Introduction To Programming: High Level Language

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C= A+B

Print C
Programmer : a program is set of instruction ( STATEMENT) feed into computer to make it
perform a specific task
The program to perfume a task which could vary from drawing a picture , printing the result an
output screen or some of two numbers
The programming languages are written in English which a computer does not understand
A program Witten in English language in high level language that language converted into low
level language after converted the low level language the computer can understand.

E.g. High level language

Input A

Input B

Types of programming languages

into low level language with the help of complier or interpreter
 High level language :
program’s written in
high level language
must be translated

Compiler: a compiler translates a entire program from high level into low level first then if
the program is error free , it is executed
Interpreter: it translates a program into low level language line by line , if the first line is
found to be error free in is converted into low level language the same process is repeated
for all the lines

Note: compiler much faster when compiled with a interpreter

E.g. 1.input ‘enter the mark ‘- M 1

2. Input ‘enter the mark ‘- M 2

3. TOTAL = M1=M2

4. PRINT @ TOTAL IS “Total “

5. End

Assembly language: before the invention of high level language, the programmers use to write
program’s in the assembly language .In assemble language, assembler is required the translate the
program in to low level language


MOV b1, 02 MOV, ADD, INT are mnemonics

Mov c1, 03

Add b1, c1

Mov d1, b1

Mov ah, 02

Int 21

Int 20


Co efficient mean value of x

Step 1

Get the value for a,b,c

A= value of x2

B= value of x

C = constant term

Step 2

∆ = b+b –4 *a *c

Step 3 check the value for ∆

If ∆ >0

-b+sqrt( b –4*a*c) /(2*a)

Result 2 = -b-sqrt(b*b-4*a*c) / (2*a)

Display the value of result 1 and 2

If ∆=0

Result –b /(2*a)

Display the value for result

If ∆ <0


Types of Varibale

There are two types of variable

1. Numerical
2. Non numerical variables

1. Integer
2. Real number

Non- numerical Variables

1. Charcter

2. Sting

The variable that store numeric data or numbers are called as numeric variable
Integers : are whole numbers it do not have fractional part eg. ( 0.99)

Real numbers: have fractional parts eg. 5.5

Non numeric Variables

Characters: character variables can be stores any letter or special symbols $ sign @ sign etc. character is
enclosed in single codes Example ‘ a’

String variables are enclosed within double code example “ a

Modular approach methods

In a programmer have different complex tasks. That complex task can be dived into different modules
this is like that human beings do all the time. For eg : preparing a cup of tea.

Task 1 , boil the water in pot and heat

Task 2 pour the hot water after boiling into the cup

Task 3 put milk and tea leaves , sugar in the cup

Task 4 stair it well for using

Preparing a cup of tea is simple task , we broke it down into four steps

But even a simple programme can have thousands of statements , complex program, may have millions
of statements

One of the most important things a programmer needs to manage the complexity of a program,. This
can be done by modular approach methods

Module is a set of code that has been assign a name , just as a variable. These variable name used to
refrence tha data and excute the set of codes


- A set of codes have written together to perfume a specific task

- In C language main progarmme is also called as fuction
- The programmer can write different sub – fuction under the main fuction

Steps to create a function in C language

a. Function ( a set of codes ) should be declared
b. Call the function
c. Function details ( the cods which we won’t write )

Fuction should be de calred by the name

Void( means empty)

Void add();

Int add();

What si nessary to use a fuction ? to reduce the progarme complexity

# include <stdion> header file

# include < conion>

Void main ()


Printf( ‘ welcome”)

Getch(): ,

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