How Did We Find Out About Black Holes - Isaac Asimov PDF

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Isaac Asimov

t. White dwarfs

111 l844 a Cennan astronomer, Friedrich \Vilhelm Bessel,

discovered a star he couJdn•t sec.
This is how i1 happen ed.
All the stars we see in the sky are moving abouL. They
arc so for away from us, though, that the motion seems
very slow iodeed. Only by making careful measurements
through a tclcsoop<: will the mOLjon show up as very 1iny
changes in position.
Even using a tel<:$COpe won't help much. Only the
neal'est stars sho,'11 visible changes in position. The dim,
distan t stars arc so far away that they don't seem to move
at all.
One of the stars neareSl to us is Sirius. It is about 80
miJlion millions ofkilometres away, but 1hal is for a
star. It is the br-ightcst star in the sky, partly because it is
so close, and its motion can be measured easily through
a telescope.
Bwd wanted to study that motion carefully, because
as the Earth goes around che Sun, v,;e keep seeing 1he scars

from slightly diffcrcn1 angles. lnslead of seeing a star nion sl ar, Siriu$ B, had to be abou1 as m�sivc aS, our Sun.
move in a slraight line, we sec it move i n a li ne 1ha1 wiggles Yet Bessel co uldo't see Sirius B. h ha d to be.: there, for
slight!)' because of the Earth's rnotion. The nearer the lhe gravitational pull had to come from somclhing. Bessel
star, 1hc larger the w ggle. Fr()m the size of the wiggle , if decided, lherefore, lha t Sirius B was a star that had bul'J\t
it is carefully m<21mred, the distance of a star can be to a ci11dcr. It no longer sho ne and therefore c ould not be
calculated. Dcssd ,,•as parlicularly intacstcd in this. In se en. He caJled it the dark (JJ1rtpa11ilm of Sirius.
fact, he was the fin;1 astronomer eve 1· 10 calculate the Later o n, he notic ed 1ha 1 the star Procy on moved i n
distance of a star. He did that i n 1838. such a \\•ay thal it must also ha\•e a dark companion,
He then became in 1crcstcd in measuri ng the wiggl e in "Procyon B''.
Siri us' s motion. As he 1neasured the position of Sitius Bessel ha d discovered two Slats he couldo1t see.
night after night for a long time, he found that there wa s In 1862 an American t elescop e maker, Alvan Graham
more of a wiggle 10 its motion than he had expected. It Clark, wa.s making a le n.s for a new lclescope. Such a leos
chaoged posi1ion because the Eanh was revolvi ng aro un d must be polishe d perfectly so that stars can be s«n
1hc Sun, but there was an(>thcr ch;mgc in position too­ sharply through it.
a slov,,er one 1hal had nolhing lO do with the Earth. \t\1hen he was finished, he te st ed the lens by looki ng
BesseJ concemrated on this new movement and found throu gh it at the Slar Siri us to see ifit would show up as
that Sirius was moving in an orbil around some 1hi ng or a sharp point of light.
othcr,just the way the Earth moves in an orbi t around the \,Vhen he did so, he was surprised to fi,,d that there was
S un. He ca lcolatcd lhat it wo uld take Sirius 50 ,•cars
· to a dim spark of Jight near Sirius. If this was a star, it was
complete its orbi t. not on any of the star maps that he had. Maybe it was the
But what c.iuscd Sirius 10 move in thi s orbit? resuh of a Haw in the poJishing of the lens.
The Earth moves abou1 the Sun because it is held bv the No ma tte r how carefully he; co ntinued 10 poli sh the Je ns,
Su n' s powerful gravitational pull. Siri us must be heid i n though, thal spal'k of light did nol go awa)'. There was no
a po\verful gravitatio nal p ull of some sort t00. simil ar spark when he looke d a t any other bright star.
Sirius, however, is a star that has ,wo and a halfliines Finally, Cl ark noticed that the spark oflight was injust
the ma..�s of o\lr Sun. (Mass is the amount of matter some­ the po sition that Sirius's dark companion o u gh1 to b e, a nd
thi ng contai ns.) he knew h e wa.s looking at it. Siri us B was not a completely
From the wav in which Sirius was moving' it had to be dead star after all. It still shone, but with onlv � the
feeli ng the gravitational pull or a hody tha1 wa.s large li ght of Sirius A .
enough to be a star also. f n olher words, Siri us aod a In I89t> a German-Ameri can astronomer,John Martin
companion star h a d to be ci rcling each other. \Ve might Schaeberle, noticed a dim spark of light ne ar Procyon. It
call Sirius, "Sirius A", a nd its compan ion star. "Siri us wa5 Procy on 8, and it wasn11 completely dead either.
B". By Schaeberle's time, though, astronomers had learned
F rom the way i n which SiriusA wa.s mewi ng, ilscompa- more about stars.

8 9
Sirius A with its small companion star, Sirius B Light cons ists of ti ny waves of diffe1·ent lengths, and
astrono mers had lcamcd to separate starlight into a
spread of these di1Tere1u wavelengths. Such a spread is
called a spectrom.
In 1893 a German scient ist> \Vilhclm \Vien, showed
how a spectrum changed with the temperawrc of the
source of the light. He showed, for instance, that if a srnr
was on its way IO Aickcring out, ii would lUrn n... -das it
cooJcd down. JrSirius B was a dying star, it ought to be
red-but it wa sn•1. Sirius B had a white light.
In order to check further oo this. the spectrum ofSidus
13 had to be swdied c;.arefully . Sirius B was \'Cry dim,
however, aod was so close to the very brighiSirius A that
i1 was hard to catch the li11le star's light aocl spread it o ut
into n spettru oi.
l o l9l5, howc\'cr, the Arnerica,1: astronomer \\.aher
Sydney Adams oiaoaged to get the s�c:tr urn ofSirius B.
He round that Sirius B had a surface tempcrat1.1rc ol'
8 ,000°C. It was ho uer 1ha11 our Sun, v.:hich has a s urface
ternperat ur e of only 6,000°C.
If a s tar like ou r Sun was at the dista11oc of Sirius B, it
would shine like a bright star. le wou ld not be as bri ght as
Sirius A, but it would be quite bright just the same. Since
Siri us Bis even hotter than our Sun, it should shioe at that
distance e\·en more brigh1ly thao the Sun-yet ii does
not. Siri us B shines with only ;ro the brightoess that our
Sun would show ifit was at that the samC' dis tance.
How is that possible?
It mus t be that althou gh the surface ofSiri us 8 gleams
brightly , there is ver> ' link of that su rface. Sirit1 s B must
be a Ii'!) ' star.
To� as dim as it i$, despite its temperature,Sirius 8
must be o nly 11,000 kilomeires across -no biggfr 1han
a large planet. It would take 86 stars the size ofSidus B,

pl aced s ide by side1 to st1· e tch across the width ofo ur Sun. Helium atom structure
Because Siri u s 8 is white hol a nd yet is sosrnall, it is called
a u.;hit� dux1rf. Procyon B is also a while; dwarf
White dwarfs a rc now l hought 10 be quite common.
Astronomers think 1.hal one srnr ou t of every 40 is a white
dwarf. White dwarfs arc so small and dim: however, tha t
we can onJy see those f<'.w Ihat are nearest 10 us.
Although Siri os O is so small, i1 still has a mass equal
to tha t of our Sun, or it v,:otddn't be able to swing Sirius
A abo ut as i1 docs. E lectron
If you we 1· e 10 take the mass of our S u n and squeeze i1
i,Ho a hody no larger than Sirius 6, the density wc)uld be
very h igh iodced. (The densi{.v of an obj ect t ells us how
m uch mass is squeezed into a particular vol ume .) Neutron
A cubic ce111im etre of th e malcrial of Siri us B, ifit was
brought 10 Earth, woold we igh 2,900,000 grammes. Tha t Proton
means Siri o s B has a dcnsit}' or 2,900.000 grnmmes p er
cub c centirnetre. The average density of 1hc Earth is only
5· 5 grammes per cubic cc•ncimctrc. The material otu of
which Sirius B is made is more than 530.000 times as
de nse as lhe materia l of which the Earth is made.
This is aston ishing. Solid rmlllc;:r on l he Eanh i s made
up of atoms that a rc:: touching each 01hcr. In the 1800s
scientists thought 1ha1 a1oms were hal'd and sol id little
balls and Ihat you c-ouldn' t push Ihe m any closer together
<)nee lhey were 1c)1whing. If 1hat were so, th e density of
mate rial on Earth would be:: just about as dense· a:; any·
thing could h e.
However= io 1911. chc Kew Zeala nd-born scient ist
Ent<.:;$t Ruthe rford showed that aloms were 1101 hard,
solid objc:c1s. Th<' only hal'd, solid p:eirt of an atom was a
tioy nucleus (the plur:tl i s nt((/ti). The nudeos is so tin y
thac it woul d ta ke I 00, 000 nudei placed side b)' side and
touchi ng to stretch across the \\•ichh of a single atom.

12 13
Despite its tiny size, the nucleus contains about all
the mass of an a 1om.
Around each nucleus are ooe or more ,tectro,1s which
have very little mass. The electrons are arranged in layers
Hydrogen fusing to form helium about the nucleus called elttltOll s/1el/s.
\,Vhen two alOms meet. the outermost electron shell of
one makes contact with the outermost clcclron shell ofthe
other. The electron shells arc like bumpers that keep the
atoins from getting any closet togeLher.
On the Earth the gravitationa l pull isn't gteat cnot1gh
to s,nash those electron•shell bumpers. Even at tht core
of the Eanh, with thousan ds of kilometres of rock and
metal weighing on the atoms in the very centre, the
electron shells do not get smashed.
h is different in the case of a star like our Sun that is
hundreds or thousands of times as massive as the Eanh
and has a gravitational pull that is mt1ch stronger. Ato1ns
at the centre of a star have smashed electron shells. The
electrons 1hc;.n move about loose))' and do not surround
the nuclei.
As a result, the nudei can move about freely. They c; an
even bump togethe1 · and stick, thus undergt>ing changes
that produce energy. So much en ergy i s produced that the
centre or a star have a tempcratt1re of sevt:ral million
degrees. Some of that heat leaks out of the surface of the in all directions, and that is why the slall" shines as it
does. The heat developed in this way keeps the starexpan·
Helium nucleus ded and doesn't let the atoms smash except at the very
The energy at the centre of a star com,es from the
changeover of hydrogen nuclei (the smallest there arc) to
helium nuclei (the ncx1 smalle.-.1). Even1ua.lly1 though,
mos1 of the hydrogen in the star is used up.
But b)' 1hat time the centre has become so hot that the

14 15
life of the Sun and its death 50 thousand million
years from now

16 17
2. Limits and
added heal c auses the Slar to expa nd into a giaoL sLar. The
surface of 1hc star cool s as this h appens and turns red,
which is wh)' such a star is called a redgianl.
\,Vhen the hy droge n is ne a rly all gone, the nuclear fi res
move 01.1cwa rds to the 1hio, outcnno st la>•ers of lhe star. explosions
These then expand into a gas and fin a ll)' dis appeal'. The
inner layers, wi1h a lmost all the mass of the star, now have
no more energy 10 k eep them hot. G ravity pulls those
layers quickl y inwards, and the star collap ses. I l col l apses
so quickJy and graviL)' polls so hard Lhatjust about all 1he
el ectron shel ls coll a pse, and all Ihe nuclei will come much
closer togeLhel' th a n they would in ordinary stars.
The star then has iLs mass squeezed int o a sm aU
vol ume. h has become a while dwarf .
I n the case of the Sun, this will not happen for about 5
1housand millio n years. It has already h appened, though, Gravit.ation a l pull is stronge r as you ge1 closer to the
to so me stars that have run out of thei r hyd rogen fuel. cen1re orany object, p rovided you stay outside the objec1.
$irh1s D and Procyon 6 are example5 of 1his. Imagine yourselfstanding on Lhe Sun. The gravitation·
al pull o n y ou would be 28 times wh al it is on the Earth.
If all u.he mass of the Sun was packed more a nd rno.. e
tigh1ly toge1her a nd you Slill stayed on the surface, which
would be contracting, you would get closer and cl oser to
the centre and the gravilational pull on )'OU would be
strooger a nd stronger.
On chc Sun's surface as it is, y ou are 695,200 kilometres
from its ce nt re . On the surface of Sirius B there ,,,.ould �
1he same mass under you, but you would be ooly 24,000
kilo met res from the ce1Hl'e. If you were standing on the
surfaceofSirius 8, lhe gravit ational pull on you would�
840 1imcs whal it would be if you were on the su1·face of
the Sur), and 23,SOO dmes what ii would be if you were
back on Earth.
How do we check this? Can we lcH whelher Sirius B
really ihas such an e n ormous surface gravi1y?

18 19
In 1915 a Ge rman-Sw iss scieJHisl, Albt: rt Einstein, B would p ull itself t ogether more t igh tly and be smalJer
worked out a new the ory of g ravi1a 1ion. Acc ording w than Si rius B.
this th eory , when lighl moves ou1wards against a gravita­ What happe ns ifa ,,.rhite dwarf is very massive?
tional pull, all its wavelengths become a little longer. The In J 931 an Indian-American astronom er, Sub rah ­
Sll'onger the gravitational pull, lhc longer the m anv an Chandrasekhar, studi ed this quest ion. H e was
,,.:avelellgths. able ·to sh ow that if a white dwarf was massive enough, it
The longest waves ofliglu we c an sec arc th ose of red would rorce its ,vay thr ough th e resistance of the electrons
light. Th is means that when light waves become lo nger. and collapse further.
th ey seem to become redder-that is 1 the)' shift t owards He figured out just how massive a white dwarf would
the red end of the spectrum. Einstei n predicted a gravita­ have t o be in order t o oollapse further. It would have t o be
tionaJ rtd sltifl. 1·4 time.-. as massive as our Sun. That is caJJcd Chnndrastk­
Allhough the Sun's gravitational pull is much stronger hnr's limit.
than the Earth's, i t is s till not str ong en ough 10 do more The while dwarfs. that astron omers have found and
than produce a very small red shift. That red shi ft is t oo s tudied so far all h ave masses tha t are less than Chan­
smaJI to measu re accurately. But wha1 abo ut Si rius B, dras e k har's limit.
wit.h its ver')' st1·011g g ravitat iona l pull? This raises a pr oblem.
Ill 1925 Ada ms, who had first Sl udied the spec;crom of If all stars are less tha1\ 1·4 times the m ass of our Sun
Sirius D, did s o again. He found that there was a red shin tO bcgirt with, then everything would b e easily explained.
in the s.pcctrum,just as Einsteio's. thwry had predicted. The stars w o\1ld all eve ntually become white dw arfsjust
Sirius D did have a n e normot•s gravitational field. as. our S uo will. The trouble is that s ome stars have more
That was the final proof that Sirius B was smaH and mass than that. About 2·$ per ccnl of all the stars in the
very dense. Of oourse, if that w as whal Siri us 8 was like, arc more than I ·4 times as massive as che S un . Thal
thal was. what all white dwarfs would be like. Our S un will d oesn't s ound like much, bu1 there are so many stars
be like that s ome d ay in the far� far future . alt.ogetl!'ler 1ha 1 eve n 2·:> per cem of them is a large nu mber.
But if gr avitational pull bec omes strong er and stro nger The st ars io the Universe are collected int o large groups
as a Slar collapses1 what Slops the collapse and forms a called galaxies. Ou r c)wn gal axy is made op of about I 20
whi1e dwarf? \Vhy doesn't the star c ollapse all the way? thous.and mill ion stars. Th at means. there are about 3
Even aner at oms h ave broke n d own and the electron thousand million stus � alooe in our own galaxy with
shells are smash ed> the elect rons. thems e lves still exist. masses lha t arc over Chandr asekhar's limit. A few are
They take up much more room lhan 1he n ucl ei do, and eve n as much as 60 or 70 times as massive as our Suo.
they k eep the white dwarffn)m shrinking further. What happ ens t o them?
The more massive a star is, h owev er, the stronger its Whe11 a.stro nomers studied massive st ars, they found
gravi tati onal p ull a nd the more tightJy its ma uer is force d that the more massive a star, the sh orter and s.tormier its
together. A whi1c dwarf that is more massive than Sil'ius life.

20 21
Different sizes of stars of the same mass

White dwarf •
Black hole

The more massive a star, the more t ighlly its gravity more massive it is, the greater the e xplosio n. When a star
pulls i t together and the honer it be to keep it from explodes, il uses up all the hydrogen fuel still Beft in its
collapsing. The honer it i:;1 1he more rapidly it uses up its outer layers. It docs this ve ry rapidly and the scar glows
hydrogen fuel. For that reason a massive slar has a shorter up to 100 1housa1\d mi llion times as brightly as it did
lifetime than a lesfmassivc star. before, and il may keep o n doi ng so for a few weeks.
J t takes a s1ar as massive as the Son LO thousand million Sometimes a dim star, on e that is too dim to see without
years to use up its fucJ, but a star three Limes :;is massive a tele scope, becomes so bright i1 c;an be see n wi1h the naked
as the Sun will use up i1s foci in on ly 500 million yea�. eye. To astronomers, befor e the i n vention of the 1elescope,
That is one reason 1ha1 1here are so few rcaJly massive it se e med that a new star had appeared in the sk>'· It was
stars. They do not last long. therefore called a noi.'a, from a Latin word for ,;new''.
Besides,the more massive a star is,the Jarge 1· it expands Some llOvas don't become very brigh1 and are the result
whe n ii becomes a red giant, and the more suddenJ v it of matter from ano1hcr star falli ng upon the m and
colJapses when the fuel is finally used up. \,Vhen a ;tar glowing. Very bright novas result from actual explos io ns
collapses sudden ly enou gh, it explodes i n the process. The of massive stars and arc now call<.-d.PtJnrnouas.

22 23
Thi$ seeme d a po$Sible way out of the difficuh,• of
Cha ndrasekhar's limit. When a Slat 1urns into a super­
nova, the explosion hurls much of the matter in 1he star
3. Pulsars and
offi nw outer space. Only a small par1 ofit hangs logether
a nd collapses.
neutron stars
Perhaps, when a massive star explodes, so much m atter
is hurled imo outer space; that the pan that collapses is
alway s less m assive than Chandrasekhar's lim i1.
If so, lhat would mea n it was possible thal all stars,
however massive the)' mighl be to begin with, would
eventually turn into nOH;,(>-massive white dwarfs.

No1 all astronomers: were certain that supernovas were a

way around the difficuhics implied by Chandrasekhar's
Some of them kept thinking aboul what might happen
when a gia nt star e.xploded. It to them thal ooly
a certain part of its mass could be thrown into space, and
that might n()t be enough tO bring it befow Chaodrasek­
har's limit. In fact, it seemed to them a star couldn't
possibly lose more than 90 per cent ofiL,; mass in a super ­
nova explosion. If so, a star thal was more than 15 times
as massive as theSun was sure to e nd up with a co�lapsing
mass that was greater lhan Chandrasekhar's limil.
Besides, with massive stars, c ollapse could be so sudden
tha1 eve n if the mass of the collapsing pan was less than
Chandrasekhar's limit, the electro ns might be smashed as
the star squeezed together. What would happen then?
In l931 1he Swiss-American astronomer Fritz Zwicky
and lhe German�Amcrican ru;tn>norner \Vaher Baade puzz­
led over this ques1io n. This is the \\lay it seemed LO them:

24 25
The nucleus in the atom is made up of two kinds of
particles - protons and ,ieutrons. They are very much alike,
except that each proton has an electric charge whereas
each neutroo has nooe.
The ele ctr ons that exist outside the nuc1eus in ordinary
atoms, and even in the smashed atoms of a whi1e dwarf,
also car')' an electric charge. The electric charge oo the
electron is exacdy the same size as that on the prot on, but
the two charges are of opposite kinds. The electric charge
on the proton is called ptJsitivt, and the one on tht electron
is ntgath�.
IJ an electron and a p1·oto1l are forced 1oge1her and
made tojoin, the two opposit e electric charges cancel each
other. \•Vhat is left is a neutroo, with oo charg e .
Zwitky and Baade feh th:.'lt if the mass of a collapsing
star was greater than Chandrasekhar's limit. or if" the
collapse itself was r:.lpid enough, all the electrons would
then be forced io10 the nucleus. The protons in Ihe nuclet1s Collapse of atoms
would become neutrons, and the collapsing star would
then consist of nothiog but neutrons.
\\'ith all the ele ctrons gone, there would be nothing to
keep the neutrons from coming doser and doser to each
othe r until they touched. The collapsing mass would theo
become a neutron .flar.
Neutrons are so much smaller than aLoms that a
neutr on star would be tiny. The Sun: for instance, is a big
ball of hot gas 1,390,400 kilometres ac;:ross. IJ alt its
electrons and protons \Vere turned into neutrons, ar)d it
shrank till all its neutrons touchcd1 it \•lO\lld become a
oeutron s1ar not quite 6 kilometres across. Bui it would
still have all the original mass of the Sun.
To Zwicky and Baade it seemed that white dwarfs
\,..·ou1d form only from stars that were too small to explode
as super1)ovas. Stars large enough 10 go 1hrough a super-

nova slagc "•' ould collap,;e 10 neutron stars. (Our Sun is
100 small to expl ode. Some day it will collapse to a while
dwarf, but not to a neutroll star.)
But if a ne utron is only a few kilome tres in
d iameter, how can we ever check the theory and find out
if Zwicky and Baade are ri ght? Surel y even the best
telescope \•..-ooldn't show us a ti ny ball only :;. fow
kilome tres in diartteter when it is millions of millioos of
kilometre,; awa)' from us.
Perhaps there is a way out. lfa huge star collapses into
a neutron star, the energy of collapse 1urns lo he at. The
surface of the neu1ron sta r should be at a temperature of
JO million degrees. That is almost as hot a s the centre of
our Sun.
A surface that has a ternpera 1urc of 10 million degrees
is too hot 10 give off much in the way of ordinary ligh1. It
gives off radiatioll that is like light but much more ener.­
getic. The more energetic such radiation is, the shorter its
waves are, so the radia 1ion given off by neutron stars
co nsists of very shon waves indeed. Such shon-wavc
radiation is called X rays.
A neutro n star should give off waves of all lengths,
including those of ordinary light, and of radiation wi1h
s1ill longe r wavelength, such as rndio wa\'es. It should
certaioly give off X rays.
I f we could study X ra)'li coming from differem places
in the sky , the n we could tell wheaher 1here arc neutron
Siars somewhere out i n space. One tro uble, though, is Ihat
X rays can't get through the atmosphere . Ordinary light
tan, but X rays cannot.
fortunately, beginning i n the 1950s, sciemists were
able 10 se nd rockets into space beyond the atmosphere.
Instruments carried by 1hosc rockets earl study radia tion
from 1hc sky before i t reaehei; 1he atmosphere.

In 1963, under the direcdon of lhe American
· s0me cases che radio \>J<:WCS grew stronger aod weaker
verv quickly. They seemed to be domg . so more rap,"di
asironomc;;r Herberl Friedman, rockets were sent out .y
carrying instrumen1s 1ha t co uld detect X rays. X rays
tha�, the radio telescopes co uld catch the chang<:5.
were indeed found to col')le from different places i n the In 1967 a British astronomer, Anthony Hew1sh, had
sky, but were they coming from neutron stars or from built a special radio telescope that would catch thmc very
other objects? ,· a pid changes.
One of the places from which X ray s were coming was ll ,,•as set to work injuly 19671 and within a mon1h one
the «Crab Nebula". The Crab Xebula is a patch of dust of He,11ish's students, Jocelyn Bell, was catching short
a 1ld gas; it is all that remains ofa gigantic supernova that bursts or pulJu of radi o waves from a particular place in
exploded in the year LO�. Could lhere be a ne utron s1ar the sky. Each pulse las1cd only one-twentieth ofa second,
io the middle ofit? iuld came regu larly eve()' J ·33730109 seconds. They never
That was hard to s.ay. The X rays might be coming from vary in their timing by even as much as a hundred·
the hot dus1 and gas-that is, there might be no millionth of a second.
neutron star at all. Hewish and Bell looked elsewhere in the skies and soon
In 1964 the !'.\•loon happened to pass in front ofthe Crab found three more places where rapid pulses ofradio "'aves
Nebula. If the X ri'l)'S were coming from the dust and gas, could be found. Each one had a different pcriod. ofoourse.
it would take a while for the Moon 10 cover it all, and the Naturally, they didn=t koow what produced these pulses,
X rays would ix cut olT little by litcle. If the X rays were so theyjust called them pulJaJing Jl(l r s. This was shortened
coming from a tiny neutron star, the Moon would pass io to f,ulsarJ.
front ofit in almos1 no timet and the X rays would be cut Other astronomers also located pulsars. In IO year:5
off all at once. over IOOwere found. There may be 100,000 oflhem in our
'The X rays were cut off littJc by littJc1 and it seemed galaxy ahogethel'.
that there was oo neutron star there. A p ulsar localed in 1h e Crnb Nebu la has the shortest
However.. that wasn't the end of the storv. . In 1931 an period ye, found. The pulses come every 0 · 033099
American engineer, Karl Jansky, had discovered that seconds. That means one p ulse every thirtieth of a
there wel'e radio waves comillg from the sky. Radio waves second.
are like light waves except that they are much longer. The Austrian-born astronomer Thomas Gold felt that
Certain ki nds of radio waves can gee throt1gh che in order co produce such pu ses, some object in space must
at rn<>sphcre as easily as light wave.� can, and the$e were be going through some change very regularly and very
whatJansk)' had detected. rapidly. Two obj et: ts might be revolvillg abo ut each ()ther,
Io the 1950s as1ronorncrs bu ih special instruments or one object m ght be expanding and contracting or spin­
called radio telr.scopes to catch these radio waves and study ning on its axis.
them. There was a problem, though. To produce radio waves
Dy the early 1960s it seemed to some astro11omers that stroog enough 10 be detected across distances of millions
30 31
of millioos of kilomelre$, an object would have to be as are indeed rotating neut ron stars.
ma5si ve as a star. Of course, a rotating neutron star should be se11di ng ou1
Bue ordinary stars couldn't move fasc enough. S1 ars all kinds of radiation, not jus t radio wa ves. The other
could11't revolve aboute achother every second, or expand kinds ofradi ation should also be reaching us in pulses. For
and contract every second, or rotate every second. Stars insta nce, the Crab Nebula neutron star sends out pulses
trying 10 move that quickly would tear apart. In order 10 of X rays too. About an eighth of the C rab Nc.:bula's X
undergo such rapid cha nges, an object would have to be rays come from 1he neut ron star . The.: remaining seven­
m\1ch smalle r than a star and would have to have a muc;h e ighths come from the surrounding dust and gas produtc::d
stronger gravitationa l pull holding it together. Even whi te by the supernova. That se ven -eighths is what made it look
dwarfs wouldn>t be small enough and wouJ dn't be h eld as though there w as no neutron star there when the Moon
together by enough gra vitat.ional pull. passed in front of the C rab Nc.:bula.
'What about a neutron star? Gold decided that it had LO A rotating neutron sta.r should also send out pulses of
be the answer. A neutron st ar is so small and has such a ligh1. In JanuaT)• 1969, a very dim star inside the Crab
scrong g ravitational pull that it can tum on its axis in a Nebula was found to be going on a,,<l off30 times a second.
seoond, or e.v en in a thirtieth ofa second without breaking It was sendir1g out pulses of light. It was the :actual
apart. neutron star and astronomers could see it.
Gold suggested that the radio waves might only t()rne A second neutroo star, in the deb ris of another super­
out of cert ain spots on the neutron star's surface. Each nova, ha5 since been seen. This seco11d neutron star is
1i me the neutron star turned, a sp ray ofradio wave s would named ''Vela X-1'' because ii is in the constellation VeJ a,
sweep out in our direct ion. the Sails.
Gold also decided that as the neutron scar se nt out In 1975, the mass of Vel a X-1 was measured. ll was
radiation1 ii ,,.rould lose e11ergy. Its rate of rc)tatioo should found to have a mass J·5 1jmes that of theSun .
therefore slow down very g radu ally. The mass of Vela X-1 is over Chandrasekhar's limiL
The pulsar i n the Crab Nebula, for instanc e, has such That is another piece of evideoce in favour ofits bein__g a
a pid perio d because the neutro n star only formed about
ra 11eutron star. An o�ject with 1he mass of Vela X-1 couldo' t
a thousand years ago and is the youogcst we know of. I t possibly be a white dwarf.
h asn't had time 10 slow down much, buc it sh()uld still be
slowing down.
The pulsar in 1he C rab Nebula was studied c arefully,
and Gold turned out to be right. Its pe riod is gening very
slightly longer each day. Each day the period is 36
thousand-millionths ofa second longer tha n it was the da)'
Astronomers have preny wel1 decided now that pulsars

32 33
4. Escape velocity can move away from eve,, a large objecL. The reason for
this is that grnvit.uional pull ,,,.eakens with distance.

and tides
As a,, object moves away from Earth, ror instance, the
Eanh's gravity pulls at it, slows it down, and eventually
makes it rc::u.1rn. Ifthe ol�ect moves quickly enough, how•
e\'er, it can get so far from the Eanh while it is .slowing
down tha1 the Earth's weakening gravitational pull cao't
qui1e slow it down all the way. The object keeps moving
away and never comes back.
The speed thaL is needed 10 get away altogether is called
the tScape t.'tlocity.
for the Earth the escape velocit )' is 1 1 kilo,netres a
second. Any rocket that can reach the top or the
a1mosphere and is going at a speed of 1 1 kilometres per
second will not fall back to Earth.
A white dwarr may be very dense and may have a very The Earth's escape velocity is large, but ,,01 too large.
strong gravitational pull, but a neutron sta.r is far denser \Ve can send rocket ships a.way from the Earth. Larger
and has a far stronger pull. bodies would be harder to get away frorn.
Earlier in the book, I said that a cubic centimelrc of ForJupi ter, which is a larger planet than the Earth and
material from Sirius B would have a mass of34,600 grams. which has a stronger gravitation al fie.Id, the escape veloc•
Suppose that, instead, we considered a cubic centimetre it)• is 60·5 kilometres per second. For the Sun1 it is 6L 7
ofmatter from a neu1ron srn.r with a mass equal 10 that of kilometres per second, and for Siri us B, it is 3.400
the Sun OI' ofSirius 8. That cubic centimetre would have kilometres per second.
a mass of l,550 million 1onne.s. A cubic kilometre of Irv . consider a neu1ron star with the mass ()ftltc Sun,
material from the oeutroo star would have a mass a the escape velocity from its sul'facc is 192,360 kilometres
thousand times as great as that of the whole Eanh. per second. It would be difficult indeed for anytMng on a
Suppose you wei gh 50 kilogrammes. If you could neutron star to get away from its grip.
somehow imagine you1·sel fto be standing on the Sun, you Light can, though. 11 !ravels at a speed or 293,346
would weigh I1400 kilogrammes. On Sirios B you woold kilometres �r second. So do the othel' radiations that are
weigh nearly 1,060 Lonnes. 01\ a neuLron star with the made up ofsimilar waves bu1 that are longer or shorter in
mass ofthe Sun1 however, you would weigh 14,000 miUion wavelength than JighL is. Radio waves can g·et a\...•ay and
tonnes. so can X rays. That's why we can detect neut1·00 star'S.
A strong gravitational pull doesn't have to mean that Ir you double your distaoce from the centre of any
you can't ever get away. Ifyou movequick1y c::nough, you astronomical body, its gravitational pull is cut to one�

34 35
Gemini 3 rocket being launched
quarter. Oo the Sun's surface\ for inslancc. yol� arc
693 200 1::i lomctn:: s from its centre. Jryou moved 69�.200
l(lo�c1res out into space, you would have doubled your
d�stancc from the Sun's centre, aod the Sun's gravitation­
al pull "�ou ld be reduced to a quancr of its value oo the
Oo Ihe sutfacc of a neutro n s1ar, y ou wou ld be ooly 8
kilometres f rorn the c:enll'e. At a distance or onl)' 8
kilometres above; the surf:;icc, y oo would have doublt!d
your distance from it.$ ce,ure and its gra\•irn lional pull
would have been reduced to onl)• a quarter wh::u il was a1
the surface. The ncu1ron s tar's gravi rntiooal pull drops
ve1· y quickly with distance. lhercforc.
Imagine yousclf vcry do!>c w a n(: ulr<m Star with your
feet poinling towards i1. Your feet would be closer to i1
than your head wou ld be, so 1ha1 your feet would feel a
stronger pull. The ocut1·011 star's gravitat ional snength
drops so quickly with distance 1ha1 even ac n>ss the s,nall
. . ,... .
distance from your head to your feet, the gravitational pull
. . .. . ., ,.. :
. '�
would change noticeably. With your head and feet pull<!CI
, �·,, , ' . .;. · � by dilfcr('nt S l rellgths, you ,vould be stretched with con­
·. ." ;:·
...I..' .,•...: 0: :,, ·.:
' . ·
: .·� siderabh! force.
. . ... . .·::/
• '• 'I, . ,
· · 'This s trctch in g is callt.'<I a tid,,/ rffitl. This can be fch
·' even with weak g-ra,atational pu lls ifthe object feeling the
...... .
. .. •
.' '· f ' �-=

pull is large enough. T he :vtoou's grav itat ional pull

i;u ·etchcs llu· Earth a link bit. Water heaps up a litde on
1he side facing the· Moon and ()n the side awa>· frortl it.
This produc:e.s \he tides, and thal is why the strclching is

: called a 1idal effi·t 1.
.', ' �

. • '.J
• ·�

36 37
5. Total collapse mass as i1 collapsed, though, that would be dilferc;:nt. You
would be coming nearer and oearer to the centre a.s it
oollapsed, and you woul d therefore feel a stronger and
stronger gra\'itational pull.
By the time the had collapsed to the white dwarf
stage, you would wei gh over I ,016 tonnes. Wheo il
reached the nc::utron-star stage, you would weigh 15,000
million tonnes. As the mass kept collapsing past the
nemron-star stage and shrank to nothing, you '"·ould
weigh mol'e than l5,000 million lonne;..s- and more­
and more-and more.
The Lida) effect would become stronger- and stron­
ger- and SIronger.
The escape velocity would get hi gher- and higher­
�rnd hi gher.
How massive cao a neu1ron stal' be? The more massive it The escape velocity is particulal'I)' imponarlt. As ao
is, the stronger the inward graviLalional pull. If that objec1 collapses past 1he neutron-star stage, the escape
gravitational pull gets strong enough, might it not smash velocity rises till it becomes greater than 299,783
the nct1trons making up lh<'.' neutron Star? Or can the kilometres per second. When that happens, light, r:_:tdio
oeutrons staod an)'thing? waves, X rays, and similar radia,i oo earl rlo Jo11ger leave
This ql1estion was c;onsi derc:-d. in 1939, by th(·American the object. They don't move quickl y enough. !\either can
ph)'sicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, It seemed to him that anyLhing else� since scie1uisls are quile sure that nolhiog
the neutrons could not st:.rnd anything. can go fasler than lhe speed oflight. !flight can'l escape,
Jta tollapsing object was rnore than 3·2 tirnes the 1 nass neither can anything else.
of the Suo. then it would not only smash the electrons as The distance from lhc surface lo the ccnlrc, when an
it collapsed, it v..-ould also smash lhc neutrons. object collapses 10 the poirH where lighl canrlOl escape, is
\\'hat's more, after the neutror)S were smashed, there called the Schwat'zschild radius. h was first calculalcd by a
would be nothing else-nothing else at all- that could Gcrrnan astronomer, Karl Schwat'l.Schild.
stop the objc<:1 from collapsing to zero. For an object with the mass of the Sun> the Schwarz·
Ir an object the mass of the Sun collapsed, its total schild radius is abou1 2·9 kilometres. II wot1ld be 2·9
gravitational pull would not change. lfyou ,,,:ere far away kilomet res fmrn the surface to the centre and then another
from the collapsing mas.s, you ,,,..ouldn' t no tice any change 2·9 kilometres out lO the opposite surface. That means
as 1he coll apse went on. that if the Sun shrank dowo to a sphere that was 5·8
Ifyou imagined yoursdrs1anding on the surface ofthe ki lornelrcs across, keeping all its mass, li ght could no

38 39
A black hole, wllh fragments falling In
and nothing coming out

lollger escape from iL Neither could aoythiog else.

Imagine such a small object somewhere in space. An)'·
thing that passed close enough 1 0 it would be Happed.
Tidal dfoclS woold pull it apart into tiny fragments. The
fragmenLS would circl e the small object and eventually rail
in. Anything that rcll in could never get ou1.
\Vith things falling in and nothing rnming out, the liny
object would be like a hole in space. Because oo teven li ght
or any other form radiation would come out, it \\'Ould
seem absolutely blac k. Ii would 1hc;rcforc be a blork hole.
and th;u is whm astronomers call iL

6. Finding black only gi\' e off a small quan1ity of X rays. There wouldn't
be enough to detect at distances of millions of milli ons of
kil ometre-.s.
holes Suppose, though, tha l the re was a grea 1 deal ofmaue r
falling into a bl ack hole all the ti me . Then the X ra ys
might be giv en off in such large amounts 1ha1 they could
be detected.
It does n ot seem \'Cry likely that a great deal ofrnauer
would be- falling into a black h ole. The trouble is that
space; i s :;.o cmp1y . Suppose our Sun turned into ;1 bl ack
hol e . The planets would still ci rcle abou t it at great dis·
ranees an d \,..oold not fall in. Nor would ther e be much of
an)•thi11g else oear the Sun t o fall in.
Bot that is because the Sun i s a singl e star; it is a ll alone
except for its pl anets. Neady halfthe stars in the sky exi st
Can w e de tect a black h ole io an}' way? in pa irs, howc\'cr. Il is very common to have 1v,:o stars
If one was close enough to us, ,,,.. e cou ld feel the grav it a­ circling each othe r, qu ite close tog·ethe r. Sometimes each
tional cifects, bu1 suppose there was a black hole out there star is more massive than the Sun.
among lhe stars, ,·ery far from us. Could we tell it was Suppose we imagine such a pai r of massive stars
there? ci1·cling each other. The larger one would nm out offucl
That doeso't seem likcl}'· A black h ole wilh the ma ss of . gi anl, 1hen expl ode as a super•
firs1, expand t o a hug e, r<.-d
the Sun would have less thao half the dia me tc; r of a nova.
neutron star. Vlhat's more, a black hol e would 001 be The supernova would hurl mt1ch of its ma ss ou1wards,
scndjng out pulses of radiation. and what was left w()Uld Cl)llapse i nt o a black hole. Some
\Vilh so small a si:t e and with nothing to ca tch ill the or the 1nass t ossed outwards i n the explosion would fa ll
way (>fra dia1ioo, how can w e possibly detect a black hole? imo the ,other star> which would beoomc much lllOl'C
It might be that wcjus1 can't. Black holes may jus1 be massi v e than it was before.
somclhi ng a s1n)nomers cart talk about without ev er know­ ' 'rhc black hole and i1s sister scar would continue� 10
ing for sure whe ther they acwally exist or not. circl e each other. The sister star> more massi\'e than it was
Fortunately, there is a possible \,•ay out. Although no before, wQuld now use up iu foci more rapidly and begin
radiation might come out ofa black hole, maue r that falls to swell into a hoge red gia,H llsclf.
into a bl ack h ole would gi ve; of ra dia1ion as iJftJI. It would The outermost la>•ers of the new red giam, on the side
give offX rays. facing the black h ole, v,:ould be pulled 1owards the black
Any sma ll bit of mauer that fell inlc) a black hole would hole by tidal dfects. L\faucr would leak across from the

42 43
Red giant and smaller while star cin:ling each other
ted gianL i nw 1hc black hole, giving up large quantities of
X mys a:; iL did so.
This would go on for thousa,1ds oryears, and d1.,1ring aJI
1hat 1ime X rays would be senl ouL into space io e\'ery
direct i o n, in quantities grca1 eu()ugh to detect even at
huge disrnoce.'I.
Astro nomers on the Earth would have 10 consider 1he
places i11 the sky where X rays were cotni ng from. If the
X rays came from a si ngle point, it would mean tht)' were
corning from a collapsed Siar, either a neutro n star or a
black hole.
(fit w as a neutron star, lh(· X rays would be c orni n.g out
in rapid pulses as the neutr on s tar rotated. Ifit was a black
hole, theX rays would be c oming om all the time, for they
wouldn't be e<,rning from the bl ack hole but the
ma 1c•rial fhlling into it. In the case ora black hole-> the X
rays might be coming out in greater a nd smaller qua n·
tilic ·s i n an irregular war, since at times more maucr
might be tum bl i ng in than at OLhcr li mes .
One orlite first X ray sources detec1e<l in 1he sky was
pi cked up i n 1965 in the constd l;ui on Cygnus, 1he Swan .
h was a par1icul arl y st rong source and w as called ·'Cyg•
nus X· 1". When pulsars v,:erc first disco\'ertd 2 yea rs
la1cr . soo1c astro nomers wo ndered irCyg nos X · l might
not he a pulsar, 100. and therefore a neu1roo st ar .
Astrono mers were just learning aboot X ray SOUl'CCS,
hov..·(·vcr, and 1hey didn't have enough information 10 be
able 1 0 tell.
Then . i n 1969. a special satellite was sent into space
with i nstruments for dcl('Cli ng X rays. The satellite dctec·
ted and l o(atcd 161 X ray sou!'ces, a nd for the firs1 time
astroo oincrs had a great deal of ma e ri al to w ork with.
8}' 1971 the iostruments on that s:uellite sh ow ed that
the X rays coming from Cygnus x.1 v aried in intensit)' in
44 45
an irregular ,,,1ay. That meat'll Cygnus X-1 couldn'l be a could tic that massive without collapsing further.
neutro n star . Astronomtrs began to wonder if it might be For all these reaso ns, many astronomers thiok that
a black hole. Cygnus X-1 is indeed a black hole, the first to be
ThevSludicd the place in lhe sky from which the X rays discovered. There may be many more.
\\;tre �oming and discovered that radio waves '"' ere As we have seen, black holes can be formed when s1ars
comi ng from there too. Using both the X rays and the collapse. Such black holes end up with a mass equal to
radio waves, the astronomers located the spOl in the sky that ofstars and grow constantly as the)' pick up more and
very accurately. It turned oul to be very close to a visible more matter. On lhe other hand, eve n small bodies can
star. That star was listed in the catalogues as HD-226868. become· black hol es if they are pressed togethcT . hard
HD-226868 is a very dim star because it is very far enough.
away. It may be as muc.h as 10,000 light�years away, In 1971 an Englishsciemist,Stephen Hawking,sugges­
which \•.rould make it aboul 1,100 times as far as the star ted that this happtned whe n the Universe firsl began in
Sirius. a "big bang... As all the matter that now makes up the
Once vou al.low for that distance, it turns out thal the U niverse exploded, s.omt of tht matter may have been
Slar is a l�rgtone with about 30 times the mass of theSun. squeezed together so t ightly in the process that small
Nso, this large star is not a singl e siar at all,but is moving black holes were formed. Some of those black holes might
around another star once every 5·6days. To be maki ng the only have the mass of smaJI planets or even less, a nd they
circle that quickly, the two stars must be quite dose are called mini-black holes.
together. Hawking also showed that black holes can lose mass
The X rays are not coming from HD-226868 but from after all. Some of their gravitatio nal e nergy is chaoged
a spot very dose 10 it. In fact, the X rays arc coming from into particles outside theSchwanschild radius and these
the compa nioo of HD-226868, fn,m the star that HD- particles might escape.Such escaping particles carry olT
226868 is circling. some of the ma.'ls of a black hole, which "evaporates" in
From the rate at which H0-226868 is making its tum, this way.
it is possible for as1ronoiners 10 calculate thal lhe compa­ For large black holts with 1he mass ofa star, the rate at
nion star has 5 to 8 times the mass of the Sun.
which they evaporate is so slow 1hat it would take many
Yet when oot looks i n the place ,,•here 1he companion millions ofmilJions of years for the black hole to be gone.
star must be, there is nolhi11g thut lute. lfit was an ordi n­ In that time it would gain much more mass than i t loses,
ary star that was 5 l o 8 times the 111ass o f theSun, lhen it so actually it would ntver evaporate.
would be brighl eoough t() see in the telescopes even ifit The smaller the blac,k hole, the it would
was 101 000 ligh1 years away. cvaporale and the less chance it would have to gain mass.
Because it cannot be seen, it mcst be a collapsed star. A rcallv small bl ac.k hol e would lose mass faster than it
A white dwarf or a neutron star might not be seen at that could gai;1 mass. It would get smaller, therefore, and then
distance, but neither a white dw:iri nor a neutron s1ar it would evaporate even faster a nd get still smaller. Fin-

46 47
Red giant In orbit with black hole
ally, when it was very, very small, it would evaporate all
at. once i n a kind of explosion that would send out radia-
1jon that was even more cncrgedc than X rays.The rad ia­
tion sent out would be gamma ray.s.
Mini-black hol es that were formed at the time of the
"big bang". 15,000 million }'eal'S ago, mightjust be disap­
peari ng right now. Hawking calculated how big they
\\IOuld have had to be to start with and what kind of
gamma r.ays they would produce as they exploded.
Ifasuonomers could dtLectjus1 the kind of gamma rays
Hawking predicts there should be, that would be good
evideoce that 1nini-hlack hol es \•,;ere formed and 1hat 1hc.:y
exist. So far1 though, the prope1· gamma rays ha\'e not
bee,, de tected.
13\lt they might be at any time. And there's still Cygnus
Astronomers may soon learn much more about black
hol es and perhaps di�cover some amazing things about
them tha.1 will help us all 10 understaod the Uoiverse
beucr 1h;;in we have in the past.

48 49

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