefficients of Lift and Drag respectively

The type of drag experienced by the body depends upon the nature of fluid and the shape of the body:
1. Skin friction drag
2. Pressure drag
3. Profile drag
4. Wave drag
5. Induced drag
Skin Friction Drag: The part of the total drag that is due to the tangential shear
stress ( 0) acting on the surface of the body is called the skin friction drag. It is also

called as friction drag or shear drag or viscous drag.
Pressure Drag: The part of the total drag that is due to pressure on the body
is called as Pressure Drag. It is also called as Form Drag since it mainly depends on the shape or
form of the body

Fig. Flow over Bodies – Pressure Drag and Skin Friction Drag
For a streamlined body, pressure drag is small. Large part of drag is due to friction. Ex., Aerofoils,
modern cars etc., - Streamlines match with the surface and there is very small wake behind the
For a bluff body, streamlines don’t match with the surface. Flow separates and gives rise to large
wake zone. Pressure drag is predominant compared to friction drag – Ex., Bus body.

Profile Drag or Total Drag is the sum of Pressure or Form drag and Skin
Friction drag.
Wave Drag: When a body like ship moves through a fluid, waves are
produced on the surface of the liquid. The drag caused due to these waves is called as wave drag.
The wave drag is obtained by subtracting all other drags from the total drag measurements. The
drag, which is caused by change in pressure due to a
shock wave in supersonic flow, is also called as wave drag.

Induced Drag: When a body has a finite length (Ex., Wing of an airplane), the
pattern of flow is affected due to the conditions of flow at the ends. The flow cannot be treated as
two-dimensional, but has to be treated as three-dimensional flow. Due to this, body is subjected to
additional drag. This drag, due to the three dimensional nature of flow and finite length of the body
is called as Induced Drag.
Deformation Drag: If the body with a very small length (Ex., Sphere) moves
at very low velocity through a fluid with high kinematics viscosity (Re = (
than 0.1), the body experiences a resistance to its motion due to the wide spread
deformation of fluid particles. This drag is known as Deformation Drag.

Problem –1.
A circular disc 3m in diameter is held normal to 26.4m/s wind velocity. What force is required to
hold it at rest? Assume density of air = 1.2kg/m3, and
C D = 1.1.

Force required to hold the disc = Drag = FD =CDA(ρU2/2)

Calculate the power required to overcome the aerodynamic drag for the two cars both traveling at
90km/h using the following data.
Car (A) – CD = 0.8, A (frontal) = 2m2,
Car (B) – C D = 0.4, A (frontal) = 1.8m2. Take ρ = 1.164 kg/m3.
For Car (A)
D. U
= 90km/hr = 25m/s.
Power = CD A(ρU2/2) ×U
Similarly for Car (B),

Experiments were conducted in a wind tunnel with a wind speed of 50km/h. on a flat plate of size 2m
long and 1m wide. The plate is kept at such an angle that the co-efficient of lift and drag are 0.75
and 0.15 respectively. Determine (a) Lift force
(b) Drag force (c ) Resultant force (d) Power required to maintain flow.

Given: A = 2m2; CL = 0.75; CD = 0.15; ρ = 1.2 kg/m3; U= 13.89m/s

Drag force = F LiftD = CDA(ρU2/2) = 34.72N
force = F
L = CLA(ρU2/2) = 173.6N
Resultant force = FR = (FD2 + FL2)1/2 = 177.03 N
Power = F


Ideal fluid theory assumes that fluid is ideal, zero viscosity and constant density. Results obtained don’t
match with experiments.
With ideal fluid, there is no drag force. However, in practice, drag force exists. In practice, fluids adhere
to the boundary.
At wall, fluid velocity = wall velocity- this is called No Slip Condition. The velocity of the fluid is zero
at the wall and goes on increasing as we go away from the wall if the wall is stationary.
This variation in velocity near the wall gives rise to shear stresses resulting in resistance to motion of

L.Prandtl developed Boundary Layer Theory
Boundary layer theory explains the drag force experienced by the body. The fluid in the vicinity of the
surface of the body may be divided into two regions – (1) Boundary layer and (2) Potential flow or Ir-
rotational flow region.


Boundary layer is a very thin layer of fluid in the immediate vicinity of the wall (or boundary).
When a real fluid flows past a solid boundary, there develops a thin layer very close to the
boundary in which the velocity rapidly increases from zero at the boundary (due to no slip
condition) to the nearly uniform velocity in the free stream. This region is called Boundary layer. In
this region, the effect of viscosity is predominant due to the high values of (du/dy) and most of the
energy is lost in this zone due to viscous shear.
The layer of fluid which has its velocity affected by the boundary shear is called as Boundary
Layer. A thin layer of fluid in the vicinity of the boundary, whose velocity is affected due to viscous
shear, is called as the Boundary layer

Fig. Potential and Boundary layer Flow Regions


The portion of the fluid outside the boundary layer where viscous effects are negligible is called
potential flow or ir-rotational flow region. The flow in this region
Can be treated as Ideal Fluid Flow.


Consider a steady, uniform stream of fluid moving with velocity (U) on a flat plate. Let U = Free
stream velocity or Ambient velocity. At the leading edge, the thickness of the boundary layer is
zero. In the down stream direction, the thickness
of the boundary layer (

Fig. Boundary Layer Growth along a Flat Plate

Up to a certain length along the plate from the leading edge, boundary layer thickness increases and
the boundary layer exhibits the characteristics of a laminar flow irrespective of whether the
incoming flow is laminar or turbulent. – This is known as laminar boundary layer.
The thickness of the laminar boundary layer (
where u = local velocity.

Where Rex = Reynolds number based on distance from the leading edge (x)
Rex = (Ux/ν); Therefore, (δ) = 5(xν/U)0.5
In the laminar boundary layer, the Newton’s law of viscosity (
and the velocity distribution is parabolic in nature.
Beyond some distance from the leading edge, the laminar boundary layer becomes unstable and the
flow in the boundary layer exhibits the characteristics between laminar and turbulent flows. This
region is known as the transition region. After this region, the thickness of the boundary layer
increases rapidly and the flow in the boundary layer exhibits the characteristics of the turbulent
This region is known as the turbulent boundary layer. In the turbulent boundary layer, the boundary
layer thickness is given by
( ex)0.2]
The velocity profile is logarithmic in the turbulent boundary layer.

The change from laminar to turbulent boundary layer depends mainly on R ex
For all practical purposes, we can take R
x. Distance from the leading edge.
r = 5×105

If the plate is smooth, the turbulent boundary layer consists of a thin layer adjacent to the boundary
in which the flow is laminar. This thin layer is known as the laminar sub-layer.
The thickness of the laminar sub-
he laminar sub-layer, although very thin is an important factor in deciding whether a surface is
hydro-dynamically smooth or rough surface.


1. Distance (x) from the leading edge – Boundary layer thickness varies directly with the
distance (x). More the distance (x), more is the thickness of the boundary layer.
2. Free stream velocity – Boundary layer thickness varies inversely as free stream velocity.
3. Viscosity of the fluid – Boundary layer thickness varies directly as viscosity.
4. Density of the fluid – Boundary layer thickness varies inversely as density.


Boundary layer thickness - It is the distance from the boundary in which the

Displacement Thickness *): It is defined as the distance perpendicular to

the boundary by which the boundary will have to be displaced outward so that the actual discharge
would be same as that of the ideal fluid past the displaced boundary. It is also defined as the
distance measured perpendicular from the actual boundary such that the mass flux through this
distance is equal to the deficit of mass flux due to boundary layer formation.

Deficit of mass flow (discharge) = (b.dy)(U-

Total deficit of mass flow:
0 _∝ ρ(b.dy)(U-u) = ρbδ*U
_δ (1- u/U)dy

Fig. Displacement Thickness

Momentum thickness  ): It is defined as the distance measured

perpendicular from the actual boundary such that the momentum flux through this distance is equal to
the deficit of the momentum flux due to the boundary layer formation.
Momentum deficit = -u)u

0 _∝ ρ (b.dy)(U-u)u = ρbθU2
( 0_δ (1-

Unit-IV: Basics of Turbo Machinery , Hydraulic Turbines and Performance

Introduction and Working principle of hydraulic turbines

Hydraulic turbines are the machines which converts the hydraulic energy of water into
mechanical energy. Therefore, these may be considered as hydraulic motors or prime movers.
Pump: it converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. The mechanical energy
developed by the turbine is used in running an electric generator which is directly coupled to the
shaft of the turbine. The electric generator thus generates electric power which is known as
hydroelectric power.
Electric Motor: Electric motor coverts electrical energy to mechanical energy.


In the early days of water, pump development water wheels made of wood are widely used
which uses either (falling water) potential energy or kinetic energy of the flowing stream of water.
The wheel consists of series of straight vanes on its periphery, water was permitted to enter at the
top and imbalance created by the weight of the water causes wheel to rotate (over shot wheel uses
potential energy, under short wheel uses kinetic energy). Since, the low efficiency and low power
generation and these could not be directly coupled to modern fast electric generators for the purpose
of power generation. Therefore, the water wheels are completely replaced by modern hydraulic
turbines, which will run at any head and desired speed enabling the generator to be coupled directly.
In general turbine consists of wheel called runner or rotor having a number of
specially developed vanes or blades or buckets. The water possessing large amount of hydro energy
when strikes the runner, it does the work on runner and causes it to rotate.

Classification of Hydraulic Turbines

1. According to the type of energy at the inlet

2. According to the direction of flow through runner
3. According to head at inlet
4. According to specific speed of turbine
5. According to Position of the shaft

1. According to the type of energy at the inlet

a) Impulse turbine:
All the available energy of the water is converted into kinetic energy by passing it through a
contracting nozzle provided at the end of penstock
Ex: Pelton wheel turbine, Turgo-impulse turbine, Girard turbine, Bank turbine, Jonval turbine

b) Reaction Turbine:
At the entrance of the runner, only a part of the available energy of water is converted into
kinetic energy and a substantial part remains in the form of pressure energy.
As the water flow through the turbine pressure energy converts into kinetic energy
gradually. Therefore the pressure at inlet of runner is higher than the pressure at outlet and it varies
through out the passage of the turbine.
For this gradual change of pressure to the possible the runner must be completely enclosed
in a air-tight casing and the passage is entirely full of water throughout the operation of turbine
The difference of pressure between the inlet and outlet of the runner is called reaction
pressure and hence the turbines are known as reaction turbines.
Ex: Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine, Thomson Turbine, Fourneyron turbine, Propeller
turbine, etc

2. According to the direction of flow through runner:

a) Tangential flow turbine b) Radial flow turbine
c) Axial flow turbine d) Mixed flow turbine

a) Tangential flow turbine:

The water flows along the tangent to the path of rotation of the runner
Ex: Pelton wheel turbine

b) Radial flow Turbine

The water flows in the radial direction through the runner.
Inward radial flow turbine: The water enters the outer circumference and flows radially
inwards towards the centre of the runner.
Ex: Old Francis turbine, Thomson turbine, Girard turbine etc

Outward radial flow turbine: The water enters at the centre and flows radially outwards
towards the outer periphery of the runner.
Ex: Fourneyron turbine.

c) Axial flow turbine:

The water flow through runner wholly and mainly along the direction parallel to the axis of
rotation of the runner.
Ex: Kaplan turbine, Jonval, Girard axial flow turbine, Propeller turbine, etc
d) Mixed flow turbines
The water enters the runner at the outer periphery in the radial direction and leaves it at the
centre of the axial direction parallel to the rotation of the runner.

Ex: Modern Francis turbine.

3. According to head at inlet:

a) High head turbines: These turbines work under very high heads 255m - 1770m and above.
Requires relatively less quantity of water.
Ex: Pelton wheel turbine or impulse turbine.
b) Medium head turbines: These turbines are capable of working under medium heads ranging
from 60m - 250m These turbines requires large quantity of water.
Ex: Francis Turbine
c) Low head turbines: these turbines are capable of working under the heads less than 60mts.
These turbines requires large quantity of water.
Ex: Kaplan turbine, propeller turbine.

a) Low specific speed turbines: specific speed turbine varies from 8.5 to 30.
Ex: Pelton wheel turbine
b) Medium specific speed turbines: specific speed varies from 50 to 340
Ex: Francis turbine.
c) High specific speed turbines: specific speed varies from 255-860.
Ex: Kaplan and propeller turbine.

5) According to the position of the shaft:

a) Horizontal disposition of shaft

b) Vertical disposition of shaft.
Turbine Shaft


This is named after Lester A. Pelton, American engineer who contributed much to its
development in about 1880. It is well suited for operating under high heads.
It’s an impulse, high head, low specific speed and tangential flow turbine.
The runner consists of a circular disc with a number of buckets evenly spaced around its

The buckets have a shape of double semi-ellipsoidal cups. Each bucket is divided into 2
symmetrical parts by sharp edged ridge known as splitter.
One or more nozzles are mounted so that each directs a jet along a tangential to the pitch circle of
runner or axis of blades.
The jet of water impinges on the splitter, which divides jet into equal halves, each of which after
flowing around the smooth inner surface of the bucket leaves at its outer edge.

The buckets are so shaped that the angle at the outlet lip varies from 10 to 20 degrees. So that the
jet of outer deflects through 160 to 170. The advantage of having double cup-shaped bucket is that

the axial thrust neutralizes each other being equal and opposite and having bearing supporting the
wheel shaft are not supported to any axial thrust or end thrust.
The back of the bucket is shaped that as it swings downward into the jet no water is wasted by
At the lower tips of the bucket a notch is cut which prevents the jet striking the preceding bucket
and also avoids the deflection of water towards the centre of the wheel.
For low heads buckets are made of C.I, for high heads buckets are made of Cast Steel ,bronze,
stainless steel.

In order to control the quantity of water striking the runner, the nozzle is fitted at the end of the
penstock is provided with a spear valve having streamlined head which is fixed at the end of the
When the shaft of pelton wheel is horizontal, not more than to two jets are used if the shaft
vertical six number of jets are possible.

A casing is made of C.I or fabricated steel plates is usually provided for a pelton wheel to
prevent splashing of water, to lead water to the tail race and also act as safeguard against accidents.
Large pelton wheels are usually equipped with a small break nozzle which when opened directs a
jet of water on the back of the buckets, therby bringing the wheel quickly to rest after it is shut
down, otherwise it takes considerable time to come to rest.

In reaction turbines, the available energy of water at inlet of the turbine is sum of pressure energy
and kinetic energy and during the flow of water through the runner a part of pressure energy is
converted into kinetic energy, such type of turbine is reaction turbine. Ex: Francis Turbine, Kaplan
Turbine, Propeller Turbine, etc

Sectional view of Francis Turbine

The main components of Francis Turbine:

Scroll Casing:

- The water from the penstock enters the scroll casing or spiral casing which completely
surrounds the runner. The purpose of casing is to provide even distribution of water around the
circumference of the runner and to maintain constant velocity of water so distributed.

- In order to maintain constant velocity of water through out its path around the runner, the
cross-sectional area of casing is gradually decreased. The casing is made of cast steel or plate steel.

2. Stay Ring:

-From the scroll casing the water passes through a speed ring or stray ring. Stay ring consists of
outer and lower ring held together by series of fixed vanes called stay vanes.

- Number of stay vanes usually half of the number of guide vanes. Stay vane performs two
functions, one is to direct the water from the scroll casing to the guide vanes and other is to rest the
load imposed upon it by the internal pressure of water and the weight of the turbine and electrical
generator and transmits the same to the foundation. Speed ring is made of C.I or C.S.

3. Guide Vanes:

-From the stay ring water passes through a series of guide vanes provided around the periphery of
the runner. The function of guide vanes is to regulate the quantity of water supplied to the runner
and to direct the water on to the runner with design angle.

- The guide vanes are airfoil shaped and made of C.S or S.S or P.S. Each guide vane is
provided with two stems; the upper stem passes through head cover and lower stem seats in bottom
ring. By a system of levers and links all the guide vanes may be turned about their stems, so as to
alter the width of the passage between the adjacent guide vanes, thereby allowing a variable
quantity of water to strike the runner. The guide vanes are operated either by means of a wheel or
automatically by a governor.


-The runner of a Francis turbine consists of a series of a curved vanes (from 16 to 24) evenly
arranged around the circumference in the annular space between two plates.

-The vanes are so shaped that water enters the runner radially at the outer periphery and leaves it
axially at the inner periphery.

-The change in the direction of flow of water from radial to axial, as it passes through the runner,
produces a circumferential force on the runner which makes the runner to rotate and thus
contributes to the useful output of the runner.

-Runner vanes are made of SS and other parts are made of CI or CS

- The runner is keyed to a shaft which is usually of forged steel. The torque produced by the
runner is transmitted to the generator through the shaft which is usually connected to the generator
shaft by a bolted flange connection.

Francis turbine installation:


Prof. Viktor Kaplan, Austrian

inventor of the Kaplan Turbine,

Kaplan turbine is developed by the Austrian Engineer Viktor Kaplan, it is suitable for low heads

and requires large quantity of water to develop large amount of power. Since it is a reaction turbine,
it operates in an entirely closed conduit from head race to tail race.

The main components of a Kaplan turbine

Scroll Casing
Guide vanes Mechanism
Hub with vanes or runner of turbine, and
Draft Tube

The function of above components is same as that of Francis turbine

The water from the penstock enters the scroll casing and then moves to the guide vanes. From the
guide vanes, the water turns through 900 and flows axially through the runner.

The runner of a Kaplan turbine has four or six blades (eight in exceptional cases). The blades
attached to a hub are so shaped that water flows axially through the runner.

The adjustment of the runner blades is usually carried out automatically by means of a
servomotor operating inside the hollow coupling of turbine and generator shaft.

When both guide vane angle and runner blade angle may varied, a high efficiency can be
maintained. Even at part load, when a lower discharge is flowing through the runner, a high
efficiency can be attained in case of Kaplan turbine.

Simultaneously the guide vane and runner vane angles are adjusted the water under all the
working conditions flows through the runner blades without shock. as such the eddy losses which
inevitable in Francis turbine and propeller turbines are almost completely eliminated in a Kaplan


A pump is a hydraulic machine which converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy or pressure
A centrifugal pump is also known as a Rotodynamic pump or dynamic pressure pump. It works on
the principle of centrifugal force. In this type of pump the liquid is subjected to whirling motion by
the rotating impeller which is made of a number of backward curved vanes. The liquid enters this
impeller at its center or the eye and gets discharged into the casing enclosing the outer edge of the
impeller. The rise in the pressure head at any point/outlet of the impeller is Proportional to the
square of the tangential velocity of the
liquid at that point.
Hence at the outlet of the impeller where the radius is
more the rise In pressure head will be more and the liquid will be discharged at the outlet with a high
pressure head. Due to this high pressure head, the liquid can be lifted to a higher level. Generally
centrifugal pumps are made of the radial flow type only. But there are also axial flow or propeller pumps
which are particularly adopted for low heads. Advantages of centrifugal pumps:-
1. Its initial cost is low
2. Efficiency is high.
3. Discharge is uniform and continuous
4. Installation and maintenance is easy.
5. It can run at high speeds,without the risk of separation of flow

Classification of centrifugal pumps

Centrifugal pumps may be classified
Into the following types
1.According to casing design
a. Volute pump b) diffuser or turbine pump
2. According to number of impellers
a. Single stage pump b) multistage or multi impeller pump
3. According to number of entrances
to the impeller:
b. Double suction pump
4. According to disposition of shaft
a. Vertical shaft pump
b. Horizontal shaft pump
5. According to liquid handled
a. Semi open impeller
b. Open impeller pump

6.According to specific speed
a. Low specific speed or radial flow impeller pump
b. Shrouded impeller
c. Medium specific speed or mixed flow impeller pump
c. High specific speed or axial flow type or propeller pump.
7. According to head (H)
Low head if H<15m
Medium head if 15<H<40m
High head if H>40m
In the case of a volute pump a spiral casing is provided around
the impeller. The water which leaves the vanes is directed to flow in the volute chamber
circumferentially. The area of the volute chamber gradually increases in the direction flow. Thereby
the velocity reduces and hence the pressure increases. As the water reaches the delivery pipe a
considerable part of kinetic energyis converted into pressure energy. However, the eddies are not
completely avoided , therefore some loss of energy takes place due to the continually increasing
quantity of water through the volute chamber. In the case of a diffuser pump the guide wheel
containing a series of guide vanes or diffuser is the additional component. The diffuser blades
which provides gradually enlarging passages surround the impeller periphery. They serve to
augment the process of pressure built up that is normally achieved in the volute casing. Diffuser
pumps are also called turbine pumps in view of their resemblance to a reaction turbine.
Multistage pumps and vertical shaft deep-well pumps fall under this category. Centrifugal pumps
can normally develop pressures upto 1000kpa (100m). If higher pressures are required there are
three options.a) Increase of impeller diameter. b)Increase of Rpm. c)Use of two or more impellers
in series.
The pump looks clumsy in option (a). The impeller material is heavily stressed in option (b)The
third choice is the best and is generally adopted, the impellers which are usually of the same size are
mounted on the same shaft. The unit is called a multistage pump. It discharges the same quantity of
fluid as a single stage pump but the head developed is high. There are centrifugal pumps upto 54
stages. However, generally not more than 10 stages are required. In the case of the double suction
impeller, two impellers are set back to back. The two suction eyes together reduce the intake. The
two suction eyes together reduce the intake velocity reduce the risk of cavitations. Mixed flow type
double suction axial flow pumps besides are capable of developing higher heads. For convenience
of operation and maintenance, horizontal shaft settings are the preferred setups for centrifugal
pumps. The exceptions are deep-well turbine pumps and axial flow pumps,these have vertical
shafts. Restricted space conditions usually require a vertical shaft setting. Centrifugal impellers
usually have vanes fitted between the shroudes or plate. The crown plate has the suction eye and the
base plate is mounted on a sleeve which
is keyed to the shaft. An impeller without the crown plate is called the non-clog or semi- open
impeller. In an open impeller both crown plate and the base plate are absent.
Only clear liquids, can be safely pumped by a shrouded impeller pump. The semi-open impeller is
useful for pumping liquids containing suspended solids, such as sewage,
molasses or paper pulp. The open-vane impeller pump is employed for dredging
operations in harbours and rivers. Shrouded and semi open impellers may be made of cast iron Or
cast steel. Open vane impellers are usually made of forged steel. If the liquid pumped are corrosive,
brass, bronze or gun metal are the best materials for making the impellers.
A radial flow impeller has small specific speeds (300 to 1000) & is suitable for discharging
relatively small quantities of flow against high heads. The direction of flow at exit of the impeller is
radial. The mixed flow type of impellers has a high specific speed (2500 to 5000), has large inlet
diameter D and impeller width B to handle relatively large discharges against medium heads. The

axial flow type or propeller impellers have the highest speed range (5000 to 10,000). They are
capable of pumping large discharges against small heads. The specific speed of radial pump will be
10<Ns<80, Axial pump 100<Ns<450, Mixed flow pump 80<Ns<160.
Components of a centrifugal pump
The main components of a centrifugal pump are:
i. Impeller ii) Casing iii) Suction pipe iv) Foot valve with strainer, v) Delivery pipe vi)
Delivery valve.
Impeller is the rotating component of the pump. It is made up of a series of curved
vanes. The impeller is mounted on the shaft connecting an electric motor.
Casing is an air tight chamber surrounding the impeller. The shape of the casing is
designed in such a way that the kinetic energy of the impeller is gradually changed to potential
energy. This is achieved by gradually increasing the area of cross section in the direction of flow.
Suction pipe It is the pipe connecting the pump to the sump, from where the liquid has to
be lifted up.
Foot valve with strainer the foot valve is a non-return valve which permits the flow of
the liquid from the sump towards the pump. In other words the foot valve opens only in the upward
The strainer is a mesh surrounding the valve, it prevents the entry of debris and silt into the pump.
Delivery pipe is a pipe connected to the pump to the overhead tank.
Delivery valve is a valve which can regulate the flow of liquid from the pump.
Priming of a centrifugal pump
Priming is the process of filling the suction pipe, casing of the pump and the delivery pipe upto the
delivery valve with the liquid to be pumped.
If priming is not done the pump cannot deliver the liquid due to the fact that the head generated by
the Impeller will be in terms of meters of air which will be very small (because specific weight of
air is very much smaller than that of water).
Priming of a centrifugal pump can be done by any one of the following methods:
i. Priming with suction/vacuum pump.
ii) Priming with a jet pump.
iii) Priming with separator.
iv) Automatic or self priming.
Heads on a centrifugal pump:
Suction head (hs): it is the vertical distance between the liquid level
in the sump and the centre line of the pump. It is expressed as meters.
Delivery head (hd): It is the vertical distance between the centre line of the pump and
the liquid level in the overhead tank or the supply point. It is expressed in meters.
Static head (Hs): It is the vertical difference between the liquid levels
In the overhead tank and the sump, when the pump is not working. It is expressed as meters.
Therefore, HS= (hs+ hd)
Friction head (hf): It is the sum of the head loss due to the friction in the suction and
delivery pipes. The friction loss in both the pipes is calculated using the Darcys
equation, hf=(fLV2/2gD).
Total head (H): It is the sum of the static head Hs, friction head (hf) and the velocity
head in the delivery pipe (Vd 2/2g). Where, Vd=velocity in the delivery pipe.
_ 2_

A centrifugal pump works on the principal that when a certain mass of fluid is rotated by an
external source, it is thrown away from the central axis of rotation and a centrifugal head is
impressed which enables it to rise to a higher level.
Working operation of a centrifugal pump is explained in the following steps.
1. Close the delivery valve and prime the pump.
2. Start the motor connected to the pump shaft, this causes an increase in the impeller
3. Open the delivery valve gradually, so that the liquid starts flowing into the deliver pipe.
4. A partial vacuum is created at the eye of the centrifugal action, the liquid rushed from the
sump to the pump due to pressure difference at the two ends fo the suction pipe.
5. As the impeller continues to run, move & more liquid is made available to the
pump at its eye. Therefore impeller increases the energy of the liquid and delivers it to the reservoir.
6. While stopping the pump, the delivery valve should be closed first, otherwise there may be
back flow from the reservoir.
It may be noted that a uniform velocity of flow is maintained in the delivery pipe. This is due to the
special design of the casing. As the flow proceeds from the tongue of the casing to the delivery
pipe, the area of the casing increases. There is a corresponding change in the quantity of the liquid
from the impeller. Thus a uniform flow occurs in the delivery pipe.
Operation difficulties in centrifugal pumps
a. Pump fails to pump the fluid.

Cause Remedial Measures

1) Improper priming due to leakage of Repair or replace the foot

foot valve or incomplete filling. valve,
2) Head more than design head Reduce the head or change
3) Clogging of impeller, suction pipe or Clean the suspected part
4) Suction lift may be excessive Reduce the height of pump
the sump
5) Speed more than design speed Connect another prime mover of
higher speed

6) Direction of rotation of impeller is Change the direction.


B. Pump does not give the required capacity

a. Leakage of air through the suction pipe or through the gland packing

b. Damage to some parts of the pump by wear & tear

c. Clogging of impeller passages

C. Pump has poor efficiency

a. Higher than design speed

Stop the leakage

Replace the damaged parts
Clean the impeller

Reduce the speed

b) Low head & higher discharge Reduce the discharge

c) Impeller touching, the casing or Carryout the necessary

improper alignment of shaft repair.

D. Pump stops working

a) Air entry into suction pipe Stop the pump, plug the
reprime and start

b) Suction lift is high Reduce the suction lift.

tips of a vane fixed to the impeller.

Let N=speed of the impeller in RPM
D. Diameter of theimpeller at inlet

D=Diameter of the impeller at outlet

U1= Tangential velocity of the impeller at inlet D 1 N/60
U2= tangential velocity of the impeller at outlet D 2N/60
V1=absolute velocity of the liquid at inlet
V 2. absolute velocity of the liquid at
outlet. 2
& V 1 are the velocities of flow at inlet and
f outlet.
Vr & V 21 Relative velocities at inlet and
r outlet
Vw whirl velocity at outlet
 angle made by
V with respect to the motion of the vane 1
 blade angle at inlet
 = blade angle at outlet
For a series of curved vanes the force exerted can be determined using the impulse momentum equation
Work=force x distance.

Performance of centrifugal pumps:

Generallya centrifugal pump is worked under its maximum efficiency conditions, however when
the pump is run at conditions other than this it performs differently. In order to predict the
behaviour of the pump under varying conditions of speed, discharge and head, full scale tests are
usually performed. The results of these tests are plotted in th e form of characteristic curves. These
curves are very useful for predicting the performance of pumps under different conditions of speed,
discharge and head. Following four types of characteristic curves are usually prepared for a
centrifugal pump.

a. Main characteristic.
b. Operating characteristics
c. Constant efficiency or Muschel characteristic.
d. Constant head an constant discharge curves.
Main Characteristic: the pump is operated a particular constant speed, discharge is
varied by adjusting the delivery valve. Manometric head Hm and the shaft power P are measured
for each discharge. The overall efficiency is then calculated. The curves are plotted between Hm
& Q, P & Q, & Q.A set of similar curves are plotted by running the pump at different speeds. They
will be as shown.
b. Operating characteristic: The curves are obtained by
running the pump at the design speed, which is also the driving speed of the motor. The design
discharge and head are obtained from the corresponding Curves, where the efficiency is maximum
as shown.
c. Constant efficiency curves: The constant efficiency curves
are obtained from the main characteristic curves. The line of maximum efficiency is obtained by
joining the points of the maximum curvature of the constant efficiency lines. These curves are
useful in Determining the range of operation of a pump.
d. Constant head and constant discharge
curves: If the pump has a variable speed, the plots
between Q and N and that between Hm and N may be obtained by varying the speed. In the first
case Hm is kept constant & in the second Q is kept contant.

Model testing of centrifugal pumps: Models of centrifugal pumps are usually tested to
predict the performance of prototypes. The discharge (Q) delivered by a centrifugal pump depends
upon the Manometric head (Hm), impeller dia (D), power (P), speed (N), viscosity ( ), density (P)
and acceleration due to gravity (g).
Q f H m D,, P N ,, m
p,, g

By dimensions analysis, it can be shown that Q3 f hHm , m , P
ND N 2 D 2 eND 2 D 5
N 3P

Hence, for completely dynamic similarly to exist between the pump model and its
prototype, assuming that g,P & m are the same in the model & the proto type.

Q 3 Q3 ; Hm Hm m
ND ND N2 D 2N 2 D2
P m
1 21 3 ; P P m
ND ND D5 N 3D 5 N 3


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