Section5 Chemical Products Services, Halliburton
Section5 Chemical Products Services, Halliburton
Section5 Chemical Products Services, Halliburton
• Ability to suspend sand – The highly branched structure
of the WG-24 biopolymer enhances a gel's ability to keep
sand in suspension. This is particularly true at low fluid
velocities where it is most needed. At biopolymer
concentrations of 60 lb/1,000 gal (7.2 kg/m³), sand
transport approximately equivalent to that of a
crosslinked gel is attained.
• Flexibility in gel break times – The sand transport life of
gels can be tailored to well requirements by treating the
gels with breaker or stabilizer additives. These additives
influence the gels' viscosity during a prescribed time.
Breakers have been developed to cover both low and high
temperature conditions.
and low residue levels. Reliable low-corrosion breaker
systems, which accommodate both low and high-
temperature hole conditions, are available. These breaker
Varying viscosities show the versatility of Hydropac™ service gels
systems assure a quicker, more thorough removal of polymer
after the pack is established. As much as 20 lb (9.1 kg) of pack
sand can be pumped per gallon in this water-based viscous High-Rate Water Pack Systems
gel system.
The high-rate water pack method of placing gravel uses
Benefits rates higher than a normal water pack treatment (5 to
• Improved gravel packs – Hydropac service provides a 25 bpm) to enhance placement of the gravel into the
relatively high leakoff potential and good sand transport, perforation tunnels. Due to the higher rates, a friction
enabling tighter gravel packs, particularly in packing reducer or a small amount of gelling agent is sometimes
perforation tunnels. utilized to reduce friction pressures.
• Fast cleanup – Recovery of original formation
permeability is fast, and returned fluids are disposed Water Pack Systems
of easily.
The water pack technique of gravel placement has proven
• Versatility in selecting mixing water – Gels may be efficient in openhole gravel packs, horizontal wells, extended
prepared using a wide variety of filtered brines. reach wells, and highly deviated wells. Successful completion
• Versatility in gel break times – The sand transport life of of cased hole wells (especially extended reach and highly
gels can be tailored to well requirements by treating them deviated wells) normally includes a gel-sand or acid prepack
with breaker additives. These additives influence the gels' stage to pack the perforation tunnels. The annular pack is
viscosity during a prescribed time. then completed with a low-density water pack.
• Versatility in initial gel texture and strength – Gels that
meet a variety of needs can be prepared by increasing or
decreasing the polymer concentration. • No temperature limitation
• Excellent annular packing under a variety of conditions
Application Range
• Bottomhole temperature Application Range
75 to 240°F (24 to 116°C) • Bottomhole temperature
8.34 to 14.00 lb/gal (1.00 to 1.68 specific gravity) • Base fluid density
8.34 to 19.20 lb/gal (1.00 to 2.30 specific gravity)
proppants with a pre-cured resin coating have become
available in recent years. Both of these products have
generally found extensive application in closure stress
ranges of 3,000 to 7,000 psi (206 to 482 bar). The pre-cured Formation Liquid Resin-Coated Proppant
sands have been used in fracture stimulation to provide During Placement
sustained fracture conductivity, while the curable materials The resin-coated sand is pumped down the well and displaced into
have been used primarily where proppant flowback has the perforations. Once a sandout occurs, the well is shut in to allow
been a problem. the resin-coated sand time to cure.
Coiled tubing and SandTrap service can put existing zones
back on production without the expense of a rig-based
Two preflush stages prepare the formation sand for a high-
strength consolidation and improved permeability retention.
The brine preflush allows the mineral surfaces to attract the
consolidation fluid so that a thin, uniform coating of
consolidation fluid coats the formation matrix grains.
Connate water is displaced from the pore spaces to improve
penetration of the treatment into the pores and subsequent
displacement by the post-flush to enhance consolidation
strength and permeability retention.
• Gravel pack screen repair
• Stringer gas sands that would be uneconomical to
gravel pack
• Through-tubing sand control
• Free pack proppant and formation flowback prevention
20 1.21
19 Viscosity
18 Density 1.205
Density, SG
Viscosity, cP
16 1.2
14 1.195
12 1.19
70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90
Temperature, deg.F
HYDROFIXSM Service Resin Properties
Pipe dope and thread lubricants must be removed from 90 Dope Buster
B E+ solvent
inside tubing and casing. If not removed, these materials
restrict production and block the effectiveness of stimulation
Mud Cleanout
Mud-Flush™ Whole water-based mud losses
N-Ver-Sperse™ Whole oil-based mud losses
Wellbore Conditioning
PARAGON™ or other organic solvents Asphaltene/paraffin problems, heavy oils, pipe dope
HCl for pickling Removal of iron scales, preventing them from entering the formation
Oil Well Conditioning
Emulsion problems, terminal upsets, improves acid penetration into
Gidley's CO2 Conditioner
oil zones
Matrix Conditioning
Clayfix™ 5 Conditioner Preflush ahead of Sandstone acids to allow for ion exchange
5-15% HCI Carbonate removal, ion exchange, removal of polymer damage
Clay-Safe™ 5 Conditioner HCI-sensitive mineralogy
HCl-sensitive mineralogy, where removal of polymer damage
Clay-Safe H Conditioner
(K-MAX™, HEC) or high carbonate levels with acid fluids is required
Clay-Safe F Conditioner HCI-sensitive mineralogy
Silica Scale™ Acid Contains a high HF concentration to remove silica scale from geothermal wells
Provides maximum dissolving power without secondary precipitation, prevents aluminum
Sandstone Completion™ Acid
precipitation, and is the fluid of choice when mineralogy is unknown
Is a retarded system, removes deep damage caused by fines and swelling clays, and pre-
Fines Control Acid
vents fines migration.
K-Spar™ Acid Is compatible with formations high in feldspars and illite and prevents fines migration
Contains an organic acid system, is compatible with HCl-sensitive minerals, and can be
Volcanic™ Acid I and II
used in higher temperature applications
Fluid Loss (ml/cm²)
5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (minutes) HAL16418
Max Seal®-Static Fluid
Loss Test
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Cumulative Injection Time (min)
Test #1 Test #2
Cumulative Fluid Loss Volume
Delta P = 200 psi Delta P = 400 psi
10 D Oklahoma #1
Max Seal®-Dynamic Fluid
20 20 D White Filtrose 0.4 D High Perm Berea
Loss Test
4 D Gray Filtrose
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Cumulative Injection Time (min)