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vol. 189, no.

3 the american naturalist march 2017

What Explains Patterns of Diversification

and Richness among Animal Phyla?

Tereza Jezkova and John J. Wiens*

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721
Submitted July 6, 2016; Accepted October 13, 2016; Electronically published January 3, 2017
Online enhancements: appendixes, supplemental files. Dryad data:

abstract: Animal phyla vary dramatically in species richness (from

Does parasitism increase the diversification rates of parasitic
one species to 11.2 million), but the causes of this variation remain lineages? If so, is it as important as other traits in explaining
largely unknown. Animals have also evolved striking variation in diversity patterns?
morphology and ecology, including sessile marine taxa lacking heads, New time-calibrated phylogenies and phylogenetic com-
eyes, limbs, and complex organs (e.g., sponges), parasitic worms (e.g., parative methods offer exciting opportunities to address these
nematodes, platyhelminths), and taxa with eyes, skeletons, limbs, and questions. Here, we use these approaches to analyze patterns
complex organs that dominate terrestrial ecosystems (arthropods, chor-
of species richness and diversification in one of the largest
dates). Relating this remarkable variation in traits to the diversification
and richness of animal phyla is a fundamental yet unresolved problem
groups of organisms, the metazoans (i.e., animals, including
in biology. Here, we test the impacts of 18 traits (including morphology, 180% of all extant described species; Roskov et al. 2016). We
ecology, reproduction, and development) on diversification and rich- focus on finding the correlates of net diversification rates of
ness of extant animal phyla. Using phylogenetic multiple regression, clades (speciation 2 extinction over time) to identify traits
the best-fitting model includes five traits that explain ∼74% of the var- that may be particularly important in accelerating speciation
iation in diversification rates (dioecy, parasitism, eyes/photoreceptors, and/or buffering lineages from extinction. We focus on di-
a skeleton, nonmarine habitat). However, a model including just three
versification rates rather than richness alone, since the latter
(skeleton, parasitism, habitat) explains nearly as much variation (∼67%).
Diversification rates then largely explain richness patterns. Our results
ignores the ages of clades.
also identify many striking traits that have surprisingly little impact on Animal phyla offer a compelling system in which to ad-
diversification (e.g., head, limbs, and complex circulatory and digestive dress these questions. First, animal phyla show dramatic var-
systems). Overall, our results reveal the key factors that shape large-scale iation in species richness, from a single described species in
patterns of diversification and richness across 180% of all extant, de- Placozoa to 11.2 million species in Arthropoda (Zhang 2013).
scribed species. Second, animals have evolved remarkable diversity in their
Keywords: animals, diversification, habitat, morphology, parasitism, morphology, ecology, development, and reproduction (Niel-
species richness. sen 2001; Hickman et al. 2012) over the past ∼800 million
years (fig. 1). Animals range from simple, microscopic, asex-
ual taxa found only in oceans (e.g., placozoa), to sessile, pre-
Introduction dominantly marine taxa lacking heads, eyes, limbs, and organs
A major goal of ecology and evolutionary biology is to ex- (e.g., sponges), to parasitic worms (e.g., many nematodes and
plain patterns of species richness. For example, why do platyhelminths), to highly mobile taxa with heads, eyes, skel-
some clades have a single species whereas others (of similar etons, limbs, and complex organ systems for circulation, di-
age) have more than a million? A closely related question is: gestion, and excretion that now dominate terrestrial ecosys-
what kinds of traits might be particularly important for tems in terms of species richness (e.g., arthropods) and body
explaining these patterns? For example, are the habitats size (e.g., chordates; Nielsen 2001; Hickman et al. 2012). How
where organisms live as important as their evolutionary in- this incredible variation in traits among animal phyla might
novations in morphology, development, or reproduction? be related to their striking differences in richness is a funda-
mental but unresolved problem in biology.
The question of which traits explain large-scale patterns of
* Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]. animal diversification has remained unresolved for several
Am. Nat. 2017. Vol. 189, pp. 000–000. q 2017 by The University of Chicago.
reasons. First, many traits have been hypothesized to play
0003-0147/2017/18903-57096$15.00. All rights reserved. a role in explaining differences in diversification and richness
DOI: 10.1086/690194 among animal phyla, but their importance has not been ex-

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Figure 1: Summary of phylogeny, richness, diversification rates, and traits among animal phyla. Time-calibrated phylogeny of 28 animal
phyla based on the topology of Dunn et al. (2014), with a root age at ∼836 million years (tree 2 from Wiens 2015b). For each phylum, species
richness and diversification rates (in species per million years) are shown, as well as the distributions of five traits that showed significant
relationships with diversification rates: dioecy, occupancy of nonmarine habitats, parasitism, presence of a skeleton, and vision. Occupancy of
terrestrial habitats is not depicted because it is largely redundant with the occupancy of nonmarine habitats (Wiens 2015b). Proportions of
character states smaller than ∼5% are not clearly visible, but exact values are shown in supplementary file S1 (available in the Dryad Digital

plicitly tested (Heard and Hauser 1995; Mayhew 2007). Sec- counting for the fact that some clades may have more species
ond, studies that have explicitly tested relationships between simply because they are older. Finally, some studies have
traits and diversification have usually focused on only one studied potentially relevant traits across animals but not at
trait at a time (e.g., body size [Orme et al. 2002; McClain the level of phyla (e.g., de Queiroz 1999). Thus, it remains
and Boyer 2009], presence of eyes [de Queiroz 1999], or oc- unclear how much variation in diversification rates (or rich-
currence in nonmarine habitats [Wiens 2015b]). Therefore, ness) among phyla these traits explain.
the relative importance of different traits (and the potential In this article, we test the morphological, ecological, and
impact of correlations among traits) remains highly uncer- developmental correlates of diversification among animal
tain. Third, many traits that were tested showed weak or no phyla. We utilize three time-calibrated phylogenies (Wiens
relationship with richness or diversification (e.g., presence 2015b) that include most (28 of 32) widely recognized phyla.
of eyes [de Queiroz 1999], body size [Orme et al. 2002]). Sim- We assemble a data set of 18 diverse ecological, morpholog-
ilarly, traits that were found to be significant explained only ical, developmental, and reproductive traits from the litera-
a minority of the variation in diversification rates among ture, each having the potential to impact diversification rates.
animal phyla (e.g., ∼33% for nonmarine habitat use; Wiens We perform phylogenetic comparative analyses to identify
2015b). Furthermore, some studies have focused on richness those traits significantly related to diversification (noting that
instead of diversification (e.g., Orme et al. 2002) without ac- diversification rates explain ∼85%–89% of the variation in

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Diversification of Animal Phyla 000

richness among phyla; Wiens 2015b). We then use multiple logenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) analyses with
regression to identify a model explaining the maximum var- categorical independent variable as long as the dependent
iation in diversification rates while including the fewest var- variable is continuous (Martins and Hansen 1997), as is the
iables. We identify a set of five traits that together explain case here for diversification rates. One trait (body size) was
∼74% of the variation in diversification rates among animal treated as a continuous variable. Data on trait distributions
phyla and a set of three traits that explain nearly as much among phyla were often obtained from Hickman et al. (2012),
(∼67%). Our results support the importance of ecology, a especially for the most obvious traits (e.g., head, limbs). When
few key morphological innovations, and parasitism in ex- information was not available from Hickman et al. (2012),
plaining patterns of diversification and species richness in we searched the primary literature for additional information.
animals at the largest scales. Detailed information on all characters and their coding can
be found in appendix A. Distributions of traits among taxa
are summarized in supplementary file S1. All supplementary
Material and Methods files are deposited in the Dryad Digital Repository: http:// (Jezkova and Wiens 2016).
We recognize that some problems could arise when using
We identified 18 traits that were potentially related to diver- proportions to associate traits with diversification for major
sification rates of animal phyla (app. A; apps. A, B are avail- clades. For example, for a given phylum with two subclades
able online). Most traits involved morphology and develop- A and B, a trait might be present in subclade A, but in-
ment, whereas a few described ecology and reproduction. creased diversification in that phylum might be restricted
These traits were previously recognized as potentially pro- to subclade B. However, such a pattern would need to be re-
moting diversification of animal phyla (Heard and Hauser peated within multiple phyla to give a strong relationship
1995; de Queiroz 1999; Orme et al. 2002; Mayhew 2007; between that trait and diversification rates among phyla,
Wiens 2015b) or being important in animal macroevolu- which seems unlikely. Similarly, a trait might be present at
tion in general (Dunn et al. 2014). Further, we limited our- very low frequencies within one or more phyla but could still
selves to those traits for which data were available from the show a relationship with diversification. Such a rare trait
literature for all phyla. Therefore, on the basis of this crite- would be highly unlikely to be causally related to diversifica-
rion, we excluded several potential traits, including diet, re- tion across the clade. To avoid this problem, we confirmed
generative ability, generation time, and number of offspring. that all traits significantly related to diversification in our
The final set included external characters (body size and sym- results occurred in 150% of the species in two or more phyla
metry; presence of eyes, legs, segmentation, and cephaliza- (fig. 1). In general, we recognize that statistical relationships
tion), internal characters (presence of an excretory system, between traits and diversification can support (but not prove)
circulatory system, digestive system, and an endo- or exo- causation.
skeleton), characters associated with reproduction and de-
velopment (asexual reproduction, dioecy, metamorphosis),
Phylogeny and Phylum Delimitation
and ecological characters (parasitism, occurrence in marine
vs. nonmarine and terrestrial vs. aquatic habitats). Note that We analyzed relationships between traits and diversifica-
nonmarine includes both terrestrial and freshwater habitats, tion among the 28 animal phyla included in the three time-
whereas aquatic includes both freshwater and marine hab- calibrated phylogenies of Wiens (2015b). These phyla gener-
itats. These two characters (nonmarine and terrestrial habi- ally correspond to the 34 phyla described by Hickman et al.
tat) were previously tested for relationships with diversifica- (2012), with the following exceptions. The phyla Cycliophora,
tion of animal phyla by Wiens (2015b). Similarly, Orme et al. Loricifera, Mesozoa, and Micrognathozoa were not included,
(2002) tested for a relationship between body size and rich- given that lack of comparable sequence data prevented their
ness across animal phyla. Data for these three characters inclusion in the tree of Wiens (2015b). Acanthocephala is
were therefore obtained primarily from Orme et al. (2002) considered a separate phylum by Hickman et al. (2012) but
and Wiens (2015b; but see also app. A). Data for the other is included within Rotifera here. Similarly, Sipuncula is con-
15 characters were assembled from the literature for this sidered a separate phylum by Hickman et al. (2012) but here
study. was included within Annelida (for details on delimitation of
Traits were generally scored on the basis of the estimated phyla, see Wiens 2015b).
proportion of species in a phylum exhibiting a given state Time-calibrated phylogenies were used to both infer di-
(ranging from 0 to 1), given that many traits varied among versification rates of phyla (i.e., clade ages) and account for
species within one or more phyla. In cases in which a trait phylogenetic nonindependence of phyla (using phylogenetic
showed little variation within phyla, it was treated as a cat- comparative methods). We used the three time-calibrated phy-
egorical variable. Note that it is appropriate to perform phy- logenies from Wiens (2015b). All trees used are given in

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NEXUS format in supplementary file S2. These phyloge- that ε is intended to correct for the failure to sample extinct
nies were based on 16 genes from 73 metazoan species, using clades entirely when extinction rates are high (Magallón and
relatively well-supported relationships among phyla as con- Sanderson 2001). It is not an estimate of extinction rates
straints. The first two trees were based on the topology of within extant clades. Clade ages were derived from the three
Dunn et al. (2014), which summarized animal phylogenies from time-calibrated trees. Following standard practice, we used
many recent studies. Two sets of fossil calibration points three different values of ε, two extreme values (0 and 0.9),
were used, one that estimated the root of the tree at ∼1.3 bil- and an intermediate value (0.5). However, use of different
lion years (tree 1) and a second one that estimated the root values had relatively minor impact on the relationship be-
at 836 Ma (tree 2). For the last tree (tree 3), an alternative tree tween traits and diversification (supplementary file S4). Spe-
topology based largely on Philippe et al. (2011) was used, with cies richness estimates based on numbers of described species
an estimated root age of 820 Ma. Results were similar using were obtained from Wiens (2015b). Because actual species
all three trees, and we focused primarily on tree 2 (which numbers are clearly much greater than described species num-
yields a more standard set of divergence dates, along with bers for some phyla, we also performed a set of analyses using
the relatively well-established topology). diversification rates estimated with projected species num-
We also performed a series of secondary analyses to ad- bers (for details, see app. B). Specifically, we used projections
dress the impacts of clade delimitation on the results. First, of the actual number of extant species in each phylum, not
some phyla were subdivided into smaller subclades (specifi- merely the current number of described species.
cally, Annelida, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Chaetognatha, Chor- We note that some authors have claimed that these net di-
data, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Hemichordata, Mollusca, and versification rate estimators require that rates of diversifica-
Porifera; following Wiens 2015b), which yielded 49 higher- tion are constant within clades and should therefore be used
level clades. We also independently tested the clades Deu- only if there is a positive relationship between clade age and
terostomia (i.e., including the higher-level clades within Chor- richness among clades (e.g., Rabosky and Adams 2012; Ra-
data, Echinodermata, and Hemichordata) and Ecdysozoa bosky et al. 2012). There are two main problems with these
(including the six higher-level clades within Arthropoda and arguments. First, the net diversification rate estimator for
the phyla Kinorhyncha, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Ony- stem group ages is mathematically agnostic with regard to
chophora, Priapulida, and Tardigrada). However, these were variation in diversification within clades over time. Thus, a
not the primary analyses for our study, given that our main young clade with many species will have a relatively fast net
goal was to infer the causes of variation in diversification rates diversification rate regardless of the exact pattern of line-
and richness among phyla (rather than simultaneously trying age accumulation over time within that clade (just as an older
to explain variation both among and within phyla). For exam- clade with fewer species will have a slower net rate). Second,
ple, much of the variation within phyla might be explained by recent simulations suggest that the accuracy of the net diver-
other variables not included here (i.e., that show limited vari- sification estimator used here is similar, regardless of whether
ation among phyla), and traits important for explaining vari- there is a positive or negative relationship between clade age
ation among phyla might be less important within them. and richness (Kozak and Wiens 2016). In fact, the previous
studies that stated that a positive age-richness relationship
was necessary (e.g., Rabosky and Adams 2012; Rabosky et al.
2012) did not directly address the accuracy of these net diver-
Diversification Rates
sification estimators. The simulation study that did address
The net diversification rate for each phylum-level clade was their accuracy suggests that there can be strong relationships
estimated using the method of moments estimator for stem between true and estimated rates using these estimators and
group ages (Magallón and Sanderson 2001). Estimated rates that these relationships strengthen dramatically as clade ages
are given in supplementary file S3, along with species rich- increase (Kozak and Wiens 2016). Importantly, the clade ages
ness and ages of clades. The stem group estimator was used used here are much older than those simulated in that study
because the phylogenies included too few species for some (i.e., ∼15–40 vs. ∼500 million years in this study).
phyla to infer their crown group age (e.g., some species-poor More generally, alternative approaches to estimating di-
phyla are represented by single species). Furthermore, use versification rates would generally be problematic, given that
of crown group ages might give a highly distorted view of the phylogenies used here include only a small fraction of the
a group’s net diversification (e.g., a very young crown group total species richness of these clades. Moreover, the approach
age in an ancient group with low richness could suggest a used here allowed us to test the relationships between traits
nonsensical high diversification rate). Estimating the diversi- and richness and to estimate the variance in diversification
fication rate of a clade using the method of moments estima- rates among phyla that is explained by individual traits and
tor requires the clade’s age, species richness, and an assumed combinations of traits. Such questions would be difficult to
relative extinction fraction (ε, or extinction/speciation). Note address using alternative approaches to diversification that

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Diversification of Animal Phyla 000

do not estimate an overall diversification rate for each phylum The relationships between individual traits and diversifi-
(as done here). cation rates were further explored with three additional
analyses. First, we repeated the analyses of individual traits
for 28 phyla using projected species richness values instead
Testing Relationships between Traits
of numbers of described species (for details, see app. B and
and Diversification Rates
supplementary file S5). Second, we repeated the analyses of
The relationships between traits and diversification rates individual traits using the 49 higher-level clades, after sub-
among phyla were tested using PGLS (Martins and Hansen dividing some phyla into subclades (for details, see Wiens
1997). This approach accounts for the potential statistical non- [2015b] and supplementary file S6). These additional anal-
independence of clades due to phylogeny. For PGLS, the R yses were conducted using tree 2 and all three values of ε.
package CAPER (ver. 0.5.2; Orme 2013) was used. Following Third, we repeated the analyses individually for Annelida,
standard practice, the maximum likelihood transformation Arthropoda, and Mollusca (i.e., analyzing variation among
of branch lengths optimized for the data (lambda p ML) the higher-level clades within these phyla) and for all sub-
was used, on the basis of estimated values of l (Pagel 1999); divided clades within Ecdysozoa (12 clades total) and Deutero-
k and d were each fixed at 1. stomia (seven clades). We specifically tested those characters
We first tested the relationships between diversification that showed significant relationships with diversification rate
rates and each of the 18 traits separately. The analysis was re- in the main analysis of 28 phyla. This latter set of analyses
peated using the three phylum-level topologies and the three was conducted using tree 2 and the intermediate value of ε.
values of ε. Results were largely insensitive to different topol- Results are described in supplementary file S7.
ogies and ε values.
We then conducted multiple regression analyses, includ-
ing only traits that showed a significant relationship with di-
versification rates of phyla when tested individually for tree
2 (which has a relatively standard topology and divergence We first separately tested each of 18 traits (table 1; supple-
dates) and ε p 0:5 (the intermediate value). For the multi- mentary file S4) for their potential impacts on diversification.
ple regression analyses, we first included all traits that were Only six traits showed significant relationships with diversi-
significantly related to diversification in separate analyses fication rates across different trees and diversification anal-
in a single multiple regression model. We then repeated the yses (table 1; supplementary file S4). The distribution of these
analysis, after excluding one trait at a time (until all n 2 1 traits across the phylogeny is summarized in figure 1, along
combinations were reached, where n is the number of traits). with patterns of diversification rates and species richness
From these analyses, we selected the analysis with the lowest among phyla (note that nonmarine and terrestrial habitat use
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) value. We then excluded are redundant and not shown separately; see below). The
one additional trait at a time from this analysis until all pos- presence of photoreceptors and/or eyes in a phylum (vision
sible combinations were tested. We then again selected the hereafter) explained 36%–39% (P ! :001–.001) of the varia-
analysis with the lowest AIC. We repeated these steps until tion in diversification rates (ranges summarize results across
only a single pair of traits remained. From these analyses, the three trees and three different ε values used for estimat-
we then selected the model with the lowest AIC value overall, ing diversification rates for each tree). An alternative cod-
which should simultaneously maximize the variance explained ing for vision, using the proportion of species with eyes only
and minimize the number of variables included. We also used (i.e., excluding photoreceptors), was also significantly related
the P values associated with each individual trait in the mul- to diversification (r 2 p 0:23–0.32, P p :002–.010), but this
tiple regression analyses to assess whether each variable sig- coding explained less variation than when eyes and photo-
nificantly contributed to the best-fitting analysis. receptors were combined into a single state. Phyla with higher
We recognize that other approaches to model selection are proportions of nonmarine species (i.e., freshwater and terres-
possible. For example, we could have initially included all trial) and higher proportions of terrestrial species had signifi-
traits, regardless of their relationship to diversification in pair- cantly higher diversification rates. Occurrence in nonmarine
wise analyses, and sequentially removed them. However, this and terrestrial habitats explained 30%–37% (P p :001–.002)
would create an extremely large number of models to compare and 25%–28% (P p :003–.006), respectively, of the varia-
(i.e., all the possible combinations of traits from those includ- tion in diversification rates, as previously reported (Wiens
ing 17 traits down to those with only two), with most combi- 2015b). Diversification rates were also significantly related
nations almost certainly being unhelpful (since most variables to the presence of dioecy (r2 p 0:15–0.22, P p :006–.046),
show no significant relationship with diversification). Adding a skeleton (either internal or external; r 2 p 0:15–0.26, P p
other traits might increase the r 2 slightly, but such models :012–.050), and the proportion of parasitic species in a clade
would also be penalized for their extra parameters. (r 2 p 0:16–0.27, P p :005–.038).

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000 The American Naturalist

Table 1: Results of phylogenetic generalized least squares analyses individually

testing relationships between 18 traits and diversification rates of animal phyla
Trait r2 P
Proportion of species exhibiting sexual reproduction .03 .354
Presence or absence of cephalization .06 .209
Presence or absence of a circulatory system .04 .323
Presence or absence of coelom .01 .672
Presence of a digestive system with two openings .09 .111
Proportion of dioecious species .17 .027
Presence or absence of an excretory organ .12 .072
Presence or absence of legs .08 .153
Size: median biovolume (mm3; ln transformed) .02 .516
Proportion of species undergoing metamorphosis .04 .300
Proportion of nonmarine species .37 .001
Proportion of parasitic species .26 .005
Presence or absence of segmentation .09 .123
Proportion of species that have a skeleton .14 .047
Presence or absence of bilateral symmetry .06 .214
Proportion of terrestrial species .27 .005
Proportion of vagile species .01 .597
Presence or absence of photoreceptors/eyes .38 !.001
Note: Brief descriptions of each trait and regression results are shown. The results are for tree 2
and the intermediate relative extinction fraction (ε p 0:5). Results for other trees and ε values are in
supplementary file S4 (available in the Dryad Digital Repository:
/dryad.ck52b). Correlation coefficients (r 2) and P values are shown, with significant values in bold.

Most other traits were not significantly related to diversi- was excluded (table 2). Importantly, 67% of the variation
fication across any trees or ε values (supplementary file S4). was still explained when both dioecy and vision were excluded
However, the presence of a digestive tract with two openings (table 2), with a negligible increase in AIC (154.9). In com-
was significantly related to higher diversification rates on one parison, excluding parasitism or the skeleton resulted in a
tree (tree 3; see “Material and Methods”) when using lower ε model with substantially worse fit and less variation explained
values (0, 0.5). (with parasitism excluded: AIC p 164:1, r 2 p 0:58; with
We then conducted multiple regression analyses (table 2; skeleton excluded: AIC p 163:0, r 2 p 0:59). Thus, a model
supplementary file S8) to identify the combination of traits including only nonmarine habitat, skeleton, and parasitism
that best explained patterns of diversification among phyla. seemed to maximize fit and explanatory power with the fewest
For simplicity, we conducted these analyses only on the pre- traits.
ferred tree (tree 2) and an intermediate ε value (0.5), given In the analysis that included all five traits, only parasitism
that different trees and ε values gave similar results in pair- (P p :001) and the presence of a skeleton (P p :002) signif-
wise analyses (supplementary file S4). We included five of icantly contributed to the model, whereas vision (P p :11),
the six traits that were each significantly related to diversi- dioecy (P p :13), and nonmarine habitat (P p :14) did not
fication rates (table 1; supplementary file S4). We excluded (table 2). This pattern presumably occurred because non-
terrestrial habitat because it is largely redundant with non- marine habitat is significantly related to both vision and di-
marine habitat (Wiens 2015b). We compared models with oecy (vision and nonmarine: r 2 p 0:33, P p :001; dioecy
different combinations of traits using the AIC. and nonmarine: r 2 p 0:21, P p :014; for all pairwise rela-
The most variation in diversification rates (74%) was ex- tionships among these five traits, see supplementary file S9).
plained (and the lowest AIC obtained [152.5]) when all five These relationships between nonmarine habitat, vision, and
traits were included (vision, parasitism, skeleton, dioecy, non- dioecy also explain why r 2 and AIC did not improve sub-
marine habitat; table 2). However, separate analyses that indi- stantially when each one of these three traits was removed
vidually excluded vision, dioecy, nonmarine habitat, or dioecy (table 2).
and vision each resulted in only a small decrease in explained We also performed additional analyses to further explore
variation and in similar model fit. In particular, 71% of the var- our main results. First, we used projected species numbers
iation was explained when either vision (AIC p 153:8), di- (supplementary file S5) to estimate the diversification rate
oecy (AIC p 153:5), or nonmarine habitat (AIC p 153:3) for each phylum instead of numbers of described species

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Diversification of Animal Phyla 000

Table 2: Results of phylogenetic multiple regression analyses of relationships between diversification rates
of animal phyla and selected traits
Traits included in model r2 AIC P
Dioecy, nonmarine habitat, parasitism, skeleton, vision .740 152.50 !.001
Dioecy .130
Nonmarine habitat .144
Parasitism .001
Skeleton .002
Vision .114
Nonmarine habitat, parasitism, skeleton, vision .710 153.48 !.001
Nonmarine habitat .028
Parasitism .003
Skeleton .002
Vision .097
Dioecy, parasitism, skeleton, vision .712 153.28 !.001
Dioecy .025
Parasitism .000
Skeleton .003
Vision .019
Dioecy, nonmarine habitat, parasitism, skeleton .708 153.75 !.001
Dioecy .111
Nonmarine habitat .024
Parasitism .001
Skeleton .001
Nonmarine habitat, parasitism, skeleton .673 154.91 !.001
Nonmarine habitat .001
Parasitism .002
Skeleton .001
Note: The five models with the best fit on the basis of Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) values are shown (for full results, see sup-
plementary file S8, available in the Dryad Digital Repository: The results are based on tree 2 and
an ε of 0.5. Correlation coefficients (r2), AIC, and P values are shown for each model, along with P values for each trait in each model.

(utilizing tree 2 and all three ε values). This analysis (sup- :001–.006; supplementary file S6). The relationship between
plementary file S5) supported relationships between diver- diversification rates and all three traits is weaker for 49 clades
sification and five of the six traits supported in the analyses in comparison with 28 clades, as expected given the problem
based on described species (vision: r 2 p 0:32–0.33, P p of simultaneously explaining diversification rates both within
:001–.002; parasitism: r 2 p 0:35, P p :001; dioecy: r 2 p and between phyla (see above).
0:15–0.17, P p :031–.046; nonmarine habitat: r 2 p 0:36– Finally, we tested for relationships between traits and di-
0.37, P p :001; terrestrial habitat: r 2 p 0:26–0.27, P p versification rates separately within selected clades (supple-
:004–.006). However, the presence of a skeleton was nonsig- mentary file S7). Specifically, we tested the six candidate traits
nificant across all three ε values. Parasitism explained more within the phyla Annelida (n p 5 clades), Arthropoda (n p 6),
variation when projected species richness was used than us- and Mollusca (n p 5) and within the clades Deuterostomia
ing described richness, presumably because of the high pro- (n p 7 clades, including the subdivided clades of Chordata,
jected richness of parasitic nematodes (supplementary file S5). Echinodermata, and Hemichordata) and Ecdysozoa (n p 12
The remaining five significant variables explained equal or clades, including the subdivided clades of Arthropoda and
less variation when projected species richness was used, rel- the phyla Kinorhyncha, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Ony-
ative to diversification rates estimated from numbers of de- chophora, Priapulida, and Tardigrada). Although many traits
scribed species. that were important among phyla were not significantly re-
Second, we subdivided many of the more diverse phyla to lated to diversification rates within these clades, we found a
yield a total of 49 clades (Wiens 2015b). Using tree 2 and significant relationship with the presence of a skeleton within
three ε values, we found that three traits still showed signif- Annelida (r 2 p 0:83, P p :03). We also found a significant
icant relationships with diversification rates (vision: r 2 p relationship between diversification rates and nonmarine
0:21–0.23, P ! :001; nonmarine habitat: r 2 p 0:11–0.17, habitat within Mollusca (r2 p 0:91, P p :01; see also Wiens
P p :001–.006; terrestrial habitat: r 2 p 0:15–0.21, P p 2015b). However, sample sizes of clades were very small

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000 The American Naturalist

within these groups, and some characters were largely in- and nonmarine: r 2 p 0:33, P p :001; dioecy and nonma-
variant within them. rine: r 2 p 0:21, P p :014; supplementary file S9). Indeed,
vision is believed to have facilitated terrestrial invasion,
and dioecy is sometimes considered an adaptation to terres-
trial life (Little 1983). The former idea is supported by our
In this study, we analyzed the morphological, developmen- post hoc ancestral state reconstructions of vision and habitat
tal, and ecological traits that potentially underlie patterns on the tree, which suggest that vision evolved before the in-
of diversification and species richness among clades in the vasion of nonmarine habitats (supplementary file S10). In
dominant group of living organisms (animals). Specifically, contrast, parasitism and the presence of a skeleton seem to
we evaluated 18 traits for their potential to explain variation be independent of both each other and these other traits, given
in diversification rates among animal phyla. We identified the weak relationships among them (supplementary file S9).
five traits that together explain ∼74% of the variation in di- An important goal for future studies should be to tease out
versification rates among animal phyla (table 2). These traits the relative effects of these traits on patterns of animal di-
include morphological innovations (skeleton, eyes/photore- versification, possibly by analyzing patterns within the more
ceptors), ecological characteristics (occurrence in nonmarine species-rich phyla that vary for these traits (e.g., annelids,
habitats, parasitism), and a trait associated with reproduc- chordates, molluscs, arthropods). For example, Wiens (2015b)
tion (dioecy). However, a model including just three traits found that nonmarine habitats explained 190% of the varia-
(habitat, parasitism, skeleton) explained nearly as much var- tion in diversification rates among major clades within mol-
iation (∼67%). To our knowledge, this may be the first study luscs. We found this same pattern and that the other traits
to show the importance of parasitism to patterns of diversi- analyzed were not significantly related to large-scale diversi-
fication at the largest phylogenetic scales. Perhaps just as im- fication patterns in molluscs. Similarly, we found that the
portantly, we identified many striking traits that have sur- presence of a skeleton explained 83% of the variation in di-
prisingly little impact on the diversification rates of animal versification rates among major clades of annelids, whereas
phyla. These included heads, limbs, body size, vagility, sexu- the other traits analyzed did not (supplementary file S7).
ality (vs. asexuality), metamorphosis, and complex organ sys- We acknowledge that other traits might be important in
tems used for circulation, digestion, and excretion (table 1). explaining richness and diversification patterns beyond the
Overall, our results show the importance of both ecology and ones that we included here. Furthermore, the effects of these
morphological innovations in explaining large-scale patterns other traits might be masked by their correlations with traits
of diversity and diversification across 180% of all described that we included. Nevertheless, we included a large number
species. of dramatic traits that varied among phyla (e.g., heads, limbs,
Our results also demonstrate the importance of consider- major organ systems) and showed that most were unrelated
ing multiple traits when explaining diversity patterns. First, to diversification. Furthermore, the traits that we did include
by including multiple variables, we were able to explain explained most variation in diversification rates among phyla.
most (74%) of the variation in diversification rates among This suggests that other traits—if they are unrelated to those
animal phyla, with a relatively limited number of variables we included—would have little additional variation left to
(five). Each variable separately explained only a limited amount explain. However, explaining richness patterns within phyla
of variation. Further, most of this variation could be ex- will likely require including additional traits or might show
plained by three variables alone. In contrast, previous stud- different traits to be important relative to those that explained
ies of diversification among animal phyla that considered diversification rates among phyla. For example, among major
only a single trait (nonmarine habitat) were able to explain vertebrate clades, terrestrial habitat use explains the major-
only 30%–37% of the variation in diversification rates among ity of variation in diversification rates (∼66%), whereas non-
anima phyla (Wiens 2015b). Importantly, our results also marine habitat use has no significant impact (Wiens 2015a).
suggest that an analysis of a single trait might conclude that Similarly, our analyses of 49 subdivided clades and within
a trait is important, when in fact the trait that is more directly select phyla supported only some of the traits that were found
influencing diversification is one that is correlated with it. In to be important across animal phyla.
our analysis, there were five traits with seemingly strong ef- We recognize that some readers may be dismayed that our
fects on diversification, but three appeared to be overlapping study is not based on fossil taxa. However, our goal here was
in their effects (dioecy, vision, nonmarine habitat). Thus, to explain patterns of net diversification and extant species
multiple regression analyses that excluded one of these three richness among animal phyla. Thus, even if patterns of spe-
traits had only slightly higher AIC scores and explained only cies richness and diversification in fossil taxa were different
slightly less variation relative to a model including all five (ta- from those analyzed here (e.g., Alroy 2010), those are not
ble 2). Pairwise comparisons showed these traits to be sig- the patterns that we are trying to explain. Furthermore, our
nificantly related in their distributions among phyla (vision primary focus is on explaining extant species richness across

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Diversification of Animal Phyla 000

phyla, not the diversity of every subclade of every phylum at 2010). Another potential mechanism is host switching (e.g.,
every slice of time over the past ∼800 million years. Of course, Ricklefs et al. 2004, 2014). We also note that our definition
analyses within phyla and analyses utilizing fossils may be of parasitism was quite restrictive (i.e., an obligatory relation-
critically important in further testing (and disentangling) ship between two heterospecific organisms during which the
the importance of these factors. We merely assert that our pri- parasite is metabolically dependent on the host; app. A).
mary question was related to the richness, net diversification, More inclusive definitions might show an even greater im-
and traits of living taxa. Furthermore, many of the traits an- pact of parasitism on diversification (e.g., encompassing her-
alyzed here would be difficult to incorporate using fossil in- bivorous insects; Ehrlich and Raven 1964; Mitter et al. 1988;
formation (e.g., dioecy, parasitism). Similarly, species richness Futuyma and Agrawal 2009; Wiens et al. 2015). This process
would also be difficult to estimate for many phyla, given the also raises a methodological issue, in that increased diversi-
bias of the fossil record toward hard-bodied organisms (Foote fication in phylogenetically distant host and parasite lineages
et al. 2007). might be coupled rather than independent. For example, the
Our study raises many questions for future research. We high overall diversification rate of nematodes might be caus-
think that the most important is, how exactly does each of ally related to the high diversification rate of the arthropods
these traits increase diversification? There are several rele- that many nematodes parasitize (especially when using our
vant hypotheses in the literature, depending on the trait. projected richness values), rather than there being fully inde-
First, nonmarine environments may offer more effective pendent increases in each clade. Finally, another interesting
barriers to dispersal, which may promote speciation (May topic for future research is how these traits might interact
1994; Benton 2001; Vermeij and Grosberg 2010; Carrete- with each other and with large-scale historical factors, such
Vega and Wiens 2012; Wiens 2015b). Other hypotheses as mass extinction events, climatic changes, and the rise of
to explain lower marine richness (and diversification) have angiosperms.
also been proposed (May 1994; Benton 2001; Vermeij and Our results support the conclusions of some previous
Grosberg 2010) but are more ambiguous, given available studies on higher-level animal diversification but not others.
data, such as higher terrestrial productivity or the difficulty Our results agree with those of Wiens (2015b) on the impor-
of moving in water (Carrete-Vega and Wiens 2012; Wiens tance of habitat (but with the caveat that the effects of habitat,
2015b). Marine extinction may also be important (Carrete- dioecy, and vision are difficult to distinguish). Our results
Vega and Wiens 2012; Wiens 2015b). Vision may facilitate also agree with those of Orme et al. (2002) in showing that
entering new adaptive zones, such as nonmarine habitat, body size is not important. Orme et al. (2002) found no sig-
and may increase the ability of organisms to localize prey, nificant relationship between their index of body size for an-
predators, and conspecific mates (de Queiroz 1999). Dioecy imal phyla (median biovolume among species) and the spe-
may facilitate internal fertilization and therefore transitions cies richness of these phyla. In contrast, McClain and Boyer
to terrestrial environments, where external fertilization is (2009) found a significant relationship between extreme
problematic (Little 1983). Further, dioecy may increase the body sizes of species within phyla (minimum and maximum
evolutionary potential of species by increasing their levels of among species) and the species richness of phyla. However,
heterozygosity and genetic diversity through genetic recombi- if body sizes evolved randomly across a tree, one would ex-
nation (Lloyd 1980). The evolution of the skeleton has been pect clades with more species to have both larger and smaller
traditionally associated with the Cambrian explosion because species (as a result of chance alone), even if there were no
it might have provided body support and defense from pred- causal relationship between size and diversification. There-
ators (Bengtson and Zhao 1992). Consequently, the presence fore, we did not perform the same tests as McClain and Boyer
of a skeleton is believed to have promoted rapid diversifica- (2009) to avoid this potential artifact. Our results disagree
tion of many animal phyla during the Cambrian (Thomas et al. with those of de Queiroz (1999), who found no significant re-
2000; Erwin et al. 2011). There has been some discussion of lationship between the presence of eyes and diversification.
the idea that parasitism and similar types of species interac- Our results support significant relationships between diver-
tions might promote diversification (e.g., Yoder and Nuis- sification rate and vision (but again with the important ca-
mer 2010; Althoff et al. 2014; Hembry et al. 2014), but strong veat that the effects of vision and habitat are difficult to parse).
empirical support at broad scales has been elusive (e.g., Wieg- De Queiroz (1999) did not analyze phyla but compared pairs
mann et al. 1993). To our knowledge, ours is the first study of lower-level sister clades. He speculated that eyes might
to support this hypothesis at such a deep phylogenetic scale. have been important at the level of phyla (as in our study)
One potential mechanism by which parasitism might pro- but not more recently within phyla. Also, de Queiroz (1999)
mote diversification is through cospeciation of hosts and assessed only the impact of image-forming eyes on diversifica-
their parasites (either strict or relatively loose), especially if tion, whereas we included both eyes and photoreceptors. We
niche partitioning within a host enables coexistence of mul- found that including both eyes and photoreceptors revealed
tiple parasite species in a single host (e.g., Feder and Forbes a stronger relationship with diversification.

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000 The American Naturalist

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“In the skull of the modern Caudata we find an arrangement of the elements which is quite similar to that described for the Branchiosauria.
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