Operating Manual For ASHIDA Numerical Inverse Time Under Voltage Relay Type: Adr 112A
Operating Manual For ASHIDA Numerical Inverse Time Under Voltage Relay Type: Adr 112A
Operating Manual For ASHIDA Numerical Inverse Time Under Voltage Relay Type: Adr 112A
Plot no. A-308, Road no. 21, Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane (W) 400604.INDIA.
0091-22-6577 1076/77/78, 2582 7524/25/26
Fax: 0091-22-2580 4262. E-mail: [email protected]
Operating Manual
ASHIDA Numerical
Inverse Time Under Voltage
( M o d e l : A M 0 02 0 1)
Ashida Electronics (P) Ltd. Reserve all right to make improvements in the
products described in this manual at any time and without notice. All rights are
reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduce, copied, translated or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of
Ashida Electronics (p.) Ltd. Information in this manual is intended to be accurate
and reliable. However Ashida assumes no responsibility for its use; nor for any
infringements of rights of third parties, which may result from its use.
• IDMT Curve.
2.0 General : -
The ADR112A is member of Ashida Numerical Relay family (Aditya
Series) design to meet demand of low and medium switchgear control.
The ADR112A is basically 1 phase inverse time under voltage protection
with IDMT time. The ADR112A continuously monitors the phase voltage,
through PT connections. The high-speed micro-controller samples this
voltage sine wave through a 12 bit A/D converter. The micro-controller
performs powerful Digital Algorithms to find out Amplitude of voltage
signal, and then this value is use for protection and metering function. All
measurement is tuned to fundamental frequency and reject all
higher harmonics present in electric supply. Phase voltage is also
displayed on 16 x 2 LCD display for metering. The Relay is having main
three functions 1) Protection 2) Self-Supervision 3) Measurement.
5 7
8 10
6 9
No Legend Function
1. ON Power ‘ON’ indicator.
2. PKP Relay ‘Pick-up’ indicator.
3. FAULT ‘Fault’ Indicator (HR) Type.
4. TRIP Relay ‘Trip’ indicator (SR) Type o/p element status indicator.
5. MODE Push button used to select settings parameters while setting
and to Save Settings.
6. INR Push button to increment the values in setting mode.
Push button used to scroll the Main Menu.
7. DEC Push button to decrement the values in setting mode.
Push button used to view the settings.
8. TEST Push button used for online Tesing
9. BYPASS Push button to Block Trip Command during trip TEST.
10. RESET Push button to Reset Hardware of the relay.
11. LCD All the settings, the measuring values as well as the Fault
Display data is shown on LCD display 16 x 2 char.
• The ‘INR’ push button is used to increment the value in setting mode and
also used to scroll the main menu; the ‘DEC’ push button is used to
decrement the value in the setting mode and also used to view the setting
in the main menu.
• When the ‘MODE’ push button is pressed in the “Relay Setting” of the
main menu you are able to enter the settings, which can be modified
using ‘INR’ push button, or ‘DEC’ push button when the ‘MODE’ push
button pressed again it will go to the next settings.
• When the ‘DEC’ push button is pressed in the main menu the operator is
able to view the setting of the selected option in the main menu. When
the ‘DEC’ push button is pressed again it will go to the next setting of
selected option, but in case there are no more setting to be displayed it
returns to the same selected option of the main menu.
• ‘TEST’ push button is used for online testing of the relay. By pressing
TEST push button fault will be generated and the breaker will be tripped.
• ‘RESET’ push button is used to reset the flags & to reset the hardware.
At the time of setting if changes are not carried within 100s then the
display will reset it self and return to the main menu.
A D R 1 1 2A V1 . 00
U n i t I D = 0 0 01
V o l ta g e = 0 00 . 0 v
It is read as follows
Relay Name = Ashida Digital Inverse Time Under Voltage Relay,
Relay Type = ADR 112A (AVDG13), Software Revision No – V1.00
And Unit ID = 001
Line Voltage = 000.0v
When the ‘DEC’ Push button is pressed the setting parameter in the Main
Menu will be displayed
M e a su r em e nt
Each time the ‘INR’ push button is pressed the other parameters will be
display one by one respectively in the following order.
R e l ay Se t ti n gs
F a u lt 1
F a u lt 3
F a u lt 4
F a u lt 5
M e a su r em e nt
When the ‘DEC’ push button is pressed the following message is displayed.
V o l ta g e = 0 0 0. 1 v
The ‘DEC’ push button is pressed again, the relay will return to main menu.
M e a su r em e nt
R e l ay Se t ti n gs
P a s sw o rd = 0 00
U s e ‘ I NR ’ /D e c
If any of the push button is press for more than 4 sec. the selected value will
start to increment or decrement with high speed. If ‘INR’ push button remains
pressed then display value will roll between min. & max. The min. is 0 and
max. is 99. If ‘DEC’ push button remains pressed then display value will roll
between max. & min. The max. is 99 and min. is 0.
For example if required value to be set is 25 then press ‘INR’ push button till
you get reading 20, then releases the ‘INR’ push button key and increment
one by one.
If the entered password matches with previously set password then we are
able enter to the other settings parameters. If not the following Error message
is shown on the display.
P a s sW o rd Fa i l
R e l ay Se t ti n gs
Note: -
In case authorized person forgets the set password, then press ‘MODE’ &
‘RESET’ push button simultaneously & release ‘RESET’ push button. Relay
will load default value, then release ‘MODE’ push button. Password will be
Reset to ‘000’ and the other settings of the relays will change to default values.
Then when the ‘MODE’ push button is pressed again the following message
will be displayed.
P a s sW o rd = 0 01
N e w P a ss W or d
Unit ID = 001
11.3 Unit ID : -
By using the ‘INR’ push button or the ‘DEC’ push button the desired Unit ID
address can be selected. The unit address will vary from 01 to 255, which
means total 254 devises can be connected to single computer. The 255
address is reserved for special command. These settings are required to
communicate with the SCADA computer.
The ‘MODE’ push button is pressed again the following message will be
UV % = 030
R a n ge 30 - 9 0%
T M S = x1 . 00
R a n ge x0 . 01 - 1. 0
T e s t B lo c k = 0 0 2
0 1 : Y es 02 : N o
S a v e S et t in g s?
M o d e f or Sa v e
Note : In this relay all the settings are done in foreground and the relay works
in background i.e. the relay will take the new settings only after completion of
all settings and the confirmation by the user, then the relay will use this setting
for actual operation.
The MODE’ push button is pressed again then the relay will Save the settings
made and the following message will be displayed.
R e l ay Se t ti n gs
R e l ay Se t ti n gs
The ‘DEC’ push button is pressed then following message will be displayed.
U V : 0 30 %
T M S : x0 . 01
Unit Id = 001
T e s t B lo c k = N o
The ‘DEC’ push button is pressed again, the relay having no other settings to
be displayed, will display the following message.
R e l ay Se t ti n gs
F a u lt 1
The ‘DEC’ push button is pressed then following message will be displayed.
SF: TC : 8 9 6 2
V : 1 3 2. 2 v
The TC = Trip Counter
The V = Voltage at the time of Trip.
The ‘DEC’ push button is pressed again, the relay having no other settings to
be displayed, will display the following message.
F a u lt 1
Auxiliary Supply - The relay is available for two different types of Auxiliary
1. For 18V DC to 52V DC.
2. For 77V DC to 250V DC.
Check the relay rated auxiliary voltage on front plate and connect suitable DC
supply or stationed battery supply to relay appropriate terminals.
After connecting auxiliary supply switch on the Power supply and the check the
Power ON indication provided on relay front. The relay will display power on
messages as shown in section 10.0 “getting started”
2. H.V. Test:_____________ @2KV AC for 60 sec, between all terminal and body.
SWITCH 0.07 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
5. Conclusion: ____________________________________________________.
Voltage = 000.0v
Save Settings ?
Relay Setting MODE OK MODE
Mode For Save
Fault 1
Fault 2
Fault 3
Fault 4
Fault 5
Voltage = 000.0v
Unit ID = 001
Relay Setting DEC
Test Block = No
SF : TC : 1964
Fault 1 DEC
V : 000.1v
Fault 1
Fault 2
Note :
INR Message for Fault 2, Fault 3, Fault 4 & Fault 5
Displayed in similar format as that of Fault 1.
Fault 3
Fault 4
Fault 5