Ba Luster Rail and Installation

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For 2 Piece Straight, Curved or Corner Railing

General preparations

Additional Items Needed: • Prepare the molds using a lubricant or a mold release. This will
• 137 lbs. concrete or Portland ce- help in removing the casting from the mold later and will extend
ment and sand mix (details at right) the life of the mold itself. We recommend the use of any con-
for straight and curved rail sets, cor- crete release agent, cooking spray or WD40 lubricant (use spar-
ner rail 69 lbs ingly).
• mixing tool, I.e. shovel or garden • The Mix is two parts sand and one part cement or pre mixed
hoe concrete. Use white Portland Cement and white sand for white
• Wheel barrow or mixing tray railing
• Lubricant or a mold release • Mix a small amount of water at a time until you achieve a consis-
• Two 2” x 4” x 24” of lumber tency that is well mixed, and is thick, not runny.

Casting Railings

• Fill the molds 1 inch at a time. Keep filling, bouncing and tapping
mold in between to spread the concrete inside the mold and to
drive out all the air bubbles
• Place the molds in a dry place out of direct sun for 24 to 48 hours.
• Once concrete is set unmold the castings. Turn mold over onto 2 x 4
• Loosen sides of mold
• Lift out of mold on each end to remove casting
• The concrete will continue to set up for 10 more days, so be gentle
with handling until it is fully cured.
• Clean the mold immediately after use and store them out of the
• You may have some air bubbles in the surface or sides of your railing
which you may fill easily by mixing up a small batch of one part ce-
ment and one part sand and water to moisten. Use a damp
sponge to fill and swipe excess to create a smooth finish.

Artistic Home & Garden Co, Camas WA 98607

Email: [email protected]
Included In Each History Baluster Kit:
Two half baluster molds, 16 bolts 16 nuts, Instruction Sheet

General preparations
Additional Items Needed: • Prepare the molds using a lubricant or a mold release.
• 53 lbs Ready Mix Concrete or This will help in removing the casting from the mold later and will ex-
Portland cement and sand tend the life of the mold itself. We recommend the use of any con-
mix (described at right) crete release agent, cooking oil spray or WD40 lubricant (use spar-
• 29” steel rebar (if creating bal- ingly).
usters for railing • The Mix is two parts sand and one part cement or pre mixed concrete
• Mixing tool, (small shovel • Mix a small amount of water at a time until you achieve a consistency
or garden hoe) that is well mixed, and is thick, not runny.
• Lubricant or a mold release • Weight— baluster only 53 lbs.

Casting Baluster
• If you are casting balusters for railing you must pre drill the baluster mold
in the bottom to accommodate the rebar to protrude from the bottom
and 1” above the rim.
• Place the mold assembly upright and begin filling the molds 4” at a time.
• Shake, bounce and tap the sides of your mold in between pouring to
spread the concrete and to help drive out air bubbles. You may use a 2”
x 2” piece of lumber to pack the mix in (do not use a sharp tool that can
scratch your mold — which will show on finished castings)
• Do not use pencil vibrator inside the mold. It will destroy the mold.
• Let molds set up in a dry place out of direct sun for 24 to 48 hours

Removing Casting

• Once concrete is set, remove the bolts , carefully tilt the baluster flat to the ground taking care not
to rest heavy casting on edges of mold (best to remove on grass area, carpet, cardboard for softer
• Now unmold the castings by pulling and lifting on the ends of the mold.
• The concrete will continue to set up for 5 more days so be gentle with handling until it is fully cured.
• Clean the molds immediately after use and store them out of the sun.
• It is normal to have some air bubbles in the surface of your baluster which you can patch easily by
mixing a small batch of one part cement and one part sand and enough water to moisten. Apply
with a damp sponge to smooth over the area.

Using the Baluster

• Especially designed to be used with the History Stones Concrete Railing

System which includes rails and newel posts. Important—Please Read
• You may use the baluster as a bird bath pedestal or as a pedestal for
concrete balls, finials or other art. Artistic Home & Garden Co. will
• The baluster is a good choice for a table base. not be held responsible for any
• Use your imagination and be sure you use thin set mortar to attach other installation. All installations are
concrete pieces to your baluster for a stable and safe project (concrete is the responsibility of the installer.
heavy) Have Fun!
Installing Railing & Balusters
See How-To Video Online On YouTube

These instructions are intended for installing on a solid concrete foundation which is at least six inches below the
frost line in your area. Installing heavy concrete railing above ground is common, and must be on a concrete base
and on a structure that will support at least 250 lbs per linear foot. Check your local building code requirements.
Work with a partner to assist you in installation or hire a professional mason. Recommended run is three, 3 seg-
ments . Use newel posts to break long run approximately every 9 feet, for appearance as well as additional support.

Required Tools & Items For Each 3 Foot Railing Section If you need to adjust size and angles of concrete to
• 5 cast balusters per railing section fit installation or installing on stairs you will also
• 2 rails with rebar channel (one for base and one on top of balusters) need:
• 1 cast cap rail • Saw with masonry diamond blade
• Mortar • Dust mask
• 3/8” diameter rebar in two 4 ft pieces (use galvanized or primed if • Safety goggles
near saltwater)
• Trowels, pointed end types
• Level Important—Please Read
• Gloves
• Sponge Artistic Home & Garden Co. will not be held re-
• Bucket of water sponsible for any installation. All installations are
• 1/2” masonry drill bit and drill the responsibility of the installer.
• Tape measure and pencil

Installing History Stones Rails & Balusters

• Dampen concrete surface and all cast concrete pieces

• Apply mortar evenly over concrete surface
• Lay base rail on mortar and check for level
• Once base rails are laid apply mortar in the groove for rebar
• Insert rebar so you will extend minimum of 6” into next rail (use continuous piece of rebar or segments)
• Mark rail where each baluster will be set before beginning (balusters are to be placed no more than 1” apart if 2 feet
or higher above ground)
• Apply mortar to the bottom rail under each baluster you install. Check to be certain that each baluster is plumb
(vertically straight) and aligned with previous balusters
• Scrape excess mortar and clean with damp sponge as you go
• You may continue at this point to install more rail and baluster sections and apply top rails the next day
• Apply mortar to the tops of your balusters one section at a time
• Lay horizontal rebar on top of balusters in the mortar in the center of run to fit inside rail channel
• Apply mortar into the groove of second rebar rail and place rail on top of balusters and check for level
• Apply cap rail in same fashion and check level, scrape and clean excess mortar

NOTE: horizontal rebar must tie into your end supports, which is your newel post or wall (drilled and mortared)


You may seal your concrete railing with concrete sealant

Molds available in History Stones Railing Line

• Baluster Molds
• Straight, curved and corner rails
• Newel Post and Post Cap molds

In cold weather — Plastic gets harder and stiffer in cold weather. If you have trouble re-
moving from molds, set them out in the sun until plastic is warm, or use a hair blow dryer,
but be careful to not melt the plastic. Do not cast in temperatures close to freezing.

In warm weather — let molds set up in the shade, not in the sun. Let concrete dry slowly
and in hot, dry weather cover with plastic to slow dehydration. In humid weather allow
more time, even another day ,to allow the concrete to set up in mold.

For use as bird bath pedestal that will not tip when placed on grass or soil, replace the
rebar in center of baluster mold with conduit (plastic or metal tube). When you are ready to
set up your bird bath insert 2 ft length of rebar into the ground and place baluster on top so
conduit slips over the top 1 ft of rebar
securing your beautifully bird bath in

Other Available Molds For History Stones

Concrete Railing System:

• Straight Rail Molds

• Curved Rail Molds
• Corner Rail Molds
• Newel Post and Post Cap Molds

Artistic Home & Garden Co., Camas WA

Email: [email protected]
History Stones Baluster Railing System
Detail Drawings
Available molds: baluster, straight, corner and curved rail, newel post and cap molds.,
sphere finial half 10” diameter half round mold

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