Bed Registration Form

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‫ پٹنہ‬،‫موﻻنا مظہرالحق عربی و فارسی يونيورسٹی‬


For Office use only Joint Entrance Test Roll No………………………………
SID No. …………………………………… Marks Obtained ……………………………..
Reg.No. ………………………………….. (Attach attested Copy of Admit Card & downloaded Score Card)

Institution Code: ................................ Session …………………………….. Form No.

College Name: ..........................................................................................................................


Note: All Columns must be filled in own handwriting by the student otherwise the application will be rejected

The Registrar
M. M. H. Arabic & Persian University, Patna photograph of the
Sir, candidate attested
I have to request you to kindly register me for the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Principal / Director
Course, Session.................... I am furnishing below the information:

1. Name of the Candidate: Signature of the Candidate

a) Devnagri b) Urdu

c) Roman Script (BLOCK LETTERS, leave one blank space between First, Second and Third Name)

2. Father’s Name in BLOCK LETTERS only

3. Mother’s Name in BLOCK LETTERS only

4. Date of Birth: __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ 5. Gender (Tick the appropriate Box) Male Female Other

6. Religion: 7. Marital Staturs: Married Unmarried Other

8. Category: General SC ST OBC Handicapped Other 9. Blood Group

10. Family Income: 11. Background: Urban Rural

12. Nationality: Indian NRI Foreigner Specify Name of the Country ......................................

13. Mark of identification:

14. Mob./Tel No. 15. email id:

16. Permanent Address: ....................................................................................................................................

……………………….………………….………. Dist. …………………….. State ………………………………….Pin:

\\MNS\F:\B.Ed\Reg.Form 1
17. Address for Correspondence: .......................................................................................................................
…………………………………………………. Dist. …………………….. State ………………………………….Pin:
18. Aadhar No. (Attach attested Copy of Aadhar)
19. Date of Admission: __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ 20. Class Roll No. __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __
21. Subjects Offered: Method one …………..........................................................................................
Method Two …………..........................................................................................
Craft …………..........................................................................................
22. Educational Qualification (Attach attested photostate copy )
Name of the
Div. / Class % of Year of Examination Name of the Name of the
awarded Marks Passing Roll No. College / School Board / University
Post Graduation

23. Migration Details: (Only for those students, who migrated from other University, Attach original Migration Certificate and attested copy of CLC)
Migration Date of Date of
CLC No. Name of the College / University
Certificate No. Issue Exam. Pass

24. Registration No. (If already registered with this University)

Name of the Course Year of the Registration Registration No.

I ………………………………………………… S/o. ………………………………………………… hereby declare that the

information furnished as above are true. In the event of any information being found incorrect or
misleading, my candidature shall be liable to be cancelled by the University at any time and I shall not be
entitled to refund of any types of fee paid by me to the University. I shall declare that I have not taken
admission simultaneously in any other course during the same session run by this or in any other University.

Place: _______________ Signature of the Candidate

Date: __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __
25. Forwarded to University for Registration of ……………………………………………. S/o. ……………….………………….…
with NOC.

Full Signature with Seal, College Code & Name

\\MNS\F:\B.Ed\Reg.Form 2

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