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The document discusses a project on producing biodiesel from algae on an industrial scale of 10,000 tons per year. It provides background information on the process and cites several references for further information.

The project is about designing a process to produce biodiesel from algae at an annual rate of 10,000 tons through a steady industrial process.

The main steps involved in biodiesel production from algae are cultivating the algae, extracting the oil from the algae, converting the algal oil to biodiesel through a transesterification reaction, and purification of the biodiesel product.



10,000 Ton/Year
Project Design Research
Submitted to the College of Engineering / Chemical Engineering
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor in
Chemical Engineering

Supervised by:
Dr. Ali A. Jazie

Prepared by:

Kamil saad Kamil AL-Musawe

Aqeel Redha Tohma


This is to certify that work incorporated in the project

“Production of Biodiesel from Algae ” has been carried out by Mr.
kamil saad , Mr. Aqeel Redha ’ under my direct supervision and
guidance in the Chemical Engineering Department, College of
Engineering, Al-Qadisiyah University. The investigations have been
carried out by the candidates themselves.

Name: Dr. Ali A. Jazie
Date: / /

Name: Dr. Salih Rushdi
(Head of Department)
Date: / /
‫ﺑﺴﻢ اﷲ اﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ اﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬
‫ﻣﻦ أَ ْﻣﺮ‬
‫ﻚ َﻋ ْﻦ اﻟﺮﱡ وح ﻗُ ْﻞ اﻟﺮﱡ و ُح ْ‬ ‫‪َ ‬وﯾ ْﺴﺄَﻟُﻮﻧَ َ‬
‫َرﺑﱢﻲ َوﻣﺎ أُوﺗﯿﺘُ ْﻢ ْ‬
‫ﻣﻦ ْاﻟ ِﻌ ْﻠﻢ إﻻﱠ ﻗَﻠﯿﻼً‪‬‬
‫ﺻﺪق اﷲ اﻟﻌﻠﻲ اﻟﻌﻈﻴﻢ‬

‫ﺳﻮرة اﻹﺳﺮاء )اﻵﯾﺎت ‪(٨٥ - ٨٤‬‬


‫ﻣن ﯾﺳر ﻟﻲ طرﯾﻘﻲ ‪ ..‬وﺷرح ﻟﻲ ﺻدري ‪ ..‬وﻧ ّﯾ َر ﻟﻲ ذھﻧﻲ‬
‫اﻟﺷﻣس أﺟﻣل ﻓﻲ ﺑﻼدي ﻣن ﺳواھﺎ‪ ...‬واﻟظﻼم ـ ﺣﺗﻰ اﻟظﻼم ـ‬
‫ھﻧﺎك أﺟﻣل ﻓﮭو ﯾﺣﺗﺿنُ اﻟﻌراق‪...‬‬
‫ﻣن ‪ ..‬ھدم ﻧﻔﺳﮫ ﻟﺑﻧﺎﺋﻧﺎ ‪ ..‬وأﻧﮭك ﻗواه ‪ ..‬ﻟﻧﻘوى‬
‫ﻣن ‪ ..‬ﺳﮭرت ﻷﺟل ﻧوﻣﻧﺎ ‪ ..‬وﺿﺣت ﻷﺟل أن ‪ ..‬ﻧﺣﯾﺎ‬
‫ﻣن أﻧﺎر طرﯾﻘﻲ ﻓﻲ ھذا اﻟﻌﻣل واﻟﻰ ﺻﺎﺣب اﻟﻣﺷورة واﻟﻔﺿل اﻻﻛﺑر ﻓﻲ اﻧﺟﺎز‬
‫ھذا اﻟﻌﻣل ‪ ..‬ﺻﺎﺣب اﻟﻘﻠب اﻟطﯾب واﻻﺧﻼق اﻟﻌﺎﻟﯾﺔ‬
‫) اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر ﻋﻠﻲ ﻋﺒﺪ اﻟﺤﺴﯿﻦ ﺟﺎزع(‬

‫ﺗﻌﺠﺰ اﻟﻜﻠﻤﺎت ﻋﻦ اﻟﺸﻜﺮ واﻟﺘﻘﺪﯾﺮ ﻷﺟﻠ ِﻚ‪ ،‬ﻓﻠﻘﺪ ﻋﺪت إﻟﻰ اﻟﺤﯿﺎة و اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ ﺑﻘﻮة‬
‫وأﺧﻼﺻﻚ ﻟﻲ‪ ،‬ﻣﻨﺤﺘﻨﻲ اﻟﮭﻤﺔ واﻟﻨﺸﺎط‪... ،‬ﻓﻠﻜﻲ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ﺟﮭﻮدك اﻟﻤﻀﯿﺌﺔ‪ ،‬وھﻤﺘ ِﻚ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ﺑﻔﻀﻞ‬
‫ﻣﻨﻲ ﻛﻞ اﻟﺤﺐ واﻟﻮﻓﺎء ان ﺷﺎء ﷲ‬
‫)اﻟﺳت ﺣﻧﯾن(‬

‫ﻣﺎ اﺟﻤﻞ اﻟﻌﯿﺶ ﺑﯿﻦ اﻧﺎس اﺣﺘﻀﻨﻮا اﻟﻌﻠﻢ و ﻋﺸﻘﻮا اﻟﺤﯿﺎة و ﺗﻐﻠﺒﻮا ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺼﺎﻋﺐ‬
‫اﻟﻌﻠﻢ ‪ ..‬ﻟﻜﻢ اﺳﺎﺗﺬﺗﻲ ﺟﺰﯾﻞ اﻟﺸﻜﺮ و اﻻﻣﺘﻨﺎن ﻋﻠﻰ ﺟﮭﻮدﻛﻢ‬
‫اﻟﺸﻜﺮ اﻟﺨﺎص اﻟﻰ رﺋﺎﺳﺔ اﻟﻘﺴﻢ اﻟﻜﯿﻤﯿﺎوي دﻛﺘﻮر ﺻﺎﻟﺢ ﻋﺒﺪ اﻟﺠﺒﺎر ﺻﺎﻟﺢ وﻣﻘﺮر‬
‫اﻟﻘﺴﻢ أﺳﺘﺎذ ھﺸﺎم ﻣﺤﻤﺪ‬

‫ﻣﻦ ‪ ...‬أﺷﺮﻛﺘﮭﻢ ﻓﻲ أﻣﺮي‪ ..‬وﺷﺪدت ﺑﮭﻢ أزري‬

‫أﺧوﺗﻲ وأﺧواﺗﻲ‬
‫ﻓﻠذة ﻛﺑدي ‪ ..‬وزﯾﻧﺔ اﻟﺣﯾﺎة اﻟدﯾﻧﺎ‬
‫أﺻدﻗﺎﺋﻲ وأﺣﺑﺎﺋﻲ‬
‫ﻛل ﻣن دﻋﺎ ﻟﻲ ﺧﯾرا‬
‫أھدي ﺛﻣرة ﺟﮭدي اﻟﻣﺗواﺿﻊ ھذا‬

I would like to express my gratefulness to Allah for giving me
strength and wisdom in my research work. In preparing this
project I was in contact with many people, researchers,
academicians, technicians and practitioners. They all have
contributed to my understanding and valuable thoughts during
my research. First and foremost, I would like to express my
special thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Ali A. Jazie, for his
encouragement, guidance, ideas which enlighten my curiosity,
suggestion, advice and friendship. I am gratefully expressing
my thanks to my love who understand me and gave me the spirit
and continuing support to finish this study

This project has to steady process of Biodiesel production at a
rate of 10,000 ton/year. In first chapter, the production methods
are discussed and compressed between them to select the
economical methods. Next, material balance has been made on
the selected methods, after that, energy balance on each
equipment in detail was made in chapter there. In the chapter
four, the equipment design on main part of project has been
made such as Extractor , distillation followed by calculation of
this equipment costs.
List of Contents

Content Page

List of Content ................................................................................................. I

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Introduction ………................................................................................. 2
1.2 Physical and Chemical Properties..............................................................١٠
1.3 Uses ………………………………….……………………………..…...1٢
1.7 Method of production …..……………………..……………...................1٤

Chapter Two: Material Balance

2.1 Basic Calculations .................................................................................. 1٨

2.2 Material Balance on exractor…............................................................... 1٨
2.3 Material Balance on reactor……............................................................. ٢٠
2.4 Material Balance on packed column ...................................................... ٢٣
2.5 Material Balance on separator…............................................................. ٢٥
2.6 Material Balance on washing ………………………………………….2٧
2.7 Material Balance on evaporator…........................................................... ٣٠

2.8 Material Balance on dryer………............................................................ ٣٢
2.9 Material Balance on equivalent……........................................................ ٣٤
2.10 Material Balance on distillation 1.......................................................... 3٧
2.11 Material Balance on distillation 2 ......................................................... 3٩

Chapter Three: Energy Balance

3.1 Energy balance around extractor .......................................................... 44

3.2 Energy balance around reactor................................................................ 45
3.3 Energy balance around packed column................................................... 47
3.4 Energy balance around separator ……................................................... 49
3.5 Energy balance around washing………………………….…..………..51
3.6 Energy balance around evaporator......................................................... 53
3.7 Energy balance around dryer………….................................................. 55
3.8 Energy balance around equivalent…. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. .. .. .. ..... .. 56
3.9 Energy balance around distillation 1 .................................................... 57
3.10 Energy balance around distillation 2.................................................... 61

Chapter Four: Equipment Design

4.1 Distillation column 1 Design ................................................................ 66
4.2 Extractor Design .................................................................................... 81

Chapter five: Cost Estimation
5.1 Extractor Cost ....................................................................................... 92
5.2 Reactor Cost ....................................................................................... 93
5.3 Packed column Cost .............................................................................94
5.4 Separator cost ……………………………………..……………….…95
5.5 Washing cost ……………………………..……………………….….96
5.6 Evaporator cost ………………………………...………………….….97
5.7 Dryer cost …………………...…………………………………….…. 98
5.8 Equivalent cost …………………………………..………..……….…99
5.9 Distillation column 1 cost ……………………………….….…….…..100
5.10 Distillation column 2 cost ……………………………...….….……..102

APPENDIX A ......................................................................................... 108

APPENDIX B ......................................................................................... 119
REFERENCES ....................................................................................... 125

Biodiesel, as Associate in Nursing substitute energy resource to standard
fossil fuels, has attracted vital attention owing to the connectedness to
environmental edges and therefore the fast consumption of fossil fuel.
Biodiesel is perishable, renewable, and nontoxic and can be derived from
vegetable oils, animal fats, and microalgae. As a renewable energy, the
applying of biodiesel are going to be of profit to cut back the world warming
and environmental pollutions [1,2]. Esterification of free fatty acids with
short-chain alcohols is an alternate route to provide biodiesel excluding
transesterification of triglycerides [3,4].
What’s additional, esterification will be applied as a pretreatment for alkali-
catalyzed transesterification to avoid reaction, particularly once the
compositions of free fatty acids ar quite a hundred and twenty fifth [5].
Normally, the esterification of free fatty acids is conducted with mineral
acids like acid however suffers the problems of apparatus corrosion, acidic
wastes, aspect reactions, or poor employment performance. to beat the higher
than drawbacks, solid acidic catalysts like resins and zeolites area unit inves
Recently, chemical action composite membranes derived from sulfonated
polyethersulfone (SPES) and polyethersulfone (PES) mix supported by non-
woven materials [6,7] area unit developed as economical heterogeneous
catalysts for biodiesel production from continuous esterification of
monounsaturated fatty acid. because the catalyst plays a vital role in
esterification reaction, developing economical, reusable and environmental-
friendly catalysts has invariably been concerned to comprehend the
inexperienced chemistry. within the past decades, with the distinctive
chemical science properties of negligible pressure level, fine physical and

chemical stability, and wide electrochemical potential window, ionic liquids
[8,9] became a brand new eco-benign approach toward fashionable chemistry
and located applications in an exceedingly wide selection of areas, including
chemical change, synthesis, separation, and gas absorption [10].
The tailored acidic ionic liquids catalysts show sensible chemical action
activity and property while not generation of wastes in reactions, that have
potential in replacement ancient homogeneous/heterogeneous acid
catalysts[11–14].Based on the nice sort of anion-cation pairs and therefore
the diversity within the facet chains of the cations [15–17], ionic liquids will
be immobilized onto solid materials [18] through impregnation [19],
condensation [20–22], chemical process [23], and sol-gel [24] to ready
‘‘supported ionic liquids”. Supported ionic liquids maintain the properties of
ionic liquids and supports and conjointly derive new performances and novel
functions owing to the synergistic effect of ionic liquids and supports, that
area unit useful in reducing the value and overcoming the consistency of
ionic liquids, increasing the quantity of accessible active sites of the catalysts,
and increasing the applications of ionic liquids [25–30].
As for many immobilized ionic liquid catalysts, the ionic liquids area unit
covalently connected onto the active teams of the supports and also the
loading quantity of ionic liquid is low as just one layer of ionic liquid part on
carrier surface is out there. It is generally accepted that the incorporation of
ionic liquid moieties into a poly mer chain combines a number of the
distinctive characters of ionic liquids with the common features of polymers,
providing new purposeful ities [31–33]. The recurrent compound ionic liquid
units of poly (ionic liquids) in chemical compound backbones kind
multilayered covalently connected ionic liquids phases, that is meant to be an
answer to possessing a lot of active sites and well stability at identical time
[34]. As for many pure poly (ionic liquids), the particular surface area unit as

are tiny and also the offered chemical change sites influence be not rich.
The arduous model approach could be a facile and economical way to
fabricate appropriate pore structure for inorganic or inorganic-organic hybrid
materials. however it's price noting that it had been seldom applied in pure
organic polymers due to the problem in model removal. arduous model SiO2
particle has been applied in fabricating pore structure for poly (ionic liquids)
however the take away of template engraved by NaOH resolution is long as
oxidisation can cause the damage of the framework [35,36].Furthermore,
thanks to the introduction of alkali, this method will hardly be utilized in
getting ready acidic organic polymers. Thus, correct onerous template, which
might be simply removed, are going to be notably necessary in fabricating
pore structure. during this work, a macroporous poly (ionic liquid) catalyst,
abbre viated as MPIL, with sturdy acid sites is task-specifically designed and
prepared for esterification of monounsaturated fatty acid with alcohols
through a tough guide strategy, using Fe3O4 particle as guide for the primary
The catalyst MPIL is especially prepared in 2 steps: uniformly mixed Fe3O4
guide with acidic ionic liquid monomer and instigator, and followed by
polymerization; the removal of Fe3O4 template with HCl/H2O/ethanol
resolution by inaudible treatment. The generated macroporous compound is
consistently characterised and catalytically assessed in heterogeneous
esterification of monounsaturated fatty acid with plant product for getting
ready biodiesel.
Besides, response surface methodology (RSM) is applied to optimize the
degree of reaction conditions, and also the optimum values for optimum
monounsaturated fatty acid conversion could be obtained employing a Box-
Behnken style (BBD) with less experimental work.

1.1.1 History
The method to get fuel from a fat isn't a replacement process. it had been as
early as 1853, when scientists E. Duffy and J. St. Patrick conducted the
primary transesterification of avegetable oil, a few years before the primary
diesel motor became absolutely useful.
Transesterification is that the method of victimisation associate degree
alcohol, like alcohol or fuel, in the presence of a catalyst like hydroxide or
potash, to chemically break the molecule of the raw renewable oil into alkyl
or ethyl radical esters of the renewable oil with glycerin as a by-product. We
could say the primary vehicle biodiesel-powered was Rudolf Diesel's prime
model, a single ten feet iron cylinder with a regulator at its base, that ran with
this fuel for the first time in Augsburg, Germany on August ten, 1893, later
he incontestible his engine hopped-up by peanut oil-a biofuel, receiving the
"Grand Prix" at the globe truthful in Paris, France in 1900.
Diesel believed that the employment of a biomass fuel was the future of his
engine, as he declared in his 1912 speech spoken language "the use of
vegetable oils for engine fuels could appear insignificant these days, however
such oils could become, in the course of your time, as vital as fossil fuel and
also the coal-tar merchandise of the current time."However throughout the
1920's, internal-combustion engine makers determined to change their
engines utilizing the lower consistency of the fuel, best understand as
petrodiesel, instead of such biomass edible fat fuel. All fossil fuel industries
were able to create inroads in fuel markets as a result of their fuel was a lot
of, less expensive to provide than the biomass alternatives, ignoring that
years ahead it might bring high pollution prices. A close to elimination of the
biomass fuel production infrastructure was for several years the results of
petrodiesel development. edible fat power-driven significant duty vehicles in
African nation before war II. Later, from 1978 to 1996, the U.S. National

Renewable Energy Laboratory experimented with victimization alga as a
biodiesel source within the "Aquatic Species Program". within the 1990's,
France launched the native production of biodiesel fuel, notable domestically
as diester, obtained by the transesterification of oil.
Today, environmental impact issues and a decreasing price differential
created biomass fuels like biodiesel a growing various and, in remembrance
of Rudolf Diesel 1st German run, August ten has been declared International
Biodiesel Day.

Advantages of the Use of Biodiesel

Some of the benefits of exploitation biodiesel as a replacement for diesel oil


• Renewable fuel, obtained from vegetable oils or animal fats.

• Low toxicity, as compared with diesel oil.

• Degrades quicker than diesel oil, minimizing the environmental

consequences of biofuel spills.

• Lower emissions of contaminants: CO, stuff, poly-cyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons, aldehydes.

• Lower health risk, thanks to reduced emissions of malignant neoplastic

disease substances.

• No dioxide (SO2) emissions.

• Higher flash point (100˚C minimum).

• could also be mingling with diesel oil at any proportion; each fuels could
also be mixed during the fuel offer to vehicles.

• glorious properties as a stuff.

• it's the sole various fuel which will be employed in a traditional ICE,
without modifications.

• Used preparation oils and fat residues from meat process could also be used
as raw materials

Disadvantages of the Use of Biodiesel:

There are bound disadvantages of mistreatment biodiesel as a replacement

for fuel that must be taken into consideration:

• Slightly higher fuel consumption as a result of the lower hot worth of

• Slightly higher inhalation anaesthetic (NOx) emissions than fuel.
• Higher melting point than fuel. this could be inconvenient in cold climates.
• it's less stable than fuel, and thus long-run storage (more than six months)
of biodiesel isn't suggested.
• could degrade plastic and natural rubber gaskets and hoses once utilized in
pure type, in which case replacement with Teflon? parts is suggested.
• It dissolves the deposits of sediments and different contaminants from fuel
in storage tanks and fuel lines, that then are flushed away by the biofuel into
the engine, wherever they'll cause issues within the valves and injection
systems. In consequence, the cleanup of tanks before filling with biodiesel is
suggested. It must be noted that these disadvantages are considerably reduced
once biodiesel is used in blends with fuel.

1.1.2 Raw Materials Lipid sources

A. Pure vegetable oil
Rapeseed oil (Canola)
Soybean oil
Palm oil
Sunflower oil
Peanut oil
Coconut oil
Safflower oil
Linseed oil
Microalgae oil (non edible)
Jatropha Curcas (non edible)
Pongamia Pinnata (non edible)
Neem oil (non edible)
Castor oil (non edible)

B .Animal fats
Sheep Tallow
Yellow grease
Poultry oil

C. Waste cooking oils(WFO)

used rapeseed oil
used sunflower oil
used soybean oil
used cottonseed oil
used olive oil.

Table 1.1: Comparison of algae and different crops for biofuels:
Source Gallons of oil per acre per year
Algae 5000 -20.000
Oil Palm 635
Coconut 287
Jatropha 207
Rapeseed 127
Peanut 113
Sunflower 102
Safflower 83
Soybeans 48
Hemp 39
Corn 18 Alcohols
The most commonly alcohol used in biodiesel production is methanol, although
alcohols for example, ethanol, isopropanol and butyl, can be used. Methanol is
produced by a variety of processes, the most common of which is the distillation
of liquid products from wood and coal, natural gas and petroleum gas. Characteristics of Alcohols Used in Biodiesel Production

Alcohols which will be utilized in biodiesel production ar those with short
chains, including wood spirit, ethanol, butanol, and amylic alcohol. the foremost
wide used alcohols are wood spirit (CH3OH) and ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH)
thanks to their low price and properties. wood spirit is commonly most well-
liked to ethyl alcohol in spite of its high toxicity because its use in biodiesel
production needs less complicated technology; excess alcohol may be recovered

at a coffee price and better reaction speeds are reached.
The comparison between two} alcohols is summarized in Box 2.2. It should be
remembered that so as for biodiesel to be a totally renewable fuel, it should be
obtained from vegetable oils and animal fats, beside AN alcohol that is made
from biomass, like bioethanol, rather than being an organic compound product.
many countries are ending analysis towards this objective, like European
country and Brazil.
1.2 Physical and Chemical properties
1.2.1 Biodiesel
Table 1.2 : Physical and Chemical properties of biodiesel
Name Biodiesel
Chemical Name Fatty acid Methyl Ester
Chemical Formula Range C14-C24 methyl esters
Kinematic Viscosity Range 3,3- 5,2

Molar mass g·mol 1 857

Density Range 860-894

Boiling point Range (K) >475
Flash Point Range (K) 430-455
Distillation Range (K) 470-600
Vapor Pressure (mmHg at 295K) <5
Solubility in water Insoluble in water
Physical appearance Light to dark yellow transparent
Odor Light soapy and oily odor
Biodegradability More than conventional diesel

Hfo (KJ/mol) -224309.895

Heating value (KJ/Kg) 41000

1.2.2 Methanol
Table 1.3 : Physical and Chemical properties of Methanol
Name Methanol, Mythel alcohol, Wood
Chemical Name Methyl hydroxide
Chemical Formula CH3OH
Kinematic Viscosity mPa×s (at 25 °C) 0.545

Molar mass g·mol 1 32.04

Density (g·cm 3) 0.792

Boiling point (K) 337.8

Flash Point Range (K) 284 – 285
Vapor Pressure (Kpa at 295K) 13.02
Physical appearance Colorless liquid
Cp of vapor at 363K (KJ/Kg.K) 1.79

Hfo (KJ/mol) -238.4

Latent heat KJ/Kg 1100

1.2.3 Hexane
Table 1.4 : Physical and Chemical properties of Hexane
Name Hexane
Chemical Formula C6H14
Kinematic Viscosity μPa s 294

Molar mass g·mol 1 86.18

Density (g·cm 3) 0.792

Boiling point (K) 341.6

Flash Point (K) 247.2
Vapor Pressure (KPa at 295K) 17.60
Physical appearance Colorless liquid
Odor Petrolic

1.2.4 Water
Table 1.5 : Physical and Chemical properties of Water
The molecular formula H2O
Physical State Liquid at room temp.
Appearance almost colorless, transparent,
with a slight hint of blue
Molecular Weight 18.01528 g/mol
Boiling point ,C 100
freezing point ,C 0
density , Kg/m3 sea water 1000 kg/m3,
993 kg/m3
Viscosity,Pa s at 20 °C 0.001
heat of vaporization, KJ/mol 43.99
Specific heat capacity,KJ/Kg.K 4.18
Std heat of formation,KJ/mol -285.8
critical pressure, MPa 4.6
critical temperature ,C 263
vapor pressure, 25 C, Pa 3,168

1.3 Uses

Even though the most use of alcohol was historically within the soap trade,
About the middle of the 20 th century over one,500 uses for alcohol had been
identified. These embrace the manufacture, conservation, softening and
moisturizing of Associate in Nursing ample type of product [65]. A number of
the uses of alcohol are:
• As Associate in Nursing additive within the manufacture of soaps, to enhance
their properties
• within the manufacture of Nitrostat for the assembly of explosives

• within the food trade, for the manufacture of sweets, soft drinks, and pet foods
and within the conservation of canned fruit
• attributable to its moisturizing and emollient properties, within the cosmetics
trade for the manufacture of creams and lotions
• within the industry, for the fabrication of ester foams, alkydic resins and
plastic wrap, among different uses
• within the pharmaceutical trade, for the manufacture of ointments, creams and
• within the manufacture of sure inks
• For the lubrication of molds.

In the last years, glycerol production has enlarged, owing to the steady growth
of biodiesel production. many tutorial and industrial analysis teams square
measure actively following new applications for glycerol, notably in reference
to polymers and surfactants [65]. It should be noted that the uses of glycerol
square measure in principle like those of different wide used poliols (glycol,
sorbitol, pentaerythritol, etc.), therefore gap the technological chance of
replacement these poliols in new applications. Of course, these substitutions can
happen if economically viable, and can depend upon the costs of glycerol and
therefore the poliols concerned. the most analysis objective is that the
production of high-valueadded products mistreatment glycerol, as an example,
as a substrate for supermolecule production from single-cell organisms, as a
stuff for the assembly of detergents and bioemulsifiers, for the assembly of
different poliols by fermentation (such as one,2-propanediol or one,3-
propanediol), or for the production of different biofuels (bioethanol, biogas,

1.4 Methods of producing biodiesel

1.4.1 Homogenous catalysts in biodiesel production

The road of yellow brick is a part within the novel The fantastic Wizard of
Oz by L. Frank Baum, with extra such roads showing within the Marvelous
Land of Oz and also the Patchwork lady of Oz. The 1939 film The Wizard of
Oz, supported the novel, gave it the name by that it's higher glorious, the
Yellow Brick Road (it is rarely documented by that title within the original
novel). within the later film The ace, Dorothy should realize the road,
because the house wasn't standard biodiesel production is finished via base
catalysed transesterification using solid alkalescent catalysts. this can be the
foremost ordinarily used technique as it is taken into account to be the
foremost economical method (Singh et al, 2006).
Usually, the alkoxide ion needed for the transesterification reaction is
obtained by directly dissolving the pure metallic element within the alcohol
by adding associate alkali hydroxide (Schuchardta et al., 1998; Lotero et al.,
2005). As shown in Figure 2.14, the initial step of the {catalytic| chemical
method| chemical change |chemical action} process involves the assembly of
associate alkoxide ion through nucleon abstraction from the alcohol by base
catalyst (step 1).
The alkoxide particle attacks a carbonyl carbon of the acylglycerol molecule
and forms a tetrahedral intermediate particle (step 2), that is rearranged to
come up with a diglyceride ion and chemical group organic compound
molecule (step 3). Finally, the diglyceride particle reacts with the protonated
base catalyst, that generates a diglyceride molecule and turns the base
catalyst into the initial kind (step 4). The ensuing diglyceride is prepared to

react with another alcohol molecule, thereby beginning successive chemical
change cycle.deposited directly ahead of it; within the novel and also the
1939 film, Dorothy's home is placed directly ahead of the road.

1.4.2 A method of producing biofuel from tobacco

A method of manufacturing biofuel from tobacco biomass together with solvent

extraction of the tobacco biomass with methyl acetate or ester,
transesterification ofthe oil obtained from the biomass and separation of the
biofuel from the transesterified product. glorious yields of biofuel supported the
weight of the biomass square measure obtained.

1.4.3 production of biodiesel from the extraction of non – edible oils

Disclosed herein could be a single pot method for manufacturing biodiesel and
the product thereof, mistreatment non-edible oil sources containing free
carboxylic acid. The process includes esterification and transesterification of
non-edible oil sources containing free fatty acids during a single pot using a
water scavenger or a water adsorbent or a combination thence.

1.4.4 Heterogenous catalysts in biodiesel production .

The importance of the topic refers to the conversion of protoctist, that grow
within the treatment units within the waste material water and born-again to
biofuels and might add many ways counting on the sort of catalyst utilized in
the method and sometimes uses a homogeneous helper like hydrated oxide and
caustic potash, the thought of this analysis is to search out AN innovative helper
in an exceedingly sol-ged methodology characterised by high thickness and

appropriate surface areas, that square measure giant particles and are within the
industrial processes, particularly biodiesel production. the assembly of the
plugin is easy, with a tiny low value, and therefore the auxiliary issue are often
extracted simply and at low cost and recycled And with you we have a tendency
to get a lower value of the assembly method and the best thanks to preserve the

1.4.5 Biodiesel production from algae

Algae have many reasons why they could be consider as one of the most perfect
choices for biofuel production. Algae grows 50 to 100 times faster than
conventional food crops, and according to some energy experts biofuels
produced from algae have the potential to become one of the best alternative
energy solution that could one day even be capable enough to replace currently
dominant fossil fuels. Additional advantage is that algae are single-cell
organisms meaning they do not require freshwater resources or soil for growth,
which makes things lot easier.

Chapter Two

Material Balance

2.1 Basic Calculation:

Product = 10,000 = 1389 kg/hr

Basis = 1 hr

MT(mass of algae oil) = = 1462 kg


Input to extractor :

Mac (mass of algae ) = = 4873 kg


Methanol = 2.5*487 3= 12182.5 kg

Hexane = 2.5 *4873 = 12182.5 kg

2.2 Material balance on extractor

Algae cake

Algae oil

Methanol Extractor Methanol

Hexane Hexane

Algae input = 4873kg

Algae oil output = 1462kg

Material balance on methanol

Input=12182.5 kg

Input =output

Output = 12182.5kg

Material balance on Hexane

Input=12182.5 kg

Input =output

Output = 12182.5kg

Cake out put = 4873-1462 = 3411kg

Comp. Input (kg) Output(kg)

Algae 4873 0

methanol 12182.5 12182.5

Hexane 12182.5 12182.5

Algae oil 0 1462

Cake 0 3411
29238kg 29238kg

2.3 Material balance on Reactor


Algae oil Biodiesel
Methanol Methanol
hexane Hexane
Algae oil

= =5.8 kmole


=52.2 kmole


52.5 =

= 1670.4 kg (input)


=34.8 kmole

=34.8 * 86

=2992.8 kg (input)

= *5.8

= 0.29 kmole

= 0.29 *98

=28.42 kg(input)

Material balance on H2so4 :

Input = output

Output = 28.42 kg

Material balance on Hexane:

Input = output

Output = 2992.8 kg

Material balance on Methanol :

Input = output

Output = 1670.4 kg

Material balance on Biodiesel :

Input = 0
Output = * 1389

=20.835 kg

Material balance on Algae oil :

Input = 1462 kg

Output = 1462 – 20.835

=1441.165 kg

Comp. Input (kg) Output(kg)
Algae oil 1462 1441.165

methanol 1670.4 1670.4

Hexane 2992.8 2992.8

H2so4 28.42 28.42

Biodiesel 0 20.835
6153.62kg 6153.62kg

Recycle methanol = 12182.5 – 1670

= 10512.1 kg

Recycle hexane = 12182.5 – 2992.8

=9189.7 kg

2.4 Material balance on packed column

macro porous


Algae oil

Material balance on biodiesel

Input = 20.835 kg

Output=1389 – 20.835

= 1368.165kg

Material balance on H2so4

Input = 28.42 kg

Input =Output

Output =28.42 kg

Material balance on methanol

1 algae oil +3 methanol 3 Ester +1 Glycerol

React methanol = 3 *5.8

=17.4 kmole *32

= 556.8 kg

Input methanol = 1670.4 kg

1670.4 – 556.8 =1113.6 kg (excess methanol)

Material balance on Hexane

Input = 2992.8 kg

Input =Output

Output =2992.8 kg

Material balance on Glycerol

Input =0

Output = 650.635 kg

Comp. Input(kg) Output(kg)

Algae oil 1441.165 0
methanol 1670.4 1113.6
Hexane 2992.8 2992.8
H2so4 28.42 28.42
Biodiesel 20.835 1368.165
glycerol 0 650.635
6153.62 6153.62

2.5 Material balance on separator
0.5%glycero l



Material balance on biodiesel

Input = 1368.165kg

Input = output

Output = 1368.165 kg

From top

Methanol = * 1113.6

=5.568 kg

Hexane = * 2992.8

= 14.964 kg

Glycerol== *650.635 = 3.253 kg

From bottom

Methanol = 1113.6 – 5.568

= 1108.032 kg

Hexane =2992.8 – 14.964

= 2977.836 kg

Glycerol = 650.635 – 3.253

= 647.382 kg

Material balance on H2so4

Input = 28.42 kg

Input =Output

Output =28.42 kg

Comp. Input(kg) Output(kg)

methanol 1113.6 1113.6

Hexane 2992.8 2992.8
H2so4 28.42 28.42
Biodiesel 1368.165 1368.165
glycerol 650.635 650.635
6153.62 6153.62

2.6 Material balance on Washing




( )
ρ =
( )

( )

= 1.53



( )
ρ =
( )


=7650 kg (input)

Material balance on Biodiesel

Input = 1368.165kg

Input = output

Output=1368.165 kg

Material balance on Methanol :

Input= 5.568 kg

Input = output

Output = 5.568 kg

Material balance on Hexane :

Input= 14.964 kg

Input = output

Output = 14.964 kg

Material balance on Glycerol:

Input= 3.253 kg

Input = output

Output = 3.253 kg

Material balance on water :

Input= 7650 kg

Input = output

Output = 7650 kg

Comp. Input(kg) Output(kg)

Water 7650 7650
methanol 5.568 5.568
Hexane 14.964 14.964

Biodiesel 1368.165 1368.165

glycerol 3.253 3.253
9041.95 9041.95

2.7 Material balance on evaporator


evaporator Methanol


Material balance on Biodiesel

Input = 1368.165kg

Input = output

Output=1368.165 kg

Material balance on Methanol :

Input= 5.568 kg

Input = output

Output = 5.568 kg

Material balance on Hexane :

Input= 14.964 kg

Input = output

Output = 14.964 kg

Material balance on Glycerol:

Input= 3.253 kg

Input = output

Output = 3.253 kg

Material balance on water

Input =7650kg

Output = *7650

=765 kg

Material balance on Steam

Input = 0

Output = 7650 – 765

=6885 kg

Comp. Input(kg) Output(kg)
Water 7650 765
Methanol 5.568 5.568
Hexane 14.964 14.964

Biodiesel 1368.165 1368.165

Glycerol 3.253 3.253
Steam 0 6885
9041.95 9041.95

2.8 Material balance on dryer


dryer steam


Material balance on biodiesel

Input = 1368.165kg

Input = output

Output=1368.165 kg

Material balance on water

Input= 765 kg


Material balance on steam

Input= 0

Output=765 kg

Comp. Input(kg) Output(kg)

Water 765 0
Biodiesel 1368.165 1368.165
Steam 0 765
2133.165 2133.165

2.9 Material balance on tank

Biodiesel input = 1368.165 kg

2.10 Material balance on Equivalent



Na2SO4 H2so4
Methanol Methanol
Hexane Hexane
Glycerol glycerol

2NaOH +H2SO4 Na2SO4 +2H2O

= = 0.29 kmole

= 2 * 0.29

= 0.58 kmole

= 0.58 *40

=23.2 kg

= 1 * 0.29

=0.29 kmole

=0.29 * 142

=41.18 kg

=2 * 0.29

=0.58 kmole

=0.58 * 18

=10.44 kg

Material balance on Methanol :

Input= 1108.032 kg

Input = output

Output = 1108.032 kg

Material balance on Hexane :

Input= 2977.835kg

Input = output

Output = 2977.835 kg

Material balance on Glycerol:

Input= 647.382 kg

Input = output

Output = 647.382 kg

Material balance on H2SO4

Input= 28.42 kg

Input = 0

Material balance Na2SO4


Output = 41.18 kg

Material balance H2O


Output = 10.44 kg

Material balance NaOH

Input=23.2 kg

Output = 0 kg

Comp. Input(kg) Output(kg)

Water 0 10.44
Methanol 1108.032 1108.032
Hexane 2977.836 2977.836

NaOH 23.2 0
Glycerol 647.382 647.382
Na2SO4 0 41.18
H2SO4 28.42 0
4784.87 4784.87

2.11 Material balance on distillation 1



Material balance on Methanol :

Input= 1108.032 kg

Input = output

Output = 1108.032 kg

Assume :Methanol out from top =( ) *1108.32

=1086.15 kg

Methanol out from bottom =( ) *1108.32 = 22.17 kg

Material balance on Hexane :

Input= 2977.835kg

Input = output

Output = 2977.835 kg

Material balance on Glycerol:

Input= 647.382 kg

Input = output

Output = 647.382 kg

Material balance Na2SO4

Input=41.18 kg

Input =Output

Output =41.18 kg

Material balance H2O

Input=10.44 kg

Input =Output

Output =10.44 kg

Assume :H2O out from bottom = ( ) *10.44

=10.231 kg

H2O out from top =( ) *10.44 = 0.209 kg

Comp. Input(kg) Output(kg)

Water 10.44 10.231+0.209=10.44
methanol 1108.032 1086.15+22.17=1108.32

Hexane 2977.836 2977.836

Na2SO4 41.18 41.18
Glycerol 647.382 647.382
4137.776 4137.776

2.12 Material balance on distillation 2



Material balance on Hexane :
Input= 2977.835kg

Input = output

Output = 2977.835 kg

Assume: hexane out from top =( ) *2977.836

=2918.279 kg

Hexane out from bottom =( ) *2977.836

=59.557 kg

Material balance on Glycerol:

Input= 647.382 kg

Input = output

Output = 647.382 kg

Material balance on Na2SO4

Input=41.18 kg

Input =Output

Output =41.18 kg

Material balance on H2O

Input=10.44 kg

Input =Output

Output =10.44 kg

Assume :H2O out from bottom =( ) *10.231 = 10.026 kg

H2O out from top =( ) *10.231 = 0.205 kg

Material balance on methanol


Input =Output

Output =22.17 kg

Comp. Input(kg) Output(kg)

Water 10.231 10.026+0.205=10.231
Hexane 2977.836 2918.279+59.557=2977.836
Na2SO4 41.18 41.18
Glycerol 647.382 647.382
Methanol 22.17 22.17
3698.799 3698.799

Fig(2.1) Biodiesel production from algae

Energy Balance

3.1 Energy Balance Around Extractor :

T=363 k

T=298 k T=363 k
Algae =0.16 Algae oil = 0.06
Methanol = 0.42
Methanol = 0.47
Hexane =0.42
Hexane = 0.47

H = Hout - Hin
H = (H2 + H3) – H1

H1= m T
H1 = m (T-Tref)
H1 = m (298-298)
H1= 0

H2= m T
H2= 3411 *2.516 *(363 -298)
H2 =557834.94 kJ

H3= m T
= [( * )+( * ) +( *
=[(0.06 *1.97 )+(0.47 *2.72 )+(0.47 *2.48)]

= 2.5622

H3=25827 *2.5622*(363-298)
H3 =4301306.061 KJ
H =[ (4301306.061+557834.94)-0]
H = 4859141.001 KJ

3.2 Energy Balance Around Reactor :

5 T=338K
T=363K H2so4
4 6

Algae oil =0.24
Methanol=0.27 Biodiesel =0.0034
Hexane=0.49 Methanol=0.271
Hexane =0.49
Algae oil =0.23


H = Hout - Hin

H = H6 –(H5+H4)

H4= m T
= [( * )+( * ) +( *
=[(0.24 *1.97 )+(0.27 *2.72 )+(0.49 *2.48)]

= 2.4224

H4 =964449.49 KJ
H5= m T
H5= 28.42 *0.77 *(298 -298)
H5 =0

H6= m T
= [( * )+( * ) +( *
) +(( * )+( * )]
=[(0.23*1.97 )+(0.271 *2.62 )+(0.49 *2.37) +(0.0046*1.48)+

= 2.339

H6 =575732.69 KJ

H =[ 575732.69 –( 0+964449.49)]
H = - 388716.8 KJ

3.3 Energy balance around packed column

Macro porous

T= 338 k T= 333k

6 7
=0.0034 Biodiesel = 0.22
Methanol=0.271 Methanol =0.18
Hexane =0.49 Hexane = 0.49
H2so4=0.0046 Glycerol =0.106
Algae oil =0.23 H2so4 =0.004

H + H reaction = Q
H = Hout - Hin
H = H7- H6
H7= m T
= [( * )+( * ) +( *
)+ ( * ( * ) +(]
=[(0.22 *2.21 )+(0.18 *2.604 )+(0.49 *2.354)+(0.004*1.477)+
(0.106 *1.444)]

= 2.267

H7 =488258.98 KJ
H = 488258.98-575732.69
H = - 87473.71 KJ

1 algae oil +3 methanol 3 Ester +1 Glycerol

Hreaction = ∑ Hof (products) - ∑Hof (reactants)

Hof (methanol) =-238.42 KJ/mol .

Hof (Glycerol) = -669.6 KJ/mol .
Hof (alges oil ) =9767.52 KJ/mol

Hreaction =( 3* Hof (Ester) + Hof (Glycerol)) – (Hof (Glyceride ) +3* Hof (Methanol
) )
= (3*-224309.895 +(-669.6) -(9767.52 +(-3*238.4)))

=-664547.025 KJ/mole* (No. of moles of alges oil )

=-664547.025 KJ/mole *5800 Kmol

=-3854372745 KJ

Q = H + H reaction
Q= 488258.98 - 3854372745
Q = - 3854324486 KJ

3.4 Energy balance around separator
Biodiesel = 0.983
8 0.5%Methanol=0.004
0.5%glycero l =0.0023
T= 333 k

Biodiesel = 0.22
Methanol =0.18
Hexane = 0.49 T=328k
Glycerol =0.106
H2so4 =0.004 9

Methanol = 0.23
Hexane = 0.63
H2so4 = 0.005
Glycerol = 0.135

H =Q
H = Hout - Hin
H = (H8+ H9) – H7
H8= m T
= [( * )+( * ) +( *
)+ ( * )]
=[(0.983 *2.125 )+(0.004 *2.587 )+(0.0107 *2.336)+
(0.0023*1. 501)]

= 2.128

H8=1391.95 *2.128 *(328-298)

H8 =88862.088 KJ

H9= m T
= [( * ) +( * )+
( )+ ( * )]
=[(0.23 *2.587 )+(0.63 *2.336 )+(0.005 *1.47)+
(0.135*1. 501)]

= 2.277

H9= 4761.67*2.277*(328-298)
H9 =325269.67 KJ
H = [(88862.088 + 325269.67) – 488258.98
H = - 74127.222 KJ
Q= H = - 74127.222 KJ

3.6 Energy balance around washing

298 k
328 k

Biodiesel = 0.983
Methanol=0.004 10
Hexane=0.0107 313 k
glycero l =0.0023

Biodiesel = 0.151
Methanol = 0.0006
Hexane = 0.002
Glycerol = 0.0004
Water = 0.846

H = Hout - Hin
H = H10 – (H9+ H8)

H9= m T
H9 =7650 * 4.18*(298 – 298 )

H9 =0
H10= m T
= [( * )+( * ) +( *
)+ ( * ) + (( * )]
=[(0.151 *1.861 )+(0.0006 *2.539 )+(0.002 *2.285)+(0.0004 *1.658)

= 3.824

H10 =518646.252 KJ
H = 518646 – (0+88862.088)
H =429783.912 KJ
Q= H =429783.912 KJ

3.7 Energy balance around evaporator

T=313 k Biodiesel = 0.151

10 Methanol = 0.0006
Hexane = 0.002
Glycerol = 0.0004
Water = 0.846

evaporator 11 T=373 k

T=373 k Steam = 0.9966

Methanol = 0.0008
12 Hexane = 0.0022
Glycerol = 0.0004
Biodiesel = 0.64
Water = 0.36

H = Hout - Hin
H = (H11 + H12) - H1

H11= m T
= [( * )+( * ) +( *
)+ ( * )]

=[(0.9966 *1.894 )+(0.0008 *2.767 )+(0.0022 *2.53)+(0.0004 *0.918) ]


H11 =982429.227 KJ

H12= m T
= [( * )+( * )]
= [(0.64 *2.849)+(0.36 *4.197)]


H12 =2133.165 *3.334 *(373 – 298)

= 533397.91 KJ

H = (982429.227 +533397.91) – 518646.252

H =997180.885 KJ

Q = 997180.885 KJ

3.8 Energy balance around dryer

T=373k Biodiesel = 0.64

12 Water = 0.36

13 T=373
dryer k

H = Hout - Hin
H = (H13 + H14) – H12

H13= m T

H13 =765 *1.894 *(373 – 298)

H13 =108668.25 KJ

H14= m T

H14 =1368.165*2.849*(373 – 298)

=292342.65 KJ

H = [(108668.25+292342.65) – 533397.91]

= - 132387.01 KJ

Q= - 132387.01

2.10 Energy balance around equivalent
T= 298 k
T= 338 T=328 k
k 9


Na2SO4 = 0.009 Methanol = 0.23

Methanol = 0.23 Hexane = 0.63
Hexane = 0.62 H2so4 = 0.005
Glycerol = 0.14 Glycerol = 0.135
H2O = 0.001

H = Hout - Hin
H = H11 - (H9 +H10)

H10= m T
=m (298 – 298)
H11= m T

= [( * )+( * ) +( *
)+ ( * ) +( ( * ) ]
=[(0.009 *1.598 )+(0.23 *2.62 )+(0.62 *2.37)+(0.14 *2.143)

= 2.391

H11= 4784.87 *2.391 *(338 – 298 )

=457624.97 KJ
H = [457624.97 –(325269.67+0)]
H =132355.3 KJ
Q = 132355.3 KJ

3.11 Energy balance around distillation 1


QV QD T = 343K

Dist.1 Methanol = 0.9998

QF 298K Water = 0.0002
T= 338K

Na2SO4 = 0.009
Methanol = 0.23 QW T = 348K
Hexane = 0.62
Glycerol = 0.14 Na2SO4 = 0.011
H2O = 0.001 Hexane = 0.805
Glycerol = 0.176
H2O = 0.003
Methanol = 0.006
Qw = m T
=[ ( )+ ( * )
+( * )+ ( * ) +( ( * ) ]

= [(0.006*2.658)+(0.011 *1.596)+(0.81 * 2.413)+(0.176 *1.263)+(0.003


= 2.209

Qw = 3698.793 *2.209 *(348 -298)

= 408531.69 KJ

Qf =457624.97 KJ

Energy balance on top :

=[ ( * ) + ( * ) ]


= m CP mix T

=1085.359 *2.693*(343 – 298)

=131529.23 KJ

In =out

Qv = QD +QL + QC

R= , L = R*D (R = 3)
V = L+D
V = 3D+D , V = 4D
V = 4 * 1085.359 = 4341.436 kg
L =3D =3* 1085.359
L =3256.077 Kg
Amount of methanol in V=0.9998* 4341.436 =4340.568 kg
Amount of water in V= 0.0002*4341.436 =0.8683kg

=[ ( * )+ ( * ) ]

CP mix= [ 0.9998*1.495 + 0.0002*1.883]


= m CP T

=4341.436*1.495 *(343 – 298)


methanol =1085 KJ /Kg

H2o = 2257 KJ/Kg

Ʃ m =1085*4340.568 +2257*0.8683=4711476.033 KJ

Qv=292070.1069+471146.033= 5003546.14 KJ

L = 3256.077 kg

Amount of methanol in L = 0.9998 *3256.077 =3255.426 Kg

Amount of H2o in L = 0.0002 * 3256.077 = 0.6512 KJ

=[ ( * )+( * )]
=[(0.9998*2.639) +(0.222*4.172)]

= 2.6393

= m CP mix T

=3256.077*2.6393*(343 – 298)

=3856719.3812 KJ

Qv = QD + QL + Qc
5003546.14= 131529.23+386719.3812+ Qc

Qc = 4485297.529KJ

QF + QR = Q D + Qw + Qc

457624.97+ = 131529.23+408531.96. + 4485297.529

= 4567733.479 KJ

3.11 Energy balance around distillation 2
T = 343 K
Hexane =0.9999
Dist.2 Water =0.0001
QF 298K
T = 348 K

Na2SO4 = 0.011
Hexane = 0.81
Glycerol = 0.176 T = 348 K
H2O = 0.003 QW Water = 0.0128
Glycerol =0.83
Methanol =0.0284
Hexane = 0.076

Qw = m T

=[( ( * )+ ( * )+
( * ) +( ( * ) + ( * ) ]
= [ (0.0284 *2.658)+ (0.0528*1.596 )+(0.83 *1.263)+ (0.076*2.413)
+(0.0128 *4.174)]

= 1.445

Qw = 780.315 *1.445 *(348 -298)

= 56377.76 KJ

Qf =408531.69 KJ

Energy balace on top

=[ ( * ) + ( * ) ]
=[(0.9999*2.45) +(0.0001*4.172)]


=m T

=2918.484 *2.4501*(343 – 298)

=321775.99 KJ

In =out

Qv = QD +QL + QC

R= , L = R*D (R = 3)
V = L+D
V = 3D+D , V = 4D
D = 2918.484 kg
V = 4 * 2918.484 = 11673.936 kg/hr
L= 3 *D
=3 * 2918.484 = 8755.452 kg
Amount of hexane in V = 0.9999 *11673.936
= 11672.769 kg
Amount of water in V = 0.0001 *11673.936
= 1.167 kg

=[ ( * ) + ( * ) ]
=[(0.9999*1.891) +(0.0001*1.893)]


=m T

=11673.936 *1.891 *(343 – 298)

=993393.58 KJ

Ʃ m = 365 KJ/kg *11672.769 kg +2257 KJ/Kg *1.167 kg

= 4263194.604 KJ

=993393.58 + 4263194.604

=5256588.184 KJ

L = 8755.452 kg

Amount of hexane in L = 0.9999 *8755.452

= 8754.576 kg
Amount of water in L = 0.0001 *8755.452
= 0.876 kg
=[ ( * ) + ( * ) ]
=[(0.9999*2.393) +(0.0001*4.172)]


=m T

=8755.452 *2.3931*(343 – 298)

=942870.24 KJ

Qv = QD + QL + Qc
5256588.184 = 321776.99 +942870.24 + Qc

Qc = 3991941.954 KJ

QF + QR = Q D + Qw + Qc

408531.69+ = 321776.99 +56377.76 +3991941.954

= 3961564.014 KJ

Equipment Design

4.1 Distillation column 1 design
4.1.1 Number of stage

P o comp .
α (Relative Volatility) =
P oheavy key

Ttop =343 K

Tbottom =348 K

methanol is a light key

Water is the heavy key

Table (4.1) vapor pressure and volatility of component

Comp. Po top αtop Pobottom αbottom αaverage
methanol 933 4.02 1124.97 3.912 3.966
Hexane ------- ------ 909.1 3.168 3.168
Glycerol ------ 1 ------ 0.0269 9.37*10-38 9.37*10-5
Na2so4 ------ ------ 9.12*10-38 3.18*10-40 3.18*10-40
Water 232 1 287 1 1

. .
[ . .
Nm =
( . )

=5.7 = 6 minimum stage


= = 0.8


= =0.75

From figure (4.1), Appendix A

Nm/N = 0.5
N = 6/0.5 = 12 ideal stage

Estimate base pressure ,assume column efficiency of 60 percent ,take reboiler as

equivalent to one stage .

Number of stages = =18 stages


4.1.2. Column diameter

At bottom T= 348 K
From table (4.1) ,Appendix B

ρ methanol =738.76

ρ hexane =608.5

ρ glycerol = 1226.3

ρ Na2so4 = 2090

ρ water = 980.5

ρliq. bottom = xi*ρi


= 734.8

At bottom T= 348 K

ρ methanol =743.94

ρ water = 985.4

ρliq. Top = xi*ρi

=[0.9998 *743.94 +0.0002*985.4]


ρgas =

A t top

M.Wt mix = ∑ M. wt



. .
ρgas =

= 1.136

At bottom

M.Wt mix = ∑ M. wt

=[32*0.006 +86*0.805+92*0.175+142*0.011+18*0.003]
= 87.138

Assume (100 mm) of the liquid drop per plate.

Column pressure drop = ρ average* g * h * Nact.
= 934.8*9.81*100*10-3 *18
= 12975.098 pa = 12.98 kPa
P bottom =Ptop + drop pressure
=101.3 + 12.98
= 114.28 kPa
. .
ρgas =

= 3.44

From table(4.2) ,Appendix B

At Ttop =0.0177 N/m

At Tbottom =0.0203 N/m

at top
Vapor flow rate = 135.68 kmol/hr Liquid flow

rate = 101.76 kmol/hr

at bottom

∵ the feed to the column is liquid

∴ Vapor flow rate Vˋm= Vn =135.68 kmol/hr

Liquid flow rate Lˋm= Vˋm+ B =135.68 +42.44 =178.12 kmole/hr

Top =

. .
= = 0.0293
. .

bottom =

. .
= = 0.0898
. .

Take plate spacing as (0.75 m)

From figure (4.2), Appendix A

Bottom (k1) = 0.13, Top (k1) = 0.12 Now,

estimating flooding vapor velocity (uf):

=K1( )

. . . .
= 0.13 ( )
. .

=1.901 m/sec

. . . .
= 0.13 ( )
. .

=2.99 m/sec

Design for (85 %) flooding at mixture flow rates:

Bottom uv = 1.901 * 0.85 = 1.616 m/sec

Top uv= 2.99 * 0.85 = 2.54 m/sec Maximum

volumetric flow rate :

. . .
Bottom = = = 1.25 /sec

. . .
Top = = = 0.796 /sec

Bottom =

= = 0.77

Top = = = 0.313 m2

Take trial down comer area (Ad) as (12%) of total column area (Ac)

An = 0.88 * Ac

Column cross-sectional area:

Bottom Ac = = 0.875

Top Ac = = 0.356

Column diameter:

From A=

D bottom = =1.056 m

D top = =0.673 m

Use same diameter above and below feed, reducing the perforated area for plates
below the feed.

∴ Dc = 1.056 m

Provisional plate design:

Column diameter Dc = 1.056 m

Column area Ac = π *Dc2 = *(1.056)2 = 0.875 m2
4 4

Down comer area Ad = 0.12 Ac = 0.12 * 0.875 =0.105 m2

Net area An = Ac – Ad = 0.875-0.105 = 0.77 m2

Active area Aa = Ac – 2Ad = 0.875-2*0.105 = 0.665 m2

Hole area Ah = 0.14 Aa = 0.14* 0.665 =0.0931 m2

= =0.12 *100 =12

From figure (4.3), Appendix A lw/Dc = 0.77

=0.77 , Weir length lw = 0.77 * 1.056=0.813 m


Weir height hw = 50 mm

Hole diameter dh = 5 mm
Plate thickness = 5 mm

4.1.3. Check weeping:

Maximum liquid rate = L w * M.Wt
. .
= = 0.904 kg/sec

Weir crest liquid =750 *( )

. /
=750 *( )
. .

= 9.89 mm

+ =50+9.89 = 59.89 mm

From figure (4.4), Appendix A k2 = 30.1

. ( . )

. . ( . )
= =6.329 m/sec
√ .

uact. (un) =

= =8.56 m/sec

∵ uact > uh

∴ No weeping will happened

4.1.4. Entrainment checking:
( / )
Percentage flooding =

( . / . )
= =34.6%

FLV (Top) = 0.0293

From figure (4.5), Appendix A

= 0.0048 < 0.1

∴ No entrainment will happened

4.1.5. Plate pressure drop:

= =1

(approximate value)= =0.14 =14%

From figure (4.6), Appendix A

Co = 0.88

=51 ( )

. .
=51 ( )
. .

=22.59 mm
. .
= = =17 mm

= hd + hw + how +hr

= 22.59 +50+9.89+17

=99.48 mm


(100 mm ) was assumed to calculate the bass pressure .the calculation could not
be repeated with a revised estimate , but the small change in physical properties
will have little effect on the plate design .so (135.6 mm) per plate is considered
to be acceptable .

Total drop pressure = ρ*g*h*N


= 12907 pa =12.91 kPa

Bottom pressure =101.3+12.91 =114.2 kPa

4.1.6. Down comer liquid back-up:

hap = hw – 10 =50 – 10 =40 mm

Area under apron, Aap =hap * lw =40 * 10-3 * 0.813 = 0.0325 m2

Ad = 0.105 m2

Aap < Ad, so take Aap to use in calculation of hdc

=166( )

=166( ) =0.232 mm
. .

Back-up down comer

hb = ht + hw + how + hdc


=159.602 mm=0.160 m

0.5 (lt + hw) = 0.5 (0.75 + 0.05) = 0.4 m

∴hb < 0.5 (lt + hw)

So, plate spacing is acceptable.

4.1.7. Check residence time:

( . . . )
= =

tr = 14 sec > 3 sec

4.1.8 Trial layout:

Use cartridge-type construction, allow (50 mm) unperforated strip round plate
edge, (50 mm) wide calming zone.

/ = 0.77

From figure (4.7), Appendix A

c = 99o

Angle subtended by the edge of the plate = 180 – 99 = 81o

Mean length unperforated edge strips (the two area)

= (1.056 – 50*10-3) *81*2 /360

= 0.71 m

Area of unperforated edge straight strips = 50*10-3*0.71 = 0.0355 m2

Mean length of unperforated straight side

Approx. =weir length - width of unperforated strips

= 0.813 - (50*10-3)

= 0.763 m

Area of calming zone =2* (0.763* 50*10-3) = 0.0763 m2

Total area pf unperforated, Ap = Aa – unperforated

= 0.665 – 0.0763 – 0.0355

= 0.5532 m2

/ = 0.0931/ 40.5532 =0.168

From figure (4.8), Appendix A

/ =2.4

Hole pitch lp = 2.4* 5 = 12 mm

4.1.9 Number of holes:

Area of one hole = (0.005)


No of holes =

= =4741.5 holes
( . )

4.1.10 Height of column:

H = (N + 1) Z

Z =tray spacing

N = actual no. of stage

H = (18+1)*0.75 = 14.25 m

4.3.11 Position of feed point:

xf,HK = concentration of the heavy key in the feed

xf,LK = concentration of the light key in the feed

xd,HK = Concentration of the heavy key in the top product

xb,LK = Concentration of the heavy key in the bottom product

Nr =Number of stages above the feed .

Ns = Number of stages below the feed

, ,
Log( ) =0.206 Log [( )( )(( ) )
, ,

. . .
Log( ) =0.206 Log [( )( )(( ) )
. . .


For N = 18,

Nr + Ns = 18,

Nr = 1.387*Ns

1.387 Ns + Ns =30

Ns= 7.5, say (8)

∴ The Feed will enter the distillation column at the stage no. (19).

1.056 m
0.813 m

4.2 Extractor design

Height, between tangent lines 15 m
Diameter 2 m
100 sieve plates, equally spaced
Insulation, mineral wool 75 mm thick
Material of construction, stainless steel, design stress 135 N/mm2 at design
temperature 200 C
Operating pressure 10 bar (absolute)
Dead weight of Extractor
From equation (13-76),vol-6

W = total weight N,

C v = a factor to account for the weight of nozzles,
= 1.15
t=wa11 thickness =14mm
H v = height, or length =15m
Dm = mean diameter of extractor = (Di + t x 10-3), m.
w =240x1.15x2.014x(15+0.8x2.014)x14=130 KN

Weight of plates:
plate area = π/4 x D2 =π/4(2)2= 3.14 m2
weight of a plate =1.2xA= 1.2 x 3.14 = 3.8 kN
100 plates = 100 x 3.8 = 380 kN

Weight of insulation:
mineral wool density = 130 kg/m3
approximate volume of insulation = π x 2 x 5 0 x 7 5 x 10-3
= 23.6 m3
weight = 23.6 x 130 x 9.81 = 30,049 N
double this to allow for fittings, etc,= 60 kN
Total weight:
shell= 130
plates =380
insulation= 60
Total =570 kN

Wind loading:
Take dynamic wind pressure as 1280 N/m2.
Mean diameter, including insulation = 2 + 2(14 + 75)x 10-3
= 2.18m
Loading (per linear metre) Fw = 1280 * 2.18 = 2790 N/m
Bending moment at bottom tangent line:

= * 15 =313,675 Nm

Analysis of stresses

= = 27.8 N/mm2

= = 55.6 N/mm2

Dead weight stress:

= ( )

= ( )
= 4.99 N/mm2

Bending stresses:
= +2*t
=2000+2*18 =2036 mm

= ( - )

= (2036 -2000 ) =5.81 *10

=± *( + )
, ,
=± *( + 18 )

=±61.1 N/mm2
= + ±
is compressive and therefore negative.
= (up wind) =27.8-4.99+61.1=+83.91 N/mm2
(down wind)=27.8- 4.99 -61.1=38.29 N/mm2

The greatest difference between the principal stresses will be on the down-wind
(55.6-(-38.29))=93.89 N/mm2
well below the maximum allowable design stress.
Check elastic stability (buckling):
Critical buckling stress:

=2*10 *( )

=2*10 *( ) = 176.8 N/mm2

The maximum compressive stress will occur when the vessel is not under
=4.99 + 61.1 = 66.09, well below the critical buckling stress.
So design is satisfactory. Could reduce the plate thickness and recalculate.

Mechanical Design Of Extractor:
Try a straight cylindrical skirt ( s = 90°) of plain carbon steel, design stress 135
N/mm2and Young's modulus 200,000 N/mm2 at ambient temperature. The
maximum dead weight load on the skirt will occur when the vessel is full of
Approximate weight=(π/4(22)(15)x1000x9.81
=462,051 N
=462.051 KN
Weight of extractor=570 KN
Total weigh462.051+570=1,032 KN
Wind loading=2.79 KN/m
Bending moment at base of skirt=2.79x(532/2)=3919 KNm

( )

= ( )
=68.7 N/mm2

( )=
( )

= = 9.048 N/mm2
( )

( )= = 4.99 N/mm2
( )

Maximum (comprssive) =68.7+9.048= 77.748 N/mm2

Maximum (tensile) =68.7+4.99= 63.71 N/mm2
Take the joint factor J as 0.85.

63.71 0.85* 135 *sin

63.71 115

77.748 0.125*200,000 ( ) sin90

77.748 225

Base ring and anchor bolts:

Approximate pitch circle dia., say, 2.2 m
Circumference of bolt circle = 2200π
Number of bolts required, at minimum recommended bolt
Closest multiple of 4 = 12 bolts
Take bolt design stress = 125 N/mm2
Take w = operating value =570 KN

Ab, = area of one bolt at the root of the thread, mm2,
Nb= number of bolts,
fb= maximum allowable bolt stress, N/mm2;
typical design value 125 N/mm2 (18,000 psi),
= bending (overturning) moment at the base, Nm,

W = weight of the vessel, N,
Db = bolt circle diameter, m.
Scheiman gives the following guide rules which can be used for the selection of
anchor bolts:
1. Bolts smaller than 25 mm (1 in.) diameter should not be used.
2. Minimum number of bolts 8.
3. Use multiples of 4 bolts.
4. Bolt pitch should not be less than 600 mm (2 ft).

A = [ -570*10 ] = 4370

Bolt root diameter= = 74 mm, Looks too Large.

where Fb = the compressive load on the base ring, Newtons per linear metre,
Ds = skirt diameter, m.

( ) (
Fb=[ ( . )
+( )] = 1382 10 N/m

Taking the bearing pressure as 5 N/mm2

= =276mm

Rather large — consider a flared skirt.

Take the skirt bottom dia. as 3 m

Keep the skirt thickness the same as that calculated for the cylindrical skirt.
Highest stresses will occur at the top of the skirt
where the values will be close to those calculated for the cylindrical skirt.
Sin 80.5° = 0.99, so this term has little effect on the design criteria
Assume bolt circle dia, = 3.2 m.
Actual width required=Lr+ts+50mm=150+20+50=220mm

Fig.(4.1):flange ring dimensions.

Table (4.1): Anchor bolt chair design

Table (4.2) Standard steel saddles
(adapted from Bhattacharyya, 1976).

Cost Estimation

6.1 Extractor Cost
Vessel height = 15m
Diameter=2 m
From figure (6-2 b) ,Appendix A
bare cost from figure = 52000$ cost in 2004
Material factor=1.0
Pressure factor=1.1
Cost= bare cost from figure * Material factor* Pressure factor
Cost =57200$

Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2018 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5

Cost in 2018 = 57200 *
=77039 $

6.2 Reactor cost

From table (6-1),Appendix B

Suitable material is carbon steel
S=Capacity,m3=3 m3
Ce=C S n
Ce=15000 (3)0.40
Ce=$ 23277 cost in 2004

Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2018 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5

Cost in 2018 = 23277 *

= 43472 $

6.3 packed column cost

From table (6-1), Appendix B

Suitable material=Carbon Steel
C=Cost constant=$ 2400
S=Characterize size factor(Capacity)= 10 m3
Cost=C S n
= 9554$ cost in 2004

Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2018 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5

Cost in 2018 = 9554 *
=12867 $

6.4 Separator cost
From table (6-1), Appendix B
Suitable material=Carbon Steel
C=Cost constant=$ 2400
S=Characterize size factor(Capacity)= 10 m3
Cost=C S n
= 9554$ cost in 2004

Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2018 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5

Cost in 2018 = 9554 *
=12867 $

6.5 washing Cost

From table (6-1), Appendix B

Suitable material=Carbon Steel
C=Cost constant=$ 2400
S=Characterize size factor(Capacity)= 10 m3
Cost=C S n
= 9554$ cost in 2004

Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2018 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5

Cost in 2018 = 9554 *
=12867 $

6.6 Evaporator Cost
From table (6-1), Appendix B
Suitable material=carbon steel
C=Cost constant=20000 $
S=Characterize size factor(Area)= 10 m2
Cost=C S n
= 67768 $ cost in 2004

Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2018 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5

Cost in 2018 =67768 *
=91274 $

6.7 Dryer cost
From table (6-1), Appendix B
Suitable material=carbon steel
C=Cost constant=35000 $
S=Characterize size factor(Area)= 10 m2
Cost=C S n
= 72211 $ cost in 2004

Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2018 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5
Cost in 2018 =72211 *
=97257 $

6.8 Equivalent cost
From table (6-1), Appendix B
Suitable material=Carbon Steel
C=Cost constant=$ 2400
S=Characterize size factor(Capacity)= 10 m3
Cost=C S n
= 9554$ cost in 2004

Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2018 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5

Cost in 2018 = 9554 *
=12867 $

6.9 Distillation 1 Cost
6.9.1 Cost of Vessel

Height: h = 14.25 m

Diameter: Dc = 1.057 m

Pressure: P = 1.13 bar

Material of constriction: carbon steel

From Figure (6.2), Appendix A

Cost = 30000 $

Pressure factor = 1

Material factor = 1

Purchased cost = Bare cost from fig. * Material factor * Pressure factor Cost =
30000 * (1) * (1) = 30000 $ in 2004
Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2016 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5

Cost in 2016 = 30000 *

= 40405 $

6.9.2 Cost of Plates

Diameter: Dc = 1.057 m

Type: Sieve

Material of constriction: carbon steel

From Figure (6.3), Appendix A

Cost = 320 $

Material factor = 1

Purchased cost = Bare cost from fig. * Material factor

Cost = 320*1 = 320 $ for one plate
Total cost of plates=No. of plates * cost of one plate Total cost of
plates =18*320 = 5760 $ in 2004

Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2016 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5

Cost in 2018 = 5760*

= 7757.8 $

Total cost of column = Total cost of plates + cost of vessel

= 40405+ 7757 =48162 $

6.10 Distillation 2 Cost

6.10.1 Cost of Vessel

Height: h = 14.25 m

Diameter: Dc = 1.057 m

Pressure: P = 1.13 bar

Material of constriction: carbon steel

From Figure (6.2), Appendix A

Cost = 30000 $

Pressure factor = 1

Material factor = 1

Purchased cost = Bare cost from fig. * Material factor * Pressure factor Cost =
30000 * (1) * (1) = 30000 $ in 2004
Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2016 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5

Cost in 2016 = 30000 *

= 40405 $

6.10.2 Cost of Plates

Diameter: Dc = 1.057 m

Type: Sieve

Material of constriction: carbon steel

From Figure (6.3), Appendix A

Cost = 320 $

Material factor = 1

Purchased cost = Bare cost from fig. * Material factor

Cost = 320*1 = 320 $ for one plate
Total cost of plates=No. of plates * cost of one plate Total cost of
plates =18*320 = 5760 $ in 2004

Cost in 2018 = (cost in 2004) * ( )

Cost index in year 2000 =100 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

Cost index in year 2004 =111 From Figure (6.1), Appendix A

The average increase in cost = = 2.75

The Cost index in 2016 = 14 * 2.75 + 111
= 149.5

Cost in 2018 = 5760*

= 7757.8 $

Total cost of column = Total cost of plates + cost of vessel

= 40405+ 7757 =48162 $

Equipment Cost ($)

Extractor 770,39

Ractor 434,72

Packed column 128,67

Washing 128,67


Distillation 1
Distillation 2
Total cost of equipment 456,834

Estimation of total investment cost:
1- Direct cost:
a- Purchased equipment cost:
(15 - 40% of FCI ) Assume 35 % of FCI
= 456,834 * 0.25 = 114,208 $

b- Installation cost:
(35 - 45% of PEC) Assume 40 % ,where PEC , Purchased equipment
= 114,208 * 0.4 = 456,83 $

c- Instrument and control installed:(6 -30% of PEC) Assume 15 % of PEC

= 114,208 * 0.15 = 171,31 $

d- Piping installation cost:(10 -80% of PEC) Assume 50 %

= 114,208 * 0.5 = 571,04 $

e- Electrical installation cost:(10 - 40% of PEC) Assume 30 % of PEC

= 114,208 * 0.3 = 342,62 $

f- Building process and auxiliary (10-70% of PEC) Assume 45 %

= 114,208 * 0.45 = 513,94 $

g- Service facilities:(30-80% 0f PEC) Assume 30 %

= 114,208 * 0.3 = 342,62 $

h- Yard improvement:(10-15% of PEC) Assume 12 %

= 114,208 * 0.12 = 137,04 $

i- Land:( 4-8% of PEC) Assume 5 %

= 114,208 * 0.05 = 5710 $

Therefore direct cost =114,208 + 456,83 + 171,31 + 57104 +


= 373,458 $

Indirect cost:

Expenses which are not directly involved with material and labour of actual
installation or complete facility

a- Engineering and supervision(5-30% of DC) Assume 24 %

= 373,458 * 0.24 = 896,29 $

b- Construction expenses: (10% of DC)

= 373,458 * 0.1 = 373,46 $

c- Contractors fee(2-7% 0f DC) Assume 5 %

= 373,458 * 0.05 = 186,72 $

d- Contingency: (8-20% of DC) Assume 18 %

= 373,458 * 0.16 = 52284 $
Therefore total indirect cost = 896,29+373,46+186,72+52284
= 197,931 $

Fixed capital investment

Fixed capital investment(FCI) = DC+IC

= 373,458 +197,931 = 571,389 $
Working capital investment: 10 -20% of FCI Assume 15%
= 571,389 * 0.15 = 85708.35 $

2- Total capital investment

Estimation of total product cost(TPC):
Fixed charges:
a- Depreciation: (10% of FCI for machinery)

=571,389 * 0.10 = 571,39 $

b-Local taxes: (3-4% of TPC= FCI) Assume 2.5 %

= 571,389 * 0.025 = 142,85 $

c- Insurances(0.4-1% of FCI) Assume 0.5 %

= 571,389 * 0.005 = 285,7 $

d-Rent: (8-12% of FCI) Assume 10 %

= 571,389 * 0.1 = 571,39 $

Therefore total fixed charges = 571,39+142,85+285,7+571,39

= 131,420 $

But, Fixed charges = (10-20% of TPC) Assume 20%

Therefore Total product cost = total fixed charges / 0.2 or * 100/20

= 131,420 /0.2 = 657,100 $

Direct production:
a- Raw material: (10-50% 0f TPC) Assume 25 %

= 657,100 * 0.25 = 164,275 $

b- Operating labor(OL): (10-20% of TPC) Assume 15 %

= 657,100 * 0.15 = 985,65 $

c- Direct supervisory and electric labor (10-25% of OL) Assume 20 %

= 985,65 * 0.2 =197,13 $

d- Utilities (10-20% of TPC) Assume 16 %

= 657,100 * 0.16 = 105,136 $

e- Maintenance (2-10% of FCI) Assume 8 %

= 571,389 * 0.08 = 457,11 $

f- Operating supplies (OS): (10-20% of maintenance) Assume 15 %

= 457,11 * 0.15 = 685,7 $

g- Laboratory charges (10-20% of OL) Assume 10%

=985,65 * 0.10 = 985,7 $

h- Patent and royalties (2-6% of TPC) Assume 6 %

= 657,100 * 0.06 = 394,26 $

Plant overhead cost: 50-70% of (OL+OS+M) Assume 60 %

= (985,65 + 685,7 +457,1 )* 0.6 = 659,95 $
General expenses:

a- Administration cost: (40-60% of OL) assume 45 %

= 985,65 * 0.45 = 443,54 $

b- Distribution and selling price (2-30% of TPC) Assume 25 %

= 657,100 * 0.25 = 164,275 $

c- Research and development cost: (3% of TPC)

= 657,100 * 0.03 = 197,13 $

Therefore general expenses(GE) = 443,54+164,275+ 197,1 = 228,342 $

Therefore manufacturing cost(MC) = Product cost +fixed charges +Plant overhead


=657,100+131,420+659,95 = 854,515 $

Total production cost:

Total production cost = MC + GE

= 854,515 +228,342 = 108,285,7$

Gross earnings and rate of return:

The plant is working for say 300 days a

year Selling price =

Total income =produce day rate * number production days(in year) *price
per unit
=37882 * 300 * 1= 113,646,00 $

Gross profit =Total income - total product

= 113,646,00 - 657,100 = 107,075,00 $

Tax =50%
Net profit= Gross profit – (Gross profit * 50%)
= 107,075,00 – (107,075,00 * 0.5) = 428,3250 $

Rate of return =net profit/total capital investment

= 428,3250 / 657,100 = 6

Appendix A


Figure (4.1): Erbar –Maddox correlation

Figure (4.2): Flooding velocity ,sieve plate

Figure (4.3) Relation between down comer and weir length

Figure (4.4) Weep - point correlation

Figure (4.5) Entrainment correlation for sieve plate

Figure (4.6) Discharge coefficient ,sieve plate

Figure (4.7): Relation between angles subtended by chord,

Chord length and length

Figure (4.8) Relation between hole area and pitch

Figure(6-1):process Engineering index

Figure 6-2: Vertical pressure vessels. Time base mid-2004.

Figure(6-3) :cost of column plate,Time base mid-2004

Appendix B:


Table 3-1: Heat capacities of Gas:

Cp=A+BT+CT2+DT3 +ET4 (Cp-KJ/ (Kmol. K), T-K)

Com. A B C D E
Water 33.933 8.4186*10-3 2.9906*10-5 -1.7825*10-8 3.6934*10-12
methanol 40.046 -3.8287*10-2 2.4529*10-4 -2.1679*10-7 5.9909*10-11

Hexane 25.924 4.1927*10-1 1.2491*10-5 -1.5916*10-7 5.8784*10-11

Table 3-2: Heat capacities of Liquid: (Cp-KJ/ (Kmol.K), T-K)
Comp. A B C D
H2O 92.053 -3.9953*10-2 -2.1103*10-4 5.3469*10-7

Methanol 26.004 7.0337*10-1 -1.3856*10-3 1.0342*10-6

Hexane 78.848 8.8729 *10-1 -2.9482*10-3 4.1999*10-6

Glycerol 132.145 8.6007*10-1 -1.9745*10-3 -1.8068*10-6

Na2so4 233.515 -9.5276*10-3 -3.4665*10-5 1.5771*10-8

Heat capacity of Biodiesel : CP = 5.637* Ln T – 30.53

Table 4-1

Density =A

Comp. A B N Tc

H2O 0.34710 0.27400 0.28571 647.13

Methanol 0.27197 0.27192 0.23310 512.58

Hexane 0.23242 0.26500 0.27810 507.43

Glycerol 0.34908 0.24902 0.15410 723

Na2so4 0.26141 0.10000 0.28571 1157

Table 4-2:

Surface tension sigma =

Comp. A Tc n

H2O 132.674 647.13 0.9550

Methanol 68.329 512.58 1.2222

Hexane 56.081 507.43 1.2843

Glycerol 124.793 723 1.2222

Na2so4 --------- -------- --------

Table 4.3

Vapor pressure Log P = A+ +Clog T+ D T+E

Comp. A B C D E
Methanol 45.6171 -3.2447*103 -1.3988*101 6.6365* 10-3 -1.0507* 10-13

H2O 29.8605 -3.1522*103 -7.3037*100 2.4247*10-9 1.8090*10-6

Hexane 69.7378 -3.6278 *103 -2.3927*101 1.2810*10-2 -1.6844* 10-13

Glycerol -62.7929 -3.6585*103 3.4249*101 -5.1940*10-3 2.2830*10-5

Na2so4 -2.2687 -1.505* 104 3.5005*100 -1.2712* 10-3 1.7716* 10-7

Table (6-1):purchase cost of miscellaneous

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