D Pharm Regulations

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Regulation No. Description Page


(1) Short title and commencement…………………………….. …………… 3

(2) Qualification of a Pharmacist…….……………………………………… 3
(3) Diploma in Pharmacy Part I and Part II…………………….…………… 3
(4) Diploma in Pharmacy Part III……………………………… …………… 3


(5) Minimum Qualification for admission to Diploma in Pharmacy Part-I…. 4

(6) Duration of the course……………………………………… …………… 4
(7) Course of Study…………………………………………….…………… 4
(8) Syllabus for each subject………………………………………………… 5
(9) Approval of the authority conducting the course of study… …………… 5
(10) Examinations………………………………………………..…………… 5
(11) Eligibility for appearing at the Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-I) Exam… 6
(12) Eligibility for appearing at the Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-II) Exam… 7
(13) Model of Examination…………………………………………………… 7
(14) Award of sessional marks and maintenance of record……...…………… 7
(15) Minimum marks for passing the examination…………………………… 7
(16) Eligibility for promotion to Diploma in Pharmacy………… …………… 7
(17) Improvement of sessional marks………………………………………… 8
(18) Approval of examinations………………………………….. …………… 8
(19) Certificate of passing examinations……………………………………… 8


(20) Period and other conditions of practical training………………………… 9

(21) Procedure to be followed prior to commencing of the training ………… 10
(22) Certificate of passing Diploma in Pharmacy……………………………. 10


(23) Certificate of Diploma in Pharmacy……………………………………. 11

(24) Miscellaneous…………………………………………………………… 11
(25) Repeal and saving……………………………………………………….. 11



1.1 Pharmaceutics I……………………………………………………………. 12

1.2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry I……………………………………………….. 13
1.3 Pharmacognosy……………………………………………………………. 14
1.4 Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology……………………………………... 16
1.5 Human Anatomy & Physiology…………………………………………… 17
1.6 Health Education & Community Pharmacy………………………………. 18
2.1 Pharmaceutics II…………………………………………………………… 18
2.2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry II……………………………………………… 19
2.3 Pharmacology and Toxicology……………………………………………. 21
2.4 Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence……………………………………………… 16
2.5 Drug Store & Business Management……………………………………… 16
2.6 Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy…………………………………………… 16

Condition to be fulfilled by the academic training institution…………….. 18

Condition to be fulfilled by the examining authority……………………… 22

Condition to be fulfilled by the institution to be recognized for giving practical training… 23


Practical training contract from for Pharmacists…………………………… 24




Regulations framed under section 10 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948

(As approved by the Gov. of India, Ministry of Health vide, letter No. V. 13016/1/89-PMS
dt. 2-8-1991 and notified by Pharmacy Council of India.)

No. 14-55/87 (Part)-PCI/2484-2887-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 10 of the

Pharmacy Act, 1948 (8 of 1948), the Pharmacy council of India, with the approval of the Central
Gov. hereby makes the following regulations namely: -


1. Short title and commencement- (1) These

regulations may be called the Educational Any other qualification approved by the
Regulations, 1991. (2) They shall come in to Pharmacy council of India as equivalent to
force on the date of their publication in the the above.
official gazette .
3. Diploma in Pharmacy Part-I and Part-II
2. Qualification for the Pharmacist- The shall consist of a certificate of having passed
minimum qualification required for the course of study prescribed in chapter-II
registration as a pharmacist shall be a pass in of these regulations.
Diploma in Pharmacy (Part I & Part II) and
satisfactory completion of Diploma in 4. Diploma in Pharmacy Part-III shall consist
Pharmacy (Part III). of a certificate of having satisfactorily
completed course of practical training as
Or prescribed in chapter-III of these regulations.


Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-I and Part-II)

with the instructions issued by the central

Govt./State Govt. /Union Territory Admns as
“Minimum qualification for admission to Diploma in the case may be from time to time.
Pharmacy Part-I course-A pass in any of the
following examinations with Physics, Chemistry and (6) Duration of the Course- The duration of
Biology or Mathematics. the course shall be for two academic
years with each academic year spread
(1) Intermediate examination in Science; over a period of not less than one hundred
(2) The first year of the three year degree course and eighty working days in addition to
in Science 500 hours practical training spread over a
(3) 10+2 examination (academic stream) in period of not less than 3 months
Science; (7) Course of Study- The course of study for
(4) Pre-degree examinations; Diploma in Pharmacy Part I and Diploma
(5) Any other qualification approved by the in Pharmacy II shall include the subjects
Pharmacy council of India as equivalent to as given in the Table I & II below. The
any of the above examinations. number of hour devoted to each subject
for its teaching in Theory and Practical,
Provided that there shall be shall not be less than that noted against it
reservation o scats for Scheduled Caste and in columns 2 and 3 of the Tables below
Scheduled Tribes candidates in accordance

Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-I)

Subject No. of No. of

Hours of Hours of
Theory Practical

Pharmaceutics-I 75 100
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I 75 75
Pharmacognosy 75 75
Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology 50 75
Human Anatomy & Physiology 75 75
Health Education & Community Pharmacy 50 ---
400 + 375 = 775

Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-II)

Subject No. of No. of

Hours of Hours of
Theory Practical

Pharmaceutics-II 75 100
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II 100 75
Pharmacology & Toxicology 75 50
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence 50 ---
Drug Store & Business Management 75 ---
Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy 75 50
450 + 275 = 725

8. The syllabi for each subject of study in 10. Examinations- There shall be an
the said Tables shall be as specified in examination for Diploma in Pharmacy
Appendix A to these regulations. (Part-I) to examine students of the first
9. Approval of the authority conducting year course and an examination for
the course of study- These course of Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-II) to
regular academic study prescribed under examine students of the second year
regulation 7 shall be conducted in an course. Each examination may be held
institution, approved by the Pharmacy twice every year. The first examination in
Council of India under sub-section (1) of a year shall be the annual examination
Section 12 of the Pharmacy Act. 1948. and the second examination shall be
supplementary examination of the
Provided that the Pharmacy Council Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-I) or Diploma
of India shall not approve any institution in Pharmacy (Part-II), as the case may be.
under this regulation unless it provides The examination shall be of written and
adequate arrangements for teaching in practical (including oral) nature, carrying
regard to building accommodation, maximum marks for each part of a
equipment and teaching staff as specified subject, as indicated in Table III and IV
in Appendix-B to these regulations. below:-


Maximum Marks for Theory Maximum Mark for Practical

Subject Examination *Sessional Total Examination *Sessional Total

Pharmaceutics-I 80 20 100 80 20 100

Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I 80 20 100 80 20 100
Pharmacognosy 80 20 100 80 20 100
Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology 80 20 100 80 20 100
Human Anatomy & Physiology 80 20 100 80 20 100
Health Education & Community Pharmacy 80 20 100 --- --- ----
600 + 500=1100
*Internal assessment


Maximum Marks for Theory Maximum Mark for Practical

Subject Examination *Sessional Total Examination *Sessional Total

Pharmaceutics-II 80 20 100 80 20 100

Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II 80 20 100 80 20 100
Pharmacology & Toxicology 80 20 100 80 20 100
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence 80 20 100 --- --- ----
Drug Store & Business Management 80 20 100 --- --- ----
Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy 80 20 100 80 20 100
600 + 400=1000
*Internal assessment

11. Eligibility for appearing at the Diploma undergone the course of study by attending
in Pharmacy Part-I examination not less than 75% of the classes held both in
theory and in practical separately in each
Only such candidates who produce subject shall be eligible for appearing at the
certificate from the Head of the Academic Diploma in Pharmacy Part-I examination.
institution in which he/she has undergone-the
Diploma in pharmacy Part-I course, in proof
of his/her having regularly and satisfactorily

academic year. The highest aggregate

12. Eligibility for appearing at the of any two performances shall form
Diploma in Pharmacy Part-II examination the basis of calculating sessional
Only such candidates who produce (3) The sessional mark in practicals shall
certificate from the Head of the Academic be allotted on the following basis:-
institution in which he/she has undergone-
the Diploma in pharmacy Part-II course, in 15. Minimum marks for passing
proof of his/her having regularly and examination: A student shall not be
satisfactorily undergone the Diploma in declared to have passed Diploma in
pharmacy Part-II course of study by Pharmacy examination unless he/she
attending not less than 75% of the classes secures at least 50% marks in each of the
held both in theory and in practical subject separately in the theory
separately in each subject shall be eligible examinations, including sessional marks
for appearing at the Diploma in Pharmacy and at least 50% marks in each of the
Part-II examination. practical examination including sessional
marks. The candidates securing 60%
13. Mode of Examinations marks or above in aggregate in all subject
in a single attempt at the Diploma in
(1) Each theory and practical examination Pharmacy (Part I) or Diploma in Pharmacy
of a subject mentioned in the Table-III (Part II) examination shall be declared to
& Table-IV shall be of three hours of have passed in first class the Diploma in
duration. Pharmacy (Part I) or Diploma in Pharmacy
(2) A candidate who fail in theory or (Part II) examinations, as the case may be ,
practical examination of a subject shall Candidates securing 75% marks or above
re-appear both in theory and practical in any subject or subject shall be declared
of the same subject. to have passed with distinction in the
(3) Practical examination shall also consist subject or those subject provided he/she
of a viva-voce (Oral) examination. passes in all subjects in a single attempt.

14. Award of sessional marks and 16. Eligibility for promotion to Diploma in
maintenance of records Pharmacy (Part-II)

(1) A regular record of both theory and All candidates who have appeared for all
practical class work and examinations the subjects and passed the Diploma in
conducted in an institution imparting Pharmacy Part-I examination are eligible
training for Diploma in Pharmacy Part- for promotion to the Diploma in Pharmacy
I and Diploma in Pharmacy Part-II Part-II class. However, failure in more
courses, shall be maintained for each than two subjects shall debare him/ from
student in the institution and 20 marks promotion to the Diploma in Pharmacy
for each theory and 20 marks for each Part-II class.
practical subject shall be allotted as
(2) There shall be at least two periodic
sessional examinations during each

17. Improvement of sessional marks: authority hercin after referred to as the

Candidates who wish to improve Examining Authority in a state, which
sessional marks can do so, by appearing in shall be approved by the Pharmacy
two additional sessional examinations Council of India under sub-section (2) of
during the next academic year. The section 12 of the Pharmacy Act 1948.
average score of the two examinations Such approval shall be granted only if the
shall be the basis for improved additional examining authority concerned full fill the
sessional marks in theory. The sessional of conditions as specified in Appendix-C to
practical shall be improved by appearing these regulations.
in additional practical examination. Marks
awarded to a candidate for day-to-day 19. Certificate of passing examinations for
assessment in the practical class can not be Diploma in Pharmacy (Part II)
improved unless he/she attends a regular Certificate to having passed the
course study again. examination for the Diploma in Pharmacy
Part II Shall be granted by the Examining
18. Approval of examinations: Authority to a successful student.
The examination mentioned in regulation
10 to 13 and 15 shall be held by an


Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-III)

(Practical Training)

20. Period and other conditions for Practical students Pharmacist is under going practical
training: training, where there is more than one
registered Pharmacist similarly engaged, the
number shall not exceed one for each
(1). After having appeared in Part-II additional such registered Pharmacist.
Examination for the Diploma in
Pharmacy, Conducted by (3) Hospital and Dispensary other than
Board/University or other approved those specified in sub-regulation (1) for the
Examining Body or any other course purpose of giving practical training shall have
accepted as being equivalent by the to be recognised by Pharmacy Council of
Pharmacy Council of India, a candidate India on full filling the conditions specified in
shall be eligible to undergo practical Appendix-D to these regulations.
training in one or more of the following
institutions namely: (4) In the course of Practical training,
the training shall have exposure to
(i) Hospitals/Dispensaries run by
Central/State Govt. /Municipal (i) Working knowledge of keeping
corporation/Central Govt. Health of records required by various Acts
Scheme and Employees State concerning the profession of Pharmacy,
Insurance Scheme. and
(ii) Practical experience in-
(ii) A Pharmacy, Chemist and Druggist (a) The manipulation of
licensed under the drugs and Cosmetic pharmaceutical apparatus in common
rules. 1945 made under the Drugs and use.
Cosmetic Act. 1940(23 of 1940). (b) The reading, translation and
copying of prescription including
(iii) Drugs Manufacturing unit checking of doses.,
Licensed under the Drugs & Cosmetics (c) The dispensing of prescription
Act. 1940 and rules made there under. illustrating commoner methods of
administrating medicaments., and
(2) The Institutions referred in sub (d) The storage of Drugs & Medical
regulation (1) shall be eligible to impart preparations.
training subject to the condition that the of
students Pharmacists that may be taken in any (5) The practical training shall be not
Hospital, Pharmacy, Chemist & Druggist and less than Five hundred hours spread over a
Drugs Manufacturing unit licensed under the period of not less than three months, provided
Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945 made under that not less than two hundred and fifty hours
the Drugs & Cosmetics act, 1940 shall not are devoted to actual dispensing of
exceed two where there is one registered prescriptions.
Pharmacist engaged in the work in which the

21. Procedure to be followed prior to commencing of other two copies (hereinafter referred to as
the training the second copy and third copy) shall be
filed with the Apprentice Master (if he so
(1) The head of an academic training desires) or with the trainee pending
institution, on application, shall supply in completion of the training.
triplicate practical training contract Form for
qualification as a Pharmacist (here in after
referred to as the contract form) to candidate 22. Certificate of passing Diploma in Pharmacy
eligible to undertake the said practical Part-III
training. The Contract Forms shall be as
specified in Appendix-E to these regulations. On satisfactory completion of the
apprentice period, the Apprentice Master
(2) The head of an academic training shall fill SECTION IV of the second copy
institution shall fill section I of the Contract and third copy of the Contract Form and
Form. The trainee shall fill section II of the cause it to be sent to the head of the academic
said Contract Form and the Head of the training institution who shall suitably enter in
institution agreeing to impart the training the first copy of the entries from the second
(hereinafter referred to as the Apprentice copy and third copy and shall fill SECTION
Master) shall fill section III of the said V of the three copies of Contract Form and
Contract Form. thereafter hand over both the second copy
and third copy to the trainee.
(3) It shall be the responsibility of the This, if completed in all respects, shall
trainee to ensure that one copy (hereinafter be regarded as a certificate of having
referred to as the first copy of the Contract successfully completed the course of
Form) so filled is submitted to the Head of Diploma in Pharmacy (Part III).
the academic training institution and the


23. Certificate of Diploma in Pharmacy: A

certificate of Diploma in Pharmacy shall be (a) Anything done or any action
granted by the Examining Authority to a taken under the said regulation shall be
successful candidates on producing certificate of deemed to have been done or taken
having passed the Diploma in Pharmacy Part-I under the corresponding provision of
and Part-II and satisfactory completion of these regulations.
practical training for Diploma in Pharmacy (Part
III). (b) A person who was admitted as a
student under the said regulation to the
24. Miscellaneous: No course of training in course of training for Diploma in
Pharmacy shall be considered for approval Pharmacy and who had not passed the
under regulation 18 unless it satisfies all the examination at the commencement of
conditions prescribed under these regulations. these regulation shall be required to
pass the examination in accordance
25. Repeal and Savings: with the provision of the said
regulation had not come into force:
(1) The education regulations, 1981
(hereinafter referred to as the said Provided however, the
regulations) published by the Pharmacy examining Authority in a particular
Council of India vide No. 14-55/79 Pt. State may fix a date after which the
I/PCI/4235-4650 dt. 8th July, 1981 is hereby examination under the said
replaced. Regulation shall not be conducted

(2) Notwithstanding such repeal.

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