MARKING SCHEME (2018-19) Section-A
MARKING SCHEME (2018-19) Section-A
MARKING SCHEME (2018-19) Section-A
• All the questions are compulsory.
• Programming Language Python.
• The paper have four section , Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D
1. (a) What does a cross platform language mean? 1
Ans It means that it can run on a variety of platforms like windows,mac,linux.
(1 Mark for correct definition)
(b) Which of the following are valid and invalid strings in python? 2
(i) “python” (ii) ‘python’ (iii) “python’ (iv) {python}
Ans Valid- (i) “python” (ii) ‘python’
Invalid- (iii) “python’ (iv) {python}
( ½Mark for each)
(c) What are Identifiers? 1
Ans They are user defined names given to a part of program. Eg
variable,object,function etc.(1 Mark for correct definition)
(d) What is the difference between == and =? Explain with example. 2
Ans == is comparison operator whereas = is assignment operator.
(1 Mark for difference + 1 Mark for correct example)
(e) What are mutable and immutable data types? Give two examples of each 2
Any other correct solution
r = b**2 - 4*a*c
if r > 0:
num_roots = 2
x1 = (((-b) + math.sqrt(r))/(2*a))
x2 = (((-b) - math.sqrt(r))/(2*a))
print("There are 2 roots: %f and %f" % (x1, x2))
elif r == 0:
num_roots = 1
x = (-b) / 2*a
print("There is one root: ", x)
num_roots = 0
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print("No roots, discriminant < 0.")
Any other correct solution
Any other correct solution
3 (a) Differentiate between a syntax error and a semantic error with example. 2
Ans Syntax error: occurs when rules of programming language are violated.
e.gfori in range (0,2) :
Semantic error: occurs when statements are not meaningful.
(1 Mark for difference + 1 Mark for correct example)
(b) Which arithmetic operator(s) can be used with strings? 1
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b) Write a program in python to find maximum element in the list entered by the 2
Ans lst = []
num = int(input('How many numbers: '))
for n in range(num):
numbers = int(input('Enter number '))
Any other correct solution
5 a) What is the difference between RAM and ROM? 1
Ans A read-only memory (ROM) and a random-access memory (RAM) chip: ROM
can hold data without power and RAM cannot.
(1 mark for correct answer )
b) What is a language processor? Write the name of two language processors. 2
A language processor is a software program for processing program code to
machine code.Eg, Compiler, Interpreter
(1 mark for correct definition)
(1 mark for naming language processors)
c) How many possible code groups can be formed by ASCII code (ASCII is 1
a 7 bit code) ?
Ans 27 = 128
(i) (4A)16=(__________)2
(ii) (106)10=(_______)8
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(ii) 152
Studno Class Name Game1 Grade1 Game2 Grade2
10 7 Sameer Cricket B Swimming A
11 8 Sujit Tennis A Skating C
12 7 Kamal Swimming B Football B
13 7 Venna Tennis C Tennis A
14 9 Archana Basketball A Cricket A
15 10 Arpit Cricket A Atheletics C
(a) Display the names of the students who have grade ‘C’ in either Game1 or
Game2 .
(b) Display the names of students getting grade ‘A’ in Cricket.
(c) Display the games taken up by the students, whose name starts with ‘A’.
(d) Add a new column named ‘Marks’ of int type in the sports table.
(e) Insert a new row in the table with the following data (16, 10, “Mohan”,
“Cricket”, “B”, “Tennis”, “A”)
(f) Delete the row from the student table whose Studno is 12.
Ans a) Select Name from student where grade1=’C’ or grade2=’C’;
b) Select name from student where Game1= “Cricket” and grade1= “A”;
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c) Select name from student where name like “A%”;
d) Alter table sports add marks int;
e) insert into student values (16, 10, “Mohan”, “Cricket”, “B”, “Tennis”, “A”)
f) delete from student where Studno is 12;
( 1 mark for each correct command)
c) Differentiate between delete and drop command with example. 2
1 mark for Correct definition + 1 mark for example
d) Write SQL command to create the following table STUDENT with constraints. 2
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information via a fake website. Pharming involves modifying DNS entries, which
causes users to be directed to the wrong website when they visit a certain Web
(2 Marks for correct difference)
d) Explain the terms spyware and malware. 2
Spyware is software that aims to gather information about a person or
organization, sometimes without their knowledge, that may send such
information to another entity without the consumer's consent.
Malware" is short for malicious software and used as a single term to refer to
virus, spy ware, worm etc. Malware is designed to cause damage to a stand
alone computer or a networked pc.
( 1mark for each correct definition)
e) What is cybercrime? How can you report it? 2
Cybercrime is defined as a crime in which a computer is the object of the crime
(hacking, phishing, spamming) or is used as a tool to commit an offense.
Report it firstly to the parents, school authorities and than to police
( 1 Mark for definition)
( 1mark for correct reporting method)
f) What is eavesdropping? 2
Eavesdropping is the unauthorized real-time interception of a private
communication, such as a phone call, instant message, videoconference or fax
(2 marks for correct answer)
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