Case Study

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Case Study

George David is a highly regarded manager because he is very strategizing in management and
knows that values are essential in management. Management is not only about achieving goal
but also about how the organization has good values. He is a creative thinker and takes the risk
of changing the system in organization so that he can control the performance when necessary.

David gained respect from people by respecting people first. From the text we know that he was
not only demanding, but he was a good listener too. David gets things done through people with
the help of decentralization method and cutting the range of head offices into various divisions.
David managed each and every segment, such as financial, accounting, productivity and more
with the help of trustworthy subordinates. At the same time employees dedicatedly proved
themselves with their total effort and skill in return..

The Achieving Competitive Excellence (ACE) which rolled-out across UTC to improve product
quality and productivity was the proof of David’s methods in implementation of planning and
strategizing. The decentralization system which directed the accounting staff to prepare a new
financial reporting system showed how David was a good organizer too. The persistence of
tremendous ethical principles and protection for employees’ arrangement was the controlling
methods used by David at UTC. Implementation of worldwide employee scholarship program at
accredicted schools with paid study time was the total academic development for UTC
employees, towards maintaining and creating a hallmark for UTC. That was the leading and
developing process used by David.
George David has almost all the managerial competencies and proficiencies that make him highly
regarded personnel. What Sandy Weill said was very true that, he has toughness towards the
company and sensitivity towards his people. Everything David did were only good geeds for UTC
as well as for the beneficiary to the employees.
Additionally, George David could effectively utilize human resources and knew well about how
to manage the right people at the right place. However, we could not point out for which
competencies such as sales & marketing that he seemed to lack any apart from the ones
mentioned in this case.

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