2009-09-21 EuPIA Guideline For Food Packaging Inks 1
2009-09-21 EuPIA Guideline For Food Packaging Inks 1
2009-09-21 EuPIA Guideline For Food Packaging Inks 1
EuPIA member companies have, for many years, followed a policy of Responsible Care / Coatings
Care working for Sustainable Development, with a high level of Product Stewardship activity.
This is based on a strong commitment to protect consumers health, and, through the years, has led
to the publication of many recommendations.
Having regard to the fact that there is a Framework Regulation applicable to all food packaging, but
not yet any specific Community legislation concerning printing inks for food packaging, EuPIA have
developed a Guideline for their members, based on current European legislation, which gives
detailed recommendations as to how to formulate inks which will comply with this Regulation; this is
in line with the EuPIA strategy in the field of packaging inks.
It also takes into account the work done in cooperation with the Council of Europe Committee of
Experts on Food Contact Materials.
Whilst European harmonised legislation does not specifically cover printing inks in their supplied
form, there are some legislative instruments which impact on materials and articles intended for
direct contact with food, whilst being printed on the non-food-contact side.
Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 requires in Article 3 that materials and articles in contact with food
shall be manufactured in accordance with good manufacturing practices, so that under normal or
foreseeable conditions of use, they do not transfer their constituents to food in quantities which could:
- endanger human health; or
- bring about an unacceptable change in the composition of the food; or
- bring about a deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics thereof.
Inks, once printed and dried/cured, on the non-food-contact side of a packaging material in contact
with food become a component of this packaging and this packaging has to comply with the
requirements of Article 3.
EuPIA recommends ensuring traceability during ink manufacturing analogous to the requirements as
set out in Article 17:
the traceability of printed materials and articles at all stages in order to facilitate control, the
recall of defective products, consumer information and the attribution of responsibility .
materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and repealing Directives 80/590/EEC and 89/109/EEC,
OJEU L338 of 13. 11. 2004
Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 6 - BE-1160 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 676 7480 - Fax: + 32 (0)2 676 7490 - E-mail: [email protected] - Internet: http://www.eupia.org/
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
Directive 2007/42/EC relating to materials and articles made of regenerated cellulose film states that
the printed surface of regenerated cellulose film must not come into contact with food, and therefore
is relevant to printing inks for food packaging.
The main specific Directive pursuant to the Framework Regulation is Directive 2002/72/EC relating
to plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. It lays down an overall
migration limit (OML) of 60 mg/kg food or 10 mg/dm of surface area. In addition specific migration
limits (SML) or maximum contents in the material or article (QM) are set for individual substances.
The Directive contains a positive list of monomers and other starting substances as well as a
Community list of additives which will become a positive list as from 1 January 2010. Packaging inks
are not under the scope of this Directive and thus substances used only in the manufacture of
printing inks are not listed. However, if there are ink components which are listed therein, then the
relevant restrictions such as specific migration limits (SML) or maximum content (QM) must be met
and where there is the presence of dual use additives in the inks the legal provisions must also be
Regulation (EC) No 2023/2006, applicable from 1 August 2008, sets out rules on Good
Manufacturing Practice for the production of food contact articles. It has an Annex referring to printing
inks applied to the non-food-contact surface of food packaging as well as to the storage of printed
articles. In summary it can be concluded, that the ink manufacturer does not have an independent
responsibility for the formulation and application of the inks, but this remains ultimately with the
downstream partners. In order to allow for assuming shared and final responsibilities there needs to
be cooperation between ink manufacturer and the rest of the supply chain. Specific to the
cooperation between ink manufacturer and converter it is recommended that this is best managed by
requirement specifications, e.g. by detailed information about the substrate, type of food packed,
printing and converting process parameters, storage and treatment conditions. When provided with
this information the ink manufacturer is enabled to formulate inks that comply with the Regulation, if
they are correctly used.
Field of Application
3.1. This Guideline applies to printing inks, coatings and varnishes (hereafter called packaging inks),
applied by an appropriate process to the non food contact surface of any material or article intended
to come into contact with foodstuffs.
3.2. Printing inks in direct contact with foodstuffs are excluded from the field of application of the
present Guideline.
4.1. Packaging inks are any preparations (mixtures) manufactured from colourants (pigments, dyes),
binders, plasticisers, solvents, driers and additives. They are solvent-based, water-borne, oleoresinous or energy-curing (UV or electron beam) systems. They are applied by a printing and/or a
coating process, such as flexography, gravure, letterpress, offset, screen, non-impact printing or
roller coating.
4.2. Packaging inks layers, in their finished state, are thin dried or cured films of packaging ink on the
non-food contact surface of substrates.
4.3. Substrate is any material or article intended to come into contact with food, these include glass,
metal, paper, board, plastic, textiles and laminates of these materials.
Printed packaging materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs shall not, in
their finished state - under normal and foreseeable conditions of use - transfer their constituents to
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
foodstuffs in quantities which could endanger human health, or bring about an unacceptable change
in the composition of the foodstuffs, or a deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics thereof, in
accordance with Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004. In order to enable the printed packaging
in its finished state to achieve the legal requirements the following specifications shall be met.
5.1 Specifications regarding packaging inks
The raw materials shall be selected in accordance with the Appendix 1 Selection
scheme for packaging ink raw materials. They shall not belong to the following
categories (exclusion criteria):
(a) classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction categories 1
and 2, according to the provisions of Directive 67/548/EEC and Regulation (EC)
No 1272/2008 on dangerous substances.
Note: Category 3 substances will only be used after a migration study has
confirmed that migration levels are within published SML or TDI values, or below
10 ppb;
(b) classified as toxic and very toxic;
The packaging inks shall be formulated and manufactured in accordance with the
CEPE/EuPIA Good Manufacturing Practices for the Production of Packaging Inks
formulated for use on the non-food contact surfaces of food packaging and articles
intended to come into contact with food (GMP), available at http://www.eupia.org
The packaging inks shall be used and applied in accordance with recognised
converters good manufacturing practices.
The printed or overprint varnished surfaces of food packaging shall not come into
direct contact with food.
There shall be no visible transfer (i.e. physical) from the printed or varnished nonfood contact surface to the food contact surface.
Global and specific migrations from the packaging in its finished state or article shall
not exceed the relevant limits.
The printing ink manufacturers responsibility is to supply products that are fit for the intended
purpose as defined between members of the packaging chain. They are not liable for any
aspects of the production of food packaging once the packaging inks have left the
manufacturing site. The manufacturer of the packaging and the filler are responsible for the
properties of the food packaging and its compliance with legal requirements.
The packaging ink manufacturers are responsible for the composition of the preparations in
accordance with the requirements set out in paragraph 5.1. Moreover, due to the complexity of
the process all members of the packaging chain must exchange the relevant information -
Raw materials may contain starting substances and/or components which are CMR or T, T+, but at levels which do not
affect the classification of the raw material. Any migration of these into foodstuffs must comply with any relevant limit.
With the exception of non-bio-available pigments in which antimony is a constituent of the crystal lattice and of organic
derivatives not classified nor labelled as T or T+
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
under appropriate confidentiality agreements if necessary - in order to ensure that products can
be formulated to be fit for purpose, and thus be compliant with all legal responsibilities
including the GMP Regulation 2023/2006. EuPIA members will supply a standard Statement
of Composition for the use of these specific packaging inks; for Plastic substrate converters
this Statement will set out the levels of materials which are specified in the Plastics Directive
(2002/72/EC and its amendments) with a limit value. Additionally it will indicate so-called dual
use substances (in accordance with Directive 2002/72/EC and its amendments) and ink
manufacturers will disclose further potential migrants if necessary.
In the absence of current legal requirements for non-plastic substrates EuPIA members will
assume further responsibility by supplying a Statement of Composition for all other uses. As
outlined above this will likewise set out levels of materials which are specified in the Plastics
directive as well as it will indicate dual use substances and if necessary further potential
migrants will be disclosed by ink manufacturers.
However, conformance with laid down migration limits must be assessed on the final print
and/or package, and is the ultimate responsibility of downstream members of the packaging
chain. The provision of a Statement of Composition is critical in this procedure.
Moreover information relating to usage and application constraints will be provided in Technical
Data Sheets or other recommendation leaflets in order to enable the converters to meet their
responsibilities for the printed food packaging.
It should be noted that the packaging ink manufacturers are not in a position to issue
certificates or declarations of compliance which cover all the legal responsibility of the entire
packaging chain.
To ensure conformity with current legal obligations the packaging ink manufacturer has to
safeguard that
packaging inks are formulated in accordance with the Exclusion criteria defined in 5.1.1
the packaging inks are formulated in such a way as to minimise both potential migration
through the substrate and set-off from the printed outer side to the food contact surface
in the stack or the reel. In regard to this aspect it has to be noted that set-off and
migration are also dependent on the processing conditions and barrier properties of the
substrate. Appendix 2 describes recommended laboratory practices to assess likely
levels of migration. This will allow for an evaluation of the suitability of ink formulations
for the intended purposes. This does not replace any of the converters legal obligations
for compliance of the printed packaging.
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
Appendix 1
Selection scheme for packaging ink raw materials
This appendix gives guidance on the selection process of raw materials used in the manufacture of
packaging inks. Considering the fact that packaging inks are not intended to come into contact with
food, the selection of raw materials according to this scheme will ensure adequate consumer safety.
Raw materials used as components in the manufacture of packaging inks may be substances or
preparations, which are defined according to the Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC as follows:
Substances means chemical elements and their compounds in the natural state or obtained by any
production process, including any additive necessary to preserve the stability of the products and any
impurity derived from the process used, but excluding any solvent which may be separated without
affecting the stability of the substance or changing its composition.
Starting substances are substances used in the manufacture of raw materials and are, following the
chemical reaction, only present in raw materials as traces or impurities.
Preparations means mixtures or solutions composed of two or more substances.
Raw materials
Raw materials are selected according to the criteria set in section 5.1.1 of this Guideline and, when
possible, from relevant listings such as the Plastics Directive 2002/72/EC and its amendments, the
Regenerated Cellulose Film Directive 2007/42/EC, or national legislation, including BfR
(Bundesinstitut fr Risikobewertung German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment)
Recommendations, Council of Europe Resolutions for direct food contact and US FDA regulations.
They should comply with relevant restrictions of their use. Raw materials which are authorised food
additives may be used.
Other raw materials can be used provided that the finished article fulfils Article 3 of the Framework
Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004, on the basis of risk assessment described below.
Purity requirements for colourants
The term colourants is to be understood to include both pigments and dyestuffs. Whilst pigments are
inorganic or organic coloured, white or black materials which are practically insoluble in the medium
in which they are incorporated, dyes, unlike pigments, do dissolve during their application and in the
process lose their crystalline or particulate structure.
All colourants used in the manufacture of packaging inks have to comply with the specifications of
the Council of Europe Resolution AP (89) 1 or national recommendations on the use of colourants in
plastic materials intended to come into contact with food. However, non soluble barium based
pigments can be used provided that the packaging in its finished state meets the specific migration
limit (SML) of 1 mg barium/kg food or food simulant.
Evaluation of migration
Data on migration should be obtained either by experimental testing in accordance with EU
Directives or by other alternative scientific tools such as worst case calculation, migration modelling
etc. , done in conjunction with the converter and the filler of the individual printed packaging material
and article in its finished state, taking into account normal and foreseeable conditions of use.
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
Risk assessment of non-evaluated substances
Substance with molecular weight less than 1000 Da should be subjected to appropriate risk
assessment taking into account the fact that the same Raw Material may have a different suitability
for use depending on many parameters, such as substrate, ink coverage, foodstuff etc in terms of
exposure as well as toxicological and structure activity consideration. Appropriate evidence shall be
provided by the packaging ink manufacturer in such a way as to allow compliance of the finished
package with Article 3 of the Framework Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004, under conditions of correct
A target migration limit of no concern for non-evaluated substances of 10 ppb is the ultimate
objective, to be consistent with other food contact materials.
In particular, a substance is acceptable if its specific migration does not exceed:
10 ppb, in case of insufficient toxicological data
50 ppb if three negative mutagenicity tests requested by EFSA Guidelines are available
above 50 ppb, if supported by favourable toxicological data and/or evaluation done in
accordance with the EFSA Guidelines
For packaging scenarios which do not currently achieve this limit, an action plan between the printing
ink manufacturer, the converter and other relevant members of the packaging chain should be
generated that sets out a programme to ensure compliance within an agreed and manageable
In some instances when determining toxicity risk, the exposure concept may be used as an
alternative to fixed migration limits.
Exposure can be calculated by the following generally accepted equation: g/person/day = g/6dm
Not all of the data is available yet to estimate exposure to all migrants from inks and non-food contact
coatings, but there is an EU funded 7 Framework research programme called FACET in progress to
enable this situation to be addressed. The targeted completion date is 2012.
Continuous Improvement Strategy
The printing ink industry has set out a challenging continuous improvement programme that aims to
control the presence and the potential level of migration of substances with MW < 1000 Dt present in
packaging inks.
As part of this programme the European printing ink industry is working to collate toxicological data
sets for chemical components used in food packaging, which are susceptible to migration. In order to
do this they are working closely with CEFIC/FCA, National and European Regulatory Authorities and
the many raw material suppliers to the printing ink industry. Aligned with this initiative a project has
been finished, which aimed at collating a European Food Packaging Ink Raw Material Inventory (with
inputs from EuPIA member companies), which is included in the Swiss BedarfsgegenstndeVerordnung.
It is recognised that the printing ink industry uses a wide range of substances in the formulation and
manufacture of packaging inks for the many current food packaging structures. The exercise to
finalise all the individual action plans (described above) for all substances in all packaging scenarios
will take a significant period of time.
It has therefore been agreed that substances used in food packaging inks with no formal SML/TDI
data shall be subject to the following target migration limit deadlines to be monitored jointly by the
converter and by the printing ink manufacturer:
up to 50 ppb, to be completed by December 2010
up to 10 ppb, to be completed by December 2015
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
There is a continuous use of new and innovative materials in food packaging, including inks. These
new materials will need to be assessed for toxicology and migration potential in the same manner as
is now to be applied to existing materials.
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
Appendix 2
Definition of migration
General rules
Food simulants
Special cases
Analytical methods
Annex A
Calculation of maximum possible migration; formula and example
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
This Appendix 2 of the EuPIA Guideline gives guidance on the testing methods to be used for the
evaluation of the migration of components of packaging inks applied to the non-food contact surface
of food packaging materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. It should be read in
conjunction with the EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied to the non-food contact surface of food
packaging materials and articles.
The ink itself shall not be tested as such, since its composition may change during the printing
process. In addition, the substrate greatly influences the migration properties of the components of
the ink.
The specific methods of migration testing and analysis included in this document are described either
in EC Directives on materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs or international Standards, with
the exception of the preparation of printed samples.
Definition of Migration
From a physics point of view, migration is a partition and diffusion controlled transfer process of small
molecules (approx. < 1000 Dalton molecular mass).
Transfer of printing ink components from a printed packaging material or article into food or food
simulant may occur either directly as migration through the substrate, or via contact to the reverse
side in the reel or stack, known as set-off migration, or by gas phase transfer.
To demonstrate that a packaging ink is likely to meet industry requirements, the ink should be
applied to the non food contact side of the relevant substrate in such a way as to reproduce, as far as
possible, the printing and drying processes which are used in practice.
For the preparation of samples to complete migration testing the relevant substrates as well as
further packaging components like adhesives and other packaging layers should be chosen
accordingly. The sample for migration testing should reflect the final packaging structure as closely
as possible.
In the absence of suitable specific results, the packaging ink manufacturer in conjunction with the
converter shall evaluate available knowledge in terms of suitability for use in the proposed structure.
Size of printed sheets
(test pieces)
Ink coverage
Flexographic ink
1-1.5 g/m
Gravure ink
1-2 g/m
Offset ink
1-2 g/m
Dispersion varnish
2-3 g/m
White basecoat
12-16 g/m
Clear basecoat
1-2 g/m
UV varnish
4-7 g/m
The average ink weight per unit area is required to calculate the maximum possible migration quantity
of potential migrants caused by printing ink components.
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
10 days
25 C
80 kg/cm
8000 kPa
10 days
25 C
40 kg/cm
4000 kPa
Sheet-fed litho
10 days
25 C
0.02 kg/cm
2 kPa
Sheet-fed metal
10 days
25 C
0.3 kg/cm
30 kPa
10 days
25 C
0.3 kg/cm
30 kPa
General rules
Since there are no specific standards for packaging inks which deal with the determination of
migration of ink components, migration testing, in principle, shall be carried out using the conditions
established in EC Directives relating to plastic materials as well as in European and international
However, as a worst case method a total extraction test using a strong solvent could be carried out; if
components are below the relevant limits, further testing is not required.
Please note: The total extraction method is unlikely to provide analytical results which are
representative of real food packaging storage/use scenarios, or even in line with indicative migration
tests great care and expert advice should be taken in to account when interpreting results.
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
4.2.2 Paper and Board materials and articles
Paper and board food contact materials and articles are not yet regulated by a specific EC Directive.
There is guidance in the Council of Europe Policy Statement concerning paper and board materials
and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs (Version 2 dated 13.04.2005).
It is recommended to apply test methods described in Directive 82/711/EEC (at last amended by
Directive 97/48/EC) taking into account the technical nature of paper and board in comparison with
CEN has prepared Standard EN 14338 specific for paper and board.
EN 14338: Paper and Board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs.
Conditions for determination of migration from paper and board using modified
polyphenylene oxide (MPPO) as a simulant.
The printed or coated samples prepared in the manner described in paragraph 3 above, are tested in
suitable migration cells using appropriate exposure conditions and simulant(s).
4.3.1 Food simulants
According to Directive 82/711/EEC and its amendment Directive 97/48/EC, as well as Directive
85/572/EEC (last amended by Directive 2007/19/EC), the following simulants shall be used:
Food type
Food simulant
Distilled water
Simulant A
Simulant B
Milk products
Ethanol 50 % (v/v)
Alcoholic foods
Ethanol 10 % (v/v)
Fatty foods
Simulant C
Alternative test
media as
substitutes for
Simulant D
(rectified olive oil)
modified polyphenylene oxide (MPPO, Tenax ) as test medium under appropriate contact conditions. Packages and articles for use at high temperature
The testing of the migration of ink components from either plastic or paper and board materials
should be carried out with modified polyphenylene oxide (MPPA, Tenax ) as simulant according to
CEN Standard EN 14338 regardless the type of foodstuff. The test conditions (time and temperature)
should represent those the packages or articles are exposed to in practice.
Testing should take into account possible degradation products formed at elevated temperatures.
When carrying out extraction testing to determine compliance with the requirements of the EuPIA
Guideline, the sample should, in principle, be preheated in a closed container, according to the time
and temperature conditions given in the above mentioned references and standards.
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
4.3.3 Analytical methods
Analytical methods to determine quality and quantity of specific migrants in food simulants are
described in the CEN Standards
Migration testing can be replaced by calculation of the maximum possible migration. A formula and
an example are given in Annex A.
Annex A
Calculation of maximum possible migration; formula and example
The worst case calculation assumes that migration of the actual substance into the foodstuff
represents one hundred percent of the substance present. In addition, the amount of the actual
substance in the print, package or article must either be known or determined by exhaustive
The maximum possible migration M is calculated by the formula:
M = W x C x S / (Q x 10)
maximum concentration [mg/kg] of the substance in the foodstuff.
ink weight [g/m] on the surface of the printed package or article.
concentration as a percentage of the substance in the dried ink.
area of package or article [dm] being in contact with 1 kg foodstuff; conventionally set at 6 dm .
n.b. Should other factors apply such as known variation from this standard package area:foodstuff
ratio - then these must be taken into account when carrying out the calculation.
Q: quantity of food simulant [kg].
The ink weight on a paper box is 1 g/m .
The concentration of the actual substance in the print is 0.5 %.
The area of the paper box in contact with food is 6 dm .
M = 1 x 0.5 x 6 / 1 x 10 = 0.3 mg/kg
Consequently, the maximum possible migration, M is 0.3 mg/kg foodstuff
EuPIA Guideline on Printing Inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging materials and
articles September 2009
Appendix 3
Legislation References
Framework Regulation
Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on
materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and repealing Directives 80/590/EEC
and 89/109/EEC (L338/4)
Further information on food contact material, including legislation, is available on the following
website of the European Commission: