Inductive Approach Tefl Ratih

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Compiled by:
Ratih Nirmalasari 0801050021
Ni'matul Muzayyanah 0801050024
Yosita Dwi N 0801050003

English Faculty
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto

A. What is inductive thinking?

In inductive thinking the individual makes a number of observations which are
then sorted into a concept or generalization; the individual doesn’t have prior knowledge
of abstraction but only arrives at it after observing and analyzing the observation.

B. What is the meant by an inductive approach

The inductive approach is a teaching strategy which uses data to teach pupils
concepts and generalization. In this approach, the teacher presents pupils with data;
pupils are asked to make observation of the data and, on basic of these observations, to
form the abstraction being taught.
The material in Inductive Approach:
For examples about reading, an inductive approach lesson seeking to develop the
understanding that earthquakes are often found alone plate boundaries might use the
following sequence:
1. Read news paper exact on recent earthquake in Yogyakarta
2. Identify the problem and the main features of the Yogyakarta earth quake and it is
effect on the landscape
3. Look at the location of other earth quake in relation to plate boundaries in order to
Example about listening:
Learners listen to a conversation that includes examples of the use of the third
conditional. The teacher checks that the students understand the meaning of its use
through checking learners' comprehension of the listening text, and only after this focuses
on the form, using the examples from the text to elicit rules about the form, its use and its

Recall a lesson you attended in which the teacher used an inductive approach.
C. How do I plan for an inductive approach?
The having phase of the inductive approach begins with a consideration of goals
which can be achieved using this approach. Inductive is a teaching strategy capable of
achieving a number of teaching goals. First, and perhaps foremost, the inductive model is
an effective means of teaching concepts and generalization.
Identify other goals:

Having identified the goals for the activity and concluded that the inductive
approach is the most appropriate way to achieve these goals, the teacher’s next planning
task is to prepare example needed to teach the abstraction. This is most critical part of
planning for an inductive activity. The example provides the data which pupils use to
process, or form, the abstraction being taught. The examples used in an inductive activity
should be prepared so the characteristics of the concept are readily observable to the
The task preparing examples to teach a generalization is a bit more complex.
Appropriate examples for illustrating a generalization must not only illustrate the concept
contained in generalization, but most also illustrate the relationship within the concept.
Once examples or illustration are prepared, the planning phase of inductive activities is
complete. The teacher can now begin the activity.

D. How do I implement an inductive approach ?

The teacher often begins by presenting one of the selected example or illustrations
of the abstraction to be taught. The teacher asks the pupils to make as many observations
from the example as possible. Many of the observations may not be related to the
generalization the teacher has in mind. However, they are accurate observations, and as
they are made, the teacher might beneficially write them on the board or transparency.

After the students have exhausted the number of observations they can make, or
the teacher in the interest of time decides to move on, a second example is presented.
Again the students make many observations as possible. They may already begin to
notice similarities between the first and second example which will tend to narrow the
range of observations for succeeding examples.
When the students have exhausted the number of possible observations, the
teacher moves on the third examples. At this point the pupils probably will narrow the
range of observations. If not, the teacher may prompt and probe pupils for a narrower
The process continues through a fourth example, a fifth, etc until the students
acquire the abstraction. During this phase of the activity, students build upon their
observations and attempt to piece them together to arrive at some abstraction. The teacher
aid students by providing additional data, by acting as a facilitator, writing down
observations on the board for all to see, and by helping students clarify their marks. It is
important here to allow student’s time to process the data. Teachers who are accustomed
to using an expository style are often attempted to provide more aid than is necessary. It
is essential during this phase that the teacher allows sufficient time to promote pupil’s
thorough analysis of examples.
The teacher should refrain from verifying the correctness of the inferences formed
by pupils. Place instead responsibility for verification on the teachers. The teacher should
assume a questioning posture and require pupils to validate conclusions with the data
presented. Once student’s inferences are validates by data, the teacher can bring the
lesson to closure by verifying the abstraction, asking students to verbalize it, and by
representing additional examples to reinforce students learning. The points at which the
teacher verifies the abstraction and the amount of support provided the student is, of
course, a matter of professional judgment.
E. Why use Inductive Approach
• It moves the focus away from the teacher as the giver knowledge to the learners
as discoverers of it.
• It moves the focus away from rules to use-and use is, after all, our aim in
• It encourages learner autonomy. If learners can find out rules for themselves then
they are making significant steps towards being independent. We can take this
further by letting learners decide what aspect of the language in a text they want
to analysis.
• It teaches a very important skill-how use real language to find out the rules about
• It can be particularly effective with low levels and with certain types of young
learners. It enables these students to focus on use, not complex rules and

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