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Verify Successful Installation Verify the installation by following the followin

g steps:Set Unit TypeTo set up a federated environment, configure one of the app
liances as the Central Manager and all the other appliances should be set to be
managed by the management unit.Install License KeysSee System Configuration in t
he Guardium Administration help book.Install maintenance patches (if available)P
atches can be installed through CLI (see store system patch command) or through theG
UI.Additional Steps (optional)The following sections discuss changing the baseli
ne English to another language, installing S-TAP? agents, defining Inspection En
gines and installing CAS agents.------------------Verify Successful Installation
Verify the installation by following the following steps:Login to CLI - ssh cli@
<ip of appliance>Login to GUI - https://<ip of appliance>:8443 (use admin userid
)The first login after a reboot will require a changing of passwords.Login to th
e IBMR InfoSphereR GuardiumR web-based interface and go to the embedded online h
elp for more information on any of the following tasks.------------------Set Uni
t TypeTo set up a federated environment, configure one of the appliances as the
Central Manager and all the other appliances should be set to be managed by the
management unit.See store unit type command in the Appendices help book, under the C
LI topic-----------------Install License KeysSee System Configuration in the Gua
rdiumR Administration help book.Note: In federated environments, license keys ar
e installed only on the CentralManager.Specific product keys, which are based on
the customer&apos;s entitlements, mustbe installed through CLI or the GUI as de
scribed below.From the GUI:Log in as admin to the IBMR InfoSphereR Guardium console.
Navigate to Administration Console > Configuration > SystemEnter the License Key
(s) in the System Configuration panel.Click Apply.From the CLI:Log in to the CLI
Issue the store license console CLI command to store a new license. store licens
e consoleCopy and paste the new license at the cursor location. Make sure to typ
e an equal sign (=) at end of license code. Press Enter and then CTRL-D.
--------------------Install maintenance patches (if available)Patches can be ins
talled through CLI (see store system patch command) or through theGUI.See the Centra
l Patch Management topic in Aggregation and Central Management help book.Note: I
n federated environments, maintenance patches can be applied to all of the appli
ances from the Central Manager.There may not be any maintenance patches included
with the installation materials. If any are included, apply them as described b
elow:Log in to the IBMR InfoSphereR GuardiumR console, as the cli user, using th
e temporary cli password you defined in the previous installation procedure. You
cando this by using an ssh client.Do one of the following:If installing from a
patch CD, Insert the CD into the IBM InfoSphere Guardium CDdrive, enter the foll
owing command, and skip ahead to step 3:store system patch install cdIf installi
ng from a network location, enter the following command (selecting either ftp or
scp):store system patch install [ftp | scp]And respond to the following prompts
(be sure to supply the full path name to the patch file):Host to import patch f
rom:User on <hostname>Full path to patch, including name:Password:If installing
using the fileserver function, enter the following command:store system install
patch sysYou will be prompted to select the patch to apply. Use wildcards in the
pathnameto get multiple patches. Also separate patch names by commas.To install
additional patches, repeat step 2.To see if patches have been installed success
fully, use the CLI command:show system patch installedPatches install via a back
ground process that may take a few minutes to complete.-----------------Addition
al Steps (optional)The following sections discuss changing the baseline English
to another language, installing S-TAP? agents, defining Inspection Engines and i
nstalling CAS agents.Use CLI command store languageUse the CLI command store langu
age to change from the baseline English and convert the database to the desired la
nguage. Installation of InfoSphereR GuardiumR is al
ways in English. An InfoSphere Guardium system can only be changed to Japanese o
r Chinese (Traditional or Simplified) after an installation. The "store language
" command is considered a setup of the appliance and is intended to be run durin

g the initial setup of the appliance. Running this CLI command after deploymento
f the appliance in a specific language can change the information already captur
ed, stored, customized, archived or exported. For example, the psmls (the panesa
nd portlets you have created) will be deleted, since they need to be recreatedin
the new language.Install S-TAP agentsInstall S-TAP agents on the database serve
rs and define their inspection enginesS-TAP is a lightweight software agent inst
alled on the database server, monitors local and network database traffic and se
nds the relevant information to the IBMR InfoSphere Guardium appliance (the coll
ector) for further analysis, reporting an alerting. To install an S-TAP, refer t
o the S-TAP help book included in the product manuals To verify that the S-TAPs have
been installed and are connected tothe IBM InfoSphere Guardium appliance:Log in
to the IBM InfoSphere Guardium administrator portal.Do one of the following:Nav
igate to the Tap Monitor > S-TAP tab, and click S-TAP Status from the menu. All
active S-TAPs display with a green background. A red background indicates that t
he S-TAP is not active.Navigate to Administration Console > Local Taps > S-TAP C
ontroll, and confirm that there is a green status light for this S-TAPDefine Ins
pection EnginesDefine Inspection Engines for network-based activity monitoring.I
nstall CAS agentsInstall Configuration Auditing System (CAS) agents on the datab
ase server.

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