Crim Law Reviewer Book 2
Crim Law Reviewer Book 2
Crim Law Reviewer Book 2
Espionage – is the offense of gathering, transmitting, ART. 120- CORRESPONDENCE WITH HOSTILE
or losing information respecting the national defense COUNTRY
with intent or reason to believe that the information is
to be used to the injury of the Republic of the ELEMENTS:
Philippines or the advantage of a foreign nation. 1. That it is made in time of war in which the
Philippines is involved
Acts Penalized 2. That the offender makes correspondence with the:
1. Unlawfully obtaining or permitting to be obtained (a) enemy country or (b) territory occupied by the
information affecting national defense enemy troops
2. Unlawfully disclosing information affecting national 3. That the correspondence is either:
defense a) prohibited by the Government, or
3. Disloyal acts or words in time of peace b) carried on in ciphers or conventional signs
4. Disloyal acts or words in time war containing data which might be useful to the
5. Conspiracy to commit the preceding acts enemy.
6. Harboring or concealing violators of the Act.
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC-
Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law), Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David
Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law 57
High seas – waters which are beyond the boundaries of NOTE: Under PD 532, piracy may be committed even by
the low-water mark. a passenger or member of the complement of the
- parts of the sea that are not included in vessel.
the exclusive economic zone, in the territorial seas, or
in the internal waters of a state, or in the archipelagic
Piracy is a crime not against any particular state The penalty for Arbitrary Detention depends upon the
but against all mankind. It may be punished in the period of detention involved, a greater penalty is
competent tribunal of any country where the imposed if the period is longer as provided in the
offender may be found or into which he may be following graduations, to wit:
carried. 1. If the detention has not exceeded 3 days.
2. If the detention has continued more than 3 days
but not more than 15 days.
ANTI-HIJACKING LAW 3. If the detention has continued for more than 15
REPUBLIC ACT 6235 days but not more than 6 months.
4. If the detention has exceeded 6 months.
1. usurping or seizing control of an aircraft of Arrest without a warrant is the usual cause of
Philippine registry while it is in flight; compelling arbitrary detention.
the pilots thereof to change its course or
2. usurping or seizing control of an aircraft of foreign ART. 125- DELAY IN THE DELIVERY OF DETAINED
registry, while within Philippine territory, PERSONS TO THE PROPER JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES
compelling the pilots thereof to land in any part of
Philippine territory ELEMENTS:
3. carrying or loading on board an aircraft operating 1. That the offender is a public officer or employee
as a public utility passenger aircraft in the 2. That he has detained a person for some legal
Philippines flammable, corrosive, explosive or ground ( Sec. 5, Rule 113, Rules of Court)
poisonous substances; and 3. That he fails to deliver such person to the proper
4. loading, shipping, or transporting on board a cargo judicial authorities within:
aircraft operating as a public utility in the a) 12 hrs. for light penalties or their equivalent.
Philippines, flammable, corrosive, or poisonous b) 18 hrs. for correctional penalties or their
substance if not done in accordance with the rules equivalent.
and regulations of the Air Transportation Office. c) 36 hrs. for afflictive penalties or their
MEANING OF “aircraft is in flight”
From the moment all exterior doors are closed Circumstances considered in determining liability of
following embarkation until the same doors are again officer detaining a person beyond legal period:
opened for disembarkation. 1. The means of communication as well as
2. The hour of arrest, and
TITLE TWO: CRIMES AGAINST THE FUNDAMENTAL 3. Other circumstances such as the time of surrender
LAW OF THE STATE and the material possibility of the fiscal to make
the investigation and file in time the necessary
All offenses in this Title are required to be information.
committed by public officers except offending the
religious feelings MEANING OF “proper judicial authorities”
Refers to the courts of justice or judges of said courts
Chapter One: Arbitrary Detention or Expulsion, vested with judicial power to order the temporary
Violation of Dwelling, Prohibition, Interruption, and detention or confinement of a person charged with
Dissolution of Peaceful Meeting and Crimes Against having committed a public offense.
Religious Worship (Arts. 124-133)
Section One – Arbitrary Detention and expulsion It is intended to prevent any abuse resulting from
confining a person without informing him of his offense
ART. 124- ARBITRARY DETENTION and without permitting him to go on bail.
ART. 126- DELAYING RELEASE 1. If committed at nighttime
2. If any papers or effects, not constituting evidence
THREE ACTS PUNISHED: of a crime are not returned immediately after a
1. By delaying the performance of a judicial or search is made by the offender.
executive order for the release of a prisoner.
2. By unduly delaying the service of the notice of such The offender must be a public officer or employee.
order to said prisoner. If he is a private individual, the crime committed is
3. By unduly delaying the proceedings upon any trespass to dwelling.
petition for the liberation of such person.
In the first mode, lack of consent would not suffice
ELEMENTS: as the law requires that the offender’s entry must
1. That the offender is a public officer or employee be over the owner’s objection.
2. That there is a judicial or executive order for the In the second mode, mere lack of consent is
release of a prisoner or detention prisoner, or that sufficient.
there is a proceeding upon a petition for the In the third mode, what is punished is the
liberation of such person refusal to leave, the entry having been made
3. That the offender without good reason delays surreptitiously.
a) the service of the notice of such order to the
prisoner, It is believed, however, that if the surreptitious
b) the performance of such judicial or executive entry had been made through an opening not
order for the release of the prisoner or intended for that purpose, the offender would be
c) the proceedings upon a petition for the release liable under the first mode since it is entry over the
of such person. implied objection of the inhabitant.
ART. 129- SEARCH WARRANTS MALICIOUSLY 2. Hindering any person from joining any lawful
OBTAINED AND ABUSE IN THE SERVICE OF THOSE association or from attending any of its meetings
LEGALLY OBTAINED 3. Prohibiting or hindering any person from
addressing, either alone or together with others,
Punishable Acts: any petition to the authorities for the correction of
1. Procuring a search warrant without just cause abuses or redress of grievances
a) That the offender is a public officer or COMMON ELEMENTS:
employee. 1. That the offender is a public officer
b) That he procures a search warrant. 2. That he performs any of the acts mentioned above
c) That there is no just cause. There is no legal ground to prohibit when the
danger is not imminent and the evil to be
2. Exceeding his authority or by using unnecessary prevented is not a serious one
severity in executing a search warrant legally
procured Offender must be a stranger, and not a participant
a) That the offender is a public officer or
b) That he has legally procured a search warrant. Section Four – Crimes against religious worship
c) That he exceeds his authority or uses
unnecessary severity in executing the same. ART. 132- INTERRUPTION OF RELIGIOUS WORSHIP
Conspiracy to commit rebellion – when two or more a) To prevent the promulgation or execution of
persons come to an agreement to rise publicly and take any law or the holding of any popular election.
arms against the Government for any of the purposes of b) To prevent the government or any public
rebellion and decide to commit it. officer from freely exercising its or his
Proposal to commit rebellion – when the person who functions, or prevent the execution of any
has decided to rise publicly and take arms against the Administrative Order.
Government for any of the purposes of rebellion c) To inflict any act of hate or revenge upon the
proposes its execution to some other person or persons. person or property of any public
This is an instance where the law punishes d) To commit, for any political or social end, any
preparatory acts. act of hate or revenge against private persons
or any social class.
ART. 137- DISLOYALTY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS e) To despoil, for any political or social end, any
/EMPLOYEES person or the government of all its property or
Punishable acts: any part thereof.
1. Failing to resist a rebellion by all means in their Tumultuous – if caused by more than three persons
power who are armed or provided with the means of violence.
2. Continuing to discharge the duties of their office
under the control of the rebels Distinguish sedition from rebellion
3. Accepting appointment to office under the rebels SEDITION REBELLION
In both, there must be public uprising
The crime presupposes the existence of rebellion It is sufficient that There must be taking
by other persons; the offender must not be in the public uprising is up of arms against
conspiracy with the rebels tumultuous. the Government.
The purpose of the The purpose is always
ART. 138- INCITING TO REBELLION / offenders may be political.
INSURRECTION political or social.
3. They suggest or incite rebellious conspiracies or Congress may also punish for contempt.
riots The complaint for disturbance of
proceeding must be filed by a member of
4. They lead or tend to stir up the people against the legislative body, cannot be prosecuted de oficio.
lawful authorities or disturb the peace of the Disturbance created by participant in the
community, and the safety and order of the meeting not covered by Art. 144
4. Restraining another from attending as a witness in 5. Burying with pomp the body of a person who has
such legislative or constitutional body; been legally executed
3. That such disobedience is not of a serious nature. The penalty next higher in degree shall be imposed
upon persons causing any disturbance or
The accused must have knowledge that the interruption of a tumultuous character.
person giving the order is a peace officer.
If the disturbance is of a serious nature, the case ART. 158- EVASION OF SENTENCE ON THE
Charivari - includes a medley of discordant voices, a
mock serenade of discordant noises made on kettles, ELEMENTS:
tin, horns, etc. designed to annoy or insult 1. That the offender is a convict by final judgment,
and is confined in a penal institution
The reason for punishing instigating or taking active 2. That there is disorder, resulting from;
part in charivari and other disorderly meeting is to a. Conflagration
prevent more serious disorders. b. Earthquake
c. Explosion
ART. 156- DELIVERING PRISONERS FROM JAIL d. similar catastrophe
e. mutiny in which he has not participated
ELEMENTS: 3. That the offender leaves the penal institution
1. That there is a person confined in a jail or penal where he is confined, on the occasion of such
establishment (detention is included) disorder or during the mutiny
2. That the offender removes such person, or helps 4. That the offender fails to give himself up to the
the escape of such person authorities within 48 hrs. following the issuance of
Committed in two ways: a proclamation by the Chief Executive announcing
1. by removing a prisoner confined in jail or penal the passing away of such calamity.
institution – to take away a person from
confinement with or without the active What is punished is not the leaving of the penal
participation of the person released institution, but the failure of the convict to give
2. by helping said person to escape – furnish material himself up to the authorities within 48 hours after
means to facilitate escape the proclamation announcing the passing away of
the calamity.
The prisoner may be a detention prisoner or one
sentenced by virtue of a final judgment. If the offender fails to give himself up, he gets an
increased penalty; if the offender gives himself up,
If the prisoner was confined in a hospital when he he is entitled to a deduction of 1/5 of his sentence.
was assisted in escaping constitutes a violation of
Art. 156 because the hospital may be considered as ART. 159 – OTHER CASES OF EVASION OF
an extension of the jail. SENTENCE (CONDITIONAL PARDON)
But if the crime committed by the prisoner for 1. That the offender was a convict.
which he is confined or serving sentence is treason, 2. That he was granted a conditional pardon by the
murder, or parricide, the act of taking the place of Chief Executive.
the prisoner in prison is that of an accessory under 3. That he violated any of the conditions of such
Art. 19, par. 3 pardon.
Chapter Six: Evasion of Service of Sentence (Arts. Violation of conditional pardon is a distinct crime
Offender can be arrested and reincarcerated
ART.157- EVASION OF SERVICE OF SENTENCE without trial – in accordance with Sec. 64(I) of the
Revised Administrative Code.
1. That the offender is a convict by final judgment The condition imposed upon the prisoner that he
2. That he is serving his sentence, which consists in should not commit another crime, extends to
deprivation of liberty offenses punishable by special laws.
Offender must be found guilty of subsequent The offender must not be the forger otherwise the
offense before he can be prosecuted under Art. crime committed is forgery under Art. 161.
Section Two - Counterfeiting Coins
ART. 161 – COUNTERFEITING SEAL OF “MUTILATION”- to take off part of the metal either by
GOVERNMENT, SIGNATURE AND STAMP OF PRESIDENT filing it or substituting it for another metal of inferior
Acts punished: The coin must be of legal tender in mutilation
1) Forging the Great Seal of the Government of the
2) Forging the signature of the President ART. 165 - SELLING OF FALSE OR MUTILATED
3) forging the stamp of the President COIN, WITHOUT CONNIVANCE
ART 168 - ILLEGAL POSSESSION AND USE OF FALSE 3. The offender falsifies a document,
OF CREDIT DOCUMENT- any written statement by which a right is
ELEMENTS: established or an obligation extinguished or by which a
1) That the treasury or bank note or certificate or fact may be proven or affirmed
other obligation and certificate payable to bearer
or any instrument payable to order or other DIFFERENT MODES OF FALSIFYING A DOCUMENT:
document of credit not payable to bearer is forged
2) The offender knows that any of these instrument is
forged or falsified Requisites:
a) That there be an intent to imitate or an attempt
3) That he performs any of these acts: to imitate
a) Using any of such forged or falsified b) The two signature or handwriting, the genuine
instruments and the forged bear some resemblance to each
b) Possession with intent to use, any of the forged other
or falsified documents ii. CAUSING IT TO APPEAR THAT PERSONS HAVE
How Committed: a) that the offender caused it to appear in a
1) By giving to treasury or bank note or any document that a person or persons
instrument payable to bearer or to order the participated in an act or proceeding
appearance of a true and genuine document b) that such persons did not in fact so
participate in the action proceeding
2) By erasing, substituting, or altering by any means
the figures, letters, words or signatures contained iii. ATTRIBUTING TO PERSONS WHO HAVE
Includes falsification and counterfeiting THEM
a) The offender is a private individual or a public
officer or employee who did not take FALSIFICATION BY PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL VS.
advantage of his official position FALSIFICATION OF PUBLIC OFFICER
b) That he committed any of the acts of Art. 172 Art. 171
falsification enumerated in Art.171
c) That the falsification was committed in a
public or official or commercial document
For nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5, the maximum penalty shall In case any violation of this Act is committed by a
be imposed upon any person, who organizes, partnership, corporation, association or any
manages or acts as a “financier” in any of the juridical entity, the partner, president, director,
illegal activities involved therein. manager, trustee, estate or administrator, or
officer who consents to or knowingly tolerates such
The presence of any controlled precursor and violation shall be held criminally liable as a co-
essential chemical or laboratory equipment in a principal. (Sec. 30)
clandestine laboratory is a prima facie proof of
manufacture of dangerous drugs. In addition to the penalties prescribed in the
unlawful act committed, any alien who violates
Every penalty imposed shall carry with it the such provisions of this Act shall, after service of
confiscation and forfeiture, in favor of the sentence, be deported immediately without further
government, of all the proceeds and properties proceedings, unless death is the penalty. (Sec. 31)
derived from the unlawful act, including, but not
a) money and other assets obtained thereby, and (ART. III)
b) the instruments or tools with which the
particular unlawful act was committed, The following shall be subjected to undergo drug
unless they are the property of a third person not testing:
liable for the unlawful act, but those which are not a) Applicants for driver’s license.
of lawful commerce shall be ordered destroyed. b) Applicants for firearm’s license and for permit to
(Sec. 20) carry firearms outside of residence.
All persons who by the nature of their
Any person charged under any provision of this Act profession carry firearms shall undergo drug
regardless of the imposable penalty shall not be testing.
allowed to avail of the provisions of plea- c) Students of secondary and tertiary schools.
bargaining. (Sec. 23) d) Officers and employees of public and private
offices (whether domestic or overseas)
Any person convicted for drug trafficking or pushing Shall be subjected to undergo a random drug
under this Act, regardless of the penalty imposed test. Any officer or employee found positive of
by the Court, cannot avail of the privilege granted use of dangerous drugs shall be dealt with
by the Probation Law (PD No. 968, as amended). administratively which shall be a ground for
(Sec. 24) suspension or termination subject to the
provisions of Art. 282 of the Labor Code and
Notwithstanding the provisions of the law to the pertinent provisions of the Civil Service Law.
contrary, a positive finding for the use of e) Officers and members of the military, police and
dangerous drugs shall be a qualifying aggravating other law enforcement agencies shall undergo an
circumstance in the commission of a crime by an annual mandatory drug test.
offender, and the applicable penalty provided for f) All persons charged before the prosecutor’s office
in the RPC shall be applicable. (Sec. 25) with a criminal offense having an imposable
penalty of imprisonment of not less that six (6)
Attempt or Conspiracy to commit the following years and one (1) day shall have to undergo a
unlawful acts shall be penalized by the same penalty mandatory drug test.
prescribed for the commission of the same under this g) All candidates for public office whether appointed
Act: or elected both in the national or local government
a) Importation of any dangerous drug and/or shall undergo a mandatory drug test.
controlled precursor and essential chemical;
b) Sale, trading, administration, dispensation, Those found to be positive for dangerous drugs
delivery, distribution and transportation of any shall be subject to the provisions of Sec. 15 (Use of
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and Dangerous Drugs), which involves rehabilitation for
essential chemical; a minimum period of 6 months for the first offense,
c) Maintenance of a den, dive or resort where any or imprisonment of 6 to 12 years for the second
dangerous drug is used in any form; offense.
d) Manufacture of any dangerous drug and/or
controlled precursor and essential chemical; and The privilege of suspended sentence shall be
e) Cultivation or culture of plants which are sources of availed of only once by an accused drug dependent
dangerous drugs. (Sec. 26) who is a first-time offender over fifteen (15) years
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC-
Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law), Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David
Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law 75
Among the powers and duties of the PDEA is to ART. 198 – ILLEGAL BETTING ON HORSE RACES
prepare for prosecution or cause the filing of
appropriate criminal and civil cases violation of all ACTS PUNISHABLE IN ILLEGAL BETTING ON HORSE
laws on dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and RACES
essential chemicals, and other similar controlled 1. By betting on horse races during the periods
substances, and assist, support and coordinate with not allowed by law.
other government agencies for the proper and 2. By maintaining or employing a totalizer or
effective prosecution of the same. (Sec. 84 [h]) other device or scheme for betting on races or
realizing profit therefrom, during the periods not
The PDEA shall be the lead agency in the allowed by law.
investigation of any violation of RA No. 9165. (Sec.
86, last par.)
Chapter Two: Offenses Against Decency and Good
Chapter One: Gambling and Betting (Arts. 195-199) ART. 200 – GRAVE SCANDAL
1. Those who shall publicly expound or proclaim place belonging to another without any lawful or
doctrines openly and contrary to public morals. justifiable purpose
2. The authors of obscene literature, published with
their knowledge in any form; the editors publishing PROSTITUTES
such literature; and the owners, operating the women who, for money or profit habitually indulge
establishment or selling the same. in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct
3. Those who, in theaters, fairs, cinematographs or
any other place, exhibit indecent or immoral shows VAGRANTS
which are proscribed or are contrary to morals, 1. An idle or dissolute person who lodges in houses of
good customs, established policies, lawful orders, ill-fame
decrees and edicts 2. Ruffian or pimp; or
4. Those who shall give away or exhibit films, prints, 3. One who habitually associates with prostitutes.
engravings, sculpture or literature which are
Publicity is required
Chapter One: Preliminary Provisions (Art. 203)
imply conformity with the generally accepted ART. 203 - WHO ARE PUBLIC OFFICERS
standards of goodness or rightness in conduct or
character, sometimes, specifically, to sexual conduct. REQUISITES:
To be a public officer one must be –
THE TEST OF OBSCENITY 1. Taking part in the performance of public functions
the test is whether the tendency of the matter in the government , or performing in said
charged as obscene, is to corrupt those whose minds Government or in any of its branches public duties
are open to such influences, and into whose hands such as an employee, agent or subordinate official, of
a publication may fall and also whether or not such any rank or class; and
publication or act shocks the ordinary and common 2. That his authority to take part in the performance
sense of men as an indecency. of public functions or to perform public duties must
INDECENCY a) by direct provision of the law, or
an act against the good behavior and a just delicacy b) by popular election, or
c) by appointment by competent authority
The disposition of the literature, films, prints,
engravings, sculptures, paintings or other materials Chapter Two: Malfeasance and Misfeasance in Office
involved in violation shall be governed by the following (Arts. 204-212)
1. Upon conviction of the offender – to be forfeited in Section One – Dereliction of Duty
favor of the government to be destroyed.
2. Where the criminal case against the violator of the Misfeasance – improper performance of some act which
decree results in an acquittal – to be forfeited in might lawfully be done.
favor of the government to be destroyed, after
forfeiture proceedings conducted by the chief Malfeasance – the performance of some act which
constabulary. ought not to be done.
3. The person aggrieved by the forfeiture action of Nonfeasance – omission of some act which out to be
the Chief of Police may, within 15 days after his performed
receipt of the copy of the decision, appeal the
matter to the Secretary of the National Defense for
review. The decision of the Secretary of the ART. 204 – KNOWINGLY RENDERING UNJUST
National Defense shall be final and unappealable. JUDGMENT
(sec. 2, P.D. 969)
ART. 202 – VAGARANTS AND PROSTITUTES 1. That the offender is a judge
PERSONS LIABLE: 2. That he renders a judgment in a case submitted to
1. Any person having no apparent means of him for decision
subsistence, who has the physical ability to work 3. That the judgment is unjust
and who neglects to apply himself to some lawful 4. That the judge knows that his judgment is unjust
2. Any person found loitering about public or JUDGMENT
semipublic buildings or places or tramping or the final consideration and determination of a court
wondering about the country or the streets without of competent jurisdiction upon the matters submitted
visible means of support to it, in an action or proceeding.
3. Any idle or dissolute person who lodges in houses of
ill fame; ruffians or pimps and those who habitually SOURCES OF UNJUST JUDGMENT
associate with prostitutes a) Error, or
4. Any person who, not being included in the b) ill-will or revenge, or
provisions of other articles of this code, shall be c) Bribery
found loitering in any inhabited or uninhabited
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC-
Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law), Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David
Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law 77
ART. 205 - JUDGMENT RENDERED THROUGH 2. Revealing any of the secrets of his client learned by
NEGLIGENCE him in his professional capacity
damage not necessary
1. That the offender is a judge 3. Undertaking the defense of the opposing party in
2. That he renders a judgment in a case submitted to the same case without the consent of his first
him for decision client
3. That the judgment is manifestly unjust if the client consents to the attorney’s taking
4. That it is due to his inexcusable negligence or the defense of the other party, there is no
ignorance crime
ANTI-GRAFT AND CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT G. Entering on behalf of the Government, into any
(RA 3019 as amended by RA 3047, PD 77 and BP contract or transaction manifestly and grossly
195) disadvantageous to the same, whether or not the
public officer profited or will profit thereby.
Section 2.Definition of Terms
H. Directly or indirectly having financial or pecuniary
Government – the national government , the local interest in any business, contract or transaction in
government, the GOCC’s & all other instrumentalities connection with which he intervenes or takes part
or agencies of the government in his official capacity, or in which he is prohibited
by the Constitution or by law from having any
Public Officer- elective & appointive officials & interest.
employees, permanent or temporary, whether in the
classified or unclassified or exempt services receiving I. Directly or indirectly becoming interested, for
compensation, even nominal from the government personal gain, or having material interest in any
transaction or act requiring the approval of a
Section 3. Corrupt Practices of Public Officials board, panel or group which he is a member; and
which exercises discretion in such approval, even if
A. Persuading, inducing or influencing another public he votes against the same or does not participate
official officer to perform an act constituting a in the action of the board, committee, panel or
violation of rules and regulations duly promulgated group.
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC-
Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law), Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David
Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law 79
J. Knowingly approving or granting any license, Section 8. Prima facie evidence of and dismissal due
permit, privilege or benefit in favor of any person to unexplained wealth.
not qualified for or not legally entitled to such
license, permit, privilege or advantage, or of a A public official who has been found to have
mere representative or dummy of one who is not acquired during his incumbency, whether in his name
qualified or entitled. or the name of other persons, an amount of property
and/or money manifestly out of proportion to his salary
K. Divulging valuable information of a confidential and to his lawful income (RA 1319) – GROUND FOR
character, acquired by his office or by him on FORFEITURE OF UNEXPALINED WEALTH
account of his official position to unauthorized
persons , or releasing such information in advance Section 11.Prescription of offenses
of its authorized date. 15 YEARS – prescriptive period of all offenses
under the Act
Section 4. Prohibition on Private individuals.
Reclusion Perpetua to Death
MITIGATING AND EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES shall 1. The offender is a public officer entrusted with the
be considered by the courts in the imposition of collection of taxes, licenses, fees and other
penalty imposts.
2. He is guilty of any of the following acts or
Section 4. Rule of Evidence omissions:
a) Demanding , directly or indirectly, the payment
It is not necessary to prove each and every criminal of sums different from or larger than those
act done. A pattern of overt or criminal acts indicative authorized by law; or
of the over-all unlawful scheme or conspiracy shall be b) Failing voluntarily to issue a receipt , as
sufficient provided by law , for any sum of money
collected by him officially; or
Section 6. Prescription of Crimes c) Collecting or receiving, directly or indirectly,
by way of payment or otherwise, things or
The crime punishable under this Act shall prescribe objects of a nature different from that
in 20 years. However, the right of the State to recover provided by law
properties unlawfully acquired by public officers from
them or from their nominees or transferees shall not be ART. 214 – OTHER FRAUDS
barred by prescription or laches or estoppel.
1. That the offender is a public officer
2. That he takes advantage of his official position
3. That he commits any of the frauds or deceits
enumerated in Arts. 315to 318( estafa, other forms
Chapter Three: Frauds and Illegal Exactions and of swindling, swindling a minor, and other deceits)
Transactions (Arts. 213-216)
1. That the offender is an appointive public officer.
PUNISHABLE ACTS: 2. That he becomes interested, directly or indirectly,
1. By entering into an agreement with any interested in any transaction or exchange or speculation
party or speculator or making use of any other 3. That the transaction takes place within the
scheme, to defraud the Government, in dealing territory subject to his jurisdiction
with any person with regard to furnishing supplies, 4. That he becomes interested in the transaction
the making of contracts, or the adjustment or during his incumbency
settlement of accounts relating to public property
2. By demanding, directly or indirectly, the payment BY A PUBLIC OFFICER
of sums different from or larger than those
authorized by law, in the collection of taxes, PERSONS LIABLE:
licenses, fees, and other imposts. 1. Public Officer who, directly or indirectly, became
3. By failing voluntarily to issue a receipt, as provided interested in any contract or business in which it
by law, for any sum of money collected by him was his official duty to intervene.
officially, in the collection of taxes, licenses, fees 2. Experts, arbitrators, and private accountants who,
and other imposts. in like manner, took part in any contract or
4. By collecting or receiving, directly or indirectly, by transaction connected with the estate or property
way of payment or otherwise , things or objects of in the appraisal, distribution or adjudication of
a nature different from that provided by law, in which they had acted.
the collection of taxes, licenses, fees and other 3. Guardians and executors with respect to the
imposts. property belonging to their wards or the estate.
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC-
Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law), Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David
Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law 81
1. By appropriating public funds or property. ELEMENTS:
2. By taking or misappropriating the same. 1. That the offender is a public officer.
3. By consenting, or through abandonment or 2. That he must be an accountable officer for
negligence, permitting any other person to take public funds or property.
such public funds or property. 3. That he must have unlawfully left (or be on the
4. By being otherwise guilty of the misappropriation point of leaving) the Philippines without securing
or malversation of such funds or property. from the Commission on Audit a certificate showing
that his accounts have been finally settled.
1. That the offender be a public officer.
2. That he had custody or control of funds or property ART. 22O - ILLEGAL USE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR
by reason of the duties of his office PROPERTY
3. That those funds or property were public funds or
property for which he was accountable. ELEMENTS:
4. That he appropriated, took, misappropriated or 1. That the offender is a public officer.
consented, or through abandonment or negligence, 2. That there is a public fund or property under his
permitted another person to take them. administration.
3. That such public fund or property has been
MALVERSATION MAY BE COMMITTED BY PRIVATE appropriated by law or ordinance.
INDIVIDUALS IN THE FOLLOWING CASES: 4. That he applies the same to a public use other than
1. Those in conspiracy with public officers guilty of that for which such funds or property has been
malversation. appropriated by law or ordinance.
2. Those who are accessory or accomplice to a public
3. Custodian of public funds or property in whatever
4. Depositary or administrator of public funds or
When demand is made to the accountable officer to
account for the funds and property and the same is not Illegal use of public funds or property vs.
forthcoming, the presumption is that he malversation under Art. 217
misappropriated the funds ILLEGAL USE OF MALVERSATION
Malversation is principally distinguished from estafa The offenders are accountable public officers
by: in both crimes.
a) The public or private character of the accused. The offender does The offender in
b) The nature of the funds. not derive any certain cases profits
c) The fact that conversion is not required in personal gain or from the proceeds of
profit the crime.
The public fund or The public fund or
d) The rule that there is no need of prior demand in
property is applied to property is applied to
malversation. another public use the personal use and
e) The absence of a requirement of damage in benefit of the
malversation. offender or of
another person.
1. That the offender is a private person.
ELEMENTS OF REFUSAL TO MAKE PAYMENT: 2. That the conveyance or custody of a prisoner or
1. That the public officer has Government funds in his person under arrest is confided to him.
possession. 3. That the prisoner or person under arrest escapes.
2. That he is under obligation to make payments from 4. That the offender consents to the escape of the
such funds. prisoner or person under arrest, or that the escape
3. That he fails to make payment maliciously. takes place through his negligence.
2. That he
ELEMENTS: a) assumes judicial powers, or
1. That the offender is holding a public office. b) obstructs the execution of any order or decision
2. That the period provided by law, regulations or rendered by any judge within his jurisdiction.
special provisions for holding such office, has
already expired. ART. 242 - DISOBEYING REQUEST FOR
3. That he continues to exercise the duties and DISQUALIFICATION
powers of such office.
ART. 238 – ABANDONMENT OF OFFICE. 1. That the offender is a public officer.
2. That a proceeding is pending before such public
ELEMENTS: officer.
1. That the offender is a public officer. 3. That there is a question brought before the proper
2. That he formally resigns from his position. authority regarding his jurisdiction, which is not yet
3. That his resignation has not yet been accepted. decided.
4. That he abandons his office to the detriment of the 4. That he has been lawfully required to refrain from
public service. continuing the proceeding.
5. That he continues the proceeding.
Committed by any Committed only by 1. That the offender is an executive officer.
public officer public officers who 2. That he addresses any order or suggestion to any
have the duty to judicial authority.
institute prosecution 3. That the order or suggestion relates to any case or
for the punishment of
business coming within the exclusive jurisdiction of
violations of the law
the courts of justice.
The public officer The public officer does
abandons his office to not abandon his office ELEMENTS:
evade the discharge but he fails to prosecute 1. That the offender is a public officer.
of his duty an offense by dereliction 2. That he nominates or appoints a person to a public
of duty or by malicious office.
tolerance of the 3. That such person lacks the legal qualifications
commission of offenses. therefor.
4. That the offender knows that his nominee or
appointee lacks the qualification at the time he
made the nomination or appointment.
Section Three – Usurpation of powers and unlawful
appointment Section Four – Abuses against chastity
1. That the offender is an executive or judicial 1. That the offender is a public officer.
officer. 2. That he solicits or makes immoral or indecent
2. That he advances to a woman.
a) makes general rules or regulations beyond the 3. That such woman must be-
scope of his authority or a) interested in matters pending before the
b) attempts to repeal a law or offender for decision, or with respect to which
c) suspends the execution thereof. he is required to submit a report to or consult
with a superior officer; or
ART. 240 – USURPATION OF EXECUTIVE b) under the custody of the offender who is a
FUNCTIONS. warden or other public officer directly charged
with the care and custody of prisoners or
ELEMENTS: persons under arrest; or
1. That the offender is a judge. c) the wife, daughter, sister or relative within the
2. That he same degree by affinity of the person in the
a) assumes a power pertaining to the executive custody of the offender
authorities, or
b) obstructs the executive authorities in the The mother of the person in the custody of the
lawful exercise of their powers. offender is not included.
ART. 241 – USURPATION OF JUDICIAL FUNCTIONS Ways of committing abuses against chastity:
1. By soliciting or making immoral or indecent
ELEMENTS: advances to a woman interested in the matters
1. That the offender is an officer of the executive pending before the offending officer for decision ,
branch of the Government.
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC-
Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law), Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David
Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law 85
Chapter One: Destruction of Life (Arts. 246-261) To Art. 247 to apply (death under exceptional
circumstances), the offender must prove that he
Section One – Parricide, murder, homicide actually surprised his wife and [her paramour] in
flagrante delicto, and that he killed the man during
ART. 246 – PARRICIDE or immediately thereafter. Evidence of the victim’s
promiscuity, is inconsequential to the killing.
ELEMENTS: (PEOPLE vs. PUEDAN, GR No. 139576, September 2,
1. That a person is killed. 2002)
2. That the deceased is killed by the accused . The discovery, the escape, the pursuit and the
3. That the deceased is the father, mother, or child, killing must all form part of one continuous act
whether legitimate or illegitimate, or a legitimate
other ascendant or other descendant, or the The accused must be a legally married person.
legitimate spouse, of the accused. Applicable only when daughter is single.
Cases of parricide when the penalty shall not be Justification for Art. 247:
reclusion perpetua to death: The law considers the spouse or parent as acting in a
1. parricide through negligence (art .365) justified burst of passion.
2. parricide by mistake ( art. 249)
3. parricide under exceptional circumstances ( art.
247) ART. 248 – MURDER
Relationship of the offender with the victim is the Unlawful killing of any person which is not parricide
essential element of the crime. or infanticide, provided that any of the following
circumstances is present:
If a person wanted to kill a stranger but by mistake 1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior
killed his own father, will it be parricide? strength, with the aid of armed men, or employs
Yes, but Art. 49 applies as regards the proper penalty means to weaken the defense, or of means or
to be imposed. persons to insure or afford impunity.
2. In consideration of a price, reward or promise.
If a person killed another not knowing that the latter 3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, shipwreck,
was his son, will he be guilty of parricide? stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault upon a
Yes, because the law does not require knowledge of railroad, fall of an airship, by means of motor
relationship between them vehicles, or with the use of any other means
involving great waste and ruin.
A stranger who cooperates and takes part in the 4. On occasion of any calamities enumerated in the
commission of the crime of parricide, is not guilty of preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake, eruption
parricide but only homicide or murder, as the case of a volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic, or any
may be. The key element in parricide is the other public calamity.
relationship of the offender with the victim. (PEOPLE 5. With evident premeditation.
vs. DALAG, GR No. 129895, April 30, 2003) 6. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly
augmenting the suffering of the victim, or
outraging or scoffing at his person or corpse. (As
ART. 247 – DEATH OR PHYSICAL INJURIES amended by R.A. no. 7659)
ELEMENTS 1. That a person was killed.
1. That a legally married person or a parent surprises 2. That the accused killed him.
his spouse or his daughter, the latter under 18 3. That the killing was attended by any of the
years of age and living with him, in the act of qualifying circumstances mentioned in Art. 248.
committing sexual intercourse with another person. 4. That the killing is not parricide or infanticide.
2. That he or she kills any or both of them, or inflicts
upon any or both of them any serious physical Rules for the application of the circumstances which
injury, in the act or immediately thereafter. qualify the killing to murder
3. That he has not promoted or facilitated the 1. That murder will exist with only one of the
prostitution of his wife or daughter, or that he or circumstances described in Art. 248
she has not consented to the infidelity of others.
2. That when the other circumstances are absorbed or 4. That someone was killed in the course of the
included in one qualifying circumstance, they affray.
cannot be considered as generic aggravating. 5. That it cannot be ascertained who actually killed
3. That any of the qualifying circumstances the deceased.
enumerated in Art. 248 must be alleged in the 6. That the person or persons who inflicted serious
information. physical injuries or who used violence can be
Outraging or scoffing at the person or corpse of the
victim Persons liable in a tumultuous affray
1. The person or persons who inflicted the serious
Outraging – means to commit an extremely vicious or physical injuries are liable.
deeply insulting act. 2. If it is not known who inflicted the serious
physical injuries on the deceased, all the persons
Scoffing – means to jeer, and implies a showing of who used violence upon the person of the victim
irreverence. are liable, but with lesser liability.
1. That there be several persons.
2. That they did not compose groups organized for the
common purpose of assaulting and attacking each ART. 254 – DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS
other reciprocally.
3. That these several persons quarreled and assaulted ELEMENTS:
one another in a confused and tumultuous manner. 1. That the offender discharges a firearm against or at
another person.
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC-
Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law), Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David
Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law 87
ART. 258 – ABORTION PRACTICED BY THE WOMAN Chapter Two: Physical Injuries (Arts. 262-266)
the offended party at the time of the commission purpose of extorting ransom, it is not necessary
of the crime. that one or any of such circumstances enumerated
in the first par. of Art. 267 be present.
Death shall also be imposed when homicide is
committed (this is a special complex crime). There is a complex crime of kidnapping with
murder when the victim is killed because of his
ART. 266-C EFFECT OF PARDON refusal to pay the ransom; kidnapping being
necessary to commit the murder. BUT where he
EFFECTS OF PARDON was taken for the purpose of killing him and not for
1. The subsequent valid marriage between the detaining him, crime committed is MURDER.
offender and the offended party shall extinguish
criminal liability (only as to the husband)
2. The subsequent forgiveness of the wife to the legal
husband shall extinguish the criminal action or the ILLEGAL ARBITRARY
Committed by a Committed by a
ART. 266-D PRESUMPTIONS private individual public officer or
who unlawfully employee who
EVIDENCE WHICH MAY BE ACCEPTED IN THE kidnaps, detains or detains a person
otherwise deprives a without legal ground
person of liberty.
1. Any physical overt act manifesting resistance
Crime is against Crime against the
against the act of rape in any degree from the personal liberty and fundamental law of
offended party; or security the State
2. Where the offended party is so situated as to
render him/her incapable of giving his consent
1. That the offender is a private individual.
Chapter One: Crimes Against Liberty (Arts. 267-274) 2. That he kidnaps or detains another, or in any
manner deprives him of his liberty.
Section One – Illegal detention 3. That the act of kidnapping or detention is illegal.
4. That the crime is committed without the
ART. 267 – KIDNAPPING AND SERIOUS ILLEGAL attendance of the circumstances enumerated in
1. That the offender is a private individual. LIABILITY MITIGATED WHEN:
2. That he kidnaps or detains another, or in any other 1. Offender voluntarily releases the person so
manner deprives the latter of his liberty. kidnapped or detained within three days from the
3. That the act of detention or kidnapping must be commencement of the detention
illegal. 2. Without having attained the purpose intended, and
4. That in the commission of the offense, any of the 3. Before the institution of criminal proceedings
following circumstances is present: against him.
a) That the kidnapping or detention lasts for more
than 3 days.
b) That it is committed simulating public ART. 269 – UNLAWFUL ARREST
c) That any serious physical injuries are inflicted ELEMENTS:
upon the person kidnapped or detained or 1. That the offender arrests or detains another person
threats to kill him are made; or 2. That the purpose of the offender is to deliver him
d) That the person kidnapped or detained is a to the proper authorities
minor, female, or a public officer(cited in 3. That the arrest or detention is not authorized by
People vs. Mercado) law
Intention to deprive the victim of his liberty for No period of detention is fixed by law under Art.
purpose of extorting ransom on the part of the 269.
accused is essential in the crime of kidnapping
1. That the offender has the custody of a child .
2. That the child is under seven years of age.
3. That he abandons such child.
Section Three – Slavery and Servitude 4. That he has no intent to kill the child when the
latter is abandoned.
Circumstances qualifying the offense
ELEMENTS: 1. When the death of the minor resulted from such
1. That the offender purchases, sells, kidnaps or abandonment; or
detains a human being 2. If the life of the minor was in danger because of
2. That the purpose of the offender is to enslave such the abandonment
human being
Premises – signifies distinct and definite locality. It ART. 285 – OTHER LIGHT THREATS
may mean a room, shop, building or definite area, but
in either case, locality is fixed. PROHIBITED ACTS:
1. Threatening another with a weapon, or by drawing
Section Three – Threats and coercion such weapon in a quarrel, unless it be in lawful
ART. 282 – GRAVE THREATS 2. Orally threatening another, in the heat of anger,
with some harm constituting a crime , without
PUNISHABLE ACTS: persisting in the idea involved in his threat
1. Threatening another with the infliction upon his 3. Orally threatening to do another any harm not
person, honor, or property or that of his family of constituting a felony.
any wrong amounting to a crime and demanding
money or imposing any other condition even though ART. 286 – GRAVE COERCION
not unlawful, and the offender attains his purpose.
2. By making such threat without the offender TWO WAYS OF COMMITTING GRAVE COERCION:
attaining his purpose. 1. By preventing another by means of violence,
3. By threatening another with the infliction upon his threats or intimidation, from doing something not
person, honor or property or that of his family of prohibited by law.
any wrong amounting to a crime, the threat not 2. By compelling another, by means of violence,
being subject to a condition. threats or intimidation, to do something against his
will, whether it be right or wrong.
Qualifying Circumstance:
If threat was made in writing or through a middleman. ELEMENTS:
1. That a person prevented another from doing
ELEMENTS OF GRAVE THREATS WHERE THE something not prohibited by law, or by compelling
OFFENDER ATTAINED HIS PURPOSE: him to do something against his will, be it right or
1. That the offender threatens another person with wrong.
the infliction upon the latter’s person, honor or 2. That the prevention or compulsion be effected by
property, or upon that of the latter’s family, of violence, either material force or such display of
any wrong. force as would produce intimidation and control
2. That such wrong amounts to a crime. the will of the offended party.
3. That there is a demand for money or that any 3. That the person that restrained the will and liberty
other condition is imposed, even though not of another had no authority.
4. That the offender attains his purpose. WHEN PRISION MAYOR SHALL BE IMPOSED:
1. If the coercion is committed in violation of the
ELEMENTS OF GRAVE THREATS NOT SUBJECT TO A exercise of the right of suffrage.
CONDITION: 2. if the coercion is committed to compel another to
perform any religious act
3. if the coercion is committed to prevent another 2. That the purpose is to organize, maintain or
from performing any religious act prevent coalitions of capital or laborers or lockout
of employers.
The act should not be a more serious offense
1. That the offender must be a creditor.
2. That he seizes anything belonging to his debtor
3. That the seizure of the thing accomplished by
means of violence or a display of material force
producing intimidation
4. That the purpose of the offender is to apply the Chapter Three: Discovery and Revelation of Secrets
same to the payment of the debt. (Arts. 290-292)
Intimidation may Intimidation is 2) When any of the arms used in the commission of
refer to person, directed only to the robbery is not licensed, the penalty upon all
honor or property of person of the victim malefactors shall be the maximum of the
the offended party corresponding penalty provided by law without
or of his family
prejudice to the criminal liability for illegal
The gain of the The gain of the
culprit is immediate culprit is not
possession of firearms.
immediate 3) Any member by a band who was present at the
commission of a robbery by the band, shall be
punished as principal of any assaults committed by
ROBBERY BRIBERY the band, unless it be shown that he attempted to
The victim is deprive of He parts with his prevent the same.
his money, property by money in a sense
force or intimidation voluntarily Art. 296, just like Art. 295, also applies only to
robbery under Pars. 3, 4 and 5 of Art. 294, and not
to robbery with homicide, rape, intentional
mutilation, arson or the physical injuries in Par. 1
ART. 295-ROBBERY WITH of Art. 263.
ON A STREET, ROAD OR ALLEY 1. He was a member of the band
2. He was present at the commission of a robbery by
Qualified Robbery with Force Upon Things or that band
Intimidation of Persons: 3. The other members of that band committed an
Nos. 3,4,5 of Article 294: if committed 4. He did not attempt to prevent the assault
1) In an uninhabited place (despoblado) ; or
2) By a band (en cuadrilla); or
3) By attacking a moving train, street car, motor ART 297-ATTEMPTED AND
4) By entering the passengers’ compartments in a CIRCUMSTANCES
train, or in any manner taking the passengers by
surprise in their respective conveyances; or SPECIAL COMPLEX CRIME: When robbery is attempted or
5) On a street, road, highway, or alley, and the frustrated but homicide is attendant
intimidation is made with use of firearms, the
offender shall be punished by the maximum period “Homicide” under this article is also used in its
or the proper penalties prescribed in Art. 294. generic sense, to include any other unlawful killing.
However, if the killing legally constituted murder
This article provides five special aggravating or parricide, the offense will continue to be
circumstances which, because they impose the covered by Art. 297 with the technical name stated
penalty in the maximum period and cannot be therein, but the penalty shall be for murder or
offset, are also considered as qualifying parricide because Art. 297 states, “unless the
circumstances. homicide (killing) committed shall deserve a higher
penalty under this Code.”
For robbery with violence or intimidation in Art.
294, despoblado and cuadrilla need not concur, but If physical injuries were inflicted on the victim, but
in robbery through force upon things (Art. 302), no intent to kill was proved and the victim did not
these two circumstances have to concur in order to die, the liability of the offender may be as follows:
be considered as and have the effect of a special 1. If the physical injuries were by reason of the
aggravating circumstance. attempted or frustrated robbery as the means for
the commission of the latter, the injuries are
If the crime committed is robbery with homicide, absorbed by the latter and the crime shall only be
rape, mutilation or arson (Par. 1) or with physical attempted or frustrated robbery.
injuries under subdivision 1 of Art. 263 (Par. 2), 2. If the physical injuries were inflicted only on the
despoblado and cuadrilla will each be considered occasion of the aborted robbery but not employed
only as a generic aggravating circumstance. as a means of committing the latter, these will be
separate crimes of attempted or frustrated robbery
On the matter of firearms, whether the same are and physical injuries.
license or unlicensed, if used on streets, etc., they 3. If both killing and physical injuries were committed
become special aggravating circumstances. on that occasion, the crime will be penalized in
accordance with Art. 297 but the physical injuries
will be absorbed.
1) When at least four armed malefactors take part in ELEMENTS
the commission of a robbery, it is deemed 1. That the offender has intent to defraud another.
committed by a band.
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC-
Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law), Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David
Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law 97
2. They formed a band of robbers 1. Those who (a) with intent to gain, (b) without
3. The purpose is any of the following: violence or intimidation of persons nor force upon
a. To commit robbery in a highway; or things, (c) take (d) personal property (e) of another
b. To kidnap persons for the purpose of extortion (f) without the latter’s consent
or to obtain ransom; or 2. Those who (a) having found lost property, (b) fail
c. To attain by means of force or violence any to deliver the same to the local authorities or to its
other purpose owner
3. Those who (a) after having maliciously damaged
The only things to prove are: the property of another, (b) remove or make use of
1. That there is an organization of more than three the fruits or objects of the damaged caused by
armed persons forming a band of robbers them
2. That the purpose of the band is any of those 4. Those who (a) enter an enclosed estate or a field
enumerated in Art. 306 where (b) trespass is forbidden or which belonged
3. That they went upon the highway or roamed upon to another, and without the consent of the owner,
the country for that purpose. (c) hunt or fish upon the same or gather fruits,
4. That the accused is a member of such band cereals or other forest or farm products
ELEMENTS in general
1. That the accused defrauded another by abuse of
Chapter Four: Usurpation confidence, or by means of deceit
(Arts. 312-313) 2. That the damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary
estimation is caused to the offended party or third
BOUNCING CHECKS LAW The fine under BP22 is based on the amount of the
BATAS PAMBANSA Blg. 22 check and is without regard to the amount of
damage caused.
Section 1. Checks Without Sufficient Funds
The accused will be liable for the dishonor of the
Offenses punished in BP 22 check even if it was issued in payment of a
1) Making or Drawing and issuing a check knowing at preexisting legal obligation as he issued that check
the time of issue that he does not have sufficient “to apply on account.”
a. That a person draws a check
b. That the check is made or drawn and issued to
apply on account or for value. BP Blg. 22 vs. Estafa
c. That the person knows that at the time of
issue he does not have sufficient funds in or
credit with the drawee bank for the payment 1. endorser is not 1. endorser who acted
of such check upon its presentment liable; with deceit knowing
d. That the check is subsequently dishonored by that the check is
the drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or worthless will be
credit, or would have been dishonored for the criminally liable;
same reason had not the drawer, without any
valid reason, ordered the bank to stop 2.malum prohibitum; 2. malum in se;
ELEMENT OF 315 NO. 3 (A) 3. The owner of any personal property who shall
1. That the offender induced the offended party to wrongfully take it from its lawful possessor, to the
sign a document prejudice of the latter or any third person
2. That deceit be employed to make him sign the ELEMENTS:
document a) That the offender is the owner of personal
3. That the offended party personally signed the property.
document b) That said personal property is in the lawful
4. That prejudice be caused possession of another.
c) That the offender wrongfully takes it from its
315 No. 3 (B) lawful possessor.
Resorting to some fraudulent practice to insure d) That prejudice is thereby caused to the
success in a gambling game possessor or third person.
ELEMENTS OF 315 NO. 3 (C) 4. Any person who, to the prejudice of another, shall
1. That there be court record, office files, documents execute any fictitious contract
or any other papers
2. That the offender removed, concealed or destroyed 5. Any person who shall accept any compensation
any of them given under the belief that it was in payment of
3. That the offender had intent to defraud another services rendered or labor performed by him, when
in fact he did not actually perform such services or
CUSTODY OF (Art. 315 C)
DOCUMENT 6. Any person who, while being a surety in a bond
(Art. 226) given in a criminal or civil action, without express
authority from the court or before the cancellation
of his bond or before being relieved from the
Offender is a public The offender is a obligation contracted by him, shall sell, mortgage,
officer who is private individual
or, in any other manner, encumber the real
officially entrusted who is not officially
with the document entrusted with the property or properties with which he guaranteed
documents the fulfillment of such obligation.
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC-
Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law), Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David
Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law 103
There is no complex crime of arson with homicide. Stepfather, adopted father, natural children,
concubine, paramour included
Chapter Nine: Malicious Mischief (Arts. 327-331) Also applies to common-law spouses.
Chapter Two: Acts of Lasciviousness (Art. 336) 1. That the offended party is a virgin
2. She must be over 12 and under 18 years of age
(Art. 335 has been repealed by RA No. 8353 (Anti-Rape 3. That the offender had sexual intercourse with her
Law of 1997) effective Oct. 22, 1997. Provisions on 4. That there is abuse of authority, confidence or
Rape are found in Arts. 266-A to 266-D under Crimes relationship on the part of the offender
Against Persons)
VIRGIN – as understood in this article, refers to a
ART. 336 – ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS woman of chaste character or a woman of good
reputation. Virginity in this sense does not mean
ELEMENTS: physical virginity.
1. That the offender commits any act of lasciviousness
or lewdness The following may be the OFFENDERS
2. That the act of lasciviousness is committed against 1. Those who abused their authority
a person of either sex a. Persons in public authority
3. That it is done under any of the following b. Guardian
circumstances: c. Teacher
a) By using force or intimidation d. Person who, in any capacity, is
b) When the offended party is deprived of reason entrusted with the education or
or otherwise unconscious custody of the woman seduced
c) By means of fraudulent machination or grave 2. Those who abused confidence reposed in them
abuse of authority a. Priest
d) When the offended party is under 12 years of b. House servant
age or is demented c. Domestic
3. Those who abused their relationship
a. Brother who seduced his sister
b. Ascendant who seduced his descendant
Art. 336 and 339 compared: ART. 341 - WHITE SLAVE TRADE
ART. 336 ART. 339
The acts are committed The acts of lasciviousness 1. Engaging in the business of prostitution
under circumstances are committed under the 2. Profiting by prostitution
which, had there been circumstances which, 3. Enlisting the services of women for the purpose of
carnal knowledge, would had there been carnal prostitution.
amount to rape knowledge, would
amount to either
qualified seduction or
simple seduction MINORS
The acts are committed The lascivious acts are It is essential that Minority need not be
under the circumstances committed under victims are minors involved
attendant in rape circumstances which,
had there been carnal May have victims of Limited only to females
knowledge, would either sex
constitute either
qualified seduction or May not necessarily be Generally for profit
simple seduction for profit
The offended party is a The offended party Committed by a single Generally committed
female or a male should only be female act habitually
There is an oversight in the law where the victim is ABDUCTION – is meant the taking away of a woman
exactly 12 years of age. If the victim is below 12, the from her house or the place where she may be for the
crime will be purpose of carrying her to another place with intent to
rape, or unconsented acts of lasciviousness or forcible marry or corrupt her.
abduction. Hence Art. 339 stating “over 12 years of
age” should be construed as twelve years of age and TWO KINDS OF ABDUCTION
over, thus construing the doubt in favor of the accused. 1. Forcible abduction (Art. 342)
2. Consented abduction (Art. 343)
1. That the person abducted is a woman
Persons penalized: 2. That the abduction is against her will
Employer, employee, manager, supervisor, teacher, 3. That the abduction is with lewd design
professor, instructor, coach, trainor, or any other
person having authority, influence, or oral ascendancy
over another in a work, education or training-related
Demanding, requesting, or otherwise requiring any
sexual favor from the other, regardless of whether the With Lewd design No lewd design
demand, request, or requirement is accepted by the
object of the act. Conviction of acts of lasciviousness is not a bar to
conviction of forcible abduction
BY BP 92)
ELEMENTS: 1. To indemnify the offended woman;
1. That the offended party must be a virgin 2. To acknowledge the offspring, EXCEPT:
2. That she must be over 12 and under 18 years if age (a) in adultery and concubinage since only a
3. That the taking away of the offended party must be natural child may be acknowledged
with her consent, after solicitation or cajolery from (b) where either the offended party or the
the offender accused is married
4. That the taking away of the offended party must be (c) when paternity cannot be determined as in
with lewd designs multiple rape
(d) other instances where the law should
If girl is under 12 – ALWAYS FORCIBLE ABDUCTION. prevent the offender from doing so;
3. In every case to support the offspring.
1) Acts of lasciviousness against the will of the TEACHERS, OR OTHER PERSONS ENTRUSTED WITH
offended party; or against a sister or descendant THE CUSTODY OF THE OFFNEDED PARTY
2) Qualified Seduction of sister or descendant
3) Forcible Abduction This article provides for liability of the persons who
act as accomplices in crimes against chastity
Chapter Five: Provisions Relating to the Preceding (EXCEPT adultery and concubinage where there can
Chapters of Title Eleven (Arts. 344-346) be no acomplices nor acessories), shall be punished
as principals.
ART. 344- PROSECUTION OF THE CRIMES OF In addition, teachers or persons entrusted with
ADULTERY, CONCUBINAGE, SEDUCTION, education and guidance of the youth are penalized
Furthermore, all those falling within the terms of
1. Adultery and concubinage must be prosecuted upon this article shall be punished with special
the complaint signed by the offended spouse. disqualification from the office of guardian.
2. Seduction, abduction and acts of lasciviousness
must e prosecuted upon the complaint signed by: TITLE TWELVE: CRIMES AGAINST THE CIVIL STATUS
a. Offended party OF PERSONS
1. even if a minor
2. if of legal age and not incapacitated, Chapter One: Simulation of Births and Usurpation of
only she can file complaint Civil Status (Arts. 347-348)
3. If a minor or incapacitated and
refuses to file either of the next ART. 347 – SIMULATION OF BIRTHS, SUBSTITUTION
succeeding persons may file: OF ONE CHILD FOR ANOTHER, CONCEALMENT OR
c. Either of the grandparents whether
paternal or maternal side ACTS PUNISHED:
d. Legal or judicial guardians 1. Simulation of births
e. The State, as parens patriae when the 2. Substituting of one child for another
offended party dies or becomes 3. Concealing or abandoning any legitimate child with
incapacitated before she could file the intent to cause such child to lose its civil status
complaint and she has no known
parents, grandparents or guardians. Object of the crime under ART. 347 is the creation
of false or the causing of the loss of civil status.
Pardon in adultery and concubinage may be express
or implied; whereas express pardon of the offender
is required to bar prosecution for seduction,
abduction, abduction, or acts of lascivousness.
Usurping the civil status of another is committed by TITLE THIRTEEN: CRIMES AGAINST HONOR
assuming the filiation, or the parental or conjugal
rights of another with intent to enjoy the rights Chapter One: Libel (Arts. 353-362)
arising from the civil status of the latter. Section One – Definitions, forms, and punishment of
this crime
Crime is qualified if the purpose is to defraud
offended parties and heirs. ART. 353 LIBEL
The second spouse who knew of the first marriage INPUTATION MAY COVER:
is an accomplice, as well as the person who 1. Crime allegedly committed by the offended party
vouched for the capacity of either of the 2. Vice or defect, real or imaginary, of the offended
contracting parties. party
3. Any act, omission, condition, status of, or
ART. 350 – MARRIAGE CONTRACTED AGAINST circumstances relating to the offended party
ELEMENTS: 1. Malice in fact – shown by proof of ill-will, hatred,
1. That the offender contracted marriage or purpose to injure; also known as EXPRESS
2. That he knew at the time that MALICE.
a) The requirements of the law were not complied 2. Malice in law – presumed from defamatory
with; or imputation; proof is not required because it is
b) The marriage was in disregard of a legal presumed to exist from the defamatory imputation.
impediment. When the communication is PRIVILEGED, malice is
c) The offender must not be guilty of bigamy. not presumed from the defamatory words.
Qualifying Circumstance - if either of the contracting Guidelines when several persons are defamed:
parties obtains the consent of the other by means of
violence, intimidation or fraud. a. If the defamation is made on different occasions
or by independent acts, there are as many crimes of
ART. 351 – PREMATURE libel as there are persons directly addressed with such
MARRIAGES statements or directly referred to.
b. If the defamation is made on a single occasion:
PERSON LIABLE: - Where the same was directed at a class or
group of numerous persons in general terms only
1. A widow who married within 301 days from the without any particular person being directly addressed,
date of the death of her husband, or before having there is no victim identified or identifiable, hence no
delivered if she is pregnant at the time of his actionable libel.
death. - If the statement is so sweeping or all
embracing as to apply to every individual in that group
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC-
Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics) Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law), Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David
Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law 109
1. The person who publishes exhibits or causes the Offender does not Imputation is public
avail himself of and malicious
publication or exhibition of any defamation in writing written or spoken calculated to cause
or similar means. word in besmirching dishonor, discredit,
the victim’s or contempt upon
2. The author or editor of a book or pamphlet. reputation the offended party.
3. The editor or business manager of a daily newspaper ART. 364. INTRIGUING AGAINST HONOR.
magazine or serial publication.
Committed by any person who shall make any
4. The owner of the printing plant which publishes a intrigue which has for its principal purpose to blemish
libelous article with his consent and all other persons the honor or reputation of another.
who in any way participate in or have connection with
ART. 361 - PROOF OF TRUTH Sole Chapter: Criminal Negligence (Art. 365)
1. When the act or omission imputed constitutes a ELEMENTS (RECKLESS IMPRUDENCE):
crime regardless of whether the offended party is a 1. That the offender does or fails to do an act.
private individual or a public officer. 2. That the doing of or the failure to do that act is
2. When the offended party is a Government voluntary.
employee, even if the imputation does not 3. That it be without malice.
constitute a crime, provided it is related to the 4. That material damage results.
discharge of his official duties.