KGI Clothing Private Limited CC
KGI Clothing Private Limited CC
KGI Clothing Private Limited CC
Submitted by:
Kriti Singhal
Manvi Jain
Shubhangi Kumari
Simran Bahl
Vrinda Singh
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We would like to express our special thanks to our teacher, Mrs Malar Selvi to
give us this golden opportunity to do an industrial visit to KGI Clothing Private
Limited and thereby giving us the pleasure to present this project of
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Practices. This project taught us
patience, the importance of teamwork and delegation of work. This would not
have been possible without the continuous guidance of you, ma’am.
Manvi Jain
Shubhangi Kumari
Simran bahl
Vrinda Singh
NIFT Chennai
KGI Clothing is non-government, Chennai based company. It is a Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rated, sustainable green factory, housing
close to 500 employees in a built-up area of 87,188.4 square feet, it is a state of
the art-facility. It is into garment manufacturing, supplying and exporting of
menswear, womenswear and kidswear, majorly manufacturing shirts and
kidswear using viscose, cotton, linen, polyester, lycra, blend of lycra and cotton. It
exports its products to the United States, and the United Kingdom, the major
buyers being PMS, IKKS and Lifestyle.
The company was established in 2016 at Sri city, Tada, Andhra Pradesh. Sri City is
a smartly planned integrated business city spread across 70 kilometres. It hosts a
number of small to medium scale industries such as engineering, electronics,
automotive, aerospace, apparel, renewable energy, biotech/pharma, sporting
equipment, toys, logistics and warehousing, IT/ITES/BPO, education & training
institutes and other Eco-friendly industries.
And this is what happened in the case of KGI Clothing, as the Andhra Government
was giving many subsidies to open up an industry in this area, thus they finalized
this as their location. Major location advantages offered by the Andhra
Government based on their survey conducted in april,2015 are as follows:
The capital investment for the first two years is made interest free as a
subsidy by the government.
25% reduction in the cost subject to innovative capital goods.
Centralized water system by the Sri city, Special Economic Zone belt.
Every month a meeting is conducted by the collector of Andhra Pradesh to
resolve the issues faced by the entrepreneurs in the Sri city.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED)
In addition to the ecological and economic benefits of a green factory, it can also
be very good for publicity. For instance, the internationally recognized LEED
certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) acknowledges
efforts to reduce energy consumption and documents these for customers and
shareholders to see.
KGI currently provides employment to around 200 workers out of which 98% are
women employees; as it encourages women empowerment.
The “air change” is configured to be 5 times per hour. “S” type Louvered
ventilators are also installed on East and West side of the multipurpose hall
“High volume low speed (HVLS) fan” saving around 1000 watts. Its rotating
speed is 65 rounds per minute saving more power than the conventional
fans. In addition industrial exhaust fans are installed for facilitating
“Earth sand wall” - The Rammed Earth, a technique of construction using
natural materials derives its origin from ancient times. Today, it has been
revived as a sustainable building material. It’s superior thermal mass
ensures appropriate temperature control inside the building. This
temperature stability makes it comfortable for the workers even during
extreme weather conditions. The wall provides sound insulation which
makes it easier for the factory workers to concentrate on their work. Such
muting of external noise can be beneficial for those requiring a quiet
interior environment. Another advantage of rammed earth walls is that
they’re maintenance comes at a low cost. It proves worthy as an
investment as they stand in good stead for at least 10 to 20 years. Also, the
walls don’t need finishing and this saves time and money.
In addition to all this, these structures are fire proof and provide substantial
bracing to buildings. They can be artistically and creatively worked on using
elements such as patterns, reliefs, shaped windows and feature stones.
Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights are energy efficient and last longer.
Fabric Cutting in Garment Manufacturing. Cutting is the process which cut out the
pattern pieces from specified fabric for making garments.Using the markers made
from graded patterns and in accordance with the issue plan, fabrics are cut to
prepare garment assembly. The main purpose of cutting section involves cutting
of garment panels precisely, consistent with the pattern shape and size as well as
economically and in a necessary volume to keep the sewing department supplied
with work. The process flow in the cutting department is given below.
Marker making
Fabric spreading
Placing marker paper on the lay
100% inspection of parts and replacement of parts if needed
Fabric cutting
Sorting and bundling
Input to sewing department
The four main operations or processes involved in the cutting section in apparel
industry are:
Marker planning
Fabric spreading
Fabric cutting
Preparation for the assembling process
In accordance with the customer’s specification, markers for all ordered pieces,
sizes and quantities required are created. Taking into account fabric quality, type
of pattern (e.g. striped, check etc.) and style, the pattern pieces are placed in the
marker in the right position and as close to each other as possible to obtain the
most efficient use of the fabric. Nowadays marker making is often automated.
Special nesting software allows creation of a marker on a computer screen and
makes the work process quicker and easier by allowing the user to reconfigure
the arrangement of pattern pieces to get the best arrangement of the marker.
Markers can be also created automatically using the right software.
Fabric Spreading Process:
Spreading is a process during which fabric is cut in pieces of certain length and the
pieces placed one above another in many plies. The length of the cut fabric ply is
determined by the shape, size and number of the components to be cut from it.
Spreading also involves placing layers (or plies) of fabric on top of one another.
The number of plies in a spread is dependent on the number of articles required
and the technical limits of the fabric spreading and cutting processes. Spreading
process may be either manual or automated. We have also published article
on fabric spreading in apparel industry.
The stiching process at KGI is done by using the assembly line method where in
they have a manually operated hanger system.
At the first loading point the collar operation is performed which is followed by
stiching the shoulders and the side seams. Then the pocket and hem operation is
performed one by one.
After the complete stiching of the garment the piece is passed through a check
point clearing which it is sent for the button and gauge operation.
Once the garment is stitched it is packed and sent for washing. Washing operation
is outsourced by the industry along with other operations like embroidery, dying
and printing.
After receiving the washed garments, a final Quality Check is done and then they
are sent for packaging.
Garment packaging is the process of wrapping, compressing, filling or creating of
goods for the purpose of protection and their appropriate handling. This is the
final process in the production of garments, which prepares the finished
merchandise for delivery to the customer.
Hang tagging
Folding with inserting back board, tissue
Poly Bagging
Applied adhesive tape on the pack
Packing complete
The garment is folded neatly and kept in place with a special garment clip.