KSOU Degree Requisition Form
KSOU Degree Requisition Form
KSOU Degree Requisition Form
Note:- Candidates are requested to read the INSTRUCTIONS printed overleaf before filling this
To, Degree / Subject : Roll No. To, Degree / Subject : Roll No.
(a) Details of final Year Examination Final Year Examination Class obtained
Passed (Xeroxed copy of Final
Year Class Declared Marks
Card should be enclosed)
(Consolidated Marks Card Reg. No. Month Year
should not be enclosed)
(b) Whether passed the lower
examination after passing the No / Yes (if yes, give details)
final year Examination? Please
give details.
(c) Date of Removal of N.C.L. /
Declaration of Class : (N.C.L. Examination :
Not cleared Lower semester / Centre
year Examination)
Certified that the above Candidate was student of this University from ………………. to ……………… and
passed ……………………… Examination in the year …………………….
I hereby solemnly declare and promise that, if admitted to the Degree of
…………………. for which I have been recommended, I shall, in my daily life and
conversation, conduct myself, as befits a member of this University; that I shall, to the
utmost of my capacity and opportunity, support the cause of morality and sound
learning, and that, as far as in me lies, I shall uphold and advance the social order and
the well being of my fellowmen.
I shall faithfully and carefully fulfill the duties of the profession to which I may be
admitted by virtue of Degree, that I shall, on all occassions, maintain its purity and
reputation and I shall never deviate from the straight path of their honourable exercise
by making my knowledge subservient to unworthy ends.
(In case on Non-professional Degrees the 2nd paragraph be scored off)
Place : ………………...
Date : ………………… Signature of the Candidate
01. The Information relating to the particulars of the Convocation will be notified in
News Papers and also at Regional and Study Centres of KSOU.
02. If N.C.L is not removed and class is not declared in the marks cards, such
candidates are not eligible to receive the Degree Certificate until they clear Lower
Examinations (N.C.L).
03. If there is any correction in the Original Marks Cards it may be correct
immediately before submitting the application for the Degree Certificate,
otherwise, student will be held responsible.
04. Students who passes in the Supplementary Examination just before the
Convocation are eligible only for Provisional Pass Certificate.
05. If the N.C.L is removed and class is declared in original Marks Cards of ICC &
CE students, they are eligible to receive Degree Certificate from Mysore
i. Payment may be made through KSOU – 09 Examination Fund Challan or Demand
Draft drawn in favour of FINANCE OFFICER, KSOU Payable at Mysore.
ii. Payment by Cheque, Postal Orders or M.T. will not be accepted.
iii. Those residing outside Karnataka can submit the application by paying the amount
through KSOU-09 Examination Fund Challan in any State Bank of India Branch
or through demand draft.
iv. Those who are appearing for IMPROVEMENT EXAMINATION are not
suppose to apply for Convocation Certifiate.