Japanese Words

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samurai [sam-oo-rahy] noun,:"warrior, knight," originally the military retainer of the daimio, variant of saburai , nominal form

of sabura(h)u "to be in attendance, to serve."

Genbuku noun. :historical Japanese coming-of-age ceremony. Gen means "head" and fuku means "wearing".
Shogun /ˈSHōɡən/ noun : a hereditary commander in chief in feudal Japan; was generally the real ruler of the country until
feudalism until abolished in 1867.
Edo /ˈedō/ Noun:1.a member of a people inhabiting the district of Benin in Nigeria.2.the Benue-Congo language of the Edo.
Adjective : relating to the Edo or their language.
Shi Noun: official; civil service : death, deceased :four

Yoshi [YO-SHEE] Noun: an expression of excitement or enthusiasm : righteous : good, virtuous, respectable

Wabi /ˈwäbē/ Noun : (in Japanese art) a quality of austere and serene beauty expressing a mood of spiritual solitude
recognized in Zen Buddhist philosophy.
Sabi Noun: things whose beauty stems from age. It refers to the patina of age, and the concept that changes due to use may
make an object more beautiful and valuable.: This also incorporates an appreciation of the cycles of life, as well as
careful, artful mending of damage.
Verb: withered
Giri Noun: duty; sense of duty; honor; honour; decency; courtesy; debt of gratitude; social obligation
Dai Noun: table, stand, pedestal, support, rack :a title, a theme, subject
Modifier: ordinal number marker (example: number one, first)
Kinoji Noun: 77th birthday :a type of gun : painted bunting (Passerina ciris)
Kimono [kuh-moh-nuh, -noh] Noun: a loose, wide-sleeved robe, fastened at the waist with a wide sash, characteristic of
Japanese costume.
:a woman's loose dressing gown.
Uji [\ ˈü(ˌ)jē\]Noun: a silkworm disease in Japan caused by the parasitic larva of the uji fly
Pronoun: a city on the southern outskirts of the city of Kyoto, in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Founded on March 1, 1951,
Uji is located between the two ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto.
Tokugawa [taw-koo-gah-wah] Noun :a member of a powerful family in Japan that ruled as shoguns, 1603–1867. :a period of
Japanese history under the rule of Tokugawa shoguns, characterized by a samurai ruling class, urbanization, and the
growth of a merchant class.
Shogunate (shō′gə-nĭt, -nāt′) Noun: a form of Japanese government during 1192–1867 in which the ruler is an absolute
dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)
Fuku Noun: Clothes Kokoro noun: feelings
Abunai Adjective: dangerous Jikan noun: time
Sensei Noun: teacher
Atatakai Adjective: Warm
Nonoshiru Verb: abuse verbally, curse
Medatsu Verb: attract attraction; stand out
Yomigaeru Verb; brought back to life, refreshed
Kanarazu Verb: certainly, by all means
Katsute Adverb: once, before
Itsumo Adverb: always
Shounen Noun: boy
Wakamono noun: youth, young person
Jinrui: humanity

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