Criminal Law Ii
Criminal Law Ii
Criminal Law Ii
2. That there is a war in which the Philippines is *there must be an actual assembling of men –
involved. the actual enlisting of men to serve against the
government does not amount to levying war,
3. That the offender either – because there is no actual assembling of men.
a. levies war against the government *in treason by levying war, it is not necessary
b. adheres to the enemies, giving them aid or that there be a formal declaration of the
comfort existence of a state of war.
1. Permanent – allegiance is owed by the alien *aid and comfort – act which strengthens or
to his own country tends to strengthen the enemy in the conduct
of war against the traitors country and an act
2. Temporary – allegiance to the country where which weakens or tends to weaken the power
he resides of the traitors country to resist or to attack the
*treason cannot be committed in time of enemy.
peace (there must be war wherein the *giving information to, or commanding
Philippines is involved) foodstuffs for, the enemy is evidence of both
While there is peace, there are no traitors. It is adherence and aid or comfort.
punished by the state as a measure of self- *it is not the degree of success, but rather the
defense and self-preservation. aim for which the act was perpetrated, that
*Modes or ways of committing treason – determines the commission of treason.
*commandeering of women to satisfy the lust 2. Sovereignty of the government is not
of the enemy is not treason. transferred to the enemy by mere occupation 3.
The subsistence of the sovereignty of the
*no treason through negligence
legitimate government in a territory occupied
*no complex crime of treason with murder, by the military forces of the enemy during war
physical injuries, etc. because they are inherent is one of the rules of international law
in the crime of treason.
4. What is suspended is the exercise of the
*ways of proving treason – rights of sovereignty (Laurel vs. Misa)
1. A citizen owes an absolute and permanent 1. That the offender must be owing allegiance
allegiance to his government to the government, and not a foreigner.
2. That he has knowledge of any conspiracy to therefor. c. That his purpose is to obtain
commit treason against the government. information, plans, photo or other data of a
confidential nature relative to the defense of
3. That he conceal or does not disclose to the
the Philippines.
governor or fiscal of the province or the mayor
or fiscal of the city in which he resides. 2. By disclosing to the representatives of a
foreign nation the contents of the articles,
*116 do not apply when the crime of treason is
data or information referred to in paragraph 1
already committed by someone and accused
of article 117, which he had in his possession
does not report its commission to the proper
by reason of the public office he holds.
*the offender in misprision of treason is
punished as accessory to treason – penalty is a. That the offender is a public officer.
two degrees lower than that of treason.
b. That he has in his possession the articles,
*the offender, however, a principal in the crime data or information, by reason of the public
of misprision of treason – Art. 20 does not apply office he holds.
even if the offender is related to the persons in
c. That he discloses their contents to a
conspiracy against the government – Art. 20
representative of a foreign nation.
applies only to accessory.
*other acts of espionage are punished by Com.
*Art116 is an exception to the rule that mere
silence does not make a person criminally liable. Act No. 616…
3. That the offender violates such regulation. ARTICLE 121 – FLIGHT TO ENEMY’S COUNTRY
2. When an offense has in fact just been 3. Intimidation or coercion for any reason based
committed, and he has probable cause to on discrimination
believe based on personal knowledge of facts *Persons liable:
and circumstances that the person to be
arrested has committed it. - Torturer
*if the offender is a private person, the crime is 2. That there is a judicial order or executive
illegal detention. order for the release of the prisoner or
detainee or that there is a proceeding upon a
*if the detention of a person is not for some
petition for the liberation of such person.
legal ground, it will be a case under article 124
not 125. 3. That the offender without good reason
*Art. 125 applies only when the arrest is made
without warrant of arrest. But the arrest must a. Service of the notice of such order to the
be lawful. prisoner.
*if with warrant of arrest, the person arrested b. The performance of such judicial or
can be detained indefinitely until his case is executive order for the release of the prisoner.
decided by the court or he posts a bail for
b. The proceedings upon a petition for the
temporary release.
release of such person.
*What constitutes a violation of article 125 is
the failure to deliver the person arrested to the
proper judicial authority within the period *Elements:
specified therein.
1. That the offender is a public officer or
*Duty of detaining officer is deemed complied employee.
with upon the filing of the complainant with the
judicial authority. 2. That he expels any person from the
Philippines, or compels a person to change his
*Proper judicial authorities – courts of justice residence.
or judges of said court with judicial power to
order the temporary detention of an accused. 3. That the offender is not authorized to do so
by law.
2. By searching papers or other effects found 1. By procuring a search warrant without just
without the previous consent of such owner. 3. cause.
By refusing to leave the premises, after having
2. By exceeding his authority or by using
surreptitiously entered said dwelling and after
unnecessary severity in executing a search
having been required to leave the same.
warrant legally procured.
*If the offender who enters the dwelling
*Elements of procuring a search warrant
against the will of the owner thereof is a
without just cause:
private individual, the crime committed is
trespass to dwelling. 1. That the offender is a public officer or
*Authorized only when there is a valid search
warrant. 2. That he procures a search warrant.
*A peace officer without search warrant 3. That there is no just cause.
cannot lawfully enter the dwelling against the
will of the owner, even if he knew that *Personal property to be seized:
someone in the dwelling is having unlawful 1. Subject of the offense
possession of drug/opium.
2. Stolen or embezzled and other proceeds or
*When a peace officer secured the previous fruits of the offense
consent of the owner of the house to the search
without warrant they are not liable – impliedly 3. Used or intended to be used as the means of
waived. committing an offense.
*Requisites for issuing search warrant: *Search warrant shall not be issued except
upon probable cause in connection with one
1. Issued upon probable cause specific offense to be determined personally by
2. Probable cause must be determined by the the judge after examination under oath of the
judge himself complainant…
3. In determination, judge must examine under *Right to break door or window to effect
oath or affirmation of the complainant and such search – if refuse admittance to the place of
witness he produces directed search after giving notice of his
purpose and authority.
*Search must be made in presence of two 3. That he searches the domicile, paper or
witnesses. other belonging of any person.
*Validity of search warrant – 10 days from its 4. That the owner or any members of his
date. family, or two witnesses residing in the same
locality are not present.
*Evidence obtained in violation of these are
not admissible as evidence in court. Section 2
ARTICLE 133 – OFFENDING THE RELIGIOUS *Rebellion and insurrection are not
*Rebellion – more frequently used where the
object of the movement is completely to
1. That the act complained of were performed: overthrow and supersede the existing
a. In a place devoted to religious worship, or government.
4. That the purpose of the attack is to seize or - any or all of the acts described in article 135,
diminish state power. when committed as means to or in furtherance
of the subversive ends described in art 134,
ARTICLE 135 – PERSONS LIABLE FOR becomes absorbed in the crime of rebellion and
REBELLION, INSURRECTION AND/OR COUP D’ cannot be regarded or penalized as distinct
crimes in themselves.
1. The leaders
INSURRECTION 1. That the offender rise (1) publicly and (2)
*Merely agreeing and deciding to rise publicly
and take arms against the government for the 2. That they employ force, intimidation, or
purposes of rebellion or merely proposing the other means outside of legal methods.
commission of said acts is already subject to
3. That the offender employs any of those
means to attain any of the following objects: a.
*No conspiracy when there is no agreement To prevent the promulgation or execution of
and no decision to commit said acts. any law or the holding of any popular election.
ARTICLE 137 – DISLOYALTY OF PUBLIC OFFICER b. To prevent the national government, or any
provincial or municipal government, or any
public officer thereof from freely exercising its
*Acts punished: or his functions or prevent the execution of any
administrative order. c. To inflict any act of hate
1. By failing to resist a rebellion by all means in or revenge upon the person or property of any
their power; or public officer or employee. d. To commit, for
2. By continuing to discharge the duties of their any political or social end, any person,
offices under the control of the rebels; or municipality or province, or the National
Government of all its property or any part
3. By accepting appointment to office under thereof.
*The ultimate object of sedition is violation of
*The crime of disloyalty of public officers the public peace.
presupposes the existence of rebellion by other
persons. *What distinguishes sedition from rebellion is
the object or purpose of the uprising – in
*The offender under article 137 must not be in sedition, the purpose of the offender may be
conspiracy with the rebels. political or social – in rebellion, it is always
ARTICLE 140 – PENALTY FOR SEDITION *uttering seditious words or speeches and
writing, publishing or circulating scurrilous libels
*Persons liable for sedition:
are punishable when:
1. The leader of the sedition – PMayor - min
1. They tend to disturb or obstruct any lawful
and fine not exceeding P10,000.
officer in executing the functions of his office;
2. Other persons participating in the sedition –
2. They tend to instigate others to cabal and
PC – max and fine not exceeding P5,000.
meet together for unlawful purposes;
3. They suggest or incite rebellious conspiracies
SEDITION or riots.
*There must be an agreement and decision to 4. They lead or tend to stir up the people
rise publicly and tumultuously to attain any of against the lawful authorities or to disturb the
the objects of sedition. peace of the community, the safety and order
of the government.
*There is no proposal to commit sedition – not
punished. *It is not necessary, in order to be seditious,
that the words used should in fact result in a
ARTICLE 142 – INCITING TO SEDITION rising of the people against the constituted
*Different acts of inciting to sedition: authorities.
1. Inciting others to the accomplishment of any (The law is not aimed merely at actual
of the acts which constitute sedition by means disturbance as its purpose is also to punish
of speeches, proclamations, writings, emblems, utterances which may endanger public order.)
etc. *Two rules relative to seditious words:
2. Uttering seditious words or speeches which a. The clear and present danger rule – the
tend to disturb the public peace. words must be of such a nature that by uttering
3. Writing, publishing, or circulating scurrilous them, there is a danger of a public uprising and
libels against the government or any duly that such danger should be both clear and
constituted authorities thereof, which tend to imminent. b. The dangerous tendency rule –
disturb the public peace. when the words uttered or published could
easily produce disaffection among the people
*Elements: and a state of feeling in them incompatible with
1. That the offender does not take direct part a disposition to remain loyal to the government
in the crime of sedition. and obedient to the laws.
2. That he incites others to the ARTICLE 143 – ACTS TENDING TO PREVENT THE
accomplishment of any of the acts which MEETING OF THE ASSEMBLY AND SIMILAR
constitute sedition.
*Elements: a. Attending the meetings of the National
Assembly or of any of its committees or
1. That there be a projected or actual meeting
subcommittees, constitutional commission or
of the National Assembly or any of its
committees or divisions thereof.
committees or subcommittees, constitutional
committees or division thereof, or of any b. From expressing his opinions.
provincial board or city or municipal council or
c. Casting his votes.
2. By arresting or searching any member
2. That the offender who may be any person
thereof while the National Assembly is in
prevents such meeting by force or fraud.
regular or special session, except in case such
ARTICLE 144 – DISTURBANCE OF PROCEEDINGS member has committed a crime punishable
under the code by a penalty of prision mayor or
1. That there be a meeting of the National
*Elements of 1st:
Assembly or any of its committees or
subcommittees, constitutional commission or 1. That the offender uses force, intimidation,
committees or division thereof, or of any threats or fraud.
provincial board or city or municipal council or
2. That the purpose of the offender is to
prevent any member of the National Assembly
2. That the offender does any of the following from: a. Attending the meetings of the
National Assembly or of any of its committees
a. He disturbs any of such meetings or subcommittees, constitutional commission
or committees or division thereof.
b. He behaves while in the presence of any of
such bodies in such a manner as to interrupt its b. Expressing his opinions.
proceedings or to impair the respect due to it.
c. Casting his votes
*It must be a meeting of a legislative body or of
*Elements of 2nd:
provincial board or city or municipal council or
board which is disturbed. 1. That the offender is a public officer or
*One who disturbs the proceedings of the
National Assembly may also be punished for 2. That he arrests or searches any member of
contempt by the Assembly. the National Assembly.
ARTICLE 145 – VIOLATION OF PARLIAMENTARY 3. That the Assembly, at the time of the arrest
or search, is in regular or special session.
4. That the member arrested or searched has
*Acts punishable:
not committed a crime punishable under the
1. By using force, intimidation, threats, or code by a penalty of prision mayor or higher.
frauds to prevent any member of the National
Assembly from:
1. Any meeting attended by armed persons for 2. Persons merely present at the meeting.
the purpose of committing any of the crimes
*The persons merely present at the meeting
punishable under the code.
must have common intent to commit the felony
2. Any meeting in which the audience, whether of illegal assembly – the absence of such intent
armed or not, is incited to the commission of may exempt the person present from criminal
the crime of treason, rebellion or insurrection, liability.
sedition or assault upon a person in authority
*Responsibility of persons merely present at the
or his agents.
*Elements of the 1st:
1. If they are armed – Penalty is Arresto Mayor
1. That there is a meeting, a gathering or group
2. If they carry arms – Penalty is Prision
of persons, whether in a fixed place or moving.
2. That the meeting is attended by armed
*If any person present at the meeting carries an
unlicensed firearm:
3. That the purpose of the meeting is to commit
1. It is presumed that the purpose of the
any of the crimes punishable under the code.
meeting insofar as he is concerned, is to commit
*Elements of the 2nd: acts punishable under the code.
*When the attack or employment of force is not 4. Displaying placards or emblems which
deliberate, the crime is only resistance or provoke a disturbance of public order in such
disobedience. place;
ARTICLE 152 – PERSONS IN AUTHORITY AND 5. Burying with pomp the body of a person
who has been legally executed.
*Serious disturbance must be planned or
*Persons in authority – any person directly
vested with jurisdiction whether as an individual
or as a member of some court or governmental *If the act of disturbing or interrupting a
corporation board or commission. meeting or religious ceremony is not
committed by public officer, or if committed by
*Agent of a person in authority – any person
public officer they are participant therein,
who, by direct provision of laws or by election
article 153 should be applied.
or by appointment by competent authority, is
charged with the maintenance of public order *Outcry – shout subversive or provocative
and the protection and security of life and words tending to stir up the people to obtain by
property. means of force or violence any of the objects of
rebellion or sedition.
* ”Directly vested with jurisdiction” – The
power and authority to govern and execute *Inciting vs. Public disorder
- In public disorder, the outcry is not
*To be an agent of a person in authority, one intentionally calculated to induce others to
must be charged with (1) the maintenance of commit rebellion or sedition.
public order, and (2) the protection and security
*Tumultuous – the disturbance or interruption
of life and property.
caused by more than 3 persons (4 or more) who
ARTICLE 153 – TUMULTS AND OTHER are armed or provided with means of violence.
*What are tumults and other disturbances of PUBLICATION AND UNLAWFUL UTTERANCES
public order :
1. Causing any serious disturbance in a public
1. By punishing or causing to be published, by
place, office or establishment;
means of printing, lithography or any other
2. Interrupting or disturbing performances, means of publication, as news any false news
functions or gatherings, or peaceful meetings, which may endanger the public order, or cause
if the act is not included in articles 131 and damage to the interest or credit of the state.
2. By encouraging disobedience to the law or to
the constituted authorities or by praising,
justifying or extolling any act punished by law,
by the same means or words, utterances or ARTICLE 156 – DELIVERING PRISONERS FROM
3. By maliciously publishing or causing to be
published any official resolution or document
without proper authority, or 1. That there is a person confined in jail or penal
before they have been published officially.
2. That the offender removes therefrom such
4. By printing, publishing or distributing books,
person, or helps the escape of such person.
pamphlets, periodicals or leaflets which do not
bear real printer’s name or which are classified *Prisoner may be under detention only.
as anonymous.
*Hospitals or asylums are considered
*Actual public disorder or actual damage to the extension of jail or prison.
credit of the state is not necessary.
*If the crime committed by the prisoner for
*The offender must know that the news is which he is confined is treason, murder or
false – It must endanger or may endanger the parricide, the act of taking the place of the
public order. prisoner in the prison is that of an accessory –
because he assisted in the escape of the
*Acts punished:
*If the person/prisoner removed or escaped is
1. Discharging any firearm, rocket, firecracker, made possible by the commission of article 156
or other explosive within any town or public is a detention prisoner, such prisoner is not
place calculated to cause alarm or danger. criminally liable. Only those who evade the
service of their sentence are criminally liable.
2. Instigating or taking an active part in any
charivari or other disorderly meeting offensive
to another or prejudicial to public tranquility.
4. That the offender fails to give himself up to 3. That he violated any of the conditions of such
the authorities within 48 hours following the pardon.
issuance of a proclamation by the chief
*Violation of conditional pardon is distinct *Quasi-recidivism vs. reiteracion
- Reiteracion requires that the offender against
*conditions extend to special laws. whom it is considered shall have served out his
sentences for the prior offenses.
*Offender must be found guilty of subsequent
offense before he can be prosecuted under *Quasi-recidivism cannot be offset by ordinary
article 159. mitigating circumstances – if privileged
mitigating (one degree lower)
*Offender can be arrested and reincarcerated
without trial – violation of conditional pardon. *A quasi-recidivist may be pardoned at the age
of 70 years – when he has already served out
*The period when convict was at liberty, not
his original sentence, or when he shall complete
deducted in case he is recommitted.
it after reaching the said age, unless by reason
ARTICLE 160 – COMMISSION OF ANOTHER of his conduct or other circumstances he shall
not be worthy of such clemency.
*But only a convict who is not a habitual
FOR ANOTHER PREVIOUS OFFENSE criminal shall be pardoned.
*Quasi-recidivism – is a special aggravating ARTICLE 161 – COUNTERFEITING THE GREAT
circumstance where a person, after having been
convicted by final judgment, shall commit a new SEAL OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE
felony before beginning to serve such sentence,
or while serving the same.
*He shall be punished by the maximum period
of the penalty prescribed by law for the new *Acts punished:
1. Forging the great seal of the government of
*Elements: the Philippines.
1. That the offender was already convicted by 2. Forging the signature of the President.
final judgment of one offense.
3. Forging the stamp of the President.
2. That he committed a new felony before
*Great seal – circular in form, with arms
beginning to serve such sentence or while
consisting of paleways of two pieces, azures and
serving the same.
gules; chief argent studded with three golden
*The second crime must be a felony (RPC) – but star equidistant from each other, in point of
the first crime for which the offender is serving honor, ovoid argent over the sun rayonnant
sentence need not be a felony. with eight minor and lesser rays; in sinister base
gules, the lion rampant of spain; in dexter base
*The new offense need not be of different
azure, the American eagle displayed proper;
character from that of the former offense.
and surrounding the whole is a double marginal
*Quasi-recidivism does not require that the two circle within which are the words “Republic of
offenses are embraced in the same title of the the Philippines.”
code – only in recidivism that it is required –
*The great seal shall be and remain in the
article 14 no. 9
custody of the President of the Philippines, and
shall be affixed to or placed upon all *Counterfeiting – imitation of a legal or genuine
commissions signed by him, and signed by him, coin. – There must be an imitation of the
and upon such other official documents and peculiar design of a genuine coin. (US vs. Basco)
papers of the Republic of the Philippines as may
*Import – means to bring them into port – the
by law be provided, or as may be required by
importation is complete before entry at the
custom and usage in the discretion of the
customs house.
President of the Philippines.
*Utter – to pass counterfeited coins. – It
includes their delivery or the act of giving them
3. That in case of uttering such false or 1. Mutilating coins of legal currency, with the
counterfeited coins, he connived with the further requirement that there be intent to
counterfeiters or importers. damage or to defraud another.
*Coin – is a piece of metal stamped with certain 2. Importing or uttering such mutilated coins,
marks and made current at a certain value. with the further requirement that there must
be connivance with the mutilator or importer in
*A coin is false or counterfeited, if it is forged or case of uttering.
if it is not authorized by the government as legal
tender regardless of its intrinsic value. *Mutilation – to take off part of the metal
either by filling it or substituting it for another
metal of inferior quality.
*The coin must be of legal tender in mutilation. NOTES OR OTHER DOCUMENTS PAYABLE TO
*Coins of foreign country are not included. BEARER, IMPORTING, AND UTTERING SUCH
*The coin mutilated must be genuine and has
not been withdrawn from circulation. *Acts punished:
b. When it is payable to a person named therein *The instrument is payable to order – when it is
or bearer; or c. When it is payable to the order drawn payable to the order of a specified
of a fictitious or non-existing person; d. The person or to him or his order.
name of the payee does not purport to be the
*Article 167 covers instrument or other
name of any person; e. When the only or last
documents of credit issued by a foreign
indorsement is an indorsement in blank.
government or bank.
*The code punishes forging or falsification of
*Reason for punishing forgery – to maintain the
bank notes and of documents of credit payable
integrity of the currency and thus insure the
to bearer and issued by the state more severely
credit standing of the government and prevent
than counterfeiting of coins.
the imposition on the public and the
*Obligation or security of US and other foreign government of worthless notes or obligations.
countries are included under this provision.
*Connivance is not required in uttering if the
*Obligation or security of the Philippines: utterer is the forger.
*Bank note is forged when the serial number ARTICLE 170 – FALSIFICATION OF LEGISLATIVE
which the questioned bank note bears does not
check with the genuine one issued with the
same number. *Elements:
*Accused must have knowledge of the forged 1. That there be a bill, resolution or ordinance
character of the note. enacted or approved or pending approval by
either house of the legislature or any provincial
*A person in possession of falsified document
board or municipal council.
and who makes use of the same is presumed to
be material author of falsification. 2. That the offender alters the same.
*Mere possession of false money bill, without 3. That he has no proper authority thereof.
intent to use it to the damage of another, is not
a crime. 4. That the alteration has changed the meaning
of the document.
*Municipal council should include the city
*Forgery includes falsification and council or municipal board.
*The bill, resolution or ordinance must be
*Classes of falsification – genuine.
1. Falsification of legislative document (article *The act of falsification in legislative document
is limited to allowing it which changes its
2. Falsification of a document by a public officer,
employee or notary public (article 171) 3.
Falsification of a public or official, commercial
document by a private individual (article 172,
paragraph 1) *Elements:
4. Falsification of a private document by any 1. That the offender is a public officer,
person (article 172, paragraph 2) employee, or notary public.
5. Falsification of wireless, telegraph and 2. That he takes advantage of his official
telephone messages (article 173) position.
*Falsification vs. Forgery 3. That he falsifies a document by committing
any of the following acts: a. Counterfeiting or
*Forgery – the falsification and counterfeiting of
imitating any handwriting, signature or rubric.
treasury or bank notes or any instruments
b. Causing it to appear that persons have
payable to bearer or to order.
participated in any act or proceeding when they
*Falsification – the commission of any of the did not in fact so participate. c. Attributing to
eight acts mentioned in article 171 on persons who have participated in an act or
legislative, public or official, commercial, or
proceeding statements other than those in fact *The document must be of apparent legal
made by them. efficacy.
*Requisites: *Requisites:
2. That such person or persons made 2. That it was made on a genuine document.
statements in that act or proceedings
3. That the alteration or intercalation has
3. That the offender, in making document, changed the meaning of the document.
attributed to such person or persons
4. That the changes made the document speak
statements other than those in fact made by
something false.
such person or persons.
*Alteration which speaks the truth is not
*Paragraph 4 – Making untruthful statements in
a narration of facts
*The alteration must affect the integrity or
change the effects of the document.
1. That the offender makes in a document
*Paragraph 7 – Issuing in authenticated form a
statements in a narration of facts.
document purporting to be a copy of an original
2. That he has legal obligation to disclose the document when no such original exist,
truth of the fact narrated by him.
or including in such a copy a statement contrary 1. Public documents – a document created,
to, or different from, that of the genuine executed or issued by a public official in
original response to the exigencies of the public service,
or in the execution of which a public official
*Can be committed only by a public officer or
notary public who takes advantage of his official
position. 2. Official document – a document which is
issued by a public official in the exercise of the
*A private individual who cooperates with a
functions of his office.
public officer in the falsification of public
document is guilty of this crime and incurs same 3. Private document – a deed or instrument
liability and penalty as the public officer. executed by a private person without the
intervention of a notary public or other person
*Intent to gain or to prejudice is not necessary
legally authorized by which document some
in this crime.
disposition or agreement is proved, evidenced
4. Commercial document – any document
defined and regulated by the code of
*Acts punished: commerce.
*Elements: *Elements:
1. That the offender is a private individual or a 1. That the offender committed any of the acts
public officer or employee who did not take of falsification, except those in paragraph 7,
advantage of his official position. enumerated in article 171.
2. The he committed any of the acts of 2. Falsification was committed in any private
falsification enumerated in article 171. document.
3. That the falsification was committed in a 3. The falsification caused damage to a third
public or official or commercial document. party or at least the falsification was committed
with intent to cause such damage.
*The offender should not be a public officer,
employee, or notary public, who takes *Falsification of public document may be
advantage of his official position. complexed to estafa, theft or malversation.
-Use in any other transaction 2. The accused used such falsified dispatch.
1. That the offender knew that a document was 3. The use of the falsified dispatch resulted in
falsified by another. the prejudice of a third party, or there was
intent to the same.
2. That the document is embraced in article 171
or numbers 1 and 2 of article 172. ARTICLE 174 – FALSE MEDICAL CERTIFICATES,
3. That he used such documents. ETC.
4. That the use of the false documents caused *Certificate – any writing by which testimony is
damage to another or at least used with intent given that a fact has or not taken place.
to cause such damage.
*Persons liable:
CABLE, TELEGRAPH, AND TELEPHONE 1. Physician or surgeon
2. Public officer
3. Private individual
*Acts punished:
1. Uttering fictitious wireless, telegraph or
telephone message. *Elements:
2. Falsification wireless, telegraph or telephone 1. That a physician or surgeon has issued a false
message. medical certificate, or a public officer had issued
false certificate of
3. Using such falsified message.
merit or a private individual falsified any of the
*Uttering fictitious message or falsifying the
said certificates.
same (Paragraph 1)
2. That the offender knew that the certificate *Article 177 may be violated by a public officer.
was false.
*Usurper – one who, introduces himself into an
3. That he used the same. office that is vacant, or who, without color of
title, ousts the government and assume to act
as an officer by exercising some of the functions
of the office.
*Article 177 punishes usurpation of authority or
*Acts punished:
official functions of any officer of any foreign
1. Making or introducing into the Philippines government.
any stamps, dies, marks or other instruments or
implements for counterfeiting or falsification.
2. Possessing with intent to use the instruments
or implements for counterfeiting or falsification *Elements: (Using fictitious name)
made in or introduced into the Philippines by
1. That the offender uses a name other than his
another person.
real name.
*The implements confiscated need not form a
2. That he uses that fictitious name publicly.
complete set.
3. That the purpose of the offender is: a. To
conceal a crime; b. To evade the execution of a
OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS judgment; or c. To cause damage to public
*Two offense in article 177 –
*Fictitious name – any other name which a
- Usurpation of authority
person publicly applies to himself without
- Usurpation of official functions authority of law.
*Two ways of committing the crime: *Causing damage must be to public interest, if
the damage is private interest, the crime will be
1. By knowingly and falsely representing oneself estafa.
to be an officer, agent or representative of any
department or agency of the Philippine *Signing fictitious name in an application for
government or any foreign government. passport is publicly using such fictitious name.
*Using or wearing unauthorized naval military, *Defendant must be sentenced at least to (1) a
police, or other official uniform, decoration or correctional penalty, or (2) fine, or (3) must be
regalia of a foreign state, or one nearly acquitted.
resembling the same – with intent to deceive or *The witness who gave false testimony is liable
mislead are punished by RA No. 75. even if his testimony was not considered by the
*Wearing insignia, badge or emblem of rank of court.
the members of the armed forces of the ARTICLE 181 – FALSE TESTIMONY FAVORABLE
Philippines or constabulary are punished by RA TO THE DEFENDANT
*Reason for punishing – tendency to favor or to
*illegal manufacture, sale, distribution and use prejudice the defendant.
of PNP uniforms, insignias and other
accoutrements are punished by EO 297. *The false testimony in favor of defendant need
not directly influence the decision of acquittal.
DEFENDANT *It is sufficient that the false testimony was
given with intent to favor the defendant.
*False testimony – committed by a person who,
being under oath and required to testify as to *It is sufficient that the defendant in the
the truth of a certain matters at a hearing principal case is prosecuted for a felony
punishable by afflictive penalty or by other 2. That the statement or affidavit was made
penalty. before a competent officer, authorized to
receive and administer oath.
*The defendant who falsely testified in his own
behalf in a criminal case is guilty of false 3. That in that statement or affidavit, the
testimony favorable to the defendant. accused made a willful and deliberate assertion
of a falsehood.
*Ratification made spontaneously after realizing
the mistake is not false testimony. 4. That the sworn statement or affidavit
containing the falsity is required by law.
*(must complete the whole stage of stating
testimony to be liable)
1. That the testimony must be given in a civil
*Falsely testifying under oath should not be in a
judicial proceeding.
2. That the testimony must relate to the issues
*Oath – any form of attestation by which a
presented in said case.
person signifies that he is bound in conscience
3. That the testimony must be false. to perform an act faithfully and truthfully.
4. That the false testimony must be given by the *Affidavit – a sworn statement in writing, a
defendant knowing the same to be false. declaration in writing, made upon oath before
an authorized magistrate or officer.
5. That the testimony must be malicious and
given with an intent to affect the issues *False affidavit to a criminal complaint may give
presented in said case. rise to perjury.
*Article 182 is not applicable when false *Material Matter – it is the main fact which is
testimony is given in special proceedings. the subject of the inquiry or any circumstances
which tend to prove that fact.
*Whether or not the testimonies of private
respondent in the civil case are false is a *The matter is material when it is directed to
prejudicial question. prove a fact in issue. – Relevant when it tends in
any reasonable degree to establish the
ARTICLE 183 – FALSE TESTIMONY IN OTHER probability of a fact in issue. – Pertinent
CASES AND PERJURY IN SOLEMN concern collateral matter which makes more or
AFFIRMATION less probable the proposition at issues.
*Ways of committing perjury: *No perjury if sworn statement is not material
1. Falsely testifying under oath. to the principal matter under investigation.
2. Making a false affidavit. *Article 183 catches everything else under 180,
1. That the accused made a statement under *Perjury is an offense which covers false oaths
oath, or executed an affidavit upon a material other than those taken in the course of judicial
matter. proceedings.
*False testimony before the justice of peace or
fiscal during the preliminary investigation may
give rise to the crime of perjury.
3. That the offer was made in a judicial or *Section 5 – Selling dangerous drugs:
official proceeding. - Act of giving away any dangerous drugs or
*Begins the moment a witness is called to the controlled precurs or/and essential chemical
witness stand and interrogated by counsel. whether for money or any other consideration.
ARTICLE 186 – MONOPOLIES AND *Does not require that there must be giving of
the price/money, it suffice that the crime was
1. Inventory the dangerous drugs. 5. Cultivation or culture plants which are the
sources of dangerous drugs.
2. Take photographs of the same in the
presence of the accused or from the person *Section 98 – Provisions of the Revised Penal
whom the drugs have been confiscated or in the Code shall not apply to the provisions of
presence of his RA9165 – except when the offender is a minor.
counsel, representative from the media, ARTICLE 195 -199 – REPEALED BY PD 1602
representative from the department of justice
and an elected official who shall given a copy of
the said inventory and who shall be required to *Elements:
sign the same.
1. That the offender performs an act or act.
The duly recorded authorized movements and
custody of dangerous drugs from the time of 2. That such act or acts are highly scandalous as
confiscation/seizure to the receipt in the offending against decency or good customs.
forensic laboratory to safekeeping to 3. That the highly scandalous conduct is not
presentation in court for destruction. expressly falling within any other article of this
The rule is to ensure that there will be no code.
substitution of the very dangerous drugs 4. That the act or acts complained of be
confiscated from he accused at the time that committed in a public place or within the public
they were presented to court. knowledge or view.
*Inventory in warrantless seizures the officer -Public place – not necessary to have been
may transport the drugs to the nearest police witnessed by one or more persons.
-Public knowledge/view – witnessed by one or
*Section 25 – Positive finding for the use of two persons.
dangerous drugs shall be qualifying aggravating
circumstance. (Special aggravating?) *Crime of last resort.
*Test of obscenity – whether the tendency of use of force, or other forms of coercion,
the matter charged as obscene, is to deprive or abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or
corrupt those whose minds are open to such of position, taking advantage of the
immoral influences, and into whose hands such vulnerability of the person, or the giving or
as publication may fall, whether or not such receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the
publication or act shocks the ordinary and consent of a person having control over another
common sense of men as an indecency. (US vs. person for the purpose of exploitation which
Kottinger) includes at a minimum the exploitation or the
prostitution of others or other forms of sexual
*Mere nudity in picture and paintings, not an exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery,
obscenity. involuntary servitude or the removal or sale of
*Proper test as regard such pictures: organs.
2. That there is a proceeding in the court. 3. He 4. That the act which the offender agrees to
delays the administration of justice. 4. That the perform or which he executes be connected
delay is malicious, that is, the delay is caused by with the performance of his official duty.
the judge with
deliberate intent to inflict damage on either of
the party.
1. That the offender is a public officer.
NEGLIGENCE AND TOLERANCE 2. That he accepts gift.
*Acts punished: 3. Gifts are offered to him by reason of his
1. Maliciously refraining from instituting
prosecution against violation of the law. ARTICLE 211-A – QUALIFIED BRIBERY
2. By maliciously tolerating the commission of *Elements:
1. That the offender is a public officer entrusted
ARTICLE 209 – BETRAYAL OF TRUST BY AN with law enforcement.
2. That the offender refrains from arresting or
*Acts punished: prosecuting an offender who has committed
crime punishable by reclusion perpetua or
1. By causing damage to his client, either (1) by
any malicious breach of professional duty, or (2)
inexcusable negligence or ignorance. 3. That the offender refrains from arresting or
prosecuting an offender in consideration of any
2. By revealing any of the secrets of his client
promise, gift or present.
learned by him.
1. That the offender is a public officer.
1. That the offender makes offer or promise or supplies, (2) the making of contracts, or (3) the
gives gift or present to a public officer. adjustment or settlement of accounts relating
to public property or funds.
2. That the offer or promise are made or the
gifts or presents given to a public officer, under 4. That the accused had intent to defraud the
circumstances that will make the public officer government.
liable for direct bribery or indirect bribery.
*The public officer must act in his official
*The crime of fraud against public treasury is
*Acts punished: consummated by merely entering into an
agreement with any interested party or
1. By entering into an agreement with any
speculator or by merely making use of any other
interested party or speculator or making use of
scheme to defraud the government.
any other scheme, to defraud the Government
in dealing with any person with regard to *Elements of illegal exactions:
1. That the offender is a public officer entrusted
supplies, the making of contracts, or the with the collection of taxes, licenses, fees and
adjustment or settlement of accounts relating other imposts.
to public property or funds.
2. That he is guilty of any of the following acts
2. By demanding, directly or indirectly, the or omission –a. Demanding, directly or
payment of sums different from or larger than indirectly, the payment of sums different from
those authorized by law, in the collection of or larger than those authorized by law. b. Failing
taxes, licenses, fees and other imposts. voluntarily to issue a receipt, as provided by
law, for any sum of money collected by him
3. By failing voluntary to issue a receipt, as
officially. c. Collecting or receiving, directly or
provided by law, for any sum of money
indirectly, by way of payment or otherwise,
collected by him officially, in the collection of
things or object of a nature different from that
taxes, licenses, fees and other imposts.
provided by law.
4. By collecting or receiving, directly or
*Mere demand for larger or different amount is
indirectly, of payment or otherwise, things or
sufficient to consummate the crime.
objects of a nature different from that provided
by law, in the collection of taxes, licenses, fees *Collecting officer must issue official receipts –
and other imposts. without it he is liable of illegal exaction.
*Elements of frauds against public treasury: *When there is deceit in demanding greater
fees than those prescribed by law, the crime
1. That the offender be a public officer.
committed is estafa and not illegal exaction.
2. That he should have taken advantage of his
*Article 213 is not applicable if the offender is
office, that is, he intervened in the transaction
an officer or employee of BIR or BOC.
in his official capacity.
3. That he entered into an agreement with any
interested party or speculator or made use of *Elements:
any other scheme with regard to (1) furnishing
1. That the offender is a public officer. *Actual fraud is not necessary.
2. That he takes advantage of his position. 3. *Intervention must be by virtue of public office
That he commits any of the frauds or deceits held.
enumerated in articles 315-318.
*Articles 315 – 318 are estafa, other forms of FUNDS OR PROPERTY
swindling, swindling minor, and other deceit.
1. Offender is a public officer or employee.
2. That he has the custody or control of funds or
1. That the offender is an appointive public property by reason of the duties of his office.
3. Those funds or property were public funds or
2. That he becomes interested, directly or property for which he was accountable.
indirectly, in any transaction of exchange or
4. He appropriated took, misappropriated or
consented, or through abandonment or
3. That the transaction takes place within the negligence, permitted another person to take
territory subject to his jurisdiction. them.
2. Experts, arbitrators, and private accountants *Malversation of public funds and property can
who, in like manner, took part in any contract or be committed either:
transaction connected with the estate or
1. Positive act – through deliberate intent or
property in the appraisal distribution of
through dolo, he is the one who appropriates or
adjudication of which they had acted.
misappropriates, who took the said public funds
3. Guardians and executors with respect to the or property.
property belonging to their wards or the estate.
2. Passive act – through abandonment or that reasonable care and caution which an
negligent, or culpa, he allowed others to ordinary prudent person would have used in the
appropriate or misappropriate the said public same situation, if not, guilty of negligence.
funds or property.
*Return of funds malversed is only mitigating.
*There is prima facie presumption of
*When the shortage is paid by public officer
malversation – when demand is made by duly
from his pocket, he is not liable for
authorized officer to an accountable public
officer to account for public funds or property,
and the same is not forthcoming. – *Demand not necessary in malversation.
a. The public officer indeed receives the public ARTICLE 218 – FAILURE OF ACCOUNTABLE
funds or property. That is, he is an accountable OFFICER TO RENDER ACCOUNTS
public officer. b. The said public funds and
property was missing, or there was a shortage, *Elements:
or he cannot produce it. c. The said public 1. That the offender is a public officer, whether
officer cannot give a justifiable reason, a legal in the service or separated therefrom.
excuse for the said shortage or missing of public
funds or property. 2. That he must be an n accountable officer for
public funds or property.
*When a public officer had no authority to
receive the money the government and upon 3. That he is required by law or regulation to
receipt of the same he misappropriates it, the render accounts to the commission on audit, or
crime committed is estafa and not malversation. to a provincial auditor.
*A public officer having only a qualified charge 4. That he fails to do so for a period of 2 months
of government property without authority to after such accounts should be rendered.
part with physical possession of it unless upon *Demand for accounting is not necessary.
order from his immediate superior, cannot be
held liable for malversation. *Misappropriation is not necessary.
*Even private parties who participate as co- ARTICLE 219 – FAILURE OF A RESPONSIBLE
perpetrators in the offense of malversation PUBLIC OFFICER TO RENDER ACCOUNTS
could be penalized for the commission of such BEFORE LEAVING THE COUNTRY
*The provision of article 217 shall apply to
1. That the offender is a public officer.
article 222 when –
2. That he must be an accountable officer for
1. Private individuals who. In any capacity
public funds and property.
whatsoever, have charge of national, provincial
or municipal funds, revenue or property. 2. Any 3. That he must have unlawfully left (or be on
administrator or depositor of funds or property the point of leaving) the Philippines without
attached, seized or deposited by public securing from the commission on audit a
authority. certificate showing that his accounts have been
finally settled.
*Test to determine negligence – did the
defendant in doing the alleged negligent act use
*The act of leaving the country must be 3. He fails to make the payment maliciously.
unauthorized or not permitted by law.
*Private individuals who may be liable under
217-221 –
1. Private individuals who, in any capacity
whatever, have charge of any national,
*Elements: provincial or municipal funds, revenue or
1. That the offender is a public officer.
2. Administrator or depository funds or
2. There is public fund or property under his
property, attached, seized or deposited
by public authority, even if such property
3. Such public fund or property has been
belongs to a private individual.
appropriated by law or ordinance.
4. That he applies the same to a public use
other than that for which such fund or property
has been appropriated by law or ordinance. *Elements:
2. That he is charged with the conveyance or 1. That the offender be a public officer.
custody of a prisoner, either
2. That he obstructs, destroys or conceals
detention prisoner or prisoner by final documents or papers.
3. That the said documents or papers should
3. That such prisoner escapes through his have been entrusted to such public officer by
negligence. reason of his office.
*What is punished in evasion thru negligence is 4. That damage, whether serious or not, to a
such a definite laxity as all but amounts to third party or to the public interest should have
“deliberate non-performance of duty” on the been caused.
part of the guard. – Not every negligence or
*The document must be complete and one by
distraction of a guard is penalized.
which a right could be established or an
*The fact that the public officer recaptured the obligation could be extinguished.
prisoner who had escaped from his custody
does not afford complete exculpation.
THE CUSTODY OF A PERSON NOT A PUBLIC 1. That the offender is a public officer.
2. That he is charged with the custody of papers
*Elements: or property.
1. That the offender is a private person. 3. That these papers or property are sealed by
proper authority.
2. That the conveyance or custody of a prisoner
or person under arrest is confided to him. 4. That he breaks the seal or permits them to be
3. That the prisoner or person under arrest
escapes. *Crime is committed by breaking or permitting
seal to be broken.
4. That the offender consents to the escape of
the prisoner or person under arrest, or that the *Damage or intent to cause damage is not
escape takes place through his negligence. necessary.
*Article 225 is not applicable if a private person *The opening of public papers by breaking seals
was the one who made the arrest and he should be done only by the proper authority.
ARTICLE 228 – OPENING OF CLOSED 4. He delivers those papers or copies thereof to
DOCUMENTS a third person.
2. That any closed papers, documents or objects ARTICLE 230 – PUBLIC OFFICER REVEALING
are entrusted to his custody. SECRETS OF PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL
*Closed document must be entrusted to the 3. That he reveals such secrets without
custody of the accused by reason of his office. authority or justifiable reason.
4. That damage, great or small, be caused to the 4. That the offender without any legal
public interest. justification openly refuses to execute the said
judgment, decision or order which he is duty
*Elements of 2nd act:
bond to obey.
1. That the offender is a public officer.
3. That he continues to exercise the duties and 1. That the offender is an officer of the
powers of such office. executive branch of the Government.
ARTICLE 238 – ABANDONMENT OF OFFICE OR 2. That he (a) assumes judicial powers, or (b)
obstructs the execution of any order or decision
rendered by any judge within his jurisdiction.
*Article 239-241 punishes interference by
1. That the offender is a public officer. officers of one of the three departments of
government with function of officers of another
2. That he formally resigns from his position. department.
3. That his resignation has not yet been ARTICLE 242 – DISOBEYING REQUEST FOR
4. That he abandons his office to the detriment
of the public service. *Elements:
2. That he nominates or appoints a person to a 2. That the deceased is killed by the accused.
public officer. 3. That the deceased is the father, mother or
3. That such person lacks the legal qualification child whether legitimate or illegitimate, or a
thereof. legitimate other ascendants or other
descendant, or the legitimate spouse of the
4. That the offender knows that his nominee or accused.
appointee lacks the qualification at the time he
made the nomination or appointment. *Relationship of the offender with the victim is
the essential element of this crime.
*Parents and children are not included in the
CHASTITY term “ascendants” or “descendants”.
*Elements: *Father, mother or child – whether legitimate
1. That the offender is a public officer. or illegitimate.
3. That such woman must be – *Illegitimate – embraces all children born out of
a. Interested in matters pending before the
offender for decision, or with respect to which *The child should not be less than 3 days old –
he is required to submit a report to or consult infanticide.
with a superior officer; *Only relatives by blood and in direct line,
b. Under the custody of the offender who is a except spouse, are considered in parricide. -
warden or other public officer directly charged Siblings – collateral line – not included in
with the care and custody of prisoners or parricide.
person under arrest; *Therefore, an adopted father or adopted sons
are not included in this provision.
*There is parricide through reckless imprudence *Article 247 is not applicable when the accused
and parricide by mistake. did not see his spouse in the act of sexual
intercourse with another person.
*Stranger who cooperates and takes part in the
commission of the crime of parricide is not *Sexual intercourse does not include
guilty of parricide but only homicide or murder preparatory acts (According to J. Laurel mali
as the case may be. daw mga justices nagtampo.)
*Relationship between the offended party and *The killing or inflicting of serious physical
the offender must be stated in the information. injuries must be:
1. That a legally married person or a parent *The killing must be the direct by-product of the
surprises his spouse or daughter, the latter accused rage.
under 18 years of age and living with him, in the *Justification of article 247 – considers the
act of committing sexual intercourse with spouse or parent as acting in a justified burst of
another person. passion.
2. That he or she kills any or both, of them or *If he shall inflict upon them physical injuries of
inflicts upon any of them any serious physical any other kind, he shall be exempt from
injury in the act or immediately thereafter. punishment.
3. That he has not promoted or facilitate the
prostitution of his wife or daughter, or that he
or she has not consented to the infidelity of the *Elements:
other spouse.
1. That a person was killed.
*Article 247 does not define and penalize a
felony. 2. That the accused killed him.
6. That the person or persons who inflicted 3. That the person responsible thereof cannot
serious physical injuries or who used violence be identified.
can be identified.
4. That all those who appear to have used
*Tumultuous affray exist when at least four violence upon the person of the offended party
persons took part. are known.
*Tumultuous – more than 3 persons who are *The injured in the crime of physical injuries
armed or are provided with means of violence. inflicted in a tumultuous affray must be one or
some of the participants in the affray.
*When there are two identified group of men
who assaulted each other, then there is no *Penalty is one degree lower than that for
tumultuous affray. physical injury inflicted – persons who used
*The person killed in the course of the affray
need not be one of the participants in the *Slight physical injuries are not included.
*If the one who inflicted the fatal wound is
*Acts punished:
known, the crime is not homicide in tumultuous
1. By assisting another to commit suicide, physical injuries when the physical injuries are
whether the suicide is consummated or not. serious or less serious.
2. By lending his assistance to another to *The crime is discharge of firearm, even if the
commit suicide to the extent of doing the killing gun was not pointed at the offended party
himself. when it fired, as long as it was initially aimed by
the accused at or against the offended party.
*A person who attempts to commit suicide is
not criminally liable. ARTICLE 255 – INFANTICIDE
3. By acting, with the consent of the pregnant *There is unintentional abortion thru
woman. imprudence.
*If death results, the penalty is the same as that *Mutilation of first kind is castration which must
for homicide. be made purposely.
ARTICLE 261 – CHALLENGING TO A DUEL *When the victim of other mutilation is less
than 12 years of age the penalty is reclusion
*Acts punished:
*If the mutilation is not caused purposely and *Impotence – inability to copulate it includes
deliberately so as to deprive the offended party sterility.
of a particular part of his body, the case will be
*Blindness – must be two eyes, blindness must
considered as serious physical injuries.
be complete or total blindness.
*Loss of an eye – one eye is sufficient.
*How are serious physical injuries committed:
*Paragraph 2
1. By wounding
*It must be loss of power to hear of both ears –
2. By beating if only one, it is covered under 3rd paragraph.
*There must be no intent to kill. *There is illness for certain period of time, when
the wound inflicted did not heal within that
*Paragraph 1 period.
*Medical attendance is not important in serious -That the physical injuries must not be those
physical injuries. described in the preceding articles.
*Work includes studies or preparation for a *Circumstances that will qualify less serious
profession. physical injuries:
1. Tension building phase 2. Acute battering
phase 3. Tranquil loving phase
*Any act or a series of acts committed by any
*Exempted from both criminal and civil liability.
person against a woman who is his wife, former
wife, or against a woman with whom the person RA 8049 – ANTI-HAZING LAW
has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or
*Hazing – An initiation rite or practice which is
with whom he has a common
used as an admission into membership in any
child whether legitimate or illegitimate within fraternity or any other organization wherein the
or without the family abode, which result in or said recruit/neophyte is placed under an
is likely to result in physical, sexual, embarrassing or humiliating situations or
psychological harm or suffering, or economic subjecting him into psychological or physical
abuse including threats of such acts, battery, injury or crime.
assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary
*Hazing is allowed provided that the following
deprivation of liberty.
requisites are present:
a. Physical violence – acts that include bodily or
1. There must be prior written notice sent to the
physical harm.
head of the school authority or the head off the
b. Sexual violence – act which is sexual in organization 7 days before the said initiation
nature, committed against a woman or her rites and their prior written notice shall contain
child. the following: a. It shall indicate the date of the
said initiation rites which shall not be more than
c. Psychological violence – acts or omissions
3 days. b. It shall indicate/state the name of the
causing or likely to cause mental or emotional
neophytes or applicants who will undergo the
suffering of the victim.
said hazing or initiation rites. c. It shall contain
d. Economic abuse – acts that make or attempt an undertaking which states that there shall be
to make a woman financially dependent. no physical violence employed in any form on
these neophytes, recruits or applicants.
*Dating relationship – a situation wherein the
parties live as husband and wife without the 2. Upon the receipt of such prior written notice,
benefit of marriage or are romantically involved the head of the school or organization shall
over time and on a continuing basis during the assign at least 2 representatives from their
course of the relationship. school or organization who must be present
during the time of the said initiation rites or
hazing and these 2 representatives shall see to authority. d. When the woman is under 12 years
it that no amount of physical violence shall be of age or demented.
employed on any person or any neophytes or
*Rape by sexual assault
recruit or applicant during the said hazing or
initiation rites. *Elements of rape under paragraph 2:
*If in the course of hazing, someone died or 1. That the offender commits an act of sexual
suffered any physical injuries; all of the officers assault.
and members of the said fraternity or
organization who are present and who 2. That the act of sexual assault is committed by
any of the following means: a. By inserting his
participated in the said initiation rites shall be penis into another person’s mouth or anal
liable as principal. orifice, or b. By inserting any instrument or
object into the genital or anal orifice of another
*If the said initiation rites took place in the
house of a member or an officer of the said
fraternity or sorority; the parents of the said 3. That the act of sexual assault is accomplished
members or officers shall be held liable not as under any of the following circumstances:
an accomplice but as principals if they have
such knowledge of the said conduct of the a. By using force or intimidation.
initiation rites and they did not perform any act b. When the woman is deprived of reason or
in order to prevent it. otherwise unconscious.
*Any person who is present in the said hazing c. By means of fraudulent machination or grave
shall constitute a prima facie evidence that abuse of authority.
there is a participation and shall be held liable
as principal. d. When the woman is under 12 years of age or
*Under RA8049; the defense that such person
has no intention to commit so grave a wrong as *The crime of rape can now be committed by
that committed cannot be used by an accused – male or female.
it is a prohibited defense. *Rape by sexual intercourse – the contact of
ARTICLE 266-A – RAPE male’s penis with woman’s vagina. – The
slightest penetration is enough.
*Rape by carnal knowledge
-Even if the attacker’s penis merely touched the
*Elements of rape under paragraph 1: external portions of the female genitalia were
1. That the offender is a man. made in the context of the presence or
existence of an erect penis capable of full
2. That the offender had carnal knowledge of a penetration – it consummates rape.
*Touching the labia majora or the labia minora
3. Such act is accomplish under any of the of the pudemdum consummates rape.
following circumstances: a. By using force or
intimidation. b. When the woman is deprived of *In sexual intercourse the offender is a man and
reason or otherwise unconscious. c. By means the offended party is a woman.
of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of
*Statutory rape when the victim is under 12 3. When by reason or on occasion of rape, the
years of age. victim becomes insane.
*In case of incestuous rape – force, threat, or 4. When rape is attempted and homicide is
intimidation is not necessary – because of moral committed.
*Presumption of resistance – if in the course of
*Moral ascendancy or influence, held to the commission of rape, (1) the said offended
substitute for the element of physical force or party has performed any acts in any degree
intimidation. amounting to resistance of rape, or (2) when
*When the offender in rape has ascendancy on the said offended party cannot give a valid
influence over the girl, it is not necessary that consent.
she put up a determined resistance.
*Effect of pardon
*Sweetheart defense theory will not lie in favor
*In case of rape, pardon will not extinguish the
of the man – it does not mean that when you
criminal liability of the offender.
are sweethearts, you can no longer rape the
other person. - It may be extinguish through:
*No frustrated rape – (People vs. Orita) 1. The offended woman may pardon the
offender through a subsequent valid marriage,
*Mere touch of an erected penis on the labia or
the effect of which would be, the extinction of
lips of a woman’s genitalia will already
the offender’s liability.
consummate rape.
2. The legal husband may be pardoned by
*It is not necessary that there be complete
forgiveness of the wife provided that the
marriage is not void ab initio.
*The finger is within the mean of instrument or
*Only the principal by direct participation may
object insofar as rape by sexual assault is
afford pardon to the offended party. The other
parties may benefit to the pardon given by the
*Resistance when futile, does not amount to offended party to the principal.
-The test is whether the threat or intimidation AGAINST ABUSE, EXPLOITATION AND
produces a reasonable fear in the mind of the DISCRIMINATION ACT
victim that if she resists or does not yield to the
*Article 3 - Child prostitution and other sexual
desires of the accused, the threat would be
abuse – children whether male or female, who
carried out.
for money, profit or other consideration or due
*Rape by carnal knowledge, penalty is qualified: to coercion or influence of any adult syndicate
or group, indulge in sexual intercourse or
1. When rape is committed with the use of a
lascivious conduct are deemed to be children
deadly weapon.
exploited in prostitution and other sexual
2. When rape is committed by two or more abuse.
*Elements: *Killing third person in kidnapping – separate
crime of homicide and kidnapping.
1. That the offender is a private individual. 2.
That he kidnaps or detains another, or in any
other manner deprives the latter of his liberty.
*If the offender is a public officer, the crime is 4. That the crime is committed without the
arbitrary detention. attendance of any of the circumstances
enumerated in article 267.
*Intention to deprive the victim of his liberty for
purpose of extorting ransom on the part of the ARTICLE 269 – UNLAWFUL ARREST
accused is essential in the crime of kidnapping. *Elements:
*As long as the kidnapping or detention was 1. That the offender arrests or detains another
committed for the purpose of extorting ransom. person.
Actual demand for ransom is not necessary.
2. That the purpose of the offender is to deliver
*It is not necessary that the victim be placed in him to the proper authorities.
an enclosure
3. That the arrest or detention is not authorized
*Detention is illegal when not ordered by by law or there is no reasonable ground
competent authority or not permitted by law. thereof.
*Where the victim is taken from one place to *The offender is any person, whether a public
another solely for the purpose of killing him, the officer or a private individual.
crime committed is murder.
*There is no unlawful arrest, when the arrest is
*Ransom – is money, price or consideration authorized by a warrant issued by the court.
paid or demanded for redemption of a captured
person or persons, a payment that releases ARTICLE 270 – KIDNAPPING AND FAILURE TO
from captivity.
*Conspiracy to extort ransom makes all the
conspirators liable.
1. That the offender is entrusted with the 1. That the offender retains a minor in his
custody of a minor person. service.
2. That he deliberately fails to restore the said 2. That it is against the will of the minor.
minor to his parents or guardians.
3. That it is under the pretext of reimbursing
*Age of minor is under 18 years. himself of a debt incurred by one ascendant,
guardian or a person entrusted with the custody
*What is punished is the deliberate failure of
of such minor.
the custodian of the minor to restore the latter
to his parents or guardian.
2. That the offender induces said minor to 3. That the purpose is to require or enforce the
abandon such home. payment of a debt.
*Father or mother may commit crimes under 1. By failing to render assistance to any person
whom the offender finds in an uninhabited
place wounded or in danger of dying when he
ARTICLE 272 – SLAVERY can render such assistance without detriment
to himself, unless such omission shall constitute
*Elements: a more serious offense.
1. That the offender purchase, sell, kidnaps or 2. By failing to help or render assistance to
detains a human being. another whom the offender accidentally
2. That the purpose of the offender is to enslave wounded or injured.
such human being. 3. By failing to deliver a child, under seven years
ARTICLE 273 – EXPLOITATION OF CHILD LABOR of age whom the offender has found
abandoned to the authorities or to his family, or 2. By neglecting his children by not giving them
by failing to take him to a safe place. the education which their station in life requires
and financial condition permits.
*If a person intentionally wounded another in
an uninhabited place – article 275 is not ARTICLE 278 – EXPLOITATION OF MINORS
*Acts punished:
*It is immaterial that the offender did not know
1. (By causing any boy or girl under 16 years of
that the child is under seven years.
age to perform any dangerous feat of balancing,
physical strength or contortion, the offender
being any person.
*Prohibition must be in existence prior or at the 1. By threatening another with the infliction
time of entrance. upon his person, honor or property or that of
his family of any wrong amounting to a crime
*The violence or intimidation may take place and demanding money or imposing any other
immediately after the entrance. – Prohibition is condition even though not
not necessary when violence or intimidation is
employed by the offender. unlawful, and the offender attained his purpose.
*Trespass may be committed by the owner of 2. By making such threat without the offender
the dwelling – against the will of the actual attaining his purpose.
occupants. 3. By threatening another with the infliction
*Cases to which the provision of this article are upon his person, honor or property or that of
not applicable: his family of any wrong amounting to a crime,
the threat not being subject to a condition.
1. If the entrance to another’s dwelling is made
for the purpose of preventing some serious *The threat must be to inflict a wrong
harm to himself, the occupants of the dwelling amounting to a crime upon the person, honor
or a third person. or property of the offended party or that of his
2. If the purpose is to render some service to
humanity or justice. *If the offender attained his purpose, the
penalty is one degree lower of the penalty of
the crime threatened to be committed shall be
*If the offender does not attain his purpose – 2 *Act punished:
degree lower.
1. By threatening another with weapon, or by
*When the threat is not subject to a condition, drawing such weapon in a quarrel, unless it be
the penalty is fixed to arresto mayor and a fine in lawful self-defense.
not exceeding P500.
2. By orally threatening another, in the heat of
*If the threat is made in writing or through a anger, with some harm constituting a crime,
middleman, the penalty is to be imposed in its without persisting in the idea involved in his
maximum period. threat.
*The threat should not be made in the heat of 3. By orally threatening to do another any harm
anger, because such threat is punished under not constituting a felony.
Article. 285 paragraph 2.
*The person who restrains the will and liberty *Unjust vexation – any human conduct, which
of another has no right to do so as a private although not productive of some physical or
person or does not act in the exercise of a duty material harm would, however, unjustly annoy
in the case of a person with a duty to perform or vex an innocent person.
or with authority as a public functionary.
*Whether the offender’s act caused annoyance,
*There is no grave coercion when the accused irritation, vexation, torment, distress or
acts in good faith in the performance of his disturbance to the mind of the person to whom
duty. it is directed.
*The purpose of the law in penalizing coercion – *Kissing a girl, without performing acts of
no person may take the law into his hands, and lasciviousness, is unjust vexation.
that our government is one of law, not of men.
*Light coercion under the first paragraph will be
*A person who takes the law into his hands with unjust vexation if the element of employing
violence is guilty of grave coercion. violence or intimidation is absent. – Same with
grave coercion – when no violence, threat or 2. That he seizes the papers or letters of
intimidation – only unjust vexation. another.
ARTICLE 288 – OTHER SIMILAR COERCIONS 3. That the purpose is to discover the secrets of
such another person.
*Acts punished:
4. That the offender is informed of the contents
1. By forcing or compelling, directly or indirectly
of the papers or letters seized.
or knowingly permitting the forcing or
compelling of the laborer or employee of the *Article 290 is not applicable to parents,
offender to purchase merchandise or guardians… spouses.
commodities of any kind from him.
2. By paying wages due his laborer or employee
by means of tokens or objects other than the
legal tender currency of the Philippines, unless *Elements:
expressly requested by such laborer or
employee. 1. That the offender is a manager, employee or
1. That there be personal property; belonging to *Intent to gain is presumed from the unlawful
another. taking of personal property.
2. That there is unlawful taking of that property. *One who takes property openly and avowedly
under claim of title proffered in good faith is not
3. That the taking must be with intent to gain.
guilty of robbery even though the claim of
4. That there is violence against or intimidation ownership is untenable.
of any person, or force upon anything.
*Absence of intent to gain will make the taking
*Robbery – the taking of personal property of personal property grave coercion if there is
belonging to another, with intent to gain, by violence used.
means of violence against or intimidation of any
*The element of “personal property belonging
person, or using force upon anything.
to another” and that of “intent to gain” must
*Classification of robbery: concur.
1. Robbery with violence against, or *The violence must be against the person of the
intimidation of persons. (Article 294) offended party, not upon the thing taken.
2. Robbery by the use of force upon things *Intimidation need not be threat of bodily
(Article 299 & 302) harm.
*The property taken must be personal property. *If there is violence or intimidation at any time
– If it is a real property – the crime is usurpation before aspiration is complete, the taking of
under article 312. property is qualified to robbery.
*Prohibitive articles may be the subject matter - It is not necessary that violence or intimidation
of robbery. should be present from the very beginning.
When by reason or on occasion of such robbery: *The offender must have the intent to take
personal property before killing.
1. Homicide is committed.
*As long as homicide results in the robbery –
2. Accompanied by rape or intentional special complex of robbery with homicide.
mutilation or arson.
*Killing a person to escape after the commission
3. Any of physical injuries resulting in insanity, of robbery is robbery with homicide.
imbecility, impotency or blindness is inflicted.
*It is still robbery with homicide if the person
4. Any of physical injuries resulting in the loss of killed is a robber himself.
the use of speech or power to hear or to smell,
or the loss of an eye, a hand, a foot, an arm, or *There is robbery with homicide, even if the
a leg or the loss of the use of any such member person killed was an innocent bystander and
or incapacity for the work in which the injured not the person robbed.
party is theretofore habitually engaged is
*It is still robbery with homicide even if death of
a person supervened by mere accident.
5. Commission of the robbery is carried to a
*Where homicide and physical injuries were
degree clearly unnecessary for the commission
perpetrated to remove opposition to robbery or
of the crime.
suppressing evidence thereof, the crime is
6. The offender shall inflict upon any person not robbery with homicide only.
responsible for the commission of the robbery
*When homicide is not proved – robbery only.
any of the physical injuries where the injured
becomes deformed or losses any other member *In robbery with homicide, the person charged
of his body or loses the use thereof or becomes as accessory must have the knowledge of the
ill or incapacitated for the performance of the commission of robbery and homicide.
work in which he is habitually engaged for more
*All who participated in the robbery as
than 90 days or the injured becomes ill or
principals are principals in robbery with
incapacitated for labor for more than 30 days.
7. If the violence employed by the offender
*Rape committed on occasion of robbery –
does not cause any of the serious physical
special complex
injuries defined in article 263, or if the offender
employs intimidation only. *Even if the rape was committed in another
place, it is still robbery with rape.
*Article 294 paragraph 2 does not cover 4. By entering the passengers’ compartment in
robbery with attempted rape. a train;
*When the taking of personal property of a 5. On a street, road, highway or alley or with
woman is an independent act following the use of firearms.
defendant’s failure to consummate the rape,
*Applicable only in Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 of
there are two distinct crimes.
article 294.
*Additional rapes committed on the same
*Must be alleged in the information.
occasion of robbery will not increase the
penalty. *Cannot be offset by a generic mitigating
*When the taking of property after the rape is
not with intent to gain – separate crimes. ARTICLE 296 – ROBBERY COMMITTED BY A
*When rape and homicide co-exist in the BAND
commission of robbery – crime is robbery with
homicide – rape is only an aggravating. (People *When at least 4 armed men malefactors take
vs. Bacsa…) part in the commission of a robbery – it is
committed by a band.
*Violence or intimidation need not be present
before or at the exact moment when the object *Requisites for liability for the acts of the other
is taken. members of the band:
*When the act of snatching a thing from his 1. That he was a member of the band.
hands did not result in violence against the 2. That he was present at the commission of a
person of the offended party, there is no robbery by that band.
robbery – only theft. 3. That the other members of the band
*In robbery with intimidation, there must be committed an assault.
acts done by the accused which either by their 4. That he did not attempt to prevent the
own nature or by reason of the circumstances assault.
under which they are executed, inspire fear in
the person against whom they are directed. *When the robbery was not committed by a
band, the robber who did not take part in the
ARTICLE 295 – ROBBERY WITH PHYSICAL assault by another is not liable for that assault.
INJURIES, COMMITTED IN AN UNINHABITED *No crime of robbery with homicide by a band.
*Good faith is a defense in a charge of estafa by *Check may only be draw for 6 months, beyond
postdating or issuing a check. that there is no crime.
*The person who received the check must be *BP22 requires that the person who made or
damaged or prejudiced. drew and issued the check knew at the time of
issuance that he did not have sufficient funds in
or credit with the drawee bank for the payment
*Elements of the offense defined in the first of such check in full upon presentment.
paragraph of section 1
*Lack of notice of dishonor is fatal – a mere oral
1. That a person makes or draws and issues any notice or demand to pay would appear to be
check. insufficient for conviction.
2. That the check is made or drawn and issued *Notice of dishonor to corporation is not notice
to apply on account or for value. to officer who issued the check.
3. That the person who makes or draws and *Prima facie evidence of knowledge of
issues the check knows at the time of issue that insufficiency of funds or credit, when the check
he does not have sufficient funds in or credit
is presented within 90 days from the date of the *Estafa by inducing another to sign a document
check. – Exceptions:
1. When the check is presented after 90 days
1. That the offender induced the offended party
from the date of the check.
to sign a document.
2. When the maker or drawer pays the holder
2. That deceit be employed to make him sign
thereof the amount due thereon, or makes
the document.
arrangements for payment in full by the drawee
of such 3. That the offended party personally signed the
1. That the thing disposed of be real property. *Paragraph 4 – By executing any fictitious
contract to the prejudice of another
2. That the offender knew that the real property
was encumbered whether the encumbrance is *Paragraph 5 – By accepting any compensation
recorded or not. for services not rendered or for labor not
3. That there must be express representation by
the offender that the real property is free from *Malicious failure to return constitutes estafa in
encumbrance. this paragraph.
*It is theft when there is intent to gain. ARTICLE 331 – DESTROYING OR DAMAGING
*A person charged with malicious mischief can STATUES, PUBLIC MONUMENTS, OR PAINTING
be found guilty of damage to property through
reckless imprudence.
1. That the offender commits any act of *Desistance in the commission of attempted
lasciviousness or lewdness. rape may constitute acts of lasciviousness.
2. That the act of lasciviousness is committed *No attempted and frustrated crime of acts of
against a person of either sex. lasciviousness.
ARTICLE 337 – QUALIFIED SEDUCTION *The fact that the girl consented to the sexual
intercourse is not a defense.
*Seduction – enticing a woman to unlawful
sexual intercourse by promise of marriage or *The accused charged with rape cannot be
other means of persuasion without use of force. convicted of qualified seduction under the same
*Two classes of qualified seduction:
1. Those who abused their authority: a. Person 2. That the acts are committed upon a woman
in public authority b. Guardian c. Teachers d. who is virgin or single or widow of good
Person who, in any capacity, is entrusted with reputation, under 18 years of age but over 12
the education or custody of the woman years, or a sister or descendant regardless of
seduced. her reputation or age.
2. Those who abused confidence reposed in 3. That the offender accomplishes the acts by
them: a. Priest b. House servant c. Domestic abuse of authority, confidence, relationship, or
3. Those who abused their relationship a.
Brother who seduced his sister b. Ascendants *Male cannot be the offended party in this
who seduced his descendants crime.
*Any person who shall promote or facilitate the *Sexual intercourse is not necessary in forcible
prostitution or corruption of persons under age abduction.
to satisfy the lust of another.
*When there is deprivation of liberty and no
*mere proposal will consummate the offense. lewd designs, it is kidnapping and serious illegal
*Child prostitution RA 7610
*There can only be one complex crime of
forcible abduction with rape when forcible
*Acts punished: abduction is followed by several acts of rape.
1. Engaging in the business of prostitution. *Rape may absorb forcible abduction if the
main objective was to rape the victim.
2. Profiting by prostitution
3. Enlisting the services of woman for the
purpose of prostitution. *Elements:
*Abduction – taking away a woman from her ARTICLE 344 – PROSECUTION OF THE CRIMES
house or the place where she may be for the OF ADULTERY, CONCUBINAGE, SEDUCTION,
purpose of carrying her to another place with ABDUCTION, RAPE AND ACTS OF
intent to marry or corrupt her. LASCIVIOUSNES
1. To indemnify the offended woman. The same penalties shall be imposed upon any
person who shall conceal or abandon any
2. To acknowledge the offspring, unless the law legitimate child with intent to cause such child
should prevent him from so doing. to lose its civil status.
3. In every case to support the offspring. Any physician or surgeon or public officer who,
The adulterer and the concubine in the case in violation of the duties of his profession or
provided for in Articles 333 and 334 may also be office, shall cooperate in the execution of any of
sentenced, in the same proceeding or in a the crimes mentioned in the two next preceding
separate civil proceeding, to indemnify for paragraphs, shall suffer the penalties therein
damages caused to the offended spouse. prescribed and also the penalty of temporary
special disqualification.
ENTRUSTED WITH THE CUSTODY OF THE 1. Simulation of births.
2. Substitution of one child for another.
The ascendants, guardians, curators, teachers,
and any person who, by abuse of authority or 3. Concealing or abandoning any legitimate
child with intent to cause such child to lose its
confidential relationships, shall cooperate as civil status.
accomplices in the perpetration of the crimes
embraced in chapters second, third, and fourth, ARTICLE 348 – USURPATION OF CIVIL STATUS
of this title, shall be punished as principals. The penalty of prison mayor shall be imposed
Teachers or other persons in any other capacity upon any person who shall usurp the civil status
entrusted with the education and guidance of of another, should he do so for the purpose of
youth, shall also suffer the penalty of temporary defrauding the offended part or his heirs;
special disqualification in its maximum period to otherwise, the penalty of prison correctional in
perpetual special disqualification. its medium and maximum periods shall be
Any person falling within the terms of this
article, and any other person guilty of ARTICLE 349 – BIGAMY
corruption of minors for the benefit of another,
The penalty of prison mayor shall be imposed
upon any person who shall contract a second or
subsequent marriage before the former The same penalties shall be imposed upon any
marriage has been legally dissolved, or before woman whose marriage shall have been
the absent spouse has been declared annulled or dissolved, if she shall marry before
presumptively dead by means of a judgment her delivery or before the expiration of the
rendered in the proper proceedings. period of three hundred and one day after the
legal separation.
1. That the offender has been legally married.
2. That the marriage has not been legally
Priests or ministers of any religious
dissolved or, in case his or her spouse is absent,
denomination or sect, or civil authorities who
the absent spouse could not yet be presumed
shall perform authorize any illegal marriage
dead according to the Civil Code.
ceremony shall be punished in accordance with
3. That he contracts a second or subsequent the provisions of the Marriage Law.
4. That the second or subsequent marriage has
*A libel is public and malicious imputation of a
all the essential requisites for validity.
crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary,
or any act, omission, condition, status, or
circumstance tending to cause the dishonor,
discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical
person, or to blacken the memory of one who is
*Elements of defamation:
AGAINST PROVISIONS OF LAW 1. That there must be an imputation of a crime,
or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any
*Elements: act, omission, status or circumstance.
1. That the offender contracted marriage. 2. That the imputation must be made publicly.
2. That he knew at the time that: a. The 3. That it must be malicious.
requirements of the law were not complied
with; or b. The marriage was in disregard of a 4. That the imputation must be directed to a
legal impediment. natural or juridical person, or one who is dead.
ARTICLE 351 – PREMATURE MARRIAGES 5. That the imputation must tend to cause the
dishonor, discredit or contempt of the person
Any widow who shall marry within three defamed.
hundred and one day from the date of the
death of her husband, or before having ARTICLE 354 – REQUIREMENT FOR PUBLICITY
delivered if she shall have been pregnant at the
Every defamatory imputation is presumed to be
time of his death, shall be punished by arrest
malicious, even if it be true, if no good intention
mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos.
and justifiable motive for making it is shown,
except in the following cases:
1. A private communication made by any ARTICLE 357 – PROHIBITED PUBLICATION OF
person to another in the performance of any ACTS REFERRED TO IN THE COURSE OF
legal, moral, or social duty; and OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
8. Theatrical exhibition
1. The person who publishes, exhibits or causes ARTICLE 363 – INCRIMINATIONG INNOCENT
the publication or exhibition of any defamation PERSON
in writing or similar means.
Any person who, by any act not constituting
2. The author or editor of a book or pamphlet. perjury, shall directly incriminate or impute to
an innocent person the commission of a crime,
3. The editor or business manager of a daily shall be punished by arresto menor.
newspaper magazine or serial publication.
4. The owner of the printing plant which
publishes a libelous article with his consent and 1. That the offender performs an act.
all other persons who in any way participate in
2. That by such act he directly incriminates or
or have connection with its publication. (US vs.
imputes to an innocent person the commission
of a crime.