RRB NTPC Old Questions
RRB NTPC Old Questions
RRB NTPC Old Questions
Sub-Question No: 5
Study the bar chart and answer the questions based
5. If Ravenshaw College management requires
on it.
only married trained lecturers for teaching.
Production of Pesticides by Coromandal International
What is represented by the number 7?
Ltd. Company (in 1000 tonnes)
*A. Married lecturers in the college
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20. Who is AmrutYojana scheme named after? 28. Complete the Figure X from the given
(initiative to meet the nutrition needs of alternatives 1,2,3,4
pregnant, lactating women in the tribal areas)
A. Mahatma Gandhi *B. Abdul Kalam
C. B.R. Ambedkar D. Indira Gandhi
21. If a/b = 1/4 ; b/c =1/8 and a=2 then the value
of c is-
A. 1 B. 2
A. 8 B. 16
C. 3 *D. 4
C. 32 *D. 64
29. Factors of x2+7x+l0 are
22. _______ is one of the largest palaces in India,
A. (x-5) (x-2) *B. (x+5) (x+2)
also known as Amba Vilas and was the
C. (x-5) (x+2) D. (x-4) (x+2)
residence of Wodeyar Maharaja.
*A. Mysore Palace
30. A good cricket fielder while catching a fast
B. Leh palace
moving ball moves his hand along with the
C. Mattancherry Palace
ball because _________
D. Hampi
A. He decreases the time of contact therefore
increasing the force of contact.
23. 20 pens and 46 pencils were purchased for
*B. He increases the time of contact thereby
Rs.235. If the average price of a pencil is
reducing the force of contact.
Rs.2.50 then calculate the average price (in
C. He is afraid to fake the ball and thus takes
Rs.) of a pen.
his hand out.
*A. 6 B. 4
D. He decreases the time of contact therefore
C. 8 D. 12
reducing the force of contact.
24. When was the ASLV used in India for the first
31. _______a professional Tennis player, became
the new goodwill ambassador for the UN Fund
A. 1980 *B. 1987
for Children.
C. 1994 D. 2000
A. Soma Mirza B. Scram Williams
C. Novak Djokovic *D. Roger Federer
25. Rahul and Raghavare 110 km apart from each
other and they started horse-riding towards
32. Name the committee appointed in 1986 by
each other at same fane at a speed of 20 km/hr
Rajiv Gandhi on “Revitalisation of Panchayati
and 24 km/hr. After how many hours of riding
Raj Institution for Democracy &
will they be a distance of 22 km?
A. 1 hour B.1 hour 30 mi
A. Ashok Mehta Committee
*C. 2 hours D 2 hours 30 min
*B. L M Singhvi Committee
C. G.V.K Rao Committee
26. Which part of the human brain is the centre for
D. BalwantRai Mehta Committee.
intelligence, memory and emotions?
A. Hypothalamus *B. Cerebrum
C. Corpus Callosum D.Mid Brain
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33. Who was the founder of "Home Rule League 39. A man, rowing a boat, covers a distance of 16
Movement"? km in two hours downstream. He covers half
A. Sarojini Naidu the distance in same amount of time when
*B. Annie Besant rowing upstream. Calculate the speed of the
C. Joseph Baptista stream.
D. Muhammad Ali Jinn ah A. 4 km/hr *B. 2km/hr
34. Three clocks are designed to stem in every C. 3 km/hr D.1 km/hr
hour, two hoursand three hours respectively. If
they all alarmed together three hours before 40. Read the statement and select a conclusion
then after how many hours will they next from the given alternatives.
alarm together? Statement:
*A. 3hours B. 6 hours The Official Secret Act (OSA) enacted by the
C. 2 hours D. 1 hours „ABC‟ Government in the year 1930 seems to
be one of the major sources of corruption in
35. In an examination, student gets on average 76 the country „X‟.
marks. The total marks for five subjects is 500. Conclusions:
His marks in 4 subjects are mentioned; I. The official Secret Act has to be abolished
calculate the marks obtained by the student in immediately to put an end corruption in the
Mathematics marked as “x” in the table below. country „X‟
Subje Mat Engli Sansk Scien Soci II. The „ABC‟ Government had an intention of
ct hs sh rit ce al encouraging corruption in the government
Marks x 87 83 78 57 offices.
Obtai *A. only conclusionI follows.
ned B. only conclusion II follows
A. 80 B. 83 C.either I or II follows.
C. 72 *D. 75 D. neither I or II follows
41. Complete the Figure X from the given
36. Light can travel ______km in a year. alternatives 1,2,3,4
A. 5 billion B. 10 billion
C. 5 trillion *D. 10 trillion
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 *D. 4
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44. The value of cos0° is 50. Four pairs of words are given below out of
A. 0 B. Infinite which three are alike in some manner and one
C. not defined *D. 1 is different. Which is different from the rest?
A. Steel: Utensils B. Bronze: Statue
45. Direction: C. Duralumin: Aircraft*D. Wood: Rails
There are three statements which are followed
by four conclusions. Choose the conclusions 51. Match the Correct Memory Units.
which logically follow from the given a) 4 bit (p) 1MB
statements b) 1024 KB (q) 1 byte
Statements: c) 1024 TB (r) 1 nibble
Some images are answers. d) 8 bit (s) 1 PB
Some answers are videos. *A. a-r, b-p, c-s, d-q
All the videos are poems. B. a-p, b-s, c-q, d-r
Conclusions: C. a-r, b-s, c-q, d-p
(1) Some videos are answers. D. a-r, b-q, c-s, d-p
(2) Some poems are images. 52. Radish is an example of:
(3) All the images are poems. A. bulb *B. root
(4) Some poems are answers. C. tuber D. fruit
A. Only (1) and (2) *B. Only (1) and (4)
C. Only (1) and (3) D. Only (2) and (4) 53. Who among the following is known as the
Father of Civil Services in India?
46. If Selling Price is Rs.72 & Gain Percentage = *A. Lord Cornwallis
20%, calculate the Cost Price. B. Warren Hastings
*A. Rs.60 B. Rs.58 C. Lord Wellesley
C. Rs.61 D. Rs.59 D. Lord William Bentinck
47. The lady who played an important role in the 54. If in a certain language, MANURE is coded as
awakening of Indian women to fight for EMRNUA, how is LIVELY coded in that
independence and who isalso known as code?
Nightingale of India is- A. YLLEVT B. YLVLEI
A. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit *C. YLLVEI D. YLVLIE
*C.SarojiniNaidu 55. Which secondary colour is obtained by mixing
D. Madam BhikaijiCama two primary colours, red and blue?
A. White B. Yellow
48. What is the ratio of radius of incircle and *C. Magenta D. Cyan
circumcircle for an equilateral triangle with an 56. A shopkeeper purchased a pen drive of marked
area of 44√3 square units price Rs.1000 at successive discounts of 10%
A 1/2 *B. 1/4 & 13% respectively. He spend Rs.35 on
C. 1/3 D. 2/3 packaging and sold it on Rs.1000. Calculated
the Gain percent.
49. The major objective of INSAT series of A. No Gain *B. 25%
satellites is to facilitate. C. 30% D. 35%
*A. TV relay to remote areas
B. Mobile network in remote areas 57. Which of the following branch of medical
C. Internet services science deals with the study and treatment of
D. Mapping locations through OPS the liver?
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RRB Previous Question Paper
Some clocks are bats. 76. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has released
Conclusions: two commemorative coins of denominations
(1) Some bats are doors. Rs.125 & Rs.10 as a mark of tribute to whom?
(2) Some clocks are keys. A. Abdul Kalam B. Mahatma Gandhi
(3) All the keys are doors. C.Dr.Rajendra Prasad *D. B.R.Ambedkar
A. Only (1) and (2) *B. Only (1)
C. Only (2) D. Only (1) and (3) 77. Which of the following planets is no more
70. NASA is responsible for space program and considered as planet?
_______ research. A. Jupiter *B. Pluto
A. Atomic *B. Aeronautics C. Saturn D. Mercury
C. Robotic D. Nuclear
78. India has designed and developed pilotless
71. A motorist knows four different routes from target aircrafts named ______ and made
Jaipur to Bhangarh to Alwar he knows three successful test flights of its unmanned air
different routes and from Alwar to Carlisle he vehicle (UAV).
knows two different routes. How many routes 1. Nishant
does he know from Jaipur to Carlisle? 2.Lakshya
A. 12 *B. 24 3. Astra
C. 49 D. 60 A. Only 2 B. Only 1
C. Only 2 and 3 *D. Only 1 and 2
72. A table tennis player, lost 12 games out of I18
games played. Calculate the games won in 79. In a certain code Language, if CHECK is
terms of decimal. coded at 97294 and QUERY is coded and
A. 0.667 B. 0.067 51238, then CHERRY will be coded as?
C. 0.50 *D. 0.333 A. 729833 B. 792338
*C. 972338 D. 338972
73. Rampal told Arjun, „Yesterday I defeated the
only brother of the daughter of my 80. World climate conference popularly known as
grandmother‟. Whom did Rampal defeat? COP-21 was held in
A. Son *B. Father A. New York B. London
C. Brother D. Father-in-law *C. Paris D. Berlin
81. Which is the correct ascending order of the
74. An example of Full Duplex communication given numbers?
channel. 5 19 11 11 5 19
A. , , B. , ,
A. Radio Broadcasting 8 24 16 16 8 24
5 11 19 19 11 5
B. Television Broadcasting *C. , , D. , ,
8 16 24 24 16 8
C. Walkie-Talkie
*D. Telephone conversation 82. Read the statements and select a conclusion
from the given alternatives:
75. Calculate the principal if an amount of Rs.441 Statement:
is received on compound interest at the rate While presenting a stage show recently, the
5% per annum after 2 years. famous actress declared that she has a practice
*A. Rs.400 B. Rs.390 of either taking hill payment or none for her
C. Rs.380 D. Rs.350 stage shows.
I. The actress has taken foil payment for her
recent stage show.
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II. The actress did not take any money for her
recent stage show. 88. Before Indian constitution came into
A Only conclusion I follows. existence,was the last Governor-General of
B. Only conclusion II follows. India.
*C. Either 1 or II follows *A. Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
D. Neither I nor II follows B. The Viscount Mountbatten
83. Susruta is known as: C. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
A. father of Indian Medicine D. The Viscount Wavell
*B. father of Indian Surgery
C. father of Indian Ecology 89. ______is conducted to examine the cancerous
D. father of Indian Paleobotany tissues.
*A. Biopsy B. Bioscopy
84. Read the statements and select a conclusion C. Choledology D. Radiography
from the given alternatives:
Statements: 90. Read the statement select a conclusion from
All button are pink. the given alternatives:
Some pink are black. Statements:
Some black are bell. Some dark are black.
All bell are white. Some black are grey.
Conclusions: All grey are red.
I. Some black are white All red are baby.
II. Some bell are pink Conclusions:
III. Some pink are button. I. Some red are black.
IV. No button is white. II. Some baby are black.
*A. Only I and III follow III. Some baby are grey.
B. Either III or IV follows IV. Some red are dark.
C. Only I and either m or IV follow A. Only I and II follow
D. Only I, II and either III or IV follow B. Either III or IV follows
*C. Only I, II and III follow
85. Sri Lanka got Independence in the year D. Only I, II and either III or IV follow
A. 1947 *B. 1948
C. 1949 D. 1950 91. Match the following Monuments/Places with
their correct location.
86. Match the following correctly: Monuments/Places Location
Produce Uses P) Golkonda Fort a. Hyderabad
P) Petroleum ether a. Fuel Q) Buland Darwaza b. Fatebpur Sikri
Q) Paraffin wax b. Solvent in perfumery, R) Humayun Tomb c. New Delhi
for dry cleaning S) Rani ki Vav d. Patan
R)Asphalt and coke c. Roofin road building,
electrodes *A. P-a, Q-b, R-c, S-d B. P-a, Q-c, R-b, S-d
S) Gasoline d.Ointments&cosmetics C. P-d, Q-b, R-c, S-a D. P-d, Q-c, R-b, S-a
A. P-a, Q-b, R-c, S-d *B. P-b, Q-d, R-c, S-a
C. P-d, Q-b, R-c, S-a D. P-d, Q-c, R-b, S-a 92. The median of the data 12,1,10,8,1,9,3,4,9, 7,9
87. Compute of 33333× 9999 =? A. 7 *B. 8 C. 9 D. 7.5
A. 332396667 B. 333297667
C. 33329667 *D. 333296667
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96. In a certain code language, If RABBIT is 99. ______is the written document that an
coded as 927763 and DRAFTER is coded as anthropologist produces from the research
8920349, then BETTER will be coded as? depicting a culture.
A. 743394 *B. 743349 *A. Ethnography B. Cultural Relativism
C. 734349 D. 373449 C. Ethnocentrism D. Ethno botany
97. Match the following and select the correct 100. Compute: 19170 ÷ 54 ÷5
code. A. 17 B. 1775
A) Quick lime P) CO(NH2)2 *C. 71 D.1757
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. A
11. B 12. D 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. B
21. D 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. B 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. B
31. D 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. D 37. C 38. C 39. B 40. A
41. D 42. D 43. B 44. D 45. B 46. A 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. D
51. A 52. B 53. A 54. C 55. C 56. B 57. B 58. B 59. B 60. A
61. A 62. A 63. D 64. D 65. A 66. B 67. C 68. B 69. B 70. B
71. B 72. D 73. B 74. D 75. A 76. D 77. B 78. D 79. C 80. C
81. C 82. C 83. B 84. A 85. B 86. B 87. D 88. A 89. A 90. C
91. A 92. B 93. C 94. A 95. C 96. B 97. C 98. A 99. A 100. C
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