Aquatics Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines


Tacloban City


Course Details


Pre-requisite none
COURSE DESCRIPTION The course aims to develop stroke competencies and techniques in
swimming. The purpose of this course also is to provide learning
experiences that will lead to the development of basic skills in team
sports. In addition to skill acquisition, the course will focus on how to plan
and implement the four stages of skill development in games through the
use of extending, refining, and application tasks. An emphasis will be
placed on the use of the game stages and movement framework as a
guide for designing a variety of sport game experiences for students.
Students will be expected to achieve an intermediate level of skill in the
selected team sports. Practice outside of class time and individual tutoring
may be necessary for some students to achieve the expected performance
A. Course Outline

Session Learning Outcome/s CONTENT/S Teaching Learning Resources Assessment

Strategies Activities

At the end of the orientation A. LNU, Graduate 1. Lecture LNU Written

of course content, the student School Vision, discussion of the none handbook commitment to
will be able: Mission Goals and LNU, CAS meet all the
1. State and explain the Objectives Vision, Mission, expectations
LNU and CAS B. The Course: Goals and
Vision, Mission, Coaching and Objectives;
Goals and Objectives; Officiating and 2. Setting up the
2. Discuss Management of sports rationale of the
comprehensively the events course and house
rationale of the rules; and
course 3. Group discussion
3. Explain the tasks on how to meet
expected from each the expectations
student at the end of
the course; and
4. Enumerate some:
house rules to be
observed all
throughout the
Sessions Learning Outcome/s CONTENT/S Teaching Learning Resources Assessment
Strategies Activities
3-10 After a thorough discussion Acquisition and Analysis of 1. Socialized 1. Design * Present a
of the selected team sports, Team Sports Discussion on concept Powerpoint Schema on the
the students are expected to A. Basketball the sports paper for a presentation sports coaching
do the following: B. Volleyball coaching through future coach
1. Identify knowledge of C. Softball artistic group 2. Actual Power Point *90 %
history, rules, safety, D. Baseball reporting Exposure with Presentation, performance in
and performance E. Lawn Tennis 2. Panel discussion an Athletes Audio Video a unit test on
techniques in
on the changing presentation, the current
selected team sports.
concepts in issues relating
2. analyze and evaluate For each unit content will 3. Simulation of PE
student performance include the following:
coaching to coaching
Sports Handbooks,
in selected sports 3. Brainstorming Quiz
skills. on Readings and Group Dynamics
1. history, rules, safety
3. demonstrate 2. fundamental skill
Critical Practical Test
knowledge and Discussion:
acquisition Oral Test
application of the Current Trends
Sport Education. 3. drills and min-games
in coaching
4. demonstrate an 4. strategies for play
understanding of the 5. game play
broad scope of
teaching games
content in physical
education including
the development of
closed and open
Session # 11
Session Learning Outcome/s CONTENT/S Teaching Learning Resources Assessment
Strategies Activities
12-17 At the end of the lessons on A. Lecture Powerpoint Paper-pencil
aquatics, the students will be 1. Assessent of Swimming discussions on A. Design Presentation Test
able to: abilities the management impression Activity
* Gliding and Propelling of sports paper Proposal
1. Perform at least THREE through Water B. Design simple management
(3) recognized 2. Swimming Basics learning sports
swimming strokes and a. Front Crawl activities in B. Illustrate the
understand basic FINA b. Kiking and S Curve Scull given content leadership
rules of specific strokes. c. Front Crawl Stars and C. Cooperative and
Participants will also be Turns learning professional
able to execute Starts,
d. The Race Start D. Buzz sessions consideration
Turns and Finishes of 4
strokes. 3. Swimming Strokes E. Reading and s of PE
2. Acquire basic a. Breast Stroke Critical C. Create an
knowledge of Water b. Back Stroke Discussions activity
safety, personal survival c. Butterfly proposal on
and lifesaving d. Freestyle sports
techniques. They will be 4. Personal Survival and Life organizations
able to perform the Saving Techniques
following Survival
Swimming Skills: Lifesaving
Backstroke, Surface Dive,
Underwater Swimming,
Treading of water, Making
floats with clothes/body
wear, Safe entries and exit
3. Appreciate and enjoy
other aquatic activities
like Water Polo, and
Canoe Polo
4. Acquire knowledge of
safe and organizational
practices in conducting
Aquatics and Water
Sports activities

Session # 18

D. Grading System

A. Attendance- 10%
B. Participation in group/ class activities- 20%
C. Mid-term and Final Exams- 40%
D. Group Simulation-20%
E. Two Critiques/ Reaction Paper on Articles/ Issues- 10%

E. References

Chepko, S. & Arnold, R. (2000). Guidelines for physical education programs: Grades K-12
standards. objectives, and assessments. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Clumpner, R. (2003). Sports progressions. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Collins, D. & Hodges, P. (2001). A comprehensive gudide to sports skills tests and measurement
(2nd Ed.). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Mitchell, S.; Oslin, J.; & Griffin, L. (2003). Sport foundations for elementary physical education:
A tactical games approach. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Freeman, Physical Education and Sport in a Changing Society 6th Edition, C. 2001

Mechikoff, Robert and Estes, Steven, A History and Philosophy of Sports and Physical Education, 1993.

Pangrazi, R.P.(2013). Dynamic physical education. Boston: Pearson Education Inc.

Rink, Judith E., Teaching Physical Education for Learning, McGraw-Hill Co. C. 2002.

Wuest, D. and Bucher, C. ( 2009). Foundations of Physical Education, exercise science and sport. 15th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co

YMCA (1999). The youth and adult aquatic program manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Singapore Swimming Association (2007). Swimming coaching course level 1: Technical. Singapore Swimming Association, Singapore

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