Influenza F PDF
Influenza F PDF
Influenza F PDF
What is influenza and what How does influenza affect Avian influenza can cause mild
causes it? my animal? signs in people including redness
Influenza, also called the “flu”, is a In mammals, the most common and mild swelling around the eyes
viral disease that affects humans and clinical signs of influenza include, (conjunctivitis). In some cases the
many animals. It most commonly fever, cough, nasal discharge (“runny” more severe avian virus strain can
causes a fever and respiratory nose) and difficulty breathing. In cause severe breathing problems
problems. There are three groups severe cases, death can occur. including death.
of influenza viruses, called type A, B, Infected waterfowl do not usually Who should I contact, if I
or C. Influenza type A is the primary show signs of illness. Poultry however, suspect influenza?
group affecting both humans and do get sick with the avian form of In Animals – Contact your
animals. Influenza A viruses also have influenza. In these birds, respiratory veterinarian immediately.
many different subtypes. Most only signs are common as well as decreased In Humans – Contact your
infect a single species (e.g., birds or egg production and diarrhea. physician immediately.
pigs), while other subtypes can affect
more than one species (e.g., birds, Can I get influenza? How can I protect my animal
pigs and humans). Influenza A viruses Yes. Humans can become infected from influenza?
can undergo rapid genetic changes with influenza. Most viral subtypes are Vaccines are available for pigs,
(antigenic shift) which then allows animal specific, but humans can be horses, and dogs. If your animal
them to infect new species of animals. infected with some swine strains and becomes infected with influenza,
less frequently avian strains. contact your veterinarian; proper
What animals get influenza?
Exposure typically occurs through medical care can improve recovery
Birds, pigs, horses, ferrets, dogs, and
the air (aerosol), direct contact with and help minimize secondary
cats can all be infected with various
nasal discharges or contact with complications.
strains of the influenza virus. Influenza
contaminated objects (fomites).
in birds is often referred to as avian
Signs of illness include fever, muscle How can I protect myself
influenza, in pigs as swine influenza, in from influenza?
pain, headaches, sneezing, runny
horses as equine influenza and so on.
nose, sore throat, cough, dizziness, The best way to prevent human
Influenza in humans is often referred
and drowsiness. influenza is to be vaccinated for
to as the seasonal flu. Waterfowl
influenza each year. Proper sanitation
are important reservoirs for many
is also important. Cover your mouth
subtypes of influenza.
and nose when sneezing, wash your
How can my animal get hands regularly, and avoid close
influenza? contact with anyone sick. Wear
protective clothing, gloves, and masks
In mammals, the influenza virus is
when in contact with pigs or birds
transmitted through the air (aerosol)
which may be infected with influenza.
by coughing and sneezing, by direct
contact with nasal discharges or by For More Information
objects contaminated with the virus
(fomites). Influenza (the FLU) CFSPH Technical Fact Sheets. Influenza
In birds, the virus is shed in the feces is a respiratory viral disease DiseaseInfo/default.htm
as well as saliva and nasal secretions; that can affect animals
CDC website. Influenza at http://www.cdc.
fecal-oral transmission is the most and humans. gov/flu
common means of spread for avian Left (circle): Electron micrograph of influenza virus.
Right: Sneezing can spread influenza viruses.
influenza (bird flu).
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