AFNv12n03 pp02-03
AFNv12n03 pp02-03
AFNv12n03 pp02-03
Biological diversity or biodiversity is gen isolated areas have low rates of gene flow and,
erally divided into three fundamental categories: as they adapt over time to their particular envi
genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosys ronment, they develop into distinct, localized
tem diversity. populations.
Behavioral traits can also influence the
Genetic diversity geographical distribution of genetic characteris
tics within a given species. For example, the
The genetic material of microorganisms, North American eel inhabits streams along 4000
plants and animals contains information that km of coastline, but migrates to the Sargasso
determines the characteristics of all species and Sea to reproduce as one massive population. As
individuals that make up the diversity of the living a result, individual eels inhabiting streams many
world. The number of possible combinations of miles apart do not demonstrate any geographic
genes and of the molecules making up genes is differentiation. However, other species such as
immense - much larger than the number of salmon, breed in different streams, but spend
individuals making up a species. most of their life at sea; these species develop
Genetic diversity refers to the differences marked genetic variations between populations.
in genetic make-up between distinct species and
to genetic variations within a single species. Species diversity
Individuals belonging to a species share, by
definition, certain characteristics, but genetic Species diversity is measured in relation
variation determines the particular characteris to a given area - from a small field to the entire
tics of individuals within the species. In simple planet. It can be assessed in terms of the
terms, genetic material dictates whether we have number of species or the range of different types
blue or brown eyes, blond or black hair, and are of species an area contains.
tall or short. It also determines whether an So far, 1.7 million species have been
individual animal or plant has the ability to sur described worldwide. Estimates of the total
vive in a particular habitat or under particular number of species on Earth range from 5 to 100
environmental conditions. Some plants, for million - 1 2 .5 million being a conservative work
example, are able to grow in saline water as a ing estimate. Although most of the Earth’s
result of genetic variation. species are insects and microorganisms, this is
Genetic variation occurs to varying deg not reflected in the types of species that have
rees in most species of plants and animals. been described to date. There has been a
There is high genetic variation in Indian rhinos, definite bias towards describing large organisms,
for example, but little among cheetahs. Further those that are considered attractive or appealing
more, the genetic make-up of an individual (such as flowering plants and butterflies), those
species is not static -- it changes as a result of most closely resembling humans (vertebrates,
both internal and external factors. especially mammals), and those that have a
This variety of genetic material within spe direct impact on human activities (such as pests).
cies has enabled distinct species to evolve Organisms that can be studied without complex
through natural selection. Broadly speaking, procedures or expensive equipment have also
species that inhabit large areas and interbreed taken precedence, as have those which are
throughout the whole area have a high rate of relatively easy to locate.
gene flow and show few or no localized char This, however, underestimates the impor
acteristics; however, species living in small or tance of microorganisms including algae, bacte-